#So much that i cant even remember what my last fandom was even about
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venus0fl0v3 · 2 days ago
just realised my fellow tumblrinas (we should call people who use tumblr that) haven't seen my Xmen shrine
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Bonus my wall and my James McAvoy Callender....
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mellohd · 7 months ago
EMH Marble Hornets AU!!
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ok i know im not creative when it comes to aus but i thought itd be interesting to tell the story of MH through EMH’s story? IF YOU GUYS HAVE THOUGHTS OR QUESTIONS PLS LEAVE SOME IN MY INBOX!!! :-]( or even questions for the MH!EMH characters heh)1
Basically its just marble hornets told through EMH, for example instead of “tapes i found” story telling theyd open a youtube channel for tips and tricks on making your own movie while they make their own called Marble Hornets! EMH/MLA spoilersish up ahead
Heres the character correspondences:
Alex-> Jeff
Jay-> Vinnie
Tim-> Evan
Brian-> Michael!MLA
Jess-> Alex!EMH
Amy ->Jeffs GF(so sorry i forgot her name 😭)
“Masky”->Habit(which makes sense depending on the theories you go with for either series)
“Hoody”->Patrick (same as the last one)
Characters in cant figure out an association with:
Steph, Jess(Evans bestfriend) Shaun So they might just not have a place in this story idk
Since Mlanderson and EMH are in the same universe i thought id make Brian the Michael/Patrick of this story, except more involved. Instead of their being a shaun i think id like Brian to just go to MH crew, if ykwim. I did this cause the only other character i thought could fit Brian was Alex!EMH and I didnt like that.
My take on Masky is that hes just a more aware Tim, not a separate being (tho i do like to think of it that way for fun sometimes ha ha). Masky in my mind was in a battle against the operators control and was ultimately trying to help Jay. I think Masky would br Habit in this series cause of the theory that Habit is one of the first few iterations of Evan, thats why theyre similar and so compatible etc if you know the theory you know. That does mean that Tim isnt gonna act all ha ity, just more erratic i think, i havent gone tooooooo far into a characterization(or even a name) for Emh!MH Habit yet
“Hoody” I see as just brian and he was just disguising himself. in this au “Hoody” would be patrick. Let me explain,
Frim what i gathetef through my second watch of EMH and, my first of MLA , patrick is just Michael but remembers every single iteration, hes a similar being to Habit, thats why he has powers ig? Look i havent gotten too far into theories fir MLA the fandom is so dead i never see any 😭😭. I dont want to get to far into theories on other series anyways cause rhis is about my AU so ANYYYYWAYS i think brian would fit that its just brians story doesnt fit entirely with Michael, actually Tim would probably fit more now that i think about it. Oh god now im thinking of switching them again uhm wtv
I think the rest of the correspondences make sense if you think about it a bit. Jay as Vinnie makes sense to me because of boths compulsive need for answers even though its destructive to those around them. Jay wouldnt be as much as a villain in this like vinnie is (or maybe i havent decided muahaha). I also thought they fit cause they both do that weird thing where they constatly have to document everything.
I thought tim eould fit Evan just cause of the whole habit arc.
Alex as Jeff was more of a fill a role thing that eventually made sense to me. I did think of making him Evan and Tim Jeff, and im still thinking of doing this, but i thought the whole finding the gf arc would fit alex more. Alex would still be one of the villains i think. Like i said this would be marble hornets told through EMH lol. I might even switch it up and assign a habit type role to Alex instead and there be two patrick characters who knows!
As you can tell im still thinking this through so maybe mext post i make about this will be more solid. if youre interested to talk about this kore with me(obv my inbox) or i have a slenderverse discord i made with my friend heh tik tok smug emoji. come join if youre looking for more slenderverse friends(and if youre interested in darkharvest and mla especially cause i need more people to talk about that to 😭😭)
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human-space-heater · 3 months ago
Spoilers for Arcane Season 2 Act 2
(there's a lot because holy shit what just happened?!)
Cait and Maddie being a thing was NOT on my bingo card holy shit. Not understanding why there's hate on Maddie, I'm like 90% sure she didn't know that Cait and Vi had broken up, let alone were together! Cait the bed wasn't even cold and you moved on god damn.
Vander recognizing Jinx after seeing her and her bombs was so cute. Vander remembered Powder trying to make these working bombs and now can see her grown up with her bombs. And also wasn't expecting Vander and Silco knowing Felicia (Jinx and Vi's mom). They look so similar to their mother, it's insane. And Vander naming Violet! The tears omg.
The scene of Jinx and Vi reading the note between Vander and Silco was also so cool, especially the detail with the two sisters turning away from each other with the line saying "But it was on both of your hands." This shows attention to detail and its artwork is chef's kiss.
I will now be going on to call Vi's gauntlets her bitch mittens because that was hilarious.
"The vile villainess herself. The author of your nightmares." I love Jinx's need to be dramatic.
The reunion between Vander, Jinx, and Vi healed me in a way I WASN'T EXPECTING. Jinx and Vi fighting like siblings was also so wholesome. Also Isha joining their little family was such an adorable detail.
The tiny interaction of Jinx and Viktor brought me so much joy. They are both sassy geniuses and I love them for it. I need more interactions with them but SOMEBODY (side eyes that character) DECIDED WE CANT HAVE ANYTHING NICE IN THIS FANDOM
Jayce what the hell did you see that caused you to kill Viktor! You killed your bf! What the hell?!
Lest I love you and think you're such a badass. I need more screen time of this cool cat lady.
Mel being a badass. I love how elegant and level headed she is even in such a dire situation. Even when she realized that was not her brother, she did what she had to do in order to get out of there alive. And her magic thing was awesome as hell!
Cait and Vi planning was top tier. I was so upset that Cait gave Vi up to Ambessa. But the sigh of relief I took when I realized it was a set up should've cured my anxiety.
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isalisewrites · 2 months ago
ive been reading terrible but great since 2021 ive been reading tomarry since i was like 12 reading fates favorite. i dont rly interact bc my main fandom and presence is so far apart that my little circle deeefinitely doesnt gaf abt tomarry or hp and wld in fact be scandalized . so i was really regretting that i dont have anyone to cry to about how spectacular and lifechanging that was and then i guessed i cld jst anon u since thats a thing.
ur a hero. just the exact, perfect, seriously right amount of lead up because if there was more i really wld snap under the pressure of tom being too thick because then it wld just piss me off instead i was spellbound. u provided a genuine .. i swear masterpiece u were providing like a parent oh wow ..... like how people want sweet treats every now and then i never had to go searching. its 1 am for me and ive had sadly late nights this last few weeks since winter break began and it happened the other day that it was 5 am and i had two beautiful long chapters of terrible but great waiting for me when i woke up. and when i tell u oooooooooooh god i sobbed like a fucking baby last night reading that. harrys heartbreak my god. my goodness. this kind of emotional turmoil probably doesnt exist so far at this extent in any other tomarry im following. that doesnt matter i wont need it because wow. truly incredible.
hes finally a bit. understanding of himself. he knows hes in love now. wow . i am a small puddle
oh and how i cried for voldemorts passing. u have no clue like i had snot all down my throat i was under my blanket like i was twelve again or something. seriously i cried because not only did u craft that so excellently but i was as attached to him as harry is . because i care so much for every little thing in this story because ive practically grown a bit with it . wow its 2025 now you know. 47 minutes since the clock went 12. so its been four years of your writing this piece anyway and ive been blessed. so thankyou i cant share my overwhelmed incandescent happiness with anyone else in the world at all sadly tragically its my own fault anyways for not tomarrying right. but its personal for me so i dont mind that im only sharing it with u. thankyou so so much.
and my favorite thing ever in this fic besides their bitchfight and toms revelation that harry is his own personal dr who is probably fleamont potter god bless him may he marry euphemia and harry officiates or at least flowerboys for him. praise the lord and isalise for this fleamont and euphemia.......... they bring me SOOOOO MUCH FUCKING JOY wow. im gonna go reread all the fleamont moments. and then im probably gonna reread the last chapter. and then im Prrooobably gonna get it tattoed on my chest. have a good one isalise u absolute unit
Fate’s Favourite and Past’s Player are some of my foundational Tom/Harry stories, even though they’re platonic in this series. There’s a fight in Past’s Player that was the spark of my desire for a huge duel to the death, aka The Twink Fight, for Terrible, But Great. I love the fight in Past’s Player, how Tom drugs Harry for information and the two of them have a feral fight. But my story, I wanted something immense.
After all these years, I still remember my favorite line from Fate’s Favourite.
“You have very pretty eyes… They’d look good in my collection.”
Zevi Prince was the reason I wanted Quintus Prince to exist.
you belong to me (i belong to you) sparked the idea of a more complex relationship between Harry and Death in Terrible, But Great. I adore Harry in this fic so very much.
So many others were foundational fics for me. 
Of Your Making
A Dangerous Game
No Glory
A Dangerous Game and No Glory were trigger fics, as were Fate’s Favourite and Past’s Player. What I mean by that is they were a catalyst in pushing me to write Terrible, But Great. Let me be EXCEPTIONALLY clear: they are all beautifully written and exactly what they need to be in terms of the story they’re trying to tell. They are S Tier stories and truly beloved.
But they weren’t what I was looking for exactly in a Tomarry story.
They scratched a few itches, but not all of them. (I actually have another idea for a Harry/Voldemort fic that was triggered/inspired by If Paths Diverge, but I'm not writing that idea at this time.) I needed something else. Honestly, these kinds of fics are the best because they’re always the source of creating something else. These types of fics are so vital to fandom life in all other fandoms, too.
I wanted a Harry who was equal to Tom, who challenged him. I wanted a Harry who stood up to Tom. I wanted a Harry who was still a Gryffindor, who was still self sacrificing, but also gave into his shadow side for Tom. As Harry grows a little darker, Tom grows a little lighter. (One of my favorite shounen ai manga does this. No.6)  I’d read so many fics where Harry was always giving something up for Tom/Voldemort, while Tom/Voldemort never did. Harry was always sacrificing something and Tom was always taking. The inequality grew to hurt too much. I wanted to see a Tom/Voldemort so very smitten, so very much in love that he would do anything for his Harry.
I got a comment on chapter 52 complaining about TBG Harry losing his spine and conviction, that the two of them didn’t feel like equals anymore.
Chapter 53 completely shows otherwise. Tom is willing to do anything for Harry in return. Tom is willing to sacrifice one of his greatest desires, finding out his heritage in the Chamber of Secrets, for Harry. They are equals. Terrible, But Great is a story of sacrifice, but from both of them.
The emotions of Harry realizing he’d do anything for Tom, even stay at his side while he spirals downward is a scary, sobering realization to have. It’s terrifying. He’d have to watch Tom lose himself. Though he’d stay at Tom’s side, he would inevitably watch Tom spiritually die right before his very eyes.
I was crying a ton while editing chapter 52, especially when I added the sections of Tom’s dialogue from previous chapters. UGH, MY HEART. I’m so glad those emotions carried across to you. That’s truly what I wanted. I wanted heartbreak in the most perfect way, one where it was okay in the end.
Thank you so very much for sharing your love of Terrible, But Great with me. It fills my heart so much. I can’t wait to continue on with Arc Three and beyond, to have you all share in more powerful emotions with me. Those boys still have a lot to learn.  And don’t worry, we’ll get to see more of Monty and Effie soon. You can look forward to a lot of growth for Harry and Tom in Arc Three and, yes, in Arc Four as well. 
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persephone11110 · 2 years ago
Hot and Cold
J.S x Reader
Warnings:quiet reader/happy/confident, protective j.s, mention of past oc death, soft jake seresin, fake date->real dating at the end, bad date, medical inaccuracy, naval inaccuracy, ooc j.s a bit, curse words
Summary: two times jake seresin was secretly in love with y/n l/n and the one time he made sure you knew too.
ofc: Y/n“Mouse”L/n
AN: This is so random, this is me taking a break from Fallen Angel. I’ve read 5+1 b4 from different fandoms but make mine 2+1 bcus i don’t have the brain cells to do that. I don’t know if I like this ENJOY ❤️
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1. the hard deck
“Kiss me baby”
“Ooh, that feels good”
You leaned against the bar alone sipping on your sparkling water quietly. As much as you loved Rooster’s singing— it was loud and made everyone around you in bar loud. You flinched at the shouts that echoed throughout the bar— you knew everyone was just having fun—something you didn’t quite understand yet.
“You hate Bradshaw’s voice too?” a southern drawl calls out to you. You look back to a man with set of gorgeous green eyes. Holy shit he’s fine.
“H..Hi Seresin” your voice suddenly stuttering—nervousness was rising at the sight of the man.
You instantly recognized the man Hangman, the man that leaves everyone in his dust cloud. He gently puts his hand on your back guiding you to a pair of seats outside.
After pulling out your chair Jake gently smiles at you—“Sorry about that Y/n I couldn’t hear over that chicken shit”. He full on smirking, back at home Jake has a little brother Riley who has the exact same tendencies as you. Shy and Quiet-pratically acts like a ghost.
“Jake” you shot him a disapproving look. “Be kind to Rooster”.
“Why should I Mouse?”, he glances at you, your not dumb you could feel and see the deep hatred the two men have for each other. He sips at his beer before putting it back down on the table.
You sighed,“Because whether you like it or not Rooster might be the one up there with you”. You say easily, you know what it feels like to lose someone up in the air. The feeling of someone’s death weighing on conscious day and night— the infamous What If’s.
He shrinks back—“Who, if you don’t mind me asking ya sweetheart?”. He reaches over and grabs your hand lightly—there’s no heat behind his words, his face is soft and gentle— you could see the real him and not his facade Hangman.
Icarus flew too close to the sun. a teardrop fell from your face.
Painful memories crashed your mind, the day Y/n died, having to listen to banshee like cries of his mother and wife combined. Watching his casket get carefully laid into the ground.
“Me and my wso were shot down in enemy territory”.— it’s classified can’t give to much away. “I know I don't why you and Rooster have differences but all i’m saying is that the last thing you both need is death weighing you down”.
“Thank you Y/n”, Jake cards his fingers over your knuckles.“But I need to get back to terrorizing everyone around me”.
Jake wishes he could stay longer, leaving you is the last thing he wants. But if he stayed longer Jake might confess his feelings for you. Cant have that before a big mission, can we?
“Bye Hangman”, you waved him away.
He stood up and gently dropped a kiss onto your head.
“Bye Mouse”
I think I’m in love with her.
2. record store
Leave it to loudmouth Phoenix to tell the daggers you had a date tonight. And if you remember correctly Jake had look like he taken a bite into a lemon, sour and confused of why you had a date. When you could be dating him.
“Come on Y/n, your going ditch takeout with me for a random date tonight?”, His eyes fan over to you, as you stood at his kitchen sink.
“Well excuse me Seresin some of us weren’t grace with beauty like others”, you snapped, throwing your lipstick in your purse hastily.
“Goodbye Jake”, you turned on your heel not daring to look back to see if Jake even cared enough to come after you.
You lonely walked the aisles of the record store alone, it was too good to be true, why would a man like Jordan waste him time on you. Maybe you weren’t destined for love—maybe your life would end with you being old cat lady who’s suffered from a broken heart decades early.
You found yourself standing infront of various records Ready to Die, At Last, Enter The Wutang—36 Chambers. All of your favorites album.
“Well at least I know music taste”, God damn it you recognized the arrogant accent from anywhere.
You counted to five before turning around to see Jake. “H-Hello”, you stutter out, Jake was in a three piece suit, with a bouquet of lily’s in his hand. Your favorite flowers, the suit you helped him pick out weeks ago.
“Hey there darlin”, he leans over you—dropping a kiss onto your hair. “I’m sorry for being a bastard”, Jake softly apologizes to you. Your taken back at the softness of his voice.
“How did you—”, you cut yourself off unsure if really wanted the answer.
“Easy, Bradshaw told me that jackass was at the hard deck with a girl hanging off his arm”. , Your shoulders deflated with sadness, you were right- no man is going to spend time with a woman like you. Tears trickled down your face—“Hey, Hey sweetheart whats with the tears?”. His voice more softer.
Your shoulders bounce with sadness at your face found it’s self into the crook of Jake’s neck. “I just wished someone loved me”, you mumbled, to him yet he could hear how much emotion filled your words.
“Come on sweetheart, what do you think i’m doing down here”, he pulls you from him—“You don’t need that jackass to have fun, you have me?”, he whispered into your ear.
“Yeah” he promised, “I booked us a reservation at Gio’s, and besides Bradshaw and Trace tossed Jordan on his ass after they caught him”. A bit of laughter came out your mouth as you smiled. “Two black eyes and a suit don’t mix well together”, he lightly poked at you.
“Fine Seresin”, you interlocked arms with him, “Lead the way”.
He could feel his heart throb with excitement.
“Alrighty Y/n you win”. you and Jake walked arm and arm to his car before he opens the car door for you, ushering you into his car. You flashed a smile at him.
I think I’m in love with her.
3. uss?(day of the mission)
“I came to see Lieutenant Jake Seresin”, your tone wavering with fear, logically you knew he was fine—you saw him and Bradley shake hands and smile at each other. But that didn’t mean anything to you, not after you lost Hunter in the air.
“Lieutenant L/n” the doctor tone drenched with stress, “Seresin is busy—”, she was cut off by a southern accent filled with arrogance.
“I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.”, the doctor scoffs-sidestepping, granting you access to Jake.
The cocky son of bitch was laid out on the cot with a grin on his face. “Haven’t see you in a bit sweetheart”. He was laying there as if he hadn’t almost lost his life.
You must’ve allowed some type of emotion to cross your face because the next thing you knew a brusied Jake was pulling down with towards him. Your head tucked under his chin, as you both laid in silence.“Feeling that Y/n?”, he drawled out.
“Yeah I do”, your voice is gentle. “J..Jake I thought I lost you”, your voice wavered.
“I know sweetheart I thought I did too”, he sits up with you in his lap.“I had to save Pops and Rooster you know that right?”.
“Without a doubt”, you managed to run your fingers through his hair. “And you did amazing job of that too, whilst also scaring the shit outta of me”.
“I’m surprised Cyclone isn’t here yet, tearing me a new one”, Jake tells you—adding a kiss to your hand.
“He’s coming soon for a debrief, and the last thing he needs is two of his top lieutenants laid up in bed together Jake”. you tried moving from his embrace.
Jake easily held you back“Y/n I really don’t give a damn right now”.
“Jake”, you said.
“What sweetheart?”.
“Kiss me”, you playfully puckered your lips out.
“God damn darlin took you look enough”, his hand cupped the back of your head.
“I’m in love with her”
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qoldenskies · 5 months ago
48, 68, and 79 for the fanfic writing asks. :]
48. Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
forever donnie (he stuck out to me the SECOND i watched the show and has not left my brain)... but i actually find raph second easiest to write pov for, i wanna get into the meat of him at some point because he's really interesting and surprisingly unexplored compared to the other three!!! even though he ends up showing no matter what i do ive been a little hesitant to do anything super duper leo-centric out of spite and mikey is FOREVER THE HARDEST TO WRITE OUT OF THE FOUR OF THEM AUGGHHHH SHAKES HIM!!!! love him though
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
shout out to firefight for getting me to write again <3 unmaking by corvidown is also a personal favorite of mine, i HIGHLY recommend it
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
im mostly intuition when it comes to writing and not very technical about it (which is my folly, i need to get better at going back and mastering the basics) but what i CAN say is that, from experience, if your pacing seems way too fast there is a very good chance that's just you. if youre like me youll probably skim instinctively because you already know whats on the page (which is why its recommended to read out loud when editing because its easy to skip over mistakes), but for most readers its going to feel a lot longer than it is!!
like genuinely with both caged lungs and coming undone im still like "wow i need to pad this out with more scenes" but so many people sing my praises about pacing, and thinking that things are well-rounded and detailed, and im like... Huh. i genuinely considered adding like 6 more scenes to coming undone and had to literally stop myself because i was going to Die if i did that (i actually think the uhhh. third to last scene? the last mikey one. is way too fast still, id go back and rewrite it if i could)
oh also i recommend character bibles! character bibles are always good, i like writing sample dialogue and keeping track of little vocal quirks/body language things (it also helps me pick out and avoid things that get really deeply rooted in fanon when theyre kind of frustratingly off the mark, although i do have a couple of headcanons that remain consistent across fics like the painkiller thing Because i use it for EVIL!!!!!!). and when i feel like im slipping ill go back and rewatch some episodes to make sure i can HEAR it in their voices
i cant say much about how i do symbolism/parallels/motifs which ive heard a lot of praise about, i keep a list of ideas i have and somehow it turns into something coherent (i literally type "AHAHAHA FUCKKKK IM A GENIUS" in my notes when i get a good idea) i dont even remember where the canary thing came from but now its my thing. help girl
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smolweeblets · 1 year ago
Karlach x Reader/Tav
A/n: I live temporarily. Back with another fandom. Small ramble note at the bottom.
Winter was just around the corner, causing the night air to chill as of late. You used to hate the cold, it reminded you of… less fortunate times. However, these days you've found yourself slowly being able to see the beauty of it, reason being your beautiful girlfriend, who’s kept you perfectly warm every night, safe and protected against any unsavory memories.
The amazing tiefling who's stolen your heart has kept you company for countless evenings, with each one feeling as special as the last. But this time you find yoursef pondering, a memory—or rather a word—that you couldnt quite shake off.
It was just such a bittersweet moment for you both. You thought her family using words just for them was such a cute thing to do, it seemed to make Karlach so happy. It kicked some gears in your brain into motion, so much so that you happened to mindlessly utter it out.
“Pardon, love?” Karlach craned her head to look at you atop her chest.
“Oh– nothing, was just lost in thought–”
“Ah, well taters, either way” She grinned from below you.
Your heart melts a little inside of you. How was anyone allowed to be this cute? Yhe universe is unbelievable.
“Yeah… listen Karlach, ive been thinking about something” You trail off slightly, not quite sure on what you actually want to say.
Karlach tilts her head slightly to the side. A worried frown painting her features. “Something wrong?”
“No, I just… happened to think about your family… The language you had together, you said you were the last remaining speaker. I want to change that.” You held her hand as you talked, both for her reassurance and yours. You mindlessly toyed with it as you spoke.
Karlachs eyes widened.
“You want to kill me!?” She gasped incredulously. “I knew it was only a matter of time… I wouldnt mind if it was you though, make it quick” She stuck her bottom lip out and wiped a fake tear from her eye, while the other hand held yours to her chest.
You snatched your hand from where she held it and lightly bopped her on the forehead, looking only mildly amused.
“As if.” You scoffed lightheartedly.
Karlach grinned. “Of course, so what about my parents?” There was a faraway look in her eyes. Shes told you that she loves talking about her parents, but being a little sentimental about it was unavoidable.
“The uh… the language you had together, what other words did you guys have?”
“You want to know about the gibberish we spoke?” Karlach smiled, unsure.
“Yeah, it was a big part of your childhood, I want to make more good memories with those words… maybe with a family of our own.” You sunk your face into the firm muscle of her shoulder, partly because it was comfy, but partly to avoid looking at her, in case she didnt agree.
“I cant believe you just brought up the idea of a family before I could. How dare you.” The pitch of her voice raised towards the end. She narrowed her eyes at you.
“Oops” You giggle, face still smooshed against her skin.
“Hmph.” She scoffed. “Give me a moment to remember, im sure I can dig up some of them.” Karlach gazed at the ceiling, mind drifting back to her childhood.
“Lets see… chess… chess meant a kiss… Yeah, I think I remember being grossed out because I saw my parents giving each other ‘chesses’.” Karlach chuckles softly at the memory.
“Chesses? Thats… oddly fitting for a kiss.” You smiled. “What else?”
“Sheesh just give me a moment” Karlach pouts. “Cant let a woman think for shit in here” She huffs.
“So dramatic. Just take your time.” You rolled your eyes.
Karlach scoffs, but otherwise stays silent for a moment, collecting little anecdotes from her childhood.
“Hmm… Blankets were called ‘warmers’ I think”
“Simple and straightforward, I like it.” You grin
“Right?” Karlach laughs, a beautiful sound. You cant help but snuggle up impossibly closer into her. And she holds you just a little bit tighter.
“Then…” Karlach trails off slowly, hand unconsciously starting to pet your head. “Hm. Sorry soldier, cant remember any more right now.” Karlach sheepishly smiled.
“Thats okay, we can try again tomorrow. I think let's just sleep, i'm tuckered out”
“Sounds great.” She presses a kiss to your forehead.
The conversation is mostly forgotten by her, whose been busy with choosing only the best produce for you both at the market. She left before you woke up, hoping to surprise you, but it seems she got too caught up with haggling with the shop ladies, so that plan was out the window.
As soon as she enters your shared cabin, youre immediately clung onto her.
“Chess.” You peel yourself away from the hug momentarily to face her with a kissy face at her while pointing at your face.
Her brows furrows before they relax and melt into an expression of surprise and awe. She leans down to give you a small peck then envelops you in a large bear hug.
“Gods, have no clue how happy that made me” She grins widely.
“Yeah? Prepare to be happy a lot more then.” You preen at the feeling of being able to make her feel like this.
“Thats going to be difficult considering im already always happy when im with you.” Karlach looks at you adoringly. To an almost painful degree.
The emotions rushing into you felt a little overbearing. Your eyes narrow and your muscles stiffen. “Im getting cuteness aggression.”
“Im honored.” She smirks.
“Stop or else I will actually fall to the floor.”
“I cant, youre too amazing. But don't worry if you fall, ill make sure to nurse you better myself.” Her voice was teasing, but held affection all the same.
“Just stop talking to me.” You bat at her shoulder stiffly as your face sits in a lighthearted scowl.
“Alright, ill lay off from the sweet talk for a little bit. Just for now.” She relents.
“Somehow that makes it even worse. Im going to feed the pets. Bye.” You move robotically, movements restrained from the rush of the pure emotions.
Karlach chuckles to herself, used to your mannerisms. Youll be back, and in the meanwhile, she supposes she’ll be cooking breakfast for the both of you.
“Alright love, taters!” She waves. She takes the produce from the bags and prepares them to be cooked.
Not long after, she hears a loud crash swiftly followed by your voice.
“Im fine!” You hurriedly shout. God forbid she saw the mess you made from recoiling when she called you.
Karlach shakes her head as she continues washing the vegetables. You were one hell of a person, and she couldnt see herself with anyone else.
A/n#2: AGHHH I FINISHED ITTT. Listen I had an idea but I dont know how to actually write it. I guess its still cute but it has strayed from what i have envisioned. Started with the original prompt then turned into a sort of domestic bliss/banter thing? I dont know. Anyway, this became a shameless self insert but its okay because its my fic. also dont ask about the made up words im uncreative.
Sorry for the ADHD rant this is how I am when im supposed to be sleeping, till next time guys <33
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jaemified · 2 years ago
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camera - yang jungwon
“you only love me on camera”
pairing ; yang jungwon x reader
genre ; angst, idol au
warnings ; swearing, very brief slapping
wordcount ; 0.7k
synopsis ; lee y/n and yang jungwon have always been seen as the ‘perfect’ couple in the industry, but whats seen as flawless is only on camera.
read below the cut !
y/n scrolled through the ipad, reading what engenes were saying about the two of them on live. "'you are a great mubank host, im sad your contract is ending soon.' thank you! im sad my contract is ending too. hopefully there will be another chance like this again!" she flashed a genuine smile.
"-'you guys are so cute together', awe thank you!" y/n expressed her gratitude to the camera while reading a comment out loud.
jungwon wrapped an arm around the girl beside him, rubbing her shoulder before checking his phone to read another comment from your fandoms.
"-'will we ever get a vlog of the two of you together?', well we cant say much, but you can expect one coming soon." jungwon replied with a nod.
"well its getting pretty late and we have music bank tomorrow. remember to stream bite me and support us on our latest comeback. bye engenes, love you always!" and with that, jungwon immediately removed his arm from y/n as he cut the cameras.
"i was wondering if we could go out to dinner tonight? maybe talk or even go over the script? just the two of us."
without even looking up from his computer as he responded to emails, jungwon answered y/n by saying, "y/n, you know we arent really together right? its all just a contractual arrangement for my sake, so my group and i can promote." he chuckled.
she gripped her plastic water bottle in slight annoyance and anger. of course she had known, she had always known. she just never wanted to admit to it. being together was purely for publicity, and seeing as they were in front of cameras practically 24/7, it felt all too real for y/n to want to accept it was all only on camera.
"why do you hate me?"
"what kind of question is that? i dont hate you, im just keeping it professional." jungwon mumbled with a slight tone to it.
y/n scoffed.
"so being a dick to me is considered 'being professional' now? youre so nice to all your other female colleagues. why cant you be the same with me?"
she was upset, rightfully so. i mean, she thought she found someone who cared for her even if it were just as a friend, but truthfully, he couldnt even do that in the very least.
jungwon finally looked up from his laptop, drafting the current email he was in the middle of.
he crossed his arms and looked the girl before him in the eyes.
"because youre the only one ive ever been forced to date. and sure, youre pretty but you arent exactly my type. not to mention it was inexplicably sudden."
"i really thought we were bonding, even if it were just as friends. theres nothing wrong with wanting to go out for food. we do so much on camera, so why cant we have fun without it?" y/n argued back, though still slightly offended.
"its all on contract. you read it, you signed it as did i. we both knew what it is we agreed to. so why should that suddenly change just because of however you feel?"
she walked up closer to jungwon, noses almost touching, looking deep into his eyes before whispering then stepping back.
"youre a prick."
there was a loud clap in the air, the sound of y/ns hand colliding with jungwons cheek, more specifically so.
"youre a liar."
another slap to the face.
"and youre nothing but a selfish bastard! did everything we ever shared mean nothing to you? i gave you nothing but my all, i thought what we had was genuine but no, you want to let go of that too!"
"no! dont 'y/n' me now that im getting mad. you never cared while i was calm. is all it is you expect me to do is just sit there and look pretty? to make you look good because you got the wealthy, pretty girl on your arm?"
tears flowed down her face and she stared at his flushed red cheeks due to the force of her last slap, as well as the emotion that hit him along with it.
"wanna know why i dont give a fuck about the contract? because i loved you, i really did! and i thought you felt the same. but no,"
"now i know. you only love me on camera."'
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rayroseu · 2 years ago
!! major spoilers for book 7 part 3 !!
i couldnt watch the entirety of the stream because it got released during my class D: ALSO BIG WARNING THAT THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE AKDJSK i just want to ramble💥
BUT from what i got--- ? The beginning was Idia's dream most likely and ofc, its the dream he wishes were real... where Ortho's alive-- 😭😭
I missed the following part after that but it seems Malleus was invited to the orientation AT LAST??!?!?!?!! I'm presuming that no matter what dream a person is having while asleep, Malleus is a part of it where he isn't excluded and feared???
Its well known now that Book 7 will heavily imply familial messages and from what we seen with Shroud Family so far, is that they were very communicative and supportive of each other in the loving way possible.
I assumed they were strict and cold parents before but I'm glad its wrong, cuz this is such a nice twist 💕 their dynamic reminds me of disney Hera and Zeus affection on Hercules--- I wonder if theyre showcasing this as parallel of Diasomnia's??? So far in canon, most of them rarely talk about much they actually mean w each other or even being wholesome like the Shrouds were lol But still... its undeniable theyre family as wellll 🙏
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Seems like the groovy nowadays are more 'wholesome'??? i wonder if theyre taking their whole message that "every villain isnt just purely a villain/evil" more strongly now-- 👀 idk if that will correlate w book 7 but i hope they (the devs) take time to finalize it since the impact of this overblot is so severe even I cant predict how they can mend this KAJSKAK
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I really have to watch Mickey Through the looking glass, the references are killing me--
ALSO YESSS HIGH FIVE WITH MICKEYY AAAA 🥺💕💕 IM SO glad Yuu remembers what happened!!! IVE BEEN HOPING FOR THAT, that they got to have a big role for this book!!😭😭 Thank you TWST for hearing Yuu stans collective wishes--
this is actually Mickey's Dream... The date seems to be flipped and many theorized its flipped number 15, which is Silver's Birthdate-- 👀 idk what that means and why on Mickey's place?? and beside the mirror as well💥
you know that GIF of Charlotte (Princess and the Frog) squealing with a newspaper??? THATS MEEEE--- AAAA SILYUUU FEAST!! SILYUU FEAST!!!! SILYUU NATION SO BLESSEDDD😭💖💖💖💖
when he says hold on tight while the surroundings crumbles down and we're about to get swallowed by ink blots, it is so!!!!! *delusional mind* SO ROMANTIC OF HIMMM 😭💖💕😭💖💕omg,,,, what a shoujo moment, we are winning everyone 👍🤲💕🤌✨🙌🙌
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also his magic is so complicated 😭😭 theres A LOT of conditions to be met before it can even be used--
i wonder if thats similar to how Ortho said that for Mickey to appear in the mirror (at book part 1 where the first years are at the cafeteria) , certain conditions should be met??? I mean, Silver And yuu have some parallels already... esp the fact that Lilia says during when yuu felt unwell at the party, he stated its similar to Silvers face when hes about to fall asleep--
Afterwards is Sebek's dream..... we alll collectively sobbed at this part of the livestream HNGGGG sebek why would ur dream be like that-- IT HURTS SO MUCH 😭😭😭
Malleus accepting his graduation(?) from NRC with no qualms, Lilia graduating as well and leaving for Red Dragon Nation because of his internship and not his weakening magic...🥺💔💔
Sebek's reaction at Malleus overblotting was the most relatable one (fear and disbelief) over others and his dream was the mirror to what we(the fandom) wouldve wished what happened-- IM SOBBING WHY U DO THIS SEBEK AIDUHFJEUFN!!!😭😭😭💥💔
DONT EVEN. GET ME STARTED. ON HOW DOTING LILIA WAS TO SILVER..!!!! like wthhksjdj THATS SO EVIL TWST!!! THATS SO LETHAL MALLEUS OHMYGOD--- so evil to use everything silver wanted from lilia just for him to stay in this dream where::
-lilias healthy, lilia is staying w silver, lilia is caring to him, and how hes returning to briar valley to live with him forever??? BRO HOW MANY TEARS WERE SHEDDING TONIGHT HUH...--💔💔💔😭😭😭
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I always love his voice, it seems his tone is so harsh and cold now when he overblotted its so sexy--- and at the same time terrifyingggg 👍🛐 Kazuki Kato, I love his performance in this, this is so haunting in the most agonizing way 😭💚💚
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byeee i never wrote a reaction post as long as this before KDJKAKD
theyre really dropping the obvious hints that crowley is a fae alright....⁉️⁉️👀👀
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AND IT ALL ENDED JUST LIKE THAT AAAIUSIAUSU!!!!! 😩😩😩 I WANT MORE BUT AAAA too much information will make me overload now akdjksd another long few more months before part 4 releases 😳😳 AND OOO I CANNOT WAITTT
my prediction is that theyre delving more into briar valleys history in the lens of Lilia's past.
My interpretation is that Lilia's dream related to his past is bcs he kind of whispered to himself that the reason hes leaving is because of his weakening state and how he doesnt want to wish anyone to see him like that.... I guess his wish was that he could be as strong as he was before... Really reminds me of Mulan's father 😭
"malleyuu divorce" is my fave phrase from op from now on lol
livestream of book 7 part 3
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 1 year ago
Not a request, but a question! I really want to post some TMNT writings again. However I noticed that 18+ (gore, smut other dark themes) seem to be a matter of heavy debate. Such as you can't age up character or if you're now an adult you cant interact/write/draw for the fandom anymore. I left years ago because of how bad it got. Do you get a lot of hate for your writings? Or has it died down after all these years?
No, I get no hate. I've only gotten two mean-ish comments, and none of them had anything to do with my 18+ writing.
Dark themes, and to a certain degree, gore, has always been part of the TMNT universe. Leo's PTSD pattern in the tv shows, Raph's homelessness in the IDW, Donnie gradually becoming more and more robot in both comic and tv, and of course Mikey in The Last Ronin. And then there is the ROTTMNT movie. That was some dark stuff, and if you think about it, there was body horror as well.
Sex is not new to the TMNT comics either. Donnie is the only turtle that haven't lost his virginity in cannon. We have to remember that the turtles have been in relationships and have had crushes ever since the Mirage days, so sex doesn't seem that far off.
I'll say it's all about being comfortable with what people are reading. That's why I put warnings and try to put it into a genre. There are people that just don't feel comfortable with these themes, and that's perfectly fine. At the same time, some people find that by interacting and inserting themselves or other people into the story, it ruines it, and that too I understand. To me it's almost an art form to write fan fics and inserts that does not mess to much with the story and plot, yet at times it's fun to play around with "what ifs".
With all that being said, I too do have things I don't feel comfortable writing about, with non-con being a BIG no for me. At the same time I don't mind writing about age gaps, as long as the youngest person partaking is at least 18. But with fictional characters that we know age over time, I don't see a problem with pushing their age so it matches the theme of the story. That's also why I often by my smut a few year after the main events took place (unless people want me to write about a specific scene, in which I still push their age up to an acceptable place that I too would feel comfortable with).
Maybe TMNT fans are adults today, so it would be strange not to let adult have a go and make fan content, even if it's 18+:)
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starclast · 1 year ago
Entering gravity falls 📌
Soooo...I've talked about before on how did I first encounter certain games/series or entered certain fandoms and such but...honestly? Out of everyone...how I came to actually enter to gravity falls fandom is (for now) certainly the *weirdest* of them all 😅
To be honest with you, I wasn't interested at all in gravity falls when it was first airing. I was in my, what could be called, *you cant watch cartoon shows, that's childish* face...😑 Back then I kind of knew about gravity falls and had seen some little bits here and there but not really knew anything about it. And the fact that I thought the art-style was *childish* too didn't help me at all to get interested in it. Years passed and my knowledge about it grew...a tiny bit (if knowing that Bill Cipher would bring the apocalypse seems like a tiny bit to you 😶), buuut I was still pretty uninterested so any spoiler that crossed my way just didn't hit hard me at all 😑
More years passed and then I stumbled my way into itchio, where I started to look for games I could play. Then I saw it for the very first time, the fangame: Swooning over Stans ✨✨✨ And then I was like *...What??? Why does these two look so simi-? Oh wait, they are twins. huh...Wait a minute, this one looks familiar to me*. I read that it was inspired by gravity falls and though it didn't click me at first, at the end, I remember that indeed there was a series called gravity falls and so I...kept scrolling 😶 Yep, I still wasn't interested in it or anything related to it aaaand it stayed like that...until last year.
One afternoon I was bored, like BORED to death and nothing, nothing remotely interesting seem to be in my way 😑 Sooo since I didn't anything better to mind, I said to myself: *why not try out that gravity falls fangame? At least it will be good to pass the time* And so, I did.
At first I was jus planning to try out one route, Fords route, to be more specific, because he was the one who got my attention out of the two, and then...it caught me 😆 It wasn't like I fell or find it interesting instantly, but the art-style, humor and characters started to appeal to me more and more as I kept playing (and even though I was spoiled already for some of the stuff that there were mentioned, my mind didn't relate them or kind of forgot about it all together so... My first playthrough wasn't perfect at all, but overall I had an incredibly more enjoyable experience than what I first expected, so I decided to keep playing! 🤗
I tried out Stan's route then, and though I didn't got a perfect, I still had a lot of fun!! Soooo...I kept tryin until I made it 😅
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I only made two OCs while playin. First was Misha for Fords route, and then Ann for Stan's route. Their designs came to me surprisingly easily, actually, and though they are pretty simple, I quite like how they look! 😄
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After the game, I obviously wanted to draw some fanarts and such...but I struggled a lot because it quite differed from my usual style of drawing (specially the head shape, eyes and nose 😅) But well, as you can see, I managed to do it!!! 🤗🤗🤗
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In the end, I liked the game so much so that I couldn't stop myself from wanting to see the series it was based on and till this very day...I don't regret that decision 🤩🤩🤩 So yeah, thank you very much to everyone who worked on this project and gave me an opportunity to finally get into gravity falls!!! ...Though it was in a kind of weird way, haha 😅
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pianapplez · 1 year ago
Hello there 👋👀,
So I just found your blog and had a lot of fun scrolling through all the pjo show crit😂 I couldn't help but notice that one tag you left on a post where you said you had some beef with Annabeth's portrayal in the books 👀 Would you mind elaborating on that if you're comfortable with it🙈? Because I absolutely share that sentiment, but it's sooo veeeery rare that I see other people express anything like it... I've found that trying to be a part of the fandom can be pretty alienating most of the time, if you're not exactly the biggest most devoted Percabeth shipper...😅 And often any criticism leveled at Annabeth just gets you a smack with the "internalized-misogyny" hammer... it's even worse in the tv show now due to... obvious reasons...
Again just if you're comfortable with answering of course🙈 There is a reason I stayed on anon after all...😅😂
Really glad you asked because i finally get to ramble about this heheheh (going forward, know that i skimmed over The Last Olympian to have a clearer sense of what I meant because that's the book where Rick fumbles her character more than the others)
i'm gonna try to make as much sense as possible but short answer would be, she's underdeveloped. Long answer:
She really got on my nerves in the last two books, with the whole Rachel debacle and then the Battle of New York. I can't really remember a single moment in those books where she and Percy aren't bickering or having heated discussions, which really made me question their friendship status. Of course, it's not like friends can't fight and it obviously builds up the (romantic) tension between them, but it got unbearable at one point.
I understand she's a teenager in an incredibly stressful situation that didn't even get to have a normal upbringing- she grew up way too fast (run away at 7, head counselor at 12) while also not really maturing, which is not a problem for a character, if it is handled properly. Given the fact that I am writing this, Riordan did not.
On the surface, my biggest beef is that Annabeth is not exactly held accountable for her actions (ie. treating Rachel a bit like shit and going off on Percy for a bunch of stuff.) I know Percy is to blame a bit here: as far as we know, in TLO he basically cuts the greek world out of his life as much as he can as a coping mechanism. And while yes, he never apologizes either, he doesn't give her nearly half the hard time she gives him: always either giving him the cold shoulder (there must be at least one example of this in the entire series but i cant be bothered to look it up sorry) or starting an argument only to then storm off (see the "you're a coward, Percy Jackson!" scene, which is not the fairest example since she was confronting Percy about ignoring camp but also was a bit too harsh about it) (especially after finally reading the prophecy and being under the impression that he was absolutely going to die when he turned 16 lmao) or just straight up storming off (see, Annabeth reacting when Rachel shows up for the first time during the battle of new york). While most of these feel, at least to some degree, fairly justified given how the entire situation does an absolute number on her emotions, she comes off a bit brattish and like she's trying to rile Percy up, especially when it comes to Rachel, which in the context of a battle that could mean the destruction of the world.... Well, it reads as a bit childish to me, and i wouldn't exactly have that much of a problem with it if it was dealt with in some way (a two-way apology would be nice).
After that first impression, i realized that Annabeth is barely ever anything else other than a plot device (when relating to Luke) or a love interest (when relating to Percy). This might be because the books are on Percy's POV. Hell, on the third book he's even conflicted when Annabeth is considering joining the Hunters of Artemis, aka, when making a choice for herself would mean he loses her (which is fine and dandy but it feels like Percy is more upset about her choosing her own path rather than being sad about not seeing her as often); we really only get a few glimpses of her, as in, actually her when she's on her own.
Obviously it's impossible to talk about Annabeth without touching on percabeth, which also is, in my opinion, what hinders Annabeth's character the most. On paper they sound great. The guy whose fatal flaw is loyalty falls in love with a girl whose been let down by people over and over, and she decides to never give up on the boy whose always had people give up on him (can't find one of the million posts that talks about this right now but it always goes something like that) And yeah, the bickering is really well written! But that's literally as far as it ever goes: they don't ever seem to have fun together, because 8 times out of 10 the bickering ends up being passive aggressive, and mostly done by Annabeth. My biggest gripe about percabeth is that their friendship seems to be based off... shared trauma. Literally. Other than going on quests together we are given no examples of them hanging out, nor a reason why they would want to spend time together in the first place, not even a shared hobby. Yes, in the fourth book they had a movie "date" planned but of course they didn't even get to it, and surprise surprise, they had a minor discussion, and surprise surprise, Annabeth was passive aggressive again. It's hard to picture them having fun together when even the author doesn't write in any scenes in which they get along smoothly (and before you say anything, a scene in which they get along where neither of them is about to die, and they're not talking about previous adventures. Gets a bit hard then, doesn't it?) It's even harder to picture them as a couple when the moment she gets upset about something, she starts coming off as emotionally manipulative (see, again, literally any conversation with Rachel or about Rachel)
To be fair, the books are relatively short and don't allow many "filler" chapters, if you will; there's always something happening to keep the main plot or a minor plot point moving forward, but it's not like there is no room to develop the characters' relationships, especially when we're talking about the main char and what is essentially his endgame. As an example we have Percy and Clarisse, or Percy and Beckendorf. Their interactions are brief but still hold so much weight.
Worst of all, Annabeth could be one hell of a character; what's most interesting of all is how being a daughter of Athena she is still incredibly emotionally driven, which is displayed very clearly with her fatal flaw being pride: her telling the Sphynx that her questions were too easy was not smart nor strategic: it was completely impulsive. I seriously think she wasn't far from being the best character in the series had she been given more time.
I guess i have as much beef with Annabeth as i have with Rick for doing her dirty. I really could sum this up with: while her emotions are justified, she acts upon them quite poorly. And this is what i mean when i say she's underdeveloped, because it would've been nice to see her come to her senses a bit.
Would love to read anyone's opinions on her character though, feel free to comment, even (or especially) if you don't agree with me!
#pjo crit#anti percabeth#annabeth chase#percy jackson#tbotl#pjo tlo#the last olympian#percy jackson and the olympians#congrats anon on being my first ask!!!#sorry if it's too long or rambly i just have so many thoughts about her.#i dont hate her i dont even dislike her im just conflicted about her. sad that half of her conflict was being jealous over a boy#like yeah i guess said boy was the first real friend she ever had but also rick wrote it in a very “girls fighting over boy” kind of way#didn't really write it to make it seem like annabeth's reasons were anything more than just a hormonal teen acting out. there were no layer#sometimes i feel like im being unfair to annabeth and that maybe her being emotional and mean sometimes is her character and#she's actually written well and i just don't like her? but then i think over it and im not ready to give rick that kind of credit lmao#i truly believe he wrote her beef with rachel to entertain middle graders without really thinking twice about it#annabeth adds to the drama with her passive aggressive comments but at what cost.... maybe im reading too much into it idk#maybe i just find boy drama annoying..#but making it so that rachel is bound to maidenhood was such a lazy way to get rid of her as a romantic interest#the way rick butchered her character and any char dev for any of them in the tv show by rushing so many things... god. that's another story#if there are any typos i'll edit them later but my eyes are dry af right now and its late jdsjdfh anyway i hope my takes were interesting?#maybe i don't have that much beef with annabeth herself but the fact that percabeth is seen as the best endgame couple when i don't see it
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souvenir116 · 4 months ago
Fic Writer Interview 🌸
ty for the tag @13834 ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on ao3?
16 with anonymous works included
What’s your total word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
vanilla carnations, kiss it better, pick a lane, driving under influence, once i pull this trigger off
Do you respond to comments? Why/ why not?
i usually try to buy sometimes i get behind or wait for a day to answer all together after posting a chap then forget 💔 but i usually try to make time because comments always mean so much to me
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i don't do angst endings normally but maybe mind break of a character starting to want someone that actually has harmed them before? yeah
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
i think it's vanilla carnations there was literally a proposal 😭😭
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I cant remember each one but this one tops all and we talked about it for a couple days w friends
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then decided it was better this way 😁
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(it was ltrlly just angry sex and Max coming inside Charles before they have to go to the team debrief bcz Charles crashes into Max, kind of deliberately)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i can do all unfortunately 😔 omegaverse, rule 63, [redacted] etc... I was birthing fic after fic for kinkmeme once (now i can't even properly write smut 💔)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no as far as i know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
ppl asked for permission before but I'm not sure if they eventually finished it!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes... w my baby @a-amvryllis but we both didnt have time so it kinda dropped out. and tbh I think there are a few people my writing matches exactly as someone who writes so descriptive and meanless poetic words, but we could always meet in the middle!!
What's your all-time favourite ship?
im going to be rlly honest when i say lestappen is my first ship and probably last other than Justin Bieber and me in 2015 💔
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
idt ill finish that girl Charles fic for the fest... I dont think people liked it also but i decided to use that ending plot in another fic since it would be more fitting lol
What are your writing strengths?
i can write fast when I'm in mood. once i wrote 8k in a day. the words will just flow and ill be so thankful
What are your writing weaknesses?
tbh im not sure? i like my writing and we all have writers block from time to time, but sometimes i wish i had a better vocabulary but also vocab means nothing if you're going to make ppl open dictionaries every 10 word 😭 also paragraph starts. i hate starting them w "charles max max charles a but charles" if you get what i mean so i especially pay attention on it every new paragraph to make the reading easier 😭
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i always add a () for the english version if I'm going to keep the foreign dialogue just a bit, because come on no one needs to switch between tabs on translate/fic, but if its long, then adding a subtle detail about how they keep the convo in that language and writing in italicized is cool. i also will write dutch and french pet names so randomly. i dont care if it sounds bad for native people im not a native for both 💔
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
galex. i actually started it but its still a wip with also lestappen and landoscar going on!! so theres no main ship but like.. a sitcom kind of friend group consisting of couples. yup
What's your favourite fic you've written?
because its my first, and i like the scenario so much, brainstorming w many irls, i think its a very good plot- oiptto. alas i had some people telling me the writing is rlly bad which is, cool, it was my first time writing a fic let alone in english. if you ask about writing, even if i wrote vanilla carnations so fast, i think its rlly nice written also @a-amvryllis helped me sooo much about each event and plots (and i do believe it was creative all of them in general) so i would say that.
tagging every author who wants to do that but randomly @a-amvryllis @blueberry-obsessed @bumblewyn @eterniravioli @f1-giuki @fueledbyremembering @lovelylotusf1 @lestappenforever @laura1633 @paint-it-red-and-black @saviour-of-lord in alphabetic order so i won't forget anyone 😭🩷
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blue-hedgehog · 5 months ago
So, I don’t even know how to put it into words, before what Maya recently said I knew very little about Liam, haven’t heard much of him since the release of LP1, so in my head Liam will forever be his 1D version, I’ll remember him with his curly hair, his wide smile and puppy like energy, how fundamental he was for the band and it’s sound.
His death is a little too personal for me, he made mistakes, like very concerning ones but he deserved a chance to recover and learn, to take responsibility of his own actions while sober, in a more coherent and healthy state of mind where he could make up for it. I wish he could have got to know the feeling of stepping out of the misery hole, to look back and say to himself “I made it” and get a new chance at happiness and doing things right, just how many people who struggles with their mental health ,like myself, have done.
I’m mourning the boy I used to love, who was a pivotal part of my teenage years and therefore of who I am as a person now, who was still somewhere inside that man who grew to make questionable decisions, who after all didn’t deserved such a lonely and turbulent end. Despite his last actions we’re allowed to mourn him, there is a time and place for everything and right now this fandom needs closure, you don’t have to support a late person’s actions to mourn them, to ache for them the way many of us are doing right now.
I hope Simon Cowell, TMZ and all those fuckers out there go burn in hell.
I cant process the fact “the boys” are now four, that I never got to experience them live as a band and now I’ll never get to see Liam live on his own when I was so close to attend his concert in my country before it was cancelled a couple years ago. Every 1D memory will now forever be filled with sadness and an overwhelming feeling of emptiness, his voice and many lyrics will make our hearts ache for awhile and even forever, the experience listening to 1Ds music won’t be the same.
I’ll miss his puppy eyes.
Never thought I’d go through this before my hair started graying, and I really hoped getting to see all of them growing older, settling, to hear from all of them that raspy tone only age can give.
I hope he’s finally getting the peace he so much needed and that his friends and family can also mourn him in peace. I also wish Maya peace of mind, she’s a victim and doesn’t deserve the hell peoples already giving her. My thoughts are with Liam’s baby, so he never gets to see those gruesome images of his fathers body and the things people said upon his death. That kid deserves a good and happy life, the one his father couldn’t have.
Take this as a hug if you need it, take your time, let yourself mourn however you need to and most importantly remember you’re not alone, you can ask for help, you can improve and heal, you can be happy, remember you’re loved and you’re important, that you’re strong and it’s never late for getting out of the hole. Like we say in my culture “there is no bad which can last a century and there’s no body which can stand it”
Finally take care of yourselves out there and (I never thought I’d be saying this) rest in pice Liam Payne, may you find in death what your life was missing.
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crowleys-hips · 7 months ago
2, 10, 22 and 24 for the ask game! Hope you're having a good day 💙
elloo thank youu i hope you're having a good day too 🐍
2. What was it that drew you to Good Omens, and what was it that sucked you into the fandom?
*breaks down sobbing lungs burning chest contracting heaving shuddering gasping for breath mascara running down my cheeks snot dripping from my nose* ahem sorry needed a little moment of drama it's all cool now dw about me im absolutely hella gucci never been better 😎 anyway where were we oh yea
when i was a teen i used to sort of like this one author but i can't remember the name for some reason, i just kinda remember picking up literally every single thing of his i could get my hands on, i mean, super casually, i wasn't obsessed or anything. and so i saw his name on the title, saw it had a demon and an angel and something about Armageddon and then i blinked and had somehow consumed the whole thing.
then flash forward to 2019, i see ohh they made a series of that one book i kinda sorta very casually liked a normal amount. and then i shrugged and never watched it bc they didn't look the way they had looked in my head and i had a Very Serious Issue w that apparently. then last year i got covid and i was really bored and i didn't know what to watch and i came across that one show tumblr was losing their minds about for some reason, so i went ugh fine i'll watch it. and then i relived the worst heartbreak of my whole life through a much more brutal dramatization and i was left in pieces, clutching my chest, crying on the floor, begging the universe for mercy. so naturally, like a very normal person, i went, "damn i need to watch this whole thing again 10 thousand more times until i memorize the dialogue word for word" and came on tumblr to scream into the void about it. and so here i am, continuing the lovely tradition of breaking hearts with unhinged poems and occasionally making memes friends will later find reposted on pinterest and instagram 🤡
10. What traits do you share with Crowley?
Yes well first the dumbassery and the unfortunate habit of shooting myself in the foot, le dépression, constantly in alert mode, cant for the life of me ever sit like a normal person, sunglasses out in public always bc my vampire ass is allergic to light, clothing only exists in black, antes muerto que sencillo ✨ (sooner dead than a simple hoe) flash bastard, blasting Queen, horrible plant dad, former raging alcoholic, Aziraphalesexual, drama queen, in fucking pieces 🪦
22. Bildad The Shuhite: hot or not?
look i can see the appeal, but personally i wouldn't fuck him
24. Who would you choose to run off to Centauri with?
you guys keep asking me this as if i even know other people lmao anyway. my answer is still: a copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. iykyk 🖤 if not and you wish to find out, get tissues
thanks for the asksss! this was fun to write lmao
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angy-grrr · 7 days ago
What i think is sadder is that Hori seems to really want ppl to like that pairing, but he also wants to keep short cutting development to make it happen faster. But it's not working. Everyone is pissed at him to some extent, and the more he chooses to focus on that flop the more ppl want to leave. But oh well, he wants to, so he's just gonna have to deal with it. I just wish he didn't drag other ppl's work down with it.
its just... weird. Tbh I dont want to focus at all on the extra one shot thing, I already gave it opportunities but the possibility of actually just being AGAIN about the mid ship that most ppl dont really feel passionate about, just takes the fun away from it. I just dont care about them together as a couple, and it hurts bc this idea being pushed ambiguously so much just made me dislike their own interactions as friends; I thought their friendship was great, but at this point with the "you can read it as romantic!!!" thing it just ended up pissing me off and boring me.
If they learned about anything, the one shot should just be a silly harmless one.
I understand theres a possibility of him actually wanting to develop them in the beginning but being advised against it bc ppl would just care about the action and not slice of life stuff, but trying to do anything now just seems pretty pointless, specially with how many ppl reacted after seeing that "extra special content" in the last volume (literally selling it and just caring about the limited cards). Its extremely vanilla, nobody was actually tense or waiting for this confirmation genuinely (what I mean by this is, ppl weren't actually wondering when would they become canon, or how their stories need each other; their stories dont need to make them stay together not even as hero partners, so not many were actually invested in their relationship; most ppl I have seen waiting for this are the dudebros who wanted to use it against queer shippers, not actual fans of the ship who do care about their development), so why do we have to buy merch with the promise of "special exclusive content!" when so many are already let down by the idea of it focusing on them.
At least in JJK they gave a small summary of what the extra content was going to be about, if I remember correctly, so from my part I wish they could just fucking do that: tell us which characters are involved, and how much time they actually have in the one shot. That's it. But SJ wants the money, so they wont "risk it" by being clear about it -however, I believe this could actually affect the sales more than before; as you said there are ppl actually going away from BNHA bc of 431 and that pair, so not denying it could just be "432: and they got crepes" its just making ppl not really want to care about even knowing what will be.
The excitement from the bonus content is gone for so many fans, and the worse part for the company is they hurt the shippers, the ones who historically speaking have kept TV shows, movies, books, comics and fandoms stay strong with fresh content and buying merch with huge loyalty; many still are keeping up, excited and buying stuff, but they wont get the money of huge parts of the fandom that did actually spend it on them for almost a decade.
The choices for 431 are so weird, I always cant tell what im supposed to understand about it -yeah it could imply something bc of the blushing, sure, but that handshake? From the guy that thinks hands express as much as eyes? Making them not really talk in these years? Idk, I just dont understand. How can I see it as romantic when its a bunch of nothing, and when you have to see things from Ochako's perspective exclusively (bc we still "dont know his feelings" outside of finding her helpful and being grateful for being his hero)... but could they focus now on how much he "does love her"?
I cant do this anymore, it was getting annoying years ago but at least ppl did get things they loved -the villains, the heroes, their ships, their dynamics-; focusing on them once made many turn away from BNHA, focusing on them twice? I think many of us will just... go full on death of the author, or just leave it behind, sell the merch and delete/abandon their fan accounts.
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