#Shrink potion
karimationkat · 6 months
This entire thing is based on two things,
my self-indulgent silly au where blue accidentally makes a shrinking potion, but it accidentally spilled over purple and KO/MT is fathering tiny purple
and my backstory headcanon for purple: purple has no pics from their childhood because only navy had the photos and had taken them as he left. No memories, no photos, no evidence of purples childhood was one of the topic post ep 30 Ko/mt and purple once talked about and ko/mt decided help make new memories.
And green just likes to tease purple and asked ko/mt to share the photos
Also, Purple doesn't remember a thing from while they were tiny
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celiabbw · 1 year
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I know it's been a bit, but Celia is back and this video is a bit different, so you should def check it out!
Celia is hosting a house party at her place and you’ve come in attendance. You decided to take a look around and found a very interesting vial, nothing you’ve ever seen before. You go to pick it up, but accidentally drop it, causing some of the liquid to drop on you which… begins to instantly shrink you down! You’re now standing at 8 inches tall in Celia’s bedroom when you start to hear some heavy foot steps come your way. You see Celia enter her room and try to get her attention so she can help you grow back to normal height. Hopefully the giantess doesn’t have any other idea in store…
🌟 https://linktr.ee/CeliaBBW 🌟
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starfall-sea · 1 month
hello kingsisle.... create a house that's decently sized and can actually be decorated or the saw trap goes off
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oddthesungod · 6 months
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some sketches based on last night's session for the game I DM! 💖
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Ooh Shrink Ray hours!!
Shrink Matteo and break his tail? Like in wolf form? Feel like it would be really fragile if it were tiny.....
Shrink Ray
Author's Notes: I haven't 100% decided what Matteo's werewolf form looks like, but he isn't just a regular wolf, they just call that form 'the wolf' as shorthand, and to separate it from Matteo, because he isn't aware of anything that happens during the full moon to the point where it feels like something else has taken over his body for the night.
Lol this got longer than I planned, thank you for this prompt, it was so fun!
Content warnings: tiny whump, werewolf whump, tail whump, broken bones, 'it' as a pronoun (referring to the werewolf form), painful transformation, back injury, biting
Dante and Matteo try everything to make Matteo's transformations easier on them both. Locked rooms and cages, shock collars and tranquilizers, you name it. Each one only provides a new way for Matteo to wake up hurt, sick, or traumatized.
Desperate, they turn to magic.
They find the shrinking spell in an old book at a used bookstore owned by a woman who they would believe survived the Salem witch trials. As they exit the store she gives the pair a knowing look that leaves them uneasy.
Matteo takes the concoction just before the transformation begins. As promised, he shrinks down to the size of a figurine. The modest room becomes massive around him; he barely takes up space on the queen-sized bed.
Dante reaches out to him hesitantly. Matteo closes the gap and leans against his hand. He gives Dante a little thumbs up.
And then the transformation begins.
The wolf is no less wild or reckless. It might be cute if it wasn't such a danger to itself and everything around it.
Being small keeps it from destroying the house in favor of destroying the room. Luckily it's a spare room, neither Dante's nor Matteo's. But all of the belongings in it that they hoped would act as distractions prove to be obstacles.
Dante watches in horror as a box of Philip's old trophies and plaques suddenly comes crashing down on the werewolf.
He runs over and hurriedly unburies it. The wolf is unconscious, whimpering softly. Its fur hides the damage but Dante knows there must be terrible bruising underneath.
The final object to remove is a heavy glass award that landed right on the wolf's small tail. When Dante lifts it the poor creature's whines increase in pitch and its breathing quickens. The tail is bent at an odd angle and some of the fur is damp with blood.
"Shh...it's okay..." Dante pets it like a dog, but that only seems to agitate it further. It snarls but doesn't wake.
Unsure how long it will stay like this, Dante takes a moment to examine the broken tail.
Broken is an understatement. Crushed is more like it. The tail is limp in his hands. A shard of bone protrudes through skin on one side, the source of the blood. Dante is relieved that the creature is unconscious; he hates to imagine any version of Matteo suffering this.
The wolf remains out all night. Occasionally it twitches, whimpers, or growls, but its injuries keep it subdued. Dante stays close until the elixir begins to wear off and the wolf grows back to full size. At that point he puts some distance between them.
Just before dawn the wolf wakes. It tries to stand, but then yowls in pain and drops back to the ground and whimpers some more. Dante watches the mangled tail twitch pitifully.
At least that will be gone when he turns back.
Dante is only half wrong.
As the wolf begins its painful return transformation, the tail does start to retract. But rather than disappear entirely, it becomes the lower spine of the gradually forming human torso.
This is the closest Dante has ever been for the turn back. The closest he has come to understanding what Matteo's body goes through. No part of him is lost or gained - only violently altered and reshaped.
Howls turn to cries and Matteo's face is his own again, twisted with agony as he writhes on the ground. Dante forces himself to wait for those sharp claws to return to hands before reaching for him. Matteo recoils at first. His eyes open and dart around the room, panicked. But when he sees Dante recognition dawns and he allows himself to be touched.
Dante eases Matteo into a sitting position and holds him. Matteo leans heavily into him, trembling and panting. His bare skin is bruised and hot. He tucks his burning face against the cool skin of Dante's neck and sighs.
While Matteo recovers Dante strokes slowly up and down his back with one hand. When his fingers reach the base of his spine, Matteo shudders in his arms and groans. The skin there is tender and bears the worst of the bruising. The tail is gone, but it left its pain.
"My back," Matteo groans. He grips Dante's shirt tightly. "O-oh god, it hurts so bad Dante, what did I do?"
"I'll tell you later. It's past our bedtime."
"I don't...don't think I can make it to the bed..."
"You don't have to worry about that," Dante whispers as he lowers his head. He brushes his lips over Matteo's shoulder, telling himself he's finding a spot, not leaving a kiss. "Let me handle everything."
"Okay," Matteo replies softly.
As fangs puncture Matteo's skin he relaxes. He gives himself over completely to Dante's care as if even now he is a small thing in Dante's hands, trusting he won't break him.
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crtter · 1 year
I can’t stress how canon “Iyami teaches bugs to perform circus tricks” actually is:
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otherclawdeen · 8 months
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katkat030 · 28 days
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Azul has been seeming stressed recently. Floyd knows exactly how to help.
Includes: soft/safe vore, comfort vore(?), unwilling prey, stress :(
✮✶Octopus Pot✶✮
Things have just been going wrong lately.
Absolutely nothing was going according to plan, and it has been stressing him out.
Azul sighed, and continued writing out his contracts.
Maybe he just needs a nice, warm cup of tea... maybe that will help.
"Floyd, could you make me a tea, please...?" He'd ask Jade, but Jade was out on one of his mountain hikes currently.
"Suuuuuuure thing, Azul~!"
"Sometimes I wish I had something to crawl inside of... why must my human form have bones...?" Azul sighed.
That gave Floyd a wonderful idea.
A little less than half an hour later, Floyd returned with Azul's tea.
"Why did it take so long?" Azul asked. "Oh never mind... thank you for making it."
"No problem!"
Floyd left Azul's office, snickering to himself.
A bit weird, but normal behavior for Floyd.
Something about the tea tasted... off.
But Azul didn't care enough about that, he was more focused on his contracts.
When Azul finished drinking his tea, something felt wrong. He didn't know what, but something was definitely just... wrong.
He felt drowsy, he found himself having a hard time keeping his eyes open...
What's... what's going on...?
Azul fell asleep on his desk.
If only he knew where he would be when he woke up...
Floyd was working on cleaning up the Lounge, preparing to close up, when he suddenly felt somebody start moving around.
"Ohhhhh! You're awake! Didja have a nice nap, Azul~?"
"Relaaaaax. I did this for you, y'know?" Floyd sat down for a moment, to have this conversation with Azul. "I heard you saying you wanted something to crawl inside of, like your octopus pot, right?" He paused for a moment. "Ta daaaaaa!! it's like your very own at-school octopus pot!"
"What are you talking about."
"It's tight, cozy, dark... I could even drink some water for ya, if you'd like!"
"I suppose you're right, but there's still so much to do! I have to finish organizing my contracts, and I have to meet with the people who've broken contract, and I have to sort out the menu for tomorrow, and I have to clean and lock up the Lounge, and I-"
"Got it aaaaaaaaaall done for ya!" Floyd assured Azul.
"...all of it?"
"Yep! I put your contracts in alphabetical order based on the person who signed them, I let people know the Lounge is closed tomorrow, I just finished cleaning up and was juuuuust about to lock up before you woke up."
"WHAT?! Why did you tell people that we're closed tomorrow?! We'll lost out on so much business!"
"What's more important to ya? Your mental health, or money?"
"Ehe, shoulda expected that..." Floyd said to himself. "Aaaaaaanyways, you've clearly been really stressed all week, so I'm keeping you in there until you feel better!"
"Let me out, right now." Azul demanded.
"No." Floyd stood up again, and grabbed the keys from his back pocket. "You of all people should know you've got nothin' to worry about in there." Floyd exited the Lounge, locking the door behind him. "You just relax in there for a while, ok? I'm not letting you out until you do!"
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tourmalinecomet · 1 year
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Looks like Dairo should have checked whether the clothes get resized as well with the shrinking potion. x3 Art by pyronicampt [Image ID: A digital sketch of a tiny chameleon-wolf furry surrounded by an empty potion bottle larger than her and clothes way too large for her. /endID]
Posted using PostyBirb
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sheikthegeek · 2 years
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When you’re a sexy space scientist...looking for love while traveling in outer space...so you create a love potion to attract a cute alien...so you can shrink them and add them to your collection...
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
Is there a kink for like. I want to examine you under a microscope. That kinda vibe
I think that would be microphilia seeing as I would be Very Small and you could Crush Me Like An Ant
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pikminpediaart · 2 years
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Potion of Plush is Full of Stuff
Doc stared at the potion in his hand. It was unlabelled. The contents were pink in hue with a few flecks of small, blue stars disappearing between the shimmering surface. Doc wasn't certain how solid those stars were, but he was amazed at the craftsmanship of the potion. "You certainly look drinkable. Probably taste like a pink raspberry lemonade?" Doc cocked his head to the side, trying to picture the flavors as vividly as he could. He felt his mouth begin to fill with saliva. "Huh. I must be hungry.” Doc continued to examine the potion. He knew he was supposed to take it to a client, but something about its design gave it such a tantalizing feel… and knowing this was one of Fluffmaster’s potions only made it even more desirable. “Well,” Doc said, patting his well-defined midriff, “I’ve got some room for weight again. I’m sure Sarge wouldn’t mind if I drank this one… he can always give the client another. I know he’s got a proclivity for making the fattening stuff!” Doc popped the cork and downed the potion immediately. Its taste was… odd. He couldn’t describe it outside of the taste of a dry mouth with a hint of strawberries. It was dissatisfying to say the least, but its effects were immediately prominent when he felt his waist begin to widen out. Slowly but surely it grew outward, pressing against the seams of his pants as it did. He felt heftier already, and it had only been ten seconds! “Probably one of his fastest weight gainers yet,” Doc smirked. Reaching a hand down, he felt the round belly of his and hefted it up. He thought it would stop soon, but when his belly started to spill out of his hands, he started to worry. “Well, shoot. Shoulda realized it sooner, but this DOES have Sarge’s name written all over it…” Trying his best not to panic, Doc tried to spare his pants by unbuttoning them to take them off, but he had already grown to the point where he could no longer reach underneath his ever-growing dunlap. He slapped a hand to his head. “Fast-acting AND large growing? Fluffmaster you certainly did it again…” Doc was about ready to go find a chair to sit on, hoping to let the changes finish… but he felt a strange… “offness” to him now. Much like the potion’s taste being hard to describe, Doc couldn’t describe the sensation he had around his body. He knew it was tingling, but there was something more…. Was he softening everywhere now? He could have sworn his snout was starting to bloat as well, poking his noise upward as it did. Midway through trying to find words to describe what he was experiencing, Doc felt a sudden shirk, as if someone had slammed down on the top of his head to topple him over. “Gah! WOAH! “ Doc lost his balance and fell on his rear… but he didn’t feel any pain from this. Huffing with frustration, Doc tried to get back to his feet, but he found he was unable to lift his own weight. His arms kept buckling whenever he applied weight to them. Had his belly really gotten THAT big? Squinting, Doc looked around for his glasses. He needed to figure out what was happening now. Reaching a hand down, he felt around for his glasses. Though he found them quickly, he found his hands could not pick them up. He couldn’t move his fingers like he wanted. His panic began to rise as he looked at his hands. He didn’t know if it was from his lack of glasses or from whatever this potion was doing, but he could swear his fingers were merging together into useless mitts.  “Wait, this isn’t the normal weight gain potion?!” he asked aloud. “What’s happening?!” Doc tried to call for Sarge’s help, but he felt the front of his mouth begin to merge. Like a zipper, or someone painlessly stitching his lips together, Doc found he could no longer speak… but even if he could open his mouth, he started to realize he wouldn’t be able to vocalize anything now. That dry taste he tasted before? He now knew what it was. Cottonmouth. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton at that point, but now it was more literal… He knew Sarge would be by in a moment and could fix this… but at the same time, he realized Sarge wasn’t the brightest person…. Hopefully, though, Sarge could put two and two together. Though when Sarge arrived, all he saw was a big, huggable plush on the ground. ~~~~~ Plush TF Commission for Furryfan1234! I absolutely loved doing this and may've gone a bit overboard on the shading, but it was a lot of fun! ~~~~~ Doc (C) Furryfan1234 Art/Sarge/Story (C) Me
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FMA Prompts #6
Honey, Who Shrunk the Kid?
Basically, Ed accidently stumbles into a transmutation circle that leaves him a good 4 feet shorter. Ed, now a shocking 8 inches tall, has to cope with his newfound size while he waits for HQ to figure out how to fix this mess - shenanigans ensue. If only he were tall enough to smack that grin off of Mustang’s stupid face...
Since the most of the FMA comedic relief lies on short jokes, I think that it’s criminal that there are almost no fics out there like this. 
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itgirldraco · 2 months
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shrinking potion accident
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
knew - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 215
“He doesn’t know your favorite color.”
Evan looked up from his book, shocked to see an emotional-looking Barty staring at him from the doorway for their dorm. “Hmm?” he asked, a bit nervously. Barty was never emotional.
“Adam. Your boyfriend,” Barty said the last word like it was dirty. “He asked me just now if I knew your favorite color.” He looked horrified. Disturbed. Like this piece of news was life-changing.
“A-alright,” Evan nodded, confused, trying to figure out the punch line. “And..?”
“And you’ve been dating for months, Rosie! Months! And he didn’t know your favorite color?” Barty cried, his chest heaving, eyes wild. “I know! I know your- your favorite color, and how you take your tea, and I know that you prefer to do your Potions homework on Wednesdays because you think Potions and Wednesdays are the same color for some reason! But your fucking boyfriend didn’t even bother learning your favorite color?”
But Even sensed that there was something more there. Something he was trying to say. “So?” he asked softly, heart beating rapidly.
“So how are you with him?” Barty asked, shrinking down, anger dissipating from his body, resignation replacing it. “How are you with him and not me?”
“I…” Evan trailed off, hardly believing his ears. “I didn’t know.”
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