#Shiro probably
frobby · 7 months
what is more homoerotic than the fact that rin and bon would have both literally died at birth if the other didn't exist
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ronihilator · 21 days
the voices in the wall are telling me to draw a pirate vld au...... im being influenced..... completely out of my control....
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exotic-inquiry · 1 year
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Shiro-4 anytime someone mentions hunter vanguard:
-pls bungie, when will he return to us?-
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justaz · 2 years
keith has blind faith and complete trust in lance. he could be completely zoned out, not even listening, just not aware of his surroundings at all but the second lance stands up and is pissed off, keith is right on his heels ready to beat a bitches ass.
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petratherrock · 5 months
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Inutade, trying her best
Red dragon sized, chimera Falin :
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deckoftrickcards · 6 months
guys i’m ngl i be forgetting shiro exists sometimes….
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zeraplus309 · 1 month
Keith: *walks up to the microphone at a wedding, taps the microphone*
Everyone: *smiles as they get ready for the amazing speech they're gonna give*
Keith: if anyone doesn't want their cake, pass it to me please
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rorimoon9597 · 10 months
"I hate being the captain," Shiro whined.
"No you don't," Adam replied. Shiro pouted and rested his head on the bed next to Adam.
"Sometimes I do, though. I can understand why I was the best person to command an entire warship, but at the same time I can't understand the reason why." Adam snorted.
"I thought that it would be obvious. You're the only one that the Paladins will listen to," he said.
"Sometimes they don't listen," Shiro rebuts.
"They still have a lot of respect for you. It's admirable, how much they care about you."
Shiro can't argue against that. His team has always cared about him, even when he was just a guy who they all looked up to. They'd all come to know him for himself, not for his achievements, and he's glad for that.
"Anyway, the medics say that I'll be free to leave soon. Where will I be sleeping?" Shiro lifted his head to look at Adam better.
"Well... I was wondering if... if you'd like to share a room with me." He didn't expect an answer. He wouldn't be upset at Adam if he declined.
"I'd like that," Adam admitted. Shiro nodded.
"Okay. I'll get spare clothes for you, then," Shiro said. He smiled. "I'm being so awkward right now."
"You are," Adam agreed.
"You love me though."
"I hate it when you're right." Shiro smiled even wider.
"Sure," he said. His comm beeped. He pulled it out and checked it. "I have to go. Something about the Paladin's mission has come up."
"Go. I'll still be here when you get back."
"Alright. If it takes longer than expected then I'll get someone to come with a uniform. Sorry, but you're going to have to wear an orange one."
"It's fine, Takashi. Now go, I'll be fine." There's a fond exasperation in Adam's voice. Shiro stood up and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Adam's forehead.
"Alright. I'll see you later." He left, heading for the meeting room to see what he was needed for.
It's not until dinner time that he's free. He walked to the ship cafeteria, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders. All he wanted to do was curl up in bed with Adam.
"You look like shit," Adam commented. Shiro looked at him.
"I feel like it," he admitted. Adam smiled at him.
"Come on, you'll feel better after some food, a shower, and some sleep." Adam pulled him into the cafeteria. They grabbed their dinner and sat together to eat.
The crew didn't bother them through out dinner. It was just the two of them, talking and eating. The tension from the day leaked out of Shiro slowly, almost unnoticeable.
When they finished, Adam forced him away from work.
"You need to rest," he insisted. Shiro didn't try to stop him, only asked Curtis to clear the rest of his schedule and to tell the crew that he didn't want to be disturbed.
They made it to their room. Adam pulled Shiro into the bathroom.
"Wait- you don't need to help me here," Shiro said. Adam raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not going to listen to that, and you know it." Shiro sighed.
"I do," he agreed. Adam let go of his hand, only to place his hands on either side of Shiro's face. Adam studied him for a few moments.
"You need some down time, Takashi. Let me take care of you." Shiro leaned into Adam's hands, eyes closed. He held one of Adam's wrists and turned his head to kiss the palm of his hand.
"Alright," he agreed. "I'll let you take care of me."
"Good," Adam said. He removed his hands from Shiro's face and reached into the shower, turning on the water.
Adam was careful in his movements, caring, even. He helped Shiro out of his uniform, chucking parts of it to the side. His fingers traced the scars on his skin. Scars from fights in the gladiator pit and from his Paladin work alike. Adam traced over them with gentle fingers, never lingering too long.
He moved Shiro to stand under the spray of the shower. There was movement outside of the shower, and then Adam was joining him. Shiro was reminded of the times when the pain from his illness was too much for him to move very far, or stand for long. Adam had always helped him shower then, and each time it was with the same gentleness and care.
He wrapped his arms around Adam and buried his face into his shoulder. Adam traced circles onto his skin. It really was comforting, standing here in the shower with the person he loved the most after a relatively stressful day, after being deprived of something like this for so long.
Adam gently pushed Shiro's head away from his shoulder and grabbed the shampoo. Shiro let him massage it into his scalp, practically turning into goo with the motions. When Adam was done, he tilted his head back to wash out the suds. Adam repeated the motions with the conditioner, taking his time to comb out any knots in Shiro's hair. Not that there really was anything, just in his floof. It gave Adam an excuse to spend longer than necessary on Shiro's hair.
When he was finished with that, he moved to washing Shiro's body. He didn't have the energy to be embarrassed by it. Why should he, when they'd done stuff like this before? And Adam was so gentle, it made Shiro want to cry.
"Are you okay?" Adam asked. Shiro nodded.
"Yeah. I just- I've never realised just how much I missed you," he replied. Adam smiled gently. He pulled Shiro into a hug.
"At least we're here, now," Adam said. Shiro pressed a kiss into Adam's shoulder in reply. He decided that it wasn't enough, so He pulled away to press a kiss to Adam's lips. They were just as soft as he remembered.
Funny, how I was able to remember how it feels to kiss him but not how much I love to make him laugh, he thought to himself. He let himself get wrapped up in Adam. The feeling of his skin, his lips, the warmth he brought Shiro. The love that they still had for each other.
"I love you," he whispered when they pulled apart, noses touching.
"I love you too, Takashi," Adam replied. He pressed another kiss to Shiro's lips, then reached out to turn off the water.
Adam dried him off and helped him into clean clothes before he dried himself off and pulled on his own clothes. They climbed into bed together and laid there, facing each other. They just laid there like that. Shiro was still taking in the fact that they were together again.
"What are we?" Shiro asked. He hated how small his voice sounded, how insecure it was.
Adam was silent for a while before he answered.
"I don't know." It was an honest answer, one that was true through and through. Neither of them knew what their relationship status was anymore. All they knew was that they were lovers.
"What do you want us to be?" He wanted Adam to call the shots. It's all he could do, after going off to Kerberos despite Adam's protests.
"I..." Adam trailed off. In the darkness, Shiro could make out the shape of Adam's face. He knew that the other man was thinking. "I know for a fact that I love you, Takashi. I still want to be with you for the rest of my life."
"Yeah." They went silent again. "What about you, Takashi?"
"I want that too," he admitted. There was the soft sound of movement, and then Adam's hand was cupping his cheek.
"Then let's have that. We don't have to get married now, but I want to do that at some point."
"I want to marry you, too. I was the one who proposed, right?" Shiro said. Adam laughed.
"Yeah. You were a mess."
"Hey!" Shiro pouted. "You said yes anyway." Adam's laughter died down. Shiro could see the smile on his face, even though it was pitch black at that point. The lights had turned off a while ago.
"And I'd say it again. But... it might take a bit for us to get back to that point." Adam was right. Shiro sighed. He moved his head so that his forehead was touching Adam's forehead.
"So... back to boyfriends?" He asked.
"Yeah. At least we're together." Shiro hummed in response.
"That's all that matters now," he agreed.
Shiro wrapped his arms around Adam and tucked himself under his chin.
"Goodnight, Takashi."
"Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too."
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featherlight-whispers · 4 months
i should make a post assigning cars to the vld cast actually
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discordiansamba · 7 months
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the Kogane homestead, before and after
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
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area man about to let himself get clobbered 
rewatching fall of the castle of lions for the 5th time this week and he looked pretty when he was worried  also I love Sendak he’s so cruel and evil  you can pry s1 of vld out of my cold dead hands 
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ethereance · 7 days
Aʅϝυʂισɳ  αυ
Where shapeshifting isn’t the only trick up alteans’ sleeves.
Basically, this is an au where, among their other abilities, alteans can fuse SU style. They’re a diplomatic species, and so as well as being able to fuse amongst themselves, they can do so with those from other planets. It’s just easier to both initiate and hold when they’re both altean. 
-The first people Allura sees fuse are her parents. The dance is magnetising, effortlessly elegant, so different from the stiff dances from Altea she’s used to, such a departure from tradition. It comes straight from the heart, from their very being, their quintessence aligning perfectly to form a person so wholly new, yet familiar, those eyes loving and kind in the way she had known her parents to be. 
-She decides, right then and there, she will find herself a bond like that, someone who will dance with her and make sparks fly across the dance floor. She wants what her parents have, a fusion like Melfor, born of love and trust. 
-Then she sees Coran fuse with Alfor, a dance somewhat more traditional, but no less loving, that unconditional trust in those eyes there as Alran forms. As Allura will later learn, any fusion Coran’s part of will include a moustache. Always. No exception. Even when Allura eventually fuses with him, a boundless rush of energy in her veins, popping and crackling, their fusion is not exempt from this rule.
-Coran has fused with both Melenor and Alfor at the same time. They are the ultimate parent to Allura.
-Coran and Allura fuse into Cora after cryosleep, when the paladins have retrieved the lions and they are alone and bound by their grief. It doesn’t last long, and the unfuse when they realise what is happening. It’s doubly crushing, but with it, what sticks with them is the small sense of comfort, knowing that they have each other.
-Coran has so many tales to tell about his past fusions (they’re all gone now. Will never exist again). 
-Coran doesn’t really fuse anymore. But if he did, you just know a fusion between him Pidge and Hunk would be an engineering wizard. 
-Fusions speak a medley of whatever languages are in their brains. You don’t notice it with the universal translators on though.
-They also gain their own accent.
-They can also wield their normal paladin weapons + their own special fusion one.
-The first paladin Allura fuses with is Shiro. (Lance has a sexuality crisis when he first looks at Shallura but that’s neither here nor there). She’s known the paladins for a while at this point and is steadily warming up to them, steadily gaining hope and trust in them. They’re not much yet, but one day they will be. Hopefully. At least Shiro seems dependable. 
-Their fusion feels strong, a true leader, the only responsible one in the room ™. 
-Still only one flesh arm.
-Shallura also has a bottomless well of material for their gallows humour. Please don’t let them participate in standup comedy.
-So much PTSD from the galra.
-Most likely of the fusions to give a lecture.
-They’re the first fusion the team meet, and for a second Keith goes through all the stages of grief thinking they’ve lost Shiro again. “What have you done with Shiro?!”
“Keith, I’m right here. Kind of.”
-Hunk, Pidge and Lance absolutely want a turn afterwards. Pidge is interested because science ™ and Lance for reasons his two friends will tease him about.
-Pidge is very younger sibling in Shallura’s eyes. Shiro’s protectiveness over Matt’s sister and Allura’s want to become closer to the only other girl on the team meshes. Pidge gets free piggybacks (she acts like a disgruntled cat about this).
-Keith has no idea how to act around them. Sometimes he starts treating them like Shiro, then catches himself. It makes Shallura feel a little put out, having known Keith for so long, so much trust built up there (well, with Shiro anyway). They just want him to be comfortable around them. 
-Knowing Keith the way Shiro has helps soften the revelation of Keith being part galra (also by fusing with Keith herself later on).
-When fusing with Kuron, something feels so unimaginably off, though Allura can’t quite place it. It leaves her with a slight headache in her head afterwards, almost like someone was whispering to her. Kura (Kuron and Allura) fusion doesn’t happen many times, and those fusions don’t last. Kuron is hesitant to fuse, but doesn’t know why.
-Bayard form is a rapier. Because why not (the reason I’ll use for all bayard forms I give). Or maybe just another form of sword. 
-Hunk, ever friendly Hunk, is Allura’s next fusion. He’s determined to create a dish that reminds her of home, only with their limited ingredients at the time he’s struggling to even make food that tastes like his own home. He’s unfamiliar with what is out here, so far out in space. But, eventually, he gains an eye for picking out ones that are edible and won’t give you a nasty space rash. And, with the help of coran, makes a flan that somewhat tastes like altea as it once was. It’s not exact, but the dish is filled with so much heart, so much flavour, that she’s thankful nonetheless. 
-They fuse as she hugs him in thanks.
-Ank or Hura??? Is somehow more disney princess than Allura. They will give those little guys as many baths as their heart desires. They are also the first fusion out of the paladins that gets photographed because they love taking silly selfies with the mice.
-Has made the mice blanket burritos because they’re cute.
-Will kill you with kindness.
-Ultimate diplomat. Not only will they win you over with words, but also food. 
-(After Allura becomes a paladin) They’re two legs!!! Team leg!
-The mix of Allura’s tastebuds and Hunk’s gives them a strange palette. Yes, they know logically that space chocolate should never be mixed with space mustard and argleberries and yellolian pie. But wouldn’t it be interesting to try?
-Ank won’t let anyone try those dishes though. They know that would be considered a disgrace to cooking.
-They get on well with Pidge and end up helping her through the altean language simulator once they realise she has an interest in learning. 
-When unfusing with Allura, Hunk eventually realises that a few altean words do stay in his brain even without the universal translators.
-As comforting as the fusion is, being Ank does heighten insecurities about winning this war. It’s best to fuse when neither of them are in a downwards spiral.
-Has a very, very large fear of loneliness.
-As Allura’s relationship with Lance ends up improving, it reflects in his friendship with Ank. “It’s like having two best friends in one!”
-Bayard form is some sort of grenade launcher. 
-Pidge has had less walls up for a fair while now that the secret of her identity is out, so, though a little hesitant, she really wants to try this fusion thing. She knows she’s not the best at people, which is another reason why she’s interested in this. It’s like a shortcut, a hack into the system. Instant bonding. Only they don’t fuse right away, that ridiculous dance seeming like it was all for nothing. 
-But you can’t force a fusion. Like bonding with a lion, it requires trust.
-Eventually Allura and Pidge bond over talking about family. Allura becomes even more determined to help find Pidge’s brother and dad. If Allura can’t have her family anymore, at least she can help Pidge find hers.
-Pallura is incredibly smart, and whilst Pidge’s understanding of altean tech is way above average, fusing with Allura gives Pallura that extra edge.
-Sometimes the need to see her family is debilitating. 
-She’s pretty insane about Monsters & Mana.
-Bayard form is a chakram. Or perhaps a flail?
-Give her a crossword or space puzzle cube any day.
-Matt is so confused when he first meets her. 
-Palunk/Hillura/Hida (think I like Hillura more?) is Allura’s first three person fusion and they don’t stay fused for long because of it. 
-Kallura first fuse when they both try and run away to stop Zarkon tracking the team. 
-The team finds out when on that call.
-“You fused with Allura before me?!!!”  - Lance
-Lance is upset about Kallura having a mullet. “You’re better than this!” He’s very conflicted on how to interact with them. On one hand, they’re Keith. On the other, they’re Allura. But they are also both and neither.
-Their bayard is a rope dart.
-Kallura has a lot of suppressed anger from grief. Bottling up and compartmentalising works for them until it doesn’t. They feel things so intensely.  
-they feel like a ticking time bomb at times but do not want others to see that. -They just end up unfusing if that happens.
-Nevertheless, Keith appreciates the fusion, finding it difficult to connect with people, so it’s meaningful when he does. 
-Keith and Allura end up with a stronger bond because of this. 
-Stick them in bubblewrap and save them from themselves. They are prone to self sacrifice. Please stop.
-Later, upon that revelation ™ , Allura doesn’t know how to feel about fusing with someone who is part galra.
-But Keith is Keith.
-Their fusion’s thoughts were genuine. So maybe, just maybe, Keith’s are too. 
-Lotor and her can never quite fuse. They almost get it, both driven by an aligning desire to connect with the lost culture of Altea, and Lotor wants to fuse, he does, it’s something he’d learned of during his research, though he himself couldn’t on his own, but even together it never quite works. Lotor has too many secrets, too many things he keeps hidden to open up enough for a fusion to work.
-Then, as Allura hurls him across the room, she’s ultimately glad they never did (but she has to wonder, what would she have seen, have felt? Would there have been love there, or endless lies?). 
(Heads up for romantic allurance)
-Lallura eventually fuses sometime during s3. 
-Lance grew on Allura after he shielded Coran, but they never really click until they make an effort to do so around the time of the lion swap.
-Lallura is hot and they know it.
-Also very good with people. Lance’s natural peopleing charisma shines through into Lallura. Allura wonders, if she had fused into Lallura earlier on, it would have helped with that outsider feeling when trying to connect to the other paladins. 
-Great at parties. You want Lallura at your social gathering. This skill comes in handy when the paladins need to dress up fancy and interact with diplomats.
-Has a strong sense of homesickness. Both for homes they have never been to (and yet they have).
-Vast majority of the time they’re pretty confident. Mutual belief in each others’ abilities makes for a fusion that knows how to believe in themselves to a healthy degree.
-Though they have caught themselves a few times going into a downwards spiral of imposter syndrome and worry about their capabilities as a leader/paladin. But it doesn’t last long.
-Gives good pep talks. 
-They’re a magpie. Love shinies.
-Don’t talk to them about Lotor. Just. Don’t.
-Through Lallura Lance gets the chance to fly in blue again. 
-Their joint bayard form would either be a grappling hook (Pidge would claim her bayard does it better) or bayonet or maybe bow and arrow like Valayun had??? A crossbow??? I do not know
-They’re Coran’s favourite of the fusions.
-They love tying their hair up the way they used to for their sisters (not sisters. But also are?). 
-Spa day is a very serious matter. Don’t interrupt it.
-Will sleep in if given the opportunity.
-Rachel (Lance’s sister) manages to get a matching jacket with them. They have no idea how when this jacket exists because of fusion.
-Nadia and Sylvio (Lance’s brother’s kids), upon meeting the fusion, request that Allura princessifies them too.
-Allura doesn’t comment on it, but she does start to feel some of the affection Lance feels for her when they fuse, especially as the seasons progress. It takes her aback, its intensity, but it also comforts her. But she’s also conflicted because of her growing crush on Lotor. She also has no idea if what she’s starting to feel for Lance is because of that fusion (it’s not).
-Lance is still very much in denial about Allura liking him back. If they do fuse over the time period of Allura starting to realise her feelings, he will still interpret it as Allura just being her usual caring self. It’s not like he has fused with anyone else to tell the difference.
-The first allurance kiss under that tree ends in them turning into Lallura again. The euphoria of that is short lived, however, once they find out what happened to Luca.
-After Allura sacrifices herself, Honerva tells her she shouldn’t pay for her mistakes with her life. So after aiding Honerva with her alchemy, Honerva immediately sends Allura back to her own universe, right after the sacrifice. 
-Lallura fuse in space, with Lance immediately jumping out of red after her (+ the rest of the team in their respective lions). After almost losing each other like that, it’ll be a very long time until either of them want to unfuse again. As a long term fusion for the meantime, they start going by the name Lure.
-Lance’s family are a little thrown at first, but they adore Lure. They’re basically a bonus family member. 
-Romellura fusion first happens during s7. Rora???? Rura????
-Romelle is the first altean (other than Coran) Allura has seen in a long, long time. Of course these two are bonding quickly.
-And as is this au’s way, they fuse.
-And are overwhelmed with a wave of emotions, happy, sad. The colony, all those alteans, their people still alive. Bandor, the other colony.
-It’s a lot. They lean on each other to process this grief.
-Without the translators, this fusion is a mess of old and new altean colloquialisms.
-She has a rich person accent. Lance loves it.
-A double altean fusion like this bolsters Allura’s alchemical abilities.
-She’s usually seen wearing a hair bun mixed with a plait
-If you thought bringing up Lotor around Lure was bad, well. Definitely, definitely don’t bring him up around her.
-Kallurance would have been pretty unstable had they first fused earlier on. Kurance? Lalith? Laeira? (I think I like the last one).
-But as it is, they make a really good team.
-Pray you never meet an entire team fusion. They won’t last long, too unstable for that (but more stable than you think. Used to working in unison for Voltron), but they don’t need long.
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miraculousbumbble · 8 months
Kolivan: Having the will of a Galra is not enough to defeat a Galra. Get back up and do it again.
Keith: I'm trying
Kolivan: Trying never solved anything, doing is the only way to survive. Again.
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frobby · 11 months
Rin okumura is a little catholic boy. To me
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bleh1bleh2 · 11 months
I'm thinking about VLD Art School AU and I think their majors would be
Keith: Painting
Lance: Film
Allura: Illustration or Fiber
Pidge: Animation or Graphic Design (Sound minor)
Hunk: Ceramics
Shiro: Art History/Ceramics (double major)
Coran: Printmaking
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everythingblreview · 2 months
Laughter Land Review
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Long time no see, dear readers.
I feel quite ashamed for sharing this so late, but I was sick and then busy with real life and couldn’t finish this review. (I even had to replay some parts to write this) But I still hope you enjoy reading my review of Laughter Land. This game was recommended by my friend, and first, I didn’t want to play it because, let’s say I don’t like shota much, but she promised me its good and that it doesn’t have much sexual content. She was right with both, so here we are.
Warning for 18 content (spoiler are seperated)
Dick is a young boy living in a village who is bored with schoolwork and his everyday life. One day, he attends the village fair and meets a mysterious boy dressed like a court jester called Guillered who offers to bring him to a world called Laughter Land where one’s every wish is granted and there is no work, only play and no one ever grows up. Dick agrees and is brought to Laughter Land.
For a game that came out in 2006 I was honestly impressed how good the game was, not to say older games always have to be bad, but they usually not as well developed and lack in pacing and writing, so it’s hard to compare them with newer games, but this one stands the test of time quite well. I finished it in one week and the game is not near as short as one might think. The story kept me glued to the screen because once you finished a route you would unlock new parts that continued the story. I really liked the pacing in the game, it didn’t feel rushed at all, and everything felt well developed. Despite most of the characters being very young, it didn’t feel like you were playing a game aimed at children, it still had a good share of mature and serious content. The game felt like a modern Peter Pan story and revolves around the topic of growing up, which is why in that context it makes sense for the characters to be as young as they are. As for the routes, the game has normal routes (which continue the story) and character routes (where the romance parts take place). You need to finish the normal routes to unlock new routes. Once you finish the first normal route you start the game at a different place. There is a also true route in the game. The quality of the routes depends on the one you play, some are really good some are not so good. The normal routes are better in comparison to the character routes but this is to be expected.
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We have the main character “Dick” (yes that’s his name) who is taken to Laughter Land (by force btw, Guillered didn’t bother asking much). Dick is funny, cheeky and despite his young age rather mature. He has his childish moments but is quite smart and I had a good time with him. Oh, and he tops 90% of the times.
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The free spirit boy, who lives in the forest in Laughter Land. He loves to go on adventure, is very kind and a good boy and he loves to fly. He was the first route I played and the one I liked the most.
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He is the apprentice of the greatest wizard of Laughter land, Mater Northbrook. Ioan is very childish, very clumsy, and way too criminal looking for my taste. I didn’t like neither his route nor his character (he sounds kind of annoying, too).
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He lives in the Forbidden Zone, a place where children who lose their permission to stay in Laughter Land have to live, which is basically just a slum. He is looking for his family that is still in Laughter Land. Sergi is rather calm but can have his sassy moments and he’s slightly tsundere. His route is connected to the plot of the game and therefore was interesting to play.
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He and his older brother are living together in a mansion in Laughter Land and hunt the “blue” people (the one who lost their permission to stay in Laughter Land, like Sergi), and bring them to the Forbidden Zone. His route was something…. Truly something… not bad just something.
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Greg also lives in the Forbidden Zone and is friends with Sergi, he is the “womanizer” in the game and his other hobby is to pick up poor children off the street and animals (He had a crocodile names “Stephanie” living in his bathroom. Despite his womanizer ways, I actually really like Greg a lot. He is very motherly and very funny.
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The criminal ossan of the game. His route was terrible and honestly, I didn’t expect anything to be worse than Ioan and no I’m not saying that only because of the FBI worth calling- age gap. Despite that I thought his personality was actually quite nice. He works as an inventor and Dicks works for him in every route where he lives in the Forbidden Zone. He also likes alcohol, a LOT, so Dick has to go full mother mode on him sometimes.
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The “mastermind” behind Laughter Land, he brings all the children to laughter land. To be honest, this shota needs 3000h of therapy before he is ready to be released at humanity again. Although he has his reason to be the way he is, I just thought that he was absolutely bonkers. And he is also one of the more criminal looking characters.
Music &Art
The art is really cute and has this soft childlike feature (which makes sense in the setting of course) and no yaoi face syndrome because you know shotas and all. Music was also really good, I really loved the ending song.
My personal order from best to worst was Roddy/Greg/Sergi/Cornel/Guillered/Ioan/Dag. I didn’t want to go far into spoiler here because I want to engage people to play it because this game is too good to not to play so I fully recommend it, please try even if you aren’t into Shota.
Spoiler Part
Now let’s talk about the spoilery part about the game. Like said the game is a Modern peter Pan story. Laughter Land is completely controlled by children. And for it to stay that way the characters have to remain a child inside their mind (well and outside too because they don’t age), meaning any mature behaviour can lead to you being kicked out and put into the Forbidden Zone, where you have to live in poverty (and grow old) Children sent to the forbidden Zone can grow up to adults because the rules in Laughter Land don’t apply there, but how do they know that a character is too mature and needs to be send to the forbidden Zone, well when children are taken to Laughter Land, they all get a red gems implanted inside their bodies by Guillered, this gem can grand any wish. If they characters begin to make mature choices, their gem slowly begins to turn purple until it’s blue, once its blue it’s impossible to turn it back to red (apparently). That’s why the people from the forbidden Zone are often called “the blue”. Blue crystal can’t grant wishes anymore and are practically useless. And that’s how the choice system in this game works, you basically make childish/mature choices, which lead to Dick either staying in Laughter Land and ending up with one of its residence or him being put in the Forbidden Zone where he ends up with one of its characters. Since growing up is a part of live, it’s only to be expected that the Forbidden Zone is full of people.
And now let’s go through the different route.
Normal Route
The first route I played was the normal route, which has no romantic partner for Dick but needs to be played to unlock more routes and is important for the plot. It begin with Dick going to the village fair where he meets Guillered who brings him to Laughter Lan. There he gets his gem an meets Roddy and Ioan (and Ioan fucking Onee-san broom who can speak and makes really weird sexual comments, A FUCKING BROOM jesus I’m not over that broom…. Oh and also a speaking plush toy dog who also can speak. Both of these are made for Ioan by his Master Northbrook). Ioan agrees to let Dick stay with him until he builds his own house. So, the next few days/weeks (idk how long it took) are spent with Dick building his home and meeting people in Laughter Land. Once he finishes his house, he meets Cornel and his big bro who are looking for “the blue” with an army of iron soldiers, who are made specifically to hunt for “blue”. Following an adventure with Roddy in the forest at night, Dick actually gets to meet one of the “blues”, Sergi. This encounter leads him to wonder why blues are even being hunted, despite them being the same as the people from Laugher Land. But sadly, Dick doesn’t have much time to think about it, because his own gem has turned blue after making too many mature choices. This is soon discovered by Ioan and Dick is brought to the Forbidden Zone. (Boys barely had time to life in the house he spent weeks on building)
There he gets immediately robbed by a young boy named Aby, and is picked up by (Mother) Greg, he also gets to meet with Sergi again and gets to know Dag. Greg also picks up Aby up after the poor boy’s brother is killed and he is sold into prostitution by a fucking asshole name Zachariah who also drugs him (god I want to stab this man so bad). Dick later gets a job at Dag who helps him with his inventor job and plays the mother role because Dag is a mess. One day Dag asks him if he want to return home and Dick says he does, so Dag gets the crazy idea to build a machine to bring him back to the real world. This plan has to stay secret because if the organization name Serpent, who basically controls the area finds out about it they will be in big trouble. Like you expect they do find out because a girl name Leesha, tricks Aby into telling her about his plan, by promising him to let him take revenge for his brother’s death, which only leads to Aby dying by fucking Zachariah (who killed his brother btw). While Aby is having a not great time, Dick is put in the machine and before they can use the magic of their gems (yes, I know in normal case it shouldn’t work but Dag promised it will work) they are killed by fucking Zachariah soldier army. With Dick still stuck in the machine, he can only hear how his friends get murdered, but for some reason their gems actually manage to work, and Dick is brought back to the real world again. His first goal back at home, is to give the letter, to the person Dag asked him to deliver it. And here is where the first part of the story ends.
Important to note is also that when you get your gem in the beginning you also get a list with people’s name on it. These names get crossed out with every wish you make because they represent people in the real world, who forgot about you. Oh, and Dag also mentions that Laughter Land is actually call “Slaughter Land” (yeah fun times)
Being the first route, I played, I was really glued to my scream especially when a “to be continued” appeared on the screen after the route ended.
Now let’s talk about the character’s routes. Roddy’s route hurt me on a physical and emotional level. Like I mentioned Roddy is a good boy who lives in the forest and loves to go on adventure where he takes his friends with. He also loves to fly (which he can do because of his gem and all) and take Dick (by force) with him on his flying adventure. If Dick stays a good (childish) boy he can continue living in his house in Laughter Land and becomes friends with Roddy and together they go on adventure like in the forest, where time stands still. There they find a random machine and are curious what it’s for, but can’t figure it out, so they decide to ask around. They look in the library at Ioans place and ask people, but just can’t to find the answer, so they come up with the idea for Ioan to ask his Master to make the machine talk by itself.
While this is all happening it also becomes really clear that Dick and Roddy both developing romantic feeling for each other, but Roddy is very pure so he doesn’t understand his feelings. At some point he also tells Dick that he likes him, with Dick questioning what kind of “like” his like is and tells Roddy to figure it out.
Meanwhile Ioan calls Dick to have a private conversation with him over this machine. Ioan then tells him that he should not tell Roddy about it because the machine is actually something from the real world and was inside Roddy to help keep his heart beating.
So, while all of this is happening Roddy begins to have weird dream in which he sees a boy in a hospital. Well as you can guess, Roddy was actually heart sick in the real world and the machine was there to keep him alive, but it turns out that he was supposed to die, which is why he was brought to Laughter Land, where he could finally fulfil his dream of living a normal life and flying in the sky. But Roddy doesn’t remember his life at this point yet.
At some point he urges Dick to continue searching for answers about the machine, but Dick tell him he wants him to stop. After some arguing, Roddy then promised him not to look for it anymore. Then they have the whole conversation about liking each other with Dick showing him what kind of like he has for Roddy (yes, I mean they have sex).
To be honest I was a little scared of the H-scene in this game and wanted to skip them in the beginning, but it wasn’t too bad actually and more bearable because they are around the same age. Generally, the H-scene in this game fall into 3 categories: Criminal underage, young but bearable and criminal age gap (aka Dag).
The next day, after their love play Roddy falls asleep and doesn’t wake up anymore, so Dick calls Guillered, seeking for help. Guillered tells him that normally children don’t dream in Laughter Land and that Roddy does because of Dick’s special power he has in his hand that makes people remember their forgotten memories, which is currently happening to Roddy. The only way to save him is either to delete all memory of Dick and for Dick not get close to Roddy anymore or to let Roddy die, because as it turns out Roddy is already supposed to be dead, the only reason he is alive in Laughter Land is because his special power. With his power he can stop time, like in the forest he lives in and in himself.
Dick has a hard time deciding and ask for more time, which he does but after a few days it’s already too late and Roddy wakes up with all his memories restored. He thanks Dick for all the time they spent together AND FUCKING DIES *credit role*…… I was sobbing in my pillow at this point wtf this is so sad TT_TT
But luckily, we get an after-credit scene and as it turns out Dick actually erased all his memories, so Roddy is alive and doing well but Dick can’t be with him anymore, and yet Roddy wants to get to know him and take him on adventure (more crying into my pillow)
The route was so good but so terrible sad TT_TT and the worst part is that it’s the only pairing in the game, that has no happy end like WHY. My friend also told me there is a drama CD and apparently, they keep falling in love, with Roddy having his memories erased every time…. My heart is hurting. 10/10 tears for that route.
So if you get to know not very legal Ioan you learn that he’s struggling with something. And that something is trauma of killing a child (like wtf?). Apparently like 20 years ago (how old are these shota again?) Laughter Land fell in disaster with monster like things attacking the residence and the only way to stop it was to kill a child, which Ioan dropped from a building or something. And that must have been very disturbing for him because he now takes fucking drugs to deal with his trauma and he is pretty addicted to it (ah yes, the classic drug bl plot that I so much can’t stand. At least it’s with a character I dislike)
At this point, I don’t even remember how the route played out, that’s how uninteresting it was. But yeah, Dick wants of course to help Ioan but Guillered asks him if he is ready to accept the truth Ioan is hiding, which Dick says he does. The truth is that his Master Northbrook is actually he himself (I don’t know why it’s even such a big deal? Probably the lying part but still) so yeah Northbrook, who is said to be the only adult in Laughter Land isn’t actually an adult, but adults don’t actually exist in Laughter Land, and that’s how Dick found out that something was must be wrong.
So Dick accepts Ioan and Ioan is like yay let’s get close which Dicks, for some reason sees as an invitation for sex (yeah I don’t know either) so they do it, which probably has to be the most illegal and uncomfortable H-scene I have ever seen and I ended up skipping most of it *shudders*. And they live happy ever after. Coming fresh from Roddy’s route I was pissed why this shitty shota gets a happy end and Roddy not????? Fuck him.
Also, I need to talk about Ioan’s fucking broom, so like mentioned his Master aka he himself made him some friends by giving life to a fucking broom and a dog stuff animal but this beside. The fucking broom is not only an onee san (aka a feminine gay man) but also in love with basically every boy who gives him attention, with his favourite being Ioan of course…I just couldn’t deal with this broom.
For Sergi you have to finish the normal end because this route starts in the Forbidden Zone, which is interesting because according to the others Dick came to the forbidden Zone 10 years ago, so when he was a small child, but Dick remembers all what happened in the route before (the normal one when everyone died, and he returned to the real world).
Like before Dick is living with Greg and Aby and working for Dag. So, one time they decide to visit the casino because Greg wants to spend (Dick’s) money (lmao) which they end up doing, they also take Sergi and Aby with them. Dick tried poker for the first time while Greg cheats on some games, with Aby getting some drinks for him. At the end of the day, they can’t find Aby anymore and decide to return home. Few days later Aby is still missing because as it turns out fucking Zachariah took him (again) and his bitch of a helper (the only girl you ever see in the game) and made him their play toy to sell to customers (and I warn here if you don’t want to see 5-7 year old be raped on screen better not play this, even I had to skip it)
After few weeks they throw Aby out on the street like trash after he got addicted to drugs (AGAIN, oh yeah this is the same drug Ioan is taking, which is apparently popular). The others luckily find Aby and take him home. Greg the good mother he is angry and wants to take revenge. Sergi say he is crazy, and they have a small fight with Greg running out of the house. Sergi tells Dick that he will probably leave the city to go over to Laughter Land to find the family he has been looking for, which is still living there, or so he has heard and if Dick wants, he can come with him.
This is where the routes start to separate. If you decided to go with Sergi you can play either his or Cornel’s route, if you stay, you’ll be playing Greg or Dag. But since this is about Sergi we’re going with him.
Dick meets with Sergi at night where the latter had gotten them a carriage to pass the border. After being chased by enemies and some shooting, they reach it, but unfortunate for them as they’re about to pass the bother they met Cornel and his big bro. Cornel says he wants to see if their gems are red, which of course they aren’t but at he is about to check, their gems suddenly shine in red so they are allowed to pass. Dick’s gem turned red again and we learn later that Sergi can actually change the colour of his gem himself.
The first day they just wander around Laughter Land trying to find some clues. They go meet Ioan, where Sergi gets sexually harassed by the gaze of the onee san broom, but they don’t find anything. Later they meet Cornel (and his bro) again, who lets them stay at his super fancy mansion.  Cornel says they can stay there while looking for Sergi’s mother (is who Sergi is actually looking for). Dick asks Guillered for help, who tells him that Laughter Land doesn’t have many girls so it should be easy to find her. They manage to steal a book from Ioan with the help of their gem, that has notes about a girl and take turns reading it over the following days. In short, the notebook is about a girl and her friend who live in laughter land and are told by Guillered to get along with a newbie named Zach. The girl starts taking an interest in the new guy, who seems to be a little weird and apparently it leads to a romantic relationship because she later gets pregnant from him and gives birth a child which throws the world into a chaos. The Zach guy gets than banned to the Forbidden Zone as well as the friend who also like the girl. But since they took the baby away from the girl, she gets depressed and tries to commit suicide, so Guillered erases her memory and put her into a room, that she can’t leave. And that girl is name Leesha, who was actually shown before in the route because Dick visited her before with Roddy. And the child is actually Sergi himself but not only that, it’s also the child Ioan supposedly killed. The friend is Greg and Zach is the fucking Zachariah (but this part is never really explained because he is such a douche suddenly?) So, after they find out who Segi’s mother is they visit her and spent some time with her (of couse she doesn’t recognise Sergi) before Sergi decided to go back to the Forbidden Zone where he lived all his life. Dick goes with him. After return they start dating basically and also Sergi is the bottom (nice). They also learn that Greg, Dag and Aby are missing but in the very end its hinted on that they are still alive. The lore reveal was really good here and how it connected to the previous routes. You can tell the writer put a lot of thoughts in this.
Cornel’s route basically starts the same as Sergi’s and separates after Sergi and Dick start chilling at his mention. One night at the mansion Dick hears some weird sounds and it turns out its coming from Cornel because HE IS FUCKING HIS OWN BROTHER WHAT. So, brother-fucker Cornel has some kind of onii-san kink (should have seen this coming) and it all goes back to his life in the real world where he apparently really loved his brother and always wanted to spend time with him. But with Dicks magic hand (why does that sounds so weird?) abilities Cornel remembers at some point that his real brother was actual an asshole who abused him and the “perfect” brother of his was only living in his fantasies. (forget daddy issues, here we have onii-san issues) and his brother in laughter land is basically a personification of that fantasy, also the brother is actually one of the iron soldiers. The route ends with the brother gets destroyed in the end and cornel can live happy together with Dick after they start their relationship and Sergi returns back home. Yeah…. The brother thing was weird.
Normal route 2.0
Same as with Cornel and Sergi it follows the same start and basically almost goes up to the end of Cornels route, only difference is that Guillered shows up and STABS dick before Dick can help Cornel, saying that he fucked up, so yeah Guillered is responsible for these time travel things. Honestly, I recommend playing Cornel first before doing this route because it basically almost spoils everything of his route and I was just skipping most of it when I finally reached it.
Gregs route has the same start as Sergi’s, so everything with the Casino and the abuse of Aby happens and it goes until the part Greg wants to take revenge and runs away, with Dick following and talking to him, this time. Dick also talks with Dag who gives him a special weapon to kill the iron soldiers. Before Dick and Greg set their plan into action they have a last talk, which end up with Greg almost sneaking out at night and Dick is (of course) not happy with that, so Dick gets Greg to  take him with him, but before they leave Greg kisses him as vow of this promise (he also says that this kind of kiss you can only give a true man xD). They sneak into the organisation, take out a bunch of enemies and reach the room where fucking Zachariah is. Once they enter it and Greg confronts him, his bitch of a helper girl (who btw is Leesha or should I rather say looks like her) is all like “wah don’t kill him” but of course it’s only to trick Greg, which she manages, steals the gun from him and uses against him. Greg is confused why she would do that because, as said before, they were friends once. Then Dick goes all hero mode on him and first shoots the girl who turns out to be an iron soldier and then fucking Zachariah. Oh yeah Greg also gets shot and then died dramatically on the floor- as if lol he is just a drama queen, he survives of course. A while later when we actually get confirmed that Greg is really just dramatic and still alive, Dick asks him why he is not playing around with woman anymore and Greg says that he has someone he like and lets Dick guess. Dick then asks him if he likes him which Greg confirms. Then he says that he fell in love with Dick because Dick had been so cool during their attack on fucking Zachariah that he couldn’t help himself not to fall in love (awww that’s so sweets), then he asks if Dicks feels the same and Dick says he doesn’t mind, which Gregs basically takes as mutual feeling and happily screams how Dick likes him too, after he kisses Dick and they have happy sexy times (with Dick being bottom for the first time, how exiting). But that’s not all, once they start dating the apparently fuck every night and Dick is sick of it and decides to take revenge while Greg is asleep and gives him a blowjob first and then decides he is daddy now and goes top mode on him AHAHAHAHAHA. The CGs looks so stupid, because despite Greg’s face looking young, his body is clearly one of an adult, while Dick is still baby, and it just looks ridiculous. I had some serious fangirl moments in this route, Greg is such a good boy and a very caring mother, him falling for Dick because of how cool he was, is so funny but also so cute. I really enjoyed this route.
.... Part 2
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