#Sons Akash
honestnewsoaoer · 7 months
Vantara: Anant Mukesh Ambani Animal Rescue
Vantara: Anant Mukesh Ambani खोला गुजरात के जामनगर मै 3000 एकड़ Animal Rescue Center Anant Mukesh Ambani जल्दी अपना ड्रीम प्रोजेक्ट जनता के लिए खुला करने वाले हैं इस प्रोजेक्ट की पूरी जानकारी इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से आपको बताते हैंगुजरात के जामनगर में अनंत अंबानी द्वारा प्रोजेक्ट Vantara इस नाम से जल्दी ही चालू होने वाला है इस प्रोजेक्ट का उद्देश्य यही है कि वर्ल्ड वर्ल्ड एनिमल रेस्क्यू सेंटर…
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featheredclover · 3 months
Carmine Veils
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Chapter Nine
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Eight > < Chapter Ten
The sapphire blue brooch shone against her hair. 
Her eyes shone with the kohl lining them.
“Payal, that’s enough rose on my cheeks”
“Nonsense, Rajkumari! You are meeting your warrior china-man after days! You need to look your best.”
Khushi bit her tongue. Payal didn’t need to know her china-man hadn’t let her sleep all night. She definitely didn’t need to know how he made her muffle her screams just before dawn arose.
She blushed helplessly and fervently hoped they didn’t notice.
“ Everyone knows “
Khushi looked up, completely bewildered.
“ About Aravind and Ratna Raizada. Apparently they were legends in our court. They were the voice of the common man. The army flourished under him! Ratna ji ensured that the widows of the soldiers are well provided for, till this day!” Lavanya spoke, while donning on a pair of pearl earrings.
“ Yes! People are very happy that their son is finally here. And Ratna ji might finally be back with them. “
“ The kingdom missed them.” Khushi said softly.
“The brave ones of the Gupta kingdom are never forgotten. They flourish in our hearts forever.” Manorama joined them with a smile.
The girls stood up, surprise clouding their eyes.
“ I am happy today! The man I had so much doubts about, has proved himself to be the diamond of our kingdom.” Here, her eyes settled on Khushi with an all knowing gaze.
Payal excitedly began asking about the mysterious Raizadas.
Khushi looked beyond her chamber’s windows. 
How greatly did the Raizadas suffer for this land and its people? 
Her heart painfully sank in her chest as she thought of how Arnav’s childhood in the motherland was snatched away.
“Rajkumari , the victory banquet is on its way. We must make an entrance before the Maharaj “
Trumpets blared. Colours emerged. Rows of decked up elephants and horses lined the pathway to the banquet hall.
She could hear the roar of laughter from afar. Her pace quickened at the anticipation of seeing Arnav. 
Khushi felt different today. She knew all about the art of lovemaking. But when it finally happened, she couldn’t help but be overwhelmed. He is to be blamed, she thought impishly. Who gave him the right to be so…so smug?
“Rajkumari “
She looked up into Payal’s eyes, which were filled with amusement.
“We have arrived “
“ I know “Khushi replied haughtily in an attempt to cover up her day dreaming.
Payal let out a mocking scoff.
Just then, Chandragupta arrived with his ever present genial smile. Without a moment wasted, he ushered them towards their seats.
A regal woman sat up on the marble stage, her wrinkles adorning her twinkling eyes, beside her father. 
She had an uneasy feeling that she was being scrutinised by the two. Sipping her glass of sherbet, she averted her eyes to the soldiers. She hadn’t even had a glimpse of him today. Her spirit dropped with such misery , only a lover’s heart could tolerate it .
Payal nudged her sharply.
“ See him?”
She looked in the direction of a tall man, who sat quite awkwardly as he laughed with his fellow soldiers.
“ I am going to marry him”
Khushi spluttered in shock. Keeping her goblet down, she whispered angrily,
“ How could you not tell me you had fallen in love?”
“ What rubbish! I saw him just now”
“ You haven’t even talked to him once and your heart is set on marrying him?”
“ Sometimes you just know Khushi, “ Payal sighed .
“Look at him, he is so shy. I will suit him perfectly!”
Shaking her head, Khushi went back to attending her meal.
“ Rajkumari?” Chandragupta had arrived at their table.
“ Maharaj wishes for your presence “
“Chandragupta ji! “ Payal piped in. 
“ Who is that man?”
“Akash. A fine soldier. And please, no scandal before the evening ends, Payal bitiya.” He said with a wink.
“ No promises ! “ she quipped back.
Khushi laughed.
Poor Akash! 
She arranged her elaborate lehenga and headed towards the steps leading to the stage. 
She had just reached it when she saw the man, whose thoughts had been haunting her. His brown eyes glittered as it skimmed over her. Suddenly she was glad Payal had painstakingly beautified her.
Arnav stood tall and proud beside the woman Khushi saw earlier.
Ratna Raizada 
Clutching her skirt, Khushi attempted to keep her nerves at bay. 
Folding her hands in a greeting , she smiled nervously at the woman.
“Khushi” her father’s booming voice startled her. 
“ This is our dearest Ratna ji I have told you about. Well, no matter how little you know about her. She knows much about you.” Shashidhar laughed.
Confused, Khushi turned towards Arnav, who avoided her eyes and had a curious flush up his neck.
“ I…I don’t understand “
Warm hands clasped her own, as she met Ratna’s kind eyes.
“ Well we have an eternity for that Khushi! You are just as beautiful as Garima! Shashi told me so much about your skills at war, but left out your beauty in his letters “
Khushi smiled. There were so many questions swarming her mind. But for now the moment of meeting someone who talked of her mother, without the usual pity, was too magical to let go.
“ Come on now. The evening must go on” Shashi laughed.
Her father stood looking over the merriment.
The drum gongs . Once, twice, thrice.
A palpable silence filled the air.
“ My brave soldiers and their courageous families who have gathered here. I am so proud and humbled by your feats in the field. The rebellion which began with the death of innocents has ended with the forgiving of prisoners. The people are celebrating their safety and freedom. And it is all owed to you. You, my brave soldiers!”
A deafening cheer followed.
“ I cannot mention our victory while overlooking this young man, who had risked his life to ensure the win was certain. Many of you young ones wouldn’t know the name Aravind Raizada. But he is the one who wrote the rules and lessons you follow by heart. The first man in the Gupta kingdom who organised our armed forces. And a dearest friend of mine.”
Khushi sneaked a glance at Arnav. The solemn look in his eyes and Ratna ji’s wistful smile moved her to tears.
“ I present to you, his son Arnav Raizada! Arnav is trained in the 14 vidyas and 64 kalas from the famed land of China. I am sure his views and skills will bring forth change in our defence strategies.”
Whistles and hooting boomed through the hall.
“And it pleases me beyond measure to announce today the betrothal of my daughter, Rajkumari Khushi Gupta to Arnav Raizada”
Khushi froze. Blood rushed through her ears, as the applause dimmed. Her shocked eyes met Arnav’s. His assuring smile calmed her racing heart.
Before she knew it, her father clasped her and Arnav’s hand together.
She saw the glee on everyone’s face. Payal winked at her. Lavanya smiled. Manorama ji clapped vigorously.
Still numb at the pace of the events, Khushi found her anchor in the long,sturdy fingers which entwined themselves around her own, lending her strength.
Engulfed by the crowd, she smiled at the congratulations, the warm wishes and the love she received. Her mind was still buzzing. And she knew the one who could answer her questions was going to be occupied for hours now.
Engaged. To Arnav.
She pinched herself discreetly as she sat beside a smirking Payal.
“Don’t worry. It is real. No one will steal your warrior from you now.”
“ What just happened, Payal?”
“ Your wish came true, “ she said with a broad grin.
Payal was right. She wanted to be with Arnav for the rest of her life.
And yet, the unknown wasn’t letting her rest her tired heart.
She found herself catching her breath the next moment as Arnav slipped into the seat beside her. 
Determined, she leaned sideways, and whispered into his ear,
“ The corridor behind the third door. Five minutes “
Strong footsteps echoed in the dingy corridor while the merriment continued on inside.
“Rajkumari “ Arnav called out with an unholy smirk.
His arm snaked around her waist before she was slammed against him. Their breaths met, and their lips parted.
“I want to know s-something”
“Ask me”
“You knew about the betrothal?”
“No. My ma was writing to Maharaj. And she did speak about you to me. But I had dismissed it back then. I never wanted to get married. And today both of them sprung it upon us. I am sorry Khushi, they should have-”
“What made you change your mind?” She interrupted.
Arnav looked at her for a moment as if he was thinking about it just now.
“ I realised I could kill any other man, who dares to get close to you, with my bare hands. That’s reason enough, don’t you think?”
He silenced her laughter with a clumsy kiss.
The goblets clinked, the plates chimed and the music strummed as they celebrated the union of lovers of the land.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter >>>
@jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @muttonthings @hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @sankititaliya @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @laadgovernors @laadgovernorandsankadevi @leila1 @hi-this-is-permabanned @arshispyaar @minpdnim @thedustyshehnai @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill @exosexosekai
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ventingfc · 9 months
Missing you
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Khalil Payne moved to Akashic Valley in order to protect Jennifer, the love of his life. He feared relapsing into painkiller and killing the Pierce family. Here he had no friends, no family, no home. At least here he was far from Freeland.
He had tried to forget Jennifer Pierce, the girl he loved and left behind. He had tried to erase the memories of their time together, the kisses, the laughs, the promises. He had tried to convince himself that he was better off without her, that she deserved someone who wasn't a monster. But he couldn't forget her. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't stop dreaming about her. He struggled daily to resist the temptation to go back to Freeland and see Jennifer and his friends there.
The only thing helping him resist this temptation is getting updates from TC during their monthly appointments. Where they try to remove the kill order in Painkiller.
Today was one of those appointments that resulted in failure as the previous ones were. To distract himself from the failure he asked TC for updates on everyone there. To which TC updated him on the new school program of robotics that he has enrolled in to better their chances of removing the kill order and his new girlfriend. When asked about Jennifer TC hesitated to tell him that she had moved on Connor Hawke, the son of the former Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.
He immediately hung up and went to his room. There he felt a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, jealousy, and longing. He couldn't believe that Jennifer had moved on and she was with someone who wasn''t him. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to hold her. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, that he still loved her, that he wanted to be with her.
But he knew he couldn't. He knew that if he approached her, he would put her in danger. He knew that Painkiller would try to kill her, or worse. He knew that he had to stay away from her, for her own sake. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He saw her face in his mind, her smile, her eyes, her hair. He heard her voice in his ears, her laugh, her whisper, her scream. He felt her touch on his skin, her lips, her hands, her tears. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He whispered to himself, "I miss you, Jen. I miss you so much."
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 3 months
Saheb, Bibi aur Ghulaam
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Thank you to the lovelies @arshifiesta for celebrating IPK and setting up the great moodboards and AU.
1878, Calcutta
Eleven years old Arnav Mullick had not spoken a word in a year.
Some thought it was his parents' traumatizing deaths that led to his silence. But death was nothing new. The house had lost its middle son, his Mejda Akash at tender age of 19.
So no, death made no difference to Arnav. In fact he was happy when his philanderer of a father died of drinking as well. He deserved it. Not once had he seen his father home at night.
Arobindo Mullick would often scoff when stopped, that if any man of this house had ever spent a night in his own house?
So then some speculated that Arnav's behavioral issues had gotten worse, hence why he stopped speaking for a year.
If his darling mother was alive, she would've wrestled with anyone who thought such against her Arnob. Shyam, Arnav's Borda (boro-dada = older-brother) would perhaps be the only one to chuckle and agree with the society. Arnav was tempestuous as a child.
But quiet? Never quite.
The society would never understand that it was Akash's falling for a Baiji (courtesan) at the age of seventeen, his frequent visits leading his early introduction to alcohol despite their mother's best to protect them for it that hurt Arnav the most.
This was when Arnav swore off love.
That his otherwise pious brother was gullible to follow his father's footsteps to a kotha - where Arobindo Mullick spent all his nights.
It was his mother's haunted face and tears that left Arnav speechless. Or rather Arobindo's reply to her request to stay at home.
Has any Mullick ever spent a night in their own home?
This was when Arnav swore off marriage.
Or that despite Raja Rammohan Roy having abolished Sati-pratha a good sixty years ago, Arnav's mother was dragged to her undeserving husband's pyre by her conservative in-laws to follow patni dharam.
This was when Arnav swore off religion.
But if maa was alive, what life would she have had? Arnav saw how his uncle, Kaku, eyed her. And Arnav had seen that in the months prior to his mother's death, how she was shaved, dressed in white and forced into a strictly ritualistic dreary life.
His mother, whose hair spilled like the Ganges from Himalaya, had a beauty who could rival the Goddess, lived a life none deserved simply out of rituals and religion.
Thus when Shyam gave their mother mukh-agni, Arnav found his devotion die in his mother's pyre. And when his only hope, Borda (Shyam) set sail to London abandoning him, his words died as well.
-- -- --
1880, Calcutta
Arnav had been wrong about Borda. He returned as a Barrister from London, swiftly kicking out Kaku (father's younger brother) by bringing up property possession rights and threatened the rest of the Mullicks with incarceration for having forced their mother to die.
Thirteen years old Arnav did not know what to do when the brother he thought so wrongly about did the most just thing. It was then he decided that he too would run away to London when he came of age.
But the other thing he couldn't figure out was what to do with Boudi (bhabhi; sister in law). Their grandmother had fixed Borda (Shyam's) alliance with a member of the Tagore family.
Barely two years older than him, fifteen years old Anjali Devi was to manage the household of a twenty five years of Shyam Mullick. How could Arnav accept her as the lady of the house when the post truly belonged to Maa and only her.
But Arnav realized no rebellion was needed. Boudi arrived with the biggest reverence to their mother, along with the grief of losing her own. She chatted constantly with Arnav, not questioning his silence at all - Borda had gotten fed up after a few tries.
And over the years Arnav realized he had a sibling more in Boudi than in Borda.
Perhaps, perhaps maa's essence found its way into Anjali Boudi. It would explain why Arnav's first words were celebrated by Anjali as if it was her first child who had uttered their first words.
A child she was unable to give through all of her married life.
And perhaps his family was cursed against joy for the moment Arnav saw his mother in Anjali, he saw his father in Shyam.
The easy money he made as a barrister faded quicker given his lavish expenditure in trying to out-host the British and the Indian royalties. He belittled Anjali's lineage as much as he could and tried to prove that he was a bigger industrialist than the Tagores.
Lawyer he was, businessman he wasn't.
And thus at age eighteen Arnav had to run to London, no longer chasing any dream, but at least attempting to make the fortune his brother boasted of having.
-- -- --
1893, London
London was far more accommodating than India would ever be. This was what Arnav believed until, of course, an intellectual sparring with Boudi's cousin - Rabindranath - would get him thinking about perspectives.
To think of it, majority of India's existing regressive laws were nothing but British Victorian laws.
Then who was regressive?
It had been a lazy afternoon where Arnav was entertaining his thoughts, alone, as usual when a telegraph changed his life.
Arnav tossed the telegraph aside, grabbed his documents and hailed the first ship - premier class - to India.
He only had two goals.
Stop Shyam Mullick from marrying and ruin everybody who stood as an obstacle to Bo- Didi's happiness.
-- -- --
A/N: Yes, babua is here and so is his very very painful history! Lemme know what you all think :)
Tagging @shiyaravi @maansiloves @featheredclover @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @msbhagirathi @phuljari @hand-picked-star @barshifan (updating it slowly and steadily)
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santoschristos · 2 days
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Kundalini Rising by Ross Bannister
Ascension is a process of attaining genderless evolution. Genders and sex organs are quintessentially characteristics of a lower density construct.
As our energies refine into greater quotients of Light the element of Androgynuity is initiated.
Kundalini is the Creative Energy of Light. It sleeps in our sex organs at the most denser levels of evolution; gets ignited with the stimulation of sex organs and begins to rise thru the act of sexual gratification. But its rise, at such basic levels, is only temporary. On the other hand, when a human gets stirred into a momentum of removing the dual veils of amnesia, it's Kundalini awakens and begins its slither up the spine, thru the chakras. That is its true purpose for existing in the human design. The Hara Chakra is its charger, that once plugged into, gets activated. Now, as long as it is seated and asleep in the sex organs it barely comes out of deep slumber when the sex organs are activated, only to return to its sleep immediately thereafter.
However, as you persist along the Path to an Awakening, the Kundalini stirs its head in curiosity and observes the seriousness of its body holder, whilst yet being half asleep. It certainly takes much to fully awaken the conditioned slumber of the Serpent Goddess. You gotta be real serious, real diligent, a real pusher (not push-over),a real digger, a real knocker and, for a rather long period of time, exhibiting pure passion to re-gain the true identity, then and only then - would the Serpent Goddess bother to move beyond opening her eyes.
Notwithstanding, herein enters the fundamental platform of Self-Mastery. If you are a serious contender for exiting the Blind Maze (the Game Layout of the Planet) then you have been researching to find the appropriate Key that shall lead you out of the Exit Door. This is finding the suitable, workable, technology that you can apply to your body, mind, chakras, to ready it for Ascension (exit from Maze). And, only real Powerful Beings can find the Exit Door, out of the treacherous Blind Maze. Now, what does real Powerful mean here?
In absolute Truth – there is no Exit Door that can be found on the ground level of the Blind Maze. The Maze is a complete closed Layout with no doors, nor windows, to even look out and see beyond. It’s like a Full-Proof Secured Prison.
Then how can one ever escape from such a prison?
The Planners (B’nai Elohims) of this Star System Intelligence designed the Maze exactly as the Ain Soph (God) designed the Human Geometry.
When Atlantis was ordered by the Shekinah (God) to be obliterated (explained in depths ne’er recorded on earth afore, directly from the Akashic Records of Earth – in the eBook – THE VOICE OF SILENCE at www.sangeetahanda.net) the question that arose then in the minds of the B’nai Elohim was where to store all the Wisdom that had been attained by the Atlantis Civilization? Thoth was commissioned to transport the Ascension Flame, the physical lifeforms of each species to a new port from where the New Civilization would be seeded to life. However, the Wisdom accrued by the civilization too had to be protected. Wisdom attained by each Civilization is never lost but stored safely for the future race to procure once it has attained the same frequency of the previous existent society. However, since Atlantis had moved the extreme negative way, on acquiring the high level of Wisdom, the Shekinah did not want the same to happen again so, the Ain Soph decided to change the Law of the Planet, in such a manner that it would guarantee only a Positive Entropy could procure the Higher Wisdom. So then, what kind of place would it be where Wisdom could be re-discovered by none other than the true light bearers, the B’nai, the Sons of Light? The eBook explains beautifully the entire process, so here in brief I shall say: the only place where man wouldn’t bother to search, as cleverly figured out by the B’nai Elohim, would be undoubtedly on the inside of the human being. Man is too lazy to make that effort nor that intelligent to figure out it could be found in the simplest place.
Similarly, the B’nai Elohims planned the Exit from the Blind Maze also using the same format. Man would invariably search for an Exit Door at the ground level and never think to look up, just as he would ne’er imagine to look within for its Key.
This explanation subsequently leads you to understand why Self-Mastery is the platform, the quintessential discipline, to getting within and then above! You have to do it yourself. You have to muster that passion, that determination, that drive, that discipline, and go against your basic nature of laziness when it comes to self-application. Once you have the mettle, the right nature, the pre-requisite foundation, you shall receive the help of the B’nai Elohims and the Ain Soph to find the right direction to the Key and its Door. This happens thru Self-Application and, this is Self–Mastery!
Moreover, the process of Self-Application is so necessary because as you apply yourself, your self-realized tools, prayers, meditations you begin to prepare your body to awaken with your consciousness. This is when the Serpent Goddess gets convinced of your seriousness and sees you have laid the foundation for it to awaken now. The Goddess Kundalini Shakti needs a very strong, well readied passage to climb up thru – and this passage-way is our Nervous System. Long ago I was shown that the Light of God is stored in liquid form in our Nervous System that exists in our Spinal Column. The Serpent Goddess needs the Light of God as its fuel to rise up. We all have the Light of God within us but it depletes over time if not ignited and charged thru connection to God. Thus, having no Fuel the Goddess overtime had learned to remain asleep as its work station itself was not ready. Now, thru Self-Application you ignite the Light Fuel and pump greater volumes of Light into your Nervous System, which then readies the Nervous System into function, the Work Station gets prepared, the body comes suddenly alive, and all aspects of the form get ignited, the engine starts pulsating into action and the Goddess Serpent smiles and gets up from its heavenly couch of the Hara sofa and begins its gradual and long climb up the spinal column of ascension.
Now it’s a different orgasm that you experience, than from the mere activation of sex organs. This is a different sounding engine, making an altogether different “Grrrrrhhhhhhh..” At this point onwards, your sexual appetite gathers a different hue as well. It shall not be felt soon but as and when the Kundalini reaches your two most powerful Glands and Chakras, namely the Pituitary and Pineal you shall be in no confusion regarding the Mastery of your Sexual Energy. Both these powerful glands, that which directly feed-off the Crown and 3rd Eye Chakra, control the chemistry of your body.
The hormonal flow changes, refines, and defines a new Circuitry of the Body Geometry. You acquire a New Evolutionary Membrane Shell, a new BioChemical Plasma, a New Physical BioSphere, a new BioGravitational Energy, new MultiDimensional Energy Compost, and finally a new Genderless Biological Form – you indeed become Androgynous!
Sex is not the Circuit of Creativity anymore. Light is the Circuitry of all Creativity. You have become the Serpent Goddess yourself. You are the Kundalini Energy-in-action at all times. The Kundalini is your Mer-Ka-Bah. Your Light Quotient has reached 62% and you have entered the 7th Level of Evolution - the opening of your 3rd Eye with the activation of the Pineal and Pituitary Glands. Your symptoms are severe headache at the forehead level, and on the right side just above the ear, due to huge ‘infusions of light’ and ‘powerful light activations’.
Someone, very much on the path to ascension, had asked me: Does my sudden lack of sex appetite mean my Kundalini has collapsed? Hope this explanation answers the question and many more questions related to our sex appetite, mastery of sexual energy, becoming androgynous, and the rising of the kundalini. --Sangeeta Handa
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Multidimensional Merkabah 💫 'Sirian' Light Body Talon Abraxas The Divinity Within
It is perhaps on this level, that we arrive at the very crux of defining what Merkabah is, and what it means. It quite literally is the chariot of God. It is a light vehicle that has allowed sages, prophets, ascended masters, enlightened beings, to reach out into higher levels and realms of consciousness and existence; to sort of access the Akashic records if you will; remember all of this is associated with Archangel Metatron, who is the chief, or better yet, chief angel, responsible for them, and documenting everything that is and ever was in existence. This is extremely pertinent in the context of what is being referred to as the great awakening, both on the spiritual and conscious level, seeing as to how one cannot ascend without activation of their Merkabah. The ascension is a rise into these higher realms of existence, a rise into the astral, spiritual planes, and those above them, so it would only make logical sense that the individual would need this new spirit and heart that was given to Ezekiel that allowed him to do so, more specifically that of activating the individual’s light codes and body, as well as that of the Merkabah in order that they too may ride the chariot of God, and connect or return to the source. That after all should be viewed as the ultimate goal of the spirit or the soul. To return to the source in response to all that God and Christ Consciousness can become.
And here we find the very quintessence of Merkabah Mysticism. It was a movement founded on the teachings of Ezekiel, which were revered by many as the most mystical part of the entire bible. Building off of what is taught, it set out for individuals to endeavor to receive their new spirit and their new heart, to activate their light bodies, and with it their Merkabah, and to ride the chariot of God, as the Prophet Ezekiel did. And here it should be noted that both the light body and the Merkabah with it, are both divine forces that are accessible everywhere. We make common misinterpretations that these things are only reserved for the very righteous, or the divine, the enlightened, or to a very select few, and that it is as if they were sort of hand-selected or preordained to on some holy level to do so. Here we see, that we have completely missed the message of these divine and enlightened individuals. Most if not all of them came in the form of simple ordinary men. Ezekiel manifested these divine things in shackles of exile. Buddha who was next in line to inherit the throne consciously chose to rather seek a life of spirituality, of suffering, and of martyrdom, if it meant enlightenment and finding a cure to the maladies and suffering of humankind. Even God’s very own son, to whom we think we cannot compare ourselves to, even though he stated that if you believe, you can perform miracles greater than my own, was presented to us in the form of a lowly carpenter who had nothing, and that was born in a manger alongside sheep and other animals. God does this for a reason, and it is to show us that the average person, the commoner, the prisoner, the meek, humble, and the lowly, all have and can be divine, and to seek that divinity within. It’s no wonder that the meek will inherit the earth. We don’t ever find God looking out at the heavens, or looking in the church, or anything else that is provided in the external or material world. No, what we find is that when we turn inward, into ourselves, and look for how to find peace, love, and happiness within, so that we have it no matter what life has to offer us, it is there that we find God is within all of us, within our hearts.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
OC in fifteen
Thanks @ceph-the-ghost-writer for the tag!
Rules: include fifteen or less lines of dialogue from an OC that describes their essence - you may include context, but the less the better
I'll tag @gracehosborn @mk-writes-stuff @little-peril-stories @cadotoast @willtheweaver @willowiswriting @writernopal @space-writes @herrmannhalsteadproduction @gottestod-writes @elsie-writes @splashinkling @drchenquill @mysticstarlightduck @jezifster + ANYONE ELSE
Carmen Asghar (TSP)
“Son of a— how stupid are you?”
“Jedi,” Dr. Asghar scolded through gritted teeth.
“Oops, sorry! It turns out you’re not next!”
“Who cares? It was my uncle’s. Good riddance!” [she kicks a shard of a broken vase here]
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Dr. Asghar complained.
Carmen grunted, kicking the desk the monitor sat on. “Dammit, Jedi! Hurry up!”
“I’m sorry, I missed the part where you’d rather suffocate!”
Dr. Asghar crossed her arms and became focused on the grass off to her right. “Yes, I knew Atsila.”
“Because I said so,” Carmen answered[...].
“I don’t have my glasses on, but I can tell you look like a blurry idiot.”
“Oh, thank you, Jedi, that is very helpful and comforting. [...]”
“Oh, shut up,” Carmen groaned, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“Yes. I have to be the one to brainstorm.” She said the word like it was gross.
“I don’t care,” Carmen groaned.
“Stand in front of the banana,” Carmen ordered, not answering my question.
God, I love her character.
Other Carmen: smash or pass, picrew
Other OC in fifteen: Lexi, Robbie, Noelle, Akash
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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antisociiaal · 7 months
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Our Mage the Ascension cabal! The Double AAchievers (yes.. like a battery)
From left to right in the group pic we got Fen Tuller (Verbena), Kenneth Orange (Cult of Ecstacy), Pan Brookes (Euthanatos), Arthur Alloway (Sons of Ether) and lastly Mōmoku Tora (Akashic Brotherhood)
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aaartemisia · 8 days
The Five Gods :
A BoBoiBoy fanfic inspired by world mythologies and folklores :
TW : Mature Content (+18), Sex, Violence and Harm (and spoilers!)
Part . I :
- The Universe was been created when Upper God Allah created the big bang, universe, galaxies, asteroids, stars, meteors planets and moons but he created Earth with his own powers until he finished created life on Earth.
- Akash, Cahaya and Duniawi are the primodial gods : Akash is the primodial god of the life, Cahaya is the primodial god of flora and fauna and Duniawi is the primodial goddess of the seas and animals.
- Akash has 9 children after his union with Cahaya including Amato, Mara and Retak’kaz
- Retak’ka killed his father Akash and his mother Cahaya (has given birth to Gopal) and Duniawi gave birth to Yaya and Fang.
- Before Duniawi died, She warns Retak’ka that his evil reign will ended if one of his siblings had a firstborn son or daughter would dethrone and reign will end.
- Retak’ka ate Gopal, Fang and Yaya
- Mara who had given birth to BoBoiBoy as she and her husband Amato left Mt. Attritus as they hid on Earth as human beings where they lived and raised BoBoiBoy in a secluded village run by magicians and healers.
- BoBoiBoy worked as a dutiful shepherd and also a student of Ishta.
- Ishta has three daughters named Yara, Naya and Uma and one son named Ocho.
- Ishta trained BoBoiBoy on how to fight and defend himself against Retak’ka.
- BoBoiBoy grew up as a young preteen boy, Yara had feelings for him.
- They woke up as their village was destroyed by managed to escape. Yara told BoBoiBoy to eat the golden egg (resembles a hard boiled egg as he ate it whole). The four kids managed to escape but they were shocked for seeing BoBoiBoy’s first discovery of his own powers.
- At Tok Kasa’s caverns; Tok Kasa trained BoBoiBoy for 5 months until he had finally manipulate his 1st three elemental powers lightning, wind and earth but upgraded into thunderstorm, cyclone and earthquake.
- Yara sedated BoBoiBoy’s drink as he got dizzy and slept on the bed, Yara seduced and abused him where he wakes up looking confused.
- BoBoiBoy confronted Yara where she told him that she did it because she loved him.
- Yara looks on her empty left palm, seeing a floating transparent flower which it’s petals were closed : it symbolizes pregnancy.
Part Two is coming….
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whitegoldtower · 1 year
New Skyrim Oc:
Big tiefling coded man, dubbed “Son of Coldharbour”, “Angel of Vengeance”, “The Bloody Guardian”
He’s a spawn of Molag Bal, cast out of Coldharbour for aiding the souls trapped there, including Mannimarco. Incites the wrath of Molag, who throws him out of Oblivion and spits him out into Mundus to shame him. He helps vulnerable people, but also has an insatiable bloodlust, which results in him being revered as a monster.
Vampires trapped by oppressive lords and sires are his followers, invoking his name when in danger. He also seeks to cure the vampires or at the very least liberate them and thus weaken and undermine Molag’s grip on the world, because at the end of the day, ol’ Molag is no.1 on his shit list.
He seeks to dominate the prince of domination. Being a spawn of Molag, he has all of Molag’s powers, just needs to hone them and train them.
He is fuelled by wrath and fury, and what seems like hatred is merely jilted love. In a strange way, he loves his creator. Loves him enough to pulverise him.
He’s fuelled by every single one of the deadly sins, but uses them for ‘good’. He operates in a v similar way to the “dark urge” from BG3 in that if he doesn’t catch himself when he has less than savoury thoughts, he WILL act upon them and commit war crimes due to being Molag’s spawn.
As far as his personality goes, he’s VERY intense. He doesn’t even look peaceful when he’s asleep, always tossing and turning, grinding his teeth. He’s consistently angry, but tries his damn hardest to be kind to people. He will jump to your defence, is the sort of person to stand in front of a loaded crossbow and say “shoot, if you’ve got the guts”. His libido is always through the roof, though he mainly tempers it himself or rolls around in the Riften brothels every so often (the girlies and gays know him on a first name basis - he supports sex workers and always pays more than he’s asked). He’s indulgent, likes the finer things in life, enjoys compliments. Despite his greed, he’s charitable. And if you’re good to him, he’s very good to you. He’s vain, but also encourages vanity in those he thinks deserve to be a little more vain (i.e, women who have been treated like shit all their lives, farmhands, outcasts, people who have been told that they are ‘ugly’, and underdogs).
For his love of people and things that aren’t considered typically “beautiful”, Namira is a rather big fan. Namira wants a piece of him.
He also likes to see how quickly people will label others as ‘monsters’ and that plays a big role in who gains his favour. Such as the cannibal who only ate because he was starving. The forsworn who butchered his tribe because of the horrors they put him through. The necromancer who desecrated holy grounds because he just wanted to revive his lover. The vampire who slaughtered an entire village because they stood idly by and did nothing as his lover was burnt at the stake, y’know.
And this idea was all conjured up by listening to the slowed reverbed version of Bloody Mary LMAO DONT @ ME
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ipkkndlovescenes · 1 year
Shyam Manohar Jha
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Shyam Manohar Jha/ 
The name of Deception
By: Mysticaldivine
A deception, betrayal, treachery, treason, and scam has a face like Shyam. Perfidy and dodgy character like him does exist in this society living among us with all the double cross game plans, hurting many, destroying many, and killing many by having blood in their hands.
We have many names for Shyam, like a snake, spidey, slimy, slither etc. He knew how to swindle and flimflam the opportunities in his favor and why not. He was a lawyer, after all. Dirty games and tricks were parts of his life. When we first met him, he seemed to be a decent, well-groomed, protected, well-mannered character but big-time deceiving. It was no coincidence that he bumped into Khushi Kumari Gupta in Lucknow. The question is, why was he there when Anjali was there? Arnav was cracking the biggest deal of his life, the biggest matter of his life, which changed his and Anjali's lives forever.
 Was there a story of Shyam attached to all of this that we have no clue about?
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Let's say he was there to watch the assets Arnav bought for his sister, but it doesn't fit into my brain. It seems his side of the story is hidden and incomplete. Then he saves Khushi, and we know he was behind this goon's set-up. How?... later, Arnav says to Khushi that if Shyam had never seen her in Lukhnow or in that video of her falling in Arnav's arms, then he wouldn't have been behind her, and Anjali's wedding would have been safe...
 Shyam manipulates Khushi's Buaji, becomes a paying guest, and plays her son's role very well. He develops a friendship with Khushi and tries to win her over by any means. We find out later that Shyam is married to Anjali, the focus of ASR's life. That was the biggest twist to this story, and it also generated curiosity and many questions.
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Shyam tried all his tricks to bring Khushi into his life by hook or crook. We had witnessed his cruelty towards her father and his magical, deceiving mirror that reflected the world to defame Khushi's character and honour the Gupta family during Diwali. Still, something was not fitting into his life, and that was Khushi's mother...Devi Maiya who had her own tricks for him...
Payal and Akash's wedding. What on earth? He never thought of that, but no matter how much he ran away, Khushi finally found the connection between Rani Sahiba and Shyam; he was her husband...
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His first slap towards reality and fears caught up in his neck. What will happen if Raizadas finds out here? He plays chisel schemes and has mind games with the Gupta family over Payal's wedding. He puts his head down until he ensures the Gupta family won't disclose his identity. His true colors come out again on Sangeet night when he tortures Khushi...and from that point on, he tries to kill Anjali to get Khushi back.
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He was such a stupid... He wanted the money and the honey. The true colors of his deceitful actions and words were at their peak, and there was no difference in between him and that scorpion he brought to kill Anjali. I so wished Anjali had never removed it from his back.
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His first slap was seeing Arnav and Khushi and their mutual interest during that night. That was a shocking moment, and after seeing them dancing together, he lost his cool. Even when NK mentioned how beautiful Arnav and Khushi looked together on stage, he completely lost his mind and yelled at him.
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Unfortunately, Arnav misunderstands Khushi after seeing her in Shyam's arms on the terrace. He thinks that Khushi and Shyam are having an affair and decides to marry Khushi to save his sister's marriage. Khushi tries her best to prove her loyalty, but once again, Shyam makes Arnav think that Khushi is with him, not with Arnav, and things go in his favor. But it wasn't like that at all. Now Khushi was Arnav's wife who was her protector no matter what...Even Arnav discloses his reasons for marrying Khushi, and she tries to tell him all about Shyam, Arnav doesn't believe it and flies to London...
 Arnav finally finds out that Shyam is that snake who kidnapped Arnav and held him captive for months from Khushi and NK's revelations. This time Arnav gives him a true tight slap for deceiving his sister first and then for disrespecting his wife.
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Shyam used Anjali and this pregnancy to be in Shantivan as always. Whenever there was any discussion to have your own place to take Anjali with him, he created such situations that Anjali had to be in Raizada Mansion. The family's overprotective nature towards Anjali always went in his favor.
 Of course, Shyam Manohar Jha would never accept defeat so quickly even after being thrown out of Shantivan. Shyam uses Anjali's pregnancy as an excuse to regain entry into the Raizada house but this time through Dadi. But this time Anjali faced a more significant loss with the family. Her child...
Shyam Manohar Jha killed his own unborn child. He was a bloody murderer.
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The recreancy of his character comes out in the light when he reaches the hospital to play a sympathy card. His child was dead because he was not there with Anjali. Arnav punched the crap out of him but Anjali's stubbornness and Shyam's games played a big role in making him back in the Mansion. This time Khushi went against Arnav to bring him back for Anjali.
After re-entering the Raizada Mansion, he instigates Dadiji to break up Arnav and Khushi for good. Here the past of Khsuhi, her Amma's relationship with Arnav's dad, played a role... Shyam was a true imposter in bringing out this case to the light.
But after all this, Arnav and Khushi overcame every hurdle and married. Dadli left them again as she did fourteen years ago.
Seeing Anjali's deep faith in Shyam, Khushi and Arnav make other plans to bring his true colors in front of Anjali.Arnav, Khushi and NK finally reveal Shyam's horrific atrocities to Anjali... After discovering he was behind her child's death, she slaps him and vows never to see his face again. 
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. The way Shyam manipulated everyone around him was a new and totally different concept twelve years ago. Mostly Vamps had such characters and in different ways.... This guy had his rich wife wrapped around his finger to do whatever in his life! Not only that, he even had Naniji, Mamiji, Buaji and later Dadiji entirely under his control. Also, how he emotionally tortured Khushi and messed up her character and life, developing a relationship with cunning Arnav, makes him especially devious. Arnav couldn't figure him out at all... Anjali's blind faith made him resourceful too. 
He was a cupid in Arshi's case; and we love our spidey, snake, slimy slithery Shyam...Well, Done!...
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ratsoh-writes · 20 days
The quadruplets were running around, so many people! After them, slithered little Akash, Nirjaras son. Mutt had Kovus two dogs sniffing him. two massive dogs, a kangal and a great pyrenees.
Kovu quickly told mutt were the pen with his two goats are and the chicken coop next to it. He knows Mutt well enough that he prefers animal company over people.
When he turned around, Mavi was starring into his soul, horrifying.
"what-" "what are you planning, Ko" his sister interrogated him. Kovu replied something sharply in french to her before going to set up the grill and food. Nirjara was talking with Artemis and her friends, introducing herself to the ones she didn't know yet as Kings older sister.
King was nerding about the newest game to Jaws, who was partly listening.
Kings mother, dandelion, a sweet older skeleton. She was pitch black tho, her family line was the only one with this rare melanism condition. And they were one hell of a baked family. She was giving some baked goodies to pluto and his friends. Occasionally telling him a silly story from when Mavi was younger. Said woman couldn't fight back, only glaring jokingly at her.
"Grandpapa!" screamed two tiny, shrill voices. Lucy ran into Wine from the front and Aimeé from the back. They gasped in shock, not having anticipated the force behind the smack into. Aimeé was holding a small cup filled with red fruit juice. It spilled all over Wines pretty white shirt. The little boys wings dropped slightly as he apologised.
"ah fuck- come one dad. I'll give ya one of my old shirts" Kove does not poses any form of dress shirts apparently, his closet filled with old shirts. well fuck.
Wine takes the shirts loss easily patting his grandsons head giving a stern but gentle reminder to be more careful
He doesn’t seem all that embarrassed and takes his time following kovu into the farmhouse so he can say hi to a few new people
Once they’re alone inside however….
He ends up picking a black Star Wars tshirt from the closet. It’s a little small on kovu but still oversized on wine. At least tucking it into his pants makes it somewhat look presentable
@the1920sisntaphasemom @genius-shelly @under-art-reblogs @a-very-tired-raven
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Three
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Two> <Chapter Four
The ornate mirror held her reflection with a grand poise. A poise, Khushi desperately wished she possessed at the moment.
She stood up, startling Sumi, who was curling her hair to the utmost perfection. 
“Khushi baby” she grumbled disapprovingly.
She walked up to her window, overseeing the gazebo in the grounds. Her mummy stood supervising the brunch set up, rivalling an army officer’s precision.
“The Raizadas are coming for brunch!”
She had announced so happily last night. And Khushi then saw the triumphant glance shared between her parents, so she had curbed her usual whining.
“Perfect opportunity to bag the contract”, her papa had said.
She sighed despondently. Sumi grabbed her arm and plopped her in front of the dresser. Khushi smiled sheepishly, while Sumi kept on scolding.
She was reminded of when she was five and Sumi, her matronly maid, would help her get dressed. Only back then she didn’t have to worry about facing a devilish man.
Laughter filled the air, cutlery making their presence known and the famous Gupta delicacies made it to the plates.
Khushi smiled as she brought out the teapot.
She took her seat next to Akash and sighed in relief as Mr. Arnav was nowhere in sight.
She knew Akash as well as the back of her hand since they were toddlers and could draw some comfort that she had someone to talk to.
Khushi looked up and saw a handsome young man, with gentle eyes and the most pleasing smile. 
God! He even has dimples! She thought with a tinge of jealousy.
“Do you mind?” He gestured to the chair on her right, interrupting her perusal smoothly.
“Of course not, “ she smiled back.
“Khushi, meet Noah Kelly Raizada, my cousin. Noah, meet my friend, Khushi Gupta “ , Akash chimed in.
“Noah Kelly?” she asked after he had settled down.
“Yes. My mum’s an American. And my dad, well he’s a Raizada,” he said with an embarrassed laugh.
“You didn’t grow up here?”
“Nope. Otherwise I wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity to be friends with such a beautiful girl!” he winked mischievously.
Khushi giggled, blushing at the compliment.
“Sorry, I’m late” 
A booming voice made everyone look up at the newly arrived Raizada. Mr Arnav looked impeccable, except the frown between his brows.
“Arnav beta! Welcome! Grab a seat and pile up your plate!“ her papa greeted enthusiastically, before diving back into his conversation with the senior Raizada.
Khushi looked at Shyam, who was clutching his fork, his fury visible in his clenched jaws. Hoping for the brunch to pass by smoothly, she brought her attention back to her eggs.
“So what do you do Khushi?” 
Smiling at Noah, she said, “ I am working as an assistant interior designer at my aunt’s firm.”  
Unknown to her, her face was aglow with love for the work she did.
Before Noah could get a word in, Arnav interrupted rudely, “Typical “.
“Excuse me?” Khushi asked, her back straightening in defence.
“ Your aunt gave you the job, so you could have something to do”
“And you assume that? How, may I ask?”
“Um, Arnav can you pass me the bre-“ Noah attempted to break the tension.
“Well, nepotism is the answer. Who else would hire the nineteen year old decorator?”
She breathed in deeply. Blinking her eyelids, to keep herself from shedding angry tears. She looked up, straight into his eyes.
“ I am not a ‘decorator’. I am someone with a degree in interior designing,who got hired by an aunt, who is well known in Lucknow for her professionalism. And how is it any different from the Raizada enterprises? You are the son of the eldest Raizada heir, so because of the nepotism  you hate so much you are the next boss. And a class-A jerk at that! Excuse me.”
Her chair scraped against the floor. She hastened off, after whispering an excuse of a headache in her mum’s ear, ignoring a pair of eyes imploring her to look at him.
Her heels clicked down the stairs, as Khushi heard noises coming from the drawing room.
She was greeted by her mother the next moment, as she was guiding the help to take tea to whoever was working with her papa.
“Aah! Khushi! Dancing again?”
She looked at her mum with suspicious eyes. She had never been happy about her evenings at the club. Maybe the brunch had worked out well.
“Yes, I am meeting my friends there.”
“Oh well, please spare my poor heart and don’t drive by yourself. Take Hari Prakash with you!”
And with that she hurried into the drawing room.
And off she went in search of Hari Prakash, her mother’s trusted spy!
Soft music blasted from the car stereo, as she found herself drifting off to what happened that afternoon.
What a rude man! 
She knew the Raizadas were filthy rich and such people tend to raise kids to become bratty adults. But she didn’t expect the man who had tricked her, quite charmingly, into accepting a date with him to humiliate her.
 Decorator! He had reduced her education to nothing!, she thought angrily. 
The car rolled into the basement parking , and Khushi took the elevator to the Ray’s club, a place frequently haunted by Lucknow’s wealthy kids.
No more thinking Khushi! Just have fun tonight! She thought furiously, determined to not let anyone spoil her evening.
“Khuuuushiiiii” Preetika smiled gleefully, her slurred shout barely audible over the music.
She hugged her, and sneaked in a whisper
“How much did you drink already?”
Three perfectly manicured fingers were lifted up and Khushi knew her friend was going to dominate the dance floor in a few minutes .
Payal joined the two and soon they were dragged towards a table.
“ It’s the summer of 86 darling! Have a martini and forget your worries!” Payal sang, handing a glass to Khushi.
“One drink! That’s all I can have!”
“Stop-pp being a b-bore K!” Preetika scolded.
“I am serious! HP is down in the basement”
Payal looked at her aghast.
“Why couldn’t you tell aunty I could drop you?”
Khushi rolled her eyes.
“As if you don’t know Garima Gupta well enough”
“ I just know that she loves her daughter too much!” Payal laughed. 
She looked down at her watch.
“Awaiting A-Akash are w-we?”
“Well yes Preeto! Who else? He is bringing dates for you two by the way “
“WHAT?” Khushi’s heart skipped a beat.
“Well yeah some American cousin of his and another friend. Chill Khushi!“
Khushi sat back down, not really hearing Preetika’s inquiries about the American cousin.
Her fear was not unfounded, but she knew Akash and Noah had heard her fight with Arnav. Hoping they will be sensitive enough, she absently gulped down her martini at once.
Soon her arm was tugged and she was pulled onto the dance floor. The disco lights blinded her, but she swayed to the music, shouting out the lyrics with Preeto and giggling at Payal’s awkward but spirited moves. 
Khushi Gupta, true to the martini’s promise, forgot all about her worries as Kishore Kumar blared through the speaker.
Bolo ommmmm, shanti ommmmm! 
Sweaty and happy, the trio sat down at their table. 
Trust Payal to ensure appetisers and more drinks to already be at their table.
“ I wanna dance more! “ Preeto shouted.
“ Well, dance away with the American once he’s here!”
Khushi smiled as she sipped her martini, forgetting all about the one drink rule. 
They looked up to see Akash and Noah walk up to them. Preeto stood up first and muttered a soft “oh my god!” under her breath.
“Meet my cousin Noah Kelly Raizada “ Akash winked at Preeto, well aware of her interest.
“ Please Akash… you guys can call me NK, I prefer it in fact!” he said, while rubbing the back of his neck adorably.
Payal laughed.
“Well NK, meet my friends! Khushi and Preetika.”
“Aah Khushi we meet again”
Khushi smiled back, hoping her untimely exit would not be the topic of discussion.
“K! How dare you?”
Payal and Preeto looked at her curiously.
“Guptas hosted a brunch for the Raizadas girls” Akash said, saving Khushi from the trouble.
“ And why were you invited?” Preeto quizzed.
“My mother is a Raizada, Preetika. How much did you drink already?”he laughed.
Payal elbowed Akash. “Where is Khushi’s date?” She whispered unsuccessfully.
A guilty look flooded his face, while relief flooded through Khushi.
“ It’s fine Akash! I don’t need a da-“
“ He is here” a voice sounded behind her and she turned to look into the brown orbs, igniting her fury, misery and her lust at once.
Next chapter>>
Tagging: @arshifiesta
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vxmpirehunterd · 10 months
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The Pilgrimage of the Sacred and Profane; Jujutsu Kaisen Verse
"What a terrible night to have a curse. And I've been this way since birth."
D is a descendant of an ancient cursed bloodline spawning from Vladislav Dracul the Third, infamously known as Vlad Tepes (AKA Vlad the Impaler) in human life; And would later be reborn and known throughout the world as Dracula...the first vampire!
It was rumored that the House of Drăculești (Vlad's and D's family line) dabbled in dark magics through the Order of the Dragon and during his reign, Vladislav participated in the order. At the end of his reign and war with the Ottomans, Vlad cursed himself and God before dying while drinking the blood of fallen enemies on the battlefield. This act of sacrilege would turn his body and soul into something beyond a cursed spirit. Even in Death, he would live again!
Fast forward to London England in 1893-1897, Dracula encounters Mina Harker, the woman who would go on to birth D. The first hybrid child--an unholy spawn of human and vampire (curse). Though Dracula would seemingly be defeated by Van Helsing and Quincy Harker, the vampire king made sure his curse would live on through his son--as he infected Mina with his blood while she was pregnant during those events involving Dracula.
In Present-day D is a powerful century-old sorcerer, Neither human nor cursed spirit. An anomaly to all those who meet him. He is classified as a special-grade entity of cataclysmic proportions--a would-be threat to all humanity by his sheer existence. Much like his father who he learns is still ALIVE. But worry not, D does not share the same machinations of his tyrannical father, for he is here to put a stop to his reign permanently. And he will cut through as many cursed spirits in his way to get to him to see his mission through.
D's curse(d condition) grants him all the powers of a vampire from myth and legend. This ranges from immortality, eternal youth, Supernatural strength/ durability/ agility/ speed/ senses /aura and condition, regeneration, blood manipulation, darkness manipulation, mimicry, channeling the dead, Reality and Time Altering, Self-resurrection, Precognition (access to the Akashic records), telepathy, and telekinesis.
One of D's innate techniques is called Unholy Blood. Spawning from the damned bloodline of Dracula, D can infect and turn any living entity into a creature of the night like himself through a blood-sharing ritual via biting his target. His cursed ability acts like an infection and can override a person's will, making them thralls he can control like puppets. There are levels to his thrall ability from making them mindless puppets (ghouls) to full-fledged vampires like himself under his power.
He can manipulate their memories, thoughts, and actions through his blood, forcing them to do his bidding. Even control the very blood inside of each and every thrall. His thralls will have absolute devotion to him and him alone.
But the most terrifying part of his ability is that by consuming blood, whether human or curse (Or drinking his own blood) his power will grow. The stronger the entity D drinks from, the more power he gains. Another application of his Unholy Blood ability is that he can use his blood as a weapon much like the Kamo clan through the creation of weapons and force fields using blood as an intermediary. But due to D's supernatural condition, D can manipulate anything his blood touches and use his blood as a deadly poison. More disturbing applications of unholy blood is that D can ignite his blood, causing his target to burst into flame should they touch it. Or even detonate his blood like a bomb.
The second innate technique is called Endless Darkness. This ability allows the dhampir to control the very dark itself. From very shadow to the expanse of the night sky itself. Applications of this ability can range from combat to stealth, to surveillance. He can turn his entire body into living darkness itself and even possess the shadows of others. Making shadow puppets of his enemies.
However, D isn't entirely invincible, for there are weaknesses that come from the vampiric curse. Sensitivity to the sunlight is one such weakness--too much exposure to the sun will cause the hybrid to become afflicted with a heat syndrome (also known as sunstroke). During his episodes, D will experience nausea, dizziness, and eventual paralysis until he passes out. To combat the illness he needs to bury himself in the ground in a dark area to recover and regain his strength.
Another weakness is bloodlust. Going long periods without feasting on blood can make D succumb to his darker impulses and become feral. Entering into a berserker-like state changing from Dhampir to a full-fledged vampire and attacking ally and foe in his proximity.
A more peculiar note about the hybrid is that he has a sentient symbiotic cursed parasite on his left hand that can absorb cursed energy, spirits, and even entire Domains. The parasite can also aid him in self-healing and resurrection.
D's Domain Expansion: Coming soon
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 10 months
ArShi TS: Open Secret [2/3]
Word Count: ~2000 words
Prompt by @ruminationsofaraven​
What if all the secrets are revealed during the Holi segment? Can you write about the dynamic shift in the characters and how this would affect the Raizada parivaar in this phase of their lives.
Read part 1
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Shyam had intended to color Khushi all along. If only Arnav hadn’t come in between… but for how long? What if the next time Arnav wasn’t around? Then? 
The thought sobered Payal up more than the lemon pickles. Them hiding Shyam’s true colors was a mistake. That man had no intention of changing, his disgust on Khushi being married was evident and so was his desperation to get to Khushi one way or the other.
Oh what had they done! For Payal’s marriage they had all put Khushi’s safety at stake. What if Khushi wasn’t married into the family, what if he had blackmailed Khushi to ensure the safety of Payal’s marriage? 
Khushi’s marriage, more of an elopement, was a blessing in disguise because Payal’s marriage to Akash had just been the leverage Shyam could have used against the Guptas. Especially Khushi.
No, Akash had to know the truth. 
Payal composed herself and head to her bedroom to find a stony faced Akash, a devastated Nani and an enraged Manohar. 
What was going on? 
– – – – – – – – – – –
“What is going on!” Manohar yelled, quieting Manorama with his rare rage as the rest of the family flinched in the living room. Shyam sweated profusely, Khushi blinked in confusion and Arnav was just sobering up. 
“Mama ji-” Shyam began but Manohar stopped him in his place with a look. 
What the hell… 
Anjali sat next to Khushi, holding her hand tightly. Khushi’s attention was diverted to the quivering pregnant woman. 
“Bitwa, please calm down. Anjali bitiya-” Nani began, trying to reign in her son’s temper. Anjali was expecting and she was of faint heart. God forbid if she followed her mother’s footsteps then Devyani would have no will to live at all. 
“How long has this been going on?” Akash asked Shyam, his anger barely in check. When Shyam feigned innocence, Akash rolled his eyes and took Khushi’s phone from Mama ji. 
“Di, I’m really sorry. But you should read the texts that your husband sends out to your sister in law.” Arnav stood up, realizing Akash had figured out what he had. He grabbed the phone from Akash’s hands, stopping him from handing it over to Anjali.
Anjali wouldn’t be able to bear the truth. 
“Akash, leave it.” Arnav warned. Akash froze, Arnav knew. 
“Bhai… how can I leave it? The whole house has a right to know, especially Di-” Shyam paled at the conflict between the cousins. Shit. They knew. But how much? And what perspective? 
If Akash thought what Arnav thought, then Khushi and Payal would be kicked out from the house and everything would work in his favor. 
But Anjali looked strangely calm. Perhaps she wouldn’t believe her cousins. Shyam formulated a plan, he would beg for forgiveness and talk about the way Khushi came onto him. That’s how the Gupta sisters are. Payal grabbed Akash at the first chance and when Khushi couldn’t get Arnav, she and her family latched onto the very married Shyam. 
This would make perfect sense. 
And Garima would never speak to the family - he knew it by her fear of Payal’s broken wedding! 
Anjali stood up and grabbed the phone from her brothers, reading aloud the text message from Shyam. 
“Dear Khushi ji, it’s time to bury the hatchet at this wonderful festival, isn’t it? I miss you, and I still love you. Trust me, Rani Saheba means nothing to me. Yours, Shyam” Anjali’s voice shook. Khushi panicked, disgusted at the text message. She should’ve never given the man another chance. Rather, she should have buried him alive the minute she had got to know the truth. 
He wouldn’t stop. He never would. It was her biggest mistake to have kept it quiet for the sake of Payal’s marriage. But speaking of Payal, where was she? 
Arnav yanked Khushi by the arms, his eyes bloodshot in rage. 
“How dare you-”
“Chote!” Anjali pulled Khushi away from Arnav’s grip - which left bruises on Khushi’s arms, as always. 
“Di?” Arnav asked in disbelief. 
“This is a lie…” She pointed to the text, “or half of the truth. We don’t know everything. I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding.” Anjali begged her brother. 
Oh Anjali and her false hopes.
“Exactly Rani Saheba, this is not what you think it is.” Shyam, finally, opened his mouth. The whole family glared at him except Anjali. Phew, that meant his lottery ticket still believed in him. 
“No Di, I know her. She’s a disgusting gold digger woman with no character-” Khushi stared at Arnav in disbelief. That is what he thought about her? Is that why he married her? But what about their heartbeats? How was he able to give her so much happiness and so much pain at once? The ground slipped beyond her feet as vicious, vile words spilled out of Arnav’s mouth. 
“Bhai-”, “Bitwa-” Akash and Manohar tried to stop Arnav but in fail. 
“ENOUGH!” Payal screamed, her family in tow. 
This was worse than she had imagined. Akash, Manohar and Devyani gave her a chance to tell the truth and she rushed home to bring back Garima and Madhumati to corroborate their version of events. But all they walked into was Khushi’s character assassination. 
How did this happen? It was Shyam who sinned, correct? 
“You’re happy hiding the truth na Amma?” Payal accused Garima, tears pricking her eyes. Madhumati on the hand just stormed off into the living room, her blood pressure rising through the roof. 
Shyam remained quiet, the situation was incredibly volatile and he needed to assess everyone’s tonality before he could give a fitting reply to save his place. But his demeanor slipped looking at Madhumati raging like a bull towards him. 
She paused, switching glares between him and Arnav. Interesting, who would she hit first? By the looks of it… Arnav was the target. 
Instead she grabbed Khushi’s wrist and pulled her away. 
“What are you doing?” Devyani asked. 
“Well this house does not respect my niece, so I’m taking her away from here.” Madhumati announced, pulling a frozen Khushi along.
“Respectwa? Hello hi bye bye, since when have we started respecting these kind of women?” Manorama sneered. 
“Enough!” Payal snapped, tearfully she looked at Akash, “Akash, when I thought you, Papa ji and Dadi ji gave me a chance to bring my family along I thought you were giving the truth a chance. But I see you’ve all already laid judgment - especially jethji.” Arnav frowned. 
“There is no other truth, Payal,” Arnav warned her, holding his sister tight. 
“How do you know that Arnav?” Arnav stiffened as Anjali’s soft, yet firm voice broke through the tension. 
“How do you know everything?” Anjali whispered.
“Exactly saale sahab-” Shyam agreed, “No one’s talking to you Shyam ji,” Anjali said, freezing Shyam. What did that mean? Did Anjali know the truth? How? 
“All you have is Shyam ji telling he loves Khushi, what do you know about what she feels?” Anjali questioned. Arnav balked at his sister’s calm questioning. Where was the anger? Where was the rage? This was her life!
“I’ve not seen anyone ask Khushi what the truth is.” Anjali left Arnav and held Khushi. Madhumati let her go, stunned that out of all people to show rationality it was Anjali. 
“What is the truth Khushi ji, tell me? You’ve already tried telling me once, haina?” Khushi finally broke out of her thoughts, staring at Anjali in confusion. 
Anjali smiled amidst her tears, holding Khushi’s cheeks gingerly, “It’s ok, this time I wouldn’t pretend to fear for my husband’s life.” The whole house fell quiet as Khushi broke into sobs, hugging the other woman tightly. 
– – – – – – – – – –
Anjali had laughed at everyone when they learned Khushi’s fiance was Shyam too. But the laughter quickly faded when she saw the ring on Khushi’s hand to be exceedingly similar to Shyam’s taste and the engagement ring he had selected for Anjali. 
Or when Motilal met Anjali again, laughing how Shyam was buying two rings for Anjali - he must be making up for a crime! 
Anjali’s suspicions solidified when the day she formally introduced Shyam and Khushi, Khushi’s engagement broke and she had come over the next day, tearfully trying to tell her the truth.
She thought all was well with Shyam paying attention to her, Arnav and Khushi’s growing attraction to each other, and Shyam’s joy over her safety when she returned from the accident. 
But one look at Holi and she knew her husband hadn’t stopped chasing Khushi, in fact he had only grown bolder, more dangerous. 
– – – – – – 
The house was quiet as Khushi was done with her version of events - from Lucknow to Delhi. 
“She’s lying!” Shyam cried, but this time Madhumati held his wrist in a menacing grip to let this man escape. 
“Lying? We have the whole of Lakshminagar to confirm your dalliance in our house!” Payal seethed. Garima closed her eyes, the errors of her judgment clear.  
“Hello hi bye bye, actions so down yet voice so louds?” Manorama scoffed at Shyam. Unbelievable! Any emotion, any tears, anything she felt for her beloved damaad disappeared in an instant. Manohar consoled the distraught Devyani but Manorama sought strength from Anjali’s strength. 
If her darling niece didn’t break down from the truth - she would not either. She slipped away from the crowd, calling her police contacts to file an FIR for everything Shyam had done. Attempted bigamy to stalking, siphoning funds off Anjali’s account to continuous harassment of Khushi.
Someone over here had to be practical.
“If you had only asked me,” Khushi asked Arnav, distraught that he hadn’t even liked her enough to ask. Not even asked. He had simply believed the worst of her in the blink of an eye. 
And even if he had believed the truth, did he think he had no right to yell at her? To demand her side of the story? To demand justifications for what all they felt? 
“So everyone knew some part of the truth anyways?” Akash laughed bitterly, settling on the sofa. Arnav could not respond, his heart soaring at the thought that Khushi was innocent but his mind calculating the damage of his actions. 
“And nobody, nobody told me.” Akash sighed. Payal reached out to him, attempting to hold his hand but he shrugged it off.
“You know Payal, I understand Bhai not telling me because if I heard only his version of events I might have not been able to marry you. I get it that he tried to preserve our family as much as he could. I understand Di not telling me because she herself was not sure if what she suspected was true or not. But you? Your family? You all literally did not tell me the truth just so you could marry me?” Akash was hurt, that despite all of his mother’s warnings that the Guptas would like to secure this marriage - a part of her was right. 
“Nahi Bitwa, Payal already had a broken marriage-” Garima began but Akash raised his hand, unable to hear anything else. 
“I know she had, and to be honest I’d understand if you had hidden that from me. But a truth concerning my sister’s wellbeing? I mean don’t tell me you all actually thought Di would be happy with Shyam-” Akash questioned the Guptas, their shame faces telling everything. 
Shyam, meanwhile, had nothing apart from silence to offer. The family spoke as if he didn’t exist, and pretended to not see when the police picked him up and carried him off to jail. This was the heights?! His yells to Anjali, curses to the Raizadas and threats to the Guptas only helped the police further to lock him up. Manorama only bid him a happy bye bye from the doorway. 
“I’m sorry Di,” Khushi whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. Anjali had not left Khushi’s side at all. She had played complicit to Khushi’s harassment. 
“It’s ok, you’re young. People make mistakes,” Anjali paused and looked at a stricken Arnav, “don’t they?” 
Arnav swayed on his feet, collapsing by Anjali and unable to meet Khushi’s eyes. 
What had he done? 
“You are right Akash. My family acted purely out of selfishness for my marriage to happen. As such I have violated the sanctity of truth of our marriage.” Payal whispered, wiping her tears away. 
“Hence, the only way to repair this, is for me to walk out of your life.”
A/N: Finally I've updated this! Last part left! Let me know how you think this would transpire???
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
Laying in bed on mobile, so you guys get a weird headcanon thoughtdump while I puzzle this out.
Obviously, whether or not other muses know/recognize who Miles really is is still going to vary from muse to muse, same with whether or not he comes forward about who he is to individual muses and when he chooses to do it. This is just kind of like... a generally-speaking thing for my blog, I guess? So that I have a base idea for reference with my muse.
Keep in mind, I still haven't actually played the rest of XVI -- I left Barnabas on Read at the base of his tower, and haven't touched it since lol. So if there's any details from the game that answer or elaborate on any of my questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I was mulling over how much Miles would actually know about everything that's going on when it comes to the Mythos thing and Ultima. This is another subject that'll vary based on muses and interactions, but by default, I don't see how or why he would know much of anything about it, to be truthful. Even back when he was Archduke, and despite his ties to and contact with The Undying, he was unaware of the existence of Ifrit. Hell, because he himself had never stepped foot into the Apodytery at Phoenix Gate, he's never seen the mural of the Eikons, and if his father knew anything, he certainly never said anything about it to Elwin. (Though I have always headcanoned that his father was always slightly "off" or behaving "differently" after he'd emerge from communing with their ancestors in there...)
Elwin and Miles never had a reason to research into these matters the way that Joshua did, for example; if he doesn't know there's something deeper going on, why/how would he know to look into it? He vaguely recalls glimpses of Ifrit, particularly in his nightmares, but he has no idea or context for what that being is. He wasn't conscious or aware while Ifrit and Phoenix were fighting.
Which raises the question of, how would Miles get his information about what went on?
Finding out that it was Anabella that betrayed him would be easy enough. I tend to just headcanon that during the first bit of his time in Oriflamme, he was imprisoned until he not only regained consciousness, but had recovered just enough to be Branded and sold at auction as a Bearer. The Imperials who had taken him to Sanbreque knew who he was -- I just assume they probably taunted him with Anabella's betrayal and the deaths of both of his sons.
The rest is based on rumors from around Sanbreque, and things he learns at Hideaway and through missions once he becomes a Cursebreaker.
I do also tend to assume that Miles was liberated at some point before Clive and Jill reunite and meet Cid. How long before? Dunno, haven't figured that out yet. But I mention this because he has no idea that Clive and Jill are alive until the two show up at Hideaway. He also doesn't know that Joshua is alive until the aftermath of Twinside's destruction and Joshua's return with Clive and Jill to Hideaway.
When it comes to stepping forward about who he really is, as much as I want to think he would go ahead and do it once Anabella is gone from the picture, more and more I'm on the fence about it. Specifically when it comes to the boys and Jill... I get the feeling he'd be the most likely to open up to them when Clive, Joshua, and Dion are preparing to confront Ultima. It may very well be his last chance to tell his sons he loves them and has always been proud of them, and to give them a hug, after all. (And among the many valuable lessons Elwin has learned, one is the importance of leaving no words unspoken.)
What else... Oh, how much he knows about the Ultima situation. That depends on how transparent Clive is with the Cursebreakers. Considering the sky is purple, Twinside was obliterated and replaced by Origin, and pockets of aether are opening up across the realm and bringing the threat of Akashic with them, and in the case of the third in particular, the Cursebreakers are helping to combat the threat and protect civilians... They're going to need to know at least a good chunk of info.
Does he know the truth about Ultima and all of that background lore, at that point? No idea, I'm assuming not. But he does know the trio is heading off to fistfight a god, and that there is a fair chance they won't make it back. From a logical standpoint, it makes sense to me that the Cursebreakers would be informed about that, given that Clive is in charge of Hideout. They're going to need to be prepared in the event that Clive doesn't make it back, or worse, in the event that the three fail to kill Ultima.
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