#Slaying as per usual…. Sigh
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altblock-tm · 9 months ago
Awful news! The OC I designed to be conventionally attractive is conventionally attractive! Who could’ve foreseen this?!
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probablyspooky · 2 years ago
Traitor (2010 Predator X Fem! Reader) Pt.3 Final
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Its Time girly Pops
"Yes love?", you ask, sitting up from your nest of furs and pelts, your mate slowly lowers himself to you.
"We are leaving...", he mumbled, "This trip was not successful, I was wrong to bring you here, I will take you home, and then come back alone when I can get a second chance"
You sighed, cupping your mates face, giving him a gentle kiss on the armored mask.
"Very well," you agreed, getting up from your nest, packing your items and then eventually getting on the ship and taking off back home.
It was a short trip back, you felt back you had ruined the trip by basically getting kidnapped by the game. Berserker could sense your sadness and promised that when you returned back to the clan, he would have a young one go to Earth and bring you back some nice Earth things, so that you could see some of the things that hail from your home planet. You smiled at this thought and proceeded to snuggle into your mates chest as he sat in the command room.
The return home was uneventful, as you were usually allowed to walk around, the first couple weeks home you weren't feeling so well. Often spending your mornings vomiting outside in the bushes, sleeping till noon, and eating weird foods that were even considered odd in yautja culture.
Berserker got quite nervous when you started getting moody, you never seemed to lash out at him, as you were afraid of upsetting him, but now you were a bit more annoyed at his mating advances, often refusing to go along with him on small hunts.
Worried you may have caught a strong virus, he took you to the clans healers, and the news was wonderful.
You were pregnant.
Your mates mandibles clicked with joy, and he purred into you, his claws grazing over your stomach gently, happy with the news he threw together a hunting party and went off into the local wilderness to find the largest animal he could to serve to you, as per tradition (that I made up).
He returned victorious, slaying the beast and presenting its skull and spine to you. It now hangs over the area where you decided to put your younglings sleeping bed.
Eventually as things go, days become weeks, and weeks become months, soon you were very swollen with child, carrying a yautja pup was very hard on your body, as you progressed you slowly began to slow down, not going out to hunt, you stopped doing chores, tending to be on bedrest more often that usual.
One day, while you were in a heated herbal bath, Berserker came in and joined you, causing the water to swish over a bit, he swayed over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his large hands over your stomach.
"(y/n)", he whispered, taking in a breathe of your hair.
"Yes love?" you ask, turning your head to look at him closer.
"The hunting spot came up again...I wish to go, but I will not go if you find it unacceptable for me to go."
You thought for a moment, as it took so long for him to get the spot for himself the first time, and now here you were ready to pop at any moment. Not wanting to be selfish you agreed that he could go, and that you would be fine.
Watching him, Tusk, and Falcon leave was a little heart breaking, you spent the time alone, thinking of names for the baby, learning to write in their language, and learning how to read their machines, as soon you would have your one communicator bracelet, so that when your mate goes off planet, you could still talk to him while he was gone.
He wasn't gone very long this time, he returned after a few days, you were so happy when you heard the news you waited at the landing dock for him to return. When those ship doors opened, you saw him walk off full of pride, new trophies tied to his belt, mostly human, perhaps he had hunted those humans from before. You ran into his arms, and he hugged you back, taking you up from under your legs, holding you up with his great strength.
"Was the hunt honorable?", you asked, feeling his dreads with your hands.
He carried you back to his home.
"I have many trophies to give to you my mate," he purred, leaving Tusk and Falcon to unload the ship.
But with their arrival back, Tusk and Falcon were sought out by other yautja women, and left the ship unattended, not knowing of what they brought back with them to their home planet.
While the darkness of night overtook the sky, two people stepped off planet, truing not to be scene by the lights coming off of the ship, they quickly scurried to the Jungle Hunters Clan. Taking note of the buildings, they looked around for anyone that would be out of place, something that wouldn't be needed by full blood yautja.
These two humans who have stepped off the ship, were familiar faces that had met you before. Isabelle and Royce, they had snuck onto the ship while your mate was hunting the others, Edwin and Nikolai did not make it, but they did not seem, bothered all that much, their minds were preferably stuck on their own survival.
Quickly scanning the many homes, their eyes landed on the ones that had a set of very small shoes sat outside the door, feet too small for yautja, but big enough for an adult to wear outside to cover the soles of their feet from the spikey ground.
The two of them walked up to the door, and gently pushed it in, not having locks on doors were often common on this planet, as it was dishonorable to attack someone while they were asleep. It was a code of like that many did not dare to cross, as it would bring dishonor upon themselves and their clans.
Walking throughout the halls of the place you called home, Isabelle and Royce walked through the kitchen rea, taking note of the abundance of fruit and veggies, often things yautja do not eat frequently, then walking past a living area where they saw a CD player and some discs of random artists.
"She's definitely here.." Royce whispered, continuing the sweep of the house, his eyes landing on the back room, which its doorway was covered with a large cloth.
Royce took a few moments to sneak up to the curtain, slowly pupping it back. In the middle of the room he could see the floating nest where Berserker and you slept. The two forms sleeping away peacefully on the bed, you curled up in his arms, while his limbs danged off the sides of the nest, hovering in the air.
Royce raised his hand above your mouth about to wake you up and smother your gasp, but Isabelle quickly ran up and stopped him
"What?", he whispered, annoyed that he was stopped.
"Look at her!" Isabelle, gestured to your body, "She's pregnant! This isn't a good idea"
Royce rolled his eyes, going back to his original plans, smothering his hand over your mouth and then tapping you awake.
You jolted awake, about to scream, but you felt a warm hand covers your mouth. You looked over to the owner of the hands owner, you felt tears sting your eyes, realizing the possible predicaments you were in.
Royce signals to you to come on, and slowly eases you off the bed, and out of your mates arms, trying not to wake up, and then sneaking you out of your home, Royce dragged you to the ship and shoved you towards it, pointing a pistol at you.
"Fly us home." he ordered, pointing the gun at you,
"I do-I don't know how to fly," you stammered
"Bullshit" he snarled, pushing you inside the ship and then forcing you into the pilots seat.
You felt uneasy as you were placed in the captains chair, the familiar hologram screen appearing before you, you slowly began to type into the control console, hitting enter.
Royce looked at you expectantly, watching you push buttons with symbols that didn't make sense to him at all, watching you hit the enter key, hoping that soon the ship would take off and they would be on their way way home. Yet nothing happened.
"What the hell was that?" he yelled, shoving your shoulder
"I don't know how to fly!" you cried,
"Royce, c'mon" Isabelle remarked, placing hand on your shoulder
Royce stomped back and forth, and looking out the open door of the ship, he began to see lights turn on, as yautja began to run towards the ship, his brain clicked.
Grabbing you by the hair, he dragged you to the front of the doors and threw you on the ground, you fell to the ground shielding your stomach from the fall.
"She fucking alerted them" Royce growled, pointing the pistol at the back of your head.
You looked up to see Berserker run at you, behind him Tusk and Falcon followed, along with other blooded members of the tribe.
Royce fired a warning shot a few inches away from your head, forcing all the yautja to stop in their tracks.
"Fucking traitor to your race," Royce spit at you, looking up at the yautja who were staring him down.
"I want to go home!," he shouted, "If I don't get to go home, neither does she"
You half expected for Berserker to have some sort of plan in dealing with this, but instead he slowly popped off his armored helmet, dropped his utilities belt, and walked up slowly towards the three of you. Isabelle had her gun pointed at your mate the whole time.
Clicking can be heard coming from your mates mandibles, as he pointed towards the captains chair, he calmly walked onto the ship, and silently typed on the keyboard, the rumbling of the ship started, indicating it was taking off.
Berserker then walked back, and picked you up slowly, not taking his eyes off of Royce and Isabelle. The ships door began to slowly shut, and since their window was closing, the two of them quickly hopped aboard the ship, and it slowly made its way off of the ground, and then eventually was floating through the air. Its thrusters slowly increasing in power.
As the thrusters began to glow a bright orange, your mate held his arm out in front of you, a single symbol was on his wrist brand, you looked at him and then at the ship. Smiling while doing so, you pushed the button, and together you watched the ship prepare are for takeoff, and then self detonate in the sky.
The clan erupted with roars and growls, chanting at the death of these humans who dared try and hold you hostage on their turf.
A part of you felt bad, you had just murdered the nicest human you've ever known, the first few humans you had met who had actually been to earth. Maybe you were a traitor to your race, but you were reassured, as the next days you found yourself in labor, and after that, you held close to your chest a small suckling, who was identical to his father.
Having his wrapped to your chest constantly apparently was a weird sight, as most mother of yautja did not care for their children the same way you did, but you didn't care, as your instincts were different, you were different.
He was the Berserker predator, and you his mate, the two of you from different sides of the planet.
One a grand warrior to his people and his race, and the other a loving mother, traitor to hers.
They were happy
I don't know what else to put here
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chapter xxiii – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 4,500+
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“You are being awfully quiet, my dear.” 
Y/N blinked, getting mentally awoken by Leonora’s comment. “Sorry, I just…I don’t think the hand-made gown tailored specifically for me was necessary.”
Leonora looked confused. “And why is that?”
Y/N’s gaze couldn’t lift from the floor as she answered, “I do not think it is wise for me to attend the celebration.” 
All of the servants and seamstresses froze from the statement and subtly looked at their Lady of Autumn for indication of how they should react. 
But Leonora, calm and collected per usual, just gave Y/N a gentle smile. She nodded to the seamstress that was kneeling at Y/N’s foot to continue her work. 
Then she looked up at Y/N without judgment or worry, but with an encouraging smirk and soft eyes. “Why would it not be wise for the mate of our new High Lord to attend his coronation, Y/N?” 
The witch finally looked up from the ground to meet her gaze. “Will it not give the people of his Court the wrong idea? I am not the next Lady of Autumn, nor have I accepted his bond. I do not wish to put Eris in an uncomfortable position.” 
Leonora gave a sad nod. “I see…” she sighed. 
She turned around and gave everyone in the room a soft request to leave the two of them. 
Y/N’s heart started beating faster as she watched them all quietly exit. 
Was Leonora about to scold her? Yell at her for refusing to accept her son as his mate? 
No, that couldn’t be it.
Leonora had been nothing but kind to Y/N since they met. Never once did she pressure her on behalf of Eris. She hardly ever brought up their relationship. Most of the time, Y/N felt like Leonora was just happy to have a new female friend in the Forest House, especially after so long of being a prisoner here. 
Leonora offered Y/N her hand to help her off the platform she was standing on for the seamstresses. Then she held both of her hands gently as she told her, “You forget, Y/N, that you are more to Autumn Court than simply the mate of its new High Lord.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed. 
Leonora smiled. “You are their savior. Yes, it was Eris who slayed Beron in the end. But he would not have had the courage or strength to do so without you. Most in this Court despised and feared Beron Vanserra. You have given this Court a chance for change.”
Y/N’s face grew hot from the praise. 
Leonora gave her a sympathetic look before adding, “But also I cannot say that as Eris’ mother, I do not also have selfish motives, as well. You make him stronger. I worry how he will be if he if he goes through such a coronation alone.” 
“But you and Lucien will be there,” Y/N tried to argue. 
Leonora tilted her head and gave her a look. “It is not the same, and I think you know that, my dear.” 
Then she looked down at the beginnings of the dress on Y/N’s body that the seamstresses had begun.
“As for the dress, Eris wishes to spoil you with finery and I can’t argue with his intentions,” Leonora teased with a smirk. 
But her expression sobered. “However, I know neither he nor anyone else will fault you for avoiding such a celebration. So much has been thrust upon you, and in so little time. You must do what is best for you.” 
Y/N frowned and looked down at herself. “I will let them finish the dress – if only to please everyone. I would feel bad for throwing away all their hard work they’ve already done.”
Leonora nodded. “I think that is a wonderful idea.” 
In the following weeks, the Forest House was bustling with activity. 
Apparently, the coronation included inviting every High Lord and Lady of of Prythian. 
Which meant the servants and cooks were frantic with preparations. Lucien had explained to her that the staff saw this as an opportunity to show why Autumn Court should be considered the best of Prythian. With a new High Lord came a new chance to prove that Autumn Court could change for the better and they were not to be overlooked. 
Therefore, Y/N tried to stay out of everyone’s way. She either hid in the library, continuing her personal research or she was in her workshop, keeping herself busy with spells and potions. 
However, on the day of the coronation, she stayed hidden in her bedchambers, scared that leaving would only bring attention to the fact that she would not be attending the festivities. 
Maids and seamstresses had knocked on her door early in the morning. But Y/N simply ignored them, not wanting to see the looks of disappointment when she told them she would not be going to the coronation. 
Y/N tried to distract herself by the fire, sitting on a chaise lounge with a romance novel in hand when more aggressive knocking came at the door. 
She planned on ignoring it again, but then she recognized the group of voices on the other side. 
“Y/N, if you do not open the door, we will break it down!” Nesta threatened loudly. 
She jumped up and hurried to the door to whip it open. 
On the other side, were her three Valkyrie sisters: Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie. 
Not only that, but they clearly dressed and done up for the coronation.
Nesta wore a simple black, velvet dress. But it was not simple in the way that it fit her body like a glove and edged toward risqué. Y/N had always appreciated how Night Court attire never strayed from being seductive and showing skin. Gwyn wore a more elegant black dress, which made Y/N wonder if Nesta was using her mate’s money to buy her friends luxurious gowns. Emerie wore leathers, that could have been a warrior’s uniform, over pants. Though less feminine, they were still formal and lavish in their own way.
When the Illyrian saw Y/N eyeing her outfit, she shrugged. “I was never really one for gowns…”
“You all look beautiful,” Y/N muttered. “B-But w-what are you doing here?” Y/N gasped in shock. 
“We’re here for you, obviously!” Gwyn urged and pulled Y/N into a warm hug. 
“Eris invited us,” Emerie confirmed with a smile, also walking into her rooms. 
“Why aren’t you dressed?” Nesta asked, looking Y/N up and down as she closed the door behind them. 
Y/N frowned. “I…I am not going.” Her eyes stayed down, scared to see their reactions to such a confession. 
But, without hesitation, Gwyn announced, “Then we will stay in here and drink ourselves silly!” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped at how unfazed her friends were. “B-But you will miss the festivities. And you all look so lovely.” 
Nesta rolled her eyes. “This will not be our last opportunity to dress up. We would much rather hang out with you than all the stuffy High Lords and their nobles.” 
Then Emerie nudged Nesta. “But we must still tell her our plan.” 
“Plan?” Y/N questioned, eyes scanning all of them. 
“Helion Spell-Cleaver will be in attendance!” Gwyn squealed. 
Y/N’s brow furrowed, immediately thinking of Leonora and Lucien. She wondered if the Lady of Autumn would ever reveal to her past lover and her youngest son of the secret relation. Or if Leonora would ever follow her heart and return to Helion. 
“Yes, all of the High Lord’s have been invited…” Y/N muttered, not understanding their clear excitement. 
“Helion is the sole owner of the last of the pegasuses,” Emerie explained. 
Nesta rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “And he makes sure to remind everyone of it, using them as his transport to any event he possibly can.” 
Y/N’s amusement dropped for concern. “Please, please, please tell me you do not plan on stealing Helion’s pegasuses.” 
“Don’t be silly,” Gwyn brushed off. “However, we do plan on sneaking into their enclosure to give them some pets.” 
“And perhaps seducing Helion into giving us one or two…” Nesta added while looking at her nails. Y/N gaped at her. “What? He’s already propositioned me to join an orgy once when I visited Day Court.”
“Yes, before you accepted Cassian as your mate!” Emerie pointed out. 
Nesta quirked a brow. “Who said Cassian would not be participating?”
“Those smutty books of yours have given you too many ideas,” Y/N laughed. 
“More like inspiration,” Nesta corrected. “And inspiration that my mate is very enthusiastic about trying.” Then she pointed to the book Y/N had been reading when they arrived and quirked a brow. "Do not pretend you are above them."
“OK. Enough about your bedroom habits!” Gwyn interrupted. Then she turned her attention to Y/N. “Are you in or are you out?” 
The witch smiled. “Of course I’m in.” 
Minutes later, they were sneaking around the Forest House, Y/N led them toward where she assumed any guests horses would be quartered for the night.
But before they could reach it, a gust of wind wrapped around the females. 
“He…needs…you,” The wind whispered to Y/N. “Go…to…him. He cannot…do this…without you.” 
Y/N froze in the hallway. 
“What? What is it?” Emerie asked. 
“I-I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered. “Eris needs me. I will catch up to you later.”
“Oh, for Cauldron’s sake!” Gwyn cried. “As if we would make you go alone.”
“She’s right,” Nesta added. “Someone needs to do your hair and makeup.” 
Eris swore his back had a metal pole along his spine with out tense and stiff his posture was. He knew his expressions were cold and unwelcoming. But he was in a room with too many people he had yet to decipher friend or foe. The nobles of Autumn Court smiled at him, but most only wanted good favor with the new High Lord. And for those that weren’t smiling, there were plenty that looked at him with fear or uneasiness, trying to gauge if he was just as bad as Beron. 
His mother kept giving him tense, but encouraging smiles every time he spotted her in the crowded hall. 
When to use his mask and when to reveal his true self, Eris did not know. 
It was easier when Y/N was by his side. She eased him, reminded him of who he truly was. The mask never felt needed when her scent surrounded him. 
But his mate was not here, nor was she coming. 
And Eris couldn’t blame her. These events of politics and groveling were conniving at their best and boring at their worst. If he could skip it too, he would have. But that was no way to officially take over the throne of a broken court that needed mending. 
Eris once again caught sight of a group of courtier daughters. They whispered and giggled at him, hardly even bothering to subdue their staring. And it hadn’t gone unnoticed how they seemed to edge closer and closer as the night went on. 
Yes, Eris was handsome and powerful. Female attention was not something he was unaccustomed to. But he knew what those females were truly after were the wealth and power being married to a High Lord would bring. It didn’t matter that everyone knew of his mortal witch mate. They wanted him for themselves regardless. 
His attire did nothing to help him blend in to the crowd. New, custom armor glinted against the thousands of candles and faelight surrounding them. And the blood red cloak stood out – even in Autumn Court.
Eris threw back the rest of his faerie wine, hoping he could get drunk enough to keep his wits about him, while also making the evening go by faster. 
“Another?” A male voice offered from over his shoulder. 
Eris turned to see Rhysand handing him another full glass, Feyre glued to his side with a knowing smirk. 
“I promise I did not poison it,” Rhysand added.  
“At this point, you would be doing me a favor,” Eris grumbled, taking a sip immediately. 
Rhysand smirked. “Already over being High Lord, Eris?”
“I became High Lord to make my Court a better place, not to rub shoulders with nobles and courtiers who wish to use me to gain favor…”
“And I’m sure being away from Y/N is only making your mood more sour,” Feyre muttered more teasingly. 
“She may do what pleases her. I’m sure her Valkyries have found her by now and are keeping her company.” 
“Are you quite sure about that…” Feyre asked as she looked behind Eris. 
The High Lord of Autumn Court quickly turned to follow her gaze. 
At the entrance of the great hall stood Y/N. 
Eris felt the invisible string attached to his heart go taut. A feeling Y/N had not experienced, and probably never would. 
Despite her entrance not being formally announced, many had gone quiet and began to stare. 
Someone had pulled Y/N’s hair up and done her makeup. Though Eris found her beautiful regardless, the level of glamour around her made her magnetic. 
Meanwhile, Y/N held her head high as she slowly, yet confidently, walked further into the room. She was doing a good job of ignoring the scrutiny, but Eris could tell that she was more than aware of the staring. 
Her dress fit her perfectly. And while most attendees wore green and the rustic browns of the court, Y/N had not strayed away from vibrant red, almost looking as if she were glowing like fire itself. Eris realized it matched with his own cloak. There were strips of black in her gown that felt like a call out to her short time in Night Court, where she had already gained respect and acceptance.
Eris wanted to go to her immediately. But he had to hold himself back. There was a reason she was late and walked in alone, instead of on his arm. It was clear that she worried about making his court believe she had accepted the mating bond. 
But if Eris had his way, he’d use his magic to shove everyone out of the path from Y/N to him. He’d stop any conversation he was having – no matter how rude or undiplomatic it was – to give her his full attention and affection. 
“Will you not go to her?” Feyre asked, concern obvious in her tone. 
Y/N’s friends of the Night Court were unaware of the the change in her relationship with the High Lord of Autumn. They did not realize how far the two had come, how much had changed. Everything was so much more complicated than how it had begun: a male desperately hiding his mate in a court that was not his. 
Y/N felt the eyes on her. She wondered if all of them were judgment or if there was also just innocent curiosity. 
She wished she’d forced the Valkyries to drink heavily with her before leaving her bedchambers, because being sober for this felt like a cruel torture. 
The three of them convinced Y/N that she needed to walk in without them. That she needed to walk in confident and independent.
But Y/N underestimated how many stares she'd receive in return.
So, she decided to straight line to where refreshments were being served. Feyre had once warned her away from fae wine, for it is far too strong for mortals to consume in the same manner as fae.
But right now, Y/N didn’t care. 
Of course she couldn’t make it there without overhearing a group of females. Whether they had noticed her arrival, she had yet to discern. 
“Now that his dreadful father is dead, I wonder where the High Lord will find his…entertainment,” one female said somewhat quietly. 
Another chimed in with, “I once heard he would only bed harlots at pleasure halls in other Courts, in fear that Beron would kill any female who could sire a child from him.” 
“But now he has a mate. Surely that means any and all of our efforts will be wasted,” a third female added. 
“Oh, please.” The first female scoffed. Y/N didn’t have to look at her to know that she was rolling her eyes. “She is not even a fae. Truly, how long do you believe we will have to stay away before her mortal life ends?” 
This is a terrible mistake, Y/N thought. She should have never shown her face here. This was exactly what she had been wanting to avoid. 
Obviously Eris was a desired male – High Lord or not. And who was she to get in the way of him finding a suitor that was of his Court, of his own kind? 
But, suddenly, the females stopped talking abruptly. 
Had they finally noticed Y/N’s presence? Did they even care enough to make sure she didn’t overhear such things? 
“High Lord Eris,” the first one greeted overly sweet. “How lovely of you to join us.” 
Y/N whipped around to find Eris’ eyes already locked to hers as he stood a few feet away from her. 
He ignored the female High Fae entirely, not even glancing in her direction. 
Y/N didn’t know how to address him in such a setting. She looked around before starting to lower her head into a bow. 
You do not bow to anyone, Rhysand’s voice suddenly snuck into her head. 
With her dress and fanciful jewelry, Y/N had removed her protective amulet that stopped any daemati from entering her mind. That meant the High Lord and Lady of Night Court were free to speak to her mind freely.
Ignore them, Rhysand added. He has been waiting for you all night. 
Eris didn’t greet Y/N verbally. Because nothing would’ve felt right. 
But his eyes said everything. 
And slowly he offered her his hand. 
Y/N’s chest heaved as she put her glass down before stepping forward and lightly placing her hand in his grip. 
Without breaking eye contact, Eris lowered his mouth and kissed it. 
Without hesitating, he pulled Y/N to him and tucked her hand under his arm so it gripped his bicep. Then he placed his other hand over it, securing her further to his side. 
Without asking for direction, Y/N quietly followed him as he guided them to the center of the room. 
There was suddenly a female gasp from behind them. Eris didn’t turn, but Y/N looked over her shoulder to see that the first female from the group was covered in red wine. So much so that it was dripping off of her fine gown.
And there was Nesta… holding an empty glass with a smug, but melodramatically innocent look. Gwyn and Emerie were trying to hide their amusement.
"My mistake," Nesta gasped deviously.
Y/N didn’t know when her friends had joined her, but clearly it was early enough that they had caught the dreadful things those females had been saying about her and her mate with their fae hearing. 
Then there was a screech of fear and a soft growl. 
She looked down to see that her new little pet fox, Ronan, was nipping and growling at the group of rude females. How he escaped from her bedchambers was beyond her. But clearly he didn’t like being away from her. 
Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at the sight. 
Then she whistled softly and Ronan’s head snapped in her direction. He didn’t need another command, so he floppily ran to her and Eris, trotting along beside them. 
When she turned forward again, Y/N realized Eris was leading them to the throne. 
And with the wave of his hand, Eris pushed his throne over a foot and a second one appeared magically beside it. 
Y/N’s head whipped to him, wanting to ask him what in the Cauldron he was doing. 
But then she realized he was making a statement. There were some who would question her and her relationship with their new High Lord. But Eris was announcing to everyone that she was to be treated and respected as their High Lady, whether she accepted his bond or not. 
“Eris,” she whispered in a hiss. 
Her anxiety was skyrocketing at the statement he was about to make. 
But he ignored her subtle plea, and instead just said, “Head high, little witch.” 
He guided her carefully up the steps that led to the throne and waited for her to sit before he took his own. 
The room quieted and turned their attention to Eris. 
Y/N controlled her expressions, but her heart was racing from confusion of what she was meant to do. 
They will crown him now, Rhysand’s voice entered Y/N’s mind again. He wants you at his side, therefore you belong there. Act like you know it. 
Y/N found both Rhysand and Feyre in the crowd, which was fairly easy since they were the only people wearing black in a sea of mostly Autumn Colors – except for the other High Lords that were in attendance. 
The couple gave her encouraging grins. Then she found Cassian, Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie standing next to them, doing the same. 
Cassian gave her a proud and beaming smile. 
Y/N listened as one of Eris’ advisors started speaking the ritual of crowning the newest High Lord. 
It was shorter than she expected. Though she struggled with paying attention, too focused on maintaining her posture and composure while being put on the same display as Eris. 
Then the advisor was standing behind Eris, slowly lowering a rustic golden crown atop his head. It was in the shape of fallen leaves, with subtle hints of autumn red and green in the detailing. 
As soon as it settled on his head, Eris turned to Y/N with his hand outstretched to her. 
Without hesitation, she took it.
Together they stood. 
The room immediately lowered into a bow – except for the other High Lords, who only subtly bowed their head in respect. 
Y/N found Leonora’s gaze amongst them and she had a proud smile on her lips, but it was not only directed at her son. 
Eris helped Y/N sit once again. 
People started moving closer toward the throne. 
Y/N realized the courtiers and lords were swearing their allegiance now. 
A male high fae stepped forward first, bowing his strawberry blonde head deeply. 
“Lord Foley,” Eris greeted indifferently. 
The male bowed his head again and then turned his gaze to Y/N, opening his mouth to formally introduce himself to her. 
“You are Eoghan Foley?” Y/N asked him before he could speak. 
The males eyes widened in surprise. 
“You own the majority of farms in the south east territory, correct?”
The male looked even more surprised. 
Eris smirked at his mate, deciding to let her speak while he watched. 
“You are known for paying your farmers the most, even when Beron underpaid you in an attempt to raise competition amongst other lords.” 
Eoghan bowed his head. “My workers deserve a fair wage, Lady Y/N. When treated with respect they are more inclined to stay and there is less loss.” 
Y/N then turned to Eris, having a silent conversation with their eyes. 
“And for that, you shall be rewarded,” Eris’ voice came out strong and confident. And the entire room could clearly hear it. His gaze moved about the room. “The days of exploitation are over. Those of Autumn Court deserve to be paid for their work. Such competition only turns us against each other.” His eyes moved back to the lord. “A bonus will be delivered to you before nightfall tomorrow, Lord Foley.” 
The male looked taken aback at such a decision. He half-expected to find that Eris was no better than his tyrant father. But he was instantly proven wrong. 
“T-Thank you High Lord Eris,” he said with another bow. Then he looked up at Y/N before turning his gaze to the floor. “And to you, Lady Y/N. Our people are already indebted to you for bringing Autumn Court back into the light.”
“I hear your wife is a talented sculptor, Lord Foley.” Y/N noted with kindness in her eyes. “I hope to see her work for myself someday.” 
“Any time you wish, Lady Y/N.” 
“Enough business and politics for tonight,” Eris announced once Lord Foley had moved back into the crowd. 
Then he eyed the other High Lords who were in attendance. All of them had been studying him and his interactions carefully. “Otherwise, we shall be spilling Autumn’s secrets to our guests who have their own Courts to govern.” 
His courtiers laughed lightly at his joke. 
With the swipe of Eris’ hand, the lighting in the room darkened to a moodier setting. And the symphony took their signal to begin playing music. 
The guests started coupling up to dance. 
Once again, Eris stood and offered Y/N his hand. 
She took it, but moved close to his side so she could whisper, “I do not know these formal dances.” 
Eris squeezed her hand tightly. “Trust me,” he simply whispered back.
When they entered the center of the dance floor, Eris pulled them into the proper stance. “I will lead. Just relax and do not overthink it.” 
And Y/N did just that. 
Either the steps were not as complicated as she had presumed or Eris was good dance partner. But they swayed across the floor. And despite hundreds of eyes watching them, the room disappeared around them, and it was just them. 
“Thank you for saving me,” Eris whispered in her ear as he pulled her even closer. 
Y/N knew this closeness was more immoral and informal, but she needed it. And if it was improper, Eris didn’t seem to care one bit. 
“I hardly did anything,” Y/N admitted softly. 
“You did more than you could ever understand,” he countered quickly. “You continue to be my savior, Y/N.”
“I didn’t want you to be alone,” Y/N confessed softly. Her lips quirked as she added, “The worst loneliness is felt while surrounded by others.” Repeating her past statement from the night he had confessed how lonely he'd once been in this court.
Eris stopped abruptly, pulling their dance to a halt.
His eyes slowly went from her eyes to her lips. 
Y/N knew he wanted to kiss her. She could feel it. And she would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want him to, as well.
Eris was calculating how safe it was to show such affection to his mate so publicly. Another voice in his head was telling him he should to whatever he damn well pleased. 
A deep voice cleared their throat behind her. 
They turned to see Cassian standing with his hands clasped behind his back. 
He gave a polite bow to them. “I was hoping to share a dance with my favorite witch.” 
Y/N smiled at his playfulness. But she also saw the hidden message in his gaze. Her friend was trying to save her if she so wanted it. 
She turned back to Eris, half expecting him to be giving the Illyrian a death glare. But the High Lord only nodded, and slowly removed Y/N from his grasp. 
“She has much to share with her friends,” Eris offered him.
“Shall we?” Cassian asked her with his hand offered. 
The Illyrian's dancing just further proved how skilled Eris was. But Y/N didn't mind Cassian's clumsy feet.
“I am the only witch you know,” she glared playfully at him. 
“Yes, but if I were to ever meet any more, you would still be my favorite.” He spun her sloppily, ignoring the steps everyone else was following. 
He lowered his voice as he said, “I only wanted to offer you an escape. It seems tensions are high between the two of you…” 
“Thank you,” Y/N told him with a frown. “I fear I am lost.” 
His brow furrowed as he turned them. “How so?” 
Her eyes surprisingly welled with tears. “Cassian…I-I-I love him.”
I know it took me a long time to update. But I worked really hard on this. And I loved putting together everyone's outfits. 🥹
Please leave a lovely comment. You know I love a book report. @pancakefancake
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lightlessentwine · 9 months ago
"every banner, every painting, every being.. screaming silently. this Empyrean, Miquella, the quietest of them all.. something unshakeable, but what?"
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The Alchemist wanders around behind the chrysalid; as per the usual, he appears to be rambling in a fragmented manner
"painters with oil, soot and rust, speaking in silence with hands and eyes.. of an age preceding these lands, left unspoken."
he stops at the edge of a short, broken bridge that appears to connect to nowhere within sight
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"serpents.. serpents are a product of Order and yet, shunned. inherent to Order itself, timeless edifices of life cast away in the name of Purity. the scales of an Old Lord, able to twist the intangible.. the rules within yet remain constant to the bounds of nature. Stories told speak of an Old Dragon which Godfrey did not slay and yet they're lost to time.. spare some peculiar golden scalestones. Perception of the Old Lord is both living and a spirit"
The Alchemist continues to ponder, pulling countless symbols and messages from within:
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He puts his shield on his back and studies the details of the Regalia of Eochaid he's both used as a weapon and researched as an artifact. He remembers that his own weaponry is one of the things of the Lands Between that he's found the least information about. He slowly paces back toward Miquella's cocoon, fist against his mask, he tries to gather his seemingly fragmented and random thoughts, one last time;
"Causality, Chaos, Serpents, Order... this sword.. Every action eventually leads to another; we are simply beasts that predict the predictable...... so, ah... is it that Miquella..?"
a long pause fills the air, The Alchemist's posture loosens slightly. He lets out a deep sigh, cut through by an old, lamenting voice
"Oh.. I see?"
He clasps Miquella's hand with both of his own for but a moment before he sits down in front of the cocoon. For the first time he's ever known, his thoughts begin to escape him and he begins to doze off..
And for seven days, he did not awaken.
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slay-the-farmer · 4 months ago
> (Explore) Who locked her up anyway? What is this place?
The Narrator: People locked her up. And I told you what this place is: a path through a field. Don't overthink this.
Voice of the Defiant: Great. Zero answers as per usual.
Voice of the Prince: If people locked her up, why didn't they kill her? Why's all of this gotta fall on us?
The Narrator: *sighs* Don't let it go to your head, but it's because you're special. You're the only one able to slay her.
The Narrator: Call it... a prophecy, if you'd like.
Voice of the Prince: A prophecy? I like the sound of that.
Voice of the Defiant: Yeah, great. Did this "prophecy" mention her knife?
The Narrator: I'm not engaging with this anymore.
Voice of the Prince: Come on, don't you like it a little bit? Knowing that we're special?
Voice of the Defiant: You know what I'll like a lot more? Putting that blade in her heart and having it stick this time. If this "prophecy" gets us there, then great, but I personally couldn't care less.
First | Previous | Next
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ouran-boytoy-fanfiction · 1 year ago
Returned in Turn
"Tamaki." Mori's monotone voice cut through Tamaki's reverie about the wonders of commoners' lives long enough for him to look up and see Mori's muscly forearm catch the ball before it could damage-
"My face! My beautiful face! Oh, Mori-senpai, you've saved me and the eye-candy of Ouran!" Tamaki sprang into Mori's arms.
Mori stared at him blankly. As this was per the usual for the tall boy, Tamaki didn't halt his breakneck pace of affection.
"Oh, Mori-senpai, Mori-senpai, how ever can I repay you? True, how can the ladies (and gentlemen) of Ouran repay you? Now I shall continue to bring light and laughter to their little lives! Without you, ah, without you they would have been doomed to a bleak and Tamaki-less life- Are you paying attention!?"
Mori blinked. He had been paying attention, but Tamaki rambling his thanks after you 'saved his life' (debatable) was kiiind of distracting.
And not in a bad way...
Tamaki was not the sort of person to dish out compliments rarely, but each one still made Mori's heart skip.
And now? He could've run a marathon and won from sheer adrenaline alone.
"... your courage! Your gallantry! The Host Club adores such noble traits! Ah, Mori-senpai, you truly could be the knight that slays the mighty dragon of my heart!"
Tamaki flushed. "I mean our hearts! Haha... Why ever would I say mine? Uh, um, perhaps I have merely been a bit overcome by your gentlemanly stature, senpai..."
Mori tilted his head. "You're very talkative today, Tamaki. Too much coffee?"
Tamaki giggled nervously. "O-of course! That must've been it... you know I can't resist that lovely commoner's coffee, Mori-senpai! Ah, it might even be one of my faaavorite things..."
He gave Mori an evocative look from under his thick eyelashes, indigo eyes gleaming. Was... was he implying that Mori was one of his favorite things?
Well. I certainly wouldn't mind.
"Oh, Tamaki?"
"Y-yes, Mori-senpai?" Tamaki blustered, relieved that he could stop babbling about how cool Mori was. The listings of notable storms Mori's gray eyes outdid was somewhat tiring.
"You're one to talk, Tamaki. No one can hold a candle to you."
"Oh, Mori-senpai!" Tamaki swooned against Mori's broad chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. "You flatter me! Oh, goodness gracious..."
"No, I'm being serious. You're so kind to everyone at the Host Club. You deserve to be flattered yourself sometime."
Mori held Tamaki's gaze. "Now let me think... where to start?"
He held him closer to his body, giving Tamaki a little squeeze. Tamaki's eyes went a little wider. "For one, there's your legs. Do I even need to mention your face? But your legs..."
"They're so long and slim. They just go all the way up..."
Is... is Mori-senpai flirting with me? Surely not... right? Surely not.
The irony flew right over his fluffy little head.
"Tamaki... you know the first day Haruhi was at the Host Club?"
"Ah, yes... one of my fondest memories... a new addition to our family! But..."
The blond boy's brow furrowed. Mori, almost unconsciously, reached forward to tuck a lock of pale-gold hair behind his ear. "Hm?"
"There was this one princess..." Tamaki released an anguished sigh.
"Who was just so unsure about trying commoner's coffee! Ah, it was worth it in the end... but the mysterious world of the common folk can be intimidating. I deeply sympathize. Not unlike your own self, Mori-senpai! So tall and stoic... silent and stable like a great mountain or a whispering forest... ah, Mori-senpai..."
Mori was definitely smirking now. He'd taken the bait...
Tamaki was almost comically easy to manipulate. Maybe it was Mori's protective instincts that made him so... appealing.
And his looks didn't hurt.
In the slightest.
"Yes. And you know what you offered to her?"
Tamaki thought, then blushed delicately. "I offered to let her drink it from my mouth! Oh, sweet heavens, just thinking about it makes me shiver! How forward of me... but she didn't seem to mind the idea..."
"I wouldn't mind either."
Tamaki sputtered. "Mori-senpai! What do you mean to imply? Do please remember that we are gentlemen! Very... um... close together gentleme-mmmph!"
Mori held Tamaki's face gently. His look of delight and surprise would be unforgettable for Mori.
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bishop-percival · 1 year ago
(prev) “Onboard, sir,” Theodore said— with his finger raised and other arm primly held behind his back— as he descended the stairs. “There could be another Dawn.”  Then he rolled his eye and dropped to his natural, extremely soft volume. Yet anyone in the immediate vicinity could hear if they strained their ears. “What would following him offboard accomplish? Confirming their Spacebook page?” Once Teddy reached his seat he plopped down and let out a sigh. Certainly that was enough to make the best of the situation. Yet maybe… if he gathered the guts to broach the topic with Thomas earlier… this would have never happened… He glanced over to where he last saw Sam and shuddered. Fuck, he didn’t stop to consider the implications of pissing off the glornist(s?) who ratted Thomas out. If they had jumped up to argue with him onstage he’d, ironically, be more at ease. But he didn’t know what to make of their uncharacteristic level headiness. Dwelling on how Sam (and Cyrus?) could screw him over was admittedly preferable to preemptively mourning Thomas. Or combing over his mistakes with a fine-tooth comb.  Would this be the first time Sam actually beat his ass? Teddy could endure that. But what else could they do? Frame him?  …Did this have anything to do with being their “second choice?” Because if there was more than their criteria than hating them, well… Teddy was the most questionable glornist after Thomas. Enough that he almost got excommunicated. And if they investigated him they wouldn’t be disappointed. Which was more exciting? A gropist? Or a prospective assassin trying to protect Bishop Percival’s nemesis by slaying him? Better yet: An infiltrator who roped Bishop Percival’s very own right hand man into his murder plot. What could be juicier? When service has ended Theodore stayed in his seat with his hands folded on his lap and intensely staring at the wood grain of the seat in front of him. Anyone else may think that he was praying. Or simply awaiting the results of his plan. Yet he was simply spacing out.
“Oh,” Percival nodded, “aboard, not abroad, I see.” He still didn’t think the difference would amount to much. And luckily for Theodore, Percy did not bother to make out what he said as he descended the pulpit stairs. Otherwise he would’ve kicked him down them for being sassy. 
So the bishop returned to his spot in front of the lectern and excitedly tapped his fingers along the Glorble. “Okie dokie! If everyone is done interrupting me, let’s continue~.”
And the rest Slornday morning’s mass ran its course. As per usual, Percival slipped out the moment he uttered the dismissal “amen.”
The congregation was pretty lively with speculative chatter about the morning’s confessions as they slowly trickled out. But of course, some of the newer faces who were attending were sure to swarm Mike with questions all about it. It seemed he wouldn’t be getting over to Teddy any time soon…
But then, a minute or two later, Bishop Percival reappeared. He approached Mike to whisper something to him, which he in turn firmly excused himself from the inquisitive crowd. The two left through the Glornch hallway door. It seemed Mike wouldn’t be getting over to Teddy at all today. 
Sam, seeing now that the crowd was thinning out and Theodore was still seated in the pew, decided to make their move. They sauntered over and plopped down right next to him with a thud. 
“Well if it isn’t my apparent partner in crime,” she said with a sly smile.
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ladyasabat · 1 year ago
You grunt as you hear the now familiar voice awaken you from dreams, a sleepy hand fumbling for the pen and scrap of paper left on the bedside table for this reason as you begin to write down the names that tumble into your mind.
Brows furrow as the list gets longer and longer, filling the first side, still writing as you shift to the tiny desk and refill the pen with ink. Then the reverse of the page. Up the sides. Squeezing names into gaps until...
"Fuck it, all the paladins have broken their oath, slay them all."
You drop the pen in suprise, ink splatting the scribbled, overcrowded list, taken aback both at the curse word and the knowledge that came with it. "All of them?!" An exasperated sigh rolls through your mind like a tumbleweed. "Yes. All of them. I've not been given the details as to why - as per usual - just that it's our mess to clean up."
The frustration is almost tangible, and for a moment you feel a slight hint of sympathy towards your God...until the monumental task they've laid ahead of you hits home like a corpse falling from a tall building. You lean back in the chair with a sigh of your own. "Well...shit." You figure at this moment that if it's okay for a god to swear, they're not going to mind.
You spend a further moment staring down at the list of names, trying to comprehend even some of the task ahead of you before pushing the offending paper away. "Right. Better get started then." Futile words, but enough to at least prise you out of the chair. Shrugging into your armour with far too practised ease (and noting that you never got that pauldron strap fixed from last time) and donning the trademark blacked steel blades of an Oathkeeper, a title you had always held with a quiet pride - and still do, although in this situation it feels like weighs heavier at your side that it ever did before.
You stride out of the room, footsteps heavy in the torchlit corridor as you make your way to the gate, passing orders as you hurry through. Giving what little information bestowed upon yourself in that brief moment.
The sound of bells echoes behind you as the others are mobilised. It is time, for the first time in as long as you had lead them, for the Order to go to war.
Against every single Paladin in the known Earth, for a reason known only to the Gods to whom they broke their oaths. As the bells fade and you're left with the sound of hoof-steps and clinking of armour, one question refuses to leave your mind.
You’re an oath-keeper, your god will whisper you the names of those paladins who have broken their oaths, and you slay them. But you awoke at night to an incomprehensibly long list of names, after an hour it said “ fuck it, all the paladins have broken their oath, slay them all”
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justabeewithapen · 1 year ago
what fandoms are you familiar with then? for the free art thing
That is an extensive list lol, but uhhhh mainly for art I'd say: Deltarune Pikmin Slay the Princess Lethal Company Pokemon TADC (Though I've really only ever drawn Kinger) Animal Crossing FNaF (But be warned I am actually very bad at drawing the animatronic XD) We Were Here (sighs lovingly) Okami Hollow Knight Annnd that's like the main ones? I am willing to draw characters from other fandoms (and ocs and just regular animals) if references are provided, but as per usual no NSFW stuff whatsoever. I also struggle with Genshin Impact levels of clothing design, so that might make me cry a little
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dykeomania · 3 years ago
.   .   .   homegirl.
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: just saw ur post and welcome to tumblr lol :)) can i request an ellie x reader where they both confess that they love each other? i mean they were best friends at first and there will be a lot of gay panic and embarrasment lmaooo before they confess, just a huge fluff
𝐚/𝐧: babe wake up thelastoflesbians posted their first fic. anywayssss kinda nervous uhhh mixed emotions about this but for the most part i’m pretty like... i’m ?! satisfied. took me about a month to write because i literally could not figure out for the life of me what i wanted to do with this fic, but it’s finally done and i actually kind of enjoy how it turned out all things considered, so. i hope that u enjoy it!!!!!! ummmmmm!!!! first time actually writing like a fluffy moment, my smut is usually a lot more physically descriptive for . obvious . Reasons but yeah ok phew ok um yes read it and tell me if you like it (please im like actually shitting)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff. fluff fluff fluff is the big thing here; lots of gay yearning and longing and “girlfriend or girl that’s a friend” type of vibe. implied smut (it’s implied/explicitly stated that you and ellie have hooked up but there’s no actual smut), cussing, drug use (weed), you and ellie being ridiculously awkward for like 500+ words it’s actually ridiculous. little bit of sexual tension tbh. bad extended metaphors (i used to write poetry and it shows in my fic writing leave me alone). i proofread this three times but i’m also blind so some shit may sound weird 
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.2k.. slay
.   .   .   .   
there are some people who you would do mostly anything for. maria, who took you in. tommy, who has been nothing but kind to you. other friends, other family. and then there’s ellie.
girlhood came quick – unsightly and unprecedented -– and when ellie made the sound, sworn pact of best-friendship with you at the age of sixteen, you weren’t expecting it to become so serious. a bond originally mended from a mutual interest in comic books and backpack pins and video games and of each other’s faces – it felt only casual, like something that would age with time. but you made homes out of each other. at first it was just mere occupancy. i really like being around you. and then it was work. it was snipping through each other’s secrets and traumas, and patching all the holes punched in the walls. it was slow dancing under a roof far from perfected, and dampening each other’s shoulders in the gentle glow of fairy lights. it was stitching each other’s wounds, giving stories to each other’s scars. it was laying beside each other in an unmade bed. and there, under canopies of sheets and sighs, it was teaching each other how to kiss, how to give back. how to do it for yourselves, but most importantly, how to do it together.
when ellie looked you in the face and told you “i would do anything for you,” you were terrified because you knew that she meant it, but you squeezed her hand because you meant it tenfold.
you said, “i adore you.”
she said, “i love you,”
and then you woke up.
.   .   .   .
it was the day after ellie’s nineteenth birthday.
the breeze kisses down the sweat-lined trail of your spine cord and the shudder it ushers from you is like a push, headfirst, into all of your senses. you wince and your hands scrunch at the sheets, and it’s sudden, but you almost immediately still. you are awake enough to realize that these sheets – as damp as they are – are not yours. this mattress is too firm. this room is too dark. at first panic comes quick, not barraging per se, but tying your stomach in a knot that renders you uneasy. you investigate -- slightly frantic -- hands searching for just about anything until someone shuffles beside you, and you still. your eyes squint at the back of an auburn bun and a feeling begins to settle in your stomach.
this is ellie’s room.
beside you, ellie is asleep. the trailed spotted canyon separates both ends of her back, and it’s on full display to you.
she was presumably naked.
and so were you.
.   .   .   .   
you didn’t talk to her after, but you couldn’t avoid her forever.
hell took the form of a cafeteria serving line where she stood beside you, staring at your neck in a manner you had to fight not to give attention to. and you knew it was cruel, but honestly, you didn’t know what to say. voice your shock at her not talking to you sooner? showing that you cared in this instance felt forbidden. like it would be a dead giveaway, of which you wouldn’t be able to afford, as remarkably stupid as that was.
apparently, you weren’t trying hard enough, since you could see that ellie was trying to do the same as you, and yet failing miserably. her eyes scanned the side of your face; waiting. longing – for anything, really. for a second, you couldn’t see her and that was when she gained the most courage. ellie’s eyes scaled the ground as she refilled her lungs, and then she tried, throwing herself into the pool of sharks with a single step in your general direction, “hey.”
your head whips around, but something falling along the line of shock backs your voice. “hi..?”
“i haven’t uh, i haven’t seen you. like at all.” “yeah.” you nodded, “yeah, i’m sorry i’ve just – i’ve just been busy lately–”
“no it’s totally fine, i get it, i was just – y’know, i was just wondering where you .. were.” ellie nearly burns herself trying to spoon mashed potatoes onto her plate. it’s not exactly one of those things that you can’t make obvious. she wanted to die.
be cool, be cool you tell yourself. “i mean.. it’s only been a week.” you roll your eyes with some effort of a laugh, but holy shit, you probably looked so stupid. you immediately rushed to compensate for it. “but uh, how’ve you been?” you see ellie’s eyebrows raise as she peeks at you. small talk? she thought. unironically? fucking, seriously? “uh..” a breathy chuckle left her lips. “i’m.. okay. you?”
“yeah, i’m fine. i’ve just been–” “busy, huh.” “yeah, yeah.. well you just, said it for me, so.” you begun counting the ways in which you could conveniently die in this moment. there were none that you could think of. you wanted to slide down a wall.
as the end of the line grew near, you couldn’t tell what emotions were bubbling in your stomach. a desire to run was obvious, but something about leaving the conversation unfinished left it curdling. your heart pounded against your ribs, and you swallowed every urge that you had not to look at her. but that didn’t stop you from slowing down, from putting the tiniest spoonfuls of broccoli on your plate, just in case. maybe if she, perhaps, if it wouldn’t be a bother… please. please just talk to me.
“hey, so, remember uh, a couple nights ago–” ellie spoke and you, briefly, felt your stomach drop into your ass and your innards beginning to protrude through every hole on your body, until she finished her sentence “--when we were talking about like.. i don’t know, weed. and you said you’d never smoked and like, you wanted to. well dina and i just got a bunch and i can’t really smoke it all on my own, so like.. i was wondering like, if maybe you wanted to... come over later…” ellie’s throat was pulsing in the base of her chest, begging, literally pleading for you to say yes. dying. on its knees. please for the love of fucking christ–
there are some people who you would do anything for, and then there’s ellie. ellie, who would give her rib for your wellbeing, and expect nothing in return. ellie, who is your best friend. ellie, who you hooked up with. ellie, who you have kissed. ellie, who is the only one in notable existence who you would have done either of those things with. ellie, who at the end of the day regardless of how hard you try to hide it, you have missed amidst all of your confusion, and who you just want to be around.
“uh.. yeah. sure, why not?”
it didn’t seem like ellie was expecting you to say yes, let alone say yes so casually. nevertheless something treading a line of relief and acceptance crossed her face, one that she had to blink away in order to remind herself that she was standing in front of you, and to say something. “yeah,” she started, lips beginning to upturn into a small smile. “well, cool.”
“i’ll see you at.. nine?” you nodded and ellie lifted her tray and walked around you to sit with jesse. when she peered over her shoulder to look back at you for a moment, you met each other’s gazes.
she offered you a small smile. you gave her one back in return.
how genuine of you.
.   .   .   .   
“you’re not gonna cough – look, i’m gonna light it. and then you’re gonna inhale and you’re gonna hold it. and just let it go when i tell you to. yeah?”
“m’literally gonna pass out–”
“you’re fine. just trust me, you got it.” ellie’s thumb rolls back and the lighter sparks. the flame licks the buds of the freshly packed bowl stationed between your lips and you try to convince yourself that that is what stills you. nothing at all to do with how ellie is so close to you that her bated breaths just barely skim your jaw. for a moment, you met eyes. despite your previous interactions, you never saw ellie as a person who stares. when she did she would stare through you, too spaced out to notice and too abashed if you’d ever brought it up to her. tonight was different because ellie was staring directly into you.
it all was hard not to focus on - the way she was looking at you, timid but daring, as if her excitement could be explained by something other than watching her best friend take her first hit. the way she was leaned over, supported one arm as though she was going to kiss you, or maybe the position was just too fucking familiar. god knows how long you looked at each other. your mind abandoned the instructions she gave you.
you blinked, quickly averting your gaze as you filled your lungs with smoke. your eyes glued themselves to the bowl, while ellie’s eyes alternated between watching the embers and watching you. she took her bottom lip between her teeth to contain her smirk, voice falling alongside the sound of the soft crackles and your lungs expanding. “there you go. nice and easy…”
for a second you thought you had it. your exhale begun slow and cautious, and you didn’t know if you were doing this correctly but you at least knew that you were still doing it. that was until ellie looked at you again. it was the smirk, and the tinge in her cheeks. it was every freckle and the lines of sleep deprivation and stress settled under her eyes, backlit by lamplight. your breathing tripped, and your coughs stumbled out. hard. harder than you were prepared for. you caught the sound of ellie laughing underneath them before she rose from the couch, and the sound of the faucet running followed shortly thereafter.
“oh my god,” you rasped, swallowing down what you’d hoped would be the last of your coughs. it wasn’t. you wanted to die, and for a minute, you actually thought you were going to.
“it’s okay. it happens,” ellie grinned, handing you a cup of water your way which you hastily accepted. embarrassment laughed loudly at you in the back of your mind, for you’ve made yourself look astronomically stupid in front of ellie on numerous occasions and it wasn’t exactly like any of them had mattered prior to this. this one seemed to matter a little more though. “that’s – that’s really strong,” you tried to play it off, hoarse and partially alive. “you said i wouldn’t cough,” you frowned.
“i never said that.” “you lied to me.” “oh so, i’m a liar now?” “yes! what the fuck, that’s exactly what you are.” you laughed. ellie plopped down on the couch and took the bowl from your hand, a shiteating grin never leaving her face. “it’s okay, it’s fine. you’re fine.” she took her lighter, flushing slightly. “that was fine. you did good. i’m proud of you.”
her words made your suffering more worthwhile than you’d like to admit. good. i’m proud of you. a self-satisfied smile twitched onto your lips accompanied by the warmth in your cheeks. you caught yourself rolling your eyes and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as the sound of ellie’s lighter flickered once more, only the bowl had been brought to her lips. you brought your knees up to your chest as you watched her. she withdrew the smoke slow between her lips and exhaled the cloud before her with ease. it was you, this time, whose teeth found their bottom lips. suddenly you understood the appeal of watching. maybe because it just wasn’t you who was doing the smoking. or maybe, more accurately, because it was ellie.
your eyes scan her for longer than you intended to, flickering between the bowl and her eyes. you have to literally force them away, now feeling the need to fill in the silence. “how long does it take to hit?” you tilted your head. “like, usually?”
ellie took a second to think, frowning in thought for a second before resorting to shaking her head. “not that long.” she rasped, going in for another hit. “but it gets stronger the more you do it. it’s not like edibles, or anything.” you slowly nodded, mumbling an “ah” under your breath at ellie’s advice.
“you get better with practice. you did better than me my first time, i remember when i first smoked with kat.. oh my god. i was like.. dying on her floor.” ellie snorted, and your eyes fell slightly. kat and dina weren’t necessarily sensitive topics, or at least for the sake of showing that you didn’t care, you convinced yourself that they weren’t. but part of you liked to think that ellie knew. because honestly, she probably did. nonetheless, an amused exhale pushed through your nose as you thought, airing on the side of caution with your words. “i don’t really think she cared that much,” you mused and ellie scrunched up her face, offering a half-way smile in confirmation “not really, no.”
you fiddled with your fingers as your eyes lingered around the tops of your knees. the gap of silence widened between the two of you, and in the midst of waiting for you to say something, ellie looked at you, realizing that you weren’t going to. her eyes scaled you up and down, a small confused smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “you okay?” 
you honestly hadn’t realized how quiet you’d been. you can’t tell what made you that way – the mention of kat, the fact that you are sitting across from ellie on the same couch that you and her (began) fucking on a week and a half prior– “yeah i’m just–” you ran a hand through your hair, stretching with a groan that you’d hope would act as a vessel for all of your anxieties. “i’m just uh, waiting for you to ask me if i want another hit.”
ellie’s eyebrows raised and she scoffed out a laugh. ”okay, well..” she lifted the glass bowl, pointing it towards you. “do youuu… want another hit?”
.   .   .   .   
what you liked most about ellie is how you fit beside her. how she always left room for you, but kept you close. what ellie liked most about you is that you saw all sides of her, even the ones that she herself couldn’t see, and yet you still chose to stay. her hand was fit to be undesirable - often cold, calloused and rough with the day’s remains under her fingernails no matter how hard she scrubbed them. but you didn’t flinch when she touched you. your skin brought warmth to her palms and she brought you the gift of knowing that she was there, and during these times, wanted to be nowhere else. between the sheets, conversation fell in gentle whispers. giggles were hushed as to not wake the peace between you two. it was just you two. and face to face, you were safe, tracing forcefields onto each other’s skin. she was soft yellow light. she was cluttered collectibles, and wrinkled, stained grey comforters. she was brown liquor, and the vibration of a tuned guitar against your chest. she is home; your homegirl.
ellie’s eyes were half-lidded, pulled under by both sleepiness and the influence, but she was still only looking at you. she looked at you when you were looking directly at her, foreheads bound to touch and barely a nose apart, and your breath tickled her upper lip. she looked at you when you closed your eyes and her hands were massaging your scalp, when your head bent towards the nape of her neck and she swore you could hear her heart thumping, spilling over in her chest. your hands had found the girl’s hip, thumb barely tracing patterns over the skin exposed above her boyshorts. ellie was floating, though she was still thinking, which was both a blessing a curse.
ellie spent a lot of time assessing the roles of the different people in her life. she didn’t dwell over the concept of loss, be it death or otherwise. but keeping people close to her felt like a timebomb. 
everyone who i have ever cared about has either died or left me.
she would never tell anyone but laying with you, staying with you, being with you -- as much as she loved it -- sometimes felt like a recipe for disaster. now, all things considered, she’d hate to admit that that feeling was even worse. she felt like shit. for a variety of reasons. she just didn’t want you to leave. “i don’t want you to ever go away,” ellie muttered through the silence.
you hum, nose rested in the crescent of her neck, breathing in the smell of just her; musk, deodorant, woodchips, weed. these words aren’t unfamiliar to you coming from ellie. you wanted the moment to last. you wanted to be as close to her as you could be. you wanted to hear the reason. “why?” you asked, a tiny playful smirk in your voice, evident once you lift your head to look up at her. you can’t really see her, but her breath fans over your lips. suddenly both of your bodies feel hot, like her hip is melting into your hand and your cheek into her palm. the sliver of distance between the two of you is paining, but neither of you move.
ellie bit back a small smile. her tongue stuck out briefly, passing between her lips along as a beat of silence settled between the two of you. “because,” she whispers, quieter.  “you’re like.. my best friend.” “mm.” “and i guess you’re my favorite person,” ellie’s nose bumped against yours, and you swallowed your breath. “and i would do anything for you.”
“you don’t even care about me,” you joked. your eyes locked with the girl’s before you whose had seemed to soften, like the smile on her face, but only slightly. “i’d kill for you.”
ellie is pure warmth against you. the concave of your hand presses gently into the protrusion of her hip, and you feel her lean into your grasp, edging closer, daring to do so something that best friends simply do not do. flickering between her eyes and her lips. ellie’s finger traces the curve of your jawline and you try not to shiver. it hooks, carefully, under the base of your chin, thumb massaging over its front. but it felt different this time. you needed to ask, “do you remember the night that we hooked up?”
if the lights were on, you would’ve seen all the blood fade from ellie’s face. and then you would’ve seen it rush to her cheeks again. you did see her bite the inside of her cheek, scaling your own face carefully in an effort to remain perfectly still – perfectly collected. “it kinda depends on what you’re labeling as hooking up.”
you weren’t expecting yourself to roll your eyes, or laugh for that matter. “i’m not talking about kissing, i’m not talking about heavy-petting.” you looked into her, a smile on both of your faces. “i’m talking about your birthday.”  
ellie’s heart kicks and for a second, she thinks she might have a heartattack. a beat drifts by, and she nods, “yeah.”
“and you told me that you would do anything for me?”
ellie’s brows furrowed. you could tell she was trying to joke with you, but behind her reciprocation, for the first time, it’s like you could see it in her face. “where exactly are you going with this?”
you were starting to feel a bit nervous. your palm felt clammy against her skin, despite it being perfectly dry.  “because i think you said something else, too.” ellie’s ministrations grew to a slow halt and suddenly you knew that she knew, that you knew. “and i think you said it while i was sleeping. and i wanna know if it’s true.” you felt so small under ellie’s gaze. ellie, who had not broken eye contact with you once, had barely shown any changes in her expression outside of the subtle lift in her brows. the most you got out of her was a recent, slow, thoughtful lick of her lips – the only thing she could offer as she struggled to pull herself together, desperately wanting to own up to what you’d suspected but at the same time desperately looking for escapes out of this conversation.
instead, she settled, trying not to swallow the bulge in her throat. “i don’t know, what if it is?” she tossed, cheeks warm and gaze wanting to waver, but not allowing herself to let it. as badly as she wanted to. mother of god, she was so conflicted.
your hand reaches for the back of ellie’s neck and your lips slot together in something soft, something familiar, but something so full that it makes your heart twist and turn. ellie’s hand takes your hip like it’s routine, reeling and winding as your lips slot together - slow. gentle. calculated. the answer to her question. “i wanna hear you say it,” you murmured against her lips. ellie hummed, it falling between the line of approval and disapproval. her hand was hot against your stomach – you felt like you were on fire. “i don’t want you to hate me,” ellie admitted, and it struck you dead in the chest. “i don’t know -- i’m honestly so fucking scared. i don’t wanna ruin anything. i don’t wanna lose you.”
you shook your head, frantic and eager, words bubbling out before you got a grasp on them.  “what? i could never hate you.” you hooked your finger gently under her chin, pulling her face so that it faced yours. you searched her eyes for any signs of sarcasm or anything. instead, certainty – and not the certainty in her eyes just a few moments prior. a more pessimistic kind of certainty. doubt. a hint of dread, even. “i could never. hate you.” you reaffirmed, and then you slipped; you were off the deep end, the words out your mouth before you could even control them, spiraling, spiraling, spiraling…  “i love you.”
ellie’s expression fragmented. her eyes met yours again, and something in them brightened, and then dimmed. like something had unlocked – unclicked, at the notice that maybe, just maybe, there was a little bit less to be afraid of. 
and so you said it again. “i love you.” you shook your head. “i love you..”
ellie’s train of thought is pure static. she can’t tell if she’s breathing heavier, or breathing at all, and or if she is nearly even alive for these are moments that she’d only really thought of. she can think of nothing other than you. just you, here, beneath and alongside her and loving her, and everything cracks and locks into place at the same time.
she leans down, grasping your cheek and kissing you like you’re an anchor. for the first time, neither of you hold back. it wasn’t chaste, nor careful. ellie kisses you like she’d been meaning to since you started allowing her to – deeply, with no endpoint in sight. your bodies mold, like halves slotting together, and heat envelops the two of you. it’s safe. it’s so warm. it is so perfect. when she pulls away, she is winded, having nearly given all of the life in her body to you.
“i love you,” she declares, lips ghosting against your own. your head spins as you catch her gaze through your lashes, bringing yourself to barely shake your head as you find your voice. “no you don’t..” your smile is sarcastic and suddenly both you and ellie are snickering, but she’s persistent against your lips. “i love you so much.”
“i can never win with you, huh?” ellie quipped, pushing a section of hair out of your face and you grin. “not once,” you promise.  ellie shakes her head at you. her thumb massages your cheekbone and for a second, she’s useless, now essentially smiling down at you as she shook her head.
“you’re so stupid,” ellie whispered. “and you’re never getting rid of me.” “yeah?” “yeah.” “thank god for that, i guess.” you both laugh and your lips make contact once again. it’s full of yearning and it’s deep, but this time, you take your time. ellie’s hands move slow, and time rolls over onto itself. each kiss overlaps and says something different, but as you spend the night parting each other’s thighs with your legs and breathing bliss into each other’s mouths, the same mantra gets underscored over and over again. i’ve got you, she says. and i’ve got you, you affirm.
there are other people in this world who you would die for and then there is ellie, who you would walk through shallow spikes for with no complaints because you know she would do the same for you. there is ellie who would fight hell and high water for you, and has, and will do it again and again and again, as long as it meant that you weren’t going anywhere. there is ellie, who is half of you, but more. ellie. your best friend. your girlfriend, you’d hope. your person.
your homegirl. just a girl. just a body, to which you’re a homebody.
homegirl, homegirl, homegirl.
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kitzytickles · 3 years ago
shawty pls PLS PLS write something for lee rui I beg
I wrote this at 1am in 30 minutes and didn’t go over it, but enjoy!
Rui was in quite the predicament. With two pairs of hands scribbling, poking, squeezing wherever they could reach, his typically cool facade was faltering with each laugh that spilled from his lips. This all started at practice earlier; Tsukasa presenting his newest script in which he, as per usual, would play the hero and Rui, the villain. Although, this time, Tsukasa had captured the evil Rui and would defeat him at last!
“Is that too tight?” Tsukasa asked, fidgeting with the rope he had tied around one of the stage’s beams and Rui’s waist. 
“Not at all.” Rui replied, testing the rope by squirming slightly. Ah, he should’ve held his arms up, his wrists were stuck at his sides. The rope was tight enough that he could only move a few inches, but not enough to hurt him. “Though it seems you’ve really got me now.”
“Just you wait!” Tsukasa grinned, running over to Nene and Emu as they looked at the script once more and got ready to begin. 
“The knight now slays the beast, with a stab right to the heart.” Nene’s monotone voice said from the benches in front of the stage.
“Don’t worry fair maiden! I will defeat this foul beast once and for all!” Tsukasa declared to the princess Emu, puffing out his chest as he ran towards Rui. He thrust his prop sword into what was supposed to be Rui’s chest, but instead misaimed and struck him lightly in the stomach, electing a gasp and jolt from the purple-haired male. 
“Ah-! Rui, I’m sorry! Did I hurt you!?” Tsukasa exclaimed, dropping the sword and waving his hands frantically.
“N-no, I’m fine.” Rui said a little too quickly for his own liking, “You just surprised me is all.” 
Tsukasa squinted his eyes, “Are you sure? Well, okay. Let’s try that again then!” He said as he went back to where Emu and Nene were waiting questioningly. 
“Alright, take two!” Tsukasa announced before repeating his previous lines and action, only to be met with the same response as before from Rui. He dropped the sword again and sighed. “Rui! If I’m hurting you just tell me!” Tsukasa stated, putting his hands on his hips only to be met with an eye roll from the other.
“You aren’t, but it seems you’ve forgotten you should be aiming for my chest and not my stomach,” Rui quipped.
“Well if it doesn't hurt then you shouldn’t have a problem with it!” Tsukasa argued, poking the inventor in the stomach. Rui jolted again, his cheeks flushing slightly. Tsukasa’s eyes widened, before a mischievous look took over his features as he smirked. 
“Ohhhhh, I see now!” 
“Tsukasa, don’t-“ 
“You’re ticklish!” 
Rui glared at the blonde, his face reddening and a dispute ready to leave his mouth before Nene called up to them.
“What are you guys doing?” She sighed, a mixture of confusion and exasperation on her face. 
Tsukasa turned away from Rui to face the girls. “I think I've found a new way to defeat the beast!” He said before turning back towards his friend and wiggling his fingers. 
Butterflies started to flutter in Rui’s stomach. “Tsukasa, don't you dare,” He tried to scowl, but it was hard to look intimidating with the wobbly smile forming on his face. 
“Ohoho, I dare!” Tsukasa laughed menacingly before his hands grasped Rui’s sides and started squeezing at the ticklish area. Rui jolted before attempting to squirm away from his assailant, but the ropes ensnaring him only allowed him minimal movement. He clamped his mouth shut as laughter began to bubble in his throat. 
“Rui is ticklish!? I wanna try!” Emu squealed, a smile on her face as she hopped over to the duo. 
“Ehemu- No!” Rui spoke through gritted teeth, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt Emu’s nails scribbling against his stomach. 
“Wandahoi! I think your new plan to defeat the beast is working Tsukasa!” Emu cheered.
“I think so too, but the beast is holding out on us! The only way to know for sure that he’s defeated is if he’s laughing!” Tsukasa proclaimed, squeezing up to Rui’s ribs before drilling his fingers between the bones. 
Laughter finally burst from Rui’s mouth, throwing his head back as he tried to jerk away from Tsukasa’s nimble fingers, to no avail. Each touch on his ribs felt like little sparks of lightning that left him breathless.
“Tsukahasa! StohOHOP!” 
“Wow! Who knew the beast could be taken down with just a bit of tickling!” Tsukasa smirked, continuing to poke and prod at Rui’s ribs. 
“Yeah! What a giggly beast, too!!” Emu replied, slipping her hands under Rui’s costume and onto his bare skin. 
“EHEhehemu! Nohoho!” Rui squealed. Emu’s nails raking featherlight at his stomach contrasted to Tsukasa’s poking at his ribs was making his mind turn into mush and left no room for coherent thought besides that it tickled. 
Even worse, the fact that he couldn’t move made it tickle so much more. He was helpless to Tsukasa and Emu’s touch. 
He felt Emu’s hands slip out of his shirt, but with his eyes pressed shut he couldn't see where they went, only feel as they latched onto his thighs and squeezed rapidly at the muscle.
“AHAHACK! EHeheHEHEMU! NAHAHAT THEHERE!” He shrieked, his knees buckling as he succumbed to laughter. Protests sputtered out of his mouth before his laughter went silent. 
“Okay, I think you guys should stop now.”
Tsukasa and Emu both jumped at the sound of Nene’s voice behind them, slowing their movements as Rui slumped forward with a groan. 
“Ah, I guess we did go a bit overboard…” Tsukasa drawled, looking at Rui’s tired frame. “But hey, we defeated the beast! Right, Emu?” Tsukasa cheered, to which Emu agreed.
Tsukasa went and untied the rope around Rui, only to be tackled to the ground with a squeal as a hand closed right onto his very ticklish stomach. It seems the beast can't be defeated that easily after all.
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hpalways · 4 years ago
Surprises || Childe
a/n: i swear i’ll get to the requests soon akjdhfjfj sorry for the wait dudes. 
THROWING a surprise party for Childe was more difficult than one could imagine. He didn't fully admit it, but he was obviously hurt when no one wished him a happy birthday today. And while everyone went on to set the scene for when you would all surprise him, you were given the role to distract him. As the two of you strolled through the streets of Liyue Harbor, his sea blue eyes darted everywhere agitatedly. Repeatedly letting out a sigh, he combed his gloved hand through his ginger locks. You stifled a giggle at his discomfort, sensing that he was too prideful to outwardly question why his birthday wishes were practically nonexistent this year. 
He peered at you with disappointment, for he wished to hear those words from you more than anyone else. Wondering if his birthday was really that forgettable, he thought back to the day you asked when his birthday was. The two of you shared the dates and he remembered how elated he was on your birthday, buying gifts and spoiling you with his dirty earned mora. He could still see the grin that was stuck to your face the entire day. 
"Thanks for joining me on some errands. I'm almost done," you told him, smiling. Guilt continued to pour into your chest at the sight of him. 
He nodded and forced out a smile, coloring his face with his usual facade. "Anything for you, comrade," he chuckled, ruffling your hair in a habit. "I was bored anyway. It almost feels like there should be something important today, but I suppose there's truly nothing."
You wanted to burst out laughing. He was trying so hard to be discreet about it, but you could easily read behind the lines. "Oh? Nah. There's nothing important today."
"Nothing at all?" he responded, voice hollow. "That's strange. Are you sure?"
"I keep all my important dates on my calendar. It was blank for today."
His flingers curled around his shirt, gripping so tightly they shook. You were very organized, but his birthday wasn't on there. Did he mean nothing to you? Did he care for you more than you did him? He was beginning to feel idiotic -- foolish even. Falling silent as he followed you to the next stall, he watched you buy daily groceries, picking out the biggest fish in the pile and bright fruits from the baskets. He numbly carried the bags, groaning to himself. Maybe he should leave the city and hunt down some hilichurls, skewer them so he could release some of his pent up frustration. 
While he was lost in his head, too busy thinking about his bottled up emotions, you noticed Hu Tao in the distance, making wide signals. She was dramatic as per usual and you glared at her, urging her to hide within the shadows. Quickly turning away from the merchant, you were relieved to know that Childe had not detect anything suspicious. It was showtime. 
"Okay. One more stop," you informed him. 
"I... think I should to go," he responded. "I'll drop your bags back home."
Panic seeped into your expression, your eyes growing wide. Oh no -- this couldn't get any worse. You had to stop him before he could leave, because who knew where he would go next? He was such an unpredictable guy, free to roam wherever he liked with that reputation of his. "It's just one more place," you pointed out, knitting your brows together. "Come on, Childe. It will be really quick. Please?" You gave him the best puppy eyes and slipped a hand in his, squeezing it tightly to feel tingles erupt at the contact.
His head leveled slightly at the feeling of your hand, so he slowly nodded. "Fine. But I'll have to go right afterwards. I have some business to do with the Fatui."
That was a lie. The both of you knew that, but Childe didn't want to seem so lame in front of you. He already felt that enough today to last a lifetime.
You pulled him through the crowds of people lingering on the roads beside buildings, making a beeline to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You ignored the furrow of his forehead when he saw the building looming ahead of him. Before he could voice out any inquiries, you pushed the dark oaken doors open, stepping into the darkness. He stayed by your side loyally, his muscles strained, ready to protect you from the weird atmosphere of the room. 
The curtains dropped, golden sunlight spilling through the windows to reveal the secret. "Happy birthday Childe!" the entire group called out. There stood in the room were dozens of people, including Teucer, Zhongli, Hu Tao, traveler, Paimon, and fellow Liyue citizens. Tables were set up in the Parlor, banners were hung up on the wall, and food were lined up, including a birthday cake. You turned to look at the red haired man, whose irises took it all in, his mouth parting openly. 
"Teucer. You're here!" he gasped, opening his arms wide when his little brother ran up to him. He hugged the boy tenderly, thanking everyone for the throwing the party. They all began to surround Childe, while others mingled and conversed, for the party was starting. 
You faded into the background, leaning against the cool wall and feeling grateful that it was a success. It was a lot of work, but with everyone contributing, it went very well, which was a little strange, considering you half expected it to fall apart.
Footsteps sounded, so you turned to the left to see him approaching you. He looked breathless, his cheeks rosy, and his dimples showing. "The party was your idea, wasn't it?" he stated, rather than in question form. 
Nodding silently, you took something out from your pockets. "Happy birthday, Childe."
You handed it to him and he took it with a softened expression. Unwrapping the gold, shiny wrapping of the small box, he opened it up to find a keychain in it, blue and twinkling. It was carved into a hydro vision, the details exactly aligned to the vision that sat on his torso. 
He kissed you then, crashing his lips upon yours. Hands faltering to the sides, you clenched your fingers around his forgotten present and returned the kiss. He tasted of seasalt and apples, as well as a scent that no doubt came from his homeland. His warmth brushed over to you, spreading through your system and to the tip of your fingers. Your cheeks burned at the contact and your chest pounded, but eventually, you pulled away, embarrassed by the chance of any onlookers.
"There are too many people here," you said, shaking your head, still feeling flustered by the way he looked at you -- as if you were the only thing he could see in this world. He was so unashamed, willing to do anything to grapple at the goal he sought after. He had always been like that. And always will be. 
He raised a brow, the corner of his lips curving up mischievously. "Are you suggesting we get out of here and find a vacant room?"
You hit his arm and he pouted, laughing at your reaction. "How rude," you sniffed. "I threw this entire party for you and you're already willing to ditch it. Don't think I'll forget how desperate you were this entire day."
Embarrassed, he averted his gaze from you, scratching his head with an awkward chuckle. "I didn't care for a party, [Y/N]. All I wanted was to hear a birthday wish from you. I was scared you forgot it."
"I would never forget it. Not in a million years."
His cheeks grew red and he seemed content at your answer. Swinging an arm around you, he lugged you towards the food. Then he rambled on and on about something regarding stuffing himself so he could slay a bunch of enemies. Sitting down at a table, he declared a rematch with traveler. On the other end of the table was Zhongli, going on long tangents to the poor victim who was forced to listen in. Hu Tao was scaring off another customer, suggesting deals like the sales woman she was and suddenly talking about the afterlife. 
Everyone here was so distinct and peculiar, but in a good way. Grateful to be surrounded by such people, you knew that not a day goes by without an adventure. 
"Hey Tuecer," you said to the boy beside you. He was in the middle of playing with Mr. Cyclops, making sound effects with his mouth. "How are you doing, little guy?"
"Hi [Y/N]!" he giggled. "I'm good. Mr. Cyclops is doing good too. He wants to say happy birthday to my big bro too!"
Childe returned from his conversation with traveler and Paimon, on time to ruffle his brother's head like he did with you earlier. "Thank you Mr. Cyclops," he cooed, petting the top of the toy endearingly. You laughed at the scene and he locked eyes with you. "Hey, don't hurt Mr. Cyclops' feelings like that. Right, Teucer?"
"Right," Teucer nodded somberly, growing real serious. 
Ugh, these brothers. You rolled your eyes and tossed food into your mouth. Childe's head abruptly dropped to your ear, his breath hovering upon your lobes. You shivered at his close proximity. "I love you, [Y/N]. You know that, right?" he whispered into your ear. 
Heart hammering for the millionth time this day, you paused with your chopsticks in the air. "I love you too, dumb birthday boy."
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ceciliablossoms · 4 years ago
Hey there, I was wondering if I could request a scenario where the reader who doesn't seem to be scared of anything, like rushes into battle and will go into the scariest looking ruins /w enemies without a second thought - But is actually terrified of spiders/bugs? For Childe and Xiao?
Yes, of course! I love this ask because I relate to it a lot fjdndnd
Their tendency to jump into battle often irked him. As fragile as mortals were, he expected them to be at least somewhat careful. When every there's trouble brewing though, they always seemed to throw caution to the wind when it came to their safety. He told them to call his name if they were ever in danger, but they seemed to be in danger all the time.
Battle was something they found thrilling, the exhilarating rush of adrenaline was something they longed for. What better place to find it than on the battlefield? When they visited him they were often scraped up, in the heat of battle they'd gotten careless and took some damage. He would scold them as always and patch them up as per usual.
When they came to visit this time though, they let out a cry that startled him immensely. Never had he heard the ever fearless warrior cry out in such a way, battle always being their strong suit. It scared him. When he heard the panicked cry of his name he was ready in an instant to slay whatever beast had hurt them.
When he arrived, however, he was greeted with their terrified form hiding around the corner and but a single Crystalfly fluttering gracefully in the air. He lowered his polearm, glancing at them in surprise.
"Please get it away from me..." Their voice was a shaky whisper.
With a sigh, he held out his hand, the Crystalfly perching itself softly on the tips of his fingers. He brought his hand closer to him and stared at it crawled into his palm.
"It won't hurt you, you know. As many battles as you've been in, something as harmless as this shouldn't frighten you." He glanced over at them before walking to the railing and watching as it fluttered away.
They came out from their hiding spot, twiddling their thumbs. He raised an eyebrow at them, arms crossed. His stance was annoyed but his eyes gave away his mild amusement.
"I'm sorry" They averted their eyes, embarrassed.
He let out a huff through his nose. To anyone else, it would have seemed irritated, but you knew it was his way of laughing at you without hurting your feelings. He cracked the very slightest of smiles.
"Do you want to hold it next time?"
They tensed, swallowing thickly but nodded. "It's not gonna bite me is it?"
He huffed again, "Of course not."
They were incredibly headstrong. He admired them for that. That mixed with the fighting spirit that never seemed to dwindle got him fired up. As many times as he's asked them to fight him, they never once turned him down. Their fierceness was like no other and often their fights ended up in a draw. The two were always competing but there was no victor.
It always amused him how they jumped headfirst into battle without hesitation, no matter the hazard. It was as though their fear was non-existent. They would spit in death's face or take on armies alone if they were able and win every time, but when he heard them yell his heart stopped.
If there was something enough to strike fear into the heart of the likes of them, it had to be truly terrifying. At first, he thought there would be danger, so he readied his weapon and approached ready to brawl. Yet there was nothing.
He stared on in confusion, putting away his weapon. They were hunched in the corner, holding themselves, talking under their breath. He approached them slowly.
"Something the matter?"
They jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to face him, expression fearful, "CHILDE PLEASE KILL IT."
He turned to where they were pointing, only to let out a hearty laugh. When they let out an offended whine, he hunched over, clutching his sides. He wiped his eyes, before picking up the spider that was sitting still on the wall.
"It just a spider." He held it out to them, only for them to let out a high-pitched shriek and back away. He laughed again then disposed of the insect. They calmed down instantly.
"Thank you." Their voice was quiet from embarrassment
He grinned, "Who knew, my ever fearless sparing partner is afraid of a little arachnid."
They flushed at his teasing tone, " Shut uP I'LL KICK YOUR ASS"
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
"B O T H."
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idiotic21 · 2 years ago
Mr and Mrs Hamato
Chapter 4 - Mutant-Yokai-Human
Previous All Stories
The thief woke up to several light taps on her shoulder. She mumbled a little, something about sheep then swatted the hand. After a few seconds, the tapping continued. The girl groaned tiredly and cracked an eye open.  Some turtle with a red mask stood by her bed, "Hey, you're awake. Good morning, uh, Miss Thief?" he scratched his neck nervously. The girl did a little stretch and nodded, "Good morning. Also, Miss Thief?"
Raph shrugged his shoulders, "You didn't give a name. You wouldn't give your name would ya?"
"No. Private and confidential because of the occupation and all. Would an alias settle your curiosity?" 
"Sure, as long we don't have to call you the thief girl or Miss Thief," 
"My alias is Silver Knight, but just call me Silver or Sil for now," she offered with a smile.
Raph extended his hand out for a shake, "Well then Sil, my name's Hamato Raphael but you can call me Raph. I thought it would be time for a proper introduction," Sil smiled brightly and shook his hand, "Thanks, Raph. I caught your name before but thanks."
Raph escorted Sil to the kitchen where they met the rest of the turtles. 
"Oh, hey girl. You are just in time for breakfast!" Mikey welcomed them and waved them over will a spatula in his hands. The girl was greeted by the sweet aroma of whatever Mikey decided to create. 
"Do we really need to share our table with a common thief?" Leo's jab made Mikey groan. "We are over this, Leonardo. She's a good person, I can tell. She was just doing her job. If she wanted to hurt us she would have done it already," The turtle in blue rolled his eyes then walked right up into Sil's personal space and glared at her. 
"We are taking her in as a captive, not a guest," he informed, "and I suggest you not to get comfortable around my family. I don't trust you or your shady employer." Sil huffed in amusement, "The feeling's mutual, Leonardo. I don't trust you either. But as Mikey said, if I wanted to harm you I would have done so already." Sil winked and tried to move away but Leo lunged forwards and grasped tightly around her wrist.
"Whatever, thief. You better watch your step. One wrong move and I will slay you." Both individuals passed hateful glares at the other. "Let go of me" she threatened.
Just before the two of them could get into a fight, Raph jumped in the middle and parted them. Sil yanked her wrist and cradled it close to her chest. "Cool it, Leo. She couldn't go anywhere if she wanted to with those mystic cuffs on and she would not leave without her package."
Leo looked upwards at his brother and sighed. "Fine," he begrudgingly sat in his chair. "Also just so we all know, she goes my Sil." Raph gently guided her to sit between himself and Donnie, while Mikey set the food down on the table. "Sil, a wonderful name," the orange-speckled turtle beamed. Donnie as per usual decided to let his expertise in knowledge shine.
"Sil? Is that short for something? Most likely not your actual name since you obviously keep the details of your transaction private. Giving out your real name would be a foolish move, though awfully generous, and could jeopardize your job." 
Sil listened to the purple turtle, amused and impressed to a certain degree. "Possibly an alias? Code name?" he turned to ask her. "I have to hand it to you. On all accounts you are right. Sil is just a shorter version of my alias" Sil explained. She thanked Mikey silently as he passed her a plate of waffles. 
"Sil, huh? Let me guess, short for silver tongue 'cause you somehow managed to persuade my brothers into thinking you're some good thief?" Everyone at the table groaned again, Sil just gave Leo a dull look. "Drop it, Nardo. This topic has become very repetitive," Donnie slowly told his brother. 
"Oh, no worries. He isn't any trouble at all, " Sil sweetly told the purple turtle. "I would have you know, Blue, that Silver Tongue is not the correct alias. I do have to be persuasive in my line of work and when I persuade, you can tell. Right now, I am just stuck here, with you out of all other tolerable people, and am making the best out of it. So to answer your question, no, my full alias isn't Silver Tongue."
Leo sighed tiredly, "Fine then, Sil. What is your alias?"
"Pretty simple. It's Silver Knight." 
Mikey clapped his hands with glee, "Ouu... Sounds fancy." They began breakfast.
Sil giggled, "Thanks, Mike."
"I assume it's because of your silver portals?" the slider asked again.
Sil nodded, poking at her waffle with a little wince as her wrist moved. "Yepp. The alias is also very unique to me since I am the only person known in the Hidden City to be able to create silver portals."
The turtles looked at each other with surprise, "How does a human even find a job in the Hidden City, let alone be able to use mystic energy?" The leader tried to dig for answers, but this time found his curiosity peaking. 
Sil shrugged, "I sincerely do not understand it myself. All I know is that I was a regular human up till I was four years old having no recollection whatsoever of my family. Then one day, I could create portals. Not sure why. Which is why the item I stole is very important to my employer, and also to myself, I guess."
Donnie tilted his head in curiosity and leaned closer towards Sil with interest, "I thought your employer wanted it to study yokai and mutants?" 
"Yes, he does. Yokai and mutants have mystic energy running through themselves naturally. In other words, anything with mystic energy in them is in fact either of those two things." Sil spilled the facts nonchalantly. 
Raph gasped, "Wait, that means your-"
A knowing smile etched on Sil's lips, "Yep, boys. I am either yokai or a mutant myself." She then grinned as she watched the turtle's faces go through all kinds of emotions. Mikey looked more excited than anything else. Raph wore a mixture of excitement and shock. Leo looked dumbfounded while Donnie seemed to have stars in his eyes. Sil laughed in amusement. 
"Guys, it's not that of a big deal. I'm sure you've encountered way crazier people along the way,"
The purple turtle was sent spiraling out of his mind. "Not a bid deal?" He grabbed Sil by the shoulders and spun her to face him. His eyes did have stars in them, "Sil, do you know what this means? This is a breakthrough of a century. You are a human with mystic powers. This fact will change eons of yokai and human relations and might as well be the answer to possible human-yokai conflict."
Sil smiled warmly, "I know,"
Donnie's smile grew ever sweeter, "Wow, you're a walking miracle. Do you know that?" He then deepened his gaze and his eyes seemed to glaze over as a warm feeling took over his body, "a really beautiful and amazing miracle." Sil's eyes suddenly felt warmth race to her face as she drowned in Donnie's puppy eyes. The two were so caught up with each other that neither realized the other three were staring at them. Raph smirked at the two, Mikey with hearts in his eyes and Leo looking done and disgusted. 
A blue portal burst behind Donnie and Sil. Leo jumped out and shoved Donnie away from Sil, hugging his twin protectively. "Alright, cut it out. You are a weird human person, we get that. Let's keep our hands to ourselves, m'kay," the blue terrapin sassed. 
Sil and Donnie blushed and looked away, leaving Mikey and Raph to giggle at their childish behavior. Donnie moved out of Leo's hug looking all hot and bothered. Leo shook his head, "Anyways if we are done with whatever this is, Pops, Sheepman, April, and Cassandra are waiting for us in the hall. We need to fill them in about the current situation."
Mikey and Raph nodded and began to clear the plates as Leo stalked off to the hall. Mikey quickly pulled Raph out of the kitchen when he noticed Sil and Donnie still in proximity to each other. 
"Uhm... sorry about earlier. " Donnie took the chance to apologize. Sil, still wearing her blush, nodded, "N-no problem. You just got excited."
Donnie chuckled weakly. "Yeah. I tend to do that a lot. I am a man of science and lately mystics. Finding out new information like this is what I live for. Knowledge of humans and yokai can only be soo much. New discoveries and breakthroughs are what I live for."
Sil smiled softly, "It's alright. I understand. It's quite baffling, to be honest." Both of them laughed a little giddily. 
"So, you're wrist doing any better?" Donnie nodded toward Sil's hands. "I see you made use of my little gift." Sil rolled her eyes and his slightly smug tone, "Ah yes. From the Smooth Operator no less. Thanks for the ointment too. My ego was too big to admit I was hurt."
Donnie grinned proudly when she noticed him using the nickname she gave him. "I hope they feel better today. Though I still cannot remove the cuffs."
Sil glanced at her wrist and rubbed the cuffs, "My wrists do feel better. As for the cuffs, it's fine. If I were in your shoes I'd do that to you too."
Donnie clicked his tongue. "Also, I am thankful for the cuffs," she added, peaking the genius' interest. "How so?" 
"They did protect my wrist when Leo grabbed them earlier."
The purple genius winced, "Yeah, sorry about Leo. He means well. He's a little overprotective after some recent events." Sil watched silently as Donnie has a distant look in his eye. Whatever happened to them must have been very traumatizing that Leo would act in such a way. 
"You don't have to explain. Leo is a dedicated leader. A little brash but I know he means well. You don't need to explain right now."
Donnie smiled sadly. "Anywho, let's get going. They'll be waiting for us." 
Sil nodded and began to walk out of the kitchen. "My name is Donatello. Just so you know, though you probably already knew. The genius behind every tech in my humble home."
He smiled victoriously when he heard Sil's laughter. "Yeah, of the Hamato family, right? Your brother mentioned. Nice to meet you, Hamato Donatello and the tech are amazing."
Donnie felt his heart beat loudly when Sil spoke his full name. "Thank you, dear Sil. You may call  me Donnie."
"I will. Donnie."
The purple turtle wore a dopey smile. Sil waited patiently for him to guide her to the hall. At least in all this trouble, she had an amazing purple turtle to keep her company.
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years ago
Photograph (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,8 k
Summary: Claire and Ethan attend Naveen’s birthday party ft. jealous Ethan
Warnings: None (though MSWord told me that ‘bastard’ might be offensive to my readers so who knows)
A/N: @justanotherrookie​ look, I made it :D it’s an honor to be considered your friend, you slay my life, pls continue to do so <3
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A large clothing bag was thrown over his shoulder as he strode towards his office. The light of the day was slowly giving way to the dimness of the evening. Ethan exchanged his working clothes and a white coat for a tux, hair styled meticulously and an alluring scent of his cologne filling the air around him.
He expected her to be waiting for him inside, but upon entering the room, he noticed her absence. Before he could reach for his phone to call her, the door opened and a very frenzied and out of breath Claire appeared. Their eyes locked and she breathed out in relief at the sight of him.
“Sorry I’m late, our patient in 507 needed additional tests run and then there was hold up in the lab and I couldn’t get the results fast enough- “
“Take a breath, baby, calm down.” He laughed under his breath, wrapping his arms around her to pull her closer. She stared up at him for a moment, then stood on her tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips. She let out a low hum of contentment.
“Mmh Ethan Ramsey, the best tranquilizer known to humankind.” Claire complimented, brushing her nose against his. “I’m not sharing with anyone, though.”
“Spoken like a true addict. Though, I have to say…” he gripped her hips tighter, smirking at the way her pupils dilated slightly at the motion. “You’re addictive too.”
She leaned up to kiss him again only for her lips to meet his cheek when his head turned. Slightly confused, she leaned away to look at him.
“If you kiss me again, we’ll never make it to the party.” He muttered, stroking her jaw with his thumb. “Go get ready, there’s still time.”
It takes her entire twenty minutes for her to put her dress and shoes on, touch up her makeup and tame her hair. Ethan was waiting for her by the wall, his head rising to look at her when she came back. His breath got caught in his throat for a split second, awe induced by her entire being stopping his thought process momentarily.
He walked over to her, smoothing out one unruly lock of hair, his over hand tracing the edge of the cleavage of her dress.
“I take it you like it?” Claire grinned, toying with the lapel of his jacket. He hummed affirmatively, bringing her closer to his side as they began walking.
“If it wasn’t for the party, I would have shown you just how much.”
Naveen, unlike his protégé, liked to celebrate his birthday. He didn’t manage to organize himself a party every year, so he settled for throwing a rather big get-together every few years. Other than that, he settled for small celebrations with Harper, Ethan and, since last year, Claire.
This year, however, was the party year. Claire couldn’t wait. Ethan, on the other hand, wasn’t looking forward to it as much. Tradition was tradition, however, and combined with very convincing arguments from Claire, he didn’t argue.
Due to the situation at the hospital, they were running a bit late. Their saving grace was that they bought the present a few days earlier and that the host was their very dear friend.
“I was beginning to think you two wouldn’t make it!” Naveen exclaimed, greeting the two by the entrance to the bar. He embraced Claire, then Ethan, smiling widely at the pair.
“I like to think we’re fashionably late.” She winked, then passed the gift she was holding to him, warning him of its weight. The oldest doctor deposited the bag at the table near the side of the room, then guided the pair to the group of people by the bar.
“I’m sure you all remember Ethan, so let me introduce you to Claire Herondale, a brilliant young doctor that I literally owe my life to.” Naveen spoke up, a pride tone in his voice when the memories of the pair working together on his case flooded his mind. Claire blushed a bit, taking a small step towards the group.
“Naveen is entirely too generous in his assessment.”
“No, he’s not.” Ethan argued, smiling down at his girlfriend. His hand glided up and down her side affectionately. “You are brilliant.”
Among the people in the group, most of them shared a common feature of surprise at the affectionate side of Ethan Ramsey. They’ve met a couple of times at public functions more or less formal than this one, but all those instances had one thing in common. Ethan Ramsey was alone. Ethan Ramsey was solely focused on his work and his patients. So, to see him with a woman on his arm, and to see him so infatuated with her, was a sight for sure.
Ethan didn’t mind most of the people Naveen invited. They were all amazing doctors and scientists; talking to them was usually an interesting and challenging for his brain experience.
That statement, however, wasn’t entirely true when it came to Jonathan Millstone. In general, he didn’t mind the man all that much. As a researcher, he was great. As a man, not so much. From his more than forward attitude, to his treatment of other people, women especially, everything combined into a not so alluring picture in Ethan’s opinion. He never voiced it, however, as the behavior of the researcher never impacted him directly.
Up until that point, that is.
Because Jonathan had wandering eyes. And his gaze has made itself at home on Claire. Her face, her neck, her waist. The slit of her dress. But most of all, the neckline of the said dress.
There was no shame in his ogling, not a hint of embarrassment when she noticed him staring. He didn’t say a word to her, just stood there and watched.
She breathed in heavily, trying to keep her annoyance at bay. Sensing how motionless Ethan has become, she snaked her hand around his arm, pushing herself closer to his side, twisting her body slightly to shield herself from insisting eyes of the other man. Ethan’s arm immediately wrapped tighter around her, amplifying the effect of her actions. It was the subtlest way she could have given Jonathan a hint that she was in a relationship and wasn’t, even in the slightest, interested or flattered by his behavior.
Surprising no one, he didn’t take a hint.
As they walked away from the group, Claire turned towards Ethan with a glint in her eyes.
“That was some impressive jealousy management you had there, Dr. Ramsey.” She gripped the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer. His hands squeezed her sides, his lips hovering right above hers.
“I was holding onto the last bits of patience.”
“I’m glad you did. Tonight, is about Naveen.”
A teasing grin grew on his lips in one moment, and in the next, he was twirling her out and into his arms. His fingers twisted the fabric of her dress slightly, the material rising off the ground a bit. Claire wrapped her arms around his neck, their face coming so close together that they were breathing the same air.
A soft sound of a working camera broke the bubble they were in, causing them both to look over. A photographer stood there, asking them if he could take a portrait of the two of them, per request of the host.
Ethan didn’t have to search very long for Naveen, who had a satisfied smile on his face. He shook his head with a sigh, then turned back to the photographer, nodding slightly in agreement.
With his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, they faced the camera, easy grins lighting up their features. Claire’s hand glided over his back, then slipped into the pocket of his jacket, the tips of her fingers pressing into his side playfully.
“Remind me to get that photo from Naveen later.” He muttered into her ear when they were alone again. She nodded, pressing them together so they could dance.
A few songs later, Claire managed to persuade him to let her get them drinks. And it did take some heavy convincing, especially when the first response she got was ‘I’m not going to be drinking any colorful nonsense’. She promised to not disappoint, then went towards the bar.
He turned around, coming face to face with Jonathan Millstone. He watched something right above the diagnostician’s shoulder, and Ethan didn’t have to guess or turn around to know just who was on the end of his gaze. When two men looked at each other, smugness and arrogance met irritation and disapproval. An explosive mix.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Ramsey with a date.”
“Would it kill you to be more respectful towards anyone?”
“She’s a real piece of beauty. You’re one lucky bastard, getting to score her.” Jonathan admitted out loud, watching how his words affected the doctor. Ethan’s hands rolled into fists and he was about to take a step towards the man, when a deadly calm voice called out from behind him.
“And you’re a real piece of an asshole.”
Both men froze in place when Claire walked to stand next to them. One would expect an angry scowl to reside on her face, but instead, she was neutral. Not a single emotion shown.
Wordlessly, she passed Ethan his glass of scotch, her eyes zeroing in on Jonathan. She weighed her own drink in the glass, swirling the liquid inside a couple of times. When she raised it, the researcher took a step back, expecting her to throw a drink in his face. Instead, she took a sip, smirking at his scared expression.
“You’re also lucky. I won’t make a scene at Naveen’s party.”
He thought he was off the hook. Oh, how wrong he was. Ethan took a definite step towards him, gripping his arm in a vice-like hold. “I’m not that generous, though. I suggest you learn your lesson and beat it.”
With a curt nod, he bid them goodbye (very respectfully) and got lost in the crowd. Claire’s face finally broke out into a smile.
“That felt good.” She shook her shoulders a bit, laughing in relief. Ethan bent his head, lips tracing the shell of her ear, his breath hot against her skin.
“It was also incredibly attractive.”
“And what are you going to do about it?” her fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his pants to drag him closer, her expression feigning innocence despite very suggestive looks they were both giving one another.
“Let me get you home so you can find out.”
We’re absolutely going to ignore the difference between the dress in the fic and the dress in the pic (yes, I’m a poet)
Denise, find the Hamilton reference (a literal line, no shame) :D
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years ago
Shallow love
Word count: 2,128
Pairing: Nacht x reader
Warnings: SPOILER ALERT, swearing, teeny bit of gore, insecurities, I probaby butchered his character >.< I´m so sorry, baby
okay so
Nacht is my second favorite Black Clover character and yes, I am currently: freaking out. also he has Dabi´s VA so: perfection. 
I will definitely post more about him in the future! I just wanted to get this out today since it just fit so well <333 I´ll be back to regular posting in April
You didn´t think that you would ever be able to feel peace again and go back to your normal life after the attack of the Diamond kingdom.
And yet here you were, in the calm after the storm.
It was weird. Everything was in chaos, the villages and overall buildings were even more destroyed than when the eye of the midnight sun attacked.
Everything was as per usual at the Black Bull´s base, nothing out of the ordinary except for Yami forcing Nacht to stay now.
You´ve known him for a long time now, being the first member of the squad, and you never could read him. He always intrigued you.
And yet he also always made you distance yourself from him.
Nacht was the type of guy who was too blunt for his own good. You appreciated honesty, but he just always made it hurt.
You knew full well that you weren´t an innocent little lamb, but who was?
What irked you most about him was how badly he thought and spoke about his own squad, to this day you asked yourself why he even joined in the first place, he could´ve just as easily denied Yami´s order.
Sure, Yami could be persistent, but that wouldn´t stop someone like Nacht.
There had to be more to the two of them but over the years you learned that you just didn´t want to know.
Every time you approached Nacht about it he just shut you off and reminded you of all your flaws again.
Like he always did. With everyone.
Except for Asta, like everyone, he took a liking to the little guy.
Though, you had to admit Nacht seemed more open and approachable after the war. And yet you didn´t.
Instead you watched him at first reluctantly, over time without any hesitation, becoming rather friendly, talking to the rest of the squad.
In all those years you have known him you always asked yourself whether you really did. You highly doubted it.
You just couldn´t figure him out. Did he just wear a mask? Were all of his infuriating smiles for show? Was it all a game to him? What were his goals?
And why…
No. You didn´t want to think about that.
What was the point anyway? Anyone got a crush at some point, the only difference was that crushes usually didn´t last this long.
Especially if said person didn´t pay you any mind unless they were insulting you.
Nacht mostly stayed to himself, making it known he didn´t want anything to do with the rest of the squad.
Though like anyone else who stayed with them for a long amount of time, he warmed up to everyone. Still, he had his moments and didn´t exactly change his opinion. Because in his world people couldn´t change, they just didn´t.
And that made you sad.
Because deep down you just wanted him to acknowledge you, to tell you that you weren´t as bad as he thought, that you were a good person.
But at one point being around him just hurt. You cared too much, thought too much about him, it kept you awake at night.
If only you went out of your room into the kitchen where he would stay because of the same problem.
Especially since that day…
You were surrounded. Everywhere you looked you saw black, greedy eyes. The devils were everywhere and all hope seemed lost. You couldn´t rely on Asta only anymore, he already went through enough. He shouldn��t fight your battles for you just because he had strong powers, he was just a little boy.
And yet there he was, fighting ferociously, once again defeating the devil that came to slay everyone that day all those centuries ago.
It was hard to keep at least somewhat of an overview, everything seemed in shambles and the screams and cries of everyone were deafening.
You really shouldn´t be focusing on Nacht right now, now was not the time. Not that there ever was an appropriate time for that anyway.
But of course you just couldn´t help yourself, your eyes wandered to him frequently even as you told them to stop.
Though in this instance it might have not been that bad. Your eyes went wide as you realized what he was about to do, everything around you faded away, you felt numb and your body moved on its own to prevent him from going through with his plan.
“Please die with me” were the last things that left his lips that shut your brain off and made you move automatically. They weren´t uttered to you, Nacht didn´t even look in your direction, it was none of your business.
Even still you couldn´t just stand by idly and watch him die, watch one of the only chances you had at winning die, watch the man you hated to love die.
The little devil on his shoulder looked scared as your gaze met him and honestly, you could understand it all too well.
You were scared too but now wasn´t a time for fear, you needed to stop him at all costs.
“That´s the stupidest thing you ever said!” you screamed out as you were still running towards him.
Finally his head turned to you, he still had that infuriating smile on his lips, though it was so sad this time.
“It´s the only way…” he replied.
“You don´t know that! You can´t know that! You can´t just throw you life away like that, it won´t change anything! In fact it will… we will lose. We will lose so much more than just the fight, don´t you understand that? You´re not more or less important than the rest of us and you´re our vice captain, so it´s my duty to stop you from sacrificing yourself!” you said, grabbing his shoulders and frantically panting, you looked at him aghast, shocked, eyes wide and searching for something...anything in his eyes that wasn´t dull.
“Then we´re all going to die, but it´s so typical of you to be so selfish” he told you, his tone as entitled as always.
“You´re selfish too, you know that?” you whispered, averting your eyes.
“You can´t just run away from your responsibilities. It isn´t right” you stood your ground, balling your fists in anger and frustration.
“It´s the only way, why do you even try to stop me?” he sighed, looking at you. He was feeling quite frustrated now too, what were you trying to achieve? If he didn´t make this sacrifice so many more people would die, didn´t you care about them? Wasn´t it your job to protect everyone? So why were you trying to desperately to save him out of all people?
“Because I care. A lot. We all do. And yes it´s selfish, you´re right about that. We´re all selfish losers and assholes but you know what? We do it best and we´re goddamn proud not to be as picture perfect as all the others. That´s what defines us. And you don´t have to agree with that, but I´m fucking stubborn so don´t think for even a second that I´ll let you go through with your stupid plan!” you looked at him with such emotion, such passion, it made his heart ache with a foreign familiarity.
Nacht never paid you any more mind than he did the others, just thinking all of you were useless. That was why he was so surprised that someone would voluntarily want to save him.
He treated you like shit, sure it was more out of a defense mechanism cause he couldn´t bear leaving people behind, having people worry about him, he already had enough guilt to carry.
But hearing your words was like a revelation to him.
Maybe he still had a role to play in life, maybe his story wasn´t over yet and just maybe could he live his life without having to fulfill anything, but solely for himself and the ones he cared about.
Maybe it was finally time to start caring more than he was ready to admit, to take a step into the unknown and discover it with…
It had always been you, he realized as he saw your desperate face, your hands on his shoulders, all dirty from fighting and yet feeling warmer than any fire ever could.
“Yes, maybe living might not be that bad” he tilted his head, smiling at you.
You felt an intense amount of relief wash over you as you gave him an exhausted smile back.
That was the first time you ever smiled at him, Nacht would never forget that moment, the moment in which you broke down his walls without even knowing it.
He would have to thank you later for that, when he fully comprehended what that meant.
Asta and you were training together again outside while the others were inside going on about their daily ruckus. Some were on missions already but some, like Asta, who were wounded and exhausted still needed to rest properly.
Though it was no use. Asta would never rest like he should unless he was knocked out.
And you tried that the first week, you each took turns but eventually you just couldn´t keep up anymore and let him train like he wanted.
Nacht also kept training with him, though he himself was new to everything going on and needed time to properly accommodate to things.
You stretched a bit, sitting down to just enjoy the sun for a moment.
“I can´t wait to go on missions again! I´m as good as new, I´m ready, I promise!” Asta beamed and showed off a bit but you only sighed.
“It´s not my call, kid” you apologized.
Asta pouted and kept training.
“You got a mission” Yami announced as he joined you outside and Asta practically jumped up and down with excitement and energy.
“Just the usual, rebuilding a town and fighting some magic beasts that escaped” he explained and Nacht slowly appeared behind him.
Asta´s eyes were beaming right now, he was excited to learn even more about the devil´s powers although he got quite the hang of it and even made a new friend.
Nacht smiled and waved at you, you just looked away as always and stood up to go back inside.
Nothing had changed anyway.
Until Yami stopped you in your tracks.
“If you get going now you´re gonna return by nightfall” he said and you nodded.
Asta sighed in frustration.
“I wanna go on a mission too!” he cried out.
“Not happening” all three of you said at the same time, shutting him up for a bit.
Both you and Nacht didn´t say anything as you made your way to the town in question.
Nacht because he didn´t know how to approach you and you because you thought there was no point in it, he wouldn´t think of you any differently.
And so you started your mission, once again fighting alongside each other and even though the task was dull Nacht´s presence gave you an energy that was unmatched, you just couldn´t help but smile.
When you were done you went deeper into the town to help the people rebuild it.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” he said out of the blue, making you turn around in confusion.
“Why would I go on a date with a guy who hates my guts?” you asked, making him sigh sadly.
“I´m sorry if I left that impression on you. I really don´t hate you… it´s quite the opposite actually” he explained.
“Did you just… I swear I never heard you apologize in all those years I´ve known you” you chuckled, not quite processing the second half of his statement.
“I never saw the point in it. All my life I always watched from afar, I always wanted to save people but you know, I´m just operating in the shadows. I´m good at spying and gaining information, saving people. Not so much making friends with them. I never saw it as my role. After all I lived my life for the kingdom and its people and not for myself. Why would I care if anyone liked me? In fact it would be the worst thing that could happen… death was always part of the job description and I was always willing to take that risk if it meant you could live longer. But now… ever since that day, I just want to live with you” he confessed, leaving you at a loss for words, so you did the only logical thing to you in this moment: hug him tightly.
“Of course I´d like to go on a date with you, Nacht. And I will keep protecting you” you smiled.
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