#Seasonal Flu
awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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simpforkonig · 9 months
I think I caught the seasonal flu. My nose is RUNNING. like RUNNING. It’s like a waterfall at this point. EVERY TIME I SNEEZE MY CHEST HURTS. I think I wasted more paper towels than I ever used in my life span 😭😭😭 I CANT DO ANYTHING OR FOCUS ON SOMETHING. I have a marathon to run in 10 days and I’m positive I will lose progress :p. Well thanks for listening to my TED talk and take very good care. TAKE YOUR VITAMINS PEOPLE, or eat lots of fruits.
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sam7sparks7 · 2 years
the human desire to be held protectively when sick versus the human desire to spare your loved ones from contacting your sickness
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thewilliamambervein · 18 days
I have been super sick for over a week now. So I don't think I will be streaming today. I think I am finally getting over the last bits of it but I don't wanna strain myself.
I will try to stream tomorrow. Might go with a BioWare Monday thing. Try to finish up Mass Effect 1, might start Dragon Age Inquisition afterwards or even go with creating a save game to import.
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manipalhospital1 · 11 months
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queeroldweapon · 6 months
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It’s cold/flu/covid season again, please wear your goddam masks and get vaccinated if you’re able to
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Both hired and family members, and caregivers will face many challenges when providing senior care to their elderly loved ones. It’s unfortunate to say this, but it’s a normal occurrence, especially if your elderly loved one experience restriction from the life and activities they used to do. Then there’s the threat of viral, contagious, deadly disease; just the cherry on top of the challenges and problems.
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healthwire · 1 year
It is best to avoid attending large crowded areas since a crowd might resemble a swarm of disease-carrying hubs. Because the sickness is spread by sneezing or coughing, adopting steps will help people reduce their risk of becoming infected.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Ontario Slowly Recovers From Flu Epidemic,” Kingston Whig-Standard. January 18, 1933. Page 1. ---- At Present the Number Afflicted With the Disease Is Placed at Between 25,000 and 50,000 ---- 20 DIE OF PNEUMONIA ---- Northern Section of Province Is Suffering Worst Now — New Outbreaks — Peak Is Believed Past ---- TORONTO, Jan. 18 — Ontario slowly but surely is recovering from a mild influenza epidemic which in the past few week has spread across the province, The most conservative estimate today placed the number of afflicted at present at between 25,000 and 50,000, while at least twenty persona have died from pneumonia which followed the epidemic.
Accurate count of the present cases is impossible, doctors declared today, since many persons have either fought off the effects white continuing at work, or remaining at home had "doctored" themselves to recovery. 
The northern section of the province is suffering worst at present. At Callander, nine miles from North Bay, and the surrounding Township of Himsworth, 200 cases are reported while other outbreaks were reported from Gowganda and the mines north of Elk Lake. Between five and ten per cent of Sault Ste. Marie's 18,000 residents are affected although the peak is believed past.
Ottowa health officials declared there were a "large number" of casts in that city but preferred not to make an estimate. 
No schools are closed at Windsor, and the Illness was believed on the wane in that area. Three deaths on the Sarnia Indian Reserve were recorded but conditions in that area were now nearly normal. The same condition prevailed at Chatham and Woodstock. School attendance was lower than usual in the latter city but is now becoming normal. 
Six Die in London Six persons died in London during the past two weeks from pneumonia developing from the 'flu. Fears of an outbreak were dispelled by more favorable reports. Health officiate did not believe conditions were worse than in previous years. 
School attendance at Kitchener was picking up and the mild epidemic occasioning no alarm at that point. Two were dead at Galt but again conditions were regarded as normal.
No definite estimate of the cases was available at Stratford but unofficially it was believed 3,000 persons were ill. Two deaths were reported from the district, but there were few cases among children. 
As was the case in other communities, no estimate could be made for Toronto where it is known thousands of citizens were suffering from the mild type of flu.
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uboat53 · 2 years
Time to talk about this again. Covid, RSV, and the Seasonal Flu are running rampant across the country and ICUs, particularly pediatric ICUs are filling up again.
Covid data is less reliable than it used to be because most tests are not reported officially, but flu data is comparable to previous years and it was already nearly twice as high by the end of November as it usually is by January.
There are people out there who promote the idea that the best way to build immunity is to get sick, so I want to address this for a moment. The public idea that's floating around is a dangerous misinterpretation of a French study from a year ago, there is no reputable medical organization that recommends getting sick over preventive strategies and vaccines.
Finally, as terrible as Covid has been, one of the bright spots has been that it has been less dangerous (though far from safe) for children. This is not true of the latest surge of viral diseases. Searching for "pediatric icu" on news sites reveals that hospital resources for children are becoming overwhelmed in places as widespread as Atlanta, Georgia, Portland, Oregon, and Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Given all of that, I want to encourage you to stay safe out there. Vaccination is still one of the most effective things you can do and vaccines are currently available for both the new strains of Covid and the Seasonal Flu. Better yet, this year's Seasonal Flu vaccine lines up particularly well with the strains we are seeing across the country, making it even more effective than usual.
Masking is also effective, and it's currently winter which means you get the additional benefit that the mask will keep your nose warm in the cold instead of overheating your face. Also be sure to stay away from people who are sick and to avoid spreading any illness that you, yourself, might catch. Avoiding enclosed places and crowds of people when possible is also useful as many of these diseases can be spread before the person even knows they're sick.
Finally, I strongly encourage you to talk to your doctor, nurse, or medical provider. Some of you may know me personally, but as far as expertise goes I'm just some guy on the internet spreading information. Check with a medical professional and trust their judgement over mine.
Stay safe out there!
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iimansmedicalan · 2 years
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We can’t avoid it because flu season is unavoidable. As the seasons change, so does our body’s ability to adapt to temperature extremes. When the weather changes, our bodies need time to adjust, which is why we get seasonal flu, colds, and runny noses.
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
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rileyclaw · 1 year
new TOH animatic on my channel!
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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"He's not gettin' any better."
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homeworldessentials · 2 years
How to Relieve Allergy & Flu Symptoms
Battling seasonal allergies or flu? This portable air humidifier reduces runny nose, congestion, alleviates snoring, and prevents dry skin. Shop today while the sale lasts! ✨
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When Arthur gets sick he gets quiet. He goes about his routine, even if it means he sweats out a fever during a council meeting and nearly collapses during training. He’s done this since he was a child and his father never believed he was sick.
“You’re fine Arthur.” “Suck it up, Arthur.” “If your that sick go see Gaius.”
Secretly he always wanted someone to mop his brow and stroke his head while he sips on tea and broth, but he will die before he admits it.
Merlin had always been nursed by his mother. He knows her secret recipes to sneak gross herbs that make him feel better into chicken stew with enough salt that it tastes like warmth and love. He has a favorite book with stories of old myths that he can nearly recite from memory but only when reads when he falls ill.
So, when Gaius tells Merlin that Arthur looks sick and needs to be escorted to his quarters and forced to rest, Merlin grabs his mother’s book. He gets tea and stew from the kitchens and all but forces a sweaty pale Arthur into bed. Then he pulls a chair next to the bed, tea and stew sitting on the nightstand within Arthur’s reach and begins to read aloud.
Arthur’s confused, but he’s tired and Merlin’s voice is soothing. He drinks his tea, eats his stew and closes his eyes.
When Merlin runs a cool cloth over his forehead, he knows what it feels like to be cared for. When he awakens to Merlin slumped in the chair, asleep but still keeping watch his heart flutters.
“Merlin,” he whispers softly, nudging Merlin to waken him. “Go to bed. I’m fine.”
And Merlin, sleep deprived or half asleep still, Arthur can’t tell, puts a hand to Arthur’s forehead. He’s still sweaty but not burning up. Merlin mops his brow and climbs into Arthur’s bed like he belongs there. Arthur’s always wanted to be cuddled and he can blame it all on a fever and Merlin. When Merlin falls asleep, Arthur lays on his chest and lets Merlin instinctively wrap him in his arms.
A week later, Merlin falls ill with the same cold and he loudly whines and complains until Arthur grabs the book of myths and all but pushes Merlin into his bed.
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