#She hasnt recovered since :(
romanticstickermaker · 9 months
How's space? Are space worms real?
"Well...uh..i mean, its space right? So i guess if you reallly, really think about it, its super great! On the other hand, im litteraly stuck here with a woman (whos like really mean but pretty ) i dont know, in space. Also, anything could happen!! I dont even know if they are real..but maybe if they are, she has some sort of space gun? So that way, she'd like...fend off the worms...."
(She's still kidnapped in @themultiverseresearcher 's realm, ever since she got sent in that box)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
Okay, royals have one pro in the UK right now: its got all of us playing Cluedo right now with Kate's location and what her hospital visit was really about, with William being prime suspect.
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thebiggestmenace · 3 months
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pastanest · 1 year
George Weasley x she/her Hufflepuff!reader
A/N: recovered by the lovely @paintyourviolence !! thank you so much! ♡ if you’re wondering why I’ve had to repost this imagine, please check out this post
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Would You Be So Kind
It truly isnt fair. It hasnt been for years. To be precise, you have been living an unjustifiably cruel life for the past four years, almost to the day.
You remember it like it was yesterday; the excitement bubbling in you as the train travelled closer and closer to your new school, your school for magic. The very kind Harry Potter had given you a seat in his carriage, alongside another boy who you came to know as Ron Weasley. It was their first year, too, and they were both as excited as you were, but unlike you, they could verbalise their excitement and hold actual conversations. Meanwhile, you sat and watched the world blur by through the windows on the other side of the carriage door, since both boys were situated by the carriage window. As the snack trolley arrived, and the sweet old lady asked if any of you would be buying anything, there was a steady thudding down the train, growing louder as it neared; until two taller red-headed boys almost ran directly into the trolley. Upon being stopped, they smiled at Ron through the door.
“Just our luck, we’ve only ended up by Ron’s carriage!” One of the twins teased, laughing.
The other twin chuckled along with his brother, then gestured to Harry. “Go on then, introduce us to your new friends!”
Ron sighed dramatically. “Harry Potter.”
The first twin that had spoken, Fred, raised his eyebrows. “Blimey!”
Harry waved politely. “Hello!”
The second twin that had spoken, George, smiled at you kindly.
“And who’s this?”
You realised he was looking to you for an answer to that question, and considering the question was only asking your name, it seemed a reasonable one to ask you, but at that exact moment you discovered that you could not speak.
“That’s (Y/N).” Ron answered for you, much to your relief, but the embarrassment had already set in, and you avoided everyone’s eyes, choosing instead to stare down at your lap.
George Weasley squeezed between the trolley and the carriage door partially, leaning just slightly closer to you.
“Hey, dont worry, everyone’s nervous on their first day. It’ll all feel normal in no time!” He encouraged sweetly, a gesture that was completely unnecessary in the circumstance of you two still being strangers, but when you lifted your head and met the genuine smile on George Weasley’s face, your heart seemed to recognise him.
In the four years that have passed since that day, your interactions with George have been minimal. You couldn’t help feeling gutted when the sorting hat sent you to the Hufflepuff table. Though you realised almost immediately that it was where you belonged, it put a further rift between you and the boy that already felt a million miles away with the two year age gap alone. Thankfully, despite being restricted to a different common room, you did have regular classes with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and the most intelligent person you’d ever met: Hermione Granger. The three of them being in a different house didn’t seem to deter them from maintaining their friendship with you, and although you do have friends in your own house by now, you still frequently enjoy the company of the Golden Trio. And on a few, precious, perfect occasions, being with them has caused you to cross paths with George Weasley.
Especially in your first year, during which you and Hermione spent almost every free period in the library. It wasn’t guaranteed, but the possibility of a teacher sending Fred and George to fetch a particular book from the library was a decently common occurrence. You had never known a teacher to not have a book they needed already in their classroom, but upon asking Ron about it, he said his older brothers likely went into classrooms beforehand to steal books and put them in the library in order to have an excuse to leave lessons. This rebellious streak made George all the more appealing to you, unfortunately. But it wasnt merely the reason for their visits to the library that worsened your symptoms; every single time Fred and George wandered into the library, George would spot you and give you that same genuine smile. And every single time, you would smile back, completely flustered. So flustered in fact, that you had been known to drop the library books you were carrying to yours and Hermione’s chosen table, or you would trip over your own feet and Hermione would rush over to help you, while George gave you a worried expression that you treasured, followed by the question of whether you were alright.
“Always the clutz!” You would say, making him laugh.
Eventually, it happened enough times for him to make that comment before you could.
Obviously, witnessing those interactions in first year meant Hermione was completely clued in on your crush. Back then, it felt very childish to even consider the possibility of him having any interest in you, because you quite literally were a child, not even a teenager yet, like he was. And as children often do, you expected to grow out of your childhood crush. But much to your dismay, George Weasley would not allow that.
The older you got, the more comfortable you got with casually bumping into the Weasley twins, always saying hello to George and then Fred in order to try and hint that you were in love with him. It didnt work, but you kept trying.
You’d wave at them in passing, exchange small talk on occasion, and George would always give you that same smile. Ever since second year, when he and Fred arrived back at Hogwarts having had an extreme growth spurt, that smile would look down at you, and that only made things worse. Especially when that growth spurt didn’t seem to stop, and George’s smile kept lifting further and further out of your reach. And let’s not forget your third year, when George grew his hair out to frame that smile high above you. A masterpiece that was definitely worth framing, you thought. Honestly, if he had kept his hair that long, you dont know if you would have survived.
By now, your Hufflepuff friends as well as the Golden Trio are all too aware of your crush on George Weasley. Ron, in particular, loves to tease you about it. When Hermione gave you the password to the Gryffindor common room in your third year so that you could meet her in her dormitory to study, Ron had grinned cheekily.
“Something tells me (Y/N)’ll be using that password more than any of us!” He teased, and despite the fact his joke was incredibly vague in its exact meaning, you were mortified, because the twins happened to walk by at that exact moment.
“Ooh, a Hufflepuff’s got our password? Do we have a fellow rebel on our hands?” Fred wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you buried your face in your hands.
“No!” You squeaked.
George leant down to nudge you gently. “Hey, if you get caught sneaking in, just say we gave you the password.”
And again, his voice pulled you from your own embarrassment, right back to that smile.
It is honestly infuriating how kind he is to you. Even now, in fourth year, you aren’t in any way used to it, because George seems to excel in charms more and more, both inside and out of a classroom, every year. Just today, you happened to be walking across the courtyard when you spotted George totally by chance, laughing with Fred, and the sight of him so happy was distracting enough to make you trip and fall in the grass. Initially, you cursed yourself for walking without Hermione to assist you if you fell, and you scrambled onto your knees to pick up your scattered books. It was then, you felt a large hand press ever so delicately against your back.
“Always the clutz?” He had chuckled, and your heart skipped a beat simply because he remembered an inside joke from your first year.
Then, George was helping you pick up your books, and soon enough Fred ran over to help you, too. Fred took ahold of your books while George helped you back to your feet, the pair of Weasley’s towering over you, but you couldn’t look away from George.
“Thank you.” Was all you could manage as Fred passed you your books.
You saw that smile, and then you were scampering off before your heart could leap right out of your chest.
Now, you’re pacing around the Gryffindor common room while Hermione, Ron and Harry sit on one sofa, their eyes watching you as you embody your stress.
“Why the HELL does he do this?! What did I do to deserve this kind of torture!?!” You sigh, raking your fingers through your hair.
The fireplace crackles obnoxiously, setting your teeth on edge. If it wasn’t the only current source of light in the room, you would take your shoes off to stomp it out with your bare feet, it’d be less painful than - and a wonderful distraction from - thinking about George Weasley.
Ron laughs. “It’s hardly torture, (Y/N), he helped you up when you fell over.”
Your fiery gaze makes him shrink into the sofa, and Hermione elbows him in the ribs for good measure.
“It is absolutely torture for George Weasley - an infamous prankster - to show unwavering kindness to (Y/N); anyone with a crush on him would be smitten by him treating them differently to everyone else!” Hermione corrects him, and you nod at her gratefully as you continue your pacing.
“Sometimes I wish one of you would Obliviate me so I’d forget that first day on the train, and every moment with him after. It’d save me YEARS of pain! I am tired.” You groan in frustration, shaking your head.
“Well, have you tried telling him?” Harry speaks up, and you spin on your heel, staring at him like he’s insane.
“Of course she hasn’t! The lack of answers is what has made this so much worse, you simply must tell him!” Hermione pleads, and you scoff, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms over your chest as heat rises to your face.
“So, what? You think I should just waltz right up to him and say ‘Hey, George, not sure if you’re aware but I thought I’d let you know that I’m head over heels in love with you and I’d appreciate it if you could act like a total dick to me so I can get over this because there is no way in hell you feel the same way’?” You pause to laugh. “Hermione, Im gonna be honest, I think I would rather take the entire school population’s OWL’s in one sitting.” The silence that follows your words makes you frown. “What? Do you actually think I should say that to him? Are you all in deluded agreement?!”
The three of them stare at you with wide eyes.
“U-Uh, (Y/N)...” Ron utters nervously, making your stomach twist with worry.
“You might want to...turn around.” Harry finishes Ron’s sentence, and your blood runs cold.
Swallowing hard, you shake your head. “No, no I don’t think I want to turn around. Actually, I am suddenly overwhelmingly tired, hope you don’t mind Hermione but I’m going to take a quick nap in your bed right this second-“ You attempt to run past the sofa, but Hermione grabs hold of you, stopping you.
“Good thing you wont have to take all those OWL’s.” A voice says from behind you, and you have never wished harder that you had a talent for falling unconscious, or dying, on command.
The room is silent again, save for the fire still crackling away. Hermione’s arms slowly let go of you, recognising that you are as good as petrified.
“C’mon, we’d better give these two some space.” You hear Fred say, and then he’s ushering the Golden trio up the stairs, into their dormitories.
Closing your eyes, you lift your left hand to pinch your right arm as hard as you can, but to no avail. This is not a dream, and you are doomed.
“(Y/N), look at me.” George pleads, his voice softer than you’ve ever heard it before.
You shake your head. “Cant.”
His voice is closer to you when he speaks up again. “Why?”
You open your eyes, focussing your gaze on the wall ahead of you. “Because I won’t be able to think straight if I do.”
And despite not being able to see him, you can hear the genuine shock in George’s voice. “I didn’t know you had it that bad…I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
You sigh, nodding slowly. “No, it’s alright, really. You were only being nice. Admittedly, you being a dick to me would have been a much kinder form of rejection than this, but at least I can say goodbye to the days of chest pains and speechlessness.”
George’s voice is even closer now. “Oh, (Y/N).” And before you can register what’s happening, George’s much larger hand has wrapped around yours and gently pulled you around to face him. “I wasn’t apologising for leading you on, because I haven’t been. I was apologising for not plucking up the courage to be honest with you sooner. If you’re looking for rejection, I’m afraid I’m not the man.”
You blink rapidly, very much struggling to wrap your head around George’s words, especially when he’s standing so close to you, holding your hand, and looking down at you like that.
“But...how? How long have you…?” The objective to ask a simple question is failed, your mind scrambled by too many things that all fall under the umbrella term of George Weasley.
“Well, I’ve noticed that you only seem to fall over, trip over, and get all shy when I’m talking to you. Even asked Ron if you act like that around anyone else, he said no.” George explains, smiling away, and you have to focus as hard as you can to not swoon right in front of him. He checked that you only acted that way around him?
“Remind me to kick Ron’s ass for not telling me you did that, but there’s a more pressing matter at hand.” You clarify, causing George to laugh as he nods.
You sigh, your gaze falling to the floor. “I know you know that I like you, but that’s not enough-“
George interrupts you, shaking his head dramatically. “I like you, (Y/N)! Im just a wuss! Wussiest Gryffindor around! Maybe I should’ve been put in Hufflepuff…”
Your head snaps up as you gasp and playfully smack George on the shoulder for his house-ist comment, making him chuckle.
“In all seriousness, though, we don’t know each other that well, but we clearly have some kind of mutual attraction to each other, and I don’t see the harm in figuring out what that means.” He suggests, shrugging casually, and your stomach flips, a beaming smile taking over your face and confirming to George that you’re onboard with his idea. “Okay, so, do you want to accompany me to the library for some studying?”
You’re about to answer when the two of you hear Hermione shouting from the room above.
Casting your gazes up to the ceiling, you both laugh, and George nods as he glances back down at you.
“She’s right.” He looks back up at the ceiling. “CAN I TAKE HER TO HOGSMEADE?”
And through the ceiling, Hermione shouts a reply. “THAT’S MORE LIKE IT!”
You and George share a laugh, and then he takes both of your hands in his. “So, would you care to accompany me to Hogsmeade, (Y/N)?”
With that same beaming smile still stretching across your face, you nod frantically. “Of course!”
George grins back at you. “Let’s go then!”
Your eyes almost fall out of your skull. “Now?”
George chuckles. “Yeah, why not?”
You nod. “Okay, give me a few minutes to get ready!”
And before he can reply, you’ve run up the stairs and into Hermione’s dormitory.
After some intensive squealing, jumping around and panicked exchanges of utter gibberish, Hermione is digging through her trunk and throwing every oversized jumper she finds at you. There isnt time for you to run back to the Hufflepuff common room, that’s acknowledged without you or Hermione needing to mention it, but you also need to wear a jumper that goes with the rest of your outfit.
A few minutes of frustratedly trying on and throwing off jumpers pass, and then there’s a light knock on the dormitory door.
“(Y/N)?” George calls, and your eyes widen.
“Just a minute!” You squeak.
George chuckles through the door. “I was just going to say that you can always wear one of my jumpers, if you cant find something of Hermione’s.”
Feeling faint all of a sudden, you sit down on Hermione’s bed, and she runs to you, grabbing your hands and giving you an excited, squealy grin. She knows as well as you do that this has been one of your dreams since first meeting George, and Hermione wastes no time in pulling you to your feet and pushing you to the door.
When you open it, George is leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face and one of the Christmas jumpers his mother has made him folded up in his hands, which he holds out to you without a word. You cant hide your elation as you stick your arms through the far-too-long sleeves and poke your head through the hole, pulling the jumper down your body until it’s practically halfway down your thighs, but the big letter ‘G’ on your stomach makes you giddy all over again.
“This is even more adorable than I imagined.” George’s voice is barely above a whisper as he stares down at you, and his shyness brings about an unprecedented confidence in you as you slip your hand in his.
“So, Hogsmeade?”
And so, what was left of the daylight was spent wandering around Hogsmeade with George Weasley. The two of you visited Honeydukes, in which George spoilt you by discretely purchasing every sweet your eyes lit up at, using up some of his portion of earnings from his and Fred’s inventions. He did so discreetly because he knew if you saw him doing it, you would have stopped him, and when he presented you with a bag of sweets that you’d unknowingly selected, you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so you settled with jumping up to plant a kiss on his cheek before running into Zonko’s Joke Shop. For a few seconds, George stood outside Honeydukes with his fingertips tracing the place on his cheek where your lips had been, in utter bewilderment. And then, with a dazzling smile, he ran after you. In Zonko’s, you paid George back by purchasing him some Dungbombs, Nose-Biting Teacups, and some Sugar Quills when he was wandering around the shop with a distracted, awestruck expression. As you left, you surprised George with a small bag of gifts just like he had done for you, and in return he leant down to kiss your forehead.
In what felt like no time at all, George was walking you back to the Hufflepuff common room with an arm around your shoulders. Upon reaching the entrance, you turned to George, and you couldn’t meet his eyes; this time it wasnt because of shyness, but sadness.
“Hey, we can do this again. Tomorrow, if you like!” George squeezes your hands, giddy at the thought of spending more time with you, and effortlessly lifting your spirits just by being himself.
Smiling up at him, you nod. “That would be lovely.”
Gesturing to the long sleeves that cover your hands, which are hidden away in his, George smirks. “Keep the jumper.”
Your eyes widen, having completely forgotten that you are still wearing his jumper and therefore not even considering taking it off.
“A-Are you sure?”
George chuckles. “Of course, (Y/N). Mum makes us all a new one every year, I don’t have enough time to wear the whole collection! And, it looks better on you, anyway.”
You giggle, feeling your face heat up far more than you’re comfortable with it doing in public. “Thank you, George. I’ll treasure it.”
Your words bring a warm smile to his face. “I know.”
Then, you get an idea, and you beam. “But wait, gifts between us have previously had a price. How much does this jumper cost?”
Catching on immediately, George turns his head to the side slightly, letting go of one of your hands to tap the space on his cheek that you had previously kissed. But your idea is even better, and you shake your head mischievously.
“A jumper is more than a few sweets.” You hint, and George’s eyes widen.
“So...that means…” He trails off nervously, not wanting to make any assumptions, and you decide to answer his question without words.
Standing on your tiptoes, you let go of George’s other hand and place them both on his clothed chest, waiting patiently. Swallowing nervously, George nods.
And then his arms wrap around your waist, gently lifting you up just enough to reach him, and then his lips meet yours. The kiss is soft, his arms holding you carefully as his lips dance against yours ever so slowly, butterflies erupting in your stomachs and fluttering around the two of you. Silent fireworks surround you, the overwhelming sensations of him enveloping you and bringing you somewhere you’ve never been, but it immediately feels like home. Pulling away from George slowly, you grin at him, and he chuckles in disbelief, gently placing you back down on the ground.
“You can have as many jumpers as you want.” George says, causing you to burst out laughing.
“Kisses come free from now on, deal?” You suggest, and George nods eagerly.
Beaming at him, you take ahold of his hand one last time. “Goodnight, George.”
He surprises you by lifting your arm and leaning down to place a soft kiss against your knuckles, holding your gaze as he does.
“Until tomorrow, (Y/N). Sweet dreams.”
You watch George walk away, glancing over his shoulder every few seconds and chuckling every time he sees you still looking at him. Just before he rounds the corner, he takes the time to blow you a dramatic kiss, and you jump up to catch it with just as much dramatics, causing you both to laugh as he disappears from view, and you pass through the Hufflepuff entrance. As soon as you’re in the common room, you lean against the wall and take a deep breath with a wide smile plastered on your face, knowing with complete confidence that whatever you dream about, it will never feel as sweet as this.
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pinkheart22 · 12 days
Taylor Swift and her terrible 2's and 12's
Taylor Swift has just been Nominated for 2 more VMA's
1 for song of the summer (fortnight) and the 2nd is for her performance in 2009 - the same year as the incident on stage. This gives her a total of 12 nominations
2 days after the incident Taylor says "he who must not be named" Apologized to her on ABC Radio
Taylor Nation said "Double Days" in their newest VMA voting post. Double is 2
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This weeks TikTok bead for Self-Titled you watched Taylor on the Eras Tour sing, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (where she says And Nobody Even Knows) (in the video you watch she is doing the same lift as the I did Something Bad lift during rep tour. Every other dance in ICDIWABH performance at the eras tour matches other eras tour dances except the lift) the same video you watch for last weeks bead for Fearless Taylors Version. Thats 2 times we watch the same clip. (The clip was posted on 5/26 5+2+6=13) It's strange because she didn't have a sound for reputation bead, or a name on the profile frame just a snake, and there is no offical frame for Self-Titled, just certified swiftie (this could be because taylor nation is giving away tickets and they wanted a sound, but nothing is not on purpose for them) Is there no self-titled frame because a Taylors Version one could be coming?
And she sang I did something bad N6 in London, she laughed and smiled when she sings "they never see it coming what I do next"
The Self-Titled Bead lasts for 2 weeks instead of 1 like the others. And Ends on September 12th (day after the VMA's)
It takes a snake 2 weeks (14 days) (or a fortnight) to shed its skin.
In the ME! music video the snake bursts into butterflies
There is 2 Self-Titled Eras Albums (Taylor Swift and Beautiful Eyes)
She has 2 unreleased Taylor's Version Main Albums (not including Beautiful Eyes and Taylor Swift The Holiday Collection)
Taylor has been holding up a lot of 2's (even after TTPD was released) on the Eras Tour
On the Taylor Swift Store Self-Titled and Reputation T-shirts are listed next to each other. *during the august summer sale* The 2 unreleased taylors versions albums. Both priced 33.75 3+3=6 7+5=12. A couple things 6 is reputation. 12 is December, the month of Taylor's birthday. Then 6 upside down is 9. That is 9/12. Same day the Self-Titled Bead Ends.
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Only 2 other shirts are that price (33.75) on Taylor Swift .com. Midnights and Karma. Midnights is the album she announced on August 28 2022 at the VMA's. Karma is thought to be the "Lost Album" Thats 4 shirts. 4 is divisible by 2. Taylor Nation is known to use prices as hints, or referencing something like when the tickets to the Eras Tour film were 19.89 like her birth year / album.
Taylor / Taylor Nation / TikTok changed the bead's name from Debut to Self-Titled on August 28, the same day Taylor Announced Midnights 2 years ago. (They changed it to self-titled after it had been called Debut since the start of Tiktok Beads in June, which is strange why they didnt start it with Self-Titled)
Taylor Nation posted on Twiter that their sleep schedule still hasnt recovered when talking about the VMA's this year. They also said that twice in January. And sleep schedules being messed up all started at the VMA's when Midnights was announced.
The Midnights Room is right next to The Tortured Poets Department where all the clocks are set to 2, there are 2 desks etc. (The tortured poets department seems to be a mirror dimension, that Taylor shatters when she hits the 2 way mirror towards the end. Otherwise she walks the other way in the mirror dimension to sit in the department.)
The Time Table only had 2 days set for announcements, with the rest covered by a picture of Taylor Swift announcing variant's on the Eras Tour. She uses 2 exclamation points where she says "8PM ET Music Video Release!!"
There is 2 closed doors. Midnights and Tortured Poets Department. The Tortured Poets department room is NOT opened. We went through the key hole.
Meredith is on the cork board in there.
The photo of Taylor and Meredith is reversed. The date of release of TTPD is 4/19. If you flip the date (or read it backwards on the timetable) it is 914 or September 14. 2 days after the beads end on TikTok.
Taylor Nation made a post where they show they might have a secret account called not Meredith grey swift. With I can do it with a broken heart playing with the tag 'WHERE'S MEREDITH" which was probably the reference to the i can do it with a broken heart music video, you find her in the TTPD room.
There were 2 Doors on the Eras Tour. 1 Orange door would drop down during Karma. Then a 2nd one would drop down that was bright pink rectangle. It would drop down during the end of Karma when the dancers and Taylor Bow. Some of the dancers would walk through the pink "door" to backstage while it was glowing. Taylor would take her final bow and descend. The glowing door would move across like an elevator door and reveal the Orange Door again. And then disintegrate into sparkling dust (like the Karma music video, there is sparkling dust that comes out of the record player, that plays Self-Titled with butterflies and the dust she blows across when shes on the yellow brick road towards the hourglass, that looks like the infinity symbol. The same infinity symbol with the sparkling dust thats created on the Eras tour stage of the TTPD set when she sings Down Bad). The 2 doors only lasted for what I can find, 12 days of the Eras Tour. TS12. Her next album is 12. The door turns 3 dimensional and moves with the colors of all her albums/ the Lover Rooms Colors. Specifically the look of the blurry lights when you first enter through the peep hole to the lover house, that is closed off to the rest of the house.(we enter through the lover house by peep hole and to the ttpd room by keyhole)
The line the door comes down is the colors purple blue and white. the door is orange. Blue and white is 1989 tv. Purple and Orange are the Lost Album? (or the original colors of reputation) She posted in her fortnight video purple nails sewing something orange with pink flowers. She also has lilac skirt and orange feathers for rehearsal of I can do it with a broken heart.
The Line also reminds me of the bright Blue T that is during repuration when all the other taylors are trying to pull her down.
Taylor announces and then releases an album 2 months later. eg. Speak Now in May, released in July. If the VMA's were an option and still the original date of September 10 2 months later would be November 10. November 10 2017 rep was released. The VMA's changed from September 10th to the 11th on August 12th. Which means Taylor may have planned an announcement at the VMA's. Will she do something on September 11th or not is not known.
That would have had the beads end 2 days later, on the 12th. TS12, and then moving into the 13th week where she could have something on the 13th and 14th?
She was also wearing THIS IS NOT TAYLORS VERSION shirt on night 7. Holding up 55 - 55 is an angel number meaning Change. she also made 3 0's which could be and ellipsis. so shes Saying Change..., like ...Ready for it?.
Change x Long Live were played night 7 in London (SAME AS 55 during 22, which could mean CHANGE). Change is the 13th track and Long Live the 14th. The 13th and 14th could be possible dates if she does the 2 days later. The lights on the bracelets in the stadium started to glow green during Change. Green = reputation / her debut album according to how she lights her bracelets on the tour. Could a Change be coming? A change to the album Line Up? A Change to her announcement because of the date change of VMA's? A Change of albums to Taylors Version? "It was the night things changed"
Then she sang The Archer x You're on Your Own Kid. 2 track 5's or 55. Change.
You're On Your Own Kid talks about her life of era's, starting out in the music industry (Self-Titled Era). The Archer talks about contemplating her identity (or herself, named TAYLOR SWIFT) The Archer is also the symbol of Sagittarius. Taylors birth sign.
There are 12 Zodiac Signs. Sagittarius is the 9th. (Septembers month is 9) And Taylor wore a dress to her birthday last year that Looked Like Stars and moons like the Zodiac. She also debuted a new Midnights Body suit was stars and a crescent moon night 6 in London.( Her nails were painted light purple with stars in her Midnights stars body suit. She had 3 stars on thumb, 2 on index and looks like 1 on the others. Midnights was 3AM, TTPD was 2AM, TS12 1AM. Stars on here nails is Just like her nails were painted with stars in the Paris video on spotify.) It resembles the stars and moons outfit she wore to the afterparty of the VMA's. And she has the Sagittarius Constellation in the Karma Music Video (along with others like Lavender Haze on the vinyl album, Anti-Hero a bow and arrow, bejeweled archer statue on the castle)
She had a Sagittarius purse not to long ago too & her birthday outfit.(but this is probably because it's just her sign)
2 days after the VMA's now is the 13th.
Also in the Karma Music video Taylor Swift and Reputation are the first 2 albums (other than midnights which is karmas album) shown in the video.
In Fortnight she mentions Mondays and February. Monday is the 2nd day of the week and February is the 2nd month of the year and a Fortnight is 2 weeks
Taylor releases an album every 2 years. The cycle was broken when she was supposed to release an album in 2016, but then it became 3 years and that was 2017's reputation
Bonus info related to TTPD:
When announcing the variants of the tortured poets department she did it on night 1's. Sydney Night 1, Melbourne Night 1. But, for the black dog variant Taylor Sang on her instagram live in Singapore Night 1, I don't wanna live forever x dress. And didn't announce anything. Then Night 2, March 2, She announced The Black Dog.
That Night 1 in Singapore she Used a Black Heart when on the Live Starting the meeting. But, every other time she used White. The only thing I can think is that because the next album, Black Dog, was ink black and the anthology color. BUT, she sang Reputation Songs, with that Black Heart. hmmm...
Also, in the TTPD CD case there is Stevie Nicks poem with the date September 13th. 8:50pm 8+5=13.
I wonder if it's a Clara Bow release music video? and a reference to Taylor Swift (taylors version) since she sings "You look like Taylor Swift" And the 2's are just something as an advanced hint that she said she does years in advance, that we won't know about yet.
Florida!!! was also added to the set last night in London. The colors in the lights for the set were orange, green and white the same colors as Miami's flag. She was hinting to going to Florida!!! next. In the trailer for Fortnight's music video she uses the Florida!!! beat and there is a similar synth/beat of Florida!!! in the Black Dog, when she says old habits die SCREAMING.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Edit: The 2nd color combo she wore during the European leg for 1989 and was purple top and orange skirt
and the 12th combo she wore was orange and orange
posted Sept 10 2024
please credit me if you use or share this theory. thank you.
sorry, i'll try and come back and add photos, but it was too hard right now.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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toastthewolfie · 26 days
more fun facts about Selena i supoose
She can blow smoke rings. She doesn’t smoke anymore, sure, but on the off chance where she IS smoking (which usually means something is very, VERY wrong), she can blow smoke rings if she so desires.
Despite how quiet she is, her voice is always incredibly even (unless she’s injured and struggling to talk (Like that one time she got choked out and took extremely long to recover from it due to the duration or if she was bleeding out for example), then her voice is more wobbly), even if she’s extremely distressed.
could NOT teach a person how to be a sniper. She can teach small things (such as her teaching kitkat how to explosive wire, thats small enough and easy to explain) just fine, but sniping? She’s an okay-ish mentor to someone who at least kind of gets what sniping is about but teaching someone from base line is NOT something she could do.
She’s actually really bad at reading people, especially on first meetings. If she’s saying someone is bad news after the first meeting (shepherd), 80% chance that they are, but she’s overall just abhorrent at determining motives, hence one of the minor reasons she’s so touch aversive (she doesnt want to get hurt, and touch is just a little… eh).
didn’t know jackshit about sports until she joined shadow co and wanted to connect a bit with a few of the others and since sports are a very common denominator (after all, who WANTS to discuss work outside of it, especially when you kill people for a living), she ended up picking up the basics on a few of em.
Doesn’t really have an accent but sometimes it comes out when she says certain words.
Has a great immune system and high-ish pain tolerance, but fairly prone to passing out (mostly from exhaustion and overheating but it isnt helped by the mostly black uniforms of s.c.). After long operations and even longer debriefs, can often be seen passed out at the bottom of the stairs. Has also just spontaneously collapsed before (though it was in the army and mostly from stress. She hasnt done that since her army days (and VERY earlier s.c. Days)) and scared the shit out of her commanding officers.
Fucking loves Chappell Roan. Can often be hears singing her songs while baking (most notably Pink Pony Club) with decent enough accuracy for someone who isn’t trained to sing at all.
lowkey terrified of her commanding officers like 90% of the time. (There are a few exceptions, of course, and all of them are from Shadow Company)
cannot keep plants alive for shit except for her pothos plant named Martha (real life reference, i have a pothos named martha, shes one of the few plants ive been able to keep alive, and i love her dearly) and will fight anyone who doesn’t approve of martha.
thats all for now :) thanks for reading :3
Notes pt. 3 (the rest are linked on that so :3)
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Dreamling medieval Royal AU PART 11
So where we left off, Hob called them friends, Dream got upset and Hob waited him all day the next day and Dream didnt show up
Fast forward now to current times, in celebration for Spring Harvest, the annual tournament is held in the Dreaming for political reasons; wanting to showcase how well theyve recovered and their strength, Dream's first official appearance etc.
The Dreaming really is a very beautiful and bountiful kingdom.
In the tournament, each of the monarchs of the Endless Empire would have 2 or 3 favoured knights to represent each kingdom. Hob had been selected for the Sunless, along with Johanna from the Constantine Family.
If youre curious, Dream had chosen the Corinthian, Matthew and Gault.
As part of respect to the monarchs, the first morning if the tournament, the knights would bow to seek blessing from each of them, which-lo and behold-seeing HIS STRANGER on top of a throne NEXT TO THE QUEEN was EXACTLY their very next meeting. This was how Hob learned hes been making friends (and subtly courting) the KING OF THE DREAMING the last couple of months.
When Hob goes to bow for Morpheus, Morpheus bestows him a gift for good luck-which in itself is scandalous, since Hob isnt even HIS KNIGHT-but more than that, its the RUBY HE WORE FROM HIS OWN NECK. Hob kisses it, and Morpheus lets him kiss his knuckles as well.
The scandal is atrocious. The court is DEAD SILENT. Desire is hiding a gasp behind a fan. Destiny has pursed his lips. Destruction is looking confused. The Corinthian switches from being unimpressed of this newbie, to shocked, to completely enraged.
To be clear this is not a Corintheus ship, but theres definitely some unspoken jealousy happening here. Morpheus is a just king but his demeanor is cold and dismissive. It took him and the rest of the knights YEARS for the priviledge of looking him in the eye, and this fucking nobody upstart from the SUNLESS LANDS gets to kiss his hand??? And get a ruby??? Sure he and Matthew and Gault got gems as well, but nothing so PERSONAL, an OBVIOUS show of favouritism!!
I want it to be made clear Hob has no idea what any of this means or implies. This is his first time in the tournament, and he hasnt been home in years. He gets that its a sign of favour-so what? Dream's knights get gems too?? Whats the big deal?? I think that this is very funny.
To be fair, Death ALSO thinks this is very funny. The court thinks she should be offended or scandalised her own knight is being shown personal favour by her brother, and that she should take it as some sort of insult but this is the most alive she's seen her brother in MONTHS. Shes INTRIGUED.
End of Part 2
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prunebir · 7 months
Is there a reason cinnamon is the only scav that cares about arti? Or were they like: hmmm yes I shall befriend the demon that wiped out 80% of the population.
Well here's my theory that I came up with in the shower.
(oh boy here we go)
Cinnamon was getting back to their shelter as the cycle was 5 ticks away from ending, it noticed a red slugcat running away from scavs with their pups, one got skewered and the other drowned. Just another day cinnamon thought, but a few cycles later it saw the corpses of those scavs. And cinnamon realized the carnage to come. Cinnamon found themself withing LTTMs structure where it lied and waited for the next few cycles. Eventually they came back and found what had happened.
The reason cinnamon is the only one that cares about arti is because they are the only scav that knows what happened. To the other scabs arti was a sadist who attacked without reason. But cinnamon knows. He knows everything that occured.
So is my goofy little theory correct or did I just throw one of the most insane ideas at you at 1000 mph that your gonna make it canon?
holy moly you guys are really interested in cinnamons lore huh
you are somewhat caught up lol probably majority actually
they were one of the scavengers of the toll patrol that arti ran away from with her pups . while the others chased them down , he was the only one that didnt want to engage . he was only expecting the scavengers to atleast scare them off , but seeing one them impale an infant without a clear conscience was something that hasnt left his mind since
he couldnt process what he saw , like at all . cinnamon was somewhat , different than most scavengers . he liked pearls , but not as much to kill somebody for it . if somebody were to steal one , he'd probably chase them down until to give it back ; not necessarily have the gut to kill somebody for it .
cinnamon tried to isolate themselves from tolls after a few cycles since the ideal of a child getting killed was not a very pleasant thing to remember--- especially since slugpups are not like most creatures or animals . once you lose them , theyre gone for GOOD .
cinnamon met arti again after witnessing his tribe get killed , and they were the only ones that got away . he remembered that slugcat--- the color , the eyes , the appearance in general . he knew what was coming . the scavengers bit first , and artificer was coming to bite back harder . cinnamon was loyal , very faithful and trust worthy even to the elites .
theyve met the third time during the battle of the chieftain , as it made their call for other scavengers to sabotage arti during the battle . he knew he stood no chance towards the beast and so he backed down too . shes nobody to mess with , especially with the obvious wrath in her eyes . he was there when she killed their king--- and he was there when they saw her slaughter his kind once more
arti noticed him for a while , and he recognized them from the first time theyve met at the toll--- she couldve killed him there , yet something stopped her from doing so.
cinnamon understood , as actions spoke louder than words . arti is somebody who was struggling . he saw the anguish , and sadness through her eyes . cinnamon couldnt forgive her for what shes done , but he wanted to show that he cared . he understood her frustration and hate , and he couldnt bare to just keep her living with the same anguish . which is why cinnamon is so loyal to her , he wants her to recover as much as she can so atleast she has some hope that somebodys actually there--- even though sometimes she wants him dead
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cadence-will-cry · 11 days
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here's days 3-11 to make up for it!
day 3 ~ a picture of my fav. thinspo
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i LOVE LOVE LOVE this thinspo and any thinspo like it. when people take the picture from the side and you can genuinely see how skinny and flat their stomachs are 😍 i also LOVE any thinspo where you can see somebody's collarbones/neck/shoulders (so like upper body thinspo i guess??) and you can see how skinny they are
day 4 ~ biggest fear about weight loss
i'm terrified that people will catch on to my ED. recovery sounds absolutely terrifying. speaking of recovery, i'm also terrified of recovering, as well as dying from starving myself (dramatic, i know), and people just never noticing my progress.
day 5 ~ why do i want to lose weight
partially to prove people wrong and partially to gain control. i know people think im fat and i want to prove them wrong. i also have ocd and i want control, so if i cant control anything else in my life, i know i can control my food and my weight.
day 6 ~ do i binge and why?
i only "binge" when people catch onto me. my last few binges were because my mom pointed out my unhealthy rate of weight loss and that i havent been eating and i was so scared she'd try to make me recover or she'd fully realize i have an ED. most of my binges are still 1000 cals max, usually less, but since my normal cal count is around 300 thats a LOT for me.
day 7 ~ do my parents know im losing weight?
im pretty sure my mom has caught on, but im pretty sure i've been able to mostly avoid anymore suspicions since she hasnt brought it up in a few weeks.
day 8 ~ my workout routine
it's normally crunches, lots of walking/steps, and also marching band. i play snare drum in my school's marching band and band practice alone burns so many cals that i dont have to worry too much about workouts.
day 9 ~ did people ever make negative comments about my weight?
yes, a good bit. people in band said i'd be the "prettiest girl if i would just lose weight" and my ex boyfriend used to constantly bring up what he thought about my weight and the fact that he wanted me to go to the gym more. he claimed he didnt care about my weight, but it was obvious he did by the amount of times he'd bring it up.
day 10 ~ what was the hardest thing i gave up during weight loss?
mostly just eating whenever and whatever i wanted. i gave up a lot of my few safe foods for weight loss. also due to my ocd, i cant eat a lot of foods and i had to give up so many of my okay foods because they were too high cal.
day 11 ~ fav. thinspo blog and why
i dont really have a favorite, i mostly just save whatever random thinspo i really really love that i see on my feed. i will say i LOVE @honeysugarfree's diets and anybody who sees this should totally go look at them. it makes things a lot easier to get into a character (if that makes sense??) and the diets on their blog makes things SO much easier.
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angelwolf985 · 6 months
finished watching supernatural s1-15 in 3 months! here are my opinions on the finale!
(warning: probably unintelligible, and very ranty) (+ obvious spoiler warning)
episode 18 was fuckin emaculate. genuinly. it was amazing. the one thing i didnt like about it was how it jumped about, same with 19.( i dont blame them for it tho, it makes sense with the story, i just didnt really love it.) 19 was good for the most part and served as a decent ending but was missing castiel and eileen (mention + presence) which sucked but what can you expect yk,,
episode 20. i have. so many issues with episode 20. WHY DID THEY EVEN????? LIKE TWO MENTIONS OF CAS, NO MENTION OF EILEEN, DEAN FUCKING DIEING, SAMS WIG, ???HEAVEN BEING LACKLUSTER???? it was so. just disappointing. cuz it could've been great. the end part of 20 was the only good part (jared and jensen signing off of the show). the show should've ended on 19 tbh. thats how im seeing it anyway. in my mind thats where it ended, but like, with cas and eileen back.
what i really disliked:
deans death. im pretty sure everyone hated that. and the whole like thing of him dying was really,, sorta,, weird? like; why did it go on so long?? did it happen bc he doesnt have god given plot armor anymore or was it just cuz?did jack see it? how did he feel about it? did he care or did he be all omniscient because he became god?? how did he survive that long? logistically? there was a fucking rusty rebar thing IN HIS SPINE (or like RIGHT NEXT TO IT??). WOULD THAT NOT?? PARALYZE?? OR WORSE???. and, im sorry, but i hated the forehead touch. it felt weird man. i get that they were close but,, not that close? even when they were more unhealthily codependent they wouldn't have done that. i think so anyway. i dunno. also. DEAN HAS SHOWN MULTIPLE TIMES AND IM SURE THE WRITERS WERE OVERTLY AWARE THAT DEAN DID NOT WANT TO DIE ON THE JOB. HE WANTED TO RETIRE WITH SAM AND CAS. ALWAYS WANTED THAT. he often said shit like "we're gonna die on the job, draw the short stick, thats just how it is, how its gonna end for us." (mixing quotes from the top of my head so, not exact) which he clearly thought would happen because pessimism but he NEVER wanted that. for HIMSELF or SAM. dean dying in this episode IS A CRITICAL DISSERVICE TO HIS CHARACTER.
sams mystery wife and (non mystery) child. BLURRY FACE WIFE. WHY IS SHE. WHY. also- how did he recover (seemingly) so quickly? i mean- if he really believed dean was gone FOREVER. when death hasnt meant forever in forever, how would he be so okay? idk. also, idk why, but sam having a kid seems very bizzare. could just be me. also. where tf is eileen. is she the blurry face wife? why would they do that if yes? (could be a load or reasons, either way they couldve like, said it was eileen, if it was supposed to,, idk,,,)
one or two mentions of castiel. did the writers just forget his CHARACTER IMPORTANCE?!?!? HES SO IMPORTANT TO THE STORY??? HE GRIPPED DEAN TIGHT AND RAISED HIM FROM PERDITION. HE LOVED DEAN. DEAN (INARGUABLY) LOVED HIM BACK. he (castiel) deserved SO. much better. my friend who has watched spn since she was a baby AGREES WITH ME. i GRRR I GRR I GRRR!!!! cas not being in this episode is such an aggravating disservice to his character. he deserved more. the fans deserved more.
alright im done ranting now. may add more on later. im gonna go rewatch the show and read fix it fics.
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armslikeanchors · 22 hours
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my first meal today is breakfast cereal at 1:00pm
im looking at this picture and reflecting after a short text convo with my best friend after 3 days of silence on her side
she’s pictured here
took this photo when i went on a solo trip to oakland california to visit her for a couple days, im surprised my mom let me take the plane by myself
i actually really love the airport and plane trips. it was my first time going by myself and it was a bit daunting but, i really love being alone sometimes
it felt natural, i felt grown, in a good way
anyways i took this photo while on a walk with her and her mom at a botanical garden-park in san fran, if i remember correctly
3 months after this we would have a falling out over something miniscule, which we overcame a bit over a month ago this year; i’ll get into it in a bit
sam, my best friend, and i had been inseparable since the day we met in 2nd grade
by the end of the school year she moved back to california, but we kept in contact: playing minecraft on our ps3s while on a skype call
simple times
every year we would meet up maybe once or twice for a day or two since then
in october of 2023 she got upset at me over a text i sent her regarding a festival we wanted to go to
i told her that i had a couple friends going to the festival and that i hope she wouldnt mind if i was really invested in spending time with them, since i had never hung out with them before
it was never meant in the way she took it, but the damage was done
i guess she felt i wouldnt make her feel included
which i wish she knew wasn’t true
she can be dramatic at times. growing up together shes always been like that and, in a way, i admired it because it was silly. it was raw, and she would apologize and own up to any little thing she did.
i dont tell her or her mom often but, ive truly always believed that her mom really raised her well. ive always supported sam through everything and i know she’ll make the life she dreams of
anyway to the reflecting:
i texted her i believe early august (i tried looking for the message but they wont load)
and apologized that what i said came off as rude but that it wasnt intended to be that way
she apologized too for taking it the wrong way and we admitted to each other that things have been hard and that our friendship-breakup had been eating away at us since then
the whole time i believed she was over me and didnt care, as i fall victim to overthinking and drawing conclusions (though i have learnt since then that things arent always worst-case scenario)
she visited me in august and we spent a day together (sleepover, junk food, movies and all) and we caught each other up on everything that had happened since october in the mall food court
i was annoyingly loud about things since i get heated over certain topics but, in the moment, i didnt care if i made a fool of myself in front of everyone there because i was just glad to have my best friend back
cut to today and ive realized that since our hangout, she hasnt been talking to me much. i get it though because shes starting college and met the sweetest boy, and im proud of her
im just afraid that we’ve grown too different.
its one of those cliche moments where one friend gets in a relationship and does things in life and the other one is sitting, waiting for a text back
it feels kind of pathetic but im trying not to let it get to me
i dont know,
the day we hung out was really nice but i get this gut feeling with people thats nearly always, unfortunately, true
in which
we’ve grown so different it seems they’re not the same person anymore
i dont know if shes truly my best friend anymore, yknow
shes made several friends since our falling out, friends that she does activities her and i would do when we got to meet up
even trips together like we did !! which is really cool !
anyway, ill love her forever but, the distance was so long and the taste of it all was so bitter i dont know if theres hope for recover anymore
i tell my friends: losing someone in your life makes space for people you never knew could make life feel worth living
maybe that’s what’s happening
the scary part is that only time will tell
but thats okay, here i am
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Da da dddddduuun
When this came out I was at the office reading on the downlow. Not responsible but inevitable.
I didn’t exactly see Casca’s dream state coming, but it also didn’t surprise me. It really brings me back to the question that torments me: what’s with Griffith’s charismatic aura? Is he doing that on purpose or what?  Initially I wasn’t even sure if she was being sedated/drugged or what (this was when I looked at the raws on my phone screen mind you), but the cover text seems to clarify that what’s happening is that Griffith’s existence “dyes” everything - IOW she’s been eaten by his supernaturally charismatic aura.
The question is why is it affecting her so badly vs everyone else; mule and even the apostles act perfectly normal aside from that initial push. So like is he dialing it up on her or is it the interaction of his aura and her fragile mental state or what? It doesn’t seem to be something he’s actively doing, come to think of it, since he had to hear from Locus and Irvine that she’d been stopped.
Okay so for me the primary questions this chapter raises are:
1. Why is she so much more out of it than everyone else? Is that her or is it him or is it someone else or something else?
It’s tough to judge because we already know she has a tendency to block memories and dissociate when she’s traumatized. It could literally be that her mind shuts down and reboots when she gets too close to remembering the past, like she did when she looked at Guts or when she saw Griffith again for the first time. Which makes it kind of stand out to me that she never saw Guts in the flashbacks that led to her memory returning, and as soon as she thought about him she blacked out again. This would even make sense with one of Miura’s old quotes about how she would have a hard time recovering. As it stands now her primarily mode of ego protection is just turning the lights off, which isn’t great.
2. Why does Griffith even want her there? It’s odd because he doesn’t seem to be meeting with her or anything. The biggest theory I’ve seen is that he brought her there so that the moonkid wouldnt drag him all over the world, and that is I think the strongest theory given what information we currently have. Especially since hes got her hanging out with children and stuff. But there are other things it could be, too.
3. “If I don’t make it back, Guts will--” WHAT. GUTS WILL WHAT. I mean fair chance its just generic “I gotta get back to  Him” stuff, but I do kind of wonder if it’ll be something like, “if i dont make it back guts will come here and get himself killed or brainwashed into being a stepford wife.”
And finally... I mean the thing is, I do kind of wonder whether all of Falconia is under the influence of Griffith’s 'dying’ of the world. I assume they are to some extent - Foss even comments that everyone is basically drunk on his dreams. And I do think Neogriffith gives off something like the feeling of someone playing with a doll house - not necessarily like in a destructive way but in a way where he’s not inside the house he’s on the outside moving the dolls around and deciding what they do, you know what I mean?
I also wonder whether he is pursuing his Kingdom goals because he still has that passion or because it’s what “Griffith” would do. Is he hollowly trying to capture or recapture things that he once had passion for but no longer feels the drive to hold? That kind of echoes back to MIura’s final chapter - the loneliness that he feels only when he’s between forms and his heart hasnt frozen again yet. It also would kind of fit with that old old theory about the new Band of the Hawk echoing the traits of the original.
And this is all kind of raised by this chapter mostly because reading through the chapter and seeing the way Casca interacts with Falconia when she’s not in sleeping beauty mode, it did feel a bit like a dreamworld to me, but I legit can’t tell whether it’s the writing or if it’s intentional. Because I never felt like the Falconians were stepford wives before, but it’s not like there’s never been any hint that he has that impact on people - Mule gets brainwashed from looking at him.
IDK, NeoGriffith is a bit of an enigma and i end up revising my thoughts on him every time he shows up.
...oh I lied that wasn’t the final thought.
-The art is looking less like Miura’s, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
-I am worried that Griffith will lose his nuance but not that he’s intended to be a 2D monster villain. I just don’t believe that’s what they’re aiming for or what Miura was ever aiming for. My main concern is more that he’ll lose his nuance as a side effect of losing his creator. Because hes a bit of a delicate balance of a character. It’s all too easy to tip the scale on him because he was so purposefully ambiguous, which relied so much on Miura’s writing and mastery of expressions.
-I miss Miura. I’ve never mourned this hard for someone I’ve never met. The thing is, I’m neither as enthusiastic about the new chapters as some people nor as negative about them as other people - mostly I just think they’re suffering from the inevitable - that Miura isnt here. I don’t enjoy the chapters the way I used to, but I do still enjoy them and look forward to them, just not as much. And most of all, I’m just glad to see where the story was going. That said, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to read a new chapter and not feel the loss of what he would have done with those scenes.
Thats all, I think.
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FINALLY!! SOMEONE talking about the weird runaway blonde girl (Claire?) and the Nicholas Wilson boy case. I haven't been able to find ANYTHING on them for MONTHS!! my neighbors are starting to think I made the whole thing up!! I swear, true crime is never taken seriously as an interest. it seems even you haven't posted about the case in a while, has it gone cold? or have you heard any updates? do you have any sources you'd recommend I check out? the subreddit has gone to shit, unfortunately :/
finally somebody is talking about the subreddit! it's nothing but propaganda on there or memes and shitposts made by accounts i can guarantee have never even visited, much less lived here (which if we've somehow forgotten was the entire reason it was created??? its ridiculous but the mods are all inactive so they arent doing anything about it)
anyways, i dont like to say much about my personal life (for anonymity reasons) but since ive already seen speculation about it, i might as well address my inactivity. i was, like a few of you guessed, in custody for something unrelated that i won't get into. im hoping to be back posting now, but im still figuring a lot of stuff out legally so i'll be a lot less active.
now thats out of the way, yes, i have a very important update! the two of them were found around a month ago when a 911 call was placed about an empty car parked in the middle of the highway. claire was taken in for police questioning. ive gotten back in contact with one of my original sources, and though it hasnt been made public information yet, nicholas was not as at the time he was in critical condition due to injuries and was hospitalized. my souces claim that he was found with multiple broken bones as well as many smaller injuries. fortunately, he survived, so im hoping once he recovers he can finally give out the full story of what happened.
this is speculation but i definitely believe, due to the evidence that has been presented, that claire was the sole perpatrator of the crimes and nicholas was forced into joining her. the state he was found in is INSANELY suspicious, considering that sears died from head trauma. ive seen some people theorizing that he threatened to turn her in, so she attemped to kill him the same way. this would explain the fact that the car was so hastily parked in the middle of the road.
the only thing about this theory that doesn't add up is that he was also found to be in an extremely severe state of blood loss, though he did not have any major wounds that would cause this. the only other explanation i can come up with is that claire's attack wasn't sudden as people are believing, but deliberate, the blood loss pointing to him possibly suffering other injuries over the time they were on the run. this recontextualizes everything we know about the case but it is the only theory (that i've seen) which explains that aspect, since as far as i know no one else has the insider information that i do.
so though the case is still technically unsolved, it is relatively clear what happened and a basic timeline can be construed due to the line of events that we know took place. im hoping to hear nicholas's statement in the future. so far he has either refused or been unable to speak on the case.
ill make an update when we get more information
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
WARNING: spoilers for end of Deathly Hallows Part II, and also some HEAVY angst in this one
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Glass Heart
George’s tired eyes turn to the window, finally seeing the sunlight he had restlessly been waiting for. Sitting up and bed and swinging his legs over the side, George sighs, hanging his head and closing his eyes. He wishes more than anything that he could allow himself to sleep, but he knows what will greet him if he does, and he cant face it, not yet.
Strolling down the hallway, George’s footsteps echo down the eerily quiet flat, setting his teeth on edge. He catches sight of the envelope that he left on the table yesterday. He recognises the handwriting on the front as that of his mother’s, and he knows that it’s a Howler of some kind. Judging by the fact it hasnt exploded, it isnt an angry one, which disappoints George a little. All night he was waiting for that explosion of his mother’s voice, the anger that he would love to hear in response to the pranks that filled his childhood. He’d choose to hear that over his mother’s sadness any day, and due to this Howler not revealing itself as Howler’s typically do, George worries that his mother’s sadness is exactly what is concealed in the envelope.
Unfortunately for George, his selfless love for his family gets the better of him, overtaking his own grief and anguish in order to hear his mother’s words and try to help in whatever way he can. Popping open the seal, George drops the envelope back on the table and leans against the wall, knowing there’s no way he can prepare himself for whatever he’s about to hear.
“Hello George, dear.”
The gaping hole in his heart aches at the softness in his mother’s voice, tears already stinging his eyes.
“I worry about you, up in that flat. Will you come home soon? We miss you terribly, your father and I…it isnt easy, for any of us, but with you not here, it almost feels like-“
His mother is too broken to utter the words that George knows she wants to say. With him not there, it feels like she’s lost both him and Fred.
“(Y/N) misses you terribly, too, you know.”
She changes the subject, the mention of you lifting her spirits even now. You were still back at the Burrow, where you had spent most of your life thus far. That first year at the train station, your muggle parents happened to ask the Weasley’s for help crossing onto the platform that they’d previously denied the mere existence of. Your parents both worked overseas, so even if you hadnt ended up as a witch, you would have been sent to a boarding school of some kind. When the Weasley twins returned home from their first year at Hogwarts to tell their parents all about what a wonderful friend you were to them, and explained that you wouldnt really have a home to go to, they were more than happy to have you stay with them, and you did. On occasion, your parents were home long enough to spend a few days with you, but for the most part, you were the Weasley’s plus one, and you couldnt have been happier.
“Ever since you moved out, she’s been quieter. She wears that old jumper of yours everyday, I have to sneak into her room just to clean it when she’s not home!”
George’s mother laughs, and the sound brings a smile to his face, despite the tears rolling down his cheeks. He didnt know you were still wearing that jumper he gave you after your fourth year. Well, technically he didnt give it to you; Molly accidentally placed it in your laundry pile and when you tried it on, George told you to keep it because it looked better on you anyway.
He last saw you on the worst day of his life, but before that, it had been months since he’d laid eyes on you. Having already moved out of his family home by the time the whole world started to change, he only heard about what had happened to you through what his family told him. Apparently, you’d gone into hiding with your muggle parents, because they were always travelling from place to place and with their absence in your life, nobody working for the dark lord would ever think to look for them. Still, you sent coded letters to the Weasley family by owl whenever you could, wishing them all safety and telling them not to worry about you.
Seeing you that day, running straight for him and stupifying anyone who got in your way, George remembers the feeling of his heart getting caught in his throat. Wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the ground, clinging to each other like it was the last chance you’d ever get to do so, because you didnt know if it would be. Neither of you spoke a word, there wasnt time, in seconds you were placed on the ground and standing back to back, fighting evil from two fronts. He remembers his heart pounding in his chest in the aftermath of holding you close, feeling like he could win the battle singlehandedly because he knew you were safe. That heart is long gone now.
“She’s quieter now…we all are. Your father and I arent sleeping well, and so many nights I’ve walked by her door, hearing her crying, and when I go to check on her, she’s sleeping.”
Fresh, invisible wounds tear through George as he relives all the times he’s heard you cry. In your first year, when you found out your parents wouldnt be able to afford taking time off for Christmas, and Fred and George had to beg their mother to let them stay at Hogwarts with you while they went away to Romania. In your second year, when you were scared that your muggle blood would get you killed in the Chamber of Secrets, and George kept you safe. In your fourth year, when you came up with a cover story to get Fred and George out of trouble and Umbridge forced you to write with a quill that carved the words “I must not lie and think it is brave”, and George very nearly stormed into Umbridge’s office to destroy her, but you clinging to him as you cried held him back. In your seventh year, when Fred and George left Hogwarts to open their shop, and moved out of their family home to live in the flat above it; you cried your eyes out and told George that you loved him, but there wasnt time to explain what that meant. And finally, on the worst day of his life, when you screamed and sobbed beside what was left of Fred.
“She dreams about what we’re afraid to dream about, dear, and she needs you, just as much as you need her.”
If his mother had said such a thing at any other time, George would have disagreed. Before, there was never time to explore whatever it was between you and him. The twins were always off planning new pranks and inventions, and while sometimes you were their accomplice, there was never a moment long enough for you and George to just talk. Every time the twins were around, it was like you were living life at a higher speed, everything happened so fast and it only slowed down when they were gone. They were a force to be reckoned with, and you adored them for that. It was only when George told you about their plans to leave Hogwarts that things really set in for you. Like the Hogwarts train had hit you at full speed, you realised that you had wasted every moment with him, and although those moments had been fun, they could have been so much more, and then he was gone, just like that.
Before, George would have agreed that he was always too busy, too excited about whatever was coming next for him and Fred. His world had slowed down to a speed he didnt like, ever since his other half had gone, just like that.
“I think it would be good for both of you if (Y/N) came to live with you, she’d liven up the flat a bit. Maybe she could even help out with the shop someday! You need her, George.”
He can tell by her voice that Molly Weasley has never been more sure of anything in her life, and George isnt in any position to challenge her on that. Soon enough, he finds himself showered, dressed, and lifting his wand. By no means does he think he’s ready to accept help from anyone, but he will do anything to get out of that flat, and regardless of what his mother really means, he knows that she’s right. He needs you.
Apparating outside the Burrow, George feels miserable. His family home is still in the process of being rebuilt after the war, and seeing it barely standing is almost enough to make him want to turn back, until he hears laughter. From the other side of the front door, George can hear his mother and father actually laughing. It has been months since he’s visited home, and that sound was a forgotten memory even then. Gently pushing the door open so as to cause as little disruption as possible, George steps into his family home. He’s immediately greeted by the sight of you teaching his mother a silly dance in the kitchen, while his father watches, and all of you laugh together. You’re wearing an apron over the jumper George gave you, and splatters of countless ingredients cover it, as well as stain your face in places, but George swears you have never looked more beautiful. The sound of the door closing brings three pairs of eyes to him, and the laughter stops quite suddenly.
Before he even has time to register what’s happening, George is in the arms of his mother, who still manages to hold him even when he’s so much taller than her. His father hugs him next, as tearful as his mother as they embrace the son they were beginning to worry they would lose to grief. Neither of them say anything, they’re too shocked to speak, and they move to stand either side of George so that he can see you.
With Ron living with Hermione, and Ginny living with Harry, it would make sense for you to go and find a place of your own, fly the nest like the rest of them. But you stayed, to care for the people that had cared for you when you needed them, to help them feel a little less lonely.
And there you stand, your hands covering your mouth as tears blur the perfect image of George Weasley standing before you. The first genuine smile he has felt in months wobbles on his face as he stares at you, and unlike the last time you saw him, you dont run at him. You take one careful, unsteady step, and then he strides over to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.
“Missed you, Georgie.” Your shaky voice reaches his ears, and he feels the shattered fragments of his heart tremble, the fight to bring themselves back together reigniting.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.” George sniffles, and you feel your own fractured heart clench at his words.
Sweetheart, that was something he first called you in your second year, when you were crying in fear of being killed for being muggle born. George had pulled you into his arms and told you “I wont let anything happen to you, sweetheart, promise”, and ever since, he has been your safe place. Every single time he was there when you needed him after that, that is what he would call you.
“What are you doing here?” You question, pulling away from him to wipe your eyes.
Obviously, you’re ecstatic to see him, but if he’s just dropping by to pick something up and leave again, you dont want to get your hopes up.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…move in, with me. Maybe help with the shop, if you’re up to it. Supposed to be a two-person place, after all.” George had planned to chuckle as he said that, but the weight of his own words cause a lump to form in his throat instead, and he can no longer hold your gaze.
He doesnt see the way you cast a worried glance to Molly and Arthur, who both shake their heads and smile at you encouragingly, assuring you they’ll be fine if you choose to go. And he doesnt see the way you look up at him, staring into the anguish that sits deep behind his sad, sad eyes, that are too scared to meet yours.
“It would be my honour, Georgie.” You tell him, causing his head to snap back down to read your face, checking for any sign of doubt, and when he cant find any, he smiles, and you smile right back.
“But first, have you had breakfast? I was just making some.” You gesture to your dirty apron, which has consequently smeared George’s clothes with some stains as a result of the hug you shared.
“I havent eaten, no.” He admits sheepishly, knowing before he’s even finished his sentence that you’re going to give him a disapproving look, and you dont disappoint.
“Well, that’s one thing we’re gonna have to sort out when I go back with you: regular meal times! Routines are important-“ You begin, but George cuts you off by rolling his eyes playfully.
“-because they help make everything feel more manageable, I know.” He finishes your sentence, having heard that phrase from you a thousand times. Glancing at his parents, George knows for a fact that if it hadnt been for you, the two of them would have fallen into the same irregular schedule, ruled over by grief. You saved his parents from that, and in turn, their company saved you. Well, as much as their company could. You were always a little lonely whenever George wasnt around.
Molly and Arthur choose to go and sit outside while George follows you into the kitchen. He leans against the counter, watching as you busy yourself with cooking spells.
“I’ve heard that you’ve formed quite the attachment to that jumper.” He cant help commenting, a cheeky smile on his face as he effortlessly slips back into the flirty banter that the two of you have always had, but something about you doesnt quite feel right.
Looking over your shoulder at George, you sigh dramatically. “Guess you could call me the clingiest witch in the west.”
George chuckles at that, shaking his head. “Nah, not clingy. Utterly adorable, but not clingy.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh, utterly adorable, am I?”
George smirks. “Definitely.”
Silence ensues, throwing you both into the sickening realisation that at this point in your flirting, Fred would usually interrupt. Sadness casts her cloak over the two of you, shrouding you in a grey, slow haze.
“Im sorry I didnt save him.”
And there it is. Your words cut through the air like a knife, straight to George’s heart, or rather, the place where it would have been. By no means was your happiness an act, but it was something you exaggerated to help heal his family, it was only a matter of time before its permanence wavered in his presence. George has always been able to see right through you.
“What are you talking about?” He questions carefully, very worried about what you’re going to say next as you fix your gaze on the dishes you’re washing with your bare hands rather than a spell. In the background, your spells continue to cook whatever wondrous breakfast you have planned. Washing up is your chosen distraction, or subtle punishment.
“If I hadnt stayed with you, if I’d gone to find him, I could have- he could still- even if it meant…” You close your eyes, tears slipping down your cheeks and you squeeze your lips inside your mouth to hold back a sob.
“Dont even think that, not for a second.” George’s voice is low, firm, and deadly serious.
You shake your head, eyes opening wide as you stare at him. “I cant stop thinking it, George. I have seen this family in so much pain, people I adore living through such agony every single day, and you disappeared completely! If I’d been with him, if I saved him, if it had been me, none of this would have happened! All of you would have been better off.” You look away from him again, and George takes the single stride necessary to reach you, gently lifting your hands out of the soapy water and grabbing a towel to dry your raw fingers that have been scrubbing through your anxiety-fuelled vent.
“Listen to me, (Y/N). There wont be a day that goes by where I dont miss Freddie.” That’s the first time he’s said his name since that day, it chokes him up immediately. “But I would never, ever want you to trade places with him, to have you gone instead of him. If you had gone, none of us would have been able to hold the rest of us together like you have, like you’ve always done. You are everything, (Y/N), and I wouldnt trade your life for anything, or anyone. I cant even think about a world without you in it-“ George shakes the thought out of his head, tears stinging his eyes as he’s briefly sent to kneeling at your side and holding your cold hand, sobbing and begging you to just open your eyes.
Your warm hands on his face bring him back to the present, your bright eyes staring up into his.
“Im sorry George, I cant imagine a world without you, either.”
Holding your hands against his face, George sniffles. “You’ll never need to.”
A small smile curls in the corner of your mouth, and he cant help mirroring it.
“You and me, we’re gonna get through this, you hear me?” You raise an eyebrow playfully, making George chuckle through his tears.
“Loud and clear, sweetheart, loud and clear.”
And as if by magic, he feels the first shattered piece of his heart slowly slot back into place.
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
more side order rambling and pointless speculation that will probably be incorrect
WARNING: im rambling and not really thinking about it TOO hard. also this is based on like 50 different theories that have a good chance of Not being true. also ignore grammar/spelling errors (im bad at writing)
i believe ive talked about how i think there could be a metaphor/straight up depiction of healing from traumatic situations and/or learning how to cope with mental health struggles in the game in the past? anyway im gonna do it Again
this kind of hinges off the belief that the octoling shown in the trailer is octarian/not from the splatlands (whatever the correct term is i forgot). if the octoling is from splatsville then uh whoopsie. this is Not Relevant and will age like milk. anyway
octarian society definitely has a lot of strife. especially when in the military. suddenly trying to enter inkopolis and being met with turf wars suddenly being for fun and almost a complete lack of strife has to be wayyyy too much for some octolings. ive mentioned this in a prior post though thats from the perspective that the sr octoling is agent 8 (which im hesitant to believe but this is not the main point for this post specifically) id just like this to be true to contrast with what i think will be a revolving point around marina
and yeah, thats my main point, i think marina will have stuff to work through, too. i dont think she'll be an antagonist, but rather someone who's doing the wrong things for the right reasons or someone who caused a bad situation (which ill just call the death of coral here) on accident while trying to help. she was in the military at a very young age and escaped to inkling society, but the stuff after final fest is what im thinking about.
i can really only bring up NOA dialogue (aside from one thing, if i can find the source for it), so this may be off, but i dont have the resources to look up a 100% authentic translation
the fest stressed her out, and she was very worried about the band breaking up. this is clear in dialogue
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though of course pearl comforts her that this isnt the case, i wonder if that fear still lingers in her mind. im not too knowledgeable on marina's characterization (i heard NOA isnt either so, lol) but it seems in character. she definitely hasnt unpacked(? i believe that is the right word) the fear on screen as far as i can tell, though, and i think side order might be about that, a little.
what interests me most is this unused dialogue from if team order won, though:
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of course its unused so it doesnt hold as much weight as canon dialogue, but i wonder if she'll hold a similar mentality. she has control, and she sees that she can shape the world. i dont fully agree with her changing everyone to be the same, since she later says this:
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if she were to do anything, i think she'd change the world that may try to be like this, but something in it would be functionally unsound and cause the whole thing to break. im not sure if she even would in the first place but i can acknowledge the possibility. itd be ironic, shes good at building machinery but not building a utopia.
i dont think she needs to be saved in this scenario, i think its best if she were to save herself. but this is verrryyy speculative so i cant say much.
tangent aside. marina understanding and moving on/healing from her fears being compared to the protagonist octoling's own journey on recovering would be great. itd be even better with agent 8 in my opinion, since theyve clearly gone through Some Shit and definitely need therapy for it, but i dont want to speculate too much. im expecting all of this to be Wrong but i cant ignore that ive been thinking about it like this lol
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valdederon · 8 months
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raykore and novas heart to heart talk about valdederon , a new hidden threat and valdederons rage.
soon after valdederon enters his trance nova sighs un able to properly meditate as her mind is in chaos when she looks up at raykore who is takinga puff from her smoking pipe.
nova-- ray..raykore.
raykore chuckles softly
raykore--- you can call me ray if you want hun
nova-- ray is… val.. is he realy ok to be taking me in ..to be adventuring and ervything.
raykore stops mid puff and lets out a chuckle.
raykore--- as wise as i am even i dont know the answer to that one pup. id say yes personaly as having seen him grow over the years in this world.. the kids changed physicaly emotionaly and mentaly . and since he took you in as part of his family his drive to improve him self has grown significantly personaly i dont know if hes fully recovered from his traumatic past hell i garuntee he hasnt. but i can say it now longer drives his evry thought hes learned to ignore those impulses and think …. some what lodgicly ha ha ha… some what . he is still verry much a walking army.. but a more foucsed and determined army. though i do expect any demon he encounters may end up causing a flare up in him.
draggo----- uh yea ive seen it first hand.. he has no mercy or remorse when dispatching demons. its like watching him go from happy toddler playful and curious to a battle hardened adventurer.. eyes as cold as the arctic mountain air and a stare that can cause a volcanoe to explode.
raykore--- thats not surprising to me honestly .. nova you dont have to worry about your brother you can trust that he will protect you and should any one do anything to harm you. well god rest thier soul ha ha ha.go ahead ank keep trying to meditate hun try to block out the noise in your mind .
for the next few hours raykore tries to help nova meditate mean while 5 days walk to the south east in a small town with a hidden away bar the magmar who attacked novas tribe comes in and sits down ordering a volcanic eruption == ( imagine vodka if made with carolina reapers mixed with pure capsasin oil with 3 fresh chillie pepers ground into paste and all of that mixed into a 40 ounce glass cup ) == and begins downing it in second slaming his fist down on the table.
the barkeep a scared up machoke named dead eye leans forward.
dead eye-- the job aint finished yet you killed the old man but that little spit fire of his is still loose and from what i hear has joined a guild with a .not so delicate delphox rumor hase it this ones special.. and tougher then an onyxe on black obsdian powder. you get paied when its complete the boss aint happy bout it either.
the magmar looks up at dead eye as he slides a picture recently taken via psychic pokemon power
zorgon the magmar---- so all i have to do is flatten a stuppid little riolu girl tschh barely even a challange.
dead eye--- the way i hear it its not her you need to be worried about its that guild some what shes in but mainly that delphox. he is an unknown. reports are all over.. uses ligning fire.. even got a report of him using water moves. tread lightly you heavy foooted dolt.
the magmar grunts and pockets the picture and begins gathering information about the guild.eventualy coming up with a plan he thinks will work with out a hitch. heading to a den of goblins known for thier greed of ancient gold coins throwing them 7 bag fulls and a map of an ancient long deead kingdom castle fortress complex. in another continent. after a month valdederon wakes up and notices nova is gone from his room and that his head feels off as the effects of a heavy sleeping agent have just warn off his blury vision clearing to show the room a mess after a few minutes clearing his head he uses a spell that uses residual life essnce to reconstruct events into a magical holigram.
40 minutes later the air through out the entire guild grows ice cold and silent the silence broken by a loud explosion guild staff russing to valdederons room to be met face to face with araging blood red flaming inferno beams of wood falling into the flame and 2 piercing green eyes with in the flame taiga the serperior guild master using his vines to hold evryone back as the green eyes vanish into the flames .
kleo--- ok water types put out the fire.. psychics figure out what the fuk just happened.. AND NO ONE .AND I MEAN NO ONE IS TO CHASE VALDEDERON.. unless you want to get hurt. somthing has set him off.
raykore--- gods help his enemies..
kleo-- what does that mean.. i can sense the magic he used he reconstructed the events that happened before he woke that fire.. was fueled by pure rage anger and hatred.. gods worse then when i first met him. who ever angered him. may the gods help thier souls because hes going to kill them.
kleo--- why.. i think nova may also be involved i dont sense here near bye.
kleo-- mother mew.. i hope she is ok.
--------------------mean while near bye--------
valdederon finds a tavern and rips the door open and slams his staff to the floor causing an ice nova to freeze evryone in place.
valdederon--- im looking for a magmar.. scar across his eye probably in posession of a young riolu with minor burn scars. ill know if any one is lying and that wont end well.
the room falls dead slent as the tavern owner comes down from the top floor offic having heard the yelling.
myran a levanae --- your powerful..im not sure what info i may have for you but if youd kindly please release my customers then we can speak.
valdederon--- my little sisters life is on the line ill release them when i have answers.. even if thier vague guesses of were my target is.
she sighs and bangs her heard into the side railing then comes down .
the next few hours are tense untill some one finaly mentions that a near bye town would have such filth and scum and valdederon releases evryone heading out to that town. eventualy ariving after 5 days and breaks the door down and looks around the room growing tense with shock.
valdederon--- this tavern will answer to me.. any one who tries to escape i will cut down. recently one of your patreons stole somthing verry precious to me.. this patreon is a magmar with a scar across one of his eyes. talk and live… stay silent.. and youl sufer greatly
dead eye--- and why should we believe you
apon that coment valdederon fires off a holy javiline pircing the wall behind the bar counter flaming wood splinters flying ervywere the stone red hot and molten and valdederons staff aimed directly at machops arm.
valdederon---- the next one tears your arm off old man. dont fuk with me. i know that the patreon was here recently..
dead eye--- …mmmmmmpph.. fine.. zorgon mentioned he would be setting up camp at a castle some place some dead city called bakoonsk or somthing.. thats all i know.
valdederon heads out after that but causes an earth queake to tear the tavern down traping them all temporarily and begins the long journey to the dark continent of baroovien. using old maps he had gotten form a laibrary only to encounter a hoard of goblins the size of a nations army.
valdederon--- you idiots actualy look intelegent for goblins.
they chuckle and grin untill a bolt of ligning strikes the hobgoblin general the shear electricity causing him to explode into a goopy purple mess the goblins looking at the once great general and back at valdederon .
valdederon--- your in my way scatter or die.
in seconds a battle erupts mean while in the castle the distant sounds of battle can be heard.
nova--- le..let me go… please .. who are you.
zorgon-- im your death..tsch looks like ive been found. . is that.. lignting.. and fire. god now ice.
nova whimpering in fear crosses her legs a puddle growing beneath her chained feet
nova--.s..sounds like my brother is here.. your in trouble now.
----- back at the beack front---
valdederon sslashes his staf out word causing a wave of energy to slize many goblins in half once jumping at his face only to be grabed by the throat and fall limp after a loud crack as valdederon crushes his throat and tosses the goblin to the side the gasping and wheasing as it struggles to breath and then whimpering as it bursts into flames for hours the battle rages valdederon getting to the citty edges and begins to walt through as he summons meteors to fall into the citty the explosions reverberating through the citty and castle walls.
zorgon--- god how many are there i hired an entire army out there .
nova tears up hearing the screams and explosions in the distance. hoping she will survive each passing second the explosions and yelling turned screaming grow closer and closer after awhile zorgon runs down to the entrance of the castle just as 6 hob goblin generals crash through thier boddies practicly turned inside out via magic and a shadowed figure slowly aproaching with the clack…. clack… clack….clack of a staf on stone the torch fire on the wall lighting the figure up . a delphox furr drenched purple with goblin blood the sounds of crumbling buildings in the distance followed by a loud crash as a wall falls over blocking the exit.
valdederon---- what is your name ass hole.. id like to know the name of my victim you kidnaped my baby sister and i wont let that slide.
the magmar stares frozen with fear barely able to mumbler zorgon untill he steals him self.
zorgon--- my name is zorgon and you will be my victim peasant theres no way your not exausted after all of that
valdederon---- SILENCE YOU IDIOT. YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO SPEAK HERE ive lost far to much in my past to loose what i have now.. prepare your self to fight .. .. tsch.. prepare to be slaughtred im not going to fight you.. im going to end you. painfuly… slowly.. brutaly… just one thing first,.. were is the riolu you kidnaped..
zorgon growls--- top of the castle tower.
with in seconds a full blowne onslaught erupts fire lightning ice water stone bullets fire balls and hundreds of others spells fly out in all directions for 6 hours the battle rages untill valdederon lands a heavy blow with a sizable chunk of boulder to the magmars chest snaping his ribs as it hits after words he picks up zorgon bu the throat and tosses him against a pillar causing it to fall over and smashing into his back…youl never escape that.. but if you do rest asured ill end you if we ever meet again.
clack… clack…clack… clack.
valdederon turns and walks away from the slowly dying magmar his lungs punctured by shards of rib and his spinke broken paralyzing him from the hip down passing out from the imense pain nova hearing the silence begins to sob untill the sound of wood on stone comes up the stares and the familliar shape of valdederons body fills the blury void
valdederon--- chin up princess. your big brother is here.
nova---..y,.. you.. they are.. so.. so many
a gental flick of her nose silences her jumbled thoughts
valdederon------your life is far more important to me.. he hired monsters. no one will miss a pile of goblin filth and the mag mar was a acriminal
nova--mmmpph.. i…w..wet my self.. i..
valdederon-- lets go find a hotspring to wash up at .
he gently unchains and picks her up and lets her sob into his shoulder ignoring her claws digging into his flesh and soon enters a hotspring with her and rubs her back gently letting her have her time to let out all her bottled up fear and sadness for a solid 3 hours she cries and cries and cries settling into hickups.
valdederon---- feel better now..its ok to cry you must have wanted to cry while you were beeing held. but wanted to apear strong.. im proud of you for holding strong untill i got here for you
nova---im hungry i havent eaten in a couple days…
valdederon--- i have some berries in my item box for you lets get washed up first though ok.
she sniffles and nods and avldederon gets up out of the hot spring and lets her wash up on her own in private then washes him self after shes finished sitting at the edge to share a pile of oran berries with his baby sister.
nova--- will you be in trouble..
valdederon chuckles neverously knowing he nuked his room
valdederon--- maybey.. i did vaporise my bedroom.
she giggles hearing than and falls asleep in his lap paw in her mouth for comfort as she shivers still stressed but noticably comforted by his presence.
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