#So innovative!
nando161mando · 4 months
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So innovative!
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antisisyphus · 1 year
if you could pick the met gala theme what would you choose??
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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Castiel’s creation
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venompinks · 3 months
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ilovedthestars · 19 days
A thought I’ve been having: While it's important to recognize the long history of many current queer identities (and the even longer history of people who lived outside of the straight, cis, allo “norm”) I think it's also important to remember that a label or identity doesn't have to be old to be, for lack of a better word, real.
This post that i reblogged a little while ago about asexuality and its history in the LGBTQ+ rights movement and before is really good and really important. As i've thought about it more, though, it makes me wonder why we need to prove that our labels have "always existed." In the case of asexuality, that post is pushing back against exclusionists who say that asexuality was “made up on the internet” and is therefore invalid. The post proves that untrue, which is important, because it takes away a tool for exclusionists.
But aromanticism, a label & community with a lot of overlap & solidarity with asexuality, was not a label that existed during Stonewall and the subsequent movement. It was coined a couple decades ago, on internet forums. While the phrasing is dismissive, it would be technically accurate to say that it was “made up on the internet.” To be very clear, I’m not agreeing with the exclusionists here—I’m aromantic myself. What I’m asking is, why does being a relatively recently coined label make it any less real or valid for people to identify with?
I think this emphasis on historical precedent is what leads to some of the attempts to label historical figures with modern terminology. If we can say someone who lived 100 or 1000 years ago was gay, or nonbinary, or asexual, or whatever, then that grants the identity legitimacy. but that's not the terminology they would have used then, and we have no way of knowing how, or if, any historical person's experiences would fit into modern terminology.
There's an element of "the map is not the territory" here, you know? Like this really good post says, labels are social technologies. There's a tendency in the modern Western queer community to act like in the last few decades the "truth" about how genders and orientations work has become more widespread and accepted. But that leaves out all the cultures, both historical and modern, that use a model of gender and sexuality that doesn't map neatly to LGBTQ+ identities but is nonetheless far more nuanced than "there are two genders, man and woman, and everyone is allo and straight." Those systems aren’t any more or less “true” than the system of gay/bi/pan/etc and straight, cis and trans, aro/ace and allo.
I guess what I’m saying is, and please bear with me here, “gay” people have not always existed. “Nonbinary” people have not always existed. “Asexual” people have not always existed. But people who fell in love with and had sex with others of the same gender have always existed. People who would not have identified themselves as either men or women have always existed. People who didn’t prioritize sex (and/or romance) as important parts of their lives have always existed. In the grand scheme of human existence, all our labels are new, and that’s okay. In another hundred or thousand years we’ll have completely different ways of thinking about gender and sexuality, and that’ll be okay too. Our labels can still be meaningful to us and our experiences right now, and that makes them real and important no matter how new they are.
We have a history, and we should not let it be erased. But we don’t need a history for our experiences and ways of describing ourselves to be real, right now.
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thoodleoo · 25 days
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cicero was out there saying that the catilinarian conspirators had been unalived all the way back in 63 BCE
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achillesleftheel · 2 years
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I had either the pleasure or misfortune of walking into a Purple mattress store with my friend today for funsies, both of us broke as hell and neither looking for a new mattress but wanting to pretend for a little while that we had money in this big touristy outlet mall. And I need you to tell me something awful about these beds because the only thing I could say as we left was "I need to win the lottery." The salesman had us lay on the soft bed (per my preference) and then showed us the adjustable settings and the vibration mode. The pillows alone are like 250 but I don't think I have ever been so comfortable in my life. Please ruin this picture perfect out of budget bed for me. Or at least give me hope that I can find something just as comfy at a better cost once I look to replace my mattress with a new one.
Do you want to know a secret? When your bed is old and broken down almost every bed should feel amazing to you. Because it is new and still functioning as a bed.
Purple is not remotely in the ballpark of what I consider good bang for buck in general terms. For one major reason: they come in a box. Why?? Why compress a luxury bed into a box!? It just degrades the support.
I’ve made my peace with selling Purple and if it were not compressed with the gel grid I’d say they’re a top contender but as it stands I have reservations about their longevity.
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what-is-my-aesthetic · 2 months
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ansjsla · 2 months
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Don’t let your Gojo overheat!!!
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Omega assigns "FAVORITE MEATBAG STATUS" to whoever does something that he likes and you better believe that Rouge and Shadow compete tooth and fucking nail for it.
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aropride · 1 year
just remembered that in october 2020 i had Limited Edition Halloween Pronouns that were like. there was one set i cant remember that was vampire themed and the others were 🩸/🩸self and 🦇/🦇self. and personally i think thats fucking awesome and i think more people should have Special Holiday Pronouns
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tangramkey · 5 days
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i love my Basketbot Portal AU
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sh4rksp34r3 · 3 months
What if it'll never be enough for Vox? He has his closest friends, the Vees; he has fame; power; money; and everything he could want. But . . . Would the Vees have been his friends if it weren't for them being business associates? Would Hell still adore him if he hadn't used his hypnosis? Would anyone still love him? Would anyone still need him? Would anyone still want him? What if all of Vox's past relationships were filled with heartbreak and abandonment? What if nothing fills the void? What if he'll forever remain unsatisfied? What if nothing will be enough? What if he won't be enough? What if one day he'll be an old, useless product that no one wants or needs and that's why he constantly needs to change and upgrade? What if he thought Alastor could've fixed all that pain? Maybe he could have, but what if Vox had gone at it the wrong way? Because romance is always treated like something above all other feelings, what if he thought he could finally be loved and never abandoned by Alastor? What if he confessed and Alastor was scared and hurt by the fact? What if Alastor did love him but didn't want or have experience with romance? What if Vox took that as he'd be incapable of being loved?
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ghost-shepherdess · 1 year
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from Dear Jane: The Two Hundred Twenty-Five Patterns from the 1863 Jane A. Stickle Quilt
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flea-palace · 6 months
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erik writing his monthly "money please" letter to his reluctant sugar daddies
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