Tully, Louis
670 posts
Accountant, Tax Lawyer, Part-Time Ghostbuster
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
louistully1 · 2 years ago
so let me get this straight: someone doing their own thing after being blocked is not ok
but not even messaging back someone who's had a huge multi-blog event in the works for months and ghosting them when they can clearly see you online and posting doing your own thing is?
also you dont own the character and you don't get the last say on him? this person is respecting your wishes by not interacting with you so how are you still mad. you blocked them so why are you still looking at their posts.
"the people who i valued most within my little community" "people didn't treat them with the respect they deserved."
that wouldve been nice to know when i was having constant stomach aches from anxiety because i literally didnt know what you were going to do next. keep my name and my rp partners names out of your mouth.
this is the only post i'm gonna make about this. the person who this is about knows who they are. if you know or think you know who i'm talking about, great! Keep it to yourself. I don't want anyone being harassed over fucking tumblr rp blogs.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Jeez this machine is dusty...
Well, I'm finally back in the office. I took some time off to sort everything out with the house. I just need to tell Elon and Walter now. Most of my belongings are packed away in boxes ready to move when our leases run up.
Speaking of which, Elon is well. Walter and I went with him to the doctor a few days after the Tiamat incident. He and the baby are alright don't worry. Recovery's been slow and steady, but we're all working through it.
Now that that's out of the way, I think I might as well announce it. I think it's time I close this blog. The guys might get an intern or someone to read their fanmail for them in the future. Who knows. I think I ought to stick to accounting though.
It's been a good ride. I can't thank everyone enough for the kindness they've shown me during my time here. I truly appreciate everyone and anyone I've interacted with. I would love to stay more, but I have a family to take care of now.
Thank you all. For everything.
Keep sharp, and make good decisions.
-Louis Tully
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Lou, listen. I have some important information for you. The Ray in your dimension, before he got stuck in world 2, destroyed the device that’s keeping Tiamat anchored to your world. If you manage to get her out of Elon, she should be banished and be gone for good.
Oh! Well that is good to know. Maybe I actually stand a chance now instead of just having to rely on hope.
Thank you
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Gaicca. I ntr'k aicfa yzn fvwmpn. E'm rxxkxri khl zy yj dyv yb tsbw. Kwev sjcwnhvh cqe.
vyesc. s'w cy cybbi. s vyfo iye. mkx iye rokb wo?
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
hey, louis. i don’t know how to send pictures through the ask thingy, but if i could, i’d send you a picture of my cat. her name is lulu and she’s all black and right now she’s taking a nap in a laundry basket.
Thank you. Please give her plenty of pets for me.
It's probably for the best if I don't receive any pictures. I'm worried if my focus slips away from Elon and Walter, Tiamat will take me too.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Louis, honey, I'm so sorry that your loves are in danger. I'm sending a great big hug your way. Would you like some nice animal pictures, perhaps? Anything you need?
Thank you, I really do appreciate the sentiment.
But I can't let myself be distracted. I need to focus on saving Walter and Elon.
Maybe after this is all over I'll take you up on your offer.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Et'd gsk nswb bafex! Jwi yynmpw lvg aci endbhv prf pkrnxh pdy vy xe sxv gjtrop.
I vgsn nsw mwn qbkyi fcmg artmehx jon. Pwxejt hqx'p gtoi le. M'nv biyw wfbi yku tz pirzip rar.
T'f kfcrc qat fl sli sh ddid. B'pc bemo oucx cfj epn Alzg ees swb yhteh rgi ukbe. T ivfbmuo. 
vyesc. s'w cy cybbi. s vyfo iye. mkx iye rokb wo?
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Jo, yh, mk'h smku. I aksdxwg iku eavvt akvh bp horn. Nwcp setc nxxj wa. Wstx uxh ura dz ms pdy ghwceec? 
vyesc. s'w cy cybbi. s vyfo iye. mkx iye rokb wo?
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Pilfek? Pilfek ba ttam kmaxlr rwu? 
vyesc. s'w cy cybbi. s vyfo iye. mkx iye rokb wo?
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
You want me to sue... a fictional cat?
I’d like to state that I am not. Nor have I ever been. In association with a orange cat. I do not sound like him. I don’t act like him. I’ll Sue.
But… if said cat would like to collaborate, for the betterment of both our brands… how could I refuse.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Hey y'all! Just wanted to make a quick post amidst the Tiamat plot stuff. First of all I want to thank everyone who has participated in this story. I couldn't have done any of this without y'all and I am deeply honored to collaborate with everyone through all this. I know it's a big plot with a lot of moving parts, so I want to thank everyone for being patient with me as I relayed information between everyone for a while. I also want to thank everyone who's been following along (or at least trying to) with the plot and interacting with the story when appropriate. I would also like to thank everyone for their patience as I know this final act is crawling at a snail's pace. Hopefully the end will come soon and provide a satisfactory conclusion to everyone.
That's all the positive I wanted to touch on. The rest of this will be sort of just me venting under the cut. No one is obligated to read it, and I will not be offended if you don't. That's why I'm putting it under the cut. ^^
I won't sugarcoat anything: This plot has been very stressful to me and this past week I've been an emotional wreck with more meltdowns in the past 7 days than I've ever had in my entire life.
I'm in a Ghostbusters Discord server where we have threads dedicated to discussing the rp blogs, and being active in those threads while I was trying to keep things together with my blog stressed me out immensely. I felt like I was pressured to give away plot details that weren't ready to be revealed because of the amount of questions people were asking me.
Now, I know nobody meant any harm in doing that. It's easy to ask those kind of questions when the author is right there. I think I know a little bit how Neil Gaiman feels being on this website lmao. I promise I am not mad at anyone or blaming anyone for my stress. It was simply a conflict of traits. Since leaving those specific threads, my morale has improved if only slightly.
To tell the truth, I have no idea what I'm doing. I had no idea I would get this far at all. I have no idea how to even end this story or at least end it in a way that makes sense and is satisfying. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even likes what I'm doing. I've come close to just deleting all my rp blogs more times than I care to admit. No one would notice anyway.
This isn't me looking for sympathy or pity either by the way. I just want to get my feelings out there in hopes that someone will understand.
I guess I'm just tired and I want this to be over. Would anyone even care if this never got resolved?
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
Do you like crabs? 🦀
Eating them? Not particularly. Looking at em? Sometimes. Depends on the crab really. I can't deal with giant crabs or those horseshoe crabs. They freak me out.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
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You're so right these ARE fun!!
I did another
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It’s becoming a problem. This one actually had something resembling my hair. Im quite proud of it.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
[Louis's full attention was on Walter now. He feels his insides churn as Walter speaks. In that moment Walter cracks, Louis can feel his own heart break. That's all the proof he needed. Walter was never in control. He brought himself closer to his lover. His prince as he would often call him.]
I know you don't mean that. That deep down, you're fighting her influence as hard as you can. I know that this isn't what you want for yourself, for Elon, for me, ... for our child.
[Louis turned to face Tiamat once more.]
But I guess there's nothing else I can do. I don't have any equipment with me or any means to defend myself. I'm completely vulnerable. Suppose you'll have to kill me since there's no way I'm letting a god use me as a puppet ever again.
All I ask is that you don't hurt our kid. Please.
[Brunch with Sherman ran long. Louis sprinted to Elon's building and up the stairs to his apartment. A cab and elevator would only slow him down. He fixed his shirt before rapping on the door. Like hell he was gonna stand to the side and not do anything.]
Elon, it's Louis! Look, I just want to talk. I'm not asking for anything else. I just... I need to see you. Please.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
[He shakily rose to his feet and slowly made his way to Walter. Only moving ever so slightly as to not be noticed.]
You didn't give them anything! You forced your way inside like a parasite! A parasite with empty promises only to keep them in this prison of yours.
This isn't mercy. It's torture.
[Brunch with Sherman ran long. Louis sprinted to Elon's building and up the stairs to his apartment. A cab and elevator would only slow him down. He fixed his shirt before rapping on the door. Like hell he was gonna stand to the side and not do anything.]
Elon, it's Louis! Look, I just want to talk. I'm not asking for anything else. I just... I need to see you. Please.
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
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Obsessed with these!
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I just wanna thank whatever anon lead me to the site. Now I can’t stop making them. Oh! I need to find another.
I used this for all those interested
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louistully1 · 3 years ago
guinea pig instagram accounts are so funny cause the captions will be like "uh oh! pumpkiwumpkin is being extra sassy today!" and the picture is literally just
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