#Singapore plastering service
bwconstructionltd · 1 year
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mariacallous · 3 months
In December last year, the UK’s shadow health secretary, Wes Streeting, visited Singapore General Hospital, regarded as one of the best in the world. What he witnessed there surprised him: “Patients arrive having already registered their appointments via an app. They check in on touchscreen kiosks awaiting them at reception. Tablets at their bedside allow them to read about their treatment or call for assistance,” Streeting says. “This is Space Age stuff compared with where the NHS is today.” Streeting characterizes the National Health Service as an “analog system in a digital age.”
“When I visit a hospital, doctors often take out their pagers to show me what they are forced to work with,” Streeting says. According to estimates, 13.5 million hours of GPs’ time is wasted every year due to inadequate IT. Fixing that would be the equivalent of hiring 8,000 new NHS doctors. “For the past 14 years, modernization of the NHS has been put on the back burner by a Conservative government which opts for sticking plasters instead of the major surgery that’s required,” says Streeting, who added that he fears that five more years of Tory mismanagement could mean the NHS ends up like the failed British retailer Woolworths—“a much-loved national institution which failed to change with the times and was left behind.”
Central to Streeting’s plan to fix the NHS is the NHS app, which has been downloaded by 31 million people in England and Wales. “It has the potential to transform how the NHS interacts with patients and promote better public health,” he says. He points out that, for instance, only one in every 200 GP appointments are currently made via the app. “In too many cases, patients still wait on the phone at 8 am, or even queue up in person in the cold on a frosty morning just to see a doctor.”
The NHS app could not only allow appointments to be made, but also let patients receive notifications about vaccine campaigns, health tests, cancer screening, and even upcoming clinical trials. “Clinical trials can use genomics to identify patients who will benefit from the latest treatments, but they struggle to recruit—not for a lack of people willing to take part, but because they can’t access basic data,” he said. He promised that Labour would clamp down on bureaucracy and allow clinical trials to recruit volunteers via the app. “During the pandemic, half a million people signed up to the vaccine trials registry,” he says. “If we can do it to defeat Covid, we can do it to cure cancer.”
At the core of Labour’s plan is patient data. Recently, the NHS has announced the launch of a federated data platform that would centralize hospital data, but would not include general practice or social care data. “The NHS has struck gold here, yet it’s leaving it in the ground,” Streeting says. “General practice data is key to unlocking better population health outcomes.”
Streeting promises that a Labour government would ensure a transparent process about what aspects of patient data would be shared and with whom, as well as the necessary safeguards to ensure patient confidentiality. As for those who oppose it on the grounds of privacy concerns, he has a simple message: “It’s a fight that a Labour government is willing to have,” he says. “While the tinfoil hat brigade takes to TikTok to urge followers to opt out of sharing their data with the NHS—the irony isn’t lost on me—the government refuses to take on their fear mongering.”
He recalled when, last January, he met the parents of a 2-year-old boy at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. “They have been through hell,” he says. “In his short life, he has already had five operations on his heart.” When he asked them what their main frustration had been, however, the answer surprised him: technology. “Their local GP couldn’t access the notes from Alder Hey and the hospital couldn’t read the records held by their GP. It meant that on every appointment they had to repeat themselves again and again. The health service should be lessening their worry, not adding to their stress.”
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fatehbaz · 1 year
British presence in the Straits Settlements […] (Penang, Singapore and Melaka) as a whole opened the way […]. Governor Andrew Clarke [...] clearly intended that economic botany should follow the quest for tin. Hardly three months after the [signing of the treaty legitimising British control in Malaya] [...] the Governor pressed Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, himself a keen botanist and collector, for the services of a ‘scientific botanist’. [...] Intimate plant knowledge among local [people] [...] assisted the discovery of many [plants valuable to European empire] [...] and the absorption of a number of vernacular names such as kempas (Koompassia), pandan (Pandanus) and nipah (Nypa) into scientific nomenclature. Equally, indigenous names for timbers, pre-eminently meranti and cengal, attained the status of trade names on the international market. Malay knowledge [...] proved also invaluable for commerce and [...] industries.
The Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, which displayed representative samples of colonial resources, was a microcosm of empire. Empire [...] co-sponsored the surveying, mapping and inventorying of people, lands and products for the ends of imperial power. Tropical nature, once a source [...] of wonderment, was brought to the domestic market place.
High on the imperial economic agenda were the Malayan territories, the source of gutta percha (from Palaquium gutta). Ingeniously adapted by the Malays [...], the plastic qualities of gutta percha were investigated for medical and industrial use by the [English East India] Company surgeons, T. Mongtomerie (1819-43) and T. Oxley (1846-57). [...] At the same time Oxley successfully pioneered the use of gutta percha for plastering fractures and preserving vaccine, the latter hitherto unable to be kept even for a few days. When a Prussian artillery Officer [...] then perfected its use for insulating telegraph cables, the product immediately gained strategic importance for the empire. Similar adaptations of other indigenous uses of plants paid dividends to industry and agriculture. [...]
The emergence of Hevea rubber in the Peninsula, superseding gutta percha as an industrial product was, again, the result of scientific exchange within the close-knit colonial botanical network [...] [following] [t]he illegal exportation by Kew [Royal Botanic Gardens in London] of the seedlings from South America to Ceylon and the Singapore Botanic Gardens [...]. Out of the seedlings sent in 1877 to Singapore, seven were planted by Hugh Low in the Perak Residency Garden. These and those raised in the Botanic Gardens furnished the seeds for the first plantations.
Though an introduced species, indigenous knowledge [...] of a wide variety of gums and exudates [...] benefited the plantation industry.
This [...] scored a major triumph for the colonial plantation industry. [...]
Large areas of Melaka had already been laid to waste by [...] a fast-growing variety of Brazilian cassava introduced in 1886 by Cantley.
The same cultivators soon turned the Imperata grasslands to rubber, but its rapid spread meant that a number of native plant species either became very rare or were entirely exterminated. The wild ancestor of the domestic mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a likely example. [...] During his visit to Singapore in 1854 Wallace identified, within just a square mile, some 700 species of beetles [...].
All text above by: Jeyamalar Kathirithamby-Wells. "Peninsular Malaysia in the context of natural history and colonial science." New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies Volume 11 Number 1. 2009. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
the songs that remind us of the good times // daniel ricciardo
summary: danny gets his best result of the season in singapore. celebrations ensue.
i get knocked down but i get up again, ain't never gonna keep me down
the second daniel crosses the line, y/n is on the radio screaming about how incredible he did.
and danny can hardly believe it himself as he steps out of the car
y/n wraps his arms around him instantly
he hasn't even taken his helmet off yet.
"i knew you had it in you. you proved mclaren wrong today, darling."
once the media frenzy and subsequent debreifs are over, he's back in his driver's room with y/n
she has two bottles of champagne and a grin on her face as she passes one to danny.
"you deserved to be on that podium today. but we can still celebrate their way."
giggling and laughing as they chase each other around the driver's room with the bottles of champagne spraying everywhere like water pistols
her white dress plastered to her body
daniel's black fireproofs even tighter against his chest from the dampness
the champagne is all fizzed out, and they're both drinking out of the bottles as they find their way back to each other
champagne filled kiss, tongues sliding against each other as they hold each other close.
"i'm so proud of you, daniel joseph ricciardo."
slow dancing together after they've both changed into dry clothes
y/n had to borrow some of daniel's since she didn't plan ahead :)
walking out of the paddock hand in hand, daniel has this mischievous, shit eating grin on his face
"i love you."
he would say quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before they both got in his mclaren
singing spice girls songs at the top of their lung son the way back to the hotel
ordering room service
all around celebration
and then when it's all over and they're standing on the balcony the next morning, watching the sun rise over the horizon, danny says the inrevitable.
"marry me."
and then he gets down one knee. he doesn;t have a ring just yet, but he'll take her to get one before the weekend is over if she says yes.
"y/n y/l/n, you have been with me through some of the best and worst time of my life and career, and i can't imagine spending another day without you. you always know how to make me smile, how to cheer me up after a bad race. everything with you is so easy, and you fit into my life more perfectly than i ever could have imagined. i don't want that to ever change.'
she said yes
and he was so excited for the rest of forever with y/n at his side
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"Broken & Beautiful" Chapter 8
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     TIMELINE: Takes place during “Entropy” (S. 02, E. 06)
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     All Hell, as they say, has broken loose at the restaurant thanks to Howard’s new policy regarding the tip pool. Seems Howard, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that those of us who are considered Front of House should make a sacrifice. “A small one,” as he claims. Beginning immediately, the dishwashers will receive five percent of the tip pool. This announcement has opened the door to chaos. Food service has been delayed and Sasha has run off with all of the forks, claiming they’re still dirty. And Howard, apparently, had a meltdown in the kitchen.
     I’ve been doing my best to placate the guests who are sitting at the bar, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Seems there really is such a thing as “hangry,” and I’ve been forced to plaster on a fake smile in spite of the numerous complaints and insults I’ve been bombarded with. If not for my desire to keep this job, a few of these guests would have ended up wearing the drinks they ordered. Instead, I’m the one who ends up splashed with wine when some liquored-up guest thinks that I’m hitting on her husband.
     I mutter a few choice words to myself as I make my way over to Jake’s end of the bar. I give him an annoyed look as I announce “Some entitled blonde princess with an obvious spray tan just splashed me with wine.”
     Jake looks down at the red stain on my shirt and tries to stifle a laugh. “Clearly.”
     “It’s not funny, Jake. I can’t work with this ...” I gesture at the stain. “... on me. I look like I should be at a crime scene!”
     “Relax. Check the last locker on the left. You know it’s never locked.”
     I pout. And to think, I actually expected some sympathy from my boyfriend. “This isn’t funny, Jake. During the last two hours I have been insulted, yelled at ... assaulted with wine. Not to mention your friend Tommy hit on me. I --”
     “It’s fine. Tommy’s harmless.”
     Okay. So Jake isn’t the possessive, jealous type. Good to know. “That’s not the point, Jake. I ... What the Hell are you doing?” I watch, flabbergasted, as Jake pours a portion of a martini into two shot glasses.
     “Howard wants to take five percent from the front? Okay. People revolt ... and we take five percent of this martini.” He hands one glass to me while he raises the other, then looks around for onlookers. “Cheers.” He downs his drink immediately, while I hesitate.
     “Jake, we can’t just --”
     “Live a little. Be a rebel,” he teases.
     “You are so annoying,” I retort with a glare, finally downing the shot. Marcie, one of the servers, stops to give us a judgmental look. “What?” I ask, and she shakes her head as she leaves.
     “But wait. There’s more,” Jake announces proudly, and I follow him over to where he has three drinks lined up. He gestures to each one. “Around the world. Manhattan Classic. Moscow Mule. Singapore Sling.”
     I sigh. After the night I’ve had, I might as well. I grab one of the drinks and down it, grimacing and making a disgusted noise. I look up at him, and he’s smiling at me. “What?”
     “There’s a party tonight. You should come.”
     “Yeah. I know about the party. Your friend invited me.”
     “I’m working, but we can still hang out. Could be fun.”
     I roll my eyes. “As much as I would love to watch you bartend for hours and pretend that it’s a date, I can’t. I have to head straight home and get some sleep.” He tilts his head at me. “The woman who was supposed to perform tomorrow ended up calling in sick. So I have to get up early, meet up with the band, and try to cram in some practice time before tomorrow night.”
     “What time should I be there?”
     “You don’t have to be there, Jake. I know some of the music isn’t your style.”
     “I know I don’t have to. I want to.”
     I smile up at him, flattered. “Ten.”
     “I’ll be there.”
     “Okay.” We share a look, and I so want to kiss him right now. Curse our sense of professionalism! “Well, I’d better change this shirt. Be back in five.”
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     By the time the restaurant closes, the damage has been done. Thanks to what happened tonight, the tip pool is lean. Seems we shot ourselves in the foot to prove a point. Exhausted and ready to go home, I’m about to enter the kitchen when I hear a “Psst!” sound. I furrow my brow and look around a bit, trying to locate the source of the noise. I hear it again, and this time Jake steps into view. Knowing what he wants, I walk up to him and allow him to lead me into the coat closet. As soon as the door is shut, Jake pounces. His hands are on my hips and mine are resting on his biceps, and I allow him to control the pace of the kiss. It isn’t overly passionate, but it’s just what we need.
     The need for air forces us to stop, and I end up grinning like an idiot when our lips part. “Hello to you, too.”
     “I have to leave for that party in a few minutes. You sure you won’t come with?”
     “I’m sure. Like I said, I have to sleep.”
     Jake looks disappointed. “Okay.”
     We exchange a few more kisses before we realize it’s time to leave. Jake pokes his head into the hallway to make sure we have the all clear, and then we make our way to the employee entrance/exit in the kitchen. Before we part for the night, we sneak one last kiss. Still smiling like a fool, I turn around and walk up the stairs that lead to the locker room. The only person in the room is Tess, who’s in the middle of brushing her hair.
     She looks over at me. “Hey. You going to Home Bar?”
     I open my locker and begin to unbutton the over-sized shirt I had to borrow. “No. I have to go home and get some sleep. Busy day tomorrow.”
     I slip out of the shirt and reach for my sweater, and Tess suddenly blurts out “Spending time with Jake?”
     I falter for a moment and then pull on my turtleneck. While Jake and I never discussed keeping our relationship a secret, I don‘t know if we were ready for it to be out in the open so soon. “What are you talking about?”
     “I, umm ... I saw you two in the kitchen.” I turn around to face her. She must pick up on my annoyance, because she begins to babble. “I wasn’t spying on you. I was just walking by and ... I mean, it’s cool. You and Jake. I just ... I thought you two weren’t together. I mean, you said --”
     “We just got together last week.”
     “Oh? That’s great. I mean, you two are great together.”
     I eye her carefully, trying to get a good read on her. So far, I’m not liking the vibes I’m picking up on. I’m well aware of the crush she used to have on Jake, and I suspect that those feelings never really went away. She’s trying to play it cool, but I can still pick up on her disappointment. Tess and I aren’t close, and I wouldn’t exactly call her a friend. But I still know what it’s like to harbor a crush on someone who doesn’t feel the same way, and so I am able to muster up some sympathy for her.
     “Are you okay? I mean, I know you --”
     “Me? I’m fine. I’ve been over him for a while. Besides, I’m seeing someone.”
     “Really?” She’s not a very good liar, but I decide to play along.
     “Yeah. He’s, he’s great. Smart. Funny. Sweet. It’s pretty new, but ...”
     “Well, that’s great. I’m happy for you.” I’m still feeling suspicious, but I decide to play along. “You should bring him to my show tomorrow.”
     She blinks at me, confused. “Your show?”
     “Yeah. I’m singing at the bar I live next to. Mack’s Bar & Grill. You should come. I’ve invited the others.” Okay. That last part is a lie. But it won’t take me long to send out a mass text message.
     She gives me a smile. “Yeah! That, that sounds great. I’ll bring him.”
     Tess and I exchange quick goodbyes, and I turn back to my locker. After changing, I send out an invitation to Heather, Ari, Scott, Sasha and Will. Then I send a quick text message to Jake before I head out. I don’t know when he’ll read it, but I should keep him informed.
     Houston, we have a problem! Tess knows.
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     Most of my group of friends end up leaving shortly after my performance, preferring to spend their time at Home Bar. I thank them for coming before I wander over to the bar for some water. I don’t see Jake, Will or Tess around, but I’m certain they're around here somewhere. I climb up onto the stool and take a few steps of water, and then startle when I’m turned around in my seat.
     I give Jake a flirtatious smile. “Don’t you know you shouldn’t sneak up on a woman, Jake?” I turn to set my cup down and then pull him in for a brief kiss. Our lips part, but my hands are still resting on his shoulders while his are settled on my hips. “Thank you for coming. How was work?”
     “Same shit as usual. Drama. Drama. More drama.”
     “Mmm. I’m sorry I missed it. Just out of curiosity, did Tess happen to ...”
     “She didn’t say anything, and neither did I.”
     I nod, and then look around to make sure Will and Tess aren’t within hearing range. “Did you see who she came in with?”
     “Yeah. Will. Why?” Jake moves away from me and leans against the bar, facing the crowd.
     “I just ... Last night, Tess said that she’s been seeing someone. Someone smart, funny and sweet. And then tonight, she comes in with Will and --”
     “And this bothers you?”
     Jake reaches for my hand, threading my fingers with his own. He doesn’t do this often. While it’s nice, I wonder what his motivation is this time. He’s not jealous. Is he?
     I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Yes. She’s already hurt him. Twice, in fact.”
     “And you’re worried he’s going to get hurt again.”
     “Of course. Why shouldn’t I be? She used him, Jake.”
     Jake moves so he‘s once again standing in front of me, palms resting on my hips again. “Do you know what I think?” I shake my head. “I think Will is lucky to have a friend like you.”
     My smile soon turns into a frown when I say “But you think I should stay out of it. Don’t you?”
     He grins. “Do whatever you want. But if there’s a cat fight, I want a ringside seat.”
     “Think I can take her?”
     “Oh, yeah. No contest.”
     I lean in for another kiss, stopping when I see Will and Tess headed our way. I clear my throat and subtly nod in their direction, and Jake goes back to leaning against the bar. “Hey, guys! Glad you could make it. Enjoy the show?”
     Tess nods, while Will walks up to me and slings an arm around my shoulders. “You’ve been holding out on us. We didn’t know we had our very own Joan Jett in our midst.”
     I roll my eyes. “Joan Jett? Please! Not even close.” Then I narrow my eyes at him. "Wait. You know who Joan Jett is?" He opens his mouth to retort, but he's interrupted.
     “Are you kidding? You were great!” Tess states. “Me? I can’t carry a tune to save my life.”
     “She plays the guitar, too,” Will declares.
     “Yeah. But ...” I hold up my injured, bandaged finger. “I’m afraid this gets in the way.”
     Jake steps outside to smoke a cigarette, leaving me with Will and Tess. “So, you two! How long as this been going on?”
     Will and Tess look at each other, and she smiles up at him. Okay. She seems happy. Then again, looks can be deceiving.
     “Not too long,” Will answers.
     “It’s pretty new. Like you and Jake.”
     “Speaking of Jake ...” Will leans toward me and whispers into my ear “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him and make it look like an accident.”
     I laugh and give him a playful shove. “I’m sure you will. Now, go away. Tess and I have some girl talk. And you’re not a girl, so ...”
     “Okay. Fine. Behave.” He points at us with both index fingers, gives us a warning look, and then moves further down the bar.
     Tess climbs up onto the stool next to me and orders a drink, and I eye her for a few seconds. “So, you and Will. This is a surprise.”
     “Yeah. It’s a surprise to me, too. I mean, I thought that ship had pretty much sailed.”
     “I thought it sunk,” I mutter to myself before I take a drink, cringing at her response.
     “Excuse me? What is your problem?”
     “Oh, nothing. It’s just ... you don’t exactly have a good track record when it comes to Will.” Tess blinks at me, clearly offended. I, for one, don’t care. I have to get this off of my chest, or it’s just going to fester. “Don’t pretend it’s not true, Tess. You did nothing but lead him on when you knew you wanted to be with Jake. And now I’m just supposed to believe that you genuinely want to be with Will?”
     “I do!” she protests. “And I told you, I --”
     “Yeah. You said that you’re over Jake. And I hope you are. Not just for my sake, for Will’s or for yours. But for Jake. Because, quite frankly, he doesn’t need more drama in his life. But this isn’t about him. This is about Will.”
     I’m all worked up again, and it takes me a few seconds to calm down long enough to say “Look. If you truly want to be with Will, great. I hope you two will be very happy together. But if you don’t want to be with him - if you’re just using him to make yourself feel better - cut him loose. He’s a good guy, and he deserves to be with someone who wants to be with him. Don’t treat him like a consolation prize. Now, if you’ll excuse me ...”
     I step down from my stool and begin to walk away, only to stop and turn to face her again. “Don’t say a word about this to Will,” I warn before I make my way through the crowd.
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sureclean · 4 months
Revive, Refresh: Tips for Post Renovation Cleaning Singapore
After finishing a renovation, you feel proud and excited to see the new space. But before you enjoy it fully, there's something important to do: clean up after the renovation. Understanding the importance of a fresh start, we offer top-notch post renovation cleaning Singapore services to ensure your space is sparkling clean and ready to be enjoyed.
It's not just about making things neat; it's about making your renovation dreams real. Cleaning every part well doesn't only make the space look good; it also makes it healthy and comfy. In this guide, we'll show you the key steps and tips to clean up after renovation easily, so you can love your new space even more.
Understanding the Post-Renovation Cleanup Process
Checking the Mess: Finding What's Left
After finishing all the fixing and changing, it's time to closely inspect the area. Look around carefully for anything that might have been missed, such as floating dust particles, small chips of paint that may have fallen, or sticky residues from tapes and glues used during the renovation. This meticulous attention to detail is crucial for ensuring a thorough post renovation cleaning Singapore.
Additionally, keep an eye out for leftover debris or materials from the construction work, like scraps of wood or bits of plaster. When you have a clear understanding of what's left behind, it becomes simpler to devise a cleaning plan that addresses each specific type of residue effectively. This is especially crucial for ensuring a thorough and satisfactory cleaning after renovation.
Identifying these remnants allows you to tailor your cleaning approach accordingly. For instance, you might need different tools or methods to tackle dust compared to removing paint splatters. By acknowledging the various types of residues present, you can prioritize tasks and allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring a thorough cleanup that leaves the renovated space looking fresh and tidy.
Safety First: Precautions to Take Before Starting Cleanup
Before you jump into cleaning after renovations, think about staying safe first. It's important to have fresh air, so open up windows and get fans going to help air move around. Also, put on the right clothes, like gloves to protect your hands, goggles for your eyes, and a mask for your nose and mouth. 
These things keep you safe from breathing in anything bad floating around or touching stuff that might hurt your skin. By doing this, you steer clear of breathing in dust or getting chemicals on your skin, making sure you're safe while you clean up.
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m4tinnn · 11 months
Question 2
As a person who loves being creative and the world of creativity - This course that I’m in is the right place for me. I’m a person who loves digital to tactile and the various forms of art and design. From branding/marketing works and design communication to the art style of painting, Linocut, Screen print to even video formats and even sewing. I’ve been exposed to all various types of creativity and I have interest in all of them.
I do feel like I’m lucky to have this burning passion for being in the creative world as not many people love this space especially here in Singapore. Currently I'm taking my diploma in Design Communications and I’m left with 1 year and half in this course. I love it as the different modules shape me as a better designer but also someone who loves being creative. 
I would love to be an established designer in the upcoming years - Being in a design firm whether it being a corporate company just to start off to hopefully a design agency or a studio such as Practice.Theory - Foreign Policy Design or even go more of the tactile/illustration studio route such as Knuckles & Knotch any many more! 
Here are some of my current works! From school projects and also personal work!
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Health Hub  - Mental Health Campaign 2022
This was a campaign by the Health Promotion Board in 2022. Their campaign was about raising awareness about the rise of Mental Health in Singapore. By having videos, social media ads to posters plastered all over Singapore, they got to raise the stigma of how important Mental Health is in this day and age of life.
The different stories in the posters are inspired by real stories that teenagers and the young generation faced in their lives in the modern age. How the different colours & characters represent the different stories and what they are about.
Personally I’ve seen the video ads and also saw the actual poster’s as seen from the picture I took. I’m glad that the government is finally realising how Mental Health is very important and how it’s a big issue in the modern day that we live in. I would say for the younger generation, this campaign definitely helps us a lot. It helps to be knowledgeable about the topic and what are the things we can do if we have friends/family facing these issues. However…
I do feel like this is still not enough for the older generation. There's still a big stigma about Mental Health and everything about this topic. Other than online & public awareness, There should be brochures around the country or be in the newspaper assuming the older generation still reads them.
Other ways could be organising a real life campaign doing different activities from talks to group counselling and such. Maybe having an annual event on the day of Mental Health day every 10th October making it free for all citizens to attend. Having this stigma more aware for the older generation.
Us as designers can communicate with the people around the basics by just having posters all over the island and raising awareness with the different social issues - Mental Health being one as I’ve shared. There's so many more campaigns held by the government so far such as the kindness campaign but there are also campaigns held by people having their own petition such as abolishing the death penalty any many more. 
580 Words
MLA Reference :
“Practice Theory.” Practice-Theory-2023, practicetheory.com.sg. Accessed 16 Nov. 2023.
Policy, Foreign. “Coming Soon | Foreign Policy.” Foreignpolicy.design, foreignpolicy.design.
Knuckles & Notch | Knuckles & Notch Is a Risograph Printing and Publishing Studio. We Provide Riso-Printing Service and Operates as a Retail Shop for Art-Books, Prints and Merchandizes.knucklesandnotch.com. Accessed 16 Nov. 2023.
“Seeking-Support.” Www.healthhub.sg, www.healthhub.sg/programmes/mindsg/seeking-support. Accessed 16 Nov. 2023.
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Scissor Lift Tables in Singapore: Elevating Productivity and Efficiency
Scissor lifts have become indispensable tools in various industries across Singapore, providing a safer and more efficient means of working at heights. These versatile machines have found applications in construction, maintenance, warehousing, and more, making them crucial for businesses seeking to improve productivity and workplace safety. In this article, we will explore the scissor lift manufacturing landscape in Singapore, shedding light on the key players in the industry and the impact they have on the nation's economic growth and safety standards.
Scissor Lifts: An Essential Tool
Scissor lifts are hydraulic-powered platforms that can be raised vertically to elevate workers, tools, and materials to various heights. They are designed to provide a stable and secure working platform, making them a safer alternative to ladders and scaffolding. Scissor lifts come in various configurations, including electric, diesel, and rough terrain models, each catering to specific industrial needs.
Industries Benefiting from Scissor Lifts
The diverse industries in Singapore have recognized the advantages of using scissor lifts, leading to an increasing demand for these machines. Some of the key sectors that have benefitted from scissor lifts include:
Construction: Scissor lifts are commonly used in the construction industry to facilitate tasks such as painting, plastering, electrical work, and more at elevated heights. These machines improve worker safety and efficiency on construction sites.
Warehouse and Logistics: Warehousing and logistics companies often use scissor lifts to access high shelves and racks. These machines aid in the efficient organization of storage facilities and the quick retrieval of goods.
Maintenance and Repairs: Scissor lifts are essential for maintenance tasks, whether it's changing light fixtures, servicing HVAC systems, or repairing overhead structures. They provide a stable platform for technicians to work on.
Events and Entertainment: In the event industry, scissor lifts are often used to set up stages, lighting, and sound equipment. They play a crucial role in creating a safe and reliable infrastructure for large-scale events.
Scissor Lift Manufacturers in Singapore
Singapore hosts several reputable manufacturers of scissor lifts. These companies have contributed significantly to the growth of the country's construction and industrial sectors. Here are some notable scissor lift manufacturers in Singapore:
Sin Heng Heavy Machinery Limited: Sin Heng is a well-established heavy machinery provider in Singapore. They offer a range of aerial work platforms, including scissor lifts, designed to meet the demands of various industries. With a strong commitment to safety and innovation, Sin Heng has earned a solid reputation in the market.
Ming Lee Industrial (S) Pte Ltd: Ming Lee is a local company specializing in material handling equipment and access solutions. Their scissor lifts are engineered for durability and flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. The company places a strong emphasis on after-sales service and support.
Teck Hock Hang Pte Ltd: Teck Hock Hang has been a trusted name in the machinery and equipment industry in Singapore for over four decades. They offer a selection of scissor lifts that cater to various lifting requirements. Their products are known for their quality and reliability.
Gentleman Construction Equipment Pte Ltd: Gentleman Construction Equipment is a leading provider of scissor lifts in Singapore. They offer a wide range of lifting solutions designed for performance and safety. The company is known for its customer-centric approach and comprehensive service.
Suntech Equipment Pte Ltd: Suntech Equipment specializes in supplying high-quality scissor lifts and other construction equipment. Their products are designed to meet industry standards and safety requirements. They also offer rental services for short-term projects.
Impact on Safety and Efficiency
The presence of reputable scissor lift manufacturers in Singapore has had a profound impact on safety and efficiency in the industrial landscape. Let's delve into how scissor lifts contribute to these crucial aspects:
Safety: Scissor lifts are inherently safer than traditional methods of working at heights, such as ladders and scaffolding. They provide a stable and enclosed platform for workers, reducing the risk of falls and accidents. Additionally, modern scissor lifts come equipped with safety features like guardrails, emergency descent systems, and overload protection, enhancing the overall safety of operations.
Efficiency: Scissor lifts improve efficiency by allowing workers to access elevated areas quickly and easily. This results in faster completion of tasks, increased productivity, and reduced labor costs. With scissor lifts, workers can carry out their work comfortably, without the physical strain associated with ladders or scaffolding.
Flexibility: Scissor lifts come in various configurations, including indoor electric models and outdoor diesel or rough terrain models. This versatility allows industries to choose the type of scissor lift that best suits their specific needs, whether it's working indoors in a warehouse or outdoors on a construction site.
Reduced Downtime: Quick and easy access to elevated areas means less downtime. Maintenance tasks, repairs, and installations are completed faster, reducing disruptions to regular business operations. In industries like logistics, this means improved workflow and higher efficiency in managing inventory.Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in scissor lifts may seem significant, the long-term cost savings are substantial. Fewer accidents mean lower insurance costs and less time off work due to injuries. The efficiency gains and reduced labor costs often outweigh the initial expense.
Environmental Impact: Electric scissor lifts are an environmentally friendly option, as they produce zero emissions and run quietly. This aligns with Singapore's efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices in various industries.
Government Regulations and Safety Standards
Singapore places a strong emphasis on workplace safety and, as a result, has established strict regulations and safety standards regarding the use of scissor lifts. These regulations are in line with the country's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of workers across industries.
Employers and operators are required to adhere to the Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA), which governs safety and health matters at the workplace. WSHA mandates that employers provide a safe working environment, and they are required to assess the risks and implement measures to minimize them, which includes the use of appropriate equipment like scissor lifts.
Additionally, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in Scissor Lift Manufacturers Singapore has published specific guidelines for the safe use of scissor lifts. These guidelines cover aspects such as equipment selection, maintenance, training, and safe operating procedures. The combination of legislation and industry guidelines ensures that scissor lifts are used safely and responsibly in Singapore.
Scissor lifts have become invaluable tools in a wide range of industries in Singapore, contributing to improved workplace safety and increased efficiency. The presence of reputable scissor lift manufacturers in the country has played a pivotal role in meeting the demand for these versatile machines. Through strict adherence to government regulations and safety standards, Singapore has managed to strike a balance between industrial growth and worker well-being. As technology and innovation continue to evolve, the future of scissor lifts in Singapore looks promising, with an increasing focus on sustainability, automation, and enhanced safety features.
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Dry Construction Market Revenue, Trends, Growth Factors, Region and Country Analysis & Forecast To 2030
Dry Construction is a method that refers to the utilization of innovation to minimize the use of water and the impact of concrete/cement on the environment. Instead of brickwork and plaster, this method emphasises utilization of dry lightweight material such as metals, plastic, plywood, and plastered (microfiber board) while building the interior walls, ceilings and floors and the façades are made with ACP (Aluminium Composite Panels).  This allows almost 10 times lighter construction, extended carpet area saving up to 60% of time in comparison with the traditional construction (brick & mortar).
Attributing to these advantages, Dry Construction is increasingly garnering popularity becoming a booming trend in the construction industry worldwide. Some of the key benefits of Dry Construction include cost, time & energy efficient, superior sound attenuation, fire-protection and building mechanics creating a minimum construction waste. Besides this method offers ease of repairs, renovation and maintenance tasks. Owing to these factors, the Dry Construction market is garnering a huge prominence and demand perceiving an outstanding growth on the global platform.
Acknowledging the kind of traction garnered by this market, Market Research Future recently published a study report. According to the report, Dry Construction Market is projected to perceive a moderate growth by 2028 at a CAGR of 4.90% during 2017 to 2028.
Other factors that contribute the market growth are rising industrialization & urbanization coupled with the improving economy worldwide that allows increasing purchase affordability. Also in most of the regions availability of favourable governments policies pertaining to lowering the proportion of down payment for second house loans and exempting of sales tax for ordinary housing, which helped the recovery of commercial housing market is positively impacting the market growth. Moreover, rising demand for eco-friendly & sustainable construction coupled with the government support, fuel the demand of Dry Construction market globally.
Conversely, there are one or two disadvantages of the Dry construction which are hindering its market growth. Probably disadvantages are limited lifespan & safety in case of Natural calamities, burglary etc.; low or no thermal mass etc.
Industry - Segmentation
For the convenience of understanding the report, the global Dry Construction market is segmented into 4 main dynamics.
By Type                : Supporting Framework, Boarding and others.
By System           : Wall, Flooring, Ceiling, and others
By Material        : Metal, Wood, Plastic and other.
By Regions          : North America, Europe, APAC, and Rest of the World.
Worldwide Competitive Outlook
Characterized by the presence of well-established and small players, the global Dry Construction market is highly competitive. Well established players engage in acquisitions, collaborations, and technological launches in order to capture shares and maintain their status.
 Etex (Belgium), Saint-Gobain (France), Xella Group (Germany), Georgia-Pacific (US), Radman's Building Services (Croatia), Knauf Gips KG (Germany), Beijing New Building Materials Public Limited Company (China), and USG Boral (Singapore). Dry Construction Limited (UK), PABCO Gypsum (US), Winstone Wallboards Limited (New Zealand), SIAMATRAS (Greece), and AWI Licensing LLC (Pennsylvania)
Dry Construction - Regional Analysis
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the dry construction market, owing to the rapid developments in the construction industry in economies such China, India and Indonesia. The high population in the region along with the increasing construction activities is expected to drive the growth of the market here. APAC will be followed by the North America and the Europe region.
Browse the Complete Report: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/dry-construction-market-2846
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), and Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Edibles.
MRFR team has a supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end-users, and market players for global, regional, and country-level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
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Website: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com
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houserenovationsg1 · 2 years
Landed Home Tiling Contractor Singapore
Best landed House Renovation Contractor Singapore
Cheap Good bungalow Floor Tiling Wall Hacking Retile Flooring Retiling Specialist
Affordable roof pool tiles waterproofing roofing retile rooftop waterproof service
Outdoor Swimming pool construction Terrace home concrete pebble wash cement screed work
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/
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Cheap good landed house bungalow hacking tiling demolition lay tiles laying pebble wash brick wall construction tile installation renovation builder
Semi-detached house reconstruction cement screed pebble wash A&A concrete structural addition structure alteration brick wall construction PE service  
Best house builder terrace home interior design build construction rebuild reconstruct rebuilding construct bungalow rebuilding reconstruction contractor Swimming pool construction erect built construct build erection hacking demolish rebuild new house building wall reconstruction A&A tiling work
House exterior painting external wall plaster outdoor repainting plastering paint condo industrial condominium commercial façade repaint service
Waterproof house roof tile change replace retiling water leakage roofing tiling work leak repair rooftop leaking waterproofing repairing work
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/
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Swimming pool waterproofing membrane roof leaking roofing repair rooftop leak seepage replace change leakage repairing waterproof service  
Landed house repair broken damaged floor tiles fix cracked change popped tiling popping retiling replace damage crack pop cracking flooring tile repairing
Private property concrete pool pebble wash tiling driveway walkway passageway path footpath pathway pavement road street sidewalk renovation service
Reinstate masonry wet work brick wall sand stone cement concrete restoration marble granite tiles replacement pebble wash reinstatement service
Construct bungalow rebuilding terrace home AA build concrete structural addition structure alteration-built demolition rebuild landed house work  
Please Call or WhatsApp: 97876343
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/carpet-care.html
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Condo landed property A&A veranda patio yard open terrace walkway carpark driveway car porch condominium poolside hacking retiling 
Concrete cement screed grouting pavement footpath sidewalk stone screeding retile regrouting cementing addition alteration renovation works
Reinstate bungalow grout rooftop condo swimming pool tiles waterproof roofing fix epoxy regrout condominium roof waterproofing reinstatement 
Penthouse roof terrace flooring tiles repair grouting replace change repairing regrouting jacuzzi retiling garden pond retile floor tiling A&A PE service
Good cheap bathroom tiles overlay tiling toilet wall hacking renovation floor overlaying flooring commercial industrial renovation builder
Please Call or WhatsApp: 97876343
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/carpet-care.html  
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bwconstructionltd · 1 year
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BW Construction Ltd - Building Dreams, Creating Legacies
BW Construction Ltd is a renowned construction company in Singapore, specializing in delivering exceptional construction services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. With our commitment to excellence, unwavering dedication, and vast industry experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the construction sector.
Our Services:
Residential Construction: At BW Construction Ltd, we take pride in building stunning homes that reflect the vision and aspirations of our clients. From luxurious villas to modern apartments, our team of skilled architects, engineers, and craftsmen work meticulously to ensure every detail is executed to perfection. We prioritize quality, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, creating residences that provide comfort, style, and lasting value.
Commercial Construction: We specialize in constructing commercial buildings that set new standards in design, functionality, and efficiency. Whether it's office complexes, retail spaces, or hospitality establishments, we understand the unique requirements of each sector. Our team collaborates closely with clients, architects, and designers to deliver innovative solutions that maximize productivity, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth.
Industrial Construction: With a strong focus on industrial construction, we have successfully completed numerous projects, including factories, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities. Our expertise in this sector enables us to create spaces that optimize workflows, incorporate cutting-edge technology, and adhere to strict safety standards. We understand the importance of functionality, scalability, and cost-efficiency in industrial construction, and we deliver accordingly.
Renovation and Remodeling: As a full-service construction company, we also specialize in renovation and remodeling projects. Whether it's a residential property, commercial space, or industrial facility, our team has the skills and expertise to transform your existing space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. We work closely with clients to understand their vision, provide innovative design ideas, and execute the renovation with precision and attention to detail.
Why Choose BW Construction Ltd?
Quality Craftsmanship: We are dedicated to delivering construction projects of the highest quality. Our skilled professionals use premium materials, adhere to industry best practices, and employ meticulous craftsmanship at every stage of the project.
Client-Centric Approach: At BW Construction Ltd, we prioritize the needs and satisfaction of our clients. We believe in open communication, transparency, and collaboration throughout the construction process, ensuring that your vision is brought to life.
Timely Project Completion: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering projects on time. Our efficient project management practices and streamlined processes enable us to complete projects within the agreed-upon timelines, without compromising on quality.
Safety and Compliance: Safety is our top priority. We adhere to stringent safety protocols and comply with all relevant regulations and standards. We strive to create a safe working environment for our team and ensure the safety of all stakeholders involved.
Choose BW Construction Ltd for your construction needs in Singapore, and let us turn your dreams into reality. Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and experience the excellence we bring to every construction endeavor.
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markashleys · 4 years
Direct Renovation Contractor Singapore
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Landed house renovation direct contractor Singapore bungalow floor tiling wall tiles flooring tiler
Renovate terrace home bungalow penthouse cluster house apartment kitchen renovation specialist
Reinstate Landed home town house condominium reinstatement tiling hacking demolition restoration
Landed house painting tiling condominium apartment electrical plumbing carpentry flooring work  
Hack floor lay homogeneous tiles walls tiler floor marble gum grout polish granite polishing SG
Landed house living dining bathroom floor tile designs condo toilet kitchen flooring tiling ideas
Replace built brick wall fence perimeter build divider partition boundary fencing barrier erection  
Grind plaster wall plastering ceiling concrete masonry epoxy cementing outdoor indoor
Swimming pool tiling hacking floor pebble wash flooring wall retiling masonry works  
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Come Visit: https://youtu.be/CruvhgZ5epQ
House Renovation services: www.markashleys.com  
Call or WhatsApp: 97876343  
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Bungalow terrace flooring cement screed floor grouting masonry grinding marble gumming retiling
Exterior interior Paint external internal painting replace change driveway car porch patio pebble wash tiles
Swimming pool hacking Overlaying Toilet Bathroom walls floor tiles overlay flooring restroom tiling washroom tiler
Landed house renovation overlay tiling bungalow painting terrace hacking decking condo cement screed brick wall works
Outdoor pebble wash floor timber wood decking wooden flooring driveway cementing patio verandah porch garden terrace renovation
Cheap Bungalow bathroom tile overlay tiling wall flooring terrace house toilet hacking retiling renovation home floor tiling design ideas
Direct tiler providing overlay tiles overlaying condominium cluster renovation townhouse retiling wall pool hacking exterior restoration.  
Roof toilet floor pool waterproofing bathroom flooring waterproof rooftop repair leakage service
Best bungalow terrace landed house swimming pool MCST renovation tiling design ideas
Come visit: https://youtu.be/1UzzedggVvM  
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 Our projects: fb.me/markashleys
Our reviews: https://carousell.com/markashleys
Website: www.markashleys.com  
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Condo marble tiling contractor Singapore landed house granite tile overlay tiler    Direct flooring tiler wall floor tiling overlay contractor Singapore cheap retiling masonry renovation  
Expert tilers providing tiling for condo offices homes houses restaurants factories shops in Singapore.
Tiling supply install SG overlaying hacking damage flooring retiling floor wall tiles tiling designs concepts tiling ideas
SG Professional ceramic tiling pebble wash services for all apartment’s commercial industrial residential premises.
Porcelain Homogeneous tiles glue marble gum floor grinding polishing grouting polish grout grind flooring.
Popped up floor popping tiling walls fix pop up damaged tiles change repairs replace flooring restore tilers
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Come visit: https://youtu.be/2EfoC_432F8
Services: www.markashleys.com  
Call or WhatsApp: +6597876343
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Reinstate Hack overlay toilet hacking bathroom overlaying walls floor tiles overlaying service
Industrial tiling Cement screed commercial cementing exterior wall flooring polish smoothen concrete
Hack Landed house cement screeding bungalow waterproofing apartments terrace tiles laying hacking waterproof.
External trowel stone wash swimming pool outdoor pebble wash tiling bathroom toilet poolside pebble stone wash finish
Marble granite pebble wash floor cement screeding for exterior passageway pathway walkway concrete pebble flooring
Landed house renovation overlay tiling bungalow painting terrace hacking decking cement screed semi-detached condo brick wall retiling.
Reinstate Outdoor renovate building external retiling exterior roofing floor wall restoration reinstatement
Beautiful range of best cheap quality mosaic porcelain ceramic homogeneous marble granite tiles.
Tiles installation for Condo swimming pool retile house roof home rooftop retiling roofing.
FREE quote. Best bungalow overlay tiling designs concepts condominium retiling ideas SG  
Come visit:  https://youtu.be/gb-bEQiQNto  
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Predictive Dialer to Transform Your Banking Call Center into Customer Engagement Center
For most customers, banking is a part of their everyday habits. Going to the ATM for ready cash, using debit and credit cards for purchases and monthly bill payments, transferring money to family and friends, the list is long. Customers share a relationship with their bank that runs for years, and sometimes through life. With countless transactions taking place each day meeting customer expectations with finite people at the other end is challenging. 
To overcome these challenges automation of processes is natural. Banks often earmark 15%-20% of their annual budget to meet the requirements for banking operations, a 2019 survey by McKinsey revealed. Surprisingly, only a fraction of the total budgetary spending is on call center operations, despite providing a steady value in meeting customers’ needs. During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Citibank said that its average wait time to get to a call center representative was sometimes 3-4 hours, while another global banking website plastered— “Extremely long wait times if you call us,” on their website. Call centers provide a personalized customer experience, which digital channels cannot match. 
It’s time that banks position call centers as experience centers, akin to major retailers. The competition for banking is not only from its peers but also new entrants such as those in the digital payment space, wealth management, etc. Today, the customer wants personal attention and personalized products. Realizing this early on, Singapore-based bank DBS spent some S$10 million over the last five years to be increasingly more personalized in handling customers’ needs that are typically associated with a call to the customer center. 
Advanced call center solutions and call center dialers for the banking sector  
Banks typically have high call volume where each minute is precious. They require automated processes to cut down idle time and call drop rates due to this advanced customer call centers have adopted what is called —auto dialer. A software solution that automatically dials telephone numbers from a list and connects either to a live agent or plays a pre-recorded message. They eliminate the task of manually dialing individual phone numbers, enabling representatives to focus on the content and delivery of their message. This in turn helps agents to increase their agent productivity by a whopping 200%-300%. For banking needs, this makes it a viable commercial solution.
Let’s have look at the most popular auto dialers suitable for the banking industry: 
1. Predictive dialer
A predictive dialer is an automated dialing system for outbound calls that dials multiple numbers from the customer contact list. The dialer can automatically cut time-consuming tasks such as calls being directed to voicemail, no phone response, busy phone signals, unusable or disconnected numbers, and so on. If the call is answered by people on the other end then, the dialer connects the call to an appropriate agent. 
It is an effective tool for banks to use in their day-to-day operations. One of the ways banks can use the functionality is to create an automated customer service system for customers. 
2. Preview dialer
It lets agents view comprehensive details about the customers before calling them.  It helps in driving better conversion rates through personalized communication and informed guidance. Agents feel empowered, which improves operational efficiency leading to zero downtime. 
3. Progressive dialer
Progressive dialer, as the name suggests connects to the next customer after the agent completes the previous call and is available to talk to the next customer in line. It helps to reduce call abandonment in the process making it an efficient solution for communication with premium customers.
Among the three, a predictive dialer is the most advanced and sought-after outbound calling solution.  As an industry-leading VoIP software development company, the call center solutions of AC InfoSoft have features the most advanced predictive dialer in the industry which can also be easily deployed. 
Let’s see the key features of a predictive dialer:
1. Outbound call monitoring 
Predictive dialer features automated dialer technologies useful in outbound settings for high volume call flows in banks. 
Answering machine detection: Helps to manage the call volume by moving on to the next customer in the list when the dialer detects an answering machine. 
Voice Recording: Banks deal with sensitive financial information which makes the voice recording tool an important aspect for the purpose of compliance and regulation besides monitoring the agent productivity.
Caller ID: The auto dialer features a call ID for easy identification of calls. 
2. Marketing and outreach
Predictive dialer has inbuilt features to help banks maximize their marketing and outreach efforts. 
Campaign management:  With the use of dialers, banks can easily upload the lists of customers for target campaigns.  Agents save time when the pre-fed call list is available, readily. It also aids in scheduling calls and managing the leads identified.
CRM integration: Most banks use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software today. A call center solution can be fully integrated with popular CRMs available in the market with call center CRM integration, making it a powerful tool for campaign management.
 3. Reporting and analytics 
Fitted with powerful algorithms, VoIP development companies can generate reports and analytics useful for the banking industry in analysis and number crunching.  
Custom Report generation: Banks can select parameters to generate custom reports for specific needs. 
Real-time analytics: With real-time analytics, it becomes easier to understand ongoing activities and assess agent productivity. 
4. Remote Agent 
Real-time analytics makes it easy to make a decision based on KPIs which helps in improving remote agent productivity. 
5. User-friendly UI/UX
The simple interface of the best call center software makes it easy for customer service agents to use the software, cutting down the bank’s time on training and knowledge transfer processes. 
As an ideal partner for banking needs, AC InfoSoft has many add-on features to transform the banking customer call center into a true experience center and customer engagement center.
For more details on these call center solutions and to book a free demo, visit
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officerenovationsg · 2 years
Office Renovation Contractor Singapore
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Best office renovation contractor Singapore 
Cheap good commercial office hacking tiling concrete floor cement screed flooring epoxy painting specialist
Affordable industrial exterior wall paint warehouse external painting factory reinstate demolition reinstatement service
Supply install drywall soundproof glass partition divider false ceiling carpeting commercial office industrial office epoxy painting works
Roof waterproofing rooftop waterproof roofing tiling repair tile replace ceiling change partition repairing renovation work
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343   
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/ 
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Drywall partitions glass screen dividers for industrial commercial office premises
We provide fireproof soundproof partition walls tempered glass panel shower curtains.
As a direct divider supplier & contractor in Singapore, we can supply & install gypsum plaster board partitions doors frames false ceilings glass screen aluminium panel at very competitive contractor prices. Including false ceiling doors carpet tiles glass frames carpeting installation.   
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343   
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/ 
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Our speciality includes installation of shower glass frameless & framed screen doors in toilets and bathrooms for landed house HDB BTO homes office rooms shop restaurant & industrial JTC warehouse factory. We can customise lightweight drywalls installation to match specific requirements.  Plus, we are the best direct professional glass partition contractors in Singapore with good positive client reviews. Excellent service assured always.
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343   
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/ 
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We have beautiful Morden range of cheap & premium quality partition false ceiling and glass panel dividers to suit all types of residential commercial & industrial space. We offer special all-inclusive promotion package with plaster painting & aluminium wooden door frame erection construction. We also provide divider restoration quick fix repair replace toilet glass shower screen panels & change partition replacement service. Call us today for a FREE quote.  
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343   
Come Visit: http://www.markashleys.com/ 
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Transform Your Space with Expert Tiling & Plastering!🏠
Looking to refresh your home or office? Our skilled team atRenostate Singapore Pte. Ltd. specializes in high-quality tiling and plastering services that bring your vision to life. Whether it’s sleek bathroom tiles, a modern kitchen backsplash, or smooth, flawless walls, we’ve got you covered!
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commercialsg · 2 years
Affordable Commercial Reinstatement Work Direct Contractor SG
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Best Commercial renovation contractor Singapore 
Cheap good office hacking tiling concrete cement screed epoxy painting specialist
Affordable shop restaurant kitchen shophouse reinstate demolition reinstatement service
False ceiling flooring carpet wall partition carpeting retile floor retiling work  
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come Visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/gallery.html  
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Direct reinstate contactor retail shop good cheap hacking renovation restaurant painting shophouse office demolition hacker  
Providing hacking partition removal wall painting carpeting ceiling carpet fittings renovated carpentry fixtures furniture disposal service
Removal disposal dismantling aircon ducts (AHU) central kitchen food factory dismantle exhaust cooker hood oven stove fridge exhaust motor ducts fans
Reinstate BAR PUB café bistro club coffee shop commercial renovation school shophouse restaurant warehouse JTC factory office reinstatement work
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come Visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/gallery.html  
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Cheap good office restaurant retail shop reinstatement to original condition.
Hacking & disposal of all wall & flooring tiles make good floor concrete cement screed   
Demolition & disposal of shop outlet renovated fixtures fittings partitions & ceiling service
Hacking removal & disposal of tiled flooring cement screed & make good floor plastering work
Demolish & disposal all outlet furniture display counters & shop work stations equipment service
Breaking dismantle removal of all built in carpentry equipment including all piping/lightings & connections 
Concrete floor hacking cement screed carpeting vinyl carpet removal flooring screeding restoration work
Reinstate brick wall construction plastering painting plaster repainting wall ceiling paint reinstatement
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come Visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/gallery.html  
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Disconnecting termination removal of all internal electrical wiring trunking outlets & power points from DP box. 
Dismantle removal & disposal of shop front & internal feature walls & make good walls – optional/if required.
Reinstate sprinkler system back to landlord’s primary layer system & conduct sprinkle discharge as required.
Make good internal walls plaster paint removed racking/partition – Wall & Ceiling Basic white wash service
Supply & install hoarding for shop front exterior perimeter & white vinyl sticker on back glass walls work  
Disposal of debris racks timber metal gate glass water pipes plumbing movable equipment if any. 
Cheap good reinstate industrial hacking commercial office renovation shop reinstatement work 
Pls Call or WhatsApp: 97876343 
Come Visit:  http://www.markashleys.com/gallery.html  
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