#Seven Year's War
tricornonthecob · 5 months
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way to land a Manic Pixie Dream Dragoon, Lady Phillips
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mearchy · 4 months
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chambers003 · 5 months
they are going to beat you (skizz skizzleman) to death
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originalartblog · 7 months
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Do you know who's also 15 has a final form values friendship above most things wants to keep everyone safe and has fought and won against multiple gods or god-like entities???
anyway I firmly believe a little bit of Sonic could have saved Chuuya.
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magnusbae · 9 months
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“ I have suffered the atrocity of sunsets. Scorched to the root. ” –Sylvia Plath
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becausesure · 2 months
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trlvsn · 1 year
what really kills me about ace attorney is the time. the length. the lasting effects of it all. seven years of disbarment. fifteen years of believing you killed your father. how long was simon imprisoned? how long did lana skye have to live in fear and obedience? how long was diego armando in a coma? we remember the numbers, but are we as aware as they are of how much that time has blended into their identities, how it's now at their cores, the most horrible parts of their lives being so big and important, not just something that can be let go of and erased. they all fucking came back wrong and they will never be the same but the game goes on and they live to the best extent of what they can be now. ace attorney reminds me to say "it is what it is" more and i think that's beautiful
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robinante · 2 months
One day I’m going to honor my promises and make a master post of book recommendations based on Dimension 20 seasons.
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bixels · 9 days
If you're getting back into a portal kick and want something that has the same vibe while also being fresh and still Portal, I would recommend you check out the Portal 2 mod "Portal Stories: Mel". It's very good and takes place just before the events of Portal 2. You play as one of the athletes Aperture used in the early days who was testing out a cryostasis pod that no one remembered to set an alarm for.
I've played it! It was pretty good, I enjoyed the experience.
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bantarleton · 6 months
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Let's start 2024 the right way, with some highlander art by Daniel Irwin. https://artstation.com/artwork/Qre9LL
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ultramagnys · 4 days
this ttg clip is how i feel every time i see a grown adult absolutely shitting on earthspark
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tricornonthecob · 4 months
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I am inordinately proud of this expression.
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tosailuponthesea · 1 year
Dimension 20 Parricide Club
Fabian “Toxic masculinity is dead, I dance now” Seacaster
Adaine “Magic is real and so is my frog” Abernant
Katja “I hate confrontation” Cleaver
Colin "Come On" Provolone
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followup question to best finale that i think is one we don't think/talk about much
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apersonwholikeslotus · 9 months
actually when the Entente Cordiale happened Matthieu and Alfred went through the same set of emotions as children of divorce watching their parents fall back in love.
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somnas-writes · 8 days
Meliodas calls the sins ‘chat’ send post
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