#I will actually explode if someone draws or writes about this /pos
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ironunderstands Ā· 10 months ago
Crossposting my IP3 as parents post because this is my propaganda and you will read it
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sakiyaki-sashimi Ā· 1 month ago
Okay so right, I'm back again but in my defense, I let out an audible "Sakki! :D" when I saw you responded and couldn't resist sending in a second grrrrr..
AND OKAY! The only reason I wait until you mention me had been for the literal reason of me not wanting to either overwhelm you or accidentally exhaust you.. but since I know now, I'll make sure to send in one once a day, or every other day at the very least :3
AND FOR YOUR GUESS!! Also a good guess tbh, I actually follow sleepyjiraiminori, and when I was writing out my ask I was thinking "Hm. This might give them the impression that I might just be them." BUT HONESTLY? A great guess, so far? Everyone you have guessed have been people I have at least seen on my dash before so I think you're on the right track :D
And honestly? I can't say I dislike politically charged you.. I'm so bad with politics, my friends say I live in a bubble sort of separate from the rest of the world, so I get endlessly fascinated whenever someone actually is passionate about them.. I find it interesting to listen too soooo..
AND I TOTALLY GET IT FOR THE MYSTERY GENRE THING.. Found family always gets me sighhhh.. what if I just like a big happy family of people who aren't blood related.. Also what you described lowkey was reminding me of Ron Kamonhashi about the whole "Old detective teaches new detective" I also see the appeal in that :33
But actually, that took the breath out of me, you're one of the (two) blogs I actually check consistently so that's like.. wow, me? Little old me is your favorite thing? (I'm actually holding myself back from saying I'm honored because I can only hear that with Nagito's voice sighhh..)
Oh my god, the ferret description is so cute what? And the taller than you thing made me giggle.. because I'm.. I'm hilariously short.. But I'll take it as a win, today I'm tall! And if I were a ferret I'd coil around like a snake and have you snuggled up against my stomach so uhm! There's an image for you, I laughed evilly..
Okay. I've done my yap. It's actually insanely easy to talk to you, I'm usually pretty bad at that but somehow I don't feel like I'm being held at gunpoint? This is crazy? Okay. I think I'm done now. I uhm, I walk into the sunset and I disappear.
OMG YAYYYYY 2 IN A ROW??? RARE SAKKI W!! Btw u spell my name right, thats true companionship on this hellsite <333
Make sure not to exhaust urself with sending me messages btw!! Iā€™ll never get tired of u but ur fingers might get sore so donā€™t think for his as transactional!! Only send asks when u wanna <33 Iā€™ll be happy no matter how much we interact bc ur just so sweet and cool!
GAHHHH UR NOT SLEEPYJIRAIMINORI?! I rly thought I had it! Guess Iā€™m no detective Conan, hahhh XD
Fr?? U like political Sakki? Well Iā€™m glad! Iā€™m taking my mandatory civics/US citizen and politics course rn so Iā€™m only gonna get louder from here XD especially since pro-Healthcare CEO ppl keep spamming me ugggghā€¦.
YES RP I LOVE RP!!! And ye ur my fav <3 itā€™s rare I have a favorite anything bc Iā€™m just so indecisive, but u rly stick out to me as just THE reason I go on tumblr! Ur asks bring me sm joyyy
Hehehe u can say itā€™s an honor! Iā€™m not just a Makoto kin but a Kokichi kin, so I kinda like the praise XD but honestly I rly donā€™t deserve it! Frankly IM the honored one for being one of ur regulars!!!! That makes me so happy that u like my stuff, ur so sweet wahhh!!!
1) glad u liked my description! I try to visualize all my anons bc it makes me feel closer to u!
2) NO WAY u could be short compared to me!! Nuh uh! IM 4 FEET AND 11 INCHES (4ā€™11)/149 CM!!!! (centimeters) AINT NO WAY U AINT TALLER IF UR ANY SHORTER UR STRAIGHT UP A HOMUNCULI
The coiling image is so adorableeee if I was a mouse Iā€™d prob just fiddle with ur noseā€¦ long ferret snoot boop it!
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I drew me hugging u LOLLL
Anywyayyyy Iā€™m glad itā€™s easy for u to talk to me, I think the same!! Ur like a pan and im like butter, ur just so civersarional and easy to glide off of! Idk sometimes ppl send anons and i just donā€™t get the point?? But I always get u! I think XD
Anyway itā€™s late for me (and u too!!!) so imma sleep but thank u for the second ask, penpal <3
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dracocheesecake Ā· 1 year ago
Can you describe Kai parents appearance from your headcanons more detailed pls? If you describe their costumes that would be great. So if me someone would ever draw them they'd match your headcanons :> if it's fine to you of course
In your last writings you mentioned that Kai's son has his granfather eyes it was sošŸ’”šŸ„¹ I personally had a headcanon of his mother having blue eyes but father instead is cool too! If I got it right his father is (technically?) chinese and in terms of humans it's still possible for them having blue eyes way more rarely than mongolian and other turk people though
Hemhem anyway:
Yes, Kai and Yuelong both have blue eyes inherited from Bingwen, Kai's daddy. Bingwen is Chinese, but because they're animals and not humans I figured they're allowed a little more diversity in eye color (Tai Lung's gold eyes, Po's green eyes, etc).
I sadly don't have access to many good sources about traditional Chinese clothing during the warring states era, but from what I could glean I think Bingwen would have been wearing something like this:
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However, Bingwen was not a peasant but a scholar, but not a particularly well-known one during his time; however, like I said, I have no great sources for how a scholar would have dressed then. He was alive during the middle/late warring states period (perhaps about 250 BC?) and lived in the Qin state, so that might also factor into his clothing choice. I'm sorry I don't have more details than that, and that what I do have isn't very historically accurate. ;-;
His overall appearance, however: he was a Chinese Black-pied bull, had no mane, and wore round-framed glasses. His head was black, save for a white mark on his forehead that had four points resembling a star (something else his grandson inherited from him). The rest of him was covered in black and white splotches as a typical cow. Kai got his horn shape as well as eye color from him:
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Khaltmaa is much easier: she's basically a female Kai (or, in this headcanon, Kai is a male version of her) with longer fur, brown eyes, different horns, and her mane actually tied up into neat braids instead of unkempt and loose like her son's. Her horns were like a typical mongolian yak's:
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And she wore a deel:
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Probably something like this (as both men and women wore deels at the time), but again, I have no good sources of historically accurate information, so please do forgive me if this is wrong!
I'm not certain if anyone would be able to get any coherent picture out of what I provided here, so honestly just use it as lose guidelines and have fun with it. If you do draw these two though please do show me!!!! I will absolutely explode with happiness! šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ©·šŸ’–šŸ©·
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fingerprot Ā· 3 years ago
CAMP CAMP FANS PSA: david and max aren't the only found family hc!!!
LIKE DAVID AND NIKKI!! like nikki is pretty much the only kid who's actually happy to be at camp and david needs that so much!! nikki's the only one in the theme song who's having fun and participating in all the events!! all he wants is for everyone to love the place he loves and puts so much work into, and they all hate it (or act like they hate it) except for her.
and nikki finally has an adult in her life that isn't a neglectful POS!! someone who actually likes the outdoors and won't get grossed out by the mud on her shoes!! and will teach her about animals and she's genuinely interested,, having someone who enthusiastically shares your interests after so many years of being brushed aside,, that applies to both of them!!! and it would help them so much!! WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS
i want to see david and nikki loving the outdoors together. either they need to make an episode or someone needs to draw or write about them... or i will explode. do i have to do it myself
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runningwolf62 Ā· 6 years ago
@wardencommanderrodimiss @pachelbelsheadcanon
The new chapter is here featuring emotional whiplash and allegiances finally.
On AO3
What happens next is a series of incidents so coincidental and yet so perfectly aligned Larry would be tempted to call it fate. He had headed to a book store to chill and he would swear heā€™d just gone in to look for a book for Nick or Edgey as a Christmas present. Nothing dramatic, heā€™d just been caught up on his word count for the day and heā€™d wanted to shop and treat himself and get things out of the way so he didnā€™t come out of December confused and lacking presents for anyone.
And while he was there heā€™d remembered his promise to himself to get Tallstarā€™s Revenge, after WolfDragon had recommended it. So there he was in the childrenā€™s section, looking through the Warrior cats section - which he had half a mind to sort because someone respected neither series nor numbers and honestly it was a disaster trying to find anything, was this supposed to be alphabetical, because he was not going to find Tallstarā€™s Revenge at all like this - when the book caught his eye.
The Magic Bottle.
A simple title really, but the art on the cover was beautiful. Larry abandoned the Warrior Cats books for a moment to pick up this one, whoever the cover artist was they were fantastic at their job because Larry was for sure curious now. He flipped it over to scan the back, and cracked it open.
Well it turned out Elise Deauxnim could both write and draw, and Larry was enthralled. God where had she been when he was a kid, this shit was fantastic. He ended up buying it and after asking a worker, maybe making an excuse of shopping for a niece (listen that was the simplified version of what Pearl was and if he liked the book this much he might tell Nick to get it for her for Christmas so you know, valid) he also got Tallstarā€™s Revenge.
Now Tallstarā€™s Revenge was great, especially by Warrior standards, but he kept coming back to The Magic Bottle, the art, the characters, the pacing, it was fantastic. It made him want to write kidā€™s books.
Why not? Youā€™re a really good writer and itā€™s not like youā€™re unfamiliar with kidā€™s lit
But sheā€™s super good and I wouldnā€™t even know where to begin!
Stripes stop selling yourself short youā€™re a fantastic writer
Iā€™ve mentally called you that for years deal with it
I guess it beats Orange.
ā€œGraypaw what have I told you about talking to basketballsā€
Okay Iā€™m sending you that parody as soon as I find a link to it but you should go for it! Youā€™re talented currently inspired also unemployed
Hey, I meant now more than ever is your chance
So what should I do?
Google this author see what else sheā€™s written and maybe write her some fan mail
ā€œHi Iā€™m a twenty-something dude, huge fanā€
Look Mr. smartass if you donā€™t want my help
Iā€™m just worried Iā€™ll come off as weird!
Then lie, say it was for a nephew or something and you were really impressed too and it made you want to try writing childrenā€™s lit, how did she get started
Think sheā€™ll answer?
She might
Worth a try
Well I did read it so only fair I review it.
Atta boy, go get ā€˜em
Larry grins to himself and does exactly as Wolf suggested, googling Elise Deauxnim to find that she had a PO Box. With some help and a little more encouragement from Wolf, he sends off the letter. Then he tries to calm down by focusing on his NaNo, which is mostly just him writing oneshots and a chapter or two of the fic. He hasnā€™t brought in Godot yet because heā€™s not sure what the absolute hell is going on there and he doesnā€™t like thinking about that day in court. He keeps sending out his resume but after how he lost his last job heā€™s thinking itā€™s a good thing he has as much in savings as he does, and heā€™s thinking about emergency commissions.
Until the letter arrives. Heā€™s not sure he believes what heā€™s seeing but a photo sent to Wolf on discord proves that not only did Elise Deauxnim not think he was a creepy loser, she was encouraging him. She wanted to see some of his art and writing so she could tell him where he might find some agents interested in him.
Thatā€™s amazing!
I told you you were an amazing author
Not the Warriors Fanfic
Look, take a deep breath, and like, think of a story
Doesnā€™t have to be great, just some kids story thing
Do some art with it
Oh god, dude thatā€™s terrifying, every idea I had just vanished.
Alright, listen you donā€™t have to write the damn thing just the first three pages of something
Uh, what are kids into these days?
Great question
Iā€™m super good at drawing cats, what do I do with that?
Write Warriors but gay
Donā€™t we call that Wings of Fire?
Shots fired
More seriously, what do I do with that?
Well youā€™re good with a very open world series with a set of rules that is easily adapted to a setting
And cat anatomy
So Iā€™d take those elements and make it into something
Thatā€™s a horrifying Chimera.
You know, that could be a plot hook
Well like kids love monsters right?
Write a series with a Chimera as the main character, itā€™s part lion
Dude, youā€™re a genius, I owe you my life, and the response of ā€œno thanks Iā€™ve seen it, I donā€™t want itā€ is probably valid
Well get to it writer-boy, youā€™ll do great
What he ends up with is a book series about various mythological monsters on an adventure, and an offer from Elise Deauxnim to be an apprentice under her. He says yes, of course. He moves out of his apartment and to a smaller and cheaper one closer to where she works.
Itā€™s awkward at first, on both ends. He can tell heā€™s not what she expected but he tries. She helps him with his writing, telling him what his strengths are first and then slowly moving to where he needs some polishing. Itā€™s still strained though.
The breakthrough comes one afternoon, when Larryā€™s phone alarm goes off. He reaches over, swipes it off, and then flips the sketchbook page heā€™s on to start drawing something else.
Elise, - she insist he call her Elise which is weird to him but sheā€™s a firm but matronly woman and so he obeys ā€“ looks up at the sound.
ā€œSorry I didnā€™t mean to disturb you,ā€ he offers a quick sheepish grin but she only looks more confused.
ā€œDid you force yourself to get a drawing complete in a certain amount of time? You know that wonā€™t make it turn out well.ā€
ā€œOh, no,ā€ Larry flips back to the previous drawing to show her that itā€™s far from complete, ā€œI got art block so rather than sit here and think about how I had the perfect image if I could only draw it for the next hour I worked on something else for ten minutes.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re quite talented at drawing cats,ā€ she remarks, and Larry grins.
ā€œIā€™d hope after how long Iā€™ve been drawing them.ā€
ā€œSo this ten minutes of drawing, does it help?ā€
ā€œKind of yeah,ā€ Larry pulls his sketch book back to him, looking at the sketch of Cherrywing and Spiritstar, he should draw Maya and Mia sometime. Maybe- no probably not for Christmas but at some point he should. ā€œIt forces me to relax and focus on something else, and get the creative juices flowing while I work on something thatā€™s just for me so thereā€™s no pressure or anything. Thatā€™s why I can only do it for ten minutes or Iā€™d never get any actual work done!ā€
ā€œThatā€™s very clever,ā€ sheā€™s focusing on him now and Larry can only shrug, itā€™s just something thatā€™s worked for him.
ā€œAre those your cats?ā€
Oh no.
ā€œUh no, theyā€™re-ā€ he scrambles for a moment, ā€œtheyā€™re just cats.ā€
Elise looks at him with a look of doubt but doesnā€™t press, instead she turns her focus on the picture, her eyes softening as she looks at Spiritstar and Cherrywing sitting together, ā€œyou have a real talent for capturing the emotion of a scene, thereā€™s something very peaceful and loving about it, even for a sketch.ā€
Larry blinks in surprise, ā€œthank you!ā€ That was very much what he had been going for and he was pleased that he had succeeded at such.
Elise smiles at him, ā€œyou have such a talent for landscapes too, the nature looks natural while still framing them.ā€
Larry rubs the back of his neck with a grin, ā€œnow youā€™re going to give me an ego,ā€ he jokes but he hopes she understands how grateful he is.
By the way she looks at him she does.
Merry Christmas Nick!!
merry xmas
Ā Hey Maya, Merry Christmas!
Message failed to send.
Message failed to send.
You okay man?
I appreciate your concern Larry but yes, I am fine
If you need to call just let me know
Before you joke yes Iā€™m single this Christmas
Thatā€™s a kind offer but I am with my sisters
Her daughter has a dog named Phoenix
Holy shit
Merry Christmas Stripes!
Merry Christmas Wolfman!
Larry has to say, having your mentor frame and hang your finished and signed piece because she likes it so much is like having your parents hang art on the fridge but somehow a thousand times better.
They spend the winter working, her on her story and on helping Larry grow as an artist and writer and working on her own story.
Larry helps where he can with that, mostly by trying not to bother her when she looks busy but she does ask him to do some illustrations for her, citing his abilities with landscapes. He accepts and pours his heart and soul into it.
Fine! Fine!
Youā€™ve got this, youā€™re a really good artist and youā€™ve said sheā€™s proud of you
As she should be
So youā€™ve got this
Thanks man
Go get it writer-boy
You gonna buy my book Wolfman
Of course
Larry canā€™t help but smile at that.
But youā€™ve got to publish it first
Larry tucks his phone into his pocket and hands the portfolio over to Elise. She accepts them with a smile and begins to flip through them, seeming oblivious to Larryā€™s nervous shuffling. She pauses at one and studies while Larry does his best to not explode or start nervously babbling.
ā€œThese are beautiful,ā€ she remarks and Larry can feel his shoulders sag in relief, ā€œyouā€™ve done fantastic work.ā€
ā€œThank you, I went to the park a lot to try and get all the details right.ā€
ā€œIt shows,ā€ she continues to leaf through them, Larry feels more confident so he begins to point to details he feels proud of or wants to make sure she notices.
ā€œThese are just the illustrations my book needed if youā€™ll allow me to use them.ā€
ā€œI, uh, yes!ā€ Larry stares at her eyes about to jump out of his skull, wait until he tells Nick! Heā€™s successful now, look at him!
Elise laughs fondly and hands them back, ā€œhold on to these and let me talk to my agent but thatā€™s exactly the kind of work I couldnā€™t find anywhere else, your watercolor style is just what I needed.ā€
Larry is going to cry and just manages to thank her long enough for him to slip out and tell Wolf everything.
Iā€™m proud of you Stripes
Iā€™m proud of me! I feel like Iā€™m really making myself a new person!
Heā€™s tempted to also tell Nick but he decides to wait. To drop the book on Nickā€™s desk at his office. Thatā€™s how heā€™ll do it.
Okay so get this
Apparently my last name ā€œcanā€™t be taken seriously by publishersā€.
And I thought elementary school kids were hurtful.
Oh my god
So sheā€™s going to have me use her last name.
Her publisher loves the idea too.
Makes me look like family.
Which sells or something?
Hey Iā€™ll take it, Iā€™m getting paid.
So what name should I keep an eye out for
Larry pauses, theyā€™ve never told each other their real names, years of being Wolf and Stripes and now occasionally Writer boy and Wolfman on top of having internet safety drilled into them has always stopped them.
Look for Laurice Deauxnim.
As your number one fan I want a signed copy at some point
ā€œLarry,ā€ he looks up from his typing craze at the sound of his name, heā€™s made a lot of progress on this chapter and with Eliseā€™s help heā€™s hoping to get it done and sent to publishers by May. Thatā€™s his new yearā€™s resolution, getting published this year.
Elise pauses her typing and he hears her sigh. He looks up to her, her face is set and determined but when she looks to him he thinks he sees regret.
ā€œLarry, Iā€™m afraid a situation has come up and I know itā€™s very last minute but unless you want to come to a monastery with me Iā€™m afraid youā€™re going to have to spend the next week or so without me.ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ Larry feels a surge of panic not unlike the time he discovered he hadnā€™t saved in an hour, ā€œa monastery? Why are you- where are you going?ā€
ā€œHazakura Temple,ā€ she replies with a pause, Larry has never heard of it but he pulls it up on google quick enough. A teaser for an upcoming edition of the ā€œOh! Cultā€ Magazine pops up with some lovely images. Looks cold but interesting.
ā€œSure Iā€™ll come. Iā€™ve had art block for the past week maybe trying to do some temple scenes will help!ā€
Elise pauses and smiles kindly, ā€œif you really want toā€¦ā€
ā€œI need some winter scene practice too,ā€ Larry is not looking forward to wandering around the cold but Elise was going there for some reason, maybe heā€™ll find a muse there as well.
He flicks his finger over the picture hanging on the wall, the one that still made him smile to see there, ā€œand Iā€™ll give you a winter scene to compliment the summer one.ā€
Whatever hesitation Elise seems to be having vanishes as she laughs softly, ā€œalright.Ā Make sure to dress warm.ā€
And in honor of @pachelbelsheadcanonā€˜s fantastic art, hereā€™s a list of the allegiances.Ā 
Spiritstar ā€“ a cream she-cat with darker paws and face
Darkleaf ā€“ a dark brown tom
Medicine Cat
Cherrywing ā€“ a cream she-cat with darker striped paws and face
Apprentice: Splashpaw
Firebirdstorm ā€“ a bright orange tabby with spikey fur
Orangestripe ā€“ an orange tabby tom with scruffy fur
Beetlelight ā€“ a brown tabby tom with a white chin
Splashpaw ā€“ a white she-cat with brown paws and face
Ā Demonā€™s Group
Demon ā€“ a dark gray tom with thick fur, especially on his chest, formerly Sharppaw of SpiritClan
Viper ā€“ a gray she-cat with cold blue eyes, formerly a rogue
Timber ā€“ a brown tabby tom with messy fur
Bird ā€“ a calico she-cat with mostly dark red patches
Wolf ā€“ large thick furred gray tom
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