#Sex Karma
lavirtud · 1 year
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askaceattorney · 1 year
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Dear Fasionista Anon,
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I like wearing a cravat and no, it does not remind me of my former mentor or is the reason why I wear it. Perhaps, at first, but the suit you are seeing was inspired by Kazuma Asogi.
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As for my sex appeal, the Mod here seems to disagree with you, so I'll be siding with them.
(Much to my displeasure.)
- Miles Edgeworth
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my-shields-are-down · 8 months
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jihnari · 1 year
zhongchi - the ship that’s ruining my life
ship what u want. i cannot stop you. i do not care. be free. 
this post is an OPINION and you DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE. if reading about why i dislike zhongchi is going to upset you, maybe give this a pass 
i do not dislike childe OR zhongli. i just think their ship is silly. 
if you are a zhongchi shipper and you choose to read this anyway, this is not written as a personal attack. i said "zhongchi 😒" one too many times and a non-genshin friend said "why do you hate that ship so much" and then i wrote a manifesto 
ive never been involved in real fandom drama and idk how it goes but i would like to remain ignorant and free, pls do not attack me over this i am small and nervous and do not mean any harm 
part 0: the ship 
"who are they and why does this ship exist?" you might ask, if you've never played genshin. on the surface, this is a simple question with a simple answer. the two characters for this ship are in the same place at the same time and their stories overlap heavily. childe is the big bad of zhongli's story arc. (not that zhongli fights him; you, the player character, fights childe.) so they potentially have enemies to lovers, and they are actually friends before some truths come to light and it's revealed they're on "different sides". childe also pays for things for both you (the player character) and zhongli, which people read as caring. [1]
childe/zhongli is the most popular genshin ship on ao3. there are currently 132,000 works on ao3 for genshin impact and 12,735 of those have the ship tag childe/zhongli. that's only 10% of the all existing works, but the second largest ship tag has only 6,600 works, which is half as many. 
relevant as an influencing factor is another popular ship early on in genshin's inception. that other ship was the first two hot male characters to have tension and an overlapping storyline, but they turn out to be "related" and a large part of the fandom collectively dropped them like a hot potato. but these fans were already in the fandom, already playing genshin, and they needed someone to ship. so they collectively jumped over to the SECOND set of two hot male characters with perceived tension and an overlapping storyline, i.e. zhongli and childe. the story containing zhongli and childe is 1) permanent canon content and 2) presented relatively early to the player, so zhongchi as a ship is more accessible than other popular ships that don't show up for 50+ hours [2] of gameplay.
furthermore, neither childe or zhongli have many meaningful interactions with other characters, and both characters were very popular upon launch. their initial popularity caused an epidemic, and a subsequent over-saturation of the ship on ao3. [3]
part 1: the characters
zhongli is a retired ex-god who faked his own death so he could have a break and go play at being human in the most mundane way possible. he's spiritually and emotionally an old man. he watches operas and drinks tea, has very expensive taste but no money, and works the front desk at a funeral parlor. he's thousands of years old and not entirely human (more on that later). [4]
childe is in his 20s and an affable general in the evil army. at 14 childe fell through a hole into genshin hell and lived there for a few months and emerged Changed. he can also turn into a demon now, just as a fun side note. upon getting him back, his parents found him to be a very scary menace and they quickly enrolled him in the military. he is the youngest ever person to be made general in the evil army, but this is less due to him being driven by ambition and more being a violent gremlin who couldn't be controlled and who beat up everyone in his path. 
in his spare time, childe gets into unwinnable fights and pushes himself to the limit just so he can feel something. he's utilitarian, having grown up poor, and when you ask about his least favorite food he tells you that being picky about food is a bad thing and you should cut that out. he "has money" but it's not his money, it's his government's money. the budget for his evil task is very, very high, and he uses it for mission things though he tends to be pretty loose about what that includes. his mission budget shouldn't matter, but will unfortunately come up later. 
childe is diametrically opposed to zhongli and zhongli's city; or he WOULD be but childe is too friendly and zhongli secretly has a deal with childe's boss, paying them to do the evil thing so he can retire in peace. this is a slight betrayal to childe but when it comes to light he isnt upset at zhongli, he's upset at his coworker for being the literal worst. childe is still seen around fantasy china after he tries to destroy it with a meteor[5], and only the townspeople seem to have any hard feelings. zhongli and childe are not canonically depicted as having any hard feelings. 
part 2: "making it work"
past the superficial reasons listed in part 0, zhongchi makes no sense to me as a pairing. zhongli is a boring old man and childe barely seems to consider people anything more than NPCs unless they end up having fighting prowess, in which case he tries to fight them and then (if they don't die) considers them friends. 
childe is dynamic, always striving to be better, stronger, faster[6]; childe is an adrenaline addict. zhongli is static and intends to stay that way. 
the characters have undergone some personality changes to make them fit together better. 
zhongli is part dragon(?) so people give him an obsession for pretty things and a massive possessive streak. since he's "broke", childe becomes a sugar daddy type in many works. zhongli is also almost exclusively on top in sexual situations, because duh, old, powerful dragon. [7]
childe couldn't possibly be in a position of power when he's with a older, more powerful male, so he becomes very submissive and swoon-y and teenage girl. the betrayal hurt him *ever* so deeply and he may never emotionally recover. he canonically has a family whom he loves, so people come down on that hard and say he's a real family man and he wants to have a family of his own and obviously he wants to settle down with zhongli and have zhongli's babies. 
part 3: losing sight of canon
the further this ship goes, the further we stray from god. [8] 
childe is now super rich and loves paying for other people's things, especially zhongli's (forgetting that the money he has was in fact part of his mission budget). the tag "battlesexual childe" is a sortable tag on ao3, but the zhongchi part of genshin has all but forgotten childe likes to fight. zhongli is now possessive to a borderline abusive degree, and childe likes being tied down (metaphorically) to his dragon husband (did i mention they're frequently and casually married? this is the erasermic[9] of genshin). 
another side effect of being auto-married by the fandom is that it pushes the domesticity angle of zhongchi. you know, zhongli, an ex GOD OF WAR who COMMITTED GENOCIDE and a childe, a dude so obsessed with fighting that his own family couldnt handle him and shipped him off to the military at 14. them. domestic. what drugs are you on [10]
part 4: dragons 
hey. why did so many people have to latch onto the dragon thing? on a personal note, i do not understand the appeal but have no room to judge. on a cultural note, zhongchi is DOING IT WRONG. 
in canon, zhongli's "dragon form" is based off of chinese dragons[11]. which makes sense, since the place he's from, liyue, is modeled after china. genshin impact is created by mihoyo, a chinese company. 
what im saying is a chinese company writing a chinese game with a character from fantasy china would NOT make this character a western dragon. 
western dragons breathe fire, are very aggressive, collect hoards of gold, and are often depicted as greedy and possessive. eastern dragons not only look different, they're associated with water (rain) rather than fire, they're cultural symbols of prosperity and good luck, and they FOSTER HARMONY. i have exclusively seen zhongli's "dragon personality traits" modeled after western dragons, not eastern ones. like. yeah. i get it. the dragons the english half of the fandom is familiar with are western dragons. maybe they don't even know how eastern, and specifically chinese dragons, are different. but that doesnt make them any less INCORRECT. 
and hey! seeing dragon eggpreg content makes me want to die[12]. there’s so much. i wish there was less much. this also further encourages the feminization of childe which is :\ must we keep returning the gender norms to fictional romantic relationships
part 5: the ripple effect
the zhongchi version of childe has escaped containment[13]. im unhappy about it. i always know it when i see it because childe is an insatiable uwu bottom who would rather have sex than have a street fight. 
because this ship is so hellaciously popular, other childe ships are relatively rare[14]. anywhere you go, if someone is a fan of zhongli or childe, they probably also ship it. i never want to see another piece of zhongchi fanart again and yet, i soldier on. this is my curse. this is my burden. for childe, i must persevere. 
in conclusion,
i dont have a conclusion actually i just hate zhongchi, thanks for coming to my ted talk 
[1] those people are incorrect. 
[2] i didnt look up this number even a little bit, but i feel in my heart that it is accurate. 
[3] "only 10%? and you're calling it an epidemic?" yes. yes i am. "don't you think thats a little harsh?" you haven't seen what ive seen. you haven't suffered what ive suffered. 
[4] sorry i know the childe section is like four times as long but i just don’t about zhongli like i do childe. 
[5] yes i know it wasnt a meteor but this was written to be read fandom blind and ff7 altered my brain chemistry. 
[6] Daft Punk, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger", 2001
[7] there are, of course, bottom!zhongli works. the name for this ship is "chili" (dont get me started on the top/bottom dynamic wars within the same pairing, we'll be here all day and i will scream until i pass out). it's more difficult to use ao3 numbers to prove my point here, as i find the tagging of top/bottom dynamics on ao3 to be inconsistent. instead, i will use statistics on zerochan.net. at the time of writing, zerochan has 1,765 images tagged with "zhongchi" and 228 images tagged with "chili". (so, ~90% of the childe/zhongli ship on zerochan is marked as zhongchi, i.e. top!zhongli and bottom!childe.) should i be using only a single data point to definitively say that zhongchi is exponentially more popular than chili? no, i should not; that's what we call bad science. but it illustrates the skew in the dynamics and the clear fandom preference, and this is a rant post not a scientific study. 
[8] to some degree, inaccurate fanonizations involving popular characters in a large fandom is inevitable. i understand this. i do not accept this. 
[9] erasermic (aizawa shouta/yamada hizashi) is a popular fandom auto-married ship from boku no hero academia. im not a fan of erasermic either but at least it's existence hasn't left a permanent stain on the characterizations of either character. 
[10] ok so maybe zhongli could do the domesticity thing given that he's working that mundane human angle, though it would take some effort and learning and guidance. but childe? a house husband? lol. lmao. 
[11] to be specific, he's half-dragon half-qilin but everyone seems to forget the qilin part. this isn't unreasonable, given that my experience is with the english speaking part of the genshin fandom, and qilin isnt really a thing that shows up in english media. one time i was watching a cdrama with a friend and the subtitles said "he has a dragon tattoo!" and she started YELLING and we had to pause the show because it wasnt a gd dragon it was a QILIN and they are VERY DIFFERENT THINGs, and then i got a whole rant about how even a unicorn would be a closer translation than dragon and i had to look up qilin's on wiki to follow along with the rant. and thats how i know what a qilin is. 
[12] i have a visceral cringe reaction to dragons now, thanks zhongchi. from my favorite beanie baby being scorch to this, how far i have fallen 
[13] im sure the same is true for this fanon version of zhongli but i havent bothered to verify.
[14] @ chilumi shippers: ur cool, i like u, i also like ur art it's cute <3 but your fanfiction is not for me u_u 
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ankhmeanswombman · 2 months
Yet another tragic tale of Cause & Effect
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if you were a fictional character what songs would you get edited to
The Main Character
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theearthforce · 2 years
Intense intimacy can lead to an exchange in energy, which results in sharing of thought and emotional patterns, energetic blocks and karmas
A romantic relationship is a union between two people; energetically it is certainly the case.
There are many kinds of energetic connections that we can form. Among them, the romantic connection is the one that leads to intense energy exchange between us and the person we are connected with. When energy is exchanged between you and your lover, it results in sharing of thought and emotional patterns, energetic blockages and karmas between you two. It can be for better or worse, depending on what kinds of thought and emotional patterns your lover has, and how much and what kinds of blockages and karmas they have to handle.
Some have suggested that (physical) sex is the act that leads to the energy exchange. However, just the thought of being intimate with your lover can already exchange your energy with theirs, even when no physical action is performed, as our thoughts carry energy. Remember: "where the thought goes, energy flows" (quote from Vedic astrologer and scholar Eve Mendoza)! As a prerequisite for this energy exchange, the energetic connection between you and your lover has to be present. If it is cut or severely blocked, then there will be no energy exchange. 
This energy exchange phenomenon also matches with the astrological narrative. In astrology, marriage can activate some planetary energies on one's astrological chart. However, intense energy connections and exchange between you and your lover can already activate those energies even without having any legally binding agreement. Furthermore, you two's charts can influence each other (e.g. synastry), which is an astrological way to describe how your lover could affect you energetically.
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olden-towne · 3 months
Why is the blorbo ship from my shows that I keep thinking "this song just like them fr tho" Mr.Big and Carrie fucking Bradshaw?
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frankdelfino · 3 months
teen wolf season 3 episode 6 motel california
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stevebabey · 2 years
i really said i’ll write smut! but the point is that they’re in love. like thats the point of the piece
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Anyway I'm gonna laugh when aziracrow don't have sex in s3 lolololololol
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ocean-sailor · 6 months
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erpgod · 1 year
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I got some sexual health books to add to my collection and am actually pretty proud because I am developing a really nice collection of sex ed books from different periods of time. I didn't really think about starting a collection in the beginning but it's panning out that way.
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hiv-live-laugh-love · 7 months
imo, the concept of like "deservingness" needs to be heavily interrogated if not outright dismantled
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papirouge · 2 years
Had an affair and lost my wife, need advice on how to get my family back
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badkarma1998 · 1 year
My friend just found out that spotify will make you a personalized sex playlist
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