#Sheikh Abdullah
comicwaren · 7 months
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From Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #001, “Mutant Watch”
Art by Scott Godlewski and Erick Arciniega
Written by Iman Vellani and Sabir Pirzada
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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As Kamala Khan is sent home to New Jersey, she gets an unwelcome sight when she sees a zombie version of herself terrorizing the city. The Zombie Ms Marvel is wearing the old costume and has stretchy powers but there is a difference - the zombie has another superpower. Just before Lockjaw could help Kamala to teleport away, they get attacked by Zombie Ms Marvel.
Kamala is pinned down by a zombie version of herself when the evil scientist comes in and explains to her that the zombie has hard light which happens to be an untapped mutant power. The evil scientist claims that she is a big fan of Kamala. However, Kamala is having none of it so she shrinks down before getting smashed by the zombie. While Kamala and Zombie Ms Marvel are fighting, the former (Kamala) sees a group of witnesses who are her family and the Imam from the mosque, gathering around to watch the fight. The confused witnesses could not tell which of the two Ms Marvels is the real one. Just when Kamala tries to tell the bystanders to run, Zombie Ms Marvel attacks them with hard light, aiming for her family. The Imam pushes Kamala's brother out of the way but gets hit by the hard light, knocking him out. The enraged Kamala Khan gets herself together and pushes the zombie into the river and fights harder than ever. Kamala destroys Zombie Ms Marvel by squeezing her too hard until the hard light shatters. As Kamala scolds the evil scientist, she gets zapped to unconsciousness, leaving the evil scientist to gloat over her failure.
At the aftermath of the fight with Zombie Ms Marvel, Kamala's popularity as a resident New Jersey superhero has collapsed. The Imam is in a coma, her friends and family have turned their backs on Ms Marvel and the even X-Men (especially Kitty Pryde) are unsympathetic to her plight. However, the only person who still supports Kamala as a friend is Bruno Carrelli.
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4, 2024
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
"Good is not a thing you are, Kamala. It is a thing you do."
This is a very important concept that a lot of people struggle to understand. Some people aggressively don't want to understand it, to the point that I've seen this show blamed as if it invented the concept of judging people by their actions.
What Sheikh Abdullah's talking about is a fundamental shift in how we interpret concepts of good and evil. One that seems so basic when you say it out loud but that is inexplicably difficult for a lot of people to grasp. I don't know how it is in Muslim culture, but in the circles I come from, I see people struggle with this all the time.
The idea is this: People do good things and people do bad things. Try to do good things. That's it. It seems so simple as a system of morality. You would think, you would really think, that this is the baseline system of morality that people just naturally follow.
But it's not.
Many people treat good and bad as intrinsic qualities of individuals. The things that good people do are good. And the things that bad people do? Those things are bad. It's not even about what the thing is; The same act can be good if done by a good person but bad if done by a bad person. The morality of the act is defined by the intrinsic goodness or badness of the person doing it.
If a person agreed to be good steals a loaf of bread, then the assumption follows that they must be desperate. They're hungry. They're going through tough times. But if a person agreed to be bad steals a loaf of bread, then it's because they're bad. Bad people steal. They're just expressing their inner badness.
Nobody stops to ask why the person stole the loaf of bread. They just trust their inner judgment on the person's goodness or badness to define the act for them.
In fact, this often applies to how we consume media. We've seen and discussed quite a bit of it right here in the MCU. Heroic characters have gotten away with doing some horrifying shit in the MCU, haven't they? From serial murders to building a WMD that annihilated a sovereign country, with nary a slap on the wrist. The stories we consume just throw those things out there and keep right on trucking like the characters we're supposed to root for aren't horrifying criminals.
Why? Because of an agreement between the writer and audience that these characters are good people. So even when they're engaging in mass murder, even when they launch attacks on populated cities or destroy a country with their hubris, we are not really meant to judge them harshly for it. Because they are good, and the things they do are good.
Meanwhile, characters like Karli Morgenthau are meant to be judged harshly, meant to be condemned, even when every word out of their mouth is right. Because she is the villain, and so her works are bad.
This is called Protagonist-Centered Morality. It's the application of "Things are good when done by good people and bad when done by bad people" applied to the narrative roles of the protagonist and antagonist. It's the obligatory assumption of intrinsic goodness and intrinsic badness coloring perception of the actions being taken by the characters onscreen.
It's the reason that, whenever you're writing a story, you should really take some time to think about your hero and your villain, and to ask: "What actually makes this character good and that character bad? What am I actually doing to give the audience reason to agree with the narrative assessment of their roles?"
And it's something that, once you start to see it in the real world, you can't really unsee it. Xenophobia thrives on Good People/Bad People logic; Categories that are just as easily defined as In-Group and Out-Group. A conservative will accuse Mexicans of being drug addicts and then take a hit of cocaine without an ounce of self-awareness, because drugs are only bad when they're done by Bad People.
(Personally, I think drugs are fine in general even though the hardest substance I use is caffeine, but that's beside the point. Point is, a lot of political hypocrisy is itself driven by Good People/Bad People logic. It's a hell of a trip.)
Point is, Sheikh Abdullah has touched on a very important philosophical change in the way we view morality that a lot more people need to hear than you might think, summarized in a single, easy to quote line of dialogue. And oh boy, will quoting that line to some of the people who need to hear it piss them off. Not even at you, but at the show for writing it. As if Sheikh Abdullah was the first person to ever have this idea.
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
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In 2017, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, who signed the peace agreement with Israel, gave the following warning to the European Union.
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royal-confessions · 2 months
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“King Abdullah II is a joke. He was “shocked” & “outraged” by the assasination of a former U.S president who is racist & islamophobic amongst other things. But as of now, he can’t be bothered to utter a word about the political assasination of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader, by Israel which massively hindered the ceasefire negotiation process. Other Muslim nations like Turkey openingly mourn the deaths and even Arab leaders like the Qatari emir attended the funeral - what’s Abdullah II’s excuse? This man is a coward and US/Zionist bootlicker.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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howieabel · 5 months
O Lord We appear like Desperate lovers, And in our hearts We are sleep-soiled; Our breasts full of fire Our eyes full of water; Sometimes we burn In the fire of our hearts; Sometimes we are drowned in tears
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newsmrl · 10 months
रूसी राष्ट्रपति पुतिन की सऊदी अरब और UAE की यात्रा के वैश्विक स्तर पर क्या मायने हैं ?
UAE : रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने बुधवार को सऊदी अरब और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात की यात्रा शुरू की। इस यात्रा से सऊदी अरब की प्रसन्नता का अंदाज़ा मीडिया समेत दुनिया को तब लग गया जब पुतिन अपने विमान की सीढ़ियों से नीचे उतरे और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात के विदेश मंत्री शेख अब्दुल्ला बिन जायद अल नाहयान मुस्कुराते हुए उनसे मिले। सऊदी अरब और यूएई दोनों ने ही आईसीसी की संधि पर हस्ताक्षर नहीं किए हैं। इसका…
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan looking at a photo of Hafez al-Assad and Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan in 1972
4 January 2023
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hassanatforusmk · 7 months
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Killed by Isreal's bombardment and blocakde: 0 years old
Didn't reach their first birthday
Abd al-Jawad Mizar Jamal Hoso (0 years old)
Abdel Khaleq Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Abdel Rahim Ahmed Abdel Rahim Awad (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Essam Salah (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Samir Salama Saad (0 years old)
Abdel Raouf Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Abdullah Omar Shehab (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Kamel Zidane Al-Hawajri (0 years old)
Abdullah Ahmed Khalil Zorob (0 years old)
Abdullah Amir Abdullah Al Khor (0 years old)
Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hamid Muhanna (0 years old)
Adam Magdy Jaber Al-Dahdouh (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Fouad Al Agha (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (0 years old)
Ahmed Moamen Ahmed Daloul (0 years old)
Ahmed Mohamed Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Ahmed Muhammad Yasser Dardouna (0 years old)
Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Fouda (0 years old)
Ahmed Shadi Talal Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Ahmed Talaat Ali Barhoum (0 years old)
Aisha Jihad Jalal Shaheen (0 years old)
Alia Abdel Nour Sami Al-Souri (0 years old)
Alma Adnan Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)
Alma Moamen Muhammad Hamdan (0 years old)
Alma Qais Abdul Karim Al-Zahrani (0 years old)
Alyan Abdul Rahman Alyan Al-Ashqar (0 years old)
Amal Mahmoud Mohamed Saleha (0 years old)
Amal Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bayouk (0 years old)
Amir Mahmoud Zuhdi Al-Masry (0 years old)
Anas Abdul Aziz Muhammad Zahir (0 years old)
Anas Abdullah Bahaa Al-Din Sukayk (0 years old)
Anas Tariq Muhammad Al-Hasanat (0 years old)
Anisa Mahmoud Ahmed Ali (0 years old)
Anwar Muhammad Ahmed Al Hindi (0 years old)
Aseed Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)
Aseel Amir Ali Al-Ashi (0 years old)
Aseel Muhammad Jumah Dhair (0 years old)
Aws Muhammad Hussein Al-Aleel (0 years old)
Ayat Abdul Aziz Omar Farwaneh (0 years old)
Ayla Uday Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (0 years old)
Badr Yasser Rafiq Abu Habib (0 years old)
Bahaa Mustafa Jamal Musa (0 years old)
Basil Muhammad Hossam Abu Jasser (0 years old)
Bilal Khaled Muhammad Sobh (0 years old)
Bilal Muhammad Kamal Hamdan (0 years old)
Celine Abdel Hadi Adel Daher (0 years old)
Celine Ihab Ayman Al-Bahtiti (0 years old)
Daughter of Dina Abdel Hakim Ayoub Natat (0 years old)
Daughter of Zainab Muhammad Al-Abd Nawas (0 years old)
Diaa Ahmed Abdel Ati Saleh Musa (0 years old)
Diaa Majed Ahmed Kishko (0 years old)
Elena Momen Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)
Eliana Muhammad Nabil Mekheimer (0 years old)
Ella Muhammad Salem Al-Drimli (0 years old)
Essam Mohammed Essam Farag (0 years old)
Etaf Hassan Riyadh (0 years old)
Ezzat Asaad Ezzat Saq Allah (0 years old)
Fadl Maysara Muhammad Abu Hasira (0 years old)
Fahd Uday Imad Al-Ajez (0 years old)
Farah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)
Farah Hossam Abdel Karim Hanoun (0 years old)
Farah Suleiman Raed Abu Shabab (0 years old)
Fatima Louay, Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)
Fatima Moatasem Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Fatima Muhammad Rizq Al-Wawi (0 years old)
Fatima Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (0 years old)
Fayrouz Fadi Hamada Abu Salima (0 years old)
Firas Muhammad Abdel Aziz Tamraz (0 years old)
George Sobhi George Al-Souri (0 years old)
Ghaith Khattab Omar Al-Bahloul (0 years old)
Ghaith Yasser Nabil Nofal (0 years old)
Ghazal Asaad Maher Abu Lashin (0 years old)
Ghazal Mahmoud Saeed Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Hala Yasser Hamed Al-Sanwar (0 years old)
Hamza Muhammad Abdel Hamid Ashour (0 years old)
Hassan Hamza Hassan Al-Amsi (0 years old)
Hassan Muhammad Hassan Abu Daqqa (0 years old)
Haya Sharif Bakr Al-Batniji (0 years old)
Hind Khaled Ahmed Jahjouh (0 years old)
Hoda Mustafa Hatem Abu Seif (0 years old)
Hoor Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Mamlouk (0 years old)
Hoor Omar Mahmoud Al-Azaib (0 years old)
Hoor Rashad Saeed Habib (0 years old)
Hoor Yassin Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ahmed Nasser Shaqura (0 years old)
Ibrahim Al-Muatasem Walid Al-Quqa (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ammar Saad Al-Qara (0 years old)
Iman Muhammad Abdel Fattah Al-Hinnawi (0 years old)
Ismail Ahmed Ismail Farhat (0 years old)
Issa Mahmoud Muhammad Qarmout (0 years old)
Iyad Abdel Rahman Jihad Muheisen (0 years old)
Jamal Muhammad Jamal Al-Maghari (0 years old)
Jannah Hisham Muhammad Hamouda (0 years old)
Jannat Naji Abdel Rahman Abu Hammad (0 years old)
Jihad Muhammad Raafat Al-Dalis (0 years old)
Joan Ali Nasr Amer (0 years old)
Joel Atallah Ibrahim Al-Amsh (0 years old)
Joud Bahaa Al-Din Haider Al-Nadim (0 years old)
Juri Ammar Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (0 years old)
Juri Ayed Ismail Al-Najjar (0 years old)
Juri Darwish Hamed Abu Khatla (0 years old)
Juri Ramadan Muhammad Miqdad (0 years old)
Karim Muhammad Fayez Al-Madhoun (0 years old)
Karima Muhammad Majid Al-Ghoul (0 years old)
Kenan Amin Marwan Abu Shakyan (0 years old)
Khaled Bilal Muhammad Abu Al-Amrain (0 years old)
Khaled Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Lana Yasser Nassif Hegazy (0 years old)
Lana Youssef Emad Loulou (0 years old)
Layan Muhammad Youssef Hussein (0 years old)
Layan Rami Anwar Faisal (0 years old)
Louay Mahmoud Saleh Al-Ajrami (0 years old)
Maha Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Eid Muhammad Nabhan (0 years old)
Mahmoud Fadi Khaled Al-Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Youssef Muhammad Abu Shawish (0 years old)
Mai Hatem Asaad Qita (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Rahman Ayesh Darwish (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Salam Ali Abu Saif (0 years old)
Malak Mahmoud Atef Halawa (0 years old)
Malik Mahdi Ahmed Shalouf (0 years old)
Malik Muhammad Shafiq Abu Al-Kass (0 years old)
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mistressemmedi · 7 months
A whistleblower has told the FIA that Ben Sulayem allegedly intervened to overturn a penalty given to Aston Martin's Fernando Alonso at the 2023 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.
The claim is in a report by an FIA compliance officer to its ethics committee, which has been seen by BBC Sport.
Ben Sulayem and the FIA have not responded to requests for comment.
PpThe allegation made by the whistleblower is that Ben Sulayem called Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamas bin Isa Al Khalifa - the FIA's vice-president for sport for the Middle East and North Africa region, who was in Saudi Arabia for the race in an official capacity - and made it clear he thought Alonso's penalty should be revoked.
Does the whistleblower have anything else to report? Maybe about events in 2021? Asking for a friend.
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel #001
“Kamala”, by G. Willow Wilson (W), Takeshi Miyazawa and Ian Herring (A)
“Champion”, by Mark Waid (W), Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba and Edgar Delgado (A)
“Avenger”, by Saladin Ahmed (W), Andrea Di Vito and Edgar Delgado (A)
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Iron Man drops by for a funeral for Kamala and to have a talk with Doctor Strange. Captain America also comes in to give a eulogy speech about Kamala Khan as both a Champion and an Avenger. Then, the speech gets interrupted by the noise outside the mosque. The noise comes from Piledriver of the Wrecking Crew who's been causing trouble. Sheikh Abdullah politely asks Piledriver to keep it down. Seeing the heroes surrounding him, Piledriver complies to the Sheikh's request and surrenders to the authorities.
Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms Marvel #1, 2023
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Sheikh Abdullah: "I'm not even concerned if God is on my side as long as I am on His side. For God is always right." Agent Deever: "I don't have time for Quranic quotes. Excuse me." Sheikh Abdullah: "Actually, that was Abraham Lincoln."
Insert "OH SNAP" reaction shot of your choice. There has been a murder in this mosque.
I love this guy so much.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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royal-confessions · 10 months
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“While sheika moza and sheik tamim are busting their tails off trying to solve the Palestinian crisis, the JRF are doing absolutely nothing. The king and queen are hardly speaking out. They payed millions for a wedding to launch the future king and queen yet the crown prince is barely working and doing anything and the future queen is in the US enjoying fine dining and having fun with her friends. Queen rania has a lot to learn from sheika moza. I hope she tries to copy her hard work and dedication more than trying to compete with her over fashion and being jealous of her. Moza >>>rania.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Rajwa did nothing and Hussein did minimum when it comes to Gaza genocide” - Submitted by clearmiracleexpert
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mustafeedh · 7 months
Medicines for the heart
"Take care of your heart. There are five medicines for the heart:
Night Prayer
Ask for forgiveness at dawn
Prolonged fasting
Friendship with righteous people
Recite the Qur'an and talk less
Don't refuse these medicines."
— Sheikh Abdullah Azzam رحمه الله
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