#Socially Conscious Business
taikk0 · 2 years
#IVE ALWAYS PRONOUNCED T'S WITH MY TONGUE AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT ITS BEEN THAT WAY FOR SO LONG#BUT ONE DAY. I WILL PRONOUNCE MY T'S SO GOOD YOULL THINK IM A WHITE PERSON#WHAT SUCKS TOO IS THAT IM BILINGUAL WHILE ENGLISH IS MY FIRST LANGUAGE I SPEAK TAGALOG MOST OF THE TIME BECAUSE OF MY ENVIRONMENT SO I-#-HAVE NO PROPER WAY OF PRACTICING IT BC FILIPINOS PRONOUNCE T'S DIFFERENTLY BC OF THE LANGUAGE AND UNLESS IM IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING-#-SETTING THERES NO WAY IM GONNA BE ABLE TO PRACTICE CONSISTENTLY 💔💔#even worse i slur over my words all the time. i have a stutter. i have VERY frequent voice cracks and when i try to suppress them i sound-#-ver odd. PLUS ADHD#idk if adhd might be one of the causes or of it gets added to the pile but dude i actually need help 💀💀#but another problem is i dont think anyone would see the point in it#i communicate just fine its just that i have so much trouble communicating verbally (vocally?) in a way that isnt unnatural and in a way-#-that properly articulates what i want to say and how i say it. often i have so much trouble showing varied emotion to prove a point when-#-im referring or talking about something that isnt reactionary#LIKE DUDE WHY IS TALKING SO HARD 💔ALL PEOPLE CAN TALK WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH ALL PF THIS THIS SUCKS#which might be why i prefer writing what i want to say bc unlike talking the way i speak has nothing to do with it. i get given time to-#-think. and with an adhd brain writing what you want to say is so much better because typing it out involves the conscious decision to-#-type it all out and it acts as a filter#BLEFGGGH SORRY I KEEP BLABBERING ON THIS WSS SUPPPSED TO BE A SILLY LITTLE POST IDK WHY I WENT HAM IN THE TAGS#anyways umm yeah i dont like talking. i like communicating and maybe socializing tho. but not talking. does that make sense???#there r also times where i straightup cant speak at all. i want to speak and i want to say things but my brain feels too busy or ig blank-#-but not empty and i cant form words or sentences and all i have are thoughts and feelings#anyways i think asl is neat and i want to learn it not just for my benefit but also for accessibility#also filipino sign language if im up for it#man there is something wrong w my brain 💀#mikyomix rambles#yeah this one was a true ramble but only in the tags
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mainfaggot · 1 year
need someone to let me lie in their lap and listen to music with me and then we can cry and smoke cigarettes together
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brettesims · 2 years
I have so much Gratitude for my businesses :)
I am so blessed I GET to do this.
I celebrate my small win daily, I hope you do you!
Walk with me on this entrepreneurship journey and tune into Fempreneur Friday every other Friday!
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Crafting A Green Business and Marketing Strategy
Crafting a Green Business and Marketing Strategy: Charting a Sustainable Course In today’s world, the call for sustainable and eco-conscious business practices is louder than ever. Entrepreneurs are increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating environmentally friendly initiatives into their operations.  Crafting a Green Business and marketing strategy not only benefits the planet but…
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marketxcel · 8 months
Embracing Sustainability: A Necessity for Modern Businesses
Discover the crucial role of sustainability in the modern business landscape. Explore the necessity for businesses to embrace sustainable practices for long-term success and positive environmental impact.
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magic-astro-fae · 24 days
House Significations
1st House: Head/ face/ physical body, eyes and smile. Our identity. Others perception of us. Our birth. Birth marks/ moles and scars. Character. Perspective/ outlook. Beginnings. Ego
2nd House: Throat/ neck/ voice. Resources and personal values. Physical possessions. Self-esteem. Money/ income. Security. Cultivation. Substance
3rd House: Arms/ shoulders and hands. Communication style. Primary school. Reading/ writing. Intellect. Siblings and cousins. Immediate communities. Transportation
4th House: Chest/ breasts/ stomach. Family/ ancestors. Roots/ traditions. Private life. Home. Domesticity. Mother/ care taker. Foundations. Heritage. Comfort/ relaxation
5th House: Heart/ Spine/ Solar Plexus. Pleasure. Creativity. Romance. Children/ first born child. Self-expression. Humor. Leisure/ entertainment
6th House: Digestive system/ intestines: Healthcare/ wellness. Daily routines. Known enemies. Employment/ skills. Coworkers. Consistency. Strength/ courage
7th House: Urinary tract/ kidneys/ bladder. 1-on-1 relationships. Business partners. Marriage partners. Contracts/ commitments. Compromise. People/ things we attract and are attracted to
8th House: Reproductive system/ genitals/ anus. Secrets/ lies. Death. Judgement. Transformation. Debts/ taxes. Shared resources. Conscious fears. Instincts/ intuition. Occultism
9th House: Hips/ thighs/ liver. Ideology/ philosophy. Long distance travels. Expansion/ exploration. Knowledge. Spirituality. Foreign affairs. Belief systems. Culture
10th House: Bones/ skeleton/ teeth/ skin. Reputation. Public image. Occupation. Focus/ ambition/ motivation. Professional self. Government. Authority. Father figure
11th House: Circulatory system/ veins/ calves/ ankles. Group efforts/ charity. Friendship. Gifts/ help from others. Innovation. Technology. Social work. Wistfulness. Acquaintances
12th House: Feet/ lymph nodes. Institutions. Unconsciousness. Nightmares/ dreams. Psychic abilities. Karma. Self-undoing. Fears. Privacy/ refuge. Peace. Forgiveness
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eastsidemags · 1 year
Montclair Scholarship Fund Day
East Side Mags is proud to be a partner in this initiative and has pledged to donate 10% of our sales for the day to support the kids and the Montclair Scholarship Fund. Please also consider supporting and buying products from these other like-minded, socially-conscious and community-focused fellow businesses.
We have been and always will be about supporting our community. If we don’t help each other, who will? Much love.
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months
Groom Persona chart Observation ✨
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💖 1st house stellium in GPC means your fs maybe someone who is noticeable and stands out in social situations.
💖 5th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be an artist, musician, writer.
💖 7th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be attractive and socially adept, drawing others to them with their magnetic personality and charisma.
💖 Union (1585) in 1st house meaning meeting your fs while attending social events, gatherings, or parties where you can connect with new people/ professional connection/ shared interest.
💖 Union in 3rd house means you can meet your fs during short journeys or travels close to home.
💖 Union in 8th house means you may meet your fs in context where there is a shared investment and mutual dependency, such as through work, joint projects or shared social circles.
💖 Juno in Capricorn means your fs is known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. They may be highly driven and motivated to achieve success in thier career, personal goals and relationships./ Could be famous too .
💖 Juno in Sagittarius means they can be a foreigner, philosophical and open minded.
💖 Juno in Taurus means your fs may prioritise creating a stable and secure home environment and may value financial stability within the relationship.
💖 Juno in leo means your fs may be confident, outgoing and enjoy being the center of the attention in social settings., Creative, generous, romantic.
💖 sun in 11th house means your fs is likely to possess a charismatic and Magnetic personality within their social circles ,may value friendship highly and their social network may play a significant role in shaping their identity and opportunities.
💖 Sun in 12th house means your fs may be introspective and contemplative with a rich inner world that is not always readily apparent to others.
💖 sun in 6th house means your fs may prefer predictable schedules and organized workflows that allows them to efficiently manage their time and responsibilities., Possess strong problem solving skills and an analytical mindset.
💖 Juno / groom/ Venus in Sagittarius or 21°/9° or in Aquarius or in 9th /12th house means a Foreign spouse.
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💖 Venus in 5th - creativity, music/ art , your fs may have a strong desire for children or a nurturing instinct towards family life.
💖 Venus in 10th house - ambitious, successful, well liked , respected spouse.
💖 Fama in 1st / 7th house - could be famous spouse.
💖 POF in 4th house - fs may have a deep connection to their cultural background or family traditions., May have interest in real estate or property related work.
💖 leo rising means your fs may have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation.may carry themselves with Grace and poise projecting on air of authority and nobility.
💖 Virgo rising -Fs may be modest and humble , health conscious, possess a discerning eye and critical mind.
💖 Scorpio rising - fs may have mysterious allure and a penetrating gaze that leaves a lasting impression on those the encounter, have a rich inner world with complex emotions that run Deep.
💖 industria(389) in 3rd house - your fs career-
musicians, blogger, public relations, possess creative ideas, small business owner.
💖 industria in Libra - your fs career may be something with public relations or marketing, art or design, legal advocacy, or event planning.
💖 industria in Aquarius - you fs may be in technology or IT specialist, social activism , scientist or researcher, humanitarian work or international development.
💖 industria in Pisces - creative arts , healing arts , oceanography or marine conservation, healing arts , charity work.
💖 Industria in Aries - entrepreneur, may thrive in leadership roles , sales , marketing, or sports management.
💖 industria in Taurus - financial sector, buisness ownership, agriculture, horticulture, real estate, painting, sculpting or in music composition.
💖 industria in cancer -
Hospitality, home based business, psychotherapist, food blogger, art therapy.
💖 industria in gemini - social media influencer, journalist, writer, teaching profession, tour guide , hotel manager.
💖 industria in Scorpio -
- psychology and counseling, detectives, private investigator, forensic scientist ,holistic/ energy healer.
💖 Industria in Virgo - doctor, nurse , scientist, data analyst, , office manager, project coordinator, teachers, or instructors.
💖 industria in leo - actors , musicians, artist, brand ambassador, publicist, marketing manager.
💖 industria in Sagittarius - professors , researchers, journalist, media, philanthropy or in social justice advocacy.
💖 industria in Capricorn -
Buisness and management, politician, policy advisors , civil servants, lawyers, engineering, architect, judges.
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💖 Northnode in 7th house suggests that your relationship with your fs may have karmic significance., Soulmate placement.
💖 Northnode in 3rd house means your fs may play a significant role in facilitating your growth and development in the areas of communication, intellect and learning.
💖 Karma conjunct ascendent/ descendant - karmic relationship.
💖 your fs may share similar placement like your groom pc. Example - if your sun in Aries in GPC, they could have sun in their 1st house or at 1°,13° or 25°.
💖 Groom conjunct vertex - fated/ predestined encounter with fs. They may have a profound impact on your life and personal growth. they may serve as a catalyst for important experiences, growth opportunities and transfermetive changes is in your life .your relationship with them maybe characterised by depth, intensity and sense of spiritual or emotional connection.
💖 Groom conjunct Venus -
The conjunction of groom and Venus indicates are strong attraction between you and your fs. there may be a magnetic pull or chemistry that draws you together, fueling feelings of romance ,passion and desire. your FS may possess qualities that you find irresistibly attractive both physically and emotionally.
💖 your fs may be drawn to individuals who embody the qualities associated with the seventh House lord for example-
* if the 7th house lord is sun then your fs may be attracted to individuals who support their ambitions, encourage their creativity and contribute positively to their self expression. they may be drawn to partners who are confident, self assured and have a strong sense of individuality.
* if 7th house lord is moon - your fs desires a partner who can meet there emotional needs and provide a sense of comfort and belonging. they are drawn to individuals who are empathetic, nurturing and emotionally supportive. emotional intimacy is a priority for them in the relationship.
* if the 7th house lord is Venus -
Your FS values relationships highly and seeks harmonious and loving partnership. they may prioritise finding a romantic partner who complements their own sense of beauty and aesthetics. partnership is Central to their sense of fulfillment and happiness.
* if the 7th house lord is mercury - your fs places a high value on mental simulation and intellectual compatibility in the relationships. they seek a partner who can engage them in stimulating conversations and share their interest and ideas.
*if the 7th house lord is mars - your fs may seek a partner who can match their level of energy and enthusiasm and they may be drawn to firey and spirited individuals. they thrive on excitement and adventure in their relationships.
* if the 7th house lord is saturn - your fs value tradition and stability in relationships. they may have traditional views on marriage and may seek partners who share their values and commitment to building a secured and enduring Union.
* if the 7th house lord is Jupiter - your fs seeks meaningful and enriching connections in their relationships. they may be drawn to partners who share their values and aspirations who can inspired them to expand their horizons and pursue their goals with confidence.
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Thanks for reading ~💫
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
Short Notes on Ascendants ↑
Aries Ascendant: You are straightforward and direct with others. You jump into action without much thought and you can have strong conflicts with people. You are energetic and active (sexually too). You hate to rely on others. You can be aggressive and appear rough.
Taurus Ascendant : You are calm, quiet and a silent observer. You mind your business. You take care of your physical appearance. You are concerned about your own life and try to accumulate valuable possessions. You are strongly sensual but can be self indulgent too.
Gemini Ascendant : You are always moving, restless and appear younger than you are. You are nervous and anxious. You make a place busier than it is and interact with everyone. You gather information and pass it on to others. You are a friendly and flexible person.
Cancer Ascendant : You are sensitive and guarded. You appear shy and withdrawn. You try to connect with people but only after knowing they are safe. Your family and close friends is your priority. You are not too concerned about practical aspects. You can be moody.
Leo Ascendant: You light up any place you go to. You are someone who can make others notice you. You try to display your special and unique talents. You can also be dominating and make others feel inferior. You can be arrogant, proud and hurt easily.
Virgo Ascendant: You are shy quiet and reserved. You are ready to offer your service and help to others. You make others self conscious and may make them notice their faults and shortcomings. You are nervous, stressed and fidgety. Work and hygiene is important to you.
Libra Ascendant : You are charming, balanced, graceful and appear soft to others. You are receptive and make people feel valued and respected. You can also be shallow and vain. You make compliments to be in the good books of people. Relationships are everything.
Scorpio Ascendant: You are very observant and introverted. Your presence is heavy and you rarely allow anyone to cross you. Your personal power is significant. You make note of others behaviour and can strike at the right time. You can be sarcastic. You are very sexual.
Sagittarius Ascendant: You are buoyant, light and appear happy go lucky. You are always laughing and making people feel lighter. You are also shallow and may disregard emotions. You learn a lot from life experiences. Travel and physical adventure is important to you.
Capricorn Ascendant: You are serious and concerned with your own affairs. You are not too talkative and can only reply if required. You can feel a lot of burden but may not show it outside. You dislike needy people. You are self sufficient in all aspects.
Aquarius Ascendant: You can be quirky and have a eccentric personality. You rarely do what is most expected but may surprise yourself with something new. You are not too emotional and may be concerned with social issues more than personal affairs.
Pisces Ascendant: You are quiet, sensitive and self pitying. you can readily help people even if they don't request you. You sense other's difficulties and help them unconditionally. You are often disappointed with people but continue to trust them. You are gullible and weak.
For Readings DM
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d1xonss · 6 months
so ours babys a lil insecure bc of reader and his lil age gap he vents it to rick a little and since shes such a social butterfly literally talking and befriending everyone he gets upset and starts to think lowly of himself like theres younger men men who arent busy leading the community so they can spend all their time and affection on her blah blah he gets these crazy thoughts and she comforts him eases all his worries ):
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 6
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Angst/Fluff
✧ Word Count : 3.1k
AN ~ Aww sad:(( but we love Reader comforting Daryl, it's one of my favorite things to write. And an age gap too?? I love it. Hope you enjoy!
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“You’re ridiculous.” Rick spoke with a scoff.
Daryl’s eyes narrowed slightly at the man, not necessarily because of what he had claimed, but because it almost seemed like he hadn’t listened to him at all.
He already felt a little ashamed going to his friend in the first place to talk about how he was feeling, something the man rarely ever did. But that alone showed how desperate he seemed to be for any kind of advice, willing to put himself out there to express what had been going through his mind recently in hopes of some sort of reassurance.
He didn’t really know what had been going on with him recently, but ever since the group had made it to Alexandria, his insecurities slowly began to eat him alive. He started to take note of his appearance a little more, now that they actually had mirrors in the houses provided for them, seeing for himself how much older and tired he really was. It shouldn’t have bugged him as much as it did, but yet, it seemed to be all he thought about. And that constant loop of thoughts only traveled to another, thinking about how much living on the road seemed to age him, while the woman he was madly in love with stayed so young and beautiful.
She was absolutely perfect, not a single flaw, while he on the other hand had countless ones that he couldn’t seem to just get over and ignore. But that wasn’t the only aspect about her that seemed to cloud over his mind. She was quite the extrovert, making friends everywhere she turned as she was constantly radiating such a good and friendly energy. It even drew him in towards her from the start, falling victim to her charming personality. Though it wasn’t her kindness that made him a little more self conscious than before; it was the fact that a few younger men had obviously taken a liking to her natural sweetness ever since they moved here.
Now he knew that she would never cheat on him, the thought never even crossed her mind, but that still didn’t stop his jealousy from bubbling over to a point of no return. Wanting to beat the shit out of any guy who looked at her for just a little too long. He wasn’t blind by any means, and some of them had a hard time hiding the sneaky glances they were taking at his woman whilst she was just in her own little world.
Though the longer he seemed to stew over it for the months and months they had lived there, it made him start to wonder if maybe she would be better off with someone else. Someone a bit younger, more energetic, more outgoing. Someone that matched her personality better than he did. It was no secret that they were polar opposites, but he always imagined that they completed each other in a way, not even thinking twice about it. However, now that he had all the time in the world to think, it slowly started to consume him, thinking more about how he didn’t deserve her at all. But hell, maybe no one deserved her. 
The man then seemed to snap out of his thoughts, scoffing toward Rick who was looking at him with a small smile, “Man, m’ bein serious.” he grumbled.
“So am I.” Rick shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he tilted his head a bit at him, “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about man. You two are always attached at the hip, she loves you…I think you might just be in your own head about it.”
He sighed heavily as he thought to himself for another moment, his thumbnail in his mouth as he contemplated why he was confiding in Rick in the first place. At this point he had it in his head that the man was just telling him what he wanted to hear. “I dunno…” he eventually muttered in response.
Rick only shook his head, “You shouldn’t be so focused on this. You’ve always known how nice she is, everyone loves her-”
“Man, that ain’t the problem. I already told ya that.” Daryl interrupted with irritation in his voice.
“I know…I know.” he assured, “I guess I just don’t see the connection of how you came up with the idea that she suddenly deserves someone “better.”
The archer shook his head with a light scoff, “Seein her talkin with those guys…something kinda just clicked that she should be with someone more fit for her…” he trailed off for a moment, before pathetically shrugging his shoulders again, “I dunno.”
Rick honestly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Although, he could, he knew that Daryl sometimes got like this, thinking he didn’t deserve the things that he was given. But he never thought he would be standing here listening to him speak about how you would be better off with someone else. Anyone who even caught a glimpse of the two of you could easily see how in love you were with each other. He swore the sight could potentially make someone sick.
The man then cleared his throat, “Well…if you want to know what I think, I say you should talk to her.”
“Talk to her?”
Rick couldn’t help but laugh at how baffled he looked at the suggestion, “Yeah, talk to her. Besides, I think she’ll have a better chance at reassuring you about this than I will, she seems more fit for the role.” he joked.
But Daryl on the other hand scoffed, not exactly loving the idea, “This shit’s already embarrassing, why would I wanna bring it up to her? Didn’t even really wanna bring it up to you.”
“Thanks.” Rick said dryly before stepping closer to slap a hand on the man’s shoulder, “But just trust me on this, alright? You need to tell her how you’ve been feeling. Because if I know you at all, I know you want to keep this bottled up. But that’ll just make it worse and you know it.”
He was right. As much as Daryl hated to acknowledge it, he knew deep down he was right.
But that didn’t stop him from wanting to put it off every chance he got, pushing it into the back of his mind as he always seemed to do in hopes that it would just go away. Though he knew it wouldn’t, he couldn’t bring himself to want to think about it right now.
He went home later that night utterly defeated and clueless on how to even approach the topic in the first place. When the time dreadfully came around, how would he even bring it up? He was never good with words, especially when it came to something about how he was feeling. It was all just stupid and complicated in his mind, not knowing how to actually piece together the things he wanted her to know. But he knew he had to try.
The front door opened and shut with a small creak as he entered the house, kicking his dirty boots off to the side before he softly called out your name. But all was quiet, not a single sound of your voice calling back to him, to which he only assumed you were still out somewhere in the community. It wasn’t often you stayed out this late, but he silently knew that if someone needed the extra help, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The older man sighed deeply to himself before trudging up the stairs, wanting to get out of the filthy clothes he was trapped in before settling for the night, waiting for you to come home. He couldn’t ever really fall asleep without you there. He didn’t know if it was because he would always worry too much if you weren’t right beside him, or if he just physically needed your touch to relax, but it had to be somewhere in that ballpark. Perhaps both…definitely both.
He entered your shared bedroom with a tired huff, beginning to undo the buttons on his vest before folding it sloppily and setting it off to the side on the dresser. His hands then moved to peel off his dirty shirt that stuck to every part of his tanned skin, raising it over his head before throwing it in the hamper across the room to be washed. He ran his hands through his hair to get it out of his face as he crossed the space to get himself another pair of pants to sleep in, when suddenly his movements stopped short.
The tall, full length mirror that sat off in the corner quickly caught his attention as he saw just a brief glimpse of his reflection dancing behind the glass. He blinked a few times as he knew he shouldn’t look too close, knowing it was only going to add fuel to the already ongoing fire. But a part of him couldn’t help it, seeing as it was too late now that he had taken notice of a few new flaws he hadn’t spotted before. It was like some kind of sinkhole that he couldn’t escape from, looking over the things he hated the most about himself over and over again.
He slowly stepped closer toward the object even though he knew he shouldn’t, seeing himself a little more up close as the moonlight poured through the window just above him to illuminate his figure. His eyes scanned everything he could make out in the slight darkness, seeing the wrinkles that were now more prominent on his forehead. Seeing the dark circles under his eyes from the exhaustion and stress that had been weighing on him constantly. And seeing the scars that littered over his entire body.
The man nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of your soft voice from behind him, spinning around to see you standing in the doorway. Your eyes widened a little in surprise. Never had you recalled a single time where you had been able to catch him off guard, accidently sneak up on him enough to make his heart skip. He had always been aware of his surroundings, the man had the instincts of a goddamn cat. So to say you were surprised when he hovered about five feet in the air at your presence, would be an understatement.
You raised an eyebrow at him in slight concern, “You okay?” you asked softly as you approached him with hesitance.
Daryl’s stomach had plummeted to his ass, a heat rising in his cheeks from embarrassment as you caught him staring down at himself for a bit longer than usual. He swallowed thickly as he saw you walking further into the room, nodding a bit quickly, “Yeah…m’ fine.”
Though the way he spoke was far from convincing, his voice coming out a bit higher than usual, and the reassuring smile he tried to send your way being a little too forced for you not to realize. Your eyes narrowed toward him in slight suspicion as you came to stand right in front of him, taking in his appearance. There was something that was clearly circling his mind, you had noticed for far longer than he thought you did. But you always knew when there was something off about him.
You gently reached out to grab one of his hands in your own, “Come on…don’t lie to me.” 
He sighed softly, knowing that he should just bite the bullet and tell you, but he couldn’t bring himself to just yet. “Just…just had a rough day. That’s all.” 
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” you said with a slight shake of your head, watching as he furrowed his brows a little in question. “You’ve been acting off for weeks now, you really didn’t think I was going to notice?”
His eyes widened. Shit. 
A small smirk formed on your lips as you clearly saw that you had caught him in a little white lie. It was written all over his face. You squeezed his hand in reassurance, “I’m not upset…I just want you to talk to me.”
He knew he couldn’t avoid it forever, especially after Rick gave him that little wake up call earlier to just rip the bandage off. But he hoped he could put it off for at least a few more days, wanting a little more time to prepare the things he wanted to express to you honestly. Though he could tell just by the way you were looking up at him, that you wanted answers, and he couldn’t just ignore what was standing right before him.
He sighed softly as he looked at the ground for a moment, before slowly nodding his head, “Alright…” he started, not even knowing where to take this. “Look…maybe…maybe this ain’t workin.” he blurted without thinking.
Your eyes widened a little, “What?” 
Daryl’s eyes then grew as well realizing just how bad that sounded, quickly shaking his head, “No, no, I- I mean…that ain’t how I meant for it to sound at all.” he reassured, before taking another moment to collect his racing thoughts. “I’ve been…thinkin recently and…I ain’t gettin any younger. Hell, I feel like I aged five extra years just from bein out on the damn road for so long.”
You nodded along slowly, not really seeing where this was heading, “So?”
He sighed softly, “So…I’ve been thinkin bout how…maybe…ya deserve to be with someone a little more fit for ya. Someone younger than me…someone who can give ya what I can’t.” he spoke almost regrettably, like he dreaded even saying those words out loud in the first place.
The truth was, he never wanted to let you go, that was a knowing fact that didn’t need to be proved. But at the same time, he didn’t want to hold you back from a chance at a better life. One that you so clearly deserved.
But your expression seemed to soften drastically, now hearing his explanation out loud, it all seemed to click in your head. Why he had been acting off for the longest time, it was because he was just thinking too much about something that meant absolutely nothing. When you first noticed his odd behavior, you automatically assumed you had done something wrong without realizing. But now hearing it out loud, hearing how hurt he sounded, all you wanted to do was hold him and never let him go. Wanting to reassure him for the rest of your lives if you had to that he was truly the only man you would ever want.
A small huff passed through your lips, “Sweetie…that’s what this is about?”
Daryl shrugged a little in response, “Well…yeah. I’ve seen ya makin friends with a lot of the people round here…it just crossed my mind that…maybe-”
“Stop.” you said gently as you moved even closer to him, reaching up to give his arms a gentle squeeze, “Don’t say another word.”
His gaze softened as he stared down at you, regret filling him completely as he saw just how his words had affected you.
“I love you…so much.” you whispered as your gripped his arms a little tighter, “I’m not looking at anyone else…I don’t want anyone else. No one else on this whole damn planet would be a better fit for me than you. I don’t need some younger guy. I’m not even friends with them, they only come talk to me if they have a question about something. And most of them aren’t very bright.” you said bluntly, earning a small chuckle from him. “I just wish you had told me about this sooner.”
He bit his lip a bit shamefully, “I know…m’ sorry. I just thought…ya might be better off-”
“I won’t.” you insisted, “You’re all I will ever need…you hear me?”
A small smile grew on his face upon hearing that, knowing that you meant every word. Though there was still another thing hovering over his mind. “Even though m’ an old man?” he asked half heartedly, though a part of him was still serious.
You rolled your eyes a bit, “Just because you’re older than me doesn’t make you an old man.” you laughed softly, “But if that’s something you’re really worried about…I promise to stick around even when you’re eighty.” you winked.
His lip quirked up a bit in amusement as he reached out to place his hands on your hips, gently tugging you closer, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” you nodded, “You won’t get rid of me that easily.”
You then felt his thumbs start to rub soothingly along your hip bones, still a little unsure if this was truly what you wanted. To be with someone like him. “Ya promise?” he eventually asked.
You tilted your head a bit at him, “Come on…what do I have to do to convince you that I want this forever?”
The man was silent for a long moment as he thought to himself, absentmindedly still running his thumbs along your hips as he stared down at you. The truth was he didn’t really need anymore convincing than what you had already told him. Just by the small bit of reassurance you provided, he felt as though he was lighter, a weight being lifted from his shoulders knowing you were his. But still, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect time to make it even more official.
“Marry me.”
Your eyes widened a little in surprise, not expecting him to be so blunt let alone say those words to you at all. He never really struck you as someone who would want to get married at a time like this, but it’s not like you minded. As long as you were with him, that’s all that truly mattered to you.
Only now it felt as if the wind was knocked out of you, hearing him utter those words so clearly as if he meant it with his entire being. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit nervously, “Don’t joke about that, cause you know I will.”
He smiled down at you, shaking his head softly, “M’ serious.” he assured, raising one of his hands to run his thumb along your cheek, “Marry me.”
A lump began to form in your throat as you felt yourself get a little more emotional seeing how real this was becoming. Seeing how serious he was. He really wanted this.
“Okay.” you whispered with a small nod of your head.
His smile only grew, “Okay?”
You nodded a bit more frantically as a large smile broke out onto your face, “Yes…yes I’ll marry you.”
He chuckled, pure relief and happiness filling him completely as he picked you up in his arms, spinning you around lightly as you squealed in surprise. Though he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to seal the deal as he gently set you back down on your feet, kissing you deeply as he felt you hum into his mouth. A part of him almost couldn’t believe that you had agreed, wanting to truly be with him forever. But then again, with the way you looked at him, with the way you said yes with little to no hesitation at all, he knew. You were his forever.
~ Thanks for reading!
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twinsimming · 8 days
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Boarding Schools Skill, Career, & Trait Additions by Twinsimming 🏀🎶🏐🎻🎥
The boarding school feature from The Sims 3: Generations wasn't updated to include any new skills, careers, or traits from subsequent expansion packs, so I originally made this mod to fix that.
Then I realized that there were also some base game traits and careers missing, as well as most of the hidden skills, so I added those too!
This is a tuning mod that can be placed in your Overrides folder.
This mod requires The Sims 3: Generations.
Skill, Career, & Trait Additions
Additions are in bold.
Removals are struck through.
Prep School
School Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Charismatic, Schmoozer,  Genius, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Proper
Offensive Traits: Couch Potato, Slob, Easily Impressed, Inappropriate, and Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Logic, Writing, Charisma, Chess, Homework, Golfing, Social Networking
Recommended Occupations: Business, Political, Medical, Journalism, Writer, Education
Military School
School Traits: Neat, Handy, Good, Brave, Disciplined, Computer Whiz
Offensive Traits: Loser, Slob, Couch Potato, Over Emotional, Clumsy, Insane, Party Animal, Inappropriate, Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Homework, Logic, Athletic, Martial Arts, Handiness, Inventing, Scuba Diving
Recommended Occupations: Firefighter, Military, Law Enforcement, Criminal, Private Eye, Lifeguard, Inventor, Scuba Diver
Art School
School Traits: Virtuoso, Artistic, Dramatic, Charismatic, Photographer's Eye, Natural Born Performer, Savvy Sculptor, Avant Garde
Offensive Traits: Can't Stand Art. Couch Potato
Learnable Skills: Dancing, Club Dancing, Piano, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums, Painting, Charisma, Sculpting, Photography, Street Art, DJ Turntable
Recommended Occupations: Music, Stylist, Interior Designer, Nectar Maker, Painter, Photographer, Sculptor, Writer, Film, PT Film, Art Appraiser
Hippy School
School Traits: Loves The Outdoors, Artistic, Green Thumb, Vegetarian, and Environmentally Conscious, Good
Offensive Traits: Mean Spirited, Hates Outdoors, Snob, Evil
Learnable Skills: Child Cooking, Gardening, Cooking, Fishing, Inventing, Nectar, Science
Recommended Occupations: Science, Culinary, PT Bookstore Clerk, Fisher, Gardener, Inventor, Nectar Maker, Fortune Teller Career, PT Grocery Store Clerk, PT Mausoleum, PT Day Spa Specialist, PT Day Spa Receptionist
Sports School
School Traits: Athletic, Loves The Outdoors, Handy, Adventurous, and Disciplined
Offensive Traits: Loser, Slob, Couch Potato, Clumsy, Hates Outdoors, and Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Athletic, Handiness, Martial Arts, Foosball, Homework, Trampoline, Blocks, Golfing, Skating, Snowboarding, Ping Pong, Bowling
Recommended Occupations: Professional Sports, Law Enforcement, Criminal, Firefighter, and Sports Agent
Conflicts & Known Issues
Conflicts with any mod that edits the BoardingSchool xml file. This includes Madam Doofie's Higher Boarding School Costs mod.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3, s3pe, and Notepad++
If you like my work, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi 💙
Download @ ModTheSims
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astrolovecosmos · 1 month
Moon in the Houses: Your Mother/Parent
What House your Moon is in can give some insight into the environment around you and your mother or parent.
Moon in the 1st House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most likely highly valued their independence and individuality. They could have nurtured your individuality intentionally or unintentionally by being a role model. Was VERY present in your infancy and early childhood. Might have to work through a lot of their childhood trauma within the relationship with you. At times could act selfishly or put their needs first. Might be the first in the family to do something or break a cycle. Parent can have a lot of specific expectations for you.
Moon in the 2nd House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most may have been highly materialistic and/or focused on finances. This parent tried hard to build up your self-esteem or may have done things to harm it. Usually associated with being a stable parent or trying to build a stable environment for you. May have loved to take you shopping. Puts an emphasis on family values or their own values and teaching them to you. A lot of parenting or family struggles may revolve around wealth, property, and security. This parent can be incredibly resourceful.
Moon in the 3rd House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most was likely an intelligent, social, inquisitive, and maybe youthful or energetic person. Focused a lot on your education and learning as you grew up. Potentially an aunt or uncle or family friend may be very apparent in your childhood somehow or close to your parent. You and your siblings may have a strong connection due to this parent somehow. Taking care of siblings is associated in general with Moon in the 3rd. Your parent was likely a busy individual frequently attending to errands, social and family gatherings, your extracurricular activities, etc. Your parent at times may have given too much into gossip, rivalry, and keeping up with the neighbors. They could have been a major community member and might have cared a lot about what their community thought of you and their parenting. Moving around a lot could be apparent in your childhood too.
Moon in the 4th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most was/is very family focused. Tried hard to be the "perfect" mother or what a mother/parent "should be". Can prioritize maintaining family traditions. Is highly influenced by other family members in their parenting. Might be a private or introverted person or a homebody. Likely to have a nurturing, affectionate, and providing side. But may also be plagued by family cycles, behaviors, and traumas and could pass these on in their parenting. Could also be a big cycle breaker! The 4th House is the house of roots, ancestors, the past, what is hereditary, and cycles. This is going to be the stage set for your mother/parent.
Moon in the 5th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most might have a big personality, was/is the life of the party or fun-loving, or was/is very creative and talented. They may approach parenting in a big, passionate, generous, and vibrant way. Could be brave, playful, inspiring, and positive. They try to not let their parental responsibilities get in the way of what they enjoy. May try to get their child to enjoy or indulge in what they like. Can have a selfish side and may be intense, dramatic, or immature. May have always dreamed of being a parent OR find that being one interrupts their dream. Can get distracted by romance or their partner. Their romantic relationships could also have to revolve around them being a parent, putting their children first.
Moon in the 6th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most could be very health-conscious, may have health struggles, or maybe even work in healthcare. Might have worked a lot or focused on their job more so than family. Can be a big planner, very organized, and has their habits or routine. Might have concentrated on you getting a good education and getting into a good college or career. May have tried to influence your career choices. Might be good at networking and help you in that way. Could have been very critical of you, may have lacked in reassurance or affection, can be judgmental, and might have also been a materialistic parent. Could have been a huge animal lover or had a lot of animals around the house. Can be a very caring and supportive parent.
Moon in the 7th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most could have a very active social or dating life. May have done a good job of preparing your manners and social skills. This could indicate a parent that puts friendships and romantic partners over you. Could also indicate a parent that highly focuses on family relationships and dynamics in a one-on-one sense. For example they always made extra time to be with you, carved out date nights for them and their partner, or tried to make play dates for you or create bonding time for you and a sibling. With this they can also be a big fan of having family quality time, maybe game nights or always eating dinner together. Could have been an artistic parent or a parent that kept the house looking nice or well decorated. May have been a parent that focused on teaching peace, empathy, relating to others, and/or being nice. May have a shallow, vain, materialistic, and even selfish side.
Moon in the 8th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most may have had a hard life or you two may have gone through a lot of trauma together. This could be shared trauma or trauma they caused. May have a parent that is insightful, perceptive, potentially secretive or private, very self-aware, maybe empathetic or compassionate, self-sacrificing, but also manipulative or haunted. Can support your passions, feelings, and questions. Could have an intense bond with this parent in some way. Can be a parent that knows how to navigate darker elements of life and self and can be wise in this way. Might be a protective or controlling parent. May be an oversharer type of parent, despite any private or introverted tendencies.
Moon in the 9th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most could have been highly educated, career-oriented, worldly, or engrained in a religious community. Your parent could have come from a different country than you were born and/or raised in. Can prioritize your education, especially higher education. You two may travel a lot together. May make certain beliefs a major focus in their life, family, and parenting. Can promote spirituality, very specific morals, skepticism or questioning things, having faith in the self or something else, might share sacred or old wisdom from their family or heritage. Can struggle with a closed-mind, dogma, pride, impulsiveness, or recklessness. Can have a sharp tongue, be a scolder, or condescending. Can also be playful, funny, a little youthful or mischievous themselves, uses and encourages intuition, and is open minded.
Moon in the 10th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most may have been a workaholic, easily stressed, had a lot of responsibilities, and/or was in the public eye. Could have been a strict, controlling, or authoritative parent. Could have put a lot of pressure on a child to succeed by their standards or society's standards. This parent can be a great provider or aim to be one, can be protective, gives their kids plenty of recognition, and tries to respect their children but also teach respect. Can be very in tune on how to survive in their current world and society. Might have to do a lot on their own. Grandparents may be a big part of your life or your parent's life. Is likely a decisive, confident, and practical parent.
Moon in the 11th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most may have followed parenting trends or raised you in an unconventional way. Tends to encourage independence, curiosity, education, and dancing to the beat of your own drum. There can also be some who give into their peers and societal expectations of parenting, they might value being part of a community or society over what is best for their kids. Could have been emotionally detached, unaffectionate, and/or needed a lot of alone time. May have a lot of friends and still keep them a major priority even with children. Can help their child network. May play a big part in a community, or the opposite - be alienated from a community. Is associated with adoption. Is similar to the 5th House where having a child could have been their dream or interrupted their aspirations.
Moon in the 12th House: Your mother/parent/guardian who impacted your inner and emotional self the most was likely sensitive, empathetic, imaginative, easygoing, comforting, receptive, and intuitive. There was always something elusive or vague about them and their presence. This parent could have been involved in spirituality, religion, or mental health in someway. Their mental health could also be of great significance in your relationship with them and how they impacted you. Child may feel as if they have to take care of this parent somehow. This parent could have been institutionalized, a mystery, or passed away. Can have a sweet side but also a stormy one. Encourages child's emotional expression, sensitivity, intuition, spirituality, and creativity. May also be an enabler. Is associated with keeping family secrets or dealing with a lot of family karma somehow. Parent may reconnect with their own childhood or roots via their child. Could be a cycle breaker or make new family traditions.
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tiktaalic · 4 months
s1 dean: it's not gay to suck a dick or three or ten you're just making sure you're not gay
s2 dean: getting notes from my team that sometimes it is gay to suck a dick . i would like to formally announce that i never did that. and i never would.and also i'm masc. i'm masc. i'm literally masc.
s3 dean: too busy with dying to think about being gay i'm pretty sure.
s4 dean: really enjoying that cas is unaware of social norms so that dean can oscillate between preening when he teaches him how to be a man (+1 masculinity for being more of a man than cas +1 masculinity for being so much of a man that you can teach others how to do it) and. taking advantage of the no social norms thing to rationalize his OWN behavior with cas because he knows cas isn't going to call him on it not being normal which MAKES it normal because there is no one to refute that.
s5 dean: much of the same but there are now emotional stakes in play because they Are friends he is now Emotionally attached in a real way to this man he was engaging in one way gay chicken with.
s6 dean: mfw my brother tells me to be normal so i marry a woman. ratchets him all the way back to i have never liked a man and i never will.
s7 dean: very similar emotionally to endverse dean / s14 dean in my mind. kind of in the same place as s6 dean but crucially s6 dean was sad and wet and s7 dean is walled off and apathetic. attraction to men does not factor into his worldview.
s8 dean: he literally was in a foxhole with benny and got a spraytan and had a gay thing. this man begrudgingly puts one (1) rainbow ornament on his christmas tree after sending out christmas cards of him embracing another man while their gay ass dog sits at their feet. the sticking point HERE is "cas doesn't feel stuff like that".
s9 dean: We Cannot Get Into All That but. they literallyyyyyyyyy had to make cas sleep with a woman and get banished forever to sidestep The Implications. which are. dean winchester would fuck the gay angel given the FIRST opportunity. i'd probably fuck cas but my brother is dying so idrc about that rn. etc. this is a man who is conscious of his attraction to 1) men and 2) cas and WOULD act on it given the chance.
s10 dean: this is where it gets love triangle-y with crowley and cas. this is because dean DID fuck crowley and WANTS to fuck cas. textually. this is where he stands. moc dean has sex with men and doesnt care because hes normal. POST moc dean is like. the same sex attraction was a metaphor to show that i was evil and corrupted by the mark.
s11 dean: i'll be honest. i remember fuck all about season 11.
s12 dean: his mom is around which means he will not be out. this is also. iirc? where dabb gets his grubby little showrunning hands on things. which of course. means dabbification. which of COURSE. means destiel eating plain toast and raising a baby domestically. which. of course. translates to dean using cas as a girlfriend stand in. which. imo. is reflected in dean's mindset. like s12 dean is aware that cas is the most important person in his life, and he is not interested in deviating from that formula with a woman at all.
s13 dean: gay man realizing the love of his life is dead and he never said or did anything -> gay man whose love of his life comes back so he doesnt have to grapple with the consequences of never saying anything and they can jump back into pseudo relationship.
s14 dean: this is a gay man coparenting with a gay man and telling his father that he has a family. has accepted his fate as a life long ambiguous bachelor who lives with a man and sometimes sleeps in his bed nonsexually. very much dead inside staring down the barrel of throwing himself on a grenade does not have Time to push the boundaries of his relationship.
s15 dean: too many twists and turns to get into in the stinger of a post.
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Do you intend to make a post about stellium in the houses on the solar return chart ?
Stelliums in the Houses [Solar Return]
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1st House
A 1st House stellium in the solar return chart highlights a year of self-focus and personal development. You'll be driven to assert your identity, make changes to your appearance, or take charge of your life direction. This is a year to focus on self-awareness, personal goals, and how you present yourself to the world. Expect significant changes in how you view yourself and how others perceive you.
2nd House
A stellium in the 2nd House indicates a year of financial focus and re-evaluating your values. Your earning potential, material possessions, and financial stability will be central themes. You may be driven to increase your income, invest in new resources, or reassess what you truly value in life. This is also a year where your self-worth and how it relates to your material wealth will be tested and potentially redefined.
3rd House
When the 3rd House is emphasized by a stellium, communication, learning, and your immediate environment become pivotal. This is a year of increased mental activity, where you might take up new studies, start a writing project, or strengthen relationships with siblings and neighbors. The pace of daily life may quicken, with more travel, social interactions, and exchanges of ideas.
4th House
A 4th House stellium points to a year focused on home, family, and your emotional foundation. You might move, renovate, or invest more energy into your living situation. Family dynamics and your relationship with parents, especially your mother, will play a significant role. This is also a time for inner reflection, dealing with past issues, and strengthening your emotional roots.
5th House
A stellium in the 5th House brings creativity, romance, and self-expression to the forefront. This could be a year of artistic pursuits, new romantic relationships, or a stronger focus on children if you have them. Your desire for pleasure, fun, and taking risks will be heightened. You might feel a strong urge to create something unique or to fully express your individuality in a new way.
6th House
With a 6th House stellium, your work, health, and daily routines become the focus. You might take on new responsibilities at work, become more health-conscious, or make significant changes to your daily habits. This is a year where you are called to service, whether through your job, volunteering, or simply helping others in practical ways. Health and wellness practices may take on new importance.
7th House
A 7th House stellium in the solar return chart emphasizes relationships and partnerships. This could be a year of significant developments in your marriage, business partnerships, or other close relationships. Issues of balance, cooperation, and commitment will come to the surface. You might also attract new partnerships or face challenges that require diplomacy and negotiation.
8th House
The 8th House stellium brings transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological processes into focus. This could be a year of dealing with joint finances, taxes, inheritances, or debts. Intimate relationships might go through profound changes, or you may confront issues of power, control, and taboo subjects. It's a year for deep emotional work, facing fears, and perhaps a symbolic or literal rebirth.
9th House
A stellium in the 9th House highlights a year of expansion through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. You might be drawn to new philosophies, religions, or cultures, seeking to broaden your understanding of the world. This is a time to explore new horizons, whether through physical travel, academic study, or a quest for truth and meaning. Legal matters or international connections may also play a role.
10th House
With a 10th House stellium, career and public life take center stage. This is a year where your professional ambitions, reputation, and long-term goals come into sharp focus. You may receive recognition for your achievements or feel a strong drive to advance in your career. Authority figures, including bosses or even your own role as a leader, will be significant. Expect changes in your public image or career trajectory.
11th House
A stellium in the 11th House emphasizes friendships, social networks, and long-term aspirations. This could be a year where you play a more active role in groups or communities, or where you align yourself with causes and organizations that reflect your ideals. Friendships may become more important, and you could find support for your goals through social connections. Your vision for the future will be a central focus.
12th House
The 12th House stellium points to a year of introspection, spirituality, and dealing with hidden matters. You might feel the need to retreat, focus on your inner life, or confront subconscious patterns. This could be a year of letting go, healing past wounds, or dealing with issues related to confinement, isolation, or endings. Spiritual growth and self-awareness will be key themes, as you prepare for a new cycle of personal development.
I will post 'Stellium in the Signs' soon!
I hope this helps! ♥️
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
A glimpse at your FS
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Group 1
Channeled songs : Youtiful - Stray Kids, Mon Amour - GEMINI, Life goes on - AGUSTD Cards : 8 of pentacles, 2 of wands, Temperance, The Wildling, The Outlaw, Love
Lives at a distance from you, cultural differences, likes to travel for fun.
Apogender (doesn't relate to the notion of gender and has no defined gender, doesn't care about what gender people attribute to them) / genderfluid looks / unisex clothing.
Successful at their work place, feels like they can't be themselves at work.
Closed heart chakra, isn't ready to open up to other people.
Longs for deep connections, very sociable but always feels lonely, only has a small number of "friends". Has a very unconventional view of relationships and love or feels like they can't find their match romantically. Feels like an outcast.
Likes to go on long walks, enjoys spending time alone, tends to keep people at arms length.
Chris / Chan from Stray Kids vibes.
Possible meaningful locations : East Asia / Central Asia / Europe / North Africa / Latin America
Developped 5D connection, astral travelling, connecting through dreams or receiving messages from them at night because of time difference.
Very patient in relationships, longs for someone who can understand them but also call them out when needed.
Looks for fun and surprising connections in which they can feel safe and free to be themselves.
They want someone that will be loyal and trustworthy but will keep them on their toes.
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Extras : Sagittarius, Gemini, numbers 2/5/8/14, snakes, masks, knives, crosses, blades, cactus, steampunk, boots
Group 2
Channeled songs : Connected - Bangchan, Comflex - Stray Kids, Lose my breath SKZ version Cards : 2 of pentacles rx, The Star, King of pentacles, The Alchemist, The Seeker, The Explorer
Possible careers / hobbies : arts / influencers / modeling
Well established, possibly famous or at least people in their field look up to them. High status, very experienced.
High level manifestor, high achiever in all areas of life except for love. They have a lot of knowledge and a lot of skills but when it comes to love they're a noob.
Game of Thrones references, especially Jon Snow vibes ("You know nothing Jon Snow").
You are already aware of who they are and they are aware of your existence but they're either ignoring the signs or downright ignoring you. They're not ready and/or they're scared of the connection.
You both have been manifesting this connection. While you are expectant and wanting to move forward with them, they are freaking out because they were not expecting you so soon.
Their energy is all over the place. They're engaged in a lot of projects, events, activities. They don't have time in their schedule to have a love life on top of that.
You throw them off their balance because you're everything they could ever wish for and they were not expecting to be able to have their wish granted, because whether they want to admit it or not this person has been manifesting you and praying for you.
They have a flirty, social butterfly type of energy. They have been indulging in connections, looking out for their person only to find out that they weren't the one. They've done nothing but flirting. They noticed very quickly that this wasn't gonna work so they quickly gave up. They were a busy bee, flying from flower to flower, never really finding their kind of nectar.
They are very spiritual, though they are constantly working on their material life. They receive a lot of downloads from their guides.
A part of them doubts the connection. They feel like it's too good to be true. Also they're too conscious of the differences between you. They're scared of the public opinion.
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Extras : letters C/S/T, numbers 2/8/17, wolves, stars, crows, ravens, hands, bracelets and rings, compass, teeth, cranes, Aquarius, difference of status, overseas
Group 3
Channeled songs : Comflex - Stray Kids, Comfortable - H.E.R, Mon Amour - GEMINI Cards : Underworld rx, destruction rx, Speak truth, knight of cups, queen of swords, The Star
Recently got out of a dark night of the soul / depression.
Is learning to set boundaries and express their truth without fear of being rejected.
Very giving and fair person that only wishes to connect with and love people but life has given them a hard time. They find it hard to believe that people can be genuinely nice to them with no ulterior motive.
They tend to hide their emotional side more nowadays because they're afraid of being taken advantage of. They might be neurodivergent or struggle with ASD.
They are very feminine in their energy. They are deeply connected to their emotions to the point that it can often overwhelm them. They are deeply empathetic and sympathetic. They can sometimes feel other people's pain as if it were their own.
Highly spiritual, highly emotionally intelligent person but also very clever, witty, often sarcastic.
Huge Scorpio vibes.
Will Graham vibes.
Has a hard time being vulnerable with other people, struggles with the notions of intimacy and beauty. Yet, they're extremely beautiful inside and out.
Has a very clear and charming voice. Enjoys singing, chatting about their interests.
Possible careers / hobbies : psychic / healer / doctor / teacher / music / writing poetry / influencer / fishing / research / sharing knowledge
Lives at a distance from you, possibly near an important body of water.
Though they wish for romance, they're not really looking at potential partners and they don't put themselves out there. They're waiting for the right person to just show up out of nowhere, like some kind of white rabbit coming out of a hat.
They have the potential of being a very important public figure, maybe even being super famous but they don't believe in themselves enough at this moment to reach that potential. They're not really interested in fame but I feel it is part of their destiny. They're on their way to manifest greater success.
Alice in Wonderland vibes, only they're the Mad Hatter when people think they're the innocent and naive "little girl" chasing after rabbits. People tend to underestimate their power.
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Extras : Gemini, Aquarius, letters C / S, numbers 8/17, long hair, water, owls, hands, scars, wings, crosses, cranes, horses, swords, long and flowy dresses, jewelry
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manifestingdiana · 4 months
tam kaur quotes ౨ৎ
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🌷 it is your responsibility to make sure that your future self isn't regretting how you spend today
🌷 are you really going to let your mood control what your life ends up looking like?? no. so start prioritizing logic over emotion
🌷 you have to stop making decisions based on your current life and instead start pursuing the goals and routines of your ideal self
🌷 if someone is being disrespectful, you don't have to be angry in that situation. and guess what? you don't need to be hurt either. that is a conscious choice
🌷 next time everything gets hard remember it's life preparing you for the life you prayed for
🌷 just because you are going through a bad time right now, doesn't mean you're not gonna get a great ending
🌷 beauty is subjective. no one is better looking than me, they just look different
🌷 your past has no business here, it didn't get you to where you wanted to be so why are you still focusing on it??
🌷 you can decide who you want to be any day. as soon as you wake up you can completely reinvent yourself
🌷 the reason that you are so socially anxious is because of the story that you decide to tell yourself based on the feelings that you are experiencing
🌷 being hated on is a privilege. that person is taking time out of their day to think about you rather than themselves
🌷 the harder your journey is, the stronger you will become
ily, xo🧸
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