#Setsuna is working out lots of stuff
luffythinker · 19 days
what do we think about this family tree?
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I like the idea that Kirishima comes from dragons because of the fantasy AU so he's got dragons in the family from his mom's side and his dad's side has rocks and metals
IDK WHERE TO PUT KOHAKU but shes blonde so i just sat her over there
I haven't gotten to the part where i meet kid yet but he has a metal power i do know
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same power and they canonly used to be called "Meta abilities" in BSD they just call them abilities
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villain father - hero student daughter, i like to remember Setsuna got in on recommendations ? i think she did and normally rec students are rich (Iida,Todoroki,Momo) so she's rich for a reason hjrtbdhxjstbg
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ITS A STRETCH IDEA but step siblings with a age-gap (15 - 24 i think they are nine years apart? im bad at math)
Trumpet is Momo's father. Same father different mothers and Kai's mom abandon him? and the Liberation was trying to get ahold of him but Kai wants nothing to do with his "good for nothing father who only wants to mooch off his successes"
somebody on twitter told me "I guess I could see how disassembling and reassembling matter could be connected with transmutation of lipids if you assume the lipids are being disassembled at the subatomic level." so it must be the mothers quirk that's
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I don't know enough about one piece im only on season 1 but i go and look at a lot of spoilers but not so many i don't know anything about Sanji's family but i remembered either me or somebody else gave quirks to the One piece characters on your blog and labeled him with a fire quirk (i couldn't find it but i found it on my blog so i think it was me?? i have it tagged as #My treasure academia so maybe it was me??)
Quirk: flaming ankle: User can catch their legs on fire for fiery kicks. Only the legs nothing else
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so Sanji as a todoroki jkgbdjtfghj
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tho this is making me think about him being a Kaminari, DENKI HAVING A COOL OLDER BROTHER Sanji actually kinda reminds me of Kaminari ngl
and i just wanna say Nami - Ochako sister
Quirk: Navigation: User always knows where they are and where to go just by taking a moment to look around. Everything becomes familiar if they visited the place once. (Not very sure how this quirk works but i also feel like it could work if they spend a day in one place they automatic know the layout)
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but i could change it to fit in with Ochako's family to this
Quirk: Compass/ true north: grants the user an innate ability to perceive their sense of direction and spatial orientation no matter where they are. The user can always pinpoint the exact location of true north and has an exceptional awareness of their surroundings once the quirk is active, making them naturally skilled in navigation. This ability extends to sensing the precise positions of objects and people within a certain radius, even if they are hidden or out of sight.
my sole reason: because they have the same voice actor and it would be cute for both the money girls to be sisters and Ochako having a troublesome thief sister is funny
Do you have any thoughts or add-ons? someone on twitter added someone who wasn't a mha character into Compress family tree so i had to put in my 5 dollars
oh my god this is a lot, okay let me think
first of all the idea that kidd could somehow be a distant relative of Kirishima makes so much sensenjdfjkdfkjf
as for aizawa and dazai, i LOVE those two and i think it says a lot about me that they are two of my fav (adult) characters
buggy and that girl i gotta be honest i do not remember herjdvfkjdfkj but i stand by u on that!
now momo and chisaki being siblings is something that makes sense to me, because momo's family is super rich, and nobody that rich is doing something clean with their money, so it would be interesting to see that her money comes from underground stuff like the yakuza
trumpt and aizawa brothers makes sense just bc they look alike tbhkjdfkjdfkjfdlk
and god u have no idea how right you are by saying that sanji would be in the todoroki family kvkmdkjckdfkjdfkdc but i like the idea of kaminari and sanji being siblings as well
NAMI AND OCHAKO SISTERS IS SOOOOO TRUEEE they sooo are, older sister nami my precious babygirl
im not sure i have something to add, but now I'm thinking about Kirishima meeting shanks, and i think they would hit it off so well lmao
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quirkwizard · 2 years
How would you rewrite the 4th joint training match?
I've already gone over a lot of the issues I have with this fight, so I won't harp on them too long here.
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The first thing I would do is extend the fight itself. Clocking in at a whopping two chapters, it's too short to build up any interesting changes in the fight's momentum and dynamics. On that note, I would move some of the players around. Most of the powers here are rather one-note and aren't that diverse in their roles and applications. There isn't any real synergy or counterplay between the powers. The most we get is Setsuna tricking Jiro's jacks, but that barely matters to the fight itself. While you could try to switch out the players, like having more active fighters from 1-A or giving 1-B some bigger powerhouses, I think it would be better to evolve their powers. We know next to nothing about the 1-B Quirks. You could have added anything to make this fight more interesting. For example, Bondo's glue could have had certain resistances or weaknesses to heat or vibrations, giving it some interactions with Bakugou or Jiro.
Then there is Setsuna. In spite of her being a Recommended Student, she has a pretty poor showing. The fact that she is hyped up as this major leader and planner but can't work around this one change is mindboggling. And in spite of the fact that her Quirk is one of the most interesting in the class, all she does is tap her parts against pipes. It comes across as the title was only their to make Bakugou look better, but only makes Setsuna look worse. I would have Setsuna be a more active participant in the fight. Both in how she could adapt around the plans of Class 1-A, potentially outplaying them at a few points to keep the fight interesting, and in her doing more stuff with her power. Have her fly her teammates around, subtly undo parts of the environment to have it collapse around people, and give her some actual equipment to help her fight. You could even play up the idea of how her power is the perfect counter to Bakugou's, being too fast and small for him to really fight her, kind of like Monsoon vs Raiden.
Finally, Bakugou. As I've said before, the fight focuses too much on Bakugou and feels like it rushes his development. It's not helped by how he's barely acting any differently around his classmates, still calling them minions and seeming like he barely tolerates them. To fix this, I would pull some of the focus away from Bakugou by having the other students take a more active role in the fight rather than acting purely as supporters. One way you could go about it is by having Bakugou act as a decoy. That his all-out attack seemed to play into Setsuna's hands, but was a big distraction, taking away their focus from his teammates and smashing their defenses. It shows him putting himself in a role he wouldn't normally be in while fitting with people misunderstanding him. I know he had a moment like that with trusting Denki during the License Exam, but he was forced into that situation. I think it would mean a lot more for Bakugou to make the sacrifice play here, showing his development by having him put faith in his teammates, giving those characters time to shine, and foreshadowing certain future events.
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biasedsteam9 · 1 month
Hello, it's a me
I know that I've been MIA for a while, like, a while
Let's just said that life is a wrecked piece of shit sometimes and don't play the good boy.
That being said, it's time for some news, I am now 27 years old, I spend my birthday in the beach, like 700kms from home and my boyfriend, who is my comfort people at this time because after some fights between me and my family and some uncomfortable talks, I moved up with him. A couple of weeks later and thanks to him, I took advice with a good doctor that told me that I have panic attacks and depression (not surprised) due to be under pressure all the time.
Now I'm better, adjusting my life like a person jobless and trying to get better to find a job again, plus, I'm probabky going back to school to finally have my degree at 100% (like, a title and all that kind of stuff).
I've been working in some things, like myself to get better now with my new lifestyle, taking a lot of meds (like 3 almost 3 times per day) and some writing and trying to get distracted to not spend all my day in the bed.
Writing has been the hard part of this journey so far (including gaming but that doesn't help a lot) due to my depression and self-esteem, but I'm trying to start again and continue old works and made new ones specially with a VERY long time fic that is mostly based in Hinomori No Setsuna from Hatsune Miku and Luka Megurine but I feel a little insecure in post it or not in AO3 due that the main pair is Nene Kusanagi and Tsukasa Tenma, feel free to say someting about this, another one is a Shakarian from Mass Effect and the last one is from Halo Reach, mostly the next part of my fic between Carter and Fem! Noble Six.
Anyway, to not make it this more longer, I'm much better with my boyfriend and his family, I'm with major depression and anxiety attacks but I'm trying to get better trough meds and doing my best to do what I really likes.
That's it, that's all.
Thank you if you read all my crap, I really love you <3
Biased out!
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atopearth · 4 months
White Album 2 Part 9 - Coda (Kazusa True End)
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I am finally up to Kazusa's True End!! Anyway, it was nice to see Kazusa's perspective, just as Kazusa sleeps defencelessly, so does Haruki lol. Knowing that Kazusa left a recording for Haruki telling him to go to the concert so she could give up on him and all the other stuff made me realise even more that this concert was very very important to Kazusa. She steeled herself with conviction towards their relationship, her hope for the future in piano and with Haruki and convinced herself to do the best performance she could for Haruki and Setsuna but they both didn't come, how could she not be devastated? I'm glad to finally see Haruki break and let Kazusa realise how he probably does love her. Considering how Haruki's first thoughts when Takeya and them congratulated him on his engagement was Kazusa's feelings, it's obvious where his heart lies, but it's cruel for him to keep dragging this on. I guess one of the reasons I like Kazusa so much is because I can relate to her feelings of being too afraid to go forward but also being too afraid to give up so you're just stuck in the same place forever knowing that you can't go back but not having enough courage to continue. Haruki confessing his love to Kazusa after calling her out for being terrible and useless as a human being just felt so fitting haha, I couldn't help but want to cry. She really is helpless and as I've said before, Haruki could never abandon her and I could never as well, I will always choose Kazusa and I will always love her more than Setsuna, just as Haruki does. The moment Haruki chose to propose to Setsuna with uncertain feelings, it was deemed that he would have to suffer the consequences whether it would be the breakdown of Kazusa or Setsuna. Even though I feel bad for Kazusa considering how difficult it must be and how difficult it must feel to think that she's basically ruining Haruki's "perfect life" because he's choosing to give up everything for her, but really, he did this to himself and should accept responsibility for proposing to Setsuna in such an insincere way.
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I'm actually quite glad that Haruki asked her to make a choice between choosing to live on by herself or to be with him, because in the end, this is their choice. Just as he will have to live with the consequences, Kazusa will also have to live with this choice and she needs to decide whether she thinks it's worth it and whether she can take it, and if she is willing to live with regret too regardless of the choice. Sometimes I wish that Haruki and Setsuna never got back together properly, then this wouldn't hurt Setsuna as much but it is what it is. I kinda wish Setsuna's True End was set here instead, because I can see Haruki choosing Setsuna instead of Kazusa at this point of the "last date" because he is once again confronted with how much he loves Setsuna and how great she is towards him. But I guess it wouldn't be dramatic if we don't dump Setsuna cruelly lol😅 The flashbacks were difficult to sit through considering Haruki's resolve back then and now. It actually broke my heart to see how emotional Hamada was over Haruki resigning, and I think it was worse because Haruki really saw himself working here for the rest of his life and I'm sure Hamada saw that too and that's why he was so frustrated that Haruki wouldn't give him a reason considering how long they've worked together. It was heartbreaking to watch, especially since it's so hard to find a superior that cares about you so much. With Touma Youko putting it like that, it really is hitting me how much Haruki has to sacrifice to be with Kazusa. He is literally giving up on his life to protect hers, and Youko's right, he will be able to protect Kazusa but Kazusa isn't strong enough to protect him so life will be very very difficult for him from now on, especially since he will lose all his friends, his job and the country he's familiar with. I know I like to give Haruki a lot of crap for his decisions, but when he says something like all he needs is Kazusa by his side and he'll be fine, he doesn't need her to protect him and she can just sit next to him playing get piano all day and he'll be able to take care of everything, I can't help but want to cry. Haruki might not be very strong especially when someone like Setsuna babies him, but when it comes to Kazusa, he always steps up to do whatever he can to protect her. Honestly, shameless as it is, if I was Kazusa, I would stay in Japan even if it hurts Setsuna. There's nothing more important than being beside your mother whom you love in your last moments and supporting her when she needs it most.
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Even though I don't particularly like Io and she's definitely wrong about Kazusa, but I really don't blame her because she's seen how Setsuna has been throughout the years so of course she's on her side. However, unlike Haruki and the others, I personally can't really ever forgive Setsuna for making a move on Haruki back in high school knowing Kazusa liked him and then forcing all three of them to be together because she liked it that way. Yeah, Setsuna doesn't deserve this right now, but Kazusa didn't deserve having to suffer through that either, I'll never forget how Setsuna acted like a victim on the rooftop crying to Kazusa basically forcing her to accept their new relationship when she knew and was positive of Kazusa's feelings. I admit that Haruki didn't present himself in a great way (not that he was trying to since he was ready to take all their hatred and lose their friendship) but he didn't deserve the disdain from Io. She may not agree with his choices and she has all the right to hate him and not be his friend anymore but seeing her berate him really hurt and I'm really glad Takeya protected Haruki. I actually cried because Takeya was willing to go against Io for Haruki. He always tries his best to protect Io but I'm so happy that Takeya always chooses Haruki if he has to choose between protecting one. He's the only one who understands Haruki's weak side and the only one who always does his best to support him and care for him when he's emotionally distraught. I think what irks me the most is how everyone sees Setsuna as this angelic being that has done nothing wrong when she's been frustrating too. I do agree that Haruki was the root of all problems considering he cheated on her but they also have to understand that Setsuna also caused a lot of these things to happen. Honestly, the more they say that Haruki is making the wrong choice by letting such a good woman go, the more I cheer for Haruki because I feel like for once, he is finally choosing for himself who he truly loves. Back in high school, he went with Setsuna because she confessed to him. When they got back together in university, alot of it was due to Takeya and Io constantly pushing them both to get back together rather than they themselves truly desiring to be together. I feel like they would have benefited from a true break from each other rather than being together but not together for so many years tbh. Anyway, it sucks that because they aren't Haruki, they will never be able to truly see how he can choose Kazusa, but at the same time, this isn't something an outsider will ever truly be able to understand and accept. I won't even deny that I'll probably be the same as them as cheating is never something truly forgivable.
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I think the disappointment and anger of Setsuna's parents really made me falter though, because if Setsuna was my daughter, I would probably want to hit Haruki haha. Considering how Setsuna's parents are, I guess they couldn't do it, but I felt bad for Takahiro because he really trusted Haruki and yet he hurt Setsuna like this. It might be funny for me to say this, but I personally love the Setsuna that honestly expresses her feelings, her selfishness, her grief and her thoughts the most. She always feels so much more real and understandable, and it's really in those times when I'm on her side😅 I feel bad for Kazusa though. She feels helpless towards Haruki's decision of giving up everything and feels like she can barely console him when his life is falling apart for her. It's ultimately his decision but knowing that you're the cause will always hurt. One thing I'm very glad about is that Haruki isn't using sex to escape from his feelings like he usually does. Anyway, I binged the rest because I was getting tired of it all lol. I guess it just became too dramatic for my liking. I could deal with Kazusa planning to ruin her hands to atone for "stealing" Haruki but I honestly have to say, it's so dramatic you would think it's the end of the world for everyone, and maybe it does feel like that, but it isn't, because people should be living for themselves. Anyway, I think the memory thing with Setsuna irked me the most along with the getting hit by a car thing, like seriously can we stopp is all I could think about sorry, like I know it was supposed to show how in the end, Setsuna will always prioritise Haruki and Kazusa's feelings more than anything else but yeah, I was honestly tired. It's just frustrating because I really enjoyed how the story navigated through everyone's thoughts, reactions and emotions towards the break up, but I found Setsuna and Kazusa's roles and emotions quite lacking even though they're the main people involved lol. Youko is such a kind and sweet mother, I really want to believe she'll live to 99 and get to watch over Kazusa. It was nice to see Setsuna sing and play the guitar but yeah I do have to think this ending was underwhelming especially since as usual, Kazusa herself really takes the back seat in her own route and ending. Despite the fact that Haruki chose her, the whole ending barely felt like it was about her and instead was more focused on the consequences of choosing her which I still enjoyed of course but I wanted more Kazusa moments to make me think yeah this might be the wrong choice, but this will always be the choice we decide on because she is worth it. I really felt that when we were at the scene after she broke down after Haruki didn't go to the first concert. Honestly though, I just wanted a bit more time with Kazusa because I felt like we were deprived of it.
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Overall, I liked Kazusa True but I feel like it had a lacking conclusion, or I guess more of a lacking representation or showing of their relationship? It's like after all the drama, we never really got to see how happy they were with their choices, like we see the conclusion of it but we don't really see much of the relationship itself. However, what I really enjoyed and what was done really well was Haruki's indecision towards whether he was really ready to give up on everything for Kazusa, and then when he made that decision, we could really see the consequences of those actions. We saw his life slowly fall apart as he lost every single thing that was a part of his life and that he loved and we got to see the reactions of all the people important to him when he made this choice. Honestly, the "break up" with Takeya hurt the most and made me cry even though I think picking Kazusa is what Haruki would have chosen, but I do have to admit that him just basically taking care of Kazusa as a manager of the agency overseas felt very underwhelming, I guess it's true that if he picks Kazusa, his life literally just revolves around her which I find rather boring since I feel like he has dreams for himself that he should pursue and that aspect of it makes me think being with Setsuna really is the "ideal path" as they say because it truly depicts a normal and successful life where he has a beautiful and supportive wife with a growing career and just living as "you should" rather than on your desires and what you cherished in the past. Anyway, it was a good route but I have to admit that the romance wasn't what moved me, but instead the emotions of all the side characters.
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qan-t · 1 year
re:vision summary backup
the site that had the re:vision summary is gone. i backed up the text in the event this might happen, and am reposting it unedited for archival purposes.
Chapter 1: Meaning of life
Happens when Setsuna and Tieria enter the ELS planetoid.
Starting dialogue, ELS just like everyone wants to live.
Setsuna than go on with his story, how he got to being a child soldier, going down with all the killing till the appearance of the Gundam saved him. But he became dead inside, he hates how people can be so bad, how people are manupilated etc. He went on his own interventions until CB scouted him. Now he strives to be the Gundam that saved him, now he saves others.
Back to now, Setsuna resolves to go to the ELS home planet.
He has found his meaning in life.
Chapter 2: Even so the embers burn
So humanity is saved, everyone got lots to do to recover after all the ruckus.
CB as well...
Like policing after the Federation lost lots of their forces.
Lockon was grumbling about having him and Allelujah left but Sumeragi is thinking of getting new Meisters.
Gundams-wise Ian is preparing the Exia R4 and Dynames R3.
The 2 (plus Marie) have to hang on for the time being.
Then an emergency encrypted comms from Sumeragi in the colonies.
A mission plan of sorts.
Humorous (?), some pro-human organization? (Like ostracize the ELS or something? I couldn't decipher well)
The 2 talk about how theres is 2 sides in the world, one that accepts and one that rejects.
The Humorous members are preparing arms to kill humans that has assimilated with ELS.
The 2 are to perform armed intervention there.
Lockon monologue. He seems to think of humanity as a baby. CB, Gundam, GN Drives are all to nurture and lead this baby on path. Was that Neil? Now we have Lyle. Lyle talks about his brother, their relationship, history etc. He doesn't blame him, he will strive to carry on his brother's ideals.
Back to now, the 2 set out on the mision.
Chapter 3: [Setsuna something.. can't understand those kanji]
Saji sends a mail to the address Setsuna gave him...
Saji is now helping in the works to fix the Orbital Elevator.
The works paid off as the solar array system is fixed, lessening the Earth's energy woes.
Being able to being smiles to people gave Saji's life meaning.
Louise started living with him one month ago.
She is at some clinic specializing in ELS, she did not assimilate with ELS though.
He wishes Louise's health and the Earth's situation will recover gradually.
Saji receives a mail from an unknown source.
"Someone will visit you soon"
"What is this a prank?"
Just then his doorbell rang.
Its Allelujah.
The unknown address is to keep Saji distanced from CB.
The Humorous are targeting the ELS specialized clinic and the members had mixed into the elevator repair workers. CB wants Saji to help. Sumeragi hopes to settle without armed battles. Humorous is still a civil organization and they don't want it to spread further. They are targeting ELS assimilated humans now but who knows they might target the Innovators later too. The CB seeks to keep them at bay.
Saji agrees to help.
He asks about Setsuna.
Allelujah tells Saji that Setsuna is on a long journey.
Looks like Saji help seed out the 7 Humorous members.
Allelujah heads off to the designated point.
Allelujah and Hallelujah dialogue.
Hallelujah thinks that the ELS clinic is like the human experimentation stuff they went through.
The 2 personalities rattle on but Allelujah calmly hold his stand.
Allelujah accepts Hallelujah.
Allelujah heads off to the designated point.
Chapter 4: Tieria type
Aeolia had thought about humanity, how frail they are, susceptible to various activities and calamities.
[Lots of big stuff I can't decipher...Tieria thinks on Aeolia's ideals and philosophy.]
He seeks to trigger human evolution, better skills, better communication and understanding.
Aeolia then created the Innovades in his ideals of his ideal evolved human, Innovators.
Tieria is one such Innovade created to help usher the humans to evolution, a 0988 type.
[Ok, its kind of recap as Tieria talks about Reborns group breaking off and want to rule humans instead]
Clip of Setsuna exposing people to GN particles plays, lol.
[Tieria rambles on, my mind is switching off...]
Tieria analyze the growth of Setsuna, how Neil's words affected them.
Tieria is going to the ELS home world with Setsuna but this is not an eternal goodbye as he is an Innovade who chose to walk alongside mankind.
[Lockon grumbling about the mission]
Seems like they managed to take out part of the Humorous guys.
Someone calls out to Lockon.
The person says it may be a long time before Tieria returns.
"Not Tieria... then a Tieria type Innovade.."
"A Tieria type Innovade is accurate interpretation. But not Tieria is inaccurate."
"What are you going at?"
"Tieria's memories is in my head."
"A memory copy!?"
"It seems that Tieria Erde is rather worried."
The person names himself as Laetitia. He says though he has Tieria's memories he is different and himself.
Laetitia approached Lockon to discuss Humorous mission details.
Humorous' base is at a colony at lagrange 2 at the other side of the Moon.
Lockon says that place has some significance, and that Humorous are operating on revenge.
[some place destroyed by ELS attack or something I can't decipher.]
Lockon comments on how immature humans are.
Laetitia replies that the Tieira in him envies the immaturity of mankind.
Lockon is suprised.
[Seems like Tieria activated Laetitia out of worry and Laetitia was snooping around and eventually found Lockon. As he gives Lockon the dips on Humorous...]
"Thanks for the info. I'm supposed to go to space to join my comrades. What will you do? Wanna come along?"
Lockon ask Laetitia if he wants to come along.
Laetitia agrees. Tieria wishes so, he wishes so.
No Gundam pilot experience but he has Tieria's memories.
"Alright! So it is! Laetitia Erde, you are now a Gundam Meister of Celestial Being!"
Chapter 5: The 2 sides of the particle
Setsuna and Tieria ready for the quantum teleport but Setsuna heard something...
A voice...
Setsuna is certain and ask Tieria for some time.
He needed to go.
[Graham muses about his state I think, can't decipher]
Graham seems to be having an out of body experience, lol
As he describes being free and flying around being one with nature etc.
Talking about his life, military, flying on a MS etc.
About how flying in the sky in a MS frees him from the shackles of day to day life.
Recalls his life as he climb the ranks.
Getting his team and claiming the skies with the Flag.
"These skies is mine!!"
"But a few years after HE appeared..."
[Recap talk going into Setsuna rivalry]
The details and feelings of him falling in love with the Gundam.
Love slowly turns to hate as he see how the world became after their appearance.
He resolves to defeat the Gundams by all means.
He threw away everything don a mask and go after the Gundams like a maniac.
He was putting his life on the line but felt betrayed by Setsuna.
Though now he is on the route to death having opened a path for Setsuna.
"Its too soon to have that thought."
Setsuna appeared before Graham.
Looks like Graham is still alive due to being in the Quantum Burst area.
Within the Quantum Burst the ELS understood Graham and wishes to live with him.
Setsuna assures Graham that he is truly alive.
Looks like Setsuna heard Graham's grandiose poetry of his life as well, the quantum effect thingy.
"I have a future!"
Graham is Graham and not, reborn a being of human and ELS.
Setsuna entrusts his wishes to Graham.
Everything is understood within quantum.
Graham wishes Setsuna well for his long journey.
"Farewell young man..."
"I'll return, when... I'm not sure.."
Chapter 6: Celestial Being reborned
Saji: A direct comms from Allelujah? Yes. Hello?
Allelujah: Saji Crossroad.
Saji: It is ok for us to talk directly?
Allelujah: Its through VEDA so no worries about eavesdropping.
Allelujah thanks Saji for his list and tells him they have suppressed the Humorous main base at Lagrange 2.
But with the unstable situation, activities like Humorous will likely arise again.
Allelujah wants Saji to inform them when it happens.
Saji accepts this informant role and the 2 bid farewell.
Lockon declares mission complete for the Humorous matter.
He mention that the follow up is left to Federation minister Claus to handle.
Allelujah say its ok for CB to just stay in the shadows as a deterrence, a caution.
The MVP this time is Laetitia, who seems to be out scouting for Meisters.
Looks like Laetitia's Dynames has returned.
Lockon expresses a tinge of excitement.
Allelujah is curious.
Just who will be the new guy?
Laetitia announce his return.
Lockon demands the new guy.
Graham introduce himself to the disbelieve of Lockon and Allelujah.
Allelujah ask Laetitia is it ok.
Laetitia says its approved by VEDA and Ms Sumeragi....and Setsuna.
["Recap" with Setsuna actually passing the baton to Graham, the words]
Graham asks Laetitia where is his Gundam, he is eager to touch it.
Laetitia shows him to Exia R4.
Graham recognizes it as first Gundam he met Setsuna, a revised version.
Graham: That boy, he really want to entrust everything to me.
Allelujah: Isn't it just a coincidence?
Laetitia: Its official name is Gundam Exia Repair IV.
Graham: Now it is called "Graham Gundam"!
Allelujah: Naming it as he likes...
Just then an emergency encrypted comms arrived.
A military coup d'etat.
An armed intervention is called for.
Lockon: Allelujah, Laetitia. Sortie in the Gundams.
Graham: Let me come with you.
Lockon: But you just joined!
Allelujah: That will be reckless!
Graham: No worries! I have received lectures on the Gundam from Setsuna.
Allelujah: Setsuna's lectures!?
Lockon: Oei.. Thats pushing it. You surely won't know how to regulate Trans-Arm usage!
Graham: I definitely dislike that. I am a guy who is bad at holding back himself.
Lockon: That why you have to control..
Allelujah: Ah..going as he likes again..our name too..
Graham: Whats with the squabbling, hurry up!
Laetitia: Understood.
Allelujah: Laetitia...even you...
Lockon: HAHAHAA!!!
Allelujah: Lockon...?
Lockon: That Setsuna really left us some parting gift. Lets go Allelujah, the debut of the new Celestial Being, the new Gundam Meisters!
Allelujah: While Setsuna and Tieria are away..
Lockon: We will take care of the world.
Allelujah: Lets go!
Lockon: Alright!
Allelujah: Gundam Haruto. Allelujah Haptism, flight out!
Lockon: Gundam Zabanya. Lockon Stratos, rolling out!
Laetitia: Gundam Dynames Repair III. Laetitia Erde, sortie out!
Graham: Graham Gundam. Graham Aker, eradicating all evil of the world!
Chapter Extra: After the credits
Neil: Dark, so dark. I can't see anything.
Neil: Heheh.. I thought we could meet if I came here.
Neil: Looks like I'm wrong.
Neil: Is this my retribution...
Neil: Picking a fight with the world, massive killings. Paving the way for a world for Lyle to live in.
Neil: But I sure miss father, mother and Amy. Thought we could meet here.
Neil: So this is what I should accept?
Neil: Eh... a voice?
Lockon...where are you?
Neil: Who!? Who is it that calls me in the pitch black world!
There you are.
Setsuna: Found you. Lockon.
Neil: Setsuna? No, thats not right. You can't be Setsuna.
Neil: You're not the Setsuna I know!
[The Setsuna that appeared is pretty grown up]
Setsuna: My name is Setsuna F Seiei. A Gundam Meister of Celestial Being.
Neil: W...what..
Setsuna: Lockon Stratos. No, Neil Dylandy. I only have one thing to say to you.
Setsuna: Live. Struggle it out. In this world where I cannot, in my place.
continued to next 00 story
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akuma-homura · 10 months
oh fuck yes akuma kourin made it on here too
I desperately want to make a V3 cover of this song, but uh. I do not have the range to get near a lot of the notes for this song, and since it's so distorted, using a vocal remover to rip the vocals for a midi doesn't work either.
eyelash flutter at anyone who might be able to have have a better time doing midis so i can do the cover,,,,? >KICKED
also i'm gonna ramble about this song because... i have a history with it
but also I have a history with this song. Like. Okay, first off, fun fact, it-- or at least the video?? was apparently an april fools project! Like I'm pretty sure at least the video for it was definitely >lets push its dark and ~disturbing~ nature for the giggles-- some parts making this obvious tbh.
But as a kid like, I didn't know this. It struck a chord in me in actually horrifying me. Plus like, admittedly, I was still in my deeply christian raised mindset too, despite some of my likes, so seeing something translating to Devil Ascends or whatever, seeing a pic of baphomet, seeing KAITO on the cross was like. Felt very blasphemous and scared me in that way too wheezes
but I was also. deeply fascinated with it. like it genuinely piqued 14 y/o me's interest despite being scared of it. (this also isn't surprising, my interest and love for KAITO literally started from me actually being creeped out by Yandere KAITO stuff but... being fascinated. Then RP's started, and that sealed it.)
so eventually I, a 14 year old who only knew english despite living in an area and family where I should have also learned Spanish too but it didn't catch with me, wanted to translate it myself to see what the fuck was going on in the song.
Of course, I didn't know Japanese at all. I didn't know how the language worked at all, I didn't even know how sentence structure or word structures worked for it.
But what I did have?
.....2009 era online machine translators.
You can imagine the quality that was spit out by them.
I used multiple of them though, not just Google-- I don't remember the names now, but. I basically translated lines with what was at least 4 different machine translators, also cross referenced some kanji and words with... fuck, was it wikipedia at the time? other google sites? I don't remember, and like. Wrote down my best understanding of the combination thereof.
again. you can imagine the quality of the translation.
BUT. it did at least give me SOMEWHAT of an idea of what was going on in the song... somewhat. Honestly I still felt a bit confused, but there was the general gist of
>...possible demon possession? Demon possession from computer....??? mental breakdown. Trying not to hurt a loved one bc of it I guess???? are they fucking crucifying him. oh he's hoping for god to save him in the final days or something
Honestly. It's one of the 'founding' songs in my head for Proto(the KAITO muse that eventually became 'mansionKai' with retwrites which bacame Kai / Kadin), among other certain yandere KAITO songs.
...because that's the thing, it's also a yandere KAITO song! So that's also some context to think of it in!
I always hoped someone else would see the song and want to do a Proper translation of it, but like... that never happened. Over a decade passed and I never saw a proper, good english translation for it. It's a shame, honestly.
Nowadays, with machine translations, Google Translate has actually notably improved-- and we have the likes of DeepL, too-- but. That doesn't always take into account of context, and other little intricacies when it comes to language and lyrics and such.
And like, I have a cleaned up DeepL translation on the reupload for the song now-- and it IS better than the one I put on it with annotations over a decade ago. But...
It definitely feels like >man. I need someone who actually knows the language and could see things I'm definitely missing to give this song a proper english translation.
(also, I admit, I also sometimes have a hard time grasping even just. how things are said in english sometimes, and what could be better said in english, and such things, so like, that doesn't help)
Anyhow, I do legitimately like the song. The fear of it has obviously passed, and finding out it was an april fools project kind of also has me like >haha. wow. i sure Experienced over what was a joke.
but hey, that's just how art is, I guess.
Honestly, with the DeepL translation, I do feel it still fits as a founding song for Proto, hahaha.
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strawberry-metal · 2 years
Tumblr media
Got some autumn stuff to upload that’s by my friend, Nao, aka, thebigblackdevil5 on DA! She used Alice’s autumn Pluto model for this one!
Original pic on da: https://www.deviantart.com/thebigblackdevil5/art/Hello-Would-You-Like-A-Cup-Of-Coffee-905303957
Her description:
“I know this was sorta supposed to be something autumn theme to it, but to be honest with you I was sorta wanted to do something a little different for this certain picture...like a character going to a café getting a cup of coffee, tea, or a hot cocoa. I picked Pluto since I feel like I thought she will fit the picture, I think she looks really lovely since I feel like I really don't see any pictures of her being in normal or autumn clothes. I was going to make her wave or her have one of her hand resting against her cheek, but I was like 'Yeah I could see that match her, but this my work and I will get creative with the pose!" lol. I know the hand pose looks a little weird since I was trying to make her hand just rest on the table but I sorta messed up since I was really sleepy and when I saw it when I was adding the effect, well it was to late, also I add a little steam to the tea since I thought it look more realistic. .3. Again, I rarely see picture Sailor Pluto/Setsuna just being a young college girl, so maybe in this little picture she could be just going t a cute little new café that just open up, while she is studying a bit before she order a cup of nice warm coffee, while just enjoying the nice cool autumn breeze she could maybe look to the side to some of her friends to join her. I lowkey thought this was a cute title, I know it's cheesy as hell but whatever, everyone needs something a little cheesy once in a while. Yeah, that's pretty much it, I really don't know much to say but I really do like how the picture came out since I really did try my best to give the picture a lot of the fall theme. I was supposed to do this earlier but I was busy with other things and I got a cold, so I needed to recover first. I know this was short and all, but I really did my best on the picture since I think it looks really simple and beautiful, I wanted to give Setsuna more that sweet look since again I rarely see pictures of her it's more like dark art or with the other outer Sailor Scouts, so it was nice to do something sweet with her. ^^ I really do hope you all like it~! (❁´◡`❁) ~Credit~ Made it in MMD SSAO Diffusion 7 AdultShader Edit In Picmonkey, Sai, and some site called LunaPic Pose: Me Autumn Shroom Pluto: RainwaterPearls Tea and Plate: Tea Set Background:CafeStage Sailor Sailor Pluto © Naoko Takeuchi”
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stigmatvm · 2 years
Did not mean to unfollow and refollow sdfgfd I was just trying to send 10, 19, or 24 for muses of your choosing!
10. Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
gonna answer for all of them lets go speedrun
nobimaru: nobimaru doesnt have friends, however i would follow him to hell just to see what batshit crazy happens next inari: also not a friends person. she wouldnt even have to bewitch me tho id do what she asked also because i think shes funny as fuck hinata: yes. 100%. and id hit her boyfriend with a car for FREE monoma: hes 16 but id regard him like a little cousin as i do with most of my younger friends ibara: same as above setsuna: also same natsuo: i wish i could be friends with natsuo. we could get starbucks on campus together. vlad king + hound dog: yes but in the sense of like, i ask them for advice because theyre thirty and also gay. i want vlad and hound to be my managers at work curious: no. shed come in to the museum where id work and id be terrified of fucking up because shes bougie. i would eavesdrop on her. virtue: shes my uncle basically
19. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
depends! sometimes i do, but usually i listen to music before i reply to get inspiration because i tend to get distracted if im listening to it as i write, esp if its a really intense thread. like i gotta shift into writing mode. music is a HUGE part of my creative process though.
as for what kind.... i listen to a lot of diff stuff. its more about if it makes me rotate my muse in my brain really fast than about any particular sound, although i have been very big on music that sounds like having your head shoved in a blender (affectionate) lately
24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
hm...to be honest, i feel like a lot of them are in need of a bit of a rehaul or cleanup, but i like to think i'm decent at getting a character's voice. it's a blessing and a curse, because i tend to drop or neglect muses i can't flesh out in my brain, but with characters like monoma or ibara, i pour a lot into making them feel real, and i do a lot of research into both canon and side material and any other similar topic to try and make it work.
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
The Electric State
by UnknownVariable15637
The sound of my sobs mixed with the sound of the water from the showerhead hitting the tile to form a symphony of sound and anguish. Curling less into a ball the cold of the tile went from a pinpoint to my entire back as I stretched out and looked up to the falling water.
Of course, she had to date him, who wouldn't he's strong, nice not born smart but tries his hardest, dependable, easy to like, good-looking, and good with people. On a lucky day, I'd have maybe two of those down. Compared to him I wouldn't date me either.
Or compared to anyone in our class or grade.
I wouldn't date me either...
Or the fanfic I decide to give Kaminari the character progression he deserves, getting some rarepair action and basing this off of my experiences in hopes it may help a lost soul. Both in the fanfiction and outside.
Fuck I wouldn't date me either.
Words: 1353, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina, Shinsou Hitoshi, Dekusquad - Character, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Kendou Itsuka, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Monoma Neito, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Elecplant (My Hero Academia), more to be added
Relationships: Kaminari/Surprise for now, Jirou Kyouka/Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta/Tokage Setsuna, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, dekusquad - Relationship, bakusquad - Relationship, Class 1-A as a whole, Class 1-B - Relationship, Class 1-A & Kaminari Denki, Class 1-B & Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Some fighting, some gore, some love, A LOT of Character Development, Some Attempted Humor, M to be safe this may going to a darker place later on, cursing, Fighting, Bakusquad, Dekusquad, Mixing Fandom and canon, Updated when I can (Sorry about that), Unrequited Love, Character Study, Character Development, Can't be seen as canon but not far of, Fluff and Angst, Treating everyone in this fic fairly dont worry, first work in this fandom, Music, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Kaminari doesn't deal with bad stuff in a good way, He will tho, Also I love Kaminari so any bad talking are his thoughts not my true ones
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50693845
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reisakumaproducer · 1 year
Finished season 1 of Love Live Nijigaku. I want to talk about stuff I like about each girl. Tbh I am not super emotionally invested in the cast just yet, but I do love the characters and I think some of the focus episodes really helped with showing a different side to them. Here are my thoughts:
Kasumi: Kasumi was a joy on screen. In the anime, not many of the characters have exaggerated personalities so Kasumi’s antics are quite entertaining. Despite how she may seem full of herself in her desire to be seen as the cutest, she shows kindness in how she cheers up Shizuku and realises she is forcing Ayumu to be something she is not (real mature of her ngl). I want to know more about why Kasumi wants to be seen as cute (unless episode 2 addressed this and I forgot… I digress)
Ayumu: At first she came across as plain and faded into the background. However, her arc with Yuu really helped to give her more depth. At first it seems as though she is jealous that Yuu is spending more time with others, but I think Ayumu is just not used to be surrounded by others but Yuu. She became a school idol expecting Yuu to support her the entire way, and now she has other fans to support her. She feels as though she is distancing herself from Yuu and subconsciously must’ve projected that onto Yuu when Yuu said she was finding her own dream. This is my own take on Ayumu because I don’t think Love Live was trying to give her a jealousy arc, but rather an arc that focusses on how her relationship with Yuu is changing
Shizuku: Shizuku seemed plain at first as well but her episode was the most relatable for me. Really looking forward to seeing her express her true self more. I empathise a lot with not expressing your true self in fear of being disliked. I like how Kasumi teaches her that it is okay if people dislike her because there are people (like Kasumi) who do like her. It’s a powerful message for people who struggle with what others think of them and are self hating
Kanata: She surprised me the most. She is sleepy because she is hardworking. I really like how she works hard for her sister but learns to share the burden with her. Her episode was really well done imo
Rina: Arguably the best focus episode. Almost teared up at the end seeing her work hard to try and connect to others. My heart was aching during the box scene. I think the overall message that she could use her weakness and make it into a strength was a good one too. It’s okay that she can’t do this one thing because she has other strengths to help her. It’s an inspiring message.
Ai: I love her friendship with Rina! It wasn’t something I expected. Glad they could bond over the arcade. Also love her puns
Karin: I like how Karin is hesitant to become a school idol because it conflicts with her image as the “cool and mature” one. It made me want to learn more about her. Karin goes from someone who doesn’t like being around people to someone who treasures the school idol club as her friends, but also rivals. She seems to be down on herself when she shows weakness, like her nervousness before performing, so it’s cool to see the club uplift her. Also love her friendship with Emma and how she looks out for her
Emma: She is my least favourite because her focus ep was less about her and more about Karin. I did like her episode though and it was when the anime started getting good in quality. Again, love her dynamic with Karin
Yuu: I like how through school idols, Yuu realises a dream of her own that isn’t related to being a school idol. I love how she tries to build confidence for herself to pursue this dream closer to the end. I think Yuu can represent a lot of Love Live fans who were moved by the franchise and ended up discovering things about themselves. Feels like Love Live is giving itself a medal if this was their intent, but this is how I feel about Yuu because this how I feel about the franchise itself
Setsuna: My favourite. I love how her reasons for quitting were because she didn’t want to hurt anyone with what she loved. To be honest, I think the club’s conflict would’ve benefitted more if they argued more before they disbanded. One disagreement isn’t enough to make the audience more invested in the conflict. I want to learn more about her parents who seem strict, and I am a sucker for people with secret identities. When she geeks about anime, it makes her more enjoyable to me. It’s an unexpected side to her but unlike other characters who would be more shy about it, she gets excited when anime is involved and I love it
I’m looking forward to watching S2. Love Live has a habit of reducing its characters to one trait after their focus episodes (I’ll never forgive LL for what it did to Hanamaru and Yohane) but I’m hoping that’s not that case for S2. I’ll post more of my thoughts on Nijigaku as a whole later but overall, I liked it
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The Worst Idea Ever (aka a Class 2-B Groupchat)
The worst idea ever (Aka a class 2-B groupchat) by Mayfleur Max
I know people tend to hate chatfics, but this isn't for them so I really don't care, I think chatfics are perfect for fun dumb stuff and to indulge yourself in things you wouldn't be able to do with the characters otherwise. Also on the topic of not liking chatfics, yes, a lot of the time they are out of character, but I'm delusional so whatever I say a character is like is how they will be to me, because cannon can suck my ass. I just want these characters to be somewhat (when I don't traumatize them) happy. -- Monoma won't stop bugging Kendo to make a group chat, all because class 2-A has one. Although it's a terrible idea, Kendo makes one anyways because she wants him to shut up. Obviously, like in every chatfic in existence, shit happens and things get fucked.
Words: 1578, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Class 1-B, Awase Yousetsu, Kaibara Sen, Kamakiri Togaru, Kuroiro Shihai, Kendou Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Komori Kinoko, Shiozaki Ibara, Shishida Juurouta, Shouda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Tsuburaba Kousei, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Honenuki Juuzou, Bondo Kojirou, Monoma Neito, Yanagi Reiko, Rin Hiryuu, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, U.A. Faculty, Kirishima Eijirou, Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina (mentioned)
Relationships: Kendou Itsuka/Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kodai Yui/Yanagi Reiko, Kouda Kouji/Tsunotori Pony, Kirishima Eijirou & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kendou Itsuka & Monoma Neito, Kendou Itsuka & Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga & Ashido Mina, One sided Monoma Neito/Aoyama Yuuga
Additional Tags: Class 1-B Shenanigans, Mineta Minoru Bashing, Mentioned Class 1-A, Jealous Monoma Neito, Shouda Nirengeki needs a break, so does kendo, hell is a place on earth, This Is STUPID, Random references everywhere, If a fic I write doesn't have my favorite out of pocket ship is it even mine?, Monoma Neito is a Little Shit, Tokage Setsuna is a Little Shit too, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, I'm Bad At Tagging, U.A. Dorms | Heights Alliance, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Aoyama Yuuga is a Good Friend, yes two class A students are here, Second Year Class 1-B
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43934772
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tiktowafel · 3 years
How about some post war arc headcanons for TetsuKendo?
i love these two so much, they're such a nice healthy couple
- I hc that they started dating during their school years (post war arc makes sense because that's where everything calms down and stuff) and they were the first official relationship in the class
- Setsuna and Komori were so damn happy because they shipped it since day one and it finally happened, the otp became reality!!
- Also, aggresively supportive Monoma. Imagine him following them around all like "oh my god look at them, they're so beautiful together, truly a match made in heaven, go on and show me a class 1-A couple better than these two, oh wait, NO ONE'S DATING IN CLASS 1-A WHAT A SHAME" and Kendo wondering whether she should karate chop him or not
- Kendo would often help Tetsutetsu with studying even before they started dating
- They both suck at cooking, but this doesn't stop them with trying to learn it (i mean they have to, someones gotta cook when theyre adults) and making everyone worried about the well-being of the dorm kitchen
- These two have so much power couple vibes, they definitely work out together and they're sparring partners too
- They think of each other a lot when doing hero work, like the "what would Deku do" thing some 1-A people do.
Tetsutetsu is quite reckless and tends to throw himself into action without thinking about it much, Kendo on the other hand is a great planner who sometimes ends up overanalyzing the situation, so they make a perfect balance - Tetsutetsu thinks "Itsuka would probably stop for a moment and think it through" and Kendo thinks "Tetsu would probably stop overthinking this thing and actually go kick that villain's ass"
- Ok but adult Tetsukendo working in a shared hero agency and generally being one of the most well-known hero couples out there (i think that some hero couples are more public but others are more independent from each other, own separate agencies or keeping their relationship secret for one reason or another. Tetsukendo is definitely more like the first kind)
- Also the "married couple who keeps making their kids cringe because they refuse to stop being cheesy in public" dynamic fits them so well
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Don't suppose there could be a sequel to bunny Luisa maybe? 😏😏😏😏😏
In honor of pride, yes you absolutely may. Imma make this one a bit fluffy, if you don't mind. Don't worry, we get naughty Luisa later, I just wanted some soft Luisa stuff first (because I know not ALL of you guys like lewd stuff).
"Wait, you haven't told them?"
"I mean. Not. Exactly. In words."
Luisa was on break at her shift at the 'fluffy bunny', and she was talking to her friends, who of course, were worried at this sudden information. Setsuna cocked her head to the side.
"So...you think your parents would be embarrassed that you have a job here?"
"Well it's. More the outfit."
"Luisa you look GREAT in that outfit!"
Luisa rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. That meant a lot, coming from the prettiest girl she'd ever seen. To say she had a crush on Charlotte was putting it lightly.
"I mean, thank you. It's just. It's revealing, that's all. I don't want my dad to have a heart attack or my mom to have a heart attack. It's just better that I tell them I do little jobs here and there and hope they don't find out till. Well the rest of my life."
Charlotte opened her mouth, only to suddenly look at the time.
"Ugh, breaks over girls. Look, Luisa, babygirl, you don't have to tell him. I'm just saying you should. Come on Setsuna."
"Where we going?"
"To work. At your job."
"Oh. Right. What do I do again?"
Setuna wasn't exactly. Smart. But she was super pretty and nice, hence why they were friends. Charlotte let Setsuna into the building, before lightly patting Luisa's bicep. She always smelled like cupcakes.
"You comin'? I could cover for you, I know the dinner rush can be hectic."
"Nah, I got it! I hate not pulling my own weight."
Besides, Luisa could handle anything. Right?
"Yo! Agustín! Jules! We bugging you guys?"
Agustín was currently organizing their clothes while Julieta was taking a moment to rest for once. He saw the look on Félix and Pepa's faces, and they were clearly excited for something.
"Nothing that's going to make you guys leave. What's up?"
"Well, my brother Julio got these coupons for this place just outside the Encanto, but he didn't wanna go, so-"
"So get dressed! We're doing double date night! I'm talking dessert, drinks, dessert-"
"You said dessert twice, Pepi."
"I'm hungry, Félix."
Agustín looked at his wife. He'd want to go, but his wife had been on her feet all day, she must be exhausted. She looked as if she'd say no, but Pepa and Félix looked so excited, he knew her answer before she even said it.
"Oh alright. But who has the kids?"
"Bruno said he's got it! Now come on, hurry up- and look sexy! Don't act like you don't have tits!"
"Pepa, you're BAD!"
Félix and Pepa laughed as they exited the room, off to go get ready themselves. Julieta sighed.
"I don't like leaving the kids with Bruno, they raid the damn kitchen. Wish Luisa was here, she actually tells them no. Sometimes. Which is better than nothing."
Agustín chuckled as he leaned in to kiss his wife's cheek.
"She's out working, and I'm proud of her for it. She took ALL the grandkids out last week to buy them whatever they wanted from the market. She's clearly working hard."
"I know, I know. I just. Worry, Agustín."
"I know. That means you're a wonderful mami. But even mamis need breaks. Come on, let's get you into something nice. Why not this one?"
Julieta chuckled at the outfit he pulled out. A slim blue dress that had quite the impressive titty window.
"That was for Pepa's Bachelorette party, Agustín. It shows too much."
"I'm not gonna MAKE you. I'm just saying, I love it when people know how sexy you can be~"
He gave her that little eyebrow wiggle she adored, and of course, she relented.
"Fine, fine, I'll wear it. But YOU have to wear nothing once we get back, understand, puppy?"
His ears burned at that all too familiar pet name. God he loved this woman.
"Of course, whatever mami wants."
They shared a quick kiss, before they got ready. They met Pepa and Félix downstairs, and Félix whistled as soon as he saw them.
"Damn you two, making us look bad!"
Félix wore his brown button up (which was more of a button down, given how much chest he was showing), while Pepa wore an orange dress that showed off a WHOLE lot of leg. She grinned as she bumped hips with her sister, clearly already in a party mood.
"Damn hermana, looking good! Oh the boys are gonna be SAD when they realize our asses are married. Now let's GO, I'm STARVING-Julieta, NO."
She had to keep her sister from double checking the kitchen, grabbing her by the arm and making her walk out of the Casita. Félix grinned as he and Agustín caught up to them, both putting their arms around their women.
"Pepa's got a point, Jules, relax! Tonight you party, tomorrow you can panic. I mean, when was the last time you guys got to dance?"
She looked up at her husband, shrugging.
"Oh geez, I think the last time was Antonio's ceremony."
"I think you're right. But that's changing tonight!"
He gave her a little twirl as they walked, and the air was full of chatter and laughs until they got there. The fluffy bunny.
"You guys ever hear of this place?"
"Nope. But shit, coupons are coupons."
They managed to get inside without too much fanfare, getting a seat at a table. It was nice in here, dim lighting, a full bar. But Augustín quickly saw why the place was REALLY busy. Girls after girls wearing bunny outfits. Very...revealing bunny outfits. Pepa whistler at the sight, rather shamelessly.
"What? I'm married, doesn't mean I can't look! Except Félix, he doesn’t get to."
"Fine with me, I get to look at you instead."
Agustín chuckled. He loved hanging out with these three, it was just like old times. An older woman came up to them, placing menus at their tables.
"Sorry we're a little packed tonight, folks, please be patient."
"Oh we're in no hurry! Please, take your time. We're just happy to be out of the house."
"Thank you kindly! I'll see to it you guys get one of my best girls."
With that, the woman left. Pepa grinned as she nudged his shoulder.
"Try not to like our server too much, Auggy, you dog."
"Pepa, there's no woman that's gonna have my attention tonight, aside from my wife."
"Luisa, honey, you mind taking another table?"
"I can ALWAYS take another table."
Luisa was swamped. But she didn't mind, she worked hard. Granted she'd prefer the tables with just the girls, since the guys were kinda creepy towards her (not always, but still), but she wouldn't complain regardless. She was about to approach the table, when her blood went cold. Oh no. Oh no oh no. She immediately dived behind the bar, with Martha raising a brow at her.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not here, I'm NOT here. I was never here-i've never even EXISTED."
Martha knelt down, putting her hand on her knee in a comforting manner.
"Hey, hey. Easy. Is someone making you uncomfortable?"
She couldn't speak. Even as Setsuna and Charlotte approached for their drinks, and immediately saw her.
"Luisa! What's wrong? Who upset you, babe? I'll spit in their drinks."
"He's gonna think I'm a whore oh my god oh my god-"
Setsuna looked at the table Luisa had just been assigned to.
"The guy with glasses?"
"Yeah. Wait NO SETSUNA-"
She was too slow. She watched in horror as Setsuna approached the table, despite her calling out to her. She hated how she could somehow hear the conversation all the way from here.
"Hey, you're the guy with glasses."
"I...do wear glasses, yes. Are you here to-"
"Do you think I'm a whore?"
Oh no. Oh Dios above. He looked so confused, all of them did.
"Agustín, do you know this woman?"
"I don't think so? I'm sorry, who are-"
"I'm asking if you think I'm a whore, because I'm wearing this. My friend says you're gonna think she's a whore, so she doesn't want to serve you."
Luisa groaned into her hands. God. Fucking. Dammit. Setsuna. She peered past her fingers to watch this train wreck.
"Oh. I'm sorry. You can tell your friend that I don't think she'd be a whore for wearing this. And even if she was, that's none of my business, what she does with her body."
Pepa nodded in agreement.
"I don't care if a bitch has eaten a million asses, I just want some food."
Setsuna somehow made it even worse. She turned, waved at the bar, and called out LOUD to her.
"Yo! Luisa! He's cool! And if he isn't I'll spit in his drinks if you want!"
"Wait. Luisa?"
That was when she met her father's very shocked eyes. And she knew her life was ruined.
Agustín didn't know what to do. First this waitress was acting weird questions, then he was suddenly looking at his very scared daughter behind a bar counter. Immediately the poor thing burst into tears, and bolted for the bathroom. Julieta ran with him, calling out to her and recieving no response. They burst through the bathroom door, Immediately finding the source of the loud sobs, in one particular stall.
"Luisa! Honey? Come on out, let's talk!"
"No! I didn't want you to see me like this! You OR mom! I'm sorry!"
He shared a nervous glance at his wife as they both surrounded the stall.
"No, mija, please! Let's talk! We're confused! We thought you were working!"
"I...i am working. This is my job. I've been working here for four months. I'm sorry!"
Agustín scowled in confusion before looking back at the door.
"You. You lied to us?"
"Yes!!! I'm such a LOSER, I'm SORRY!"
Agustín sighed, and he gently knocked on the door yet again.
"Please. Open up. I need to tell you something."
Luisa somehow heard him through her wails, and opened the door. She had tears running down her cheeks, her lips were wobbling. It hurt his heart. He motioned for her to bend down, and he held her face in his hands.
"Did you lie to us...because you were embarrassed?"
Julieta pushed a strand of her hair back, looking plenty worried.
"Luisa, mi bebé. You didn't have to hide this from us."
"She's right, amor. You thinking we'd think of you as...as a whore, that's AWFUL! Mija, we're proud of you no matter what you do for a job, no matter what you WEAR. You're my lulu, remember?"
Luisa wiped her face with the back of her hand, still sniffling.
"I...I don't have to quit?"
"Do you like working here?"
"Are you safe working here?"
"Then no. You do not have quit."
Julieta nodded, kissing her forehead.
"Just. No more lies, okay? We're your parents. You can tell us ANYTHING. And we will absolutely support you."
Agustín chuckled, lightly pinching his little girl's absolutely adorable cheeks.
"Come on now, wash your face, we wanna order some drinks."
"You...want me to serve you?"
"Of course! And we're looking forward to giving you a huge tip!"
Luisa finally smiled, and after cleaning herself up and cracking their backs in a hug, they got back outside, with Luisa looking more ready then ever. Pepa and Félix looked surprised, before Félix laughed.
"Holy shit- we just can't fucking escape the kids for a night, eh? Good for you mija, proud of you!"
"...thanks, tìo, a lot."
"This is sweet and all, and I LOVE how you look mija, but if I don't get a sweet in me, I'm going to thunder."
Luisa loved her family. ESPECIALLY her papi.
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doridoripawaa · 2 years
40 and 4 for rose and ariella
you are so neat for asking this thank u
4. How do they see themselves in their head, and how is that image wrong?
Ariella tends to think everything that ever goes wrong is her fault. She has Horrible self-esteem. Unfortunately, she and Saeyoung share the habit of making jokes to cope and mask their pain. She sees herself as boring and dim-witted and selfish (she says, as an actual walking sanrio character who's also an attorney). Honestly, one of the reasons she moved to Korea was to find herself, because she'd been burnt out from trying to be someone she wasn't. A lot of ideals were placed on her, and she realized how much time she'd spent just being someone else's dress-up doll. So she definitely struggles with her self-image. She does think she makes excellent puns, though.
Rose doesn't think as hard about that kind of stuff? They have fairly severe anxiety, so they're very attentive to the world around them, but as far as introspection goes... They're simple. They're easy-going and just want to enjoy their hobbies and help people out at work. They probably see themselves as dumb, but they aren't dumb so much as air-headed and ditzy? They're kind of spacey, but when they're devoted to a task, they'll do a fine job. They know more than anyone should know about flowers and football/soccer. If they don't have an interest, though, they won't be able to focus and learn.
40. What song is their theme song?
To nobody's surprise, Ariella's theme song is one of Setsuna's solos. Specifically, Melody. DIVE! was a close contender though. Listen to Melody here!
Candidly, the reason this ask took me all day to answer is because I couldn't pick a song that I felt truly fit Rose. I found plenty of songs for their relationship with Saeran (and Ray, Suit, Unknown, the whole system), but none for Rose specifically. Ultimately I decided on Ringing! You can listen to the Chisato version or the Keke version. Chisato's voice makes me think more of Rose, but Keke's story of traveling from a faraway land to reach her goal reminds me of them, too!
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sessrin-eternity2 · 3 years
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Free Icon!
All credit goes to Sato.♡️
Happy new year to all my wonderful comrades and people who have newly followed this blog! May you all stay safe and healthy. I wish you many best wishes and hope you all make the best out of 2022 if 2021 wasn't your best... I know how that feels because my big brother was killed on June 1st 2021... That day still feels like a living nightmare... my family and I wish so much to find big brother's killer but no luck so far but we're not throwing in the towel... We're kinda getting a hunch on who really done it but we don't want to falsely point fingers so we're being careful with this until further notice.
Also for this new year I want to do better with this blog and my other social medias and bring lots of Sessrin content but not just edits, icons, frames, gifs, I want to get back to drawing my art again, I got everything I need to get back to work it's just been hard since we lost big bro but he wouldn't be pleased if I stopped drawing completely, he and the family always supported me so I'm gonna give it my all this year with artwork. I left the Dust An Elysian Tail fandom for good, it's too much pain to return to that comic book project but I just want to move on with Sessrin and Yashahime.
I'm practicing very hard to get back to it all so I can bring artwork and comics content like I've promised. There's lots of themes I plan to bring like, character clothes designs, accessories, foods, drinks, lots of comics, crossovers and my project Passion Moon Lady Rin's Lingerie Line. (But nothing 18+ I'm far too shy to draw that stuff so I make low key stuff.)
It's a project where I'll make lingerie designs exclusively for Rin and once the designs are uploaded, I'll give Sessrin Fan Artist and Fan Fics Writers the permits to use them in their drawings, comics or stories as long if they want to and ask for my permission.♡️ Hopefully I'll be starting off this month or next month with the first design and next time I'll explain about Themes once I make the logos.
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I'm still hyped for more Yashahime and finally we're getting Episode 38 and yes, Sesshomaru looks really bad in that clip but I don't think any of us has to worry, it's poor writing and a bad decision to kill Sesshomaru, especially that he reunited with his wife Rin and soon their daughters, plus Inukag and niece. So, we got nothing to worry about, Sesshomaru will be okay, he's always been a demon dog and he always finds a way to get back to his feet. By him sealing the girls in the pearl, I think that was his way of protecting his daughters and niece, and also to go free Inukag, so I'm excited for this episode and still crying over Episode 37, all so beautiful. ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) Sesshomaru holding his wife, Setsuna remembering Towa and hugging each other and Sesshomaru giving Moroha the black pearl with her parents in it. (It's like Sesshomaru is SantaMaru, he gave his niece a present! ♡️)
Wishing you all the best yet again, please be safe and do what you desire the most this year. ❤️ Love y'all!
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myonmukyuu · 3 years
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Art Summary: 2021
It’s time for my yearly art review! This makes my 8th year of recording year-long summaries. They’re really piling up now. 😊
I feel like this summary isn't really indicative of my improvement? It's more like what I got up to over the year.
...I really did draw stpm for an entire year 🤣
Previous: 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020
Let’s see... what did I get up to this year?
My worklife shifted to primarily working from home, so I ended up getting more time to draw. Though on the flipside I’ve been quite busy with my life, especially because I’ve been trying to organise building a house with my family.  Either way, my comic output has been quite constant.
It may have taken me 2-4 months to do ch8 in my series, but I wasn’t spending that time sitting around y’know. I feel like I’m becoming a lot more confident with making comics like this! I usually feel a lot of grief about how I’m “not fast enough” and things like that. But looking back, I really should cut myself some slack 😅. I did 138 pages worth of comic this year. On average that makes about 11 pages a month. Of course this doesn’t take into account whether those pages were coloured or not, not does it take into account the breaks I’ve taken to do standalone illustrations or other things but I still think it’s pretty consistent work if you ask me! And I’m happy I could keep it up. Comics are the kind of thing you get better at by just doing, after all.
As a side-note, I’m also happy that some of my work was accepted onto Dynasty Scans this year. People have different opinions about rehosting, but for my comics specifically, I feel comfort in knowing that they’re archived somewhere outside of my art accounts. Especially somewhere that people visit specifically to read comics.
Overall... I’m pretty darn satisfied with the content I’ve output this year! My series has always been really fun to do (even though it can be stressful) because it really lets me try to flex all of my muscles, y’know? Painting skills, writing skills, doing weird backgrounds, doing weirder angles... Stuff like that. Just trying new things. Even if it’s hard to do, I have a lot of fun trying to push things further! Of course I’m not a machine and that’s not something I can constantly do, so weaving in black/white one-shots is also very satisfying. I think above everything, I want to be able to tell a good story, so being able to do comics quickly in b/w really helps me quickly pump out an idea!
I wonder if there’s anyone out there thinking “when will she get tired of drawing Setsuna/Ayumu” and honestly that’s a really good question. If you’ve been a long time follower of mine, you probably wouldn’t be asking such a question though, You’d know that I’m that kind of person who draws a single thing and nothing else for years at a time 😂. I’m just very focused okay!! I’m a depth-first kind of person when it comes to things and I still feel like there’s so much to explore between these two. I’m sorry if there’s anyone out there who wants me to draw other ships 😂.  It’s just that I really adore these characters, so I wanna continue to explore and develop them! Both as characters and as a relationship dynamic. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface honestly... so I have my work cut out for me. (I definitely have no shortage of ideas).
I think that’s it for my general overview? Well it’s what I can think of at the moment. I’m gonna move into where I am and where I wanna go in terms of art.
Like I said before, I’m pretty satisfied with what I’ve been getting up to. Of course, technical-skills-wise I definitely have a long way to go. My lines are still so... tight, I have difficulty drawing in perspective (which really puts a wrench in lining up dramatic panels) and I barely know what 3D-shape is to name a few things. But let’s talk about what I’ve been doing!
Last year I wrote the following goals in my art summary. Let’s address them individually:
“I want to finish my comic series”
Hahhahahahahahah I’m so sorry 2020 me. This comic was a lot bigger than you initially imagine 😂. I’m not going to make any excuses or anything. But I can say for a fact that I will most definitely finish this comic in 2022! I promise!
“I want to continue to play to my strengths and enhance them”
This is a vague-sounding goal, but it still rings true. I know that my skills mainly lie in being able to create atmosphere/tone to best communicate a feeling. At least that’s what I think. But I believe I have been enhancing them! Over the course of my comics this year I’ve been trying lots of new things when it comes to lighting and colour! For my main series comics I actually do quite a bit of research and experimentation. Like in Ch 7 the rainy day scenes took some playing around with. And in ch8 the entire chapter had me trying ~4 different approaches and strategies. I think it’s really important to try to do new things and push out of your comfort-zone so I think this has been valuable to my learning. I feel like I could’ve better explained this bit but... well I’m writing this mainly for myself and I know what I mean sadaskdadklsf
“I also want to continue to try things that are outside of my comfort zone. I want to see myself try things like different angles/perspectives and more complex backgrounds.”
Speaking of comfort zones, I also shared the desires to push from them last year too. I don’t think I really pushed too far, but, I think a little goes a long way y’know? Hmmmm, while I did do more interesting angles and perspectives over the year, I don’t think I pushed as hard as I could. The same with backgrounds. While there is definitely improvement in this areas compared to last year, I think I could do a lot better. But! I will give myself credit where credit is due. It’s actually this year - a few months ago where I started using 3D tools and various other resources to help me draw. I used to be very stubborn against using such things, but now I’m much more open to it. Specifically I’ve started using 3D-models in Clip Studio Paint! This has really helped me visualise different angles and even implement foreshortening where I otherwise would’ve struggled. I feel it has helped with my improvement this year for sure. I’m hoping to better gain and understanding of 3D-space by continuing to use tools to assist me because I seriously have bad intuition for it asdasdasd.
Okay! Moving forward! What do I wanna learn in 2022? Well I have a couple of loose goals:
I want to do more illustrations/quick drawings on top of my comic work.
One thing that I always sulk about is how long my comics take to produce. And at times, it really can’t be helped. Especially if the comic is fully coloured. And like...how do I explain this... I want to upload work as often as any other fan artist, y’know? Whenever I post my big comics I feel the tension of months of work releasing from me, and like, it’s a lot lighter on my mental to be able to work on smaller things and actually finish them.  So one thing I’d like to implement is some way to work in smaller works. Whether that’d be little mini comics, or doodles or whatever while I’m working on my bigger comics. How I’ll do this? We’ll see what works, but at the moment I’m thinking of allowing 2-4 hours a week for me to work on whatever I wish outside of the main comic. Like 2 hours twice a week? Or 2 hours a week? Or- well you get the idea, I’ll figure it out! Just some time set for little things so I can get more of my ideas out.
I want to learn to paint.
This isn’t really a compulsory goal, but it’s somethign that would be nice to explore, even if it’s just a bit. For those who aren’t too familiar with making art, I’m referring to a dramatic change in my process. Usually I draw a sketch, ink the lines, and then colour beneath the lines and on top of the sketch.  Now when i say “paint” I mean it in terms of process. This would be sketching, plopping base paints on top of the sketch, then colouring as usual, painting in lines as I need them on top (much like traditional painting!). I find the style rather appealing, but it’s a bit hard for me to get used to hahahahah. But if I can figure it out well, it might help contribute to my next goal.
I want to learn to draw faster.
Above everything, I would like to be able to tell the stories that I want to tell. So it’d be helpful if I could output stories at a faster rate. I think my lining is really slow... well I think I’m quite slow in general. Even my drafting is quite slow. There are a two angles I can approach this gripe of mine from.
Faster lines.
Faster/more clever drafting.
As I’ve mentioned my lines are quite tight. If I could learn to be more loose and flowy, then perhaps I’d be able to draw faster.
As I mentioned before, I wanted to dedicate some time each week to do other things. Perhaps one of those things could be speed drawing/doodling. It’s a possibility that just allowing myself to do doodles would passively boost this skill though.
This dips into a flaw that I have that has been bubbling for awhile now. I think I’m horribly inefficient when it comes to panels and pacing when compared to professional mangaka.
...though in general I’m extremely lacking compared to a pro so what am I saying 😂
Either way, the way my comics have been becoming longer and longer is likely related to this. I’m too afraid to compress my comics and end up spacing them out unecessarily. I’m uncertain how to approach this issue as it’s very ingrained in the way I write... Regardless, I believe it to be an issue that directly affects how long I spend working a comic. I mean, if my comic panelling were more efficient, I’d have less to draw!
Again, it’s a toughie to really fix this. I think I’ll just have to do more research and keep it in mind moving forward.
I want to utilise resources that I have available to me and take more active learning.
At work I realised that my office was paying for heaps of learning resources and courses. I figured, if it’s available to me might as well use it? So maybe to help address the other problems I might take paid online lectures about them. Like gesture drawing! Or backgrounding and perspective! Stuff like that has loads of resources online so maybe putting some time into it would be valuable.
I want to print my comic.
This is a bit less of a skill-related thing. But I really want to print my setsuayu comic! I cannot promise I’ll be selling it for cheap, but if anyone buys it, I’d feel really happy! But even if people don’t, just having a physical copy of what I poured my soul into for the past 1.5 years would make me really happy. I do have my work cut out for me though. Gotta finish the comic and then reformat it to fit being printed! I believe in me!!
I also hope I can sell it in an artist alley in the coming year. I feel like people wouldn’t really be interested but.. yeah! I still wanna anyways! I’ll do my best.
General improvement.
I feel like this is a given, but I do hope to continue to improve in the various ways that I can. Like proportions, anatomy, colouring etcetc etc. Since I don’t put too much focus to it, I’m not asking for much. But, if I could be better at the end of next year than I am now, I think I’d be happy with that.
Anyways, I think that’s all from me for now? Maybe? Wait how much did I typ- oh wow 2k words asjkldaskldklas. If anyone takes the time to read this, thank you!! This is mainly written for myself, so that I can keep drawing and then look back and ask myself “did I do what I wanted to do last year?”, reflect and then do it again. For anyone looking to improve a skill, I find it really valuable to do and recommend it!
Happy New Year! Let’s see what 2022 has in store for us. 💖
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