#Shoreline senior living community
laurelcovecommunity · 15 days
Laurel Cove Community is a leading senior care community in Shoreline, offering high-quality care tailored to meet the needs of our residents. We provide a welcoming environment where seniors can enjoy daily activities, receive personalized care, and live comfortably.
Laurel Cove Community 17201 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 (206) 895–6953 My Official Website: https://encorecommunities.com/laurel-cove Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12650576864004299796
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Assisted living facility Independent Living Memory Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care
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anemonet · 11 months
*looks at your reverse iterator’s au*
do tell :)
*looks at you, quickly ripping off and hiding the nerd alert sign on my wall*
ahem hi :DD reverse iterator au! Wellcome to the bit where i talk about some background info, for a more general answer go (here)
but a quick rundown is that its a mild role reversal not a personality swap or anything, everyones still basicly the same but with the difference being moon is still up and running (more or less) while pebbles got screwed over by accident and is now haning up above the clouds waiting to crumble down!
The point of this post is to answer question how did moon accidentaly kill pebbles? Seeing as moon really isnt intrested in the whole sliverist thing (yellow pearl, shoreline) like pebbles she wouldnt be trying to rewrite her genome to win at death, leading to the watersupply issue, so we need a different reason and we need to get a bit creative:D
Im actully gonna blame it on moons standing on the sucky crumbeling "large canyon" that is mentioned whos waterbed is lowering because of iterators and how that led semi directly to pebbles being built (purple pearl, waterfront facility) which in this au instead of not being much of an issue leads to her structure being unstable and needing fixes, because of the dry waterbed - worth mentioning i dont belive she has the modern living blocks that fixes themself, and instead older "traditional" building materials (orange pearl, metropolis) so she needs to find a way to fix herself - which i turns, and here im just using canon for my own gain and saying this known danger activates her gotta live hardware, the whole iterators cant off themself because of 1. being built so and 2. the " self destruction taboo" (gold pearl, chimney canopy), im gonna go on a limb and say that knowingly letting yourself break down counts as self destruction and would mean moon would try to fix herself.
Which gets us kinda to where moon and pebbles ends up actual game, one having to do intense (and water draining) calculations that isnt gonna end well.
But there is also a shift in how to stop this, as moon used her "seniority privligies" to try to stop pebbles (sky islands 4), seeing as pebbles wouldnt have this, he would need to stop moon whos totally focused on finding the solution for her water problem in some other way. And because i think pebbles is a bastard (affectionalty) i think he after messages and pleading dosent work, would just send her a shit ton of viruses to disturb her focus and get her to stop draining the water, this of course leads to the same as canon with moon getting a mold problem, but also being to late like moon and partly collapsing, im saying partly, because i dont wanna do the shaded citadel murder map, i would rather have it collapse on the chimney sky bridge and then be an upwards climb, but im gonna talk map and mechanics changes in this ask
ok so thats basicly the set up, moon needs to fix her stucture from crumebling, uses lots of water, pebbles is like hey wait a minute!, moons like lalalal and then pebbles sends 3 trillion viruses
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sidenote is of course that with pebbles going down, he wouldnt be using as much if any water anymore, water which would then go to moon instead, so she did kinda fix her problem and will continue running for along time, similar to canon pebbles ^-^
Moon being the one alive would also have some other effects! one being that i asume that contact between iterators would still be up and running afterwards, as there is no mad pebbles who cuts of communication access for the other ierators after getting mad at suns, which of course would mean more iterator overseers just haning around, which would later be seen by the slugcats, how the different slugcat campaigns would be effected im not gonna get into because this is already getting long so uh yes!!!
there would also be different achivements and such!!
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wooosh ok done with words! you got the backstory part of the whole story so i hope you dont mind that, in general i think its a very silly au as pebbles and moon can still communicate, and my own interpetation of them is very silly, but meh, anyhow! thank you so much for asking i did not except as many people to do that as was done :D
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xtruss · 8 months
South Korea Is A Test Case On How To Fight An Ecological Disaster
After Two-thirds of the Country’s Tidal Flats Were Lost to Shoreline Development, South Korean Scientists Set Out to Prove Why This Ecosystem is so Essential.
— By Anna Jeanine Kim | Photographs: By Youngrea Kim | August 15, 2023
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The sun sets over a tidal flat in Southwestern South Korea. Tidal Flats are a type of Ecosystem that Provide Habitat for Wildlife and help fight climate change—yet many are at risk of disappearing.
Yubudo, South Korea — As Byeongwoo Lee slowly walks across a sandy tidal flat on Yubudo, a small island off the west coast of South Korea, the birding guide does so quietly.
“You can’t see the birds right now,” Lee said. “You can feel them.”
Through the scope, it was just possible to make out their blurry shapes in the dark, and to hear the gentle but powerful “whhhrrr-reet-reet-reet” of tens of thousands of birds as they fed at the shoreline and in the shallow water.
As the sun rose, the tide retreated until it revealed six miles of the muddy sea floor. Channels of water like tree branches crisscrossed mud teeming with crabs, clams, snails, and sea worms.
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Top: Depending on the time of day, tidal flats are either completely submerged under water or exposed to the air. Seen here at low tide, tidal channels criss cross an exposed tidal flat neighboring a residential neighborhood in Muan, South Korea.
Bottom: During an annual ceremony that takes place on the first full moon of the Lunar New Year, Gwangho Chu bows before a ceremonial table placed on a tidal flat in Wando, a small island in South Korea. Coastal communities in the Yellow Sea region have continued to honor the centuries-old tradition of celebrating the ancestral spirits of the sea and praying for a good harvest from the tidal flats.
Tidal flats like these are a type of wetland found on coastlines around the world. Korea’s Yellow Sea tidal flats, like those found on Yubudo Island, form the heart of an 18,000-mile route traveled by 50 million shorebirds as they migrate from eastern Russia and Alaska in the summer to Australia and New Zealand in the winter.
Many of them only stop once on their marathon journeys, and the tidal flats of South Korea provide them with essential food and shelter.
Yet despite their critical importance to the environment, many are at risk of disappearing. Some of the most important, and most endangered, are found surrounding the Yellow Sea along the shores of China and the western side of the Korean peninsula.
For decades, people have been transforming them into industrial sites and farms, squeezing them into smaller areas and pushing some species to the brink of extinction. But as science increasingly shows how wetlands like these benefit wildlife and help fight climate change, South Korean scientists and conservationists are gaining momentum in their effort to save and restore what’s left.
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Top: From left, Okji Kim, Yangim Kim, and Sunim Bae work together to make gamtae-kimchi, a special type of kimchi made with sea algae instead of cabbage. With limited farmland available, coastal communities have traditionally relied on the abundance of tidal flats, developing a unique culinary culture over thousands of years.
Bottom: A seafood meal is served at a restaurant in Yamido, a small island now connected to the mainland by the construction of the 21-mile-long seawall built as part of the Saemangeum development project. Many of the residents living around the seawall used to make a living working in the seafood industry, but the destruction of nearby tidal flats significantly decreased their harvests, threatening their livelihood.
Why Tidal Flats Are An Environmental Powerhouse
“The tidal flats made the relationship between humans and the sea possible,” said Joon Kim, a senior researcher at the Jeonnam Research Institute who studies the culture around Korean tidal flats.
Since prehistory, South Korea’s coastal communities relied on tidal flats for harvesting clams, crabs, octopus, and seaweed, adjusting their way of life to the tide’s schedule. Their biodiversity and abundance inspired many beloved local cuisines, unique coastal culture, and a fishing economy worth over $330 million U.S. dollars a year.
These same ecosystems are now helping fight climate change.
South Korean universities are partnering with the government to study tidal flats and their ability to clean polluted water, protect shoreline communities from storms, and mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.
Korean tidal flats are full of tiny one-celled organisms called benthic diatoms that sink through the mud as they complete their life cycle, burying carbon dioxide in the deep sediment, says Jong Seong Khim, a marine scientist and professor at Seoul National University.
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Top: Seoul National University researcher Inok Lee hands a sediment sample to her colleague outside the Saemangeum seawall. Scientists like Lee are studying how the large-scale development project is harming water quality and marine wildlife.
Bottom: People ride recreational boats through a man-made canal at a city park in Songdo, South Korea. Once a thriving tidal flat ecosystem, Songdo was built on reclaimed land and hailed for creating "a city out of nothing." Over the past 70 years, South Korea has lost over two-thirds of its tidal flats due to reclamation projects like these.
The diversity and number of benthic diatoms make South Korean tidal flats unique, as does its thick mud—over 80 feet deep in some tidal flats.
In 2021, Khim and his fellow researchers published a study showing South Korea’s tidal flats and salt marshes absorb 260,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually, equivalent to taking about 110,000 cars off the road every year.
The same year, the South Korean government announced a four-year project to bring back tidal flats and salt marshes to help fight climate change.
Kim hopes that by showing how effectively tidal flats store carbon, governments and conservation groups will recognize them as valuable and save them from being destroyed.
Why Tidal Flats Are In Danger
In the past 70 years, South Korea has transformed from a country devastated by war into a highly developed, industrial nation. During this rapid change, two-thirds of its tidal flats subsequently disappeared.
In a country surrounded by the ocean on three sides, like South Korea, engineering solid, dry land over water-logged terrain, a process referred to as land reclamation, can expand territory or create more farmland.
Of all the threats to tidal flats—such as sea level rise and pollution—land reclamation has led to the most loss.
Scientists are only beginning to understand the true extent of this loss globally, but one recent study suggests 16 percent of the world’s tidal flats have disappeared in the past few decades.
“We are at a point where we should consider what we can do to give back to tidal flats,” said Kim.
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Left: In 1989, a satellite image shows what the tidal flats around the Saemangeum development project looked like before construction began in earnest.
Right: By 2018, a satellite image of that same tidal flat reveals the effect of a 21-mile seawall and construction. The 100,000-acre reclamation project is seven times the size of Manhattan. ESA/NASA/USGS
One of the most controversial shoreline developments is Saemangeum, a 100,000-acre reclamation project seven times the size of Manhattan.
Developers first envisioned Saemangeum as a vast agricultural area for rice cultivation, then as the economy changed, they promised to turn it into an industrial corridor.
In 2006, despite lawsuits and protests, a 21-mile-long wall in Saemangeum deprived the ecosystem of the water it needed to exist. Just one part of the region’s transformation, it set the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest sea dam.
Millions of shellfish died when the wall severed the ecosystem from the tide.
Finding no food and no place to land, tens of thousands of migratory birds disappeared. About 90,000 now-endangered great knot birds died, driving their total population numbers down by at least 24 percent.
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Top: The 21-mile-long Saemangeum seawall is is the longest such structure in the world. After its construction, tens of thousands of shorebirds disappeared from the area that used to be one of the most important habitats along the Yellow Sea region.
Bottom: As excavators work on tidal flat reclamation in Songdo, shorebirds rest during their annual migration from Australia to the Russian Far East. Developing tidal flats in this region destroys critical habitats for the 50 million migratory birds that fly this route every year.
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Top: Great knots feed on clams and seaworms at a tidal flat near Yubudo, a small island off the west coast of South Korea. About 80 percent of great knots have disappeared in the last two decades due to habitat loss.
Bottom: Dongpil Oh and his son, Seungjun Oh, conduct monthly surveys of shorebird populations on the the Sura tidal flat found in Gunsan, South Korea. Sura is one of the last remaining tidal flats found within the Saemangeum reclamation site. Dongpil and Seungjun are part of the Saemangeum Citizen Ecology Investigation Team, a grassroots organization that advocates for conservation and documents threats to tidal flats impacted by the Saemanguem.
It wasn’t only wildlife that suffered. Before the wall, the area was known for the nation’s best clams, with a fishing industry supporting around 20,000 people. Nearly all of that disappeared.
And yet despite promises of jobs made to the community, developers have completed less than half of the reclamation, and much of what has been reclaimed are undeveloped empty lots.
Saemangeum developers now plan to build an airport over the last remaining tidal flat, Sura, with construction scheduled to begin in 2024. Activists are suing to stop it, pointing out that the site still provides habitat for endangered species like black-faced spoonbills and Far Eastern curlews.
“It’s painful to remember how much it’s changed. Sometimes you forget how beautiful it was in the past because your eyes adjust to what it looks like now,” said Dongpil Oh, one of the activists involved and leader of the Saemangeum Citizen Ecological Investigation Team.
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Left: Halophytes turn red on a tidal flat in Sinan, South Korea. South Korean researchers are studying how salt-tolerant plants like these can boost tidal flats’ ability to fight climate change by absorbing carbon.
Right: A blue-spotted mudskipper jumps during a mating dance at low tide in Sinan. Resting in its burrow at high tide and feeding in the mud when the tide goes out, the unusual, amphibious fish is adapted to the tidal flat’s drastic daily changes.
Bottom: The sun sets over Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve at low tide. About 16 percent of the world's tidal flats have been destroyed in just the past few decades, but science is increasingly showing how important these ecosystems are for preserving wildlife and fighting climate change.
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Top: National Institute of Ecology researchers and local volunteers tag baby black-faced spoonbills with GPS trackers in Incheon, South Korea. Around 90 percent of these endangered shorebirds breed on the country’s west coast. After their worldwide population dropped below 300 in the late 1980s, conservation efforts have brought their numbers to around 5,200. “As a top predator in tidal flats, their health can indicate the health of the overall ecosystem,” researcher Inki Kwon said.
Bottom: Ecotourist guide Sunjeong Heo points out a flock of birds over a tidal flat at Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve in South Korea. Drawing over six million visitors a year, the UNESCO World Heritage site is a blueprint for the country’s tidal flat conservation and ecotourism.
A New Era of Conservation
After 30 years of construction, Saemangeum has become synonymous with ecological collapse, but it also sparked an environmental movement in South Korea after people witnessed what happens when tidal flats are lost.
Two years after the Saemangeum seawall was finished, in 2008, the South Korean government banned new large-scale reclamation projects—though developments already in progress, like Saemangeum, are still permitted.
And in 2019, reclamation of tidal flats finally plateaued in South Korea, when the net gain from restoration barely surpassed the loss, according to a 2023 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
One of the best places to see the benefit of this kind of conservation is South Korea’s Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve, on the peninsula's southern edge. The wetland was spared from the threat of development in the ‘90s, when residents and activists protested the government’s plan to mine the land.
Suncheon Bay became the country’s first internationally protected coastal wetland, and its tidal flats were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2021, along with four other tidal flats in South Korea. Every year, over six million tourists visit the wetland and the nearby National Garden to see wildlife like hooded cranes and blue-spotted mud skippers.
With municipal and national funds, the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve bought nearby farmland by the coast, restoring the connection with the sea.
Their holistic approach to restoration has introduced organic rice farming to reduce pollution from runoff and educational opportunities for ecotourists, residents, and children in local schools. Suncheon’s success is a blueprint for tidal flat conservation around the world.
“Our focus is on letting the tide flow again, like it always did,” said Sunmi Hwang, a conservationist with the wetland reserve. “And then nature heals itself.”
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benj-hyun · 10 months
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Full Name:  Benjamin Hyun Nicknames: Ben, Benj (close friends), Benny (parents) Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male Age and Birthday: 39 years old, June 10th Birth place: Dallas, TX  Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual Occupation: Microbial Ecologist Education: Masters in Ecology, minor in Environmental Science Residence: Crystal Cove Condominiums Time in Aurora Bay: 15 years Face claim: Steven Yeun
tw: bullying mildly mentioned, infidelity, very brief mention of racism
Born to immigrant parents, Benjamin came to be three years after they’d moved to the States from South Korea with their work visas. They’d settled down in Dallas, Texas.
His father was a boilermaker, and his mother had started with an easy, secretarial job part time until she ended up pregnant. Once Ben was born, she became a stay-at-home mother.
Ben had been raised with nothing short of care and love and all the support he could ever need. There was an expectation for him to go to college so he wouldn’t have to work like his father, but that was the only pressure he received. For that reason, they were big on him not working through the school months, only summer in between grades, and pinched pennies to save up for his tuition.
He also may have been an only child, but he met Ricardo living in the same complex as him when he was very young. He was very much so like an older brother to Ben.
Ben had been a basketball player through high school, starting on the Varsity in his senior year. Along with his time in after school clubs and encouraged volunteer hours put him on the path to success.
The hardest he had was the occasional comment made about his ethnicity from someone closed-minded as he did grow up in Texas, but bullying hadn’t been a real problem. The nineties into the two-thousands had been more kind to him than what his parents put up with in the early years of their residency in America.
When he graduated high school, he’d done so a year early, and he ended up pursuing a degree in Ecology with a minor in Environmental Science at Berkeley College in California. By twenty-one, he earned his bachelor’s, and then by twenty-three, his Master’s.
Ben had fallen in love with the West Coast. Not only for the dry heat, which had been a relief in comparison to the Texas summers, but the shoreline, palm trees, and the mountains. Added in the open-mindedness of California communities, and the higher pay rates, he sought employment in the Golden State.
He did help to move his parents out to the West Coast, and he’s even used some of his salary to get them settled and comfortable in San Diego. That made it easy for him to decide to settle in Aurora Bay, so he isn’t far away.
+ Flexible, sociable
+/- Empathetic, tactful
- Inconsistent, moody
⊹ Ben has had a series of relationships, short to long-term, but no matter the length or reason for how they come to an end, he always finds the best course of action following a break-up is to hide in his room listening to Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper on repeat.
⊹ he never learned how to ride a bike. When he was a kid, he always stood on the back of ricardo’s. the training wheels never came off.
⊹ moths scare him. He hates the idea of mothman.
⊹ he can speak Korean, and he also knows beginner level sign language.
⊹ he will 100% eat your leftovers if they’re put in his fridge, but in the same breath be extremely moody if someone eats his.
Ben has been in Aurora Bay for fifteen years, so he will need any sort of connection that comes to mind. Friends, rivals, frenemies, hook-ups, ex-romantic conquests, etc.
♡ @castellcnos - ben met ricardo down in texas. their parents lived in the same apartment complex, and they swiftly became best friends. ben even followed him out to berkeley college in california. after ricardo's marriage fell apart, ben has invited him to live with him in aurora bay to get back on his feet.
♡ @santiagodeleons - santi is ben's other close friend, and at times, more the voice of reason than ricardo. despite his feelings about what happened with his marriage, ben does stay steadfastly by his side.
♡ @maura-cortes - the niece ben never expected to obtain, he's grown to love her like family. he also has a bit of a soft spot when it comes to her asking for things, like money. (not in game but canon)
♡ @laureljacobs - when ricardo first left for college, ben had no other friends. he saw laurel off to the side by herself, figured it would be the easiest friendship to make. he was wrong. she was extremely stubborn about letting him in, but it did give him something to do every day until he graduated and left..
♡ @bradley-banner - their friendship has long since shifted into an awkward one being she is santiago's ex-wife, but ben respects both sides by talking about neither to the other. (not in game but canon)
♡ @auggievillanueva - his first serious relationship in aurora bay, ben had been all in. but when everything in auggie's life became too much and overwhelming, and he decided to break things off, ben took it too heart that he didn't want to try and extent the extra effort to make things work.
♡ @delilahcarreno - it was some time after auggie ben met delilah, and though he didn't fall into this one as fast he definitely fell harder. she had been 'the one' if asked by anyone, but when she cheated it ripped his heart out.
♡ @esmemaxwcll - an awkward tinder date gone bad, benj feels bad about it but he also knows it's just because they didn't click.
⊹ pinterest
⊹ inspo
⊹ playlist about Ben
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tanyabadtime159 · 2 months
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Erratic Pulse is a mutated alfa Rot cyst that infected Five Pebble's superstructure and his puppet and now controls it and uses as it's vessel. It can control all infected creatures and the rot.
Before main events it was created by excitement by Five Pebbles and was flashed out of his structure. It ended up in Garbage wastes were it started to consume other Rot cysts which leads to its mutation. Now sentient alfa Rot cyst learns about its power to control other Rot cysts and decided to go back to Pebble's structure to take over it. While going through Garbage wastes it encounters the scavenger group. Scavs tried to fight it but alfa cyst attacks them and infects a few scavengers by accident. The infected scavengers become one with the hive and obey alfa rot. With this new ability, Rot and infected scavengers started to infect every living creature that they encounter. The Rot takes over Garbage wastes and moves to Shaded Citadel to reach the Exterior. It took just a few cycles for it to reach insides of the superstructure. While the Rot spreads in his interior, Pebbles creates an escape plan.
Once alfa Rot cyst reached puppet chamber it takes over it and consumes all Pebble's memories and knowledge. The ascension and Triple Affirmative was really interesting to it. So it started to think that it and the rot are the solution to the Great Problem and it needs to spread itself to all iterators and creatures. It takes Pebble's pseudonym Erratic Pulse as it's name. Now Erratic Pulse decides to talk with its senior and big sister - Looks To The Moon. It pretended to be Pebbles and told Moon that it had found Triple Affirmative and wanted her to use it. Moon, based on the messages from "Pebbles", began to suspect that something was wrong and asked "him" to start a video call. Erratic Pulse refused.
Then Moon used her seniority privileges and called "him" with the help of the forced commission. Pulse was disappointed with Moon's reaction on it, but it still insisted on its offer and invited her to join it and tried to convince her that it was for her own good. Moon, in fear, immediately ended the call and blocked it. Disappointed, Erratic Pulse sends infected lizards at her. This is where the main events begin.
Erratic Pulse slowly will take over regions in the process of the main events(ex drainage system, shoreline(waterfront facility) and Moon)
Erratic Pulse hates Five Pebbles and sends nightmares on him since some part of him is still connected to his puppet and bullies him in main local group chat once Moon's communications are fixed.
Pulse,even with its desire to infect Moon, respects Moon and cares about her
Its desire to speak with Moon later will be used to slow down the Rot spreading(But conversations with it makes her sad)
It goes in uwu mode when it talks with Moon in desperate attempts to talk with her and be a "good" little brother for her.(It even reads some old pearls about sibling relationship)
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near-tampa--fl · 1 year
Varela Westshore Apartments in Tampa, FL
These days, one of the best ways to experience a luxurious lifestyle is to live in an apartment in the city. However, it’s necessary that the apartment should be safe, comfortable, and luxurious such as those safe apartments in Tampa, FL area. Through Varela Westshore Apartments, you can experience such an exciting way to live in the city. At present, it’s obvious that there's something about life in Tampa that demands a higher level of luxury. Besides, residents of the community can enjoy access to a sprawling 25,000 square foot clubhouse, complete with resident wine vault. Well, it’s a remarkable way to enjoy apartment living.
Varela Westshore Apartments
If you research about Varela Westshore Apartments, it would be easier for you to find the perfect living space. The said apartment complex is popular, too. Varela Westshore Apartments provides astonishing apartments in Westshore area nowadays. In addition to the clubhouse, a 2,500 square foot exercise facility with separate weight and yoga rooms add additional convenience. This is perfect for those who want to relax after work. Aside from that, you can work out with your friends before coming home to your luxury apartment for the night. Lastly, they offer studio, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom luxury apartment homes for rent in the unparalleled Westshore district of Tampa.
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Tampa, FL
Are you eager to study about the early settlers of the Tampa, FL area? At present, many people want to familiar with the city, especially those who want to move there. First, the shores of Tampa Bay have been inhabited for thousands of years. Then, a variant of the Weeden Island culture developed in the area by about 2000 years ago, with archeological evidence suggesting that these residents relied on the sea for most of their resources, as a vast majority of inhabited sites have been found on or near the shoreline and there is little evidence of farming. Besides, several chiefdoms of the Safety Harbor culture dominated the area at the time of European contact in the early 16th century.
The Florida Aquarium
Are you fond of visiting aquarium spots these days? In the Tampa, FL area, The Florida Aquarium is one of the well-known travel destinations. The Florida Aquarium is a non-profit organization, publicly operated institution located in downtown Tampa, Florida, United States. Aside from that, it is a large scale, 250,000-square-foot aquarium and is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. In addition, this means they are a leader in conservation and education and as well as supporting programs for wildlife. Lastly, they have also a strong educational component in the forms of summer camps, school trips, group excursions, and more.
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor leaves Hillsborough transit agency board
There are many thought-provoking news reports in Tampa, FL. One of the said stories is about the Tampa Mayor who left Hillsborough transit agency board. Based on a recent news report, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor has left the board overseeing public transit in Hillsborough County. Well, it’s a position she has held since winning her 2019 election and vowed to “fight for every neighborhood to have the dependable bus system they deserve.” In addition, her departure comes as the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority faces a renewed spotlight for its impeding fiscal cliff, threadbare service and a revolving door of senior staff.
Link to maps
The Florida Aquarium 701 Channelside Dr, Tampa, FL 33602, United States Take Channelside Dr to E Kennedy Blvd 4 min (0.6 mi) Continue on E Kennedy Blvd to E Kay St 6 min (1.4 mi) Get on I-275 S 55 sec (0.3 mi) Continue on I-275 S to W Cypress St. Take exit 40 B from I-275 S 3 min (2.9 mi) Drive to N Lois Ave 2 min (0.6 mi) Varela Westshore 1701 N Lois Ave, Tampa, FL 33607, United States
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pinerdating · 2 years
Maple grove apartments
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#Maple grove apartments code
#Maple grove apartments License number
A share of 24 of Maple Groves rental apartments have monthly rents between. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. Approximately 5 of apartments in Maple Grove, MN charge rents around 701-1,000. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
#Maple grove apartments License number
Dungarvin Yougal is licensed with the state of Minnesota, with license number 245.
#Maple grove apartments code
Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Dungarvin Yougal is a senior living facility located at 10203 94th Avenue, inside 55369 zip code in Hennepin county and offers senior housing in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). This statement was issued on Augby Entrata, Inc.In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. We will do our best to respond to your feedback within five business days. Farrells Marsh Park, which features: fresh water shoreline, log foot bridge, trails and view points. Steilacoom Park with it's expansive trail system, baseball, softball and soccer fields, state-of-the-art playground and off-leash dog park. Feedback:Įntrata welcomes feedback in relation to the accessibility of this website. Maple Grove Apartments are located near Sunnyside Beach, Pierce College and Ft. Entrata is proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress to ensure that our website is accessible to everyone. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has established Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for website designers and developers to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and this website strives to be conformant to WCAG 2.1 level AA. We are continually applying relevant accessibility standards to improve user experience for everyone who visits this website. Browse verified local listings, photos, video, 3D tours, and more. (“Entrata”) is dedicated to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Find Maple Grove apartments for rent that youll love on Redfin.
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Many people see a problem in the world and don’t know what to do. They might throw their hands up in the air — leaving it for someone else to find a solution. But few finalists of this year’s Regeneron Science Talent Search feel this way. They let personal or social problems inspire their research.
Established in 1942, the Regeneron Science Talent Search, or STS, is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition. Each year, it brings together 40 high school seniors from around the United States. They compete for awards now valued at more than $1.8 million. In response to the pandemic, this year’s competition is being held online.
And for many of its finalists, their research project this year wasn’t just a competition entry. It was a way help others.
Explainer: Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons
Take Andrew Brinton. He was 10 years old when Hurricane Sandy battered the U.S. East Coast in 2012. From his home in Merrick, N.Y., the boy experienced the storm firsthand. “I looked out the window and I saw a car floating down the street,” recalls Andrew, now 17. He found it “really scary.” Soon, he was researching hurricanes. He learned about damage caused by storm surges — when winds push water ashore. He also learned how salt marshes can protect inland communities by buffering those waves. These “living shorelines” ended up fascinating Andrew.
He started mucking about in Long Island’s salt marshes. “I was walking across …  places that nobody had been for more than 60 years,” he says. Andrew noticed a buildup of certain mussels, a type of mollusk, in very grassy areas. Scientists have linked the health of marsh grasses to the ability of shorelines to absorb the energy of waves. Andrew became curious: Could those grasses and mussels work together as partners in that energy absorption?
To test the idea, he surveyed mussels at 10 marshy areas using a grid that he toted from site to site. He’d take a picture and count the mussels in each place. At healthy sites, he found that grass and an abundance of mussels often occur together. This may be because the grass creates a safe haven for the mussels. At the same time, he says, mussels provide nutrients that help the grasses grow. His data now suggest that mussels and grasses together help restore marshes that can protect coastal communities.
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virginabeachinfo · 4 years
Living in the City of Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach, a large coastal city located in the State of Virginia, is a coastal metropolis (i.e. on a bay, an inland sea, or inlet to an ocean). With a population of over 450,000, Virginia Beach boasts a unique mixture of blue-collar and white-collar jobs that have produced a thriving economy. Like many coastal cities, it is neither predominantly either blue or white, but instead an amalgam of both.
Virginia Beach real estate offers a variety of options to suit both individual needs and budgets. While most of the coastal towns in Virginia are quite similar to each other, there is a little something for everyone - from beachfront property to historic residential communities.
There are some beachfront properties that can be bought or rent as condominiums, while there are also beachfront homes that can be found as single-family residences or multi-unit town homes. If you are interested in purchasing a home or condominium in a more rural area, you should check out the surrounding suburbs of Ocean View, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, or the city of Sterling.
Virginia Beach neighborhoods are generally found along the Ocean View Beaches. These communities, which are often referred to as "The Five Points," feature sandy beaches, access to public transportation, and amenities like playgrounds, golf courses, and other recreational activities. The city of Virginia Beach itself is only a few miles away and is home to many businesses, including restaurants, grocery stores, and several beachside casinos.
Those looking for more suburban living in Virginia Beach may wish to consider the suburbs of Ocean View and Chesapeake. Many of these communities feature spacious streets lined with lush trees and lawns, many homes come fully furnished with hardwood floors and wood-burning fireplaces. Other suburbs of Ocean View, Chesapeake, and Virginia Beach include a wide variety of neighborhoods that cater to seniors, singles, families, and those that simply want to live in a more relaxed environment.
All of these communities offer a wide range of housing options, and there is bound to be something for everyone in the different suburbs of the areas. Whether you prefer a house on a quiet street or a luxury condominium with gated gates, there are plenty of options for you to choose from. No matter what type of neighborhood you want to live in, you will be able to find one or more communities that will provide a great deal of affordable home ownership.
One of the best aspects of living in any of the Virginia Beach communities is that many of them are close to the beach. While some of the neighborhoods are on or close to the shoreline, others are farther out on the waters, offering great views of the ocean. Some neighborhoods even offer waterfront properties that overlook their beachfront neighbor's houses, providing an impressive view of the water.
It is easy to find an ideal community to fit your lifestyle and budget. If you are ready to relocate to the beautiful state of Virginia, look into the suburbs of the city of Virginia Beach today!
If you are interested in living in an ocean-view neighborhood, the City of Virginia Beach has some great options to offer. There are also plenty of neighborhoods that are directly across the ocean, offering the same beach-friendly views as Ocean View, but in much closer proximity to some of the other neighborhoods in the area.
Those looking for more affluent living will enjoy the City of Norfolk, the county seat of Virginia Beach, and the nearby communities of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. There are many well-off communities that feature all the benefits of an upscale community while at the same time maintaining the convenience of home ownership.
Those who are looking for a place where you can have all of the benefits of a large city, while still being able to live on the ocean may be interested in the City of Norfolk's neighborhoods, where most of the city of Virginia Beach is located. The city features some of the best views in the area, as it is surrounded by the scenic Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway.
Many of the larger, more expensive neighborhoods in the Virgina Beach have some of the best views that you will find anywhere in the world. The Virginia Beach has the largest variety of condominiums, row houses, townhouses, and town homes that are available for purchase and for rent. With the availability of so many options to choose from, there are plenty of great choices for anyone looking for the perfect location for their new home.
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laurelcovecommunity · 2 months
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xtruss · 3 years
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Cypress trees have towered over the Three Sisters swamp in North Carolina’s Black River for more than 2,600 years. Photograph: Charlie Peek
The Oldest Tree in Eastern US Survived Millennia – But Rising Seas Could Kill It
A 2,624-year-old bald cypress could teach us how to fight climate change – if it doesn’t get destroyed first
— Ayurella Horn-Muller | Sunday, 01 August 2021 | The Guardian USA
A wizened eastern bald cypress dwells in an expanse of North Carolina’s wetlands.
It lives among a cluster of eastern bald cypress trees in the state’s Black River, some with origins dating back a millennium. But this singular tree has witnessed more than its comrades; a 2019 study found it’s been alive since at least 605BCE. It’s the oldest-known living tree in eastern North America and the fifth-oldest living non-clonal tree species in the world.
If these ancient trees could talk, they might wail a warning – a message about the coalescing threats to their continued survival. What we can learn from a 2,624-year-old bald cypress may help piece together how humanity can best mitigate and adapt to the unprecedented impacts of the climate crisis.
“They have personality,” said Julie Moore, a retired botanist and former coordinator at the US Fish and Wildlife service. “I’ve mapped wetlands for years, so every big swamp in the United States in the south, I’ve seen. But when I see these trees, I know they’re different.”
Back in 1985, Moore introduced David Stahle to the Black River’s bald cypress stand. A dendrochronologist, Stahle began using tree ring mapping and radiocarbon dating on the trees, leading to his discovery of “Methuselah”, a bald cypress dating back to 364AD.
It would take another quarter of a century for Stahle to return to the site, a maze-like waterway navigable only by small watercraft. This trip would lead him farther into the Black River, to the Three Sisters swamp. After coring hundreds of old trees, he identified the 2,624-year-old cypress – nearly a thousand years older than Methuselah.
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Dendrochronologist Dave Stahle, left, has been able to visit these cypress trees thanks to Charles Robbins, right, who runs a boating service in the area. Photograph: Unknown
Stahle and his team have since continued their Black River research, reconstructing rainfall patterns and mapping the ancient forest. But climate change is a dangerous foe. Intensifying heatwaves, storms, flooding and droughts compound with warming temperatures to produce problems for plant growth, resilience and reproduction.
“The principal threat to our forests is people and human activity. One consequence of human activity is climate change,” Stahle said.
A little over six feet of elevation stands between the oldest-known cypress and the Atlantic Ocean. While sea level rise is increasing by two inches a decade now, it’s accelerating at a rapid pace. Sea levels are “all but certain” to rise by at least 20ft over the next 100 to 200 years. In a worst-case scenario, the world’s oldest bald cypress may already be underwater by 2080.
“With those bald cypress only two meters above sea level, that’s a really serious threat,” said Harvard Forest’s senior ecologist, Neil Pederson. “I see sea level rise as a train alarm, on a really long, overloaded train. And it’s going to take a long time to slow that train down.”
Pederson is one of the researchers behind a 2016 study that found that increasing drought conditions and extreme events of the past – which led to unusually high tree mortality rates – could be a forecast for the future.
“Even though our forests seem to change slowly over time, every once in a while these things, like black swans, these unprecedented or unforeseen events, come and change an ecosystem,” he said.
Carbon, Biodiversity and Coastal Barriers
A 2020 study found that even though older trees can adapt to stresses and migrate as conditions change, it’s unlikely that these characteristics will be enough to ensure their survival.
Nate McDowell, earth scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the lead author of that study, describes trees as functionally “sweating” because of warming temperatures, reducing plant productivity.
The world lost more than a third of its old-growth forests from 1900 to 2015. “All the models, all the projections, everything points in the same direction: that we’re going to lose trees,” McDowell said.
His prediction is supported by the years of recently documented increases in the mortality of older trees, which researchers are identifying across the globe. Last year, more than 10% of all mature giant sequoias were killed.
When trees die, entire ecosystems are disrupted. “Once you have changes in the plant community, which is really the foundation for the whole forest, you in turn see changes in rodents, birds, even large mammals,” said plant ecophysiologist Angelica Patterson.
A 2018 study found that tree loss in the Pacific north-west can even negatively affect the climate in the eastern US. Old-growth forests act as carbon sinks, meaning they sequester and store carbon emissions, steadily accumulating carbon for centuries. If they die, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere, creating a vicious cycle that further perpetuates climate change.
Forest loss even translates to the disappearance of natural coastal barriers during storms.
A Future of Flooding
Locals living along North Carolina’s Black River know all about the immemorial trees. “We’re just amazed that those trees are here. The time we first heard about it, they were saying they were over 2,000 years old. And I said, “Well, they were here when Jesus was on Earth,’” said Dwight Horrell.
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These cypress trees are accessible only via a ride on small boats through a maze-like swamp. Photograph: Charlie Peek
At 76, Horrell has called Ivanhoe, a rural town off the Black River, home his entire life. Climate change isn’t something he’s concerned about. Yet, dotted along a nearby shoreline are signs that suggest he should be.
Across the coastal wetlands of North Carolina, a new study found that climate change-driven sea level rise and saltwater intrusion have been killing large swaths of trees. In some cases, these “ghost forests” have even expanded inland. More than 10% of forested wetland was lost over the last 35 years in one wildlife refuge.
Charles Robbins, owner of the boating service Cape Fear River Adventures, has led Stahle through the Black River’s charcoal-colored waters for the past decade. He’s also seen first-hand how extreme flood events disrupt ecosystems and livelihoods. “There was a full foot of water on the ground and 15ft of water in the swamp,” Robbins said. “People’s houses were underwater.”
He was describing the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew – which in 2016 flooded Horrell’s parents’ house so severely they didn’t even try to rebuild. “My parents’ house was in an area that had never been flooded,” said Horrell. “The first time it flooded, it got up to about three feet off the floor. The last time, it got up to the ceiling,” he said.
Two years later, Hurricane Florence swept through, leaving a submerged town in its wake. The lowest-lying side was inundated with up to 36 inches of rain and record floods.
Everyone has since moved to higher ground, but the waterlogged shells of a few broken homes remain. “I’m telling you, it just looks morbid in that place,” said Horrell.
‘No Black River State Park’
The chance of dangerous flash flooding increases with intensifying storms; by 2050 North Carolina’s inland flooding events are projected to rise by 40%.
Even so, Horrell isn’t bothered by severe floods looming ahead. What he’s most concerned about is strangers disrupting his way of life. “You see how isolated this is down here? I enjoy the quietness,” he said.
In 2017, a legislative motion for a Black River state park, intended to boost tourism, caused an uproar. The following year, the North Carolina parks and recreation division recommended the state not move forward after four town halls and a petition made up of 1,300 signatures communicated the same message: those living closest to the Black River were overwhelmingly opposed.
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Conservationists are split on the efforts to establish a Black River state park. It could invite more tourism and, in turn, pollution – but it could also fund conservation efforts. Photograph: Charlie Peek
Three years later, signs still frame a building bordering one of Ivanhoe’s river boat ramps; the bolded words ‘NO BLACK RIVER STATE PARK’ serving as a veiled promise.
Conservationists like Moore agree with the protesting community. It’s not climate change imperiling the survival of the oldest cypress tree she’s nervous about, but state-managed recreation, which opens the door to increased pollution, depletion of natural resources and ecosystem disturbance.
But Hervey McIver, a land protection specialist at the North Carolina chapter of the Nature Conservancy, attended those state park meetings to garner community support for the initiative. His point is simple: establishing a state park could fund and amplify conservation efforts.
“The most vocal ones were against it. There were some people who were open to it, maybe in favor of it, but not against it. But they were quiet,” McIver said. He’s optimistic that the state legislature will eventually reconsider. “Even these rural, conservative, Republican folks, they see it. They understand it, and they don’t – they know they can’t fight it.”
The Nature Conservancy has invested in the preservation of the Black River since 1989. Today, the nonprofit, alongside state conservation agencies and the NC Coastal Land Trust, owns 17,960 acres along the 66-mile Black River and its upstream tributaries, including the Three Sisters swamp.
McIver says the conservancy protects the ancient trees by acquiring the land surrounding them, which then minimizes human activity. But he isn’t sure what more can be done.
“What can you do? I’ll be long dead before the water gets that high,” McIver said, emphasizing how sea level rise is a global problem, one that requires large-scale solutions like cutting greenhouse gas emissions. “But then, you can’t stop it. I mean, if it’s going to rise, it’s going to rise.”
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Environmental archaeologist Katharine Napora holding a cross section of a cypress tree. Photograph: Craig Jacobs
Looking Back to Move Forward
Some believe that question can be answered by using thousand-year-old windows into the past.
Environmental archaeologist Katharine Napora analyzed deceased eastern bald cypress trees along the Georgia coast, ranging from 65 to 1,078 years old, whose preserved remains date back to 3161BCE.
“From these ancient trees, we see that even very long-lived cypress trees in the ancient past can be killed very fast with either rising sea levels or the storm surge from hurricanes,” Napora said.
Solutions to fortifying wetlands and preserving old-growth forests, beyond curbing emissions, include creating living shorelines that act as a buffer for ecosystems from storm surges, sustainably harvesting coastal resources, lobbying for stricter regulations on companies emitting pollutants into the environment and even introducing marsh plants that double as salination sponges.
Napora believes we need to do everything in our power to preserve the Black River’s treasure trove of climate insight.
She compares the loss of old-growth forests to the burning of the Library of Alexandria, one of the greatest archives of all time. “These forests are like libraries informing us about the ancient past,” she said. “Just picture the huge amount of knowledge that would be lost if these forests no longer survive.”
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gadsdenalabama · 2 years
Things to do in Gadsden, AL
Gadsden is a wonderful city situated on the Coosa River in Alabama. There are several things to do and enjoy in this beautiful city. There is something for everyone in the city to enjoy. Some of the best things to do in Gadsden are:
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The Noccalula Falls Park and Campground
This is a public park and the park spreads over 250 acres. The most beautiful thing to see is the 90-foot-high waterfall. The park was created so that people can visit the place to enjoy the waterfall and the surrounding natural beauty. The park also has a gorge trail that takes visitors to the past historical and natural sights such as caves, civil war carvings, an old abandoned dam, and an aboriginal fort. The other things to enjoy in the park include the Gilliland Reese Covered bridge, a zoo, a mini-golf course, and the botanical gardens.
Mary G. Hardin Center for Cultural Arts
This place is home to many other organizations such as a children’s museum, the imagination place, the Gadsden community school for the arts, and the downtown dance conservatory that offers dance lessons for students of different levels. The center is also a perfect place to host many exhibits and live music concerts.
Neely Henry Lake
The lake was formed in 1966 when the 57-foot-high Neely Henry Dam was built by the Alabama power company. The dam was created to give hydroelectric power to the residents and as a creative center for the local people and tourists. The dam and lake were named after a senior executive of Alabama power, H. Neely Henry. The lake covers 11,200 acres and has a shoreline of 339 miles. It is used for generating power, drinking water, and a habitat for fish and wildlife. People visit the lake to enjoy fishing.
Gadsden Museum of Art
The Gadsden Museum of Art is located on Broad Street and it was founded in 1963. The space to build the museum was given by the mayor of Gadsden in Gadsden’s Convention Hall.  There are three galleries in the museum. On the first floor, you can see large shows and exhibitions, on the second floor the exhibits display the objects from the permanent collection, and on the third floor, you can see exhibits such as photographs, artifacts, and other objects related to the history.
contact us 
2788 Wills Creek Rd, Gadsden, AL 35904
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
'Atmosphere on steroids': climate change report says Atlantic Canada will be hit hard
A sweeping new report on climate change around the world says fisheries and related industries in Atlantic Canada are in jeopardy unless drastic action is taken to reverse the trends.
The report, released Monday reveals Canada is warming at a rate twice the world average and costs are already piling up.
"Right now, we're not on track to achieving a climate resilient future," said Sherilee Harper, the Canada Research Chair in Climate Change and Health and an associate professor in the School of Public Health at University of Alberta in Edmonton.
One of 330 experts who authored the report, Harper says gradual changes in industries like fishing are speeding-up.
"And how different fisheries will be impacted differentially, where fish will be moving into in the future, and how that impacts our livelihoods and our economy and our nutrition," she said.
World leaders demanded action during an online press conference moderated from Berlin Monday.
"I've seen many scientific reports in my time, but nothing like this," said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
"With fact upon fact, this report reveals how people on the planet are getting clobbered with climate change. Nearly half of humanity is living in the danger zone, now. Many ecosystems are at the point of no return, now," Guterres said.
"The facts are undeniable. This abdication of leadership is criminal."
"Our atmosphere today is on steroids — doped with fossil fuels," said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Patteri Taala.
The federal Green Party called for a redoubling of efforts to fight climate change in light of the report.
"Of all the threats facing Canada — and all of humanity — the climate crisis is the most urgent and the one for which government action falls so badly short of what is needed. This is a failure of leadership on a grand scale," said interim Green Leader Dr. Amita Kuttner, in a news release.
With concerns about rising sea levels, CTV News reached out to Develop Nova Scotia to inquire about strategies to deal with the problem.
The interview request was declined, but in a late afternoon email, senior communications officer Kelly Rose provided a response in point form:
Develop Nova Scotia is one among many agencies and organizations, all working together, to look at climate change and how it impacts on the projects we undertake around the province.
From a Develop Nova Scotia perspective, all current projects (and new infrastructure) planned, designed, and built with climate adaptation in mind. In addition, sustainability is included in our procurement processes so that Develop Nova Scotia understand our consultants and contractor’s approach to climate change mitigation during the planning, design and construction of projects.
Developers, consultants we work with, and the city, province and federal governments, are all cognizant of rising sea levels, storm surge and storm frequency associated with climate change, and how that should direct the design of new waterfront buildings, infrastructure and improvements to existing property to increase its resiliency.
Coastal resilience is key in our projects and in working with community. As an example, climate change, sea level rise, and storm surges were identified as an increasing risk to Peggy’s Cove. The raising of the road, oversized new culverts and the reconstruction of the community breakwater are all measures to adapt to the impacts of climate change and make structures more resilient. A coastal study, including storm modeling and LiDAR data, helped to formulate the solutions, location and designs.
On the Halifax waterfront, the newly Foundation Project removed derelict wharves and reconstructed gently elevated boardwalks and wharves with shoreline protection installed to both adapt to sea level rise and mitigate the impact of wave action and storm frequency, while keeping accessibility at the centre of our design objectives.
On the Halifax waterfront Tuesday, Shaun Binger, visiting from Ontario, suggested more needs to be done to protect the city, the country and the planet.
"We've got to concentrate on our environment, and the governments have to do more," he said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/Yq7dvGw
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Why Choose to Live in Delaware?
The scenic beauty, low taxes and affordable cost of living in Delaware make this small state a wonderful place to live, work and play. Here are some reasons to understand why so many people choose to live here. Read on!
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Scenic Beauty
An air of freshness soothes your nerves as you step into this state. You can pursue hiking, sailing, bicycling or exploring miles of picturesque shoreline as soon as you begin to live here. The seashore towns here showcase idyllic settings for shopping, dining and watersports.
Affordable Housing
The housing costs are reasonably affordable in Delaware. Both average and median home values are quite affordable and rentals are low. Food and groceries are reasonably priced and transportation costs come in below the national average for you. In addition, your address here equals easy access to prestigious schools and major cities.
Tax Benefits
Without any sales tax, the state has turned out to be a shoppers' paradise. It is a tax-friendly place with lowest real estate taxes in the country. As a resident, you can also enjoy the benefits of low income tax rates. The social security benefits are tax exempt and senior citizens can avail more benefits on their pension and retirement income to support the cost of living in Delaware.
Due to its proximity to major metropolises, Delaware is attractive to people who love to live near the urban centers on the east coast. Baltimore, DC, Philadelphia, Newark, New York City are accessible via train, making commuting easy and affordable.
Retirement Destination
With top-rated medical infrastructure and huge financial benefits, Delaware is a strong lure for the retirees. Fun-filled beach activities promote an active lifestyle for the seniors and empty-nesters in this idyllic place. You can also take part in a wide range of volunteer and community activities.
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livelovedelaware · 3 years
Why Live in Delaware?
Wouldn’t it be nice to live and work in a place with scenic beauty, low taxes and affordable housing? You should live in Delaware to experience it! An increasing number of people, from millennials to seasoned professionals, find it an desirable place to live because of the many benefits the First State offers. Read on!
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Tax Benefits
Delaware is a tax-friendly state. The government of Delaware does not impose a sales tax, making the state a shoppers' paradise. You pay only the cost on the price tag and that’s it. Plus, the state has one of the lowest real estate taxes in the entire country. As a Delaware resident, you also enjoy the benefits of low income tax rates. Plus, if you’re receiving social security benefits they are tax exempt.
Affordable Housing
The housing costs in Delaware are quite reasonable, especially compared to other northeastern states. If you are a first time home buyer, you may be  entitled to a federal income tax credit. Both average and median home value are affordable and rentals properties are less throughout Delaware’s cities including places like Dover, Rehoboth Beach and Wilmington. Food and groceries are reasonably priced and transportation costs come in below the national average.
Scenic Beauty
As you step into this mid-Atlantic state, a whiff of fresh air soothes your soul with inviting beaches and majestic natural beauty. The seashore towns showcase idyllic settings for shopping, dining and watersports. When you live in Delaware, take advantage of the recreational facilities like hiking, sailing, bicycling or exploring miles of picturesque shoreline, backed by a temperate climate. Your young children can go for exciting summer camp programs on the state's wildlife, heritage and stunning Dutch architecture.
Delaware’s Location
Due to its proximity to major metropolises, Delaware is attractive to those who love to live near the urban centers on the east coast. Baltimore, D.C., Philadelphia, Newark, New York City are accessible via train, making commuting easy and affordable. Besides, Delaware has a diverse selection of high-quality public and private educational institutions for you and children.
Retirement Destination
With its top-rated medical infrastructure and huge financial benefits and low-cost of living, Delaware lures even retirees to the state. Fun-filled beach activities promote an active lifestyle for the seniors and empty-nesters in this idyllic place. They can also take part in a wide range of volunteer and community activities here.
Your Future Starts Here! Work, play and live in Delaware. For more information, visit https://www.livelovedelaware.com/, to learn more about all Delaware has to offer those looking for a great place to work, live and play.
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