#okay I just noticed her necklace is a chain watch with earphones
venompinks · 3 months
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nctnight · 4 years
(college!johnny part three) < part one < part two
a/n: first half in italics is flashback! and i listened to d half moon by dean while writing this. listen to it and... enjoy c:
“what is this, Johnny?” you squint your eyes trying to hold your laughter. you are pretty sure that 70% of his body is covered in chocolate.
when you had opened the door to his apartment you didn’t expect to find him almost drowned in dough and flour. 
he grins sheepishly. “I was trying to make a cake for you, for your birthday,” he explains. “but it kinda exploded,”
you roll your eyes. “cakes don’t explode, what did you do?”
Johnny hands you a piece of paper and says, “the recipe Mark gave me.”
you laugh, not being able to hold it. he looks so lost, yet trying to keep his confidence. Johnny can’t help but laugh as well. that’s what you did to him. you made him light and happy, safe. like if he had a place in this world, and it was beside you.
“why don’t you take a shower and we’ll go to a bakery eat some cake and then we can celebrate my birthday at the pizza place.” you offer, wiping some chocolate from his nose. “we’ll invite Mark, Yeri, Haechan, Yuta...”
he nods and sighs. “well, at least I tried.”
“and I’m glad you did.” you chuckle, looking up at his face. he smiles cunningly. “what now? what else did you do? did you explode Mark too?”
“no,” he says, laughing. “I bought you a present.”
you gasp, hands flying to your mouth. “what is it? give it to me”
he shakes his head. “your birthday is only tomorrow,”
“I don’t care, it’s my birthday week, you can give it to me now,” you argue. he pauses a moment, as if pondering your request. you smack him in the arm, making him wince. “come on, you giant.”
“I am not a giant, you are the one who’s small,” he pauses, staring at your attempt at making puppy eyes. “okay, wait here.”
Johnny disappears into his room, leaving you with a knot on your stomach. whatever he had for you, you knew you would keep it forever. he showed up a minute later, his hand closed in a fist. “close your eyes, open your hand.”
you look at him questioningly but do as you are told. something metallic falls on your palm, and you can tell is a type of chain. “you can open your eyes now,” he whispers too close to your neck.
on your palm was a golden necklace. it had a small anatomic heart. “it’s prettier than that cliche heart and it looks cuter, anyway. I thought you’d like it. and I also printed a picture of us together and bought a frame, but I will give it to you tomorrow, no buts.”
you squeal and jump into a hug, not caring about the mess he was. “thank you so much. I love you.”
“I-I love you too, y/n...” he whispers, hugging you back. “you are my best friend.”
. . . 
[05:24 PM, 4/10/2020] mork lee: y’know u should talk to him…
[05:24 PM, 4/10/2020] y/n: who?
[05:25 PM, 4/10/2020] mork lee: you know who, y/n
[05:26 PM, 4/10/2020] mork lee: he’s coming up w the creepiest and most disturbing scenarios to why u r avoiding him
[05:29 PM, 4/10/2020] y/n: we won’t be friends anymore if I tell him
[05:34 PM, 4/10/2020] mork lee: I hope so lol
[05:34 PM, 4/10/2020] mork lee: just talk to him, k? you guys will sort it out
[05:41 PM, 4/10/2020] y/n: I’ll think abt it
. . . 
april 12th
it truly was a beautiful spring day. the birds were chirping, the trees were the prettiest shade of green, the sky was a pale blue. you decided to take a walk. spring break was coming around the corner and the truth was, you were going to miss your campus life. 
you had so much more freedom than back home. you had Mark, Haechan, Johnny. you hadn’t spoken to him since the party, four days ago. you were scared that you wouldn’t be able to say your farewells before spring break. he hadn’t texted you, so you were hesitant to take the first step.
you put on your favorite sweater and leave your room, earphones and phone in hands. you had to finish some essays due this weekend, but your mind was cheating on you with thoughts of him. it was frustrating and irritating. nothing seemed to make sense.
a sigh leaves your lips, as one of Johnny’s playlist plays through the earphones. 
your eyes wander through the landscape ahead of you: students leaving class—fortunately, you had morning classes and had your afternoons and nights free—, people speaking on the phone, exercising, laying on the grass to catch the last sunshine of the day. 
and there, a few meters away from you was Johnny. he was holding a pretty flower in his hand, his eyes locked on you. he smiled hesitantly. you pause your music, approaching slowly. “hey,” you say, giving him a small smile.
“hey, I was actually coming to see you...” he trails off, scratching the back of his head. he smiles again, taking a pause. “I think you’re keeping something from me, y/n. I’m not sure what it is, but I must be honest with you. I’m hiding something as well.”
you gulp, watching as he becomes a ball of nerves. you cross your arms over your chest. “what is it?”
“well uh...” Johnny pauses again and takes a deep breath “I-I was so scared when we became friends because you’re an awesome person and you understand me and my art, you know about all my dreams, my fears, but I d-didn’t tell you that I’m irrationally scared of being rejected,” he pauses, catching his breath. “you are too good, of course you’d reject me... and that’s why I didn’t confess to you when I first noticed that I liked you. but if I keep it in for too much longer I will explode,” he smiles awkwardly.
you felt your whole body going numb. your mouth went dry. your hand went to your chest, trying to calm your rabbit heart “w-what about Marie? why did you hooked up with her? was that to hurt me?”
“no! obviously not. it was something so dumb, and I’m sorry about it. I truly am and I understand if you want to stop talking to me after this, but the truth is that I tried to forget you with her,” his eyes look deeply into yours, his lips pressed in a thin line. “I know it’s a cliche, it’s just a dumb excuse. I admit it was something stupidly wrong to do, but I was not brave enough... now I am. you are my best friend but I want to be... more.” 
he looks away, playing with the flower still in his hands. “if you decide that you do not feel the same, I ask that you at least let me be your friend. I rather have you as my friend than not to have you at all.”
you bite your lip. “but, Johnny... I decided, a long time ago actually. I love you.” you chuckle dryly, remembering the party and how lost you are when it comes to Johnny Suh. his eyes widen, processing what you had just said. “I can’t blame you for being scared, because I was, too. but don’t try to cover up anything from me ever again, please.”
he nods, an anxious smile on his face—that same smile that has been giving you carnivore moths on your stomach for the past seven months. his fingers tangle into yours, your grin slowly widens. he’s so beautiful, it hurts, you think, but it’s a good hurt.
“this is for you,” he hands you the flower, a lilac tulip. “will you go on a date with me?”
you nod excitedly, accepting the flower. “what about a picnic?”
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rk800hunter · 6 years
Dramatics (Sequel - Connor x Reader)
Summary: Jealous/Protective Connor being jealous over reader’s close friend
Pairing: Connor x Reader
A/N: This was demanded from me and I have provided xD Many of you asked for a sequel to Dramatics so here you are! I hope you all enjoyed this as you’ve enjoyed the first one. We are all suckers for protective/possessive/jealous Connor. Feedback is appreciated! I also want to thank you all for being so enthusiastic in my writing, because it makes me want to just write more for everyone~ You guys are the best ;w;
Keys: [F/N] - Friend’s name
[F/LN] - Friend’s last name
[Y/N] - Your name
[L/N] - Your last name
Tags: @captain-winter-wolf-aehs, @rosealexandersson, @alientrashbin, @honeybeelily, @dragonempress123, @randomstuff-idontwannatalkaboutit, @sygin, @dylan-o-yumm @im-a-slut-for-connors-hair-flipp, @ elaneth-elf-friend
I think I’m missing some tags. x.x I’m so sorry...
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Warm in your bed, you weren’t keen on waking up for work. The sun was already leaking through your curtains and you could hear the birds chatting and singing up a storm on the nearby willow tree. You quickly switched off the buzzing of your alarm before slumping back down onto the bed.
Staring at the ceiling, you sighed as your mind was already in the works. There was so much to think about considering what had happened last night. You closed your eyes as you replayed the events, remembering every single detail. The sight of Connor’s shirtless body, android-white and gleaming as if it were shining in perspiration. His hair hanging loosely over his forehead with messed curls. The warmth of his breath by your cheek, feathering your neck. His gentle hands brushing against your other cheek, comforting and rhythmic. His hooded, coffee eyes, harsh and piercing, warning away other predators but alluring, tender and almost pleading when they met yours.
And oh. His lips. Oh my god. His soft, inviting lips. Parted slightly. Teasing. Close. Curled in a soft snarl with a tensed jaw and gritted teeth.
You inhaled sharply and bit your lip, feeling heavy churning in your stomach. It was supposed to be the feeling of butterflies but it felt more of wild flapping of disturbed pigeons. You groaned and grabbed the nearby pillow, stuffing it onto your face as you tried to get the images of Connor out of your head.
You had left Hank’s place before anyone had the chance to explain anything but not before placing a blanket on a drunk lieutenant that drooling on the couch. You had asked [F/N] if they were okay getting home on their own to which they had hesitatingly reassured you they were going to be fine. Flushed and embarrassed, you had distractedly arrived in your own home, showered in frustration and fell into restless sleep.
You finally decided that your job was the only thing that fed and housed you, flipping the blankets off and proceeded to clean the evidence of sleep. You were frying quick breakfast when your phone rang. Wiping your hands with a nearby cloth, you looked at the screen to see your caller.
Connor - RK800.
You felt your cheeks immediately burn at the sight of his name and his contact picture, regal and poised. You paced the small apartment kitchen, your heart beating faster with slight anxiety working you up. You suspected he called to apologise for his behaviour and blame it on a system malfunction, vowing that it would never happen again.
The phone was still ringing. Oh crap. You panicked and pressed the decline button. Oh my god, why did you do that? Facepalming and whispering curses to yourself, you scraped the nearly burnt breakfast into a plastic box. Putting the breakfast into your bag, you locked up and quickly boarded the bus that nearly left without you. You settled down on a seat near the window and plugged in your earphones, selecting your favourite song as the bus pulled out onto the road. You looked around and saw androids and humans sitting next to each other like there were no differences. Ever since the android revolution, relationships between androids and humans were quite estranged. However, the androids were putting on their best behaviour, ready to be accepted as equals. They no longer needed to stand in their own android compartments on buses, android parking and such. They were one of us now. You smiled as you saw an android lady talking animatedly to a small boy, revealing her android skin around her hands. It seemed like she was teaching him something. The boy’s father was beaming proudly at them both. It looked like they were such a happy family.
Imagine if you and Connor were a family. Holding hands, laughing as your child ran ahead, chasing a little ladybug. Choking, you realised what you were thinking about and turned away to face the window to watch the passing streets as the world woke up in the sunlight. 
You need to get yourself together, [Y/N]. You mentally slapped yourself, it was definitely just a system malfunction. Connor was still adjusting to the new deviancy. After all, he was made to be a deviant hunter so obviously Cyberlife would take extra precautions in his programming.
The bus stopped at the small square where the bookstore was and you briskly stepped off, making your way down the path. Greeting a few other shop owners that were also just opening, you rummaged for your keys, opening the door.
The door revealed a rather large plush doll of a Saint Bernard sitting on the counter. Around its neck, was a golden chained, ivory stone necklace. You were stunned as you looked around outside to search for the culprit. No one suspicious in sight. Returning back inside, you placed your bags down and picked up the plush. It resembled a lot like Sumo. You noticed a solid paper card underneath the plush, sealed in a golden envelope that had your name in crisp, cursive black print. Probably Cyberlife Cursive typeface, you guessed. Connor...sent this? You were quite surprised because people rarely use paper anymore with the new digital age and all. He certainly had a taste for gifts and maybe by the fact that you work at one of the few standing paperback bookstores, he knew you preferred the traditional materials.
You put down the plush and carefully opened the envelope, pulling out the letter within.
Hank and I would like to present these as gifts souvenirs we have collected during our investigation. As you may have guessed, the Saint Bernard stuffed doll is a representation of Sumo, chosen by Hank himself. He had immediately thought of you when he passed it by the store window. As you know, Hank doesn't like sappiness so he does not want to include himself in this letter.
You snorted out loud, smiling as you read. Classic Hank.
The necklace around Stuffed Sumo is my gift to you. Made out of pure ivory, it is actually the rare tooth of an elk. I had promised to find you a souvenir from the investigation itself so yes this is part of the pieces of evidence. Don't worry. They won't be able to detect the difference between the fake I deposited.
As I present these gifts, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. It was definitely very uncharacteristic of me and I have done a self-diagnosis that indicates a bit of a system error. I hope [F/N] did not take offense.
Ah there it was. You had already predicted what he would say.
I hope that you would find it in your heart to look past this inconvenience.
Oh... Inconvenience? Okay sure, it was an inconvenience to your poor heart and mind that wouldn't stop freaking out but you knew that wasn't what Connor had meant. Shaking your head with a smile, you placed the Sumo plush by the window, giving it a pat on the head before setting down to work. It was so sweet of both of them. You made a vow to always treasure them both enough and to make sure they knew.
Half way through the day, you remembered to give [F/N] a call, to make sure they weren't going to run away from you. You had also wanted to catch up with them before they headed overseas again.
"It seems like I have competition," they had joked and reassured you. "Don't worry about it too much."
You had sighed with relief. "Could I make it up to you with a proper dinner out? I promise it'll be Conner-less."
Agreeing on a time and a rather expensive place, you decided to message Hank, letting him know that you were going to be missing dinner with them.
As evening settled, you waved off your last customer before putting away the last stock. You were just about to leave before something glittered by the window, reminding you of a certain tenderness. Connor's necklace. Biting your lip in a quick thought, you decided to take the necklace off of stuffed Sumo. Clasping the chain around your neck, you glanced at the reflection on the window, admiring the way the tooth glimmered against the streetlight that streamed through the glass.
You touched it lightly with your hand as you thought about Connor once more. How was it possible that a machine becoming deviant could be so impactful...? It allowed him to understand sentimentality. Evolution was a wonder.
Feeling rather embarrassed about the amount of times you thought about him, you shook your head and exited the shop, making your way to the restaurant.
The night was going really well. Excellent food and drinks along with [F/N] with so many stories to tell about their adventures and experiences in teaching at seminars and several universities. You exchanged stories by telling them about the whole deviant revolution that happened a few years back and how things were actually still so raw. You avoided the subject about work, explaining that it was obviously nothing compared to what they were doing.
You had excused yourself to go to the restroom and had just walked out when suddenly, the restaurant exploded, causing you to fly backwards into the wall. You felt your breath leave you as you fell onto the floor. You could hear screams along with things breaking and burning. What the hell happened...? Glancing around with blurred eyes, you saw that everything was in ruins and on fire. Nothing was recognizable anymore. You feel your conscious giving up on you as everything slowly turned dark.
It felt like you were drifting in the void, drowsily letting go of everything. It was so quiet. It was kind of nice. Just nothing. It felt like you had been there for ages.
Someone was calling out to you. Probably [F/N]. You could sense desperation in their voice. You opened your eyes but squinted them close again from the white flash of pain that you felt everywhere.
You tried to get up but a sharp jab in your chest caused you to cry out as you collapsed back down. Strong hands gripped your arms, stablising you. You felt them lift you up, sweeping you into a bridal style. They were asking you something but your ears still rang of both noise and silence. Was that even possible...? You felt that you had discovered new muscles and pain in areas that you didn’t realise could feel pain. Hazily nuzzling against their chest, you moaned, trying to communicate with your savior.
They were saying something else, but you could only make out the reassuring tone with a sense of worry and anger. Closing your eyes, you let yourself be carried outside and felt your skin prickle with something damp. Oh. It was raining. The air smelt of the mixture of burnt plastic, smoke and moisture of the rain. You could hear panicked voices, sirens and just ultimate chaos. You were placed onto something soft and your savior’s hands searching you everywhere. They gently touched your face, eyes, ears, down to your neck, and suddenly...
WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! As you felt the pair of hands lift up your shirt you jolted up despite what it feels like to be a stab wound in your chest.
“HEY!” you yelled, feeling the haziness flutter away form your brain. “What are you doing?!”
The hands pushed you gently but firmly down. “Please calm down, [Y/N], you are seriously injured and I need to remove this garment so I can tend to it.”
The voice sounded extremely familiar now that you were out of the initial haze. You closed your eyes as you pleaded. Please don’t let it be Connor, please don’t let it be Connor, please don’t let it Connor... You wouldn’t know how to react if it was the detective android that was tending to your pretty exposed body.
You opened your eyes slowly to look at your caretaker.
What do you know...? Of course, it was Connor.
"Wha-" You stuttered as you looked at him up and down. Oh no... Not the collared white shirt. It was slightly singed with smudged ashes. Thank goodness it wasn't buttoned down all the way. It looked like he was having a casual night before everything happened. There was still quite a visual of his collarbone but you immediately looked right up to his eyes to stop yourself from flushing more than usual.
"Connor!" you gasped, bewildered. "What are you doing here?!"
You realised that you were in the back of an ambulance with the doors opened, allowing you to make out a crowd of people and flashing lights of authority. Conner scanned the road, searching for something before turning his gaze back to you. His eyes were filled with the same fire they held the previous the night as his jaw evidently tightens.
"Why did you not inform me of where you were?" he hissed, his voice lower and huskier than usual. You felt your chest numb, as Connor injects something there. It didn’t stop the burning traces of his hands as they brushed against your skin while he worked on stitching up the wound that sat directly below your rib.
"Hey, I told Hank I was going to be busy," you retorted defensively.
The Android took a step closer towards you, his LED flashing red as he concentrated. "But you didn't tell me," he growled slowly. "And now you are here. With [F/N].” Quite honestly, instead of intimidating you, it was turning you on a little, despite your condition. The close proximity is going to drive you nuts.
You opened your mouth, suddenly worried about [F/N] but Connor waved his hand dismissively, interrupting you. “They’re fine.”
His eyes briefly flickered to you as you looked away, relieved. Glancing back at him, you frowned. “Is it even in your programming to know how to tend to the wounded?”
Connor subtly tilted his head in his usual quirk, eyes not leaving your injury. “I have some programming,” he explained absentmindedly. “It would also be an inconvenience to me if a foreign model or person touches you.”
Your eyes widened at his additional comment, and you could feel a rise in heat.
He shook his head in frustration and continues to scold you. “Look at what happens when I am not around; you get into trouble."
You decided that you were done being bullied into submission even though you were lying there belly-bare as he towered you. "Conner, they're just my friend that I haven't seen in ever." You glared at him square in the eyes, causing him to raise an eyebrow at your sudden fire of defiance. "It’s also not often that restaurants get blown up either. I can take care of myself. I don't belong to you or anything, it's not like you own me." You tried to restrain from grimacing from the ache all over your body, feeling smug at your self-confidence.
The detective smirked, agreeing to play your game. "Well, Miss [L/N]," he cut the last thread of the stitch, letting his hand rest on the nape of your neck. Taking the chain of the ivory tooth necklace and slowly brushing against your skin, he knelt down and leaned in right next to your ear. His other hand was resting on your bare belly, thumb stroking lightly.
Your breath hitched as you felt his lips graze ever so lightly against your cheek. You could feel your heart wanting to jump right out your throat and throw itself at Connor. What the hell man. This isn't fair. You were a strong independent person and yet, your willpower and probably sense of dignity would vanish the moment Connor came into scene. To top it off, you were wounded and vulnerable in a bed so obviously he had the higher ground.
"The moment you placed this on..." he whispered, pulling back slightly, his face only inches away from yours as he glances at you with eyes glinting dangerously.
"You belong to me.”
You laid there, hot, bothered and in pain. This was absolute torture. You closed your eyes, and kept your lips thin as you stubbornly refused to look at him, knowing that he enjoyed toying with you.
You heard him move away, possibly with the biggest, cockiest smirk in history. You still kept your eyes shut, brows furrowed with embarrassment.
“I must tend to the investigation now, they need me to be on scene,” you heard Connor say.
He placed a soft hand in the middle of your chest and scanned, enjoying the sight of your elevated heartbeat on his HUD interface.
“Get better, [Y/N]. I will be expecting you.”
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