#Smart Hotel
mensministry · 7 months
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Niessen Smart Hotel, Madrid, Spain,
Ruiz-Velazquez Architecture and design
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gemjournaltoday · 1 year
4 Must-Haves for Smart Hotel Rooms That Guests Love
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These must-haves include high-speed WiFi, voice-activated lighting and temperature controls, a large HDTV with a wide selection of streaming services, a coffee maker and mini-fridge, an electronic safe, USB charging stations and ample power outlets, a smart phone-enabled alarm clock, and a comfortable bed with a variety of pillow options.
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viralgotech · 2 years
Smart Hotel Technology is the new frontier of innovation in the hotel industry. Hotels are now coming equipped with sensors, cameras and other types of technology that can make your stay much more comfortable and enjoyable. Smart hotel technology can help you with everything from finding your room to ordering services or even browsing a digital library.
There are so many new features and amenities being built into hotels these days that it almost seems like an entirely different business. Once you venture past the old standards of whirlpool bathtubs, palm trees and wall-sized canvases of beaches, there are some very cool things going on in hotels right now. One thing they all have in common?
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
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In case yous wanted to know what I was up to today lmfao
Plus current lineart wip:
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Aaaaand tweet that inspired:
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I will die on this hill
I constantly see those takes that Vox is wholly responsible for Val's position as an Overlord but it doesn't make any sense. Why on earth Vox would see this unhinged man and think Ah yes I need to make this idiot a powerful idiot. I wish nothing else but to form a fragile alliance and become highly dependent on his mood swings.
Like if Valentino was so bimbo brained and useless Vox would just get him into a contract instead of allowing him to build his own empire. Val has to be good at something else than serving cunt and sucking dick.
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ari-the-arotistic · 5 months
Guys, Hermes told them where to go to find the entrance of the underworld, and probably told them about Crusty, of course they know who he is, literally chill
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mydeerfellow · 4 months
ok but what if Vox aired the footage of Alastor getting his shit rocked by Adam thinking haha i'm so evil he'll be so EMBARRASSED except it backfires and Alastor becomes an overnight folk hero in Hell which he actually hates even fucking more and now neither of them are happy
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Taco Tuesday: Hazbin Hotel
Angel: (busts into the hotel with five bags of Taco Hell) Bitches, prepare your guts! It's Taco Tuesday!
Husker: Motherfucker, it's fuckin' Thursday.
Angel: To-may-to, po-tay-to, you gonna help me demolish $100 hellbucks worth of bad fast food Mexican or not?
Husker: .......Put me in.
Angel: (tosses bag to Husk) Here, go!
Cherri: I'm all in, dickhead! Toss me a bag!
Angel: (tosses another bag to Cherri) Here ya go!
Charlie: I'll have one or two if you're offering. I've never had Taco Hell before.
Angel: (throws three individual tacos to Charlie) Head's up!
Charlie: Ah! Ouph! (fumbling the tacos) Shit! I got 'em!
Angel: Al, ya in or what?
Alastor: You wouldn't catch me double dead eating that garbage.
Angel: What? You can eat rotten deer, but Taco Hell is too gross for ya? Hmph! (drops a bag in Vaggie's lap) Here ya go, Vags.
Vaggie: Wow, way to just assume I would want my own bag. Is that you being sexist or racist?
Angel: Realist. I've seen you demolish a whole pot of taco meat during monthly taco nights here when you think no one's lookin'.
Vaggie: And I fully intend to obliterate this bag, which doesn't change my initial statement. (unwraps a taco and practically inhales it)
Angel: Yeah, that's what I thought. Big Daddy Luci want in?
Charlie: (slowly eating her first taco and shakes her head) Mm-mm. Dad doesn't do well with spices or hispanic cuisine in general.... or fast food....
Angel: Alright, well, we got a spare bag for anyone who wants more. (digs into his own bag)
Husker: (unwraps a taco and tilts his head left and right to figure out how he wants to eat) Hmmmm.... When you guys eat a taco, do you tilt your head left or right?
Vaggie: (already halfway through her bag) Neither, the thighs typically keep my head firmly in place.
-Record Screech-
Hazbins: (absolutely shocked)
Charlie: (beet red and horns out as she hides behind a taco wrapper)
Vaggie: .......I said that out loud, didn't I?
Angel: Yeah, you did! Hahahahahahaha!!! Playing up that stereotype, ain'tcha, bitch?! This is almost as good as Selma Hayek playing the lesbian taco in "Sausage Party"!!!
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Angel: *contemplating a fancy bottle* Hey, d'ya think this is alcohol or perfume?
Husk: *grabs bottle. drinks all of it*
Husk: It's perfume
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goated33 · 4 months
Seeing people’s posts on here definitely gave me new perspectives on chaggie. Now I can’t get over how Vaggie and Charlie’s first meeting was shaped by kindness (Vaggie just having been brutalized and cast out for sparing a child, Charlie running around trying to find people to help and immediately going to bandage Vaggie’s eye, Vaggie maybe being the first person to react to Charlie’s help with a smile instead of fear and suspicion.)
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roz-ani · 5 months
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Ngl, it'll be hard to convince me he doesn't ACTUALLY want her soul. It would be such a deal to pass for Alastor
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calitsnow · 1 year
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{The love of a princess and her knight}
Click for better quality
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I want to write a long ass staticmoth backstory fic just to do a joke where Vox tries to hypnotize Val and because Val is so baffled in the moment that someone would try to do that to him, he goes along with what Vox told him what to do. Later Vox tries again to hypnotize him but this time Val doesn't react and when Vox freaks out about it Val says "don't tell me you didn't know whores are faking it all the time lol"
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dragon-spaghetti · 4 months
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You're so pretty pretty!
(Please click for better quality!!)
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I haven't seen any posts pointing this out (and maybe there are some out there but I just never saw them) but-
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Vaggie hit Lute with Alastor's radio-
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Also it's entirely possible that the reason I haven't seen anyone point this out is that it's porbbaly obvious- but I didn't notice until like- my third rewatch, so- Now it's your problem! :D
Edit: Turns out it has been pointed out before- whoops lmao. Oh well.
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darkmedolie · 4 months
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i'm making another tamagotchi smart mod yessssss
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