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gryficowa · 4 months ago
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Now that I have your attention:
So close...
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The SodaStream is a machine that turns boring water into spicy water
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petitgalaxy · 1 year ago
I’ve seen a lot of posts online about the targeted “big three” boycott of Disney, Starbucks, and McDonald’s in order to impact Israel and support Palestine.
While these (and other) companies ARE included in BDS’ list of organic boycotts or pressure (non-boycott) targets, the list of companies to totally boycott are actually:
- Siemens
- Carrefour
- Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc)
- SodaStream
- Ahava
- any Israeli produce
Keep this in mind as you protest, boycott, lobby, etc!
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floofyviking · 5 months ago
Blep blop, goblin mode. Blankets and soft light, soup and sodastream. Stardew Valley and DnD podcasts in the background. Happy goblin~
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magicrainbowkitties · 1 year ago
Aight so I know this is the absolute LEAST concerning thing about the Palestinian genocide right now (which, I've probably forgotten to mention in my own words till now:
BUT. In light of them asking us out west to boycott several specific companies, the one in particular I wanna talk about is SodaStream.
Because uh. I'm gonna be so fuckin fr right now cause I thought those guys had gone outta business. Like. My parents bought one cause of the stupid fuckin commercials from when it first came out (admittedly, I asked them to, because I was maybe 7 or 8, and "ooooh at-home soda machine sounds coooooool"), and we all fuckin hated it. And not even like the one part was bad and I grew to like it later, no we ALL (me, my parents, and my brother) tried it multiple times with multiple different flavors of those fuckin pint bottles of syrup you had to buy from like Bed Bath And Beyond or something, and it was all fucking NASTY. It tasted like if sewage waste was in a lead-lined shipping container on the same transport as a can of whatever soda.
We dispised the loathsome thing, to the point where that fuckin soda machine vanished into the ether sometime between us moving and the last time we saw one of those shitty syrups on the shelves. And the latter was well over 7 years ago I think (idk time is hard), so I honestly have no clue in the world where that piece of filth ended up. Nor have I seen anything with a SodaStream logo on it for the last forever.
Like. It's literally the same thing as the fucking Juicero, just for soda. And also like the Juicero, you can't find the bottles of syrup for it literally anywhere, so I assumed that it took the route of Juicero (which is to say, directly into the business void, never to be seen again). The fact it's apparently still around is crazy enough, but the fact they have enough money to be such a powerful influence that Palestinian people are like "hey stop buying from these guys, they're actively making things worse for us" is straight-up mind-boggling to me.
Maybe it's just my ass being firmly planted under a rock, but if anybody would like to let me know where these peddlers of gross have been hiding/exactly why they're being boycotted (not to say I won't or that everyone shouldn't, by the by! Just asking if anyone knows some context plz and thank u), that'd be really cool!
Anyhow uh I'm sorry this one was long and rambling, I've been sick all weekend and time is a meaningless soup rn. Take care, and if somehow someone from Palestine ends up seeing this... I see you, I love you, and I'm so, so sorry for everything being done to you and your people. Know that there are millions upon millions of people all over the world crying out for your justice and for your lives, and that those people refuse to leave you to suffer alone so long as we can help it. I hope my little rant at least made you smile a little, and I wish you every ounce of whatever strength you need to get through this. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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eretzyisrael · 1 year ago
Good News From Israel
In the 3rd Sep 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli bio-techs detect life-threatening diseases in DNA or cells.
Read news about six amazing Israeli medical device companies.
Jerusalem’s deputy mayor helps advance the career of women – in Morocco.
Israelis are busy in Africa, helping Rwanda, DRC, and Zambia.
Israeli innovation makes carbon-free ammonia fuel more likely.
The skies the limit for new Israeli planes and air routes.
Israeli sporting success in gymnastics, martial arts, athletics, and video games.
An Israeli woman certainly has someone watching over her.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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In many synagogues, last week's Torah portion described the joyful ceremony to be performed when bringing the first fruits of the season to the Temple in Jerusalem. So it is very appropriate to read how fruitful Israelis have recently been with innovative medical devices and new treatments. Israeli programs are bearing fruit to benefit the elderly in Spain, Ethiopian-Israeli immigrants, Arab fish farmers, Middle East businesswomen, New York Search & Rescue teams, America's Historically Black colleges and three African countries. We are seeing Israeli scientific breakthroughs come to fruition in producing sustainable fuels and recycling plastics. The high number of Israeli Unicorn (billion-dollar) companies shows how fruitful Israeli entrepreneurs have become, and the seeds for future successes are being planted with new investments into the hi-tech sector.  I cannot explain, however, as to what has caused Israel to suddenly blossom at so many international sports. Finally, Israel's commitment to its children resulted in one Israeli girl overcoming cancer to become fruitful as a mother. The photo is of grapes growing on a wild vine adjacent to my local children's playground in Netanya.
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bdpst24 · 1 year ago
SodaStream: Így adhatunk le a terhekből karácsonyra
SodaStream: Így adhatunk le a terhekből karácsonyra
Kevesebb cipekedés, kevesebb eldobható csomagolás Az ideális karácsonyi ajándék megtalálása nem könnyű. Sokszor hiába van meg a megfelelő ötlet, az ünnepi rohanásban az ember már kompromisszumokra kényszerül a készlethiány, vagy a megnövekedett szállítási idők miatt. „A SodaStream idén két új készüléket helyez a magyar háztartások karácsonyfája alá. Mindkettő kényelmesebbé és komfortosabbá…
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davidstadtmueller · 11 days ago
Einfach sprudeln statt schwer schleppen: TV-Spot für Sodastream (mit Carlo Oppermann und The Marmelade)
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sodakaidotcom · 1 month ago
Sodastream Machines
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ersatzteile-wien-blog · 2 months ago
Zubehör für SodaStream
Warum ein SodaStream in deiner Küche nicht fehlen sollte
Wenn es um eine unkomplizierte, nachhaltige und geschmackvolle Art geht, zuhause jederzeit frisches Sprudelwasser zu genießen, ist SodaStream definitiv eine der ersten Adressen. Statt schwere Kisten zu schleppen, stellst du dir einfach nach Belieben prickelndes Wasser her. Das ist nicht nur gut für deinen Rücken, sondern schont auch die Umwelt, da weniger Plastikflaschen in den Müll wandern.
Ein besonders großer Vorteil von SodaStream ist die Vielzahl an Zubehör und Ersatzteilen, die es dir ermöglicht, deine Geräte langfristig in Schuss zu halten. Hast du beispielsweise mal eine weitere SodaStream Ersatzflasche nötig, um immer genügend Sprudelwasser griffbereit zu haben, oder benötigst du einen praktischen SodaStream Flaschenhalter für die Aufbewahrung deiner Sprudelflaschen, findest du im Sortiment die passende Lösung. Auch beim Nachschub an frischem Kohlensäure-Nachfüllmaterial musst du dir keine Sorgen machen: Mit Sodakapseln ist dein Sprudelgerät jederzeit wieder einsatzbereit.
Wer gerne mehr Geschmack in sein Wasser bringt, wird sich zudem über die große Auswahl an SodaStream Sirup freuen. Ob klassische Limette, aromatisches Cola oder exotische Fruchtmischungen – für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei. Dank der vielseitigen Auswahl kannst du deine Erfrischungsgetränke je nach Stimmung variieren und deinen Besuchern immer wieder neue, spritzige Geschmackserlebnisse bieten.
Und sollte einmal etwas kaputtgehen oder verschleißen, bekommst du mühelos SodaStream Ersatzteile, um deinen Wassersprudler schnell und einfach wieder funktionsfähig zu machen. So musst du nicht gleich ein neues Gerät kaufen, sondern kannst dein aktuelles Modell langfristig nutzen.
Kurzum: Ein SodaStream ist die ideale Lösung für all jene, die wert auf Nachhaltigkeit, Komfort und individuelle Geschmacksvielfalt legen. Mit dem passenden Zubehör, Sirup und Ersatzteilen hält dein Sprudelerlebnis lange an und bleibt immer abwechslungsreich.
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rodspurethoughts · 5 months ago
SodaStream® Introduces Four New, Innovative Products to the Brand's Portfolio
SodaStream® Unveils Two New Sparkling Water Makers: the enso™ and ART™ GOLD, SodaStream Crafted™ Cocktail Mixers (Non-Alcoholic), and the Fizz & Go COOL Carbonating Bottle PURCHASE, N.Y. /PRNewswire/ — SodaStream®, the world’s leading sparkling water maker brand, announces the introduction of four innovative new products that redefine modern hydration: the enso™ and ART™ GOLD sparkling water…
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269-million · 7 months ago
Sodastream cocktails I'd recommend:
Having finally acquired a Sodastream machine earlier this year, my family has stocked up on nearly every kind of syrup our region has available for them. I personally have branched out into mixing and measuring flavours, and have found some really neat combinations:
(Done using a "1L" bottle, though based on my measurements they actually only hold three full cups at the water line. Also basing the syrup/flavourant measurements on what the bottles recommend.)
Non-alcoholic cocktails:
Mixed berry syrup and cream soda syrup, half and half, with or without a dash of blackberry Bubly flavourant. ("Berries and cream, berries and cream, I'm a little lass who loves berries and creaaaaaaaam!")
Root beer syrup with pineapple Bubly flavourant. (So far done using the diet root beer, but I imagine the taste will be similar with regular root beer syrup. It ends up tasting like caramelized pineapple!)
Dr. Pete (Sodastream's stand-in for Dr. Pepper, for those unfamiliar) syrup with peach Bubly flavourant. (For me, it takes a rather mellow peach taste from the Bubly and absolutely blows it up. With a creamy aftertaste to boot.)
Black cherry cola syrup with cherry Bubly flavourant. (It's like the song says, a "Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Cherry Bomb!")
Alcoholic cocktails:
Black cherry cola syrup, with a standard serving of white wine mixed in. (You'll just have to try it; it's hard to put into words.)
Pepsi-cola syrup with a shot of aquavit mixed in. (This has actually been my go-to soda and liquor cocktail for several years now. Much like how Dr. Pete takes peach Bubly's flavour to the next level, aquavit and Pepsi's flavours are in complete synch with each other. Especially with the three-cup proportion of Pepsi using the Sodastream, now. You almost wouldn't realize you were drinking a cola with alcohol added in. And I'm someone who enjoys the harsh taste of aquavit.)
I'll add in others as I think of/try them out. But I thought I should put these out there, in case anyone who reads this might want to give them a try.
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brkmydrms · 7 months ago
I recently used SodaStream US and they gave me a special offer to share with my friends. I’m treating you to an exclusive 20% off your first order. I’ll also get a reward, so it’s a win-win!
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nyachinola · 7 months ago
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bdpst24 · 8 months ago
Vadonatúj készülékkel oltja a magyarok szomját a SodaStream
Vadonatúj készülékkel oltja a magyarok szomját a SodaStream
A szénsavasvíz-fogyasztás főszezonjában villant újat a bubikészítés királya Képzeljük el, milyen lenne a világ, ha mindenkinek lenne egy saját kulacsa, amibe bárhol és b��rmikor olyan üdítőt tölthetne, amilyet csak akar? Vajon egy csapásra eltűnnének a boltokból a PET-palackos üdítőkből épített hegyek? A SodaStream újdonsága egy új jövőkép jegyében született meg. És természetesen oltja a szomjat…
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whybuyblog · 8 months ago
Soda Water Maker
Sparkling Water is life.
I drink a lot of water and I think I would be broke if it was all Pelligrino. So I make my own. I buy and refill Sodastream cO2 cannisters and stick them in an Aarke. Aarke Carbonator 3 Stainless Steel – Sparkling Water Maker It’s just a fancy looking Sodastream. Pros: Looks nice, tons of color choices now too Solid build, you screw in the bottle and pull the handle down. Cons: $220-350 –…
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