#Sister Love
watchoutforintellect · 2 months
Beware feeling you’re not good enough to deserve it. Beware feeling you’re too good to need it. Beware all the hatred you’ve stored up inside you, and the locks on your tender places.
Audre Lorde, from a letter to Pat Parker in December 1985
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Sisterhood"
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worldofreds · 7 months
Sister Love
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sisterlove2023 · 15 days
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lintzforever · 2 months
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A Sister’s Love Is Forever ❤️
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aesthetic--mood · 2 years
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Anna "Frozen" Aesthetic
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The battle
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Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Prompt : “If I can still breath, I’m fine.”
Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Words: 1.600
The air was charged with tension. It was mere hours before the Others came. People were scared and anxious. So was Faerys. That's what brought her here in the courtyard. Her steps were light but her heart was heavy. She knew that many of the faces she sees now will not be here when everything is done. Maybe she herself will be on the list of deceased. Who knows?
She was walking around until she heard chatter growing curious she walked towards it.
"I'm no king but if I were I'd knight you ten times over." Peering over the edge of the wall she saw Tormund speaking to Brienne causing Faerys to smile and finally walk in making her presence known with her next words.
"Correct me if I am wrong ser Jamie, but any knight can make another knight." Said man looked at her and nodded. "You are right my lady, and I am going to prove it." He pulled his sword out and continued. "Kneel lady Brienne." The chuckle left her lips not believing Jamie. "Do you want to be a knight or not? Kneel." At those words she realized that Jamie was in fact serious, so she did as commanded. Dropping on to one knee.
Faerys looked on with pride, her friend is finally being acknowledged for her deeds.
"Arise, Brienne of Tarth the knight of Seven kingdoms." She arose with tears in her eyes. Soon round of applause followed. Tyrion spoke above the noise "Ser Brienne of Tarth, knight of seven kingdoms." Said woman looked at Faerys with watery eyes and big smile. If it was possible the eldest Targaryen would have melted on the spot as she smiled back with a nod. Soon everyone was back in their seats.
"Nice of you to join us my lady." Tyrion spoke. "Well someone does need to keep you people in check, especially you my lord." Her tone was light and teasing as she spoke which caused round of laughter, and it was spent like that until last moment. They were laughing and joking knowing full well that faces they see now maybe won't be there after battle is over so they made most of it. But like every other good thing this also has passed and news saying that army of the dead is here.
Battle was bloody, at some point Faerys was hit with an arrow it pierced her shoulder and went out on the other side. Her loyal dragon caught her mid air and plummeted along with her to the ground. Army didn't wait as they started swarming young dragon and her rider. But Faerys wouldn't give in so easily neither would Layan, they fought valiantly. But the Dead were slowly overpowering exhausted duo, and just as she thought that she is done for... They dropped, all of them like leafs on fall fell down. Lifeless. That is when she too allowed herself to drop, her body weak and exhausted blood loss taking it's toll.
It was Tyrion who found young Targaryen her body surrounded by dozens of heads of undead and the whole bodies. Her body held in protective grasp of her dragon battered and bleeding profusely, but still breathing ever so slightly. Layan was letting out soft breezes of air and chuffing ever so slightly, nudging her master with her head trying to awake Faerys. He was quick to ask for help, calling for maesters to come and take care of her.
Besides the arrow shot there several more deep wounds. "She is truly a dragon my lady. I never saw someone take such wounds and still survive. Her recovery will be hard one but she will be good as new." Maester spoke to future queen, younger sister of the woman laying down on the bed covered in bandages. She nodded and spoke "Leave us." So he did, youngest sat beside her sisters bed as she clutched her hand tears welling in her eyes. "Please come back to us soon. We need you. I need you."
Distant sobs were heard, Faerys felt like she was miles apart from the sound but she recognized it oh so well, so she forced her eyes open and saw her little sister turned in to the small girl she once knew. Her shoulders shaking as she sobbed silently, begging to whoever listened that her sister doesn't die. Gently grabbing the hand of younger girl Faerys spoke "No need to weep my sweet. I am here." Daenerys jerked her head up and saw her sister with smile on her face, she jumped in to her spread arms and clutched her as hard as wounds allowed her. Hiding her head in her sisters neck she spoke "I thought I lost you."
Eldest stroked her sisters cheek “If I can still breath, I’m fine.” Watery smile spread along the face of Daenerys and Faerys reciprocated. Soon cheers were heard and Faerys looked confused. "The feast is being held as celebration of our victory."
"Well what are you waiting. Help me up."
"No way are you getting up."
"Who is elder here my little flame?"
"I don't care that you are older you are staying in bed."
"Since when are you so bossy?"
"Since you nearly died few hours ago, you need your rest." Faerys pouted knowing her sister is right, she nodded nonetheless knowing that when Danny put her mind to something there's no changing it. So she relaxed back in to her mattress and let sleep overtake her.
She was woken up by strange sounds, listening closer she realized those were moans. Her heart clenched in her chest because she knew. Room by hers was Brienne's, and she very well knew who was with her in it. Covering her head with the pillow and trying to tune out the sounds she fell back asleep with tears in her eyes.
Day passed and Faerys got better, being way too stubborn to stay in bed she walked out of her room and started walking around. That is when she heard it. "She can't be serious right? We just finished one war, all of us are tired and she wants to jump in to another?!" One of the solders spoke and grabbed Faerys's attention. "Who are you talking about pray tell?" She asked and northerner looked at her with nasty glare. "It doesn't concern you." "Careful how you speak to her solider." It was Brienne, her tone leaving no place for argument, man went pale as he nodded, apologized and scurried away.
Faerys chuckled "You shouldn't have been so harsh." Brienne raised her eyebrow and shook her head. "You are his elder and superior. He has no right to speak to you in such manner." Faerys smiled gently at her protective nature but then smirked. "But most importantly I am friend of Ser Brienne. So no one will dare to speak against me as long as she is by my side." Teasing her friend was favorite past time of Faerys but also seeing her friend going beet red is one of her favorite things to do. Brienne shook her head and grunted.
"Shouldn't you be in bed. I heard you were wounded pretty badly, I wanted to visit but no one would let me in." Taking Brienne's hand in to her own Faerys smiled. "I am well, no big deal to be honest to me it seems that maesters love to overexaggerate somethings." Brienne laughed at exparated tone of her friend as she started to walk alongside her.
"I see. I am glad. But to answer your earlier question. Queen plans to ride on kings landing tomorrow." This took Faerys off guard. "She what?" "You didn't know?" Faerys shook her head wondering what was going trough her sisters head. "I will speak to her immediately. Men are obviously tired. Everyone needs time to rest, going to battle now would be suicide." "Good luck convincing her." Faerys nodded and walked away from Brienne.
Knocking on to the doorway of the room in which Daenerys, Tyrion and John were she walked in. Younger Targaryen was shocked to see her sister on her legs. "What are you doing outside of bed?" Faerys smiled at her sisters concern. "I am well my little flame. But I heard something that concerns me. How come you plan to ride on to King's Landing tomorrow when your soldiers can barely hold their heads up from exhaustion." The Queen frowned at how quickly information spread but nodded nonetheless. "If we don't take it now, then when. Cersei is just going to get stronger." Faerys nodded at the logic of her sister but didn't find satisfaction in it. "Only if I can be by your side when you march towards it." Daenerys shook her head. "You barely just got out of bed, there is no way I am risking your life like that." Faerys smirked. "But everyone else is. I am no better than them little one. I am riding with you either tomorrow or in ten years. I am going."
Faerys had her reasons for insisting. Yes mainly to protect her younger sister but also to protect innocents of King's landing should her sister be too consumed by rage to think clearly. Eventually the Queen agreed. Although she was reluctant she knew that when Faerys set out to do something she will do it no matter what.
At the end of the day it's where the queen herself got her own stubbornness from.
So the planning began, Faerys didn't know what the night will bring or what morning will give.
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purrpowerco · 3 months
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Even Tho She's Not A Fan Of PB, She Still Checks On Her After Surgery. ❣️
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studentbyday · 1 year
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got up at 7 against my will, god knows why i couldn't go back to sleep 😪 but in the afternoon i took a nap and stepped outside to a fresh, cool breeze (finally the air quality was good) and birdsong and that fixed everything! 😃
worked on psyc lab
finished biochem initial post
answered mol bio asst
finished cs50 homepage, started flask lecture
finished biochem notes for today + watched a ninja nerd video on michaelis-menten bc i just don't get it from the module explanation
worked on mol bio notes and psyc notes but my brain was starting to conk out so it's sleepy time 🤗 (gosh i'm becoming my sister [@zzzzzestforlife] aren't i? 😅)
🎶 blue skies - bing crosby
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renariskarisimo · 1 year
Finally starting on a positive note. I'm playing LOTRO for nearly a year and Final Fantasy XIV for a month or two. I only play the free versions, but I'm fine with it. I even got my sister to play it so we both play and we have fun ^^
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gazagfmboost · 5 months
Amani & Husband + 5 small children
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Vetting: GoFundWatermelon / TheLastTurtle #268 Project Watermelon #95 Operation Olivebranch #579 Tiktok: dina.adnan.asfour Fund Currency: € Euro
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Dina raised the funds for her beloved sister's family to evacuate with your help! They are still hoping to raise funds for survival before & after securing passage through rafah crossing- I invite you to please interact with the post with a heart or by sharing to help Amani feel hopeful & seen; or by donating any tiny amount if possible to help her provide necessities for her small children! Your kindness is very appreciated!
Help Dina's sister be evacuated from GAZA gofund.me/c318f52a
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laurettelarue · 2 months
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Sisterly passion... 💖
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worldofreds · 7 months
red sister sunset
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bookpanda13 · 7 months
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Just watched The Buccaneers (2023) for the second time and the finale destroyed even more.
All the girls sticking together to save Jinny. The voiceover of the conversation between the duchess and Mrs. St. George during the escape (“one daughter’s sacrifice for the other daughter’s freedom”!!!!😭). And then they added “Long Live” as the closing song to the season.
God, I balled my eyes out. Again.💀
I don’t you really get this ending unless you have an older sister that you sacrifice everything for.
What I also really love about the story is how they show how much a younger sister they can have because they need to fight for their older sister.
I hope there will be a season two!!!!😫
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lintzforever · 5 months
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It’s a Sister thing ❤️
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Congratulations Liz
Liz 1 Luana2 TheSyxxx6
Happy Pride Don Johnson
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