#poly!jily fanfiction
moonstruckme · 2 days
What about decorating for Halloween with poly!jily? Like pulling out decorations and putting them up and everything. You can totally ignore this if you're not feeling this since I know you're just trying out writing for them
Love you, Mae 🫶
Thanks for requesting babe!! Love you <3
cw: one slight suggestive remark (sorry I couldn't help myself)
poly!Jily x fem!reader ♡ 891 words
You’re taking a break, chewing on one of the pumpkin muffins you and Lily made this morning and watching your lovers squabble over the bats. 
“Right, but they’re meant to be flying,” says James, good-natured in his arguing and clearly enjoying getting your girlfriend riled. “If they’re stuck to the wall they’ll look like they’re only crawling up it.” 
“They’ll still look like they’re flying.” Lily’s standing with her arms crossed, one hip jutting out, glaring daggers at where James is holding the bats out of her reach. “But if you hang them from the ceiling they’ll be too spread about. This way they’ll look like they’re flying out from the chimney.” 
“So your plan is to make everyone think we have bats in our chimney?” 
“You’re being intentionally daft.” 
“Angel.” James turns to you, his smile poorly repressed. “Help me out here.” 
You lick a bit of cinnamon from your thumb, considering them. “If we hang them from the ceiling, you’re going to be the one who’s constantly hitting your head on them, Jamie.” 
Lily looks triumphant and James double-crossed, but neither of them can contest your point. 
“Can you put them up, please?” Lily pecks him on the cheek, smug with her victory. “I’m going to go hang cobwebs upstairs.” 
You go to help James, grabbing the stepladder on your way. 
“Traitor,” he mutters as you set it up beside the fireplace. The kiss he gives you doesn’t bespeak any true disdain.
You hum against his lips, pushing the hair off his forehead to lay your hand over it fondly. “Your head will thank me.” 
James chuckles and steals another kiss. You let him divert you for a handful of seconds before saying, “Pass me a bat?” 
He does, and you hold it up to the wall. 
“I’m thinking we can put a few of them from here down to the fireplace, and then spread out from there. Yeah?” 
“Yeah…” James watches you pick up a nail and hammer from where he’d left them on the mantle, brows furrowing. “Be careful, lovie.” 
“I can handle tools, James.” 
“I know, but just—” he winces as you tap the hammer against the nail “—watch your fingers.” 
“I am, relax.” 
James does not relax. Though you do the first few bats with no trouble, he flinches each time you bring the hammer close to your fingers. Once when you have to hit the nail a bit harder, you hear a frightened hiss from behind you. 
It’s impossible to resist teasing him when he gets like this.
When you start on your fourth bat, you intentionally hit the nail with just a bit more force than necessary. 
“Shit!” James is on you in a second. You cradle your hand close to your chest where he can’t see it. “Baby, let me have a look. Did you break it?” 
“Ah, shit.” You keep the corners of your mouth firmly downturnt, wishing you could will tears to your eyes to put on a real show. 
James takes the hammer from you, setting it down without tearing his eyes from where you’re holding your hand. The look of distress on his face is so heartbreaking you can’t help yourself anymore, a grin breaking out over your face. 
“Sorry, I’m only messing with you.” 
James’ mouth drops open, the second look of betrayal you’ve received from him today. 
“Oh!” He gawps at you. “Oh, you are in so much trouble. You’re in for it later.” 
You feel your grin widen. “You promise?” 
James shakes his head at you. “Minx,” he whispers. 
“What’s going on?” You hear Lily coming down the stairs. You turn, eager to tell her about the joke you’ve just pulled on James, but when she emerges her eyes widen in horror. “What are you doing?” 
“We’re putting up the bats,” you say. 
“Oh my god.” She rests her forehead on the banister, delirious laughter spilling out of her. “We’re never getting our deposit back.” 
“It’ll be fine,” you promise. James goes to collect her, tugging your overwrought girlfriend the rest of the way downstairs and tucking her under an arm. “I’ve already bought spackle. How did you think those pictures were hanging in our room?”  
This doesn’t appear to help matters. Lily’s lips part in realization. “With command hooks,” she murmurs, almost to herself. But she seems to shake it off, marching over to you and commandeering the hammer and nails. “Sweetheart, you’re going to hurt yourself.” 
“That’s what I said!” James agrees vehemently. He reaches for the hammer. “Here, I’ll do it.” 
Lily holds it well away from him. “You’re just as likely to hurt yourself. Haven’t either of you ever heard of tape?” 
You frown, stepping down from your stool. “Seems like a lot of plastic waste.” 
Lily rolls her eyes at you, smiling. “I know,” she says, cupping your face to press a kiss to your cheek. “And I’ll apologize to the environment personally, but that’s my trade-off for having two sweethearts with all their fingers.” 
“Are you hearing this?” James is aghast. “She’s saying she would love us less if we didn’t have ten fingers! How cruel is that?” 
But Lily’s laugh twinkles through you like starlight, and she’s wrapping her arms around your waist, and you’re nothing if not easily plied with affection.
“James, you’re being intentionally daft.”
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ellecdc · 5 days
Do you think you’d ever be interested in doing a poly!jily x reader fic? I love your work and think you could come up with a lot of fun things with it. Like maybe where lily is acting how James did with her but towards the reader and James is ever so amused with it
this was such a cute prompt! thanks for your patience as I waited for the right idea for it! xx
poly!Jily x fem!reader who is the latest victim of Potter level affections [884 words]
CW: fluff, reader is maybe a little feisty? but we love her for it
“What in Merlin’s name?” Sirius whispered in disbelief as he approached Lily and James in the library; the table they were currently occupying was nearly overflowing with pink poster board, glitter, and an array of charmed flowers clearly pilfered from the greenhouses.
“What are you two up to now?” Remus asked as he cautiously pulled a chair that was free of ribbon and lace.
“Preparing for my N.E.W.T’s, can’t you tell?” Lily retorted, the small quirk of her lips was the only proof Remus got that her words were in jest before her tongue stuck out between her teeth again as she tried to tie a difficult bow.
“Jamie, can I borrow your finger, please?” She asked around an exasperated sigh; James appeared all too eager and willing to oblige. 
“It’d be my honour, m’lady.” He offered with a saccharine smile. 
Lily shook her head at him but smiled nonetheless as she completed her bow.
“Right, so, back to my earlier sentiments; what in the buggering fuck is going on here?” Sirius spat, not nearly as careful as Remus had been as he dumped various craft supplies onto the ground to free up a chair for himself. 
“Yeah, who are you trying to woo now, Prongs?” Remus taunted, earning him a snort and a head shake from James who never removed his lovesick gaze from Lily. 
“This is all her.”
“Evans!?” Sirius beseeched. “Who are you trying to woo!?” 
“We’re both” Lily corrected as she offered James a half-hearted glare “pursuing Y/N.” 
“Y/N? Didn’t an owl deliver her a box of chocolates just yesterday?” Remus asked.
“Those were from us.” Lily replied, her focus steady on the craft in front of her.
“And a bouquet of flowers the day before that?”
“And the howler that simply played ABBA’s Take a Chance on Me?”
“What is your point, Sirius?” Lily harrumphed as she stepped back to admire her creation.
A mischievous look took over Sirius’ face that Lily didn’t notice on account of her attention being solely dedicated on her current task of wooing you, but had Remus bracing for impact.
“Say, Prongsie, what was the first box of chocolates you sent to Evans in your attempts to pursue her?”
“The toffee flavoured truffles that I saw her eyeing at Honeydukes!” He responded quickly, and Remus watched as Lily’s brows furrowed. 
“Right, and how many bouquets of lilies did you send her?” 
“Uh huh.” Sirius drawled. “And, remind me, what song did you send Lily via howler?”
“Lay All Your Love on Me!”
“And tell me, Evans, where’d you get all this?” He asked as he pulled a string of lacy ribbon between his fingers only for Lily to rip it away from him.
“From James’ trunk. Stop touching it!” 
“Oh gods, you’re just as bad as he was!” Sirius cackled, and Lily turned to look at James who was simply smiling at her.
“I…I am not as bad as he was. I- …he was such a toerag!” 
Sirius snorted. “Then that makes you a toerag-ess.” 
Lily looked like she was reaching for her wand to hex Sirius for his shite, but James grabbed her wrist and brought her knuckles to his lips for a kiss before she could manage to. “Don’t worry, Lils. You came around eventually.”
“Six years later.” Remus chuckled under his breath, though he immediately regretted it when Lily’s horrified face whipped towards him.
“Six years later!? It took me six years!?” She nearly shrilled. “We don’t have six years! We have months!”
“No one can deny you, my beautiful Lily flower.” James cooed as he rubbed his thumb over Lily’s knuckles.
It looked like his attempt at placation had almost worked before Lily noticed you walking by.
“Wait! Y/N!” She shouted, nearly tripping over various ribbons and boxes of craft supplies as she hurried after you. “Did you get the chocolates we sent you yesterday!?” 
“You guys are so hopeless.” Sirius muttered, earning him a small chuckle from James, though he never got a chance to respond.
“Potter!” You hissed as Lily forcibly led you towards their table with her arm around your shoulder. “This goes against every feminist urge in my body, but would you control your woman!?”
James simply rested his chin on his hand as he gazed at the two of you. “I wouldn’t dream of it, angel.” 
Realisation seemed to dawn on you as a group of fifth years walked past whispering “oh Merlin. It’s happening again.” 
“You’re kidding me.” You deadpanned as Lily smiled and pressed her nose into your cheek.
“There’s nothing funny about our feelings for you.” James responded earnestly.
“Well,” Sirius cut in, “it’s kind of funny.” He countered, nodding his head towards the table that looked as though cupid himself had thrown up on it. 
“Oh, like you haven’t sent Lupin a howler or two of your own, Black.” You sneered, causing Remus to choke on the sip of water he’d been taking and Sirius to gawk at you in surprise. 
“Where do you find these birds, James?!”
James simply let out a dreamy sigh as he beamed at you. “Heaven.” 
And by Lily’s effervescent smile pointed directly at the side of your face, Remus could tell she more than agreed with that sentiment.
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girlbooklover555 · 6 months
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=͟͟͞͞Masterlist ⚰️ 🕯✒️
↱ Guide :
all posts with this symbol are in the new content 'style' : ❥
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Jegulus x fem!reader shortly
Wolfstar x fem!reader shortly
Jily x fem!reader shortly
Jegulily x fem!reader shortly
Poly!marauders x fem!reader (withoutpeter) shortly
No specific category : Memes? bad?
Regulus Arcturus Black ✒️ ⚰️ 🧜‍♂️.
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• Take courage, Regulus Arcturus Black!
• Cold hands... < Mini ticket + moodboard
❥ • His lips were not innocent
❥ • hogwartsgram [Regulus Arcturus Black version]
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James Fleamont Potter 🥍 ⚰️ 🦌
• Short moment with james?
• 'He was cute, he had very messy brown hair. Cute cute cute!' This post was the prologue to a series that was ongoing, but was cancelled. If you want to read it as a single post, feel free, but the ending is left open.
❥ • hogwartsgram [James Fleamont Potter version]
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Remus John Lupine 🐺 ⚰️ 🍫
❥ • "Will I get my chocolate medal?"
❥ • hogwartsgram [Remus John lupin version]
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Sirius Black 🚬 ⚰️ 🐕
❥ •hogwartsgram [Sirius Black version]
❥ •"Jily routine"
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have a "✩ Star" for Marauders Era please 💐I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I'm okay with Poly!Marauders. I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra also a Slytherin. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, and distant. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother. -🧠
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose form &lt;3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
Hey darling! I soooo ship you with Regulus Black. When you two first met, he didn’t know what to make of you, the shy new Slytherin kid. The shyest in your group, he noticed that easily. But there was something about you that sucked him in. Even if whenever your eyes crossed in the common room you would just stare at him for a second and then turn your head, not even making a single expression, nothing.
He was the first to approach you, but he didn’t try to talk to you, in fact, he just walked closer to you as he spoke to Barty, he had realized you liked to listen to what people might have to offer before exchanging a word with them. Barty had tried to talk to you several times before, but you hadn’t replied, so he thought of you as a very rude person. But that day, when Regulus asked if you could pass him something, and you replied with a sweet “sure, here you go,” he was shocked.
“So you can talk?” Barty teased.
“Leave them alone,” Regulus had warned him, with an icy stare, bordering on a threat. Barty had shut up in an instant and he never dared bother you again.
Your friendship with Regulus had developed slowly, you appreciated how he always noticed whether you were presenting as a girl or a boy, and used the correct pronouns with you. It was sweet, and it made you trust him even more. He once invited you to Hogsmeade, and the two of you walked together through the crowded areas, shying away from them and deciding to walk inside an antique store instead. There he purchased a necklace that had caught your eye. You found it laying on your bed, inside a box with a note inside.
There’s something about you that I just can’t put my finger on, there’s nothing like spending time with you, talking about anything and everything like we do sometimes… I enjoy walking with you and looking at you while you’re so focused on getting the strokes of a drawing right, when you’re too preoccupied with getting the seam of a garment to look perfect, or even when you’re just staring at the fire like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. Thank you for being a part of my life (Y/N). -RAB
You smiled, a little giddy after reading such sweet words, and you knew they were true, you had seen the way Regulus looked at you, you weren’t blind, but you had also noticed how respectful he’d been about his admiration, how he’d retracted his hand after reaching out for you several times, as not to startle you, He had watched you, learned your boundaries, and he stuck to them like they were the most important rules on earth.
“I loved your note,” you told him when you saw him again after that. “I also really like spending time with you, It’d be lovely to do it more…” you told him, a little smile developing on your lips.
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A/N: Hey hun! I really hope you enjoy this little ship, I read your little prompts and it absolutely screamed Regulus to me, btw I hope I didn't write anything triggering, I tried to be extra carful <3
Side note, I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to deliver this, it's been like a week I know, but I've been working on Gilded Constellations and also a new episode of The Five Senses (that will be dropping later today), bedsides my day job getting a bit heavy on the workload, so it's taking me a bit longer than I expected to deliver the "400 Follower Celebration" gifts. But rest assured, they will all be delivered, I promise.
Much Love, Lilly xx
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fruityfrogee · 2 years
I love how I thought how clever I am for thinking of a new ship but then algorithm started working and I found out that the ship already exists and is quite popular, I just never heard of it.
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Marauders and Lightning Era Masterlist
started - 08.13.2024
last updated - 09.07.2024
Total Finished works - 17
WIP- 3
Reqs: Open! Can be as specific as you'd like, or as vague as Youd like! i write both xreader and canon x canon. all LGBTQ forms of requests are welcome!
All triggers and small summaries listed in the fanfiction
Matured audience advised
-We'll Heal Together (Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort) 13/? parts Remus Lupin/Sirius Black x Reader
Part 1-9 can be read as a standalone.
Summary: Harry Potter grew up without the warmth of a family he should have known. A father in James Potter, a mother in Lily Potter, a God Father in Sirius Black, and an uncle in Remus Lupin. Oh, and let's not forget, a godmother in {Y/N} {L/N}
Alt Summary: Starts at the end of Chamber of secrets and into the Prisoner of Azkaban with the first chapter, Harry meeting his father's old friends, and starts learning the fate of {Y/N}, who has long since been presumed dead. there seems to be more of a story hidden behind her disappearance, and in turn, her reappearance.
-Poly!Marauders+Lily x Fem!Reader - Zombie Apocalypse Au
Part 1 Summary: You find a group of survivors who could really use your help} Part 2 Summary: Someone had been hiding something fatal} Part 3 Summary: Reader has sometime with Remus, before she is sent out alone with Sirius}
-Jily x Slytherin!Reader
Part 1 Summary: An interesting situationship with Jily}
-Spoiled Brat (Pt 1?) (Lil Angsty, +18, fluff)
Summary: When your escapism over the summer turns a bit more real, as you fall in love with a half blood your father would never approve of}
-Think like a Lupin (Angsty, lotta angst, happy ending! fluff +18)
Summary: Your parents are planning to marry you off the second after you graduate, but after an unfortunate encounter with a werewolf, plans change.
-Break a Leg Not My Heart (Some angst, mostly light hearted fluff)
Summary: You get hurt during Quidditch practice and Remus doesn't leave your side. Friends to lovers.
-Meeting Royalty (Fluff, Suggestive)
Summary: Meet cute but make it royalty}
Part 2
-Too Late (Angst, no comfort)
Summary: Remus comes to terms with a love lost to his own insecurities.
-Fall in Love in a Night (A lil angst, basically just a fluffy fluffy love story)
Summary: College AU, Muggle AU, James falls in love with the some of the worst parts of you }
-Fix it Yourself (All the Angst, lil comfort) +18
Summary: Falling in love with James Potter was a whirlwind affair full of lies and heartbreak. Everything comes to a head when he asks you to fake date someone so Lily will give him a chance.
-Casual (Angsty, fluff at the end) +18
Summary: Sirius falls for his most recent hook up, and she refuses to cave to what she wants}
-Fix it Yourself (All the Angst, lil comfort) +18
Summary: Falling in love with James Potter was a whirlwind affair full of lies and heartbreak. Everything comes to a head when he asks you to fake date someone so Lily will give him a chance.
-Invisible (Lil Angsty, basically just fluff) Blurb
Summary: Reader is a bit of a punk like Sirius, with Remus's insecurities. She doesn't believe she deserves a girl like Hermione. No real plot just Angst straight into fluff
-But daddy I love him (Lil Angst, fluff)
Summary: Harry finds out his sister is dating Mattheo Riddle Ft. James, Lily, Remus, Sirius - No war au }
" Dinner Party " (Pt 2)
Summary: The Potters throw a dinner party; Mattheo meets the family} Wc- 4142
-The boy I knew {Sneak peek}
Summary- When Barty knew love
-The Boy I Knew {Part 1} (Angst, Fluff, +18)
-Traitor (Fluff, Angst) wip
Summary- The four times he should have said love, and the fifth time he lost his chance.
-Monarch butterfly (Hurt/comfort) wip
Summary- Monarch butterflies only live for up to six weeks. Their life brings an unspoken joy to the people who witness it, a peaceful feeling to the life that last so much longer then their own. They bring smiles to the faces of children, they bring good luck for those who choose it, they bring so much value to lives they will never truly be a part of. Your butterfly was, and always would be, Regulus black.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Sam, sometimes I get so traumatized by searching simple requests on AO3 and getting the weirdest shits.
Like… I was searching for a „Harry Potter& James Sirius Potter“ fanfic with some „Fluff, Angst and comfort“ and the first thing that showed up was an explicit Fiction with Harry doing the devils tango with James S. (Without any of the tags that I put on the search bar????) Than I changed it with „Albus Severus Potter&James Sirius Potter, Brothers, Fluff, Family“ and… again… incest🫠
And it went on and on… James Fleamont Potter/Harry Potter, Lily Lu/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Harry Potter, Harrys Parents/Harry,… Dumbledore/Harry (I just searched for Albus and Harry. Some fix it. I don’t even know what I wrote wrong)
Only cursed Ships🫠 Is it maybe a bug?🫠
I am not long on AO3, read all my fav fics on ff.net by reddit recs and started reading AO3 much later.
Do you know how to block such weird and disgusting shits on AO3? And on Tumblr too?
Tumblr recommended me so many Wolfstarbucks (Poly James/Sirius/Remus) and so many Jegulily (James/Lily/Regulus) fanart and it doesn’t matter how many times I blocked it, it still recommends me that🫠
I am just 20🫠
I FEEL you but I am the worst person to ask this question because I am old. I legit exclude a bunch of tags and STILL can’t find anything I want to read because it’s weird shit. So I don’t go looking for fics anymore.
I really rely on recs from trusted Hinny authors or readers.
A good place is to go on the tumblrs of the authors you know you like and see what they recommend. Changes are, you’re gonna like what they read because it’s probably similar to what they’d write.
Another great place is the Ginny’s Lovers Discord. It’s a discord dedicated to Hinny lovers. They are so friendly over there. There’s a thread? (see I’m fucking old) where it updates whenever selected authors post. So sometimes you get things you don’t want to read or from different fandoms because the author used to write Hinny, but I have put a lot of stuff on my TBR from there. But I’m weird because I can’t read a bunch of WIPs at a time because I forget what’s happening so most times I just wait until a story is finished to read. I only keep one WIP at a time (that updates fairly consistently) but I constantly check the fanfiction updates tab there so I can see what stories are still posting and not. You can also ask for recs on different CHANNELS (is that what they’re called?? See how fucking incompetent I am??) with something specific and those amazing people always come through. While I’m not very active on there because social anxiety, they’re all super nice and helpful and may help you find stuff you want to read.
Other than that, ask your favorite authors on tumblr what their favorite stories are or what they’re currently reading.
Make friends in the fandom and read what they read. @funbunnypotter26 is an AVID reader of all things Hinny and Jily. She’s my sister from another mister. She knows exactly what I like and don’t like and she sends me recs ALL THE TIME. Everyone needs a friend like her because she just knows how to find the gems. What is your secret?!?!?
But those are my suggestions. I hope that helps!
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quindolyn · 4 years
Better Kisser Part 2 || James Potter and Lily Evans
Request: “istg i need a fic or a blurb or something about being in a poly relationship with lily and james...after reading Better Kisser it’s all i can think about 😭” -anon
“hiii !! first of all, i love your writings they’re so amazing honestly !! could you maybe write something with hot lily from “better kisser” ? i’d love it if it was both sensual and fluff :) thanks so much if you ever do something like that! hope you have a nice day/night!“ -anon
imagine a part two to better kisser but like smutty bc Lily starts bragging about how she thinks she’s better at other things since she’s the better kisser so they make it a competition over who can like... get the reader off fastest... and then it’s like a competition to see who can get her off the most...
good ideas here right...? N E ways love u bestie <3″ -anon
Word Count: 4,752
Notes:I got three separate requests for this so obviously y’all wanted it and I want to write it. This is smut! I could also do headcanons on Jily x reader and even if you guys don’t request it I’ll probably still write them because it sounds like fun.
Warnings: poly sex, jily x reader, dom!James, dom!Lily, sub!reader, LIly’s a sex god, prove me wrong, they’re both cocky as fuck
Part 1
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Lily Evans was the stars, she was mesmerizing and mysterious. Just as they decorated the night sky, accentuating the darkness through their beauty she too brought out the best in those around her without dulling any of her own shine. She was sly smiles and gentle touches, slender pale fingers and long, swishing red hair. She was wondrous and beautiful, complex and absolutely gorgeous. Lily Evans, she was the stars.
James Potter was the sun, he was bright and glowing and impossible to ignore. James was messy black hair, and goofy grins, strong hands and bear hugs. He attracted all of those around him, sucking them into his gravitational field, giving them purpose, warming their souls. A centering person when the rest of their lives were crazy and unpredictable and scary. James Potter, he was the sun.
Where Lily was understated and controlled with her witty remarks and sharp quips James was loud and boisterous, trying to get the biggest reaction out of people. Where Lily was calm James was chaotic. Where she was focused on her end goal he was everywhere, practically bouncing off the walls.
Together they were perfect.
And somehow they were yours.
One thing was for certain, Sirius Black was an upright prick, and you owed him, bigtime. If it weren’t for Sirius Black you would’ve never kissed Lily Evans on a dare. You would’ve never kissed James to satisfy his curiosities. You wouldn’t have spent weeks exchanging tense glances with the two, holding your breath whenever one of them so much as sat down one seat away from you in the Great Hall. Lily would’ve never found you, hiding away in the common room in the wee hours of the morning, pouring over your Transfiguration notes preparing for your test the following morning, or rather later in the day. She never would’ve brushed the hair out of your face with her elegant fingers, nails painted in a berry shade, complimenting her pale skin. She never would’ve told you that you really needed to go to bed, she never would’ve leaned down, meshing her lips with yours, allowing you to answer that question that had plagued you after you kissed Lily. 
What did her lips taste like when she wasn’t drunk?
The answer?
Well at that moment, morning breath. Which brought a new question to the forefront of your mind, what did she taste like when she hadn’t just woken up in the middle of the night?
It didn’t take long for you to find out the answer. She’d brought you up to bed, her hand clasped with yours, telling you that she and James wanted to talk to you in the morning resulting in you tossing and turning all night in anticipation of the conversation that would take place the next day.
If it weren’t for Sirius Black you never would’ve had that conversation with James and Lily by the Black Lake. You never would’ve even had the opportunity to accept their offer not to join their relationship but to start a new one, with all three of you. You never would have never learned what Lily tasted like, it was maple syrup and cherries by the way.
If it weren’t for Sirius Black you wouldn’t be sitting in your dorm room with the two of them, skimming over notes for your potions midterm. Well you and Lily were looking over your extensive notes, James on the other hand was sitting behind you, pressing kisses to the side of your neck.
You hissed as he dragged his teeth over a bruised spot on your neck, sending ripples of both pain and pleasure through your body, leaving your fingertips tingling, dying to get themselves on his skin.
“Aw, baby,” He cooed in your ear as he registered your reaction, it’s not as though he could’ve missed it, not with your back pressed flush against his chest, “You a little sensitive there?”
“Come on Jamie,” You giggle trying to hide your neck from him, pressing your ear to your shoulder, “You already know I am.”
James slipped his rough, strong fingers under your jaw, using them to lift your head back up, away from your shoulder, “Don’t hide from me darling, wanna see the marks I left on you.” He returned his lips to the same spot on your neck, lapping slightly at the purple mark with his tongue.
Lily snorted from where she laid on her stomach a couple inches away from you on the same bed that had been transfigured to accommodate all three of you.
“What’s so funny Lils?” James inquired, peeking up from the delicate skin covering your thrumming pulse.
“Nothing,” She sang, twirling her pen in between her fingers, her feet hanging lazily in the air, “I just think it's funny you think you left that mark on her.”
“Well I did,” James said plainly, obviously not amused by Lily’s comment, “Didn’t I poppet?” He asked, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear.
You ducked your head, trying to hide your wide eyes and heated cheeks from the two of them. 
“It’s okay (Y/N),” Lily cooed, setting her quill down in her book, marking her page as she closed the book, dropping it onto the floor, “You can tell him it was me who left that, his ego can take it.” She held eye contact with you for a minute, managing to keep a straight face before a smile broke out across her lips, chuckles erupting from the soft cushions of her lips, lathered in a light pink gloss, “Okay, it probably can’t but that shouldn’t stop you baby, Jamie needs to remember that he’s not the only one who can make you feel good.”
“I know I’m not Flower, but I left this one, I can tell, it's one of the darker ones.” And he was right, the entire left side of your neck was littered in bruises and bites, some lighter than others, some darker, but none as dark as the one he was currently tracing with his index finger.
“Nope,” Lily countered, popping her p before pushing herself up off of her shins in order to settle between your open legs, “I distinctly remember, I had her pressed up against the wall before you got back from Quidditch practice, she moaned so pretty for me, prettier than she ever has for you.” She grinned victoriously, turning her gaze back to you, and only you, “It’s like he cares more about that fucking snitch than he does us.”
“That’s bullshit love and you know it,” He murmured in your ear pressing a kiss against the corner of your mouth before dragging his lips, considerably less rough than they were before you started dating him as you’d made it your mission to apply lip balm to his lips every time you saw him, across the side of your face back to your ear, “She’s just trying to turn you against me, she’s so mean isn’t she.”
They loved doing this. Making you choose between the two of them, or trying to anyway. The power struggle between the two of them was hot as fuck.
Before you could so much as open your mouth Lily was responding for you, “I’m not mean doll,” She crooned, not looking at you but rather focusing on the dark haired boy whose nimble fingers were expertly pulling at the hem of your shirt, slowly but steadily rolling up the material until it covered just was much as your bra, “Jamie just needs to remember who the better kisser here is, who makes you feel the best.”
Ignoring her jab James murmured a quick, “Want this off,” In your ear before pulling the shirt over your head and arms, tossing it off the bed and onto the floor paying it no mind as soon as the material slipped from his fingers. 
Desperate to prove his worth, to prove his dominance James’ hands ran up and down your thighs, inching your skirt up them, “You’re not the better kisser here Flower, you’re not the best anything. Our baby here loves me the most.”
“She told us James,” Lily sighed, clearly exasperated with your boyfriend, “After she kissed you for the first time she told us. I’m the better kisser, just accept it. She likes me the most don’t you (Y/N/N)?”
“Jamie you make me feel so good,” You began, hoping to soften the blow, “But Lily’s tongue is magic, feels so good in my mouth, in my-my…” 
“It’s okay pretty girl,” She simpered, “You can say it, where does my mouth feel good?”
“My pussy,” You forced out, willing yourself not to stutter. 
“That’s right my pretty little kitten,” She grinned, tilting your chin up with her index finger so that you were staring into her swirling emerald irises, darkened with obvious desire. “I make your pussy feel so good, better than Jamie.”
“Off.” James demanded, not taking kindly to Lily’s teasing, as he aggressively undid the clasp on your bra, the snide remarks obviously doing no damage to his ego as he pulled the straps from your arms. Taking no care with the expensive, luxurious garment that he himself had bought for you he flung the clothing over his shoulder. Clearly not caring about the money he’d spent on it as the silky material crumpled next to the bed.
“Not just my tongue that makes you feel better isn’t that right my darling?” Lily smirked, beginning to undo the buttons on her button up, “S’my fingers too, stretching you out on my fingers, they can reach so much further in you than his can.”
“Pfft,” James shook his head, one hand settling on your waist, gripping with a frankly frightening strength, no doubt melding dark purple bruises in the shapes of his fingertips on your soft skin.
“Gimme your hand Flower, let me show our baby that you’re wrong” James demanded as the hand not on your waist extended towards the redhead. When she dropped her hand in his he immediately lined them up, palm against palm, fingers against fingers, and much to James’ chagrin his hands were only barely larger than hers. His palm was much larger than hers leaving his fingers slightly shorter than his girlfriend’s.
Feeling benevolent, you grabbed his hand before it dropped down to his thigh in defeat, pressing your hands together as he had pressed his to Lily’s. Yours were considerably smaller than his, and therefore her’s too, your palm nearly half the size as his, your fingers dwarfed by his. 
“See Jamie, your hands are bigger than mine.” You comforted, mesmerized by the contrast, “Your fingers make me feel so much better than mine ever could. They don’t even come close.” 
“But that’s besides the point right poppet?” Lily questioned, grasping your jaw in her graceful hand, you noticed her ivory dress shirt now hung open, revealing her red lace clad breasts as she once again tilting your head up to look her in the eyes, “Because you’re not allowed to touch yourself, not without my permission.”
“Or mine,” James piped up.
Rolling her eyes at her boyfriend Lily released her grip on your jaw, “Keep your eyes on me darling, be my good girl.”
“You even like my strap more than you like James’ cock, stretches you out so much better than he ever could. Not to mention we don’t have to wait for his little blue pill to work do we?”
Being a muggle born you understood her joke but James was utterly bewildered by your shared laughter.
“You’re not laughing at me are you, you little slut?” James spat, his voice hard and unwavering as he turned your face with a single finger so that your neck was craned to look at him.
“N-no,” You shook your head pathetically, your eyes flashing downwards not being able to meet him.
“Open,” He commanded, tapping your bottom lip and you instantly obeyed, not daring to disobey him. You were rewarded for your obedience by the male spitting into your mouth, the taste of his saliva bleeding along the expanse of your tongue.
“What do we say to Jamsie, pretty girl?” Lily raised an expectant eyebrow.
“Thank you.”
“Good girl,” James muttered, watching as you swallowed the gift he’d given you, “Thought you’d forgotten your manners for a second.”
“Not our good girl,” Lily grinned, somehow now only in her thong, “No, she’s such a good girl for us.”
“Guess she is,” James agreed, leaving a trail of kisses between your shoulder blades.
“Bet I can make our baby cum first James,” Lily boasted, beginning to work on the zipper of your skirt, expertly pulling it off of your legs, “Being the better kisser and all.”
“Don’t get cocky Evans,” James tutted, pulling his shirt over his head as he had yours, “You know I love your strap baby but it just can’t compare to my cock. Mine’s real.”
Clearly unimpressed by his comment Lily pressed her lips to yours, maneuvering you so that you too were on your knees, giving James time to strip down to the same level of clothing as the two of you. 
Smiling into the kiss she put but a millimeter of distance between the two of you to catch her breath, “You taste so good kitten.”
“You’re the one who tastes good Lily.”
“So nice to me, don’t deserve you,” She planted a kiss to the hollow of your throat, “Let me make you feel good baby.” 
Not complaining, you let Lily lie you back on the bed where James was no longer standing, instead now standing behind Lily, letting his hands settle on her hips. 
Once you were lying down she hooked her hands under your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed as James helped her off the mattress, helping her plant her feet on the floor. It was things like this, the subtle loving gestures and actions even when they were practically at each other’s throats, that reminded you of how much they loved each other. Of how much they loved you.
“Look at these,” Lily lilted, her finger hooking under the silky material of your panties, “So pretty aren’t they J?”
“Very,” He whispered in her ear only loud enough for you to barely hear him, “Like her in red.”
Lily hummed in affirmation, tapping your hip as a non verbal clue to lift your hips so she could pull them off of you.
She didn’t waste a single second before kneeling down before you so that her face was level as your glistening pussy, already so wet from them just talking about pleasuring you. 
After running a single finger through your folds Lily brought her finger to her lips, a hum leaving her lips. “You taste good down here too (Y/N), you have such a pretty pussy.”
“Thank you,” You murmured, attempting not to whine and be their good girl even though you desperately wanted them to touch you. 
Without any warning Lily inserted two slender fingers into your cunt causing you to gasp at the sensation. “Lily,” You whimpered, trying not to buck your hips towards her hand, not wanting to let on quite yet how desperate you really were. 
“See J?” You could hear the smirk on her lips as she slowly moved her fingers in and out of you, paying you no other mind, instead directing her attention to her boyfriend who still stood behind her, his hands now on her bare shoulders. “She’s really not all that hard to please when you actually know what you’re doing. Had my fingers in her two seconds and she’s already so needy for me.”
“Shut up Lils,” James growled, “Stop talking like I don’t know how to get her off, she’s my baby too, I know exactly how to get her desperate.” In his efforts to prove his point he moved onto the bed, taking one of your nipples into his mouth resulting in a whine to tumble from your lips as he raked his teeth over the sensitive bud.
As his mouth sucked on one his hand moved to the other nipple, rolling it between his fingers before pinching harshly making you gasp in pleasure.
Lily allowed James to have his moment before taking your clit between her lips and sucking. If you gasped for James you absolutely screamed for Lily, thank Merlin for silencing charms because otherwise someone would’ve probably thought you were being tortured. Once she had your sensitive bundle of nerves in her mouth she began humming, making wave after wave of intense ecstasy roll through your core and up your spine, leaving your nerve endings frayed and responsive to every single touch.
You could feel everything, the soft material of the duvet beneath your back, James’ tongue circling your nipple, one hand caressing your heated cheek while the other traced shapes down your stomach. You could feel Lily’s fingers continuing their assault on your cunt, reaching so deep inside of you that they almost touched your g-spot, but not quite, as your clit was set aflame by her mouth. 
“You’re not even trying,” Lily snarked, coming up for a breather from in between your legs, “You really think you’re gonna get  her to cum from playing with her nipples? I never realized you were that daft Jamsie.”
“If you’d give me a turn,” He began before Lily cut him off.
“Doesn’t look like she wants me to stop does it?” She nodded in your direction where you were writhing on the bed merely from her fingers. “Do you want me to stop, baby?”
“No,” You begged, “Please don’t stop, please! Need your fingers in me, make me feel so good.”
Grinning triumphantly Lily returned her mouth to your pulsing cunt, sucking with a new found vigor that had your back careening off of the mattress, hips bucking towards her mouth.
“Hey,” James scolded, moving his arm to keep your hips firmly on the bed, “Don’t be a desperate slut, take it as she gives you it okay? Be good for us.”
Nodding feebly you willed your hips still but it was nearly impossible as Lily replaced her fingers with her tongue, moving her digits to pinch your clit. Feeling the pleasure bubble up in your stomach you focused on your girlfriend’s ministrations, lapping at your hole with her tongue sent you into a whole new level of pleasure.
“Feels so good! Lily, that feels so good, please don’t stop!”
You could feel her smiling into your opening as she sped up her movements, bringing you closer and closer to the precipice of climax. “Am I allowed to cum?” You asked desperately, the only thing keeping your hips where they were being James’ strong forearm, digging into your hip bones.
“No,” He growled, slapping at your tit bringing you even closer to something you were apparently not allowed to do. 
“Come on James,” Lily said replacing her tongue with her fingers as she moved her head to talk to the dark haired boy, “You can’t just tell her she’s not allowed to cum because it’s not you who’s going to make her cum,” Turning her attention back to you she smiled, “Of course you’re allowed to cum baby, don’t listen to him. Are you close, m’love?”
“Uh huh,” You screwed your eyes shut, the pleasure becoming overwhelming and only intensifying when Lily’s mouth returned to your clit, licking broad stripes up and down it. 
“Baby look at me,” James’ deep voice commanded you, to which you promptly obeyed, “Wanna see you when you fall apart on her tongue, wanna see you cum baby, you’re so pretty when you cum.”
James’ words accompanied by a particularly harsh nip by Lily to your clit has you tipping over the edge, letting out a high pitched scream as pleasure took over your body, drowning you in the feeling of your lovers still working on your body, obviously not satisfied with leaving you with just one orgasm.
As you came to, your orgasm slowly seeped away from your cloudy mind, reentering you into your dorm room where you heard Lily’s melodic voice, “See James, told you I could make her cum first.”
“Didn’t even get a chance,” He grumbled from his place next you, brushing the hairs off of your forehead. “Wanna make you cum poppet, tell Lily to give me a turn.”
“L-lils,” You managed in your post orgasmic haze, “Want Jamsie, want his- want his…”
“Look at how good of a job I did on our baby,” The redhead boasted, “Just one in and already a blubbery little mess. How do you think she’s gonna be fairing when I have her on her fourth?”
“Only shooting for four Lils?” James raised a defined eyebrow, “I was thinking I could get at least five out of her myself.”
Your eyes widened, slightly in alarm, slightly in anticipation. “F-five?”
“Shh kitten, let us talk,” Lily chaisted lightly. “You really do think highly of yourself don’t you Potter?”
“I’ve done it before,” He countered.
“No, we’ve done it before, both of us. Neither of us have ever gotten her to five by ourselves.”
“Don’t think you can do it Flower?” As he rose from the bed and moved towards Lily you caught sight of his cock, already painfully hard, the tip a bright red and leaking with precum.
“S’not me I’m worried about, don’t wanna overwhelm our baby.”
“I can do it,” You piped in feebly, “I can take it, make me feel good please, wanna feel good.”
“See Lily? If she says she can take it, who are we to question her?”
“You sure poppet?” Lily asked you, her eyes on yours.
“Yes Lily, I’m sure.”
That was all James needed to nudge Lily out from between your legs, spitting on his fingers before rubbing them up against your pussy. “You need me to stretch you out darling?” His voice laced with absolute adoration as he took in your perspiring figure from this new angle.
You shook your head but James wasn’t satisfied, “Wanna hear your voice poppet, come on not too fucked out yet are you?”
“No, don’t need you to stretch me out, want your cock.”
He grinned, lining up the tip of his cock with your quivering entrance, “There’s my good girl.”
As he pushed into you you faintly questioned why you didn’t have him stretch you out beforehand, but once he was fully sheathed inside you all you could think about was the way his dick pressed perfectly against your g-spot. 
You moaned out as he began thrusting into you, ruthless in his efforts to make you cum. He moved his hands to hold your hips at an angle where he could better reach deeper inside of you if that was even possible.
“So pretty baby girl,” His grin was wicked as he watched your cunt, reveling in the sight of his cock going in and out of your dripping pussy, “You look so pretty on my cock, you gonna make a mess f’me?”
“She’s not gonna cum yet you himbo,” Lily interjected, “You’ve been inside her what? Five seconds? You need her to cum soon? You close?”
Using Lily’s mocking as motivation he pistoned his hips in and out even more viciously, leaving you a bouncing mess on his cock as he pulled his prick almost all the way out, so that only the leaking red head was still inside of you before fully sheathing himself in you once more.
“Fuck!” You cried out as the tip of his member brushed against your cervix, “Don’t stop!”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” James managed through gritted teeth, throwing your legs over his shoulders so that he wouldn’t have to hold them in his hands any longer, giving him the ability to grip your hips.
So lost in your pleasure you hadn’t registered where Lily was until she sat next to you on the bed, moving her fingers to massage your clit pulling a strangled gasp from your throat.
“L-Lily,” You stuttered out.
“Hey there baby,” She cooed, like she was talking to an actual child, “Jamie making you feel good.”
You nodded, keeping your eyes locked on hers.
“You close, kitten? You gonna cum soon?”
A whimper escaped your lips this time as you nodded once more.
“Let me see if I can help with that then, wanna see you cum again pretty girl.”
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the mattress with a soft thud as Lily’s fingers started working magic on your clit, bringing you closer and closer to your second orgasm.
A slap against your clit, combined with the deep, hard thrusts of your boyfriend, reaching depths within you you could’ve only imagined before him sent you careening. Your climax washed over you in waves, each stronger than the last making you twitch and spasm on the bed.
You hadn’t even registered that you’d squirted, not until Lily’s delicate hands were rubbing your release up and down your thighs, “Well would you look at that?” James grinned, “I didn’t see you make her squirt Lils.”
“Oh, you don’t get points for this one pretty boy,” Lily grinned, not making eye contact with him but rather focusing on your pulsing cunt.
“What?” James was incredulous, “What do you mean I don’t get credit for that one, she came on my cock.”
“Yes, technically, but she only came when I started on that pretty little clit of hers, so responsive isn’t it, doll?” She asked, punctuating her remark with a gentle slap against your still throbbing cunt and a quick wink that James was too bewildered to pick up on.
Over the next couple of hours they were able to lull a number of orgasms out of you, James making Lily sit in a chair next to the bed so that she couldn’t touch you at all and take credit for any of his hard work.
You’d cum on her tongue and his, both of their fingers, once at the same time, they split the credit for that one but it was worth it, getting to watch your cunt stretch around both of them. You came on James’ cock more times than you could count, and of course on Lily’s strap on because Godric, did she know how to move her hips.
By the end you’d cum a grand total of nine times. You weren’t quite sure how’d you’d done it but you had. And they were both so proud of you.
The final score was Lily, five. James, four. You’d better believe that James was butt hurt about it, not quite willing to accept his obvious defeat, instead of acknowledging it and conceding to his very talented girlfriend, working on getting you cleaned up.
Once James had left the dorm to run you a bath Lily scooped you into her lap, running her hands up and down your thighs but being careful not to touch your sensitive cunt. 
“You did such a good job for us baby,” She cooed, pressing kiss after kiss to the back of your head, “Came nine times, can you believe that?”
“Is Jamie going to be mad that you made me cum more?” You asked in your degenerative head space not wanting to upset your boyfriend.
“Of course not,” Lily squeezed your hips, soothing your woes. “Especially not at you, he might mope around a little bit because he is a man,” She pulled a light giggle out of your lips with that one, “But he’ll get over it, it's just gonna push him to work harder next time when he’s making you feel good.”
“Flower,” James called from the bathroom, “Bath’s ready.”
“Come on baby,” Lily said, easing you up onto your feet, “Let’s get you in the bath and all cleaned up for us alright?”
“Okay,” You yawned, understandably exhausted by the events of the night, “Will you take the bath with me?”
“Of course my pretty girl, not gonna let Jamie join us though, s’my reward for being the best.”
You chuckled, nodding your head in agreement, “Sounds good Lils.”
As she settled you into the bathtub Lily ordered James out before he could step into it with you.
“Fine! Fine, I’m going!”
Lily was the stars and James was the sun, and fuck did they know how to make you feel good.
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts​ @kittykylax​ @amourtentiaa
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luxuriousmalfoy · 3 years
Jegulily Bingo Fall 2021
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I think this would be a fun challenge for us! I can't wait to see what y'all write and I'm excited to push myself to write too.
Not really gonna assign a deadline other than hoping that we can all push out some one shots by the end of fall!
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Hello new followers!
There has been an influx of you recently, so I just wanted to say hi and welcome!
I write, read, and reblog Harry Potter fanfiction and art (I don't make art–I wish!) and that's what you're going to find here. Most of it is Marauders, with Wolfstar and Jily as my main OTPs. However, you'll also find other combinations of Marauders here, including Wolfstarbucks, Moonchaser, Prongsfoot, and Poly Marauders! And honestly, who knows what I'm going to be inspired to write next.
My AO3 is here, and all of my writing is there or Tumblr or both! I also have a FFN account, but I don't post there. I have accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, but I don't actively use them except to follow/like/reply. Feel free to tag me though! I'm theresthesnitch everywhere–really, if you see it, it's probably me!
I also run @mixed-up-writer-fest and co-run @wolfstarmicrofic and @hpknotfest if you want to check those out!
I'm so, so happy to see you! Feel free to drop a question, comment, request, or whatever in my ask box, but I hope you keep it kind. 🥰 I try to answer all of them, but I'm only human and sometimes things get away from me. Regardless, I'm so happy to hear from you.
❤️ - Snitch
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jamesandlilys · 7 years
shipping meme: 1, 2, 5, 15, 23, 37
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had: my first proper ship was Dramione. I was genuinely obsessed with it. I’d read all the fanfics, reblog all the art, join all the forums. I was fucking there for it. I still love it tbh, it’s always gonna have a special place for me
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life: Jily is my most important ship, I mean they’re everything to me. Their love is so pure and not without challenges but you just know they’re there for each other 100% and they’re proper domestic which is what I love. Of course none of it’s canon, but oh well.Feyre/Rhys is my second most important ship. They’re so fucking healthy it kills me. There’s so much trust and honesty I love them. And my third most important is Naley. Fuck people who say young love doesn’t work. They knew what they wanted and they worked damn hard to keep it
5. Do you have any poly ships? Lots! Kevin/Jeremy/Jean is my main
15. Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Of course! Sometimes you just know
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing? Jily. Definitely Jily. The fanfiction is amazing though. There are some that I genuinely think are canon
37. Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Friend to lovers, enemies to lovers, it’s cold and for some reason we have to share a blanket, coffee shop au’s, muggle au’s, the list goes on
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