#Shadow The Hedgehog 05
chubbidust · 9 months
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i participated in a shadow the hedgehog zine!!!!!
yall should go look (please) here's their blog: @neverturnbackzine
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in the snapcube shadow 2005 dub, shadow yells that he costs 69 cents. funny as the joke is on its own, this also implies that gerald spent all the government given funds making the biolizard, realized it was a failure, scrapped it, and used his last 69 cents to build a 3'3" hedgehog (who's only 3'3" with his heels on)
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sonadowkismesis · 7 months
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the pain down in your soul is the same as the one down in mine
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pastelspindash · 5 months
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it's shadow the hedgehog baby
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enigmaedid · 2 months
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It's just the spirit of every second of their moments
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justyalocalmoss · 2 months
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Sonic art month - Day #26 Fake screenshot I misunderstood the assignment, but I finished it and handed it in so-
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rhythmcrown · 10 months
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💥Sneak Peek: 2 Day Countdown💥
Do me a solid and feast your (Doom's) eye on a preview for the @neverturnbackzine, a collection of incredible artwork and writing pieces focused around Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) for a really darn good cause.
Hero or villain: You decide soon...
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crispy-crust · 1 year
shout out to pure eldritch lovecraftian horrors beyond my comprehension in sonic games, i miss when you were around
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beauh · 5 months
Original comic by @chacolachao you can view it here!
all voices by me!
"Sleepers" by Saosin
Hope you enjoy!
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sunlitsparks · 3 months
Something silly that I just remembered
So context for anyone who isn't aware: in the Shadow the Hedgehog game, every stage has 3 missions which determine your progression to the next stage. The Neutral mission in every stage involves ignoring all other objectives and just grabbing the Chaos emerald
Well...in one of these stages, the hero mission is to beat Sonic to the Chaos emerald.
So if you're going for the neutral mission...once you make it to the Chaos emerald, you stand and wait on the timer to run out, then grab it. Meaning effectively, Sonic made it to the emerald first.
So in that case...how did Shadow get it?
My headcanon: Sonic stood there gloating over his win, and Shadow just took the emerald from his hand and bolted
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niko-jpeg · 1 month
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Originally, Shadow 05 was not going to be in this au. But then I came up with the funniest possible way to include it in the story, and I couldn’t help myself. So you know how Camp Green Hill is set up like an animated series, with seasons and episodes and such? Well, I present to you Camp Green HIll: Shadow the Hedgehog, a post canon movie spinoff featuring our beloved moody hedgie and his adventure of accidental self discovery. The details are a little in the air right now, since I’m still finishing the base plot of CGH itself, so doodle explanations under the cut <3
Title Drop: First doodle of the batch I made, featuring Shadow and Rouge. They still work together under GUN post canon, and are cool and badass and etc. Slight design changes to Rouge because I wanted to, and Shadow rocks the button up and suit jacket combo. And yes, of course, he still has a gun.
I Can’t Draw Omega: I tried. And it did not go well, I’m so sorry Omega truthers. 
Weird Way to Meet Your Dead Beat Dad: I saw this scene vividly. After the opening sequence, Rouge and Shadow are going back to the apartment, only to be met by Shadow’s alien dad, who he does not remember. 
In the Lab, All Alone: This one’s more of a stretch, a vibe doodle if you will. I wanted to draw him in emotional distress, so I stuck him back on the Ark in the classic shitty hospital gown while he tries not to cry tears of frustration. Why? Because I said so. I don’t think it’ll make the final cut, but I had fun drawing it anyway. 
Sonic and Tails: As I said, this au takes place post canon! Now Sonic is 18, and Tails is 14! Shadow is 19 himself. However, because of just how many times Sonic has gone super, he’s begun to physically change a little. While coming down from being super has its emotional fallouts, he’s done it so many times he’s begun to grow electric yellow fur on his ears, hands, feet, and around his eyes. It also seems to be on his quills, strangely. Tails is as nerdy as ever, clearly.
Super Shadow: Unfortunately, Shadow goes super every once in a blue moon too, and it too is beginning to manifest. While at the moment the third eye is just a temporary thing while super, there's no saying if it may stick around if he does it again. A note on that as well: the only Hedgie that doesn’t go Super more than once is Silver. This is intentional, on his part, as while he was super, he found it quite a challenge to keep himself under control and has avoided it since. Who knows what his manifestations may end up looking like. 
Expressions: A surprised (though not unhappy) Shadow, contrasted with a visibly aggressive Shadow. 
Cuddle Pile: Request from the stream. Coming down from being super has its downsides, and a pretty rough mental fallout. Being a god for an hour doesn’t leave a guy unscathed, y’know. While Silver resists it initially (for various plot reasons), eventually the two are able to convince him to join the emotional recovery party Sonic’s closer friends throw him when he goes super. This usually includes blanket time, as seen here. 
Post Credits Shenanigans: I have this very vivid scene in my brain that would take place after the events of the story. Earlier, Sonic gushes about how cool he thinks Shadow actually is, under all the bitey rough exterior. Rouge, naturally, gets a recording and after everything is said and done plays it for him. This obviously flusters him. Please excuse the poorly edited blush, I realized I forgot to turn that layer back on only after I had saved the file. Oops. 
Remember, asks are open for the characters themselves, or about the au <3
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part 2 to this post!
before you add your other option make sure it's not already in the first poll!
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magmas-stuff · 4 months
Project Shadow Timeline
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An image showing the events that lead to the birth of Shadow the Hedgehog.
Higher quality link
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mashand · 3 months
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fettiowi · 11 months
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Shadow showing his sister this weird chicken he just found
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avocados-of-law · 5 months
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The joy of a chaos emerald
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