#Slave children
alexmfrank · 1 year
By: Amina Luqman-Dawson Homer and his sister Ada are slave children who have found themselves alone in the swamp after fleeing the plantation of their master. In the process of trying to escape, their mother was captured so the children must find a way to safety on their own.With help from a mysterious man, the children are brought to a swamp community called Freewater where the population is…
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bastart13 · 1 year
I don't know if anyone reads Remarried Empress, but it's horrifying and fascinating to look at the fandom's reactions to flawed female characters.
The premise is that an enslaved woman is found by an Emperor, who then takes her as a mistress to the discomfort of his wife. He then proceeds to let his mistress flounder in high society, uneducated and out of place in a social game that could ruin her. The story focuses on the Empress' reaction to her husband's extra relationship and emotional neglect of their marriage and while the fandom rightly loathes the Emperor for this...... they hate his mistress. Instead of being a woman desperate for stability, unsupported, and manipulating her way into a high position after literally being raised as a slave, she's just some bitch. Even when the Emperor is responsible for all the conflict in the story and she has every reason to act the way she does.
It's wild. She's not a great person, but she's a fascinating and sympathetic character but her fan nickname is literally "Trashta" like.... come on??
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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sarafangirlart · 13 days
Pirithous watching ppl ship Theseus with Astyanax:
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littleseasalt · 9 months
sorry ccforever is too fucking hot im getting distracted.
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tinukis · 8 months
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REF SHEET CEPT NOT REALLY A SHEET BUT STILL OF Z‼️‼️‼️ my one piece oc.... he is just a little guy that deserves the world ( + tried to imitate oda's style a little bit lol)
i am honestly too scared to like make a full on. Lore cause writing is hard (especially with one piece there's so many characters you need to consider- esp creating a new island with a villain and other important characters hfkwhdkwhdjwn)
you can read a little bit about Z here: info 1 / info 2
but uhh in short: Z is a 13 y/o boy that the strawhats meet on a small island. he strangely looks like younger ace which startled luffy. but at some point, they grew a brotherly bond. Z had always played the older sibling role to other children suffering as much as he was. so he kind of needed an older sibling to look up to and learn that it is ok to rely on others- especially if they are willing to offer to lend you a hand. since meeting luffy and his crew, Z was inspired to set out to sea someday and write incredible stories like the books he had read and helped him live on
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sylver-drawer · 4 months
Me when someone on TikTok argues with my months old comment and DMS ME and I hit them with an essay about how Remarried Empress sets Rashta up for failure from the beginning and how the villainess manhwa community worships the worst of privileged men simply because he’s nice to the female lead but will easily shame and witch-hunt a female character for doing the same thing as the male character and acting appropriately to the situations she’s placed in 🧍‍♀️ for context, I had already been arguing back and forth with them for the past two days and they blamed Rashta for getting manipulated by Ergi but was calling Heinley innocent because he told Ergi to stop (the plan was originally his, and he still benefitted off of Rashta’s manipulation in the end)
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the-crim-rat · 2 months
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forgot to post this but oh my lord more art?? and it hasn’t been a month??
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people who think dany was wrong for crucifying the slavers don’t understand what it means to be a ruler. well… i shouldn’t be surprised as these are the same people who believe that sansa will be queen in the north at the end of the series. what a joke.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
New Life
Masrur X Slave! Reader
So the first time I heard Masrur my heart hurt because he sounded so familiar, upon looking it up his voice actor is actually the voice actor of Mikoto Suoh from K... 😭 I'm so stuck cause I'm “happy” cause they are similar characters so it's like "Yay! The Red King lives on!" But then it's like memories of his death and die all over x.x
Tw mentions of slavery and abuse brief description of bodily injury
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It was a beautiful day in Sindria, Sinbad and his generals had decided to take a walk through the kingdom that afternoon and see how the citizens were fairing. They had just made their way to the outskirts, walking along a trail through a small, forested area in the northern part of the kingdom. The sides of the trail were slightly raised and lined with fruit trees and flowery bushes; it was a rather beautiful place given the various colorful array of flowers that bloomed throughout the area. Though soon they came to a stop when the sound of a loud rustling to their right reached them, like something was just hauling ass through the forest.
Masrur could hear the individual footsteps, and easily made out that they were human, given their pace he moved to shift to a fighting stance just in case. But then a young girl came tumbling through the greenery, falling rather hard to the sandy ground bellow. He could hear her whimper as she pulled her battered body upwards to sit on her knees, she was definitely a fenalis, though her hair was a bit of a lighter pink which had likely meant she was kept somewhere dark. It was almost like cotton candy, at least what he could see that wasn't tangled with blood and mud.
Her body had barely been covered by a grey ragged dress with splatters of blood old and fresh easily seen, what could be scene of her body was a sad sight. Her skin was covered in scars, some being faded while others appeared to have only recently healed, though most concerning were the open gashes on her back. The back of her dress was a shredded and bloody mess, showing that she had been whipped rather violently within the last few hours. She was much smaller than someone her age should have been, the girl clearly being underfed. The chains on her wrists and broken shackles on her ankles told them all else they needed to know; she was a slave.
Slavery was something not allowed within Sindria, infact slave owners were punished quite severely when caught passing through. "Miss are you ok?.." Sinbad spoke softly but still she jumped; the small female tried to move away but she merely fell over with a whimper. She was severely injured, her pain rendering her frail body near immobile. She couldn't move and she was obviously terrified, though when Sinbad began to approach, she didn't try to run again. Instead, she closed her eyes and curled up with a sob, it made Masrur's heart clench though he did not show it. The girl was broken, having been mistreated for so long that she was quick to submit and accept the beating she expected as she knew any more resistance could hurt her more.
"Hey now it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." The others slowly approached, Masrur moving the closest as he kneeled down and listened to Sinbad's words. That's when something came to mind, his large hands were gentle when taking her small hand in his own before he pressed it over his heart. He felt something spark in him as he watched her calm down, she watched him as he reached up to wipe her tears. The purple haired leader quirked a brow but when he noticed how she seemed to calm he tried again. "I am Sinbad, the ruler of Sindria. These men are my generals, we simply want to help you. Will you let us?"
The girl glanced away from Masrur for a moment to lock eyes with Sinbad before looking back to the fellow Fenalis, Masrur had given a slight head nod and so she returned to looking at Sinbad before nodding her own head. Masrur, careful as can be, lifted the girl bridal style and tucked her against his chest. He knew she was hurt and didn't want to make it worse; he didn't want to cause her any more pain. Though before the group could leave a creepy voice was heard from just beyond the bushes, it creaked and cracked like a demon of the old world. "My sweet songbird where have you gone? Must I clip your wings for you to stay?" 
The girl had tensed with a quiet whimper, nestling into Masrur as he held her closer. An older man could be seen walking out of woods from the right of the path, he carried a sickle as he creeped closer to the group. His wicked grin and sunken eyes creeping out some of the generals, he certainly didn't seem like one of the good guys. The old man stopped about 15 feet from them when he realized the girl was in the arms of the large fenalis, though Sinbad and Jafar quickly blocked the two from view.
"Masrur, take her back to the castle and make sure she's taken care of. We have things handled here." This had been Hinahoho's voice, the large man standing tall with a look of disgust at the man who had clearly committed many horrible acts. Masrur had silently nodded as he quickly left the area, thanks to the enhanced speed of the fenalis he got back to the palace rather quick. Everything after that had been a rushed blur of maids and healers trying to take care of the poor woman, Masrur had sat in the common area as to not be in the way of the whirlwind.
Soon he was joined by the others who spoke of how the man had his ass kicked before Pisti had returned with some guards to arrest him, now they had to handle the topic of the broken girl. "We can't just send her on her way, she probably can't take care of herself." This was Yamraiha, surprisingly Sharrkan was agreeing with her. Then again most the generals had already weighed in that they wanted to let the young girl stay there, at least until she was stable and okay enough to survive alone.
Sinbad sat nodding his head, leaning back in his seat as he heard the others out. "Then it's settled, she's gonna stay here. She needs our help, and we will give it to her." Masrur only half listened to the group. He was more focused on the rushed footsteps of the medics and servants, though as they slowed, he both relaxed slightly and grew nervous. He was snapped out of this trance by Pisti waving her hand in front of his face, having likely been trying to get his attention. "What is it?..." His voice was a low mumble, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at them.
Sharrkan had been the one to speak now, leaning forward intently. "What was that thing you did that calmed her down, you know with her hand?" Masrur gave a heavy sigh; he almost knew this subject would come up. "It was something I saw a lot as a slave, when I asked an older fenalis he said it was a quiet promise. That the female fenalis were our women, and we needed to protect them." He looked to his friends who held faces of awe and sadness, he understood of course, it seems like a sweet gesture, but the circumstances really make it sadder. "A lot of times when a male would make this vow, he'd take her beatings and punishments, if the owners would try to breed the girl the males would do anything they had to in order to have the right to breed with her. Because he made the promise to protect her, and if it must be done, he wants to be sure she will be ok."
Pisti had exploded into tears, this sweet gesture was buried in a dark and twisted origin. It only made her despise slavery more, the others held grim looks as the topic had always upset them. They hated to hear these horror stories of slavery, though for some it triggered anger. Generals like Hina and Sharrkan wanted to go hunting for slavers after hearing these things, it wasn't surprising really. Even though some wouldn't expect it from Sharrkan, he was a playboy sure, but he never forced anything on anyone, nor did he approve of it. He was a man of morals, even if he was a little goofy at times. Their attention had quickly turned to the line of servants lead by a medic that left the hallways which lead to the girl's room, the elderly gentleman giving them a smile. "She will live, but her injuries are severe, and she must not leave bed unless absolutely necessary. I've prepared some special powders; she'll be in quite a bit of pain once she wakes up. Just a little in her drinks should do the trick."
The tension in the air seemed to disappear at the good news, the generals giving him and the maids a thanks as they walked out. "We should take turns caring for her, she'll be here a while so we need to make sure she gets use to all of us and so she will hopefully see us as friends." This had been Hina's idea, Pisti immediately perked up and stood on the table. "We can do it by week shifts, that way we get to spend a decent amount of time together!" Everyone had agreed to the idea, some actually really excited to welcome the girl to a better environment.
"I'll take first... I did make the vow." Masrur had stood up trying not to be too quick for the sake of his pride, leaving the others to sort out who goes after who as he went to her room. The tall male had taken her to the nearest guest room when he came in, being located next to his own. When he came in the first thing he noticed was that she had been cleaned up, despite her scars she was quite cute. She only had a couple on her face, a thin vertical one went down over her left eye and a small horizontal one went over the bridge of her nose that just barely reached her cheek bones. 
She was bandaged up and under a cover, so not much would be seen of her body type but from what he had seen earlier he could tell she had a rather nice one despite the starvation she seemed to have gone through. Had she not been taken from the dark continent she likely would have already been married with a family, and something about her simply made his heart ache. Perhaps it was seeing such a beautiful gemstone in such poor condition, or maybe his past had been pushing him to her as he was likely the only one to truly have any real idea of her suffering.
As he contemplated these feelings, he was left distracted when she began to stir and wake, she stared off a bit and was clearly dazed. The pain medicine the medic had given her before probably still active in her system, which was good as she wouldn't be in too much pain. He moved to sit in a chair by her bed, her magenta eyes soon began focusing on his form. Her eyes looked so sad and lonely, so without even thinking he took her hand. "Hey there, just take it easy, ok?" He wanted to make sure she stayed calm, so she didn't accidentally hurt herself in case she became overwhelmed, the shy girl simply nodded her (H/c) head as she seemed to take comfort in his physical contact despite it being such a simple gesture. His grip was gentle, his hands rough but warm and caring. "My name Masrur... What's your name?" She watched him for a moment, the medicine making her mind a little hazy as she thought to the thing that no one had ever asked her before.
"My name... Is (Y/n)..."
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
one thing ive never told a therapist/psych about and i'm honestly afraid to is the constant anxiety/fear i have just about the fact that at any given moment no matter i personally do there is intense suffering happening on some huge scale
and it's not that i think that's a weird thing to feel or anything i'm just afraid that their response to hearing that will be to find some way to get me to stop thinking about it which not only feels impossible but gives me a whole new anxiety for turning a blind eye to the awful parts of the world or medicating myself so i don't have to confront, etc i just can't do that. i know so many people relate but others seem to be able to just....... not worry about things like that. is that a good thing???
the carpet in the area of my brain where those feelings live is definitely worn down from pacing at this point. i just.... are some people able to actually handle knowing all these things and feeling helpless no matter what you do? or is the carpet in that area worn down for everyone and living with the fact that intense suffering will always be a part of life even though it makes you lose sleep just part of the human condition?
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ejnherjar · 24 days
Today im going to complain about videogames on tumblr. Anyway so ive been getting back into Sky:CoTL lately (those whove known me for that long. Hi) and catching up on all the stuff ive missed in the last 1.5~2 years has been fun, ill admit, it feels like playing the game for the first time again to a degree, but it's also been highlighting issues with the game that havent been fixed in its 5 year run already. Either new issues or just things that have been there since i played the game. Which was before the game had even hit its 2nd anniversary.
My main issue lately has been getting familiarised with the proper implementation of Props and Decoration items...I think adding a more customiseable space was a very fun addition to the game, giving players the ability to make their own custom hangout Spaces for themselves and others to enjoy, and even something like the Nest are imo incredibly cute and fun ways to spice up the game for players new and old, giving people somethibg more to do beyond the repeptitve grind loop for cosmetics. But here's where the issues come in...
I was there when non-interactable/decorative props were first being introduced. Season of Assembly was the first time we really properly got to see the implementation of Spaces and area decoration beyond table/chat props. It was pretty obvious at the time that assembly and the introduction of props to travelling spirits was a way for tgc to test the waters with props, making them fairly cheap too, both in the season and in the TS trees. But now, seeing the ingame prices of these props i was. Genuinely kind of baffled. Theres something that rubs me the wrong way about pricing props at such high ingame prices (hearts specifically), now that decoration and props are properly implement and Part of the gameplay. Having what is now Generally a core part of the game be so inaccessible to people who dont play frequently. Hearts are still nototriously difficult to get and making decorating your own little space so Grindy just feels. Bad.
Idk im yapping here. ein out thats all for today
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i feel like this site leaning heavily into the "pedophilia and incest and rape kinks are good" angle lately can be attributed to the mass expulsion of sex workers and black ppl on here ngl
#like gonna be honest these r the two groups that have far more of an understanding of how these r linked to colonialism and exploitation -#to be able to wholeheartedly oppose them w/out hesitation#like if youre a sex worker you'll likely see farrrrr more clients who are total strangers specifically seeking out children#by virtue of trying to protect said children in whatever way that you can#its easy to form opinions in the abstract if you straight up do not witness these events time and time and time again#and thinking about my ancestry + history of black exploitation especially against black children ...#i dont fully buy into the idea of 'these are exclusively issues of the nuclear family structure'. FAR more nuanced than that#as of the current society we live in.. the very family dynamic is one of inescapable relationships#if you can imagine how hard it can be when two people in a relationship have a lot of overlaps in friends have an awful break up#a relationship within the family would be much harder to reckon with. you cant just pack it up and walk away so easy#most of the ppl on here defending this shit do not even buy into it for themselves. it is entirely for roleplay purposes#they can put it away when theyre done#no disgust isnt always a good moral informant. but i will say i felt appauled reading the words 'incest fans' said in a cutesy way#ppl seem to misunderstand when black bloggers say incest kinks are a white ppl thing#what they mean is white ppl never have to reckon with the TRUE magnitude of power imbalances. it's treated like a fucking game#you never had to stand and feel the weight of knowing your ancestors are lighter than before because of the countless times white slave -#- owners raped them
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1eos · 1 year
i was just thinking abt beloved heating up my pizza when i see a literal pro shipper say sethe is wrong for killing her child and that she should have just gone back to the plantation. and its an interesting desensitization to the horrors of slavery where you see being treated as chattel to be worked, beaten and sexually assaulted as a sensible choice over death. like 'oh just go back to the place where you were beaten nearly to death and assaulted by a bunch of men that's easy!' and its funny bc both that fucking idiot and the characters in the book have more revulsion for sethe than for the perpetrators of the other option. there was a high chance beloved would die at the hands of a slave master anyways like toni morrison isnt saying killing your children is the solution its that slavery is also death! it's death of the soul! and oftentimes death of the body! and the book doesn't even think sethe is noble like she suffers for her pride MULTIPLE ppl say this outright while also acknowledging the horrors of slavery. there is no 'right' answer there is literally no lesser evil......bc its fucking SLAVERY LIKE ARE U SHITTING ME RN
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How Padmé should’ve reacted on Mustafar
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bestworstcase · 8 months
perk of knowing anything about history is it becomes really, really funny whenever people refer to pyrrha as a spartan
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