#nacht faust fic
loosesodamarble · 4 months
💕This anon💕
To make me feel better can I plz request for some Valentines hc for Nacht
What a coincidence, I don't have a Valentine's either, Anon!
Ah yes, some good Nacht headcanons will surely soothe the lonely heart! Let's think about Nacht being loving and sweet on this day together!
The start of the headcanons isn't all soft and fluffy but hopefully the turn around and ending make up for it. Please enjoy, Anon! And happy Valentine's Day!
Nacht on Valentine's Day
Nacht doesn't think much of Valentine's Day when you two enter your relationship.
He really didn’t have a sense for romance in his youth and well into adulthood (for good reason let’s be real).
So when you and Nacht have your first Valentine’s Day, he initially brushes it off as any other day.
“We can show our love for each other any day of the year,” Nacht says nonchalantly. “Why do we have to make a big show of it today?”
A sour look crosses your face and Nacht bites his tongue, realizing he shouldn’t have said what he did.
You would let out an annoyed sigh and leave because continuing the conversation while soured would make things uglier than you want them to be on what’s supposed to be a happy, loving day.
Nacht would take the time to knock himself on the head and regret his actions. Can’t do it for too long because he needs to consider why you were upset.
Him denying shows of love isn’t anything new. Nacht is reserved with affection but you normally laugh it off and say you look forward to when he’s feeling up to it.
Nacht would go out for a walk and get a look at how others were spending Valentine’s Day. Left and right, he sees couples feeling love in the air. Kissing in public. Squeals of delight at bouquets and boxes of chocolate. Cheers and hollers as people congratulate complete strangers on successful proposals.
It’s obnoxious to Nacht and all too shameless of the people.
And then it clicks. Nearly everyone is unabashedly affectionate on Valentine’s Day. Normally, such extravagant shows of love in public would feel out of place. But on this holiday, no one was judging anyone else because they were all partaking in the joy of being with their partner.
Nacht feels even dumber now. You were upset not just because he pushed you away but because he did it on a day when he really shouldn’t have felt shy about being affectionate.
Nacht had a new resolve in mind. He would make it up to you and give you the Valentine’s Day you deserved.
You hear a knock at your door, well more like ongoing and very aggressive knocking. You scramble to the door and open it to find Nacht standing there with a bouquet of flowers.
It’s a rather elaborate bouquet with the most vibrant flowers you’d ever laid on. Red, pink, white petals and the faint green of stems fills your vision. In the back of your mind, you know that it cost Nacht a pretty yul to buy it.
“For you…” he mutters a bit awkwardly. “Look, about what I said earlier, I—” He shakes his head before leaning in, unintentionally pressing the bouquet between your bodies, and kissing you on the lips.
It’s soft and sweet yet there’s a sense of desperation to Nacht’s kiss. It takes your breath away, the way Nacht’s lips practically meld with yours. A moment that felt close to perfection.
When Nacht pulls away, he holds the back of your head and looks you in the eyes. Those ice blue eyes of his have you hypnotized.
“I know I ruined the day earlier and there’s not much of Valentine’s Day left but… would you consider accompanying me on a date? I bet we can still get a seat at a nice cafe and enjoy a special menu item for the occasion.”
“Y-yeah…” you whisper back. “R-right after I put these flowers in water, of course!”
Nacht doesn’t let go of your hand the whole time you two make your way to a cafe. At random times, Nacht even pulls you in for more kisses, though only ones on the cheek.
You can literally hear other people on the streets sigh and coo over you two at times.
By the time you two find a place with an open table and get yourselves seated, you’ve fully processed what’s going on and you’re smiling uncontrollably. To be able to act all lovey-dovey with Nacht, in public no less, was a dream come true.
A little extra bonus was seeing Nacht flush the cutest shade of pink and grin back at you despite his shyness.
“Thank you, Nacht, for going along with this,” you told him while you two waited for your order. “I get to show you off as my partner now. And it feels good.”
Nacht’s blush grows deeper.
He turns completely red in the face when you reach across the table and kiss him on the lips.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love,” Nacht tells you. “I hope we can do this next year.”
“And every year after,” you add.
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lyranova · 3 months
Hey it's clover anon. I loved the summary and it inspired me to write this one shot :
Y/n loved Nacht, ever since they were 6, she loved him when they made a pinky promise to get married when they grow up, She loved him when he used to pull harmless pranks on her but when she saw him crying alone under the tree where he saved her from bullies and she hugged him to calm him, she felt something different because she realized she loved him romantically so she kept loving him even when he dyed his hair blond and became a delinquent. When other girls used to swoon over his bad boy attitude she felt jealous because she loved him and also felt he never saw her as anything more than a friend but that feeling changed when Morgen died because they only got stronger.
When Morgen died Nacht felt so guilty he felt that he was the one to be blamed. When Yami told him to join the magic knights he was just confused "Do I deserve it?" was all that he thought lying on his bed everyday feelin numb till one day when his childhood friend visited him.
"Nacht, I'm coming it." She said before opening the door she was nervous because she didn't see him since his family's funeral. When she saw Nacht alone feeling so depressed it broke her heart. He was lying on his bed and his room was in a mess, there were so many broken things and no one where there to clean it up because all the servants had quit working in the manor. He was just lying on the bed tears rolling down his eyes barely noticing her. "Nacht" she ran towards him tears filled in her eyes. "Y/n" he replied as he sat on his bed "Why are you here?".
"I missed you. When you ignored me at your family funeral I thought you needed space but I didn't hear from you later, I didn't see you anywhere and then I heard that all the servants had quit so I came to see you" she replied
"I see" he said.
She sat next to him holding his hands and intertwining their fingers. "Nacht do you want to talk about it?"
"Well, y/n my family had a secret. We used to study devils and bind them with objects to making them obey us" He pulled out a necklace to show her she squeezed his hand and nodded. "I managed to bind 4 middle level devils in a short time so father gave me a relic connected to a highest devil." Y/n squeezed his hand tighter having an idea where this was going to end. " I was overconfident and reckless and I paid the price. The devil when out of control and killed everyone, father, mother their followers and would have even taken control of my body but Morgen came before that could happen and destroyed the relic saving my worthless life while sacrificing his." Tears began to roll down his face.
Y/n wiped his tears "Nacht don't say that, your life is not worthless if Morgen saw you in this condition he would be heartbroken. Nacht, know that Morgen loved you, know that I love you."
"Y/n don't say that, you deserve better than a delinquent like me. Someone evil like me. You deserve someone better, someone nice, sweet and good like Morgen."
"Nacht you idiot. I knew Morgen, he was my close friend but I loved you and only you. I don't care if you were a delinquent, I don't care if you were reckless, I love you, I always did and I always will. If you feel so bad then use this life that Morgen saved to help people, I know you can do it because if you were evil you wouldn't have saved me from those bullies." She took his hand and kept it close to her heart. "If you were evil then you won't be feeling guilty. If you were evil you wouldn't make this heart love you." She said with tears running down her eyes.
Nacht kissed her and she returned it. The kiss was gentle in the beginning but it got more passionate little by little. They both didn't hold back the feelings that they held for each other for all those years. Nacht remembered to be gentle with her, kissing her every chance he got, whispering "I love you", pulling her closer, caressing her face as they both cried and spent the night together.
The next morning Y/n woke up and sleeply stretched her hand to hug Nacht but the bed was empty, she opened her eyes to find Nacht nowhere. She just found a letter :
My dear Y/n
Thank you for everything. I'll remember what you said for my whole life. I'll work hard, I'll help people and I'll do everything to be worthy of you so wait for me, please wait for me. I will be back to keep our childhood promise. I love you.
She cried holding the note close to her heart.
(3 months later)
"Miss, you are pregnant" the doctor said " You are quite young do you want to get an abortion?"
"No , I want to keep the baby." She said knowing exactly how hard it would be.
"Miss, you are going to have twins" the doctor said.
"I see, more the merrier" she replied happily
"Nacht will be so happy when he sees them." She thought to herself.
Everything went as she knew. Her parents kicked her out of the house. People gossiped about her but she still kept the children as she believed that the babies were a precious gift from Nacht and she loved him.
(3 months later)
Y/n felt the pain but she held on she knew that she was going to have permanent complications after having the twins but she kept pushing. She just pictures Nacht holding her hand through the whole process and when it was all done she finally saw the two precious babies. A girl who looked just like her and a boy who looked just like Nacht. They looked so tiny and weak after all they were premature babies. "I'll look after you both well, you both will have the best of the best life. I'll make sure of that. Even though I won't be able to walk, I'll work hard for you both" she said crying.
(6 years later)
Y/N came back home on her wheelchair after a long day of work. Fortunately because she was a noble she had a lot of mana and she could get a job. She worked hard everyday burning trash till she ran out of mana. "Mama" the twins ran towards her and hugged her "Stella, Joy." She hugged them back "How was school?"
"We learnt a lot, Mama" they said at the same time.
"Shall we go to our favorite restaurant? After that I'll buy you candy it's both of your birthday after all." She said smiling.
"Yea!!!!!!" The twins said happily
Y/n pushed her wheelchair through the streets with the twins walking next to her. She wished she could close their ears as the townfolk began to gossip.
"Her son looks just like the dead lord of house Faust."
"Maybe she slept with his twin?"
"That delinquent. His whole family died all of a sudden. Maybe he killed them all."
"If he is murder then the children might become murders too."
She clenched her fists but she didn't say anything. She hated it when people talked so badly about the man she loves or her kids. "It's okay " she thought to herself "Nacht will be back , he will keep his promise. Then the kids won't have to hear anything after that"
After eating at the restaurant she took the kids to their favorite candy store. "Pick whatever you want I'll buy it." She smiled. The kids ran in and were busy picking candies when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked back "Yami?"
"How have you been?" He asked
Just then the twins ran towards her. "Keep away from, mama" Stella said
"Yeah, if you hurt her we will fight you." Joy replied
"It's okay, he is a friend of your papa." She said.
Yami looked at the kids " Nacht's?"
She nodded.
"Mister how is papa? He is protecting the kingdom and helping people . So is he well?" Stella asked
"When will he be back?" Joy asked.
Y/n smiled and patted their heads and said "That was all I could think of."
( 4 years later)
The Zogratis siblings were finally defeated. Nacht was happy to finally return to clover kingdom so that he could return to his precious Y/n. He was a little nervous, he wondered if she still loved him, if she had moved on but it didn't matter all he wanted to do was see her even if it was from afar.
He tried to look for her shadow but it was of no use he couldn't sense it. Something was not right. He desperately went to the town looking for her. He went to her family only to know that she was kicked out. He asked around to find out that she was sick and has two kids. Nacht froze "Did she move on ?" He didn't care he just wanted to see her. So he went to the house the people said she lived in only to see a funeral. Nacht went to see what was going on there weren't many people and in the coffin was his precious y/n eyes closed and sleeping forever his suspicions were true. He fell on his knees crying. Just then he felt a tap on his shoulder to see a girl who looked just like Y/n and a boy just like him both looked 10 "Are you our papa?" They asked at the same time "Are you finally back?"
(2 months later)
Nacht read the letter everyday. It was the most precious thing to him after the children. He opened it:
Dear Nacht,
If you are reading this letter then it means that I must have left this world. There hasn't been a single day that I haven't thought about you. In the beginning things were tough but then Yami showed up. He told me a little about what you were doing and I wasn't surprised, I knew you would be doing something great I always did. He even sent a fraction of your salary which surprised me. He even asked help from sister Theresa and I could leave the children in a nearby church when I had work. Please don't be mad at him for not telling you about me, I made him promise not to tell you anything, I didn't want you to abandon your duties for me and now that I am no more please look after the children they are really precious to me and I hope they will remind you of me just like they reminded me of you. I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my end of our promise. I love you, I always did and I always will.
Nacht folded the letter and kept it on his table next to the portrait of them both as children, a portrait of them as teenagers and a portrait of her with the children. He went down to see the black bulls with the children. Charmy made their favorite food, Vanessa sewed pretty clothes, Gouche was telling them about Marie, Gordon was giving them his scary dolls, Luck and Magna were trying to teach them how to fight, the rest of them were waiting for their turn to spend time with the kids. Nacht took them to the black bulls base to stay till he could find a good boarding school for the kids. He smiled ."Are you happy Y/n" He thought
(40 years later)
Nacht was on his death bed as Stella and Joy were each hold a hand of his "Thank you for being with me kids, you both have grown to be amazing adults, I am so proud of you both." They began to cry. "Don't worry I'll meet your mother soon." and then Nacht took his final breath. When he opened his eyes he could see a white light and in the middle was his precious Y/n smiling.
She looked like she didn't age even a day since he last saw her. He looked down to look at his hands and there we're any wrinkles.
"Nacht" she ran and hugged him "I was waiting for you, all this time , my love."
"And I was waiting for this too." He said and hugged her back.
What do you think? I hope my English is okay.
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Hiya Clover Anon! Aww i’m so glad my little summary was able to inspire you to write this 🥺! I think this is great, and very well written! I honestly think you should post this on Ao3 or on you’re blog so that way more people can see it and appreciate it 🥰! Also you’re english is very good, so please don’t worry about it!
@loosesodamarble tagging you because it’s Nacht, and because when I wrote the summary I may or may not have thought about Nacsele and Dawn and Dusk 😅👉👈!
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dark-and-shadows · 11 months
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The Awful Edges Where You End, by Funky_Sea_Cryptid and The_Florian_Triangle on ao3.
Chapter 13: foundations
A long time coming, but worth it <3 university got in the way of my doodles which is homophobic quite frankly, but then my author friends @t-f-t and @funky-sea-cryptid wrote an absolute banger fic, like absolutely amazing shit that everyone should read, and well. This popped out.
Fuck you (/aff) Tam and Alex for making me have to learn how to draw feet, backgrounds, and fire. But also thank you because I was procrastinating learning for ages and it made me get around to trying!!! <3 i still have a ways to go, but I'm pretty proud of how it turned out for my first time. Backgrounds are NOT my strong suit. (And click for quality, as fucking alwayssssss)
I know it isn't pride month anymore, but happy pride everyone <3
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hitorinorin · 6 months
the funny thing is blue lock isn't even my favorite anime but i can't even post about bc because the black clover fandom is kind of dead 😭 yes i do love rin but nacht will always be my #1 babygirl
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𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡 & 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
summary: Aika is followed by a stranger who begs for a mission that can change the course of her destiny. Salvation only comes to those that seek it.
notes: This excerpt is kinda far along in Demons Run and it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while so I’m just posting it.
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Aika turned around the corner and into the dark alleyway to see if her pursuer will confront her. And almost if on cue, a haggard, white-haired man, materialized from the shadows, eyes crazed. His mouth opened to say something but he fell to all fours with a harsh gasp.
She watched curiously as the man gather himself. Is he some drunkard? That would be the most logical explanation considering he reeked of whiskey, cigarette and...devil?
“I heard you were a forbidden magic user that specialized in life and death,” he breathed.
Aika grew still. She tamped down her anger as she wracked her head for who might’ve told him that.
“What is your name?” Her voice came quietly.
He raised his head and looked at her with startling blue eyes, that shone even in the dark of the alley.
Her eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline. He said his last name on purpose. He knew that everyone forbidden magic user in Clover Kingdom knew that name well. She was definitely listening now.
“Nacht...Faust? The last surviving son of the Faust family?” Aika knew the family well. Not personally, but she had studied them thoroughly, seeing that they are the only people in Clover Kingdom who are rumored to consort with devils and other forbidden magic practices.
His mouth curled into snarl. He didn’t need to be reminded that he was alive and his brother wasn’t.
Nacht stood and steadied himself, feeling a bit more sober and gave her a sharp nod.
“Well, Nacht, may I help you with something? Seeing as you’ve been following me all the way from Clover Castle.”
“I want your help to bring my brother back.” His dead brother? She couldn’t bring back people who were already dead and their soul had passed so long ago.
“No,” she said almost immediately.
That crazed look was back again.
“No! Please! You have to help me.” He fell to his knees again, his hands clasped together pleadingly, tears falling in twin streams down his cheeks. Aika resisted the urge to sneer. She hated people who threw all their dignity aside and prostrate themselves, especially to strangers. She was about to leave him but his next words made her pause.
“Please, I’m begging you. His soul isn’t even resting in the After. Someone like him doesn’t belong in the Underworld! You are the only necromancer who lives without any serious repercussions. Please, I’ll do anything!”
Underworld? She could definitely use this to her advantage.
Aika laid a hand on his shoulder, making him snap his eyes up to hers.
“You want to bring your brother back from the Underworld?”
Nacht nodded frantically.
“Necromancy has a lot do with life and death,” she explained as a smile grew on her face. Internally, she was shaking with excitement. If he agrees to her plan, then she is saved. No one can give her Salvation except herself. She would put him through many trials: a different country, a different name, a different life. But in the end, they would both get what they want. “But it isn’t without sacrifices. You would have to wait years, give up your life for--”
“I don’t mind...” Nacht interrupted. “If I die...”
She rolled her eyes. Now, that was way too dramatic.
“You’re not going to die if you do this right. The point is to live and enjoy your life with your brother.”
He moved quickly and clasped her forearms, his eyes wide with hopeful desperation.
“You have a plan?!”
“Yes, now please unhand me.” Nacht let go as if he was burned and took a step back. “I’ll need you to sober up, gather your essentials and meet up with me at the church in Hage Village in a week from now. Have you ever been to college?”
Nacht was listening attentively but the last question caught him off guard.
“Oh.” Aika touched her chin pensively. “Then, this will be a new experience for you then...” She thought out loud to herself. “Don’t worry I’ll send you to my alma mater. I’ll make sure they treat you right.”
He cocked his head at her in confusion.
“Clover University?”
“No,” she looked up at him and smiled thinly. “Spade Nation War College.”
Nacht opened his mouth to throw a slew of questions at her but she raised a halting hand.
“I will answer all your questions in a week, but only if you are prepared to do anything to bring your brother back. Sober up, think on this, and if you show up at that church, there’s no going back, understood?”
He stared hard at the dirty alley floor between them and slowly clenched his fist. Nacht needed to know something before he made up his mind.
“How sure are you that this is going to work?”
“Ninety percent sure.”
“And if this plan fails?”
“Then ninety percent of the world dies.” He shot her an alarmed look. “But that won’t happen as long as you do what you are told.”
Aika stared him down nonchalantly as he looked at her in disbelief.
“You have a week to make up your mind,” she adjusted her leather gloves. “And if there’s nothing else, then it was a pleasure to meet you, Nacht.”
He could tell that he was dismissed. His shoulders fell and he closed his eyes for a moment before he began to fall into the floor, into his own shadows. Just before his head disappeared, his eyes flew wide open and met her’s with a fierce resolve.
Aika relaxed. She need not worry. 
Nacht Faust was definitely going to come to that church.
She took a deep breath. She wasn’t done yet because he wasn’t the only person who pursued her tonight.
“You can come out now...Julius.”
A hooded man man dropped from the sky and landed noiselessly behind her, blocking the way out of the alley. The cloak fell, revealing the cold, expressionless face of the 28th Wizard King.
“Even if it is actually in good faith, I can’t let you proceed if this ‘plan’ really does have a 10 percent margin to fail and kill nearly everyone.”
Aika hadn’t lied to the stranger but she was sad that she has to lie to someone she was growing to like a lot.
“I lied to him. No one is going to die,” She assured him with a smile. “I just needed to be sure of his resolve before I trust him to come through.”
“I...won’t say I don’t trust you--”
“But that is exactly what you’re going to say.”
“No. I want Nacht to also bring any information he can on the movements of the Dark Triad.”
“That’s definitely doable.”
“Wh--Really?” That was so easy? Julius felt like it shouldn’t be.
“Absolutely. I still haven’t figured out all the logistics of the plan because I just came up with it,” Aika took his hand and brought it up to her face. “I am happy to include you in it if you want.” She kissed his knuckles.
Julius smiled down at her. He lived a life where nearly everyone disagreed with him on a daily basis. It was their job but he couldn’t help but be used to that. But Aika was someone who understood him on nearly everything. Even if she disagreed, she saw his viewpoint. Someone who stood next to him, someone who understood him. Yes, that was her.
He felt his heart race.
“Thank you.”
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landofiron · 2 years
baby we’re at 31k on the nacht fic and nowhere done yet
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marune2 · 1 year
Fem Nacht fan art
Norm Family day for the twins
It’s ok Nacht you grow it’s ok this yami have bigger tits as you but you have a cute look 😂
Morgan like too style his Big sis 👌🏻🤣
Nacht whas Mad at Morgan and did use make up on him Morgan did walk most of the day araund like this nobody did say something just laugh Ore stare but yami did tell him Morgan whas so embarrassed but he did look pretty 👍
Nacht like‘s too steal Morgan’s underwear too wear it’s comfortable for her Morgan don’t mind as long she don’t have her strawberry Weck in them even Morgan have Linse
The Faust parents did Make Nacht wear the Family dress from the Faust family in party’s too looks ideal for Adel Nacht did Not like it but at least not so mush perverted looks as Norm what did Morgan like
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naturallykenma · 2 years
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patching up injuries (dazai, chuuya) 
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types of touches (finral, nacht)
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
BC boys when y/n is drunk
Well.. In case you guys didn't know, it's gonna be Yami's birthday in a few days time! hehe last year I did a Mafia AU on his birthday but this year has been so hectic so I'll do all sorts of Yami fics.. Drabbles, one shots, headcanons.. At the same time I'll be clearing my drafts of whack ideas hehe! I'll indulge in this man before Tabata finally writes him off with another beautiful lady..
I might do a part 2 of when the boys are drunk hehe.
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Characters: Yami, Nozel, Nacht x f! reader TW: alchohol, drunk, slight NSFW, just mentions of sex, unchecked works
Yami Sukehiro
If you're out with your friends and you or your friends gets him to pick you, This man grumbles a whole lot, but still comes to pick you up ALL THE TIME. Cues poor Finral having to figure out where you're at because his captain is tired and grumpy.
Sometimes he reaches and you're still not done, he's pick up your mug, and down it in one go. He'll then pick you up bridal style and tell your friends thank you and leave.
Some days he'll join your friends for a few rounds while you sleep on his shoulder before he carries you back home. If your friends are playing card games? You both wake up at your friend's place in the morning the next day. Because this man has no self control when it comes to gambling + alcohol at the same time.
Well on the days where you both make it back home, he'll clean you up. You're pretty surprised he doesn't try anything funny while you're drunk, but he'll always joke and tell you that he wants to.
He'll also hold your hair for you if you need to puke. Having his huge and warm palm stroke your back? Best shit ever.
Has no idea how to remove your make up so he pours a huge amount of your remover on a handkerchief and just wipes your face like it's a window.
Throws on an old tshirt of his over you and cuddles you back to sleep.
Bonus for the birthday boy:
If you're both drinking together, he's probably the one that's drunk. Because this man will down all liquor for you. Because "a true man never lets his girl get drunk."
Always down for drunk sex. As far as he's not knocked out, he'll be happy to go a few rounds so long as you want to.
Nozel Silva
Sighs and doesn't say a word. He then comes over on his mercury eagle to pick you up.
He's face looks like someone just murdered his pet and he comes over to you and go, "let's go." in the softest tone ever. He's just a softie for you.
If you don't want to go home yet, he'll just wait patiently for you as you drink your fill but He'll stare at anyone that continues to pressure you to drink if he's there. He wants to help you to drink but he knows he can't hold his liquor THAT well so..
He just holds you quietly when you rest on him till you get home. If you're really drunk, he'll gently chide you a little. "How did you get so drunk?" or "don't drink that much next time."
say a few sweet words to him and he's wrapped around your finger again.
When you get home the servants already prepared a warm bath for you. Someone washes and dries your hair for you as well. He sits and read while you get ready and then dismisses the servants.
He cuddles you and presses kisses to your temples and foreheads, telling you that he missed you while you were gone.
If you were together while you got drunk, he holds you close to him all the time and tries to stop you from drinking further. He'll find any excuse to leave the place ASAP.
Nacht Faust
Is silent and hangs the line when you / your friends tell him you're drunk and to come get you. But he appears in a flash. He's low key worried whenever you're drunk because he doesn't like anyone to be close to you or to touch you or any other men ogling at you.
Without a word he carries you in his arms and disappears into the shadows. Nobody stops him because he and his devils show them the look of death.
He looks at you with soft eyes when you're both alone and he all gentle with you.
Surprisingly he knows your facial routine and he does it pretty well (except he might get some steps jumbled up) before tucking you into bed in your pjs.
If you puke, he also washes and dries your hair for you with the help of his devils of course. He blackmails them to hold your hair and fetch a towel and stuff.
When you say all those sweet and lovey-dovey stuff to him while you're drunk, he turns all red but he low key loves it.
Pulls you close to sleep and the next day he'll chide you a little, telling you not to get that drunk again or he'll kick whoever's ass that makes you drunk.
If you're both drinking together, he'll never let you get drunk. periodT. the drinks are either drank by him or it disappears into the shadows.
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1,2,3,21,23 for Nacht please.
Nacht!!! Certainly flamelet ^^
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Hmmm... I would say that overall I like Nacht. He's an interesting character, and one that has a complicated "inner world". What I mean to say is that when we first see him, he's this mysterious, smiling, but brutal (by saying what he thinks without caring for anyone else) person, who 'hides in the shadows'. But little by little we see more of him, and see why he has wound into the situation that he's in. The guilt he feels is more than evident, and we learn that he has a lot of resentment, but perhaps also jealousy towards Yami for having been more of a friend, a closer person, with Morgen. Not that Nacht seemed to seek together spent time with Morgen back when they where young, prior to the tragedy. Nacht clearly loathes himself for what he did, but has found other people to blame, along with himself. And it's manifesting in a lot of ways, and overall creates a character who is fun to play around with.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That he's a complicated character, despite seeming simple on the surface. He's like an... onion. There are a lot of layers, and someone might cry when you open more and more of them. Chances are that it's Nacht, at least internally, but the point is that there is a lot in him to explore. I don't think there's a particular event in canon that I prefer with him. There's certainly a lot of memorable scenes, such as the death of Morgen, Nacht learning that he's the most "suitable" head of the House of Faust, and his entrance into the series. His design is also very edgy, which is fun. I think he's not that "cool" though. It's the kind of "cool" that appeals to teens typically, but I can't say the same about myself. The kind of edgy emo who seems to be mean to people and "I don't care who is hurt by what I say" -type of a thing. But once you learn that it's partly due to his self-blame and insecurities, and not just for the show of it, it seems to fit him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Well, because his poor life choices add to him being an interesting character, I suppose I'm most annoyed by the fact that we don't know much about his time in Spade, or the real reasons why he chose to go there as a spy. So far, I think we just know that he was a spy, but most other things are speculations; educated guesses if you will. I want to know more about him, and it's frustrating not to know.
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
Show his emotions. Talk about his emotions, and put him into places and situations where he has to come face to face with himself. This can ofc be done via just Nacht himself, via canon charcaters or ocs/x readers. But. While I enjoy having him self-reflect, I also want to give him some comfort, some forgiveness, someone to tell him that while he needs to own up to the mistakes he made, he also needs to let go of the hate and the guilt for himself and move on with his life. Because Nacht isn't a bad person. Though one might argue against. To me, he's just more... troubled. He's burdened by his guilt, but can't seem to forgive himself either. He's essentially at a loss. What to do. What to think. He's just continuing forward and waiting for something he could do, in order to be absolved, somehow. And that's what he was doing during the Spade Arc, when he was planning on imprisoning himself into that spell forever, doomed to run away from devils until they'd manage to kill him. If death would exist in that space. And what I don't like, is writing him as a malicious asshole. As in, there certainly can be themes that mimic those a lot. And he can certainly be very frank, cruel even with his words, but he doesn't seem like someone who'd seek the suffering of others. That is to say, that I don't see him going around and being mean just for the sake of being mean, or saying anything to anyone if there really is no point in it. So, he's not a malicious asshole in a lot of ways. To me at least. He might seem like it on the surface for sure, but... that's not who he is
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Either of these two
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nokunsan · 2 years
Short Nacht x Reader - angst
where y/n rejected her boy best friend.
(I want to read one but there are little nacht fics so here I am whahaha)
Quick reminder that I'm new to this, there might be A LOT of errors since I'm just starting to writee :)) (srry if this is a lil cringe )
"Everybody said, "Follow your heart". I did, it got broken"
My heart, it's broken. I didn't know what to do anymore. I ran and ran until I got tired. I don't know, I'm lost, I'm lost, I'm lost, I'm lost!! I liked him. But I chose my career because of it. It's the only thing I have. I'm not ready. I need time
As I started to mutter I heard some footsteps. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed my pocket knife from my bag. My hands are shaking but my eyes are fierce. I swear, if this is another pervert guy I'm gonna cut his balls. But then I saw a white streak hair. It's him. My other friend.
Nacht Faust. Brother of Morgen Faust. I remember that Morgen rejected me. I cried that day, thinking am I enough? Why did he not like me back? But here I am, my other friend suffering because I rejected him. Going back to Nacht, he reminds me of my rapist to be honest. That awful attitude, I hate injustice to people like him. He doesn't deserve to be in my place right now, especially that I'm in my safe space.
You. You! What are you doing here!? I spoke with anger, I'm ready to push him but he noticed that I'm grabbing a knife.
"Well, looks like my innocent friend is holding a knife, keh, are you going to kill me?" I smirked even when I'm trembling. I'm not afraid of death anymore. Like I said, I have no purpose anymore.
"Me? Killing you? Let's see, Faust." I quickly moved to pin him down but he already started to take my knife. I forgot this guy has skills. His legs kicked my other legs. He has reflexes, I thought. As I'm finding an opening he already took both of my hands and tied it. He fell down and since It was raining, I was soaking wet.
I started to cry, losing hope. "Fine you win… I'm this type of person right? I always Fail, now I hurt another one… tell me…am I selfish?? I hate this!... I hate this…Nacht.
"Hey. I didn't know that…you felt like that I'm sorry..Y/N." he hugged me tight. He never did this before. He was never this soft. He may be mean, but….
"I'll always be right here by your side, remember that. I'll help you move on. Come with me, let's sing a song like you've always wanted" he takes my hand.
"I sincerely apologize since you 're losing your cool. I have to pin you down" he smiled. It was never fake.
"Tch, I know that I'm a soft person today. Don't get used to it, okay?" He removed his jacket and placed it on my shoulders.
"Make sure to return it, smarty head" we both walked as the rain started to stop. "Thank you Nacht" I replied with a tired smile. This is just a bad day, not a bad life.
I opened my eyes, it's 2am. My tears fell as I wiped it. Sniffing because the dream felt real to me.
"Thank you Nacht. You're my moon" I began fixing my bed and started studying again. Knowing that there's hope for everything. I can still be myself, not jealousy, no hate, just me, loving myself. Along with my vice captain being with my side.
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lyranova · 2 months
Hi can you write a college au + coffee shop au fic of delinquent Nacht x f!reader where the dynamic is NOT bad boy x good girl but bad boy x dense girl. Where both of them are college students and reader works part time as a barista. Please include Morgen and Yami as side characters.
Hiya anon, I apologize for the wait! Of course I can, and I did my best to work in Morgen and Yami as side characters. Also this isn’t really as fluffy as most other fics, this is more…neutral I guess? But I still hope you enjoy~!
Taglist: @loosesodamarble
Word Count: 1,315
Warnings: None
You watched as your newest co-worker, Nacht Faust, struggled with the coffee maker. He cursed and glared as it made a very unsettling hiss, and you couldn’t help but shake your head.
This guy…why on earth did he lie and say he had experience when he clearly did not?!
As you watched him continue to struggle, you couldn’t help but recall the day he had come up to you at school and asked if your parent’s coffee shop still needed another employee. You had told him that they did, and all he did was nod in response and walk away.
It had been really weird; but then again Nacht had always been weird ever since you two were kids, so it wasn’t really a surprise. But after he came up to you the next day and announced that you two were co-workers now as well as classmates you had been surprised!
You sighed and shook your head, you couldn’t believe that your parents had agreed to hire one of the most well known delinquents in town. But at the same time, you knew that your parents had a soft spot for him…
And so did you.
“ Good morning you two!” Morgen Faust greeted happily as he walked into the shop.
“ I wouldn’t say their morning is ‘good’ if that sound is any indication.” Yami Sukehiro, the other delinquent in town and Nacht’s friend, said as he winced at the awful hissing sound.
“ And I wouldn’t say your morning will be good if you don’t shut up.” Nacht muttered in irritation as he glanced at his chuckling friend.
You rolled your eyes before quickly greeting Morgen, ignoring Yami, and walking over to Nacht.
“ Here,” You began as you walked up behind him. “ You gotta do it like this.” You instructed as you reached around, grabbed his hands, and began to show him how the coffee machine worked.
“ I’ve got it,” He muttered, his voice quiet but as he turned away you swore you saw his cheeks were now bright pink.
You tilted your head, why was his face red? Did he maybe get too warm working with the coffee machine?
“ You sure?” You asked, and when he gave you a nod you released his hands and stepped away from him, walked out from behind the counter, and walked towards Morgen and Yami.
“ I take it that training isn’t going well?” Morgen asked you with a nervous laugh, and you shook your head.
“ Nope, not at all,” You sighed as more cursing and a loud crash could be heard from Nacht.
“ It could be worse,” Yami began as he leaned back in his seat. “ He could’ve burnt down the coffee shop already.”
“ Don’t say that, or he just might!” You exclaimed in panic, an image of the coffee shop burning down flashing in your mind. Yami laughed while Morgen just shook his head.
“ To be honest, I really don’t understand why he applied here,” You admitted after a moment. “ I mean, I know he needed a job…but why did he apply here of all places?”
“ Hm, I wonder,” Morgen hummed mysteriously, his eyes telling you he knew exactly why his twin had applied there.
But lucky you didn’t have to wait very long to hear the reason.
“ He applied here because he likes you, you idiot,” Yami explained as he crossed his arms.
You stared at the pair for a moment, your eyes blinking rapidly as you tried to process what he had just said, but then you laughed.
“ That’s a good one Yami, you should make jokes like that more often!” You laughed as you patted his shoulder.
Morgen and Yami exchanged a look.
“ He…isn’t joking,” Morgen admitted hesitantly, his eyes now holding a serious look in them. “ That was the sole reason he applied here.”
“ That punk wanted to find an excuse to spend more time with you outside of school,” Yami added.
“ You…really didn’t know?” Morgen asked softly, and you shook your head slowly.
That didn’t make sense; Nacht, your childhood friend, liked you?! There was no way that was true…
But as you began to put all the pieces together, everything made sense. He would act hot and cold with you, he would say and do things that felt a little out of character for him, and whenever you got too close or held his hands like you did a moment ago his face would turn red and he would look nervous.
He liked you…
“ Why?” You muttered in confusion, you brows furrowing.
“ Why what?” Morgen and Yami asked in equal confusion.
“ Why does he like me? Out of all people?” You asked them in disbelief, and Yami shrugged.
“ I dunno, why don’t you go ask him?” Yami suggested, with Morgen nodding in agreement.
But you just stood there; your mind going a mile a minute as you tried to decide what to do, when suddenly another loud crash rang out through the coffee shop as a couple of mugs broke.
“ I…I-I need to get back to work,” You muttered as you walked away from your friends and went back behind the counter.
And for the rest of the day your mind was completely filled with nothing but Nacht and this new revelation.
“ You okay? You’ve been acting weird since this morning.” Nacht asked as the two of you stood outside the now closed coffee shop. He always walked you home after work, claiming that it was dangerous for you to walk home by yourself late at night.
You had laughed, saying that you could handle yourself, and he agreed but said that it didn’t hurt to have someone watching your back just in case.
But now that entire memory looked completely different than it had before…
“ Yeah, I’m fine.” You told him softly as you finished locking the shop and turned around to face the street.
Nacht’s eyes narrowed, not believing you for a second, and just as he was about to tell you so you spoke up.
“ Do you like me?”
He felt his heart stop dead in his chest at your question, and as he slowly turned to face you he noticed you were still staring out at the street.
“ Where did you hear that from?”
“ Yami and Morgen.”
“ Tsk, those two...” He muttered in irritation as he also turned to face the street. When he got back to the dorms he was definitely going to give them an earful, especially Yami!
The air quickly became thick and awkward as you and Nacht stood there, but eventually he sighed.
“ Yeah, I like you,” He admitted softly, his gaze drifting towards the ground.
You hummed.
“ Do…you also like me?” He asked you hesitantly, his voice even softer than before. The tone sounded nervous, and slightly afraid.
“ I don’t know,” You admitted softly as your gaze also drifted towards the ground. “ Everything feels…different now between us.”
Nacht nodded slowly.
“ A good different, or a bad different?” He asked as he looked over at you, trying to gauge your emotions through your expressions, but you weren’t giving anything away.
“ I think…it’s a good different,” You admitted softly, your brows furrowing in thought. Nacht let out a soft breath he hadn’t realized that he was holding.
It wasn’t a direct confirmation, but it wasn’t an outright rejection either.
“ I think we’ll have to spend more time together for me to figure it out,” You told him as you finally looked up and turned to face him. “ Is that alright?”
Nacht’s eyes widened and his brows raised in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and he looked away shyly.
“ I think I can work you into my schedule,” He said with a small grin.
“ Great! So should we have dinner tomorrow after work?”
Nacht turned to face you again, his grin widening, and his head nodding in agreement.
“ I think I can make that work.”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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funky-sea-cryptid · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 23 (primes)
1-the character everyone gets wrong
patri. he's not evil he was a) influenced by a devil b) a fifteen year old when he died and c) has actively tried to make up for what he's done even though he was in (mostly) full possession of his wits. he's not evil. he's literally mislead and turned around and then got TORTURED FOR IT??? he's just a guy also he's gay let him go your honor (i am smote by damnatio kira)
2-a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
FINRAL WOULD NEVERRRR TOP HE'S. ITS PART OF HIS CHARACTER THAT HE IS A WET RAG AND A PUSHOVER AND FOR ALL HIS WHINING ABOUT BEING EVERYONES SENIOR HE LETS THEM DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. if finral roulacase had to give orders in the bedroom he would burst into tears. he can't give orders to people in his squad who out here thinks he could top????
3-screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
you ever seen those "he would not fucking say that" posts? uh yeah. nacht faust is a RAT he would not be calling ANYONE some sweet pet name like 'angel' or whatever he's just. the way he shows affection is CANONICALLY insulting people.
5-worst discord server and why
i have never been in an official fandom server i guess? i am in one with my friends and my beloved right now and it's very good. im not fit to answer this question in conclusion. arson server is very nice :D
7-what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
im gonna be real here all the characters i dislike are because they do some fuckshit in canon,,,, i just hate them more if i see people doing some shit ig?
11-number of fandom-related words you've filtered
17-there should be more of this type of fic/art
finral fallen angel imagery but also put him in a dress. transfem finral is real and true to ME. also bird imagery finral based :D
23-ship you've unwillingly come around to
disaster trio but only when wild writes it bc i trust wild
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lu-inlondon · 1 year
Erstmal ein großes Kompliment, deine Fics machen einfach glücklich! 💖 ⌛📚🤲, nur wenn du magst!
Aw, das ist so lieb von dir Anon <3
💖 What made you start writing?
Ganz ehrlich? Keine Ahnung. :D
Ich schreibe eigentlich schon so lange wie ich denken kann irgendwelche Geschichten - erst im Mathehefter und dann, nachdem ich Fandom-Spaces für mich entdeckt habe, online.
Vielleicht liegt es an meinem Opa. Der war Deutschlehrer und hat schon in der Grundschule mit mir den Faust besprochen. Das Ende fand ich aber doof und dann hab ich mir ein schöneres ausgedacht.
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Das kommt wirklich darauf an. Unter den richtigen Umständen schaffe ich es schonmal zweitausend Wörter oder einen One-Shot in einer Stunde zu schreiben. Meistens brauche ich aber ein bisschen länger ;)
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
Ich meine wenn ich aus Versehen einen Bestseller schreibe und dann so viel Tantieme bekomme, dann würde ich nicht wieder ins Büro gehen, aber ansonsten nicht. Schreiben ist für mich eine Form der Entspannung, ein Hobby, das ich liebe.
Ich will mich nicht stressen müssen jedes Jahr ein Buch zu schreiben, damit ich Essen auf dem Tisch und ein Dach über dem Kopf habe. :D
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Jetzt weiß ich natürlich nicht, was du sonst so von mir liest. Aber wie wäre es mit einem Teaser für eine Escort AU?
“Wollten Sie nicht drüber schlafen?” ist das erste, was er hört, als er aus den Aufzugtüren tritt, die zum Stockwerk seines Büros gehören. 
“Auch Ihnen einen guten Morgen Frau Baumann,” grüßt er und versucht sich ein genervtes Stöhnen zu verkneifen. 
Leo hat wirklich keine Kapazitäten für ein belehrendes Gespräch am Morgen. Er hatte heute früh nicht einmal Kaffee, weil er erst so unglaublich spät eingeschlafen ist und dann noch dreimal die Schlummertaste gedrückt hat. 
Adam ist nicht wieder abgerückt, nachdem er das Foto von ihnen beiden auf der Couch gemacht hat. Stattdessen hat er sich nur bequemer platziert und das Bild bearbeitet, um es zu posten. 
Er hat Leo erklärt, was er warum macht, auch wenn das für Leo alles keinen Sinn ergibt. Er ist sich nicht mal sicher, welchen Unterschied ein Bild machen soll, das ihre Gesichter nicht zeigt, sondern nur ihre unter der Decke liegenden Körper und die Weingläser im Hintergrund. 
Aber scheinbar muss es funktionieren, weil Esther ihm auf ihrem Handy genau dieses Bild zeigt und Leo böse anfunkelt. “Was wird das?” 
“Das mit ihrem komischen Jugendfreund,” faucht sie ihn ungeduldig an. “Schürk.” 
Mit einem Seufzen stößt Leo die Tür zu seinem Büro auf. “Muss das sein?” fragt er und Esther folgt ihm ungebeten nach drinnen. 
“Da ich die ganze Nacht an einem möglichen Kandidaten für die Rolle ihres Lebensgefährten gesessen habe, muss das jetzt sein, ja,” versichert sie ihm und bleibt mit verschränkten Armen vor Leos Schreibtisch stehen. “Also?”  
“Ich hatte Sie gebeten, noch zu warten,” erinnert er sie und versucht, nicht eingeschüchtert zu wirken. Immerhin ist er hier der Chef, auch wenn Esther es wirklich drauf hat, gruselig zu wirken.  
“Wegen Schürk?” will sie ungläubig wissen. “Ihnen ist klar, dass sein Auftreten Thivierge davon überzeugen muss, dass wir sein Unternehmen-”
“Ja, das ist mir klar,” unterbricht Leo sie. Langsam verliert er die Geduld und er ist wirklich viel zu müde für all das hier. “Falls es ihnen entgangen sein sollte habe ich in den letzten zehn Jahren etwas sehr erfolgreiches hier aufgebaut.”
Esther sieht ihn einen Moment abschätzig an, bevor sie sagt: “Und wenn sie nicht aufpassen, dann sind sie es schneller wieder los als sie letzte Nacht einen Freund gefunden haben.”
Danke Anon für den lieben Ask <3
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peonnes-writes · 11 days
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Peonneswrites: Fanfiction Masterlist
Welcome to the full list of my fanfiction. Since Tumblr is Fandom Central ™️, I decided to convert this blog into a place to store all my fanworks.
All fics have (hopefully) comprehensive warnings, and dates listed are in YYYY/MM/DD and are the dates of posting on the AO3.
See also my list of fandom-specific blogs, as fics will be posted to Tumblr on them and will be reblogged here.
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Table of Contents
Arranged in fandoms’ alphabetical order.
I. Black Clover (Manga & Anime) → Black Stallions (AU Series) → Works In Progress
II. Genshin Impact (Video Game) → The Bar Series (OC Fics) → OC Information → Works In Progress
III. The Magnus Archives (Podcast) → OC Fics
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Black Clover
Fandom blog: @peonights
Black Stallions (AU)
An alternate universe where Black Bull goes by a different name and its members are swapped for their siblings.
My first AU and fic series for Black Clover.
LINKS: Archive Of Our Own series
Status; Fic Count: Unfinished; 4/?
Recommended starting point: A New Knight Rising
1: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
A morning with no night, its regrets lingering—a former member of the Gray Deer finding himself trapped at the crossroads between his family and true justice.
The first of my fanfiction posted online. Titled after the song by Taylor Swift.
2024/03/06 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Complete
Chapters; Words; Posting Date: 1/1; 1,641;
Warnings: Manga spoilers; grief; death of a family member; brother-related angst; religious themes
Characters: Morgen Faust, Nacht Faust, Yami Ichika
2: There Will Always Be A Better Man
Of all the squads that could choose Langris to join them, it was the other new one. The Black Stallions. He didn't foresee the call for help from Golden Dusk—and Finral—though.
The first two-shot, following Langris’s first mission in Black Stallion.
2024/03/07 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Complete
Chapters; Words: 2/2; 3,088
Warnings: Manga spoilers; occasional cursing; threats of violence; Langris being a butthole
Major Characters: Langris Vaude, Finral Roulacase, Yami Ichika
3: A New Knight Rising
A five-leafed grimoire and a large blade within—let alone the young man’s lack of magic. Whatever the odds, his journey to become the Wizard King starts here.
The so-called ‘main story’ of the AU, a canon rewrite currently up to the Sosshi Village arc. Planned to rewrite most of canon, though I’m currently inactive writing it.
2024/04/22 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Unfinished
Chapters; Words: 1/?; 4,585
Warnings: Will eventually contain manga spoilers; verbal instances and mentions of classism; animal blood
Major Characters: Yuno, Solid Silva, Yami Ichika, Magna Swing, General Black Stallions
4: Little Eagle, Be Brave!
It was two months since Solid’s mission ended in disaster. “This place is quiet,” said the vice captain of Black Stallion. “If you’re feeling angry, or sad, or anything really, just come up here.” Solid looked around this wide roof. “Really?” “Yes, really.” And so the screaming-crying-throwing up began. Damn that devil and Nozel.
The latest fanfic for this AU, following Solid shortly after joining Black Stallion.
2024/04/30 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Complete
Chapters; Words: 1/1; 1,042
Warnings: Manga spoilers; occasional cursing; mentions of familial verbal abuse
Major Characters: Solid Silva, Morgen Faust, Nozel Silva, Noelle Silva
Works In Progress (WIPs)
A New Knight Rising, Chapter 2
A three-shot about my OCs, the Blackchalice siblings
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Genshin Impact
Fandom blog (general HoYoverse): @opeotometrist
The Bar Series (OC Fics)
Everyone in the Fleuve Cendre has seen them—a colorful cast of Vision-holders from all over Teyvat who seem to know more than what they let on, yet still joyfully gather like family at The Pleiade. Fittingly, they call themselves The Bar. They say its members come wherever help and a wealth of knowledge is wanted, vowing to protect those in need... maybe even among shadows.
My first Genshin OCs were created around this series, which also has my first fanfiction ever, Return To Fontaine.
LINKS: Archive Of Our Own series
Status; Fic Count: Unfinished; 1/?
Return To Fontaine
The familiar sight of the Court of Fontaine drew Felicien in all those years later. But the sudden presence of The Bar brings an unexpected reunion and adventures he never thought he'd go on.
My first fanfiction and the first fic in The Bar series. Originally started in early 2023, with the first OCs, Felicien and Celestin, created in 2022.
2024/06/16 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Unfinished
Chapters; Words: 1/?; 3,048
Warnings: Mild blood; mild violence; brother-related angst
Major Characters: Felicien Renou (OC), Celestin Renou (OC), Hermione (OC), Jules (OC)
OC Information
In chronological order
Felicien Renou (2022/05/22, HoYoLAB) (OUTDATED) (dear god my hoyolab days were so cringe lol)
Kamiarizuki Sumire (2023/12/24, Tumblr (Art))
Guo Yuxing (2024/01/30, Tumblr (Art))
Roman Morozovich (2024/02/06, Tumblr (Art))
Works In Progress (WIPs)
Return To Fontaine, Chapter 7 (and edits of Chapters 3-6)
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The Magnus Archives
Fandom blog: @opeothalmologist
OC Fics
The Ellison Files
Gordon Ellison is a researcher at the Usher Foundation assigned to preparing the Archive of its new San Francisco building. But quickly he receives another task: take care of the Siblings Verne, two avatars of The Vast and The Dark.
2024/06/16 || LINKS: Archive Of Our Own
Status: Unfinished
Chapters; Words: 1/?; 3,048
Warnings: Podcast spoilers (S3); mention of suicide attempts; mentions of strangling; astrophobia-triggering content
Major Characters: Gordon Ellison (OC), Asta Verne (OC), Van Verne (OC)
Works In Progress (WIPs)
In Limbo Between Active And Inactive
OC information posts and art of Asta and Van Verne
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landofiron · 2 years
haven’t finished the first nacht fic and now we’re on to the next… clown behavior
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