#Shadow Roach AU
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*nomnomnomnom* hm- ah yeah, dont mind me. Im having som more lunch.
TWs: Cursing and Canon Violence
‘This isn’t right.’ Roach finally signed, his gaze returning to Cupcake as he shifted himself to make sure the blond could see him. “I know… But… Orders are orders… We stick with Shadow Company, we stay alive, and we get out of here. We can put this behind us, Roach. Never set foot in or near Mexico…”
Word Count: 7,162
Shadow Company Roach AU - Chapter 11 - Detainment
With a deep breath to ground himself, Roach left the room. He, Jet, and Skunk would take one half of the hall while Crash, Cupcake, Rico and Void took the other half. But the doubt of this takeover weighed heavy on Roach’s mind.
Just minutes before they were given a handful of zip ties, just in case, from Jet. Use as many as needed. Jet’s words echoed in Roach’s mind as the seven made their way through the hallway. There shouldn’t be too many Los Vaqueros in this hall, so seven should be easily enough for their section of the takeover. Especially since this was the barracks. It was late in the day, there would be almost no one around. It seemed a bit overkill to Roach. But with Alejandro off base along with Graves, Ghost, Soap, and Shadow team 1, 2 and 3, it only left three teams to round up any Vaqueros left on base and bring them to wherever they were destined to be.
Roach had no doubt that this was the plan all along from the moment Graves got back from that mission where they lost a good bunch of soldiers, especially all of the original Shadow 3. The plan was to find Hassan, take back or destroy what missiles he took and bury anyone that stood in the way or had even a chance of getting the word out to what had happened.
Roach wasn’t sure exactly who the missiles were for, but it was obvious that it was from the U.S. Government. Specifically from General Shepherd. He was the contractor that got the previous Shadow 3 buried and Roach couldn’t entirely forgive their contractor for it. Even if he had unlimited access to the funding for the U.S. Defenses. You could never put a price on a person’s life. It felt ironic just momentarily thinking about it as Roach watched Jet quietly open the door to the barracks, Roach and Skunk behind him. He slowly and carefully stepped into the room that held the bunks for the Vaqueros.
‘There are two in here. Skunk, clear out the rest of the hall, Roach and I will take them.’ Jet signed, glancing at the two men behind him. Skunk nodded before he moved slowly through the rest of the hall. Roach held his breath for a moment as he followed Jet in. ‘I will take the one on the right, you take the left.’ Jet signed before Roach responded with a nod as the two Shadow Company soldiers quietly made their way through the barrack.
The sun had started lowering itself on the horizon. The room being bathed in an orange-ish hue that was let through the windows spaced between the bunk beds. It gave the two soldiers plenty of light to see what they were doing, but also didn’t really hide them well. Jet kept moving forward as Roach paused seeing his target asleep on the bed, no doubt sleeping due to an early patrol or something of the likes.
Roach’s footsteps were silent as he slowly approached the sleeping man. His breathing was loud to him, it being paired with the thrumming of his heart as it demanded to be let out of his ears. The Vaqueros soldier was curled up with his back to Roach, but he had started to stir, as if he knew something was up.
Roach shifted quickly to the side of the man's bed, no doubt he looked like some sort of shadow demon to the man as his eyes slowly opened and his body turned to the Shadow Company soldier as the taller male quickly went into detain him. Roach’s gloved hands grabbed the Vaqueros’ wrists as he tried to shoot up from the bed. “Mierda!(Shit!)” He gasped as he struggled against Roach as the American wrestled with the Mexican off his bed and onto the floor. The man grunted as his back hit the floor, being pinned down between the bunks that offered little space for a continued wrestling match. Roach’s legs went over the man’s hips as he quickly turned the man over and zip tied his hands behind his back. The masked man then grabbed a shirt that was haphazardly tossed on the floor nearby. The operator quickly wrapped it around the man’s head, then tying it before he stuffed some of it into the soldier’s mouth to keep him from making any more noises loud enough to startle any of the other Vaqueros that might be present in the hallway. Though it felt like it didn’t matter. The anger that pulsated from the man beneath him told Roach that the Vaquero was cursing the Shadow Company soldier ten ways to Sunday. “Lo siento mucho. (I’m very sorry.)” Roach softly spoke to the man before hauling him up. He could tell right away that this man would be a struggle to get out of the room that was tightly packed with bunks.
The man squirmed a lot, flailing his restricted body in any way he could, kicking his legs, throwing his head back. The American cursed softly underneath his breath as he dodge the thrashings. He glanced over to Jet, making sure he had also captured his intended target. Jet had him secured in the zip tie as well, the shorter man having been a little ruffled up from detaining his assigned target. “Let’s get them out.” Jet ordered before Roach nodded once more before bringing his captive to the entrance of the room. He could hear Jet following him as the two men struggled in the Shadows’ grasps. “Roach, Wait-” Roach wasn’t able to respond or even acknowledge what Jet had just said as his eyes locked onto another Vaquero that looked out of breath and absolutely startled. The man had tried to run in through the door before he skidded to a stop, seeing Roach and a fellow Vaquero that was detained.
He was trying to warn people. Without a second thought, Roach shoved the detained man in front of him into the one who had just tried to enter the room. The man caught his teammate and staggered back. It bought Roach enough time to rush forward, pushing the detained man away before using the remaining momentum to continue his stun streak with the other man. His shoulder collided with the Vaqueros’ chest right as he heard boots stomping towards him. “Roach!” Cupcake’s familiar voice greeted Roach’s ears. He glanced over at the man.
He seemed worried.
The Vaquero soon got his footing back and started to push back against Roach, the American’s attention going back to the man he was facing. The Vaquero huffed and growled as he glared into Roach’s dark visor that only reflected the man’s own angered expression. When Roach felt his feet starting to slip against the floor, he quickly maneuvered to the side. His hands gripped the man’s wrist and arm, letting him stumble forward and using that force to spin him around before Roach made him collide with the wall. Roach pushed into him before the freckled soldier wrapped a zip tie around his wrists, just like the previous man. He kept the man pressed against the wall before his attention went to Cupcake who was bringing up the man that was left on the floor from when the dirty blonde shoved him. “The rest of the section is clear… Now… Did you forget to turn on your radio?” Cupcake informed, his blue eyes glancing over at the taller man with a questioning, albeit teasing look. Roach blinked before realizing that he had forgotten to turn on his radio. He nodded slightly, before clicking it on.
Cupcake snorted as Jet exited the barracks with his captive and continued the conversation, “It’s alright, I was with him at least. Let’s get these guys to the cars. They seemed to be the only ones stationed in this area so we should be good. We’re bringing them to a prison just outside of Las Almas. I’ll be leading the way.” Roach let out a long sigh with a nod as the three pushed forward the detained men. Roach stayed a few steps behind Cupcake and Jet, not daring to get close enough for the Vaquero he was forcing to move forward to hurt either of the men.
“You son of bitches will pay for this!” He spat as he fought against Roach. “Los Vaqueros will spill your blood for betraying us. ¡Malditos pendejos!(Fucking assholes)! ¡Arderás en el infierno!(You’ll burn in hell!)” The man cursed and it made Roach’s mind falter a bit. He’s heard insults and curses before, even some more loaded from those vowing revenge before he himself had put a bullet in their head. Though the tone in this man’s voice wasn’t just bloodlust, anger, or sadness. It was betrayal. Roach pushed forward however. The guilt had started to eat away at his stomach as the man kept cursing and swearing at the three bringing him and his fellow soldiers to the cars. His mind was elsewhere as Jet spoke through the man’s cursing, the freckled man not absorbing any of it as they walked through Los Vaqueros’ base.
The vehicles were parked up front, they had been made into a makeshift prisoner transportation. The back seats were stripped of the cushions along anything that could be used to harm someone. A clear see-through plastic that was installed and screwed into place on the side of the car to separate the front and backseats.
Roach and Cupcake separated from Jet and made their way to the front car. The taller Shadow Company soldier gently made his captive duck into the vehicle, closing the door carefully so as to not hurt the man in case he tried to escape. Cupcake did the same with the man he was moving, making sure to do it at the same time as to not cause a potential runner situation. “You’ll be taking this car with Jet. Void and I will follow with the last pr… Person... While Crash, Rico and Skunk follow rear as defense.” Cupcake relayed the information they were told while the three were moving the men to the vehicles. Roach looked over at the blond with thankful eyes. It was as if the blond knew that his fellow Shadow wasn’t paying attention to Jet’s orders. The two got to know how to read each other very well. Roach could tell from the hesitation and refusal to call the men from Los Vaqueros prisoners, that Cupcake was having doubts too. They stood there in silence as they looked at the vehicle. Roach’s hazel eyes stared at the man trying to discuss something with the other in the back. ‘This isn’t right.’ Roach finally signed, his gaze returning to Cupcake as he shifted himself to make sure the blond could see him. “I know… But… Orders are orders… We stick with Shadow Company, we stay alive, and we get out of here. We can put this behind us, Roach. Never set foot in or near Mexico…” Cupcake’s voice was wavering as he looked behind them. Roach followed his gaze to see Void and Skunk loading in a car with their detained Vaquero, with Jet doing the same on the other side of the vehicle before he stalked his way around the car to the other two. “And never talk about this again. Like we agreed when we signed that contract.” ‘Cupcake…’ Roach signed, moving into view, his brows furrowed underneath his goggles. He knew his fellow soldiers, his friends. Cupcake was struggling with this and he wanted to help. “No, Roach. I… I understand. I get it.” His voice quivered, trying to harden it as he continued to speak. Cupcake’s hand moved to his goggles, moving them to then wipe away whatever tears had fallen. “I don’t like this as much as you, but this is our job. We can’t falter from our jobs. Our contracts. Even if we hate it. We have a job to do, Roach. Don’t skip town now.” Cupcake didn’t even dare look back at Roach as he put his goggles back on. He then turned and walked towards Jet, Skunk and Void.
Roach was left to wait alone by the car for Jet. He sighed and shook his head. His mind clouding up as his eyes barely let his brain register Cupcake going up to the trio and conversing with them. Roach couldn’t stomach this. It was wrong and he knew it. Taking prisoners for a war that wasn’t even theirs.
His mind snapped back to the present as he caught movement. Skunk had broken away from the group. He headed to the last vehicle out of the three that were parked. It already had Crash sitting in the passenger seat with Rico being barely visible in the back. Skunk climbed into the driver’s seat. His head slowly scanned his surroundings, not seeming to let his guard down, just like he always does on a mission. Then his blackened visor landed on Roach and gave him a small nod. It took a few seconds before Roach responded in kind before he looked over his shoulder at the car that carried the Vaqueros he and Cupcake captured.
The thoughts in his mind were back in full throttle, fighting in an all out war. And one side was clawing its way into being the clear victor.
On the one hand, Cupcake was right. All Roach had to do was just stay silent, do the job, and get out. That’s it. Simple right? Follow orders. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Follow orders.
He had to.
He… He would… He should…
Roach took in a deep breath as he realized that the two Vaqueros were looking straight at him with daggers in their eyes. If looks could kill, Roach would be labelled KIA right on the spot. And the looks made him rethink everything that has happened so far, made him think about the other side of the argument.
The side that's winning.
The side that kept that pit in his stomach from going away and slowly getting bigger and heavier as it devoured the side that told him to just follow orders. The guilt of making these men go through something that didn’t involve them at all. It was between General Shepherd, Shadow Company and Al-Qatala. No one else. These soldiers had nothing to do with it. And it devoured Roach’s mind and soul. His gut twisted as he tore his eyes away as he barely registered his call sign. The guilt ridden man didn’t even notice when his team leader approached.
“Roach.” Jet repeated, sounding irritated, “Did you even hear a damn thing I just said?” His eyebrow arched up as he tilted his head to his side. Jet never wore his goggles. Not unless it was in the field with enemies nearby. Since all of their enemies were captured by the team, there was no need for them. They rested on his helmet as his piercing icey blue eyes bore into his second in command. ‘No. I’m sorry, can you repeat?’ Roach signed. A different guilt hit him now. Not the pained guilt of his morals. Fearful guilt. Or maybe it was just fear.
Jet had his ways with his tone and cold blue eyes that made the team listen. It was like a mini Graves in training. Manipulation masked as charisma. One thing that Roach hated to admit, was that through the years, Jet had learned how to push everyone’s buttons in the way that made them tick how he wanted them to tick. How to make them listen or cower in fear beneath his words and stare.
Roach would argue that he didn’t need to do it. Jet was a natural born leader who most people naturally listened to. It was like he wanted to make sure he had some extra backup to make sure that the ones that didn’t listen naturally, fell in line.
Jet’s hand firmly gripped Roach’s shoulder as he leaned both of them closer to each other, starting to walk him closer to the car. “Look. Roach. I need you on this mission. Full attention. You can not falter, do you understand me?” Jet growled in a low tone by Roach’s ear before the taller man nodded. “Good. Now. You and I are going to take these sons of bitches to the prison. And we are going to lock them up. When we get through this, alive, you and I will have a chat about listening.” Roach felt his whole body shiver at the final words. He knew the tone and the wording well. It wouldn’t just be a lecture. The rest of Jet’s ‘problem solving’ with unobedient team members usually resulted in a brawl of some sort in the training ring, with creative insults or a worse punishment that made a person doubt their abilities. Provided that they had decided to do something that’s not according to Jet’s order and ended poorly or threatened to end the mission poorly.
Jet’s go to for Roach was how clumsy he can be. Sometimes the man was sloppy or had a bad luck streak during missions with falling or near death experiences that he always came back from. But it slowly started to not affect the freckled man as much as Jet would like. He was losing his grip on Roach. Even now, the taller male was slipping through his fingers and Roach couldn’t tell if it frightened the man or not. “Now let’s go.” Jet released Roach’s shoulder before he marched his way to the driver side of the car. He seemed tenser than usual. Was this getting to Jet? Was it that stressful for their leader that this goes well?
Roach didn’t argue though. Even if he wanted to, this wasn’t the time nor palace for it and he knew it. So he got into the passenger side of the car, making sure his ammo was good in his pistol and rifle as Jet started up the vehicle. It roared to life before the raven haired man started to drive it to the location of the prison. “What’s gotten into you Roach?” Jet asked in a softer tone. He always did a 180 whenever it came to Roach and going behind closed doors. Or at least closed doors when it came to their teammates. It wasn’t like the Vaqueros in the back would care about the two men’s relationship when they had helped capture Fuerzas Especiales and had detained them.
Sometimes, it felt like Roach was Jet’s favorite. “Nothing.” Roach responded monotonously as Jet started up the car.
He knew better than to sign when someone was driving, especially when it came to the pistol in his hand and his eyes out the window, making sure that as they left Los Vaqueros’ base, there was no one following them. Of course that’s also what Crash’s, Rico’s, and Void’s job was as well.
“You know I don’t like it when you lie, my little bug.” Jet continued. The pet name made Roach itch in all the worst ways. It caused his nose to scrunch up at the sickly sweet tone Jet was using. “Let’s just get this over with.” He responded back, having a firmer tone which only made Jet back off. At least for now. The drive was silent to the location. Or, well, silent between the two Shadow Company soldiers. Every so often their captives would bang against the plastic with their shoes or the one not gagged would yell swear or two at the men in front of them. Roach tried to not let it get to him as he made sure to memorize every detail of the drive. Every turn, every notable landmark, almost nothing went by him that he could see. He would need it. Either to return to Fuerzas Especiales’ base or just in case he needed to return to the prison.
As they approached the prison, the sun had started to set and the clouds had gathered, making the area darker. It felt like proper lighting as they pulled up to the tall walls that outline the complex. Towers about every 40 feet along the wall. Some bits of the walls had a v shaped crumble to it, the bricks and stone laying to waste on the outside. It was old and probably was abandoned for a while. That or, it was left to decay to avoid suspicion. After all, Roach had zero idea of how Graves found this place and took it over. But he did. And now, Shadow Company soldiers ran the complex. They were stopped at the prison gates by fellow Shadow Company soldiers to check and make sure it was indeed Shadow 7 with new and final captives.
“You guys didn’t happen to find Rodolfo Parra did you?” A Shadow asked all too casually after doing a quick check of who was in the cars. “No… Do we not have Rodolfo?” Jet questioned, his eyes narrowing. “Shit… Looks like we don’t. He’s just one man though right? As long as we have his team and 141 isn’t a problem, we should be fine.” The man responded with a shrug as he looked at Jet. “Yeah. We should.” The Shadow 7 team leader agreed, casting a glance at Roach. The masked man couldn’t read the expression. It was either accusatory or letting his second in command know that he didn’t believe what he agreed to. Rodolfo was a Sergeant Major and close to Alejandro. There was no way that he wasn’t a threat.
Jet rolled up his window once he and his group were given the clear to enter the complex. “I feel like whoever was tasked with taking out Rodolfo’s section should’ve captured him. He’s going to be a problem.” Jet grumbled as they drove down the dirt path. Roach agreed with a nod as their car went through the gates.
Roach hadn’t met the Sergeant Major himself, but the respect the men he interacted with had for him was strong, not as strong as Alejandro. Though a good leader usually has a good second in command.
The inside of the walls had multiple smaller buildings that needed a touch up. It felt on par with the area because there was a maze of decaying smaller walls throughout the area. One big building flanked the side. There was no doubt that’s where Shadow Company would be keeping who they rounded up from Los Vaqueros. It seemed like the main building of the prison, the grey wall having small pebbles lining it from the decay of the tops of the walls. It sent an invisible shiver down Roach’s spine as he wondered how cleaned up the place was or if they had just snatched it up and made sure the controls worked.
The cars stopped as close as they could to the building. They were lined up almost bumper to bumper, allowing some space for a person to get through as the vehicles were positioned in front of a set of two doors. There were a couple of Shadow Company soldiers positioned by it, looking bored as they looked around, one gently nudging a small pebble with his foot. Shadow 7 all left their respective vehicles, with Jet and Roach grabbing the two Vaqueros from the backseats of their car, Void and Cupcake doing the same. Roach tugged out the one he gagged, giving a sorrowful glance to the man who only shot daggers back. The Shadow Company soldier then forced the man over to the entrance, falling instep with Jet. Cupcake and Void followed in behind the two while Crash, Rico and Skunk brought up the rear.
Roach let himself slip back into his thoughts as the group made their way into what seemed to be the cafeteria. It was a good size given the building felt massive, but it was barren, chairs left in their original position by the last prisoners who had had their last meal in these walls. A couple of Shadows speckled on the walkway above, hinting at future use of the empty room, or perhaps just making sure that the group of seven were indeed with Shadow Company and bringing the captives to the correct spot. Something didn’t feel right. There were too many Shadows here for it to just be the 3 teams. Did Graves bring the rest of the PMC strictly for this? The best of the best would be stationed to capture and detain Los Vaqueros alive and bring them to the prison while the rest would be brought in to guard the prison and be stationed elsewhere? Roach couldn’t believe how secretive Graves was about this. Sure there had been secretive missions beforehand, but nothing this big. Nothing that brought the entire fleet of soldiers trained underneath the man’s watchful eyes. They usually all had different missions they would complete. How much was General Shepherd paying Graves to pull this off?
The seven made their way through the rest of the prison silently. Each person that was pushing forward a Vaquero moved their respective soldier into an empty cell. The group had to do it systematically, the control panel being further down the hall for the doors to open and close. The Vaqueros were surprisingly silent for the time being, as if each one was trying to work something out. Before Roach put his in, he took the t-shirt off, figuring it would at least feel better before he got the information over the comms to remove their zip ties. Roach obeyed before pushing the man in, hearing him curse as he rubbed his wrists. The door quickly closed behind him before the Shadow Company soldier regrouped with the rest of Shadow 7.
“Alright. Crash, Rico, Skunk and Void, you four will stay here. Cupcake, Roach and I are heading back to the Mexican Special Forces’ base to help make sure that Graves can either successfully detain or discourage Alejandro, Ghost and Soap from doing anything. Rico will be incharge until we return, any orders he gets or gives follow to a T. Good luck.” Jet ordered before gesturing for Cupcake and Roach to follow him. Roach casted a glance to the four they were leaving behind before he nodded his head in a farewell. The rest did the same before Cupcake and Roach followed Jet back to the vehicles. Roach hopped back into the front passenger seat as Jet climbed into the driver’s side, Cupcake taking a different vehicle with a few other Shadow Company soldiers.
The air was thick between the two like it usually was after a small disagreement. Roach kept his gaze away from Jet as the raven haired man started to drive the car back to the base location of Fuerzas Especiales. “We can’t keep doing things like this Roach.” Jet’s voice, that was for once soft, broke the silence. “You’re my second in command. If I have you doubting not just my decisions, but Graves’ orders. It’s not going to look good for us.” He huffed slightly. “I know you don’t agree with what is happening. It’s unfair. But we’re paid to do a job and then leave. Nothing more. Nothing less. So help your team do their job so they won’t end up dead by the hands of the enemy.” His voice started to harden by the last sentence, the man’s eyes darting over to Roach before returning his attention to the road. Jet’s words shouldn’t have hit Roach as hard as they did with the way his mind was teetering back and forth between following orders or not. He knew that via the contract that kept him employed at Shadow Company, yes. He shouldn’t disobey orders. However there was a clause, a clause that he knew well mainly because he gets bored easily and would reread the contract to keep it fresh in his memory. Roach would not be punished in any way for disobeying orders if it meant saving more lives, especially of his fellow soldiers. But this mission felt like one where that would be broken and the dirty blond couldn’t entirely figure out why.
“Bug-” “-I understand.” Roach was quick to respond, harshness filling his tone as he didn’t want to hear more of Jet’s coaxing to follow his command. It wasn’t often that they’d have this much static between them on a mission, but it was building. Once again the ride was silent as Jet drove the vehicle back to the base, Roach keeping his eye on his surroundings as usual.
It wasn’t raining yet, but when Roach stepped out of the vehicle, he could smell it through his mask. It spelled heavy rain.
Jet and Roach silently met up with Cupcake, who glanced at the two tense men before asking, “So what’s our post, Jet?” The blond asked in a cautious tone, clearly seeing the strain between the two as if it was a string in front of him. The line being pulled taut. “Cupcake, you will be sweeping the buildings with Shadow 4 and Shadow 5, checking to see if Rodolfo was stupid enough to stay here. Roach and I will be by the main gate for when Graves, Alejandro, Ghost and Soap arrive. Keep an ear out on your radio. I doubt these men will go easily.”
Cupcake nodded before parting from the group. He headed towards the building as the other two walked to the gate. Rain had just started to drizzle down as the men made their silent trek to the guarded entrance to Fuerzas Especiales.
Bright lights were shining in the distance, indicating that the duo got back just in time to see the four men return. The two glanced at each other, a silent agreement to get their rifles ready, so they slung them from over their shoulders into their hands, pointing the barrel down before they started to jog. They were still a distance away from the gate and they could not be late for the inevitability that Alejandro, Ghost and Soap wouldn’t go down without a fight. Their boots hitting against the blackened and soon wet road as the rain started to slowly come down heavier.
The gate had two lanes, one for going in, one for going out. The ceiling was propped up with eight steel beams, four being above each building that were on either side of the road. There were two barrier gate arms, one for each road, alternating in white and red, one was down, the other was up as the vehicles pulled to a stop, one under the cement cover that was lifted many feet above the vehicles.
Then they saw Alejandro, Graves, Soap and Ghost exit the vehicles. Graves was first, his rifle pointed down at the ground before his head looked over at the Colonel as he spoke. “What’s this?” Alejandro’s voice was barely heard as he quickly closed the car’s door and started towards Graves. Jet and Roach had just approached the gate, the Colonel’s arm gesturing to the Shadow Company soldiers that were stationed at the gate instead of his men.
“This is the immediate future.” Graves responded calmly. The pit in Roach’s stomach worsened as Jet and Roach took up positions by the black vehicle. “Step away from the gate.” Graves’ words weren’t a suggestion, they were an order. Roach could see Ghost glancing over at Soap and Alejandro, his eyes carefully sweeping the area as he did so. The masked man was smart, Roach had to give him that, but until he reacted, the freckled man couldn’t do anything.
“Waht?!” Soap’s disapproving and confused word rang through the rain as it continued to pour down.
“You heard me.” The Shadow Company Commander responded, keeping his tone cool and collected.
“Are you crazy?” Alejandro sounded like he didn’t believe what the blonde was telling him. His voice started to get agitated as his arms gestured to the buildings behind Graves. “This is my base.”
“It’s not a base.” Graves corrected as he shuffled forward slightly. “This is a… Sizable, covert facility. And I admire it.” A slight smile parted his lips before he continued to speak. “So I’m taking it. You boys have been relieved. Thank you for your service.”
“No no no. I don’t take orders from you” Alejandro’s eyes were focused on Graves, brow furrowing. Disbelief and pure hatred written all over his features at the gall that the American had for taking over his base. His voice was quiet as if he was trying to keep his cool, his arms fidgeting forward as if he was trying to work out some of his anger while he spoke.
Graves took another shift forward, eyes narrowing as he cooly taunted, “Didn’t Valeria say that?” There was a pause that made the air stiffen with tension, a firm and subtly accusatory tone filling his next words. “Now that makes me wonder what else I don’t know about your affiliation with a drug lord.” Alejandro glanced back at Soap, clearly trying to keep his cool while also silently asking the 141 member if Graves’ was out of his mind as the PMC leader pointed at the Colonel with two fingers near the end of his sentence. Roach could feel the straws being gripped with his superior’s words. This was insane. Was this practiced? It had to be. Everyone knew these men wouldn’t go down without a fight. So why was he choosing such antagonistic words?
A disbelieving huff left Alejandro before he softly asked, “What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo?” He took a few slow steps forward, looking down at the man with a strained smile as Soap came up behind him. He gently put a hand on Alejandro’s shoulder, slightly tugging the taller male back as if to warn him to back off.
“You’re oot of line, Graves.” Soap said, jabbing a finger at him. Roach shifted nervously. The three were all within a foot or two of each other. If Alejandro wanted, he could disarm the American, but he didn’t. “Don’t do that.” Graves said, pointing his finger back, choosing to take a few steps back. “Don’t… Do that.” His voice was somewhat playful, before it turned firm, his pointing hand moving to insinuate his words. “No one needs to get hurt here.”
“Are you thre’tinin’ us?” Ghost asked, his voice loud and echoing through the air to make sure he was heard from the other side of the front of the second parked vehicle as he shuffled forward. The Shadows had slowly started to herd in, not enough to cause suspicion, but enough so that they could glance over at each other and silently communicate, making sure each person knew things were escalating to a not ideal point.
“Soldier, I don’t make threats.” The American paused, his eyes sweeping over the three opposing men. “ I make guarantees.” Graves paused, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked between Alejandro and Soap, the Scot’s hand sliding off of the Colonel’s shoulder “So let’s not do this.”
There was a pause that felt like it lasted a long time despite only being a few seconds. “I’m callin’ Shepherd.” Soap sourly replied, only able to turn around and take a few steps before Graves responded. “General Shepherd sends his regards.” The mohawked man then stopped. Roach couldn’t see his face, but the way the conversation was going, he could only guess the disbelief written on the man’s face because of the situation. “He told me y’all wouldn’t take this well.” “He knows about this?!” Ghost’s words seemed to echo the men’s thoughts, his voice annoyed to the degree of anger that had been boiling over for a while. “He’s put me in command of this operation from here on out.” Graves quickly said as Soap shuffled back around, his attention full on the man with still muscles. “So y’all need to stand down. It’s time to let the pros finish this.” Roach had to stop himself from letting out a laughing huff. In his mind Task Force 141 and Los Vaqueros were the professionals. Shadow Company was just a bunch of hired men who didn’t want to go into the military for their own reasons. Then the freckled man’s attention went to Ghost and Soap, they had exchanged looks. Something was up and Roach shifted into a more readied position. Jet noticed, glancing at Roach and following suit, making his way around the front of the black car to get closer to Graves. “And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation? It’s not.” Graves continued to speak firmly and quickly, raising his voice at the last word. Authority and threats thrown with just the sound of his voice. “I’ve got my orders.” He said, gesturing to himself with his hand before pointing back at Alejandro and Soap. “And you have yours.”
“And who the fuck do you think you are, cabrón?” Alejandro matched Graves’ energy, his voice having a bit more anger in it as he said his last word a bit louder. “MY MEN ARE INSIDE!” Despite the attempt at keeping his voice calm, the man roared out those four words. The fire inside the Colonel could be labeled as a forest fire, and Roach only hoped the next thing out of Graves’ mouth wouldn’t add fuel to it.
“I’m afraid not.” He was throwing a canister of gasoline towards the roaring flames and Roach’s hands gripped his rifle tightly. “Your men have been…” Graves paused, no doubt thinking of how to ‘calmly’ put his next word, his lips smacking slightly “Detained.”
If looks could kill, Alejandro would be labeled with first degree. But no one had time to register that before the Colonel grabbed Graves by the shoulders, the man then acted in kind and shoved Alejandro into the nearby vehicle. Jet then quickly went and detained the taller man with a zip tie. “Graves, What the FUCK?!” Soap yelled out the last word, another Shadow going around Graves as the commander readied his weapon. Shots were fired at Soap as the man went behind the Shadow that was slowly creeping up on him this whole time. His beefy arm wrapped around the man’s neck as he used the soldier as a body shield while the Shadow Company soldiers struggled to free himself.
Roach stayed beside the car, rifle up and pointed at Soap, eyes narrowed with caution, but his finger never even hovered over the trigger. Roach’s attention was brought to Ghost, the masked man quickly elbowing the Shadow behind him before taking out a knife. He slashed at another soldier that was nearby, the man dodging back as he went to fire at Ghost before being shoved against the car. The blade soon found its place in the Shadow’s neck. Movement drew Ghost’s gaze to the man he had stunned before removing the knife and throwing it at the soldier who was trying to charge the man. Roach stood frozen though, his eyes on the fight as his brain took the worst time ever to stutter. Alejandro had managed to get his arms around Jet, who had him pressed against the car, and was choking him. “Get your fucking hands off of me-” He growled out. Before Roach could react, Graves hit Alejandro in the head with the butt of his rifle, sending the two men to the floor as Jet gasped back to life. Roach was quick to go over and help Jet out from behind the Colonel’s hands as he heard a gun fire by him. It was returned by Soap as he unholstered a pistol from the Shadow he was holding hostage. The bullets landed into the Shadow Company soldier and he went down. Roach then shot at Soap from his crouched position, one of the bullets hitting the man in his arm. A gasp of pain left Soap and sent him to the ground before Graves took it as an opportunity to go check in on Ghost. The masked man had maneuvered to the back side of the car. “Go Johnny! Get out of there!” Roach could barely hear his panicked voice as the freckled male stood up, carefully moving forward to the man on the ground. “Soap- Go!” There was desperation in the English accent before the mohawked man shoved the Shadow Company soldier off of him. The movement made Roach shoot at Soap, and whether on accident or on purpose, none of the bullets hit the fleeing man as he launched himself over the cement barrier.
Graves looked over, displeasure clearly etched on his face as his lips were pulled in a tight line. “Get him- Now!” He barked as Roach quickly moved forward, but the Shadow that was on the ground moved faster, popping up over the barrier to shoot at Soap and getting a face full of lead as Roach positioned himself right besides the now deceased man, shooting at the fleeing man, watching as his silhouette soon blend in with the trees. Roach cursed underneath his mask, feeling Graves approach his side as their eyes scanned the trees. He could hear the disappointed sigh from the man before the Commander turned his attention back to where he had left Ghost. “You there, Ghost?” He asked, trying to keep his voice calm as he raised his rifle to the rear of the car, slowly approaching it as he continued to speak after a short pause. “That was a big mistake, brother.” His voice was irritated, masked beyond what he actually felt as his last word uncovered some rough twang in his voice. “It did not have to be like this.” The man sideshuffled, leaning to the side as he poked over the corner of the vehicle to find nothing. Somehow, the masked man snuck away. “Sonuvabitch.” Graves cursed before shouting to Roach, “Find ‘em!” The freckled man nodded before checking on Jet, bringing him up. “Are-?” He started to speak. “The fuck was that, Roach?” Jet gasped softly as he stood up with the help of his second in command. The dirty blond didn’t respond as he looked away. “Doesn’t matter.” He gruffly responded as he panted, looking at the passed out Alejandro on the ground, icy blue eyes searing with hatred. His hand rubbed his throat that had a bruise starting to form the Colonel choking the American out. “Shadows, this is Graves. Shadow 1 I want you to take Alejandro Vargas to the prison. Shadows 2, 3 and 7, you’re with me. We’re sweeping Las Almas for Ghost and Soap. They are to be killed on sight.” Graves’ voice rang out in the rain as well as being echoed on their radio.
A/N: Omg this was such a long chapter holy shit. Let me know if you want me to keep longer chapters like this together or separate cause I'm kind of on the fence about it. Either waaaaaay. Tension is building and we're finally intertwining with the in game lore! Hope y'all enjoyed!
@fastleopard1521 - @whateverdraws1008 - @glitter-anon-asks - @olibird - @chaosgoblindoodles
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Livestock AU pt. 2
- Kangal! Price and Llama! Alejandro are very proud of their land and territory. Alejandro only lets in a few dogs Price of course they’re old friends and Border Collie! Gaz, on one condition, Alejandro does the discipline.
- The ewes hybrid finds Alejandro very handsome and he always gets the treats the farmer gives the sheep. The small Lambs will scream and cry if they get lost and Alejandro will go rescue them.
- When rams are introduced into the herd Alejandro has to give the poor ram hybrid a long list of Dos and Don’ts (mostly don’t). Alejandro is highly protective of his ewes and will not take disrespect towards them.
- the heard of sheep is renounced for their wool production so theirs about 6,000 sheep Gaz is the only heard dog working there (because Al can not stand anyone else than agreeable Gaz)
- Gaz has befriended most of the Ewes and has a good rapport with most of the Ewes there is one older one, who gives him shit and calls him Sonny, Honey, and Sweetpea while not moving.
- Gaz does a lot of bearding of the sheep walking the parameter and reporting back to Alejandro. Alejandro spends most of his time with the Lambs or pregnant Ewes who walk the field. He chooses to be in the center of the herd.
- Price speaks with the head farmer often with Laswell to protect the farm better, then spread out to tell their underlings.
- Kangel! Ghost mostly walks around the perimeter of the farm’s land marking his territory and scenting the area to keep pesty coyotes and wolves away. Usually Barn Cat! Roach follows after Ghost
- Ghost struggles to socialize with the other dogs and sees all herds as his true family. The Farmers had to socialize with him and Ghost bonded with Price first, shadowing him before branching off
- Ghost have the deepest scariest bark and the first time all the herd animals heard it they ran for it hiding behind their guardian.
- Ghost also prefers the cats for their quietness (except for Roach who can have a one-way conversation with himself) Ghost tried to snide Laswell once got the smacking of his life (Laswell has his most respect besides Price)
- Great Pyrenees! Soap was added before Gaz but after Ghost. When the fowls were added they were too noisy for either Price or Ghost. So soap was brought in. Sociable and talkative will know all the inside bird drama from the duck, chicken, and Goose Hybrids.
- Soap spends most of his move getting the birds into their fields and feeding them before walking the inner area looking to help anyone who needs it. Usually ends up Chilling with Rudy since Al forbids him in the sheep acres (gets very sad when Gaz has to lead to do his job and not chat with him. Have tried begging Alejandro still refuses. Did cry himself asleep he really wanted to hug the fluffy ewes and lambs)
- Soap sometimes shadows Ghost and slowly his happy calmish demeanor rubs off on Soap and becomes his second bonded friend. After the morning recon, they explore the scents to see if theirs any threats, and then Soap runs off to tell Price and gather the boys
- Soap is a strong guardian dog once the fowl were moved to a field and a building was erect Soap ends up fighting off the Coyotes often at night who try to snatch one of his gossiping birdies. Ghost does Join since that’s where the action is.
- Coyote! Valeria and Soap have the most enemies-to-lover vibes while having the gayest vibes too. They flirt but in like a hateful way. Valeria has a mate somewhere and goes after the fowls mainly when she and her mate are having pups or to piss off Soap.
- Barn Cat! Laswell was gotten before any of the livestock and when both Alejandro and Price were added she instantly put them in their place. Al and Price like having her import and her inner network of barn cats from other barns do a lot of inter-barn cat political activities.
- Roach and Laswell sometimes go off for a few days to the cat conference and come back with knowledge! Once Rat! Makarov invaded and wreak other barns Laswell was very adamant about catching that criminal
- Laswell needed more men and told the Farmer she needed more soldiers that’s where Barn Cat! Farah and Alex were added and they have been waging war
- Makarov and his forces once trapped Alex and got his leg caught onset some debris. He has a permanent limp but still works as a Barn cat.
- Makarov and Konni forces live under the dirt and in tight spots spying.
- the farmers got so annoyed they gathered SpecGru hunting association (hunting dogs ready to hunt rats) they got a lot of Makarov’s forces but rats reproduce quickly so they came back
- lastly added to the man Guardian and the farm were the Goats (mostly use to make Goat cheese) was Alpaca! Rudy. A very pretty hybrid that Al instantly was attracted to. Rudy is a good alarm system but isn’t likely to fight but will.
- Alejandro saw Rudy in another field and thought about jumping the fence to chat but Gaz put him in his place
- the first-time livestock guardian 141! Ran into Wolf! Graves his shadow company pack were stalking a Goat and Rudy alerted everyone.
- a tense stand-off between Ghost, Price, and Soap. They had to use intimidation to scare off the wolves.
- German Shepard! Nik is the Farmer's personal pet and likes to come around to collect the chicken eggs and sometimes tell wild stories to the young guardian dogs (Gaz and Soap haven't decided of his tails are real or not)
- Young Barn Cat! Reader tends to follow Laswell around and sit in the garden and sunbathe, stalk the chicks, and get chased off by Soap.
- Kitten! Reader and Makarov got beef after the giant ass Rat Makarov popped up next to Kitten! Reader. 141 are now on the lookout for the giant rat.
- soon once Cat! Reader grows up they will join the fight against Makarov and Konni group
Any request for this AU is welcomed!
inspired a little by @tacticalanklebiter3000 and @frogchiro
#141#call of duty#cod x reader#simon ghost riley#captain price#john soap mactavish#cod#kyle gaz garrick#modern warfare 2#cod mw2#vladimir makarov#valeria garza#alejandro vargas#Livestock Guardian Au#gary roach sanderson#kate laswell#cod nikolai#philip graves#shadow company
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dare i say shadow!roach with ur gravesroach thoughts?
omg I was literally just thinking of this hdjshfjiwid you have no idea how excited I was to see you say this, Santi!! This could be SUCH an interesting sub plot
I'm just thinking of the aftermath of Roach's almost death where he's picked up by Shadows and specifically being looked after by Graves
I understand Graves is a cocky backstabber, but his relationship with his Shadows genuinely does seem pretty wholesome, I can imagine if he got a new recruit he'd be a very attentive mentor ( I rewatched the scene in MWII where Graves keeps calling out to his downed Shadows and urging Shepherd to send backup for them, like he def cares for his men)
I was also thinking of having Graves be the one to teach Roach ASL because oof think of that extra internal conflict when Roach has to choose between helping the 141 and staying loyal to SC and specifically the man who helped him adapt to military life post-injury ughhhh
Literally, any Roach-centric pairing has me in a chokehold. Angst for days, I love it.
I feel like this could go either two ways:
Graves genuinely does care for Roach's wellbeing (as seen in canon with his actual shadows) and develops a close bond while helping Roach recover from his injuries (could lead to some interesting dynamics between Graves, the 141, and Shepherd)
or, Graves is fully on board with Shepherd's plan to use Roach as leverage against the 141 and only pretends to form a bond with him (just more trauma for Roach lol poor guy)
either way, they'd lead to some good conflict
and if you factor in the whole GhostRoach focus of this AU, I think adding a GravesRoach sub plot would be extra juicy (think of Ghost's reaction when he finds out Roach is alive and all personal with the commander of SC)
#i mapped out majority of the plot prior to mwiii so now im just debating on the whole 'graves canonically turning on shepherd' thing#& whether or not that dynamic between those two should be tweaked in this au#past!ghostroach with ambiguous present gravesroach?? all while ghost has to watch??#i wanna take a huge bite out of this idea ty santi ahhhh#shadow!roach au#i could see this making ghost sad as hell lmaooo & the internal battle for roach would be so mmm#gary roach sanderson#simon ghost riley#phillip graves#call of duty#cod#mw2#ghostroach#gravesroach#modern warfare 2#box of words#box of asks#box of posts#tfw your war buddy that u had a homoerotic maybe relationship with dies protecting u on a mission#and then years later you find him all cozy with the leader of the traitorous militia that tried to kill you and your teammates#id be livid lmao
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i was trying to make up side characters for @8um8le's space friends and thought "every show needs a grump"
i'm not gonna finish this though, so y'all can have it now o7
#2024#in which crown gets hogtied lmao#stellar city#sc space friends#sf hills#sf crown#sf roach#you might be thinking 'ezra there is already a bug character' to which i say: i like bugs there are never enough bugs#i wanted roach to have a hat that keeps his face in permanent shadow bc it makes him look angrier and more menacing if just a bit#it's also silly thinking like… he looks tall compared to the boys but he's probably only like 5'5'' at best haha#i think it'd be funny if roach was like jarringky kind to everyone other than the main boys#like he takes his hat off and holds it too his chest and does a lil bow with a sweet smile#and the boys are like wtf you only hate us??? and yes yes he does#man… i have never drawn more comics than when i started hyperfixating on sun and moon that's so wild#actually i think almost all the stuff i've drawn since that started in sept have made me so happy#feels like my love of art increased tenfold it's insane#and that love feels the most prominent when i'm just… doodling other people's au and oc on here lately yknow?#so much joy packed in that even if they never see it: this was just some normal person's little world that i get to visit for a little while#that's so special to me#anyway that's probably too much introspection for today so!#thanks for reading these tags if you did :) i hope you all have a lovely day xoxoxo
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On the last (two) Meta Knightmare(s)...
Before settling down for the night to look for Susie's crazy cousins, a number of Allies recounted their backstories, including Adeleine. Her big bro must be so proud of her!
(Again, credit for both this art and Noir himself goes to @desultory-novice)
Then the next day, Pikiria was flying through space to locate the Mages, with her father anxiously keeping track of her. Even as she selflessly pushes her luck by flying into Gabbel's thunderous atmosphere, it can't get that bad, right?

Chapters 14 and 15 of MKMIV: The Unforgettable Star-Studded Finale out now on AO3!
#kirby#meta knightmare fanfic#kirby au#kirby fanfic#meta knightmare fanfic memes#meta knightmare 4#meta knightmare iv#noir fontaine#noir (dms human form)#VOTE NOIR!!!#adeleine#taranza#pikiria#pirka#pirka kirby#dark meta knight#shadow knight#yes i know this is a day later than the usual late#i was really struggling to think of something for the second meme#dadranza#that's what i'm tagging anything with taranza being pikiria's dad#he's such a good dad he doesn't deserve this! :(#(what to call mom secty though? momtonia? sectonimom? sectonima? oh i actually like that last one!)#i guess paparanza could work but it sounds like papa roach to me so no offense to them but i'm not sure if i love it that much#(although at least it goes well with sectonima)
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Lia's Cod Masterlist
Hi lovelies! This is my official CoD Masterlist to those of you who wish to have an overview of my content so far and future content. This is a short navigation of my works and I hope you guys enjoy it.
These are all arranged in chronological order :3
Edit: I published it by accident 😭
Edit as of January 7, 2024: I will be editing my rules soon and though I have 18+ (only to indicate my age) in my bio, that doesn't mean that any minors cannot interact, you can because all my works are sfw (as far as I'm aware there are a few suggestive works). Even if they were nsfw, your internet consumption is not my responsibility and I'm not uncomfortable if you do decide to consume that content under the impression that you know what you are getting into once reading it.
This is all my replies to asks that are not content:))
This is the tag link to all my content that is my wroks
The dividers are brought to you by @anitalenia, who happened to so kindly and graciously accept my request and the amount of edits it took, I'm so sorry for the amount of work it took you love. Thank you so much for these amazing dividers and for being so patient with me even though you have work 😭🩷
Dating Headcanons Part 1
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Dating Headcanons Part 2
Characters Included: Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski
Dating Headcanons Part 3
Characters Included: König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves (+ some headcanons including the Shadows), Makarov???
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Synopsis: More headcanons and scenarios of Kyle "Gaz" Garrick as your partner.
Engagement Headcanons and Scenarios
Synopsis: Headcanons and Scenarios of Simon "Ghost" Riley before, during and after proposing to you.
Husband!Character/Wife!Character Series:
Simon "Ghost" Riley Version
John Price Version
John "Soap" MacTavish Version
Husband! and Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley Series:
These are can be seen to be related to my Ghostie series.
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Synopsis: Simon as your husband.
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley Drabble
Synopsis: Short imagines.
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley Imagines List
Synopsis: A bunch of scenarios with Dad!Simon.
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley w/ a sick baby Headcanons and Imagines list
Synopsis: You and your husband take care of your sick baby. (Mainly your husband)
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley with a Pregnant!Wife!Reader
Synopsis: How Simon was during the pregnancy and delivery of your baby girl.
Baby fever Scenarios and Headcanons with Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Synopsis: Simon having baby fever because of his little one.
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley Date Night Things
Little Ghost (Ghostie) Series:
My AU of Simon Riley with finally a family of his own, this is a self-insert with the reader being Simon's wife and my OC as their daughter.
Little Ghost
Synopsis: Your husband Simon came home to a surprise from you and Ghostie (Fluff).
TF141 Interacting with Little Ghost Hcs
Synopsis: Headcanons of TF141 interacting with Reader and Ghost's daughter.
More Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley and Taskforce Moments With Little Ghost
Synopsis: Halloween and other moments and headcanons for Ghostie.
Realizations (Simon "Ghost " Riley x fem!Reader)
Synopsis: How you and Simon, the parents of Ghostie met.
Baby fever Scenarios and Headcanons with Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley (Ghostie)
Synopsis: Synopsis: Simon having baby fever because of his little one (gn! Ghostie).
Little Ghost Holiday Drabble
Synopsis: Baking during the winters with your kids and husband during the holidays.
Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley Drabble
Synopsis: After a lengthy divorce, you and your now ex-husband have gone your separate ways, though your daughter keeps you tied to him. What happens when something brings you back to what you've been avoiding?
Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 2
FWB!Simon "Ghost" Riley
"Your girl?" "My girl.."
Synopsis: Your ex finds himself at your doorstep ready to beg you to take him back after he cheated on you, unfortunate for him, your "best friend" Simon was there on the look out for you..
"Your girl?" "My girl.." (Part two) (NSFW)
- Part two written by @blingblong55
Cowboy!Outlaw!141 (My version)
Cowboy!141 x Noble's Daughter!Reader (My Version of the AU)
Synopsis: Being the daughter of a noble is a jarring task as you must be always able to keep up appearances, so what exactly happens when your family hires 4 men? Men who seem dangerous yet you know nothing about, all happening to be part of the same group of people. What happens if they take an interest in you? Someone unattainable, forbidden yet also undoubtedly tempting..
Villain!Ghost AU
Villain!Ghost x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
Synopsis: Your husband wishes for your company..
(This will have it's own Masterlist)
Bringing your boyfriend/girlfriend to Sephora or a cosmetics store
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Dad!CoD Character Scenario (Imagine?)
Characters in mind: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, König, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
What Type of BF/GF CoD Characters would be
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Their Reaction To You letting go of their hand while you're out in public
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
How CoD characters would react to someone making fun of their s/o's trauma (Requested)
Characters Included: Simon Ghost Riley, Kyle Gaz Garrick, König.
Dad!Cod Scenarios
Synopsis: Them as dads, what type of dad they'd be
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Comfort Headcanons And Scenarios Of Cod Men With Your Kid
Synopsis: He has a romantic relationship/connection with you (Singleparent!Reader) and he comforts your little one, making you further realize how much he loves and cares about you and your little one.
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra.
Orange Peel Theory With Cod Characters
Synopsis: Would they peel an orange for you? (Scenario based on the test from TikTok)
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
A little something of Simon Riley x Bookworm!Reader
What they do while you get ready
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick.
Synopsis: How you and Simon, the parents of Ghostie met.
Daisies and Talks
Synopsis: Your boyfriend Simon Riley finds you secretly visiting his mother's grave.
Crinkled Polaroids
Synopsis: Simon find you again after a few years, however things weren't in his favor.
Synopsis: How does one go "You're Too Sweet For Me" to "My Baby's Sweet As Can Be"? Simon Riley finds himself stuck in a situation, growing feelings for his roommate who's so annoyingly caring, domestic, sweet and too good for him. What happens when he let's himself indulge in the sweetness rather than cage himself in the bitter life he's been told is the only one he's deserving of and the only life he's known?
Disclaimer: Details on sexual intercourse (NSFW???)
Ex-Boyfriend John Price MiniFic
Synopsis: John sees you again for the first time after 3 years.
Masked Men Drabble
Characters in mind: Simon "Ghost" Riley, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Price Quokka Drabble
Spiderman loving bf (Gaz) x hello kitty loving gf (you) drabble
Nothing's new...
Synopsis: "You were a wonderful experience" "And you were... everything.." (Simon "Ghost" Riley) (Angst)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Civilian!Reader Drabble
Husband!Simon x Pregnant!Wife!Reader Drabble
Boyfriend! Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Drabble
Synopsis: Simon after his nervousness about your pregnancy fades.
Comfort with Price (Requested)
Synopsis: Your husband comforts you after a bad day.
Price makes his daughters cry (Drabble)
Farah Karim x Reader Drabble (Angst)
Cuteness Aggression Drabble (CoD men x reader)
Domestic Drabble (Babies, Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader and John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader)
Pregnancy (Chunky Babies) Drabble (Simon Ghost Riley x Pregnant!Reader)
Mornings with Simon Riley
Lia's Writers and Blog Recommendations
#cod x reader#aethelwyne lia writes#ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#cod headcanons#simon ghost riley x reader#konig x reader#task force 141#masterlist#cod masterlist#shadow company x reader#los vaqueros x reader#kortac#cod mwiii#cod mwf2#cod mwii#cod mw3#cod modern warfare#task force 141 x reader
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☽COD Characters + Mythical/Monster/Weirdos AU☾
𓆣 Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Phillip Graves, Keegan, König, Horangi, Nikto
No one's ever dared to venture further past the crossroads. Anyone who goes beyond the rusted metal fence that marks the passage the lumberman takes never comes back. You don't got much of a choice but to take the hike when your car breaks down in the middle of the woods. Surely, the feeling of prying eyes watching as you tremble and make your way past the fence and through the lonely road is only your paranoia. Oh, what a convenience! The lumberman who introduced himself as John invited you into his cabin. You'll ignore the dark stains of old blood on his porch steps for the sake of your body in need of warmth.
He who remained silent and shrouded in the dark. Who only saw the dazzling lights dimming as the calling of the audience faded out into the background. And you, standing in the center of an empty stage, staring into the dark. A shudder overcoming you and you feeling as if someone was watching you. Glancing towards the highest box, you knew he had watched your performance. You knew him as Ghost, he never let on more than this cognomen. He was the shadow that was always looking over your shoulder. The faint silhouette in the background of harsh and vivid stage lights. Here was his hand, resting upon your skin. The hand that would not harm you. The graze of an igniting fire burned under his skin, here his suffering had originated; from attachment, from desire. This craving he dared not to fulfill. He vowed to himself to feel it as deeply and express it as he pleased. Unfortunately for you, this ravenous hunger was long out of hand.
Johnny was dared to venture out and explore his town at midnight to prove the existence of the local folklore shapeshifter; you. Being the daredevil he is, he couldn't pass up on this opportunity. You were said to take form in many different ways; sometimes an animal like a raven, some force of nature like wind or water, and on rare occasions in human form. Your presence was very evident by the change in the air, the piling tension that caused his camera to turn off, his flashlight flicker and goosebumps break out on his skin from the chilling wind. He has no evidence of that night, despite standing before you in your human form. He's now set on proving your existence which causes a cat and mouse dynamic to form between you.
You assumed the man, Kyle, that you saw once on the riverbed had been swimming. Clearly, he's handsome. Only, his appearance is... alluring, drawing you in, luring you right into his hands. You don't even feel the scales as he caresses you, his hands going over the map of your body. He's already memorizing where all your bones are, takes notice of where the most fat is on your body as his hands mold and play with it. He can already imagine how soft your skin is, how easy it would be for his teeth to sink into the flesh. His seductive voice and gaze only serve to invite you to wade in the water. Maybe he'll toy with you, you seem so sweet and willing.
Having a roommate is a hit or miss. But what are the chances that roommate is deceased? Rarely does one get along with a dead roommate, but that certainly is not your case. 'Roach', as you called him, "because what type of name was Gary?" dwelled- er, haunted the college dorm you shared. At first, communication was difficult and arguments broke out often, resulting in broken and damaged furniture. Guess that's what happens when your first time messing around with an ouija board goes wrong. It also gets awkward when you wanna try and bring your girl or boyfriend over and you can't make out without acknowledging the horrified ghost in the corner.
You were a forgotten deity; your followers gone. You thought the portal between your world and the mortals was forever sealed, the entrance never to be opened again. Until, one day you're able to pass through to catch a glimpse of an altar made and dedicated to you by Alejandro. He's the most loyal devotee you've had in a long time; every night and every day he lights a candle to you and kneels to pray. Even if he doesn't have access to the shrine he's made for you, he carries one around in his pocket; a stitched image of you along with a symbol. He swears he can feel as you embrace him in your saving veil of grace and grant him protection.
Rudy's crush has gotten so out of hand the poor, sweet man doesn't know what to do with himself. He blushes and freezes whenever he's blessed to be in your presence. Anticipation building within the walls of his chest, antsy to tell you, to confess. If only that doubt didn't plague his mind. Would you be spooked by his way of life? Certainly, modern witches weren't being put on trials and burned anymore, but the social repercussions could be considered equal. Guess he'll go back to perform another manifestation ritual. Don't be surprised at the sudden fluttery effect you start to magically develop one day when you see him.
Having a vampire boyfriend has its benefits. The cons are few; while you're getting your life sucked right out of you, Phillip only seems to revivify and grow younger. He also has little to no self-control and he always holds his age and 'wisdom' over your head, using his 'better sense' to get you to change your mind. On the bright side, thanks to him you've started to save on using tampons + pads while on your period. He also keeps you in check and healthy by not letting your blood levels imbalance, after all, he feeds off of you. Loves going down on you whilst biting your neck and drawing blood. Something about being so close to biting an artery or vein that could spill too much blood and leading you to death yet he chooses not to.
You moved out to the south seeking for a tranquil pace of life. This town had a strange feeling to it, an underlying horror and emptiness; the effects of a ghost town. Under the silver moon one night, you come upon a field, a stretch of land with pasture stretching for many miles. The cattle guarded under the watchful eye of Keegan. The wind rustled the trees as they made a haunting whistling sound. Shadows seemed to dance along the edges of forest as he motioned you over to his campfire, his horse tethered to the log he rested his head against. His eyes captivated the soft glow of the moon as you listened to him speak of guarding this piece of land for many years. He coaxed you to get comfortable, to not leave right away, in fact, you could stay for as long as you wanted. And unless your senses catch up to you, you'd stay caged in this corner of the world, roaming as a ghost.
König couldn't bear to see you whither away as life was slowly drained out of you. Night and day he listened to your sorrows as you spoke of your fear of dying. You couldn't bear to rest in the cold grave, alone for eternity. The townspeople swore he must've gone mad when you died, he obsessed over you dead more than when you lived. He had installed a burial bell, slipping the rope into your lifeless hands. He refused to pay anyone else to wait the long hours of the day and night. Red rimmed eyes from crying, black circles from the sleepless nights, didn't even register the throbbing headaches. And could it be his delirium or did he hear the bell ring? He was quick to grab a shovel and start digging.
Gumiho Horangi who got close to you only for the sake of stealing your soul. He had been digging through the soil, searching through the foul smell of decomposing corpses to find a human heart to devour. You had been on the graveyard shift when he spotted you and decided he'd much rather prey on a living human rather than be contented with decaying corpses. A method of absorbing your energy resembled the act of kissing as he would open your mouth to inhale your essence. You became to know the true meaning of intertwined love when he planned to embed a 'fox marble' in your abdomen and therefore take all your energy. He, however, fell in love with you over time and vowed to never eat another human so he could become human and live with you.
Nikto always talks to the patients on his table, he thinks it helps them loosen up. They're always so stiff and cold when he takes them out of the freezer. When he pulls back the cloth covering your face he can hardly greet you as he's taken by your beauty. His gloved hands run through your hair as he gazes into your lifeless eyes. You're too pretty by the time he's done dolling you up that he feels sorry you'll only be placed in a box and buried six feet deep underneath the soil. He reckons you'll be much happier in a comfortable home, with someone to care for you rather than the cold cemetery where you're sure to be forgotten about. He swore you told him yourself!
#john price#price x reader#captain price#simon ghost riley#simon riley x reader#simon x reader#soap x reader#john soap mactavish#gaz x reader#kyle gaz garrick#roach x reader#gary roach sanderson#alejandro x reader#alejandro vargas#rudy cod#rudy x reader#phillip graves x reader#keegan russ x reader#keegan p russ#keegan x reader#konig x reader#horangi x reader#andre nikto#nikto x you#nikto x reader#cod fanfic#cod headcanons#rodolfo parra#rodolfo rudy parra x reader
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Sweet Smoke
Drug dealer!azriel. Modern AU. Fem! reader
Warnings: Drug useage. Drug dealer Azriel. Smut. Fingering. Oral F! Rec. praise kink. Dirty talk. slight degradation at the end. unprotected sex (wrap it up people). Explicit language. Not proofread.
A/N: I've had this idea for a while. Az just seems like he'd be a lowkey dealer tbh, atleast in my head. I haven't wrote smut in a while so hopefully it's not terrible. Please let me know if i missed any warnings, I did my best to include them all. Enjoy!
Why I had agreed to Tara bringing me to this party, I've got no fucking idea. She always knows how to get me to agree to shit last minute. The loud bass was beginning to hurt my ears as I tried squeezing past drunken idiots and people who really needed to find a room.
Finally I found a door that led outside. Stepping out onto the wooden porch, I pulled out the spliff I rolled before leaving the house. Exhaling the sweet smoke as I closed my eyes. Enjoying the break from people as I stood in the night breeze.
I'd lost track of where Tara went an hour ago. After a long hard day at work, I wasn't in the mood to babysit. I took another hit as I gazed up towards the stars. Night time was always my favorite. Especially when the moon was full and at its highest peak.
A cough startled me. I turned to my right, finding a man sitting on one of the lounge chairs. "Shit, sorry. Didn't realize someone else was out here." I lifted my shoe, ready to put out the ember on the sole. I hated leaving my ash on people's property. The velvety voice that spoke had me pausing,
"Nah, you're fine. I was getting ready to do the same. Care to join?" He offered as he had a fresh joint twirling in his hands. My eyes caught on the rugged scars that marred them. I averted my gaze quickly, holding up the burning substance between my fingers.
"I'll match you?" I offered. The stranger smirked at me before jutting his head towards the chair next to him. I took a puff as I walked over, settling in the chair. I handed him the spliff, his fingers just barely brushing against mine.
"Azriel" He said before inhaling a considerate drag. Glancing at me sideways.
"Y/N" I replied as I leaned my head back against the chair.
"Pretty name." He complimented as he handed it back. Smoke escaping his mouth as he spoke. The sight was one to behold. Even shrouded in the shadows, I could still make out dark soft curls. A glimpse of the tattoos that probably went up his arm whenever he reached over.
"You don't seem like you're interested in being here." He commented as I took another pull. I blew the smoke out before answering.
"Not particularly. Somehow my best friend managed to convince me though. No clue where she went though." I shrugged. Taking another drag before putting out the small roach that was left. I pocketed it, I hated wasting weed.
Azriel pulled out the joint that he stuck behind his ear. The flick of his lighter filling the air, the low glow of the flame lighting up his features. He was handsome. The light only giving his features an otherworldly glow. He exhaled once the joint was lit. It really shouldn't be so attractive for someone to smoke.
I took it from him when he offered. His eyes were hazy, heavy, red rimmed when he looked at me. The sight filled my mind with sinful thoughts before I shoved them away.
"So what brings you here then? Not many people come to a party just to sit outside by themselves." He chuckled at my question.
"Good thing I'm not technically alone then." He teased, i rolled my eyes playfully. He shrugged slightly. "Had a few deals here tonight. Parties are good money." My eyes widened slightly.
"So you're a dealer." I stated as I took a drag. My mind was already becoming clouded by the sweet smoke.
"That I am, princess." I could make out a faint grin tugging the corner of his mouth. His tongue darting out to wet his lips. Cotton mouth, it was the worst.
I handed him the joint. "I'm good on that." I muttered as I sank into the chair. I didn't want to get too faded. Especially with not knowing where Tara was. I'd probably be walking home.
My phone dinged from an incoming message. Speak of the devil.
"Heyyyyy. I'm going home with some hottie. Don't wait up."
I let out an annoyed huff. Of course she'd leave me here. I responded back with a simple okay before standing up. Brushing my pants from any lingering ash that may have fell on me.
"Well thanks for including me in your circle but I better get home. Gotta work in the morning." I was already dreading the walk back to my apartment. It was easily a twenty minute walk.
He raised a brow at me. "So soon huh? Need to take your friend home?"
"No. She actually left already. Something bout meeting a guy." I shrugged. "Anyways, I gotta go. Its a considerate walk."
He shook his head, standing. "Let me take you home. No reason for you to be walking in the dark at eleven at night. Just asking for problems." I opened my mouth to protest.
"Don't even. Lets go." He was already opening the door to walk back through the party. I let the argument die in my throat as I followed him. We didn't speak to anyone on the way out thankfully. Tara always took twenty minutes to tell everyone bye and I despised it. When I was ready to go, I was ready to go.
I was two steps behind him as we exited the house. He approached his car, opening the door for me. I slid into the leather seats as he shut the door. Leather and the lingering smell of his cologne hit me. It was oddly...comforting.
He slid into the driver seat before handing me his phone to type in my address. The engine turned over, the soft purr of it reverberating in my chest before he shifted into gear and drove off.
"So, you know my job. well my side business anyway." The side of his mouth twitched in a smirk. "What is it you do?"
My hands rubbed together, a nervous habit I had. "Uh, I work at a dealership. Parts specifically."
I could feel him look at me in the peripheral view. "Huh. Would not have guessed that one."
"Well if dealing is your side gig, whats your main one?" I shot back. Heat rushing to my cheeks for some odd reason.
"Tattooing." He stated plainly. I looked at him, my eyes roaming over him. Yeah, I guess I could see that.
He turned down my road. My apartment complex coming into view. A small part of me was disappointed our time had come to an end. Knowing my luck, I wouldn't see him again either.
He stopped infront of my building. "Thanks for the ride, and smoking with me." I said quietly before reaching for the door.
"Wait." His voice had me pausing. His hand was outstretched. "Let me give you my number." I debated it for a second before handing him my phone. He quickly typed before handing it back. "If you ever need grass, or maybe a smoke session, just send me a text. I'm free most of the time unless I've got an appointment set up."
I nodded before opening my door. "Thank you again, Azriel. I'll uh see you around." He gave me that smirk that made my heart flutter.
"Yes. you will."
I shut the door and watched him drive off. A small smile etched itself on my face and didn't leave even after I fell asleep.
A couple of days had passed since the party. I still had yet to text Azriel. I wasn't sure what to even say. Writing and deleting messages over and over until I'd eventually give up.
Until one day when I came home from work. I'd set my bag down on the kitchen island with a sigh. Pulling my hair out from updo I threw it in, in a hurry to get to work. Walking into my room to grab my rolling tray when I realized I was out of flower.
I let out a frustrated groan. Rubbing my hands over my face in irritation before sucking in a breath. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, finding his contact and hitting text messages.
Anxiety swirled in my gut as I typed.
"Hey, it's Y/N. Mind helping a girl out with some flower? I got cash."
My thumb hovered over the send button. Contemplating on whether this was a good idea or not. I hit the blue button before I could back out. Throwing my phone on the bed before standing to grab a change of clothes. After the day I'd had, I wanted a hot shower.
I stepped out of the steaming bathroom when I was done. Already feeling ten times better than before. Throwing on a oversized tshirt and spandez shorts. I grabbed my phone, a message from 5 minutes ago showing on my screen.
"Be over in 20."
It was simple and straight to the point. My eyes widened suddenly. Shit. I had 15 minutes before he was here. I scurried around my apartment. Double checking that everything was tidy and neat. My hands were clammy as the nervousness came back tenfold. Why was I acting like a teenage girl seeing her crush? I heard my phone ding again.
My thumbs moved with lightning speed.
"Unit 101. Door's open."
I let out a breath, hoping to calm my fraying nerves. A knock sounded on my door shortly after. "It's open!" I called from the kitchen, trying to find anything to busy myself.
I grabbed a glass of water before turning around. I damn near dropped it. He seemed taller than I remembered. He shrugged his leather jacket off. His black t-shirt fit snuggly on his chiseled body. The muscles in his arm seemed to make the fabric stretch more than it could handle. Dark jeans and boots to match. I was right when I wondered if he had tattoos up his arms. Swirls of dark ink contrasted against his golden brow skin. An eyebrow piercing I somehow missed adorned his left brow. He looked absolutely delicious.
His deep voice drew me out of my thoughts. "Hey."
"Hey." I replied. Watching as he took in my apartment. It wasn't much. Simple couch with the coffee table. Small tv mounted on the wall. Pictures hung sporadically.
"Nice place. Just you here?" He questioned as he met my stare. It felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs.
"Yeah. Not particuarly into the thought of sharing my space with someone." I shrugged, feigning calmness. "You want anything to drink? I got water, tea, coffee, liqour?"
"Water's fine. Thanks." Azriel shifted on his feet before walking into the kitchen with me. Standing on the opposite side of the island, his toned forearms leaning against the surface.
I slid the glass over to him, ice clinking against the sides.
"So, how much are you wanting?" Azriel asked after taking a sip. I'd almost forgotten why he was here til then.
"Oh. An eigth would be fine. I can normally stretch it two weeks unless i have a terrible day." I reached for my purse, grabbing my wallet.
"Don't worry about it." He told me as he pulled a bag out of his pocket. "Consider it a first time buyer discount." That damned smirk pulled on his lips as he looked at me.
My brow furrowed slightly. "You sure?" It seemed wrong to not pay him, especially after he gave me a ride home a few nights ago. His shoiulders lifted into a shrug.
"Yeah. As long as you're willing to indulge me in a smoke session?" Azriel flashed me a smile then. My knees almost gave out right then and there.
"Oh, yeah. I can do that." A smile of my own appeared. I tilted my head towards the back patio door. "Go ahead. I'll grab my rolling tray and be right out." I scurried to my room. My mind racing with so many questions and thoughts. Was this a good idea?
The night air eased some of my nerves as I stepped out on the patio. Setting the tray down on the small table I had before lighting the citrus candle in the center.
Azriel grabbed the tray off, setting it in his lap as he started grinding flower up. I couldn't help but watch. His fingers prepping the paper before spreading out the flower. The motion was hotter than it should be. He brought it up to his mouth, darting his tongue along the seam. His eyes met mine as he did so and I thought my heart would stop right there.
I averted my gaze quickly, hoping the shadows hid the blush that covered my cheeks. Heat building in my lower gut. I heard the flick of the lighter once, twice before the flame came to life. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him sealing the seam.
"You're awfully quiet over there." His voice startled me slightly.
"Just thinking is all. I get into my head a lot." The air between us felt tense. Charged with something I couldn't put my finger on.
He sparked the joint to life. That musky sweet smoke hitting my nose. He took a drag before passing it to me. Our fingers brushed as I took it from him. The action making that heat return to me.
"Bad day at work?" I could feel his eyes on me as he asked. Taking a couple drags before nodding my head. Bad didn't even cover it. I passed the rolled flower back to him.
"That's an understatement. Sometimes I wish I'd never gone into the auto industry. Too many entitled assholes, people love to argue with me over things cause I'm a woman so that immediatley make me incompetant." A scoff left me at the memory of today. An older gentleman wanted to prove I was wrong until my manager had stepped in. The customer had quickly shut up when he realized I was right.
Azriel let out a hum of agreement. "Men love to tear a woman down whenever they can. I see it far too often to one of the girls at the tattoo shop. Most of the time we throw them out." Smoke escaped with each word he spoke.
Those amber eyes met mine then. "If I was your manager though, I probably would've socked the guy in his mouth."
His confession made me flush. He reached over to hand me the joint once again. My mind was already beginning to feel it, my eyelids becoming heavy and tingling. My breath caught when his touch lingered on my fingers for an extra second. His eyes never once straying from me. I took two puffs to calm down my erratic heart rate. The substance was almost burnt to the filter. I handed it back to him.
He used the ashtray to put it out. Leaving it on the side of the glass bowl. We sat in silence for a moment. Enjoying the calmness of the night as the candle casted a warm glow over us.
"Y/N?" He broke the silence.
"Hmm?" My eyes were heavy, and my mind was fuzzy.
"Mind if I go in and grab my water?" I turned my head to gaze at him.
"No, actually I'll go with you to get mine too."
We stood from the chairs. I blew the candle out before walking in with him. Suddenly feeling exposed in my shirt and shorts as I walked in front of him. Almost as if I could feel his eyes roaming over me.
The low lighting of the kitchen caught on his eyebrow piercing, catching my attention. He eyed me over the rim of his glass before taking a sip. I felt hot, extremely hot. Maybe it was the grass. Yeah It had to have been the grass. Definitely not the way his eyes roamed over my bare skin.
I took a sip of my water. The liquid doing nothing to satiate the heat building under my skin. I watched his adams apple move as he swallowed. Wondering how it would feel to skim my lips over it. Nipping at that golden skin with my teeth.
"See something you like Princess?" His eyes held amusement, catching me staring at him. My cheeks reddened at the pet name he'd used before.
"Oh I- uh." I stammered, unsure of what to say.
He chuckled lowly at my stumbling. "You know, I spent all four days after the party wondering when you'd grace me with a message." His bloodshot amber eyes met mine. Darkening when he saw the redness of my cheeks. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. I couldn't stop myself from looking. Wondering how that tongue would move against me.
"Imagine my delight when you needed me. Though I can't lie, I was hoping it was for more than tree." He stepped around the island, coming up behind me. His hands grasped the edge of the island on either side of me, caging me in. I could feel the heat of him on my back. The hair on my neck standing up when his warm breath hit my skin.
"Tell me princess," His lips brushed against the shell of my ear, sending a chill down through my spine. "Is that all you wanted? Just some flower?"
I couldn't control the way my body instinctively leaned into him. My back hitting his chest. My eyes fluttering at the low octave of his voice. Desire building low in my belly.
"Need an answer darling." His voice was a hum as he leaned in closer. I could feel the ghost of his lips along the side of my neck.
"No." The word was quieter than I intended. I was almost afraid he didn't hear me.
"No what?" Azriel questioned, his right hand coming to rest on my hip.
"No, I didn't just want flower." His hand snaked to my stomach, pulling me flush against him. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, craning my head to the side for him.
"Thank fuck." Azriel placed a featherlight kiss on the side of my neck. The feeling sent sparks over the sensitive skin. His free hand came up to my neck, gently grasping it. He tilted my head back to look at him. My back slightly arching from the position. Those amber eyes seared right through me.
"Cause I've been thinking about all the things I could do to this pretty body since the party." The words dripped with pure sin. The heat in his eyes only serving his point. My thighs clenched together to satiate my growing need.
"That what you want princess? Want me to worship this body? Have you screaming and writhing in pleasure?” Wetness pooled between my thighs at his words. Images flashing in my mind of him being on top of me, back muscles flexing with each thrust.
My response was breathy, needy. I didn’t even hesitate with my answer. “Yes.”
He twirled me around quickly. My lower back against the edge of the counter. He pressed himself against me, one of his hands tangling into my hair. The other reached down to grip my backside as he captured my lips with his in a hungry kiss.
His hard cock pressing against my inner thigh as his tongue swiped my bottom lip. A silent request that I accepted when my tongue tangled with his. His lips dominating mine. The kiss was harsh, dominating, filled with hot desire. A muffled moan left me at the taste of him. Smoke, mint and something I couldn’t place. It was intoxicating.
He smirked against my lips as he pulled my bottom lip between his teeth. “You’ll be begging for mercy when I’m done with you sweetheart.” There was a dark promise in those words.
He untangled his hand from my hair before reaching down. Lifting me effortlessly in his arms before crashing his mouth onto mine again. I could feel the stickiness of my panties at this angle. The pure need that coursed through my veins.
He walked us to my room, kissing down my neck with each step. I was thankful that I didn’t have roommates in that moment. Azriel laid me on the plush surface before climbing over me. His pupils blown wide with primal desire, I’m sure mine mimicked his.
His hands found their way under my t-shirt, the ridges of his scars giving me goosebumps. He touch was gentle, caressing. A drastic change to the way he was just kissing me. Azriel let out a groan as he palmed my breast, realizing I wasn’t wearing a bra. His thumb skimmed over my hard nipple.
“No bra? Were you planning for this princess?” Azriel’s voice was gravelly, lust filled as he stared down at me. His other hand pushed my shirt up, up, up until my chest was bared to him. A low growl reverberated in his chest as his eyes roamed over me.
“Look at you.” He praised as he took both of my tits in his palms. Kneading them with a possessive grip. “All of this just for me.” He muttered, as if he wasn’t going to let another man touch me after this.
He leaned down, taking my right nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicking and swirling. “Azriel” I gasped when his teeth grazed the sensitive bud. My back arching off the bed, a silent plea for more. A deep chuckle left him before letting me go with a small popping sound.
“Oh I’m just getting started baby.” I had no doubt about that as he turned his attention to my other breast. His hand kneading the one he’d already teased. I could feel him leaving bruising marks with his mouth. Biting and sucking harshly. Claiming me with his mouth.
“My god, I could stay like this all day.” He groaned when he sat back to admire his work. Sure enough, hickies littered my chest. Different sizes and colors that told anyone who’d see that I was clearly taken, even if only for the night. The sight only made my thighs clench together again.
He pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it to somewhere in my room. He placed teasing soft kisses down my sternum, my belly, to the curve of my hips. Azriel’s teeth scraped along the bone that made a whimper escape my lips.
I tangled a hand into his hair. The dark strands felt like silk between my fingers. He let out a grunt of approval when I tugged gently. His teeth biting, actually biting, my hip when I did so. The action made me gasp from the harshness.
I could feel his hot breath hit my skin in a silent laugh. His hands toyed with the waist band of my shorts before slowly, so slowly dragging the spandex down my legs. Taunting, toying with me. Building the anticipation of what he’d do next.
Azriel’s hands rubbed up and down the outside of my thighs before spreading them. My lace black panties covering my drenched pussy. He swiped a teasing finger up my clothed core. “Fuck. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already drenched baby.” He muttered as he situated himself between my thighs, throwing a leg over each shoulder. His breath hitting my core as he looked up at me.
“What do you want?” The pad of his thumb replaced his finger, just barely pressing down on my clit as he waited for my answer. The pressure made my breath hitch. My hips bucking upwards. More, I needed more.
“I need words, babygirl. Otherwise I’ll stop.” He taunted. His thumb slowly retreating.
“You. I need you.” I panted out. My body felt like an inferno, aching for release at this point.
“Be specific. What part of me do you want?” He was drawing this out. Enjoying the fact he was making me wait for it.
“Your tongue. Azriel, please.” The words were a needy whine as his thumb pressed down on my clit again. Harder than before. The pressure was just enough to give me slight relief but that’s all he did.
“Yeah? Want me to eat this pussy? Make you come on my tongue over and over?” His filthy words only made the wetness worse. It was almost uncomfortable.
“Please!” I cried before I heard lace ripping. I couldn’t find myself to care about the fact those were my favorite panties.
“Who am I to deny you after you beg so prettily.” Azriel’s mouth descended on me before I could reply. His tongue flattening out to lick a stripe up my pussy. Flicking my clit perfectly that had my eyes rolling back. The hand in his hair tightening as he ate me like a man starved.
Those large hands holding my hips down. Not letting me escape from his brutal mouth. His tongue flicking and sucking on my clit. Teeth gently scraping against the bud that made a strained cry leave me. My vision clouded by stars as he drove me to my orgasm. “Azriel. Oh god. Just like that. Don’t stop.” I begged under him.
He pulled back for a moment. My juices glistening on his chin as he stared up at me. One of his hands released me, only to slip a finger into my pussy. The intrusion made me free hand grip the sheets. The ridges of his scars making it feel heavenly. “Oh trust me darling. Your pussy tastes so sweet, I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted.”
He dove back in. His tongue ten times more brutal than before. His finger plunging in and out of my tight hole before adding a second. I cried out as I raised my hips. Chasing that sweet release that threatened to snap in my belly. “Az- oh god…” the squelching sound of my pussy echoed in the room, only adding to my desire.
“No God here baby. Just me.” His mouth curved into a wicked grin as he watched me writhe beneath him. “Now be a good little girl and cum for me. I want your sweet juices on my tongue.” He sucked my clit between his teeth, his fingers curling in a come here motion. It was too much. “Azriel!” My back bowed off the bed as my orgasm hit me. Hot, white pleasure blinded me as he licked me through my release. My thighs were clamped around his head in an effort to make him stop but he didn’t care. Not until he lapped up every last drop of me, even licking me off of his fingers as he stared down at me. The sight was erotic.
“So good for me baby. Think you can give me one?” He pulled his shirt off. My eyes greedily took in his physique. The tattoos on his arms came up over his broad shoulders, dipping down onto his chiseled chest. Abs that I so badly wanted to run my tongue over. With harsh b lines that dipped beneath his jeans. I could feel myself salivating at the sight. I nodded eagerly at his question.
He gripped my chin between his index finger and thumb. His eyes sharp, dark with so many emotions. “Words, Princess. I wanna hear you.”
“Yes.” I whispered. Feeling like putty in his hands.
“Good girl. Now lay back and let me take care of you like I promised.”
I watched as he undid the button of his jeans. Anticipation clawing at my chest as I watched his every movement. One thing I’m learning about Azriel? He loved to take his time. Draw out every moment that he could, leaving me to want for more.
He stood up to kick off his jeans and boxers. His hard cock springing up to his belly button. My tongue darted out, licking my lips as I took him in. He was long, and girthy. The tip was an angry red as precum was beginning to build. I so badly wanted to taste him. Wanted to gag on him til I couldn’t breathe.
He must’ve seen the look in my eye. “As much as I’d love to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock,” he stalked forward to the bed, lowering himself on top of me. “I need to feel your pussy clenching around me.” My god where did this filthy mouth come from?
I spread my legs to welcome him. His chest rubbing against my hard sensitive nipples, sending a ripple of pleasure through me. His breath fanned across my face as he stared down at me. His cock pressed against my dripping pussy. My hole clenching around nothing as I waited.
“You sure you want this?” His tone had turned softer, his gaze searching mine for a hint of hesitation.
“Yes. Please Az. Wanna feel you.” His eyes flickered between mine for a moment, but when he didn’t find any hesitation that damn smirk came back. He reached between us, lining himself up with me.
“Good, cause I really don’t wanna go another minute without feeling this pussy.” With that, he plunged into me. The sudden action make my head fall back against the bed as a cry left me. The stretch of him was a little painful but nothing compared to the pure pleasure I was feeling.
My walls tightened around him, pulling a groan from him. “Princess, you keep squeezing me like that?” He panted for a moment. “I’m not going to be able to last.” He started moving then.
His cock dragging against my gummy walls before thrusting back in. He set a harsh pace. Hitting deep inside of me to that sweet spot that made me see stars. One of my hands tangled into his hair again, the other holding onto his shoulder.
“Fuck…” I whimpered as he angled his hips just right. Hitting the wall of my cervix.
“Yeah? Feels so good doesn’t it baby. God, you’re so fucking tight. Just clenching around that cock.” I cried out at his words, my pussy clamping down around him. Causing him to release a guttural groan.
That coil in my belly became tighter and tighter with each thrust. My eyes rolling back as i lost myself in him, his touch. “Eyes on me Princess. Wanna watch you lose yourself on my cock.” My eyes snapped to his. My vision fuzzy as I stared up at him.
He placed a hand on my neck, gently holding me in place. The action sent a thrill through me, he must’ve seen the look in my eye.
“You like this?” The tips of his fingers squeezed the sides of my throat. Cutting off my air just slightly, my body clamped around him in response. “Yeah, you like that. Naughty little thing aren’t you?” His thrusts were becoming harder and harder. I was so, so close.
“God I can feel you tightening around me. You gonna cum princess? Gonna make a mess all over my cock?” He grinned down at me, the look in his eye was absolutely feral. “Come on sweetness, cum for me. Be a good girl.”
The hand that wasn’t on my throat reached down, splaying across my lower stomach before pressing down. Adding pressure to where his cock slid in and out effortlessly. His thrusts came faster, driving me home.
“Azriel!” My scream echoed in the room, my head falling back as my mouth opened in a silent cry. My eyes rolling back as my orgasm rolled through me. Pressure in my lower abdomen built uncomfortably.
“God damn, look at you. Squirting all over me. Sucking my cock back in like a needy little slut.” His voice was rough, gravelly as his thrusts became needy. Chasing his own release.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum princess.” He groaned right before his body tensed. His muscles growing taught as he let out the most sinful moan I’d ever heard. His hot seed spilling into me as he kept dragging his cock against my walls, prolonging our pleasure.
Our heavy pants were the only sound for a while. Both of us too out of it to speak as we came down from the intense high.
He leaned down to press a kiss against my forehead. “You did so good for me.” He whispered against my skin. A tired smile tugged at my lips.
He slowly pulled out, wincing slightly from the loss of him. He laid next to me, pulling against his chest. I leaned my forehead against him, savoring the soft moment.
“We’ll have to do that again sometime.” My voice was raspy from over exertion. He chuckled before tilting my head back to look at him.
“Oh we’re definitely doing that again Princess. I just need a break.” His eyes gleamed with the promise that he wasn’t done with me just yet. “I still wanna feel those pretty lips around my cock.”
After he caught his breath, he ravished me until the sun peaked over the horizon. There was absolutely no way I was going into work now.
#fanfiction#azriel x reader#azriel x you#azriel shadowsinger#azriel acotar#azriel#modern au azriel#smoking#azriel smut#azriel spymaster#drugdealer azriel#acotar#a court of thorns and roses#a court of mist and fury#a court of wings and ruin#a court of frost and starlight#a court of silver flames#rhysand#rhys acotar#feyre archeron#feyre acotar#feyre#nesta archeron#nesta acotar#cassian#mor acotar#amren#acowar#acomaf#acotar fandom
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⛥゚・。 lucky punch: chapter one
chapter synopsis: after getting drunk at a Bonney rager with Nami, you're nearly busted by the cops... good thing a sexy, green-haired stranger was there to save you.
cw: high school/college au, violence, underage drinking, parties, mature themes, profanity, sports, reader is on the volleyball team, zoro is in kendo, you and zoro are both seniors and eighteen, etc.

"Damn it! These boots are impossible!" you drunkenly whined, stumbling slightly as your foot caught a raised chunk of sidewalk.
You knew you should've done the run test before leaving Nami's.
Now you were paying the price.
Behind you, the signature er-whoop of a cop car echoed, the sound sending a pang of fear through your heart as the world seemed to feel like it was closing in, the swirling red and blue lights bounding off the buildings and surrounding you on all sides.
'Someone just had to snitch!'
A few moments earlier, you were having the time of your life—dancing, drinking, and partying to your heart's content with your best friend in the whole wide world.
The problem was that you weren't exactly the legal age to be drinking, and it was just your luck that Eustass Kid—absolutely sloshed out of his mind—managed to tee-pee the house next to Bonney's and forced them to call the police.
So a riot began when the cops pulled up on the lawn, everyone scattering like roaches in fear of being caught.
Which was what you were supposed to be doing with your ginger gal pal.
But when the two of you nearly got cornered, you both split up, and, unluckily, you were the one the squad car chose to follow.
Now, to be fair, Bonney was known for throwing outrageous ragers at her house with little to no consequences, so all of this was bound to happen someday.
'But why'd they have to do this todayyyy?'
Your shoes were holding you back from your full speed, forcing you to run awkwardly, while the alcohol pumping through your system made everything seem as if it was moving in slow motion, most of your attention focused on keeping on your feet.
Haphazardly, you attempted to cut a nearby corner, teetering to the side a little bit before you stabilized and continued to flounder down the sidewalk.
Despite the sharp pain in your heels, you pressed on strongly, knowing full well just what would happen if you were caught.
Out of all the people at the party, you were probably the one that could afford getting busted the least.
It was your dream to be the best volleyball player in the world, after all.
Because of your stellar performance as an outside hitter during your freshman year, you were whisked away to a special training camp across the country, where for two years you built up your body and honed your skills in hopes of returning senior year to be recognized by an international club.
Once that happens, it will be a straight shot to the top, ending with you going down in history as the greatest outside hitter volleyball has ever seen.
But, of course, all of that would fly right out the window if you gained a criminal record.
Your brows furrowed, feet picking up speed at the thought, even in your drunken state.
All that time...
All that work...
It would all be for nothing.
Suddenly, a pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders, yanking you into a nearby alleyway covering your mouth as you let out a tiny yelp, eyes widening and blood running cold.
You could've sworn the cop was still in the car...
How the hell did he get out so fast?
Yet as the squad car passed, the man holding you ducked into the shadows of the alley, watching closely as the police officer cruised past—the cop having stuck his head out the window to get a better look.
"Coulda swore she was right here..." he grumbled under his breath, brows furrowed.
He had a large scar stretching from his hairline to just above his cheekbone, two cigars hanging out the corner of his mouth as his eyes scanned over the area.
The mystery man's brows furrowed at the sight, body turning rigid.
'Shoulda known...'
He and Luffy had run into him a few times before.
The white-haired cop paused, giving the space one more once over before settling back in his seat, picking up his radio with an annoyed sigh.
"Tashigi, I lost her. Gonna circle back to your position and look for the redhead."
Your eyes widened, knowing exactly who he was talking about.
"Nami!" you whimpered, forcing the the man's calloused hand to press harder into your face to muffle the noise.
"Quiet," a deep, rough voice ordered, tone leaving no room for argument.
He held you with an iron grip, not budging even an inch as you began to squirm in his grasp.
He wasn't gonna spend another night in the precinct because of some girl who couldn't hold her liquor.
Suspicious, Smoker glanced in your direction, narrowing his eyes at the darkness as he looked directly at you—though he didn't know it.
Your heart stopped, your entire body freezing up as both you and the man behind you stayed still as statues, pressing firmer against the wall of the alley to avoid being revealed by the lights of the siren as the officer pulled off.
And once he was completely gone, you both let out a sigh of relief, your shoulders dropping as the tension finally oozed out your back.
"Are you stupid or something?" the man spat, curtly, the two of you stepping into the moonlight now that the cop was gone. "You could've gotten us both caught."
You turned around, raising a brow as he stepped closer, his chest about an inch away from yours.
As your eyes adjusted to the better lighting, you couldn't help the warm buzz growing in your stomach at the sight of the absolutely gorgeous man in front of you.
He had a strong jaw, which looked like it could cut through stone, with sharp features and dark eyes that could bring any woman to her knees.
Eyes raking over his body, you might as well have been drooling, your expression not hiding your thoughts at all as you admired the prime slab of grade A male beef standing before you.
You were surprised you didn't notice just how large he was until then, six feet of chorded, hard-earned muscle, with a certain air that just made you want him to put you in a headlock.
'And then some...'
Not to mention his cute, soft-looking green hair.
"Are you that stripper Bonney tried to call?" you giggled, twirling a lock of your hair between your fingers as a lousy attempt to flirt.
Surprised, Zoro's breath hitched, a faint tinge of pink dusting the apples of his cheeks.
What you said had caught him completely off guard, and confirmed his suspicions that you were completely hammered.
Now, he wasn't a good Samaritan by any means, and in that moment he wanted nothing more than to ditch the dead weight and go back to finding Luffy—they had gotten split up, too.
But as he watched you look up at him, eyes glazed and lidded, feet having a slight wobble even as you stood still, he knew he couldn't leave.
You were a young, defenseless woman who was in the middle of an empty street alone at night, drunk as a skunk.
If he left you alone, it'd bother him for the rest of the day.
"Do you know where you are?" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Uh... no?" you pouted, taking a moment to slowly look around, indeed realizing that you had no idea where you were.
"Great," he huffed, grabbing your arm. "Do you know where you live?"
"'Cause I'm gonna take your ass home."
"Woah, sir... how about you get to know me first?" you giggled, body swaying back and forth.
Eyes wide, he froze, turning red as a beet.
"It's not like that! I'm just giving you a ride—!"
"Listen, Mister Hot Guy," you interrupted, index finger digging into his hard chest. "You might've saved us from the police but that doesn't mean you can just have your way with me. We have to go to dinner first."
Taking a moment to pause, the man looked at you in disbelief.
Never in his life had he ever encountered such an idiotically stubborn person.
And not only were you stubborn, but you were also fucking beautiful.
While he was a man who prided himself on self-restraint and respect, he couldn't help but let his eyes rake over you as your arms came up to cross over your chest.
Sexy, tanned skin accentuated under the complementary blue of your jean tube-top, your jean mini-skirt just long enough to tease, while making your ass look fantastic.
Your lipgloss made your plump lips so soft and inviting, and your eyes were so warm he felt like they heated him from the inside out.
A date didn't sound too damn bad—
"That's enough," he shut down, talking to both you and himself as he began to tug you down the street, leading you to his car.
"Woah-hey! Let me go! This is—!"
Your small fight to wriggle out of his grasp was interrupted as you lost your balance, feet slipping and body flying backward toward the ground.
Luckily, that same pair of strong hands grabbed your waist with a death grip, forcing a gasp out your lips as your hands shot up to cling to his broad shoulders.
Zoro sighed in exasperation, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder as if you were a sack of potatoes.
"Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath, continuing his trek down the street until he turned the corner and reached the safety of his pickup.
He'd be damned if he had to deal with a drunk you and a drunk Luffy at the same time.
So, he settled on setting aside an hour of the night trying to find your house, or a friend to drop you off with, then he'd hit up Luffy and grab him at whatever restaurant he managed to clear out.
"Hey! This is kidnapping!" you squealed as he tossed you in the backseat, shutting the door behind. "I'll call that cop back to get you!"
"And get arrested yourself," he said with a slight chuckle, plopping himself down in the driver's seat and starting the engine.
Glancing at the rear-view mirror, his eyes took another moment to look you over.
You really were beautiful, and seemed close to, if not the same age, as him.
And your little outfit wasn't too bad either.
"Like what you see?" you teased with a smirk, slightly leaning back to give him a better view.
He scoffed as he rolled his eyes, not willing to give you the satisfaction.
"Put your seatbelt on," he ordered.
And although his tone was serious, you didn't miss the tinge of pink on his face.
"Can't," you shrugged, simply. "You're gonna have to help me..."
You giggled, wiggling your eyebrows and puffing your chest so that the man could get a nice look at your cleavage.
Unluckily for you, he knew better that to trust it, letting a tired hand rake through his hair as he realized how much of a pain in the ass this ride was going to be.
"Before, you said you knew a Nami," he grunted, resting his hands on the steering wheel. "That wouldn't happen to be Nami Nami, would it? Y'know, long orange hair, money-hungry, debt collecting?"
You gasped, eyes turning starry, "You know Nami?!"
The man let out a groan, dropping his head onto the horn, the car letting out a long beep as he just sat there, honestly amused by the circumstances.
Why was he not surprised?
Of course you and Nami were friends.
Annoyed, he shifted the truck into drive, pressing his foot on the gas and pulling off in the direction of Nami's house.
Now, not only did he have to drop your ass off, but he also had to pay back Nami the fifty dollars he owed, and then still go back out and grab Luffy.
And it was all thanks to you.
He grumbled to himself, resting his cheek in his palm as his other hand rested on the wheel.
'If I ever meet this woman again, it'll be too soon...'

#one piece#one piece x reader#roronoa#roronoa x reader#roronoa zoro#roronoa zoro x reader#zoro#zoro x reader#zorosangell#op#zorosangell--lucky punch
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Ah yes hello it’s me again with my antics
one day Nikolai is like doing work in his office (I imagine price and him share an office in the house but price isn’t there right now) and Nikolai is just doing some paperwork for his construction and randomly teen!ghost walks in and says “dad, can you help me with my homework?” And Nikolai is just trying not to burst into tears after hearing Simon call him dad then like two hours later Gaz walks in and nik is like “you need something kiddo?” And Kyle is just like “I just want your company pops” then like later price walks into their shared bedroom and just sees nik crying in the corner is he’s like worried and shit price walks up to him like “what happened??” And nik through tear he just says “they’ve started calling me dad!”
Undeserving (teen!Ghost au)
some slight angst (also before Roach’s addition)
It was sudden when the boys started referring him as ‘dad’ or ‘pops’ or ‘da’. It was so sudden that Nik had been an emotional mess for a few days since it started. Teary eyed, unable to look at them, wallowing — John was honestly worried about him for the first day.
“I’m fine,” Nik had assured him while looking like he was going explode from the unshed tears.
He didn’t feel fine. He felt so many things, all of them suggesting that he wasn’t fine. He was so happy but terrified. Nik never saw this for himself, this happy, domestic life with a family. He came here to repay his debt with Kate and her people, he never planned on anything like this happening.
He was just supposed to shadow a little boy until he was in a safe environment and in good hands. He wasn’t supposed to still be here. But he was, and it felt like the results from him deciding to stay and see how things would turn out for Simon were undeserving.
He didn’t deserve John. He was an amazing, wonderful man. Perfect in Nik’s eyes. His dedication to caring for Simon even though it was different from his usual work — that was strike one. Nik watched him go from caring for Simon as a basic guardian to loving him as his own son.
Strike two was witnessing the man defend his new life. He strayed from the front lines of hidden wars and bloody battles to something domestic, something soft and simple. Something that men like them tended to never get. And when John had it within reach, he took hold of it and refused to let go.
Of course, strike three was infamously John demonstrating his ability to protect his family and his home. He was a hardened soldier, and Nik witnessed his cold efficiency at his calling. Witnessed how familiar a gun was in his hands, how he seemingly detached himself from the reality that came with placing a bullet in another man’s brain.
John had Nik’s full heart, his adoration and dedication. Of course his children had that, too. Simon technically had Nik’s love first, even though the man still had yet to admit that. He had yet to acknowledge he cared about Simon long before he ever met his soon-to-be father and became enamored with him. It was impossible to deny that now when Simon and Kyle calling him ‘dad’ had him in shambles. He certainly felt he didn’t deserve it, didn’t deserve any of this.
John’s voice never sounded sweeter than when they laid curled up in bed. Nik tried to not react but John had that special ability to always get a reaction from him. He shook when he felt John hold him from behind. He was so understanding, he didn’t deserve that.
“You know I’ve seen you cry before,” John whispered, still holding him so gently.
Nik let out a sob and John pressed a kiss to his head. He would hold him until he fell asleep. He would wake not feeling as conflicted. And later that morning when the boys greeted him, he couldn’t help but smile.
#🫠#ficlet#teen!ghost au#call of duty#modern warfare#cod nikolai#john price#simon ghost riley#kyle gaz garrick#drabble#pricenik#dad price#dad john price#dad nikolai#dad nik#ask#thanks for the ask <3#adopted au
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Fucking loosing my mind at Roach and Ghost teaching each other ASL and BSL, which only makes it when they communicate in sign it's a jumble of the two after some time, confusing everyone on how they can communicate so fluidly between each.
I also imagine that if they fight, they purposely mess up their 2nd learned SL to jab gently at another. While they don't mean it, it does happen. They always apologize.
#cheese rambles#cod#shadow roach au#shadow company roach au#gary roach sanderson#gary sanderson#roach#Ghost#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost x roach#ghostroach
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Livestock AU
Where Cod characters are hybrids living on a farm -------------------
Price and Alejandro were raised together, as guardian livestock animals they were raised together. Alejandro is a Llama hybrid and is trained to attack dog-like creatures he guards over the sheep. When Gaz the young border collie Hybrid was introduced he had to work with a very aggressive Llama that didn’t like his dog shape.
Ghost is a Kangal, like Price but much bigger. Ghost comes from a puppy mill and has to fight to get food. Very quiet dog unless intimidating the coyotes and wolves. Ghost learns quickly and tends to be the most independent but always comes back to check in with his fellow livestock dogs.
Soap is a Great Pyrenees who generally do anything required of him, mostly looking after the ducks, ducks, and goose. Very playful and young still learning the ropes but very good at his job does sleep during the day since he needs to be active at night. If he sees an unattended egg left over night will eat it.
Lastly is Gaz a border collie and very good at his job if he finds anyone miss behaving (most Soap sometimes Roach) he will bite them near the next to correct that behavior.
Laswell and Roach are both Barn cat hybrids. Laswell usually does all the recon missions and gets the boys to then check things out if she finds something suspicious. Roach is a rescue dumpster cat who survives being poisoned a few times. Very rambunctious and follows the guardian dogs around. Ghost is very fond of the silent cat, you will find Roach sneaking bites of Ghost dog food.
Lastly only recently added is an Alpaca. Rudy is situated with the Goats and as their alarm system acts like a less aggressive Alejandro. Alejandro and Rudy do see each other as packmates as well as their individual herd.
Nik is an old police dog who retired as a family dog, and will help out once in awhile when the urge to work hits him.
The livestock guardians’ main rival is a pack of wolves led by Graves. His shadow is a large pack of wolves that tries the farm every once in a while.
Another group is a group of Coyotes led by Valeria. She has gotten a few Birds from Soap which really upsets him.
The farm is currently being invaded by rats Led by Makarov and Laswell is trying her damnest to hunt him down, he and his Konni group are aggravating the farmer.
The farmer decided to get a few more barn cats.
Reader is a small kitten from another farm with too many cats they and their two friends, Farah a brownish cat hybrid, and Alex a big sandy color cat are added. Turns out Alex is the son of Laswell one of her litters.
Reader is treated like an eyesore by the older guardians until they are old enough to train, learn, and join the workforce. Reader mostly wonders around seeing each group and how they work, and finding their spot to rest in. Makarov once scared them and got scolded by Price. -------
It stupid idea idk was inspired a little by @tacticalanklebiter3000 and @frogchiro and the Hybrid side of Cod community
#141#call of duty#cod x reader#simon ghost riley#captain price#john soap mactavish#cod#kyle gaz garrick#modern warfare 2#cod mw2#alejandro vargas#rudy parra#gary roach sanderson#kate laswell#philip graves#valeria garza#vladimir makarov#cod nikolai#hybrid au#Livestock Guardian au#farm au#impulsive idea I wanted to write because my main fic is getting into a dullish moment
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I'm still writing the Shadow!Roach GhostRoach au fic but I just need to ramble once again about how ANGSTY this shit would be from Ghost's perspective.
Imagine you're just freshly traumatized from the massacre of your remaining family, the family which offered you a sliver of hope that maybe you could live and actually enjoy a normal, civilian life.
You become an uncle, and all of a sudden, the fucked up past of your life feels so far away, like a new beginning has come for you, and you have the chance to become someone who isn't so sullied by violence and death.
Then one day you come home and find out that very last human aspect of your chaotic life has been ripped away from you all because of your occupation as a soldier. It all feels like it was your fault, and you feel as though the last human part of you has died alongside your remaining family.
Imagine you return to your military life, alone and bitter towards everything and everyone around you. You join a new task force to perhaps give yourself a fresh environment that won't remind you of the old squad members that aided in the death of your family. And you swear that you won't ever let anyone break your trust in such a way ever again.
Imagine a new recruit (Roach) joins your task force. He bothers you, and tries his hardest to befriend you, as if the others whispering that you aren't worth the effort hardly faze him at all. You try to avoid him as much as possible, but he watches your back in battle, strikes up conversations in between missions, offers you coffee in the mornings when it's just you two, and suddenly you can't get him out of your head.
Years go by, and this teammate slowly feels like someone that could be important to you. You go on missions together, fight side by side together, get promoted together, and one day you realize that this man just feels right with you. And it's scary, because now that you realize you want more, you understand that this is something that could so easily be torn away like all the good things that came before.
So you never tell him what he means to you. And one day, just as you predicted, this person that means so much to you it's like breathing, is brutally taken away from you right before your eyes, and you're completely helpless to it all.
Imagine the aftermath, Ghost fully anguished and alone, with dog tags that don't belong to him, and the last person he ever loved never knowing how he felt.
THEN imagine years later, he's fighting for his life to protect this new task force he's grown fond of, and suddenly he looks into the eyes of an enemy soldier and realizes, with a painful confusion, that he recognizes them.
#im so normal about this concept ok#roach working as a shadow company soldier is so mmmm#i PROMISE im still writing this and i WILL get this done even if it kills me#gary roach sanderson#simon ghost riley#ghostroach#shadow!roach au#im just rambling like i really had to get this out there#call of duty#cod#mw2#modern warfare 2#box of words#box of posts
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cod mafia au; like an overview
ok this is very silly i just got the idea and i need to writ it down
Leaders: John "Captain" Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Think of Price as this very dominating man whos all business and cigars, he's got a bit of a soft side for pretty men and women
Simon is built like a goddamned tank, he's a hunk and more down to earth but he knows his place. hes all business but has a good laugh here and their
Kyle's a stoner, he handles the drugs for a reason. he knows he's got a pretty face and uses that all the time, hes pretty much not very down to earth but he's the most loyal man Price ever knew and thats why he's still around
Soap's a barker, always pushing buttons and showing off with his too tight shirts and he's got a lethal puppy dog eyes. he's loyal but a fucking time bomb weather he's playing nice today or not
Gary's quiet, not by choice but because he's survived a fire. He came from a small apartment in east London and met Price, he's the first and Price's objective favorite because can you blame him. Gary's a tought cookie and has a knack for surviving any situation
Los Vaqueros
Leaders: Alejandro "Ale" Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Alejandro is a man of war, raised in the trenches of a cartel he left his old life to overcome the stereotype. he did but went south trying to fix his biggest regret
Rudy is brash, he was a rich kid with an even more powerful father who hated his son. Rudy joined because he knew Alejandro wouldn't stop until the cartel died. They both know the risk yet dive into it anyway
The two are a dynamic duo, if you see one the other isn't far away. they fuck around, kiss each other with a passion that rivals even the most secure marriages
They let themselves indulge in each other and with two conventionally sexy men making out, its a ploy to lure a sirens song but with heavy kisses and hickies
Las Almas
Leader: Valeria "Sin Nombre" Garza
Valeria is not ome to fuck around, shes a women in a male dominated field. and shes fucking adorable
one minute she'll be threatning to cut your dick off and the next shes patting your head as you tell her everything. her voice and bodie rival supper models, if sirens were real she'd have the body of one
she's sweet but a psychopath, after all she killed her second in command as soon as he started questioning her authority.
sweet but a fucking physco
Shadow Company
Leader: Phillip "Commander" Graves
Graves is a man with an accent thick as honey, it's southern american charm never leaving a single vowel he speaks
although Graves' company is a PMC his men know that they are more than just that, their a fucking unit with a hand on the government's most valued assest and claim to be "looking" for anything that goes missing
Graves admires the men and women he calls his shadows, each one more unique than the last. his land might not be as large as 141's but he makes sure his is under order and not rioting
the people who live under his land never leave, they know they are much better thier than in any other part of the other mafias territories
#im-notbean#im-notbean writes#call of duty#call of duty modern warfare#task force 141#tf 141#cod 141#cod#modern warfare#john price#captain price#price#modern warfare 2#soap#john soap mactavish#soap cod#141#cod au#simon ghost riley#ghost#ghost cod#kyle gaz garrick#kyle garrick#cod gaz#johnny mactavish#alejandro vargas#rudy#los vaqueros#valeria garza#el sin nombre
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TF 141 Body Swap AU HC Expanded
As requested, I've expanded to the cast of characters, rearranging some from the original. :) I was going to add Pharah and Alex... but I didn't and tbh, those two would not get rounded up into this chaos lmao. this was too hard to figure out but... ii happily did it....
Based off this post! and this ask!
WC: 1200 Warnings: none
Ghost woke up in Laswell’s body and immediately felt wrong. Everything was too light, too open, too exposed. Her smaller frame felt like it couldn’t hold a shadow, let alone a presence. His usual solid, grounded movements felt jittery.
The face in the mirror was a shock. Sharp lines, piercing eyes—nothing to hide behind. No mask. No armor. Just skin and hair and a fragility he wasn’t used to seeing, let alone feeling. Even standing still felt vulnerable.
It was a far cry from the towering wall he’d been.
He did appreciate that there was no urge to smoke or eat the awful things he puts in his own body. And he respected the hell out of her. And he'd do his best to keep her body healthy, clean, and unbruised. and if it came time to shower, you bet your ass his eyes stay up, as if it were even a question.
Laswell in Nik’s body felt like she’d been dropped into a machine. Everything about him was large—his shoulders stretched further than she expected, and even walking felt like trying to navigate heavy equipment. His hands were rough, oversized things that didn’t feel like they were meant for desk work. Which they weren't.
The height was disorienting. She kept brushing doorframes and misjudging distances, her new longer stride throwing off her usually measured pace. His accent coming with her words we weird, but she found it charming, something oddly familiar.
He was strong. And when the boys started giving her more and more things to lob around and carry, she entertained it. Nik simply asked that she not break him too badly.
Nik in Roach’s body felt like a shadow of himself. Everything was too small—his arms, his legs, his hands. He moved without the weight he was used to, every step feeling almost… unfinished.
The silence was the hardest part. Roach didn't speak, now he understood why. He was very able, and could manage short sentences, but otherwise his-Roach's-body refused. It wasn't meant for someone who had a snarky reply to everything.
He eventually took advantage of Roach's agility. He ended up scaring the hell out of Soap and Kyle, to everyone else's delight. Not so bad, then.
Roach woke up in Price’s body and felt like he’d been rooted to the ground. Nope. Nope. Nope. Big ol' nope. Everything was heavy—his arms, his legs, even his steps carried more weight than he was used to. His shoulders felt impossibly broad, and his hands, rough and massive, were clumsy at first.
The mustache was a constant presence, an itch he couldn’t ignore. Every time he moved his mouth, he felt it bristling against his lip, teasing him. The hat sat snugly on his head, though, and he found himself very happy wearing it.
He found that words were easier, but still didn't speak. Watching the chaos unfold around him, content with sitting back to rest his now aching legs... Surely Price wasn't that old...
Price in Rudy’s body felt… small. Not weak, but light in a way that made every motion feel less grounded. His hands were steady, sure, but they lacked the roughness and weight he was used to. His legs carried him with a quickness that didn’t suit his usual deliberate pace, and his smaller frame made him feel like he’d been cut down to size.
His reflection was jarring—clean-cut, almost unassuming. There was nothing wrong with it, but it wasn’t him. Rudy's voice was also lighter than Price's, carried in a way that Price's own didn't.
He did force a hat on, happy enough to enjoy the smaller frame that was less battered than his own.
Rudy in Alejandro’s body felt like he was wearing a suit of armor. A warm, gruff suit of armor. Everything about it was broad, loud, commanding. His shoulders filled the room, and his steps carried the kind of weight that turned heads.
It was disorienting. His movements were heavier, and his usually precise, careful gestures felt exaggerated in the bulk of the frame. His reflection was overwhelming—sharp jawline, intense eyes that trapped him in the mirror, a figure that seemed built to lead. It was too much, all at once.
Alejandro in Gaz’s body felt like someone had stripped away all his power. His arms were too light, his legs too quick, and the smaller frame lacked the presence his own body offered. Every step felt like it carried less weight, and it gnawed at him.
The face in the mirror didn’t help. Gaz’s sharp features and lean build stared back at him, unassuming and calm. It wasn’t a bad face—it just wasn’t his.
Gaz was athletic though, and that athleticism was refreshing. He couldn't help but enjoy that bit, at least a bit. But Spanish coming out of Gaz's body? With Gaz's voice? Oh nonono.
Gaz woke up in Graves’ body, and he hated it immediately. Everything felt too heavy, too stiff. His arms were bulky in a way that made every motion feel slower, less precise. His legs carried him like a tank, deliberate and cumbersome, as if the body itself was built for brute force instead of agility.
The face in the mirror didn’t help. Graves’ sharp, clean-cut features stared back at him, smug even when he wasn’t trying. His shoulders felt wrong, too wide, too squared off, and the Southern twang that came out when he spoke made it all weirder, but he learned to enjoy it quickly. "Anybody fancy a cuppa?" drawn in Grave's southern accent was hilarious.
Egged on by Soap and Ghost, slowly it became comedic gold. He gleefully tormented Graves body by indulging in black pudding, marmite toast, and other “proper” British foods, knowing Graves will hate it. If his taste buds aren't altered forever, Gaz will consider it a mission failure.
Graves in Soap’s body felt like someone had crammed him into a sports car—surprisingly way too agile for his liking. Everything moved too quickly. His legs carried him farther than expected, constantly jittering.
The reflection in the mirror was a shock. The mohawk, the sharp lines of Soap’s face, the complete lack of bulk—none of it looked or felt like him. He ran a hand over the hair, feeling its stiff edges, and scowled.
He tried to stand still, to ground himself Soap's frame, but even then, it felt like his own body was mocking him with its lightness. Mocking him with the mohawk. Mocking him with some innocent, childlike look he wasn't used to.
Soap: (no change)
Soap ended up in Ghost’s body, of course. If anyone was going to get stuck in the most inconvenient switch possible, it was him. He realized this about ten seconds after waking up and nearly knocking himself out on the doorframe. Everything was big. His arms? Massive. His legs? Long enough that stairs suddenly felt like a death trap. And don’t even get him started on the shoulders—those things could barely fit through the locker room doorway without scraping the sides.
He wasn’t complaining about the other large part of Simon’s body though.
The mask was its own kind of torture. It clung to his face, hot and suffocating, like it had fused with his skin. He tugged at it a few times before giving up. “How does he even breathe in this thing?” he muttered, his new, gravelly voice startling him every time. Still, he’d respect it and keep it on.
When he caught his reflection in the mirror, he almost jumped out of his skin. Ghost’s mask stared back at him, hollow eyes and that skeletal grin. It wasn’t just eerie—it was downright unsettling. Soap quickly turned away, feeling every inch of the sore, strong body he inhabited.
#cod#tf 141#captain john price#kyle gaz garrick#john soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#call of duty#body swap#body swap au#cod headcanons#cod modern warfare#ghost cod#kate laswell#cod nikolai#gary roach sanderson#cod rudy#rodolfo parra#alejandro vargas#cod alejandro
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I made more because... Because! @aidenlydia again, this is their au but I'm eating it like fish sticks on a plate of mac 'n cheese. Getting this scene out of my head because I love them and I have nothing else to do waiting for dinner.
More Viking SoapGhost.
Ghost watched, his eyes unmoving as John wrote with his charcoal wood pen on some old pages. Geez it must have been four pages with three drawings and eight life updates.
Finally John signed the bottom of the pages and rolled them up with a string.
"You done??" Ghost asked flatly when He finished.
"Yes, now I need these delivered back to Roach."
"You say that like I'm going to do it."
John looks at him, nodding. "You are."
Ghost sighs and groans. "I'm not your dumb messenger bird." He grumbles, shifting closer and standing. John pulls his cloak tighter and chuckles softly. "Actually, you are."
He holds out the folded papers to a pouty Simon. "Go on, shouldn't be long now if you get to it." John encouraged.
"Fine, but I'm bringing back a tab worth my while for it." He grumbled, looking up at the big man.
"Mhm, and I'll happily pay."
Ghost shifted, black wings flapping in the air, snatching the papers between his talons. He squawked at John, who could only smile softly, barely noticable.
And watched him head off. Simon didn't actually mind doing errands for John. If anything the combined stretching of his wings and the inevitable praise he was going to get for completing the assignment would be worth it.
Oh yes indeed.
John kept the fire lit, watching the open snowy land as Ghost's small form had left his sight. He poked the fire, watching the embers flock to the wind of the cave mouth, then over at Ghosts bedroll.
He sighed softly, placing his hand on it, noticing a stray feather stuck to the inside. He chuckled softly, picking it up and twirling it around.
"Be safe, Ghost."
Ghost did as he promised, he made the incredible eight hour journey in the shitty weather back to their small village. Fucking between houses to the main hall.
Stopping at the doors, his feet hit the ground, heading up the stairs and pushing the knocker open.
The large door swing, creaking when he entered. A head poked up, followed by a little smile. "Well well well, hunting season is barely started and you're already back."
Simon rolled his eyes softly, coming over and dropping the roll of papers. "From MacTavish."
"What is it??" Roach asked, undoing the twine.
"Hell if I know, I may be a crow but I do not snoop."
Roach gave him a look, and Simon sighed. "Ok not this time. But I was damn curious."
Roach chuckled softly. "Alright, I'll look these over, you go get some rest. Probably had a long trip."
"Well I got permission to run up a tab so I'm gonna go get my arse drunker than a bat in honey." He flipped the end of his cloth mask back over his shoulder to keep it secure. Heading back to the door and out to go get absolutely hammered.
And you don't want to see a shifter drunk, it's not always pretty. But Ghost has been starting to learn that eighteen drinks is when John has to cradle the poor crow with his talons straight out and wings a mess as he takes him home.
And of course, by the time Ghost had slept off the drunken night Roach had something new written up for him. Returning to the hall and taking the papers.
"Will you be alright to fly?? You look a little..."
"Mmm I'll be fine!" Ghost mumbled, heading from the hall and taking off again. Damn messenger bird. John better congratulate him at least or he's never running him these stupid errands ever again.
It was late when he returned, but he saw the familiar smoke and a crackling fire. Flapping his wings and stretching out his talons when he saw a dark figure among the casting, wobbling shadows.
He latched onto John's arm guard, crooning his neck and fluffing his feathers before tucking them in.
John noticed the letters and gently took them, noticing the scratchy pen writing of Roach.
"Thank you Ghost, you've done very well."
Simon melted, making a little noise and hopping up his arm, craning his head to peck at John's beard.
"Yes, good work." John put the papers down to run his large, calloused thumb over Simon's small head, gently smoothing the feathers down.
Oooh yeah, this is so worth it.
He fluffs his feathers, nipping at his hand when he attempted to pull away. "Alright then, if you insist... Get comfy."
Simon cawed at him. He wouldn't be getting comfortable. Hopping onto the ground and shifting, noticing his bedroll slightly closer.
"You miss me or something?"
"Only warming the place where my cold heart will go after I see that tab." He mumbles as he turns his attention mostly onto the letters.
Simon smiles a tad, laying down and getting comfy. He looks around, then at the fire, watching the flames dance. His head slowly coming down, resting against John's thigh.
It was hesitant, but then again peaceful. The silence only filled by the crackling fire. Simon's head feeling a mess from the last of the alcohol and the flight until Johns hand gently touched his head.
He didn't react, keeping himself stiff as Johns thumb absentmindedly stroked his hair. Eyes still glued on the letters, reading them through.
Simon relented to relaxing, curling up and pulling John's cloak over him slightly. His eyelids felt heavy, and the soothing warmth of John's hand slowly had him coming undone.
Letting himself fall asleep there, letting out soft breaths.
John's gaze finally flickered over to his partner, humming softly. "Good work, Simon. Can always count on you."
He put the papers aside and leaned back, watching the entrance of their camp as Simon slept. He would keep watch, he'd gotten enough of his own rest for now.
It's shorter but hell that first photo had me in a coma. Yes, I am insane, yes, I will make more, respectfully if I'm allowed to keep gobbling up these meals...
#call of duty#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#johnny soap mactavish#ghostsoap#09 soapghost#soapghost#viking john mactavish#viking au#crow shifter simon riley
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