#gonna give EVERYONE character development.. you cant stop me..
ronihilator · 11 days
the voices in the wall are telling me to draw a pirate vld au...... im being influenced..... completely out of my control....
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celestialalpacaron · 1 month
Ayo, someone by the name of Curly-B-Blog is redlining art of yours from 2020 (while pretending that it's actually Sai Scribble's work), and kind of being a dick about it. just thought you should know.
You know, originally I was just gonna brush it off, but then I went back to look at my old SU art from 2020 and did so much self reflection from then till now.
I think this was around the time I was just learning how to do perspective and tried to use the perspective tool on Procreate for the first time? :0 and I remember telling Sai “Sai I have this STUPID idea, I CANT believe it this stupid joke it’s so DUMBBBB, it’s living rent free in my BRAIN I SWEAR THIS IS GONNA BE SO STUPID DCIUWHEFIUWHIRFUIW4F” and being super excited to show her the finished product. People still think Sai created the Cursed Skin Gloves comic and I think it’s hilarious wjhwnuhwijwuiw
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The comic was received very well and it made LOTS of people laugh and I’m still proud of this comic to this very day! :D and tbh if it wasn’t for my obsession for Sai’s Switcheroo AU I never would have found my passion in comic work! (love you you stinky hoe @saiscribbles 🩷)
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HOWEVER…. I definitely still had lots to learn! I wasn’t very good at perspective at the time I’ll admit, but I was definitely having lots of fun learning :3
And throughout the past 4 years, ALOT has happened.
I graduated from college with TWO fancy pieces of expensive papers in Visual Development in Animation and Illustration learning from Will Kim and Jeff Soto, and as a I was working with the funny voice man Cougar MacDowall as a comic/story artist and reached in total around 7 million views for my fan series FNAF Security Malware Breached (it was even #21 on the trending list around the time of my birthday 🩷 what a lovely gift), had an insane opportunity to work with Mike Geno and with the voice cast from The Amazing Digital Circus for a fan song as a background and character asset artist, Vivienne Medrano liking and sharing my silly Overlord Husk AU comics, currently on my route to getting my certificate from Aaron Blaise’s Character design program and graduating from Marc Brunet Art School, and now I am completing my first year as professional colorist and art assistant for my storyboard and comic mentor Michelle Lam, aka Mewtripled! (Also I’ll be heading out to Lightbox Expo 2024 on October 26 with Michelle and the team so if y’all ever wanna meetup hahahajaj wink wink wink wink wink)
So you can say I learned ALOT and I enjoyed every minute of what I do :D I try to be humble about my accomplishments because blah blah being humble good yes yes but this time I wanna be selfish and say HELL YEAH I DID ALL THIS!!! AND IM SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF MYSELF FIUGEIURGERGGRS
Now here’s my most recent comic page that I posted like 2 days ago without the text.
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That’s pretty freakin wild to me, I can’t believe I used to draw Steven Universe art like that back in 2020 LOL LIKE GUYS I DREW THIS!! WITH!!! MY HANDS!!! IS THAT NOT INSANE!!!???
Anyways moral of the story:
Learn from everyone and everything! Yes, even then mean ones too! If you can learn to work with anyone, I promise you’ll get to where you want to be faster. People can be a little mean on the internet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being where you want to be in the future. I’m so EXTREMELY grateful for all the opportunities and to all the kind professionals who were willing to give me a chance. Seriously, I’m so graciously thankful for everything, and I hope everyone here will support me and my silly little comics I will do now and in the future!
And one more thing:
Don’t be a jerk. Be to be nice to everyone :D nothing good comes out when you’re bad to everyone.
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amarayys · 7 days
so. WHAT THE FUCK. Levi has basically no empathy confirmed. He wants to be liked but he doesn't understand what caring about others is like. Ace tells levi to die. Lmao. Also he's so suspicious +He mentions the only person who he ever trusted. WHO NOW??? Eden and Arei doomed yuri. We get Arei and David flashback. Arei's cg looks like sora from sdra2s final cg btw thats just a random thought i had. Arei you can't do this to me. She really said "I'm a piece of shit but so is David so let's fix eachother" AUHSVGDHBJFKL Okay. EDEN. WHAT THE FUCK. EDEN. NOBODY SAW THIS COMING. I WAS SO CONVINCED IT WAS TERUKO BUT IG NOT??? Eden took Xander's eye out. So. Eden's probably a traitor, though it's probably not voluntary - we see her crying as she holds the bloody fork. I'm sorry, but with this, I think Eden culprit and Levi accomplice theory is over. I just don't think it works. Also how in the fuck does Arei know about that. my girl eden getting character development real david lying cause he thinks hes tough shit teruko DEFENDING LEVI??? YALL???? SHES PROJECTING HOW SHE FELT IN CHP 1 ONTO LEVI AND DEFENDING HIM I HATE HER /pos DAVID SNEEZING SPRITE LMAO. okay so all secrets are revealed. Teruko is either lying or mistaken about her secret, cause the look David gives her after it CANNOT be innocent. this does tell us something though - the family one applies to teruko, if shes not lying on purpose. but...what??? Who does family refer to? It cant be her parents, she never knew them. And she barely remembers her brother. Maybe it's the others at the orphanage, or her friends? Also, she feels survivors guilt apparently and wished she died with whoever family is. Somebody give my girl Teruko a break. EVERYONE SMOKES TERUKO FOR NOT KNOWING WTF THE SPINNY THING IS. Fandom cheers as Teruko finally stops getting interrupted and explains the murder method. WHIT AS A DOG HAD ME CACKLING I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. We see that Teruko's drawing isn't much better than her handwriting (which we get more samples of btw!!!!!!!) Nico's gonna have to explain the murder... maybe the theory that Nico was framed by / helped someone is true, but idk. Teruko's interrogating the shit out of them. So. Culprit? I think realistically, the best options for the culprit are Ace, Rose, and Whit. Maybe Hu, Veronika or Nico if you squint REALLY hard but I doubt it. I think Ace is SUPER suspicious, half because vibes and half because david calling his ass out here
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Rose definetly has potential to be the culprit, but idk. im tired leave me alone. WHIT. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING YOUVE SAID THIS TRIAL IS SO SUSPICIOUS. YOUVE BEEN THROWING BLAME ONTO LEVI CONSTANTLY. U KNOW ABOUT HANGING SPECIFICS FOR SOME REASON. UR SO SUSPICIOUS UR NOT SUSPICOUS ok thats it unrelated to this post, i made a doc of my live reactions to stuff and here are some things i wrote that i thought were funny
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I am tired but this episode was SO good. I'll probably make a more in dept theory/post on it tmr lmao its 1:36 am.
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candy8448 · 1 month
The final meshi
(reading the final chapters for the first time)
(Previous post)
Man chapter 95 make me wanna cry
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So much father daughter bonding energy here
I love chilchuck so much
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I love how everyone just misunderstands the question XD
I also lodt how marcille is fine with her fate and is like "yay besties!" With the elves who are gonna imprison her, lol
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Man these pages are gonna make me cry i love them so so so much.
I like how marcille learns that she can't make everyone's lifespans longer just like that so she learned what she had been doing this whole story because of senshi and the others 😭
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Chapter 95 is probably my favorite of these final chapters, it gives us a final impression of all the main cast and what's changed about them.
That last pannel makes me go ajsgskaahaba
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This reminds me of that one pannel of chilchuck i keep seeing
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Even at the end of the manga, kui brings uo interesting things to think about in her world, such as what does chimera meat contain? Would some ingredients be toxic to other races?
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Marcille blushing so much at eating her girlfriend XD
Also i heard so much about chilchuck doing marcille's hair and i thought that maybe it would be a few pages long. I really wanted a bonding between them especially since they've been at eachother's thoats the entire series, but alas, its one page and i was slightly dissapointed. I was hoping we at least got one pannel where we see chilchuck doing her hair
(Dadchuck :D)
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Dang im gonna cry again :(
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Ive never been so sad to see one of these end notes
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Ahh!! this chapter page looks so nice !!
Also dadchuck vibes (im so sorry i keep mentioning it, but i just cannot stop seeing it)
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XD i love the "*please don't acctually do this"
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Also that first pannel on that second page looks so good
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Oooh the first page is so cool
And the second page is so cute!! 💖
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This is hilarious XD: falin's nice greeting, shuro's blush, namari's awkwardness, chilchuck's disgust and marcille's pure, hatered filled deadpan.
(Also like how its just characters from laios' first party)
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Sigh... like brother, like sister
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This pannel is a wonderous piece of art
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ahh dungeon food... delicious in dungeon
I love this series so much, its probably one of my favorites and im so sad to see it go. Totally buying the adventurer's guide once i can buy it (i want to have something physical from this series) so there may be anther post or two of these but that will be after probably a long while
Final thoughts:
But i love kui's detail in her world and characters, there is so much depth and questions in every corner to develop further. The story was syper engaging and i loved every step of the way. I was told that this series was goofy but then goes super serious for the rest, but it actually did an amazing job at switching between comedy and seriousness quickly but im a way that seems completely natural. (I also adore the art style)
She also did an amazing job at making me interested in ALL of the characters. Usually in series they introduce so many characters all of a sudden and dont develop them that well at all, but still expect me to be invested in them, so the series remains just have a ton of scenes of these new characters interacting but are so shallow that i skim super quickly over them, and then i fall out of love with the entire series as a whole and have to drop it because im getting bored, but kuo manages to keep me invested with every character introduced, so im invested in them almost as much as the main cast and love them all (also the character designs are all super creative. You probably saw those posts where people say you cant play the "find the main cast game" with dunmeshi because of how great the designs are.
Man this is such a good series
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
so ur trolls posts got me to watch trolls world tour again. i remembered liking it but i couldnt remember why, but now i know for sure
i was NOT expecting a brilliantly written masterpiece about colonialism, but thats what i got, and its going in the greatest of all time hall of fame in my brain forever.
im not gonna sit here and regale you on the message of the movie. they only said fax, no printer, and its an important message to send kids. alot of the messages kids get about races and borders is “we are all the same 😚” but they came in with the “we are NOT the same and that is both good and bad, both exciting and dangerous so you need to be aware of dangerous ideas of “harmony”” and thats so real. kids need to understand differences are OK.
i love how they backed off the “chosen one” vibe poppy had in the first movie and talked about her flaws as a leader. while her stubborness was a good thing in the first movie to contrast branches pessimistic nature, it wouldnt have worked here, and i can see a cheap writer (like m*chael w*ldron) either insisting she gets away with her selfishness and carrying on with the happy ending anyway, or pretending that wasnt a character trait at all (because w*ldron doesnt watch the first movie and writes a sequel anyway)
my favorite scene is the bubble scene and the woods right after they leave funk where branch confronts poppy. do i even need to tell you why?
i just want to mention it because im pretty sure branch sings a cover of “girl crush” by little big town, which is a country band, and branch said he likes country music earlier and that slays. but when poppy comes in, what they sing is definitley not girl crush, and i cant tell if its giving “trolls can mix music” or im completley wrong and its a different song alltogether. but i cant tell if that song is homophobic or is super gay, so if im wrong thats prob for the best.
the only flaw i can think of is the country music, as a midwestern i can confidently say that was an affront to real blue grass country music. i guess born to die “works” but it didnt represent country as well as the other genres did. theres alot of controversy in the country music fandom with alot of singers who sound exactly the same and produced like its a factory line. but even if people still think miranda lambert and carrie underwood arent true country singers, their songs wouldve worked better than born to die. also the country trolls shouldve been on a self sufficient farm instead of the wild west. that wild western jazzy piano and country music isnt the same.
the only bad part about the movie is that it ended and barb ATE. SHE LEFT NO CRUMBS WITH THAT INTRO. send ask.
Lol I love your review. I love Trolls World Tour a lot too and all their other movies. Great stuff.
And yeah I love Poppy and how she can accomplish A LOT but she doesn't make it on her own, she needs character development and help from others just like everyone else. Characters are surprisingly realistic.
Barb really was goat, the best antagonist in the franchise. I love parallels between her and Poppy, how both had different intentions (Poppy wanted to help and Barb wanted to conquer) but Poppy's method was also wrong and both Poppy and Barb and everyone had to make compromises for all tribes to live in harmony because no one has to change their lifestyle for that to happen, all they have to do is accept that they're different and that's perfect. Just be yourself and let others be themselves.
That song in the end (Just Sing) slaps hard (and so does Can't Stop The Feeling btw).
P.S. Tiny Diamond fucking slays 🔥🔥🔥
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
the time has come. i have felt physically ill anticipating this episode. LETS GO!
- i would first like to inform everyone that i am wearing a black and purple scary inspired outfit and a bracelet that says "doodler" on it as i listen to this episode
- class changes would be kinda cool i will admit
- taylors doing music stuff now ooo living up to his namesake. well he def cant make music under his real name lol
- every fact i hear about grant and marcos parenting makes me die a little more each time
- STRICTLY SHOES ON??? IN THE OAK SWALLOWS GARCIA HOUSE?? oh no wonder that familys so fucked up.
- so what im hearing. is that normal is just wearing heelys at all times
- "hey willy nobodys gonna listen to u anymore" HELLLL YEAH GET HIM SCARY
- i love scary too doodler.
- NORMAL W A BROADWAY PERFORMANCE OKAY learning from hermie i see
- i also dont like it when normal gets hurt lmao
- the doodler is the realest character on the podcast /hj
- nooo it didnt work... that wouldve been so satisfying
- i totally forgot the kiddads were there oops
- im so sorry but. when am i gonna hear hermie LMAOO
- OH WOW YEAH HERMIE IS IN THE ZONE OF TRUTH HUH. just like i said i wanted lol. forgot about that
- this is very upsetting good lord
- my heart is POUNDING.
- awww the doodler and the catbus
- "oh u kind man u" IM SCREAMING
- "dont make me hate u as much as u hate him" OH. MY FUCKING GOD OW
- "oh sparrows also there" I. ANTHONY
- RON???!?!!?!!
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soulsfractured · 1 month
23 for Yazoo
16 for Tseng
12 for Kuja
3, 4 for All Listed Muses, not just the three picked above
Random Character Asks
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT ALL MY BABIES. I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH. I really need to write more with everyone at some point, once I get back into the swing of writing again.
It's a bit long so everyones answers are under the cut!
3 - Wears glasses because he can't wear contacts they bug his eyes too much. Still wishes he could though because he'd look more like Genesis that way.
4 - "If it could help my dad come back faster? I'm willing to give it a shot. So long as no one gets hurt from it, because then I won't do it."
YOU WANNA SEE ME CRY. Cyril put all his focus into biological sciences bc he wants to help Genesis in every way possible. He just wants to live a quiet life with his dad please let him have this--
3 - Absolutely wears a packer, and had his codpiece custom made to fit it. Has thrown it at someone before, will throw it again.
4 - "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue."
Its in there, it's one of my favourites coming from someone who doesn't think he can die. Really makes me wonder if he had suspicions about it, but Garland gaslit him into ignoring those thoughts.
12 - Absolutely has tried to dye his hair and his tail once. It went horribly and he couldn't get all the dye out. It was all a faded blueish colour for weeks
3 - His hair is always in his face because he enjoys playing with it/having others play with it. But, he doesn't enjoy it against his neck at the same time so, ponytail. Not really practical, but that's not important.
4 - "Slacking off saved her from the curse, so maybe that 'luck' might rub off on us!"
I cant explain why this one sticks out to me, but Luneth and the rest of the party actually acting like kids and joking around is really sweet? Idk I guess I love that theres a bunch of moments we can see them enjoying their journey and not just be silent strong protagonists.
3 - Literal cat eyes. They glow, his pupils shrink and widen with mood. He has cat eyes.
4 - "We'll meet again soon."
Just Sephiroth and Zack talking in that entire scene. The small smile when Zack says "I'll hold you to that" the notice that Zack wanted to say something before he left. It's one of my favourite CC Sephiroth moments.
3 - Really enjoys wearing longer socks. Knee or thigh high are preferable, and 90% of them are just black. He organizes them so he doesnt grab two different lengths (which has happened a few times before)
4 - "There is nothing more precious than a human life"
It's SUCH a development for me to see Tseng say this. Consider all that he does, and all that he has done. He may commit atrocious deeds for Shinra, but he's failed missions to help random Shinra employees before, he's put himself at risk to protect others.
16 - Tseng's darkest secret that he won't admit is that he absolutely hates Shinra. Without a doubt he does wonder what life would have been like if he stayed in Wutai. Would he have stayed at the Temple? Would he had left anyways? What if what if what if. He will not admit this thought crosses his mind and tries to tell himself it's just hypothetical. But it's a thought that does come up more often just before Rufus becomes president.
3 - Refuses to cut his hair. Even a trim it takes a long time to convince him. He's not gonna die anytime soon so whose gonna see the mess it becomes anyways. But he still takes pretty good care of it- mostly
4 - "I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it."
The tired dad quote of the year bc god dammit the party is a bunch if teenagers and their old man needs a fuckin nap so he can stop telling them dont put that in your mouth
3 - Vegetarian. He just doesnt like meat- usually he just takes whatever meat he gets on food and pushes it to the side or gives it to his brothers. He has picked a burger apart to take the patty out and just eaten it like that, just sides and bun.
4 - "I will not have you refer to Mother that way!"
One of the VERY few times that Yazoo actually shows emotions??? P l e a s e. I love him so much and actually getting to see that cool exterior crack is so interesting.
23 - As a candle Yazoo would be a more woodsy kind of scent. Damp earth, firewood, stagnant waters. There's a slight spice mixed in as well, like a faint hint of cinnamon.
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stormyoceans · 7 months
So since you were a major influence for me to go watch vice versa after last twilight I thought its my duty to let you know that I now finished it and you WERE RIGHT
Also may I add the moment I completely lost it:
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scene of all scenes. What a confession. What a love story. They're EVERYTHING to me. I can't believe more people are gushing over it what's up with that?!?!
I even watched our sky right after cause I didn't want to let them go and they had a CHILD. GIVE THEM A CHILD I DARE YOU 😭😭😭
Anyway. Yeah thanks for counterbalancing all the people who said vv isn't a good show like WHAT WERE YOU GUYS WATCHING?!
it just makes me sooooo happy to see that people are still willing to give vice versa a chance after all this time!!!!!! and to know that i had even the smallest part in making you decide to watch it?????? NOT TO BE DRAMATIC BUT THERE ARE NO WORDS TO PROPERLY EXPRESS HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL 🥺 AND IM SO GLAD YOU ENDED UP LIKING IT SO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!
im honestly never going to stop being vocal about how much i love this show because 1) it brings me so much joy and comfort i just want to share these feelings with everyone, and 2) IT'S AN AMAZING WONDERFULLY WRITTEN SHOW AND PUENTALAY INVENTED PARALLELISM ROMANTICISM SOULMATISM TRUE LOVISM!!!!!!!!
like i know the show has a lot of product placements (which anyway i think they did a wonderful job to integrate in the narrative and there are only very few of them i would actually do without), but they put so much care and thought and details in the story they wanted to tell!!!!! there's a reason i always say that this show HAS TO be rewatched at least once, and that's because you're gonna notice so many things that you didn't the first time around!!!!! and like the cinematography, the production, and the coloring are spectacular, the characters are all so lovable, AND DON'T EVEN LET ME START ON PUENTALAY LIKE YOU'RE SO RIGHT NO ONE COMPARES TO THEIR LEVELS OF TENDERNESS DEVOTION COMMUNICATION DOMESTICITY LONGING ADORATION CARE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
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sagemoderocklee · 6 months
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
startin out rlly swingin' ok... well lotta rlly shit takes out there so it's hard to pick just one. i def dont have any screenshots of anything... pickin' one at random is just like anyone callin Neji horrible or abusive for kickin the crap outta Hinata in their match in the prelims of the Chuunins. like 1. designated match; 2. she was literally goading him about his literally enslavement????????? like anyone who wanna cop for hinata is already someone imma side eye cause for all that she goes through from her dad she never actually suffers from the caste system itself and being 12 doesnt excuse her goading him when she knows damn well what shes doin; 3. the girl would not stop cause of stupid ass naruto, so like yeah she got her ass beat and then everyone and their mother jumped in to protect her but only Gai stepped in to keep Gaara from straight up killing Lee like the double standards. like pls tell me you have no concept of slavery without telling me you got no concept of it... prolly watch movies about white women in the south during the civil war and empathize with them too cause their husband or dad beat them
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i dont know if there is a character i started to hate causa fandom? like i keep to myself and to my focus, and i generally like what i like and dislike what i dislike on its own merit. genuinely i cant think of a single character where im like yeah the fandom has made me despise them. like if i hated a character, i already hated them.
i think if there was anything i could say i developed a hatred for because of the fandom itd be like n*r*gaa but i still like hate that ship on my own too.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
rlly swingin' a bat i havent swung in a minute but or*ch*m*r* is not a trans icon. he's a homophobic and transmisogynistic caricature and tme ppl are quick to disregard that and deny whats textual about this character's preying on children because it doesnt impact them. lack of critical engagement from fandoms has rlly done a number on the way ppl view this character because back in the day we all knew what was up with him re sasuke and didnt need our hands held to know he a predator in multiple ways and that is rooted in the aforemented -phobic caricature-ness. ppl do the same shit with like bugs bunny where it's like no this character was not a queer icon, this character was doin this shit as a joke and ppl need to learn how to differentiate harmful shit from the shit that's in good fun/genuine
and lord if someone tries to send me anon hate about this like they used to just kno you wastin your breath cause i aint gonna give you the time of day
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 1-2
Im gonna be completely honest, out of all the seasons, I remember skybound the most
Maybe because it was the first time the series took Jay away from the comedic role and gave him development
I need everyone to stop calling Nya ‘sweetheart’ or im going to explode them with my mind
I was so caught up on pirates, genies, and Jay being an idiot that i forgot that was a huge factor
I remember I really hated dareth this season
Dareth: Your a boy band! A hunk machine! You dont need a girl in the group!
All the ninja: 😐😑😐
They really called him out on his bullshit
Cole wants nothing to do with the love triangle 😭
God I remember hating this famous ninja thing
Theres was so much second hand embarrassment I had to endure, and now I have to do it all over again
So much unneeded drama
Like yeah, i want the ninja to have recognition, but I dont want them to become popstars 💀
just for them to be appreciated for doing their JOBS
Cole got so giddy learning he can disappear :)
Jay and Zane have weekly chess game nights its canon because I said so
I love happy Cole, yes, your a ghost but your living your best life, LIKE YOU SHOULD.
Cole: remember back in the tomb of the first spinjitzu master? When we all saw the reflections of out future selves?
Cole: When I couldnt see anything, it wasnt because I was a goner! It was because I could disappear!!! (Strikes a pose and disappears) :D
Jay: ohhhh then why dont you make like a ghost and VANISH. 🙄
Be nicer to him Jay 😭
Zane: you still havent told him about the reflection of you and nya, have you?
Jay: And ruin our friendship? No thanks.
I can promise you, Cole couldnt give two shits about having a romantic relationship with Nya. Nonetheless FIGHT you over it
Jay: Either way, she made up her mind. Its just, seeing us together, its all I can think about.
Honestly, Nyas anger directed towards Jay is completely valid. If I was perceived by the media as merely an object or prize to be won I’d be fuming.
Its so funny that Kai is all about this ‘fame’ thing. Being the poster board face for lego ninjago at the beginning and having the most merchandise
I love reoccurring characters even if Clouse is a little bitch
Misako: They’re growing up…
Wu: Yes, but I like to think ninjago would fall apart without us.
its nice to feel wanted
Nya: Are you sending out a CHIRP?!?!?
Kai: UH, my followers have wants too!!!!
Purple ninja my beloved
I love little kids helping the ninja its my favorite thing
Nya: how long did it take you to make that gi?
Purple ninja: when youve broken both your legs, you have a lot of time on your hands 😊 (slams into an exit door)
Wait wait wait wait
Jay: We’re a team! We stick together!
Nya: thanks. But i can stick up for myself.
Cole: He was just trying to be nice 😒
Jay: Dont worry! Its just our ‘first fight’ :)
Nyas allowed to be stingy but dont take it out on Jay 😭
Coles literally telling Nya to take Jays hand hes had enough of this bullshit 💀
Doesn’t clouse get screwed over by this genie?
Ah, excuse me. Djinn.
I forgot how Cole turns human again but if its anything like Clouses traumatically painful cries of agony then maybe he should stay a ghost…
Kais figurines are actually really cute.
Zane and Lloyd: No traces of clouse…
Yeah bc hes fucking dead
Its common knowledge now that ninjago is one of the 16 realms??? Like citizens know??? That would drive me absolutely insane.
Nadakhan: Delara died?!?
Cyrus borg as the infobot: died, expired, rot, tint, kicked the bucket-
Cyrus borg: I cant tell you where the realm crystal is! But i can tell you who has it! And where THEY are!
Me: 😐😑😐
Man in stiix: No one here cares for them fruit-colored ninja.
Cole: Um! 🤨 excuse me 😠 what fruit is black 🙄
Jay: blackberries?
Cole: shut it jay.
But wtf does nadakhan have to do with this? Can he do illusions or some shit?
I feel like my soul was ripped out at how sad they looked
Nya comforting Jay after he sees his disappointed parents 🥹
Chief: the ninja are at large, they are armed and dangerous. And—and. (Squinting at his script) they have, legs?
Chief: Call law enforcement so we can apprehend them.
Zane, dialing law enforcement: Hello? Law enforcement?
Lloyd: Zanewhatareyoudoing-
Zane: I am programmed to obey the law 🤨 I need to tell them our location.
Stiix citizens: arent you all those ninjas?
Jay: HAHA! Nope! We’re that other group that has a nindroid, a ghost, and a girl…
Kai: six against six, at least its an even number.
Lloyd: were not gonna fight citizens KAI.
Kai: … dammit…
Jay: how are we supposed to fight back??!?!? Witty banter!?!?!?!
Zane: Statistically your witty banter usually gets us into more trouble 😄
Love how Coles hoodie makes him look more ghostly
Awwwwww nya allowed jay to help her
Theyre growing :)
People of stiix calling them the fruit-colored ninja is the greatest thing
If Lego had the balls they’d call them the fruity ninja
This is actually so interesting, i remember the ninja being framed for crimes but I forgot it was this season. And right after they were famous and beloved nonetheless.
Wait is Wu inside Djinns bottle??? Like Clouse???
Misakos so smart she already knows who nadakhan is 😌
Okay but WHY dont they believe misako and the ninja
Like is it THAT hard to believe that a past enemy the ninja defeated can create illusions, and might want revenge????
Do the police legitimately believe, the ninja, known for being stealthy and cunning, are just gonna GIVE their status on social media?????
I guess a clues a clue right
Man they dont give Nya ANY credit. That was obviously her bracelet on the rat too. It was HER plan. Not Kais 😒
Jay. Ik your not this stupid. Nya just said a djinn is bad news. Trust your future girlfriend on this one buddy.
Jay: I know from my reflection that we end up together! Maybe a wish is how!
I mean… hes not wrong.
Lloyd: then we’ll find Djinn in pairs so he cant pick us off.
Jay: (immediately goes to Nyas side with a huge smile)
Cole (popping out of nowhere): Yeah yeah! And Jay and I can look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us!
Cole: What do you say buddy, just like old times?
Jay: haha sweeeeeet. Who doesnt like old times 🙃
Kai and Nya: sibling team
Jay and Cole: Bruise team
Lloyd and Zane: actually-get-shit-done team
I refuse to believe ronins smart enough to hack into Zanes system.
This must be so scary for Lloyd to just watch his friend go braindead
Dont-mention-Nya-every-time-your-on-screen challenge. Try it out Ronin.
He sucks so much.
Hes a cool villain though.
Ronins really catching them all like pokemon huh
Jay: its the amusement park! So many fond memories. Thats where I unlocked my true potential! Oh oh! And theres where Nya and I had out first date. I bet we’ll laugh about this in the future :)
Cole: ?
Jay: I meaaaaaan, why would she laugh about that! She hates me. 😀
Your giving yourself away Jay
Cole: The djinn can shape-shift! He could be anybody!
Jay: 😨
Jay: (sticks his hand through ghost Cole)
Cole: seriously?
Jay: just needed to make sure 😊
Cole after hearing his friends are all captured:
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Jay, at ronin: HA! You think u can electrically tie the master of lightning!
Ronin, pointing a cannon gun: Yeah but are you the master of kabloowey 🤨
Cole: You cant see me!!! Im a ghost! Am i here? Or over here!?!? HAHAHA
Ronin: I have thermal vision Cole. 😐
Cole: you do…? (Gets captured)
Ronin really DID catch them all…
The chief: Ninjago is safe once again!
I hope the chief gets fired.
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felikatze · 2 years
gonna talk abt obscure shit again my favorite thing abt the webcomic estio is how it plays on cinderella tropes only to hit you with the "estio is clinically depressed and a bit fucked up actually."
like yeah the start shows him as the poor attic child hated by his peers and family bcuz he can talk to animals which is VERY disney princess of him. and when he ditches it's understandable.
but then it reveals that like. bcuz of the bullying and abuse n empathy mind reading shit he truly does not care for humans at all
like he'll be nice to honest people (honesty as verified by mind-reading) but if you're a piece of shit he'll tell people to kill themselves lmao.
ACTUALLY rlly neat how the comic has that shitty duke go like. "you can read the hearts of animals? just animals? but where is the line to animal drawn? sentience? soul? if you cant answer then you can just read everyone's hearts"
which yeah. tracks. we already knew he can read people too. but then he has to use his powers more for. job security. (we know how it is), and he hates them at first because he can just hear how shitty people are really
but then it introduces honest to god telepathy and the intro is. so benign! he's using telepathy to help a girl understand how to take care of an abused dog. he's helping a man finally get through to his traumatized wife.
then again. where is the line drawn? if he can give people his thoughts, can he give them feelings? impulses?
i'm just rambling at this point but who's gonna stop me. honestly.
his shitty background already establishes a rather. baseline distate for humanity in general and then we have the store lady with the Mood Ring Orb which shows estio's mood as deep black. great sign! and then we have the shitty duke and his shitty son trying to take advantage of estio, so when his life is threatened-
well. turns out he can control people. to make them stab themselves.
and he likes it.
fucking. incredible character development. i geniuenly do love it.
because again!! estio plays on so many princess tropes! he seems like a poor introverted softboy who really needs a hug (he does to be fair) and he's so unassuming at first. and he does do good like rescuing neju and the dog and the guy and his wife.
but he's not naive. at all. after all, he can read minds. how can he be naive if he can hear everyone's true intent? it doesn't matter how lacking his social skills are, there is no ruse he will ever fall for. there's no plot that can escape his notice.
the best character development is just how he learns to love this. it's like. morally not good. but it is banger. what if cinderella told her stepsisters to throw themselves of a bridge.
he's not sad that people died. they wanted to kill him first so they can get bent.
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he just killed four people i'm so proud of him <3
and after that he just goes on being his usual unassuming self except now he is Aware that he wields basically unlimited power over everyone and nobody can force him to do anything ever again
except he's also not used to getting his basic needs met meaning he doesn't really. know how to use this for his benefit outside of "no u"-ing at everyone who wants to harm him. like my guy you can keep the big bed and not have feathers in your soup. it's fine. if you sleep outside again you are going to get fucking hypothermia
the writing is a little heavy-handed sometime but his development slaps. go off king
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entiish · 2 years
why are minor fcs not allowed in the rpc? no one out here that i've seen is rping nsfw with minor characters...
hi, it’s skye.   hey anon, this is kinda a complex question so lemme just give you my theory on why people are hyper cautious, it's still gonna be looooong but you asked me and i go off lmao. first off, i gotta disagree with you respectfully anon bc there are people in the rpc (we don't claim them) who roleplay usfw content with actors who are underage at the time, some people don't even use resources and just use the platform for taboo shit. it's real, it happens and yeah, it's a thing, ive seen it and dealt with it. we rlly can't be ignorant of those people who still use tumblr for gross shit, but we can do everything we can to stop them when we find em. i’m so so glad you’ve never come across it or had to be exposed by it, im truly thankful, you are not ignorant for not being aware or exposed!! but it is a real ting and it’s bad when it comes across your dash or into your inbox or roleplay in any form, i cant be any more honest w you right now. i dealt with it twice in one roleplay, each time even though i was swift and ruthless and not having it and did my duty as admin, i was mentally taxed to a mASSIVE degree. and they were not the first nor only times.
so, onto ur question in general, i agree that kids are IRL so kids naturally exist in the RP worlds we create. that's a fact, you can't create a world without having children in some capacity. but that doesn't mean you need to WRITE and PLAY a child.      and here is where i think this blanket mentality and rule has come from in the rpc and content creating community, speaking as someone who's almost 28 and has been in the rpc since i was about 14/15.
not all people have good intentions!!! not all people are decent and moralistic and have respect. and that's the plain and simple truth, i've seen too much shit on this platform in however many years ive been haunting it, and hella people who create resources (myself included) know/have seen the sad truth that some try or succeed in using underage resources to portray unsavoury things, i don't need to be explicit, but we know there is a nasty lil underbelly of people who still think it's "okay because it's not real". NO, i am absolutely wholeheartedly NOT implying thats you anon, nor anyone else who is curious on this topic. not at all 🙏🏾 —— however this means, to protect ourselves, lines must be drawn for what we personally deem appropriate for ourselves, the community, friends, fellow users, all of us, which has lead to this commonplace rule in the rpc.
now bear with me, because i have played characters who were underage (for me, aus, that is under eighteen), i had six characters in this world when i was around 17yo myself, also underage. one was seventeen and then one was a twelve year old, i played these characters within the moralistic and reasonable bounds, like you would write a character in a book. this world was based in the survival post/apoc world. and yah it was rather wholesome to form bonds with elder characters, to have them learn and develop... at that time, the seventeen year old was relative to my age and was very much an outlet for me — tbh i still use this muse, but she as aged as i have, and as for the younger one, there was no question that i was going to actually respect the age capacity as did everyone in this roleplay, it was an amazing and respectful community i still remember nearly a decade on. i had no ulterior motive, i just wanted a challenge outside of my normal bounds, but i also did not use resources because i didnt think it was needed. ig thats just a personal thing for me? who knows. at the time i was personally a minor, and i don’t speak for the underage rpers out there though i was one, but at the time it was not something that was a blanket rule anyway and not for the community who was underage themselves.
so we jump ahead now, as an adult, a decade later, a we've all learned a lot and become more aware and educated on HELLA stuff; whats appropriate and whats not, what we personally find ok and so forth. my next milstone is 30 (rip) and i have no desire to play the role of a child; even in a world that would expect such, even in a world that i create, even in genres where it is completely reasonable and normal to have characters under eighteen. the moralistic side must come out where we, as adults, have to consider... "why do we need to play a muse underage when we know, on the real, it's not necessary to a roleplay experience?" the answer is, we don't. adults don't need to create and pilot a child character, or a teenager, really. maybe on the sims, or in a video game, in your own time, but not really here. and to be honest if your muse is a late teen, then why not simply age them up that year or two? it changes very little in the grand scheme of things.
however, i stand on the grounds that you can have NPC children, many of my muses have had children of their own in game, they can certainly have casted faces if you are into family graphics, comprehensive masterlists and the like (i def am) but only use child actors who have consented to have their face shared, and continue to respect ethnic backgrounds my dawgs ofc. (i made that decision as an admin, with the support of my rpers after i asked their opinions & in a genre where many of our adult characters had children or even younger siblings of note.) and look i even believe in writing little interactions within your replies if your character is a parent or guardian as kids usually pipe up and react and i feel that can add authenticity when relevant, but they are always NPCS (non playable characters). there is nothing inherently wrong, generally speaking, with acknowledging the children in our characters lives and worlds; our characters could be teachers, parents, elder siblings, paediatricians, and thats 10/10 great.    BUT, and this is where it all comes back to in the rpc community these days & reasonably so... non playable characters such as children do not need a plethora of resources. especially not when, even though we might revere and celebrate their performances and we want to hope everyone is good deep down, we cannot and do not risk putting out resources that can be abused.  for me?? i will never stop honouring and revering and GASSING UP the child actors who eat/have eaten the screen, i will make gifsets of them, i will hype them, i have so many movies that inspired me as a child that i’ll honour in my own lil giffing way, but i wont turn them into what will be a barely-accessed resource that could be used for something unspeakably nasty. i wont put my name or soul anywhere near that hellfire zone i know exists 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️  and i also dont feel the need to anyway
maaaaany creators choose not gif people underage, whether 18 or 21, and they have the right to do so as they are the creators, particularly fellow adult creators. many admins choose not to include people underage, and they have the right to as the creator and admin of a world. i, as a whole ass adult, do not feel comfortable doing that personally, i don't think any adult should be playing a character that is underage, mainly because i don't see a reason why is needed and also because i dont think there is a storyline to sustain me unless i was doing some sort of time jump; children shouldn't be exposed to adult things when you are on a public and open forum. that's my personal stance. it really comes down to this, it's your choice. if you sincerely want to write a character who is underage in some way and you sincerely want to respect and do this character accurate justice and challenge your writing chops like i did, it would be up to you to create the resources, or you to create and take on the burden of monitoring a world as admin where anyone can try and rationalise some whack shit and you have no warning or heads up, IT HAPPENS. A LOT OKAY. (*flashbacks fr* 🤢) OR you can find someone who feels comfortable writing like that and do a private 1x1 to explore the dynamic or storyline or world, tbh perhaps write without resources? bc that doesn't diminish anything as a creator. hell, go write one-shots, write stories, write novellas and let your creativeness grow!!! many authors write children's/underage/teen characters, that is not weird, in my own writing time i do. however it is weird to demand that others create or interact with what they feel is a personal boundary, it is weird to gaslight people into thinking they’re hyper-fixated on the bad things by having a personal boundary like this, i’ve seen that a whole lot for some reason.     as it seems, most the rpc that i personally interact with are well into adulthood alongside me and share that personal and moral boundary that we don’t wanna dabble, as is our right. it also seems that the majority of people in the rpc have that same boundary. it’d also posit that the reason why it might seem a bit staunch and all that shit is because the damn boundary keeps getting pushed on. i srsly don't think any of us would be this extreme and strict on it if the personal preference and boundary hadn't been disrespected so many times, or if we hadn’t been exposed to the nasty side of tumblr where we see it happening.
also, if you weren't here on the platform, there was a seriously horrid period of months and months a few years back where legions of fuckheads were bombarding the tags of the rpc with every DAMNED trigger in the WORLD (all the nasty, all the trauma, it was visual and vivid and horrid, it was a full on attack weaponising our tagging system, i dont wish it on anyone). i went through it and we all came out very traumatised from that, personally that is one of the events that makes my boundary and rule so strict. as well as like... TOO much personal experience.
look tbhtbh i'm a bit tired and kinda stoned rn, so i hope this rambling makes some sense, i have a lot of thoughts and theories on this, i don't speak for ANYONE else so again this is just my pov and my theory as a rper, admin, rpc homie, gifmaker, whatever you want to call me. it all comes down to is respect and choice. and i respect that there are people out there - rpers, authors, creators of all kinds - who write from an underage POV (harry potter, fkn twilight, the secret garden, ASOIAF, little nightmares, the last of us, i could srsly go on and on), and i respect everyone, including myself, who’s choice it is to set that boundary and stick to it 🫶🏾 i hope maybe i shed some light on one perspective.
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sinkableruby · 1 year
AAH OKAY SO YOU KNOW OUGI STAY? actually do you idk if you do
i Really like ougi stay its like tailor made for my tastes probably because i made it
but originally ougi stay was supposed to be like 3k, and a short lead in to another fic where i was gonna think very seriously about their character and give them actual character development and write an actual (at least somewhat meaty) plot
basically thats this wip. ive got so many ideas for it and ugh. i really really wanna do it right. in my own honest opinion, although im not sure how much of it got across, i think ougi stay did a good job illustrating ougis character as well as like, their personal hangups, and i want to bring those to more of a resolution bc im not happy with nisioisin for shunting them to the back of the toy box
some of the ideas i have are like so like 🥺:') to me... i hope to get that across and make it good, and if im really lucky convey that same feeling that i feel when i think about it...
aaaagh aaaagh aagh... i'm SO looking forward to actually like, getting into the meat of writing it. which i could technically do now... but im taking a small break from the bigger fic writing and just trying to get out a few smaller fics first. and also other stuff...
AAAA theres a scene thats so AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA it makes me feel so many Feelings i cant wait to share it with everyone!!
the fic will be sort of the conclusion as well to like, my 'could-fit-in-canon, give-ougi-nice-things' series to like compile my biggest thoughts on ougi (itll get into the identity stuff too which i think is a lot of what ppl think when they think about potential exploration spots with ougi. its one of the main things i think about too but not the end all be all). not that ill stop writing about ougi ill just branch out a little more. like to that college/human au for example
anyway anyway anyway yay heeheeheehee yayy!! ougi yay!!!
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gemapples · 2 years
Plz rant to us about how much you love magolor
first of all this ask was so sweet out of the blue and made me smile a lot so thank you :) i appreciate it so much
i was gonna be all difficult and respond like "LOL are you sure" but yknow what screw it im bored and i've done that too often already so !! here ya go. everything i love about magolor
this is probably to be expected (especially bc of how often i draw him lmao), but first!! i LOVE his design. his design in particular just really stands out to me compared to the other characters ig; he has unique aspects to him that are so cutesy and charming yet contradicting and mysterious from how he looks alone. you have lil cat ears obviously but he still wears a hood and scarf so you cant see his face at all and glowing eyes??? damn. i also love his cape it's so flowy and cool AND ALSO i feel like the gear patterns are really fitting to him as well and go nicely with who he is. however, at first glance you might think his main purpose is to be a mechanic or engineer, and while that is true, he's also majorly known for being a skilled wizard, and his name is even based off the word magic. i feel like you wouldn't expect that from his design and that makes it all the more interesting... it's like there's underlying aspects that you get a suspicion about from just how he looks, which i feel is extremely fitting to his character. his design conveys that he's from another world so nicely too i feel,, you compare him to kirby and the others and he looks so different and otherworldly, almost. you can immediately tell that he's probably not from the same dimension or planet as everyone else. he has a ton of amazing concept designs but im glad they went with this one tbh it just. LOOKS the most like who magolor is and what he's supposed to represent imo. i love the others a lot too but !! in terms of his design his current one takes the cake for me
i adore how Absolutely layered of a character he is. there are so many bubbling details beneath him that have so much impact i just. God. him coming from another planet that's practically dead with very little to no life left and him not knowing what friendship is or how it's supposed to properly work, him betraying the others and falling deep into "obsession and hatred", him finding an exit, dealing with the massive pressure and apologizing to kirby, but him still getting up to funny mischief now and then !! you literally never know what you're gonna get with him (some of those might be personal interps but let's pretend they're not (whoopsie)). Just how he's developed and where he's now placed in the franchise,, he could be classified as comic relief yet he's still a main character if that makes sense?? i'm dying on the hill that magolor is a main character even though he didn't appear in forgotten land idc
i like to think he's similar to how bandee was but. also not ig lol idek -- like both of them debuted in one game and were expected to just?? not return??? but they did and became extremely significant characters who have made such a massive change. they could have chosen to cast magolor aside or whatever, say fuck it and kill him off, etc. but instead they didn't stop there and wanted to keep going with his character and give him a huge role. yeah you could argue it's bc of his popularity but i still think thats so cool tbh he just seems so unique compared to the rest of the cast in his own way and its. really interesting to see how he fits in the series in general !! him and his game are literally where kirby lore and more effective storytelling began imo and i think thats. So amazing they really tried to expand and develop the series through his character and it shows how important he is and how significant he places in terms of kirby as a whole
on a related note -- his personality is something unlike any other. they described him as "deceiving while telling the truth" and i think that's really important bc it's hard for you to tell when he's actually being genuine. and that's unique to most of the other characters and makes him feel out of place in a way and.. yeah mysterious !!! even when he apologized after he fucked up, his wording gave the impression like he just seemed to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal despite the fact it obviously changed his life which also relates to the former thing and fhjkgfh Wow!! ofc dream collection could've taken place a bit after he actually apologized to kirby but y'know !!
also never get tired of the fact that man's ego is the size of the entire galaxy through hell and back . "look at me, i'm such a nice guy right?" I love how he actually Recognizes how important he is and acknowledges // acknowledged how he can use certain situations to his advantage and this may result in him coming off as stuck-up and thinking of himself more highly than everyone else but !! he doesn't care . Plus he's completely aware how strong he really is and just how he can use all of his abilities and skills to his advantage. Yet despite this, you may get a touch of underlying sadness, guilt, loneliness from him... all the more reason he's a layered character :)
extended from the last one but yeah i love how like. Insanely powerful he is and yeah you could say it's bc of the master crown or whatever (probably is lol) but Listen he has such a wide variety of magical attacks and i think it's so cool bc i feel like he doesn't depend on them Too much yet he still shows them off?? if that makes sense?? like he still uses them a lot for things in, say, dream collection for obstacles i don't even know where im going with this LMAO but yeah his abilities are just so !!! very cool like you take one look at him and you think he would be weak or wouldn't have any powers yet he could destroy you from like 40 miles away or something and he's one of the most broken characters in ksa, kf2, etc. mans can summon literal black holes, portals and giant swords that only kirby could previously wield like it's nothing now, if that doesn't make him one of the most powerful characters currently then idrk what does (i remember in a star allies article while describing his ultra sword they stated something along the lines of "did he secretly stash up power from the master crown? or did he steal this ability from kirby?" and while it's most likely the former in a realistic sense could you IMAGINE how insanely strong he would be if he could actually steal abilities from kirby, the most powerful character with the most powerful abilities. Just putting that out there)
said this briefly in the design paragraph already but i appreciate how many things about him can go two ways that usually contradict one another. Maybe i'm thinking too much into it but lol the most obvious one is, ofc, how he acted as a friend vs. deceived kirby but other things too like. How he combines steampunk elements and high-tech elements at the same time which are opposites. as i said he's also a magician which is !! also not something you may see with those two together i believe star allies and his name in general adds a TON of fuel to this bc it confirmed how his name literally means "false paradise" and "wonderful place" if you combine translations which also contradict each other i also like to think that "magic" in his name can also refer to the fact that he's also extremely skilled in certain areas such as yknow. Getting to handle others or outsmart them, seeing things from others' perspectives, or even being a very talented speaker altogether (a magician or wizard can also mean someone who extremely skilled at something. just a fun lil thing)
more minor things !!! but i really love how he uses slang + speaks in a dramatic way, and how that relates to his personality as explained above. no other kirby character says "dude", "beast", etc. which i feel can really emphasize how he's not from their world but it's?? very funny to think about fhdjkgh. I know other kirby characters use katakana in japanese but i believe magolor is the main // most popular example in this aspect(?? lmk if this is incorrect though, i just know galactic nova and star dream use it but im not sure about anyone else) i also like how he heavily emphasizes certain words and phrases !! it makes him seem overexaggerated and even more unique than other characters who may act in a more realistic in a way. All of them are unhinged but they're all unhinged in their own way which compliment each other well and i feel magolor adds a lot to this mix :)
speaking of which god i LOVE his voice. i feel it's so fitting despite the fact it's animal crossing language as it's widely called. like they stated in the miiverse post, i love how they made it seem authentic by making him clearly say "kirby", it does kind of make it seem like he has an accent even in english ig. It's so squeaky and cute and adorable like go off lil man!!!
i think i got a lot of everything lmao i'm sure there's a ton more i haven't mentioned or didn't think to mention but just know i love Everything about him he means so much to me like fucking hell i love this character if you couldn't tell. he's just so Good he has so many things about him yet i feel we haven't even scratched the surface of how much there is. i really think this rtdl novel will bring // brought a whole new light to who exactly he is and what he's worth and i'm always looking forward to seeing him around again :) really hope he'll continue to have a lasting impact on the franchise
(extra bonus: also like his lil salutes)
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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