#Sirius fall for Remus
kimmin-tmblr · 2 years
the first time Remus wore dress – the first time Sirius fall on his knees
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mezsygfs · 2 months
Pandalily is by far one of the most underrated ships in the marauders LIKE ITS SO CUTE, THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF IT. People finding Pandora a bit off and lily doesn't. EVEN BETTER WHEN ITS SEER!PANDORA BC LILY COULD LIKE FIND PANDORA WHILE SHES IN HER "DREAMS" AND HELP HER COME BACK TO REALITY AND ITS JUST UGHSHSHSHB
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battii-art · 3 months
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Eepy,, so eepy,, after all that candy,,,
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 years
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Alright! So I finished hand binding Crimson Rivers by @mayzarbewithyou :) this was my first time bookbinding so excuse the mistakes I am far from great, but all in good time! This fic basically changed the trajectory of my life so I thought I’d give it the love it deserves! the spine is regulus standing looking up at the tree and he is purposely put on the last book because he finally learned how to climb and grow. I’m so emotional over the end of the fic so this is very emotional to me. I did the typeset myself and there are some cool details I’ll try to put in another post, but basically I added all of Zar’s end notes as footnotes to the specific scenes he talks about! All very fun and the dingbats match the theme for the books and the backs each have quotes the correspond. I split it into 5 just because it didn’t feel right to have the epilogues in the same book as the war. They were two completely different parts of the story so I separated them. Anyways I’ll make another post. This was a labor of love and I hope I did it Justice :)
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hazy-cosmic-skies · 6 months
au where remus grew up with his muggle mum so he has a super deep interest in something like star trek, or like ancient egypt or lord of the rings, and sirius, who had never heard abt these muggle things could listen to him talk for hours
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lyr-caelum · 7 months
✨Happy Birthday Remus🌙
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loserboyfriendrjl · 10 months
model sirius black au in which he goes to fancy restaurants and art museums and spends his nights in expensive clubs and whose hotel room is always a smoke-filled haze, but there’s something missing from his life, something he can’t quite put his finger on. and model sirius black, and who meets remus lupin, an awkward-smile and quiet photographer for the company sirius models for
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alltoounwellll · 3 months
rip atyd remus lupin, you would’ve loved casual by chappell roan
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orangemuffinss · 4 months
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notsopersonalcharlie · 3 months
poly!marauders x reader where james calls remus things related to the moon, sirius things related to the stars, and you things related to the sunn(sunflower, sunshine, sunny, etc) and often feels like he has no place with all of you in space but he’s actually just the gravity that pulls you all together and holds you there
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siriuslynettey · 4 months
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forever a Remus Lupin girl
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lulublack90 · 22 days
Prompt 31 - Gold
@wolfstarmicrofic August 31, word count 406
Sirius picked at the gold thread on his robes that made up the roaring lion of the Gryffindor emblem. His parents were going to kill him. 
“Don’t worry mate, at least you’ve got us,” James tried to cheer him up.
“Oh, yeah, two disgraced purebloods,” He scoffed, his voice sounding so much posher than the others in his new dorm. 
“Oi!” Peter squawked at the disrespect. 
“Sorry. And a half-blood with a muggle mother,” He carried on his rant.
“Oi!” Remus glowered at him, “Leave my mum out of this,” Sirius baulked at the sight of Remus’s teeth showing through bared lips. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just my mother isn’t going to like me hanging out with any of you,” Sirius tried to apologise, though it just sounded more like an excuse. Remus huffed at him and drew the curtains around his four-poster bed. Sirius swallowed. They’d barely been up there for five minutes, and he’d already pissed them all off. Especially Remus, he’d had so many questions to ask him about his family and especially his mother. He’d never even spoken to a half-blood, let alone one with an actual muggle for a parent. He was beyond excited, but he’d mucked it up as usual. 
That night, after everyone had gone to bed, he snuck over to Remus’s bed. “Lupin? Hey, Lupin, are you awake?” He whispered into the darkness. 
“No, I’m sleeping,” Came the muffled reply. 
“Oh, good,” Sirius grinned and pushed his way through the curtains. “I just wanted to apologise. I didn’t mean to offend you, I actually really am interested in hearing about your life and everything. I’ve only ever been introduced to other purebloods and I don’t know if you know this, but they’re a boring bunch.” He babbled at the tired boy. 
“Alright, I’ll forgive you if you just go to sleep,” Remus yawned widely. 
“Okay,” Sirius agreed instantly and settled down next to Remus.
“Not in here! In your own bed!” Remus protested. 
“Nope you told me to go to sleep, and I am doing what you told me to do,” he grinned wickedly. 
“Fine, whatever, just don’t hog the covers,” Remus sighed and rolled over.
“Night Remus,” He said quietly. 
“Prick,” Remus grunted and fell back asleep. Sirius chucked as quietly as he could, thinking he might actually enjoy being a Gryffindor if it meant spending time with the grumpy boy beside him.
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brigid-faye · 14 days
Honey If I'm Not/If You're Gonna - Lost scene
for @imsiriuslyreading 😘 (happy early birthday, love) and @remakaz (because irl beta sessions are the best)
for more of this particular universe: Honey If I'm Not/If You're Gonna on Ao3
It's dawn on November 22nd and Padfoot is watching Moony tremble and whine and shift back to his human self for the first time in more than ten years. The snowy woods are lit by a weak sun. Apart from Moony's distress, it is very quiet.
Stay, says the human in the back of Padfoot's head. Moony, told you to stay like this until it's safe, he said stay, he said stay...
Sirius knows that Remus wanted him to stay in his animagus form until he and all of the other werewolves he runs with in this makeshift pack in northern New York are fully human again. Remus had believed that everything would be fine or he never would have agreed to Sirius accompanying him, but he'd still been nervous and Sirius wanted to respect the boundaries he established.
Padfoot is having trouble with that. Padfoot doesn't see a half-transformed werewolf, he sees Moony in pain - and, almost worse for his canine self, he hears him, too - the whining, the labored breath, stressed heart beats. It's nothing like the violence of this change when they were teenagers, but Moony is groaning and stumbling over clumsy clawed paws. Padfoot knows his human self has a wand and words and could do a better job of helping.
Stay, he said stay, he said stay...
The moment Padfoot sees hands instead of claws, he's Sirius again, reaching himself forward, catching Remus as he collapses sideways off of hands and knees.
Remus isn't really conscious. Sirius' right arm is under his head and shoulders, holding him close. Remus told him that he's fairly impervious to the cold in the hours before and after a moon, and if Sirius lifted his head, he would see plenty of werewolves doing completely fine without clothes right now, but he pulls his own cloak around both of them, anyway.
Sirius presses his lips together and swallows, eyes on Remus' still face. His breathing is improved but still sounds a little ragged. Sirius does what he wanted to three months ago and brushes Remus' curls off his forehead. He blinks and swallows forcibly again.
This... this is a lot.
He'd known it would be. He thought he was prepared. They've done so much, these last few months, they've covered so much ground. Sirius has talked about the worst days of his life. His heart's been wrenched by tender honesties. He thought the intensity of their first night together was undoing him (it did, a bit).
But this. Remus is trusting him at his most vulnerable. Remus is letting him in on a part of himself he hated and feared, once. Sirius did so badly by him, then. He doesn't fear doing wrong like that again, but those hard memories are very close right now.
Remus shifts and blinks and pulls Sirius back to the present.
"Hey," Sirius says, unable to keep relief out of his voice. "Remus, how... Do you feel okay? Can I-"
Remus blinks and laughs a little, uneasy. He shakes his head, looks down and away.
Remus meets his gaze. He smiles. There are tears welling in his eyes. When Sirius frowns in concern, Remus laughs again, shaking his head and wiping at his eyes.
"I'm fine," Remus says. His voice is hoarse. "I just, fuck, I'm fine, I-the moons have been really fine for a really long time but…”
“But it was pretty bad for a while, wasn’t it?”
Remus nods. He’s exhausted and hurting and overwrought, and Sirius isn’t surprised when his face crumples and the tears spill, but it still knocks the air out of his chest. He gathers the other man close, presses his face into his hair.
"I'm sorry," he says quietly, heart in his mouth. Remus' hand closes around a fistful of his sweater, pulling him closer. "We're alright," he says instead. Remus lets out a sort of hum of agreement. "You're alright, love."
Sirius holds him until he's recovered his breath and regained the strength to stand. On his feet and wrapped in Sirius' cloak, Remus still leans on him heavily. They make their way toward the lodge - where beds and hot drinks await - walking slowly, arms around each other's shoulders.
"You're out of shape, Pads," Remus mutters sleepily.
Sirius, whose legs are indeed shaking, lets out a bark of laughter. A raven above them caws in irritation.
"Forgive me for leaving London without anticipating running a marathon through four feet of snow."
Remus laughs, clear and bright and happy, and, as it's always been, it's Sirius' favorite sound in the world.
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bimoonphases · 16 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 6 - prompt 6: Time-Turner [word count 622]
It had become a sort of routine, the first night after they all came back to Hogwarts after spending the holidays apart. After the train ride, and the banquet, when they closed the door of their dorm, they kicked off their shoes and gathered on James’s bed. There, Sirius finally let the cheery mask he had worn since that morning drop and nestled in James’s arms, James delicately passing a hand in his hair. Remus kneeled at the bottom of the bed and slowly rolled up Sirius’s trousers, doing his best not to grimace at the sight of the new wounds appearing on the back of Sirius’s calves, and delicately applied a healing pomade Poppy gave him every Full, before bandaging them. Peter then carefully measured the right amount of drops of the Sleeping Draught he had brewed to give Sirius a good, dreamless night of sleep without knocking him out immediately. After that they all relaxed back on the pillows, or on James’s chest in Sirius’s case, and played the Time-Turner game.
“If I had a Time-Turner,” Peter was saying in that moment, “I would travel back and meet the founders of Hogwarts.”
“That would be cool,” Remus agreed. “I wonder how different they were to how they’ve been pictured in History.”
“I’m a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, according to family lore,” Sirius yawned, the Sleeping Draught evidently close to achieving its goal. “So he must have been insanely hot too.”
“Of course, Pads,” James smiled, patting him on the head.
Remus caught himself nodding and stopped immediately, but not before Peter shot him a knowing look and he turned away, feeling his cheeks heat up. Damn that stupid crush of his on Sirius fucking Black of all people.
“If I had a Time-Turner,” James went on, “I would travel back and watch a Quidditch game when McGonagall played Chaser for Gryffindor.”
“That would be awesome!” Peter exclaimed. “Also, can you imagine her at our age?”
There was a moment of silence, then they all shook their heads laughing. Sirius managed to yawn mid-laugh and ended up closing his eyes, his nose buried  in James’s shirt.
“If I had a Time-Turner,” Remus said, “I would go back and meet Merlin himself.”
“I kind of imagine him like Dumbledore in a way. Maybe you would find out they’re related,” James smiled, moving his hand in Sirius’s hair. “Pads? Do you want to keep playing or are you asleep?”
“If I had a Time-Turner,” Sirius mumbled without even opening his eyes, “I would travel back and stop my mother and my Uncle Cygnus from murdering my Uncle Alphard, so that he could live on and take me and Regulus in.”
A stunned silence followed, the only sound Sirius’s snores. They looked at each other, eyes wide, each wondering if what they had just heard was true, each of them knowing deep down it was. Nothing was past the so-called Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, and they were well placed to know not even their own members were safe. Remus’s hands balled into fists as James’s arms closed protectively around Sirius’s sleeping form.
“If I had a Time-Turner, I would go back and blast both Orion and Walburga Black out of existence,” Remus whispered.
He swallowed, his eyes moving from Sirius’s bandaged calves to his face, finally serene in his sleep. Peter leaned closer and silently pried Remus’s hands open just before he could break the skin.
“Unfortunately,” Remus went on, his voice trembling, “they did manage to make one of the things I love the most in this world and I would never want to lose him.”
He was grateful his friends chose just to nod and smile at him.
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I did this during Christmas break and totally forgot to post it 🤭
(Sorry I like disappeared for 3 months 😜)
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weirdlynotspecific · 2 years
You know the fanfiction is good when you start giggling hysterically, hissing, or throw your device of choice across the room.
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