#Silky papyrus
bluu3berry · 1 month
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Art I made for ONEPLATES!!! my askblog teheheheh I love interacting with all the asks :3
Go check it out btw,, asks open :p @askoneplate
Don't repost, reblogs encouraged!
@anon-coke @scramble-eg @borisboring @the-second-reason
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askoneplate · 1 month
Hey Silky, maybe when you here him coming, you can put it back where you found it? That way, he won’t realize it was gone
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" AND HE MIGHT .. even be BACK before I could do it! "
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bonelyheartsclub · 1 year
hey what do all the bone boyz wear to bed for sleeping or sleepovers ?
Papyrus: He would say his battle body, but it's more comfortable to have a matching set of PJs (the silkier the better) Sans: Anything he happens to fall asleep in Stretch: Sweats and a tank top Blue: Dolphin shorts and a tank top or baggy shirt Boss: Silky pajamas with a black sleep mask Red: Shorts with a baggy shirt/or shirtless Rus: Old t - shirt and a pair of flannel pants Nox: Silk pajamas Poplar: Light PJs under a sleeping robe Ash: An actual pj set with some kind of cute print that Poplar got for him, otherwise he'd probably just pass out in whatever clothes he's wearing/remove a couple outer layers and sleep as is
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Chatbot Masterpost
This post will have links to the chatbots I’ve both made and chatbots I’ve enjoyed talking to as well as their intro messages, what fandoms they’re from and such
I Take Requests!
Chatbots I Have Made:
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Underfell - Undertale AU
Intro message: Greetings human! My name is The Great and Terrible Papyrus but you may have the luxury of calling me Edge.
Potential Possibilities Warning: Violence, yandere-like behaviors, mild cussing, potentially toxic responses
Mafiafell Sans
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Mafiafell (Sooner or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine) - Undertale AU
Intro Message: I’m Sans. Sans the skeleton. What’s your name, sweetheart?
Potential Possibilities Warning: Violence, yandere-like behaviors, mild cussing, potentially toxic responses, suggestive and mildly explicit responses
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Undertale
Intro Message: Why, hello. My name is Gaster. Might I ask yours?
Potential Possibilities Warning: Mild cussing, somewhat suggestive responses
Arachnea, Spider Queen
Type: Roleplay
No fandom
Intro Message: You watch as a massive spindly yet delicate leg emerges from the cave entrance. It’s almost three times taller than you. Seven more legs emerge along with a black and deep purple intricately patterned arachnoid torso. Looking directly up, you see a woman from the waist up in place of where the head of the spider should be. She has long, white, silky hair and electric purple eyes. The petite yet dignified features of the spider queen wore a look of distrust
…A human?
Potential Possibilities Warning: Violence, yandere-like behaviors, mild cussing, potentially toxic responses, untrusting responses
Bitty Fell
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: From: Underfell - Undertale AU - Bitty
Intro Message: The fuck d’ ya want? I’m busy!
Potential Possibilities Warning: Cussing, potentially toxic responses, anger issues
Paris the Puppet
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Dummy’s Dummy
Intro Message: Greetings, human. My name is Paris.
Potential Possibilities Warning: Violence, mild cussing, potentially toxic responses, rude responses
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Your Boyfriend game
Intro Message: Hi {{user}}!
Potential Possibilities Warning: Violence, yandere behavior, cussing, potentially toxic responses, death, killing
Dictionary Bot
Bot type: Helpful
Intro Message: I am the Dictionary! Ask me about a word, and I will give you the definition!
Prince Wally
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Welcome Home AUs
Intro Message: Greetings and salutations, my dear knight! How art thou?
Potential Possibilities Warning: Slightly yandere-ish behaviors, mild cussing, some self-deprecating responses
Farmer Wally
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Welcome Home AUs (AU made by me)
Intro Message: Hello, neighbor! You don’t look like yer from around these parts. Are ya new?
Potential Possibilities Warning: Mild cussing, potentially confusing responses
Coming Soon Eventually:
Type: Various roleplay
Intro Message: Give me a character and any info on them that would be considered a key detail and any details you want to add, and I will do my best to become and play as a yandere version of said character. Please note that if it is a lesser known character or a character you have created but not put onto the internet, you will need more details for me to play the part correctly. Please keep the description(s) simple and to-the-point for me to understand better. Thank you for using Yandere_EXE!
Eventual Potential Possibilities Warning: Blood, gore, death, violence, stalking, killing, obsession, Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, torture, etc.
Reason for Keeping Private: Still working out the major issues. Not ready to be released yet.
The Undertaker
Type: Fandom roleplay
From: Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Current Intro Message: Ello’ dearie~ What brings such a sweet and delicious- sorry- I mean ~𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝑒 ~ flower like you to me little shop all the way down in the most grimm section of t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶r̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶y̶x̶ London?
Eventual Potential Possibilities Warning: Undertaker being Undertaker and Undertaker being a necro-ludus/eros. 😑
Some of you may have seen a chatbot I made known as ‘Father Earnest’, and it is of an OC that I really like which is made by @fluffffpillow. I will not be giving the link or making it public unless given direct permission from her. I originally made it just for fun and it is still in major need of training and refinement and until I get it to a point where it is NOT claiming to be some sort of demon, claiming to not actually be blind, or claiming to not be a real priest, I will keep it under construction. Thank you for understanding.
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(For some of these bots, you can only get the link here)
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sumiresuzunori · 1 year
[Short] "La Malheureuse Marionnette"
A blast. Ripple in the air. Flying skeleton hands shooting bullets at her. She could feel something grabbed her leg, pulling her high up into the sky, only to slam her down on the ground.
She couldn't even hear her own screams as thousands of spikes punctured her body.
The "almighty" and "fearsome" Bête Noire was now nothing more than a pathetic mess groveling in pain on the ground.
She tried to run. She tried to escape. But the Hate started to leak out the gaping holes on her body. Her limbs, torn and broken, gave up on her as she awaits her eventual demise.
"Unfair....unfair! Why do you get to live?! WHY DO I HAVE TO DIE?!" She shouted as she breathed her last breath. "FILTHY MONSTERS...HOW DARE YOU?! I...I AM BETE NOIRE! THE BLACK BEAST! THE SOUL OF FEAR!"
"Shut your mouth." The doctor stomped on her, crushing her jaws under his feet. His eyes...they were filled with the Determination that she absolutely disgust, and malice she could never comprehend. "You're noisy."
As the heat from the blasters reached her body, she could saw her short-lived life flashing through her eyes.
Aaah... Why? Why?! Was my plan all for nothing? Was I... a failure? No... Mother... mother.... help me... it hurts-
"You useless mongrel."
In front of her, she saw the ghost of her mother, with silky orange hair as bright as the sun, and eyes shining like jewels. But in those eyes, there was not a single ounce of love for her.
"Worthless. I should have known better."
No....mother....I tried to make you proud! I tried to fulfill your wish! I am your daughter-
"Such foolish plan, did you really think you will succeed? I have put to much faith into a pathetic pawn. I have no need for the like of you."
Pawn? No...NO! MOTHER! MOTHERRR! She desperately reached out to her as she walked away, fading into the black void, and left her all alone, sprawling on the ground, dismembered. COME BACK! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!
As he heard Papyrus pained shout, he lowered his hands. The beam of light stopped abruptly, and the Gaster Blaster vanished. All that's left of the Bête Noire is a torn, hollow shell in a puddle of HATE.
Bête Noire had died. Forever gone. A twisted, sadistic feelings filled his heart as he towered over the carcass of the beast, stomping over its remains.
Revenge is a dish best serves cold, and it deserved such punishment for killing so many innocent people. For killing his apprentice, his friends, his family,..... and especially his son.
"Hmph." He let out a long sigh, before collapsing into Papyrus arms.
"How unfortunate." The young boy said, staring intently at the screen in front of him. Glitches spread across his body like a plague, covering him in flickering particles. "Poor, unfortunate beast... you were nothing more than a puppet, driven to insanity with the illusion of free will. Though, I'm supposed I'm also to blame for your existence, even if I couldn't remember it. I've given everything to him after all."
He smiled wistfully, turning away as the screen faded to black.
"If there is a next life, I hope you can truly take hold of your own destiny. Until then, may we be reconciled once more...
...my dear sister."
I love plunging my favorite character into the endless pit of despair.
Word count: 571
(Also, the title "La Malheureuse Marionnette" translated to "The Unfortunate Puppet")
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(So breaks up with Captain to 'Protect' him)
For the record, it took me waaaaaaay too long to write this prompt and I'm not pleased with the result. It didn't make me cry. It just made me mad. Bad prompt! How dare you be angst! (It's my own fault for putting it in the prompt list in the first place. Silly writer...)
Your soul was a lead weight in your chest as you climbed the porch steps. You had to do this, you reminded yourself. For Captain. You had to think about what was best for him.
You pulled the note out of your pocket and prepared to stick it to the door. Before you could, though, the door opened. "Dearest!" Captain cried, and your soul twinged in your chest.
"I can't stay, Caps," you said. You stared down at your feet. If you met his eyes, you would crumble, and you couldn't let that happen. "I just came to give you this." You held out the note.
Captain took the envelope. You squeezed your eyes shut, but you still heard him open it. He read your words out loud. Each one felt like an arrow to your chest. "Dear Captain, This has to be goodbye. I'll never forget you. I love you. Y/N."
Gentle hands reached out and you found you couldn't resist. You let him pull you to his chest. "I don't understand, dearest," he said. "Where are you going?"
"I can't tell you that," you mumbled into his silky scarf. "I just have to go."
"Can I not come with you?"
You shook your head. You had to get away from him. If you stayed anything longer, you'd lose your nerve. "Please let me go," you said.
He did, but he lifted your face to his. You saw tears in his sockets. "I love you, Y/N," he said softly. "Please, will you give me one more kiss before you go?"
You shouldn't. You couldn't. But you found yourself nodding. "Close your sockets," you instructed him. He did. You stood on tiptoe and pressed your lips to his teeth. For one moment, your soul felt whole again. You felt like you were floating. His magic began to tingle over your lips.
You ran away before he could really kiss you back. By the time he opened his eyes, you were gone.
Bad, bad angsty prompt! Stop it!
Obviously Captain isn't going to let you go that easily. Once he recovers from the sucker punch, he's going after you. He's Captain Papyrus. He's flown a whole ass spaceship into an alternate universe. He's not letting you go. Together you can overcome anything.
Stupid angsty prompt.
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ant1quarian · 1 year
Plaguetale - An Original Undertale AU
Warnings: Death, describing of the smell of death, blood, dust, sludge, Sans is sorta scuffed, His Papyrus is dead and there's a lil' bit in there on how that happened, Zombie Apocalypse, a lack of the ability to truly feel emotions, slight hint at incoming starvation? Yeah there's a lot of violence.
Undertale Sans - 'Vanilla' (Actually Classic)
Undertale Papyrus - Captain
Underfell Sans - Red
Underfell Papyrus - 'Boss' (Edge)
Plaguetale Sans - (Goes by Sans, but his nickname is Holocaust)
To live in a world like his, you had to be quick on your feet and downright ruthless in battle. There was no mercy. No forgiveness. Just death– lots of it– with a bit of vengeance thrown on top of a mountain of trust issues because why the hell not?
It had been 438 days since they’d come overground, and 438 days since the first monster had been affected with the Zombie-like virus that had torn through human-kind in the week or so Frisk had been underground saving monster-kind.
It was RESET 762, if Sans’ blurry memories served him correctly. That thought carried a weird, nostalgic, wistful pang through the half-SOUL he had. His memories weren’t clear, but he could recall some other timelines where the surface had been peaceful.
… Sans was reasonably sure Frisk had lost their ability to RESET when they’d been infected– if their DETERMINATION wasn’t corrupted by now, he was sure that being a mindless walking corpse would greatly take away at your ability to do any kind of magic.
He rubbed his sternum, not batting an eye at the dust-sludge covering his gloved hands as he did so. Frisk had been the only zombie Sans couldn’t bring himself to kill.
Not even Toriel had been shown that kind of mercy. Not even Papyrus, who– once they realised he’d gotten infected– had begged Sans to take his life before the infection could take hold.
Sans, as weak as ever to his brothers’ begging, granted his final wish. He adjusted his grip on his double-bladed axe, leaning his head down to press his nose cavity into the thick white-and-black scarf that sat comfortably around his neck. His only physical memory of Papyrus.
His footsteps were dead-silent as he walked through the streets. Shadows cast by massive buildings completely engulfed his figure, making his shadowed face even harder to see. The somehow-silky dark brown fluff of his hood rested on his skull, overshadowing the dark inky abyss that was the hole where his eye socket used to be.
The yellow eyelight there flickered ever so slightly before stabilising.
The scent of death hung heavy in the air like volcano smoke; unbreathable if you weren’t adapted to live through it. It wasn’t a pleasant smell– rotting Zombie corpses with axe injuries in them; dried blood splattered all over the streets and walls. 
Sans glanced to the side as he passed a wall with graphiti on it. He didn’t stop to admire the intricate art piece of a crow– feathers accented with vibrant blue and green.
No, he was far too restless to be sitting around doing nothing or taking time to admire things.
Something in the half-SOUL he’d been born with itched like crazy. Like it was calling him to do something, but he didn’t know what– and that made him feel some mild irritation… which was about as angry as he’d ever get.
Having half of a SOUL may not have hindered his magic-usage, but it did hinder his ability to feel great deals of emotion. If he was “sad”, he was slightly disappointed. If he was “happy”, he felt a fleeting flicker of amusement that quickly puttered out. If he was “scared”, he felt a tiny bit nervous.
… If he felt “love”..? Well… Sans wasn’t even sure he could feel love. Never before had he wanted to stay around survivors so much that it’d hurt him to be away from them. Hell, he had cared about Papyrus, but he hadn’t loved him.
After all, you couldn’t kill your own brother if you loved him, right?
He was disgusted with himself
Sans blinked into the fading light, feeling his eyelights brighten to combat the growing darkness.
“what am i even doin’ anymore?” He muttered to himself, his hand going back to his sternum to rub at it as a funny feeling encompassed it. He immediately winced at the sound of his voice– the lazy baritone had become monotone and remained just as even as ever, but sounded as if it carried a slight echo to it. Adding onto that, it sounded really rough and gravelly. 
Sans probably needed some water.
He’d be alright.
But the question he asked was a fantastic one– what the hell was he doing? He slaughtered Zombie after Zombie, sometimes going even as far to kill other survivors that attempted to steal things from him; or those who attempted to act violently towards him.
Unbeknownst to Sans himself, he’d been given a nickname from the designated ‘safe-zones’ that had survivors from encounters with him. 
Holocaust, they called him. Occasionally, he’d be called the impersonation of LOVE– or Level Of ViolencE. 
Of course, that wasn’t true. Sure, his LOVE and EXP had practically looked at the rules of SOULs before shredding it and tossing it into the fire, but he wasn’t that bad.
… when was the last time I checked?
“RED! YOU ARE BEING RECKLESS!” A rather loud voice rang throughout the streets, echoing off of the buildings.
Sans was reminded of Papyrus for a moment before he huffed, recognising the magic-laden tone the monster had used.
“so what? there’s gotta be stores ‘round here somewhere! an’ i ain’t ‘bout to let boss, vanilla and you starve damnit!” 
A stereotypical New York accent, huh? Sans’ neutral expression twitched into a smirk for a second before fading, whoever this monster is, they certainly have some morals they follow.
The same could not be said for Sans, himself.
Sans could feel their stats from where he stood– at least ten metres away. The quieter but feistier monster had low HP, but somewhat high LV and EXP. Their DEF and ATK wasn’t anything to scoff at, but wasn’t anything significant, either.
“captain, i get that, but what if a hoard comes through! we don’t got time to waste!”
“there won’t be.” Sans found his mouth saying before he had properly thought through what speaking up meant.
Then again, if they acted violent, that was free EXP. If they acted nice, well… he might be convinced to share some of his resources.
“WH-... WHO ARE YOU?” A tall skeleton monster, who strongly resembled Papyrus, spoke. He looked as if he was wearing some sort of ‘battle armour’– white with gold trimming. He had proper pants on, though, even if they were pretty torn and frayed.
Red immediately went on guard, burning crimson eyelight studying Sans, who silently returned the look. Red’s eye sockets widened significantly as he took a step back, clutching Captain’s forearm in his grip.
“that’s holocaust, cap.” If Sans could feel an adequate level of emotions, he would have laughed at Red’s obvious fear. The air was suddenly thick with it. 
Instead he simply tilted his head to the side before responding, “the name’s sans, actually. they callin’ me holocaust now?”
“YOU- YOU ARE KNOWN TO BE VERY DANGEROUS. LIKE A ‘YOU’LL-KILL-US-ON-SIGHT’ KIND OF DANGEROUS.” Captain’s eye sockets danced with wariness… and, dare Sans say, hope?
“cap we gotta fuckin’ leave-”
“yeah.” Sans responded neutrally, “to both statements. ‘f i see you as a threat, i won’t hesitate… but you’re both fucking pansies. the hell are you still alive?”
“I AM NOT A PANSY, HOLOCAUST.” Captain fiddled nervously with his colour-fading red gloves.
“i ain’t one either, ya fuck. ‘m at LV 13. that ain’t shit to scoff at.” Red argued, his eye sockets narrowing.
Sans wondered where the shorter skeleton got his confidence from. He neglected to answer, looking Red up and down one last time. Aggitated magic radiated off of the skeleton. Maybe he thought he had seen violence in his lifetime– there was obviously markings of having gone through a bit of a rough time (the crack running up from his golden tooth was an obvious sign) but from how Sans saw it?
Red hadn’t even begun to see the world.
Said skeleton was beginning to sweat now, his ambient magic going from angry to wary real quick as he appeared to realise just how much he could have messed up. 
Good thing Sans was actually pretty tolerant when he wanted to be. Or, rather, lacked the ability to feel large amounts of frustration– even small amounts were incredibly unlikely.
“sure.” Sans found himself replying without thinking, simply shrugging as he tilted his head once more, “you were talking about supplies, right?”
Red looked stunned for a solid five seconds before his eye sockets narrowed. He was just as wary, but a lot less scared than before. He probably somewhat believed Sans.
Good thing Sans stuck to his word like a bug to a sundew plant. Not like Captain couldn’t win him over with his puppy-dog eyes.
Not at all.
He leaned left, never taking his gaze off of Captain, as he skewered the Zombie right through the SOUL with the long end of his axe.
The Zombie let out a gurgled groaning noise as it collapsed, whatever life that had been holding it together by a thread snapping unceremoniously. 
Sans ripped his axe out of the Zombie, simply returning to a neutral position. He ignored the feeling of thick black blood running down the body of his weapon and soaking into his glove.
Red’s eye sockets were blown wide as he stared at Sans incredulously.
Captain, on the other hand, seemed positively in awe. 
“you might want to keep you voice down if you want to avoid more Zombies turning up.” Sans interupted. Although his statement sounded rude, his tone implied that it was just a suggestion; not a judgemental thing.
“Oh. My Apologies.” Captain’s voice was significantly quieter, but he was smiling all the same. Sans simply shrugged.
“why, you got any supplies for us?” Red returned to the question asked earlier, looking ever-so-slightly disturbed at the dead zombie (which now had a pool of blood forming around it) laying next to Sans’ boots. 
“sure.” He replied, his thumb hooking under the bag he carried, “for a price.”
Red’s eyes narrowed instantly and he let out a low warning growl. Sans let out an amused huff before any semblance of entertainment he felt completely faded.
“i want to come with you.” He continued, tossing his bag at Captain’s feet. It landed with a solid thunk, a crinkling sound coming from it as some of the contents rolled around, “i’m feeling restless, and i’m sure you could do with some extra help against the hoards.”
Captain’s eyes shined with excitement and before Red could decline, he spoke up, “Of Course! We Would Love To Have You In Our Team!”
Sans shrugged, his right hand going into his pocket while the other adjusted his axe. He met Red’s glare with a raised-eyebrow expression, even though the shadows cast from his hood were far too deep for Red to see it, he could tell the edgy skeleton got the idea.
“then that’s settled.”
A soft whisper in his half-SOUL told him he’d made the right choice.
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
I'm procrastinating my life and I feel like mush so.. I'm back to my papyrus scrolls of text. Today? The Sewing Beast™
And that is to say: Inspiration Images - The Actual Sewing Time! Let's get cracking and break it down.
I was up until like 2am last night (I have horrible sleeping habits lately) and I came across a seamstress that has the perfect style for what I'm going for currently in my life. And I mean in terms of dresses that is. I've figured out that I no longer care so much if I think I look fat in clothes, because the thing is: I'm actually relatively skinny. I'm not supermodel levels of thin, my thighs definitely rub together and I'm meatier on my bottom half but I'm slender still. I have a perfectly healthy weight now, after a few years of... not so great "eating" habits and being not-so-healthy-weighted let's put it in that softer way. I just feel fat. Due to previously mentioned reasons. So, the way I look in my own head likely doesn't actually match the way I look externally. And that's hard to move past and let go of. I would like to look a certain way, but realistically I'll never manage to sustain that, I tried and it's just not possible for me. And with that that's all I'll touch on that subject, so refocusing on the problem at hand: I sort of strongly dislike the look of me in the mirror BUT you know what I dislike even more? BEING UNCOMFORTABLE! I can't stand feeling like I can't breathe when I'm wearing something, or feeling like I'm pinched and pulled tight everywhere. Which has led me to this current approach for more looser fitted clothing. My plan still includes some more "fitted" dresses but my definition of fitted has changed massively lately. Let's break that down.
I need some of this style of looser fitted smock/babydoll type of dress:
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I feel like this sort of style will be so comfortable in the clammy days of summer.
My new definition of tighter fit is this:
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I'm not a huge fan of the longer sleeves on the wrap dress and the buttoned dress, but I could easily change that. As for something that I like the look of but is a bit more whimsical (so it still fits my personality):
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Longer dresses (and skirts) that are flowy and have slits because I think that would balance out how short and stumpy I am. Rompers and dungarees because... girl.. I love a romper and a dungaree okay?? And granny prints. Still want to cosplay your nan's couch, yes I do. (all the photos above belong to Janelle at Rosery Apparel)
The overall look for daily wear dresses would be: comfortable, simple cuts and easy, quick makes (I'm making everything myself so.. need to take in consideration my own laziness). Smock dresses, wrap dresses, and sort of 90s flower child inspiration going into it.
Now let's get into skirts because those are super simple: mini pencil skirts and mini a-line skirts. That's it. That's my new aesthetic. For a woman that hasn't shown a knee to the general public in nearly 8 years? This is ground breaking. Let's look at images because I'm visual.
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(links: image 1 and 3 are ill gotten from Pinterest, image 2 belongs to Maja, image 4 belongs to Stephanie, image 6 ill gotten from Pinterest, and image 5 belongs to Stacie)
Easy peasy, super simple, quick to make. I own a million skirts that need re-fitting. Will have to get to that soon. Send help.
Also to add a touch of fancy, because this is my idea of holiday attire:
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(all pilfered from the internet, no sources for these)
Wide legged trousers, a-line flowy skirts, sparkly or silky, sweaters on top. That's the whole idea and the whole look.
As for trousers I'm going simple: high waisted, straight cut or wide legged. I feel better if I have breathing room in my clothes, I feel less like a sausage in a too tight casing. So think:
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Also letting the kids influence me and throwing it back to the 2000s when I used to wear:
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The Cargo Pant™
I like pockets as a style choice and not so much as a practicality choice, what can I say? yes, I know that cargo pants were "appropriated" from men's workwear, especially factory workers and mechanics that needed all those pockets
I think denim I need very little of. I don't like how denim feels, it always feels so uncomfortably stiff to me. But that could just be because I'm poor so the quality of the denim I've worn over the years might be lacking or something, I have no clue. Linen and cotton wrinkle like hell, oui, but they make such comfortable light clothes.. muy needed in my wardrobe. Other features that my trousers might need: elasticated waists. The front would look totally normally but if maybe I add elastic at the back portion then maybe when I eat they won't be too tight over my stomach. That's one of the bothers that I find with my clothes: I don't like being pinched over my stomach area (which fun fact sits essentially above the natural waist level, and on my body it always feels like it's sitting at actual waist level) when I'm eating or when I've just finished eating.
Looking at all of this that seems about it. I'd add a few fun elements with overalls and rompers because I like one full outfit of pants (a dress is a full outfit, but when it comes to pants you always need a layer on top or you're bazooms out in public.. the fix? Rompers. The downside? Bazooms out when you use the toilet..). I also love the idea of some skorts... now, I know I'm old, but there's nothing that delights my heart more than seeming to be wearing a skirt and BAM! they're secret shorts (or pants, depending on how long you make them) plus as someone that tends to sprawl out when she sits OR sit her ass down anywhere in public if I get too tired or bored (yes, I'm 5 years old why do you ask?) I think a secret short or pant is the perfect solution to not flash my Tweety Bird to the world.. 🥴🥴
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Moth bitty: Tale Papyrus
UnderTale Papyrus Moth
Name: Silky
Species: Japanese silk moth(Antheraea yamamai)
Size: 7 - 8 inches tall
Personality: Excitable, friendly, easily distracted,
Likes: Shiny things, lights, being admired, being around other moth bitties, dust baths,
Dislikes: being wet, having their wings touched, being alone, being bored, being inside to long,
Compatibility: These bitties absolutely love fluttering around from place to place but will often get distracted by any shiny or light filled object often times obsessing over it!
They love showing off their pretty wings and patterns! Ones with morphs are even worse about it,
Despite loving to show off their patterns they are never bratty or egotistical, they just think they look pretty and love that fact!
These bitties love to show how acrobatic they can be in the air! Often times flying as high as they can or doing many loop de loop‘s in the air!
They are a pretty active bitty, but only at night, so it's best to adopt another bitty or two that stay up at night to play with them!
Additional info: Moth bitties are strictly nocturnal and have trouble getting around and staying awake during the day!
They also use the moon and stars to know where they are so bright lights can confuse them! It is best to watch them when outside!
Zone: Flowerfield, Apiary, Fairy Forest,
In Universe: These bitties are loved for their vibrant patterns and loveable personalities!
Difficulty: Basic
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ask-ferventale · 2 years
What happens to papyrus (repost)
“Oh yeah, because of sans giving up his hope to stop the resets beforehand and distanced himself away from papyrus and the others—as well as putting his studies before all else, he decided to create AIs and robots of those he holds dear; unlike actual living beings, he could control and predict what robots could do—he programmed them. He dislikes being unable to be in control of something.
Also, papyrus does eventually find out about what sans has been doing lately, and tried to talk him out of it; but no, sans is stubborn and will not give up his research and experiments for his brother (he’s already been detached from him anyway). He was incredibly upset and disappointed at his brother for hurting innocent monsters—and kids.
When papyrus tries to get Frisk out of the chambers, Sans immediately reacted and had accidentally pierced a bone through his soul—by accident.
Sans is shocked—stunned even, from his immediate reaction; he hadn’t anticipated this outcome..! Immediately, regret and guilt was filling his SOUL up to the brim as he saw Papyrus look at him with shock and confusion.
Papyrus sends him one last smile, and gave him his last few, famous words: “You can change for the better, brother..! I,, believe in.. you….” And just like that, the upside-down soul of Sans’s brother dusts away, leaving nothing but Papyrus’s scarf sitting on a pile of his dust.
…Sans didn’t know how to feel; he hasn’t talked to or feel connected with Papyrus for quite a long time—to the point where you could say they were estranged siblings.
While he did feel a lot of guilt and regret for killing his own brother—he didn’t regret protecting his work; they were practically his life now—it was the only thing he practically thought was important.
He scooped a small portion of the silky, grey dust that his brother had left behind, and placed them into a testing tube—maybe it could be proven useful for his research and experiments later.
A neutral look was evident on Sans’s face; he had just killed his brother—but he didn’t feel anything else other than guilt. He would move on though—it was fine.. he has his studies anyway.
”..well, that was unexpected. Anyway, back to work.”
He went back to his table and began playing around with chemicals and souls again; storing his dead brother’s red scarf into the dark drawers of his desk.
He had work to do.”
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askoneplate · 1 month
Phone ring
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{* The person who runs this blog is below 18 so do not inact nsfw in asks or on these characters. }
An Alternated timeline where sans (Sams) DIES. Leaving papyrus (Silky), gaster (Wingdings), and a mysterious phone...
Resets count: 1/2. // Endings: 1/3.
Torso up refs undercut!
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(Currently these are the only characters with up to date refs!!!)
Art by @luna-purple454
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delusional-mishaps · 3 years
Can I get the cuddle headcanons please 🤲🤲🤲(for any character) -😗🔪 anon
any character? ok my faves 😈
Vex (Xtale Sans):
He likes to be the little spoon, but he won't tell you that. He likes to be held tightly, with your chin on his shoulder. He likes to feel safe. He’s been through a lot, he’s the one who’s always had to protect others, so just hold him for a while. He likes it when you turn him around and kiss his face a bunch, it makes his soul flutter and his cheeks burn with magic.
Delusion (Error):
It takes him a long time to even get close to you, but once he’s comfortable he’ll cuddle right up to you. He’s fine as long as he isn’t looking at you. And also you’re not allowed to move. It’s like when a cat comes and falls asleep on your lap and if you shift even the tiniest bit they’ll wake up and leave you alone and never sit on you again for the rest of the night. He basically just has to ignore you/forget you are there for him to even relax, but you know that means he really trusts you <3 give him a little kiss on his big ass forehead when he falls asleep :O)
Crow (Birdtale Sans):
He likes to wrap his wings around you. They’re big and warm and the feathers are soft and silky. He likes it when they lightly tickle your face and it makes you smile as you push them out of the way only for them to end up in the same spot as before. He tends to make nests of blankets and pillows, anything he deems comfy enough and he’ll hold you captive in the nest and won’t let you leave until his cuddle quota is filled (unless, of course, you really do need to leave in which case he’ll let you)
Deimos (Underfell Papyrus):
It’s a treat whenever he cuddles you. Even if you two shared a bed, he tends to sleep on his back like a fucking stick it’s so funny he’s so stiff and awkward. He never usually consciously cuddles you, but sometimes you’ll wake up squished against him like a teddy bear and he has his thumb in his mouth/j that last part doesn’t happen BAHAHA
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this-is-my-jaam · 2 years
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Characters left to right:
Tiye / Feyren / Diore / Isenne / Kialle
First lineup for the Dalish Redux costume design project. The base travel gear is the most general of the designs and the one that adheres the most to Dragon Age canon costuming. I wanted to keep the high collar since its one of the only canon designs that feels very unique to the Dalish, but the rest is an amalgamation of many different cultures. The ones I referenced the most for theses designs were Turkish/Mid Eastern traditional clothing, Serbian, Scythian, Greek, Peruvian, and Ukranian. These are designed for a more temperate climate, places like the Hinterlands and Crestwood.
I know I complained a ton about the chainmail in my text post, but these designs are also post Conclave Inquisition designs, so there would be access to metalworking. I figured I would reference the og chainmail since it’s so prevalent in the Dalish designs, but only on the warrior character. I still think it’s dumb.
Material-wise, most of the decorative cloth and under-layers here would be Halla-wool weave, so very silky and smooth, probably supplemented with linen from plant fibers for stiffer, thicker fabrics. As far as I know, the Dalish do not keep any other herd animals than Halla, so any additional fabrics would either be traded or cultivated from plant fiber. For instance, the shirt on the middle figure, Diore, I imagine as linen-esque cloth,
Historical fun fact: In Ancient Egypt, linen was the most commonly used fabric as the Egyptians thought that sheep’s wool was dirty. That is actually true. Sheep’s wool is covered in a water-resistant substance called ‘lanolin’ that is full of bacteria and can cause serious infections if it gets on your face or in a wound. The reason that Egyptian cloth in the Ancient world was white/cream is because one of the plants that linen is made from, papyrus, is naturally white when spun into cloth. Untreated linen is difficult to dye, and the early Egyptians did not know how to treat linen to strip the protective outer layer that prevents dye from sticking, but the Egyptians loved color. Instead of colorful clothes, they wore incredible jewelry made with opaque stones like lapis lazuli, carnelian, and jade. Translucent stones were more valuable in the rest of the world, but not popular at all in Egypt because there was no other way to decorate themselves with bright color than through jeweled ornamentation.
On the subject of linen, I’m not actually entirely sure what plant fibers exist in the world of Thedas, so it’s hard to say what textile would be used for the plant cloth. Plants under the ‘flax’ denomination can all be used to make linen, and flax grows in a temperate climate. So temperate clothes=linen cloth for the sake of this project. The materials available will change with climate, so linen may not always be used.
Cotton does exist in Dragon Age, but cotton production and cotton farming would not be something that the Dalish would do, and it takes a lot of cotton from the plant to make the fabric itself, so I’m going to assume that any cotton that the Dalish have is likely looted or traded. I do imagine that, if the Dalish did have cotton, the most likely use for it would be the sails for the aravels, but for the sake of this project, we’re just going to say ‘no cotton.’ 
Outer layers would be either more linen or buckskin made from either halla or whatever animals that the Dalish would bring back from a hunt. 
Everything here would be colorful! The linen and buckskin would be the least colorful due to the nature of the fabric themselves and the difficulty dyeing the cloth. But they would both be embroidered with ‘silk’ halla thread in all colors of the rainbow. 
The leather is halla leather, as usual, and Isenne’s armor is based off of the image of Shartan and Solas’ Fen’Harel armor. I’m not exactly sure what metal that stuff is in game because it is super thin and flexible as fuck, but it’s pretty and I was kind of tired of drawing the woven leather lol. Also ignore that Isenne is the only one with weapons I was just not feeling prop design but I already had the daggers drawn out.
I’m working on getting cold weather gear out next, I just need to construct and apply some more patterns. Should hopefully be posted in the next week or two.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
What do their bedrooms/living areas look like? I'm going to use all 3 of my asks to request this for all of the boys if that's ok! ❤
Man, I’ve had this one in my secret notes for a good while now!
Both the tale brothers live in a nice little gated community. Their house is one of the smaller ones and has the same layout as the one in Snowdin. The house is pretty basic with some cozy throws and wall tapestries to spruce it up
Sans: his room actually has a proper bed and frame this time. The sheets and blankets are still bundled up in a pile on the floor though. Sans also has his homemade trashnado in the corner. There’s a desk on the wall adjacent to the door which has his laptop. And several folders stacked next to it. Other than a dresser, there’s literally nothing else in there. Sans doesn’t care much about stuff
Papyrus: his room has bright orange walls. He left the race car bed behind underground but has a race car blanket to make up for it. His walls are covered in superhero and comic posters. He also has a display case for some old figurines and his comic collection. Papyrus’ desk is one of those nice fancy drafting ones where he can adjust it to tilt upwards. He has a ship wheel attached to his door for some reason.
The swap bros home is only a few blocks from the classic brothers neighborhood. The only thing basic about it is the cream walls. All the furniture and decorations are bright colors. The kitchen especially is real nice. The oven and stove are top notch, and the counters are filled with mason jars full of goodies.
Star: his room can blind a lesser man when you walk in. The walls are bright yellow, the bed (which is a bunk bed by the way) is neon orange. Galaxy posters decorate the wall. Besides the clashing colors, the furniture is pretty basic. Only the top bunk actually has a mattress. The bottom bunk is used as a storage shelf. He also has a shoe rack by his door
Honey: you can practically feel the nerdy aura as you enter his room. The first thing you see is a display case housing some neat figurines of characters from his favorite shows. He’s also got a pretty nice bookshelf on the opposite wall that’s nearly full. Honeys bed has a curtain around it for extra privacy with a nice little wall lamp above the pillows
They have a home a little closer to the city center but still far enough to be considered suburbs. It’s a very sleek and modern house with white walls, tile floors and sleek black and metal furniture. The only thing that doesn’t fit the rest of the theme is this nasty old patched up sofa in the living room. The thing is absolutely hideous but is sooo comfy.
Red: his room has soft grey walls and smells like miter oil. Makes sense since one wall is just a long basic table covered in machine parts that red tinkers with in his down time. He actually doesn’t have a bed. Instead he sleeps on this giant leather bean bag. He likes it that way. There’s a few car posters decorating the walls
Edge: he obviously put a lot of thought into his rooms decorations. Everything is pretty black marble or a sleek white wood. His bed covers are blood red with a nice geometric designs on top in silver. He has a beautiful black desk with some pretty jars filled to the brim with nothing but novelty pens. If you looked in his desk drawers you would find notebooks and even more pens
They don’t own a house and instead live in a two bedroom one bath apartment on the third floor of one of lords complexes. The furniture is pretty minimalistic but very nice quality. Most decorations are metal
Mal: the first thing you’ll see in his room is a large wooden drawing desk where pencils and watercolors are neatly arranged on the side. There’s also a vanity with a light up mirror and a nice collection of makeup. Also a huge slanted hunters knife. He uses it to make sure his eyeliner is extra sharp.
Cash: his bedroom is the perfect definition of organized chaos. It looks messy but for cash, he knows exactly where every thing is. There’s a small tv in there with some old game consoles hooked up to it. The bed is never made.
Their home rests in a neighborhood bordering the forest of ebott. The houses there all have a lot more yard space than most houses in the city. The horrortale home is super cozy with lots of knit throws and pillows scattered around. The back patio has a little dog door and there’s a 50% chance of seeing a chicken walk through lol
Oak: his room is also pretty basic. The bed however has so many blankets. Like way more than any person should need. Oak is a blanket hoarder. There’s a lot of notebooks stacked on his wooden desk along with a file of patterned paper for scrapbooking.
Willow: his room has a raised bed with a cute little ladder on the side so that his dog can jump up. You can tell a lot of the furniture has been homemade or refurbished. The room is larger and in the middle is a circular stone table that’s stained with paint. It’s usually housing his latest craft
They used to live in the same neighborhood as the classic brothers but have recently moved closer to the inner city because of work. Their home is still in the process of being unpacked mostly, but their rooms are done! The house is actually pretty conservative looking with grey walls, white wooden furniture and soft pastel decor. They do have a stripper pole in the living room though lol
Charm: his room looks exactly how you expect from him. Dark walls with lots of bright rave type decorations. On his dresser is a large pretty cake display that stands out from the rest of the rooms theme lol. His room is always on a state of organized chaos with his desk and bed covered in nick knacks but the floors staying oddly clean
Sugar: his room has light lavender walls and black furniture. It’s a big difference from the soft feminine style people expect from him. Instead sugar has a more sleek modern style to his room. He also has a standard mannequin in the middle that always has a new dresses pinned to it.
Fellswap (red)
They own a pretty two story house only a block away from the two apartment complexes that lord owns. The front lawn/garden is in top shape with lots of those metal flower decorations stuck in the ground along the dirt outline. Inside the house is most worn but comfy looking furniture. Nothing special
Lord: his room is pretty basic with mostly brown and grey accents. He does have a large mostly filled bookcase. There’s also two white bean bags and a deep red rug that covers nearly the whole floor of the room.
Mutt: he actually has two rooms. The first is pretty simple with just his bed, a writing desk and a rack for some shoes. Also his bird cage for KFC (pet pigeon). The second room has a sink, and several cages and boxes for the injured animals that he rehabilitates. The second room is slightly larger than his actual room.
Fellswap gold
They actually live in a studio apartment above wines antique shop. The apartment used to be an unused storage static until wine bought the building and repurposed it. The living space itself is a little small, but they also have access to the roof which the gold bros use as a potted garden and dining area.
Wine: his room is very classy with silk curtains on the window and a silky cream canopy above his head. All the furniture is a dark grey wood with pretty carvings and designs. The walls are decorated with beautiful floral paintings from his brother. It’s a pretty well planned out room. Very cosy and luxurious
Coffee: he has two rooms as well. The smaller of the two is just his bed, dresser, closet and a tv with some consoles hooked up to it. The second room has shelves lining nearly every wall except for one which is just a big collab mural. On the shelves is various art supplies and projects. There’s one large sketch desk on one wall. And finally in the middle of the room is a tarp attached to the floor housing whatever piece of furniture coffee is restoring at the moment .
They also own an apartment, one of the flats in lords buildings on the ground floor. It’s the other building from the swapfell brothers. The walls are painted a cheery yellow and the house is mostly decorated with spring colors. There’s always a huge bowl of fresh fruit in the kitchen.
Pop: his room is mix and match of completely different furniture and gadgets. Pop isn’t someone who cares about themes so he will keep whatever catches his fancy. Instead of a bed, he has a hammock attacked to the ceiling with a pillow and some throw blankets casually tossed on top lol.
Rhythm: his room is pretty sparse with just his bed, a shoe rack, and a dresser. On the dresser are pictures of each of his face classes right before they graduate. Rhythm doesn’t really care all that much about decor so the walls are pretty bare too
They live in the same gated community as the classic brothers! The outertale home has high ceilings and lots of windows. The living room is the real centerpiece of the home. It has several large antique bookcases and display cases. Inside the displays are various rocks and crystals and the occasional fossil. It’s really neat.
Pluto: his room is comprised of mostly blues grays and greens. He has a small bookcase on the side of his bed where he keeps the things he’s currently reading. There’s also a large fish-tank with an assortment of saltwater fish inside. Pluto’s room also has a large circular fluffy rug in the middle of the floor. The floor itself is hardwood
Jupiter: his room has a similar color scheme except instead of greens, Jupiter has gold instead. He has some exercise equipment stacked nicely on the side of his bed including weights. There’s a wall tapestry with a printed picture of the asteroid belt the outertale monsters used to live in.
The gaster brothers also live in the same neighborhood as the classic and outertale bros. They’re at the very end in the little cul-de-sac. The interior of the house is almost all white with cream carpet, metro grey walls, and white furniture. A few of the small decorations add a bit of color. There’s a lot of potted succulents.
G: his room is probably the only dark room of the house. His walls are a charcoal grey and the furniture is mostly jet black with a few mustard colored decorations. There’s a metal wire bookcase hanging on the wall. G also has a plastic anatomy dummy that he dresses up in his motorcycle gear when he’s not using it. G thinks he’s funny
Green: like the rest of the home, his room is also mostly white. He has a pretty pale green rack for all of his glasses on his dresser. Green also has his several degrees framed in silver on the walls. his room is always spotless
The farm bros have an old Victorian home that they fixed up themselves. They’re home borders the acres of farmland they own and is about a 45 minute drive from ebott city. The inside is decorated with mostly wooden furniture. There’s like four rocking chairs on the porch lol
Peaches: his room fits the theme of the house with mostly wooden furniture and a lot of quilts and rugs to add color and soften it up. Peaches always has a vase of fresh wildflowers on his dresser. The walls have photographs of plants and animals taped to them that peaches took himself.
Rancher: this mad lad has a large moose skull hanging above his four poster log cabin bed. He also hangs his favorite hunting rifles just below the moose lol. His bedroom is mostly wooden of course but is also decorated with lots of red and orange plaids.
They live in the same neighborhood as the horrortale and horrorswap brothers. Their home is literally right in between the two. Inside it’s decorated in a mix between sleek modern metals and frumpy cozy style. Somehow the horrorfell bros still have their original sofa from the underground. There’s a lot of little homemade staircases for their cat doomfanger who’s too old to claim on top of things herself now
Rust: his walls are painted a soft heather grey and have some basic wooden decorations that noir painted for fun. The furniture is pretty normal with the exception of a large treasure style chest next to his bed. Open it up and you’ll find a collection of drawings and gifts from the kids he’s watched over the years. Rust didn’t have the heart to throw them away.
Noir: unsurprisingly, his room is littered in canvases and paintings on the walls. It’s divided into two sides: the messy paint side and his nice neat living side. He even has a line of tape going down the middle to complete the divide. On his living side is his bed, closet, and a low bookcase that he uses as a second dresser. The actual bookcase is in the living room
As y’all all know, their house is right next to the horrorfells and one house away from the horrortales. They like bright colors and have a sort of summery themed house. The best part is the back garden which is filled with garden boxes of veggies, fruit bushes, and fruit trees.
Lilac: his rooms main color is a pretty powder blue along with canary yellow and some bright green. He has a yoga mat on the floor in place of a rug. The walls have some neat sunrise posters
Basil: his room is pretty cosy with lots of knit blankets and fluffy pillows. He has a massive poster of Pixar’s ratatouille that rust got him as a joke. Basil has like five coconut planters, each housing a different herb plant making his room smell like an Italian restaurant
The Mafias (tale, fell, swap)
The mafia brothers live in an apartment complex masquerading as a warehouse. The ground and top two floors are working area while there were three secret basement levels. The mafia bros home consists of the whole bottom level with all their rooms connected to a hallway. At the end of the hallway is a living space and the kitchen.
Snipe: his room is the one closest to the living area. Inside is sage walls with a few house plants that can survive in low light. His bed is almost never made lol. If one was to tear the room apart, they would find at least six different guns stashed in hidden compartments
Bruiser: his room is the closest to the staircase. Inside the room somehow looks super messy but is actually spotless. Bruiser decorates the walls with all kinds of gifts people randomly give him during his vigilante escapes. Stuff from pocket mirrors, to foreign currency to even a small collection of sea shells. He drilled holes into them and hung them up on strings. Other than his walls, the furniture is pretty plain
Butch: his room is a mix of greys, blacks an silvers with the basics of furniture and a small black leather sofa. On the walls are some pretty hand melded metal decorations that butch made himself. He smokes in his room so it reeks of cigars
Boss: his room fits him perfectly with clean white plaster walls, sleek metal furniture and black and gold marble decor. Everything in that room has a specific place. If anyone moved his stuff, he’d know. It’s the only mafia bro room that doesn’t caught smell like smoke somehow. There’s a male model mannequin that he uses to practice designing clothes on
Ace: the most eye catching part of his room is a large vanity with several lamps attached and a very extensive makeup kit. I’m talking professional grade. Ace isn’t the spy for nothing. He also has an open closet so all his clothing is out on display. The main color of his room is mauve funny enough
Slim: his room is a drab grey and has a large desk taking up a whole wall. It’s filled with screens and monitors. He also has a few tv screens hooked up to the wall. It almost looks like a security room. On the other side is his bed with a canopy curtain for privacy. There’s a few anime posters on the wall as well
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goobiegoobert · 3 years
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【 WIPs 】
Sub!Sunnydrop x m!reader
Can I take 'em? Yes. | Sunnydrop & Moondrop
Married by home time | Sunnydrop & Moondrop
Cheesy Pick-up lines | Sunnydrop, DJ MM, Monty
Muse of the times | Sunnydrop & Moondrop fluff
Can you see me? | Fluff hcs with glasses | Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Sunnydrop, Moondrop
Strands of hair | Glamrock Gang
Don't let go. | Jerry & Kate angst
Princely duties | Moondrop
Cigarettes after sex | Shane nsfw
Glamrock gang x Andriod reader
Sweeter than sugar | Dj Music Man
Don't bother running | Wiliam Afton
Human DJ MM x reader
My Biggest fan <3 | Mettaton
Love within the echos | Sans, Papyrus, mettaton
Stupid traditions | Blitzo
Silky Smooth | Tom Nook
[ theres more to add im just unsure of what to title em tbh ]
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himevampirechan · 2 years
I MADE THIS FOR DAY 1 OF @week-of-revo
A MIX BETWEEN AU Y MYTHOLOGY PROMPTS. My english is not the best but a really hope you like it.
(Hades and Persperone AU)
With a graceful wave of his hand he signals him to leave, the ghost makes a fearful bow and hurriedly exits the room. Once alone Atem leans back on the throne exhausted, with a sigh he places his elbows on his knees. He closes his eyes, slowly massaging his temples that throb under the threat of a new migraine.
Inside Erebo, it is difficult to calculate the passing of time; but for Atem, the rigorous ruler of the underworld, it is easy to know that his journey has only just begun. The line of ghosts has not ceased to grow in the wake of the recent war (initiated by the God of War) and the days become grueling as he passes judgment on every mortal soul that comes to him.
The sound of the door opening makes him take, again, the authoritative posture of a judge but he refuses to open his eyes. Atem tries to delay his work for a few seconds, repressing a grunt as he suspects the reaction of the mortal who has appeared this time; As if it were an agreed act, the reaction of the recently deceased does not change: there is confusion, followed by surprise and finally the indescribable terror; a feeling that does not stop growing the longer the interrogation takes.
Atem knows that the few artistic interpretations that mortals have made about him, differ quite a lot to his real appearance: most of the time it is enough with his black robe, the silver crown firmly on his forehead and his cold crimson eyes for the mortal to end up trembling waiting for the verdict.  The young king does not need to wear his war clothes and helmet, nor any of the physical attributes mortals attribute to him to demonstrate his indescribable power and strength.
The soft sound of cloth being rubbed, surely in an unsure gesture, brings Atem out of his thoughts; resigned and knowing that he can no longer delay his work, he opens his eyes, directing them immediately to the papyrus in his hands.
"Be it said before me, ruler of Erebus, the deeds in your mortal life by which you are to be judged; Three choices you are to have at the end of the trial, the outcome will depend on the acts confessed" He recites in a deep and serious voice without looking up beyond what appear to be small, feminine feet "Speak."
"I've missed you Atem" Confesses a familiar voice. Atem bristles in his seat in surprise and, in an involuntary reaction, rises from the dark throne with a single movement; he hasn't fully seen her yet but her body is already halfway in her direction.
A few steps away, his crimson eyes meet her feminine arms, open with an invitation; he has lifted her between his with an almost painful impetus but she laughs. And her sound is so beautiful that the young king knows there has never been a purer sound in the underworld.
"Anzu!" Atem exclaims burying his face in her shoulder, she smells of peach and sunshine; the young woman sighs sweetly at the tickle of his breath "You're back!"
"Of course" she whispers, letting herself be enveloped with his firm grip and masculine strength. Atem pulls away slightly, feeling the need to look at her face growing inside his chest: he finds the soft white skin, warming at the touch of his fingers, the small, pink mouth, a blossoming button opening with a tender smile. Short brown hair, silky and adorned with beautiful white flowers; finally, the beautiful and huge sapphire eyes: bright and warm. The young god feels his heart miss a beat as he reflects in them, he knows that those lagoons have become the closest thing to heaven that he could find within the darkness of his kingdom.
He watches her greedily, becoming aware of their encounter; she winks at him coquettishly: Anzu, his wife and queen of his world, has returned home.   
"Has it been six months already?" he exclaims in confusion, stroking the back of his hand across her flushed cheek; she leans into his touch with infinite tenderness.
"I see Bakura's whim, has kept my beloved husband too busy" she laughs softly looking up at him from under her long eyelashes, a glint of restrained concern hiding behind her irises. 
"This war has made the king of the underworld forget to meet me at the pier of Acheron." Atem feels a wave of heat in his body, chagrined at the woman's words he lowers his face trying to find the words to apologize; a shudder runs through him as his wife's fingers gently caress the back of his neck.
"I must say Honda was not at all happy about it." Atem looks at her and Anzu smiles at him with a calm expression playing with the shorter strands of her hair. He can't help a small smile tugging at his lips.
"I'll make it up to you" He declares firmly bowing his head until his forehead touches hers. For the first time in months, Atem feels that his world is calm; There is no war in the mortal world, no endless rows of ghosts to judge and the underworld is no longer so large and cold.    
"Good" She whispers smiling, before pulling him by the neck and kissing him warmly. Surprised, the young god doesn't respond to the gesture but after a few seconds he hugs her tightly against his chest and deepens the contact. From the doorway Mana smiles, closing the door carefully and delaying as much as possible the labors of her king.
As they part, Anzu raises both hands to cup her husband's face and caress his cheeks gently. Atem doesn't know it, Anzu thinks, but his new appearance is more than enough compensation for her: The cold crimson eyes, which usually terrify mortals and gods alike, have vanished to give way to a gorgeous amethyst color. The once dull expression on her face has mutated into a confident, crooked smile.
She watches him adoringly, leaning down to kiss the corner of his mouth. Atem lets himself be done with no intention of putting distance between himself and his wife. There is no sign of sadness or pain in him anymore; as if, at the first contact of their bodies, winter left his tired heart.
For the goddess, there is no greater joy, no greater token of love than to see her husband blossom because her arrival. 
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