#Sixth Inspector era
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The Circuit Leader in ‘Battle of the Circuit Chaps’ seemed to be making a reasonable assumption that locking away the Inspector would keep him from doing anything to foul up the Circuit Chaps’ plans.
Naturally, the Inspector discovers a stash of electronic components, that easily assemble into laser bombs, which he uses to destroy all the Circuit Chaps before they realise what’s happening.
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wisterialagoon · 3 years
For you, I'll stay : pt1
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Dabi is one of the top soldiers of the League of Villains. He does the dirty work and feels the stain of crime on his hands. You're an Assistant Inspector at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, resigned to records-keeping instead of doing actual fieldwork. What happens when these two become intertwined in the most prominent political event that changed the era of 1990's Tokyo Japan?
Warnings: Violence (a girl gets beat up in this chapter), gangs, eventual smut(not in this chapter tho)
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, Kantō Region, Japan.
January 9th, 1990, Tuesday. 
22:30 hrs.
"It's going to be a long night," she thought, while fixing her desk for the fifth time. There was a haphazard pile of file folders, an unboxed diskette pack, and coffee cup stains all over her table calendar. She quickly reorganises the file folders, placing them in chronological order, then according to crime. Then, she matches the diskettes, which contain additional data such as interrogation footage, with each pile. Lastly, she makes her way to the pantry to refill her mug with coffee, humming along to a tune that was receiving more airplay recently.
It was an uneventful night, to say the least. As usual, she worked overtime, working on organising the paperwork and records of each case-from instigation to case management. She loved it initially, but now that she's six months into this new assignment, she could feel herself wearing down with how emotionally, physically and mentally taxing everything is. It wasn't so much the quantity or frequency of the load, but the content itself.
Seeing death, rape, theft and disappearances on a daily basis was starting to take a toll on her mental health, and even if she learned how to compartmentalise, there was something about seeing all the details that made her sleep less and less these days. The photos of dead bodies or visages of crying relatives would disturb her to no end, and having to type out each case report even if it meant tagging it as a cold case, was something that never really sat well with her.
Her direct senior, the only female Inspector in the agency-the only one who was actually nice, unlike the rest of the police force who talk about her during lunch breaks and agency dinners-tell her that the feeling of being "uninvolved" and "useless" will soon pass. "Besides," she tells her during one of the rare nights that they're both doing overtime, "You've got potential."
She sighs, wary of the compliment. "I just... I wish I could be doing more."
"You'll have your fair share of fieldwork and interrogations, Y/N" she says, patting the younger girl's shoulder. "Just keep working well, and the Chief will soon see your potential."
That last line resonated with her the most. She knew that the Chief was a firm leader-he did routine inspections, called people in his office to ask for status reports and he'd set all sorts of deadlines. But he was also known for being experienced in reading people just with one look.
So the question was, what was his assessment of her?
Did the Chief view her just like how the rest of the agency did-an Assistant Inspector who was only fit for clerical work even if she had graduated at the top of her class? Did he even notice her presence in the building-or was she too conscious of all the judgemental stares thrown her way because she was the first female recruit in a long while?
That was it, she thought, not noticing that her cup had overflowed.
With a sharp curse, she flung her hand away from the scalding beverage, and moved to grab some tissues-her mind thoroughly forgetting the questions that had darted in her mind not a minute ago.
As she dabbled the tissue on her hands and shirt, the police hotline rang, disturbing the silence of the otherwise empty floor. Alarmed at the prospect of a crime or report coming in at this hour, she runs towards the desk of the patrol and public safety unit.
"SMPA, what is your concern?" she asks, voice surprisingly level. When there wasn't a response, she asks again, this time a notch louder.
"Kidnapping," the voice cuts through the radio silence, its texture a rich timbre with a raspy undertone. Caught off guard at the mention of a kidnapping, she scrambles for a notepad and a pen. "23:00, 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan. Takahashi Yua." In hastily written script, she takes note of the details, not once interrupting the man on the line.
"Who is this? Where is your intel from?" she finally asks, after she hears mere breathing sounds. "Hello?"
The person on the line doesn't respond, instead opting to breathe heavily before the line dies.
"Wha-" she exhales, overwhelmed with the situation. It wasn't unheard of for random tips to come in the station, that much was true. But a tip at this time? And with that much detail? She was wary enough that there wasn't any crime traffic recently but this is proving to be the suspicious exception.
Shaking off her doubts, she dials the home number of Inspector Sato, the head of the patrol and public safety unit. She knows he'll definitely give her an earful for calling at such a late hour-and to his house no less, but if what the man said was true, and if her gut was right, someone was after the daughter of the Minister of National Defense.
At the sixth ring, he picks up and greets her with a litany of questions. "Who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is? Whoever you are, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up!" he rattles off, temper flaring.
"This is Miyasaki Y/N, sir." she says, surprised at how stable her voice was. "Assistant Inspec-"
"Ah, the personal assistant." his tongue clicks, and even if she didn't see, she knew he was shaking his head. "What is it? Here to ask help again in records-keeping?"
At that, she presses her mouth in a thin line, stopping herself from giving him a piece of her mind. She knew that they would always find fault in whatever she does but sometimes she wants to just put them in their place and prove herself.
But now wasn't the time to do that.
"No, sir." she starts, fisting her hand. "There's been an emergency call to the patrol and public service hotline. A tip was given about a kidnapping at apartment 6 Chome-10-1 in Roppongi -"
"Let me stop you right there." he expels a deep breath, clearly uninterested with her report. "You do know what that area is like, right? Or do you not even know where it is?"
"It's in Minato city. The residence listed houses many important political figures, it has national defence" she says, foregoing the other details and taking the opportunity to transition to the most important part. "Sir, you see, this could actually mean that-"
"This means that there is no kidnapping. I mean, if you're trying to pull a joke, it's a terrible one. Hell, there's hardly any crime in that area!" he gives a dry laugh. "it's an executive residential area, guarded and all that. As you said, National Defence is there and so are diplomats and expats. No one in their right mind would attempt a prank call, let alone a kidnapping."
"But the caller gave a name, possibly that of the victim. We should send a team, I have the address. I could lead the-" again, he cuts her off. At this point, a vein was threatening to pop at how unprofessional he was being, but she'd rather not break out into an argument with a direct senior-especially when he was clearly already annoyed at her.
"So this is why you really called, huh?" he chuckles. "Look, no one knows how you got in, or what strings you pulled to pass the Academy, but at the rate you're going, you'll never lead a team-much less my team." the certainty in his voice washed over her, causing her to remain silent at his blatant jibe. "So go back to whatever you're doing and don't even attempt to call me or anyone from the agency to waste their time with your tall tales." the other line clicks, ending their phone call.
Exasperated, she puts down the receiver with a little too much force than was necessary. "Fine, I'll do it myself." she mutters, putting on her coat, muffler and grabbing her car keys.
30 minutes. She'll have to pray that she makes it. After all, she doesn't have much time.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:00 hrs.
The gate to the apartment building alone rendered her speechless. Pure brass balusters and a towering guardhouse greeted her, complete with intimidating security personnel who wasted no time in asking for her identification.
"Assistant Inspector Lee, from the SMPA. We received a tip about criminal activity taking place in the vicinity of this residence," she starts, not giving any specific details. "This won't take long." she adds, as a last ditch effort to convince them that she means business.
"Alright," one of the guards lets her through. As she rolled up her window, she catches a muffled dialogue between the two. "Isn't she a little too young to be an Inspector? And criminal activity? Talk about absurd."
Scoffing, she speeds up to the address the caller gave and in a few minutes, found herself outside the apartment building. But she was too late. There, standing by the of the main entrance, was the defence Minister himself, with blood on his hands and a shell-shocked expression.
"My daughter..." she hears him mutter. From just behind the door, she hears distant voices screaming for someone to call the police. "Dial the police! Or call the National Defense for all I care! Someone do something!" the voice got louder as she linked it with a face-Takahashi Riku, the Minister's wife. As if seeing the police lights flashing atop her car, The ministers knees gave out.
She makes haste to catch him before he falls, and as she does, she gets her shirt stained with blood, and scrapes her elbow with the force of his weight. Not minding the sting of the wind blowing by her scraped skin, she pulls out her walkie-talkie, and radios the police patrolling Roppongi that night.
"This is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N, does anyone copy?" she starts, practically shouting. For some reason, she felt an adrenaline rush at the development of events. "Repeat, this is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki, does anyone copy?"
After a few beats, a voice breaks through the white noise. "This is Inspector Takami, copy. What's your 10-13?"
"I've got a two zero seven." she says, forgetting that she hadn't even scouted the area for verification that a kidnapping actually took place. "6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City. Send a medic for shock treatment." she rattles off, surprised at herself for actually being able to focus and act given the situation.
Then again, this was her job. Her first fieldwork-albeit unwarranted and unapproved.
"Copy that, 10-4. I'll run code. ETA twenty minutes." he affirms his direct response before ending the dispatch call.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:20 hrs.
After twenty minutes, two police cars pull up the driveway. One belonged to Inspector Takami, the other was the patrol for back-up. He closes the gap between them in five, quick strides, hands in his coat's pockets.
"What happened?" he asks, ready for a briefing.
"There's nothing definitive yet..." she trails off, mentally berating herself for not even scouting the interior to study the scene. "But I've spoken to the family."
"You mean you've spoken to the Minister of National Defense." he supplies, his breath fogging up in front of him. "What did he say?"
"The family heard the door slam shut, and when he went to check his daughter was gone," hesitant, she clears her throat as a stalling method. "He found her in the marking lot, the girl was bruised and bloodied, unconscious. Looks like she was forced to inhale somthing, and her hands were tied."
"Attempted kidnapping?" he asks, stealing a glance at the apartment buildings façade.
"High chance for it." she answers, clearing her throat again. "Listen, Inspector, I received a tip in the agency around an hour ago-saying something about a kidnapping taking place at this time, at this exact address."
He raises his eyebrows, evidently taken aback at this new piece of information. "And?" he asks, expectant.
"And I think this is a set-up." she declares, sure of something for the first time that night. "Whoever is behind this, wanted us to come, thinking it was a kidnapping when it was an assault and break-and-entry."
"What are you getting at, Miyasaki?"
"There's a reason why Miss. Takahashi was assaulted and not kidnapped. They're telling us something." she says, handing out her notepad which contained the details of the emergency call a while back.
"What do you think this could possibly be then?"
"I don't know... yet." fuelled with conviction, she fists her hands at her sides, no longer feeling that sensation of helplessness or uselessness back in the agency when she was working on records-keeping. "But I'll find out."
9-chome, Kitakarasuyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo.
Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N's Residence.
02:00 hrs.
Finally back at her apartment after filing the case and sending off the Minister's family with words of certainty about exhausting their whole force on the job, she slumps on the sofa, feeling her body become dead weight.
"God..." she sighs, fatigued. "That was a long night."
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endeavourfiles · 6 years
Oxford Blues
TV TIMES - by Caren Clark Stars Anton Lesser, Shaun Evans and Roger Allam on the dilemmas and demons our heroes face as they reach 1969… Inside a former school in Hertfordshire, TV Times turns down a corridor and we suddenly find ourselves in an Oxford police station with dark walls and grey telephones, yellow lamps and full ashtrays on the desks. In a corner, DS Endeavour Morse is talking to CS Reginald Bright about how the good times with their old team feel a lifetime ago… Today we’re watching filming for the sixth run of Inspector Morse prequel Endeavour. It’s now 1969 and the stark new station and the cops’ memories reflect the impact of the changes afoot for Endeavour (Shaun Evans), newly demoted DI Fred Thursday (Roger Allam), and Bright (Anton Lesser). During a break in filming, Shaun, 38, Roger, 65, and Anton Lesser, who turns 67 on 
14 February, tells TV Times how the shifting times will affect their characters… A Brave New World At the end of the last series saw the team’s former police station in Cowley close as Oxford City Police merged with Thames Valley Constabulary. Now, Endeavour is in the sticks, Fred’s at Castle Gate CID, DS Jim Strange (Sean Rigby) 
is in Banbury and CS Reginald Bright (Anton Lesser) has been sidelined into traffic. Shaun Evans: “Things are moving forward and everyone’s disparate, which keeps things fresh. I don’t enjoy not being with Anton, Roger and Sean! Endeavour’s in uniform and isolated at a country police station in Woodstock. You’d think he’d be happy with nobody bothering him. But he’s in charge of smaller, mundane cases. He doesn’t feel stretched. Events bring him back, though, and the overarching story about who killed DC George Fancy (Lewis Peek) last series also requires our joint brainpower. Roger Allam: I missed not having as many scenes with Shaun, too. Fred took the fall for Fancy’s death; it plays on his mind. In the first episode, he also looks back to an old case of a hanged man. I had to have younger make-up for the flashbacks! Anton Lesser: It’s sad for Bright as his status is gone. He’s a laughing stock because of a commercial he makes about pelican crossings. Filming with a real pelican, I was apprehensive but we fell in love! Problems with Authority         A fresh broom is also sweeping through the team, as Thursday’s new boss, former robbery-squad cop DCI Ronnie Box (Simon Harrison), who has previously clashed with Endeavour, and Box’s sidekick DS Alan Jago (Richard Riddell), have an entirely different approach to policing… Shaun Evans: Box and Jago are alpha male and physical, which reflects men of the era. Simon and Richard are brilliant and bring a new dynamic. They all rub each other up the wrong way and Endeavour still has attitude. It also echoes the new station set because we often see picturesque Oxford, but this building is all hard edges and concrete. Roger Allam: Yes, neither the brutalist building nor Box’s aggressiveness are Fred’s style, but he’s knuckling down in order to respect rank. Even Box admits Fred should be at his desk, so he has respect but he’s seen as old-fashioned. Fred tries to get in step with them when they ask him to beat someone up… Love Hurts ​ All three face problems in their private lives. While Endeavour can’t avoid his former love, Thursday’s daughter Joan (Sara Vickers), Thursday has marital issues and Bright’s wife makes her debut. Shaun Evans: Joan wasn’t interested so now he barely gives her the time of day because he’s hurt. But in one case, they need each other’s help to save two kids so they’re in and out of each other’s lives. There’s another interesting romance though. But he always goes towards a femme fatale…” Roger Allam: Things are bad with Fred’s wife Win (Caroline O’Neill). She wanted him to retire but he can’t as he’s in financial difficulty after he was done out of money by his brother. With son Sam in the Army and Joan not at home, it is an empty nest. Home’s a chilly place… Anton Lesser: We’ve heard about Mrs Bright, but we’d never seen her. We had fun imagining Bright going home and being Mrs Bright and putting on a twinset and pearls! But she’s real and she turns up, played by Carol Royle. It brings emotion for Reg. … about the ‘tache TV Times: Endeavour has a moustache this series, how did you find that? Shaun Evans: “I don’t mind it, anything that takes you away from how you look yourself is good. It’s gone now though. I don’t think my family were keen!”
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The New Cases Shaun Evans’ guide to the four feature-length episodes… Episode 1 – Pylon “This is about missing girls and is dark and shows the effect on a community. A few years before, a girl went missing and now another girl’s found dead. Endeavour connects them and that brings him back into contact with Oxford.” Episode 2 – Apollo “I directed this episode. It was a terrific experience. This is a very different atmosphere with the moon landing, a racy party and marionette puppets. It is about a car accident that becomes suspicious.” Episode 3 – Confection “It’s set around a chocolate factory and is about a life in a pretty village, which is brand-new territory. There’s a ‘happy families’ vibe – although nothing’s as happy as it seems and there’s some poison-pen stuff going on.” Episode 4 –Degüello “This episode explores the fallout from a tower block collapsing, which we did partly with CGI. We also have the death of a librarian to get to grips with, evidence to do with who killed DC George Fancy, police corruption, and Strange has a choice to make…”
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theouijagirl · 5 years
You were a 90s kid! I was too, but a late 90s kid. All us 90s kids are no longer kids, but adults. :( What were your favorite memories from the 90s and how were the 90s? What TV shows did you first grow up watching and what video games and toys did you first play with? I love learning about the past and different eras and the 90s seemed like a very fun and cheerful time in human history.
How were the 90s? Okay I guess? I was a kid how was I supposed to understand what was going on. Thankfully now we can incorporate activism into children’s lives so they have more of a say over their rights and know the power of their voices, but we didn’t really have that back then. Also as a white kid growing up in a suburb, my version of the 90s is way different from a lot of other people’s versions.
My very earliest news memory about about the Gulf War, but on the news they showed war stuff right after sports so I assumed it was the Golf War and I did not understand why these golfers were being so aggressive. I also did not know anything at all about the OJ trial until the day the verdict was announced, because we were in the middle of a math test at school and my teacher made us stop to turn on the TV to watch it, and I had no idea what was even going on.
I was big into Inspector Gadget and Care Bears as a little kid, but once I was a little older I was very much into Nicktoons (Rugrats, Doug, Rocko, Real Monsters, etc) and also Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs.
My sister got the very first edition of the Game Boy for her sixth birthday, when I was four, so we played a lot of Tetris and Super Mario Land, and later Kirby and Pokemon. Then we got a Sega Game Gear so that we could play Sonic games because my sister and I were both very much into the Sonic cartoon (NOT the Adventures of Sonic but just the show Sonic the Hedgehog, as it was a lot more darker and with a much richer plot). We weren’t allowed to have any console games because we only had one TV and our parents didn’t want us to hog it. But I was desperate to play some Super Mario on Nintendo, and my Girl Scout leader’s son had one in their garage, so I would “have to go to the bathroom” a lot during Girl Scouts so I could sneak off and play with him. Super Mario Bros 3 was my favorite.
I remember when we got our computer at the end of 1996, because Windows 97 came out like two months after we got it so we were stuck with old Windows 95 for a while. I remember waking up super early in the morning so I could use the Internet, because it went through our phone line so were weren’t allowed to use it for more than twenty minutes at a time during the day just in case somebody called. And it would take forever for the Internet to connect, so I would play SkiFree for a couple minutes while it connected and for the Netscape home page to load.
Don’t glamorize the 90s too much, because it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows for everyone. I think it’s just that us 90s kids are at the age where we are major consumers and companies are pumping out nostalgia of us to buy, so companies are making the 90s seem like this golden era of pop culture. In about ten years or so there will be extreme like Phineas & Ferb nostalgia, because kids who grew up with that will become consumers, and the cycle will continue.
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dateandounestafador · 6 years
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¿Se escucha increíble cierto? Conocer a esa persona que puede contar historias tan interesantes y diversas que te sientes parte de toda una gama de series de Netflix.
Bueno, aquí les va mi historia. Hace aproximadamente mes y medio, decidí emprender mi aventura al abrir una de esas apps para conocer gente.
En mis primeras búsquedas me encontré con todo tipo de caballeros; guapos, interesantes, changos, leones, sapos y mas
¿A quién se le ocurrió la maravillosa idea de que las mujeres tenían que ser las primeras en saludar?
No es que sea machista, pero si me gusta que me cazan y a ellos les gusta cazar. Es saltarse un gran paso.
Después de intentos de pláticas fallidas, le escribí a una persona de nombre “X”. Hablamos un par de semanas, se escuchaba relajado, tranquilo y sobre todo un poco tetón. Que en estas circunstancias he aprendido que lo tetón tiene probabilidades de valer más la pena (perdón chicos cool 😎)
Decidimos conocernos, nos vimos un día para comer. Todo fluyó muy bien y cómo no iba a fluir, con tremenda introducción.
Hola, soy chef , franco-mexicano, gané dos estrellas Michelin a los 26 y 28 años. Tengo 33 años, acabo de regresar a vivir a México hace un par de semanas, porque mi hija vive aquí. Además, estoy todo galán y hablo francés divino (esto no lo dijo obvio … pero claramente paso por mi cabeza).
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Y así, empezamos a datear, este francesito caballeroso, buena onda, tetón (según yo) y súper bien tipo.
Cada vez que lo veía me contaba historias intrigantes, era increíble cada visita, porque no sabía qué tipo de episodios iba a vivir…
Algunos episodios:
LA INTRIGA: Mi llegada
Querida María , voy llegando a Mexico, el fin de semana me clonaron la tarjeta “Odio México”. Ya pedí mi tarjeta al banco en Francia y tarda dos semanas en llegar. Llevo una semana yendo a la embajada y no logro solucionar nada. Tengo una idea, vámonos a Francia, acompáñame por ella y así disfrutamos unos días allá… en fin, tengo como 1.5 millones de millas en mi cuenta porque ya sabes … soy Michelin.
Ay ajá… llevo dos semanas conociéndote y crees que me voy a ir a Francia contigo.
Bueno ok, si dudé al principio, digo, es Paris, la Torre Eiffel.
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EL SUSPENSO: Mi secuestro
Me acuerdo que me llevaron saliendo de la escuela, me tenían en un cuarto con ojos vendados. Nunca estuve nervioso, reconocí la voz de un secuestrador… era el socio de mi papá !!!
En ese momento recordé lo que una vez me dijo mi guarro “nunca digas que reconoces la voz”. Así que, actúe como si nada y me trataron como rey, me llevaron un Nintendo, películas y me daban palomitas, papas, snacks en general…
Me soltaron en un campo vacío, cuando llegó mi papá, le dije con certeza quien había sido el secuestrador. Al socio, lo metieron al tambo y desapareció.
María, pero eso no es lo peor, a mi papá también lo secuestraron 6 meses, ya sabes tenemos mucha lana (esto lo pensé yo, pero era temprano para dudar) y por eso nos regresamos a Francia.
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Escalofriante cierto, acá va otra:
Estudié en “Le Cordón Bleu” de Paris; en mis primeros años, me hicieron criar un jabalí durante un año y medio; lo nombre “Max”. Y para graduarme de la clase, tuve que degollarlo enfrente de todos, cocinarlo y comérmelo después. Estuvo muy triste pero me quedó súper deli 😋.
Y no es lo peor, me enseñaron también a matar caballos, allá se come mucho y hay que saber la técnica exacta para obtener la la mejor carne.
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EL ABUSADO: Cicatrices de honor
María, ¿ves esta terrible cortada que tengo en la mano? Bueno, hay una historia detrás. Imagínate que cuando estaba en cocina con un chef aprendí una gran lección. El chef estaba terminando un platillo, decidí pasarle una hierba que hacía falta y zaz… me enterró el cuchillo en la mano. Casi me corta un dedo, pero, ahí aprendí que jamas debes de meter mano en el plato del chef.
Y si, tiene una enorme cicatriz.
Cabe mencionar que él también recalcó que aplicó lo mismo a otros cocineros , pero más amable, decidió utilizar el tenedor.
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Siempre he sido muy sensible, desde chiquito me despertaba en la noche un fantasma jalándome los pies. Era una señora que estaba enojada de que estuvieramos en su casa. Con el tiempo he visto menos fantasma y apenas siento presencias, tomo la biblia y leo un pasaje.
Solo hay un fantasma que me gusta ver, que es un sobrinito que murió, siempre se me aparece, sobretodo en la casa de mi primo “Hugo” de Tepoz. Un día si me asuste, casi me ahoga jugando en la alberca.
Gracias, no gracias, no me quedo en tu casa!
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EL VIAJERO: Oportunidades en el Medio Oriente
Hace unos años, cuando trabajaba en el “Four Seasons de Paris” llegó un príncipe árabe, me mandó llamar a la mesa y me felicitó por los platillos. A partir de ahí, nos volvimos inseparables, fui en verano a cocinar a su palacio y me ofreció contratarme para ser su chef personal. Lo cual rechacé, porque era una carga muy difícil y si un platillo quedaba mal seguro me quemaba en el mundo restaurantero. Uno de esos días, me ofreció elegir entre sus esposas para llevarla a la cama… lo cual me negué rotundamente (porque decente soy).
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EL AVENTURERO: Vivir al limite
Amo la adrenalina, me he echado unas 76 veces del paracaídas. Y cada invierno que vamos esquiar, me gusta hacer heli skying. Hasta me rompí las rodillas haciendo esto, salté como 15 metros. Ah, y también me eche del bungie, de clavado sin cuerda.
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LA TRAGEDIA: Decisiones de vida
Estoy pasando una etapa terrible. Resulta, que por contrato con Michelin, no puedo trabajar fuera de Europa. Mis abogados están negociando, porque no puedo perder esas dos estrellas que son las que me abren puertas en el mundo restaurantero. Voy a tener que pagar 1millon 800mil euros para que las pueda mantener. Voy a vender el depa de Paris , mi Ferrari al amigo de mi papá en Acapulco y mi papá me va a prestar el resto del dinero.
Si es mucho dinero, pero con cada estrella te dan 3.5 millones, asi que tampoco es tanto. Mis amigos chef, lo malgastaron, pero yo invertí en bienes raíces, coches y más.
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MORE ESPISODES – de otras mujeres
Fui “Director General” de Aviacsa (ay goeyyyy según yo quebraron hace años no?)
Soy sobrino de Hernández Pons.
También nieto del Señor de los Cielos.
Además Slim me pidió ser su chef personal.
Y me paso algo terrible, me dio cancer, pero gracias a tu préstamo me cure.
Pero lo más más feo, fue el secuestro de mi hija, pero otra vez gracias a ti tercera lady, pude pagar su rescate.
Y como final cut.
Esta muy simpático escuchar todas sus historias, es mas, algunas me las quise llegar a creer. Pero, siempre en el fondo, la intuición nos lleva desconfiar de ciertas situaciones o personas.
Como podrán leer arriba, había muchos focos rojos y mi hermana y yo aplicamos el Inspector Gadget para poder descubrir si todo lo que decía era verdad.
Claramente siendo un chef tan reconocido, esperábamos verlo en alguna revista importante o publicación … y nada.
Y jamás lo ibamos a encontrar, porque NO EXISTE, no hay una sola persona en el mundo que se llame como lo encontré en Bumble … que afortunado!
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¿Y saben a qué se dedica?
A estafar mujeres; su método esta probado, lo ha hecho con muchas. Sabe leer a la gente o al menos intenta y te vende toda una personalidad fabricada a la medida. Y luego, te pide prestado de poco en poco.
Gracias a mi Ángel que me cuida, nunca llegamos a ese punto. Y siendo sinceros, cero sabio el chavo… se arrima a una startupera!
Say Whaaaaaa? ¿O debo sentirme orgullosa de que vio potencial en mí? 🧐
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Por si no quedó claro, jamás estudió en “Le Cordon Blue”; jamás lo secuestraron, ni a él ni a su papá; jamás le pasó lo del cuchillo o el jabalí; lo de ver muertos espero que por su bien también sea mentira; lleva viviendo más tiempo en México que en Francia; claramente no tiene un peso, o si de las chavas que ha engañado; y claramente jamás se gano una Estrella Michelin, por lo que esos 7millones de euros, 1.5 millones de millas, coches , relojes y contratos con marcas de ropa – jamás fueron reales.
Analizando la situación,
Después de escuchar varios testimonios, este pelele será muy bueno en enganchar mujeres al inicio con su posee de niño bueno, más no sé si tanto en estafar, vive en un depa sin luz, no tiene refrigerador, lava su ropa en una cubeta, come Maruchans … y ese depa tampoco es suyo, hizo una tranza inmobiliaria y los propietarios lo están intentando sacar.
Es un mega triple loser … y sus mentiras son tan elevadas que que pocas veces logra avanzar.
No sé qué tanto de los episodios que me conto durante el tiempo que salimos son verdad o mentira, porque si algo aprendí es que los mitómanos crean sobre sus verdades.
Lo que si les puedo decir, desde mi punto de vista, es que él mismo acaba creyendo las mentiras que fabrica.
A pesar de que cuento la historia en versión divertida, me da un montón de tristeza encontrarme con gente así en mi camino. Mas allá del engaño, me hace perder un poco de fé en la humanidad. ¿A qué hemos llegado?
Me encantaria creer que esta enfermo y asi sería más fácil ponerle una explicación a este tipo de comportamiento. Desde mi perspectiva, no logró entender como puedes usar así a la gente.
Pero en fin, desde su perspectiva, tendra que tener un propósito, el cual jamás entenderé. Es dificil juzgar sin saber su historia. Ojala que encuentre su camino. Que de las pocas cosas que dijo que eran verdad, es que tiene una hija y esa nena no se merece un papá así.
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Pero sin el almost 😒… aunque no le salió.
Este post tiene tres propósitos:
Desahogarme. Me dolió porque me sentí engañada, gracias a Dios no hubo amor, pero si ilusión. Con una impotencia terrible; enojo y de fondo puedo y debo aceptar que mi EGO fue el que más sufrió. Saco de esta experiencia un gran aprendizaje y sobretodo un abre puertas para entender que esta pasando dentro de mí y sanarlo ;).
Delatar a este cabron (este enfermo o no, no quisiera enterarme de otra historia). Les dejo un link a lo que es ser mitómano, encaja perfecto con el perfil. Después de leer un rato sobre el tema, no me queda más que desearle mucha luz y tener compasión. No debe ser nada fácil estar en sus zapatos. https://definicion.de/mitomano/
Hacer consciente a la gente. Tristemente nos toco vivir en una generación donde debemos de cuidarnos y hacerle mucho caso a la intuición.
Algo bueno que puedo sacar de esto, es que retome Duolingo y estoy feliz aprendiendo francés otra vez. Y bueno, a borrar todas esas apps terribles de dating, que siempre me negaba por el terror de toparme con un psycho y … Hello my little friend!
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AHHH me falta la temporada … y cómo me enteré?
En fin, seguimos investigando y me topé con una amiga en común. Le pregunté por referencias de Roger, diciéndole que algo me vibraba mal. Y su respuesta fue “bad news” y me compartió screenshots de otras chavas afectadas.
Sinceramente no se cual de lo dos tuvo peor suerte, yo por encontrarme una almita así en mi camino o él por toparse con una escritora frustrada 🤔.
¿Qué descubrí después?
Este chavito mal, tiene muchos perfiles en Instagram. Sale con varias al mismo tiempo. Y nos mata el EGO a todas jaja .. pishi perro.
Yo fui TEMPORADA VERANO 2018 con otras 3 chavas más… literal! Nos tocó el mismo choro y al mismo tiempo.
Me encontre con mas de 18 casos. Miujeres que si lastimo sentimentalmente y que si robo.
Todo en menos de 2 años.
Me encantaría poner fotos, nombres completos y demás … pero mi amiguito francés logró que eliminaran el post original … mientras al mismo tiempo ya tenia otro perfil en Bumble donde salía de 29 años.
Busquenme en Facebook si tienen dudas, tengo un monton de evidencia!
Mi último mensaje hacia él fue de luz y compasión. Creo que no hay persona en esta historia que necesite más esto… Ojala que logre canalizar ese energía y grah habilidad de storytelling en algo positivo en su vida.
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#mexiconosecalla – somos muchas más los chingones y buenos que los cabrones y enfermos.
Gracias por leerme, cambiemos México. Todo empieza por contar tu historia, aunque por favor que sea verdad :).
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who Series 13 Cast: Meet the Guest Stars in the First Full Flux Trailer
Considering that there are certainly names left off this list so as not to spoil any surprises, and that Doctor Who: Flux will tell its serialised story over just six episodes, a good few guest stars are on their way to save/destroy/marvel at the TARDIS (delete as appropriate). Some of them can be glimpsed in the series’ first full trailer below:
Here goes then, the officially confirmed guest stars who’ll appear in the new six-part serial, which starts airing on Halloween. Their roles and costumes are as-yet-unconfirmed, but we’ll bring you more news when we’re allowed.
Kevin McNally
A British acting veteran, McNally has appeared in TV roles ranging all the way from the original 1970s Poldark series to former Downing Street press secretary Bernard Ingham on the most recent series of The Crown. Add to that a host of stage and film parts, not least his recurring Pirates of the Caribbean role as Joshamee Gibbs, first mate to Captain Jack Sparrow. This isn’t McNally’s first appearance in Doctor Who either, he played Hugo Lang in 1984 Sixth Doctor story ‘The Twin Dilemma’.
Robert Bathurst
What do you know Robert Bathurst from? How about everything! Toast of London, of course, and Downton Abbey (pictured above), and the Cold Feet revival, to name the a few. Here’s what he had to say about joining the cast for Series 13: “People say Doctor Who is science fiction. Fiction? No it’s all real, and it’s as scary to do as it looks. Great to be part of it.”
Annabel Scholey
Most recently seen in bonkers Sky historical drama Britannia, BBC legal drama The Split and true-life dramatisation The Salisbury Poisonings – about the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal with nerve agent Novichok – Annabel Scholey is a stage and screen actor with previous roles in Being Human and Inspector George Gently. Read her revisit her small screen memories with Den of Geek here.
Blake Harrison
He’ll always be Neil from The Inbetweeners to some, despite leaving the role behind coming on for a decade ago. Now he’ll also be Blake Harrison from Doctor Who, World of Fire (pictured), The Great and many more.
Craig Parkinson
Indissociable from his role as DI Matthew ‘Dot’ Cottan in Line of Duty (no spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen it), Craig Parkinson is a very familiar face on screen with parts across drama and comedy. You’ll have seen him in Misfits, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, Netflix’s The English Game and Sky sci-fi Intergalactic (pictured above). You may well also have heard his excellent ‘Obsessed With… Line of Duty’ podcast, which went out with series six.
Read more
Doctor Who Series 13 is Titled ‘Flux’ and Starts On Halloween
By Louisa Mellor
Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels Are Perfect Horror Monsters But Are They Returning Villains?
By Zoe Kaiser
Thaddea Graham
Graham played the lead role of Bea in Netflix’s Sherlock Holmes-with-a-supernatural-twist show The Irregulars earlier this year, and prior to that appeared in Sky’s high-voltage thriller Curfew.
Sara Powell
If there’s a British emergency service drama, Sara Powell’s been in it, all the way from early-1990s London’s Burning, through The Bill, Holby: Blue, Casualty, Doctors, Silent Witness, Unforgotten, Death in Paradise (pictured above) to many more. She most recently played lascivious Mike’s boss Jaqui in Ghosts series three.
Gerald Kyd
Another familiar screen face, with recent roles in Britannia, Harlots, Deep Water and Cold Feet, and many more.
Jacob Anderson as Vinder
Best recognised on TV as warrior Grey Worm in HBO’s Game of Thrones, Jacob Anderson is a British actor who’s starred with Jodie Whittaker twice before (once in BBC TV movie Royal Wedding and again in ITV massive crime drama hit Broadchurch). Outside of his acting career, Anderson is a musician who goes by Raleigh Ritchie. He’s a life-long Doctor Who fan whose first introduction to the show was via a series of McCoy-era VHS tapes that belonged to his babysitter. He’ll be playing space pilot Vinder, an ally of the Doctor and co., across Series 13.
John Bishop as Dan Lewis
We’ve written a detailed introduction to John Bishop here for anybody who’s yet to have the pleasure. He’s a comedian and actor who’s currently on the stand-up tour that made him turn down the role of Doctor’s Companion Dan Lewis the first time around, before the pandemic cancelled that and freed him up for the job. Silver linings!
Doctor Who: Flux Directors
Additionally, the Doctor Who: Flux directors include Azhur Saleem (The Conversation, Baghdad Central) and Jamie Magnus Stone (The Last Dragonslayer, and directed four episodes of Series 12 including finale The Timeless Children).
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Doctor Who Series 13 starts on BBC One, BBC iPlayer and BBC America on Sunday the 31st of October.
The post Doctor Who Series 13 Cast: Meet the Guest Stars in the First Full Flux Trailer appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3mXiIsv
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lijahkyuto-blog · 5 years
Most Beautiful Place in Skyrim and the History of the Thieves guild.
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The rift is arguable the most beautiful place in Skyrim and you have most likely traveled there because you never noticed there was a carriage outside of Whiterun. The rift is an extremely beautiful place only enhanced by the wonderful, christian, thieves guild, which has actually been around for a long time. In the second era. The guilds act was approved by Versidue Shaie, a Tsaesci (in the briefest terms tall,immortal, snake-men). He was appointed potentate and to make up for the low funding after a recent war they passed the guilds act. This created the fighters guild first. And soon the mages guild cobblers guild and so on. The way this worked was, take the warriors guild, they were warriors for hire and when hired would give some of their fee to the empire. These guild were protected and advertised by the empire at a cost. A guild was created that the government did not approve of called a the thieves guild. No one believed it could happen. I mean seriously a group of thieves being organized? No way!  The original Thieves Guild was founded in Abah's Landing, a bustling port city located on the barren peninsula of Hew's Bane in southern Hammerfell. At some point during the sixth century of the Second Era, a member known as Bright Ilmund took control of the guild. Under Ilmund's leadership, it was viewed that he ate any scraps the Abah's Landing merchant lords threw at him, all while he shook down any citizen for coin and could not plan a proper heist, causing many members to leave. After his death at around 2E 556, Nicolas became the guildmaster, and set down the three rules of the guild that remained for centuries. With this, the guild returned to its glory and made heavy profits from the fees given by the merchant lords. In 2E 582, Nicolas set out on a heist to al-Danobia Tomb near Taneth, with his inner council of Zeira, Edda, and Daldur. After failing to bypass one of the tomb's traps, only Zeira made it out alive, becoming the guildmaster. Magnifica Falorah then hired the Iron Wheel after discovering the perpetrators, and sent them to Abah's Landing to hunt out guild members and find her dowry. Sometime afterwards, Queen and the Vestige joined the guild after a heist of theirs at Fulstrom Homestead was foiled by Chief Inspector Rhanbiq. After investigating the Iron Wheel's intentions, they discovered the merchant lord Cosh was truly Nicolas, who had faked his own death. The guild infiltrated Falorah and Cosh's wedding, seeking to inform her of Cosh's intentions, though Rhanbiq arrested everyone of the guild at the wedding and captured Zeira, taking her to No Shira Citadel. After Zeira was freed, the guild told Falorah of Nicolas having the dowry and Danobia's crown, and she then established connections with the guild.
Thank you for actually reading, if you did. Please follow me for more interseting blogs like this one.
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auskultu · 7 years
The Golden Road: A Report on San Francisco
Paul Williams, Crawdaddy!, June 1967
SITTING IN THE window. Sixth Avenue, Greenwich Village, flirting with the girls going by, the Grateful Dead very loud on 4X speakers somewhere in the room behind me; 92 degrees, a week short of summer, a week back from the Coast, San Francisco. Now, three thousand miles away, what do those words mean? Was I ever anywhere but here?
The geography of rock. There are a half-dozen LPs sitting by my New York City phonograph, at least two from San Francisco: Moby Grape and Grateful Dead. Rock Scully, a Dead manager, just walked by; the Grateful Dead are at the Cafe Au Go Go, two blocks from here. The Moby Grape are midtown, playing at the Scene.
We speak of a San Francisco Sound because these groups developed there. They may not come from there (Skip Spence is a Canadian, the Steve Miller Blues Band got together in Chicago); they may not even live there (Moby Grape is technically a Marin County group; Country Joe are #l in Berkeley, but half a dozen local bands get better billing in San Francisco). But San Francisco—the Fillmore, the Avalon, the Trips Festivals, the Diggers, Owsley's acid, Haight Street and Ashbury and Masonic and Golden Gate Park, the Straight Theatre, Herb Caen, the Barb, the communication company—these have been and are and will be the environment and influences that have shaped the music of many of the best bands in America.
More specifically, the several aspects and influences of the San Francisco area have created a community; out of this community has come a feeling, an attitude; and it is this attitude that has imparted a unity to the music coming out of the Bay Area. It is this attitude that is most commonly reflected in the San Francisco Sound.
There is a geography of rock; San Francisco is different from New York musically, different because the music made by the Grateful Dead would be different if they had developed in New York, playing the Night Owl or Action City, trying to get a master sold, living on East 7th Street and maybe dealing meth for rent money, padlocking their front door and freezing in the winter and worrying about the air and not having children till they can afford the suburbs, reading the New York Times and having maybe two dozen friends that they see once every two months or so, never considering that they might find a manager who wasn't just an adversary, never thinking that there was much more to it than making the charts, never wondering about the empty girls with too much make-up and an unshakable confidence in this best of all possible nothings... probably hating each other after a while and wondering why people shat on them for doing just what everyone else does.
New York is New York, and it's very good for some things. The energy it generates is second to none; nowhere in the world is there as much activity to dive into every time you turn around. Some people thrive on that. I do, much of the time, and that's why I stay here; but I don't think it's a place to make music. San Francisco is.
The trolleys run along Haight Street pretty often; the tourists snarl up the traffic a bit, but still you can get from theOracle office to Fillmore Street, change, and arrive at the Fillmore or Winterland in less than twenty minutes. At fifteen cents for the entire journey, that's not bad at all. The Avalon is a little further away, but just as accessible, and nowadays often more worthwhile.
But the ballrooms have lost their importance. They were vital once; without Bill Graham, and the hard work and business knowhow he threw into the Fillmore when the scene was starting, there might never have been an SF Sound to talk about. Give him credit, and give Ralph Gleason credit, without whose enthusiastic columns in the SF Chroniclethe city would have no doubt shut down those psychedelic superstructures before you could say "building inspector." And Ken Kesey, the man whose Trips Festivals irrevocably tied together rock and roll and light shows and the head community. The Family Dog, illuminator Bill Ham, the Charlatans, the Matrix, and Jefferson Airplane, all those originators who now cling to their place in history with alarming awareness that after two years the past is buried in the dust of centuries.
The ballrooms have given way to environments even more closely knit into the community. The great outdoors, for one; the Panhandle is only two blocks down from Haight Street, and on an average weekend you'll hear everything from Big Brother & the Holding Company down to the local teen group playing top 40 hits off-key. And it's all free, free not just from admission charges but from walls and stuffy air and hassles about coming and going; free so that the music is as much a part of your life as a tree in blossom. You can stop and embrace it, or pass on by.
The Panhandle is the San Francisco Sound today: the music of the street, the music of the people who live there. The ballrooms, obsolete in terms of the community, have been turned into induction centers—the teenyboppers, the college students, the curious adults come down to the Fillmore to see what's going on, and they do see, and pretty soon they're part of it. They may not go directly to Haight Street with flowers in their hair (though many of them do), but they change, they shift their points of view, their minds drop out of Roger Williams and into the Grateful Dead.
Back on the Street something is happening that may be even more important than the music in the park. The Straight Theatre, long a cherished vision, has burst into reality. The Straight is an ancient movie house, an imposing structure capable of taking some 1700 people out of the center of Haight Street and into whatever it feels like presenting. The property includes a theater, which will be used for concerts, gatherings, poetry readings, etc., a dance workshop, another smaller theater for experimental drama, a photographic studio and darkroom, various storefronts, a backyard mall, and more, all of which is being lovingly shaped by devoted hippie artisans into what should be the model for future art centers all over the country.
And in the air, another major change: KMPX-FM, not just radio for heads but rock radio for rock heads, a station that totally ignores the top 20 (because you can hear that stuff any time you want on seven other frequencies) and just plays what it feels like playing. KMPX is run something like a college radio station; the people in charge know much more about rock and roll than they do about radio programming, how to talk jock, how to sell an audience, or any of that other crap. They make mistakes—records go on the turntable at the wrong speed, careless comments go out over the air—and everyone loves them. There are no mistakes, because they can do no wrong. They're human, and they love the music—and that's what's been missing in radio till now.
If you examine San Francisco closely, you'll find major changes taking place in almost every aspect of city life. New attitudes towards jobs, towards education, towards entertainment and the arts. Basic shifts in the relationships between man and his environment, shifts that have affected every facet of that environment, changes that best can be communicated not in words but in music: Big Brother & the Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane, Moby Grape, Steve Miller Blues Band, Country Joe & the Fish, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Grateful Dead.
Consider the albums. The Airplane was first—and second, too, for that matter. The San Francisco Sound on records begins with those first two notes of 'Blues from an Airplane', and a more noble beginning would not have been possible. Regardless of how many better albums have been recorded since Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, that album still glows with the beauty of the first trip, the birth cry of a new era in music. Between the Buttons was the definitive last statement of an earlier age; JA Takes Off is the first of a new generation of rock albums, of which Sergeant Pepper is only the latest and best.
Tim Jurgens, Ralph Gleason and Marty Balin all used the word "love" in their attempts to pin down what made that first Airplane album different. It is much easier now to understand what they were getting at. Jefferson Airplane Loves You with what has been disdainfully referred to as "potato love"—the indiscriminate love for all people simply because they are people. This attitude enriches their music. Compare Revolver with Sergeant Pepper, do you really think the Beatles loved you when they recorded the earlier album?
Surrealistic Pillow, the Airplane's second, is a definite bringdown; certainly the worst LP to come out of the current Bay Area scene (not considering such piffle as the Sopwith Camel, who ceased to be an SF group when they met Erik Jacobsen). The problem with Pillow is mostly that it's not an album; it's a collection of tracks that neither feel good nor sound comfortable together. The Airplane, of course, were the first SF group to record a second album, and it is likely that at least one other good Bay Area group will flounder on their second try. And Pillow, despite its disunity, has half a dozen fine tracks which prove that the group is better, even if their LP is worse. Sometimes progress is not reflected in quality—and this is often the fault of fate and the A&R man more than the group.
At any rate, the Airplane's first LP is easily as good, in context, as that of any other Bay Area group so far; and how well other groups do on their second albums remains to be seen. It's always kind of lonely to be first in line.
The Grateful Dead's first try is pure energy flow. West Coast kineticism has developed into a fine art; the first side of this album rolls with a motion so natural that one suspects the musicians have never listened to the Who or the Kinks or even the Four Tops—they have developed their own kinetic techniques without reference to the masters in the field. With one exception: this album has so much in common with The Rolling Stones, Now! as to be almost a sequel.
Of course, I'm not complaining. Now! will always stand as one of the great rock albums, and by giving us the New World, sun-rising-over-the-Pacific-Ocean version of that album the Dead have unquestionably added to the quantity of joy around. And the Dead's LP is much more first-hand: where the Stones glorified the mythical American South rock joint in 'Down the Road Apiece', the Dead give you the feeling that that kind of wonderfull abandon is a part of their daily scene ('Golden Road'). The Stones assume the persona of Chuck Berry driving down the New Jersey Turnpike (which they've probably never been on!) to convey their personal energies in 'You Can't Catch Me'; the Dead do a song with almost identical impact ('Good Morning Little Schoolgirl') but they don't need to think of themselves as Sonny Boy Williamson—the song goes out direct to every teenybopper in the audience, and by the time they start into the fourth minute or so, every member of the band really feels every word that Pigpen says. Musically, the Stones' performance is as good (in fact, better) than the Dead's; but where the Stones confront a mythical highway cop, the Dead confront the actual members of their audience. Hence the Grateful Dead LP, though not quite as good as Now!, is at times even more effective.
(The Stones do, of course, confront their audience in 'Everybody Needs Somebody to Love', but it's not emotional confrontation. It's great showmanship, posturing—similar to the Dead's terrific posturing when they "do" the whole Kingston Trio era and its approach, in 'Cold Rain and Snow'. I'm comparing the Dead to the Stones not to show a preference for either, but to point out the fascinating similarities in the impact of their music and in the music itself—play 'Schoolgirl' after listening to 'You Can't Catch Me' to appreciate the extent to which the Dead resemble the Stones in their concept of what music is and how a rock band should perform.)
The first side of the Dead album is one song, unrolling its varied but equivalent delights at top speed. 'Beat It On Down the Line' ("That's where I'm going to make my happy home") moves into the certainty of 'Good Morning Little Schoolgirl' with the ease and impact of Jean-Luc Godard. Garcia smiles, Pigpen squints, and you're on your way. And you can't turn back. "See that girl?... Well, she's coming down the stair—and I don't worry, I'm sitting on top of the world." (Appropriate J. Garcia guitar run here.) Breathless.
The flip is something else: introspective, more like a journey than a joyride. 'Morning Dew' conjures loneliness, pain, uncertainty, courage; pleads, asks, questions, denies; and finally, "I guess it doesn't matter anyway." Apocalyptic. Or just resigned. "I thought I heard... " ? And whatever it was, you'll find it in the song. Beautiful, with a kind of intense detachment. San Francisco isn't known for its vocalists, but this song could change all that.
'New, New Minglewood Blues' serves as a sort of bridge in the context of the album, which is not at all the nature of the song in live performance... and no doubt this is one of the many things about this LP that disappoints fans of the live Dead. The more you've grown to love Grateful Dead live performances over the years the more difficult it must be to accept an album which is—though very beautiful—something completely different. Only 'Viola Lee Blues' has any of the fantastic "this is happening now!" quality of, a good Dead performance; only 'Viola Lee Blues' takes you away as far as the longtime Dead fan has grown accustomed to being taken. It's an escape song—a prisoner for life dreams his way to the dim edges of space and time—and if you don't think you're a prisoner, surrender to 'Viola Lee' and see what happens.
When the Country Joe album arrived at the Crawdaddy! office, it was immediately inscribed "This record is to be played on special occasions only," and certain factions suggested that it would be in poor taste to even review such a sacred work. Sacred or not, this album does seem distantly removed from anything that has been previously associated with rock and roll. Indeed, the staunchest hard rock supporter on our staff can find no redeeming musical value in it at all. He's wrong, of course; or, to be more accurate, he's somewhere else. For many people, this album is so exactly where we are, it's frightening. To be played on special occasions only.
Words should be applied to this album with extreme caution. Like a kaleidoscope, it's easy not to appreciate—all you have to do is stare at the toy instead of into it—but if you do dig it, you may suddenly find it very hard to decide which of the sliding multicolorous worlds all around you is your own. It's perfectly fair of me to especially dig 'Flying High' because I'm a long-time hitchhiker; but when I decide that 'Section 43' is without question a midsummer thundershower, and then realize that the storm is outside the window and not in my head, perhaps I'm too involved in the music.
Background music is an old concept; this album, at last, is in the foreground. It is Joe MacDonald's world, and you are invited in. Does it seem strange that the introduction to 'Flying High' has nothing to do with the song, or that Lorraine's first name is really Martha? Not at all—remember, we are guests here. This is Berkeley 1967, Fish Street, residence of Country Joe—we are invited to see, hear, feel, smell, but not participate. 'Grace'—that's not a singalong. This is music at its most sensuous and least analyzable—sounds, unidentifiable, flash at you, words evoke pictures but no meaning, you never hear the same thing twice. But you always feel the state of grace.
'Death Sound' ("I see the minutes chasin' the hours"), that homicidal tambourine, schizophrenic lead guitars. It's all in the impact; if it doesn't scare you, I can't talk you into fright. 'Section 43'—simply the most satisfying, evocative piece of music I know; I could wander its paths forever. It's a concert performance—no individual virtuosity can be found and praised; each person did his job precisely and flawlessly, up to (and especially) the feedback and few tinkling notes at the end. The brilliance is in the composition; and in a subtle way we should consider this whole LP a composed rather than a performed work, because every note seems to have been firmly in place in every song long before the actual recording of the album. On 'Love', a mistake is met with "Aw, come on," as if nothing could be more ridiculous at this point than doing something wrong. Indeed, a perfect Fish album: it had to be this way.
'Masked Marauder' is utterly delightful; instant movie soundtrack for whatever is going on around you. (Theme music, not background stuff.) 'Superbird' would be instant #l if radio stations weren't so sensitive. It's the only rock and roll song on the album, and of course it's perfect. "Drop your guns, baby..." Wow! Everything on the album is one-of-a-kind, as a matter of fact; like Sergeant Pepper, the only thing linking these songs is that they like to be heard together. 
'Sad & Lonely Times' is a ballad, very simple, very warm—pretty. 'Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine' is a totally different type of ballad: Berkeley Gothick, cynical, respectful, overpowering. Even affectionate; few people who've heard this album could really describe this song, but every one of them could describe Lorraine. And though every description would be different, each would be thoroughly respectful, thoroughly correct. David Cohen (organist) is magnificent.
And 'Bass Strings' is the invocation of the Muse. "Hey, partner, won't you pass that reefer 'round?... I think I'll go to the desert... Just one more trip now, and I know I'll stay high all the time." If you want to understand the Bay Area, 'Bass Strings' will give you a fair start.
Well, it took me a long time, but I finally figured out who Moby Grape remind me of: the Everly Brothers. Also Buddy Holly, Buffalo Springfield, middle-Beatles, Byrds, New Lost City Ramblers, the Weavers, Youngbloods, Daily Flash and everybody else. Above all, the Grape give off this very pleasant sense of déjà vu. Rock has become so eclectic you can't even pick out influences—you just sense their presence. I don't really know why the Grape remind me of the Everly Brothers. But it's a nice feeling.
Moby Grape is one of those beautifully inextricable groups with four guitarists (including bass), five vocalists, five songwriters, and about twelve distinct personalities (Skip Spence alone accounts for five of them). The Grape is unusual for an SF group in that it does not have an overall, easily-identifiable personality. It is without question schizophrenic—which is nothing bad, because the group is extremely tight and they simply shift personality from song to song. Their music is always unified; it's their album as a whole that's schizoid. In fact, much as I like it, I enjoy the songs even more one at a time (for your convenience, Columbia has issued almost the entire album on singles—which is particularly nice because the mono mix is far better than the stereo, which must have been done too fast).
Skip Spence's two songs make it clear that he's the most talented—though not the most prolific—songwriter in the group. 'Omaha', to my tastes the toughest cut on the album, is one of the finest recorded examples of the wall-of-sound approach in rock. It surges and roars like a tidal wave restrained by a sea-wall. Moby Grape is a particularly violent group—not in the sense that they want to do harm to anyone (it is a huge misunderstanding to think violence is inherently evil, or that it necessarily causes harm—there is violent joy, and this album is proof of that), but in the sense that almost every song is attacked with great force and abandon. Moby Grape assault their audience, bathing them in almost unavoidable joy. Jamming it down their throats, in fact. 
The other Skip Spence song on the LP, 'Indifference', is another screamer, a well-constructed, brilliantly-executed shuffle number, to be sung on the street, loud, early in the morning, or listened to in the afternoon with your fist pounding the table.
Peter Lewis is second in the hierarchy of Grape writers, and probably the most sensitive. He shares with the other Grape members the ability to create extremely appealing melody phrases, chorus lines, and rhythm riffs; this ability, combined with the resultant concentration on structure, tightness and brevity, is what makes all the Moby Grape songs sound like good singles. Lewis, in 'Fall on You', puts together a number of catchy little themes into a very nice, very fluid song, vaguely reminiscent of 'One More Try'. In 'Sitting by the Window', he waxes almost eloquent, with just enough restraint to make the song both illuminating and unpresuming. The guitar-work is really excellent; the three Grape guitarists work together with exceptional taste throughout the lp.
But describing each song is not really the way to write about Moby Grape. They are elusive; you detect a thousand moods and changes, but you never quite hear the words, never know who's singing, never are certain who's playing lead. You can't pin them down, can't get too close; you learn to forget, learn to absorb their music, learn to stop trying, submit to it—and sooner or later it all comes clear. Country Joe, the Dead, are very clean; this group never lacks for tightness, but they get fuzzy 'round the edges. They aren't involving, but you dig the changes; they aren't involving, but you listen for the words; they aren't involving, but there's something going on here—and slowly but surely the depth in this music (which at first attacked you but seemed so uninvolving) swallows you up, and you feel the complexities it invokes.
Moby Grape is an almost ideal example of a "rock and roll" group, and their emergence now, as the historical concept of rock and roll seems on the verge of disappearing into a music too complexly-based to fit a general description, is both surprising and quite pleasing. The Grape play short, melodic songs, complex but straightforward, tightly structured with careful drumming and rhythm, experimental (but not "far out") bass, exciting, well-thought-out lead guitar (no fooling around) and early Beatles- or Everlys- style group vocals. A given song ('Mr. Blues') might draw on C&W and blues traditions, Otis Redding phrasing, Keith Richard restrained lead guitar, 'Captain Soul' rhythm progressions, etc. And every note is proper, polite. It's enough to make you nostalgic; nothing is more refreshing than the unexpectedly familiar.
These are the major rock albums to come out of the Bay Area thus far. However, there is a very important, very good album recorded by a San Francisco group in the new vein prior to the Airplane's first LP. I haven't mentioned it because the group is not generally thought of as a rock group. They are classified under jazz, which is fine; but I think at this time we can also add John Handy's Live at Monterey album to the list of great SF rock LPs. Listen to it, study its structure and its changes, and I think you'll understand why.
Rock is not a term that can be or that wants to be defined. San Francisco rock is an even more elusive concept, particularly when one removes the obvious geographical limitation and includes the Who's Happy Jack and Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. One specifically San Francisco, or New World, trait is the inclusion of open acts of kindness toward the listener within the body of the album. Throughout Sergeant Pepper you feel that the Beatles are with you and understand where you're at ("we'd love to take you home with us"). The Who in their comic operetta 'A Quick One' bathe the listener in the repeated assurance that "you're forgiven." For everything. And the gentle applause at the end of each side of the John Handy album is a subtler application of the same effect.
Geographically, the San Francisco groups have the common heritage of the Bay Area '65-'67, and all the influences present there; most specifically, they have all been reared by the same audience, the Fillmore/Avalon crowd, the first good rock audience in America. This audience is responsible for, in addition to the Airplane, Handy, the Grape, Country Joe, and the Dead, at least three other fine groups as-yet-unrecorded: Big Brother & the Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, and the Steve Miller Blues Band. 
Big Brother is in many ways the most exciting group in the Bay Area; and though they are all white, Sandy Pearlman has correctly called them "the best spade band in the country." Their arrangements, their control of what they're doing, their material all indicate that under the right conditions they could produce the best SF rock album yet. Steve Miller is the most creative of American white blues bands at present, which says a lot for the San Francisco influence. Quicksilver is a fine example of a group that would have gone nowhere were it not for the SF audience egging them on; they're still in the growing stage, and not yet ready to record, but there's good reason to believe that the moments of brilliance they now enjoy will soon become hours of brilliance. Outside of San Francisco they wouldn't have bothered getting better because they wouldn't have needed to.
Above all, the San Francisco Sound is the musical expression of what's going down, a new attitude toward the world which is commonly attributed to "hippies," but which could more accurately be laid at the feet of a non-subculture called People, earth people, all persons who have managed to transcend the superstructures they live in. People who have responded to the reality of the industrial revolution by requiring that they run the system and benefit from it rather than be made part of it. In very small print between the lines of 'Naked If I Want To', 'Grace', and 'Cream Puff War' is written the following message: There is a man, me, and there are Men. These two forces will and must interact as smoothly as possible. Everything else—concepts, objects, systems, machines—must only be tools for me and mankind to employ. If I or Man respect a system or a pattern more than ourselves, we are in the wrong and must be set free. "Nothing to say but it's okay..."
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Although it seems to be a fixed part of the Inspector’s future,
there’s no guarantee that he/she will ever become the Indictor.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
“Offshore soccer is for laundering” | Defini …
When the new inspector general of Justice Ricardo Nissen is mentioned the phrase “football is a huge fertile field for liars”, he asks curiously who said it. The appointment of the journalist Dante Panzeri immerses him in the history of sport and especially boxing, of which he remembers memorable fights that he followed through the radio in his childhood. Since taking over the government of Alberto Fernández, he returned to the same position he held between 2003 and 2005 during the presidency of Néstor Kirchner. He says that he will relentlessly control offshore companies that in lucrative activities like soccer often do big business. Over 15 years ago Page 12 He was able to investigate and publish during that stage of Nissen at the IGJ who was the majority partner of Blanquiceleste S.A., the company that Racing managed. It was a billionaire sheikh, the Ethiopian Mohammed Hussein al Amoudi, who through the Elmtree offshore company and associated with another called Bergo Anstalt controlled the rubber stamp at whose head Fernando Marín appeared.
– On April 13, the newspaper Ambito Financiero published an interview with the soccer agent Juan Cruz Oller entitled “The coronavirus is an enormous opportunity for Argentine soccer to open the door to private capital.” Would you agree that S.A. are installed here for that purpose?
–Absolutely not. Also today there are many reasons that totally discourage it. First of all, the world has changed in many things and people discovered after the Macri government the true importance of civil societies and NGOs. That ended with the worshipers of corporations, unless he is an ultra-capitalist.
– With the departure of Mauricio Macri from the government, the chance that sports corporations will be installed disappeared, but tax havens are in good health and many murky operations in football are made from there. How do you see that panorama?
“ I'm going to tell you an anecdote. In 2004 we were convinced that behind the transfers of the soccer players there were many offshore companies involved as intermediaries. Of course there was a huge issue of laundering and we wanted to discover this operation in Argentina. One day I went alone as the inspector general of Justice showing my card and I appeared at the AFA. I was received by attorneys Schmoisman and Meiszner. The latter had been president of Quilmes. I wanted to know who was behind the foreign institutions that appeared behind each player. I couldn't get into that because there were too many topics, but it always gave me the impression that offshore soccer operations is one of the main activities of laundering and opacity. There are many conflicting interests in these types of operations that are disguised.
– How is it understood that offshore companies appear in Argentine soccer when there is no S.A. and the clubs are non-profit civil societies?
– Offshore companies are almost always manifested in the purchase and sale of players and the legal organization of a club does not matter. 20 years or more ago Macri promoted a Sports Public Limited Companies project that was a farce. I participated in the commission that discussed it, but not because I wanted the SAD but because I wanted to participate in a duly interesting project. I am body and soul with civil societies because that is how the country grew and that is how it should be. What happens is that Macri had at that time the interest that any administrator could take care of a club.
– Already as president of the Nation, during his government he promoted the figure of the trust that also has a certain opacity. River approved one that later suspended and raised dust…
–Among the SAD and the appearance of the trust there is an important figure that was management. He was in charge of offshore companies. We attacked that and it is because at the time there were some totally tricks that came to control important clubs in Argentina.
Q: Was Racing the biggest, with Blanquiceleste, Marín and Sheik Mohammed al Amoudi at the head?
– It may be … but going back to the trust is a way to hide the ownership of the assets. It would work well if you entrusted a third party with the administration of assets so that tomorrow, in a time that is normally long, you end up transmitting those assets to your children. But here in Argentina and especially in the Menem era there were economic, corporate and commercial laws that were a presumption of fraud. The bankruptcy law or especially trust law 24,441, which is a very little transparent law, nor the 2015 Civil and Commercial Code helped to make it transparent. Unfortunately it became an instrument of fraud and was never well controlled like offshore companies, despite the fact that offshore companies according to the Civil Code have to be registered in the Public Registry, which was never organized. Now we are organizing it because all this was born opaque and is still opaque.
– Since President Alberto Fernández took office, there were members of his cabinet who said they had come across scorched earth. How did you find the IGJ?
“ Absolutely the same.
“Could you give us an example?”
– Previous savings. The IGJ competition is local, that is, for the city of Buenos Aires, we have no federal competition. At Ahorro, the instructions given over the last four years were to deactivate it and reduce its staff. What was the role of that sector? Put limits on the concessionaires or administrators of savings plans that set the price completely unilaterally. The IGJ did not mess with the quota price formation for four years. In the area of ​​Civil Associations and Foundations, the public good institutions that were linked in some way to Peronism and to others, such as the case of blind trusts or the Gabriela Michetti foundation, were persecuted staunchly. Not at all. They were not even sent inspections, nor a certificate to accompany a balance. They were treated like a king.
– In an interview with this same newspaper in February, you used the noun “crap”, which was found with crap at the IGJ. What was he referring to?
–I do not know, at that moment I got that word but the Inspection did not work. This organism is from 1892 and it was constituted by the abuses that were carried out by corporations. It was called Inspection because it was a group of inspectors, but later the term of Inspection was consecrated. What does inspect mean? It is not filing, especially in the neoliberal times when this was intended to be an archive and that third parties have a place to look for, without any sanction for those who incur in breaches. Control of legal partnerships matters a matter of national interest. And that has not happened in the last four years. Here it was said that Brodsky (the previous inspector) was a man of Angelici or Richarte who was in the AFI. Lots of things were attributed to him but the truth is that Brodsky did not attend to anyone. This was a kind of bunker in which one had to go through three doors. Today this place is completely different. The one who reaches the sixth floor sees me and has a meeting with me. Now it can be denounced, before not because Brodsky did not receive them. This was an appendix to Andrés Ibarra's Ministry of Modernization.
What are you trying to change?
–I started a personal crusade against the offshore, first with Cromañón and then with the Panama Papers. If I process complaints, people will be encouraged to report. If they know there will be a resolution, people will be encouraged. That generates a multiplier effect. Since I arrived I have many more complaints than in all of 2019. People are encouraged because they know that things will come out of here.
–What kind of complaints?
– For example, complaints of misuse of civil societies. Complaints of institutions that had obtained legal status to compete with others where Macrism was interested, giving encouragement to the constitution of a new civil entity that competed with another old civil society. They began to persecute her to withdraw her legal status as happened with the Argentine Sports Confederation, the CAD.
Q: You said that you were going to try to help civil institutions like neighborhood clubs with your resolutions. How?
–I have already drawn up a resolution in which they can be constituted by public instruments without the need to resort to public deed, with an official resolution. Many of the subsidies destined to neighborhood clubs from the Sports Department were destined to golf, bridge, etc. clubs. A shame.
–The former soccer player official and agent Gustavo Arribas, who was not at the IGJ but was at the AFI, used offshore companies or shell clubs abroad such as Deportivo Maldonado from Uruguay to triangulate operations.Would it be possible to know if those S.A. Are they related to others here in Argentina?
“ I cannot know that. Here there is no registry of natural persons to know who are those who are in a society, it is a huge debit that we have.
(email protected)
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from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/04/18/offshore-soccer-is-for-laundering-defini/
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thisdaynews · 5 years
What you missed while watching the impeachment, Week 2
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/what-you-missed-while-watching-the-impeachment-week-2/
What you missed while watching the impeachment, Week 2
Over at the Pentagon, the military’s intelligence arm warned that the administration’s pullout from Syria could aid the revival of ISIS.
Oh, and the government won’t shut down for now — no small accomplishment for a Congress that subjected Washington to the longest shutdown in history earlier this year.
These breakthroughs might have been front-page fodder in a different news cycle, but not in Trump’s Washington this week. That’s why POLITICO’s policy journalists are here with your quick fix of other news, for part 2 of our take on what happened in Washington while you were watching the impeachment.
Democrats and Republicans agreed on an asbestos ban
Thirty years after EPA tried and failed to ban asbestos, House Democrats and Republicans agreed on legislation to prohibit the carcinogenic fiber. The deal on Tuesday got bipartisan support before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, 47-1, after lawmakers agreed to a temporary exemption for the only industry that still uses asbestos, chlorine manufacturing, giving companies time to switch to newer technologies.
Ultimate passage into law is still uncertain, but this is the most promising outlook that asbestos ban legislation has enjoyed in years. The bill’s advancement follows a court ruling that faulted the EPA for not studying the health risks of “legacy” chemicals such as the asbestos insulation present in millions of homes and other buildings.— Alex Guillén
The Pentagon’s spy agency said Trump’s Syria pullout helped ISIS
The withdrawal, along with Turkey’s cross-border incursion to fight the Kurds, allowed ISIS to “reconstitute capabilities and resources within Syria and strengthen its ability to plan attacks abroad,” the quarterly report from the lead inspector general on the U.S. military campaign against ISIS said.
“The [Defense Intelligence Agency] also reported that without counterterrorism pressure, ISIS will probably be able to more freely build clandestine networks and will attempt to free ISIS members detained in [Syrian Democratic Forces]-run prisons and family members living in internally displaced persons … camps,” the inspector general added.— Connor O’Brien
Washington: Shutdown-free for another month
Congress cleared a short-term spending bill that will keep the government open for four additional weeks, diminishing the chances of a paralyzing governmentwide shutdown before Thanksgiving but also punting a tough decision on border wall spending.
Trump signed off on the bill, which runs through Dec. 20, since it doesn’t impose new restrictions on his border wall spending. Congressional leaders still lack a fiscal 2020 funding plan beyond the new deadline. Protracted fights over Trump’s border wall dominate the spending talks and impeachment proceedings threaten to consume Congress through January.— Caitlin Emma and Jennifer Scholtes
The EPA rescinded Obama-era chemical safety requirements
The EPA is weakening a chemical safety rule issued by the Obama administration in response to the West Texas fertilizer facility explosion in 2013 that killed 15 people. The rule — which covers 12,500 facilities ranging from oil refineries to chemical plants to food and beverage manufacturers — frees companies from more rigorous mitigation and safety preparation requirements. And it no longer requires the owners of chemical plants, refineries and other industrial facilities to publicly release data on the chemicals they store on-site.
The agency argued that the cost of those provisions outweighed potential benefits, added new burdens on facilities also subject to separate federal workplace safety standards and raised concerns about terrorists’ access to data. But environmentalists and unions have complained that the rollback will leave workers, especially firefighters and other first responders, at risk.— Alex Guillén
The Labor Department abandoned plans to roll back safety protections for teens
Teenagers were banned from working some types of health care jobs. The Labor Department scrapped a controversial proposal eliminating protections for teens operating patient lifting devices in nursing homes and hospitals. The idea was billed as an effort to expand apprenticeship opportunities in the health care industry. But worker safety groups said it would allow teens to perform “one of the most hazardous jobs in the nation.” Democrats also questioned whether the agency violated its data quality guidelines by relying on a SurveyMonkey poll with fewer than two dozen respondents to justify removing the protections.— Rebecca Rainey
Trump’s FDA nominee dodged tough questions on vaping restrictions
The new pick to lead the Food and Drug Administration skated through a Senate committee hearing Wednesday, despite declining to endorse harsh e-cigarette regulations and occasionally pleading ignorance on topics managed by the vast agency. Both Democrats and Republicans closely questioned nominee Stephen Hahn, a cancer doctor, on how he would handle vaping amid concern that the Trump administration is backing away from a crackdown on flavored vapes targeted at children. Hahn said he will put patients first but stopped short of committing to flavor bans. Republicans are aiming to install him by the end of the year. —Sarah Owermohle
Another marijuana bill was a hit in a House committee
The House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that would make marijuana legal at the federal level and let states to make their own decisions regarding the drug. It would also scrub criminal records for certain marijuana-related federal crimes and create a grant program to help people arrested for marijuana offenses get launched in the legal market. “Look, I have never been happier that Chairman [Jerry Nadler] got sidelined on impeachment, because it appears he’s been given the time to work on an excellent cannabis bill,” Trump ally and marijuana supporter Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said on the eve of the historic vote. “If he gets sidelined again, who knows — maybe we’ll get an asylum bill.” Despite the committee vote, the bill may face six more committees before it can be scheduled for a House floor vote. And its future in the Senate is pretty uncertain given Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s promise that he would not consider any marijuana legalization legislation. And this bill doesn’t have the same kind of House GOP backing that legislation that would give cannabis businesses access to financial services had when it passed the chamber in September.— Natalie Fertig
Regulators helped create a new big bank
A merger between BB&T and SunTrust, the largest bank union since the 2008 financial crisis, got the greenlight Tuesday, clearing the way for the two lenders to become the sixth-largest retail lender in the country. The Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., signed off on the deal, even as the Fed dinged SunTrust for past “unfair and deceptive practices,” problems that the new bank will have to resolve.
The merged bank will be named Truist, with more than $453 billion in assets — smaller in size than only JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank — and with 2.6 percent of all U.S. deposits. The Justice Department signed off on the proposed merger earlier this month after the lenders agreed to sell more than two dozen branches to resolve antitrust concerns.— Victoria Guida
FCC settles big fight over the next generation of wireless technology
One of the most intense lobbying feuds over wireless spectrum in recent memory came to an end this week when the Federal Communications Commission announced it will auction off airwaves in the so-called C-band to get them into the hands of wireless providers. The wireless industry says this slice of the spectrum is crucial for rolling out ultrafast 5G services — but the decision marks a defeat for satellite companies that now hold the airwaves and wanted to sell them privately.
The satellite companies had contended that a private sale would be faster than a public auction. But it also could have meant less oversight and more revenue going to the firms instead of the U.S. Treasury.
The issue became so heated that Trump at one point got involved — and Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), who favored the public auction option, warned that Americans would be monumentally “screwed” if foreign satellite companies ran the sale. Now the pressure will be on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to set up and fast-track the auction in 2020 as the U.S. vies with China and other nations for 5G supremacy. —John Hendel
Trump is considering picking a new trade fight with Europe
Trump administration officials are looking at whether to start a new trade investigation against the European Union as the chance to hit the bloc with car tariffs appears to have passed, according to multiple people briefed on the issue. It would mean European auto imports wouldn’t be subject to duties out for national security reasons, but the EU — and its trade practices — would face a much broader inquiry, the people said.
“What it would do is it would create a situation that for another year would give the president leverage over the EU,” said a former administration official.
Trump was supposed to make a decision by Nov. 14 on whether to take action against imports of automobiles and auto parts from the EU. But with the deadline passed, questions are now being raised over whether he can continue using Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 to take any future tariff action. The previously little-used provision allows the president to impose trade restrictions if imports are considered a threat to national security.
Instead, a broader so-called Section 301 inquiry would examine whether trade policies impose unjustifiable burdens or restrictions on U.S. commerce. If an investigation finds that practices do so, Trump could slap tariffs on various imports from Europe. He has used just such a probe to slap duties on billions of Chinese goods. —Adam Behsudi and Doug Palmer
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Night Witch 1 Page 16 to 20
Page 16
First Panel:
From behind the couple, Varvara can be seen standing up holding the bouquet of flowers.
Varvara: I can’t help you. You have to go to the police.
Second Panel:
Looking at Varvara’s face. She’s frowning sadly into the roses, behind her the couple have stood and are angrily looking at her.
Ludmila: The police...
Varvara: Ask to speak to Inspector Nightingale of the Special Assessment Unit. They will be able to help you.
Third Panel:
The couple are walking out of the door which is held open by the guard.
Ludmila: Bitch.
Fourth Panel:
In a forest, six women in olive drab jackets and black skirts are stood in a line. In front of them is a woman in olive drab trousers and shirt.
Woman in front: Varvara Sidorovna, we want to freeze the fascist’s testicles to his rifle, not give him a nice refreshing spring bath. Do it again.
Varvara: Bitch.
Woman: I heard that.
Fifth Panel:
Close up on Varvara with her fist pulled back as if about to punch someone but her hand is glowing blue with blue snow flakes around it.
Woman: For that you can spend this evening cleaning the male officer’s latrines.
New woman off-screen: Oh shit.
Woman: Precisely.
Sixth Panel:
Varvara is seen in the visiting room with the guard behind her.
Varvara: I need to make a phone call.
Page 17
First Panel:
Nightingale is in a naturally lit room talking on his phone.
Narrator: Most cases get solved because someone somewhere can’t keep their mouth shut.
Nightingale: Just a moment. I’ll write that down.
Second Panel:
In a car, Ludmila and the brown haired man are in the back seats. Ludmila is holding a hand up to prevent the man from moving towards her.
Narrator: We call it information received.
Third Panel:
In the coach house Peter is using the computer with Nightingale stood behind him.
Narrator: And it don’t half make our jobs easier.
Fourth Panel:
Close up on the brown haired man.
Narrator: Nestor Ivanovich Yakunin.
Fifth Panel:
In sepia tone, a picture of a boy with messy curly hair and glasses smiling at the reader.
Narrator: Born 1971 in Maryina Roshcha, Moscow.
Sixth Panel:
A young man with aviator style glasses and brown hair hugging a old woman in a head scarf and coat in front of the Kremlin.
Narrator: Studied maths at university the first of his family to attend higher education.
Seventh Panel:
Three men standing on tank outside a soviet era building.
Narrator: Even as the old Soviet Union fell apart around him.
Eighth Panel:
Close up on the central man.
Narrator: But it’s an ill with that blows nobody any good.
Page 18
The page background is a 10000 Rouble note.
Narrator: October 1992, the Russian government gives every citizen vouchers that can be redeemed for shares in state-owned businesses. But most people are either too distracted or too desperate to realise their worth.
First Panel:
In front of a high rise building in the snow a man and a woman are standing. 
Narrator: Instead they sell them for a tiny percentage of their face value in order to pay the rent or buy food, vodka and other necessities of life.
Second Panel:
Close up of the man and woman revealing that the man is Nestor Yakunin and he is handing over money for shares.
Narrator: Some people do realise the potential and end up owning bug chunks of the economy.
Third Panel:
Nestor is stood in front of a silver Mercedes.
Narrator: People like Nestor Ivanovich.
Fourth Panel:
The same man as stood on the tank is now stood in front of a podium.
Narrator: In 1995 Boris Yeltsin looks to solve his tiny cash flow problem by doing a deal with the nouveau riche that leads to vast tracts of Russia’s oil, gas and mining sectors being owned by a small group of oligarchs.
Fifth Panel:
A fat white man with brown hair is holding a briefcase in the air and grinning.
Narrator: Inspired by this rampant display of greed the British government hangs out the red light and unleashes the City of London to walk the streets for money... They don’t care if it’s wrong or right.
Page 19
First Panel:
Nestor and Semyon are siting in a leather booth with bottles of champagne in their hands and their arms around each other’s shoulders.
Narrator: Nestor Ivanovich repatriates vast sums of money out of Russia, with his security advisor Semyon Petrovich Zhidanov watching his back. Semyon is also from the Maryina Roshcha district of Moscow, also born in 1971.
Second Panel:
Through the windshield Semyon can be seen driving the car that Nestor and Ludmila are riding in.
Narrator: Met Intelligence thinks they might have been friends since school.
Third Panel:
Semyon is in the foreground smoking a cigarette. Through the door way two men are beating a third who is tied to a chair.
Narrator: Although Smeyon’s career path may have been somewhat different.
Fourth Panel:
In the coach house, Peter is looking at the computer screen while Moly is serving Nightingale tea.
Narrator: But the good times never last forever.
Fifth Panel:
In red tone, the head and torso of Valdimir Putin is shown.
Narrator: December 31st 1999 Yeltsin resigns and is replaced by Valdimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Sixth Panel:
Inside the Kremlin, group of men are milling around.
Narrator: Putin makes the oligarchs an offer they can’t refuse. Back him, pay their taxes and stay out of politics and they get to keep their ill-gotten gains. Or else...
Page 20
First Panel:
Two men in suits shaking hands.
Narrator: Some saw the way the wind was blowing.
Second Panel:
A man in a metal cage with two armed soldiers guarding it.
Narrator: Some did not.
Third Panel:
A woman in a fur hat is having her hand kissed by Nestor. In the background is a sign with the Union Jack on it and ‘Welcome to Britain’ written on it.
Fourth Panel:
Looking through the windshield Semyon is driving and Nestor and Ludmila are facing away from each other.
Semyon: Enough! I have an idea.
Fifth Panel:
Peter’s computer screen is shown with his face reflected in it. On the computer is database of Non-Executive Directorships. ‘Yakunin, Nestor Ivanovich’ is in the search bar and ‘County Gard Holdings’ is one of the companies shown.
Peter: Oh shit.
Sixth Panel:
Looking through the windshield to show Semyon, Nestor, and Ludmila.
Semyon: You’re going to have to call that guy.
Nestor: That’s not a good idea.
Semyon: But that guy knows all about... Black magic.
Ludmila: What guy?
0 notes
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Some of the more blunt proponents from home ownership is actually James Altucher that has supplied some very fascinating proof that home ownership is actually certainly not an excellent financial investment. Despite the twists and turns life tosses at him, Fox continuouslies participate in huge and wager your home. Jeb Hensarling, the Chairman from the House's Financial Services Board lately blasted Cordray in the course of his testament to your home and also specified main reason whies Trump has basis to fire Cordray for Cause. You would certainly at that point have your house evaluated by a qualified home inspector to ensure you perform certainly not get stuck with any unpleasant surprises down the road.
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Photovoltaic panel and also an organic garden might be actually an inconvenience to establish, yet a family that intends to live even more frugally are going to be drawn to reside in your house you set up. Youngsters from your spouse, fostered kids, bring up from little ones are actually each represented through your 11th home. Because at least 2008 property prices have been actually reduced, and the most recent amounts advise they have dropped yet another 1.5% over the in 2013. As an example if it is the 4th property and nine house god, it might generate end results other in comparison to if Mars is actually 3rd as well as eighth property lord. If Obama-era Donald Trump might provide his criticisms on the existing White House management, beleaguered through internal problem and a stalled program, by means of some sort of Twitter time device-- they most likely would not sound also quite. Perform you possess household pets that live in our home or even are allow your house frequently after being outdoors and allowed to participate in where chiggers can be found.
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This was the time when Saturn entered Libra in the sixth property coming from the ascendant (7th property off the Moon) from Nitin Gadkari. You'll only be actually taking a look at a little sample however you should understand that this is visiting be all around your property so that will definitely appear absolutely other en mass. The Sorcerer Bottle - An age-old residence security incantation, the witch container is an effective charm that you individually produce. Metropolitan area trolley to your home from David, boarded the miniature learns at the north depot and rode all http://Ai1990assistant.info of them around to the south depot, at that point leased a space at the park hotels and resort or one of the log cabins for a week or 2.
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Ever wonder why after the Inspector fixed the BOOTH’s cloaking device,
why he broke it again to make sure it stayed as a telephone kiosk?
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Part of the reason the BOOTH was given back its ability to resemble things other than a phone kiosk during the Sixth Inspector era
was that BTV planned to shut down production over budget expenditures, so the executives gave IS producers the money to make the BOOTH a chimney or a lift carriage for various in-universe reasons.
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The audience criticised the programme for the general lack of variety in the Inspector’s wardrobe.
This became a problem by the time Graham Chapman took over the role, and he was generally outfitted in some bland, brown suit most of the time.
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