#So I started writting a fanfic about this comic
ahn-k · 2 years
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I've been working non-stop on a little Shouritsu comic for about three weeks now and the first page isn't nearly finished, but I really wanted to post this little Shou (plus Ritsu) 'cause it's the only thing that has kept me motivated to finish this.
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arkiliastuff · 1 year
The Angel of Music - Part One
Ricky Olson x Female Reader
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N/A : So this is one is (probably) going to be a very long fanfic that I will do in several parts. I got this idea on my mind one day, I felt very inspired about it, and thought it would fit into Ricky's vibe somehow (jhfkjdfdh). I'm very excited to share this one. I had much more fun and felt more comfortable by writting in this format, so I'm certainly going to keep it :D
Warnings : Some fluff and angst. Romantic tension (idk how to call it)
It was the end of September. Autumn leaves falling from the trees in your city, with the air getting colder and rainy. Because of the cool breeze, you tried to cover up your nose and neck with your scarf. Walking in this weather didn’t bother you though, since you liked it. But you didn’t want to get sick. Your voice and throat were very important for your job as an opera singer. 
And today was another day of rehearsal at the opera. So you woke up early this morning to enjoy the drizzle. You weren’t freaked out walking there alone. You liked that spooky atmosphere. Usually you didn’t go to the opera this early. You preferred going there when the evening came and going back to your home when it was pitch black.
Your coworkers were worried about you when you did that. So they convinced you to come earlier in the morning, so you could go back to your flat, safely. Even though they did ask you if you wanted them to accompany you or drive you back home, you always declined, enjoying being alone. 
You didn’t want them to tag along because your introverted and anxious ass was too scared to ask them or even bother them with your problems. Plus you didn’t even know if you could trust them. So you made up an excuse : being alone was easier for you to be aware of your surroundings. It made you look paranoid sometimes but you were always cautious, giving a dead look to the people glancing at you.
And so your coworkers started to call you the “Lone Wolf”. You didn’t care about the nickname, if they were mocking you by saying it, you were more appreciating it. It made you look cool and mysterious.
You finally managed to arrive at the opera, easily and safely. When you saw the security guard waving at you to welcome you, you nodded your head as a salutation.
“Good morning, miss” He said to you politely.
“Good morning Alfred” You replied “ Are the others here ?”
“Hmm.. It seems you are the first of your singer co-workers who have arrived. But you’re the second to be early at the opera this time”.
“Oh ? A rival ? That’s interesting. Who is it ?”
“A musician from a metal band called Motionless in White. He asked me if he could train himself at the opera today. I said it was open for few hours before your group arrived, miss”
Motionless in White ?! Your heart skipped a beat. You’ve heard this band’s name before. It was one of your favorites you listened to during your youth. You were such a hard fan of their music.
Thank you for letting me know, Alfred. Well, I better go and start to warm up my voice. Have a nice day”
He replied to you very respectfully, letting you enter the opera. Alfred wasn’t the real security guard’s name. It was actually you who gave this nickname to him, since you were always struggling at remembering names. And the first time you saw the security guard, so respectful and polite, it reminded you of the butler in Batman’s comic books. You couldn’t help yourself but letting out your thoughts at that moment. Surprisingly, he took this nickname very well and didn’t get upset about it. He was even playing along with you. Since that day you kept calling him Alfred.
He was the rarest human being you tolerated in this job. To you, your coworkers were too much and were making you uncomfortable, with their hypocritical behavior, by asking questions about you, pretending they cared. They always ended up socializing between them, anyway. So you tried to avoid them as much as possible, barely talking to them. 
You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize you were already in front of your dressing room. You unlocked the door with your keys, but before entering, you noticed, in the corner of your eyes, something shiny on the floor. You crouched, looking closer. It was a black metallic key attached to a string. A necklace ? Someone probably lost it. You picked up the key, keeping it in your jeans pocket until you find their owner. And, in case you couldn’t find the owner, you could give it to the lost items office, which was also Alfred’s responsability. 
Once you changed your casual outfit to your scene one, a white shirt with black pants, you locked up your dressing room and headed to the main stage, with your music sheet in one hand. As you got closer to the main stage door, you heard a melody. A guitar sound.
And then, a voice. A beautiful voice. Almost divine. Someone was singing. You felt shivers running through your spine. It was so magnificent to your ears. But also it was very melancholic. As you were getting few ideas about who this musician was, you finally decided to pull the door knob, getting in.
The stage was illuminated by the chandelier, just above. Though it wasn’t the only thing that was enlightening the room. As you went down the stairs, you saw a silhouette of a man, short dark haired, sitting on a chair, playing his guitar with an intense focus. He was wearing a lot of black clothes, a sleeveless jacket that was revealing his arms covered with tattoos. You noticed he had few of them on his neck as well. As you got closer, you realized who this musician was.
Short dark hair, pale skin, blue grayed eyes… It was Ricky Olson for sure. You’ve listened to the band's music for a long time and loved a huge majority of their songs. You loved the lead singer's voice, but the one who interested you more was Ricky. Each time you could hear his voice, in a Motionless song, you were excited. His voice was enchanting. You couldn’t stop listening to it. Plus his personality was so adorable you were melting every time you watched his numerous tour vlogs. Yeah you were an absolute Ricky’s fangirl.
Seeing him alone, in front of you, at the opera of your hometown, was making you crazy. The more you were getting closer to him, mesmerized by his voice and play, the more you could feel a heat wave overwhelming your body. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest, you thought you were having a heart attack. At this rate, you were convinced that even Ricky could hear your heart pounding so much.
As he heard your thoughts, he lifted up his head, looking in your direction while he stopped playing. The sudden silence in the room made you feel a pressure on your shoulders, like you were caught up on something. You felt the urgent need to explain yourself.
“Erm… Hello.. Sorry for interrupting you. I didn’t mean to. I’m actually an opera singer who practices here.” You muttered so awkwardly, choking on your words.
Ricky stared at you with his icy eyes, perhaps gauging you, as he let you talk. But, oh my God, even like this, you knew you could die happily. His gaze on you was so deep. It made your cheeks blush.
“An opera singer, huh ? I see.” He said abruptly, surprising you a bit.
Gosh, even his talking voice was so soothing and divine. His quiet tone didn’t help to calm down, though. It was the opposite.
“Don’t worry about interrupting me” He kept saying “I am the one who came here, in the first place. Pretty unusual for a metalhead, right ?” He chuckled softly.
You were about to pass out on every word this man was saying to you. It was very bad. You loved hearing him laugh quietly, already.
“It’s fine… The security guard told me about it. You can stay if you need to… So, hum.. you are ?”
“I’m Ricky Olson, from Motionless in White. You can call me Ricky”
“I’m Y/N” You said, your voice shivering. “Enchanted to meet you. I’m a fan of your band.”
He arched a brow, a bit stunned, but he kept his sweet smile to you.
“Well, thank you ! That’s very flattering coming from an opera singer. I wasn’t expecting that at all. What a pleasant surprise.”
A pleasant surprise, he said. He gave you an indirect compliment but still… It made you smile. He said you were pleasant… You threw away this random thought coming in your mind. Come on, it wasn’t the time to make weird scenarios.
“I've been a big fan of metal and metalcore music since my childhood. So that’s not new, for me. I guess you can’t judge a book by its cover” You tried to joke nervously.
Ricky giggled as an approval. Oh God, you loved hearing his sweet and quiet laugh. It was so cute.
“Plus, metal and opera singing have more in common to what we might think. And I want to combine these two different styles, if I get the chance to perform on my own.” You added, feeling more brave to talk, all of the sudden.
“Oh really ? Well, I can’t wait to see you perform one day.” He said, with a shy smile, and then looked at your sheet. “What were you rehearsing on ?”
You almost forgot your music sheet you were holding in your hand, too absorbed and excited by the conversation.
“Oh ! Erm… It’s a musical about the Phantom of the Opera.”
“I’ve heard about it” He said, his curiosity peaked. “I watched a movie about the musical. Very impressive. Who are you playing ?”
“The main protagonist girl, Christine.” You replied timidly. “ And I need to practice the part where she follows the Phantom in his cave, below the stage.”
“Can I see it ?” He asked so politely you felt your heart melt.
You lend him the paper, not daring to look directly at him or even touching his hand by accident, even if you wanted to. You didn’t want to make things awkward for him. He didn’t seem to notice your embarrassment as he was reading the script. Just a minute after, he lended you back your sheet, a serious or a poker-face look on his face.
“If you need a partner, I can be the Phantom for your rehearsal. I have memorized his lines. They aren't that long. It’s to make it up to you for disturbing your workplace.” He said as he owed you something.
You felt your jaw drop. You didn’t even believe what you just heard. Ricky... offering his help to play the Phantom for you ?! He didn’t need to apologize or even to feel like he owed you. The opera was open to the musicians after all. You were too happy about his request. Even if it was for a few minutes long, you thought you were gonna pass out for the second time. Also you were very amazed by his photographic memory to remember lines in such a short time.
“Well, you don’t owe me anything. Don’t worry about it. But, if you don’t mind, it would be an honor for me to rehearse with you” You cleared your throat.
You saw him smile, again, looking down on his shoes awkwardly. Then, he removed his guitar and chair away, trying to get some space. It was so thoughtful and adorable of him. Did his cheeks get pink colored just now..?
You turned your back on him, slapping your cheeks to get your focusing back. You did a few voice warm ups, before getting into your character. The kind, innocent and beautiful Christine. Your complete opposite. 
You didn’t even remember how your coworkers and manager agreed to give you such an important role. They were always saying your voice was fitting her. You weren’t sure if they were mocking you or not about it. Either way, you didn’t like that role. It was putting you out of your comfort zone, making you more vulnerable than you already were.
But strangely,  in front of Ricky, you didn’t mind being vulnerable. You barely met him, for real, only for ten minutes, and yet it felt like you knew each other for ages. His presence was making you feel more at ease. Almost reassuring.
Once you were ready, you shifted to face him, waving your arms with grace as you were dancing.
“In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. That voice which calls me, and speaks my name.”
You spined on your feet, slowly getting closer to him while keeping singing.
“And do I dream again. For now, I found The Phantom of the Opera is there… Inside my mind.”
You paused, remembering the piano notes playing while you danced quietly. Then it was Ricky’s turn. He took a step forward to you and reached a hand in your direction, like a gentleman. You could tell something has changed in his temper. As if his aura was getting more mysterious and sinister.
“Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me, in glance behind. The Phantom of the Opera is there… Inside your mind.”
Oh God, you were having goosebumps when you heard him sing so low, and yet, so divine. He was so elegant by singing these lines. He was charming and elegant all the time, but this… This was different. Both of you were getting closer to each other, each time you were singing. Your turn came again.
“Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear...”
“It’s me they hear.”
Then the part where both of you were singing along came too.
“Your spirit and your voice, in one combined. The Phantom of the Opera is there…”
“...Inside my mind…”
“...Inside your mind.”
Ricky was getting closer to your face, gently putting a hand on your back as if you were dancing together. You didn’t push him away. You were too much focused on your role and on his. He glanced at you with his blue iced eyes which was making you melt even more inside.
“In all your fantasies, you always knew. That man and mystery…”
“... were both in you.” You finished.
This time felt like the two of you were talking directly to each other and not as your characters. At least, that’s how you felt. Both of you kept singing together, your voices harmonizing. You remembered the next coming verse was the one you were the most struggling with, while Ricky was making you spin gently on your heels.
“Sing for me, my Angel of Music.” He said.
“He’s there… The Phantom of the Opera.”
“Sing for me.”
As he said, you began to vocalize gradually, getting higher and higher.
“Sing, my Angel of Music.” Ricky ordered.
You obeyed, getting even more higher.
“Sing for me.” He repeated more deeply.
You did as he said, feeling your voice getting so high pitched, like an angel would’ve sounded. It was so graceful, you even surprised yourself by doing it. You didn’t think it was possible for you. Yet, you felt you were soon getting out of breath and tried to hold on for the last part.
“Sing for me !” He said louder.
And so you gave every breath you had left in your lungs. Pushing your voice to its limits. As you were screaming. Screaming for the Phantom in front of you.
You managed to hold ten seconds of the scream before stopping. Ricky looked at you with widened eyes, impressed and captivated by your performance. You were catching your breath as you saw his mouth moving, talking to you. But you didn’t hear what he said as he was interrupted by loud applause coming from the stands, which surprised you both.
“Bravo ! Bravo ! Absolutely stunning !”
You recognized the voice. It was your manager’s, ruining this beautiful moment you had with Ricky. You knew this wasn’t a good sign for you. You just hoped that eccentric man wasn’t going to drag Ricky too, in to whatever mess he was planning…
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not-souleaterpost · 10 months
The Y-7 Psychopath - Cowardice or Humility
Don't know if anybody cares about some juvenile "media analysis" from me, but why not, especially on a idea I had in my mind, and finally think it is prudent to put it out there, to see how people feel about it.
So you know western cartoons? And Im not talking about "adult animated sitcoms" or the recent surge of "totally mature and bloody!!!" cartoons that in the end are the same juvenile superhero stuff lol just with exploding heads and awkward animated sex scenes lol.
Yeah, just the standard cartoons that people get really insecure about liking, and make video essays about how "actually it is a masterpiece of mature writting". But instead of me mocking this fact to try to hide my own anxiety over being somebody who makes a fanfic comic, lets go with this
So lets circle back to the title of this "essay" - and start with an example - Everybody loves Zuko from Avatar, I watched the show as a kid, you did, probably kids today do it when all their influencer idols force them too.
Perfect for exploring the point then: And that is the point, people claim how realistic and satisfieng Zuko's arc is, how the redemption is both earned and not without hurdles, not without fallbacks. So where is the issue?
Well I remember sometimes smugly thinking "Well what a coincidence that Zuko never actually on screen killed anyone so he never is really a bad guy...' And this I interpreted to be mostly the case of the rating - basically without the restriction the show would probably include Zuko killing what is at best combatants of the defending side or at worst even civilians. And this would probably kinda derail the arc or leave a bad taste in everybodys mouth...
But the question is left unanswered - is it at the end better, that Zuko gets redemeed in a way that is setup to leave out this elephant out of the room? Hell even I felt kinda weirded out about how nonchalant everyone was about the fact that Zuko hired an assassin, like it was kinda played off for laughs, but maybe that was to show "see we are redeeming him without writting out realistic evils like murder!" - still there is a difference between killing civilians and hiring some copyright free terminator.
So no answer? Well maybe lets look at the opposite case - anime, the cartoons that can kinda go away with showing unscreen murder and atrocities. And to bring it back, lets go with Soul Eater (and no manga spoiler this time cause Im generous and because this would open another can of worms, and I'll save that for the future)
Everybodys favorite charachter that gets reduced to one trait that ironically would be kinda problematic if one really was thinking about it in a certain way - Crona. Also know for killing people who were pointed out to be "not evil enough for it to be ok©®™"
So here we have this charachter, with a whole arc of being abused, having the famous trauma™, doing bad because of a parental figure and wanting to make that figure happy even if its in a twisted way, not getting what real love is...
Basically Im saying Zuko and Crona share a lot of simmilarities looked at this surface level. But only Crona has the problematic aspect of "mass murder". And even I kinda felt it being pushed under the rug no matter how I'll defend Crona from slander on the net while being sick both in body and soul lol.
But here is the thing - atleast I see Crona (atleast in the anime) as mostly some kind of child soldier - I dont think anybody thinks that some african boy that was forced at gunpoint to snort coke and kill his parents while being abused all his life, is "guilty" of the crimes in a way that an adult who does it for a less extreme reason.
Still, even if for me that is mostly justification enough (even if I kinda problematise the whole guilt thing in my comic), I still get it - even if explained it still leaves a bad aftertaste
Like even the most goodhearthed person would probably be weirded out if the person next to them would go "Thank God I was saved, cause till I was 14, I was forced to go from village to village and shoot everyone that moved!". One can say neither person is really at fault yet still it is a sticky topic.
And maybe thats where Im going with this - the problem isnt about depicting the redemption or whatever of killers, but if a story is mature and "deep" enough to handle it. So with my Avatar example I think that in a back handed way, it was good that Zuko wasnt a killer - becaue even if everybody loves the show (I mostly do to, shit was fun) - its kinda clear that in the end the writting and themes etc were on a level of a kid show - enough for kids, but not complex enough to actually deal with some things that other works could (and not even talking about something being grimdark or complex, cause nah everybody hates DBZ but that shit was so.good everybody felt Vegeta turning good and dont make essays about how bad that was, anyways that is why DBZ is too complicated for most western fans💅💅💅 ((but thats a topic for another day))
So to come back to the Crona question - was Soul Eater really prepared to deal with the topic of mass killing inocent people (mostly)? Especially when Ohkubo says himself that it was "a show where death isnt taken seriously"?
Cause I think, with Cronas struggle being mostly about abuse, doing bad things because of parental abandonment, fear etc, was it really necessary to add this baggage? Especially with a show that has that many visual metaphors?
And one example that I would use kinda proves my point and maybe implys that Ohkubo also kinda started backpedalling - the second time we see Crona, there are no wannabe gangsters, just souls of already killed people by another kishinegg which is just a wacky bad guy who isnt even really alive himself (and eve. comically survives)
Basically what I'm entertaining, is if wouldnt have been better to have Crona absorb souls that other Kishinseggs had collected, in this way preserving that they do something wrong (but reversible as later shown with the confiscation) yet never having to go to the extreme of "haha check out this wacky outfit our new friend Crona is wearing! Also twenty people were murdered in that church, shit was crazy"
But am I really basically saying 4kids Crona is the answer. Putting it this way lol, I dunno, I mean I like the pirate rap, but just sanitising everything seems off to me to. So yeah I dont even know.
And that is what leaves this whole question like the socratic dialogs, without any real answer with more confusion than before. But maybe it could "start a discussion" or whatever. But in case it was just a waste of time, without going anywhere:
Yeah... Sorry
Also quick manga spoilers as a bonus
This would aslo avoid making Cronas fate feel so cope-outish, cause that seemed to be the real reason - Ohkubo neither felt comfortable ignoring the whole message of overcoming fear and connecting no matter what, while also just saying that killing more people in Ukraine than in the last 2 years was just a big uppsie - hence the paradox of the non ending "I dont want to hurt. anybody, but actually I am evil.and care for Maka only or maybe Im just guiltu or maybe not and Im crazy xddd"
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 2 years
Okey dear fnaf people so,,, there's a fnaf fan project I want to do but I also want to see people's opinions.
So like a little backstory, around a year ago I created EXTREANLY like litearly book lenght fnaf fanfiction in like a one month. I was crazy fast, just writting what came to my mind on the spot for the whole day beacuse I was feeling really down at that moment and that cheered me up. So that fanfiction turned out to be so so bad like really. But it became a fundation to my own weird fnaf au/rewrite thing and basically I've been working on it ever since.
It doesn't follow fnaf canon or fnaf canon that strictly really (it's not that far off eighter but if you're one of those people that get angry if au chamges something that was said in the books, then you're going to hate it), I was trying to mostly do my own thing based of that fanfiction and overall story tropes I personally like. It's most evident in ms Afton who's so far from the typical fandom Clara it's insane. But it's not really out of the spite, I just didn't follow fanon tropes and evolved her my own character basically.
Overall the story is really slow paced, like we spend quite a lot of time before the bite of 83, or even with just baby Mike. It's mostly beacuse I'm more interested in studying all the characters instead of going as fast as possible to the "interesting events". So if you're here just for the plot, then it wouldn't be feally your thing.
I want this project to take form of ilustrated fanfiction, every one of these would take form of one longer or few shorter stories from the lifes of characters in chronological order. It would also be organised into arcs, and we would see stories from the eyes of many characters. I wanted it to be a comic, and I even tried making it but I don't think comic format would make it a justice. It's due to the fact that after writting a lot more one shots to this au, I realised that internal dialogue is really freaking important, like there's this one one shot from William's perspective where what's happening on the outside is really normal, wholesome even but the fun comes in his internal dialogue wich is really fucked up and disturbing and- yeah it's basically what makes me enjoy that one one shot so much.
Okay so here comes the deal breaker. English is not my first language, and I never wrote a fanfiction in english before, nor I did publish a fanfic. So if I start making it, and it gains any traction, I'll need to recruit some native speaker to check for any mistakes and overall correct my spelling errors and stuff. I kinda want to do everything alone, but I would need that form of help.
I also have to warn you, even tho that's not a ship comic, some characters might form romantic couples for a longer or shorter while. I wouldn't consider those ships tho, since I won't be writting them to be cute and adorable, just as another mean of expanding the characters. So if you eighter feel uncomforatble with fnaf chatacters dating eachother or fnaf characters dating eachother yet not being cute and wholesome but kinda toxic tbh then,,, you wouldn't enjoy this.
So um yeah that's about it??? If anyone finds the idea of a kinda unique version of fnaf stories not really that inspired by other fnaf fanon stories in form of ilustrated fanfictions, then please tell me!!
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dianagj-art · 3 years
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All about my Fem Hiccup AUs bellow the cut!
MAIN TAG: #Fem Hiccup #fem hiccup au
I’m Not Fragile AU
Main tags: #inf au #inf #im not fragile au
Fanfiction: AO3  |  fanfiction.net
Summary: After shooting down Toothless, Hiccup realizes she can’t kill dragons, or at least, she doesn’t want to. She leaves Berk with Toothless and goes to live with dragons. As time passes, Hiccup discovers the true behind the war between dragons and Vikings, more important yet: she discovers she can end it.
This is my first time writing a fanfic, it started in 2014, I was like 16 yo and didn’t know what I was doing, so have that in mind if you want to read it. It gets better as the story moves on and I grow up and get better at writting and storytelling. I’m currently re-writing all the first chapters bc it is very cringy for me but I haven't upload them yet. The whole fic is still in progress.
Last updated: April 4, 2022. Chapter 21: Deadly Problems
Comic: I'm not longer updating this, it’s too much work and I ratter use my time to keep writing the fic
Tapas “I’m not Fragile”
intro, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Mini comics: Still making more (no update schedule, I just make them up as I go)
Tapas “Just a Hiccup”
“Dating” and “Missing toe” not on Tumblr One fear I’ll take my chances Whatcha got there Mad
Kidnapped AU
Main tag: #kidnapped au
Summary: Hiccup and Toothless decide to take a look outside the fog wall that surrounds the Babaric Archipelagoes. Their journey soon turns out to be a mistake as they get captured and taken to Drago Bludvist, who finds out there is something weird inside the girl that makes her follow the Alpha’s power.
Comic masterpost 
Chapter 1 
Betrothal AU
Main tag: #betrothal au
Summary: He promised. He had promise her mother and he had promised her it would be her choice. But Hiccup turned 17 and Stoick had turned the Leikmót games into a competition for her hand.
Also not much of it on Tumblr but one post with doodles, ask away if you want to:)
I have way more AUs planned but I haven't talked about them yet, I'll add them as I go
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shblackeagle · 4 years
To all Bbrae and Damiare shippers!
I just got back from a massive ship war from Twitter, and I wanna for once and all, say how childish it is! (I already regret doing it. It was just a massive of exchanging nonsense)
We were literally saying the same thing but from different views. Even our reasons for disliking the other ship were literally the same.
What you ship is toxic!
It's abusive.
They have no chemistry
They were forced
It was just for them having love interests
It's dump
Bla bla bla
What was funny is that you can accuse both ships with these! But that doesn't mean they are! It's just a matter of prospective. Some people find it beautiful some people don't. It's like telling people Pizza is delicious but hamburger isn't and if you like it you're dumb!
Like what??
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It's like your favourite color is blue but red is another one's favorite. To tell which is better all depends on how the different individuals see it! So battling about is is hilarious.
This whole shipping , writing fics, making fanarts, fangirling and this funny 'obsessions' are all good and entertaining. It's even beneficial for some. Like me, I got to see many interesting people that were so talented artists and also so inspirational, and read many good fics by people who were better than many non-fictional writers, made friends who are really supportive and kind. It boosted my confidence about writting and leveled up my English that's is not my native language.
In conclusion these fictional worlds we have, are very beautiful.
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But when does it get toxic? When you expect another person to like what you do even if it's not their taste!
As a bbrae shipper for years, I have my rights to like this ship and obbsess over it! I can fill out my search with their arts and fics and die whenever they do something romantic and NO ONE should tell me I'm dumb or abusive for liking it!
And guess what? If you are a damirae shipper you have all rights in the world to like your ship and if someone comes and insults you, they have problems!
We are all here for fun! To explore our taste and improve our skills and thoughts. We are all people who want to make friends with who share the same taste. It's all about love!
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But there is indeed, some people who want their ship being labeled as THE BEST! And no one should make fanarts, fics, comic books, movies, series and other stuff about the other ships.
And that's when the main problem starts!
I'm gonna tell you that, these people are from BOTH sides. Some of them are bbrae shippers, some of them are damirae shippers. These people, as you all must have seen, go to other ships fans and insult them, threaten them, tell them to kill themselves and go through various reason why the other ship suck and they shouldn't ship it otherwise they're dumb or abusive and many hilarious yet disturbing things they can spell.
Honestly, even writting it makes me question why they haven't gone to a very needed therapist yet.
But still, these people exist and the truth is they are not many! Shocking I know!However, their behaviors and insults naturally makes other people believe the whole fandom is full of these people, which is not the case!
I repeat! These people come from BOTH SIDES! In fact, all fandoms in the world have them. I mean obviously, out of 8 billion people, some gotta be toxic. That's how life works! It's unavoidable and we should deal with it.
But what we shouldn't do, is to go through other people's tag and insult what they like. I myself, always tag bbrae to see the news or fanarts or fics or literally anything about them and then when I see a tag about anti bbrae in BBRAE tag...well you all know how disheartening it is since it happens in both tags which is very disturbing.
Okay all in all, both ships can work! Both are beautiful in different views! Both worked in different universes. And both gained popularity.
I don't like damirae and that's totally fine! As along as I don't go harassing people who love it. You like damirae and it's okay! As long as you don't go calling people abusive about liking bbrae.
Remember we are all humans and we can never be exactly the same! We like different things and it's natural! None of us is wrong or right. Just different! And that's why it's beautiful!
I feel like I'm kinda repeating myself here,( and yes I know many people before me have said the same thing but I felt it should be said again)
Just keep liking what you want. Make fanarts, fanfics, books and movies about anything you like! Just don't, and I repeat DON'T go and insult people who have differences! Don't go into the other one's tag and insult their ship. If you see anti tag about your ship, Don't start a war about it! Just block the post and enjoy the rest of this beautiful journey (aka obbsession lol) about what you like! Whether it be a movie or a book!
Thank you for reading!
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atrixfromice · 4 years
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This is all I could do today! XD
It’s a scene I’m making for a short comic (a.k.a. 20 pages probably...sorry I don’t know how to make short comics! *chuckles*)  I plan to make with my characters Atrix and Faikell Is part of a series called “The interdimensional voyagers journal” that is about them using Faikel’s interdimensional traveling machine to explore other dimesions. Some time ago I made one where they entered into Ariel’s the litte mermaid’s series universe, and even one with Foster’s home universe which was fun to draw but I couldn’t finish it, because Foster’s fever ended the day the show was cancelled here in mexico. And I haven’t recovered it since then. Foster’s one episode at the end I turned it into a fanfic, IS HERE by the way, if you would like to see it. Now in retrospective...I can’t believe I wrote that! it sounds so sappy! LOL
Well as I was saying, this series in the whole it’s like a spin-off for the main series I’m writting for them, SpaceTale. Is mostly an excuse to be a fan girl and make fancomics with the universes of my favorite shows or movies I must say. XD But that is fun. ^^
Anyway, for this I thought they could just have an episode of their own without it being focused on cartoon show or movie in particular. So this time they enter on a dimension where everybody is a retro cartoon, and a crow steals their interdimensional portal’s control (because it shines) and they have to go after the crow for it. They do get to know some well known retro cartoon characters that help them though, including Mickey himself on his first cartoons he appeared.
This started as an excersise to practice different styles and because I thought it was going to help motivate me to draw again. And I think it’s working cos it has been a lot of fun to draw so far. Although I still don't get used to this style very much XD But I’m sure I will. The premise of this story is refreshing ^^
I’ve been working on Nature’s Guardian script too much lately, and I’m pretty pleased with it, but when I try to draw what I have in mind it doesn’t look at all like what I imagined, which it’s frustrating...It makes me feel like I'm loosing my drawing skills. 
But I think maybe I’m just working too much on it and I need a break, that’s why I decided to take a break of it and doing this short comic instead. I think they look very funny and cute in this style and it’s enjoyable to draw.
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keisuke-akm · 5 years
Do you think you could please translate the akigure fanfiction on pixiv? uwu
I will ask to the authors first and hoping they will accept!! Translating without authorization is uncalled for. They are interessants. 
But I will try to resume you one of my favorite a story called game of thrones (well, that’s how I translated the tittle lmao) and it’s about the old maid trying to break appart Shigure and Akito in post curse
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(you know, her) 
She compare a lot how Shigure and Ren were and how they bad people for the family and especially for Akira/Akito. Because for her Shigure is not legitimate and he used to hurt Akito for long and now they’re like...going out ??? wtf? Akito, he slept with Ren, wtf?? Akito? And Shigure being Shigure, he is insensitive and he is direct and say stuff like ‘yo, can you please stop using Akito as a Akira subtitute?’ (in the fanfic we saw a lot of flashback, and the maid taking care of Akira in his young day)
So, she go to Hatori and start to rant about Shigure and say stuff like ‘a least Kureno was a decent person but that man...He was a writer? How can he help to be the clan chief assistant?’
and Hatori is like ‘well, first, he given up writting to help Akito full-time, and second, during college, he did take classes so actually, he do know how to manage and help her.’  and she’s like ‘ahw, fuck’
So she makes all a plan to break them up and propose a thing like ‘well, now that’s the curse is over, maybe we should retire the curse help to the cursed children parents?’ (in the manga, if you remember, all cursed had family income, but since the younger generation is still under-age, it’s the parents who have the money.) And Akito is like ‘oh yeah, great idea’ 
Basically, the rest of the fanfic is the parents ranting about their children, like, Kisa mother telling that she won’t trust somebody who hurt her daughter (and she’s right) and this continue until somebody say that ‘yo, your assistant is the ex-dog, won’t Shigure family try to get money too??’ and then they try to trash and until after Shigure and Akito announce that they would like to marry and all and the family is like ‘omfg, congratulations??’ (I love it because Shigure mother learn that he is in relationship with Akito at this moment, it’s hilarous). Then the maid told her real thought in front of the gathering like ‘why would you stay with him when he and Ren-’ (she stop in the middle of the sentence because she notice Akito pained face)
But then, more trouble, Kyo’s dad want Kyo to be imprisonned, Akito refuse, blabla and then Kyo’s dad try to hit Akito but Shigure go between them and take the hit and because of that, every parents standed by her side. The maid, understanding that Shigure took her place, she decide to leave but Akito try to tell her to stay in the sohma estate by her side. The maid said that she hurt her too much and that she might continue, that she saw Akito as a subtitute of Akira. But Akito is like ‘yeah...But, you were the one who stayed at my side when I had high fever, who were always the one by my side when I was young...’ (basically, Akito told her that she is kind of her mother figure??) but even so, the maid decide to leave because she don’t want to hurt her anymore and she know Shigure already took her place as the one sharing her life.
So then the maid decide to leave, but Shigure walk into her and told her that Akito will more listen her than him, mainly about her health ‘she is so into work that she forget to eat or almost don’t sleep, she won’t listen him but Akito will listen you, so it’s better if you stay’ 
And this convice the maid who decide to stay and she start to think ‘ah, Shigure is really a nice man, he understand Akito very well, maybe I judged him too much, from now, I will be faithful to master Akito and master Shigure’ and then she walk into Shigure fucking Akito, noticing that the maid saw smile and continue (Akito didn’t know because she has her back to the maid?). And then the maid is like ‘fuck off, I’m going to makes this man disappear so fucking much-’
Sorry, I really like this fanfic. I will try to ask if I can translate, but I will first finish the comic translation on twitter. 
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riftfic · 6 years
your fic... has absolutely spoiled me. Amazingly written; the dialogue the characters have feels so natural, your control over language in general is just so, so good. You know an author is talented when they manage to hook you with just the first line! (That's more than I can say about most published novels!) I'm now addicted to your writing... which is the perfect segue into my question: do you have any personal favourite ut fanfics you recommend? I must fill this craving you've reawakened!!
Thank you so much!!! That’s such a tremendous compliment!
I wish I had a long list of fanfic recommendations. It’s really hard to find something that’s both compelling and written well, while also satisfying my own cravings. I haven’t been reading that much lately (focusing on writing), but here are a few that grabbed me! 
[Bonus: They’re all complete!]
All These Broken Pieces by PaddieFrogToriel finally gets Sans to open up to her about his past, and to help him through it, she tells him her own story as well. In time, they find their personal histories are far more connected than they ever could have imagined.PaddieFrog obviously loves and cares about writing. Not only does the author put a lot of effort into the prose (sometimes to the point it’s a little too much; I found myself skimming through a few chapters just to get to the meat of it), but the story itself is very deep. It offers a rare perspective through Toriel’s eyes, exploring her past while also addressing the ramifications of remembering resets. While it follows a Soriel relationship, the romance is not entirely the main focus, and I love that. There’s also no kinky business. It’s all about the characters, with a side of fluff.
Riley’s Rantings by bethanyyerinn A college senior starts a blog about Monsters and finds that Monster life is a lot more interesting (and complicated) than she had supposed. Mostly thanks to a certain skeletal comedian. Okay. I LOVED this story. I’m a million times glad I gave it a chance, because I usually don’t have a lot of faith in canon character x OC stories and it almost lost me in the first chapter. But holy hell. This story made me feel so much. The arc is very well written. The relationship feels so real, and so do all the characters. This may be my honest favorite.As a disclaimer, though, it’s a very mature story. There’s casual drug usage, the main character is a rape survivor and practices bdsm, and the social issues surrounding the arrival of monsters in the modern human world are represented without restraint and therefore get gritty. There’s no actual sex, but you definitely need a certain level of comfort with mature themes to read this. As a disclaimer to the disclaimer, it’s just all done so well, though.
Another Medium by Rumon GraySurface life proves to be about as great as it can be, but for two brothers, something threatens to pull everything apart. Sans isn’t happy and won’t let anybody in, leaving Papyrus to feel slightly less great than usual. Why? Wasn’t this their “happy ending?” Smells like something is wrong.This is probably one of the first fics I read after playing the game earlier this year. As such, I don’t remember all that much about it except that it was the best one I’d found involving Gaster and the skelebros, but I’d have to read it again to give you an honest review.
It’s a short list, but I hope it’s a good one! If you or anyone else reading this also have fic recommendations, please send them my way! Part of the reason I don’t look for fanfics anymore is it’s kind of exhausting muscling through coal in search of diamonds. 
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic!
P.S. If any of you like comics you should also give @time-scar-webcomic a try. I’m really enjoying it so far, and so excited to see where it goes! Good art + good writing makes Leaf a happy sliver of foliage.
EDIT 2023 - My all time favorite fic is Casting Rain by Silverskye13 on AO3. Hands down. So well written. Wartime fic featuring Grillby and Gaster. Go read now: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6119951/chapters/14027078
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spacejellyfish3 · 6 years
Fanfic Friday: Through The Looking Glass by Vendetta543
This will be the start of a new segment on my little tumblr blog entitled Fanfic Friday (alliteration is fun), wherein I review and/or recommend fanfiction I think are worthy of recognition...or are just really good...These reviews will come out on every Friday (assuming I can keep it up and not procrastinate as I am wont to do). Same tumblr place. Not always same tumblr time.
And just to get it out of the way: yes I read fanfiction. It’s a passion of mine, and I’m not ashamed of it.
Deal with it...
Side-note, if anyone thinks that fanfiction is a bad thing and not a legitimate form of literature, here’s a thought: if you really think about it, then most celebrated (or not so celebrated) works of fiction are really fanfiction in disguise...I mean The Divine Comedy seems to me like Dante’s self insert Bible fic with heavy doses of wish fulfillment and bashing, most YA novels are fanfics of other, much better YA novels, and don’t even get me started on Fifty Shades Of Grey, which is basically Twilight fanfiction with the names changed that somehow got published and made into a movie trilogy...
So now that I’m done wasting time, let’s start this review:
So I was bored one day (what else is new...) and I decided to allieviate that boredom the way I always do; going on Tv Tropes...
While looking for fanfic recs there, my curiosity was piqued by a little fic called “Through The Looking Glass”. This fic was a Spider-Man story, specifically a crossover between Spider-Man Noir (an alternate universe where Spider-Man was an active “hero”, read; vigilante, in the 1930s) and Spider-Gwen (another alternate universe, Earth-65, where it was Gwen Stacy who was bitten by the radioactive spider, becoming Spider-Woman. Peter Parker on the other hand...injected himself with an untested and incredibly dangerous/life threatening serum that turned him into the Lizard, all because he wanted to be “speshul” like our Gwenjamin...as you do. Long story short; Peter dies in Spider-Gwen’s arms, giving her an Uncle Ben moment and a massive guilt complex, and this makes her a fugitive wanted by the police...including her father, Captain George Stacy).
Now if the idea of a crossover between these two webslingers’ already got you onboard, here’s a slight piece of advice you should probably know before reading it:
While it is optional to do this, I thoroughly urge you guys to at least consider reading the original comics. I mean Spider-Man Noir is only five issues, and for the purposes of this fic you only need to read Spider-Gwen Vol 0 and maybe Vol 1. Both can provide some context to events that probably aren’t explained in the fic proper. I mean I didn’t read Noir, but I did read every issue of Spider-Gwen’s series so far...so just keep this idea in mind, guys...
Now back to the review which...I haven’t...really...started...yet...Yeahhhhhh...
So I started reading this fic on Tuesday and I caught up to the latest chapter today...This fanfic is 124 chapters long, as of this writting. Yeah guys, fair warning, this fic is looooooonnnng...like super long; so if you don’t like binge reading a multi-chaptered, story arc filled, rage/despair/joy inducing, emotional trauma inflicting monstrosity of a fanfic, then this story is definitely not for you.
Anywhooooo! This fic starts off with Spider-Man Noir hunting down his version of Doc Ock. He finds him...but apparently the good doctor has invented a machine which, you guessed it, sends them to another universe! Because of course it does...
Noir finds himself in Earth-65, or as he affectionately calls it, the “madhouse”. Because the Marvel multiverse has decided that every version of Spider-Man was to be its eternal butt-monkey, Noir of course runs into a super villain. Luckily, he runs into Spider-Woman, or as the audience knows her, Spider-Gwen. Of course at this point, neither of these two know who the other is.
Over the course of the next few chapters, Noir finds out that his counterpart was supposedly murdered by Spider-Woman, and our little Gwencent finds out that he’s Peter Parker a.k.a. her dead best friend who’s death she feels responsible for...Awkward...
Now Noir isn’t necessarily fond of Spider-Woman, seeing her as an idealistic heroine who won’t shut up or get off her high horse, but oddly enough, though, one of the few people he feels that he can trust in this madhouse is Gwen Stacy, who is completely different from that annoying Spider-Woman...Gwen, being a superhero protagonist, decides not to tell him her secret identity because something something flimsy excuse, even though that part of the problem will only get worse the more time goes on.
Noir’s main motivation is to find Octavius and get back home, but he’s constantly sidetracked by kids getting kidnapped, government organizations that are kinda dumb despite how intelligent and skilled they are, ungrateful civilians (a staple of all universes), supervillains, memories that don’t quite belong to him, and a superheroine who constantly hovers over him, sometimes literally.
As the story moves along, we see our duo face off against supervillains that go from incompetent and harmless to incredibly dangerous and scary, alternate universe problems, serial killers, a blind redheaded lawyer who is quite possibly the worst, terrorist organizations, and many more shenanigans that I can’t mention for fear of the spoiler police...
Also a warning; this fic contains the following: killing, brutality (though no more violent then some of the comics by Marvel or DC), incredibly harsh language, racist/discriminatory comments made by a character from the 30s (the height of racism, prejudice, and discrimination), and mentions of sexual actions.
Though on that note, this story is not a lemon, it just mentions or briefly describes sexual actions...nothing that scandalous really...
Right here is spoiler territory so if you don’t want to be spoiled please go no further...
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
If you’ve ignored my spoiler warnings then you only have yourself to blame, okay?
What I really liked about this story were the characters’ differing ideologies, methods, and personal traits that contrasted greatly with each other.
Spider-Gwen is the idealistic optimist who suffers from a massive guilt complex; she’s always saving people even when she’s a fugitive from the law and condemned by half the city, and that’s partly because she wants to help people, but partly because she desperately wants to atone for her “part” in Peter’s death. She doesn’t enjoy working with those who go against her morals, like Frank Castle or Bullseye. She’s very against murdering people, even when they’re irredeemable monsters or have killed/are about to kill people, so much so that when she does kill, she breaks down completely...
Noir, on the other hand, does not have such qualms about killing. But while he does kill in the fic, he only kills those who deserve it. Noir also has massive trust issues...though admittedly justified because his trust with others is broken a looooot in this story. Like to unrealistical levels. He has identity issues as well, due to reasons I’ll explain never because massive spoilers...He also has no issue allying himself with unrepentant killers like Castle or sadists like Bullseye, yet isn’t happy about working with Spider-Woman...at first.
If you look this story up on Fanfiction.net, you’ll notice that it’s main pairing is between Gwen and Noir, but don’t think that means it’s gonna be pretty. Not only is this relationship one of the slowest of all slow burns, when it does happen it is rife with problems and arguments and ughhhhhhhhhhh....I guess this may be Truth in Fiction, but even if it isn’t I actually think it’s refreshing to see a relationship have real problems in fanfiction; I always hear that relationships take a lot of work and effort and even then there are a LOT of problems and roadblocks along the way...but you have to wonder if it ever will work out when even the author and half of the audience, myself included, wouldn’t be surprised if it lasted a week before crashing and burning...
Speaking of the author, Vendetta543, I just have to say:
you are incredible and I think your story is awesome
But, honestly, this author is one of the funniest authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading!
Like seriously, every author’s note and answer page is incredible and hilarious! I feel like Vendetta543 just writes what they feel at the moment; like not fake pleasantries or stuff like that, I mean actual stuff they feel and honest opinions and all that jazz...I love it. They also just flat out ask their audience what they’d like to see, so we get a say in how the story can go!
I feel that part of the reason I prefer reading fanfics rather than actual books is because of the authors. And I don’t mean their writing or whatever, I mean that book authors don’t have author’s notes or stuff like that; it doesn’t have that relationship that allows for connection and closeness and ability to give constructive criticism that a fanfic author and audience can share. But that’s just me...
I also like that even though the cast of this fic is massively bloated (even the author admits it), it doesn’t feel like any character is ignored. They all get almost equal amounts of focus and attention, and you never forget that they’re part of the story (except for Gabriel, I honestly forgot he existed after he disappeared off the face of the planet 15 chapters in).
And while this fic is DEFINITELY flawed—some minor spelling mistakes (which honestly feel like autocorrect rather than actual mistakes), average fight scenes (again just a personal bias; I prefer watching fight scenes over reading them, so I’m not the best judge), almost every chapter ending with a cliffhanger (it’s worse than Rick Riordan), and enough plot twists to make a soap opera sigh—I still love this fic! It’s already jumped it’s way up to my top 3 favorite fics of all time...so yeah...
Even if you have your reservations, I think this one is worth checking out...
Also shout out to the true hero of this story:
Frog-Man; the hero we need but don’t deserve...may you one day achieve your dreams...
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jkottke · 7 years
The web is a portal to other worlds
Like I mentioned in the post on web comedy, something about the experience of the World Wide Web, the experience of working with a screen, seems to loosen our hold on reality. Maybe we've trained ourselves to do it by reading stories and playing video games with very vague visual details (sometimes just text). Maybe it's part of blocking out the world around us so we can focus and interact on the screen. Maybe it's a residue of the awkward metaphors of "cyberspace," or maybe this is where those metaphors come from. But I think we are amenable to the suggestion of a possible world where everything is different, even more so than when we read a book or watch a movie. The closest thing might be comic books, which likewise play endlessly with time travel, alternate universes, and what-if scenarios.
"Rome, Sweet Rome" is a short story that began as part of a Reddit thread and eventually turned into a movie deal. It's about a modern US Marine Corps unit that gets sucked back in time and fights Roman soldiers in 23 BC. It's just like one of the thousand of ridiculous "what if?" conversations that take place on the web every day. But it's also something that the people who were involved with it while it was being made never forgot.
A People's History of Tattooine is something I was involved with, although someone else nominated it for part of the time capsule. In 2014, a bunch of geeky dads (mostly) on a Saturday started to wonder how the Star Wars stories would be told not by the Rebellion or the Empire, but by the nonhuman people seen throughout the series. In other words, as Jake Harris wrote, "what if Mos Eisley wasn't really that wretched and it was just Obi Wan being racist again?"
This attitude, which treats almost nothing with reverence, but everything with care for its consistency and its consequences, is one of the fundamental modes of being on the web. It's not like traditional fandom, scholarly pedantry, or manual-driven computation, where the original texts are treated like sacred writ. It's fanfic, it's slashfic, it's deconstruction, it's inventing your own entire fork of a standard because the standard doesn't do what you think it ought to do. And it's an attitude particularly well-suited for world-building.
The Onion imagined a film script that had been floating around Hollywood for 75 years called The Final Symphony, with a part written for Basil Rathbone that was later "rewritten for Mickey Rooney, and later Gene Wilder and then Chris Tucker."
SB Nation wrote an entire feature imagining quarterback Tim Tebow's sojourn through the Canadian Football League, little imagining that he would do something even less likely and take up minor league baseball.
The Beatles have two alternate histories that readers nominated: one, a Borgesian counterhistory where the band never broke up (complete with unexplained artifacts from that universe), the other, a timeline of events where The Beatles accepting Lorne Michaels' stunt offer to reunite on Saturday Night Live leads to a reunion album, Mark David Chapman's suicide, Michael Jackson's premature death, and Lennon protesting the second Iraq war.
Dru Johnston's "I Think I Should Get More Credit For Killing Hitler" shows that in a utopia as well as a dystopia, the gods are indifferent to our heroism.
Finally, there's the case of Walter Miller's Homepage. Walter Miller was basically dril before dril. Same dark humor, same misspellings, same grim, bizarre universe, same cult reverence.
The homepage began as a Prodigy site in the mid-1990s at the URL pages.prodigy.com/Hell/walter. It appeared on Suck in January 1996, it was in Time magazine, it won awards, the Harvey company optioned it to be an animated series.
Nobody, as far as I know, ever figured out who Walter Miller was, whether he/she/they were just one person. The site just... faded away. Except it's mirrored and hosted by fans all over the web, sometimes in different states: an entire sea of alternate versions of an alternate universe, waiting to one day be made whole again.
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pippa-frost · 8 years
Whenever you do decide to write that Rock fanfic, I will be ready 😍 Also, are you gonna write one based on those Dead Kara drawings you did? I was do close to crying after Ichi's comic especially omg good shit bruh
Awwwwwww you’re so sweet!!!!! Oh yes!! Of course! In fact, the idea for the one where Kara dies was my frist idea for an osomatsu san fanfic, the problem is that i started writting the first chapter but inspiration was being a jerk and then i thought about my elemental’s au and i just had to write it! so that’s how i ve written for All or none instead of writing for the one those drawings are based on! I’m still on first chapter but as soon as i have it ready i’ll post it! And yeah! I plan on writing a fic where all the chapters are the comics i’ve been drawing for InkTober, so yes, they’re coming >:D hahahahaha
Thank you so much for the kind words!! they made me really happy!!! *blushes*
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zi-frappadingue · 5 years
I hate writters (no)
So there was this show i like and i watched it for the second time knowing it would frustrate me to hell. I fell in love with that character again. The one the showrunners don't really care about. The one that appears from time to time mostly as a sidekick, à background character or à comic relief. The one that has a few heartbreaking episodes about his dark past but never gets à proper ending. And I needed more. It's an old show and only the leading character still gets love. So It's really hard to find à fanfic about him. I found ONE. The writting is amazing. It started quitte well. A little angst a little romance some fun friendship and... I swear to god this writter is trying to kill me. Because it then goes to hell. Angst, angst, angst. Would you want some little angst with your angst ? I'm now more depressed than I was finishing that stupid show. What an amazing story. I love fanfic writters and I hate them dearly at the sale time.
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meliaamethyst · 8 years
My Fanfics and Original Stories
So I’ve been sitting around, knowing I should post something here but entirely unsure as to what. And I’ve finally decided! What better introduction to me as a writer, as a shipper, than for me to start things off by posting links to the stories that I’m OK with sharing and telling a bit about my thoughts and impressions for each? I will also be including links to each mentioned story and a synopsis at the end of the post so you can visit them and read if you so desire.
The first story I want to share is my Fairy Tail fanfiction. To be honest, I don’t even remember where or when I first got the idea to write this, but I’m so glad that I started it because it has grown to be one of my favorites! Through a lot of hard work, equal portions by me and my #1 Beta Sandry-Chan, and only two revisions, Fairy Tail: Dawn of Change (I’ll be using the acronym DoC for this one) is about a young girl who doesn’t fit in the real world and wishes desperately to be somewhere else. After a magical day at an anime convention, she wakes up in an animated meadow. Naturally, her first thought is that this is all a dream, but the bruise on her thigh says otherwise. She wanders until she collapses and when she wakes up again she is in a hotel bedroom, being watched by Natsu Dragneel, Happy the Cat, and Lucy Heartfilia; three central characters to her favorite anime Fairy Tail. And that is just the start of her adventure! From there, things are exciting and depressing by turns, shifting from euphoria and the epitome of “OMG!!” to “What did I land in?!” But despite everything, Roxanne perseveres and proves that she is a true Fairy. I love this story not just because of how much blood, sweat and tears I have poured into this, but also because of how similar Roxanne and I are, and how I could channel my own daydreams into her experiences and live out my dreams through her. I also did a lot of pre-writing planning, and I planned things that might not even be used. But if they become needed, then I’ll be ready! I also had to do a lot of research, into the individual magics and the rules for magic, and figuring things out to fill in gaps, and research into how a nine year old thinks! And Sandry also pinpointed some trouble areas for ms to work on, and I strengthened my Showing not Telling. Because of this fic, I feel like I’ve really grown as a writer and that also contributes to my love for this fic. So I really recommend that you read this fic! Also, since it starts at the beginning and explains almost everything as things become relevant, you really don’t need to have any Fairy Tail background to read DoC!!
The next book I wanna talk about is my original idea, inspired by the wonder of freshman year of high school; new friends, new experiences, and a new fascination with dragons. Dragon Girl (the acronym is DG) is my first real attempt at storywriting, my pride and joy. The overall story hasn’t changed much and I still remember almost everything I figured out. DG is about a teenager who can shapeshift into a dragon. Surrounded by humans, she lives in an abusive household and believes herself to be the only one like her. She almost kills herself doing chores and homework everyday, biding her time, waiting until she can move out on her own. But she has trust issues because every time she opens her heart and tells the other person about ‘the dragon’ they end up running away and hating her. And that, of course, puts her life in danger in addition to the damage her heart sustains. In spite of that, she finally finds the courage to fly away and she ends up discovering that she is actually part of an ancient race called Drakons, and she is a very special Drakonian. She helps to rebuild this dying race and she is instrumental in the war against the natural enemy called Scylla. I love this story because it marks where I first started getting serious about writing, and I use it as a landmark for how I used to be and where I am now. Also, its gotten the most attention despite its unrevised writting, telling not showing state, usually one to three people favorite it EVERY DAY. And I have a deal with a graphic artist for a comic book adaptation. So I am very proud of Dragon Girl for a variety of reasons and I hope that you’ll read it.
The third book I want to share is the first in a four-part saga, a fanfiction based off of Christopher Paolini’s bestselling series 'The Inheritance Cycle’ (the acronym will be IC) The first part of the original series was remade into a movie named after the first book in the saga, Eragon, in 2007. Even though it was a blockbuster hit that summer, fans in the IC fandom did not enjoy it. In my opinion, while the movie preserved the overall gist of Eragon and Saphira’s adventures, there was a lot of stuff that was changed or omitted. In the movie, Brom and Eragon killed the three Ra'zac that pursued them in Palancar Valley. However, Eragon and his cousin Roran are the true heroes in Brisingr, and are responsible for defeating the two Ra'zac while Saphira killed the two Lethrblakas herself. This was a huge mistake on the movie’s part because now there is no one to kidnap Roran’s love Katrina, and Carvahall would not be attacked and subsequently burned to the ground. Thus, Roran would not lead the villagers to the Burning Plains in time to help the Varden in the battle against the Imperial Army. Also, Brom was not struck by an arrow as he rescued Eragon from Gil'ead, he was struck by a knife coated in an oil by the Ra'zac outside of Teirm after Murtagh jumped in to help. Also, Eragon was captured by Imperial Soldiers in Gil'ead just after Brom’s death, and the ordeal resulted in Eragon meeting the Shade, Durza, and discovering the woman he had been seeing his dreams was a prisoner as well, and that’s when he rescued Arya. The movie also got several other things wrong, like barely showing Orik and not even mentioning Hrothgar and the Twins. On the other hand, I enjoyed seeing Saphira and hearing her voice. Anyway, my fanfiction series is based off of the books, and called Wyrda, and the first installment of four is called Istalri. In this first book, an orphan elf and her brother are introduced, oppressed by their tyrannical uncle. They dream of becoming Riders because that is the only fate they can stand until they are old enough to retake their family home. One night, one of the dragon eggs they hold hatches, and its the girl who begins her journey. Like Eragon before her, she will face new challenges and overcome obstacles as she helps to rebuild the Rider Order. She is surrounded by mentors Murtagh, Eragon and Arya and their dragons, and she has to carve her own future out of the bedrock of her life. I enjoy writing this because I relied on the canon series so heavily so it was a great excuse to read the series again and even write a letter to Paolini himself to ask questions, and I get to bring life to Alanna and Dusan, two obscure characters that we glance at only once in Brisingr. I get to make them fully rounded, unique characters that are this perfect, unstoppable team when they’re together, and still terrifying when they are apart. I get to give them a past, a life, and a future full of hopes and dreams and a healthy dose of reality. Istalri is also the ninth edition of this series, and is my first legitimate fanfiction that I wrote out of sheer pleasure when I was only 12 years old, in 7th grade. It gave me something to discuss with a woman who would later become my best friend close enough to be my sister, and, through her, another sister. Because of Istalri, I got to develop relationships that I even now must lean on to survive my life. I couldn’t be prouder of Istalri, and I hope that you will read it and come to love it as much as I do.
Thank you.
DoC https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11262127/1/Fairy-Tail-Dawn-of-Change
Istalri (Previously Kvistr) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10524735/1/Kvistr-Book-1-Of-The-Wyrda-Series
Dragon Girl https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-melissa-nichols-dragon-girl/
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