jrtelfer · 3 months
How to Eat Healthier: High-Fiber, Low-Sugar Plants
Eating a variety of low-sugar, high-fiber plants seems like a difficult thing to do. But it may be one of the most important things people can do to improve their health. The best nutrition advice may simply be: eat plants!
I was recently watching Andrew Huberman interview Justin Sonnenburg, coauthor of The Good Gut (2015), when Sonnenburg said, “It kind of gets back to Michael Pollan’s mantra, eat food not too much mostly plants. I think if you stick with these simple rules… it makes it very approachable.” Michael Pollan is a Journalist who has written a number of books about food. In Food Rules (2009) Michael…
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Gardens of the Sonnenburg Observatory in Utrecht, Netherlands
Dutch vintage postcard
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disneyfanatic1993 · 5 months
Do you know that Cassandra is a Lesbian right? So in the fact Cassarian is impossibility 😅
I am so glad you asked, because the fandom needs to hear this:
Despite the popular headcanon that Cassandra is a lesbian, it is NOT canon. A person who worked on character designs for the show said she SAW Cass as such, and people ran with it. But having known a lot of people who work in the same type of industry, they can tell you that character designers have zero say in what is canon for the show without the director’s confirmation.
I have been in the fandom since the very beginning of the series, and I made sure to keep up-to-date with confirmations about the series from the director and show-runner, Chris Sonnenburg. When the episode “Under Raps” aired, Chris confirmed that the smile Cassandra has in the end of the episode and the fact that she kept the rose Andrew gave her indicates that she did have actual feelings for Andrew (the same way Chris confirmed that a look Adira has in the episode “Destinies Collide” indicates that she reciprocated Lance’s feelings). So if anything, Cass could be bisexual.
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People can have whatever headcanon they want. If they want to believe that Cass is lesbian, fine. But it is not canon, so it should not be used as an excuse to try to force people to have the same opinion.
Besides, people are still going to ship whatever they want despite canonicity. They have the right to. I have seen a lot of people ship Cass with men; Eugene, Lance, and even their own OCs who are male. It is their AU; they can do whatever they want.
And even if it was canon, people are constantly shipping characters who are obviously straight in gay ships, so what’s the difference anyway?
I do not bring this up with every person who says Cass is a lesbian, because again, that is their right to think so. But it is when people say it’s canon that I want to point out it isn’t, because that is false information. You have a right to your headcanons, and I have a right to mine. 💜
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kaycartoons · 9 months
ATTENTION TANGLED THE SERIES / RAPUNZEL'S TANGLED ADVENTURE FANS This incident happened behind the scenes of TTS and is regarding Chris Sonnenburg pulling a prank behind the scenes about killing off Varian from the show. I've known about this incident for years but hadn't shared it to protect the privacy of the artists who worked on the show. But since this post is out there I feel the Tangled fandom should know about this ANOTHER THING: Please respect the privacy of those who Chris has hurt, do not bother them or seek them out for more info beyond what they are willing to share
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angelshizuka · 7 months
The more I think about it, the more I hate CS for using Varian saying "Daddy" when he found Quirin sealed in the amber as "proof" that he's still "too inmature" for the truth.
Because as someone who lost her mother at the age of 28, even I went back to my "mommy" phase during the grieving process.
Wheter you call your parent dad/mom or daddy/mommy says literally NOTHING about your maturity, ESPECIALLY when you're grieving them.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 4 months
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This is a concept poster for my upcoming Varian spin-off fanfic "Varian and the Secret of the Portals". I give most to the credit to my husband in helping me make the poster with the use of Paint.net and the animation program blender to make my own version of the Demanitus Portal. I had the references and ideas, but my husband was the one who helped me bring this poster to life, and I'm grateful to him for his help in this.
I give credit to YouTube artists Daria_Sound and Надежда Сергеева whose original ideas gave me my own ideas for a Varian spin-off title page. Check out their videos here.
Daria_Sound title:
(I think her YouTube page has been removed.)
Надежда Сергеева title:
I give thanks to my Instagram friends all the help and feedback they've given me so far with my story. I'm very grateful for their help.
I give thanks and praise to God for giving me all these great fanfic ideas, and hope and pray He'll continue to help me in working towards completing my story. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you guys, and hope you'll give my story read when I finally publish it on Fanfiction, Archiveofourown.org and/or Wattpad. I'll send my chapter update links here when they are done.
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glorytoukraine2022 · 1 year
I can’t comprehend why Chris Sonnenburg somehow expected billions of people all around the world to watch his show and assumed that everyone would automatically gravitate towards Cassandra as our favorite character, then lash out at fans on the internet when it’s clear that Varian has become the fan favorite.
Cassandra has her fanbase. And Varian has his. Then there are many fans who don’t necessarily care for either of them and gravitate towards Rapunzel, Eugene or other characters. And you know what? That’s okay.
Fandoms bring diversity. And it is that diversity that makes fandoms fun and enjoyable. We’re all different people with different life experiences and personalities, and as such we gravitate towards different characters. We form our own interpretations and opinions about them and discuss them together. That’s the beauty of being a part of a fandom. If everyone in the TTS fandom only paid attention to Cassandra, and only Cassandra, then the fandom wouldn’t be such a fun place, would it?
The fact that Chris Sonnenburg cannot accept this diversity, and even hates it because it means that fans disagree with him, shows what a narrow minded and narcissistic man he truly is. A story does not solely consist of the protagonist, but rather, of all the characters together. Side characters are often just as enjoyable as the main characters, and add a lot to the story of the protagonist while having interesting storylines in their own right.
Varian is an excellent example of this. I think it goes without saying that Varian’s story touched millions of people that watched TTS. This isn’t something that should anger a creator. Rather, they should be thrilled and happy that their character resonated with the hearts of so many people. The idea that this would be upsetting to a creator just…baffles me. Varian wasn’t an original character from the Tangled movie. Chris created him! Regardless of what a creator intends their character’s role in their story to be, you would think that any creator would be overjoyed that their character’s story connected with so many people.
If Chris can’t accept that, then that is on him, not us.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 7 months
I have literally no idea if the creative minds of Corona After Dark know about all the Chris drama but this is just too rich not to share.
I’m in the middle of their Lost and Found episode and they just said that they’re pretty sure someone in the crew just wanted to see her in a skin tight black catsuit and that’s why she’s a villain.
I wonder…who could’ve possibly wanted that on the crew…..
And as a bonus, the CAD team also thinks someone had to be talked out of giving the moonstone suit a plunging neckline
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
Gotta love the unspoken decision for the Saporians to all back away in unison, silently, while Andrew is bringing out the bomb to throw at Rapunzel's group. Gotta love the unspoken in-joke between Varian and Clementine before Clementine spun the Wand of Oblivium, knowing Rapunzel would recognize it because she was watching them the whole time when Cassandra used it on Rapunzel. Gotta love Andrew setting up a grand entrance for Varian to remind Rapunzel of how badly she screwed up. Gotta love how Varian was perfectly relaxed with the Saporians as they smugly revealed to Rapunzel how they took over the Kingdom. Gotta love how well Varian and the Saporians all fought together like they'd done it several times before. Gotta love how comfortable Varian was with Andrew and Clementine in his lab. Gotta love the unspoken indications that Varian trusted them completely. Gotta love how the Saporians didn't ever actually do anything that could hurt Varian, despite being mad at him for betraying them. Gotta love how Andrew gently tried to reason with Varian that there was no time to complete his alchemy and they had to take drastic measures. Gotta love how Andrew hesitated when he actually DID try to hurt him and in the end pulled him back up instead of dropping him, even when he was knocked into and would've let go in reflex as he got knocked over.
It's a real shame that Chris Sonnenburg hated Varian so much that he couldn't show us this found family on-screen, so all we got is hints of what must've been a wonderful relationship where he felt completely at-ease and never felt wary of being caught goofing off or making mistakes like he does with RAPUNZEL'S group.
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speaking of Bentkey, the producer of Chip Chilla and Mabel Maclay is the creator of the Tangled animated series
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flynniganrider · 1 year
does anyone else think about rapunzel and then go insane.
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futureofthemasses · 11 months
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Sonnenburg Gardens and Mansion Haunted Stroll, Canandaigua NY, October 29 2023
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sunlightswallowed · 2 years
Between Chris Sonnenburg going on to work for Ben Shapiro and Zachary Levi being an antivaxxer who thinks Jordan Peterson is a great guy, I’m starting to understand some of the Choices made with the show.
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tangledbea · 2 years
I've been thinking lately about what Chris Sonnenburg's relationship with Eden Espinosa might've been like. I feel really sorry for Eden about whatever might've gone down between the 2 of them.
I wouldn't recommend conjecture like this. The showrunner was always very good at schmoozing, and if he wanted someone's opinion of him to be good, he went out of his way to be kind, giving, friendly, not at all creepy. (I am not counting that poor cosplay couple, they're an anomaly for fans, because what he wanted from them was creepy to begin with.)
In all the times I met him (three or four), he did me favors he didn't owe me in any sense, introduced me to cool people he had no reason to introduce me to, gave me gifts he wasn't required to give... He wanted my praise and my positive press. The only thing I felt was off about him from our meetings was that he clearly wanted my attention more than he wanted me to pay attention to other crew members. I only found out what he was from crew members who confided in me.
I sincerely doubt he ever acted untoward towards Eden.
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bigfrozensix · 2 years
Sharpiro is the worst but he's not even slightly christian, he's a secular Jew, and it's really despicable to treat religious people like they're Nazis. I love your blog and respect you, that just wasn't called for.
I honestly don't even know who Sharpiro is, I only reblogged it because I hate Chris Sonnenburg.
Also, it's kinda weird you're calling me out for this when I'm not even the one who said it. You can't expect me to only ever reblog things I would've 100% said the same way myself, because then I would rarely reblog anything.
And I checked the reblog again to make sure, nowhere did I get the vibe OP meant religion = nazism? Just that these specific people are using their religion that way.
Sorry if I sound harsh, I just wasn't expecting an ask like this just from reblogging some Chris Sonnenburg hate.
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angelshizuka · 11 months
"Why creators trying desperately to have their audience hate a character they have a pathetic hatred for just results in people loving that character instead."
I feel like this is something that you've seen before in another show/movie.
A pretty recent example is Chris Sonnenburg, creator of Tangled The Series/Rapunzel's Tanlged Adventure.
Tbf, I always liked Varian, but I honestly didn't even really miss him in s2 at first, because I understood he was just a side-character. But then CS started being the biggest asshole, literally bullying younger fans who "liked the show the wrong way" (because they liked Varian) to the point of being kicked out of the fan discord.
He was a literal man baby when it came to Varian being a fan fave, because how dare not everyone kiss the ground his precious little Cass walks on (who by the way is based on a woman he used to have a crush on, which is... yikes). It's not even like Cass didn't have any fans, she's been a fan fave as well from the start, it was purely Varian having fans at all that riled him up.
And that combined with s3's godawful writing, I just ended up hating Cass (though I still have a soft sport for her in S1-2) and CS's hatred for Varian added to him being my fave TTS character (even more than Rapunzel, but that it's own can of worms).
Sorry for the small rant, CS just reminds me a lot of TA.
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