#She’s passed out on the couch and I’m the only one home to nurse her back to health
eddis-not-eeddis · 7 months
Finally feeling semi-human again, so you know what that means! Time to party*!!!!
*do lots of laundry and watch a k-drama
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softspiderling · 3 months
and I wish you wouldn't wait for me, but you always do | r.c.
“He always seems so rough, I guess I’m a bit surprised to see that he’s such a caring boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you correct her, reaching for her cigarette in her hand without asking, even though you are bumming it off of her. “We’re just friends.”
Avoiding Sofia’s inquisitive gaze, you look out to the pool, blowing out a puff of smoke.
“Really. Just friends.”
OR, everyone thinks Rafe refuses to commit to a relationship, even though you're the one with cold feet.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 1,5k
warnings: MDNI, mention of sex, but nothing too graphic
author's note: i just wanted to write a short drabble but it just kept going and i'm not sorry. hope you like it, make sure to leave a comment/reblog if you do, i always appreciate it and ily
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You hate hate hate the word situationship.
It's dumb, and it glorifies uncertain terms in relationships and it never ends well.
Unfortunately, you can’t really find another term for the thing you have with Rafe. It’s more than a friends with benefits thing, but definitely not a relationship. Everyone always thinks it’s because of Rafe; that he doesn’t want to commit to a relationship, commit to one girl, and you always laugh it off when someone asks about it, never really denying it, letting them believe that it’s Rafe’s fault for the vague label of your… Thing. It’s easier to let them think what they want instead of admitting that you’re the reason.
You don’t know why you’re scared. Clearly you have some underlying trauma or maybe it was your first boyfriend who treated you shitty, but you just don’t want to call Rafe your boyfriend. Though honestly, to everyone else, it kind of seems like he is.
At every party, the two of you are attached at each other’s hip. Hands linked, pushing through the crowd, while Rafe looks over his shoulder every minute to make sure you’re still safely behind him. On the couch, Rafe is nursing a drink, listening to Topper yap about his new girlfriend, his arm slung around your shoulder while you talk to your friend. You get to a party together, you leave together.
“You know, I think it’s really cute that Rafe seems so protective over you,” Sofia says.
You glance over at her, having snuck outside for a smoke - Rafe doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes, which is ironic, really - and having bumped into the bartender, you two shared a cigarette.
“He always seems so rough, I guess I’m a bit surprised to see that he’s such a caring boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you correct her, reaching for her cigarette in her hand without asking, even though you are bumming it off of her. “We’re just friends.”
Avoiding Sofia’s inquisitive gaze, you look out to the pool, blowing out a puff of smoke.
“Really. Just friends.”
You pass the cigarette back to her, hoping it would prevent her from talking any more, and it works. She doesn’t bring it up again.
A couple of hours later, you’re sitting in Rafe’s truck as he drives home. Home, as in his house. His hand is on your thigh, and you’re nearly dozed off, when he speaks up.
“Sofia asked me if I wanted to grab a drink with her.”
That got your attention.
You look over at him, blinking in confusion.
“Sofia Flores?”
“One and only.”
Your first thought is, bitch! Your second thought is, why am I getting mad? You swallow the lump that is forming in your throat and you shrug with your shoulders, leaning back in your seat.
“Okay… Where are you going to take her?”
Rafe doesn’t answer, and for a second you think that he might not have heard you before he clears his throat. “I’ll probably take her to the country club.”
You glance at him for a split second, before turning away to stare out of the window, frowning deeply. There’s something you want to say, it’s on the tip of your tongue, but before you can gather the courage to say it, Rafe pulls his hand away, the moment dissipating, leaving you simmering in anger, fighting with your emotions.
Despite the tension between the two of you, you still spend the night at his place. You still moan out his name as he fucks you from behind, tugging on your hair the way you like it. He still flips you around when you’re close, his eyes searching yours when you finally come, and you still close your eyes. After he’s finished, going to the bathroom to find a towel to clean you off, Rafe wraps himself around your backside, leaving warm kisses on your neck.
“About tomorrow-” he starts, but you break him off.
“Take her to The Summit,” you say. “She works at the country club, it’s weird if you take her there.”
“… Okay.”
You don’t say anything else, pretending that you’ve fallen asleep but you lay there, awake for hours with Rafe next to you. You hate the idea of Rafe going out with Sofia. She’s pretty. And nice. You could see him falling in love with her and it honestly bothers you more than you’d like to admit. There’s moments you’re so close to turning to Rafe, to tell him something, but you always chicken out. Somewhere during your 20th try, you finally fall asleep.
When you wake up the next morning, you can tell that it’s past noon already, the sun already high on the horizon. The other side of the bed is empty, barely even warm anymore, which means Rafe must have been awake for a while now. Picking up a shirt of his that hangs over a chair, you traipse around to find your panties, tugging them on when Rafe walks into the bedroom, already dressed and ready to go.
“Hey,” you say, distracted, running your hand through your hair. “Do you want to get breakfast?”
“Actually I just wanted to tell that I was about to leave to go pick up Sofia.”
“Already?” you ask, confused, staring at him.
“Yeah, I thought it’d be nice to take her out on the boat.”
Rafe looks at you. For a very long time. Daring you to say something, but you only look back at him, the lump in your throat returning. Neither of you says anything, so Rafe only nods, grabbing his keys from the dresser.
“You can hang out here if you want, eat something. Don’t know when I’ll be back though,” he said nonchalantly and you ball your hands into fists, not answering because you’re not quite sure if you can keep your voice even. Rafe walks towards the door, when you finally break out of your stupor.
He stops in his tracks, halfway out of the room, but he doesn’t look at you. Which honestly, makes all of this a little easier.
“Don’t go on that date.”
To your embarrassment, your voice cracks a little, but you clear your throat, playing it off. Rafe finally turns his head, his eyes finding yours and you manage to hold his gaze.
You roll your eyes with a scoff, having expected that he wouldn’t make it easy on you. Rafe is a proud man, and you… Hurt his pride. Unintentionally, but you did.
“You know why.”
“Say it,” Rafe demands, his forehead creasing. “You can’t keep doing this to me.”
Something broke inside of you, hearing him say it like that, and you take a deep breath as you approach him slowly, your hands shaking as you reach out to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
“I’m sorry…” You say. “I hate this… I’m really bad at this feelings shit, but… Don’t go.”
You can tell that Rafe is not entirely convinced, and you know what he wants you to say. Something that you’ve been keeping so closely to your chest, that you never dared to say it out loud, or even think about it, but you know that if you don’t say it now, you might never get to change to say it ever again.
“I love you.”
Rafe’s hands find your waist and the frown on his forehead disappears. Finally. “Took you long enough,” he grunts, still a little upset and the lump in throat starts to get smaller.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you mumble, hiding your face in his chest. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just scared.”
Rafe doesn’t say anything, a hand coming up to the nape of your neck, tilting your face up so that you’d look at him.
“I get it.”
He leans down to kiss you, and you melt into him, kissing him back, following his directions as he moves you backwards to the bed. You fall backwards on the bed, and Rafe cages you in, but before he can go any further, you stop him, pushing at his chest.
“What?” he says, still leaning in to find your mouth.
“What about Sofia?”
“Fuck Sofia,” Rafe mutters, sucking a hickey on your neck but you swat at him.
“Rafe, no. That’s mean, the least you can do is cancel.”
Rafe groans, drawing back to pull his phone out of his pocket to text Sofia. He shows you the text, raising his brows.
“You happy now?”
He tosses his phone on the bed behind you, and gets back to business, nosing along your clavicle. His phone vibrates, but neither of you pay it any attention, too focused on each other.
Rafe: Sorry, I gotta cancel. Hope you don’t mind.
Sofia: It’s okay, don’t worry about it.
Sofia: Hope you two figured it out.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: if you thought "this bitch knows nothing about situationships and smoking" while reading this, you're right! hope it's still accurate.
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Congratulations, You're Pregnant | Kim Hongjoong
-> Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Wife!Reader
-> Request: No
-> Synopsis: Y/N finds out why she's been sick the past two weeks.
-> Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of throwing up, fatigue, medical talk. This is terrible and didn't turn out how I expected it to.
-> Word Count: 656
-> Requests: Open.
Hongjoong Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy, modify and/or repost anywhere.
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Waking up from her slumber, Y/N turns onto her back and gazes up at her husband through sleepy eyes.  
He smiles down at her, “Hi, sleepyhead.” 
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you,” she pouts as she starts to feel guilty for falling asleep not even ten minutes into the movie. Now the two-hour movie is almost finished, and she couldn’t tell you how it went or even remembered how it started. 
“It makes up for all the times I’ve fallen asleep on you during movie night,” he assures her and looks at her with concern. “Are you still not feeling too good?” 
She nods and sits up as a wave of nausea washes over her. “I don’t know what’s going. I thought it might be the stomach flu but it’s coming up two weeks and it’s not easing off at all. The nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and fatigue. I just want it to end.” 
“I think it's time to see a doctor,” he suggests, turning off the TV and getting up from the couch.  
“I can schedule an appointment for tomorrow. It's not urgent,” she says.  
“It's urgent for me. My wife has been sick for two weeks, and I want to find out what's causing it,” he says, heading to the door to put on his shoes and coat.  
Without protest, she lets him help her with her shoes and jacket before they leave the house. 
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Four long hours have passed slowly, making it feel like they’ve been sitting there for an eternity. Y/N's arm is connected to a fluid drip to replenish her hydration while they anxiously await the results of the blood tests. 
Y/N's frustration is reaching its peak as she sits on the hospital bed, ready to throttle the next person who enters. She is becoming more agitated by the minute from all the constant beeping of the machines, people muttering to each other and the smell, that hospital grade disinfectant smell. She swears it’s ten times worse than it usually is and she knows the smell well. Her mother’s been a nurse since before Y/N was born. She’d often bring the smell home with her. 
Finally, the doctor re-enters the cubicle with a surprising announcement. "Congratulations," he says, breaking the silence. "You're pregnant."  
The young couple is left speechless, completely taken aback. They haven’t been trying for a baby, both agreeing to wait until next year after all the tour stuff is over. 
Now, faced with this unexpected news, their plans are thrown into disarray. Y/N's frustration quickly transforms into a whirlwind of emotions - shock, fear, and a hint of excitement.
The doctor continues, explaining the next steps and offering support. Y/N's mind races, not hearing anything the doctor is saying as she looks at Hongjoong, searching for some kind of reassurance.  
Hongjoong, sensing Y/N's shift in emotions, reaches out and takes her hand. They exchange a knowing look, silently acknowledging that their lives are about to change in the best way possible. 
"I’m sorry, could you please repeat all that?" Hongjoong politely asks the doctor, letting Y/N know that she wasn't the only one who missed what was said. 
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As soon as Hongjoong and Y/N step foot in their apartment, Hongjoong pulls Y/N into his arms, and buries his face into her neck, as he repeats "I love you," over and over again.  
She wraps her arms around him, holding him tightly, feeling his tears wet her skin. Feeling her own tears build up, she becomes overwhelmed 
As the news of the unexpected pregnancy continues to sink in, the feelings from earlier, the shock, the fear and the little tinge of excitement, intensifies. Especially the fear and excitement.  
In less than 8 months, their small family of two will become a family of three. 
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@staytiny2000 - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea
@rainydayteacups - @green-agent - @tinyelfperson - @yeonjunnie – @hollxe1
@laylasbunbunny – @deltamoon666 - @skz1-4-3 - @pinkies-things - @everythingboutkpop
@oddracha - @http-gyu - @skittyneos -
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satorubi · 2 years
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༄ a threesome with your colleagues leads to a very sticky situation.
♱ CW - f! reader, threesomes, big cock nanami and toji, doggy, missionary, double pen, usage of profanity, usage of pet names such as baby/love/sweetheart, use of the word bitch but only once, <> word count - 1.5k <> notes - hi hi, this is a reupload bc there are some opps in the building. pls yall i swear i don’t mean any harm </3 i wrote this in one night & @venusflytrapstar is the one to blame.
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toji and nanami were good at their craft.
saving lives daily wasn’t exactly the dream job for some, but to them— it was. there was no better feeling than finishing up a patient, stitching them good as new and seeing them exit the facility with a smile on their face.
and that’s why you adored your colleagues.
toji and nanami had been there since you first began as a pre-med student, already having their lives set at the hospital when you arrived a few years ago. you adored their dedication, work ethic, and abilities just as much as you adored saturday nights.
the nights where not only toji ruptures your insides, but nanami doing the same right after him.
“god-fuckin’ damn, pussy’s so tight. like havin’ both of us fuck you senseless huh?” toji grunts, his cock plummeting into you slowly but deeply as nanami stuck his tongue down your throat.
every time the weekend rolled around, you wondered if it was a dream. to have two handsome men fucking you whenever you asked while also being professional outside of closed doors really got your tummy fluttering. it was something ravenous and exciting about the mischief of it all.
to be such persistent individuals, they were sloppy in bed— fucking you back to back as you mess up the sheets of whoever’s home you’d decided to get pounded at next; this time being nanami’s. the three of you currently having the time of your lives in his living room, ruining his brown leather couch cushions as your pussy contracts around toji’s cock for the second time tonight.
“she’s so pretty— such a slut for us, all for us,” nanami praises, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat making you gag. they were both fucking huge and shoving their cocks into you as if they weren’t was a mix of pleasure and pain, but you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
“nurse y/n, who knew you were such a fuckin’ whore? look at how this pussy’s fuckin’ me back. bet you think about us while you’re with patients, huh?” toji teases, his tip repeatedly hitting your gushy spot. nanami picked up speed while fucking your throat, his hands holding both of your cheeks. the gagging and queefing of your pussy and mouth had them both going insane.
sometimes you wondered if this would ever escalate to more. it was against protocol and way outside of the employee handbook, but the dick was just too good to pass up.
“such a fuckin’ goddess. love fuckin’ you, baby.” nanami says, caressing your cheek when he pushes his cock to the back of your throat— you choke, but you take every inch. with a gag, he pulls out of your mouth completely, leaving a string of saliva connecting from his cock to your bottom lips.
not too much. fuck is he callin’ her that for? he thought. to toji, there was no reason to. you were all just friends who fuck— well, at first.
it was at that moment you could feel toji fucking you harder. his rough hands gripped at your ass and rolls as he fucked you from behind, watching you clap back against his pelvis. he could cum right now, but he couldn’t help but to feel a small bit a jealousy bubbling inside of fim.
after multiple months of getting to know you and stretching you out, both toji and nanami could say that they’d never felt this way with anyone before— no one other than you. but that was the thing, they couldn’t both have you, not unless it was like this.
“i..i’m cumming—fuuuck yes! fuck me like that, oh my god,” you moan, not missing the way toji’s pace went from steady to rough. with a few more thrusts, you began to coat him like glaze on a donut as he guided his dick in and out of your hole.
“good girl. you’re a sexy little bitch aren’t ya’ ?” toji mumbles, his palm meeting your ass cheek leaving a sting. you giggle, averting your attention from nanami’s eyes to looking behind you at toji. you reached back and put a hand on his stomach and clawed at it with your nails.
“c’mon, toji. wanna’ feel it all, daddy,” you encourage, hearing an annoyed sigh come from nanami. you swore they acted like two envious school boys when it came down to you.
“shit, cummin’, i’m cummin’ for you, baby. where do ya’ want it babydoll?” all it took was for you to say the words in me to have toji spurting his cum into your belly. from the corner of your eye, you could see nanami roll his tongue on the inside of his cheek, removing his glasses and making his way behind you.
nanami have toji a tap on the shoulder and uttered, “move,” in a low tone.
“the fuck are you gettin’ mad about?” toji questions, slipping his dick out of your pretty little hole that just aches for more dick. nanami said nothing, he only gave toji a rather unpleasant expression. surprisingly, toji didn’t argue. instead, he moved over to the side and allowed the impatient man to take his position behind you.
“someone’s jealous, eh?”
nanami grunts, flipping you over onto your back so he could see your beautifully fucked out face, “fushiguro don’t start with me—“
“kento, don’t forget who fucked her first,” toji winks, making nanami knit his brows— chest heaving up and down with agitation. before it could get too routty, your soft voice could be heard from under them.
“hello? can you both shut the fuck up and fuck me already? geez, you act like children,” you sigh. nanami sends toji one last glare before readjusting his focus on you— the pretty angel who had no idea she was setting their hearts on fire.
“i’m so sorry, darling. forgive me,” he whispers, kissing at your neck before toji stood before you— cock hovering over your face creating a shadow.
“kiss ass,” toji mutters.
the minor setback only had your attention for a brief moment as nanami entered himself inside you. you loved how different they both felt. toji was on the bigger side, his cock stretching you out in ways you could never imagine, leaving you begging him for more. where as nanami had length. he was able to reach your spot within seconds of thrusting, sending you over the edge rather quickly.
“jesus, you’re so fuckin’ tight sweetheart,” he groans, stray pieces of blond hair sticking to his forehead as he kept a slow and gentle pace. toji on the other hand, gave you a small moment to get use to the feeling between your legs prior to fucking your face.
“open up, sweet thing,” toji says and you oblige. with your mouth stretching as wide as it could, you tried your absolute best to fit him all the way in, gargling on his cock as his balls slapped against your forehead, “aah—shit, love this fuckin’ throat. takin’ us so well, and at the same time too.”
“and this cunt too,” nanami adds, “never get over you. can’t believe you feel this good, love.”
love. you’d be lying if you said their words didn’t make you want to cry and cum all at once but here you were, taking the two men you admired and cherished the most— unable to call them yours. but deep down inside, the three of you knew the connection was endless. no matter how many times they’d remind themselves of the rules created beforehand, the feeling of your pussy around them had the two men drawn to no one other than you.
the familiar sensation in your stomach had you moaning and whimpering as the two men continued to fuck your holes. noticing your change in movement, nanami reached out to intertwine his hand with yours. a few moments after, you could feel toji doing the same, grabbing the hand that nanami hadn’t, both of them holding onto you and letting you know that they were ready for your explosion.
the intimacy and warmth that they were giving you took you there, toji removing his cock from your mouth and nanami picking up speed, “fuck i’m cumming a-again— ooh! please, please, please— it feels so good!”
“you heard the lady nanami, make that pussy cum,” toji chuckles. as if it were on command, you cunt suckled at nanami’s cock, pulling him right along with you as you reach your climax.
“cum baby, cum for me—please, i’m gonna’ cum with you,” he grunts, squeezing your hand a bit tighter. after a few more sloppy thrusts, you and nanami had cum together.
“there you go, good girl,” toji says, kneeling down to kiss your cheeks and neck. your tits jiggled with every breath you took and your mind was fuzzy from the moment. neither of them had let you go yet, both of their hands still holding on to yours and nanami’s cock still keeping warm inside you.
“that was…fuck,” nanami sighs, watching as toji’s thumbs wiped away the tears that’d escaped your eyes earlier tonight.
after cleaning you up and dressing you in one of nanami’s clean shirts, you could be found resting in the bedroom as the two men talked amongst themselves in the kitchen.
“so when are you gonna’ tell her how you feel?” toji asks, breaking the still silence of the room.
“i don’t know…when are you?”
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SUUNMIC 2022 — ©️ all rights reserved to @suunmic. please refrain from copying or reposting as your own.
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once again, special thank you to the lovely @venusflytrapstar !!!!
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hd-junglebook · 4 months
Falling For It
Part 1
word count - 2,081
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Humming under her breath, y/n waltzed to her last round of the night with a smile. The pediatric ward was finally quiet as the young patients slept. After the nonstop buzz of activity from the emergency rooms and worried families, y/n was ready for a breather.
As she passed the nurses station, her friend Destiney looked up from updating charts on the computer.
"Last hour, huh? Well, aren't you just flying through it?" she said with a smirk. She was well aware of y/n’s eagerness to go home.
“Smooth sailing from here,” y/n agreed, giving Destiney a grin. One more hour and her long awaited couch potato plans could begin.
She was planning a weekend of clubbing with her girlfriends at the bar downtown tomorrow night. Music, getting pretty and fruity cocktails awaited her outside of these cold walls.
y/n checked the time - only 30 minutes left in her shift. Just one more patient to check on before she could call it a night. Grabbing fresh gloves and vitals equipment, she made her way to the last room on her rotation.
Knocking gently before entering, she stepped inside. “Good evening Mr. Hughes, I’m y/n, the CNA on duty,” she introduced herself warmly to the young man sitting up in bed. “I just need to get your vitals and a blood sample if that’s alright.”
The brown-haired patient flashed her a charming smile. "Well Y/N. Lucky you," he said, a self-assured chuckle punctuating his words.
"Meeting someone like me doesn't happen every day," he quipped, his soft blue eyes meeting hers as he extended his arm, waiting for her to wrap the blood pressure cuff around it.
Y/N arched an eyebrow at Jack's confident demeanor, but she couldn't deny the charm that seemed to ooze from every pore of the young man. She nodded, playing along with his game.
"I'll try not to swoon, Mr. Hughes," she replied wryly, deftly velcroing the blood pressure cuff around his sculpted bicep. She couldn't help but notice how fit and strong he looked.
As the cuff inflated and she watched the gauge, y/n added casually, "So how's your pain by the way? Any headaches, dizziness, nausea? Or just a hard head keeping you comfortable?" Her no nonsense tone made it clear she wasn't here to get swept away by his antics.
"Oh there's no pain with you around to ease it," Jack replied smoothly, his voice like velvet. He ran a hand through his artfully mussed black hair. "But maybe a four outta ten. This hard head of mine has taken worse bumps on the ice and kept going."
Y/n maintained her professional composure, ignoring the way Jack's dark brown eyes seemed to gaze right through her. Clearing her throat, Y/n jotted a quick note, acutely aware of his eyes following her every move. The sharp antiseptic scent of the hospital couldn't mask his woodsy cologne.
"Well those other concussions must have rattled some sense into you then," she said. Clearly this patient was accustomed to wrapping girls around his finger with that smooth confidence of his.
Y/n made more small talk with Jack as she worked, carefully noting down his oxygen levels, temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure in his chart. Then she swiftly drew several vials of blood, applying a cottonball over the needle mark on his vein afterwards.
“All done, you did great, Mr. Hughes,” Y/N said with a smile, labeling the blood samples neatly to send to the lab. “Buzz if you need anything else tonight.” As she turned to leave, Jack called out to her.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, a playful glint in his eye. "You know, I wouldn't mind some company tonight. How about you and I grab a drink sometime?"
"While I'm flattered by the offer, I'll have to politely decline drinks, Mr. Hughes," she responded with a quirk of her lips. "Wouldn't want to jeopardize my sterling employee record over a date with a charmer like yourself. Now focus on healing that hard head of yours."
"Will do, gorgeous," Jack replied, "But when I get discharged from this joint, drinks are still on me if you change your mind."
"Goodnight, Mr. Hughes," Y/N said with an exaggerated eye roll, unable to keep a smile from her face as she exited. That man's persistence was almost enough to make her regret having to let him down.
Almost. With a last fond head shake at his antics, she headed to finish her charts, the image of his grinning face lingering in her mind.
Y/n headed home from the hospital. Jersey roads were packed to the brim but finally she made it home. The smell of caramel and pumpkins filled her nose as she kicked off her shoes by the front door before turning on the lights.
Light meows flowed through the hallways bringing a bug smile to her face. The brown tabby cat padded up to the entrance purring and rubbing against y/n’s legs.
After her long shift, y/n was relieved to finally pull into the driveway of her home. The narrow Jersey streets had been jammed as usual for this time of evening, but she didn't mind too much.
The sight of her house with its cheerful fall decorations by the front steps was welcome after a day on her feet at the hospital.
Pushing open the door, y/n breathed deep, enjoying the warm blend of caramel and pumpkin. The aroma made her smile. Fall was her favorite time of year.
Y/n kicked off her shoes, meows filled the hallway as her brown tabby cat came padding over to wind figure eights around her ankles. "Hey sweet boy," y/n murmured, reaching down to scritch under his chin. Hugo rumbled happily, nudging his head against her hand.
After providing Hugo with a fresh scoop of food, y/n poured herself a mug of hot chocolate and sank onto the living room sofa with a content sigh. The house was quiet except for the cat crunching his kibble and the occasional passing car outside.
Y/n was halfway through an episode of Game of Thrones when her phone suddenly vibrated with an incoming text. Then another. And another. With a soft groan, she grabbed the phone to check the influx of messages.
As expected, it was the group chat with her girlfriends blowing up. They always got extra excited leading up to one of their girls night.
"Just booked our table, bitches!" Angie had texted. "Meet at my place no later than 10:30, and yes y/n I mean you" Heather added. Lexi followed up insistently, "y/n don't forget the black top I wanted to borrow!" She quickly typed out a reassurance she hadn't forgotten about tonight or the black top she knew she wasn’t getting back.
As Y/N and her friends approached the club, the frigid air gnawed at their exposed skin, sending shivers down their spines. The lines outside stretched around the building, a testament to the club's popularity on a chilly night like this.
With each step, Y/N felt the chill seeping into her bones, the biting wind tugging at her clothing as they navigated the crowded streets.
"Come on, guys, just a little farther," Ang called out, her voice buoyant despite the cold as she navigated through the throng of people with ease. "We're almost there!"
Finally reaching the promoter line, Y/N watched as Ang worked her magic, effortlessly securing their entry into the club. As the bouncer scanned their IDs, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through her veins, the cold all but forgotten.
They were ushered in one by one, the bouncer's practiced eye scanning each of them before granting entry.
Y/N hurried inside, grateful to escape the biting cold that nipped at her legs, her breath forming puffs of vapor in the chilly air. As she stepped into the warmth of the club, the pulsating beat of the music washed over her, drowning out the winter chill and setting the stage for a night of excitement and adventure.
She made a beeline for the bar while her friends headed to the table, eager to start the night off with a buzz. A group of guys already occupied the bar, their boisterous laughter filling the air as they bantered back and forth.
Squeezing in next to them, Y/N caught the bartender's attention and ordered a lemon drop martini, her go-to choice for starting the night off right. As she waited for her drink, she couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation happening beside her.
The guys were deep in discussion about hockey, Y/N watched with interest as the bartender expertly prepared her drink, her eyes flicking between the group and the skilled mixologist behind the bar. Y/N raised her glass in a silent toast to the night ahead.
With a satisfied smile, she took a sip, letting the sweet tang of the cocktail wash over her palate as she settled in to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the club.
"So, you like hockey?” The guy at the bar turned towards Y/N with a wide grin. She was caught off guard by his sudden question. "Oh, uh, well, I don't really have a favorite team," she admitted with a sheepish laugh. "I mean, I enjoy watching games sometimes, but I'm not really die-hard about it."
The guy nodded, his smile widening. "That's cool, that's cool," he said, leaning casually against the bar. "I'm a player. I play in Canada, but my friends are on the Jersey devils."
Just then, Lexi bounded up beside Y/N, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she twirled her hair flirtatiously. "Hey there," she said, flashing the guy a dazzling smile. "I couldn't help but overhear you talking about hockey. I'm Lexi, by the way."
The guy's eyes lit up as he turned his attention to Lexi, his grin widening. "Hey, Lexi," he replied, extending his hand. "I'm Quinn. Nice to meet you." They exchanged pleasantries, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at Lexi's boldness, grateful for the distraction from her own thoughts.
Lexi's sudden interjection caught Y/N off guard, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise at her friend's audacity. "Um, yeah, we have a table," she added, her tone a bit too eager as she subtly placed her hand on the guy's bicep.
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lexi's not-so-subtle attempt at flirting. It was classic Lexi, always boy-crazy and never one to shy away from making her intentions known.
The guy, Quinn, seemed taken aback by Lexi's forwardness but recovered quickly, a charming smile spreading across his face. "That sounds great," he replied, his gaze flicking between Y/N and Lexi. "We'd love to join you."
Y/N sighed inwardly, resigned to the fact that her night was about to get a lot more interesting with Lexi's antics in full swing. As they made their way back to the table, she couldn't help but shake her head at her friend's boldness.
The night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, Y/N felt the effects of the alcohol hit her harder than she expected. With the group of boys that had joined them, drinks were poured endlessly, laughter filling the air as they exchanged stories and shared jokes.
Quinn suggested that they all come to a Devils game next week while he was in Jersey. The other boys nodded in agreement, meanwhile, the girls exchanged knowing giggles.
When the venue lights eventually flickered on to signal the end of the evening, Quinn turned to Lexi "Hey, we should exchange numbers, for the game and all.” He asked a bit shyly, Lexi grinned before nodding eagerly as she fished her phone out of her purse, exchanging numbers with Quinn
Quinn and the guys said their farewells to Y/N and her friends. Amid plenty of smiles all around, plans were set for the upcoming hockey game. The girls excitedly piled into their Uber, eager chat filling the car. "Oh my gosh, Quinn was so cute!" Lexi gushed. "Right?" the others chorused, laughter and smiles all around.
"That Jesper was a total sweetheart.," Ang added. Y/N grinned, shaking her head affectionately at her lovestruck friends. Their lively banter continued as they reminisced over the fun night.
Y/N certainly enjoyed meeting Quinn's upbeat group, but her thoughts did stray for a moment to Jack from the hospital. Sprinkled with cheerful squeals whenever their favorite hockey team's recent match came up, the girls' bubbly conversation flowed freely the whole ride back.
Send ya girl some feedback. I feel like this part was so bad, hopefully you like it tho 😃
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Inseparable Love
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: Yellow by Coldplay)
You felt the sunlight kissed your skin. You hated looking at it. Your frail, bruised, and pale skin. Once full of life and now slowly dying. A knock was heard and you turned around to see the door open. You smiled weakly to see your husband walk inside.
“Kento,” you tiredly called. He came in with a blanket hanging on his arm. He gave you a smile and wrapped you up in the blanket before bringing you into his arms.
“How are you feeling today, my love?” he asked softly.
“I’m more tired today,” you said.
Nanami pulled a chair closer to your hospital bed. He caressed your cheek and you couldn’t help but lean your face in his palm. You were skin and bones at this point. You covered your shaved head with a beanie since you always felt unconscious to not have a head of hair anymore.
“Can you please stay with me today?” you asked. “Please?”
“Of course, my love. What do you want to do today? I’ll do anything you want me to do.”
“I want to go home and live my last memories there with you,” you answered. Nanami gave you a soft smile and nodded.
“We’ll make arrangements right now,” he said. “And when I’m on missions or at the school, a nurse will stay with you at all times.” You smiled.
“I like that,” you replied.
Nanami made sure everything was done today. By tomorrow, when he returns back to work, a nurse will remain by your side. And when he returns home, he will assist the nurse back home by paying for her ride. It was the least Nanami can do.
Nanami held you close when you two arrived home. It was just the same as ever. Nothing was moved. But it shouldn’t have surprised you. If Nanami wasn’t at work, he would stay at the hospital with you. He only goes home for a change of clothes and a shower.
“Kento-kun, let’s read a book together,” you requested. Nanami nodded.
“What book do you want to read, my love?”
“Anything fantasy and action related.”
Nanami lightly chuckled and shook his head. You could never give an exact book title. But at least you knew what genre you were in the mood to read. He sat on the corner of the couch and you sat on his lap. You relaxed, leaning back by his chest and a smile forming on your lips. When one of you was done reading, you would keep your fingers by the corner of the page, as if they are ready to turn it. After the second person finishes, their hand goes to the bottom corner and the two of you will slowly turn the page together.
“I’m sleepy,” you said. Nanami bookmarked the page. He carried you in his arms and brought you to your shared bedroom. Nanami laid you down before lying down next to you. He held you close, scared that you were going to disappear if he woke up from his nap with you.
“I love you, my darling,” he said.
“I love you too, Kento.”
Months passed. You grew weaker and weaker. Nanami ended up spending every waking moment with you, taking off of work unless it was an emergency.
Nanami paid the nurse more for her to stay 24/7, making a room for her to stay in and allowing her to make herself at home just in case something happened. She reassured Nanami that her phone will always be on her if she stepped out. And he appreciated her for letting him know if she was going to go away to see her family. Nanami couldn’t argue with that.
But Nanami did most of the caring. He helped you make food, carried you around the house despite your protest, and helped you bathed. You slept more and he would read his book in bed while you slept.
“Tomorrow, on Halloween, I have a mission,” Nanami announced quietly. You nodded, understanding that he couldn’t back away from the mission.
“Be safe and come back home to me,” you said. Nanami softly kissed you.
“Of course, my love,” he said. “I always do, don’t I?” You smiled and let out a soft chuckle.
“You do, honey.” He held you close to him. “When I die, hopefully I’m at the beach in the afterlife. I’ll wait for you and we can enjoy our time forever and ever.” Nanami let his tears escape his eyes.
“When my time comes, I’ll be there with you,” he said.
“And don’t worry about me on your mission. Do what you have to do, okay?” Nanami nodded. “What should we do today?”
“We can just stay like this. Want me to cook you dinner? I can make you soup.”
“Miso soup,” you requested. “And hot tea. It’s really cold.”
“Yes, my love.”
The next day before he left, the two of you finally finished the book. You managed to stay awake until he had to leave that night. The two of you were inseparable. It became hard for the two of you to separate. You managed to sit up from bed with his help. You wanted to tie his tie. He watched you try. It wasn’t perfect but he didn’t bother to try and fix it. You straightened out his jacket and fixed his hair before you lied back down.
“I love you so much, Kento. Please be safe. Please come back home to me,” you said sadly.
“I love you so much too. I’ll come back to you, my love. I always do,” he said and kissed you one last time before he reluctantly left. Once he left, your nurse entered the bedroom. You smiled and when she sat down on the bed, you held her hand.
“I don’t think I’ll make it tonight,” you said. “I-I can feel it. Tell Kento-kun that I’m sorry.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“But if he doesn’t come back, don’t think ill of him,” you said. The nurse just nodded.
“I have never seen a couple love each other like you two love each other,” she said. “It’s very beautiful. Makes my heart ache.” You lightly chuckled and squeezed her hand.
“Kento-kun is the best husband,” you said. “I think I’ll go to sleep now. I haven’t gotten any sleep today.”
“Ma’am, is there anyone I should call in case something were to happen?” You nodded.
“A list of numbers are in my dresser. Keep calling someone if they don’t answer. Maybe call Ieiri Shoko. She’s most likely to answer.”
“Yes ma’am. I’ll check up on you every now and then.” You nodded and slowly closed your eyes, your thoughts on Nanami.
Nanami can feel the cool breeze. He hears the ocean waves crash on to the shore. His feet on the warm, and wet sand. That was when he knew. He knew he didn’t make it. He remembers Mahito standing in front of him. He remembers seeing Yuji and telling him that he’s got it from here. And he remembers thinking about you one last time before he was killed.
“I’m sorry, my love,” he said as he looked up at the sky. “I couldn’t come back home to you.” He walked along the shore, feeling at peace even though he feels empty. He just needed you and the afterlife will be complete.
The voice was barely heard, but he knew your voice anywhere. It was different. More lively. More loud. Nanami turned around and watched you in a white dress, waving at him excitedly. Your hair flowing down, moving with the breeze. He watched you run to him. You jumped to hug him and the two of you fell onto the sand.
Nanami looked at you. It was as if the cancer never affected you. You were now glowing. Your face is full of life. You were stronger, he can feel it with the hug you gave him.
“You didn’t—“
“You didn’t either,” you said with a pout. Nanami smiled. His hand rested on the back of your head and pushed your head so he could kiss you deeply.
“In that case, I’m back home, my love,” he said softly.
“I’m glad you came back home to me.”
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theodorecanaryhood · 4 months
The Apartment Upstairs
Jason Todd (left) x Male reader
Warning: swearing and sexual references
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It was a quiet night for the streets, which made a huge change. Jason tiredly strolled down the hallway as he reached his apartment door.
He heard shuffling upstairs which was strange due to it being coming up so late, but he was too tired to care.
The next day, Jason spent time catching up on some Netflix. He was finding it hard to focus a little as there was some small banging from upstairs.
Jason opened his apartment door as he listened out, hearing someone shifting boxes and such upstairs.
Mr McGregor used to live in 13b, but he was admitted to a nursing home after suffering from dementia.
The countless times Jason used to find Mr McGregor trying to break into Jason’s apartment, thinking it was his own.
The times he would have to remind Mr McGregor it was a Sunday and no post or packages were coming, or that it wasn’t 1984 anymore. Jason used to get called Patrick, which was Mr McGregor’s brother.
Jason always felt sad for the older man, used to play along as to not cause too much confusion or frustration.
‘Hey’ Jason smiled as he saw his neighbour, a young blonde woman.
‘Hey Jason’ she responded, sitting through her baby things, starting to show a little.
Her husband came up behind and handed her a little bag, filled with baby clothes.
Jason smiled as he watched the interaction, and the possibility of another neighbour being lost. A one bedroom apartment wouldn’t be ideal for a newborn.
The laundry room was always dim, smelled funny and was always full. Rarely in the years that Jason lived here, he’d never seen the laundry room empty of clothes.
The machine going on a rampage as it cleaned all of Jason’s clothes, a male figure appeared in the room.
Jason knew just about everyone that lived in this building, advantage of being home all day most days.
Your petite figure was what caught Jason’s eyes first, your h/c hair and e/c eyes. Jason towered over most people, you seemed no exception.
You didn’t speak to Jason, nor did you introduce yourself. You both finished in the laundry room at the same time, Jason seeing as you went up to apartment 13b.
‘Guess he’s my new neighbour’ Jason mumbled to himself.
There was a silence that always filled the halls at this time, however, there was a small argument occurring.
Jason heard it was coming from above, figuring it was coming from you.
Jason made his way upstairs and saw as his new neighbour was throwing clothes at another man he’d never met.
‘Get out’ you shouted as the door shut in his face, the stranger picking up his clothes off the floor as he hurried away.
Jason locked eyes with the stranger, him being red in the face as he avoided contact with your neighbours.
A day must’ve passed, Jason kept thinking about what happened the day before. The entertainment was often. Something by had been happening almost everyday since you moved in.
‘Fuck’ Jason gasped as he saw water coming from his ceiling.
There was a sudden knock on the door, Jason went over and opened it. Only to see you, red in the face and seemingly flushed.
‘Hey, so sorry to bother you. I have a burst pipe and had to shut off my water before it gets worse, just wanted to ask if you have any damage?’ You asked, Jason nodded a little.
‘It just started pissing down, I thought it might be from upstairs’ Jason smiled a little.
You sighed a little as you revealed the wrench in your hand, probably from doing work.
‘I’m so sorry, I hope it didn’t cause too much. I’m happy to pay for any damage’ you offered, Jason shaking his head.
‘No, no it’s fine really. I needed to paint my ceilings. This has just given me some motivation’ Jason joked as the two of you laughed.
‘I realised I never really introduced myself, I’m y/n, I live in 13b’ you held out your hand, Jason shook your hand with a polite smile.
‘Jason, 12b’
You sat on Jason’s couch as he gave you a beer, the two of you got to know each other a little better. Jason told you about the man that used to live in your apartment.
You felt sad when you heard how the man turned out, but happy to know Jason helped him.
The dreaded realisation that the walls are very thin, Jason had heard the ordeal from a few nights ago.
‘He is my ex boyfriend, he slept around and hit me a few times. I moved to get away from him, but he found me’ you revealed, the clothes that belonged to him were what was left over from months before.
Reggie, your ex boyfriend, showed up on your doorstep without any warning, asking for you to take him back. You of course refused.
Jason’s lighting in his apartment was great, it seemed romantic and like a typical bachelor pad. Or a Chad pad.
Jason didn’t seem to have girls or guys going in and out all the time, truth be told, Jason didn’t mention a partner.
It was a few more weeks, the two of you met up a couple more times to hang out. Netflix documentary, movies, drinks.
The two of you began going to bars together, going to movies together. Jason even started taking you to his gym.
You became friends quickly, but Jason still didn’t seem a type to run in people’s beds.
It was refreshing, most of your guy and girl friends always seemed to just want a night of fun with a stranger.
You’d only ever slept with someone that you knew well enough, someone you were dating. That of course, changed quickly one night.
‘Come in, let’s have some more drinks’ Jason slurred, the two of you going inside his apartment for some more drinks.
You both had already had one too many, but why not? You’re home now.
Music playing, not too loud of course as you had neighbours. Drinks, laughing, with the occasional touching of each others skin.
Jason wrapped his arms around you as he gave you a warming hug, you smiled into the hug. The drinks already taking over your system.
The night seemed a bit blurry, but it didn’t matter as it’s morning now.
Shuffling a little, dry mouth from the antics of drinking anything but water, eyes blurry for a few seconds as you felt confused.
Black bedding, you don’t own any black bedding…yet here you were, in black bedding.
‘Oh shit’ you gasped, turning to see Jason fast asleep. Next to you, in his bed.
You screamed internally, realising what you’d done, the two of you had obviously been drinking to the point you both got horny.
‘Oh, good morning’ Jason said, almost as a question as his eyes locked with yours.
‘Morning’ you smiled slightly, Jason looked to see you were both in his bed, neither of you had any clothes on.
The two of you didn’t know what to make of it, the past few days you would go out of your way to avoid Jason. He seemed to be doing the same.
It got awkward too much, you felt you couldn’t just not speak to him again.
‘Can we talk?’ You asked, standing at Jason’s door.
Jason stepped aside and let you in, you feeling like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
‘Beer?’ Jason asked, handing you one as he opened his and took a big sip.
‘I can’t keep ignoring you, I don’t feel bad about what happened. I just wanted to understand your thoughts’ you said, hesitation.
You still took into account Jason is gay too, but you may not be his type. Though, you couldn’t lie about Jason definitely being yours.
Jason took your hand in his as he nodded a little, eyes looking deep into yours.
‘I don’t feel bad, I wanted to ask you about your thoughts’ Jason admitted.
Seems Jason had the same problem as you, thinking maybe he wasn’t your type. You being his though.
The two of you laughed as you both realised you were getting closer, not just as friends.
Jason leant in as he kissed you, you smiled as you pulled him in.
Jason made it official, asking you for an official date. Not wanting it to be a case of the two of you just going to the bedroom all the time.
The two of you wanted to try and make it work, taking your time with everything. Even though Jason pointed out the two of you had already had sex.
Hands holding hands down the street, still living in separate apartments, Jason kissed your head as he felt thankful to have met you. Thankful to have had that drunken night to gain the courage to take a leap.
The two of you were happy the way it was at the moment, not wanting to rush into the bigger steps, but love was blooming quickly and surely.
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babybadger · 2 years
I need more dad!daniel please x
Your wish is my command love🥰
A New Baby in Town
“Daddy?….Daddy?” Daniel woke up to soft tapping on his cheek. His princess sitting up on his chest. “Daddy wake.” She began to sniffle and gasp on air. The key sign his two year old was about to burst out crying. “What’s up darling?” he asks right before he yawns and pulls her down into his arms, not even opening his eyes. He was used to Layla crawling into the bed midway through the morning and her demanding cuddles. “Mumma sick. I not like mumma sick.” she whines into his chest. “mhmm” he agrees before realising what his daughter was telling him as he heard you in the bathroom. “Wait what? Baby stay here I’m gonna help mum.” He tells her, passing her a dummy from his side of the table and pushing back her curls as she crawls into the warmth of the spot he was just lying in.
As he walks in he sees a test on the side of the counter and you slumped by the toilet. “I certainly didn’t miss this stage” You tell him. “AHAH we are having another baby!” he shouted before you shushed him. “Babe yes sorry it wasn’t a grand reveal but I feel like shit. Can we not tell Layla yet. She is already so jealous with Isaac, I dread her sharing you with another child in the house.” He nods but still sits beside her on the bathroom floor and pulls her in for a cuddle. “We are having another baby! God I love you,” he says smiling into your neck.
9 months later…
Introducing your daughter to your newest little girl was going to be hard no matter when you did it. She cried on and off for a week when you told her there was a baby coming to the house. Seeking comfort in only Daniel and refusing to speak to you about it. Thankfully, Daniels parents took her for the first couple days so you could get settled and get comfortable feeding a newborn again. But today she was coming home and you still didn’t feel ready. You loved her so so much and were glad she was coming home but her reaction to the newborn was keeping you awake more than the newborn themselves.
“Y/N honey, we are home” You hear Grace come in the front door and strapped your nursing bra back up. Your little girl quietly slid into the living room and stood by the couch. Daniel and Grace coming in behind her, Dan carrying her overnight bags. “Come say hi darling.” You said holding the baby on a pillow on your lap and one hand out to her so she could come sit beside you. She took one look at you and the baby and hid in Daniels leg. “C’mon let’s meet the baby together shall we?” He said bringing her over to sit on his lap beside you. Grace snapped as many pictures as she could from the sofa across from you. Watching her grandchildren meet brought tears to her eyes. Moments like these were precious.
Everyday was a learning curve with two under two. Jealousy was a BIG issue from the first night. Grace was kind enough to cook your whole family dinner before she left. Even sitting down to feed your youngest your oldest girl was still acting very shy. You could hear her talking to Daniel in the kitchen. She’d stuck by his hip since she got back.
“No no baby mummy and baby don’t need space at the table, they can eat on the couch.” He tells his curly haired double. “Why?” She asks through her dummy. Something she had barely let go of since she got home from her grannies. Both you and Daniel thought it might of been a cry for attention but it wasn’t causing her any problems so you left her to use it whenever she wanted. “Cause mummy and sissy need to be comfy so sissy can eat too.” Immediately the toddler burst into tears. Daniel turned from dishing out the dinner to pick up Layla. “What’s wrong beautiful heyyy hey hey calm down” he attempts to soothe her as she spits out her dummy onto the floor and begins nearly screaming into his shoulder.” If Daniel knew anything, it’s that if Layla was crying, you would be crying too. Those damn hormones.
Taking your oldest upstairs, Daniel picked up another dummy on his way and sent you a soft smile as he walked passed the living room door. Just as he expected tears were running down your face. Gently your stroked your youngest’s face. “I swear she likes you bub, she just loves her mummy and daddies attention,” you whisper down at Lily. She pays you no attention back. Her mouth sucking away as her tiny hands grab at your chest and rolled up t-shirt. Wiping your tears, you try and relax into the sofa. You know the stress is no good for the feeding but you just want both your girls to be happy.
“Alright little one tell me what’s going on? hmmm why you so upset with Daddy?” Daniel asks the distraught toddler. Her little legs dangle off the bed as he sits on his knees in front of her. Layla gasps as she tries to cry and talk at the same time. “Just…want my mummy back….daddy wants new baby…I’m not baby.” Sobs racked the entire little girls body and Daniel passed her the dummy he brought up as he picked her back up to soothe her once again. He thought a part of his heart was fully dislodged from his chest. How dare he of let his little girl feel like that. Daniel tried to put Layla back on the bed once she’d calmed down but she clung round his neck and refused. Instead he turned around and sat her on his lap, his arms still around her.
“Hey, let daddy see your pretty face.” Very slowly she retracted from his neck. Her big brown eyes riddled with tears, shiny tracks down her face. Her dummy still firmly in place with only her red cheeks showing either side. “Your mummy and I love you so soooo much little one.” He begins, unsure of where to take the conversation. “Just because sissy is here doesn’t mean we have gone away. Lily just keeps mummy very busy cause she has to eat and drink with mummy. Remember when you ate and drank with mummy?” Layla gave a quick nod of her head. It took you forever to ween Layla so she only stopped feeding about a year ago when she turned two. “You know how much it made you big and strong just like big girl food does now?” Again Layla gave a little nod, one of her thick curls falling only her face. Daniel pushed it back lightly, “So Lily needs to spend lots of time with mummy so she can get big and strong like you did. Then she can play with you when she’s bigger.” Layla looked blankly at her dad. Daniel was unsure what else to say. How could you explain loving children equally to a newly three year old. Until he remembered what Michelle told Isaac. He gave Layla’s forehead a gentle kiss and pulled her in tighter for a cuddle. “You know how you have lots of teddy bears and you love all of them the same? That’s like mummy and daddy with you and Lily. We love you both the very same. But Lily does stinky nappies so we have to help her more so she’s not smelly.” Daniel tried his shot at a joke to lighten the little girls mood. Much to his amusement it works and the little girl giggles. “Will we go see if Lily is stinky for mummy?” Layla sneaks her head out and nods once more.
Standing up, still holding his now exhausted princess, he makes his way downstairs. Your lying on the couch, finally getting a break while Lily sleeps in her basket to your left. “Hi babygirl, you okay?” you ask as Layla reaches for you out of Daniels arms. “Careful baby mummy is still-” “it’s okay mummy is fine. Very happy to see her big girl. Mummy wants all the cuddles cause daddy has had loads. Greedy daddy.” you say squeezing her as you speak. Giggling loudly she says “silly mummy.” Daniel knows you just don’t want her to feel rejected by you, so ignoring how uncomfortable it was sitting right would have to suffice.
“Daniel…Daniel” you say throwing a muslin at him. “Dan wake up babe.” He leans forward off the sofa which you all appear to have fallen asleep on after watching an episode or two of paw patrol while Layla caught you up on the nursery drama and art projects. “Lily is about to fuss but Layla is fast asleep can you take her before she wakes up.” Daniel nods sleepily. “Cmere princess” He says lifting her off you and she quickly snuggles into his arms. You pick up Lily and begin feeding her before she gets the chance to cry. Dan and you smile at each other through the dim lighting of the living room. “We are gonna get pretty good at this double the trouble stuff” you whisper at him. “Just wait till we are outnumbered. We need that boy, darling.” Daniel winks back at you, a hand sliding up and down your thigh. “In your dreamiest of dreams Ricciardo. Not for at least another 2 years.” “Oh yeah cause Lily was planned” He rolls his eyes and you gently slap the shoulder Layla’s head isn’t on. “I don’t know if your sperm can create boys Riccy” You joke at him and move to burp Lily. “My sperm are perfectly capable of making boys thank you very much and in 1 year 11 months and 28 days i’ll prove that.” You giggle and his stupidity and shake your head. “I never thought i’d be sitting on this couch talking about your sperms’ capability while holding our two children.” Daniel laughs loudly then covers his mouth checking quickly he hasn’t woken either of his babies. Sliding closer to you, her puts and arm around you. “I love you, thank you for your capabilities of growing them.” You make a disgusted face but kiss him softly none the less. Leaning your head on his shoulder and enjoying a moment of reflection and silence.
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Will You Be There When I Wake Up?
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Pairing: Luke Hughes x Reader
Summary:  Two weeks pass and it's time for surgery.
Word Count: 1720
Warnings: Cancer, Ultrasounds, surgery, hospitals, doctors.
A/N: Part 2 of Don't Want To Lose You
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Your alarm sounded early in the morning, waking both you and Luke up. It was surgery day. Although your surgery wasn’t scheduled until later in the day, you were due to be at the hospital at 9 this morning. Luke got up first. He started a shower for the pair of you. Before surgery, you had a list of things to do. You couldn’t eat since last night and had to stop drinking by 8 AM. 
“Come on bub,” Luke whispers, kneeling next to your side of the bed. “Let’s shower and then we can head to the hospital.”
He helped you up from bed and into the shower. You have gone down hill over the last two weeks. The mass had grown so much it was crushing your organs. Breathing got hard at times. Then even your appetite was gone. Even when you were hungry, you couldn’t eat much otherwise you’d vomit up everything. The only thing you have been doing is laying on the couch watching tv. 
Ellen had arrived that night after your diagnosis. She’s been staying with you and Luke for the two weeks since Luke was still training and playing home games. You wouldn’t let Luke just stay home. Stay with you. He’s gotta help his team and work. Jack was over most days as well. The four of you mostly hang out in the lounge room. 
Luke helped you in the shower. Both naked. Both holding each other. Washing each other. You had to use a surgical wash all over your body. Including your hair which was a freaking nightmare. Trying to brush your hair out after your shower was going to be a struggle. You got dressed after your shower. Just a simple pair of pyjama shorts and one of Luke’s Michigan hoodies. He had you sit on your bed as he tried to detangle your hair for you without any products. 
“Ouch,” You hissed as a particularly large knot was tugged. 
“Sorry baby.” He pressed a kiss to your shoulder then went back to finishing your hair. “How do you feel this morning?”
You shrug, “I just want to get it over and down with.”
The pair of you went to the kitchen where Luke made himself food. You sat opposite him as he ate. Only drinking some water. Ellen was the next to come out, pressing a kiss to both yours and Luke’s head. She grabbed some toast Luke had made for her and plated up her breakfast. The three of you sat in silence. All nervous for today. Since it was unsure what the true, medical, diagnosis is, the surgery was going to be a task and a half. Well that’s what the doctors said but in basic human words.
Ellen drove you and Luke to the hospital that morning. You filled out a bunch of paperwork before being escorted down to a waiting room. Your surgery wasn’t for another 8 hours but you had to be there early. The bag you had packed was taken to the room you would wake up in. The only thing Luke kept from your bag was your laptop so the two of you could watch something while you waited to go to pre-surgery. 
“Will you be there when I wake up?” You ask Luke out of the blue.
“Of course Bubs. I’ll be holding your hand,” Luke answers, pressing a kiss to your hand.
It was hours but you were finally wheeled into pre-surgery where you would wait by yourself. Since it was the last surgery of the day, you were alone within the large room. No phone or anything to keep you entertained while you wait. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” A nurse asked as she walked through the room. 
You nod, “I’m okay.”
“Did you want another blanket?”
“That would be nice,” you replied.
The nurse was quick in getting you a warm blanket, laying it over your lower body. You just stared at the room. Counting the tiles in hopes it would keep you distracted from the thought of surgery. You could faintly hear from the other room, post-surgery patients chatting to each other. Nurses gossiping. Anything to keep your mind from wandering.
“It’s time,” The nurse from before announced. Her and another nurse escorted you into the theatre where you were soon sedated
Just like he promised, Luke was holding your hand tightly as you woke up later that night. Your boyfriend was uncomfortably sitting on the plastic chair with his head laying on the bed next to your hand. A drip was in your arm, a drain into your abdomen and two ports either side of your stomach. A pin cushion. You were a literal pin cushion. You lifted your hand and ran it through Luke’s hand.
“Lukey,” You softly called, brushing his curls back.
He stirred for a moment before lifting his head. Luke smiled softly when he saw you were awake. A kiss was planted on your forehead. A light squeeze of your hand.
“So what’s the go?” You ask him, assuming the doctor had told him what the plan was. 
“The mass was attached to your ovary too much and they couldn’t save it. They had to remove your right ovary.”
Silence fell over the pair of you. Sure, you looked okay, but it was only a part of the process. You were still tired from the anaesthetic. You could barely move, turns out you were cut down from just before your boobs to just above your pubic area. A cut larger than you expected that’s for sure.
Luke breaks the silence first, “I love you.”
“Are you sure?” You mutter, looking at your partner in tears. “Because I’m going to be a lot. Too much trouble.”
“Never enough,” He assures. “I’m going to marry you one day. I’d even marry you tomorrow.”
You let out a quiet laugh, one that showed how tired you were. “I’d marry you tomorrow as well.”
Luke waited until you fell asleep once more. Watching you breathe as he listened to the heart monitor. It was the only comfort to assure him you're alive. It was the lullaby that brought him to sleep. You slept well apart from the couple times the nurses came to check your vitals. 
The sun awoke the pair of you in the morning. The curtains weren’t drawn. Ellen and Jack were standing there, whispering between each other. 
“Morning,” You mutter, looking at the two.
Ellen came up first, “Hi sweetheart, how do you feel?”
“Fine,” You shrug. “Pretty sure I’m full of enough drugs to hinder the pain.”
The doctor then came in. Giving you the rundown on your situation. A 5 day stay in hospital. They wouldn’t know exactly what you had until the biopsy results came back in two weeks. You had no right ovary now. And that you should probably do egg collection just in case. Because you know… you had a high change of whatever you had coming back on the other ovary.
The days ticked by. If Luke wasn’t sitting beside you (or in your bed), Ellen was with you. Or sometimes one or more of the wags would come hang out. Especially when the boys have a quick stint away for some games. 
The first day was mainly Luke just chilling with you. The pair of you discussing your situation, your next options. Talking about your thoughts. You both were so young. The rest of the day was spent watching some youtube, netflix and the occasional hockey game. 
The second day was the day Luke had training then had to leave for a game in Columbus. Ellen hung out with you. Then even visits from Dukes and Eddie. You missed Michigan and the boys so it was nice to have a visit from your favourites, minus Ruts and Nol. 
The third day was when boredom really kicked in. But luckily this was also the day you could start being up and about. In honesty, you probably did like 6 laps of the ward. But luckily, the staff were lovely. Giving you extra snacks as you were the youngest on the ward. 
The fourth day was when Luke stayed with you all day. You were mostly wire free meaning you could cuddle. Luke was reluctant to be in bed with you. Hurting you more. But you had begged enough that he finally agreed. You both just watched netflix when you weren’t doing your daily laps through the ward. Now you two were just waiting for Jack and Ellen to bring you dinner. You had complained enough about hospital food that they promised food from your favourite restaurant. A knock at the door sounded, making you believe it was just a nurse. The curtain pushed back and there was Quinn standing there with Jack, Ellen and Jim behind him. 
“Hey sis,” Quinn smiled softly. 
You brought Quinn in for a hug, “What are you doing here?”
“You haven’t kept up with the hockey schedule have you?”
“I guess not,” You huffed. “Had a bit on my mind recently.”
Quinn pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Jim came forward next. Hugs were shared, along with loving words. This was your family. Not by blood but by choice. You all were cramped in your hospital room. Food being shared between you all, as well as conversations. Ones that weren’t anything to do with your current situation. Thankfully.
“I get to watch the game right? It’s tomorrow?”
Luke nodded, “You’ll get to see the first Hughes vs Hughes game.”
“Thank god.”
The evening was spent with family. Ellen had brought some UNO cards for you all to play like the game nights you all had in Michigan over the off season. Summer at the lake house always had game nights. It was nice to have some normalcy after the last two weeks.
The next day you had one final check up with your surgeon before being discharged. You were allowed to leave the hospital and head back to your apartment. For the next 6 weeks you were on light duties. At the minimum. You’d have follow ups and be referred to a Fertility specialist over the next few months. But you were okay… for now.
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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abilouwrites · 10 months
First fic in a while 😐😃
:(no outbreak) Sarah, drinking, dilfs. Ranch on pizza, food. Hives AFAB reader. Periods
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Joel would often wonder what his life would be like, would he have that American dream? Would she have stayed? Would he not be a contractor living day to day in a house he can barely afford.
Would she still be a doctor instead of running away at the sight of a positive test. Would she be the mother she wanted to be.
Maybe instead she would’ve been a stay at home mom, nursing babies and enjoying life. Would he have had that cushy job her mother approved of.
He sees her in his dream sometimes, hair tied back like always, especially when she was thinking. Hard at thought; nose in her textbooks.
But instead she was eternalized by his dreams, stuffed into baggy clothes to hide the bump, crying in the shitty apartment they were living in.
In his dreams shes standing in the kitchen, Sarah tucked under her arm as she’s mashing potatoes, angrily grunting away and blabbing about some girl on the soccer team.
Sometimes he’d like to imagine the two of them having another kid, sometimes he’d imagine her stomach swollen still covered in those hives she used to get.
Sarah gets them, stressed, in the sun too much. Her skin flares and she ends up with her skin scratched raw, spoon feeding her ice cream in an ice bath.
He’d imagine her, kissing him at the door and untightening his tie, taking his briefcase and setting it by the coffee table he built.
Instead he’s taking his flannel off and seeing Sarah once again making eggs, “hi sweetie, you ok?” He’ll ask kissing the part of her hair.
“Yeah, I made eggs.” She always says, “I put cheese in them too. If you grab some of the bread and toast it I can put some bacon on too”
“No ‘m alright sweetheart. The guys ordered pizza, brought you some for lunch tomorrow”
“Thanks” she says, scratching the back of her hair to which Joel lifts it up seeing the small lumps with red circles around, “hives”
“Uh oh, do I need to go buy icecream?” He jokes
“No, no im fine.”
It’s when Sarah starts truly growing up when he is at a loss; unsure of what to do. Confused and nervous. But aware of the young adult neighbors who’d moved in.
It’s an awkward situation, nervously knocking on a door he’s only interacted with once. And that was just introducing himself and Sarah.
It’s just about seven at night, and a young woman appears at the door after some shouting. It’s clear she’s half asleep; the television blaring in the background. There’s a girl passed out on the floor and the woman at the door turns back, “Becca, turn Sofie on her side. If she barfs she’s gonna choke” she stares before closing the door.
A southern accent drawls from her voice, one clearly hidden from years out of state, “somethin I can help you with?” She asks, sweeping some hair out of her eyes.
“M so sorry for the bother, my daughter. Uh Sarah. She’s uh” he nervously looks at the ground, “got her period.. and I uh don’t know what to do”
“Oh yeah, give me a sec”
She runs back inside; and whilst Joel is completely expecting for her to ditch she comes out later with a box of pads, “I remember her, uh will you show me to her?” The twenty something girl.
He leads her upstairs knocking on the crummy white door, “sar, it’s one of the neighbors. She’s a uh. Girl and I think she will know what to do”
“Ok..” the muffled voice is shaky and clear that she had been crying.
“Hey. I’m y/n” you tell her your name and she responds with hers.
“Y/n, I’ll be downstairs. Beer?”
“No thank you Mr.Miller. I don’t drink on school nights”
“Alright. I’ll be downstairs”
You see him more and more, drinks now and then. Babysitting for some extra cash. A cool house that isn’t full of partying.
He finds you, usually asleep on the couch, Sarah’s head on your lap. He sees the similarities between you and her, heat hives.
It’s unexpected when he finds you in the shower, “you alright?”
“Gosh I’m sorry Mr.Miller, Im breaking out in hives and Sarah said I could use the cold shower”
“No, you’re alright. Do I pop a bottle of wine and order pizza?”
“God that’d be lovely.”
Joel never opens wine unless it’s with you, and you manage do drink half of it. And half a pizza, with Sarah’s assistance of course, “I didn’t know a sorority girl could eat that much” Joel jokes seeing you dip your pizza into some ranch.
“Mnh, I also played volleyball and was on my collages soccer team before I graduated” You say, “never missed a meal, kept my mass up, I’m on the bulk right now” You inform
“Jesus, ranch with pizza? What are you a wild animal”
You laugh at him as Sarah looks disapprovingly. He still walks you home and waits for you to lock the door before he goes home.
Sarah is still there, eating leftover pepperoni, “you like her” she states
“Don’t lie you lil twerp”
“No I’m serious, non of the others made you open up like that, and I wouldn’t mind having her around. I mean she basically lives here anyways”
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Gorgeous - Sneak Peek (JJ Maybank x Original Female Character)
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This is part of the first chapter to a new fic I'm working on, featuring a different character that is outside of Audrey's universe. I'm planning on this beginning in the lull between seasons 3 & 4 of Outer Banks, but we'll see how this develops and what actually happens in season 4. It will eventually be posted to AO3 (if we like it) but for now we can have a sneak peek on Tumblr.
Pairing: JJ Maybank X Original Female Character
Warnings: References to smut; shameless flirting; Gorgeous by Taylor Swift stuck in author's head.
Length: 2335 words
Gorgeous (working title)
The first time Scarlett spotted him was at some random wedding reception she stumbled into. There was a live band, a buffet of food, and a cash bar with a cute bartender who wasn’t checking ID. Nursing her drink, Scarlett stood somewhere between the bar and buffet, leaning against a tall table just people watching. He was tall, with a head of effortlessly messy blonde hair, but it was the broad shoulders that really caught her attention—the way his button down shirt strained when he would shift or reach for his drink made the back of her neck warm slightly. She had yet to see his face, but she kept checking back in between casual glances around the rest of the party to see if he turned. 
She wound up in the OBX about a month ago. After dropping out of UCLA after one year in college, Scarlett packed her car with her dorm room items, only to pause in the parking lot outside her residence hall. She was supposed to return home, head hung, having failed her way out of college, where she’d undoubtedly be forced to work in her father’s law office filing papers the whole summer. But as she sat there, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white, Scarlett decided to drive. She hadn’t necessarily intended to drive east, but before she knew it she hopped on the 101 and found herself on interstate 40, crossing the California state line about seven hours later. 
Scarlett drove until she was tired, pulling over, she dozed in her car a few hours before continuing on, eventually stopping somewhere near the Arizona/New Mexico border to rent a motel room and sleep the rest of the night and early morning. Her phone started going off in regular intervals sometime after midnight, and after confirming that all of her locations were turned off, Scarlett passed out in the motel bed and didn’t wake until her stomach demanded food. 
It took another two days of straight driving to reach the Atlantic, and briefly Scarlett considered scraping enough money together to buy a one way plane ticket across the ocean and start over completely in Europe, but as she boarded the ferry for one of the islands just off the coast of North Carolina, she finally allowed herself a moment to breathe in the salty, humid air. 
She was free. 
“Smoked salmon, miss?” 
Scarlett found herself back in the present, staring at a rather handsome young man dressed in all black. Judging by the way he eyed her, Scarlett must not look too terrible in the simple black dress she’d hauled out of her suitcase. She lifted a hand to the tray to grab a salon and cream cheese cracker and he gave her a nod before continuing on his way around the party.  
“Ok—so I scoped out the buffet line and the dessert table,” Scarlett was met with the face of her only friend in North Carolina, Whitney Pool. She met Whitney on her first day working at the Island Club Hotel, Whitney was assigned as her trainer and together the girls restocked and made up all the hotel rooms on the first three floors. It wasn’t long before they were fast friends, Whitney even letting her crash on her couch until she decided what to do with her life. “They’ve got a carving station and everything—but if you wanna skip right to dessert, I’m right there with you.” 
Scarlett laughed, nodding as Whitney glanced over her shoulder at the many different deserts. “Do we think the cake is real or fake?” 
Scarlett looked over at the five tiered white wedding cake, the icing piled high as it towered over the rest of the deserts. “Fake,” Scarlett said as she bit into her cracker, the salmon and cream cheese mixing well together, having been to many of these types of events in her life she was well aware of the tricks, “the sheet cake’s in the back, they’ll cut one piece and then take it away.” 
“Love the theatrics,” Whitney leaned forward to squeeze her forearm. “Ok, I need another glass. You want one?” 
“No—I’ll switch to something else in a bit. More than one glass of champagne gives me a headache.” 
“Things rich people say.” 
Scarlett laughed, hiding her smile behind her glass as she sipped the champagne. The first time she had the sweet bubbly drink she was thirteen and hiding from her parents in the hotel bathroom during her grandmother’s funeral. In true WASP style, they had the reception in a massive hotel ballroom, complete with glossy portraits and a swan ice sculpture, just as her grandmother requested in her last wishes. 
Scarlett and her older brother, Liam, snuck a few bottles of champagne when no one was looking and quickly found out how easy it was to get drunk on Dom Perignon. That was the night of Scarlett’s first kiss, when her brother’s friend, Seth, had kissed her sloppily against the door of the men’s room, drunken hands fumbling to touch her breasts. Scarlett didn’t remember much from that night, but she did recall throwing up all over Seth’s shoes. 
Scarlett’s eyes swept the party once more, taking in the older couples swaying to the music on the dance floor, the bride and groom, happy and in love, moving from table to table greeting their guests and thanking them for attending. Scarlett made a mental note to keep far away from the two. Rule number one of wedding crashing was to stay away from the newly married couple. 
Scarlett hadn’t expected anyone to notice her, no one aside from the male server had anyway, so when her eyes lifted and met those crystal clear eyes, she thought her heart stopped. 
He was half turned, leaning against his own cocktail table, his gaze trained fully on her. When his eyes met her own, every thought vanished from her mind, and instead all she wanted was to drown in those blue eyes. 
A slow, small, half smile lifted from the corner of his mouth as he reached for the short glass on the table in front of him, two ice cubes clinked in the glass as he took a long sip from it, draining the light colored amber liquid before he pushed himself away from the table and crossed the grassy area to greet her. 
His tie seemed out of place as he smoothed it down, and it didn’t match his shoes the way someone who frequently wore ties would, and based on the way his collar sat, the buttons at the points remaining unbuttoned, told her he wasn’t used to wearing button down shirts either. Scarlett guessed it was a slim cut shirt, based on the way it fit him well around his waist, but his shoulders were too broad for it—and as she eyed the French cuff she was left with even more questions. A girlfriend had most likely purchased or recommended it, but she’d been watching him on and off all evening and had yet to see him with anyone other than a curly haired brunette, and while the boys could be a couple, they didn’t appear to act like one. 
Fuck—Scarlett really hoped he liked women. 
“I had the entire walk over to come up with a line,” his voice was playful and teasing, his eyes glinting as he smiled fully now, “but all I could come up with was hi.” 
“Hi,” Scarlett responded with her own smile, her weight shifting from one foot to the other, “and I think that’s a decent enough line.” 
He glanced over his shoulder at the bride and groom before looking back at her, “how do you know Shawn and Andy?” 
“Um…” Of course they would both have those names…how was she supposed to make up a story now? “Well, I’m Andy’s second cousin…mom’s side.” 
His eyes swept over her, sucking the inside of his cheek as he looked back over his shoulder once more, “that must’ve been an exciting childhood,” he said as he studied her. 
“Oh—you know…” Scarlett coughed softly, “how do you know…them?” 
“I used to work with Shawn,” he said, “back in high school, plus he basically invited the whole damn island.” 
“Ah well…”
“I’m JJ,” he leaned his side against the table, the smile still across his face making her stomach flutter. 
“Scarlett,” she really wanted to hear him say her name again, watching as he tasted it, the way he drug the r and l together made the butterflies in her stomach go insane, “I like that.” 
“Is JJ short for something?” 
“Sometimes,” JJ lifted his shoulder, “nothing interesting though.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Scarlett wanted to reach up and smooth his collar down, but she forced her hands to remain on the table, “you’re from Kildare?” 
“Mhmm,” JJ glanced around, taking inventory of the party and who was there, “born and raised. What about you?” 
Scarlett hesitated, part of her, the part attached to the butterflies wanted to tell him the truth, but the part attached to her brain told her to deflect so she and Whitney wouldn’t get caught. 
JJ leaned across the table, motioning her closer to him with his index finger, “you know…if you’re gonna crash, you need to keep your lies simple and not at all attached to the wedding party.” 
Scarlett blushed, her face heating uncomfortably, “when’s you figure it out?” 
“Oh, at the beginning,” JJ grinned at her as they both stood back up straight, “Andy’s adopted and doesn’t know her family.” 
JJ only laughed at her expletive, “like I said…” he shrugged, “keep it simple. Too much and it’s not believable. So, Scarlett’s your real name?”
“It is,” she nodded, “I just got off work and my friend begged me to sneak in with her, she promised me cake if I did.” 
“Cake’s worth it,” JJ said, “I’ve never seen you around though…do you live here in Kildare?” 
“I just moved, actually,” Scarlett lifted her arm to scratch along her shoulder, “arrived about a month ago.”
“Ah.” He nodded, as if he’d just solved an ongoing mystery, “that’s it—I would’ve remembered you.”
Scarlett blushed again and based on JJ’s easy smile she assumed he knew it too. “You’re doing ok on the lines.”
“Good,” JJ shifted, “I’ve been out of practice, so that’s good feedback.”
Scarlett laughed and JJ reached up to scratch behind his ear, his eyes lifting as the server from earlier walked by, his eyes trained directly on Scarlett as he passed. 
“I’m sensing some competition,” JJ joked lightly, but Scarlett could hear the nervousness in his voice, “friend of yours?”
“Never met him before,” Scarlett shook her head, “he’s cute, though.” 
“Got the tall, dark, and handsome thing going,” JJ nodded, “you gonna play that one out or…?” 
“Hmm,” Scarlett lifted a shoulder, watching the server disappear into the white tent, “maybe…do you think he looks like someone who gives good head?” 
JJ choked on his spit and Scarlett smiled, sipping her drink, pleased that she’d made JJ blush. “I don’t know,” JJ coughed lightly, clearing his throat, “a toss up, probably. Young enough to know that’s what you’re lookin’ for, but the good looking ones sometimes don’t know what they’re doing.” 
“So you must be downright terrible then, huh?” 
JJ ran a hand over his mouth, his blue eyes twinkling as he looked across the table at her, but before he could say anything the crackling electricity between them was doused by the frantic red head running up to the table, “they have two cakes!” 
Scarlett had to take a moment to take in her friend, watching Whitney set her glass on the table, “umm…”
“JJ, hey.” 
“Whitney,” JJ’s eyes skimmed the area surrounding them, “is Ricky here?”
“No, you know he won’t crash with me,” Whitney rolled her eyes before looking at Scarlett, “you’ve met Scarlett?”
“JJ is Ricky’s cousin,” Whitney explained, referring to her on again, off again hook-up. Scarlett labeled them as dating, but Whitney assured her time and time again it was just sex. But Scarlett didn’t think cuddling on the couch every Tuesday night watching movies and walking by the docks on Sunday afternoons could be considered just sex. 
JJ glanced over his shoulder after hearing his name, looking over to see the brunette from before waving him over, the bride and groom beside him. “I’ll let you ladies get back to your evening,” he ducked his head before sending Scarlett a soft smile, “I’ll see you around, Scarlett.” 
When JJ was across the lawn and out of ear shot, Whiteny turned her full attention to Scarlett, “did I interrupt something?”
“I’m not sure,” Scarlett finished her champagne, looking over at Whitney, “you know him?” 
“He’s Ricky’s cousin, I’ve seen him from time to time. Cute—a smart ass.” 
“Is he attached?” 
Whitney took a lengthy sip of her refilled champagne, “he was—but I haven’t seen her around lately. Do you want me to ask Ricky?”
Scarlett shook her head, even though Whitney already had her phone out, thumbs moving frantically as she no doubt sent a text off to Ricky. “I’m going to get a refill.” 
Whitney nodded and Scarlett left to wander to the bar, asking for a vodka soda with lime, watching as the server from earlier emerged from the tent, their eyes meeting a moment later. His were a dull brown, but his face was cute and his nose was promising, so Scarlett let him approach, watching as he gently slid a napkin towards her before wandering off with his tray of appetizers. Scarlett thanked the bartender before walking back to Whitney, her eyes flickering over towards the table JJ returned to, except this time she didn’t see him or his friend. 
“They took their seats at the table,” Whitney sipped her drink, “finish your drink and then we’ll grab cake and bounce before the toasts begin.”
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drghostwrite · 9 months
Code Black
Pairing: Addison Montgomery x reader
Summary: Addison has a really bad day at work and comes home to reader for comfort. This is straight fluff with some angst I guess if you squint maybe.
TW: mental breakdown, miscarriage, abandonment.
******************************************************** “Rapid response all teams to emergency bay! Rapid response, all teams to emergency bay.” The loud speakers sounded. Bailey rushed towards the bay interns only steps behind trying to tie on yellow paper gowns. Outside she watched as four ambulances rolled in Hunt taking one, Kepner the other, she commanded interns left and right, Meredith came out with Callie close behind, with a shared look they each took a patient.
“24 year old female, involved in highway pile up, assessed on scene, mostly minor injuries but large head laceration and compound fracture of left leg.” One of the paramedics gave report to Bailey as she pulled her inside. She watched the girl trying to fight passing out but she watched as her eyes fluttered, she started the exam and saw the girl trying to whisper something, leaning in closer she understood.
“Someone page Dr. Montgomery, NOW!” She yelled to the other nurses and doctors standing around, watching them scramble.
baby, the girl whispered, my baby.
———pov change———
Addison pulled up the driveway to your shared house and saw the lights still on, pulling her from what she thought was just a bad dream. She walked inside and saw you were no where to be found, she set her things down and walked into the dinning room but you weren’t there, transitioning to the kitchen and yet you still weren’t there.
“Y/N” she called but no response, “Y/N, babe I’m home.” She called out and that’s when she heard it you were in the living room down the hall. She walked in and saw you typing away on your keyboard, probably dealing with another client or patient, you also worked at the hospital but you were a lawyer that dealt with physicians and patients on the docs behalf so it was no surprise to see you working late on your laptop, legs stretched out in your sweats with hair pulled up and your blue light glasses on, she chuckled when she saw her Yale sweatshirt that you wore and the focused look you had in your face . She kicked off her shoes and walked in she quickly slid onto the couch, where you had your legs outstretched, you felt the warmth and looked up being met by the gorgeous redhead.
“Hey babe I didn’t hear you come in.” You said kissing her lips and moving to set your laptop down, she didn’t say anything, she carefully laid down between your legs placing her head on your chest like a little kid wanting their mom. “Everything okay, rough day?”
You felt her nod against you and ran skilled fingers through her soft hair, she closed her eyes focusing on your heartbeat and before you knew it she was asleep. You smiled as you continued playing with her hair and you pulled the blanket down over the two of you, listening to the soft sighs she let out as she laid exhausted in front of you.
two hours later… you opened you eyes quickly as you heard your wife frantically call your name, you felt her still laying against our chest and wondered why she was calling but you quickly realized she was having a nightmare.
“Addi, baby, wake up…” you shook her slightly, “Addison, love wake up you’re safe.”
she jolted against you before realizing that you were still holding her, wrapping your arms tighter around her and running a hand soothingly up and down her back.
“You’re okay, you’re safe.” You repeated to her as she laid against you.
“what is it?”
“I… I just… oh never mind, you wouldn’t understand.” She started to sit up.
“what, what do you mean?”
“nothing… it’s nothing, just forget about it.”
“Addison talk to me.”
“why so you can pretend it’s fine and carry on with life.”
“wh…what are you taking about.” You sat sideways looking at her but she wouldn’t meet your eyes.
“it’s nothing.” She squeezed her eyes closed and rubbed the wrinkles in between her eyebrows.
“baby, did something happen today?”
“yea something happened, a multi car pile up, I lost a mom and baby today…”
“Stop cause you’re gonna tell me that it’s all okay and it’s not, the idiots that cause it walk away with scratches but my patient just trying to get by in life and have her baby dies how is that fair, tell me.”
“I’m sorry I just can’t do this, I can’t, today was a lot.”
“Addi… Love, look at me.” She looked at you and you saw the tiredness and stress in her eyes. “I can’t tell you it will all be okay and I can’t do much to prove it to you, you’re right it’s not fair… but you don’t have to deal with it alone.”
She looked at you relief seemed to seep into her features. You grabbed her hand and lifted yours showing off you ring and running your thumb over hers.
“do you see this?” She studdied the ring on your finger. “This right here isn’t just a pretty band with some diamonds, it’s a promise, a promise that I made the day I put this one on your finger,” you ran you thumb over hers again, “I not only made a promise to love and protect you but to help you along the way, I made a vow that I would walk through your darkest moments with you.” “Y/N, what did I do to deserve you?”
“Nothing, love, you deserve everything I can give to you and more.”
you leaned forward and pulled her in for a kiss resting your foreheads together, “I promise you that it will be okay and I will do everything in my power to make it that way, and I don't care what bigshots or corporations I have to take down while I'm at it.”
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ahwp · 7 months
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This is the Sippy Saturday Podcast Brought to you by At Home With Piper and The Harrington Foundation.
Season 1 Episode 1: Life Be Lifin'
Piper smiles at the camera as she's given a countdown by her producer. As she’s given her cue, she parts her lips and begins her introduction from her seat on the blush pink couch.
Piper: Hey babes! Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Sippy Saturday Podcast, brought to you by At Home with Piper. Today’s episode is sponsored by The Harrington Foundation. I’m Piper, your host, and new bestie. As if you couldn’t tell by the sash and crown, it’s my fucking birthdayyyy!!! (She chuckles softly as she repositions the mic and opens a bottle of tequila, pouring a shot.) On tonight’s episode, it’s just me and you, talking about life and how it’s been whipping my ass for the past few years cause, baby, life has been lifing the fuck out of me. So grab a drink, if you’re smart, you’ve already made you a Sippy Saturday cocktail from my At Home With Piper website, grabbed your snacks, and are sitting comfy waiting on the tea. Let’s toast to a good night, the happiest of birthdays for myself and anyone else celebrating, and an amazing Episode.
(The scene cuts to a prerecorded clip of Piper making the drink of the night. )
Piper: Tonight’s Mocktail is one of my favs, the Spicy Paloma. The recipe will be linked below with some alcohol substitute for my drinkers out there. (She takes a sip and rocks side to side while tasting it. She taps the glass with her finger nails and smacks her lips) Mhm.. I’m telling you guys, you have to try it. It’s a must.
Piper: A few very important things to know about me, I’m a 28 year old entrepreneur and a mommy of 2. I’m in therapy weekly and it’s the only thing other than God, keeping me from ending a few mother fuckers. Praise God. My kids are my world. I love my babies with my whole being and wouldn’t trade them for the world. Now let’s circle back to therapy. Baby get you some! Okay? Okay! Cause listen, the shit I’ve experienced these past few years, was enough to make me lose my mind. I completely lost myself, I’m talking didn’t recognize myself in the mirror, lost. I was so sad and depressed and just pushed away everyone I loved. Looking back on my life, younger me never expected any of the things she has now. Not the money, the houses, the kids, the experiences, none of it. I didn’t expect a bad life, but I thought my life would be really simple. I’d still be back home, I’d own a modest house and I’d be a school teacher. I just wanted to be happy and content. Instead, I’m a single mom of two, and while I’m killing this shit, this shit is not for the faint of heart. Granted I do have more resources than some other moms and I’m not saying that it’s hard in that way, but let’s not act as though carrying, birthing, and then caring for life isn’t something hard that all moms struggle with despite finances. I had a solid plan for my life and while a lot of it has come to pass, this family dynamic is not what I expected.
I grew up going back and forth between Rhode Island and New York. I’m the oldest of 4 girls and I was the favorite. Sorry girls, but it’s true. Ask daddy. (She laughs.) Life wasn’t hard even when it was. My parents made sure we didn’t see or feel the hardships of a young married black couple living part time in uptown New York or the two bedroom flat in Rhode Island that they owned but could barely afford. It was during all the back and forth that I met my ex husband at 15. I plan to have him on here one day and we can tell that story then. But basically, we were together for 8 years before he moved to LA. I followed him months later. I was a kindergarten teacher and was in college getting my bachelor’s of nursing degree. I graduated and moved to LA and when I got here, all that sweet phone talk about what life would be if I moved out here turned into some “you need to find your self ” bullshit. (She lowers her voice to mimic her ex’s and laughs and takes another sip of her drink.) Granted, his arguments ended up being true. I had been with him since I was 15. I really didn’t know who I was as a woman without him. So we break up for a while and then get back to gather, have a kid and get married. This man was my first everything. The first man I ever loved no one could have told me, we wouldn’t have lasted. Not even a year into our marriage were we divorced. My life had become motherhood and trying to please him, while his life had become being our provider and protector and we lost one another. We both saw it and I thought we were working on it, and then I found out he had cheated. It was public. I was humiliated. I remember feeling like I had failed, my self, my son, my parents. I couldn’t understand how. I followed the rules. (She uses air quotes as she sets her glass on the table next to her) This was the first time i experienced depression. PPD and divorce was kicking my ass. I was hyper focused on my son to the point that I started to push away my friends, and I wouldn't even take care of myself. I would shower everyday and that was it. There were days that i didn't eat or sleep because I just couldn't bring myself to do anything that didn't involve taking care of Prince. When I finally snapped out of it and started to get a sense of myself again, I vowed to not date. Luckly, I had some friends talk some sense into me. This is when I met Greyson, my daughter's father. At the time, I was very new to dating. I hadn't been with anyone other than Caleb my entire life. I was naive and ignored key signs that this wasn't a good partnership simply because I felt wanted to feel loved and Greyson gave me that feeling. Let me take it a few steps back and reintroduce our story to you from the eyes of a whole woman. This is a part of my story and in no means do I mean to break Greyson down, but I will not lie. I was clearly in a manipulative relationship filled with gaslighting, and love bombing. In no way do I absolve myself of my poor choices in dating this man and then having a child with him, but I will not keep quiet or spare him simply to save face. I fucked up unintentionally, but his intentions were clearly malice from the start.
When I met him, I wasn’t trying or expecting to fall for anyone. I’d actually made up my mind that I’d be single and I just wanted to have some fun. Either way, we dated off and on for about 4 months before making it official. We took a trip together and we had sex for the first time. I ended up pregnant but I didn’t know that i was until until weeks later while I was dealing with the grief of losing my mom. I feel like this was the start of the major red flags in our relationship. This man would be extremely present and loving and then go missing for weeks at a time. Looking back on my pregnancy, I don’t have many fond memories. Was he there during my mom’s passing, yes, but beyond that it was very hit and miss. I didn’t get to enjoy it unless I was being celebrated by my friends. I had no shower, no gender reveal, and I only had a maternity shoot because I made myself do it. I really put on a happy face while going through hell. Not just because I’d lost my mom but because I was in an unplanned pregnancy with a man who would up and disappear on me with no warning and then come back and love bomb the fuck out of me and gaslight me to hell. I started to realize this in my pregnancy and for reasons known now, I thought I should hold on. I knew in my mind, that I could fix this. This was something minor. He wasn’t use to relationships and I was only use to the one that I’d been in for 10 years that had failed. So here I am, a year removed from a very long term relationship and in a very new relationship, unexpectedly pregnant, and my man was love bombing me. He was inconsistent and always in some shit. I put on a smile and took care of home. Things were not great but they weren’t bad. Thats what I kept telling myself. We had some work to do but nothing that couldn’t be repaired. That was my mindset, until I realized that I was in deed on some bullshit. My daughter barely knew her dad and I was okay with just dealing with that to save face. To hold out hope that he would fix things, that this relationship, wouldn’t be a failure. That I would get my happy ending. Well that shit ended in the fiery pits of hell. I was one foot out the door by the end of it and had left my own home and was staying with my sister Syx a few weeks before things ended. Do yall know this man had the audacity to ask me to change my name but wasn’t ready to marry me? Yeah. We had an entire argument about why I still have my ex’s last name and why he wouldn’t marry me because of it. Despite the fact that this was something discussed on one of our first dates. That moment was the defining moment for me. I knew things were done. How could you love me but have no regard for me or my son? A few weeks after we talked and were trying yet again, his disappeared and I havent seen or heard from him since. No calls to see his daughter, no desire to be a dad yet this child was something he wanted so bad. Needless to say, I was pissed. It was an anger I’d never felt before. It took me such a long time get myself out of that space but here we are. I was so angry that I wanted to physically hurt this man, not because of how he had done me but becauwe he abandoned his child. My daughter is the sweetest thing. She’s so loving and smart and I know we all say that about our kids but my babygirl is something so special and I’m so angry with myself for making the choice I made in her father because he’s just a sorry excuse of a man. I tried so hard to not talk down about him but how can you not tell the truth about a person? (She sighs and sits back) the honest truth is I feel like I’ve held myself back from moving forward by trying to protect him and his character. I’ve filmed this episode 5 or 6 times and each time has ended in me crying and cursing him out in the unholiest of ways. I’m talking certifiable unhinged behavior. My therapist got a big check after those sessions. What’s changed though is the fact that I know my kids are better off without him and his influence.
As I'm growing, I’m learning more and more about myself and just life in general. For years, basically my entire life, I felt like a child needed both parents, or that I had to follow the rules if I wanted to be happily married or raise amazing kids and that’s simply not true. My babies are well rounded, well traveled, respectful, honest, and loving. I’ve done an amazing job. I have an amazing family and support system that loves my children like their own. I couldn’t ask for a better village. I believed that I my marriage would be successful because I’m a good woman who cooks, cleans, makes her own money and has other great attributes and talents. (Piper winks at the camera as she sips from her glass.) It didn’t take me long to learned that you can be perfect for someone and that shit can still go wrong. You can do your part, be the most loyal, humblest person and people will still fuck you over and walk all over you. Shit happens. Is it okay? No, but what can you learn from it? What is God trying to teach you? I feel like this past year has been the most important year of my life. I don’t work as hard, I spend more time with my kids making memories, my sister and I moving together and we’re raising our kids as a family and it’s the most wholesome shit I’ve ever done. I feel so at peace knowing that this year brought me peace by any means necessary. God did not play about me. He taught me patience, made me more aware of my own weaknesses and strengths, granted me favor and peace of mind while navigating all the shit I mentioned prior to now and the things I didn’t. He taught me the importance of letting things go so that I can move on. I’m a very empathetic person and I carry so much weight on my shoulders to understand everyone and to be understood. In the past that has caused me more hurt than anything. Instead of walking away, I’d try to fix things that don’t serve me. I don’t want to be that girl anymore. I can’t be her. I have two kids that literally don’t eat unless I feed them. They depend on me and I refuse to let them down. I say all do this to say, if you’re in a season where you feel like it’s blow after to blow, attack after attack, it gets better. If you’re in a place where you can’t look yourself in the mirror without crying or feeling like you e lost yourself, then wipe your tears and remind yourself who the fuck you are. That shit it momentary. It gets better. I don’t care what anyone says. It gets better because it has to. No weapon formed against you can prosper against you, because it’s not strong enough to. We’re not meant to stay down. We’re meant to learn something and then use it to bring ourselves as the other people like us out of that hole we feel buried in. Sometimes you need a little help. Therapy was quintessential in helping me through my toughest times. Because I want this podcast to be focused on purging the negativity and creating a positive environment for growth and development, I’ve created a foundation focused on supplying resources for those who just need a little help in life.
The Harrington Foundation is a non profit organization that is partnering with local therapists to bring free therapy to those in need in our local communities. This foundation is not only meant to bring forth grief counseling and mental health services to the community but other outreach programs like feeding the hungry and housing the homeless. Too often do we hear the stories of someone needing help with no one willing to give it. I will not be that person. If you would like to help the cause, feel free to donate at the link below or visit theharringtonfound.org. If you are in need of assistance in any way, be it therapy, paying a bill, help finding a home, contact us at 1-888-8888. We have funds readily available to help those in need. Thank you all for listening to me rant about my troubles and passion for growth. This has been the Sippy Saturday Podcast. Thank you for joining means I hope I see you next week. Love yall now bye! I got to go feed these kids. I didn’t even finish my drink Chile. (Piper laughs as the scene cuts to the ad for the Harrington Foundation and her other businesses.)
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schrijverr · 8 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 28
Chapter 28 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, With everyone healed, they slowly move back into their lives. As the dust settles, Steve and Eddie go on their first date together.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie & buckingham
Warnings: hate-crime mention, brief child abuse mention, period typical homophobia (I promise it’s the happy chapter, nothing happens)
Chapter 28: The First Date
Time has passed since Eddie first woke up again. Despite his coma, he’s been recovering pretty well all things considered and is released pretty soon alongside Max and Chrissy.
Steve has stayed in the hospital with him for most of it, growing closer to both Eddie and his uncle, while they kept an eye on everyone else too. Despite Robin’s earlier judgments of Eddie, the two have hit it off and Chrissy has also easily come into the fold, turning their trio into a quartet of queer dumbasses.
Chrissy has been officially disowned and is going to stay with the Buckleys until she’s fully healed up. They would keep her longer, but they don’t have the means with only a nurse and a low on the ladder office grunt salary. Just like Steve couldn’t stay forever, even when they wanted him too.
However, Steve will take her in after. Hopper has legally come back from the dead and they have worked out a deal that Steve can buy his cabin from him slowly over the years.
The room that used to be a haunting shrine to his memory is now packed up with joy as Hopper moves out of Steve’s cabin. The Byers are moving back to Hawkins, Hopper is moving in with them, not wanting to rip another family from his daughter and the relationship he now has with Joyce.
The Byers and Hoppers had cleaned the spray paint off and fixed up the door. Steve nearly cried in thanks when he got home to find it welcoming and lively, instead of that violated mockery of his safe space.
At first, Will and El shared Steve’s bed as Steve slept on the couch, while Hopper and Joyce took Hopper’s bed. Jonathan and Argyle had found some mattresses to put on the floor. It were way too many people for the small cabin, but it was filled with joy and people. Steve needed people whenever he wasn’t sleeping at the hospital, unable to be alone.
Of course, he slept over at Robin’s place too, the three of them gossiping and joking around, laughing as they forgot how the world can be cruel to people like them.
It wasn’t without ups and downs of course. Steve had his first bad nightmare soon after going home to sleep, instead of staying at the hospital. It was mortifying, but while tea with Joyce wasn’t the same as tea with Robin, card games with Chrissy or hot chocolate with Eddie, it was still pretty good. It felt a lot like understanding. Like acceptance.
He also finally talks with Nancy. After they’ve waved goodbye to the Byers, who are off to Cali to finish the year there, she pulls him aside and asks: “Uhm, what you said, you know, in the Upside Down, that you, uhm, that you-”
“That I’m in love with Eddie,” Steve fills in for her, putting her out of her misery.
“Yeah, that. Is that…?” Nancy struggles a little more.
“That is still a thing yeah, I’m gay,” Steve tells her and it feels good to tell her that. “I didn’t figure it out until after fighting that demogorgon and even then I denied it for a long time. Sorry for leading you on when it wasn’t going to work out between us.”
“It’s okay, I- I wasn’t in a good place either then,” Nancy gives him a smile and it finally feels like they’re friends again. “I felt safe with you, still do, but- It’s not the same. I- I am also sorry, for being weird during everything.”
“Oh,” Steve says, not able to give another reaction, because he was pretty sure she was never going to mention that ever again.
“Me and Jonathan talked,” she says. “We were in a rough spot before, I guess. Still are. Uhm, he- he’s going to take a gap year, stay with his family, but I can’t stay here. I’m leaving in the fall for college. But with Hopper here, Jonathan is planning on coming with me next year, maybe in the spring already. So, we’re just taking it slow. Seeing where it’s going.”
“That’s good, Nance. I’m happy for you,” Steve tells her genuinely. Because he is. They have had their worst moments together, been their worst selves around the other, have seen their lows, but he would never wish her ill will. She’s been through a lot and she deserves to get better.
“Thank you,” she says. “I’m also happy for you and Eddie. You seem happier with him. You deserve that.”
Steve feels himself blush. It’s still new, but so wonderful and he can’t help but be happy whenever his relationship is mentioned. “Thank you, I am happy.”
And that’s the end of that conversation. They’re not best friends, Steve doesn’t think they’re ever going to be after all that has happened between them, but they are friends. The air is cleared and they’re both finally on the same page.
It feels good to close that chapter behind him on good terms.
Meanwhile, he’s starting a new chapter. With Eddie. Their date has taken a back burner, since Eddie couldn’t leave the house much at first. But Steve has gotten to sit in on his games with the kids, which has been great. Steve is never going to get into DnD, it isn’t for him, but it’s cute how excited they all get and he can listen to Eddie talk for hours and not get bored.
However, enough time has passed and tonight, he and Eddie are going on a date.
A date!
Steve’s first date with a boy.
Eddie’s first date ever.
It feels big.
Too big.
But also, so so good.
However, it being good, doesn’t mean Steve is not nearly shaking apart with nerves. Which is how he finds himself on Robin’s bed, groaning into his hands as he complains: “I don’t know what to wear. Robbie, save me!”
“Well, you brought about your entire fucking wardrobe, there must be something,” she rolls her eyes, justified in her annoyance, since she’s been forced to listen to Steve whine about his date for days now.
“But none of it is cute,” Steve pouts.
“You’ve been on dates before. Many!” Robin exclaims. “Why are you being so difficult now? It’s just Eddie. He’s not even that hot. He’s a weirdo who walks on tables, which is highly unsanitary, by the way.”
“But I actually like Eddie,” Steve whines. “And he is cute. He’s passionate.”
Robin doesn’t look like she fully gets that he can actually find Eddie attractive, but she softens up a little when reminded of the fact that those dates he’d gone on were to hide. So, she says: “I can ask Chrissy to tell you what looks hot. She’s still into men.”
Steve considers it for a moment, then shakes his head. “I want you to tell me,” he says petulantly.
“Chrissy’s your friend too. She actually knows what she’s talking about,” Robin huffs.
Chrissy is currently trying to catch up on all the work she missed while being in the hospital and unable to attend school just yet. They could go bother her, but with the two of them dating and Steve spending a lot of time with Eddie, he wants to hang out with Robin. She’ll always be his number one.
“No,” he shakes his head again. “Chrissy will tell me what cheerleaders will like, you can tell me what weirdos like.”
“You’re also a weirdo, dingus,” Robin informs him, but she looks pleased with his insistence.
She gets up and starts going through the pile of clothes Steve brought with a little more interest than before. He’s sure that once he leaves for his date, she’ll squirrel away some of his clothes, but he doesn’t care. He has a few of her shirts hidden at his cabin too.
Robin contemplates for a second, then pulls out a pale yellow polo and holds it up. “This,” she says. “And jeans. Because Eddie is a weirdo like me, who actually likes a preppy cheerleader. I promise, he’ll like this.”
Steve laughs, but not at her, just delighted at the fact they get to do this. That they get to talk about their partners and pick out clothes for their dates. It makes him feel light.
“Go on. Change!” Robin demands, holding out the outfit to him in excitement.
“Okay, okay,” Steve smiles, taking the clothes as he starts undressing. Neither of them have made an effort with modesty, so Robin just waits as Steve changes into the outfit.
“Spin,” she demands.
Steve spins.
“Yes,” Robin nods. “It’s perfect. You look like a preppy little puppy.”
“And that is good?” Steve asks, amused and a little tentative.
“That’s good,” Robin assures him.
“Thank you,” he grins happily, flopping back down on the bed next to her. He’s still nervous, but having Robin help with his outfit calmed him a little.
“Of course, Stevie,” Robin smiles at him. “You’re gonna call me when you get back, right?”
“If I get back,” Steve winks.
“Dingussss,” Robin whines. “Then you call me from Eddie’s place.”
It should be overbearing. It should feel like it crosses a line to be so wrapped up in each other’s lives. But it never has with Robin. She has called him so many times after dates with Chrissy or other big moments. Sometimes she’s alone, sometimes Chrissy will be giggling through the line as well. They click together.
“I’ll call you form Eddie’s place,” Steve promises.
“Good,” Robin nods decisively. “And have fun and all that of course.”
“Wow, thank you for your gracious wishes,” Steve snorts.
“Oh shut up,” Robin giggles, pushing him softly, though he pretends it’s much harder as he groans dramatically and rolls off the bed. Of course, Robin doesn’t believe him for a second, rolling her eyes as she calls him a drama queen.
The two fuck around a bit more as Steve pushes his clothes in the corner, before Robin follows him to the bathroom where he fixes his hair. A part of his products permanently lives at the Buckley house with how often he’s there.
Despite the fact that they have only one daughter, the shelve in their shower is bursting with both Chrissy’s and Steve’s stuff as well. The two of them taken into the fold of Daisy’s and Thomas’ kindness and acceptance.
All of them came out to them after their stint in the hospital. They’ve always kind of known with Robin with how she started acting when she hit puberty, never fully hiding, but not admitting it either. With the rumors that floated around about Steve last summer and Chrissy’s attachment to Robin, it wasn’t difficult to make assumptions, though they patiently waited for them to be ready to say something.
Once Steve deems himself done, they stumble down the stairs. Chrissy throws down her pencil enthusiastically when she seems them, happy to be done. She smiles: “You look great, Stevie!”
Steve twirls a little, blushing as he grins: “Thank you, Chris.”
Thomas pops his head out of the kitchen. Daisy is working late today, so he’s cooking. He knows what’s been happening, also having opened the door for Steve holding all his clothes, after which Robin pushed him aside, exclaiming how it was an emergency. Then they had to calm him down that no, it wasn’t a bad emergency, just a teen emergency. Robin gets her anxiety from her father.
Now, he just smiles at Steve and says: “Have fun. And be safe. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
Robin groans in embarrassment at her dad and Steve feels himself flush. Still, he’s more touched than embarrassed at the concern for him, finally having adults in his life that actually care, so he smiles at Thomas and promises: “I will.”
“You’ll call us when you get back, right?” Chrissy asks, before Robin can accompany Steve to the door. She would join too, but still being in casts makes being stationary easier.
Steve smiles at the fact that Chrissy has also picked up on their closeness habit. He ruffles her hair in a way that has her squawking and ducking away, as he says: “I will.”
Then Robin walks him to the door, the two dragging out their goodbyes as they always do, trying to cling to the other for as long as they can, before they truly part ways. With that done, Steve gets into his car and drives to the trailer park.
Eddie is sitting on the steps of his trailer when Steve pulls into the trailer park. He’s smoking a cigarette in a way that shouldn’t be as hot as it is, long fingers deftly holding the cig, bracelets moving whenever his arm moves.
Steve swallows heavily, before he parks the car, now getting spotted by Eddie. He lights up, those beautiful eyes sparkling as he waves, shaking his head to unsuccessfully get his hair in check and out of his face.
“Stevie,” Eddie greets, stepping closer, realizing their outside and awkwardly leaning back out of Steve’s space.
“Hey, Eds,” Steve replies, smiling, though that twinge still goes through him. He might finally be at a place where he is comfortable with his sexuality, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world is. So, bro high five it is for now. “Come on, let’s go,” he nods to the car to distract from the reality and get the date back on track.
Eddie grins happily at that and does a dorky little cheer that Steve finds way more attractive than he should.
When he looks away he meets Max’s eyes. Being in the hospital has really scared her mom and the two have been closer than ever. Steve helped Wayne built a ramp to the trailer so Max can get in with her wheelchair. Right now she is at the top of that ramp, giving Steve an amused look.
He flips her off with a grin, then gets back in the car. His sides twinge a little, but his stitches have been taken out finally. Eddie’s are also still there right under his shirt and pants, but right now neither of them care. The wounds are healing, aches are fading and all of them are looking towards the future.
Steve starts to drive and Eddie smiles at him when he glances over. “Hey, Stevie,” he greets, a shy smile on his lips.
“Hi, baby,” Steve says back, letting his voice go soft and warm. He has done this song and dance many times before, but this time it feels good to see the person he’s with blush and giggle, leaning in slightly.
They’re on the bigger road now, which leads out of town, so Steve feels a bit more confident to put his hand on Eddie’s thigh.
Next to him, Eddie takes a sharp breath and Steve listens to see if it was surprise of discomfort, making himself at home when it turns out to be surprise.
It’s quiet for a few seconds, but Eddie has never done well with silence, so he breaks it when he asks: “So, how is this gonna go?”
Steve knows Eddie must be even more nervous than he is. The second he saw Eddie grin, most of his nerves faded. He has done this before, he knows this. It feels right with Eddie. However, Eddie is in the deep end without swimming lessons.
So, he projects as much confidence and comfort in his voice as he answers: “Well, I’m gonna drive to a town where no one knows us. We’re gonna get fries and milkshakes that we’re gonna eat on the hood of the car in a parking lot somewhere. Then we’re going to the drive in theater and watch a movie. And then we’ll drive home. How does that sound?”
“That sounds good,” Eddie answers, boisterous personality creeping back into his voice again. It is not as if Eddie hadn’t known what they were gonna do, Steve told him before, but he obviously had to hear it again.
“Good,” Steve grins, glancing over to meet Eddie’s own. “Now, pick a tape and put it on.”
Eddie dives into his glove box with glee, judging Steve with fondness as he goes. Steve can defend himself about some of his music tapes, since Robin, Chrissy and all the kids have left tapes to play throughout the years. Others… not so much.
Then Eddie stills and his voice is suddenly quieter as he asks: “Why- You have the Master of Puppets album.”
“Oh, yeah, I, uhm, I might have bought it,” Steve flushes, a bit embarrassed. “So you would have something to listen to that you liked when we drove.”
He doesn’t dare to look at Eddie, instead focusing on the road. But he shouldn’t have worried, Eddie lets out a loud noise, somewhere between a squeal and a scream, before he exclaims: “That is so sweet,” and rushes to put in the tape.
At the positive reaction, the smile returns to Steve’s lips, widening even more.
In the passenger seat, Eddie starts to head bang wildly, singing along to the songs in that deep, nice voice of his that Steve has come to love so much. Corroded Coffin hasn’t performed yet since spring break, but this private concert of pure joy is the best Steve has ever seen.
The drive is filled with karaoke, laughter and jokes. It’s perfect, just driving them could have been the date and Steve would have been happy.
Still, he’s excited for the rest of their date as they pull up to a diner. Inside they keep their distance, Steve talking to Eddie about the latest baseball game, he watched with Lucas and Hopper. Eddie nods along, listening. It’s sweet that he’s trying, because Steve knows that it isn’t really Eddie’s cup of tea.
They both order fries and a milkshake, like Steve had suggested, but they also order a burger. Then wait until they can take it with them.
Steve drives them to an empty field, parking alongside the road and they spill out of the car, both giggling like they’ve done something they shouldn’t.
They sit shoulder to shoulder on the hood of the car. Eddie leans his head on Steve’s shoulder and Steve feels like his heart explodes as he buries his nose in Eddie’s curls for a second, breathing in the smell of smoke that clings to Eddie and his three-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body wash that Steve despises yet loves.
Despite having their own, they steal fries from the other and share their milkshakes as they point out shapes in the clouds to each other. They laugh like little kids when one looks like a dick, before Eddie gets distracted by a cloud he swears looks like a d20, but Steve can only see a blob.
When their food is gone, they get back in the car again, this time they hold hands over the console as Steve navigates to the drive in theater and Eddie insists on buying their tickets, since Steve paid for dinner.
Steve argues: “I asked you out, I pay. You can pay next time.”
Eddie blushes happily at the next time, but shakes his head stubbornly anyway. “I feel like it was a mutual asking out, despite all the end of the world things. Besides, I finally have money – government hush money, but still – if I want to help my boyfriend pay for our date, I should be allowed to.”
If he’s honest, Steve was sold the second Eddie said boyfriend. He still can’t quite wrap his head around the fact that he has a boyfriend now and it’s enough to make him smile widely like a giddy loon.
Of course, Eddie clocks that immediately and soon Steve is standing next to Eddie as he defiantly pays for their tickets. Though Steve doesn’t mind, Eddie looks cute when he’s smug.
Afterwards, Steve couldn’t tell you what the movie was actually about (luckily he doesn’t work at Family Video anymore, having been fired for obvious reasons). Instead, he spends the whole movie staring at Eddie, holding his hand.
They’re parked in the back, out of sight as best as they can. It gives them the confidence to sneak a few kisses here and there, though nothing more than that.
They’ve kissed before, but Steve never tires of it. Eddie is just so eager and enthusiastic. It’s endearing and hot. He’ll make soft noises against Steve’s mouth and grip him as closely as Steve grips him. Despite the amounts of girls he kissed, he never knew how much fun just making out could be. He could kiss Eddie for hours.
The movies ends and they drive back home, this time the music playing quietly in the background as they talk.
“I wanna go to college, is that weird?” Eddie softly says.
“Why would that be weird?” Steve asks.
“I don’t know,” Eddie shrugs. “I’ve failed senior year two times, only reason I’m even graduating this year is because you threatened the government into feeling bad about me being hunted by the town and nearly dying for their mistakes.”
“You’re smart. If you want to I think you can do it,” Steve tells him. “What would you wanna do?”
“Creative writing,” Eddie smiles, it’s small and a little shy. He explains: “I love music and if the band takes off, I’m 100% doing it, because that would be the dream. But I love stories more. Like, I can work on my DnD campaigns for hours and I love thinking about the stories. Reading. I want to create worlds.”
“That sounds amazing,” Steve tells him honestly. He has always loved listening to Eddie talk, following along as he spins a tale out of thin air. “You can definitely do it.”
“You think so?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah, I do,” Steve replies. “Ask any of the kids and they tell you your campaigns are insane. I think so too from all I’ve heard second hand and what I witnessed. You’re a natural storyteller. You can totally do it.”
“So, you don’t think it’s silly?” Eddie inquires, sounding like he believes Steve, but needs to hear it again.
“I don’t,” Steve tells him. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Not far and nowhere special,” Eddie says, excitement bleeding in again. It’s clear he’s thought about it a lot. “I wanna start following courses at the community college, part time at first so I can work and help uncle Wayne pay the bills. Hush money is good, but doesn’t solve everything.”
That Steve knows. The hush money allows him to have a few nice things and bridge the gap when he looked for new employment, but he’s not set for life or anything close to it. So, he hums his understanding.
“I might follow Robin and Chrissy,” Eddie goes on, catching Steve’s interest more. “I mean, Robin is waiting for her right?”
“Yeah, saving up for college,” Steve says.
“And you’re probably following those two to where ever they decide to go to college?” Eddie continues.
Steve flushes slightly. It’s not that he wants to do long distance with Eddie, but the thought of not living near Robin kills him. He can’t survive if he can’t easily check up on her in the middle of the night. “Yeah, sorry,” he whispers.
“No need for sorry, sweetheart,” Eddie says in that soothing deep rumble, obviously having caught onto Steve’s thoughts. “I knew you two weren’t going anywhere without the other when I agreed to date you. I want to stick close to them too.”
The confession eases something in Steve’s chest and happily he says: “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eddie nods. “Robs is pretty cool, Chrissy too. I like them. I wouldn’t mind transferring whatever college credits I build up here to a local college elsewhere. We can all rent an apartment together, two couples, but they don’t have to know how. It’ll be fun.”
Steve can picture it in his mind’s eye. When Eddie suggested running away to the city together, bats circling above their heads, he didn’t have the mind to think about the details. But he can’t say he doesn’t like the image Eddie’s painting.
“I’d love that,” he admits softly.
“That’s good,” Eddie smiles. Then asks: “What do you wanna do?”
Steve thinks, rubbing his thumb over Eddie’s hand mindlessly as he does. The two haven’t let go since they got back in the car after paying for tickets.
“I don’t wanna go to college,” Steve tells him after a moment. “Everyone always thought I would, but I don’t want to. I wanna work with Robin in that stupid fruit shop until you all go to college and then I wanna do something with my hands.”
“That sounds like a good goal to work towards,” Eddie says. “Know what you wanna do with your hands yet?”
“No, not yet,” Steve answers. “I might go to trade’s school or find someone who wants to take me in and teach me. I liked patching up the cabin or working on my car. So something like that, probably.”
“You’d look hot in overalls,” Eddie teases and Steve blushes, giggling like the girls he used to take on dates.
They continue to build possible futures they could have together as they drive. Most of them probably won’t exist, but some of them might and it’s good to dream. To believe you can have a future like that.
Steve’s heart feels full with affection to the boy next to him. Neither of them has had it easy, but it feels like the hard part is behind them. That they made it and only need to see where it goes from here, but they can only go up anyway, so it’s okay.
It’s already dark when they get to the trailer park. Most people are already inside, so no one sees the two boys in the front of the car.
“Do you, uhm- do you want to come inside?” Eddie offers tentatively.
They’ve hung out quite a lot already with some heavy making out involved too. However, something in Eddie’s voice sounds too hesitant and Steve finds he doesn’t want to. Not yet.
He shakes his head and softly confesses: “It’s probably silly, but no, I- I wanna do this right, if that makes sense? I finally get to do this with someone I actually like and I want to build it up first, take my time, because I don’t have to rush. It’s stupid, sorry.”
“No, no, it’s not stupid at all,” Eddie quickly says. “I- I quite like that idea.”
“Yeah?” Steve looks up, meeting those eyes.
“Yeah,” Eddie nods, a bit breathless as he stares at Steve with those big beautiful brown eyes of his.
Cutting the tension, Steve smirks and affectionately teases: “Want to get fully romanced, huh, Eds?”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind the full wooing experience,” Eddie grins back, but he betrays his sincerity by curling his hair around his finger.
Steve finds his own features softening and he says: “Let me walk you to the door then. Promise to kiss you goodnight.”
Now Eddie takes the hair he’s been curling around his finger and pulls it in front of his face. In juxtaposition to his actions, he says: “Oh fuck off, Steve.”
“I like sweetheart better,” Steve tells him in a moment of confidence, kissing the hand he’s still holding, before dropping it and getting out of the car.
Eddie scrambles out after him, a little less graceful that Steve had been. Steve doesn’t care, though, he loves how Eddie flip flops between dramatics, grace and clumsiness. It’s part of his charm and Steve is properly charmed.
The two walk to the door. The porch light is left on by Wayne, before he left to work, but Eddie flicks it off, so nosy neighbors won’t be able to see.
He leans in close to Steve, but doesn’t press their lips together, instead smirking as he says: “So, sweetheart, huh?”
Steve feels himself blush, both at the tease and due to the heat that settles in his veins when the petname rolls of Eddie’s lips. “Yeah,” is all he says, a bit dumbly.
Eddie looks pleased with himself, his fingers skittering along Steve’s body until they fall to his waist, curling around his belt loops. Eddie tugs a little as he says: “I was promised a kiss goodnight, remember, sweetheart?”
And it is absolutely unfair how Eddie is using it against Steve, but Steve doesn’t mind it in the slightest, if it means Eddie will call him sweetheart for the rest of their lives.
So, like the whipped boyfriend he is, he obligingly leans down and presses his lips against Eddie’s, enjoying how they’re a little chapped, yet so soft. Softer than Steve had imagined them to be, before they first kissed.
They continue kissing for a little bit longer, neither of them wanting it to end. However, Steve is aware of how vulnerable they are like this, so after a bit, he pulls away and smiles at Eddie: “Is this a yes for a second date?”
“Of course it is,” Eddie smiles. “It was even before you asked me on the first.”
It’s so sincere how he says it and Steve is swept off his feet, unable to help how his heart swells at the words. “Oh,” he replies, giddy. “That’s good.”
“I’m glad,” Eddie tells him, dimples in place like they had been throughout the whole date.
Without making a conscious decision, Steve reaches up to cup Eddie’s face, thumb caressing the right dimple. “I love your smile,” he says, voice filled with awe and affection.
Eddie blushes brightly, Steve can see, even in the dark of the night. He tries to hide, but his fingers are still tangled in Steve’s belt loops and the hand holds him in sight.
“Pretty,” Steve breathes.
“You’re the pretty one, sweetheart,” Eddie replies, getting his blush under control.
“Beautiful then,” Steve corrects, smirking as Eddie blushes once more, this time nuzzling his hand to hide his face. Steve takes pity on him and pulls him into a hug, letting Eddie hide his blush against the crook of his neck.
God, he never wants to leave this moment.
However, the moment cannot last forever, so they each bid the other goodnight, before Eddie opens the door and flicks on the lights, while Steve goes back to his car.
Eddie remains in the doorway as Steve starts the car and begins to drive, waving until he disappears out of sight in the rear view mirror.
All the way home, Steve feels like he’s floating on a cloud and he practically bounces up the stairs to the cabin, keys jingling happily as he unlocks the door.
Inside, the cabin is quiet. The Byers are starting to pack their stuff back in Cali as the kids try to finish up the school year like the rest of the party is trying here. Steve misses the liveliness, but he’s grateful for the privacy.
He kicks off his shoes and falls on the couch, grabbing the phone as he dials a familiar number, not having to wait long, before Robin exclaims: “Steve?”
“Yeah, yeah, Robbie, it’s me,” he tells her, grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh my god, how did it go?” she demands to know.
In the background he hears Chrissy say: “It’s pretty late. Ask if he’s at Eddie. Did they do it?”
“Are you at Eddie’s?” Robin asks, relaying the message, before Steve can hear her move around so Chrissy can listen in as well.
“I’m at home,” Steve answers. “We wanted to do it right. Do the whole romance thing. I kissed him goodnight at the door.”
Chrissy squeals and says: “That’s so cute. Was it a good date?”
“It was,” Steve answers happily, sagging back into the couch as he tells the two of them all about it, not sparing a single detail.
When he sat on the bleachers, dejectedly watching the basketball before the cheer team distracted him, he couldn’t have imagines where his life would be one and a half years later. A lot has happened, not all of it good, but the friends he made because of it are worth it all.
This is the life he wants to live. The future he wants to work towards. And now he can.
Eddie deserves to be a little flustered and to be treated right. We love a confident Eddie, but he is also a massive dork at heart <3
I know this is a little shorter than the others, but it felt silly just to drag it out for the sake of it all, but hopefully you enjoyed it all. Thank you so much for reading it in it’s entirely (know that you’ve just read 251 pages), it was a thrill to write :D (and totally didn’t take me from Feb to July to complete before I started posting, what? xp)
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donutholehole · 1 year
A Murder, A Nurse, A Case.[B.Blanc/Reader]
Part 1 of A Murder and A Motive
Summary: World’s greatest Detective and his second pair of eyes take on a difficult murder case of secrecy, disguise and revenge.
Pairing: Benoit Blanc [Knives out]/Reader. He/Him pronouns used.
Warnings: Descriptions of death, blood and wounds, abandonment.
Word Count: 1,946
Note: I am aware Benoit Blanc is canonically married but I am ignoring Hugh Grant in this story (rare for me - Paddington 2 is one of my favourite films because of him). Also! I am very not American so if words are off and it ruins the immersion, very sorry!
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Not my gif!!
It was a remote farmhouse, far from any major roads and cities. Surrounded by seemingly endless fields and woods, though you could detect a small town nearby from the road signs. Usually, you would never notice a house like this. You would typically drive passed, but with the addition of four police cars, an ambulance, and P.I.‘s on the property, it was hard to ignore. It was a beautiful house still, architecturally stunning.
A chubby, older woman sat on the doorsteps of the house, unable to compose herself though police attempted to calm her. You closed the door to Blanc’s car and took in the stunning scenery and chaotic atmosphere. Another car pulled up swiftly after you, a young woman rushed out of the vehicle as soon as she stopped it and ran to talk to the police and comfort the woman on the steps.
“Blanc, good to see you.” A cop said. Officer West, she was present during a few cases throughout your time with Blanc. “Y/N…nice to see you again.” She said, a smirk on her face. Blanc had stated many times that she was utterly obsessed with you however you chose to ignore him.
“Officer West.” You nodded, and she nodded in return. You walked towards the house door where the two women sat consoling each other. Both women cried now.
“This is Marlene Edwards, James Lee’s primary nurse. She contacted us and told us of his death when she arrived this morning. This is Joanna Lee, the victim's only living relative.” Officer West introduced you to the women, who were obviously beside themselves but staying strong. Marlene Edwards was in her late 60's, she had her dark hair in a neat bun and wore her scrubs just as she usually would. She had dark circles around her eyes, perhaps from crying, perhaps from being an overworked medical worker. Nonetheless, she looked kind.
The other woman, Joanna Lee, was frankly the opposite. She had long ginger hair, which was in a messy ponytail. Her clothes seemed to be the first she picked out, it was only 7:15 A.M. anyway. Pain lined her tearstained face.
“Pleasure to meet the two of you. I’m Detective Benoit Blanc, and this is my assistant Y/N L/N. Perhaps we go inside and talk to you both?” He asked as he shook their hands. They nodded, opening the door and guiding you both through the house.
The house was even more beautiful inside. Each wall was an aged brown with lightly gold details on each corner, and the floor was a dark wood that had a slight creak in some places. It was traditional, simple but not too simple, and obviously an inherited home.
The two women sat in the lounge together, and you sat opposite them with Blanc. The couches were made of dark leather with sage green feather pillows. You enjoyed noticing the small details of the locations of murders, it showed some repeating patterns.
“Now, Marlene, is it? Tell me, when did you arrive here this morning?” Blanc asked her, the victim's daughter held the older woman’s hand tightly to comfort her. You opened your notepad and took a sleek black pen Blanc had gotten you for your birthday from your pocket.
“6:30 A.M, just like every mornin'.” She managed to choke out, Joanna rubbed her back. You scribbled that down in your notebook.
“What time did you find his body, would you say?” He asked, she took a moment to answer.
“Around 6:55 A.M, I don’t remember. I always spruce the place up a bit, make him a coffee and breakfast before he wakes up, then I give him his medicine.” She replied, thinking particularly hard to remember. "I hit a bookshelf when I went to the phone, it's a mess up there."
You wrote carefully and quickly so as to not miss any information. “And what medications was your patient on?” Blanc inquired. You loved the way he was so meticulous about what questions he asked, when to ask them, everything. He was incredibly talented in his work and took great care of the victim's family and friends.
“Lisinopril, a blood pressure medication. Hydrocodone, a pain medication. He’s diabetic, so I test his blood every 2-3 hours and inject insulin when needed.” She told you, she was cooperating perfectly. You wrote down what she had said.
“How many nurses or caretakers have been here in the passed few days?”
“There’s always 2 of us on sight in a day, Sarah, she comes and takes care of his bathing needs and everything like that around 4:30 P.M. Yesterday there was a trainee nurse, his name was, uh, Clark?” That was intriguing. You’d had some background information on the case beforehand and only two caretakers were noted. Marlene Edwards and Sarah-Jane Matthews.
“Tell me more of this Clark," He leaned forward, clearly compelled by this mysterious character.
"He was a young feller, fresh out of school, maybe late 20's? He said he was new and still partly training to care for the elderly. He showed me his work I.D...I didn't even question he could be lyin'. Oh, sweet Jesus." She covered her mouth and realised it was likely to be him, she couldn't help but blame herself for allowing him into his home.
"Don't blame yourself, love. You couldn't have known." You reassured her, sending her a warm smile before returning to your notepad and writing down a possible suspect.
"Thank you, Mrs Edwards. This information could be crucial. I'd like to speak to Miss. Lee alone if that would be okay?" He informed her, she nodded and scurried out of the room, closing the door behind her.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Lee. I know it is a horrible situation. You’re strong." You prefaced before Blanc could begin. Blanc glared at you and gave you a smile. You took after him in supporting the victim's family members and friends.
“What was your and your father's relationship like?” Blanc asked, she composed herself and thought for a few moments.
“Strong, I’d say. We loved each other and talked every day after I finished work. We’d always have a game of Clue with Marlene and Sarah when I was there, I bet you’re really good at that game.” She laughed slightly, reminiscing on good times with her father.
“He’s terrible.” You mimed at her, and she smiled at that. Talking to people casually was a psychological trick you’d picked up. You used standard English, made jokes when acceptable and spoke to them like you would a friend. They open up and become more comfortable talking.
“Your mother, is sh-” Benoit began before he was cut off my Joanna.
“Margaret Lee. She died when I was 14. Car accident. It took a real toll on Dad. He had Survivor’s Guilt since that day. Always blaming himself. It hurt to watch. He was on Antidepressants for 3 years,” She said. She looked down at her hands for a moment. You sent her an empathetic look, your head bowed down and your eyes closed.
"That must've been very difficult," Blanc said. "Y/N, would you investigate that Trainee Nurse while I talk to Miss Lee?" He asked, you nodded, standing from the couch.
"It was lovely to meet you, Joanna. You're powerful." You shook the woman's hand before she left and gave her kind eyes. You wandered through the house, taking time to indulge in your surroundings. Though the gruesome smell of death lingered through the house, you doubted it was unfamiliar to it. It was aged, and the paint on the walls chipped away from where furniture and frames once were. You saw Officer West and headed towards her.
"Y/N! You alright?" She turned around quickly, two cups of coffee in her hand. "Here, I know it's cold out." She handed you one.
"Thank you. We need to get in contact with whoever is distributing carers here. We have a suspect." You ordered, she gasped slightly. "Clark, no other details other than a young, late 20’s, trainee nurse. He was here yesterday."
"I will get that info for you!"
After 10 minutes of waiting by the door, the tips of your fingers turning blue, Officer West approached you. "There is a Clark, trainee nurse, but he's 45. He was reported in an old folks home yesterday. But get this, when asked, he couldn't find his I.D.!" She told you enthusiastically with a smile. You smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Officer." You stormed inside, finally feeling warmth against your skin again. "Blanc!" You yelled towards the lounge room, which he was already leaving. "Bad news, the Clark that Mrs Edwards described isn't registered. But, the real Clark is a 45-year-old man whose I.D. is absent from his person. It was stolen."
"My, so we're on a hunt for an unknown individual?" He questioned, you took a pause before nodding uncomfortably. "No leads, nothing."
"Well, we haven't snooped around yet. That's my favourite part," You smiled, walking back towards the stairs. "Shall we?" You raised your hand as you stepped onto the first step. Blanc looked down at your hand and laughed, not taking your hand but walking up the stairs with you still.
"We're not snoopin', Y/N. We're looking for evidence," He reminded you, shooting you disapproving, teasing eyes.
"We're kinda snooping," You mumbled before getting to the upper floor. It was a slight mess, with books scattered across the floor from when Marlene ran to the phone. You kicked some out of the way to make a clear path. You knew which room was James Lee's. The metallic stench of recently shed blood and the linger of death surrounded the doorway. You entered the room.
His sheets were still painted with his blood. You couldn't help but uncomfortably cover your mouth at the horrific sight. It was clear the killer wasn't well-skilled. The walls and floor were splattered with blood. It was a horrific sight to witness. "My lord, they really wanted him dead," You heard Blanc mutter under his breath.
"Seems so. Get to looking," You ordered him, you weren't usually as clear and demanding to Blanc, but after seeing this you couldn't help but be angry.
"I thought I gave orders," He huffed before he put a pair of gloves on. You followed after him and began the search for something, anything that gave you enough evidence to have a lead.
You found nothing. There were pictures of his family, vacations, books, empty medicine bottles, clothes. That was typical for any room, you didn't doubt that they were there well before the murder had occurred. You looked at high shelves when you noticed a camera.
It was old. Clearly a valuable item for display only. You picked it carefully from its place. You coughed as dust entered your throat. Checking if it had film, you were met with nothing. You sighed, placing it back on the shelf.
A case. There was a case hidden behind the camera. It was sleek and untouched for many years, covered in dust. As Blanc searched under the bed. You slowly opened it. "Blanc. Look." He raised his head from under the bed.
"What? What've you got?" He asked, hitting his head as he tried to get from under the bed and yelping. Once he'd composed himself and stood, he dusted himself off and looked at the case. "Joanna's baby book? That's all? Did your parents not do that?" He asked. It was a small book, with a photo of a newborn baby on the front with the name Joanna Haf Lee written on the front in gold lettering.
"Blanc, there's two."
Part 2 <-
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his-red-right-hand · 6 months
Chapter 4
An excerpt from notes found written on a yellow legal pad:
I should be mad. I should be furious. Had to rewrite my fucking article.
I never have to change my articles.
Girl came in and fucked up my design, should’ve slit her throat the moment I saw her. Dumb bitch didn’t even have the sense to run. But she sounded so fucking pretty begging for me to kill her though. Looked pretty with her blood all over her too. And when she started crying, fuck.
Had half a mind to shove her down onto her knees and make her beg for my cock, choke her on it until she passed out. Fuck her throat until I finish.
Might do it later, when there’s no risk of being caught. Hell, she wants to die so bad, might as well make herself useful beforehand. Don’t know if I want to gut her or fuck her. Maybe both. Either way, I’ll be rearranging her guts.
She met Jed at the hospital today, she lied to him as well as the cops. Cute she’s already willing to lie for me. And her advice for people to run from me? Is she trying to get on my good side?
Oh, and that little “off the record” confession? Too sweet. Idiot never noticed I didn’t turn off the tape recorder, so I can listen to her say it over and over. Oh, and I intend to.
Meant what I told her though, going to have a long game with her. Even if I did want to fuck her on that hospital bed after she admitted her death wish so nicely. Gonna masturbate to her picture again, maybe as I watch her sleep. Got to keep in control, no matter how tempting it is to just take what I want now. Gotta enjoy the chase first.
Found out from her nurse that she’s getting discharged tomorrow, so I’ll look around her house tonight, see what I can find. Then do a check in with the next name on the list to make sure nothing’s changed, going to be abandoning them for a bit. This new design is going to take some time to plan, but the execution is going to be a helluva good time.
Lives in a fairly shitty one bedroom house, but the backyard’s big and backs onto the woods. Plenty of nice spots to keep watch from, a good view into her bedroom and living room. A little sad there’s nowhere to get a good view into her bathroom, but you can’t have everything.
Backdoor key is hidden under a painted rock next to a chair and a little table: roach in an ashtray. Might be an option to fuck with her there - depends on what her consumption is like.
Inside is cheap everything, a lot of mismatched flea market furniture, except the stereo. And she has a lot of vinyl. Rearranged a few just to fuck with her a little. A pile of mix tapes in a box, all labelled in the same handwriting, so either she makes them or knows one person who does.
Kitchen cupboards were mostly empty, a bunch of instant ramen and some jiffy pop. Fridge was mostly take away containers. She had left milk out on the side that had gone bad. Disposed of it for her, I’m not a complete monster.
Bedroom had some nice discoveries, a bullet vibe in a drawer next to some Clive Barker novel with a few bookmarks. My girl is a freak. Knew I had good taste.
Thought about stealing some of her panties, but I think I’ll wait until she’s back and I can take the pair she was wearing when we met. I’m a romantic like that.
She’s got lots of books, but the dust on the bookcase shows she wasn’t lying about not reading much lately. What the fuck else was she doing?
Whole place has the vibe of a shut-in. The couch looks like she sleeps on it most nights, pizza boxes all around it. Sleeping pills on the coffee table, some heavy duty stuff. Definitely something to mess with in future.
Found her Blockbuster rentals, The Evil Dead and Silence of the Lambs. Hid that one, she should only be thinking about one killer. Maybe I’ll return it for her, it’ll spare her a late fee as well as fuck with her head a bit. Still a bit of a monster.
I was watching when she came home. She checked the front blinds, but didn’t bother with the back windows. Then again I’m the only one here watching. Gave me a nice show, walking around naked for me except for the bandage. Want to see her without it, want to see her with my marks on her. Want to give her so many more.
Watched her get stoned in her backyard wearing just a t-shirt. A guy would normally have to pay for the shows she keeps giving me, can’t wait until she does it knowing I’m watching her. Took some pictures, a few in her natural environment to go with that cute little polaroid I got of her all bloody when we first met.
Hasn’t seemed to notice anything I moved yet, or if she has she’s explaining it away to herself. Gonna have to amp that up over time, until she knows it’s me. Not sure about her taste in music, a bit maudlin for my tastes, but it was kinda catchy in a sad way.
She called a few people, her boss and a couple of friends, they were the only ones who had left her messages. Glad I got the tap set up, gotta keep track of my favourite girl’s social life, doesn’t she know there’s a killer loose? Don’t think she calls the friends often though, which is good for me. They won’t miss her so much once I start taking up her time. And if they do, I can always get rid of the answer machine tapes.
She ended up falling asleep on the couch to The Evil Dead, looking all cute and pouty lying there. Wanted to go in and take those panties, but decided not to risk it just yet. Don’t know how deeply she sleeps. She’s going to work tomorrow, I can come back on Jed’s lunch break and get them then. Maybe do a little more rearranging, maybe leave a present or two. After all, I gotta treat my girl right, don’t I?
Maybe she’d like the pictures I just took of her sleeping, nice and close up through the unlocked backdoor, her shirt riding up enough that you can see where those legs end, and it is quite the view. Such a little exhibitionist for me.
Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together.
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