Ask the sonic characters as they go on an epic adventure threw the wonders of subnautica
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lost world au
Two weeks since the bots left. Ratchet had gone to help. finally, they can be normal again. or so they thought. A week since all Commnications were cut from cybertron. surely the bot knew they were in danger. Surely, they would come. A week since they lost their parents. Thier home.
Jack walked through the now shattered town of jasper. Buildings destroyed. Plants everywhere and rumble litter the streets. He clutched is Dagger. His cloths dirty and torn. Blood coming out his knee.
Raf was sticking close to his side holding his staff tightly. walking over the rumble in warn down boots as he clutches him backpack strap. His brown eyes glancing as the school yard they once hung out in. Trees broken and stuck into the ground in shards.
Miko walked close for once quiet. Having learned that the creatures that now haunt the town is attracted to noise. She held her hammer over her shoulder and backpack over her back. Her tank top loose from the lack of food they had in the past week.
They walked silently and, in a unit, up to the school. Looking as the still functioning doors. Miko shoves them open without a word.
Silance greeted them as they walked in. Jack taking lead as miko shuts the door.
"It looks empty. But to be safe we need to get to the office. Raf can you get the cameras from there?" Jack whispered and Miko walk beside him keeping the youngest safe between them.
"Yes" Raf pushed his glassed up to his face. "It should be a straight shot then we can put the place on lock down and use it as a base."
"Agreed. I hope there's at least one of those monsters in here to smash." Miko grins.
"Only one?" Jack side eyes Miko knowing that she like to fight but also knowing the incisal start of the outbreak overwhelmed them all.
"Hay! one is enough. Those things are scary when in packs." Miko grins.
"Fair enough" Jack smiles softly as they walk down the hall looking around. As they walk lights flickers and paint peals. Water dripping from the ceiling and papers floating in the hall.
Jack pulled MIko and Raf into a side room in an instant and put himself at the door, clutching his daggers as he looks around the corner with narrowed blue eyes.
nothing in the halls. He stepped out Miko coming with him. Her hammer at the ready as RAf stays but peaks around the corner. Another bang but this tiny less echo to it. They stare where the bang came from walking closer slowly. Thier boots dragging the cold floor. A scream came out of Miko's mouth and Jack quickly silenced her with his hand over her mouth. A rat. A stupid rat crawled from the vents and staired at them. Before wondering off.
"Well at least it wasn't one of those creatures." Rafs soft voices quips.
"True" Jack said as he let go of Miko with a soft smile and Miko scuffs, playfully shoving Jack lightly.
"Whatever." Miko smirks taking the lead and Jack following with Raf close behind.
"The office should be... Here!" Raf smiles and goes to the door and wiggles the handle frowning when it is locked.
"I got it" jack says as he pulls out a pocketknife and unlocks the door, kicking it open lightly.
"Nice. Where'd you learn to do that jackster?" Miko smirks letting Raf go in firsst.
Jack rolls his eyes ignoring the stupid nickname, "Mom always locked her keys in the house when I was younger."
"Hah. Ms. Darby? The one who remembers everything?" Miko giggles before spotting Jacks far off look in his eyes.
"Yeah." It was small but there. Jack's voice cracked. the older two watched as the youngest climbs to the principle's chair and sit hacking away at the computer in front of him.
"Wanna talk?" Miko whispers looking at Jack with concerned Brown eyes.
"No..."" He states firmly watching their youngest smile as they make progress. "No... I'm alright. It's okay."
"...Just let me know, okay? I don't won't you pushing yourself. You are maybe the stupid prime of the group but I'm the wreaker. Pushing oneself is my job." Miko jokes earning a smile from the dark-haired boy.
"We got this right Miko? We just gotten hold back until the bots find us." Jack smiles softly.
"Yes!!" Jack and Miko's heads snap to Raf as he cheers. "The building is in our control now! We just need to make it a safe haven."
"Great" Jack respond to the brunette his blue eyes scanning the window. "Let's board up the windows first.''
"Theres supplies in the welding class. let weld metal over it. It'll be safer." Miko smirks wanting to get her hands on some fire.
"Good idea." Jack comments. "Let's go. Raf, I want you to set up a med bay and rooms on the top floor."
Raf nods and grabs his bag heading towards the stairs. Jack and Miko make sure he gets up they're before heading off down the dark hallway.
#apocalypse#transformer#transformers prime#transformers au#jack#miko#raf#lost#lost world au#Ratchet#tfp ratchet#Optimus#tfp optimus prime
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subnautica au part 16
"This planet is infected. And under quarantine. Thats why there no advanced life here. And we're infected too. That makes this much harder." Tails.
"so we need to find a cure." Amy said bandaging Knuckles. Sonic hovering close by. "To get off this horrid planet and go home."
"Basically. Yes" Tails confirmed.
"So lets find a cure im sure there is logs around her somewhere?" Sonic said looking around only to pause as he looks at his watch. "WOW! or we could just catch a ride to mobius! Sunbeam should land any minute!"
"Then lets go" Knuckles grins and their chest fill with hope. They reach the outside and grin as a ship comes in orbit. Cheers make their way out of their throats before they could stop it.
Only so them to tense up and dread to pool in there stomach. Tails ears pin as his heart jumps to his ears. Knuckles pulls amy behind him to make sure he was to closest to the biulding as it started to shift and change to what looked like, "A gun. that looks like a gun.." Tails whispers as he looked to where the gun was aiming. "The ship! We need to warn sunbeam!"
It was to late. The smoke that clouded the sky and the small bits of the ship fall to the water.
Tails falls to his knees and sonic put a hand on his back trying to keep the young fox cub calm. Knuckles clutches his fists and amy lets out a small sob.
"No no no no that was are only hope." Sonic shushes the youngest of the group hugging him close. Amey come and joins the pile and knuckles wrap around them protectively.
NO one notices the wolf of the group not coming out the cave. And they don't notice the escape pod fall from the sky.
#subnautica#subnautica au#sonic#sonic subnautica#sonic the hedgehog#amy#amy rose#sunbeam#tails#miles tails prower#tails the fox#knouckles#knuckles the echinda
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Subnautica au part 15
The huge building towers them. It looked like nothing they've ever seen before. Black stone with gorgeous green markings and ancient writing. Tails gasps and walked up to a giant pedestal. "We need a key" The fox said looking at the plating.
"But where can we find a key at?" Knuckles questioned walking up beside Tails and placing a hand on the fox's shoulder.
"How about up here. Look this lamp and path have the same markings as the building." Amy spoke up Her jade eyes tracing the path.
"Good idea Amy!" Sonic smiles running up the path leaving us behind. They all are laughing knowing Sonic is happy to have his speed back and solid ground.
They smiled as Sonic raced back down the mountain a tablet in hand. Seventeen seconds. The island must be small. "This is all I could find. Looks like it's from the same material." Sonic grins.
"Well let's see then." Amy takes it and gently places it onto the pedestal. The markings glow causing everyone to gasp and Knuckles to pull them behind him, not trusting the ancient technology.
After a few seconds the see threw passage fades, and a welcoming buzz fills their ears. Knuckles walks in first. "Looks good. Be careful we don't know who or what is in here." The others nod smiling as they walk in. Sonic takes off but stays in sight. Exploring what he can with his speed. Amy walking with her hand along to wall to help keep track in case they get lost. Knuckles taking the lead checking around the corners even if sonic already blasted threw and Tails scanning what he can with his PDA system to get information.
As they walk, they see alien artifacts. Scripts and a few weapons. They pause when they see a giant machine-like pillar. Tails walked up to it hesitantly. "It looks like we need to put someone's arm in it." The fox cub fidgets eyeing it nervously.
Sonic was about to speak up when Knuckles stepped forward and took the place sticking his arm in so the other wouldn't have to. The machine powered on, and they all tensed as it stabbed into Knuckles arm causing him to hiss in pain. Amy ran overlooking for an off switch and tails immediately looked over wound, Sonic running around trying to find something to get Knuckles arm out but they all freeze when an alien language travels through the air. The translation slowly turned to English, and they all listen as it said infected people can't leave the plant.
Swallowing Amy turn to tails and with wide eyes asked. "Tails.... What does that mean?"
#sonic#sonic au#sonic oc#lulu the wolf#lulu#sonic the hedgehig#sonic the hedgehog#knuckles the echinda#knuckles#amy#amy rose#tails#tails the fox#miles tails prower#subnautica#sonic subnauitca#sonic subnauitca au#subnautica au#aliens
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Hello me again
So oceans depths has a non infected form I wonder what it would be like if sonic and his friends encounter her in the non infected form (no need to answer this question)
Normal ocean depths looks like this

I love your art so much! And ocean depth and i do wish to learn more about your oc
Sonic hovered around the edge of the shallows. laying in the flora like he used to do back on mobius. He felt slightly empty not being able to lay in the flower fields and nap in trees. It was strange.
Sonic sat up when he heard something near him in the water. He looks around only to see a beautiful leviathan like creature. Blue with pops of pink swimming around the edge of the reef. Sonic watched it carefully before it looked eyes with him, and he tenses up as it pauses to look at him. Only to relax as it carries on about its business in the red grass. Sonic ears perk up and he goes to get a breath of air before diving down into the red grass staying close to the rock wall not wanting to be far from the shallows. He swims close and they lock eyes again and it tilts its head and sonic mimics giggling into his mask making bubble go to the surface catching the creatures attention.
It circles around Sonic, and he sit down not wanting to make sudden movements as he leans against a pillar of rocks. "Aren't you a beautiful creature." He smiles and rest his eyes breathing deeply into his mask like he would in the forest surrounded by bird and lizards. The only difference is this one can eat him.
Sonic felt the creature sniff and nudge him before the water around him settles down around him and when he opens eyes, he sees the creature resting at his feet. He's sure Amy and the boys wouldn't mind if he was a few hours late because he was chilling out in the waters. Then sonic closed his eyes again and gave a soft smile as he let himself rest like he did back home.
Talis was working on them knew base the gang cleaning out the pod and gathers recourses for him. Tails glances up as the water around him shifts. Glancing around before going back to work after finding nothing. He turns to grab his tool only to find hi supplies missing. He frowns His eyes narrowing and tails flick. He finally saw it. In the distance. What looks to be a leviathan type creature messing and playing with his tools. Occasionally chewing on them as If trying to figure it out. Tails tilts his head and watches. Before trying to slowly swim up to it and grab one of his tools back. Pausing when eye contact was made. Tails swallowed and flicked his name sakes. The creature flicking its own in return catching Tails eyes.
Tails lowered to the sand and the creature watched him, and tails rests on the bottom of the ocean. eventually the creature lost interest in Tials. and Wents back to chewing on the tools box. Tails grabs his tools and retreats back to his build. The ten-year-old looked over his shoulder to the creature frowning when the toolbox was shredded only to smirk as an idea came to mind.
The next day tails return to the spot and waits quietly. It only took a few hours for the creature to return to the spot as well and as soon as it did tails released the toy it made for the creature. A giant metal fish like sub swimming about a dodging based with sonar and AI. Hopely the reenforce hull keeps it alive more than five minutes.
Tails laughs with pure joy as the creature chased after it like a giant puppy. Tails sat and watched for the rest of the day making adjustment when the creature took a break from playing to sleep. But he was confused when the day after he found a shell with a dead fish by his workstation the next morning.
A growl came from his throat as he tied all the fish, he hunted into the next basket Tails made. Huffing quietly as he threw it over his shoulder and started to scale back to where there was oxygen. He finally pauses to rest by a brain coral the lower lights of the acid mushrooms enough for him to feel safe. At least until a chilling sound broke through the silence of the dark deep ocean. Two eyes stair in his direction, hunger in them. Knuckles growled thinking the creature was after him. Knuckles stood up ready to fight. He was not about to die when he had hidden sibling back at the pod waiting for him to come home. He refused to let them go through what he did when his father went out for the last time and little knuckles sat by the emerald full of hope that he would come back. Full of worry about what happened, full of-
Knuckles thought cut off as the creature came at him. And knuckles reared back to punch the snake like monster only for it to go past him and toward the food in the net. Knuckles eyes widen and he quickly pushes the creature from the food. Growling the mask on hi muzzle making him sound scarier and bigger than he was. The creature circled for a little before retreating into the darkness. Still there but a decent distance away. Knuckles frowns grabbing the net basket and was about to climb up the mountain side, when he looked back. Next thing he knew he was digging out fish leaving a share for the creature that trying to take the food. before climbing.
The creature swam back as soon as Knuckles left and eat the food. And on the way back in a reaper was following Knuckles and hunting him. No one need to know it disappears shortly after a curtain snakelike creature caught up to the red mobian.
Amy smiles as she dances around the cave arranging the loose flora unaware of the nest she is redecorating. Flora up the walls making patterns and swirls making her giggle. She only stops and hides when the creature returns, and she swallows nervously realizing it was a nest for the giant creature to harbor in. The long body curling around the exit to the cave, the head for the creature curling into the next part for the cave. The creature tenses as it smells the water, and Amy covers her mouth trying not to make a sound. Amy screams as the creatures' tails rap around her pulling her close and sniffing her. She tenses up and close her eyes ready for pain or death witch ever comes first. But slowly opened her eyes when nothing came.
the creature picked at her quills and pocked at her body as if trying to Identify her. Fear ran threw her as the creature opens its mouth but only received a lick from the massive beast. Amy gags at the smell of its last meal and if deciding Amy wasn't edible it dumped her on the floor of the cave and went to lay down in its bed leaving Amy to sneak off into the waters.
#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#subnautica#sonic subnautica#sonic subnautica au#sonic au#amy#amy rose#tails#miles tails prower#knuckles#knuckles the echidna#ask the characters
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10000 likes! Thank you so much everyone for all the support!
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Subnautica part fourteen
Sonics pov
"Help? like someone's coming to save us?" Amy grins almost tearing up.
"Yes! a ship called sunbeam! It's coming into orbit. In Twenty-four hours. The only issue is the landing zone is like 1000 meters North." Tails ear lower at the last part and turns to look at me. I swallow nervously. Knowing full well I just getting used to the shallow waters let alone the deep ocean.
"Sonic..." Knuckles calls gentle and I flash him a smile.
"I'll be fine. Come we must get ready." I smile before turning to Amy. "Hay remember those swim lessons you promised a few years ago." I tilt my head towards her expectingly.
She giggles and smiles brightly. "Fine but the moment you start dragging me down I'm going to let you drown" Everyone giggles and Tails starts packing the bags. "We need to leave now. We don't know what could be in our way over to the landing zone."
I nod listening carefully and taking a bag from tails. Amy jumps in the water, and I follow behind her carefully. I look up to see Knuckles, Tials and Lulu jump in as well. I look toward Amy who took my hand and held it as she slowly instructed me on how to move my body. It took a few minutes before I actually started to swim, and I smiled brightly feeling achieved. Everyone but Amy swam ahead. She was looking back at me as if I was a child, but I didn't mind they didn't need to see the hero the world needed constantly. They needed their friend. Their brother that didn't smile all the time, the brother that also has struggles and heart ache. Them brother that needs to improve and not be perfect. Amy smiles at me. I know they enjoy it and feel proud when I let my walls down. I catch Lulu glancing back at me keeping an eye on me even if Amy got me. Lulu has always done that even when we were kids on the farm. I flash Lulu a smile and she gives a tired one back. i know she hasn't been sleeping. She is keeping something from us I just don't know what. She'll tell us in time.
I watch as the creature swim around us and laugh. I swim up for air with knuckles. Tails and Amy poking around the walls the cavern around us. Lulu picking up flora and fauna. We enter a keep zone and we all swim on our belly's close together and close to the ground. We pause every few minutes when we see a stalker swim above us. And me and tails hold back a giggle as Knuckles mimics one mockingly.
We only stop when we meet a huge rack leading out the water. We swim up and I smile. Land. actual Land. "Oh chaos." Amy whispers.
"Quick this much be the landing zone lets hop on it." Tails said as if the Island could disappear any second.
My heart pounds. Land. I never want back in the water again. Ever. We smile and crawl onto the shore. I shake out my quills and felt warm under the blazing sun. I wanted to cry. How long has it been since we've seen land or any dry surface other than the inside of the life pods. Amy runs over and hugs one of the trees laughing, Tails scanning the new surroundings. Lulu sitting down she almost looked sick I frowned before turning to knuckles who was laying down in the sad face to the ground. I smile at the sight. "I think I'll stay here in the landing zone guy." Lulu comments. "Go explore. I know you want to."
I grin but I'm sure my eyes portrayed my worry as Lulu gave me a reassuring nod. Tails cheers grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a cave. Amy and Knuckles jogging to catch up with us.
As we enter a crab thing came at us and before we can blink Amy had smashed it with her hammer. Knuckles laughed and kicked it out the way. What is it with evil crabs. Eggman's crabs and now alien crabs. Next thing you, we'll be crabs. I giggle at my thoughts. As we walked deeper into the cave gasping at the lagoon inside. Amy smiles and walks in only to find out it's just a drop off. She squeaks and disappears in the dark water before coming out and shivering curling up. "That was unnecessarily cold." We all laugh smiling at each other like foals.
We walk back out and Tails takes the lead. 7 hours left. Tails rounds a corner and gasps. I hurry over thinking somethings wrong only to see a huge structure looming over us.
#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#sonic oc#lulu'#lulu the wolf#amy#amy rose#tais#tails#tails the fox#miles tails prower#knuckles#knuckles the echidna#sonic au#subnautica#subnautica au#sonic subnautica au
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Soundwave and his four child
slight angst/Comfort one shot.
Transformers G1
A family in chaos <3
Soundwave walks into their berth room scanning around seeing his children in deep recharge. Soundwave vents and walks over to rumble and frenzy who were piled on top of each other recharging. They look like they were rough housing before they crash. Frenzy on top and rumble hanging a grip on his brother's neck cables. Soundwave Smiles under the mask at the sight before detangling them and laying them in their shared berth. And watching as the twin's curl into each other.
Soundwave smiles and looks up at Lazer beak's nest and gentle adjust Lazer beaks head, so his cables aren't twisted in the morning. He watches the bird like minicon for a few minutes before heading to see if revenge was in recharge under the bed again. A rumble comes from his chest as all his kids are accounted for. Soundwave moves his side desk so more air can reach ravage, and the catlike creature doesn't overheat on him in the night.
He pauses looking at the clock. He's been working no stop barely getting any recharge for himself for the past week. He happy during his break he can check on his kids. His spark tightens slightly as he pulls out his rations. Four Energen cubes. Him and his minicons rations has been cut again with star scream last attempt to take over causing the mission to fail. He frowned and looked at his kids. He wanted them the eat as much as they want. To snack and run around freely. He shakes his head giving each of his kids a cube for themselves knowing his system will last from the meal a few cycles ago, but he refused to make his children wait for food.
His system beeped and he looked around one more time before deciding that its time to head back to work.
Laugher fills the halls of the Decepticon base as Rumble and Frenzy rough house and role. Megatron rolls his eyes and ignores them partly letting the younglings have their time. They roll around the Main Hub until they hit a shelf, and everything tumbled down on them. In seconds Soundwave what lifting the shelf off the younglings seeing frenzy protecting rumbles head. Both Younglings look up at Soundwave and all soundwave can see is that night.
The night he walked the streets alone only to hear a damaged Bot whine. The sound of metal grinding painfully. He walks down the alley and found bout younglings. Frenzy growling at him half-starved as he stood in front of his brother. Rumble looking up at Soundwave as his body was pinned under and bin his optics flickering on and off. Soundwave walked up to them easily grabbing Frenzy and moving the weak youngling out of the way. Frenzy screamed panicked thinking his brother was going to get hurt but only to pause as soundwave frees and hold rumble gently as if his own sparkling. Frenzy hesitates as soundwave reaches for his hand. Freny eyes his brother as Rumble falls into recharge in the strangers' arms before grabbing onto soundwave digit and following him home where they were feed and taken care of.
Soundwave quickly scoops them up checking over them and letting down his guard because of exhaustion, the shelf slamming back down. Rumble and Frenzy look up at their sire worried. They can tell by his body language and actions that he wasn't okay. Rumble lets out a rumble threw his chest in hopes of soothing his sire only to spot at Skywarps voice. "Oh, wow Soundwave! Looks like you've lost your touch. What next rescuing the autobot when they need help against a big bad shelf." Skywarp laughs and the twins see their father tense and immediately jump to defend him. Rumble launching at Skywarps ped and Frenzy going for his head, the force of both knocking him over and they tumble into the wall. Megatron walks over to his old friend helping him up as he watches the fight go down, he scoffs. "Go rest. I can't have my best slacking off on the job." Megatrons growls out a back handed compliment and soundwave nods looking up greatfully at his old friend and leader.
"And take the kids with you," Megatron smirks before lowering his voice with a playful glint in his eye, "After all I refuse to babysit after the incident with that dumb bird." Soundwave fights back a laugh remembering when he first found lazer beak damaged. It was a little before finding Rumble and Frenzy. Lazer beak what a sparkling when he found him, Abandoned outside of the pits of Kaon. He brought it home after a match and babied the poor thing. When he got called to another gladiator fight soundwave had a fear Lazer beak may not eat if he didn't help so he asked Megatron for help watching him while he was gone. He'll never forget coming to grab lazer beak and being meet with Megatron hiding behind a desk covering his ears as the tiny bird like cybertronic shrieked and whine, the entire place a mess. The joy in Megatron's optics when he saw soundwave. The silences and the purr Lazer beak gave him on sight and the offended look Megatron gave the bird was the perfect picture.
Soundwave nods and smiles under his mask, "Rumble. Frenzy. Return to room." Both boys look back ready to argue only to see their sire's-tired stand and they nod running over but not before rumble kicked Skywarp in the face and Frenzy stuck his tongue out running back over to their sire.
Soundwave walks to his room the children following concerned. They watch as their sire sits down at his desk and lays his head down and closes his optics. Frowning the twins run and grabs a covering from the birth before climbing but the desk and covering their sire up. Ravage placing Energen Infront of their sire. Ravage growled and nudged his masters hand making his look up as ravage pushes the Energen closer. Soundwave pauses looking up at the minicon his own sire gave him for his 12,000th cycle. Soundwave gently takes the cube and drinks slowly.
When hes finished he only lays his head down falling into recharge before he can stop it. Lazerbeak coming to rest on his shoulder. ravage curling up on his ped and the twins nuzzling and forcing their way into his warms. A little slice of peace in the war.
#soundwave#G1 soundwave#transformers#transformers G1#G1#tf#Soundwaves children#soundwaves family#decepticons#decepticon family#rumble#frenzy#G1 rumble#G1 frenzy#soundwaves kids#G1 lazer beak#lazerbeak#G1 ravange#ravange#Comfort#transformers comfot#headcannonds#transformers headcannons
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Subnautica Au or Soma AU
The Sub Nautica Au is on its way, and I enjoy making it, but I lost inspiration! should I continue or put it on pause? I have the Soma au already started and the first few chapters ready for launch.
If you don't know the Sub Nautica Au is then here its descriptision
Sonic, Amy, knuckles and tails along with lulu are stranded on a water planet after their spaceship crash ang looks like theirs no way home for them.
The soma au is
Jack Miko and Raf go in for a brain scan but wake up in an abandon falsity and try to find out where they are and what happened to the people. From transformers prime
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sonic au#sonic oc#subnautica#subnautica au#sonic subnautica ai#Amy#amy rose#tails#tails the fox#miles tails prower#knuckl;es#knuckles#knuckles the echidna#Lulu#lulu the wolf#Transformers#transformers prime#transformers prime au#transformers au#Jack#jack darby#miko#raf
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Subnautica au part thirteen
Knuckles Pov
I sigh as i walk in the water toward the Aoura , Lulu following me, she was picking up scraps and quarts.
I sigh at least she has experience in underwater missions. I have more experience on land. I've only hung out with Lulu a hand full of times at sonics birthday or on holidays when me and tails get invited since we don't have family to celibate with. Lulu usually hangs around the back messing with her Knife I didn't expect her to be so much like sonic.
I watch her go ahead over me playing in the water and swimming around only to circle back to when she swims too far almost like an actual puppy. I sigh as we walked past the sand sharks and stalkers I watch them carefully for any unnecessary move toward us. I watch Lulu tense up only to hear a loud roar in the way we're headed, and my mind fills with dark thought of what happened to Amy. We should've checked on her soon. I should've come as that night when she didn't return. My heart pounded loudly. My little sister could be in danger, and I just sat at the pod. I rush toward the sound Lulu following close as we hurry to find Amy.
We stop. The ship was shaking and unstable. But what stopped us that the Giant snakelike creature with pitch black eyes. I circled the entrance of the ship as if waiting for prey. Amy must've made it up there. I grin and glare at the beast Infront of us before looking toward Lulu who is already aiming for the far rocks with her weird made crossbow. She shot a makeshift arrow catching the creature's attention and we took the opportunity to go up and onto the ship.
We enter and look around hoping to see Amy but don't. Lulu growls as Crablike creatures run toward us, and she quickly pulls out her Knife stabbing one. "Knuckles you go up I'll go down and we meet back to switch for a full scan threw."
I nod and Run for the upper deck crushing the creatures in my path. There small legs making ticking sounds against the metal.
I growl and jump over the gap in the pathway to the door and block the entrance watching the creatures fall to the water. I look around carefully. "Amy?" I call out looking for any signs of life. It looked like there had been a fire at one point. "Amy?" She must have put it out. I find the Comm center before heading towards Loading Bay. The entrance was blocked. I go to turn back when I see part of Amy's suit attached to some metal. I smirk and quickly start moving the Debre.
"AMY?!" I call as I walk down the new hallway. Water flooding the end of it. I sigh and go in working my way through rooms and storage boxes. I sigh and narrow my eyes at the entrance that looked like it had fire.
I walk further down the hall and smile seeing Amy on a bed of one of the many cabinets and I gently pick her up not wanting to wake her. Though I'm unsure how I haven't woken her up yet with my yelling. I gently carry her out the top of the ship and look at all the crabs basically guarding the exit. I look around and gentle wakes up Amy with a smirk. "Ready Amies?"
Amy's jade green eyes trace over knuckles face confused, "For what? Wait! you found me i thought-" Amy screamed as i took off running and jumped over the railing. Heart pounding as I feel the wind rush through my quills, And I close my eyes smiling. Amy clung onto me, and I laugh crashing into the water.
We float for a moment before I break the surface and Swim up to the bottom floor of the ship and laugh. Amy hit me hard causing me to wince and smile at her glad Shes okay. "What is wrong with you?!"
I chuckle, "Mentally? Or physically?" I give a knowing smirk to the pink hedgehog and raise a brow, and She hits me over the head.
I hear Lulu giggle and look up to see she is coming out with one of those crab creatures but its dead. "Got dinner in case. Unless ya'lll feel brave to go in the water. and good to see you okay Amy." Amy smiles at Lulu and nods her head.
"I say we brave it and use the crab as bait. "I speak up and Amy looks thoughtful.
"That could work. Let's try it I can't wait to get off this stupid ship."
"Agreed" Me and Lulu say together.
After a bit we jump in the water are masks immediately coming down over our face and bubble flow in our vision. Lulu slings the crab, and we swim away seeing the creature go to that instead of up. I grab Amy and put her on my back. her arms around my neck and we go swimming as fast as we can possibly go Lulu pulling the rear as we get to shallower water. I go for air as soon as were safe and Lulu starts laughing from the adrenalin.
Amy giggles, "We lived, and I don't know how!" Amy cheered.
I chuckle relieved and Swim back to the pod with the girls and help them in on to puase at Tails grin. "We must hurry. Help is coming!""
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sonic au#subnautica#subnautica au#sonic subnautica au#sonic subnautica part 13#knuckles#knuckles the echidna#lulu#lulu the wolf#sonic oc#amy#amy rose#amy the hedgehog#reaper#reaper leviatan#leviatain#sandsharks#stalkers#sand sharks
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subnautica au part 12
Tails Pov
I looked up at the sky as the sun goes down, my ears lowering. Amy hasn't returned yet. It been two days. I curl my tails around my belly. Knuckles walks over and places his hand on my head. "She's not back yet."
"Then we'll give her one more day and me and Lulu will go after her." Knuckles say. I whimper scared that Amy might be hurt. Knuckles frowns. "it's okay Amy's a taught chick. She'll be fine."
"True, I just....We don't know what's out in these waters... We don't know if something more dangerous is lurking out there. I mean... we've found seven pods Knuckles....Seven. Each with no survivors."
"Tails I bet things will start to-"
"No." I cut him off "Stop it. I may be twelve but stop treating me like a child. Ive been on missions and in war as much as you have." I watch as knuckles frowns, His purple eyes Dulling at the thought of what we've all gone through.
"I know. I just. Tails your supposed to be a kid. Your supposed to go fly your model airplain after school and go hang out with friends your age."
I frown lowering my ears. "that would be nice....But honestly I'd never trade this life for the world."
Knuckles smiled sadly and weakly jokes, "even if we're stuck on this planet forever?"
"Even if we were stuck in the viod of space forever." i say smiling.
Suddenly we both jump up at the sound of a scream from inside the pod. We quickly open the hatch and climb down only to see Lulu's hair smoking as if Shes been electrocuted and Sonic laying on the floor laughing his quills off.
"What happened?" I ask confused
"Lulu tried to mess with the solar batteries" Sonic chockes out giggling as Lulu caughs out a puff of smoke and smiles.
"But I lived" She states proudly.
everyone chuckles at her words and we all grab some rations. "I think im going to go out and make a bigger base. Sonic would you like to jion me?"
Sonic green eyes found my blue and he smiles. "Sure bro. After all the water in the shallows isn't to bad."
I smile and nod hopping up and grabbing my tank, sonic following behind me. I grin and jump into the water the bubbles floating through the water around me. I look up as sonic dives in and start to swim west. Sonic swim Infront of me challenging me to a race and I grin accepting and racing back against him.
We get to an opening near the edge of the shallows away from the radiation and look to each other in silent agreement that this is where our base should be.
Sonic starts clearing the rocks and plants being hesitant to go too far from me which is understandable. I'm just happy he's in the water and not stuck on the Pod. I grab my building device and start with the main part of the base. Making a hatch and solar system for the base. As soon as it was online I go in and lay out some storage.
Sonic looks through the glass hatch but doesn't enter which surprises me a bit. I come out to see and I giggle, and I see Sonic playing with the shuttle bugs like he did with the choa back home. My ears lower and I smile sadly. I'm so glad my big brother get time to be a kid. He went from war to raising me. He barely had a childhood from the stories I've heard.
I glance back at the base and start adding more and more. The base was pretty big even going out of the shallows a bit. Finally, I was out of Titanium. I sealed the last bit off and came out to find sonic had gathered more but I laugh when I see the acid mushrooms that are in his quills. A little shuttle bug resting on his tank. I swim down cleaning his quill and motioned to go back to the pod. He grins and nods dashing in front of me and laughing racing me back home.
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Subnautica au 11
I swim about the waters towards the crash site. I look around the light of the shallow slow dwindling as I get closer. Tails wanted more readings. I almost wished I could've traded with knuckles. He gets to go explore away from the crashed ship. But who knows what's out there. I swallow nervously knowing knuckles will be okay. I pause looking around before swimming to the surface.
I gasp for air and look around it's been days since the explosion happened. The smoke came off the ship nonstop. For a while I thought it was going to blow again. I look toward to sky and smile slightly. There were at least five moons showing in the sky with the bright sun. It was amazing this planet has at least eleven moons that I've counted. Tails may have more data on them. I watch as the beautiful but strange looking bird fly around. There must be land somewhere. There is no way that they just stay in the air forever.
I dive back down into the warm water and twirl. Its feel nice being in the water. Tho I wish I could feel the sun and dry land again. I miss my garden. cream and vanilla. surge. having picnics. Heck i even mis fighting Eggman. I want to go home. I should've never wish to go to another planet. But I guess it's far too late now. I break the surface again and look at the aroura. There seems to be a huge opening at the very front of the ship. I wonder. I grow determined that my way in. If we were against Eggman sonic would get close to the ship and sneak in that direction.
I smirk swimming as close as i can flinch at the hot metal. I dive back down making sure to watch for any knew creature. As I swim the flora started to thin and became nothing but sand. I felt uneasy already missing the safety of the shallows. I pause as some sand started to get stirred up and I lower my ears. watching carefully. It looked like some Rolly Polly shark thing. I bet tails would like a scan of that thing. I watch only to gasp as it came close but only buried itself beside me. It wasn't interested in me.... or already full of food. I didn't know which excuse made me feel better about the situation.
I quickly scanned it the word 'Sand Shark' popped on screen with the data and I was correct. Its only hostile when hungry. I might want to keep some extra fish on me just in case. I continue swimming watching as the sand sharks swim about and dig themselves into the ground. But something catches my eyes. A box. A random white box. Suddenly I remeber seeing it on the aroura, an emergency supply box. I smile and excitement fills me, and I rush over to it opening it carefully. Batteries and Water. We've been needing batteries for a while. With copper hard to find this is perfect. I quickly pack it away into my storage bag and continue on my course. As I get closer and closer the ship shakes more and more. The water getting deeper and darker. I swallow nervously as a message came on saying that the aroura was unstable. I continue knowing if I didn't, we'd come back out again most likely when it more unstable.
I smile wearily as I finally reach a point to be the ship opens up only to tense at a blood curdling sound. Looking in the distance a giant serpent swimming around. I froze unable to move. My heart pounding as I see the black and red beast swim around in the distance, I tense as it made eye contact with me. We float just staring at each other then suddenly it moved to attack, and I swam as fast as I could towards the wreckage. The wreckage shock violently and Fire fell into the water causing me to gasp. I grab on to what I hope was the floor of the ship and I climbs on, screaming as that thing barely missed my leg. I tear up in fear and quickly climb on to the aroura panting and watching the creature in the water circling my only exit.
I take a shaky breathe and stand up "Oh my chaos give me a break please." I whisper as I look around see little glowing crabs crawling around the ships floor. I look toward to the door to the captains quarters and lab. I glance over to the entrance of the docking and supply area but its a good run. I glance back at the water. Not like its giving me much of a choice in the matter though.
I glare at the crab like creatures and run. I let out a squeak as I realized they were chasing me up the slope. I run as fast as I can dodging them left and right. I was so happy I run with sonic in the mornings back home, not that I stayed up with him.
I Panic seeing the door shut and locked, the crabs getting close. I start swiping my badge and pulling at the handle almost. My heart pounding in my ears as I get in and shut the door. I swallow wiping the tears from my eyes.
I slump against the door only to look up and see roaring flames right in front of me. My eyes widen and I almost break. I was so done with this stupid planet. I look around frantically until I spotted a fire extinguisher. I stand and quickly grab it spraying all that I could. I pant as I finally get rid on the flames and continue walking until I see the entrance to the docking and supply bay blocked off but the security room was open. I just need to play fire fighter a bit longer.
As soon as I get the fire out I rush inside downloading the info and codes and pugging the PDA system into the ship to get a reading on the ship and damages. I look around nervously collecting what I can.
After the download I grab the PDA and run back out with fake confidence Down the runway. I pant as I get to the water and freeze. It may have been an hour but I can still see the creature circling under the entrance. waiting......
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Subnautica AU part 10
Tails POV
Warning: explosion
I gasp for air as sonic pulls me onto the pod, and I quickly look around making sure everyone was here. Lulu was over by the control panel fidgeting and she tried work with the solar batteries her hair frizzed, and I can tell she has been panicking about the news we got from the PDA.
Amy was making sure everything was strapped down and leaving out a few rations for lunch knowing we still had about half an hour left until in happens.
Knuckles was pacing mumbling to himself about how the aroura will be unfixable and unflyable.
I almost laughed since when did this type of things become so normal? No one is going into a major panic. No one is crying and chanting were all going to die. We're not running around like a bunch of headless chickens. Heck sonic is Over there humming as he talks with Lulu like we aren't in the blast radius of a giant radioactive ship.
I sigh and thank Amy for the food and water as I eat it slowly. I start to plan. I need a device. A device that can scan the radiation waves and explosion for a visable diagram. I grab the PDA system and sip on my water, and I snap it open and look at the wires and chips inside of the futuristic device. I feel Amy come and sit by me and I lean into her naturally used to cuddle pills on movie nights as I work on a small project.
"How long do you think we are going to be here?" Her voice soft and quiet. Her jade eye basically looking into my soul.
I frown but didn't lie "With hoe things are going? at least a year" I heard her breathe hitch.
"Well, umm mm it's not like we haven't delt with things like this before." She smiles "Do you remeber when sonic went missing into the book? We carried it around for about half a year and a good bit of that we were finding from Eggman knew robot. what are is called again? it was something stupid I know that. "
I laugh "I think it was something like the spoiled egg bot 2.0. I about died at the name, but chaos did it have fire power."
"Sometimes I wonder if the cave we hid in is still standing. We should revisit it when we get back home."
I smile tiredly "We should"
I finish fixing the PDA system to a visual graph read and smile "Lulu?" I call looking towards the wolf. She seemed calmer now where hair still a mess, but I guess that will happen without a hairbrush. I just hope mold doesn't start growing in our fur or hair.
"One minute left tails." Her voice soft and low and I nod climbing up and onto the top. The gang coming and sitting with me. I sit in front the reader reached out towards the ship. Lulus tail around my waist as she cuddles into knuckles behind her. Knuckle hugging her as he circles his arm around Amy, His leg locked ready to brace us if we are too close to the explosion. Amy was sitting behind me and locked arms with sonic, so he does fall into the water.
"Emergency: A quantum detonation has occurred in the Aurora's drive core. The reactor will reach a super critical state in T- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 [repeated], 3 [repeated], 2 [repeated to fade], 1 [not said]-" The PDA states and the sky lit up. Metal pieces flying everywhere. I Sonic covers my ears at the sound, and I see Lulu cover her ears and head. The pod shakes the wave hitting hard pushing us further away. I feel knuckles hold everyone and force us back into the pod Bringing the PDA system with us.
It felt like hours before the waves stopped. But only about half an hour of us huddled in a corner, Sonic and Knuckles acting like a shield for us. After everything calmed down sonic was panicking as he checked me over. I swallow and hug him tightly. I can see Lulu patting my back and Amy holding onto knuckles. Something tells me that explosion did more damage than I predicted.
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Subnautica Au Part 9
Sonics Pov
I sit with Lulu as I listen to tail ramble about how he crafts us better oxygen tanks and radiation suits. Lulu curled into my side; she wasn't in the right head space. When she got back, she shut down. knuckles explain what happened I understood after all I was there when the incident happened. I watched as the fire spread Lulu hugging me tightly. The robots stomping in. The farm turning to ashes before our eyes. I shake my head to get rid of the memories and my grip tightens around Lulu.
I laugh as tails starts pacing just like in his lab back home, "Careful buddy you'll were the ground thin." I joke a smirk spreading across my face as I push the negative feeling away.
"But what else do you thinks out there? I mean we've seen giant snakes, new fish, those stalker thingies and even fish that explode. There are so many possibilities that may happen on this planet. I need more supplies. We need to go deeper." I smile softly as tails rants on and on about the planet we are known stuck on.
"Well then let's go get some more supplies. Lulu can man the ship while were gone. Right Lulu?" I smile down at her small frame.
My smile softens as she quietly nods and starts working on the solar energy we started.
"Wait. you actually wanna come in the ocean?" Tails smile spreeads across his face and i smile nervously.
"I-I mean as long as I'm near someone and I'm in the shallows, I think. I mean i would like to try." I rub the back of my head nervously. I watch as tails cheers and runs over to me with the new oxygen tank he has made and replace mine. My ears lower as her starts to ramble on and on about how much I would love the tubes and the bunny rays.
bunny.....I wonder what cream and vanilla are doing. Vanilla has taken us in as if we were her own. She must have been worried sick if she found out that the aroura exploded. She must think we're dead. And poor cream. I swallow hard. Shes already been through enough. Suddenly I remember shadow, rouge and omega. We left the in charge of fighting Eggman in our place. What did they do when they found out about the explosion. Rouge would be heartbroken she's defiantly our mom or big sister of the group and it doesn't help that knuckle is her boyfriend. She would be heart broken. I doubt out disappearance affected omega though he was close to tails. He probably found a way to blame Eggman. Hopefully he didn't go on a rampage. And shodow.....I just hope he doesn't go back into his shell. He's made so much progress.
I was snapped out my throughs when knuckles started laughing harshly falling to his knee. I look trying to find out what was happening only for a laugh to bubble in my throat. Amy was standing near the console. sparks flying everywhere and her hair sticking straight up as if she got hit by lightning. She glared at us before laughing herself and sitting down her hands finding there was into her hair as she tries and fix it.
I watch as tails comes down the ladder. I don't know when he got up there but probably why we were laughing.
"The sun is up now the perfect time to explore for more materials!" Tails cheered. "Come on sonic let's go explore near the crash with the radiation suits."
I smile nervously and nod letting him pull me into the hatch and into the chilly water. I hod his hand tightly and the first thing i see is his smile when I open my eyes. I swallow as tails lets go and I follow him. My eyes widen at the Gourgues colors and creatures. I smile when I watch what knuckles called a shuttle bug jumped around. They almost reminded me of the friendliness of chaos back home. I follow tails smiling. I enjoyed it. the weight on my boots helping my walk across the bottom of the shallow. I pick the materials I can, as I follow smiling as peeper and batter fish swim around me. I felt an odd sense of peace as I looked up as saw the surface. Then I looked left. Dreed filled me. The water over there's was foggy and dark it almost looked like something huge was swimming about in the dark. I cringe and catch up to tails never looking in that direction again.
I walk along the shallows floor swimming in and out of giant coral tubes. This wasn't as bad as I thought. Then again, I could probably jump, and my head would be above the water. I watch tails swim around me chancing the rabbit rays around the shallows. I smile remembering back home. When tails were younger, he would go out and chase after the butterfly's and birds in the yard for fun. He has grown up so fast. I smile sadly. He wasn't really my little bro anymore. Heck he is almost as tall as me and he's 14. But my smile falls as soon as an announcement comes over the PDA system. "Warning. Local radiation readings suggest the Aurora's drive core has reached critical state. Quantum detonation will occur within 2 hours."
I look toward tails fear creeping up my throat. And it didn't help that his eyes were widened in fear.
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Subnautica Au 8
Knuckles POV
Warning: death, implied death and gore the chapters are labeled small mention of PTSD
I grumble as I follow the ping in Lulu suit. How did she end up way out here? I go up and gasp for air. I was right on top of her. how? I grumble and dive pausing when I see a cave entrance. Glowing pink mushrooms, I role my eyes knowing every well Lulu saw the shiny thing and went for it. I dive down and look into the cave spotting a brain coral. I smirk and swim to it fast. "The conditions in this cave support a microcosm of unique, possibly predatory lifeforms. Detecting an artificial structure somewhere in the region." I frown as the PDA goes off. I float over the brain coral watching my oxygen meter go up. I glance around only to gasp as a huge snake swim out of the mushrooms as lets out a hideous sound. I dive down close trying to stay hidden as the beast swims over me and into another mushroom.
I take a shaky breath before growling at myself and looking around again. I scan the area until I finally spot a White wolf tail with a blue under coat near a mushroom. I watch as Lulu's head pops out and I look for a way to signal them without alerting anyone thing else. I watch and she picks up a rock she had by head feet, and I feel dreed when I realize what it was. An Egg. An egg that had to same colors as the creatures swimming around us hunting. I felt like punching her. of course she would hoard the things eggs. I watched as she put it in her bag and put her bag on before she swam off.
I growl angrily. I was going to kill her. I follow her trying to catch up. I watch as she snuck around the snakelike creatures with ease. I follow close only to growl when she's no longer in sight. I look around for a moment only to pause, my breathe caught in my throat. A base. A man-made base. Hope fills my chest. there's other survives! Other people from the crash!!! Even though there's water in the base that means others had to at least be here.
I smile and look around it see Lulu swim by the window in the base. Shes already in there. I laugh and swim inside. gasping for air with every air bubble.
I swim and pause see Lulu standing at the entrance shaking slightly. I swim up hesitantly before all hope withers away when I see the gruesome seen before me. The humans. One was on the bed. Half its body gone eye widens open. I reach forward turning lulu around and tucking her head into my chest. Her ears lowers and green eyes full of terror. I tuck her close to my body hiding her from the scene. I look up again another body in the whole in the wall melded in the metal almost. The humans mouth split open as if a creature snapped his jaw. It looked like a fresh kill, maybe a couple hours old. A strange sound comes from the walls, and I glance out the window beside me seeing the giant snake and I clutch Lulu close to my chest. I feel her breathing became uneven and I glance down taking my eyes off the creature. Her eyes were glossed over, I knew immediately what was happening because sonic does it to. She was in the middle of a PTSD flash back, her claws digging into my arms.
I swim her back up to and air bubble and try and gentle start to coax her out of it. I watch as she comes out of it and slowly curls into a ball in my arms. I sigh softly all earlier anger toward her gone. I lay her on some floating Debrees so she can rest and breathe, and I swim back down. I look around only to tense as the snakelike creature swam back down and took the rest of the body only leaving blood in the water. I watch as the creature retreats back into the glowing mushroom before exploring the room quickly. Finding food and data logs along with new crafting recipes.
I sigh and grab as much as I can before going to get lulu. I grab her and she mutters and quiet apology as she dives in and starts to head out.
I follow her out making sure to watch where we are going. We had just enough oxygen to get out of the cave system. We make in out and gasp for air as we break the surface. I look toward lulu, Her blue hair up in a soggy bun, her eyes full of fear. "it''s almost like that night...the way they were reminded me so much of when...."
Lulu's voice trailed off. "I know.... Sonic does it to...I'm sorry about the incident and that the scene brought it up." I swim over and hug her letting her curl up. "We should go, Amy was worrying about you and I bet she'd like to see herself your safe."
"She was worried? why?" I smile at Lulus question.
"I'll explain it on the way back it's a long story" I started to swim, and Lulu followed listen closely as I explain what happened.
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Subnautica sonic au part 7
Amy's POV
Warnings; injury
I smile as I swim threw the waters. The PDA speaks up, ''"Attention: Detecting increased local radiation levels. Trend is consistent ongoing degradation of the Aurora's dark matter drive core due to damage sustained during collision. Continuing to monitor."
I glance around its probably best to go north away from the aroura then. I need to avoid the radiation zones. I spotted some kelp near by the stalkers that knuckles were ranting about was guarding the entrance. I swam past it keeping an eye on the stalkers just in case they came at me.
I sigh in relief grabbing some peepers and Blatter fish as I swam up for air. My quills getting in my face as I brake surface. I look around mumbling before diving under the water again. I swim back to the bottom pausing at the entrance of a giant coral tube. I swam in wishing I had taken the flashlight instead of the scanner. As I go deeper, I adjust my White breathing mask. My heart beats fast as I spot a cave in the side of the Tube. I Swim out and up grabbing air before going back in it and into the cave system. I swim for a moment the glow of the acid mushrooms soothing me. That is until I heard something move. I pause in the cave looking around in the darkness. My heart beating in my ears.
I look around frantically. Then. I felt it brush against my back with its spines. I start to panic and swim toward the entrance. I hear a gurgled scream come closer and closer until.... BOOM!! I scream as I'm caught in the crossfire of the blast, and I'm slammed against the wall. I sit down disoriented. Until I Heard the same horrid sound again but closer. My eyes widen and I panic scrabbling up to the exit again Only for another explosion to push me against the wall again. I scream as I feel a burn form on my leg. I tear up and quickly try and climb no longer attempting to swim. I Was running out of air and fast.
I wanted to sob as I heard the thing open again wherever these things were coming from wasn't stopping. I crawl desperately sobbing in relief when I see sun light. Only to crack when I hear that horrid scream. I swim fast not looking back. Not caring.
As soon as I was out of the tube, I hear the explosion. I lived. I was out. I sob as I break the surface. Hot tear stream down my face as I sit on a small tube close enough to keep my head above the surface as I rest. The sky grows darker and darker, and I don't want to move.
It felt like hours before I hear a familiar voice, "Amy?" Deep but smooth.
I glance up and was greeted by purple hues. "Knuckles? OOh chaos it's you." My voice breaks and I reach towards my Big brother and cling to him tightly. I cry into his neck exhausted.
"What happened Ams?" I feel him check me over stopping at the burners on my leg. I only remember getting one, when did I get the rest? I look up and knuckles eyes were dark. He looked ready to kill someone. He hugged me tightly and I clung to him.
"i-...I don't know....It was in the caves" my voice wavers. "I Couldn't see it. But there were a bunch. And-and-and" I sob when the word wouldn't come out how I wanted them too.
"....We'll talk about this later lets gets back to the pod." I nod and feel him gentle move me to his back as he starts to swim. I cling tightly to his neck and close my eyes trusting him.
It took a while, but we finally got back to the pod. I look around as knuckles lets go of me when I see we were in a safe zone again. I swollow nervously when I didn't see lulu or sonic. The rope floating in the waves untied.
"Wait....where's Lulu and Sonic?"
"Lulus still probably checking out the caves and Sonics got inside to help sort the supplies with tails." I felt dreed at knuckles words.
"We need to get Lulu out the cave now. Those. Those things are still in there. What if Shes gotten hurt!" I watch as knuckles looks at me as if deciding on what to do.
"Go in the pod and get tails to patch you up. I'll go get Lulu." I nod nervously watching as Knuckles swims off I hesitantly swim back into the pod climbing threw the hatch. I felt relief as I'm greeted with sonic and tails smile. I smile weakly back and pull my body through. I watch sonics smile fall and he rushes over puling me into his lap.
"Amy! what happened to you!" Sonic hugs me tightly as tails look me over mumbling.
I lower my ears and look down "I don't know. I was in a cave. It sounded like something opened and then a horrid scream blasted out before an explosion happened." Sonic purrs soft as tails bandages me listen intently to what I have to say. "I-I couldn't get out. I barely got to the entrance of the cave before my oxygen went out. I was glad knuckles found me."
"Knuckles? where is he then?" Tails looks up nervously his blue eye full of fear.
I look away frowning, "He went to check on Lulu."
Sonics head snapped up, "Does he know Lulu moved?"
I look at him nervously, "What do you mean? She said she was going to stick around the Pod and explore nearby caves."
Sonic's pupils dilate slightly worry clear on his face, "Well after tail and knuckles returned, we all came back here to the pod. When you didn't return knuckles went after you and Lulu said she saw a cool cave she wanted to explore a little after he left."
I felt my heart stop. "Oh chaos"
"Then we just have to hope they find each other." Tails speaks up and I wipe my head around to him.
"What!! they could be hurt!!"
"SO? If we all go then none of us could make it back!"
I pause the reality truly setting in. I start to curl into a ball praying our friends make it back safely.
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