cpericardium · 2 months
sticky note reminder [important‼️]
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So I learned about self-comment on Skype and I had to do this and share this on here. Just pretend that they sent me messages when I'm off duty as a Guardian.
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friendofthecrows · 6 months
(Not a singing post) If there's one thing I learned from going from having a decent but not exceptional soprano range to being able to sing from sopranino to bass it's that actually if you want to improve, you have to try a little harder than your best. You have to choose songs with a few notes completely out of your range and fail. But eventually, you'll be able to just barely stretch your voice enough to hit it! (And then do it again and again.) But you can't do this all the time, because if you do, you'll damage your voice and have pain, strain, and cracking.
So you have to try better than your best to fail enough to succeed, but you also need to give yourself enough low-effort breaks (sometimes days or weeks if you really pushed yourself to exceptional lengths) to avoid hurting yourself. If you try really hard and then find yourself in a slump for a while, don't worry, this is how humans are meant to work. It means that you just pulled something off that was hard enough to make you improve. Listen to your body/mind and take the break. Enjoy it. It's an achievement!
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sivavakkiyar · 6 months
a teacher’s job is to be encouraging without exception, supportive at the most insecure moments and critical with a precision (right critique, right moment, right place) that leaves the ultimate choice of correction viable, clear and available
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𝓓𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓧𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
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✧ PingXie Fic Rec 1 – 10
1. 同床异梦 (Same Bed, Different Dreams) by by lastyearwascomplicated, 走れ (lastyearwascomplicated)
2. 细水 (Fine Water) by shutong
3. 讓海豚來教你吧!(Let the Dolphins Teach You!) by ZS520
4. 替代性药物 (Alternative Medicine) by hydrangea_xiu
5. 套路阻且长 (The Routine Is Obstructive and Long) by Carlita037
6. 一枚香吻 (A Sweet Kiss) by foxWFMdemon
7. 墓中解蛊 (Detoxification in the Tomb) by foxWFMdemon
8. 怦然心动 (Heartbeat) by 糊涂仙儿·仙龙霸
9. 狂躁症 (Mania) by 糊涂仙儿·仙龙霸
10. 全金属狂想 (Full Metal Rhapsody) by 码字的在水一方
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 11 – 20
11. 入酒 (Into Wine) by HAGS
12. 无限 (Infinity) by Linking7
13. 枕中书·哑嫁 (The Book in the Pillow · Dumb Marriage) by asgardsloki
14. 海底月 (Undersea Moon) by Moselle
15. 合欢蛊 (Acacia Gu) by 小狗柠檬西西乐
16. 戒断反应 (Withdrawal Reaction) by guzhouxianxing
17. 2015宜结婚 (2015 It's Time to Get Married) by 孤舟闲行
18. 恋痛症 (Love Pain) by foxWFMdemon
19. 湘西秘蛊 (Xiangxi Secret Gu) by foxWFMdemon
20. 人参娃娃 (Ginseng Doll) by 码字的在水一方
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 21 – 30
21. 鬼夫 (Ghost Husband) by 碎碎九十三
22. 我以为我的男神喜欢我 (I Thought My Male God Liked Me) by 郁绘离
23. 人设 (Character Design) by 郁绘离
24. 不完全逃婚手册 (Handbook of Incomplete Marriage Escape) by 郁绘离
25. 和男神拍床戏怎么破 (How to Make a Bed Scene With a Male God) by 垂听纶音
26. 插翅难逃 (No Way Out) by foxWFMdemon
27. Money Boy by 汤响松风
28. 斯德哥尔摩综合征 (Stockholm Syndrome) by 疏桐 (shutong)
29. 自作多情 (Being Passionate) by 走れ(lastyear was complicated)
30. 武林盟主 (Martial Arts Lord) by 码字的在水一方
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 31 – 40
31. The Room NO.9 by inkooyo
32. 如何捕获你的向导 (How to Capture Your Guide) by 阿池
33. 南洋事 (Nanyang Affairs) by vein
34. 珠胎暗结 (Pearl Embryo Dark Knot) by HAGS
35. 君子之交与老房子着火 (A Gentleman's Friendship and the Old House on Fire) by 孤舟闲行
36. 教训 (Lesson) by HAGS
37. 穿进兄弟的春梦怎么办 (What Should I Do If I Enter My Brother's Spring Dream?) by Ayinkaihuoche
38. 到了三十岁还是处男,似乎会变成魔法师 (At the Age of 30, He Is Still a Virgin, It Seems That He Will Become a Magician) by 蓝十六冒
39. 我怀疑,我兄弟,暗恋我 (I Suspect That My Brother Has a Crush on Me) by 阿池
40. 延迟标记 (Delayed Mark) by foxWFMdemon
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 41 – 50
41. The Last Revelation by zizhu
42. Canary by 破晓·晨光
43. 相夫教子 (Husband and Son) by 东陵帝青
44. 我把一个Alpha推倒 (I Pushed an Alpha Down) by 金竟之
45. A0的红玫瑰暴击 (A0’s Red Rose Critical Hit) by Kriswengian2219
46. 睡奸 (Sleeping With Someone) by zqlweiaiwx
47. 情蛊 (Love Gu) by 你爸妈是假的瓶邪都是真的
48. 片刻天授 (A Moment of Heavenly Gift) by foxWFMdemon
49. 交易 (Trade) by foxWFMdemon
50. 琴瑟在御 (Harps in the Royal) by Ophelia
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 51 – 60
51. 通俗爱情故事 (Popular Love Story) by jimmyseeu
52. 心照不宣 (Tacit Understanding) by SalazarChi
53. 渡苦 (Overcoming the Suffering) by 一三
54. 星星相吸 (Stars Attract Each Other) by maySheReturns
55. 秘密 (Secret) by maySheReturns
56. 真香 (Really Fragrant) by maySheReturns
57. 破戒 (Breaking the Precept) by maySheReturns
58. 配阴婚 (Matching Yin Marriage) by 无明有焕
59. 那个肛肠科的张医生 (That Dr. Zhang From the Anorectal Department) by SalazarChi
60. 强制惩罚游戏!(Forced Punishment Game!) by 阿池
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 61 – 70
61. 摩挲。(Rubbing.) by PinkSnake_0710
62. 轮廓。(Outline) by 小 粉
63. 不作死就不会死 (If You Don’t Seek Death, You Won’t Die) by 东帝沧阳
64. 道上都说金丝雀是个疯的 (Everyone on the Street Says Canary Is Crazy) by 长虫的绿萝
65. 我男人他急了 (My Man Is Anxious) by 月生花
66. 亵佛 (Blasphemy) by 糊涂仙儿·仙龙霸
67. 一觉醒来我兄弟变成了我老公 (When I Woke Up, My Brother Became My Husband) by 阿池
68. 桃子酒 (Peach Wine) by 1xiangchilatiao
69. 误会 (Misunderstanding) by 卿儿316
70. 不寐 (Insomnia) by 漫漫唯一
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 71 – 80
71. 情深非不寿 (Deep Love Does Not Mean Longevity) by 小 粉
72. 不是小胖几 (It Is Not the Little Fat Guy) by 方策
73. 补充笔记 (Supplementary Notes) by xuanbao
74. 不言 (No Words) by 东帝沧阳
75. 回家 (Going Home) by 东帝沧阳
76. 不寐 (Insomnia) by guzhouxianxing
77. 张起灵的私家笔记 (Zhang Qiling’s Personal Notes) by 孤舟闲行
78. 第六次 (The Sixth Time) by 标点欸欸欸欸
79. 光暗为界 (Light and Darkness Are the Boundaries) by 墨澜白锦
80.瓶中记事 (Notes in a Bottle) by 沈判
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 81 – 90
81. 万山雪沸 (Ten Thousand Mountains Snow Boiling) by HAGS
82. You Are Everything I Care by 米耶艾绮雅 & Charry沫_谖/疏留
83. 不做就出不去的房间 (A Room That You Can’t Get Out of Unless You Do Something) by MOLISAO
84. 诱仙 (Lure the Immortal) by vein
85. 玉观音 (Jade Guanyin) by 无明有焕
86. 天婚 (Heavenly Marriage) by 无明有焕
87. 授业以养狼 (Teaching to Raise Wolves) by 宁家小花风
88. 最后一课 (The Last Lesson) by 乌啼霜落
89. 吴小蛇的幸福生活 (Little Snake Wu’s Happy Life) by Unknown
90. 我觉得,我室友,喜欢我 (I Think My Roommate Likes Me) by DarcyK7
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 91 – 100
91. 脱轨 (Derailment) by 宁家小花风
92. 宿醉 (The Hangover) by 夜藤
93. 泄火 (Let Out the Fire) by foxWFMdemon
94. 和顶流谈恋爱好烦啊 (It’s So Annoying to Fall in Love With a Top Celebrity) by 西西cici
95. 网恋到了游戏大佬 (Online Dating Reaches the Gaming Boss) by 魏莞想睡觉
96. 麒麟劫 (Qilin Tribulation) by 西湖水漫长白山
97. 偷香 (Stealing Fragrance) by foxWFMdemon
98. 何处相思 (Where Is Lovesickness) by elmArmoon/島
99. 光阴匆匆,爱我直说 (Time Flies, I Love You Straight Away) by 青樺
100. 林冬 (Winter Forest) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 101 – 110
101. 张先生 (Mr. Zhang) by 孤舟闲行 (guzhouxianxing)
102. 与君成说 (Talking to Juncheng) by 夏子煦
103. 情钟 (Love Bell) by T-theresa
104. 雪域幻境 (Snowland Fantasy) by 熙山居
105. 化雪 (Melting Snow) by 写意/未遮山
106. 悬崖 (Cliff) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
107. 命蛊 (Fate Gu) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
108. 深海以下 (Below the Deep Sea) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
109. 敦伦之乐 (The Joy of Dunlun) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
110. 带刺的玫瑰 (Rose With thorns) by 一三
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 111 – 120
111. 路过 (Passing By) by 一三
112. 闷油瓶被天授后突然要亲我怎么办 (What Should I Do if Men You Ping Suddenly Wants to Kiss Me After Receiving the Heavenly Gift?) by 知名艺术家黄大婶/artist-yellow
113. 猎神 (Hunting God) by 无明有焕
114. 無頭 (Headless) by vomisa72
115. 非典型失忆症候群 (Atypical Amnesia Syndrome) by 阿池
116. 水下三十米 (Thirty Meters Underwater) by bonepig
117. 陸上三千里 (Three Thousand Miles on the Land) by bonepig
118. 爱情来得太快就像龙卷风 (Love Comes Too Fast Like a Tornado) by 写意/未遮山
119. 俘虏 (Captive) by 写意/未遮山
120. 孤岛 (Isolated Island) by 柏舟
✧ PingXie Fic Rec 121 – 130
121. 逼婚的解决之道 (The Solution to Forced Marriage) by WWWhisper/所托
122. 失忆后我向男朋友求和好 (After Losing My Memory, I Begged My Boyfriend for Reconciliation) by WWWhisper/所托
123. 师傅领进门 (The Master Leads the Way) by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS
124. 当正在doi的雨村哥穿到沙海邪身上 (When Yucun Xiaoge doi, He Went Inside the Body of Sha Hai Wu Xie) by 皂皂洗洗睡
125. 百年沉浮 (A Hundred Years of Ups and Downs) by yumikirina/霜儿
126. 好“孕”天授 (Heavenly Gift's Good "Pregnancy") by 六欲浮屠
127. 阴婚 (Ghost Marriage) by 式微何采
128. 所以闷油瓶第一 喜欢的人到底是谁 (So Who Is Men You Ping's Favorite Person?) by 小狗柠檬西 西乐/骨骼冰柠檬
129. 羊神开泰 (God of Goat's Blessing) by 六欲浮屠
130. 听说皇上有喜了? (I Heard That the Emperor Is Pregnant?) by 浮鱼沉渊/likeorange
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tw abuse mention, tw culture fetishization mentioin
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Unpopular opinoin i may get flamed over: people who love asian culture dont deserve hate, even when they get a bit overzealous or awkward. 
there is some bit of injustice toward people mentioned above flying in the air..
(post is a self-reminder so i wont hide or delete it.)
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mxanigel · 2 years
lol that sting when I see that first-person POV is a turn-off for fanfic 🤪
I'm proud of Neri's story and I shouldn't won't let the internet take that away from me~
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recoverr · 10 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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nyenyel · 1 month
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Putting Mabel through that straight to bi to aromantic pipeline
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
I refuse to be villainized by people that expect me to apologize for shit they themselves started.
I refuse to apologize to people that should be asking me for forgiveness.
I refuse to be used in lies by people who need a scapegoat for their own bullshit.
From now I shall be completely intolerant to these people. Never again.
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caringforourselves · 1 year
trying your best does not mean putting an unbearable amount of strain on yourself.
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
I have to remind myself that actually doing my assignments or studying makes me feel GOOD.
It always seems like a tiring, borderline *painful* activity that I naturally dread, but I'm a lot more cheerful/content after having been productive on schoolwork. This is reflected in my mood tracking apps like daylio. The data is there. So WHY my problematic brain, is it so hard to sit down and work for any length of time without procrastination or distraction. I know the answer is adhd but like, there has to be ways to work around it, especially given that it is a good thing!!! I need to remember, it is not to be dreaded. Remind myself.
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thelatestkate · 1 month
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lipikkawrites · 27 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right.
Keep moving forward.
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shamelesslyimpurrfect · 2 months
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sunlitsoil · 6 months
there is always tomorrow
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