#So no Catherine it's not in her blood lol
randomnameless · 8 months
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Are you sure of that Catherine ?
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Hopefully, Monica dgaf :
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She would even have been happy to have been utilised/killed by Kronya !
See ? #kronyadidnothingwrong
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onyour-right · 8 months
I'm gonna have to rewatch this episode a few times cos 'um, excuse me what the actual fuck????
Cate, Catey, Catherine. We're on a break right now. Like, I just can't with her right. I was with her freeing the kids from the woods & telling the security guy to eat his hand, and her point about Marie (and supes) being a product was true; but the whole 'supremacist' speech and then whatever the fuck she was gonna do to Jordan?? Yeaaaa, I'm feeling some kinda way towards her and it's not good, lol.
Although it could be argued that the real fault lies with the adults who were imprisoning, torturing and running experiments on college students, so...
Also the fact that Cate and Sam were the ones who started the whole massacre and yet they're somehow the new guardians of Godolkin ??? Ty-pi-cal. And the fact that the poc were blamed and imprisoned when they were the ones tryna stop the rampage??? One simply has to laugh because otherwise...
Andre's scenes with his father got me. I'm very interested in where they'll take his storyline; the fact that the more he uses his powers the more he's damaging/killing himself. I wish they would have shown more scenes of him struggling after using his powers though, which would explain why he wasn't as useful as others this season.
Emma and Sam. Sam had a bit too much bass in his throat when he was talking to Emma which I didn't like at all. He knows damn well she's been looking out for him when she didnt have to at all. It's giving ill fated lovers - not that one of them necessarily has to die just that I don't think they'll end up together in the long run.
Marie and Jordan. I'm a ride or die for these two; their scenes together were few but impactful. Jordan not stopping Cate/Sam because wifey shook her head?? Love to see it. Marie giving people heart-attacks and blasting off Cate's arm to protect Jordan??? Fucking delightful. Jordan sitting on Marie's hospital bed and waiting for her to wake up? They're married your honour!!! Also can we talk about Jordan dillydallying while walking over to Marie??? It reminded me so much of Rickon in GoT running in a straight line (but at least he fucking ran 🙄) like Jordan????? At least jog a little no?????? Although the way they looked at each other in that scene was fucking cute though. ALSO, Marie did some Katara level blood-bending y'all, I can't wait for her to grow even more into her powers...
I'm not a 'The Boys' watcher so I don't know who that guy at the end was. Is he a good guy, a bad guy??? Either way he feels like someone very important.
Homelander laser beaming Marie and calling her an animal? He needs to die already, he needs to be tortured nice and slow and then die.
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
Celta, your reading, as usual, on Charles and Catherine was so thought-provoking! So some thoughts lol to add to the excellent comments already posted:
(Justice Rx, KC3’s thoughts a/b CPoW as a person ): “…and so he thinks she is judging him (and his wife), when all Princess Catherine is doing is staying true to her values.”
KC3 is transactional and morally malleable when it suits his needs (eg, questionable funding/cash for his projects), a poor judge of character (eg, Jimmy Saville, Harry/Meghan), selfish (eg, Diana v Camilla & “the/his heart wants what the heart wants”), and guilty about it all. Catherine is the opposite of all this, but Charles misinterprets this as being “judgmental” because he can’t/doesn’t understand a pure heart (“her firm values make him uncomfortable at times“)…and because, in the end, he has a guilty heart. In reality, it is Charles, not Catherine, who is judging himself?
The Star (about CPoW’s popularity) “can be a card of dreams coming true, and her popularity is a dream come true for The King. It is what he wanted for himself and never achieved, and now he sees that dream being achieved by another person…He is very aware that Princess Catherine is a star of the BRF…and I think that The King feels that the popularity of Princess Catherine has created a lot of evils for the BRF” (ie, for Charles and Camilla, actually).
QEII redux, Diana redux, William redux, and now Catherine, too…Charles has been upstaged his entire life by more popular figures. It’s his karma. And now his beloved Camilla - who is finally QUEEN, after all - is also being upstaged by the infinitely more popular Catherine. Thus KC3’s very petty decree that no one, absolutely no one, would be allowed to wear a tiara at C/C’s second wedding Coronation, in order for QC alone to shine. (And yet, nevertheless, the historically iconic photo that will prevail from KC3’s coronation will be the one of regal CPoW, in her beaded non-tiara, looking out the window of the carriage.)
(Four of Wands, about CPoW as wife/mother) “He approves of their marriage and he approves of her role as wife/mother/ homemaker. I get the feeling that he would be happier if she confined her role to that of wife and mother and did not do any of her other work and only appeared as a wife on the big occasions (Trooping the Colour, Christmas Walk etc).”
Ie, as far as KC3 is concerned, Catherine should be seen, but not heard, and seen as little as possible, in order to stifle her (problematic) popularity. Reinforces the Star card above.
(Nine of Cups, about KC3’s classism toward “commoner” CPoW) “The energy from this card is that King Charles thinks that Princess Catherine hit the jackpot by marrying his son. He thinks she should be very happy with her position and content with what is offered to her by the blood royals, whatever that might be…. I do think that the King is classist towards her? - thinks he is better than her because he is royal and so she should gratefully accept whatever attention/honours/anything else he gives her - but I think The King is like that with everyone except other royals as well.”
Yes, he is! And so are certain other blood royals classist (eg, Andrew, Bea, Eug, Harry). Celta, there’s a fascinating early BBC/H(I)TV interview (on youtube) that Charles gave in 1969, when he was 20, and in it he talks about the “special” requirements necessary for his future wife…preferably that she be royal, because she would know/understand what his oh-so-special royal position and life are like. The noblesse oblige superiority just oozes from him when he explains the specialness of his royalness lol. Unspoken is the impression that a non-royal would be beneath him. Imho KC3 truly can’t comprehend how a person lower in class than he (Diana), or worse, a classless commoner (Catherine) can be more popular than the actual King himself (Charles). It does not compute for him!
(Judgment Rx, about KC3 liking CPoW) “…in the reverse it says No in answer to my question. He does not like her. This card can represent second chances and in the reverse it says that The King is not prepared to give her a second chance. I think that in the past she may have done something to upset him or made him feel bad by her moral standards, and he decided then that he did not like her and he is not going to change his mind.”…“I also think that she may have refused to go along with something ‘for optics’ in the past, and that has upset The King.”
Perhaps W/C denied easy access to the children, or nixed KC3’s request to use G/C/L for his own positive PR?… or, along with QEII, opposed H/M’s Megxit half-in/half-out, while KC3 reportedly supported it (see below)?
“This card in reverse can also represent blaming someone else for your mistakes, and I think that The King might blame Princess Catherine (and Prince William) for things that have happened to him in the past. The energy I am getting is that they said something that the late Queen listened to and approved, and as a result The King did not get his own way with respect to the issue at hand.”
Celta, when I read this, I immediately thought of Megxit, the Sandringham Summit, and QEII’s refusal to grant the Sussexes’ half-in/half-out proposal. It’s been reported that KC3 approved of the half-in/half-out and wanted to enact this for H/M, but that William (and Catherine) supported QEII. Also, it’s been reported more recently that William (and thus C) steadfastly refuse to “reconcile” with Harry (and rightfully so!), so that KC3 can reintegrate H into the BRF, generate the good optics of “happy, united BRF,” and make KC3’s last years “easier.”
Again, thank you, Celta, for such intriguing, spot-on readings! (And sorry for such a long post :(   )
Hi Nonny,
I am sorry to be so late in posting this.
Thank you for your comments. I won’t reply to all of them individually, but they do make sense to me and I can see where you are coming from.
I am glad you can confirm that King Charles was classist in his youth. I have always suspected this, but haven’t had any hard proof until now. He may have mellowed somewhat with age but I don’t think he has entirely discarded that attitude (just my opinion).
I want to read today on why he awarded Catherine that particular honour and not one that was higher up in the ranks, so I will see what comes out in those cards. It could be classism or it could be he genuinely thought she would like the honour - or a mix of both, of something else entirely. We shall see what the cards say later tonight. :)
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fandomxpreferences · 2 years
More Hearts Than Mine Part 10
In which Jakes family comes to have a talk and things hit a boiling point.
Series Masterlist
TW:swearing,violence, brief mentions of blood
Word Count:2.7k
A/N: jake deserves better (I say as I’m the sole creator of his pain lol) also this gif??? The nose crinkle!!!
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You and Jake have spent the past week since the phone call on edge and running through endless scenarios of how it could go. Now it's finally Saturday and you’re flitting around the house cleaning like a mad woman while awaiting their arrival. Jake left about thirty minutes ago to pick them up from the airport and your heart leaps into your throat when you hear car doors closing.
You quickly put the vacuum back in the hall closet and check your appearance one last time. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to try and calm your nerves to no avail. You wait just inside the door when you hear a key turning and plaster a bright smile across your features.
The door swings open and you’re met first with your fiancé’s face followed by that of his mother, father, and sisters. “Hey,” you greet. “Welcome to sunny San Diego. How was your flight?” You ask, desperate not to have an awkward silence.
Catherine smiles and puts her bag in Jake's outstretched hands. “Thank you, honey.” She tells him before turning to you. “It was lovely. Everything went as smoothly as possible.” She answers with a smile and you nod.
“Well, that’s nice. Flying can be a real nightmare sometimes.” You chuckle and she grins with a short nod. She turns to her daughters and waves them over. The two women step forward silently and Catherine smiles.
“This is Josephine, but she goes by Josie. She’s the youngest.” She explains while pointing to the blonde who bears a striking resemblance to Jake. You stick out your hand and she shakes it. “Nice to properly meet you.”
Jake's other sister takes it upon herself to greet you and you note that it's the same woman that opened the door at Christmas. “I'm Jane, the oldest of the group. I want to apologize for how I acted at Christmas. It was rude and I should have made more of an effort to welcome you.” She apologizes and you wave her off with a smile.
“Apology accepted, it's all water under the bridge. Tensions were running high, consider this our first interaction.” You assure her and she smiles with a short nod.
Jake comes back from dropping the bags off and walks up behind you while wrapping his arms around your waist. You look behind the three women and make eye contact with his dad and your gaze hardens slightly.
“Jacob.” You say curtly and he clears his throat. “Y/N.”
You look him over briefly and notice he still has a hint of a bruise around his eye and it takes everything in you not to smile. Jake takes a second to greet his mom and sisters, ignoring his father's presence completely.
You sigh and clap your hands. “Why don’t we move to the living room?” You suggest and everyone nods in agreement before following you. Jake takes your hand and the two of you guide the group through the entryway and into the shared space.
Everyone timidly takes their seats, you and Jake on the loveseat and the four Seresins on the large couch. You squeeze Jake's hand and Catherine clears her throat.
“So,” she begins and the two of you turn your attention to her. “Let's just get this out of the way.” You take a deep breath and brace for what's to come. “The girls and I would like to be a part of your lives if you’ll allow us.”
You feel Jake tense slightly and shoot him a worried glance. He takes a moment to process before speaking. “We’d like that, but I’m not sure how you’re expecting that to work.” He explains while shooting a sharp look at his dad.
Catherine sighs and nods her head. “Yes, I see your concern but I assure you it won’t be an issue. There’s something else Id like to talk to you about as well.” She says and you feel your heart rate speed up.
Jake's eyebrows furrow and he stays silent waiting for the woman to continue. “I'd like to pay for the wedding. Anything you want, no budget.” She offers while glancing between you and Jake. Your eyes widen and your head whips to look at your fiancé.
You see the same shocked expression on his face but before either of you can respond, Jacob speaks up. “I’m not paying for him to marry the bitch that assaulted me!” He exclaims while pointing an accusatory finger at you.
Your eyes narrow and before Jake can get a word in edge-wise, you bite back. “Call me a bitch one more time and see if I don’t it again.” Your voice is laced with venom and you see anger cross the man's face.
He opens his mouth and Catherine puts her hand up. “Jacob so help me god, I have had it with you.” She spits and yours and Jake's eyebrows shoot up. “You’re not paying for a damn thing, I am.”
Jacob scoffs at his wife and crosses his arms. “And whose money are you using, sweetheart.” Your blood boils at the way he’s speaking to her and you debate jumping to her defense when she laughs.
“Well,” she begins. “It’ll be my money after I leave you.”
You hear Jake choke next to you and you rub his back soothingly while staring at the train wreck in front of you. Jacob lurches forward and you swear his eyes are completely black. “You can’t leave me, Catherine. Our prenup is ironclad. If you leave me, you’ll lose everything.” He laughs darkly.
You and Jake look at each other for a second before turning back to the impending war going down in your home. Catherine shrugs casually and leans back into the couch cushion.
“That’s what I thought too, except I remembered that little affair you think I don’t know about. I had an infidelity clause written into our prenup that states I receive the ranch and every last penny along with 50% of any future earnings if you ever have extramarital relations. You’re fucked, Jacob.”
Your hand flies up to your mouth and you're certain your eyes are about to bulge out of your head. Your gaze turns to Jacob and you see his face blanch. He shakes his head and stands up quickly.
He advances toward Catherine and before your brain can catch up, Jake jumps up and steps defensively in front of his mother. You stand and motion for the three women to move to the other side of the room with you, well aware of what Jake is capable of if he’s angry enough. This is three decades worth of rage waiting to be let out and you have an inkling it's going to be ugly.
Jacob laughs bitterly and tries to step around his son only to be intercepted. “Do not take another step toward them.” Jake says firmly and his father's eyes dart over his shoulder to look at the four of you.
“You can’t do this Catherine. It will destroy my image.” He tries to reason and you scoff. “Your wife just said she’s leaving you and all you care about is your image?” You laugh in disbelief and the man glowers at you.
“Shut the fuck up. This is a family matter.” He barks while angrily pointing at you. Jake shoves his father back and squares his shoulders. “Do you ever learn? Don’t fucking talk to my future wife like that.” He growls and you smirk.
Catherine shakes her head next to you. “You destroyed this family for 30 years, Jacob. Whatever karma brings you is not my problem. Y/N is more part of this family than you are.” You see Josie and Jane each grab their mother's hands and Jacob's eyes quickly lock onto the interaction.
He looks at his daughters and you see his chest heaving with angry breaths. “What is this? Some sort of coup?” He yells and the two women shrink under his hateful gaze. You block them with your body as best you can and stare back at the man just as viciously.
In a matter of minutes, you’ve found yourself having the same protective instinct over them as you do for Jake. You decide at that moment that if it comes down to it, you’ll gladly lay their father out again. Though based on Jake's body language, you’re guessing he'll beat you to it.
Jacob shakes his head condescendingly and puts his hands on his hips. “After everything I’ve done, this is how I'm repaid.” He turns around and paces for a moment and you think he might be on the brink of a psychotic break. He stops to take a deep breath and for a split second, you wonder if he'll just accept defeat.
You’re quickly proven wrong when he whips back around and lunges for Catherine. “You ungrateful fucking bitches!” You don’t flinch at the sudden act of aggression, standing tall and unwavering in your place. You notice Catherine stand up straighter in an act of defiance and feel a surge of pride at the way she’s standing her ground.
Even though Jake's back is facing you, you see the exact moment it happens. Something in him switches at the violent outburst from his father and you watch as his muscles ripple with restraint. You’ve seen this a few times before when a man gets handsy with you or Phoenix, it's like something takes over your fiancé and he operates off of pure animalistic instinct.
Jacob slams directly into his son's chest and Jake doesn’t budge. He’s like a wall, and with the adrenaline coursing through his bloodstream he’s an immovable force. “You have one chance to leave.” He offers and Jacob laughs.
Jake turns his head to face you over his shoulder and his next words have you scrambling for your phone before he even finishes speaking. “Call Rooster and Mav.” His voice is hard and you wonder what exactly he’s planning.
Before you can consider any possibilities, you watch with wide eyes as Jake puts his father in a headlock and the two men start flailing around. You clamber to the side as Jacob kicks over your coffee table and you corral the women to the kitchen as you quickly find Bradley's contact.
You tremble as you press the phone to your ear and hear Jake wrestling his dad out the front door and into the front yard. You catch Catherine's hand as she tries to follow them and shake your head.
“Let them go.” She stares at you with tears in her eyes and your attention is drawn back to your phone when you hear Bradley's voice.
“Hello?” He asks with confusion clear in his voice and you sigh a breath of relief. “Is everything okay? I thought you were with Jake's fa-“ You cut him off mid-sentence and the words rush together as you try to explain.
“Jake needs help. They’re fighting in the front yard.” You’re met with silence and you can almost see the frown on Bradley’s face as he tries to make sense of what you just said. “Okay. I'm on my way. I’ll bring Mav.” He says and you thank him quickly before hanging up.
Bradley and Mav must have been close because it's not even five minutes before they come screeching into the driveway. The two men jump out of the blue bronco and rush over to the MMA match happening.
You stare as Bradley grabs Jake and Mav grabs Jacob, forcing them apart. You see that Jake has a busted lip but his dad is much worse off. The older man has a split eyebrow and blood pouring from his mouth as he stumbles backward.
Once they’ve got a good amount of distance between them you hear Bradley trying to calm Jake down as his dad continues fighting against Mav. You don’t know what Mav says but you can see the fury written clearly on his face and it must have knocked some sense into the older Seresin because he shakes his head and walks off.
Once he’s gone, you rush to your fiancé and throw your arms around his now-shaking figure. “Let's go inside and get you cleaned up.” It's not so much a suggestion as it is an instruction and Jake follows you silently. He shoots his mom and sisters an apologetic look and continues up toward your shared bathroom.
Once you’re inside, he sits on the counter and you stand between his legs with a first aid kit. You sigh deeply as you blot at his lip, noting that the bleeding has stopped on its own. Once you’re satisfied, you lean back and take his face in your hands.
You see the tears gathering on his waterline and your eyes soften. “Oh, baby. Come here.” You comfort him and his face drops into your shoulder. You hold him against you as he lets out heavy sobs and your heart breaks. You feel a few of your own tears fall and squeeze your eyes shut.
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes before he finally pulls back and looks at you with puffy bloodshot eyes. “I'm sorry.” He says with a wobbly voice and you shake your head. “Don’t you dare. You did nothing wrong. That man terrorized you and your family for years. If anything I’m surprised you didn’t snap sooner.”
Jake takes a deep breath and you give him a reassuring smile. “Let's get you situated and go back downstairs, okay?” You say while wetting a washcloth with cold water to soothe his swollen eyes and cheeks.
Once the blotchiness is mostly gone, the two of you return hand in hand. Bradley and Maverick are laughing on the couch with the three women and you smile at the sight. Catherine notices your presence first and bolts over to Jake, taking him in her arms.
“Oh, honey. Are you okay?” She asks while frantically scanning his face and body for injuries. Jake frowns slightly and shakes his head. “I'm fine mom. You’re not mad?” He asks and Catherine scoffs.
“How could I be mad at you for protecting us?” She asks and Jake just shrugs his shoulders timidly. You can tell he’s uncomfortable and attempt to change the subject.
“Why don’t we order some Chinese and have a night in?” You propose and everyone enthusiastically agrees.
“You guys are staying right?” You ask the other two pilots and they look at each other before shrugging. “If you want us to. Don’t want to impose.” Mav says and you roll your eyes. “Of course we want you to. You couldn’t impose if you tried, don’t be ridiculous.”
Once everyone's order is placed the seven of you sprawl out around the living room. It takes a while for the food to arrive but once it does, the rest of the night is spent eating and laughing. You notice Bradley hitting it off with Josie and shoot Jake a knowing look.
He shakes his head at the idea and pretends to gag, making you laugh loudly. You turn to the other three women and smile. “Hey, I have a question.” You say and they look over at you expectantly. You hesitate for a second and decide to just go for it.
“Well, I was going to go look at dresses in a couple weeks. My friend Phoenix is coming and my mom and sisters are flying out. I was wondering if you ladies would like to come too?” You ask apprehensively and Josie shrieks.
“Of course!” She exclaims and her mom and sister quickly agree. You laugh at their eagerness and fall back as the youngest sister tackles you in a hug. “Okay, I’ll send you all of the information.” You tell them and Jake stares at you with pure adoration.
Things may not be perfect, but this is as close as he’s ever come to having a real relationship with his family and he can’t help but feel his heart swell at the idea of you bonding with the women in his life. Things with his dad have finally hit rock bottom, but it can only go up from here.
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writingsofwesteros · 5 months
Okay so it started out only like 10 years after Joanna died, around the time Jaime joined the kingsguard. Tywin freaked about needing heirs, refusing to even consider Tyrion. He marries young Alicent in an arrangement he made with Otto, she's around 18, and not that much younger than him. Alicents mother was a Targaryen, the mad kings cousin, thus why the kids still have the targ names, Alicent is more cunty like her book self and names all the kids she bears him, holding fast to that rule because they're all going to be of house Lannister anyway. Then I don't remember much but it like fast forwarded to after Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron were born. Tywin finally stopped being his cunty self after Daeron was born, because Alicent nearly died and it hit him that seeing her in the birthing bed, drenched in blood, maesters and maides constantly running in and out with more blood soaked sheets, it brought him back to when Joanna died and kinda hit him that he'd grown to care for Ali. After that, he acted almost like a normal husband, pretty much treating Alicent how he does Stev in her au. Then fast forward again to got era timeline, they're older, and for some reason older Alicent has morphed from Olivia Cooke into Catherine Zeta-Jones. They have more kids, as much as Jaehaerys and Alysanne. But it all starts going downhill when, during all the wars and time apart and fighting amongst themselves, Alicent follows her step-son Tyrion, whom cares for her very much on account of her being a good step-mother to him and treating him kinda like Jaime did, and she chooses to go to her blood, Daenerys. Tyrion doesn't kill Tywin in this au, cause he never sleeps with Shae. Tywin and Alicent have like a 20 chapter lovers to enemies to allies to hesitant reconciliation to lovers trope. Alicent and Cersei never get along rip, and that is another factor that leads to her choosing her young cousin Daenerys, because maybe Cersei killed one of her kids. Tywin, being the stubborn fool he is, never believed that Cersei was unhinged enough to kill her half-sibling and thought Alicent betrayed him just because. Eventually he stops protecting Cersei when Jaime gives him the proof. Somehow Daenerys is not barren in this au and doesn't go all mad king ii in the end because Alicent has married her son Aegon Lannister to her, with Aegon being the future Prince Consort to Daenerys' Queen. By the time they reconnect, Aegon and Daenerys have a few children, so Tywin has to choose between protecting Cersei or Aegon, and he chooses his and Alicent's bloodline. Then I woke up lol. The end.
We so need to write books on our dreams, like damn, that is perfection!!
I can't even add to this perfection !
Poor sweet Ali loosing one of her children :( Helaena and Tywin having a soft relationship whilst Aemond is a mommy's boy once more
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Azure Gleam Ch 8
Spoilers for AG below. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Last chapter was 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cornelia just needs to go awayyyyy. It's ok, more beating up on Cornelia is good.
Poor Annette, her uncle turned against Dimitri 😭😭😭 Poor baby has to fight her uncle.
Oh, more Faerghus history. It got split into 3 at one point, which explains why House Dominic might fight against Dimitri. They think her uncle is sort of forced into the uprising.
I'm so glad they want to convince her uncle to change sides. Steal their leader too.
God, I love this route.
Duscur chief throwing their full support behind Dimitri. I love this so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm so happy to see Dimitri getting some love. Can Dedue talk to this guy too, though? At least Dedue was there.
Dimitri giving Dedue and Rodrigue credit. And Dedue giving Dimitri credit. Ofc these two.
Dedue getting to talk about Duscur 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dimitri switched from "my" to "our" duty. Boy is growing up and LISTENING to Felix. Good 😭😭😭. And Felix, like, not being abusive but helpful. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Man, I love seeing so many people from Duscur in the camp now. More than there used to be.
Wait, did Hapi just call Dimitri "Didi?" That's really cute.
Ah, people commenting that it seems like Felix and Rodrigue are now getting along 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Flayn is too precious for this world. Saying she's noticed that Dimitri looks more at peace and credits that to his friends and says she wants more friends herself.
Oh, oh, it sounds like from Catherine we're getting Shamir on this route soon!
Ingrid is just casually talking with someone from Duscur about training with the spear. Bless this game for giving us these details. Ingrid. Deserves. Character. Development. (and to live, fuck Scarlet Blaze).
Dimitri's boyfriends are talking and he's like handing out at the bottom of the stairs where he can hear but not see them. II bet he's listening in, lol.
Oh, they're talking about Duscur soldiers. Felix only cares that they're good fighters. Of course he does. Felix is so sour. I love him.
Dimitri spent the night getting scolded by Felix. 😌 I hope they had fun. 👌 On a serious note, apparently Felix and Dimitri used to talk together all night and this was like old times. This group, I swear. Dedue came in and argued with Felix. Three-way. 😌
Edelgard is attacking us. Shocking.
Dimitri's torn between needing to attack the West and defending himself from Edelgard.
Rodrigue wants to focus on the West. So does Dimitri.
Seteth tells Dimiri to send Serios to defend Faerghus.
Looks like Annette's uncle is finding out the truth about Duscur. Seems like he'll side with Dimitri now.
Baron Dominic sympathizes with them (as Lambert favored the Eastern lords, or so they claim, who knows), but has some interesting dialogue.
"I understand the situation you found yourself in, but I fail to see the righteousness or necessity in the measures you chose." And even better. "Yet one can never predict what may lie on the other side of a violent, radical revolution." "Surely a dialogue is a more preferable to cold-blooded murder." Safe to say he'd never side with Edelgard.
Annette, your uncle is based.
Cornelia is back. Man, she's by far the most fun villain.
Super happy they let these two support. But if they start talking about Glenn, I'm going to cry.
They're talking strategy together.
Ingrid's like "I command Galatea, I can't retreat." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (she just died in SB for anyone wondering)
Rodrigue is helping her figure it all out. He's such a Team Dad in this game, and I LOVE it. This is exactly what I thought his supports would be like.
Oh, Ingrid's brother used to serve as Rodrigue's squire. He was the one who came up with the strategy.
Glad I get to hear more about Ingrid's brothers. I think they got mentioned like once and I always find it cool that she's the heir over her brothers despite men always getting favored over women.
Rodrigue also wants to make sure Ingrid takes care of herself. He's such a Dad.
Dimitri got knocked out while training and is beating himself up over it. Shez blames his exhaustion. Let's be real. She's right.
"Dedue and Felix in particular didn't know what to do with themselves." Man, this game ships Dimilix and Dimidue so hard.
Shez ran things while Dimitri was out. Setting up camp.
"Everyone, and I mean everyone, thinks you need to take more breaks." I love this side of Dimitri so much.
Ah, Shez, Ingrid, Sylvain, Ashe, Annette, Rodrigue, Mercedes, Felix, and Dedue all getting mentioned doing various things. I love how much these supports mention other Blue Lions.
Dimitri's insisting he's doing better, but he's doing too much. I love how he mentioned that this is what he wants to do too.
Shez accuses Dimitri of not trusting them, but Dimitri says it's not about that.
Shez told everyone about the C support stuff with Dimitri burying the villagers who died in the war.
Man, I love these two as friends. Someone lighthearted like Shez just plays off someone somber like Dimitri so well.
It's happening 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, god, it's the same. Someone telling Dimitri to fucking sleep.
Dedue isn't taking his shit. Good.
Dimitri relents because he knows Dedue will get his way and asks Dedue to help wrap things up.
Dimitri wrote in Duscurian. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have NO idea how elated I am this got confirmed as cannon (that Dimitri learned Duscur's language).
He's writing Duscur for help, working with them on the investigation into the tragedy.
Dedue's like, go to sleep, this can wait. And Dimitri's like, what if I die? This can't wait. Dimitri's so fucking dramatic.
Dedue ain't taking shit. Keeps insisting Dimitri just sleep, lamo.
Dedue asked if Dimitri still has nightmares about it. :( Dimitri's surprised that Dedue remembered them. As if he wouldn't.
Guys, I can't with this. OMG. 😭 It's cannon.
When they were younger, Dimitri would ask for Dedue when he was having nightmares, pretending he thought Dedue needed protection, and then they'd fall asleep together.
Like, this shit is straight out of fanfic. Whoever wrote AG deserves a raise and is a shipper.
Dedue liked that Dimitri did that.
Lamo, Dimitri told DEDUE to rest. Like, tone-deaf hypocrite.
Guys, this who support was really sweet and tender, which is peak their interactions romantic or not.
Oh boy, this is still about Annette's songs.
Her attempt to change the lyrics didn't work. And people are reading way too deep into her lyrics. 🤣
Ahh, Annette wanted to add Duscur mythology into her song. It's cannon that Dedue taught Annette Duscur stories. My heart.
OH MY GOD. This game just got meta. Saying that once the lyrics are out there, it's out of the author's hands and up to whoever is listening to interpret it. 🤣🤣🤣
Guys, we're getting called out for reading way too much into a fantasy JRPG about killing dragons with wide hips and pale mole men.
Shez encouraged Annette by saying the songs inspired people.
Now THIS is an interesting match up, esp since I seriously, seriously doubt Dorothea can get this support in her native route.
Flayn's asking about Dorothea's days as a diva.
Flayn's voice sounds pitcher different than in Houses.
Flayn wants to learn new songs. And Dorothea wants to start with the most complicated ones lol.
Funny that this is also about the power of songs lol.
They both want to investigate a legend of a song that ended a war.
Sylvain offers to help Ashe investigate something, but Ashe is just trying to learn.
Sylvain and Ashe are both wishing they could've just been normal students getting to learn things and have fun. :(
Sylvain helps Ashe read deeper into everything and starts seeing the bigger picture of wars with Sreng.
Ashe begs Sylvain to keep teaching him.
Pretty cute and more examples of Sylvain being smart and the team older brother and Ashe being a book nerd.
They're cleaning up together. Ingrid is concerned that Mercedes is pushing herself too much. Mercedes feels bad that she wasn't strong enough to do a lot of the work.
Ok, so some info about Ingrid's brothers. She has 2, they're both much older than her so they're not close. One is an advisor in Galatea, and another is serving another house as a knight.
Ingrid's brother was strict with her. She thinks it was over her crest, but Mercedes insists they probably just loved her.
Mercedes says older siblings are just like that.
She also then ruffles Ingrid's hair lol.
I'm glad this one has an A support.
Oh, God, this is going to be about all of them as kids 😭😭😭
Matthias returned Lambert's sword to Rodrigue like 30 years after borrowing it lol.
While at the Officer's Academy, Rodrigue charged too far ahead and the other two got into a fistfight while debating how/if to save Rodrigue. 🤣🤣🤣
Matthais wanted to wait. Lambert wanted to go ahead. Rodrigue doesn't know who won.
So Lambert and Rodrigue also liked to charge ahead.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 Rodrigue doesn't think Matthais accepted Lambert's death until Dimitri took the throne.
Dimitri thinks he started the war and that Lambert would disapprove of him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rodrigue says he doesn't think so.
Dimitri begs Rodrigue to stop him if he ever does anything that Lambert would hate. Rodrigue says he'd die to do so. Fuck that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He can't fucking die again. Rodrigue gets to live this time. I refuse anything else.
Time to kick Cornelia's ass for the nth time! Never gets old.
Dimitri is sending Annette and Gilbert to recruit Baron Dominic. Felix is cautious and thinks killing him now is safest, but Dimitri insists on trying to recruit him.
Rodrigue says that they'd just promote his son if Baron Dominic died, so it's better to try and recruit rather than kill and kill.
Their army is spread thin because most are defending from the Empire.
Shez is like "you've all grown up, Dimitri." She's happy to see Dimitri at ease.
Arval called Shez and the others friends. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Trying to get Shez to fight Byleth lamo. Arval is obsessed. Arval is suspicious af, not going to lie. Baiting Shez into doing what he/she? wants by going on about getting stronger that way.
Shez wants her purpose to be fighting for Dimitri and doesn't need to fight Byleth anymore.
OMG Duscur generals came and helped us out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have no idea how happy it makes me to see Duscur get more involved.
Cornelia talked trash about Duscur, saying she should've wiped them all out.
Man, Cornelia went down fast. Two special hits from Sylvain and Ingrid took her out. #deserved
I hope she dies for real this time.
Wait, what, did Edelgard kill Patricia? That . . . doesn't make sense?
Bitch is dead! Or it seemed like it? Not gonna lie, she's a fun as hell villain because she's just so awful. Yep, she dead. Finally.
Dimitri doesn't fully believe Cornelia, but does think Edelgard knows more than he does about what happened. And believes the Empire was involved in the tragedy.
Oh, good! Everyone learns that Edelgard is Dimitri's step-sister in this storyline too. I always liked how Dimitri opened up to everyone. It seemed Very Blue Lions, esp compared to the other two who never come clean.
Rodrigue offers to explain what happened. It's mostly stuff we all know already, like Cornelia's backstory.
Real Cornelia sounded so awesome. It's awful her name gets destroyed. I'm glad here the truth will get exposed. The real woman deserves it.
So it seems like Cornelia asked Faerghus to rescue Patricia, so TWSITD planted Patricia from the start and manipulated the whole situation with Lambert. Patricia was likely faking the whole time.
Ashe isn't sure they can have a chat about things. But this is Dimitri, he always wants to invite people to talk rather than just war.
Dimitri put reconstruction of the Western Faerghus in charge of Gustave and Baron Dominic.
Glad to see Dimitri is still focused only on defense of the Silver Maiden and not land grabbing. I was worried because they have Claude go for it, which is entertaining as hell, but I'm a bit more protective of Dimitri lol.
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halfagone · 1 year
Here is an idea (inspired from the idea of someone else) you can do whatever you want to with: Jason for some reason decides to put a bounty (with favours and family dinners in exchange) on some rich guy and our lovely emotionally constipated rich guy, Bruce, takes the first row seat in listening the rules and pulls out a pen and paper from the ether and writes down everything and asks numerous questions. Bruce scores so many points that Jason sweats... And all he wants is a family dinner every other week. Absolutely nothing else, just come over, have dinner, chat with the sibs and Alfred (Jason is more than free to pretend that Bruce isn't there or so the older of the two says) and leave whenever. And after some mental calculations Jason knows that it will take at least 3 years to get through all of the pilled up family dinners and he has no idea what to even start thinking or feeling. Meanwhile every wonders if Bruce broke Jason with his own way of showing love and affection.
P.S. I HC that at least part of Bruce's love language is to spend time in the same space with his kids doing whatever... Even if it means doing paperwork in the middle of the room where Dick experiences an acrobat's wet dreams.
I'm not gonna lie to you, my brain literally went to 'paid mercenary' when I read 'bounty', but people put bounties on targets even without killing involved! So that's on me. lol But I definitely think that Bruce likes to spend lots of time with his children when he can, which could stem from lots of things, like how his parents died while they were on a night in the town together and even though he lost him he at least got to know how much they cared about him, and if he ever dies he wants his children to know that too, and that means showing an interest in their lives and being there. Or maybe it's because the last time he let a kid out of his sight for too long they went to a foreign country, got killed, and came back thinking they had died unloved and forgotten. 🙃
Sorry, my brain automatically translates to angst.
But seriously, Bruce wants to be there! Sometimes that means he can be overeager and always hovering over their shoulder, driving them up a wall. And sometimes that means he meddles and comes around even when they don't want them to.
Bruce spent such a long time alone in the Manor, with only Alfred to keep him company, and then went to travel and train largely alone, with only the occasional companion. And then he started his crusade expecting that to continue, only to soon gain a partner and son in Dick, and then slowly but steadily fill up the Manor with lively children.
Why would he ever want to go back to the way things used to be? And moreover, he chose to have these children in his life, why would he not want to spend time with them?
Jason would probably struggle to wrap his head around the concept the most. He went so long thinking only a certain way about Bruce, and then has to realize that he might have been wrong about Bruce from the start. He's got his own problems with parents who had loved or cared for him, but hadn't really been in the space or position to properly care about him. Look at Catherine, she loved and took care of Jason even when he wasn't her own son by blood! And yet having him in her life hadn't been enough to keep her off her drugs and addiction. That can really fuck a kid up. Bruce has plenty of other kids, lots of responsibility, and he can be a workaholic! But the fact that he wants and tries to make the time to spend time with his children, even if it just means being in the same room together so that he can hear them talk and laugh and rib each other says a lot about how important they are to him. And I'd like to think Jason would realize that too.
Bruce is, and more importantly can be, a good father! I will die on this hill, even if I have to get the dirt and make it myself.
10/10 HC, @chrysanthemum9484. It's not a fic, but my god, it's still got lots of feeling. I've got lots of Feelings. I shouldn't be allowed to write...
Side note: NF's How Could You Leave Us gives me major Jason Todd Feelings and I don't know how to cope with that.
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alea-says · 1 month
Hawaii Five-0, season 4, episode 11 thoughts...
Awww. Danny and Grace are so cute. Also, she knows how to get what she wants from him. So cute.
Of course Danny's not interested in a woman when he's got Steve.
Okay, love that Steve is the one to explain to Chin why Danny is dressed the way he is. Steve knows all of Danny's business cos it's his business too.
Danny to Steve: Well, I uh, I don't speak dog. Maybe you want to question him.
Also, Danny totally wants a dog.
Love the Santa hat on the skeleton in Max's lab.
Danny: let's ID this guy, put him in jail, so I can get back to my daughter, please.
Well, he's got priorities.
Steve, please look at the road. I know Danny's doing something with his hands right next to you, but you're driving. You can focus on Danny once you stop.
Oh yes! He's pulled over!
Lol at Steve opening it so quickly and being smug about it.
Steve wants to show Danny what he can do with his hands.
The way Steve looks at Danny, like, seriously, can you pay Kamekona? And Danny just looks back like, you want it, you do it.
Danny: Wow, you actually have a wallet
Steve: I got $80, all right. That's all I got.
Danny: Figures.
Then Danny pulls out his wallet to pay the rest!
Husbands be sharing the cost together
Lol at someone breaking into the dead guys house while they're in there.
Steve, Danny and Catherine walking down the hallway. Steve and Danny side by side with Catherine following. Just saying.
Danny asking Charlie for help for Grace. And because he's a softy for kids and wants to know about the girl in the locket.
Seeing as we're focused on Chin talking to this guy, he'll be the killer.
And I was right.
Poor Chin.
Ooh. Serial killer.
And he cuts a single finger to keep as a souvenir... guess we now know what's in that safe.
Good thinking Steve.
Why is Leilani saying she was meant to meet Chin a couple hours ago? Why do people always wait so long to contact others on TV? Also, with how Chin and Catherine were talking to each other, why hasn't she noticed either?
Impressive blood stains on Chin.
Aww Chin. This dude isn't gonna listen to reason.
And now he's showing off his photos of previous vics. Well, at least he isn't cutting off Chin's finger yet.
Well, they've got the freaky serial killer down pat.
Oh wow. He has a girlfriend. That's uncommon. And now he's knocked her out too.
Okay, how did they pick that house to go to? And now they think they got it wrong?
Peeps in vests. Yes!
Chin going for the scissors!
Great fighting considering his hands are still tied.
Clever woman sliding the gun to Chin.
Danny calling Steve cheap and saying he likes a free meal.
You been feeding him, Danny?
🤣🤣🤣 and they're so busy arguing, so focused on each other, that everyone else leaves and they're left there by themselves.
Danny and Grace are so cute!!
(Also, Danny with sweatpants and bare feet... I think that's the most relaxed we've ever seen him)
Aww. Not only are they going to get the locket with the photo back to the father, but Danny and Grace go themselves to give it to him!
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leefi · 10 months
p&p (2005) thoughts:
why is this filmed like the office im crying
jane is sooooo sweet i love herrrr
in a weird turn of my expectations coming into this elizabeth has been grating on me WAY more than darcy. don't get me wrong, darcy's still a bit of a dick and deserves some heat, but how could you make so many assumptions about someone you’ve barely spoken to? she’s very sure of herself and her opinions of others in a way that really gets my nerves. what's up with the movie title btw lol
mr bennett truly don't give af im crying
(watching lizzie run out after seeing darcy's actually at home) now me personally i would have killed myself right there
mrs bennett my most BELOATHED enemy every time she is on screen my blood pressure SKYROCKETS
bingley and darcy walking through the bennett door to mom and sisters quietly reading and sewing got a full belly laugh out of me
jane and lizzie have been so cute awwwww. sisters!!!!!
this story could have been made even better with the addition of at least one darcy & bingley open mouth kiss. sorry
i like mary's character sooo much. i wish we saw more of her. something to keep in mind if i ever read the book i guess
i wish we saw more georgiana too!! who is this little sister that darcy adores so much?? shakes my fist at 2-hour movie runtimes
i'd watch a sequel of jane dealing with her demon sister-in-law. defend urself QUEEN
[lizzie and catherine bourgh scene] oh my gawddd just like crazy rich asians (2018)
oh hey. it's the scene i've seen giffed 10 million times
this twilight-ass lighting
when lizzie said "i do like him. i love him" i made the exact same face as her dad
i like how mr bennett the least giving af character in the whole movie is the sounding board for her character development
that was sauuuuu cute oh my gawddd that "mrs.darcy" ending scene…ok white ppl i see u!!!!
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celticcrossanon · 10 months
Hello Celta, it was also a new moon last night/this morning, August 16th morning or overnight wherever you are. believe the new moon is in Leo. I’m so over Charles not resolving the issue of Harry one way or another. All the decisions or non- decisions were made by Elizabeth, and Charles is simply continuing on the tradition of non decision decision-making. Not choosing to act is a choice, a decision.
From reading your interpretation of the meaning of the cards of your attempted reading, I get an avoidance energy from dear old CSW, like she’s deliberately throwing up confusion, like dust in our eyes. It’s funny I never had much of an opinion of her over the years. But I’m seeing her now as a very dark horse. We see now she was/is adept at playing in the shadows to further her agenda to emerge as quite the power player after Elizabeth.
There’s been talk among like minded blogs about her agenda, particularly vis a vis the coronation. The non release of even existence of photos of the King and the Wales line after the coronation, ie Charles and the heir and the heirs family. Instead we get Charles and CSW with her grandkids. Their names and her dogs names sewn into her coronation/wedding gown.
There’s talk of her desire to have her kids be titled. Except the thinking was it would look unseemly and too much in this time of Charles ‘austerity’. Lol. His ‘austerity’ that made him demand Catherine not wear tiaras or new clothes at both his coronations. Bloggers were complaining that Catherine wore a rewear at the Scottish event. My guess is that Charles on SCW behalf made ‘demands’ on Catherine, just because she can, and just because she’s the height of snobbery where Catherine is concerned. That she is behind the absence of Catherine at the opening of Parliament last year, and Catherine’s absence this November. The date is set for when William and supposedly Catherine will be in Singapore for Earthshot.
By the way, the France state visit is still on for this September for Charles and CSW. Watch out for her to wear all the diamonds and tiaras and crowns in the vault, just like Germany. Poor CSW, it’s all she has now. And subterfuge, she’s always had that, now we see it clearly. She’s been leading Charles by his little head all this time, and he can’t say no to her. Not even for his own bloodline. So yeah, decisive Charles, ah no. You can’t expect miracles here. Expect Charles to make a non-decision decision about everything, especially Harry. I’d be happy to be wrong though.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
The gossip does say that Camilla is a big influence on Charles, and when the courtiers want something done they go to her as she will then convince Charles to do it, so I think we do have to take into account her behind-the-scenes influence.
I believe the date for the State Opening of Parliament is set by Parliament itself and not the King, so I am not sure how much influence Charles and Camilla would have on that date. I don't know whether it is presented to them as 'this is happening on this date', or whether the date is decided in consultation with their staff and their schedules (which sounds more likely to me), or if it happens in another way. In all other areas Charles and Camilla appear to work as a team, with her being the greatest influence on his decisions. She does appear to be pushing her family forward to either be seen as equals with or to try and overshadow the blood royal. If you look at history that sort of behaviour rarely ends well.
I feel that it has got to the stage where Harry has to be dealt with. It does not have to be anything drastic, but the King needs to make a clear line between working royals and non working royals. Making the distinction clear on the royal website would be a very good start, as would not naming Harry as a Counsellor of State. As long as the lines are blurred Harry and Meghan can continue to exploit that and claim that they are a bigger part of The Firm than they real are (which is 0%).
Added: Thank you for the New Moon information. I think that had something to do with my confusion as well, as that New Moon hit several sensitive spots in my chart. Now I am waiting for things to settle down, which they should do in a few days (when Mercury, a fast moving planet, moves off my natal Uranus).
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 10 months
Not surprised at all by the Andrew ride along.
First of all let me say I love KC lll BUT I can also believe he can be a little stinker too.
With all this discussion about PH being totally iced out with no way to return and the problem with Prince Andrew, AND with The Wales being sooooooo popular——we are neglecting in our discussion, KC lll high aptitude for…triangulation and palace politics.
Prior to the arrival of MM and PH’s departure, Charles and William weren’t super tight buds. The then Cambs treaded lightly and decisions came from QEII. By all accounts the relationship between PH and Charles was much closer. And he didn’t mind playing one of the little princes against the other.
While I don’t see KC III doing anything to completely undermine PW future reign, I don’t think he has a whole lot of interest in letting PW off the leash to substantially outshine his own time as monarch.
Enter Prince Andrew—he is going to be The Wales problem. PH may as well get used to less than perfect family members and how best to deal with it. Think of it as military basic training for future monarch bc PW is going to have a lifetime of conflict from PH —wife, ex wife, kids etc…
Prince Harry does still have value to the crown—he has two interracial children and they are blood princes. That is really beneficial to the Commonwealth. They have to fit in somewhere and somehow regardless of their mother stunts. The question is how without getting tangled up with MM garbage?
It’s going to be interesting and ultimately, it will be Princess Catherine who finds a workable solution…or lol her mother.
I doubt it's Charles being a stinker. Sadly, Andrew will likely outlive Charles, so he is going to end up being William's problem. I understand that.
But the car drive is going to be interpreted as a show of support, and I think that's a mistake.
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xstarkillerx · 11 months
*let me do this again my dumb ass couldnt find the ask lmao*
dude i saw you reblogged my brian o'conner crash fanart, i was about to plug my A03 (i can't really post my delirious fantasies here since this is supposed to be a blog for my art collective 👀) BUT THEN i saw you already posted my shit here BUNNIE IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG insert iasip meme ILY <3 <3 <3
BASSE-FOSSE YOU ARE SO FAMOUS TO ME HELLLOOOOOO!!!!! It is me, you found me! I definitely should've put two and two together that the person posting art of Brian as Gabrielle and the person writing wild crash-f&f crossovers was one and the same lol. Although, as I've come to learn through your awesome recommendation that led me down a bit of a podfic rabbit hole, there are some bonkers, fantastical fics for f&f with super out there concepts but are really really well realized, which was pleasant to discover. I'm gonna keep blabbing under the read-more, because I'm so happy to have found you on tumblr, but I'll end off by saying I can't believe you posted to ao3 twice in July and I didn't know, I'm literally about to feast rn.
Anyway so nice to see you!!!!!
For anyone curious about what we're taking about, here you go!
I should take this time to say crash blew my mind, you were so right about the final scene being extremely similar to the end of the first f&f, to the point where my friend and I's reactions when we did that double feature were pretty much identical, it was so funny! We watched Crash first, and there was something about seeing that Miata finally get knocked off the highway, that was soooooooo... Like, I may be reading too much into this and I definitely don't understand the movie entirely yet, but MX-5 Miatas are one of the most personified cars out there because of their eye-like headlights and mouth-like vents, they literally look like 😃 it's so cute. Miatas are almost always portrayed as innocent, Friendly, and childlike, so to see the destruction of one (which the movie was def building up to), AND TO WATCH JAMES FUCK CATHERINE IN WRECKAGE , like it's such a good image to end on… it really drives home the irreparable effect being introduced to Vaughn's "world" had on them, like they basically went through the a fucked up version of the hero's journey and were left on the other side of the threshold not knowing how to cope, my jaw was on the floor!!! The unattainable fantasy of ultimate orgasm because of the resiliency of both cars AND human bodies, it was so good. "Maybe the next one, maybe the next one," still gives me shivers.
So watching F&F afterward was hilarious because my friend basically had the same reaction to its ending, that truck impact hit her real hard (she too wanted them to ugly fuck on the busted charger lol). I had told her that this was essentially the most blood we would ever see in the rest of the franchise which is not a lot, and we ended up having a whole conversation about comparing the fantasy set in place by both movies. The fantasy of F&F is essentially 1) the characters' inability to die/stay dead or get injured and 2) the seemingly omnipotent ability of cars to take down larger and larger vehicles, starting with 18-wheelers and progressing to yachts, trains, Humvees, planes, it's endless!! Whereas the fantasy in the world of Crash IS to die, to be scarred, marred, for every dent and scratch on your car to be mirrored on your skin until you're one and the same. It's the next evolution of man, to be melded with machine in a way that's gorey and sexual. Both works involve little family institutions, people who get it, people who have your back, and a fearless leader running the show. Where Dom Toretto literally can't die, or even lose, because it's in vin diesel's contract, Vaughn was fated to! What kind of example would he be setting for the others if he couldn't achieve the nirvana of dying on the toronto freeway.
Ugh I totally did not mean to give you an entire book report but I've been sitting on all of this for so long and I figured you of all people would understand being immensely effected by these two movies being put together lol. Anyway thanks for reaching out! I'm around if you ever wanna talk f&f, I loveeeeee the way you view that universe. Much luvvvv 🫶🫶
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gctchell · 3 months
tagged by: @jizzlords thank you, my darling! 🖤
tagging: you, if you see this. tag me so I can peep.
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alias / name:  red!
birthday: march 23rd.
zodiac sign: aries.
height: 5'1''. what's up lucifer i think we see eye-to-eye.
hobbies: love roleplaying, love writing, love diving into character psychology and obsessing over that shit. love drawing when I can, and driving when I get to, along with gaming. re-entering my continuous obsession with vtm:b lol.
favorite color: black and burgundy.
favorite book: it changes as i read more. palette is kind of clean atm, don't got a fav. finished and enjoyed "in the company of witches" by auralee wallace recently tho, and currently getting into "the historian" by elizabeth kostova, "interview with the vampire" by anne rice, and "the exorcist's house" by nick roberts. and "wuthering heights".
last song:  storytime by nightwish.
last film / show: hook (1991) / x-men '97 (SO GOOD)
inspiration: for niffty, it's her pilot self that i'm primarily using which i've just built on for a few years now. looking at those 1950s diners, old cars, and listening to the music from the time helps, too! for stella, it's listening to 10 hour long videos of snowstorms and within temptation, along with the fact awkward moms who mean well, love their kids more than anything, and are trying their best are not really all-too present in media like the dad counterparts are. i wanna write that for her. for lilith, it's reading what her followers have to say about her as well as the books they've recommended for getting to know her more personally, rolled in with morticia addams (carolyn jones & catherine zeta-jones). to boot, there's also my love for the gothic, vampires, nightwish, and experience from my days of playing jessica rabbit. also listening to sea ambience, crashing and washing waves. for carmilla, it's the paranoia of tammy's death scene (blood and death in that link), the pain, perseverance and elegance of ballet, some of the energy from "the hacienda" by isbaela cañas, and just staring at her scenes and analyzing them in my little mind palace.
story behind url: i was sitting here trying to think of a quick url and i was like 'wouldn't it be cool if gotohell was available' .. this variation was. :)
fun fact about me: i've always wanted to be a stormchaser ever since i was a kid. also, i own two daggers, three katanas, two swords, one machete and an iridescent pocket knife, and a crossbow. loading crossbows is harder than you think. need some strength for that.
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s13e8 the scorpion and the frog (w. meredith glynn)
DEAN Well, see, here's the thing. When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high. We just ice their ass. BARTHAMUS How very "Dean" of you.
this episode and the last i've briefly thought about how in-universe the supernatural books exists and so this rando demon who has been "following their career" also like. surely read those books. and i dunno, man. that periodically skeeves me out :p
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weirdly angled prolonged and interesting eye contact
ok blood from a man that's been to hell and back, does sammy not also qualify? and including the clip of dean in hell crying out for sam thanks always love that reminder 🥲
anyway this self-aware heist thing is ... whatever. bunch of random people i'm supposed to keep track of? meh :p
the musical score was largely unobtrusive (outside of the series-long quirky music) last episode, lennertz did it. this one i'm rolling my eyes at so i'm gonna guess it's a gruska :P (it is lol)
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s13e8 as shrike / game of thrones s5e8 hardhome - richard brake as the night king
apparently this sadistic murderer been to hell shrike dude was the night king. who we are, i guess, glossing over the fact that he got out of hell
the moral of the scorpion and the frog, the end they both drown, right? can't blame a shark for being a shark?
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SAM Dean? DEAN Yeah? SAM Don't get dead. DEAN You, too.
not their regular style but i'll take the crumbs in this episode i couldn't care less about
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s13e8 as smash / twilight: breaking dawn part 2 christie burke as renesmee
and safe cracker girl i guess is crushing on dean, sure. i was in her imdb seeing if her age was in there (no) but actually pretty cool looking new series on syfy she's got the lead in, called the ark (trailer) but also??? she was a grownup-ish renesmee in twilight! LOL in that goofy fucking montage
oh good grief, and jackles gets to do some slapstick. to some fucking slapstick carnival music. i do enjoy him as an actor but not so much the comedy he often does in this show
yes sam is also me, correcting the shrike dude (nicely!) about his collection being incorrectly labeled. people love that, let me tell you
GRAB Hey, a little respect? It took years to perfect that spell. If your brother's too stupid to do his part, then that's on him. DEAN What'd you say?
always here for defending sam's honor
DEAN Well, looks like gun beats knife, so how about you hand over the safe, and then we'll all be home in time to watch Game of Thrones. LUTHER SHRIKE I'm more of a book guy.
that was cute, what with the actor being on GOT
SAM Wing it? Dean, these… these aren't like the lasers in Entrapment. There are infinite possible combinations [Sighs] and pressure-released darts. DEAN Did you just say "Entrapment"? SAM I don't know. I mean, I don't… I don't watch a whole lot of those kinds of movies. DEAN Yeah, but you saw Entrapment? SAM Catherine Zeta Jones.
oh right i've seen this bit in gifs, i'm like hey entrapment! i just mentioned that recently! oh right, because of this spn scene
(i'm closer to dean's age than sam's but all the more reason for it to have made an impression on him. her ass specifically was definitely part of the ad campaign)
well lemme guess. bart's bones? we pullin up that old nugget? givin myself a pat on the back, for figuring it out 10 seconds before the reveal
dean in just a henley and brief deployment of the mushy music to acknowledge dean is just totally not suicidal and hopeless anymore hurray 45 second conversation and we're done
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neomedievalist · 3 months
as a canadian what's your opinion of st. catherine?
are we talking about catherine of alexandria? (i just looked it up i assume you're asking bc of the city in niagara region, feel free to correct me if not)
out of all saints i've read the vita of, her's is easily one of my favourites it's fantastic. it's everything you'd want out of a first wave hagiography with all the drama and superpowers and weird miracles and shit (always love when female saints start bleeding milk instead of blood lol). the breaking wheel is such a badass symbol. she's such an easy standout in the list of early roman christian martyrs
when i got this ask i was like ooh you guys think i have much more of an encyclopedic knowledge of saints than i actually do but this is one i actually studied so. lucky day. never been to the city although i've probably passed through it on the way to niagara falls
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Lol bunking off the artillery ask, so we can be a completely deranged sociopath queen and (assuming we keep our capabilities on the ruling part) still rise to sit cozily on our blood soaked throne? Dang that's rad 😈
I hate it when stories punish the MC for being ruthless or crazy. Like it so obviously makes it so you have a "bad" ending. Ruthlessness is a quality that isn't expressly malicious in intent. People like Remiel don't wake up going "Mhm, it smells like a beautiful morning to go sicko mode and ruin the lives of others!" Its more like "Ah shit, lets see...whats the best way to get what i want and return the best investment for my effort?"
Ruthless characters in history have always existed and have been successful. Julius Caesar (you know him), Cao Cao (one of the warlords of the Three Kingdoms era), Augustus (first Roman Emperor), Qin Shi Huang (First Unifier of China), and Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France and possibly last historical figure to stand with the men above.)
Is this something only linked with men? Fuuuuuck no. Lemme list some women up in here.
Wu Zetian The only Empress in China's 3,000-long history
Her reign was one of the more successful ones that economically benefited the country, militarily expanded the borders, and had an all-male harem for her own pleasure...home girl died at 81 after ruling for more than half a century.
Catherine the Great, Russian monarch who helped modernize her empire and even introduced vaccination to her people by being the first to try it out.
Hatshepsut, a female Pharoah of Egypt who put all the guys in her generation to shame. She launched a successful invasion, went on a building spree that following pharaohs would try to take credit for, and established new trading routes before dying in 1458 B.C. THATS 3,480 YEARS AGO!!!!! Give or take, i suck at math
Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great. Ima be honest. There wouldn't be an Alex if his momma didn't Game of Thrones the shit outta everyone else. She, "insisted she had a dream just before Alexander’s conception where a thunderbolt ignited her womb with an enormous fire." Supernatural street cred, check. She and her husband Philip II were fighting, baaaadly. So Philip married another girl and oh there popped a new baby boy! This of course meant a rival to our Alex since the baby was a full Macedonian. Now, I'm not saying Olympias killed her husband, buuuuut lets say she was quick with the aftermath. She immediately assassinated Alexander's half siblings, including the newborn baby boy, forced their mother to kill herself, destroyed the rival family, and then said, "Fuck it, it was true, I cheated on my husband WITH ZEUS!" Oh god and that's not even all..when her son Alexander finally did die, guess what she did. She marched on macedon with an army. And when an enemy army lined up against hers, she rode out, said "Im Alexander the great's mom, how bout dat?" and they joined her side instead. THEN with this new double army, she finished up killing another rival of hers; the queen famously sent Adea Eurydice a cup of poison, a noose, and a sword…then told her to choose how she would die. Eurydice chose to hang.
And of course Cleopatra, the one who banged Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony...that also spoke no less than nine languages, and possibly upwards of 12, who was also an author. She wrote a medicinal and pharmacological book called Cosmetics which included, amongst other things, remedies for male pattern baldness and dandruff. (I'm looking at Julius and Anthony...) She killed her brother and sister to consolidate her throne, led a fleet, and revitalized an Egypt that was in the down turn until her death.
Hope ive proven that ruthlessness, something all these ladies had to have in order to survive in a world where men traditional held power, is not the shoe in "bad trait" to have that modern writers portray it as.
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