#So I would give them a baby anyways
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ironunderstands · 10 months ago
Crossposting my IP3 as parents post because this is my propaganda and you will read it
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optichocolate · 3 months ago
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onpie · 7 months ago
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Noodles and Tea’s work inspired me fr
#phineas and ferb#gravity falls#perry the platypus#bill cipher#crossover#heinz doofenshmirtz#major monogram#great googly moogly#And at this one stand there was this forest service guy#and he was selling these really amazing muffins#they had Dunkleberries and EVERYTHING they looked delicious but they had nuts in them so I didn’t buy them#(I’m not allergic or anything I just think that there is a time and a place where you don’t put nuts in food#like seriously this thing was STUFFED with pecans and I was like that’s gonna ruin the flavor! Pecan
. that’s a really weird word you know#like try saying it out loud a couple times. Pecan.. peCHAAANs. Pea-can. hm. hm.#anyway)#but this guy had some other really random junk lying around so I decided to take a look and I actually found something really msyerious!#there was this book with a big ‘2’ on it and I couldn’t find the other ones so I was like hey where’s the rest of these and he was like#we already sold them off and I was like WHAT that’s so crazy#like if you’re gonna sell a set of books#WHY would you sell each one separately cuz that would really suck to just like#start in the middle of a series or get hooked and never be able to continue it#and I was pretty wary anyways cuz it looked so CRYPTIC and WEIRD#but he said he’d give it to me for 92 cents and baby that’s a STEAL#couldn’t NOT take it#I mean it sat around on my desk for months and I mainly just used it as a paperweight until one night#they stopped broadcasting America’s Got Talent on my channel and out of SPITE I decided to find a way to defy American Tradition#and read a book#
.what? ohhhh you though I was gonna build an inator over this#no at the time I was already working on a Tuesday Inator that would force every Calendar in the Tri-State area to always have every day#as Tuesday so I could ALWAYS have a discount on tacos! do you know how OVERPRICED those things are when they’re not on Tuesday?
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avayarising · 2 months ago
No but let’s talk about the whole Apokalips thing in Our Worlds At War. Young Justice 1:35–37, Superboy 1:91, Impulse 1:89.
Kon really, really screwed up. His impulsive and insubordinate actions, expressly against Robin’s orders and in full opposition to the rescue mission they were engaged on, led directly to:
the permanent death of one team member (Slobo is not Lil Lobo even if he does have his memories, and neither are any of the other regenerated Lobos, most of whom also die; original Lobo remains dead)
the partial death of another (Bart is in a coma for over a week after experiencing the death of his speedforce duplicate)
the start of Greta’s corruption arc via Darkseid
and the torture and thorough traumatisation of the rest of team (they are held in VR worlds where they are forced to live through the deaths of their loved ones and their own deaths, repeatedly).
Tim leaves Young Justice over this. Bart stops being a hero altogether for a while.
And we never see Kon apologise.
Okay so yes he acknowledges to himself he is entirely at fault for this. He spends a whole issue agonising over what he’s done and yes, he resolves to apologise to Robin.
But he never does. He gets distracted by some fallout from the war and by Joker’s Last Laugh. Tim gets involved again in World Without Young Justice, when reality has been altered and none of them are who they should be.
And then after that, Tim, who is relieved that his identity has been revealed (something he wanted to do long ago) in a way that he couldn’t control or be blamed for, asks to rejoin the team.
Kon and Cassie do this:
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(I’m not blaming Snapper, Ray, or Slobo, none of whom were there when this went down even if Slobo does have the memories of it. They are just following Kon and Cassie’s cues.)
And Tim reacts like this:
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Which is not the reaction of someone who has already received a heartfelt apology.
And yes, then they hug and welcome Tim back into the team. But I think Tim ends up fully internalising that his leadership (and his refusal to share his identity, like they have any right to it) is to blame for the whole debacle. And Kon lets him go on thinking that.
#the worst of it all is that Kon’s diversion to attempt to rescue Steel is completely unnecessary in the first place#Dark Racer was taking Steel to Apokalips to *resurrect* him not to damn him#and Kon had been whinging the entire time they were on these rescue missions#because he didn’t think saving lives was as important as fighting the bad guys directly#so Tim was feeling very short with him anyway#I have not found out who (if anyone) ended up rescuing the Suicide Squad when YJ didn’t turn up for them#also they were only just out of an argument about the Government Property Baby which is a whole other thing#but crucially Tim did concede that Kon was *right* about the baby and told Kon as much#before they were ever drafted into interplanetary rescue missions#Kon never gives Tim the same courtesy after Apokalips#neither do we see Kon apologise to *Bart* who was honestly the worst affected#(and yes I stand by Tim’s team has no right to his identity)#(I don’t need to know what my boss or colleagues get up to in their off hours to be able to trust them to do their jobs)#(yes if they want to be team-as-family they will need to have that level of trust but they need to wait for Tim to get there himself)#(in this case that would mean Tim deciding it’s worth defying both Batman and Nightwing which is something he doesn’t actually do lightly)#(and it shouldn’t affect them trusting Tim enough to lead them on missions)#this post brought to you by I’m fed up of people using this storyline as evidence that Kon and Tim love each other so so much#that’s really not what’s going on there#dc comics#tim drake#yj98#our worlds at war#young justice
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screechingfromthevoid · 2 months ago
Okay but somehow the champions or extremely trusted followers get to raise the little god babies.
First off that's SO many kids in Vox Machina. My initial thought was the matron being raised by Vax like Purvan helped raise Emirah.
But then I thought about Pike and her connection to the Everlight (and allegedly they might be distantly related 👀) so I think the Everlight would go to Pike.
THEN I thought about Vex's connection to the Dawn Father. And sure there are probably people more qualified, but Vex does have his blessing. And the Dawn Father thinks about Aiden then. His softness, his kindness, and made the decision that if he could be raised in close proximity to his siblings, he would.
Second, I think the Stormlord would go to Yasha (and Beau. They wanted to adopt anyway) because of her devotion and her celestial blood.
And in the same vein as the Dawn Father and Aiden, the Wild Mother would go to Caduceus. He and his family had been so good to her. And she'd be raised so close to at least one of her siblings.
Idk I think that'd be neat
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 3 months ago
s5 episode 19 thoughts
last night’s episode had me singing. clapping my hands together and rejoicing. doing a little twirl, even. so i wonder where we will go from here? 
if i may be so bold as to venture a guess: i would say a two parter leaving on a cliff hanger that is resolved by the movie? 
hmm. i would be happy to be wrong, but we shall see.
post episode thoughts: i think i need to ponder this one for a few months and get back to you. there were things i liked, and other things that frustrated me, which i ended up spending quite a bit of time analyzing. still, i do not mean to be a total hater; my heart was melting at the hospital scene!!!
anyway, back to me from yesterday!
let's read the episode description... mulder is taken hostage?!?! oh, is scully going to go berserk? i am willing to see this. HOWEVER, i would prefer if my boy was left unharmed. maybe the captor will be polite. his poor finger probably still hurts!!!
but, a mulder kidnapping arc is good for me, because i believe being a damsel in distress ought to be a gender neutral role. so let’s see what we have going on
(and the episode is called folie a deux
 shoutout to the best fall out boy album)
what if your job was to type into a blocky white computer and call people all day? this could be you, but it is the case for this man, named gary.
he is talking to an uninterested man about siding, and then auto calling someone else. i know these callers well. they plague my job.
an insect is here too, but we don’t have to worry about that. surely the sound design team did not put that in there purposefully for me to notice /s
gary is nervous as he makes another call and hears more insects. i don’t like this. wait, have i seen things about this episode before
BUG GUY???? 
gary is shaking with fear. WHAT IS HERE? the bug guy?!?! 
(loud cheering as the intro plays)
short intro
.. i clock thee once again
skinner time!!! my heart rejoices at this. why does he have multiple globes in his office? and some books and what looks like trophies under his bill clinton portrait. i wonder if he plays around with them. 
agents mulder and scully are here!!!
uh oh
 are they in trouble?!?!
they need to go to chicago to conduct a threat assessment. mulder wants to know why them. “because i prefer you did” <- ohhh yeah, give him the “i told you so” reasoning, skinner đŸ”„đŸ”„
BAHAHA mulder picks up that the manifesto has “bizarre undertones” right away, which i think is a great way of describing something. and it speaks of a monster stalking employees!! augh. i hope the monster at least allows the workers their legally required breaks. 
(scully looks frustrated)
(mulder nods) "monsters. i’m your boy" <- LMAOOOOO STOPPPPPP WHY IS HE LIKE THIS I’M CRYINGGGG
he’s angry!!! he thinks skinner is mad at him 
“have i finally reached that magic point in my career where every time somebody sees bigfoot or the virgin mary on a tortilla, i get called out of my basement ward to offer my special insight on the matter?” <- oh. oh. i’m laughing, but i do feel a little bad. yeah buddy. that is kind of how you make a living. said with kindness though.
(i know he wants to genuinely know the Truth and find the answers and save his loved ones and learn the mystical secrets of the universe, and that there is angst in this genuine belief being misconstrued as the bigfoot guy, but you can see why such a mistake could get made when he is. you know. the way he is)
“you’re saying i a lot. i heard we” <- YEAHHH SCULLY! GET HIM!!!!!
(augh. and this plot once again fell victim to too much mulder saying i and not enough mulder saying we. probably my biggest complaint with this whole show)
she doesn’t think this case will be a waste of their time, but he says it won’t waste hers, because he will just go by himself! and he’s all pouty as he stalks off, leaving her looking confused. come on, monster boy. stop being emo.
oh, you know the episode is gonna hit when it says written by vince gilligan. i think? he’s the shippy guy, right? i normally don’t pay attention to these things, but people in the comments point out the writers, and he is spoken of positively 
(i googled his name to make sure i was spelling it right, and it turns out he also wrote breaking bad and better call saul. wow! that is a man with some serious credentials!)
so mulder takes off to chicago all by himself to listen to the taped manifesto at the vinyl shop call ceneter. it was sent to the local radio station with the instructions to play it over and over 24 hours a day. the subtitles allow me to know that this is the voice of gary, warning of an evil monster who hides in the light. mulder looks very very bored. 
the boss guy says he’s conducting his own internal investigation, which leads me to believe that he is the bug beast.
not even TWO STEPS OUT THE DOORWAY of that guy’s office and he’s calling scully LMAOOOOO I AM CRYINGGGGG... they cannot be separated or disaster ensues!!! 
he wants her to check on the phrase “hiding in the light”. OH she swivels around at their desk :,) her at the desk makes me so happy!
he recognizes it from an old file!!! “which one? there’s hundreds” “i’m not sure, but i appreciate it” <- AWWW poor scully has to go through 8 million x files looking for a phrase
 deep scully sigh as she resigns herself to the glamorous field of archival work. at least he said he appreciated her hard work.
gary sees mulder here and is watching him
. and gary sees his coworkers being called in to talk with the manager. he tells nancy not to go in there!!! “gary, i love you buddy, but you’re really, really weird” damn nancy, get him again lmao
and gary sees the boss go bug mode!! and hears her screaming!! he’s crying while the other manager guy tells him to dial and smile!!
bro is having a complete breakdown
 nancy returns to her desk looking like a zombie????? at least to gary. to the camera, she looks pretty normal. things are unclear, narrative-wise.
pretty mulder is listening to the manifesto and taking notes; he has this sort of loopy handwriting i really like. it's a little messy. and he’s written down and then crossed out "obsessive compulsive disorder". “formality of phrasing: desire for authority - to be taken seriously” YEAHHH GO MONSTER BOY GOđŸ”„DO THAT PSYCHOANALYSIS YOU LOVE SO MUCH
meanwhile, gary is gathering ammunition and loading a gun!!!! oh my god????
scully calls!!! she found the phrase and who said it and when and where!!! again, you really cannot out-research her. back in 1992 in florida, a deacon was worried about evil in his church and then showed up and shot people. oh god. and he said “the afflicted ones won’t bleed” hey that’s horrific 
“scully, at the risk of you telling me i told you so, i think it’s time for you to get down here and help me” “i told you so”, she says, smiling <3 
AUGHHHH i need to scream into my hands for a moment
okay. i'm better now. that was just so damn cute.
mulder shows up the next day at the vinyl office place, but it’s empty!!! nancy says to get down
 gary points a gun at him!!!! 
scully is pulling in to the parking lot while swarms of police and helicopters are everywhere
. scully introduces herself as agent mulder’s partner. the local FBI team doesn't have any updates on what is going on inside!!!!! 
they want to call him and she says NO. it could put him in danger. this other dude is being condescending to her and she again says NO. we need to find another way. so take that.
oh my god??? inside, gary is making some guy tie everyone up and kneel with their hands behind their heads?? he says the boss is who they should be afraid of and to shut up and stop crying. gary. bro. this is not a good look.
and he says he’s not talking to the people who aren’t human, referring to the first three people the boss took in his office

mulder is coming in to save the day!!! he asks very calmly why they should be afraid of mr. pincus, claiming that he is here to apply for a job. i can only hope that i could be as calm as him in a hostage situation.
gary says that mr. pincus is a monster who will harvest their souls and turn them into zombies. okay. like in a corporate way or a literal way?
mulder’s slowly moving to grab his gun when gary looks away
he says everyone needs to hold their breath, and as the local FBI team tries to break in, gary fires at the ceiling!!! maybe he’ll use up all his ammo???? and then mulder can attack???
so of course his phone goes off when these fools call him, gary sees mulder’s gun, and they lose their ONE SHOT OF SAFETY, and gary slaps mulder across the face and SHOOTS AT SOME GUY WHO DARED TO MOVE OH MY GODDDD YOU BITCHES WHO DON’T LISTEN TO SCULLY ALL ARE GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!
and gary finds mulder's FBI badge
. he picks up the phone and says he shot a zombie, but didn’t kill him. because he was already dead.
he says he will start killing actual people if they don’t get him on the TV!!!
can they maybe film him and pretend to get it on the TV, and just get it on the local channel so it only broadcasts to the office TV or something????
gary. bro. i’m scared.
mulder tries to remind gary that the guy he killed was a man, but gary says it was a zombie. and that the boss wants to turn them all into drones.
mr. pincus asks a great question: if he is the monster, what does he need all of these people for?? he says to just wait until they put him on the TV.
when they call mulder's cell again, gary answers the phone with “dial and smile” ohhh
. this is truly a man who has had enough of his job
so they’re sending the camera people in
. and scully sees that gary is holding mulder at gunpoint!!!
ohh, they *are* doing a closed circuit broadcast, so gary sees himself on the office TV and no one else will be subjected to him!!! yeah, shoutout to technology.
the cameraman pretends some wires are twisted, which allows the FBI team to see that the wall is clear
. and mulder is forced to lay down
. and now gary’s addressing “the people”
mr. pincus is being held at gunpoint
. and mulder gets in the way
 gary’s screaming and screaming at mulder to get him out of the way, but he won’t do it
he hears the buzzing again
. and the lights are out

does mulder see the bug man too?? or is it all in gary’s mind????
the FBI team enters and someone shoots gary. mulder is splattered with blood, but he is looking at mr. pincus suspiciously

GARY WHISPERS “now you know” to him as he lay dying

HOLY HELL?????????????
what. hey guys! what’s up? what is going on here.
poor pensive mulder is looking off at mr. pincus. “you look exhausted”, says scully, which he instantly denies. and oh, he’s going to talk to him. 
mr. pincus thanks him for saving his life. but mulder is in questioning mode. so mr. pincus had been, at some point, at the other plant where the incident went down a few years earlier, and had been to florida, where the x file case that scully had dug up in the files earlier was. bug guy
scully is very confused. “what’s going on?” she asks softly, and he says he doesn’t know. ohhhh :( he sounded so lost :(
back to washington dc, where mulder is drawing lines on maps. with his poor busted lip and his poor busted finger. someone get him an ice pack
scully is shocked to see him! “mulder, why didn’t you take the day off?” he looks CRAZY and tells her to close the door. 
oh, what must be going through her mind right now
he found the phrase “hiding in the light” or variations of it in 5 other x files, but the variations he lists seem pretty different to me. all the other cases were people who said evil was right in front of them but no one else could see it. which seems like a pretty typical x file trope. i'm not sure if he's onto anything here.
she asks what we are all thinking: have you slept? he disregards this and keeps going. 
all of the cases with the phrase variations date back ten years, and that is how long pincus has worked for the vinyl company

bro is still in his bloody shirt while trying to convince scully that perhaps a human bug creature could hypnotize its prey into not being visible. please get this man some clean clothes. it is not good to sit around covered in the blood of both yourself and others.
scully does not want to play along with gary's delusions or give them any credit. good for her!
“he was mentally ill. this monster was-was a sick fantasy, a product of his dementia”
(angry mulder nods) “i saw it, too.” (surprised scully face) “does that make me disturbed? demented? does that make me sick, too?” 
ohhhh, there is panic in scully, i am sure, but she is good at not showing it. 
(deep sigh) “no. no, this kind of thing is not uncommon. you
 you went through a terrible ordeal, and sometimes people in close associations, under tense conditions, uh, the delusions of one can be passed onto the other” <- ohhhh scully
 she is trying so hard to be kind and scientific and to support how he feels without fueling any harmful beliefs. it's a very careful dance.
he is furious though, insisting it’s not a delusion ("it's not folie a deux", he insists in the most american sounding way possible), and i can’t help but think about how his insistence on the existence of bug man fits in with his earlier disgust at being seen as the monster boy. well. you can see how these things happen when we wind up in this sort of situation.
he wants to prove that the people gary pointed out as not human really were turned into zombies somehow
 maybe they can give them a checkup under the guise of “damn, y’all just went through some wild stuff”, but all i can think about is getting that man a fresh shirt and a nice long shower. can we give them a check up when you’re clean? please? thank you. bloodborne pathogens are scary.
scully refuses to autopsy the body- saying she won’t feed into the delusions- and he says he’ll prove it without her and storms off. 
she must be so worried about him...... he's clearly not himself
oh shoot
 he goes to gary’s place and finds the same map tracking pincus that he had made!!! and then mulder sees a zombified nancy outside!!! he’s running off, but the guy he's with doesn’t see anyone!!!!
now she’s driving off with pincus
 where are they going???
scully is here to talk to skinner. he wants to know: why is mulder being weird? 
AND WHY DID HE GET HER SCHEDULED TO DO AN AUTOPSY AFTER SHE SAID NO???? skinner KNOWS something is up and asks if there’s something she wants to tell him. she says “no, sir” and walks away, leaving him behind, confused
okay. so i feel like plotwise, i’m going to be annoyed if mulder is right, because he is acting really wild, and i get that it’s an intense situation, but you need to respect your partner. and listen to her and not make her do things that she refused to do. if he is behaving like he is having a break in his sanity, and scully is treating him with the care that this sort of situation affords, but then it turns out he was the only one clever enough to see the truth for the billionth time, making scully the scorned skeptic... well, it gets old after 5 seasons.
and we know that while he is often right about things, he is also incredibly prone to believing, and this can take him to self-destructive lengths, such as letting a guy put k in your brain until scully has to throw herself on him like a weighted blanket so he doesn't end things permanently. so. i don’t always trust his judgement.
but maybe she’s thinking, if i just autopsy the damn guy, we can get this over with.
all that being said: skinner’s confused face is so funny, lmao
scully does not want to do an autopsy. she’s outsourced it to someone else! i appreciate her sticking to her guns.
she’s trying to call mulder, but the guy doing the autopsy says it looks like the shooting victim has been dead for 2-3 days
 and she says no, he died yesterday. HMM. weird. you can see the realization on her face
. something weird is going on here. but is it as strange as mulder claims?
pincus is going
 somewhere. well, you better believe mulder is tailing him. hard for a guy that tall to be stealthy. 
he moves the picnic table to look into the window of this house, and he sees the bug guys!!! then he breaks in, seeing an eyeless woman and a bug guy crawling behind him!!! breaking and entering... not a good look
the CGI is killing me lmao. bro is leaning out the window. LMAO WHAT THE HELL I’M HOWLING LOOK AT THE BUG GUY SCURRYING AWAY BAHAHAAAAAAAAAA 
we need to appreciate this for a moment. crazed mulder breaking into some rando's house and shooting at the human-sized bug.
bug guy jumps off of the roof!!!
skinner is listening to the woman whose house he broke into testify
 she says she felt a presence creeping towards her
 and then this madman was in her house (pan to mulder) uh oh!!! one of many times mulder could have been fired, tbh!!!
she says he was screaming about monsters more than gary!! and then she leaves saying he shouldn’t carry a gun!!!
oh, mulder... what are we going to do with you?
pincus stays behind
 oh, skinner is going to go nuclear on mulder if he opens his mouth to call him a monster one more time
 poor skinner

.. pincus says he still considers mulder a hero for helping with the hostage situation, which is why he wants to handle this privately
skinner has to pin him down after he pulls out his gun!!!! oh my god!! he is gonna get fired for real!!!
(funny how often skinner and mulder come to physical blows. i just think it's neat)
mulder is in the hospital in chicago, and scully slips her hand into his (stop. i’ll cry. hey i’ll cry) and he says “five years together, scully. you must have seen this coming” <- HEY IS HE GETTING FIRED FOR REAL?? or just announcing the formal loss of his sanity?!
she says they more or less found what they thought they would find in the body
 it looked more decomposed than it ought to have
 but that really isn't unusual
oh, look how pained she looks as she listens to him try and explain the monster. he says pincus bit the lady whose house he broke into's neck. now is this a bug or a vampire? i guess those two categories have some commonality
she says the case is closed, and she only has hope he can see past this delusion AUGHHHH
i am imagining being scully in this situation and how much it would hurt to see your bestie and partner like this.......
“you have to be willing to see” “i wish it were that simple” “scully, you have to believe me. nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will” OUGHHHHHHHHH
:( :( :( monster boy......
“you’re my
look at her looking at him

that feeling when your bestie is out of his mind, begging you to believe in the bug men, and he says you're his soul mate.......... yeah.
back to autopsy land. this other dude is very confused as to why she wants to flip him over. AUGH. bites! bug bites!
she is shaving the dead body's head. which is not something i ever thought you had to do, but here we are. she shaves that dead body like a pro. and AUGH. more bites. 
poor mulder is being restrained and shot up with stuff :( our pathetic man is suffering

he hears insects!!! did they bite him too???
NOOO!!! he sees the insect!! he’s screaming for the nurse!!!
he sounds absolutely wild as he tries to convince her there’s something at the window, and for her to let him go. oh, she opens the window
. is there something on her neck

. it looked like... juice?? gag.
he hears more insects
. i think it’s coming in his room?? it’s climbing on the wall?? 
OH SHIT!! the nurse is not letting scully in!!! and she sees her as a zombie, too???
she’s looking at the window like wtf
 am i going to have to pay to get that fixed
? and also was that really a bug man...? a lot of important questions are being communicated despite the lack of works
while he’s still fighting his restraints

cut to a baffled skinner. “agent scully, i have to say, i’m at a bit of a loss here” LMAOOOO me too girl
“do i infer correctly from this that you believe there’s some
 merit to agent mulder’s claims?”
(god, i typed "clams" at first. i wish there was merit to his clams)
this is shocking, but not unheard of. listen! scully just wants answers, okay? and sometimes they lie in the category of science yet to be explained.
(long scully pause) “i believe that agent mulder is mentally sound and fit for duty. aside from that belief, i can only present to you the few hard facts that i've been able to gather” <- queen of giving a measured response in a purple suit 
oh shoot!! there was a toxin in the spine of the shooting victim!! and pincus is gone without a trace, with 6 other key witnesses!! including the nurse!!!
skinner wants to know what the intruder looks like
 she deflects that it was dark. that is all we hear her say, even though i wouldhave loved to know how that conversation ended.
scully and mulder reunite as they enter an elevator. “what did you tell him?”, he asks her. “the truth
 as well as i understand it” “which is?” (long scully pause) “folie a deux
 a madness shared by two”
hey. why does it sound like she knows french when she said that? because i know that mulder took french, but he said it as american as possible. however, she took german and said that pretty darn well. 
blushing a little.
AUGH, and a new company for WINDOWS has insect noises going on at the call center!!!
and so, the monsters continue to spread, ready at any moment to end humanity; a typical ending to an episode.
well. what did i think of this one?
hmm. i’m not sure. i was hoping mulder was going off the deep end rather than him being the most specialist boy of all who can once again see what the rest of the world cannot. he’s right too often, and we end up in the same situation where scully refuses to listen to his theories on account of the fact that he sounds crazy, and then he lowkey bullies her into doing what he asks rather than always considering her input, and then he ends up being right.
someone once got mad on one of my posts and said scully hates mulder (lmao. can you imagine?) because she never believes him even though he tends to be right. and buddy, i cannot really accept that as valid criticism, even beyond the whole point of the show being that yeah, they don't see eye to eye on supernatural matters. that is the most watsonian explanation to an incredibly clear doylist pattern, which is that mulder is the most special boy of all in this show and he knows all of the things and everyone else is a mere fool. this pattern annoys me greatly.
i just think it's funny (said with sarcasm) that someone would take the watsonian, in-universe explanation that hates on the woman character rather than acknowledge the fact that the writers clearly had a bias between the two. lmao.
and yeah. there are elements of both. scully is both purposefully written as stubborn in the face of his outlandish theories due to her loyalty to science as an element of her character, AND purposefully written as the one who naively refuses to believe mulder as some sort of audience proxy, because augh, that woman, she just won't believe our most special gifted genius agent mulder!
you can see how those two things work together, but one is clearly the result of the other. character decisions come from writers who often have their own biases and agendas rather than out of some mysterious creative ether from which a character emerges fully formed.
and poor skinner, trying to deal with mulder's often violent impulses. 
i think it’s very interesting that scully believes herself and him to be victims of a shared madness. it’s the most logical belief for her to have, but it also places this kind of
 like, concerning element to them being together. is everything they have experienced a shared madness? or just this after the trauma of him being held hostage? how can you trust your memory? how can you trust what you see? 
i also think it’s very interesting how she refuses to feed his delusions at all when he proposed the idea. she would not do the autopsy. and from his psych training standpoint, i imagine that he knew she would say that, but was still hoping against hope because he was so out of his right mindset. she stuck to what she believed would help him recover, which is really admirable and doctor-y of her.
god, her slipping her hand into his as he’s in the hospital

see, this is the problem with this show. it’s got me philosophizing on the meaning of the bug men. first of all, if they’re the ones in charge of call centers, i’m not really that surprised. corporate work turns you into a zombie; you don’t have time for passions or pursuits of your own, you just work for the shareholder. i get that interpretation. 
but other than that, what are we to think of the bug men? are we to call into question the things that we see? are we to believe the manifestos and ramblings of people like gary? 
i’m going to probably just assume it was a sort of “wouldn’t it be fucked up if
” situation the writers concocted. yeah it *would* be fucked up if there were bug guys in the call center taking over america through ceaseless barrages of advertising. you've got me there, vince.
my feelings on mulder’s behavior are complicated. maybe it was a shared madness between them *and* there were some shady bug things going on. him sitting there still the day after the hostage situation, having gotten no sleep, still in his bloody shirt, drawing lines on the map
 i mean, he did not seem well, even for a guy famed for his bouts of obsessive focus. 
i am going to think on this one for a bit. perhaps a more coherent train of thought will arise. but for now, i have written a treatise on the nature of this show's frustrating parts while also highlighting the parts that made me giggle. like "i told you so" and scully's good french and mulder's terrible french and holding hands and undying love <3
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twink-between-worlds · 8 months ago
alright *cracks knuckles*. we'll put it under the cut because well. its long. but ! chain in the sims what will they do (legend has a track record of burning down the kitchen in the sims. four has a record of breaking all the appliances.)
also. @cloudiilink . behold.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
Thinking of baby erik from the infinity comics again and my god why was he so fuckin. UGLY. silly baby

#snap chats#ugly as hell baby im crying IM STILL NEVER OVER#THE PANEL WHERE IT SHOWS ALPHA TURNING HIM INTO A BABY#THATS THE MOST FUCKSHIT BABY FACE IVE EVER SEEN HES SO CONFUSED#he wasnt even that ugly tbh it just kinda funny to cal him an ugly baby but him in the baby carrier DOES make me laugh#still cute the like. only time he Wasnt :| was to hold charles finger.. aww
#anyway all of this is to say i keep re-reading x-men unlimited 2/Point Blank#because baby mags is so cute there đŸ„șđŸ„ș like THATS a baby id coo and give my wallet to#its cause they let him keep his curly hair 
.. i keep thinkin to post a cap of it#but then id have to take a pic of the comic and the quality would be Less Than Ideal But Prob Not Even That Bad Tbh#and idk who cares like that
.#i like how moira was talkin to gabs like ‘he was a beautiful baby đŸ„ș like what if i just raised him right đŸ„ș’#moira i KNOW you just lost your son but that is MAGNETO GIRLFRIEND STAY ON TASK#takin this baby to the beach and like Aw :) Now Hold On

.#personally id be mortified if i were mags. if my bestie’s ex took care of me after i get turned into a baby by my weird science experiment#no wonder bro got cross with charles in excalibur when he mentioned moira fjPSJSKSK#baby mags still cute tho 
. well at least that one im still laughing at Round Three PWDNSKKDN#most fuckass baby ever im obsessed whenever i remember#ok bye im gonna stare at a wall and think of things i wanna write and draw and them do neither#for some reason i got a sudden sense of dread while working on something so im just gonna sit with that until i sleep i think fkAPSNSJ
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leviiackrman · 9 months ago
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SIMS 4 OC LOOKBOOK: Enatsu - Asami & Katsuki Bakugo
Next up is my gal Asami and her boyf Bakugo! Their little loft apartment was the first house I built to completion and I love it, so look forward to that soon! Hope you enjoy and lemme know your favourite outfits!
Ackermans || Rikihisas
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @nokstella @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe
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orcelito · 2 months ago
I do love that doing any kind of monsterfucker smut will have you dabbling in speculative biology and going on deep dives into the animal kingdom to draw inspiration for your fictional dragon reproduction system.
Aka for my oviposition dragon vash au I was looking into wonderful subjects such as autogamy, parthenogenesis, and ovoviviparity. Among others.
All just for funsies !
#speculation nation#hrmgh. people seem to really like this au enough that i might as well shoot to write it.#so i should come up with a tag for it.. just maybe...#well. call it how it is i guess.#dragon vash au shit#anyways i still plan to answer that ask someone sent about this au. i prommy 😭😭 im just a strugglin#but ive been thinking about this au. and i did all this research into weird reproduction systems in the animal kingdom.#see the main thing is that this is an oviposition fic but like not Just for kink i guess???#like it's gonna b clear in the fic that this is essentially wolfwood getting knocked up. like they talk about it beforehand and everything.#and well for a mostly human paired with a dragon. for viable offspring there would have to be some level of uhh#well the autogamy and the parthenogenesis are two different options. but as part of parthenogenesis theres uh#like one way it can happen is if an egg serves as fertilization for another egg. giving the genetic material and whatever#so like what if some dragon magic shit makes wolfwood's eggs into fertilizing eggs đŸ€”đŸ€” or something#idk im still workshopping it. and a lot of this wont even be relevant for the actual fic. especially the possible ovoviviparity.#but if ppl like the fic enough and wanna see it continued then maybe i Could write a sort of 'what happens next' thing...#mostly just wolfwood being a bit overwhelmed with trying to help raise dragon babies 😂😂😂#but yeah. idk i find this kind of thing fun. i learned many things yesterday! many of them useful!#and dragon vash au shall exist... in time.......#pregnancy ment/#lol. just in a bit more strange of words.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months ago
it’s cool that you can go back to video games you played as a kid and it’s a totally different experience to playing something new. because the guys in your video game were also there when you were way smaller. commander shepard had my back when i was little and she’s still there now? she is so cool.
#im not religious so i dont get guardian angels in that sense#but i think if there is any version of them. it’s video game characters who you imprinted on as a baby and are still cool and in your game#when you’re older.#this is true of movies and books too but video games are a more personal experience. to me at least.#so. it’s like a comforting thought you know? like. hey. you’re still in there. i needed you a long time ago and i might need you again.#i’m 22 and commander shepard is still in my computer#you don’t get to form that kind of bond with characters *after* you grow up is the trick. you get who you got as a kid and that’s it#which either works out really well or really poorly for you lmao#but anyway. there’s a version of me in some universe that got really assassin’s creed when they were younger. after playing ac4#instead of giving it up and moving on to something else#and i think that version of me would’ve latched onto ezio like a duckling so fucking fast its not even funny.#and i’d have a totally different perception of the character than i do only having played ac2 as an adult. that’s not a good or bad thing.#just an observation. it does make me a little wistful to think it’s experience i won’t and can’t have. but it’s also not one i lost really.#i have other games that stood in that place. it’s good.#

but i do think little me would have benefitted. if they’d had that. i guess i can’t know now.#but well. commander shepard is still in my computer. so everything’s alright.
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mossterunderthebed · 2 months ago
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#for Jin-chul#specifically for jin-chul as i am writing him in the fic im working on#if u guys want a title or snippets u should tell me bc i will give them to u but only if i know theres like. interest. u feel me?#also keep in mind it def won't be done for. a while. im unfortunately v busy rn and abt to become even busier. haha. but i can give nibbles#anyway back to the Weave. if this one had a title it would probably be Woo Jin-chul and the Dreamcatcher of the Past. or smthg like that.#in the sense of getting caught on#its not that he hasnt let go its that he remembers and nothing else is quite as good as that remembering#grief has made a home in his heart and lives there like a tumor but hed rather rip out his own heart than let anyone cure him of the cancer#so he just dreams of the things he cant have anymore and keeps them safe out of reach and never lets anyone else touch them#he gets hung up but also forces himself to keep pushing forward because if he doesnt he'll die- mentally and emotionally yes#but also physically because the world they live in now is one ruled by power and cruelty and its not safe to live any other way#jin-chul isnt safe. he makes himself unsafe so that other ppl have a chance to BE safe. but he remembers when he was and part of him#cant move past that. cant stop longing for it with his whole heart. its v sad of him honestly#i think thats why Sung Jinwoo's actions as well as the man himself meant so much to him. because here was this person who was SO powerful#but instead of using that power within the new system to start oppressing others and propel himself to the top or be casually cruel#he kept a sense of self and honor and duty. he wasnt always 'righteous' but he did truly try to save lives when they were in danger#and never lost sight of the value of those lives. to jin-chul someone like that must've felt like a miracle after all that time#and been something he deeply cherished and coveted personally.#even if they didnt know each other that well im sure that sung jinwoo's presence mustve been something that crossed jin-chul's mind often#and reassured him.#anyway. jinchul and jinwoo's relationship is just something i think about a lot.#i love them so much. literally nomming on them as we speak#SL#solo leveling#Woo Jin-chul#woo jinchul#sung jinwoo#web weaving#also there is a truly appalling lack of fanart of my baby#im not an artist guys. i cannot fill this hole in the fandom. TT devastating
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 months ago
Maybe I did this to myself but it does irk me when people see me knitting and they ask who it’s for and I say it’s for me and the immediate reaction is “you should sell it” yeah
 let me spend at least a week’s worth of my free time making an item I like, want, and would wear just to sell it on etsy, making at most a ÂŁ2 profit on materials and not being compensated for my time whatsoever đŸ‘đŸ»
#i say maybe i did this to myself because historically i have gifted most of the items i have knitted#because the venn diagram of things i like to knit vs things i like to wear is actually 2 circles that don’t touch#i looove making hats. i HATE wearing hats#also i love making baby clothes but i don’t have a baby and i’m not going to have a baby#however lately i’ve gotten really into knitting socks and i really like to wear knit socks. it’s like the most affordable way for me to get#quality wool socks. and i’m going to be watching my shows anyway. the time will pass anyways#but it feels like people are deliberately making me feel weird for wanting to make stuff for myself and not profit off my hobby#and like i’ve made 3 pairs of socks to gift already because ‘tis the season or whatever. and i’ve started another pair for a friend whose#birthday is in january#genuinely it’s very weird to hear ‘you should sell it’ or ‘oh i want one!!’ about an item i’m making for myself. after 18 years of gifting#or donating basically everything i’ve ever knitted. like i’ve gifted 2 double bed size crochet blankets#everyone i’ve known who’s had a baby has gotten a cardigan or a blanket or hats or all of the above#i spent october making poppies for the church. i’ve never even stepped foot in my village church mind you. my neighbour asked me to help#do you know what i own? that i’ve knitted? a pair of mittens and a pair of socks.#you want some socks from me? alright. that’s anywhere between £6 and £10 for the yarn and that’s optimistic#i’m currently making myself a pair with hand-dyed yarn that cost me £18 including delivery#the needles i use cost me more than £10. time
 let’s call it 24 hours per sock#i don’t know anyone with 18 years experience who makes minimum wage so let’s call it an even 600 for my time. tbh#DO YOU SEE how this isn’t a viable side hussle??? i physically cannot charge what my socks are worth#if i like you and you’re willing to wait; socks are free or cost whatever the yarn costs#if i don’t like or know you venmo me £620. and you’re still going to have to wait.#just pisses me OFF when people suggest i make an etsy page and they say it like they’re doing me a favour or giving me great financial#advice. like you’ve seen me sitting here all evening and i’m barely done with the cuff.. do you actually think selling these for £20 maximum#is going to help me out. i’m not selling them. they’re FOR me. i’m making them because i want them#also when my friend’s family was saying this to me and i was like ‘well the yarn cost a fiver’ and they got quiet and i was thinking yeah
#a fiver is the maximum you cheapskates would pay isn’t it. a fiver is cheap sock yarn bought on sale. or yarn that probably isn’t actually#good for socks. like don’t presume to give me financial advice when you’re this out of touch with the market please#next person who asks when i’m going to start selling socks is getting this whole rant in entirety tbh i don’t care anymore#personal#edited to add that i didn’t even get into etsy fees or whether i would even be noticed among the mountain of dropshippers LOL
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imwritesometimes · 1 month ago
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This is the shit democrats need to be out in the streets banging the drum over right now. You voted for him and he's already fucking you over. You rural farming voters who thought you'd be safe from his anti-woke agenda. It's already coming for your livelihoods. Can you afford 4 more years of this shit?
#people in this country SERIOUSLY need to be reminded the republican party has NEVER been for the working class#and it NEVER WILL BE#gay or straight white or poc disabled or not if you're not in one of like 6 families that hold all the wealth in this country#the republican party IS NOT LOOKING OUT FOR YOU#the problem is these people LOVE to be pandered to#ignore whatever you've hears abt 'these people don't want to be pandered to!' that's literally just more pandering!#oh they're so smart they see through the bullshit you can't pander to them!#then how come they keep voting for y'all even tho you're threatening to take their healthcare and costing them jobs?#it's cause they LOVE to be pandered to. they LOVE IT. they love feeling like they're SO IMPORTANT they can STICK IT TO THE COASTAL ELITES#HARHAR WE RUN THE COUNTRY SUCK IT LIBS#all they want is to be pandered to. and the democrats HAVE GOT TO LEARN THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL#they don't give a FUCK about anyone else but themselves and the democrats gotta PANDER AWAY BABY!#cheetolini is ALREADY fucking ur life up! where's the inflation reduction he promised day 1? why are eggs still over $5?#gay ppl buy eggs. white. brown. straight uptight assholes you wish would flip their bike over & knock out their 2 front teeth#gotta pander baby. PANDER PANDER PANDER.#and once you get that done and you're elected THEN you can swoop in and go#you know what it's literally none of the government's business what order your genitals are in#(cause let's remember we're PANDERING these ppl hate the idea of the government getting involved in their business)#so driver's licenses & passports and everything else for ALL!#but you gotta pander first and continue to pander along the way. these people are stupid and selfish (horrid combo)#anyway. I think I'm done reading the news for the day it's not even noon on a sunday and I'm ready to go into the street with a baseball bat#us politics
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tenwhiteandalusians · 3 months ago
and then no one said anything about the fact that if i watched ONE MORE episode tenax pulls a "i'm not angry i'm just disappointed i'm hurt" about scorpus signing with the white faction.
#do you see the vision here <- guy who has a watch rate of one episode per month#oh the implications of scorpus not being there for tenax in his time of need... the death of the child who is not but is symbolically their#is that a separate fic completely yes but it is ALSO in some ways a divorce fic. tenax like i needed you but scorpus also needing him#OH MY GOD THEY LITERALLY DO SAY FELIX WAS HIM and i can do SO much with the concept of a “stray”. oh please. please strays instead of rats#one knife to the ribs one fixed race one apartment board THAT'S A STORYLINE BABY RISE OR DIE THE ROMAN WAYYYYYY#i do see your calla/tenax storylines i do. i could be swayed but we are not here for that currently this is the same as the chariot racing#like i KNOW what i said about the gold faction representing everything that scares scorpus a dream he never thought they'd reach#and then to have it ripped away now he no longer even has the dream untarnished i do understand. which is why the “i'm disappointed”#kills me even MORE because it shows he gets it. like on some level he does understand why scorpus had to but it's his pride that's wounde#so to continue from what i WAS saying with:#sets the bar so low because how else would tenax love him (as if tenax would not do the same thing if he lost) and they have even MORE#questionable celebratory reward sex. yes i assigned scorpus a degradation/praise kink the world works in wondrous ways don't question it#scorpus/tenax#those about to die#tenax making sure to care for the kids is what's killing me too because i REALLY want to draw a parallel with scorpus making sure he takes#care of the prostitutes. yes he's a notorious hedonist yes he has a lot of sex but he always pays well doesn't he. over-well. he pays too#much and ends up in debt he pays enough to buy girls freedom. so that they only have to if they want to. it gets him a reputation sure AND#it gets whole houses of girls under his (and therefore tenax's) protection. you can't bruise her up; that's scorpus' favorite girl.#she can charge more for being favored. he can pay for massive parties where no one else is invited and if he falls asleep midway drunk#off his ass after a race the girls would never say. they still get paid. if tenax comes to watch and give instructions they'd never say.#if tenax tells them all to leave and it's just him and scorpus in the golden room and all the girls see before they shut the door#and latch it behind them is scorpus on his knees in the soft plush cushions with tenax offering him grapes one by one from his fingertips#like a favored concubine instead of the champion whose laurels are tilted on his head they won't say a word. not even when the noise#inside the room continues for long after the hour runs out the girls still stand watch until it's quiet and then crawl back in around where#scorpus is alone in the big wrecked bed with a smear of blood or wine on his mouth who could say. certainly they wouldn't.#no matter what they still get paid. whether they did the work to wreck him or not.#ANYWAY#they take care of the selves they couldn't protect is what i'm trying to say. for tenax it's the child he was/scorpus it's the body he sold#only he hasn't stopped having to sell it. & i guess as we're learning with the extortion tenax is still a child running from a burning hous
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subsequentibis · 5 months ago
i don't find being a dad an overly compelling or coherent part of tommo's character but i DO like that he gets to apply Stolen Dad Valor to situations now
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