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thepastisalreadywritten · 7 months ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (September 5)
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The Church celebrates on Septermber 5 the feast of Mother Teresa, a universal symbol of God's merciful and preferential love for the poor and forgotten.
Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia, the youngest of three children.
She attended a youth group called Sodality, run by a Jesuit priest at her parish, and her involvement opened her to the call of service as a missionary nun.
She joined the Sisters of Loretto at age 17 and was sent to Calcutta where she taught at a high school.
She contracted tuberculosis and was sent to rest in Darjeeling.
It was on the train to Darjeeling that she received her calling — what she called "an order" from God to leave the convent, then work and live among the poor. 
At this point, she did not know that she was to found an order of nuns, or even exactly where she was to serve.
"I knew where I belonged, but I did not know how to get there," she said once, recalling the moment on the train.
Confirmation of the calling came when the Vatican granted her permission to leave the Sisters of Loretto and fulfill her calling under the Archbshop of Calcutta.
She started working in the slums, teaching poor children, and treating the sick in their homes.
She was joined a year later by some of her former students. They took in men, women and children who were dying in the gutters along the streets and cared for them.
In 1950, the Missionaries of Charity were born as a congregation of the Diocese of Calcutta.
In 1952, the government granted them a house from which to continue their service among Calcutta's forgotten.
The congregation very quickly grew from a single house for the dying and unwanted to nearly 500 around the world. 
Mother Teresa set up homes for AIDS sufferers, prostitutes, battered women, and orphanages for poor children.
She often said that the poorest of the poor were those who had no one to care for them and no one who knew them.
And she often remarked with sadness and desolation of millions of souls in the developed world whose spiritual poverty and loneliness was such an immense cause of suffering.
She was a fierce defender of the unborn saying:
"If you hear of some woman who does not want to keep her child and wants to have an abortion, try to persuade her to bring him to me. I will love that child, seeing in him the sign of God's love."
Mother Teresa died on 5 September 1997.
She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 19 October 2003. She was canonized by Pope Francis on 4 September 2016.
Mother Teresa once said:
"A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace."
She also said:
"Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness." 
Mother Teresa is the patron saint of World Youth Day, the Missionaries of Charity, and co-patron of the Archdiocese of Calcutta.
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danzameccanica · 2 years ago
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Nati da una costola dei Lvcyfire e da un'altra dei Cultes des Ghoules i Sodality sono un’oscura identità della Polonia che entra nella corte della Norma Evangelium Diaboli: un contratto che conferma la qualità di questo album. Quello che sentirete non è il classico black metal di stampo religious ma un black metal gorgheggiante con diverse sorprese: in quasi quaranta minuti i Sodality confezionano un’oscura opera caotica, complessa e misteriosa, caratterizzata da un songwriting non convenzionale che alterna strutture irregolari, atmosfere occulte e intermezzi dissonanti. Quando si parla di questo tipo di black metal a molti verrebbe in mente gli Skáphe o i Serpent Column: dimenticateveli subito perché Benediction pt.1 non ha assolutamente quell’astratta densità dai riff vorticosi e fangosi. Anzi, le chitarre sono aperte come da tradizione swedish; eppure si dividono fra ipnotiche e ritmiche; fra interludi visionari e aggressioni bestiali. La batteria si occupa di rendere il tutto più dinamico attraverso i cambi di tempo e dirigendo letteralmente le composizioni, come un infernale maestro d’orchestra. Il basso è in primissimo piano, a volte minimale e a volte è libero di percorrere le proprie personali strade, come in "Rapture". Questo brano in particolare inizia con un urlo lancinante che sembra la sirena di un ambulanza e porta i Sodality a confrontarsi direttamente con Attila Csihar, col De Mysteriis dom Sathanas, con gli Ondskapt e coi Funeral Mist ma rimanendo in un personalissimo girone. "The Nativity aka Heathen Angel" è il fulcro dell’album: una traccia diabolica, visionaria che ha tanto di diavoli quanto di streghe e fantasmi. Cori disturbanti e insani lamenti vanno ad intrecciarsi con arpeggi semi-acustici e atmosfere terrificanti. Benediction pt. 1 è uno dei migliori album black metal rilasciati nel 2023.
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morgankyne · 4 months ago
What's with all the holes on D.A.M.N.'s campus? There's a student that's gonna fall into one in the yard next week.
@proud-damn Really?
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styrinterceptt · 1 month ago
ok so that I’ve come out as an outsiders musical fan I can post this…soda x dally GUYS GUYS GUYS HEAR ME OUT WITH THIS ONE….
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intervex · 1 month ago
Term proposal: gender sodality
As is, we have terms like:
Intergender: when your gender is connected, linked, or influenced by being intersex
Neurogender: when your gender is connected, linked, or influenced by being neurodivergent
Somatogender: when your gender is connected, linked or influenced by having a somatic disability
Indigender: when your gender is connected, linked, or influenced to being part of an Indigenous culture
These aren't gender modalities. While sometimes they get used as gender identities, they often aren't: they're descriptors of the influence(s) on one's gender identity.
I'd like to propose that we call them gender sodalities. 🎉
The word "sodality" is used in theology and anthropology as a contrast to "modality". It comes from Latin sodalis ("companion") and is used to refer to non-kin groups organized a shared purpose or affiliation. I like it here because these gender terms indicate that one's gender is in conjunction with being part of a community.
Right now these gender terms tend to get grouped under exclusive genders, and they are exclusive, but I want a way to talk about the the influence descriptors that doesn't apply to the exclusive gender identities and/or exclusive gender modalities.
I considered calling them "gender influences" but that word pair gets used a lot to refer to things like how one's gender influences what occupation you pursue and stuff. Also: "gender identity", "gender modality", and "gender quality" all end in -ity and so I wanted to keep the trend going. @GoingRampant helped brainstorm ideas for terms with me and helped pick "sodality" out of the options.
Gender sodalities can be combined: for example, one who feels like their gender is a function of being both intersex and autistic could then say their gender sodality is interautigender.
I'm also going to coin two non-exclusive gender sodality terms:
1. Coenogender for when one has a sense of gender that feels connected, linked, or influenced by being part of the common hegemonic zeitgeist of Global North / Western society. Coeno- is used in scientific terminology to denote something is common or general. Does *not* mean the individual approves of Global North binarism! One can be influenced by something and also feel like it is a negative/restrictive influence! (Coeno- is usually pronounced /si:no/ in English, like see-no. It comes from Greek, and in Greek it's pronounced closer to kee-no. I personally consider both correct.)
2. Eigengender for when one has a sense of gender that feels inherent to one's self and unrelated to their intersex status, disability status, culture, etc. So one is not intergender, not neurogender, not somatogender, not indigender, nor coenogender. Eigen- in reference to the prefix used math: an eigenvector is one which is unchanged under transformation. It comes from German, meaning "one's own", characteristic of a given individual. Pronounced /ˈaɪ̯ɡən/ (like eye-gun - sound recording here)
Note: I am intergender, and do not identify as eigengender, though I do feel at least partly coenogender. Eigengender is coined in response to an anonymous ask for a term more general than extergender (not-intergender). Coenogender is coined as an option for those who feel none of the above and/or the "default" sodality.
Note for Americans: the spelling of coeno- with the o is intentional. This is because a different scientific prefix, caeno- (new/recent) gets Americanized as ceno- (e.g. Cenozoic). The two prefixes have different etymologies. It's standard to spell coeno- with the o to avoid confusion, including in the US.
Tagging for archival: @liom-archive @radiomogai @themogaidragon
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anexistingexistence · 7 months ago
Listen I want to fuck Morgan as much as the next guy but I still think he and Seer should just become besties instead of a couple
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specialagentartemis · 8 months ago
Chaco as a military state- what?? What grounds is that theory using??
Steve Lekson is a genuinely respected Chaco archaeologist with a... very idiosyncratic proposal about its social organization, which I am never sure how much he seriously believes and how much he puts forward to be provocative on purpose.
I think he put forward his idea of Chaco Canyon as the seat of a true state with the ability to muster a military to enforce the alliances with other Great House outliers back when it was more popular to view Chaco as a much more communal religious pilgrimage location. He posited the Great Houses as elite spaces akin to palaces, with their displays of wealth and power and evident ability to organize vast amounts of labor to build them, and the Chaco Roads serving a similar function as Inca or Roman roads: allowing the ability to muster forces and move people and supplies across the landscape quickly. He interpreted elite control over exotic and valuable goods as evidence of a much stronger and more centralized control over the political sphere, and outlying Great Houses not as individual organizations mirroring and claiming Chacoan power for their own communities but impositions of a Chaco worldview from the Canyon as center. and this was even before the DNA study where we learned about matrilineal elites/rulers!
Genuinely can't tell how much he believes it, vs. how much it's the academic version of performance art where he' says's saying to the Establishment, "you wanna believe in hippy-dippy Chaco soooo bad. What if they were a state? What if they did rule by imposed hierarchical coercion? What if the outlying Great Houses weren't a voluntary alignment with Chacoan ideology but an imposition of it by force? Why do you think there couldn't be a North American empire? Does that challenge your ideas of Chacoans as peaceful religious noble savages too much?" He has a very well-written and thought-provoking chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Southwest Archaeology about the need for scientific imagination and narrative history. It begins like this:
A colleague once told me that it was impossible to write a narrative history of the ancient Southwest. So I wrote one. In my narrative (Lekson 2009), there were rises and falls, triumphs and tragedies, nobles and commoners, war and peace, cities and countrysides—tropes of history everywhere in the world—but these almost never appeared in scholarly accounts of the ancient Southwest. And that was the polemic of my history: American anthropological archaeology denies to Native societies north of Mexico any significant history (Lekson 2010). Just a few notable events, mostly natural: a drought here, a collapse there, a migration or two, and so forth—but no kings-and-battles history, nothing for narrative.
It's a political stance as much as it's an archaeological claim, and he has been annoying other Chaco specialists for decades with this.
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damistrolls · 2 years ago
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pov ur xuange and u just got done 'experimenting' with ur fellow scientist ;)
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linktheacehero · 2 years ago
congrats, Ace!!!!
hmmm.... for my request, I can't choose between the two, so I'll let you choose which to draw. Mulan Link simping for Sheik, or greek Zelink making out having their sweet first kiss.
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They’re so aaaaaaaaa
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solarspike · 1 year ago
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felix (grown up) and horse (grown up)
the horse's name is sodal because i like roadwarden c:
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beingcouy · 2 years ago
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Poor Garey is losing his mind.
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sunnetrolls · 2 years ago
Working on what? 🤨🔎 Exploring another man's body?
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"No? I have at least a dozen specimens I need to care for daily, what on Alternia--"
Someone speaks up from elsewhere in the room.
"Actually, I was doing most of the exploring."
You whirl around and presumably shoot him a Look.
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dimas-favorite · 8 months ago
It definitely would.
I actually have a fanfic in progress in which Seth (the main character), being an artificial human, will live a few centuries if not destroyed in battle because he cannot physically age. He has a romantic partner who is human, so finding out about his longevity throws Seth for a loop…
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lust-end · 2 months ago
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Very happy to own this :3
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thepastisalreadywritten · 7 months ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (August 27)
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On August 27, one day before the feast of her son St. Augustine, the Catholic Church honors St. Monica, whose holy example and fervent intercession led to one of the most dramatic conversions in Church history.
Monica was born into a Catholic family in 332, in the North African city of Tagaste located in present-day Algeria.
She was raised by a maidservant who taught her the virtues of obedience and temperance.
While still relatively young, she married Patricius, a Roman civil servant with a bad temper and a disdain for his wife's religion.
Patricius' wife dealt patiently with his distressing behavior, which included infidelity to their marriage vows.
But she experienced a greater grief when he would not allow their three children – Augustine, Nagivius, and Perpetua – to receive Baptism.
When Augustine, the oldest, became sick and was in danger of death, Patricius gave consent for his Baptis but withdrew it when he recovered.
Monica's long-suffering patience and prayers eventually helped Patricius to see the error of his ways, and he was baptized into the Church one year before his death in 371.
Her oldest son, however, soon embraced a way of life that brought her further grief, as he fathered a child out of wedlock in 372.
One year later, he began to practice the occult religion of Manichaeism.
In her distress and grief, Monica initially shunned her oldest son.
However, she experienced a mysterious dream that strengthened her hope for Augustine's soul in which a messenger assured her: “Your son is with you.”
After this experience, which took place around 377, she allowed him back into her home and continued to beg God for his conversion.
But this would not take place for another nine years.
In the meantime, Monica sought the advice of local clergy, wondering what they might do to persuade her son away from the Manichean heresy.
One bishop, who had once belonged to that sect himself, assured Monica that it was “impossible that the son of such tears should perish.”
These tears and prayers intensified when Augustine, at age 29, abandoned Monica without warning as she passed the night praying in a chapel.
Without saying goodbye to his mother, Augustine boarded a ship bound for Rome.
Yet even this painful event would serve God's greater purpose, as Augustine left to become a teacher in the place where he was destined to become a Catholic.
Under the influence of the bishop St. Ambrose of Milan, Augustine renounced the teaching of the Manichees around 384.
Monica followed her son to Milan and drew encouragement from her son's growing interest in the saintly bishop's preaching.
After three years of struggle against his own desires and perplexities, Augustine succumbed to God's grace and was baptized in 387.
Shortly before her death, Monica shared a profound mystical experience of God with Augustine, who chronicled the event in his “Confessions.”
Finally, she told him:
“Son, for myself, I have no longer any pleasure in anything in this life. Now that my hopes in this world are satisfied, I do not know what more I want here or why I am here.”
“The only thing I ask of you both,” she told Augustine and his brother Nagivius, “is that you make remembrance of me at the altar of the Lord wherever you are.”
Monica died at the age 56 in the year 387.
In modern times, she has become the inspiration for the St. Monica Sodality, which encourages prayer and penance among Catholics whose children have left the faith.
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the22ndcj · 8 months ago
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This is the sticker set I did for my indie novella's launch. Boy howdy, there are a lot of them. Made all in Inkscape in vector so I could export them at HUGE sizes without losing any details. Left to right: Bowen, Todd, Charlie, Laraine, (spoiler), Ashely, Sadie, Patrick, and (spoiler).
(Pst! I'm still moving over here from Instagram and Twitter. Hi! I'm CJ. I draw and write things. I drink a ton of coffee, I game, I ghost hunt. Yeah. That's me.)
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