#Shadow headcanons
wc-m0ch4 · 2 years
Shadow the Hedgehog x gn! Reader Headcanons
I watched all the Sonic Prime episodes in one day LMAO I LOVE IT SO MUCH
As most hcs with this mf starts, it took forever for him to finally trust you, let alone get into a relationship with you
I mean, can you blame him really? He's lost a lot, he's gone through a ton of shit, it's kinda to be expected
He talked to Rouge one day about how he felt more comfortable around you than others and she teased him relentlessly
"Shadoooow, you like them?"
"I prefer them over others, if that answers your question. Why are you making that face?"
Lowkey funny thing, when it finally hits him that he liked you he tries to figure out why he likes you.
At first he thinks maybe it's your looks so he stares at you a lot trying to pinpoint what part of you he likes, but he's got a rbf so it concerns you gravely
"Shadow are you angry at Y/n?"
"No, of course not. Why?"
"You're kinda... glaring... at them..."
Then he theorizes that it must be something from your personality. So he starts asking you a ton of questions randomly, but like, theoretical questions
'What would you do if two of your best friends were drowning and you only had enough strength to save one?' Type questions y'know
Then he tries to see if it's something you do, like if you're 'useful'. So he keeps a mental tally of how many times you do something for him or others. When you pay for yours and Amy's lunch, when you give Sonic the rest of your bag of chips, when you hold the door open for Rogue, etc.
Finally he realizes that it's not something in particular, he just likes you
He reveals this revelation to Rouge and she snorts lmao
She sets up a whole date-confession-thing without either of your knowledge to get Shadow to confess
He's very quiet with his affection
He'll pat you on the head or back, give you a small smile, make you lunch, help you with some work, small things y'know
If you're a human and a lot taller than him he uses this to his advantage and climbs you so he can see more
^Some of the few times he will allow you to carry him
He'll text you updates about what he's doing and when he'll be home and expects you do the same
If you forget he'll scold you like a toddler lmao
Don't forget the skin-care routine and ironing the sheets every night according to the Twitter takeover LMAO (it should have been me)
He's not one for going out on dates but he does enjoy going to the library or the park with you, somewhere quiet with not a lot of people
Shadow would enjoy theatre all the way (I don't say this cuz I'm a theatre kid nope def not)
Also not a fan of PDA but he'll hold your hand or have a hand on your shoulder
He gets jealous easily lol
Like if someone starts talking or, God forbid, flirting with you he'll be standing right behind you glaring at them
His pet names are demeaning LMAO
Like how he calls Sonic 'hedgehog' it's the same for you
He'll call you more typical terms of endearment if it's laced with sarcasm
"Well, dear, if you had done like I said earlier this wouldn't have happened."
"I'm sorry, I should've known making toast was too difficult for you, darling."
Shadow has a phone and social media and the only reason is so you can send him memes you find funny to him
I like to imagine showing him a funny video and he just sits there staring at it for a bit before turning to you and going "This is hilarious."
If you're in college or work from home he'll help you with some of your work
Okay but imagine he's standing behind you helping you with homework and he leans over to grab a pencil or something and then you're pressed between him and the desk JAGFHEBAUWVDHJ– ANYWAYS
He likes keeping his space clean so if you're mentally ill like me (LMAOOO) or just messy in general he's willing to help you clean up
Just enough to keep him satisfied :)
Okay but imagine stay-at-home dates with him like:
Cooking dinner together
Laying your head on his lap while you two watch a movie
Playing games or doing puzzles
Speaking of games, game nights are a regular thing with the group and Rogue drags Shadow along so in turn he drags you along
I ask you to imagine a huge game of Uno between Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Cream, Big, Team Chaotix, Rogue, Shadow, and you.
Yeah, fucking insanity.
If there's any game where you have to pair up Shadow immediately grabs you
Absolutely NO chance he's pairing with Sonic lol
Moving on, he likes playing with your hair
If you need help doing a complex or a protective hairstyle he's got you fr
If you wear makeup, whether it's natural or more bold, he will compliment it
He'd probably help you with your makeup too if you asked lol
On a more sad note, he has times where he gets upset about his past so just give him space or comfort, whatever he needs at the time
If he gets upset about Maria ask him about her. It helps talking about her in a positive light when she was alive than replaying her death on repeat
So if you have your own bouts of depression (*cough cough* me *cough*) he'll understand and try to help in any way he can
On a more happier note, he likes getting you gifts
Homie is a very gift giving/ acts of service type of lover fr fr
Btw dating Shadow means being friends with Rogue and Omega, no exceptions
Ugh sorry this took forever to make I'm really lazy lmao
Did you guys notice that Jacksepticeye voices a character in one of the later Sonic Prime episodes cuz I did and I almost SCREAMED–
Anyways, send in requests if you want :)
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something something can you see all of him
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oddogoblino · 7 months
Random but I hc Sonic as nonbinary in the sense he doesn't actually identify with any pronouns but will let people call her by anything. They don't really identify as " they/them" or many neos but find comfort in just whatever the besties decide. Most call sonic by he/hims because Tails does and has since they were all little. Idk what the label for that would be other than the vibes.
To be petty though, Sonic will occasionally go "well actually eggman, Tails decided I was a they/them kinda hedgehog today" and eggman goes "oh shit, sorry, my bad, anyways prepare to die"
Shadow is genderfluid and sometimes will ask Rouge for clothing advice and judgement on how good her nail polish work was when she feels like a girl. Might argue why shed paint her nails if shes just gonna wear gloves but it's just knowing she's painted them makes her feel nice. She doesn't dress big bright and pretty but it's little things like just wearing a jacket, higher boots, sometimes a skirt, etc that just feels nice.
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max-nico · 5 months
Shadow's development Headcanons
Started off looking like more of some .. creature than a hedgehog
Like way too many or not enough limbs, especially because of the Black Doom DNA
I'm imagining him having one eye and being more of a scaly texture but still oddly goopy lol as well as not having hands or fingers and instead having some tentacle type things
Between getting experimented on and his normal growth he eventually grew to look like a normal mobian hedgehog with some key differences
The differences being, the whites of his eyes having a light green tint, too many teeth, every joint is double jointed, quills that are unable to fold down/look relaxed, sharp claws, etc, etc
I also think it'd be fun if one of his feet had one or two extra toes :3
I think at some point during his development he looked like Stitches alien form (from Lilo and stitch)
Whether he can still regrow the limbs now, Gerald manually rewrote his DNA, or one day he just lost the ability to use them is up to you bc idk
Maria watched Shadow grow up essentially from a weird amoeba looking splotch to a semi grown Hedgehog
I headcanon that Shadow's body didn't look like it does now when he originally went into stasis, and he grew while in containment
Hedgehogs aren't supposed to lose quills unless they're under high stress. I think Shadow sheds a lot by nature, and he frequently has to brush his quills to make room for the new ones growing
Teaching Shadow to talk was a rough process. Mostly because he didn't always.. have a mouth.. or hands... so Maria and Gerald had to be on top of figuring out new ways to communicate, just in case
Perfecting his design was painful, Shadow could gain or lose random parts of his body, organs could be grown wrong and bones had to be corrected and moved over and over again, just for the sake of a "perfect" life form
They'd put Shadow back in the Green Tube when they knew a long process was going to be painful, but sometimes he would need to be awake so they could watch his development, but I would hope at least Maria would fight for these processes to be as few and far between as possible
The first words Shadow said were "Maria", "sister", and "pick up"
It took years before Gerald was finally happy with Shadow's look, and even after that he was still being experimented on to track the progression of his steadily growing powers
Things like his enhanced memory, speed, agility, strength, etc
I think Shadow was given his inhibitor rings for ease of retrieval and containment, and it was an easy way to keep track of his powers while not letting him over use them
This is not to say there was nothing redeemable about his childhood. He technically still has good memories to look back on, after all he still had Maria
Anyways uhm yeah, I'm going to post this without proofreading it hopefully that doesn't backfire :D
Feel free to add your headcanons or whatever !!!!
I'm a Tails centric blog, but please hop into my ask box or DMs, I love meeting new people :33
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etaleah · 7 months
Maria gets into crafting as a way to pass the time and tries to makes Shadow a sweater.
It’s ugly and misshapen and girly, too big in the head, too long in the arms, and too tight around the tummy, but damn if it doesn’t have love in every stitch. She worked hard on it and Shadow is going to make her happy by wearing it.
He struggles to puts it on and it’s itchy and uncomfortable with some parts dragging on the floor and other parts squeezing so hard they cut off his circulation. It looks fuckin’ ridiculous and Shadow can’t wait for Maria to go to bed so he can take it off but he WILL thank her for making it and ensure she gets to see him in it. It is his solemn responsibility as her protector and friend.
The scientists laugh at him and try to take photos but a single death glare from Shadow shuts them right the fuck up.
Maria is happy, so Shadow is too. But then she offers to make him another one and he instinctively knows he’s going to have to start hiding her craft supplies.
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0rb0t · 1 year
Don't mind me, just talking about Shadow as being on the autistic spectrum, and how his portrayal in the games and anime (before 2010s era) reflected this even if it was never outright stated.
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    When I was in high school, I struggled a lot in social situations, I'd go completely stiff and just watch people. I had a "resting bitch face", I never really could have conversations and seemed to just fixate on things. I'd make observations that irritated people. I'd ask "why" a lot. (Asking why or even asking 'obvious' questions seemed to make people think I was questioning their judgment, or that I was challenging them. But no, I just didn't understand and wanted clarification. I still run into this a lot and I wish people would stop assuming I have ulterior motives. I just wanna understand stuff better cause it doesn't connect for me. Even if it seems obvious. I'm the genius that asked my mom why she was crying at her dad's funeral when I was 11. It's not that I didn't understand why Grandpa was gone, I knew he passed away, but it hadn't really landed for me, and my brain registered my mom's sadness before it registered the why.)
    I didn't like small talk (still don't) and would rather every interaction have a specific purpose. You'd never catch me at a party and I didn't think drinking or drugs looked fun or interesting. The act of rebelling didn't interest me either. The few interests I did have were something I'd always go back to, and I couldn't function without them. (For me, drawing has always been a huge part of my life and if I didn't have a pencil or pen and paper, then I couldn't hear. I know, very weird. If I were doodling or just even had my sketchbook open, I could study a lot easier. In High school, my teachers started telling me to put the sketchbook away, and my grades plummeted because my attention did, too. Trying to tell them just kind of led to the same old "well everyone else can't doodle so you can't either". I wasn't in any of the special ed stuff because I guess I masked too well.)
    Sonic 06 and Sonic X have the same characterization for Shadow, especially in Japanese, and I think that's honestly the best he'd ever been-- he's quiet, he's reserved, he observes and he doesn't like to "waste time". Not because he's edgy, not because he's a jerk or too serious, but because he struggles in social situations and he's more introverted. He doesn't want to be the centre of attention, he doesn't enjoy any of that. Shadow also behaves like an adult, and I'm sure a ton of us on the spectrum have heard that before, that we're very mature for our age. In reality, we can't relate with our peers and have very fixated interests that don't really expand to other things. Limited interests and we just wanna do stuff tied to that. We know so much about that one thing or those things, but those things won't get you ahead in school. Unless you're LUCKY and your fixation is math, oy vey! (My fixation was etymology. I loved learning and knowing where words came from. Useful for 2 seconds in English class, quickly loses its usefulness in a skill-oriented world.)
    I don't even think he's naturally boastful, at least he wasn't since SA2 (when he was an antagonist), but Sonic brings out a competitive side in him. Sonic brings out the childhood-self that he lost to trauma and being sealed away. Shadow never got to be a normal kid/adult. He has always had expectations placed on him. I think Sonic really brings out a side of him that even surprises himself. It's why he will even say very often "What am I doing?" or "This is such a waste of time!" but he won't STOP… Because he's having fun and doesn't know how to describe his own feelings. Shadow's the type who'll say "I'm fine" no matter what state he's in when you ask if he's okay. My spouse is like this actually-- I can often tell when he's feeling down, but he doesn't know how to describe emotions beyond functional things like "i'm healthy" or "i'm unhealthy", so he'll say he's fine even if he's having a melancholy day. I struggle with understanding my emotional responses, but not necessarily identifying them. A lot of people on the spectrum do struggle with identifying their emotions beyond empirical things. "Do I feel sick? No? then I'm fine" Shadow is exactly like this. And because his expression is so neutral, sometimes intense, he gets mistaken as being angry or too serious. In reality, he's just standing there. He's not gonna expend energy smiling when he's got nothing to smile about. Why force yourself to emote for people? Especially if it feels unnatural.
    Another thing about Shadow being autistic is if he's got nothing to say, then he won't say it. If he wants to leave, he'll leave. Good luck stopping him! But for many actual people it's not an option to leave. We can't just teleport out or skate at lightning speeds like he can, so we have to just sit there and do little coping or self soothing methods to keep ourselves in the moment and calm. We don't often see Shadow stimming in traditionally understood ways, like lip biting or rubbing his arms or fidgeting with his fingers-- but he often stands with his arms crossed. This CAN BE a stim. Feeling the weight of your arms on top of each other, it allows for you to be aware of your own body. I fold my arms a lot in public, because I'm usually playing with the hem of my sleeves, or I'm rubbing my arms or squeezing them. Shadow doesn't seem to do any of that but he's rarely seen without his arms folded.
    When his arms aren't folded, he stands so still and just stares at people. He looks completely out of his element. He doesn't seem to have a relaxed stance--until the anime, where he's shown standing with his hand on his hip. Rouge also does this, leading to the popular headcanons that Shadow is unintentionally imitating Rouge-- his masking leads him to identify the most 'normal' person in the room and copy their behavior in order to blend in better. Unfortunately it rarely, in my experience, leads to people NOT thinking I'm weird. Sometimes I'll even start imitating speech patterns or accents and BOY. I don't even realize I'm doing it until it HAPPENS. So embarrassing. But Shadow absolutely imitates everyone around him. We can see him do this even as far back as Sonic Heroes--that scene where he's nodding or shaking his head to whatever Rouge is saying. The scene where Sonic starts getting competitive and Shadow starts kind of imitating his posture and his way of speaking to become competitive with them-- I don't even think he realizes he's doing it. But it also makes sense with his NAME.
    His name is Shadow. I think of Peter Pan, where Peter's Shadow can sometimes get away from him. Usually it does everything he does, but sometimes it gets away and does its own things, and Peter has to catch it. Wendy sews the shadow back on in Hook. I think Shadow's name is referencing that as well, that just like a shadow, he mimics those around him. He's watching over them, but also copying them. Learning to blend in.
    Another moment I adore is in SA2 (and Sonic X) when Amy Rose hugs him from behind. According to the 2010s era and early IDW, you'd have expected Shadow to push her away or yell DONT TOUCH ME or whatever. But no, he actually just goes REALLY RIGID and doesn't even say anything. It isn't until Amy realizes her mistake that Shadow turns around to look at her, smiling like 'What are you doing???' But in Sonic X, they changed this scene further into autistic territory--
    Shadow doesn't even TURN to her. He goes rigid, yes, and his eyes widen and he just stands there looking towards the audience like 8| He's completely OUT OF HIS ELEMENT. He prepared for the mission, NOT to deal with random people HUGGING HIM. He's probably not been hugged since Maria over 50 years ago. We don't even know if Maria hugged him much because Shadow has always seemed pretty touch-averse. I love GIVING hugs and I love receiving hugs but only from people I'm REALLY close to. I don't even like getting hugs from extended family. My spouse? VERY touch averse. He'll get hugs from me but hugging and touch are just not his thing. Shadow is not a huggy person, but he does tend to hold hands.
    We know he grabbed and held Maria's hand, running with her-- but we never actually saw that until Sonic X (2003) he can be seen running with her away from the military, and he's holding her hand as he leads her. In Shadow the Hedgehog, Maria often grabs Shadow's hand when telling him things. This is also a grounding method to bring the person into the moment. For me, I feel like I can focus better on what my spouse is saying to me when he holds my hand and it's crowded or busy. Even in our home, if he wants to tell me something, I recommend that he hold my hand or touch my arm so I can focus on him better. This happens with Shadow.
    Sonic doesn't tend to hold peoples' hands. In Sonic X he usually just picks people up, but we do see him grab Elise's arm in 06 and run with her. But holding hands? Not really his thing! Shadow does do it more often though. In Sonic X S3, in the episode, Molly's Dream, Shadow's immediate way of leading Molly away from danger is to grab and hold her hand. He even keeps holding her hand until she lets go. It speaks to me the sort of childlike behavior he may still be exhibiting, but not that I'm trying to say that autistic people are more like children. From my experience on the spectrum, I am more childish than my peers. I still react like a kid might to things, and I don't really think like an adult is expected to. I am mentally behind my peers as well, I think my emotional maturity is lower? But it's hard to measure that without a doctor. It's not just about laughing at fart jokes or knowing to pay bills, it's like, how I problem solve is more creatively aligned with kids than it is adults. This is both great and terrible, depending on the situation. A situation that requires math and stuff cannot be solved my way. A situation that involves encouraging kids to try again or be nice to each other, well it's very useful because I can communicate with them on their level (I was a teacher in South Korea for over half a decade, my brain was great for being a teacher but not great for other things).
    I think Shadow really gets misread as a mean guy a lot, but he really isn't. I also don't really enjoy the headcanons that imagine him as very outgoing and whimsical when he was on the ARK, and I especially don't like headcanons that infantilize him-- I really don't like headcanons where people infantilize autistic people. We've seen Shadow when he loses his memories a few times. In Heroes, but also in S3 of Sonic X-- his personality is still the same. He's still reserved, he's still quiet, he still struggles in social situations and prefers getting to the point rather than dilly-dallying. I'd argue that he was exactly like that before the incident on the ARK, too. It's just that the incident caused his inner peace to be destroyed. His precious person, Maria, was no longer around and he lost everything all at once. He doubled down on the one thing that made sense: Revenge. But even after all of that was sorted out, he's not gonna just magically be a different person. He's still reserved, he's still serious, he's still "get to the point". If he played FFXIV, he'd only focus on main quests, and never do side quests. He'd never spend money on cosmetics, probably. He's likely a person who values gameplay over story. If the game is broken or the mechanics aren't utilized well, that's probably more what he'd be fixated on than whether the story was good or not. He'd skip through dialogue because he reads fast, even if the dialogue is voiced (my spouse does this and it drives me nuts. SHADOW I BEG OF YOU PLEASE DO IT FOR ME, DISABLE THE VOICE ACTING IN OPTIONS SO I STOP HEARING THE FIRST UTTERANCE OF A WORD EVERY TIME U MASH THROUGH THE DIALOGUE)
    Trauma affects people in all kinds of ways. I don't think all autistic people are like Shadow, because autism is a spectrum and no two people present exactly the same, although there will be similarities. Shadow's trauma happened at a time where he barely knew himself already, so that's why it was so easy for him to fixate on revenge, and then he'd be content with dying afterwards because he figured he had nothing left to live for. Finding out he was wrong was the best thing that could have happened to him.
    I was really saddened when SEGA decided he was an edgelord who hated everything and had no friends because that's such a horrible read of this nuanced character. In my personal headcanons for Shadow, he's actually very into plants and flowers, because Maria loved the planet so much. And eventually he learns to love the planet because of nature. Shadow's never going to be a people person, in fact he probably still doesn't care much for people as a whole, but that doesn't mean he won't step up when they need his help. Which is why his line in Sonic 06 is still so poignant. "If the world chooses to become my enemy, then I'll fight like I always have." Basically, it really doesn't matter, I've made my choice, I know who I am now and I get to make those decisions. No one else will shake the foundations of who I am.
    And because he knows who he is, he doesn't feel the need to repeat it and boast about himself. He's confident, not arrogant. He can be smug and competitive, but that's playfulness, not cruelty. He's quiet and may just straight up walk away while someone is mid-sentence, but that's not because he's evil or intentionally being a jerk-- it's just how he is. He needs to work on it if he wants to have friends, but his friends already understand him very well. They know that he's like that, and from what we saw in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, occasionally they forget it's not personal. I'm happy to see them admitting "oh no, I completely misjudged you, I'm so sorry!" because it's been way too long since we've heard the main cast apologize to Shadow for assuming he was a big jerk on purpose.
    Knowing the restrictions on how Shadow is written have been lifted, I'm really hoping we can get more of how he's meant to be, the reserved, socially awkward but well-meaning hedgehog we love. Autistic Shadow FTW!
(our experiences and headcanons
may differ, that's okay.)
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phoenixtv · 4 months
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Shadowhearts good ending is her healing journey NOT unaliving night song
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grimacingneverstawp · 5 months
Shadowheart but she likes to help refugees
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bakedandshipped · 8 months
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Saw that one sa2 edit going around and found a pallet I like for them both! Also included my hcs for Shadow. He’s got a little biolizard in him.
2) ew haha!!
This now doubles as my pinned info/about me post! The info under the readmore!
Hi! I'm Minnie, or Nymona, a 23 year old disabled artist whose special interest and artistic muse is Shadow the hedgehog! Here's some general things about this specific blog for ya.
Tags: (some not included, these are the most all encompassing!)
Art tag: #baked art
Information tag: #aboutbaked
Blog soecific Shadow the hedgehog tag: #shadwo
Reblog tag: #bsreblog
Text posts: #hiimbakedandshipping
Request and ask tags: #baked request and #baked ask
Serious/non shipping blog tag: #duckbakery
Head-cannon tag: #bakedhc or #[insert character name here] headcannon
Rules for requests! (Note that there are a couple more situation-based stipulations than this, but these are the most all encompassing)
No nsfw!
Send requests via the ask box! If that's off, requests are closed! If you can ask, requests are open! I also enjoy just talking and sharing ideas/headcannons.
I may deny or ignore your request, and know that it's never personal. I just have a lot of anxiety about some things.
Preferably send requests with Shadow the Hedgehog included. (I do crossovers as well, but I am allowed to deny it!)
Up to 3 characters only, including Shadow's the hedgehog, unless it's a specific three character team (maybe I'll not do shadow on those but also maybe I will)
This blog is for fun. Requests are not commissions, and I am allowed to change things to best suit my comfort as I'd like to keep it fun for me and accessible for as many as possible.
Keep requests simple, that way we both get what we want out of the exchange!
I don't do multiple requests for the same person within the same time period, so I'd prefer if you don't send multiple requests in a row!
That was a lot! Haha. Bonus fact: I have agoraphobia that I'm very much trying to break free from (this is yet another recent attempt after 8 years of varied isolation in and out of an abusive relationship). My communication skills and comprehension can be quite bad due to this, so please just be kind, detailed, and patient.
Thank you! Enjoy!
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wc-m0ch4 · 2 years
Shadow the Hedgehog x gn! Reader NSFW Headcanons
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I forgot that you have to reply to an ask directly so he's the image of said ask lol
(Separate note but I kinda wanna do some of the rottmnt or 2012 tmnt bros so I might be doing some stuff on them next lol anyways–)
Shadow is on the dominant side I feel like this is obvious LMAO
Like he might occasionally sub but it'd be like a power bottom sort of thing
He'd definitely be into forcing his partner into submission
A close runner-up is having a S/O that willingly submits to him from the get-go
Send nudes/ revealing pics to this man PLEASE–
Imagine you're texting Shadow asking him when he'll get home and he's all 'it's going to be hours before I get home, be patient' yada yada then you send a pic in some lingerie and he just:
"Be ready."
Then like 10 minutes later you're getting railed LMAO
He's got a folder of every dirty picture you've sent him and he'll tease you about them
You walk in on him sorting through them and he laughs when you get embarrassed
"You're the one who sent the pictures. Did you think I would waste such works of art?" And he's got a pic of your ass on screen LMAO
I think he'd be into photography during sex
Not sex tapes but like he's got a Polaroid camera specifically for when you two go at it
Also I think he'd like punishment
Okay imagine Shadow makes a bunch of rules for you to follow in the bedroom that day but he purposefully makes it so you can't AHAKDNABKAND
"Aw, couldn't do it, love? I guess I'll have to fix that."
And there rules to follow during the punishment and if you don't follow them.... sheeeshhhhh
Like let's say he spanks you, you have to count each one, thank him properly each time, you're not allowed to squirm or whine, like you are so FUCKED (LITERALLY)
I don't think he's really into bondage exactly but let's talk about him tying your hands and then telling you if you want to cum you have to figure it out yourself OMFGGGGG
You try to hump the heel of your foot and he mocks you the whole time
Adding on to that, he's into orgasm denial/control
If ya want your orgasm, ya gotta work for it, thems tha rules
He'll use toys and give you tasks to do
He'll have you sucking his dick while he controls the remote vibrator inside you
If you want him to turn up the speed, you better get to gobblin that cob yfm?
I think Shadow would prefer missionary so he can see your face, so you can wrap your legs around him, so he can grab at your hips and nipples, etc.
Okay so outside of the bedroom–
Shadow manspreads and it's just MMMMM
He'd do things in public that turn you on without even thinking of it lmao
Like he'd grab your hips when he's trying to move past you
Or whisper in a low voice in your ear
Or say things without realizing the double meaning (a perfect opening for 'that's what she said' jokes)
Okay continuing on,
I think he'd have some sort of claiming thing going on
Cum inside you/on you, mark you (bites, bruises), writing on you, etc.
I mean like you're your own person, of course.... but your his
Okay I know I've been going on about his kinks but overall I think he'd be pretty vanilla is just occasionally he'll get more risqué
That's when all the kinky shit pops out
Not entirely related but Rogue would probably ask you some time into the relationship if y'all have done the deed LMAO
And if you say 'yes' she's asking for details lol
Anyways that's all I got for today, thank you my dear anon <3
Happy Holidays to everyone! I wanted to do a holiday themed thing but that might be coming later (like months later lmao)
Requests are open currently and I'll see y'all soon ;)
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spruzu · 4 months
welcome to: random thoughts with spru
todays thought is
he knows every language
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this dude would know every language known to man even if hed never come in contact with it bcz gerald was like “what if we go one holiday we need someone to translate for us.”
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oddogoblino · 5 months
Because I'm suffering I'd like to project my sufferings onto my blorbos
Maria absolutely tricked Shadow into trying black liquorice once and laughed herself into a medical emergency over how confused and uncomfortable Shadow became.
Sonic never tried black liquorice because the second he smelt it he gagged which- entertained the one offering it and surprised Tails to say the least. Tails learnt from Sonic's reaction to not even bother.
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dorkwalf · 11 months
Something that always got on shadows nerves was that sonic was always happy
Sonic never cried or got angry and it drove him crazy
He wanted to know why but never pushed it
Until a battle with eggman and a blast hit him and sonic separating them several mile knocking them out
Shadow woke up in pain
When he look in water near by he saw he was sonic and anger start to boil
But what he didn’t expect was a dark blue hedge hog to appear with white eye
Shower was shocked
Then it laughed why won’t you get angry
Shadow started at it not understanding what it was until he sommond a bit of chaos energy
He stop it was a curse
Yes I am - it said
Why - shadow demand
Becuase it’s fun to mess around. And plus I’m also all of sonic pent up anger and sadness could you imagine the power I have
All of a sudden everything clicked into place
Hey sonic was alway happy
He had a new respect for the hero
What he couldn’t understand was who sonic dealt with it
He’s been walking for an hour and this guy was driving him mad and sonic lived with it
He was just about to give in when his body came around the corner
Sonic smiles -there you are Shad’s
Shadow - I exspect answers
Sonic smile nervously and said tail had a Machine that could fox them and shadow followed wanting to be ride of the pest
When all was said and done and back inf there normal bodies
Sonic looked at him remembering the question and took off in fear
Shadow doesn’t give up 
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just-sonic-things · 7 months
Shadow Sad Headcanons
Be prepared for ANGST.
Every year or so, Shadow will still mourn Maria. He writes a new poem for her every year & each one of them gets more beautifully upsetting. He writes about the times they shared together & the things they've seen on the Ark.
Shadow thought he was making decent progress in terms of making friends with Sonic & the others... Until he kept overhearing Sonic still refer to him as "Faker" and "That fake hedgehog". At this point, he's numb to it... But Shadow used to cry a lot more when he was alone.
Shadow has been to at least 2 therapists, but they either turned him away or thought he'd just make no progress. Essentially, giving up on him.
Any time Shadow does make friends, they're more so "in passing". Meaning, they're his friends until they don't respond to messages from him anymore. Or don't want to hang out either.
Shadow listens to music a lot on his runs alone. A lot of it is emo type music... When he goes for walks though, it's a lot of slow music.
Shadow's New Year's resolution every year? "I just wish someone would genuinely love me. Like she (Maria) did..."
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generallyunskilled · 1 year
New headcanon Shadow The Hedgehog is an absolute fiend for Polish food because there was a lot of Polish food served on the ARK. (Because there’s no way the Robotnik’s aren’t Polish or from some other Slavic country. I just like Poland the most for them)
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Here’s an idea; Boom Shadow is sometimes a deep and quiet sleeper, so if someone passed by him or something, they might think he’s dead. Why did I make this? Because I think it’d be really funny if Knuckles saw him sleeping and woke him up worried he was dead and Shadow is too tired to care, so he just goes back to sleep after scolding him.
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