#Section 138
corpbizlegal · 8 months
Understanding Cheque Bounce: Causes, Legal Notices, and Resolutions
In financial transactions, a cheque serves as a vital instrument for accessing bank funds. Termed a 'bill of exchange,' it demands payment on demand and is drawn by a specified banker. The individual issuing the cheque is the 'drawer,' and the recipient is the 'drawee.' Simply put, a cheque facilitates legal withdrawal from the bank, requiring the drawee's name, date, amount, and the drawer's signature.
Cheque Bounce: Causes and Implications
In the era of online transactions, cheques remain relevant, especially in substantial transactions. However, several factors can lead to a cheque bounce, from insufficient funds and signature discrepancies to post-dated issues or improper handling. The consequences of a bounced cheque include legal notices and potential penalties.
Common Reasons for Cheque Bounce:
Insufficient Balance: Transaction exceeding current account balance.
Signature Mismatch: Discrepancies in the drawer's signature.
Expired Cheque: Depositing after the 3-month validity period.
Post-Dated Cheques: Depositing before the due date.
Incomplete or Damaged Cheques: Illegible details or damages.
Legal Implications and Notices
A bounced cheque triggers legal proceedings, typically initiated by a legal notice under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The notice must be sent within 30 days of the cheque return, providing a 15-day window for payment. Non-compliance may result in further legal actions.
Validity of a Cheque Bounce Notice:
Drawer Details: Name and address.
Compliance with Section 138: Mentioning legal basis.
Purpose of Cheque Issuance: For debt or liability.
Bank Presentation Details: Date, reason for return.
Timely Notice: Sent within 30 days via registered post.
Responding to a Cheque Bounce Notice
Receiving a notice necessitates a prompt response or payment within 15 days to avoid legal actions. The reply, preferably from a legal advisor, should address facts, allegations, and include a summary of defense without admitting guilt.
Legal Penalties and Cautions
The consequences of a cheque bounce range from fines and imprisonment to damage to credit scores. The severity varies based on factors like the cheque amount, repeated offenses, and compliance with legal proceedings. Efficient resolution is crucial to mitigating these penalties.
Legal Penalties Include:
Monetary Fine: Double the bounced cheque amount.
Imprisonment: Up to 2 years, often coupled with fines.
Credit Score Impact: Detrimental effect on CIBIL score.
Bank Consequences: Loss of chequebook privileges.
Current Scenario and Recommendations
Cheque bounce cases contribute significantly to the backlog of legal cases in India. Fast-track courts, amendments to existing laws, and improved banking practices are recommended for expeditious resolution. The need for precision when issuing cheques is emphasized to prevent inadvertent errors leading to legal repercussions.
In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of cheque bounce cases, adhering to legal procedures, and seeking timely resolution are crucial for both drawees and drawers. Diligence in financial transactions, compliance with legal norms, and awareness of potential pitfalls can contribute to a smoother financial landscape.
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Cheque Bounce: A Horror Story For The Drawer
“Cheque is bounced when a person (Drawer), to discharge his debts, draws a Cheque from his account, in the favour of another person (Payee) and the same Cheque is returned by the bank unpaid, either due to the reason of the inadequate amount or due to the reason that the Cheque demands an amount that is more than the  Drawer’s entitled limit.  
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delhilawfirm · 1 year
What is Cheque Bouce Law?
Cheque Bounce Law refers to the legal Rules regarding the insulting of others of cheques due to insufficient funds or other reasons. Neha Chhibber provides a Brief but complete insight into the Result and Solutions associated with cheque bounce cases.
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greenplumbboblover · 7 days
Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Basics - indoors)
Previous Part(s):
Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Basics & Outdoor)
How to use lighting for Nighttime (Indoors):
Here we have a scene where Lolita is studying.
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Not too bad of a scene eh?
Now, with indoor scenes, the principle is basically the same, except that you can be even more clever about the lights!
Now, you have noticed maybe that there is a light next to her (in fact, 2, but let's focus on the one on the right for now).
While I like to keep those lights off, and the rest of the lot's lights turned on, we can still mimic it in our lighting!
Here, I've put the helper lights setup. All the lot's lights are on, except for the ones on the desk (so it doesn't do weird things to our setup).
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Because I like the idea that the desk light would be a warm orange-yellow light, I've set the colour of the front-light to yellow.
Backlight = Blue (because it's night!)
Sub-light = Magenta (to make things a little more interesting)
Front-light = Yellow.
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Obviously, if you rather want it to feel more "dark", you can always make the backlight and sub-light both blue ;) This would look something like this:
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What about scenes with lots that have no lights?
I think we all know how terrible a truly dark sim house can look like, especially in storytelling (it's not the strongest part of the game's lighting engine)...
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Now, let's pretend the power has shut off, no lights are working and your sim is, in this case reading in the dark (lol). How would we set that up?
The principle of it is almost the same as our Outdoor Night part of the tiptorial.
Now, we now know how important the colour blue is for our night pictures. However, in these instances I like to not pick and white colours for the front-light. Instead, we're going for a custom colour, Light blue!
Backlight = Blue
Sub light = Blue
Front Light = Light Blue (RGB: 59, 138, 218)
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Though, if You feel this isn't really working, you can always move the lights away from your sim, for a less intense effect! See:
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Here I did add the front light much closer to the sim, and the Sublight more away from the sim, to soften the blue effect. But this is obviously just a choice you can make! 😉
How to use lighting for Daylight (Indoors):
Just like I mentioned in the Night Time section, this is almost the same principle as the daylight part in the outdoor section.
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Here we have Lolita in a unlit, daylight room. Not too bad! But we can add a bit more spice to this with the methods we now know :)
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Turning on the light next to her helps... but this is obviously without the helper lights. We can make this even more interesting!
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Here, I added a red background, orange sub light and a white front light :)
However if the red is simply too much, you can always dim it. It will look something like this:
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And if that's not enough... We can always turn on all the lights on the lot to help our scene out!
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That way the desks feel a bit more intriguing, but we do lose a bit of the orange in Lolita's hair. (Though just a tad!).
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whomst-the-hell · 9 months
it mustve been so great to write for the star wars legends stuff, bc im reading some of the wikis and every new character sounds like someones super-special-oc-do-not-steal i mean i havent read mara jades books but they just SCREAM luke skywalker/original female character, background leia organa/han solo, original child characters, post-canon, enemies to lovers, slow burn, no beta we die like alderaan, 138/? with a comment section full of mary sue accusations like with the utmost affection and respect, this reads like published fanfic that didnt even get the serial codes scraped off, which is sort of my dream job, and i hope everyone involved had a great time
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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4t2 conversion of syboulette's clarisse corner desk set [download - sfs]
it's been a suspicious amount of time since i converted @syboubou's amazing cc, so have a small set to remedy that!
this would be @syboubou's clarisse corner desk set for ts2! it has 7 items: a desk, a computer, a chair, a flower vase, a lamp, a rug, and a folder box! please read the 'things to note' section before downloading!
@syboubou for the amazing original meshes and textures ❤️
monique for the original hacked computer
things to note
the desk is triangular, so it fits best in a corner, as shown in the preview. however, in this position, please keep in mind that it's non-functional! the chair also won't slot in.
the laptop is cloned from monique's hacked computer and requires the original, plus apartment life, to function properly
items included
chair - 1172 polys desk - 138 polys desk lamp - 334 polys flower vase - 737 polys folder box - 74 polys laptop - 290 polys rug - 2 polys
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hope everyone has some fun with these conversions 💘 lmk if there's any issues, and as always, keep in mind that
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( @4t2ccdatabase )
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kaiserkisser · 18 days
more utc :3
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just attached a very minute section of my gallery coz why not hes my silly lil guy <333 who has committed 138 counts of aggravated murder, 312 counts of intimidation and a total of 625 charges including fraud for which he was 'arrested' (yes i have that memorised dont ask me why kshajhsje)
lmfao might make another post for this later too coz why not :D
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zombiee-reviews · 4 months
Keirr character discussion / breakdown
• The egotistical prick • The Aira hater • The deciever
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- Quick author note: I’m going to be doing something slightly different, where I basically read the scenes that involved Keirr and leave a tag afterwords of pages I am going over. This will at least give you opportunity to read along with me and understand my breakdowns a little better.
- Another note: I am always using the Tumblr mobile app, so I apologize if my documents look rather funky on the computer version. I am trying to spruce them up and make them look at least somewhat good lol.
- Final note: I will be going over “Asmundr” Keirr, only a little bit though, mainly for his background. Other than that, I am focusing on “Home” Keirr. Now let’s get into it!
What I will be going over:
- What we know of Keirr’s history
- How he suddenly went from sweet and family oriented. Then turned into an egotistical jerk off, who stopped prioritizing family.
- A little on his personality
- Early History
In Keirrs early history, we know that he was born around the middle of Kiques 1st comic, Asmundr. And let me tell you, this fool has changed designs like.. 5 different times.
Ahem, anyway. Keirr is shown as the more “mature” one, compared to Rhov. In Asmundr, it is shown that he is a “decent” hunter, while him and his brother work on deer hides. He is even more reasonably suspicious than Rhov, when Jahla enters the scene and tackles Rhovanion.
When the war between Ranulfr and the Asmundr pack hit, Keirr was pretty useful and followed instructions well. Near the end of the war, you could tell he was tired of having to kill the Shield wolves, but he continued to kill. And really, that about sums up Keirrs story in Asmundr. Obviously, the first comic wasn’t about the offspring, like Home is. So I can’t really follow up with much, in “Asmundr” Keirr.
- Read along breakdown:
Now, we’ll be going over “Home” Keirr.
Two years had passed since “Asmundr”, so I feel the rest of this information does not qualify for Keirrs early history section.
Too begin.. Keirr and his family are dropped off on Aedra, they are not given a time limit of how long this lasts. All they know is, father will return at some point. Until then, they all make do and continue with their lives.
Keirr is still shown to be the more mature / family oriented guy. As everyone else decides to explore Aedra and see what they can find, Keirr decides to stay back with the Asmundr pack. Keirr at least retains his personality, for now, from Asmundr.( Page 8. Can also be seen on page 104. )
Then came the time when Zilas died, Keirr was the one to discover him first. Of course, he took it pretty hard considering that he grew up with Zilas and saw him as a brother. Of course, a lot of those crucial bonding moments us readers need are shown “off-screen”. It was never truly shown how close Keirr and Zilas were. ( Page 127 - 128 )
Fast forward to the time he discovered Aira, this is when things get juicy. For a while, Keirr was not Kiques priority and he did not make a real, solid appearance for a few chapters, up until page 138. This is when Kique decides Keirr needs a fucked up “Home” style arc next.
Keirr is seen carrying a torch, probably out mourning his loss I’d imagine.. Otherwise, idk why tf he is out late, or seen / helping anyone bury Zilas? This was the time when night beasts were a thing. Anyway! He is caught off guard by a voice, who comes from Aira, hiding. Keirr still retains his suspicious behavior, like in Asmundr and asks her to come closer, for the fire he is carrying. To his surprise, he is greeted with a badly wounded dog. Reasonably, he asks Aira if she was attacked by a feline, probably trying to see if she is the reason Zilas is dead. Quickly, his suspicions are cleared and he offers her help. ( Page 138 - 139 )
Suddenly, in video game reloading fashion, Keirr spawns at camp with Rhov and Jahla. Where the hell did Aira go? Anyway, I like that Keirr called out Rhov and Jahla for trying to throw blame around on anyone they could, for Zilas’s death. And then looking down at them, like a disappointed father. Thankfully, he is still retaining his personality at this point. I have to say though, it is interesting that Keirr decides to care for Aira alone and not bring her back to the Asmundr pack. Knowing his suspicious behavior, this might have been the better option for him. ( Page 140 - 141 )
We are then shown Keirr and Aira at her den. Keirr is definitely shown as more able bodied than Aira and attempts to help her up, when he realizes she can’t make it up on her own. His so far suspicious behavior remains intact, when he realizes her den has an odd amount of space for one dog; especially one of her size. He even tries to wiggle in some questions for her, but to no avail. He leaves Aira with supplies and is even kind enough to give her a knife and hide a hare nearby for her. ( Page 151 - 152 )
A few hours had passed, seemingly it looks like Aira tracked Keirr down and sat down with him. Keirr then opens up a little bit about Zilas and his family. The odd part for me is that, he is shown to be a family oriented guy, you’d imagine he’d want to mourn with his family? But I suppose he would rather want to mourn alone, for some odd reason. Kique tends to do a lot of important things “off-screen.” Anyway, instead of going back to his family, he chooses to mourn with a stranger. Which to me is slightly out of character of him. ( Page 160 - 161 )
A day or so later passes and suddenly Keirr is an expert in physical therapy. This scene from him looks promising, until he joins up with Whispervale. More on that later. Keirr helps Aira jump over a log and help regain her mobility. Then he decides it’s time to go back to his family, in the middle of such a primary moment? Aira then runs up and kisses him to stop him from leaving. Then he subtly gloats at her about how he is her “only chance of survival”, I mean what a nice thing to say lol. I feel this is when Keirr starts acting out of character, but it isn’t super noticeable yet. I’m also not quite sure why he said she couldn’t join the pack, Kainan would have saw no problem with it? Then he contradicts himself by saying he’ll continue taking care of her, but can’t leave his family to care for a stranger, all in the same breath? What? lol. ( Page 197 - 199 )
Keirr then finally discovers that the Asmundr pack is no longer there. Also, it’s kind of funny how it foreshadows the reindeer being dead in the fourth panel, but magically they’re still alive when Ronja gives them to the Deer humpers. Not only this, but it’s way too soon for the Reindeer to leave behind bones? Or why didn’t Keirr notice them while he visited the territory? Another plot hole lol. ( Page 226 )
Then Keirr suddenly decides he wants to go back to Aira, even after being a subtle dick to her. He notices that she is no longer in the vicinity and begins looking for her instead. Contradicting himself again, because he just told her he wouldn’t leave his family for a stranger. So why does he choose to go after Aira instead and not start looking for his family? Hm. ( Page 235 )
At least Keirr was nice enough to go searching for her.. But he comes across her re-possessing herself with the monster she was previously. Aira explains that she can’t survive without it. Keirr added salt to that wound by saying previously, he was her only chance of survival and then dipping out on her. Reasonably though, Keirr stops her from completing the ritual. Once he is able to pull her away from the spirit, he comforts her and makes sure to tell her that he is here for her. Boy what a damn 180 that happens in the future! Keirr then discovers Aira’s background and what she use to be, they share a tender moment together and then apologize for their previous actions. ( Probably the one and only time you’ll see that in this comic. ) Then Keirr suddenly decides she can join the pack, because it was always an option, Keirr was just being a dick. And with that, Keirr invites her to look for his family with him. Aira is able to offer some advice, as she has previously traveled the entire island in her beast form. ( Page 267 - 276 )
Here comes the total 180 of Keirr, when Aira shows him the way to Whispervale. Suddenly Keirr spouts out “We should ask them to join their pack!” Wtf?? Even Aira asks him why, just ask them if they have seen his family. Then for some reason Keirr wants to use Whispervale for their resources before continuing, but in the same breath wants to join their Tribe? None of what he just said to Aira made sense to me. Obviously Aira is uncomfortable, but Keirr doesn’t give a shit lol. Once Whispervale approaches them, Keirr asks if they can join their Tribe. Keirr then attempts to gain sympathy from Fraujar, but rightfully he gets none. Fraujar makes a statement to Keirr that the health of his tribe is everything to him, and he needs more from them than what they have shown Fraujar. Fraujar then assigns Felidae to get them acquainted with everything. Not sure what Keirr or Kique are thinking in this moment, as this is a total 180 from Keirr and his plans.( Page 311 - 314 )
Time passes for the pair and of course Aira asks Keirr when they are leaving Whispervale. Seems she’s the one that adopted Keirrs old personality, cause she’s the only one eager enough to go find them. Of course Keirr shuts her down with a bullshit excuse. “We need stability!” Not sure why he suddenly is against his own idea of searching for his family and staying with Whispervale. I mean what else did he expect trying to find them? Aira is obviously uncomfortable joining a Tribe she did not want, but again, Keirr doesn’t care. Finally their right of passage comes and Aira is the first one to participate. Aira is once again expressing she is UNCOMFORTABLE, before her trial begins. Keirr tries to reassure her, but beyond face value, Aira is stuck there because of his dumbass, unwilling at that. Of course Aira doesn’t do very well in her trial, Fraujar then says her character can be improved, but her structure is… Not up to parr. Then Keirr is all like “Oh she just needs to be trained!” Homie, did you not listen to anything Aira has said previously? She was BORN like this, she can’t just magically work out and get better. That’s not how disabilities work, idiot. ( And would you imagine it, Kique is actually an ableist and no wonder Airas character was handled like this! Go on! Read Stazz / Zirvasitys documents on her relationship with the kind hearted author! ) ( Page 326 - 331 )
Tch, anyway. Aira is obviously disappointed, she told Keirr and even expressed to Keirr that she did not want to join this tribe. I would imagine being in her shoes, she feels unheard, but tried to please Keirr anyway, only to fail. Then of course came Keirrs time and suddenly we’re shown a flashback between Keirr and his father. Of course, this was never shown in Asmundr, or Home. Suddenly Kainan and Keirr found time to actually give a shit about reindeer behavior. ANYWAY. Keirr is oddly confident in larping, how did the confident, son of Kainan, shield wolf killer end up in this situation lmfao. Of course, to nobodies surprise, Keirr nails the trial, he still loses the fight against Raun and everyone is buddy - buddy. ( Page 332 - 336 )
The next scene that follows, we have Raun shouting out at Keirr, saying he looks good and can pass as a guard if he keeps it up. Tbh, this seemed friendly at first, but watching the way Raun interacts with Keirr in the future, makes me feel like Raun is the neighborhood creep lol. Aira then comes out of the hut, her scars completely healed. Keirr is at least somewhat more supportive in this page, but future Keirr is nothing but a prick. ( Page 345 )
Fast forward to chapter 10, we finally see Keirr again, because all of chapter nine was about dumbass Rogio. Ahem. We actually see some progress from Keirr, at least keeping his word to himself. But the odd part is, he brought Raun and not Aira? First of all, Keirr hardly knows Raun and Aira understood the whole situation a lot better than Raun. Soooo.. Odd choice in bringing Raun. ( Would like to add really quick, I know Fraujar assigned Raun to follow Keirr, but why tf would Aira not come either? ) Raun is more dead weight anyway, because he’s being a giant wussy about being in that area anyway. Not even allowing Keirr to scope out the area, completely. And Keirr is just laughing about it, like cmon man, I would imagine you would want to potentially comb through the area, not cater to some giant wuss like Raun. ( Page 458 - 460 )
And to nobodies surprise, the next scene that involves Keirr is a flirty Raun. He tries to encourage Keirr to let loose and have some fun, which would have been cool if it had stayed as a friendship kind of thing. But yet again, Kique force feeds us another MxM ship. At one point, if Kique had kept up with the Rhovanion x Rogio arc that he was hinting at, at some point. All of his main male characters would have been gay. Which is obviously unrealistic, not impossible! But unrealistic. Honestly, I take Raun as a fucking creep. You hardly know anything about Keirr and yet, here he is trying to make flirty gestures and tell Keirr he’s avoiding him. As a woman, to my fellow women, any time a man points out that you’ve been avoiding him, a very creepy vibe showers over us. ( Page 478 - 479 )
Then to nobodies surprise again, Keirr is suddenly able to pin Raun, even though Raun was seen to be a lot stronger than Keirr in his trial. Aaaaand of course, Keirr reciprocates Rauns flirting by responding to him in a sexual manner, “I’m the lead sarv now.” However, in the future Keirr becomes more of an asshole at Raun from this point. ( Page 480 )
Ah now this scene just pisses me off and makes me want to throw Keirr off a cliff. Aira is seen laying around, presumably missing Keirr, I’m sure. Or, just wondering where he went. When she catches sight of him returning, she is understandably excited to see him. The one guy that helped her out with everything, in her worst times. The one guy that made her stop from becoming a beast again.. Shits on her entirely. Eyup, you heard it right. Apparently, getting people totally dependent on you and then being a giant asshole, is something Kique favors doing. Aira of course asks Keirr where he went, Keirr is suddenly acting like the biggest ass to Aira. Which tbh, he has no right doing. HE is the REASON she is there, in the first place. She has EXPRESSED to him NUMEROUS times she is uncomfortable with the tribe, but yet, he took her cries for help and rolled them up and tossed them like newspaper. What a god damn jerk Keirr is. And of course, Aira is understandably upset. Keirr basically told her to fuck off and go make her own friends. Even tho a few chapters ago, he was seen cuddling and holding her, telling her he was there for her. FUCK you Keirr. ( Page 481 - 482 )
In the next scene, Keirr then wants to play a pity party for himself, sitting in the rain, all sad looking. Like he didn’t cause this whole situation for himself. Nothing told this jackass to join Whispervale and stop searching for his family, he did it all himself! So really, why tf is he sitting there acting all depressed? Get off your ass and go look for them! Nobody told you that you couldn’t? Honestly, he’s lucky that Aira still gives a damn about him, even after he treated her like utter dog shit. Then, while Keirr is acting like a baby, Zilas makes an appearance and Keirrs dumbass thinks it’s a grand idea to talk to the ghoul. It’s kind of interesting to me how Zilas is still mostly recognizable.. You would think by now he’d peel his skin off, you know, like what Fjordor said that ghouls do. Zilas has been dead for quite a while. Aira then witnesses all of this and comes to his aid, banishing the ghoul. Keirr then suddenly gets all butt hurt about it and snarls at Aira. Okay, I get it, you’re mourning dude, but I would have figured you’d have some logic / sense to know that Zilas.. IS NOT ZILAS! Keirr even asked the ghoul what he could do, like the damn thing can talk back to him. Honestly, Aira should have just let the ghoul tear Keirr up to shreds and save us all the drama lmfao. And one last thing, when Keirr says he saw that ghoul before, but didn’t recognize it. GIRL WHERE? ( Page 515 - 517 )
Suddenly, Keirr is the master of establishing the differences in the ghouls sounds and can still hear Zilas. Also, when Aira mentions that she lived with the Meteor Tribe, really that opened up way too many questions about her that I’d like to ask. But anyway. Aira gives some speech to Keirr about how MT basically fucked around and found out with the spirits. Then a conversation falls into place about burning Zilas’s body on MT land, which ew, his body im sure would be pretty rotted away by now. But this also brings me to another question, what are the ghouls made of? Are they a manifestation of the soul? They quite obviously can’t be their former bodies, because if that were the case, they wouldn’t even find Zilas’s body, as he would have risen and been a ghoul. Another fat question for this comic and I’m not even sure if this was talked about? ( I’ll be honest with you, I forget if this part was talked about. ) ( Page 518 - 519 )
And here we go with the sexual tension between these two idiots, Keirr and Raun. Raun is a full on creep already, but really Keirr is the big asshole here. Previously, Raun asked him out, as he mentioned before the trip, to Felidae and Aira. So instead of.. Idk, not leading Raun on, what does Keirr do? Hugs him and shares a tender moment with him. Oh trust me guys, it gets fucking worse from this point. And I will continue to say that Raun is a creep, but even he doesn’t deserve to be led on. I also don’t remember Raun asking Keirr out, but I’ll just assume that was yet another important off screen moment. This is also yet another rushed, no chemistry ship crammed down our throats by Kique. ( Page 526 )
So finally we get to the part where they eventually burn Zilas’s body, Aira asks Keirr if he wants to say something and of course! Nothing. It’s almost like any time someone dies in this comic, proper funerals don’t exist. Granted, Keirr just said “I love you, brother.” But when given the opportunity before hand, he was like eh, I don’t have shit to say lmao. ( Page 528 )
Fast forward to a year, I mean 3 months later ( in Keirrs arc ). Of course, in another off screen moment, supposedly Keirr and the others returned to Whispervale and told Fraujar what happened. In my opinion, I feel like some punishment should have been bestowed upon them, or at least show Fraujar being upset with them for doing this behind his back. It would have shown more character from Fraujar and also shown Keirr getting his ass chewed out, by bringing all this unnecessary drama and bullshit into Whispervale. Keirr is also being another nosy ass, listening in on his Jarls discussion. Within the midst of this, Ferah makes her appearance. Keirr miraculously still remembers her and asks what the hell happened. I almost forgot that Keirr and Ferah met previously, because they literally didn’t say anything to each other lol. ( Page 566 - 567 )
Oh boy, here comes the cringiest scene that involves Keirr. Keirr steps away for a moment, after watching Ferah, once Felidae walks in. Ferah wakes up and of course is spooked, cause she doesn’t know wtf is going on. Somehow they both remember each others names, though I don’t remember them ever sharing their names to each other previously. Anyway, Keirr asks Ferah questions about Roamer and Ferah tells him that Ronja and Roamer are at MT. Of course, Keirr gets excited and quite frankly I’m surprised he didn’t smell them before, because Keirr was literally in their territory a few months back, but whatever! Ferah then tells Keirr they’ve both been strong and bla bla. Keirr of course tries to take off, being this annoying problem child as usual. If I were Fraujar I would be so annoyed with Keirr lmfao. Of course you can’t just take off like that, from your tribe, which YOU wanted to join. Raun stops Keirr from running off and what follows after is a recipe for fucking disaster lol. Keirr ends up kissing Raun, further leading the king of creeps on. Keirr KNOWS that Raun likes him, so apparently kissing him out of emotional excitement is a totally normal thing to do. Especially when you know that person has a CRUSH on you and yet you don’t reciprocate it! No, no, it’s totally okay to lead on someone who has feelings for you! ( Page 572 - 576 )
Damn near 100 pages later and we finally see Keirr again. Course, nothing has changed with him. Raun and Keirr are seen in a hut together, Raun is basically asking Keirr what they are, because I mean.. They touched tongues, lmfao. But that was because of Keirr throwing himself at Raun, so really I don’t blame Raun for asking. Now in Keirrs defense, I don’t know why tf Raun is grabbing Keirr like that, when asking him a question, so I mean Keirrs response is a little valid, when he yells at Raun. But the blame still lies with Keirr, because this whole time he has led Raun on, but at the same time Raun has been a giant freaking creep bag as well. They are then interrupted when Keirr walks out and runs into Fraujar, standing there, needing to talk to Keirr. ( Page 640 - 641 )
A few pages later, we see a non emotional reunion between Keirr, Ronja and Roamer. I mean god, all of their expressions are so god damn bland. Y’all haven’t seen each other in months, but let’s just 1,000 yard stare at each other, BEAUTIFUL. ( Page 645 - 646 )
Fast waaaay forwards, to more important scenes involving Keirr. After Rhov and Keirr’s reunion, we are graced with a scene where Rhov and Feaf are telling Keirr that MT might get attacked… This fucking idiot. So instead of putting this whole thing on top priority, Keirr just brushes it off and is like.. I’Ll TeLl FrAuJaR iN tHe MoRnInG. Dumbass, how do you know if they are attacking MT? Feaf literally said they might come to Whispervale? How does Keirr know they aren’t literally waiting in ambush, that very moment? HE DOESNT. So instead of putting his family top priority, like he probably should’ve, he decides to talk about his relationship status. What a great fucking family member / tribe member he is. On top of this, “figuring himself out.” I think you know where you stand, buddy. This whole scene though, Keirr was an idiot. He doesn’t even show the slightest BIT of concern for his family / MT. Let’s act depressed af, because he didn’t know where everyone was, but as soon as he finds them and they could potentially be in danger, ah, let’s wait to warn others till morning! ( Page 788 - 791 )
Finally Keirr and Whispervale show up, but yall are too damn late already. ( Page 808 )
And that about sums up my read along breakdown!
- Personality Breakdown
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So looking over Keirrs personality traits really gives me some mixed feelings. To be honest, I can’t say that he is independent. Not anymore at least, he was the one that decided he wanted to join Whispervale, he even went against his own independent idea of searching for his family. So for me, he is neither logical, independent OR family - oriented.
A few of these other positive personality traits really haven’t been tested thru the fire, so I can’t really say what he is or isn’t. Mainly because Kique does not focus much on Keirr, like he does with the jackasses of MT and former MT members.
To put it all in perspective though, Keirr was a pretty solid character in Asmundr and in the beginning of Home. Unfortunately, he too fell victim of Kiques weird kinks / fans and became a whole contradiction to himself and his own personality traits.
And that is the end ladies and gentlemen! Hope you enjoy :)
- Zombiee
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nerdygaymormon · 6 months
Idk if you'd know this, but has the Word of Wisdom been properly canonized in the Church or are we just... Trusting it? Not that God hasnt asked people to change their diets before, but I'm curious to know how vetted it is.
The short answer is if it is in the scriptures, then it has been canonized. Since the Word of Wisdom is in the Doctrine & Covenants, it is considered part of the LDS canon.
In the LDS Church, usually something is considered canonized if it is included in the scriptures (there's two notable exceptions, each regarding the Bible). The LDS Church currently has 4 books in its scriptural canon:
1. Authorized King James Version as the official scriptural text of the Bible (other versions of the Bible are used in non-English-speaking countries). Although there's two exceptions to this:
a) The manuscripts of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible states that "the Songs of Solomon are not inspired scripture," and therefore it is not included in LDS canon and rarely studied by members of the LDS Church. However, it is still printed in every version of the King James Bible published by the church.
b) Although the Apocrypha was part of the 1611 edition of the KJV, the LDS Church does not use the Apocrypha as part of its canon. Joseph Smith taught that while the Apocrypha was not to be relied on for doctrine, it was potentially useful when read with a spirit of discernment.
2. Book of Mormon
3. Doctrine and Covenants (D&C)
4. Pearl of Great Price (containing the Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith–Matthew, Joseph Smith–History, and the Articles of Faith)
The LDS Church's scriptures are printed together with several non-canonized study aids, including the maps, photographs, a Bible Dictionary, a gazetteer, summaries at the beginning of each chapter, a topical guide, an index, footnotes, cross references, and excerpts from Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
LDS Church president Harold B. Lee taught "The only one authorized to bring forth any new doctrine is the President of the Church, who, when he does, will declare it as revelation from God, and it will be so accepted by the Council of the Twelve and sustained by the body of the Church." Here is the history of this happening in the LDS Church:
June 9, 1830: First conference of the church, The Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, now known as D&C 20. If the Bible and Book of Mormon were not sustained on April 6th at the first meeting of the Church, then they were by default when the Articles and Covenants were sustained. (see D&C 20:8-11)
August 17, 1835: Select revelations from Joseph Smith were unanimously accepted as scripture. These were later printed in the D&C. (this includes the Word of Wisdom)
October 10, 1880: The Pearl of Great Price was unanimously sustained as scripture. Also at that time, other revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants – which had not been accepted as scripture in 1835 because they were received after that date – were unanimously accepted as scripture.
October 6, 1890: Official Declaration 1 was accepted unanimously as scripture. It later began to be published in the Doctrine and Covenants.
April 3, 1976: Two visions (one received by Joseph Smith and the other by Joseph F. Smith) were sustained as scripture and added to the Pearl of Great Price. (The two visions were later moved to the D&C as sections 137 and 138.)
September 30, 1978: Official Declaration 2 was sustained unanimously as scripture. It immediately was added to the Doctrine and Covenants.
The revelation known as the Word of Wisdom was received in 1833 and first published by the Church in the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, it was viewed as scripture but wasn't seen as binding for many years. The original revelation was given “not by commandment or constraint,” but rather as a “word of wisdom.” It would take decades for it to be accepted as a requirement for Latter-day Saints
In 1834, the Kirtland high council decided that those who were taught the Word of Wisdom but didn't follow it were unworthy to hold an office in the Church. A few years later the Missouri high council made a similar decision. Records indicate there were some members who were reprimanded for not following the Word of Wisdom, and even excommunicated for a pattern of disobedience. Which is interesting since the revelation only describes blessings for keeping it and does not give punishments for not following it.
During the Nauvoo period, the Word of Wisdom was not emphasized and there seems to have been a more relaxed attitude about it.
In 1842, Hyrum Smith said that 'hot drinks' refers to coffee and tea. Ever since this has been the accepted interpretation.
After the Saints moved to Utah, in the 1851 General Conference, Church patriarch John Smith spoke on the Word of Wisdom and Brigham Young proposed all Saints formally covenant to abstain from those things prohibited in the Word of Wisdom. (This seems to be where the attitude of only those parts of the Word of Wisdom, what to avoid, are emphasized but not the parts of what we should eat). Despite this, it seems even Brigham Young didn't completely follow this instruction until 1862.
In the 1860s and 70s, there was a renewed emphasis on the Word of Wisdom, but it was not required as a test of membership.
In 1883, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve commit to more fully live the Word of Wisdom, and others are encouraged to follow their example. By 1900, the majority of general and local leaders were following it.
In 1902, leaders were being instructed to refuse temple recommends to flagrant violators of the Word of Wisdom, though to still be lenient with others.
In 1905, it was taught that following the Word of Wisdom is a requirement to hold leadership positions.
In 1906, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve began using water instead of wine in their sacrament meetings.
By 1915, living the Word of Wisdom was required for young or middle-aged men to be ordained to the priesthood or be given a temple recommend.
In 1921, adherence to the Word of Wisdom was required to be admitted to the temple.
For me, personally, I'm fine with the Word of Wisdom. Dietary rules are common in religion. Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Hinduism also have dietary codes.
In a way, such codes can feel like a parent who is concerned about what you're eating for lunch, it's a way of showing concern for us. However, I think there are two main purposes to such codes.
One is to implement health rules about what to eat, including sanitary measures, and how to ethically/morally approach eating meat (or forbidding meat) because it requires the death of another living creature.
The other purpose of these codes is they are a way to distinguish us as a group, to separate us from other people amongst whom we live. If we're at a company meeting where food is served, Mormons may notice who else has chosen not to have coffee or tea and wonder if they're also members of the LDS church, while non-members are unaware of this shibboleth.
To go along with these codes as cultural markers, I have observed that when someone is separating themselves from the LDS church, often one of the first things they'll do is have their first beer or cup of coffee. It’s s way of breaking that identity marker.
It is interesting that the Word of Wisdom includes prohibitions against alcohol when the consumption of wine is widely reported in the Bible. It highlights that there isn't consistency among these different religious dietary codes.
I think of Peter's vision in the New Testament where he is commanded to eat animals which were prohibited under Jewish law. God declares that all these animals are clean, meaning they are okay to eat. And the apostle Paul taught that non-Jewish converts were not required to eat kosher, however it would be helpful if they'd abstain from eating unkosher foods around their Jewish fellows so as not to offend them.
These two stories inform my opinion about the Word of Wisdom. I am LDS and follow our traditions against coffee, tea, tobacco, and alcohol, however I don't view breaking these norms as a sin. The revelation specifically says this is not a commandment, so it seems to me to be more of a cultural marker. One reason I choose to not drink coffee is it would concern or offend my fellow LDS friends, some because they think of it as a sin and others because they see it as me separating myself from this community
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lonestarflight · 4 months
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"The S-IC-T stage is hoisted into the S-IC static test stand at the Marshall Space Flight Center. The S-IC-T stage is a static test vehicle not intended for flight. It was ground tested repeatedly over a period of many months proving the vehicle's propulsion system. The 280,000-pound stage, 138 feet long and 33 feet in diameter, houses the fuel and liquid oxygen tanks that hold a total of 4,400,000 pounds of liquid oxygen and kerosene. The two tanks are cornected by a 26-foot-long intertank section. Other parts of the booster included the forward skirt and the thrust structure, on which the engines were to be mounted. Five F-1 engines, each weighing 10 tons, gave the booster a total thrust of 7,500,000 pounds, roughly equivalent to 160 million horsepower."
Date: March 1965
NASA ID: 6520222, 6520223, 6520225
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bratshaws · 11 months
through the hourglass 199. brb x oc
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a/n: god he's so cute. one year later and i still am in l o v e with you sir. (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: pregnancy, it's baby popping time ( part 2 the electric bugaloo )
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
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When she was pregnant with Nikki, they were prepared. Things were done with around the sixth month, which was the plan for the twins as well, they’d get things ready by the sixth month and then worry forward…which when he checked his phone,  he noticed that right now, past midnight, she was already in the six months area.
But it was still early.
He inhales shakily while holding Nicole to his chest, eyes forward, face blank of any emotion as he tried to understand what just happened. The doctors,while surprised to hear about the labor, reassured Rooster that she’d be fine…except she’d be alone this time.
It’d be a c-section, its what they told him, and his eyes met Beatrice’s who just stared back up at him horrified, so scared and still feeling small. He reached for her hand, holding her fingers only for her touch to slip away from his when they rolled her into the room. He’d be able to get in there once it was safe.
He called everyone, the guys,Mav,Bea’s parents, her siblings…everyone was aware. Bea’s mother almost fainted over the phone and Maverick did end up breaking something, he heard it…and now he was in the room, with Nikki,waiting for Beatrice’s mother to come because he wasn’t allowed in the room with Bea.
It was an emergency c-section after all.
He looks up when he hears footsteps approaching, soon enough Maverick’s panting face appears on the door, “Rooster.” he breathes out, “Sorry,I came as fast as I could, how’s Bea?”
“She’s having the c-section now.”
He nods, looking to his nephew and grand-niece, “And you?”
Rooster looked away from Maverick, the weight of what was happening clinging on his shoulders, “...I’m fuckin’ terrified.” he whispers, “It’s too early,Mav.”
Maverick puts a comforting hand on Rooster's shoulder, understanding the fear and worry that must be consuming him. "I know, Rooster," he says softly, "But the doctors are doing everything they can to take care of Bea and the babies. She's in good hands."
Rooster nods, his grip on Nicole tightening slightly as he tries to keep himself together. "I know," he says, his voice trembling, "It's just...it's too early. I thought we had more time, you know?"
Maverick squeezes his shoulder reassuringly, "I know." he says, holding back the ‘so am I’ "It's a scary situation, but you have to trust the doctors. They know what they're doing, and they'll do everything they can to make sure Bea and the babies are safe."
"I know," Rooster repeats, taking a deep breath, "I just wish I could be in there with her." he looks at the door she’d roll in any second now, “...I know I have to stay with Nikki,” if his daughter could sense the uneasiness,she wasn’t showing it, too busy with her teething ring.
"I know you do," Maverick says, "But sometimes, all we can do is wait and trust that things will be okay. Bea is strong, and so are those babies. They'll get through this." he sighed, sitting down on the other chair in the room,clasping his hands together, “You called anyone else?”
“I called everyone.”
“Hm,alright…am I the first one here?” Rooster nods, “Alright.”
“I thought Penny was with you.” his nephew says, looking back at Maverick, “You two are living together after all.”
Maverick smiles while holding Nicole’s little hand, his eyes on her, “She was at the bar tonight.” he explains, making Rooster give him a confused look, “She thinks something is off, so she was checking the cameras with Jessie and Shells.”
“Oh,I see.” Rooster was glad they could have this conversation, he was glad he could ease his brain the best he could. He had no idea how long she’d be inside, they got in the hospital about ten minutes ago and since then it’s been radio silence. “...we didn’t even finish the nursery?”
“The twins’ nursery.” he whispers, “She finished painting it, but…the cribs, everything, it’s still empty.”
Maverick reaches over to pat Rooster's shoulder, offering a comforting gesture once he lets go of Nicole’s hand. "Don't worry about that right now," he says gently, "The nursery can wait, and we'll all pitch in to help you get it ready when the time is right."
Rooster furrows his brows, “You don’t have to do that." he says, but his uncle just smirks, patting his shoulder again. Rooster,knowing he can’t win this, ends up taking a deep breath, "I just can't help but feel like I should have been more prepared."
"You are prepared," Maverick reassures him, "You and Bea have been preparing for this moment since you found out she was pregnant again. You've been taking great care of her and Nikki, and you'll do the same for the twins." he pauses, “So they came a bit early, that’s fine. They’d still be here, even now.”
“...do you know how big five month babies are?” Rooster asks, holding his hands apart while holding Nicole with the inside of his arm against his chest, “This big…hell they can be smaller than my hands.” he clenches his fists, then closes his eyes, burying his nose on Nicole’s hair, trying to find comfort with the little toddler, “I…”
“It’s okay,Rooster.”
He was going on a spiral. He was feeling guilty and angry with himself, and Nicole was noticing it. She was looking back at him, her tiny hands touching his face, “Dada?’ she calls, “Woops?” and that makes a smile appear on his face, even if his heart feels so immensely heavy.
“Dada is fine,” he kisses her tiny palm, then nuzzles her cheek, “Dada is worried about mama.” and he sighs into her hair, then arches his brows before muttering, “I need some coffee,can you hold her for a bit?” As if he needed to ask, his uncle immediately grabbed Nicole from his lap and walked around the room,showing the different things there enough to keep her distracted.
Rooster stands up and inhales. Deeply. He rolls his neck, then his shoulders as if to break the ‘ick’ that was on his body,digging his hands into his pockets as he walks out of the room to the hospital’s cafeteria. He sees a few patients coming in, a few other mothers and some couples, as he walks slowly on the hallway.
He feels heavy.
And every step echoes.
It’s like he’s moving in slow motion in a movie, but he knows he’s not. This was real life and his wife was undergoing an emergency c-section and he has no idea if she’s okay or not. When he reaches the cafeteria, which honestly felt like a blink of an eye, he looks around until he finds the coffee machine, tucked in the corner, almost hidden. He doesn’t know why, but hospital coffee was always delicious to him.
Whenever he came with his mother, he’d go through four cups of these while chewing on some biscuits. His mother’s treatment lasted a few minutes, so when he was done, he’d walk around the hospital and see the surroundings…it helped his mind and his heart. As he fills his cup, he wonders if that’s what he’s feeling right now: the shadow of a memory, the fear of entering the hospital and waiting for news.
Rooster takes a moment to collect himself, taking slow, deep breaths as he sips his coffee. He knows he needs to stay strong for Beatrice and their babies, but he can't help the overwhelming emotions that are swirling inside him. 
He glances at his phone, checking the time, “...only thirty minutes? Fuck.”. The wait feels excruciating, and he can't help but feel helpless at this moment. He wishes he could do more, but all he can do now is wait and hope for the best.
As he stands in the cafeteria, he recalls the words of Maverick, reminding him that he and Beatrice have been preparing for this moment. He knows they have a strong support system, and he takes some comfort in that thought. He knows they are not alone in this journey, and they have family and friends who care deeply about them.
With his coffee in hand, he takes a deep breath and starts walking back towards the recovery room. He shouldn’t be surprised when he hears the loud voices in the hallway, his smile widening because he knows that everyone else is there.
And indeed everyone was. Bea’s siblings and her parents, alongside the Dagger Squad, all of them sitting outside the room as he sees Maverick talking to them from the door. It was Evelyn who notices hims first, doing a double take then touching Jake’s shoulder to warn him, “Rooster–”
“Bradley!” Claudia walks through the group and meets him, wrapping him into a tight,motherly hug that only his mother in law could give. She cups the back of his head, he has to lower himself a bit so it’s comfortable for her to touch him, “Oh my bambino, is she okay? What happened?”
“I…honestly,Claudia I don’t know, they just…” he shrugged, “Wanted to come out?”
His mother in law eased out a gentle laugh, it was tense and he could see it in her eyes, but she smiled nonetheless. When she met his eyes, her eyebrows lowered and her hands cupped his cheeks, “Bambino, you know neither of you are at fault because of this,right?”
Rooster takes a moment to process Claudia's words, feeling the weight of her reassurance and support. He nods slowly, smiling at her  "I know," he says softly, "But it's just...hard not to feel guilty, you know? I keep thinking maybe I missed something, or I should have done something differently."
Claudia smiles warmly at him, her hands still holding his cheeks. "It's natural to feel that way," she says, "But you have been doing everything you can for Beatrice and the babies. Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control. What's important now is that we support each other and stay strong as a family. Okay?"
Rooster's eyes welled up with tears as he looked into Claudia's caring gaze. "Thank you," he says, his voice choked with emotion, "I uh…she went into surgery thirty minutes ago."
“When we had Beatrice, it lasted a bit more than that.” Rafael’s deep voice says from behind Claudia and the Schiavoni patriarch hugs his son-in-law just like Claudia did, “She’ll be okay.” he says softly, shaking his shoulder with a small grin, “They’ll be fine,Bradley.”
“I…I know.” he says quietly, clearing his throat before looking behind his in-laws, “Did you all…come here together?”
“Sort of,” Phoenix replies, “Jake called all of us and we just rushed over…so yes?”
“We’ll be here for you guys.” Payback smiles, giving his friend a thumbs up, “Don’t worry about it,Rooster.
And for a brief second, the weight lifted completely.
She comes back an hour later, sleeping and quietly snoring as she’s rolled back into the room. Rooster stands up to look at the nurses, his mouth parting as he follow Beatrice with his eyes, “...is…are they all okay?”
The nurse smiles at Rooster, fixing Beatrice’s covers once she’s back into the room. "Yes, they're all doing well," she says, "The twins are in the neonatal intensive care unit, but they are stable and receiving the best care. Your wife did great during the surgery, and she's in recovery now."
Rooster lets out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Thank you," he says, "Thank you for taking care of them."
The nurse nods, "Of course, it's our job. And we'll make sure to keep you updated on their progress."
Rooster looks over at Beatrice, sleeping soundly, and then back at the nurse. "Thank you,I…I’ll be with her a bit but can I see them after?” she smiles more, nodding at him and cooing at Nicole when she followed the nurse with her eyes, saying ‘bye bye’ once she was out of the room.
And Rooster dropped on the chair after a few seconds trying to remain upright, with his left hand covering his eyes. He allowed the silence to take over, his family and friends had to leave since it was already late - not after Claudia got him a change of clothes, of course and taking Nicole to stay with her and Rafael for the time being - and Beatrice’s quiet breathing was the only thing he could hear.
He didn’t know if he wanted to cry or he wanted to laugh…or both. His body was still tense from everything, his shoulder muscles hurt immensely, like when you sleep in a bad position for hours and wake up feeling like you were run over by a car. Except he didn’t sleep.
Rooster takes a deep, shuddering breath, trying to release some of the tension in his body. He knows he needs to stay strong for Beatrice and the twins, but it's hard to keep his emotions in check after such an intense and emotional day.
He feels a mix of exhaustion, fear, and overwhelming love for his family. He reaches out and gently takes Beatrice's hand in his, giving it a light squeeze, rubbing her knuckles. "I love you,gorgeous." he whispers softly, though he knows she can't hear him.
He stays by her side, keeping a watchful eye on her as she rests, waiting for any news from the medical staff about their twins. The minutes feel like hours, and he finds himself drifting in and out of anxious thoughts, that and the obvious need to sleep.
After what seems like an eternity, a nurse comes into the room to check on Beatrice. She smiles warmly at Rooster, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Did she wake up?” he shakes his head negatively, “Ah,it’s alright, it was a long surgery, she needs the rest.” and she leans over to check her vitals, all the while Rooster watches from a few inches away, crossing his arms over his chest since he doesn’t know what to do with his hands.
The nurse finishes her check-up and nods approvingly. "Her vitals look good," she says, "She's just in a deep sleep right now, which is completely normal after surgery. She'll wake up when her body is ready."
Rooster nods, chewing his lower lip as his hand comes up to rub his neck. He knows Beatrice needs her rest, but he can't help but worry about her and the twins. “That’s good…that’s good.”
The nurse smiles at the tender moment and gives Rooster a reassuring pat on the back. "You're doing great," she says, "Both of you are. The twins are receiving excellent care in the NICU and let me tell you, your little girl? I think she’s the spunky one of the bunch."
"Oh," Rooster says softly, his voice choked with emotion, "Really?"
The nurse chuckles softly, "Oh yes, she's got quite the personality already. I had the pleasure of checking on both of them earlier, and she’s a little wriggly worm. Your little boy is a bit quieter, but he’s still moving."
Rooster can't help but smile at the image the nurse paints of his babies. His heart feels so much lighter. They are moving, god they are moving already. "And…they are okay? Healthy wise,I mean.”
“Well,” she fixes Beatrice’s gown before looking back at him, “They are preemies, which means we need to keep an eye on them until they can leave. Five month preemies are rare, but not uncommon.” she smiles, “Honestly, your twins are the most active ones I’ve seen in a while and I’ve worked here for over twenty years now.”
“Oh,huh,that’s.” a fucking relief, “That’s great. So nothing out of the ordinary?”
“Nothing we could see,” she says while sliding her hands into her scrubs’ pants, “They are asleep now, so they are mimicking their mama.” she smiles back at Beatrice, then turns her head to Rooster, “Would you like to see them?”
He opens his mouth to say yes, he wants to say yes, but his eyes slowly drop to Beatrice. If she wakes up and he’s not there, he’s scared she might not be okay with it…plus,he’d want to see the twins with her, if he was able to do so. 
"Thank you for offering," Rooster says to the nurse, "But I want to wait until Beatrice wakes up. It's important for both of us to see them together."
The nurse smiled understandingly, "Of course, that's completely understandable. Take your time, and when you're both ready, I'll be happy to take you to the NICU to see them."
Rooster nods again, giving the nurse a thankful little grin as he watches as she leaves the room. Rooster, once alone again, falls back on the chair and holds his head on his hands, breathing into his palms, “...they are okay.” he mumbles, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “They are okay,god, they are okay.” Beatrice makes a little noise in her throat and turns her head towards him, her fingers twitching and he could swear he heard her soft whisper of ‘Brad…’
“Are you awake?” He questions but he gets no reply, only seeing her chest move up and down, eyelids fluttering as she dreams. No, she’s still fast asleep. He reaches out and gently brushes a strand of hair away from her face, his touch light and tender.
He leans in closer, speaking softly to her, "I'm right here, Bea," he murmurs, "You did great, and the twins are doing well too. I love you so much." He places a gentle kiss on her forehead, the little smile on her face - even in her sleep - was the confirmation she heard him. He sighs, now he was the one feeling sleep take over him, he knows he has to sleep so he could be there for Bea when she wakes up…so he pulls the chair closer to the bed, lets his eyes flutter shut and holds her hand as he, much like Bea, fall on a deep slumber.
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yankstrash · 7 months
one month!!
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liked by amelia.ln, _willsmith2 and others
gabeperreault44: one month with my beauty ❤️ that book good meels?
view 301 comments
amelia.ln: it is very good gabriel thanks for asking
amelia.ln: ONE MONTH WOOHOOOOO!!!!
↪️ gabeperreault44: more to come?
↪️ amelia.ln: i'll get back to you on that..
↪️ gabeperreault44: please do
_willsmith2: still waiting for our anniversary post
↪️ amelia.ln: no ryan is
↪️ ryan.leno_4: yeah literally. cmon gabe
↪️ gabeperreault44: sorry sorry sorry
paulfischer7: WOAH WOAH WOAH SLOW DOWN i haven't even met her yet
↪️ amelia.ln: yet i feel like we're already besties 😌
↪️ paulfischer7: yes ma'am we are
↪️ gabeperreault44: keeping you two apart.
↪️ paulfischer7: sorry gabe too late for that
drewf2: yay
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liked by gabeperreault44, ryan.leno_4 and others
amelia.ln: one whole month with gabriel,, this is actually kinda fun 🥰
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gabeperreault44: told ya 😏
gabeperreault44: happy one month pretty girl ❤️
↪️ amelia.ln: you are the cutest ever
ryan.leno_4: quality anniversary post. nailed it with the romantic caption
↪️ amelia.ln: thanks ryan i tried
_willvote: @ gabeperreault44 gimme some sugar
↪️ gabeperreault44: you want the lips too?
↪️ _willvote: very much so.
↪️ amelia.ln: i feel like i'm interrupting something 🫣
↪️ gabeperreault44: @ amelia.ln you are babe... mind leaving?
↪️ amelia.ln: @ gabeperreault44 OH SURE IT'S ONLY MY COMMENT SECTION
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The Biden administration is launching a beta website for its new income-driven student loan repayment plan today, officials told CNN, allowing borrowers to begin submitting applications for the program as federal student loan payments are set to resume in October.
The SAVE, or Saving on a Valuable Education, plan was finalized after the Supreme Court struck down President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness initiative in June. It marks a significant change to the federal student loan system that could lower monthly loan payments for some borrowers and reduce the amount they pay back over the lifetime of their loans.
“Part of the President’s overall commitment is to improve the student loan system and reduce the burden of student loan debt on American families,” a senior administration official said, previewing the beta website first to CNN. “The SAVE plan is a big part of that. It is important in this moment as borrowers are getting ready to return to repayment.”
Federal student loan borrowers can access the beta website at https://studentaid.gov/idr/. The enrollment process is estimated to take 10 minutes, and many sections can be automatically populated with information the government has on hand, including tax returns from the IRS, administration officials said.
Borrowers will only need to apply one time, not yearly as past systems require, which officials said would make this plan “much easier to use.” Users will receive a confirmation email once the application is submitted, and the approval process, which can be tracked online, is expected to take a few weeks.
Those already enrolled in the federal government’s REPAYE, or Revised Pay As You Earn, income-driven repayment plan will be automatically switched to the new plan.
The full website launch will occur in August, and applications submitted during the beta period will not need to be resubmitted. The beta period will allow the Department of Education to monitor site performance in real time to identify any issues, and the site may be paused to make any necessary updates, officials said.
The SAVE plan, which applies to current and future federal student loan borrowers, will determine payments based on income and family size, and some monthly payments will be as small as $0. The income threshold to qualify for $0 payments has been increased from 150% to 225% of federal poverty guidelines, which translates to an annual income of $32,805 for a single borrower or $67,500 for a family of four. The Education Department estimates this means more than 1 million additional borrowers will qualify for $0 payments under the plan.
Some borrowers could have their payments cut in half when the program is in full effect next year and see their remaining debt canceled after making at least 10 years of payments, a significant change from previous plans.
With the new plan, unpaid interest will not accrue if a borrower makes their full monthly payments.
But the new plan does come at a cost to the federal government. Estimates of the program’s expense have varied depending on how many borrowers sign up for the new plan, but they range from $138 billion to $361 billion over 10 years. By comparison, Biden’s student loan forgiveness program was expected to cost about $400 billion.
The Education Department has created similar income-driven repayment plans in the past and has not faced a successful legal challenge, officials noted.
The beta site launch comes as borrowers will need to begin making federal student loan payments again in October after a pause of more than three years because of the pandemic.
Since the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s effort to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for millions of borrowers, the administration has taken a number of steps aimed at helping federal student loan borrowers in other ways.
Earlier this month, the Education Department announced that 804,000 borrowers will have their student debt wiped away – about $39 billion worth of debt – after fixes that more accurately count qualified monthly payments under existing income-driven repayment plans.
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setteidreams · 1 year
Tumblr media
Digimon Adventure (2020) (138 sheets) has been added to the WIP section (https://patreon.com/setteidreams).
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themetalvirus · 11 months
beyond the spiderverse better have the earth 138 section be Hobie and his team beating up cops for the whole scene. comic accurate and would be outstanding cinema imo
hobie please save us from gwen's weird cop sympathies. save us hobie
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hischierdevils · 1 year
138 with Jamie drysdale!
- 138 “How are you this perfect?”
You’re high on pain killers when Jamie finally runs into the room, still wearing his Ducks warm ups. “Hey gorgeous, how are you feeling?” He kisses the top of your head as he sits on the edge of the hospital bed.
“Better now that you’re here.” You try to lean into him for a hug but wince from pain. Jamie helps you sit up comfortably before giving you another kiss. “Do you want to meet our baby?”
His eyes start to water as he nods and you hit the call button so the nurse can come in and help you into a wheel chair.
As she walks (pushes in your case) the two of you to the NICU, she fills Jamie in on the events of the day. A migraine had led you to an er visit where they determined your blood pressure was way too high and they sent you right up for an emergency c-section.
You were terrified, the two of you weren’t expecting the baby for another five weeks. None of your family was in town, including Jamie who was in Nashville for a game. It took you forever to get ahold of him and once you did, the only thing you said was that the nursery wasn’t ready.
Thankfully a nurse had taken the phone from you and explained the situation better than you could in your state. The Ducks got him on a flight immediately.
“How long does she have to stay in here?” Jamie asks the nurse as he holds your hand tightly at the door to the NICU.
“Once she’s up to five pounds she can leave the NICU. Besides being underweight, which is normal for a preemie, there are no other health concerns.” Jamie visibly relaxes from the news and drops your hand so he can pull a gown on.
Once you’re both suited up in the proper equipment, the nurse brings you in to see your baby. You’re not allowed to hold the baby yet but you can stick your hand in the side of the bassinet and hold their hand.
“We have a daughter?” Jamie looks between you and her in awe. Neither of you wanted to know the gender beforehand and your heart melts at his reaction. You were worried that he would want a boy.
“She’s just the sweetest thing. Everyone loves her. Do you have a name picked out?” The nurse asks you.
You share a look with Jamie. You had both agreed on a boy name but you were still undecided on a girls name, neither of you willing to compromise. “Magnolia Grace.” Jamie decides.
“Really?” You asked him, slightly surprised. That’s the name you wanted but he didn’t like.
“Yeah, it fits her perfectly.” He decides. He looks down at her again and you can tell he’s smiling by the way his eyes crinkle. “Hi Maggie. I’m your Dad.”
Maybe it’s all the hormones, or the pain killers, but you feel yourself falling more in love with him. “How are you this perfect?” You ask him.
“You’re the perfect one, baby.” He bends down to kiss you before realizing he can’t with the masks you both have on. “I love my girls so much.”
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