#Science Writer ✍️
xtruss · 7 months
How Do Animals React during A Total Solar Eclipse? Scientists Plan To Find Out
Scientists Will Observe How Animals' Routines at Several Zoos are Disrupted.
— By Christina Larson | March 7, 202
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Washington — When a total solar eclipse transforms day into night, will tortoises start acting romantic? Will giraffes gallop? Will apes sing odd notes?
Researchers will be standing by to observe how animals’ routines at the Fort Worth Zoo in Texas are disrupted when skies dim on April 8. They previously detected other strange animal behaviors in 2017 at a South Carolina zoo that was in the path of total darkness.
“To our astonishment, most of the animals did surprising things,” said Adam Hartstone-Rose, a North Carolina State University researcher who led the observations published in the journal Animals.
While there are many individual sightings of critters behaving bizarrely during historic eclipses, only in recent years have scientists started to rigorously study the altered behaviors of wild, domestic and zoo animals.
Seven years ago, Galapagos tortoises at the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, South Carolina, “that generally do absolutely nothing all day … during the peak of the eclipse, they all started breeding,” said Hartstone-Rose. The cause of the behavior is still unclear.
A mated pair of Siamangs, gibbons that usually call to each other in the morning, sang unusual tunes during the afternoon eclipse. A few male giraffes began to gallop in “apparent anxiety.” The flamingos huddled around their juveniles.
Researchers say that many animals display behaviors connected with an early dusk.
In April, Hartstone-Rose’s team plans to study similar species in Texas to see if the behaviors they witnessed before in South Carolina point to larger patterns.
Several other zoos along the path are also inviting visitors to help track animals, including zoos in Little Rock, Arkansas; Toledo, Ohio; and Indianapolis.
This year’s full solar eclipse in North America crisscrosses a different route than in 2017 and occurs in a different season, giving researchers and citizen scientists opportunities to observe new habits.
“It’s really high stakes. We have a really short period to observe them and we can’t repeat the experiment," said Jennifer Tsuruda, a University of Tennessee entomologist who observed honeybee colonies during the 2017 eclipse.
The honeybees that Tsuruda studied decreased foraging during the eclipse, as they usually would at night, except for those from the hungriest hives.
“During a solar eclipse, there’s a conflict between their internal rhythms and external environment,” said University of Alberta's Olav Rueppell, adding that bees rely on polarized light from the sun to navigate.
Nate Bickford, an animal researcher at Oregon Institute of Technology, said that “solar eclipses actually mimic short, fast-moving storms,” when skies darken and many animals take shelter.
After the 2017 eclipse, he analyzed data from tracking devices previously placed on wild species to study habitat use. Flying bald eagles change the speed and direction they’re moving during an eclipse, he said. So do feral horses, “probably taking cover, responding to the possibility of a storm out on the open plains.”
The last full U.S. solar eclipse to span coast to coast happened in late summer, in August. The upcoming eclipse in April gives researchers an opportunity to ask new questions including about potential impacts on spring migration.
Most songbird species migrate at night. “When there are night-like conditions during the eclipse, will birds think it’s time to migrate and take flight?” said Andrew Farnsworth of Cornell University.
His team plans to test this by analyzing weather radar data – which also detects the presence of flying birds, bats and insects – to see if more birds take wing during the eclipse.
As for indoor pets, they may react as much to what their owners are doing – whether they’re excited or nonchalant about the eclipse – as to any changes in the sky, said University of Arkansas animal researcher Raffaela Lesch.
“Dogs and cats pay a lot of attention to us, in addition to their internal clocks,” she said.
— Associated Press | Science Writer
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freyafrida · 6 months
✍️ Writer Asks! ✍️
Number four, please!
(Thrilling to have you so active lately, btw! 🥹)
hi! 🫶 thank you for so much good aogg content, i could not stay away!!
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
i binge-write at least a paragraph the second i get an idea tbh, but my least developed one (like 2 paragraphs and some stray sentences):
AU where jem dies instead of walter (sorry jem). walter feels the need to Be There for faith since jem no longer can. starts hanging around faith and una's house in kingsport and falls in love with una. also rilla comes along to do household science and she and shirley and carl are the background comic relief.
(ofc i'd want faith to be happy too! would probably hint that she's starting to move on at the end, but idk with who. bertie shakespeare drew??)
also want to write jem/mary fic now although i have zero ideas for anything apart from the ship
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(Updated 2024-07-27)
✍️ Writing Resources 📝
This will be updated as I come across more, and will add titles or brief descriptions as I can.
Interesting perspective on Aromantics and Asexuals when it come to relationships https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/753560136453324800/crypt
Reverse Trope Writing Prompts https://www.tumblr.com/out-of-jams/747204416306806784/reverse-trope-writing-prompts
how to write and research mental illness: https://www.tumblr.com/hayatheauthor/712950945678524416/how-to-write-and-research-mental-illnesses
@littlewhispersofsolitude ‘s OTP Prompts: Gestures/Phrases of Appreciation
OTP Prompts: Physical Affection
OTP Prompts: Failing to Hide Mental Break https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/757122490700070912/this-might-be-too-specific-but-could-i-ask-for-a
OTP Prompts: Long Distance Relationships https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/715822104469274624/otp-prompts-long-distance-relationships
OTP Prompts: Vulnerability https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/718070826712416256/otp-prompts-fighting
OTP Prompts: Height differences https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/718171652079419392/otp-prompts-height-differences
OTP Prompts: Kisses https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/718826612085358593/otp-prompts-kisses
OTP Prompts: Smut https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/720154490097041408/otp-prompts-sex
OTP Prompts: Road Trips https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/721993031725776896/otp-prompts-road-trips
OTP prompts: Arguments https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/722455459125133312/otp-prompts-arguments
OTP Prompts: Touch Starvation https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/733580783585017856/otp-prompts-touch-starvation
OTP Prompts: Relationship Progression https://www.tumblr.com/littlewhispersofsolitude/730951252628881408/otp-prompts
Dean Winchester Whump List, Season 1-14
Different Writing Prompts
@creativepromptsforwriting ‘s how to write a story
@creativepromptsforwriting ‘s Master Prompt list
What is Whump
Other Writing Resources https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/753629611597905920/writing-resource-spnfanficpond-fanficocean
Dean Winchester https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/752318883861610496/masochism-is-another-he-likes-to-be-slapped
Inspiration and snippets from Mark Rosenfelder https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/751460464981082112/now-that-it-writer-inspiration-spnfanficpond
5 things your characters can’t do while speaking
Common mistakes in writing https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/751386389803909120/good-stuff-guys-i-edit-professionally-this-list
SPN Cosmos
Side Note to Fanfic Authors
Spn Headcanon https://spn-fanfic-reblog-writes.tumblr.com/post/742865604003971072/headcanon-accepted
Omega verse worldbuilding tools
Fanfic Writers https://spn-fanfic-reblog-writes.tumblr.com/post/734251608704172032/i-feel-this-is-important-for-fic-writers
A Master Prompt List https://spn-fanfic-reblog-writes.tumblr.com/post/732570661708578816/master-prompt-list
How to write a story
Tips on writing ASL
How not to write smut
Over 600 dialogue prompts without a cut
@cevansbaby-dove ‘s https://www.tumblr.com/cevansbaby-dove/754007306214260736
@falloutcoys ‘ reasons not to kiss him
A viewpoint on RPFs
@deancrowleycas Season 1 Known Aliases and References https://www.tumblr.com/deancrowleycas/132286561719/supernatural-known-aliases
Archive Of Our Own Helpful Resources
How to comment on ao3 stories
How to lock all your ao3 works at once
Ideas on how to make a profile that can be used for ao3
A Lesson Learned on Tumblr
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shiranuieditorial · 2 months
Vocabulary list for writers: EXPLANATION
📚✍️ Looking to spice up the way you explain your explanations? Check out these cool options!
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List summary: Account, accountancy, aide-mémoire, alibi, amplification, analysis, anatomising (also spelled anatomizing), annotation, apologia, argument, assay, assessment, breakdown, briefing, caveat, clarification, commentary, confession, construction, contextualisation (also spelled contextualization), and counsel.
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💭 Uhh, why this topic in particular? 🤔
You see, we’ll be doing a lot of explaining, discussing, analysing, surmising, and whatnot during our
🗨️ Q&As
🗨️ Consultations
🗨️ Creative collaborations
(That’s a promise! 🫵🏼)
So, I thought, “What could be a better list to write than EXACTLY about the sheer level of clear communication we’ll practice?”
Anyway, anyway... I bet you won’t believe I originally intended this list to have only around 5–10 words! 🤯
[Crickets suddenly stop in shock]
Yep, it’s true! I overdid myself with this one… 😅
Now that you’ve read the first 21 out of 77, why not stay tuned for more vocabulary fun?
The next parts to this Masterlist of Words Similar/Related to “Explanation” will launch soon! 🚀 ...enough. Hold on to your rockets, fellas 😂
🍔 QOTD 🍔
Which word here is your favourite?
Yes, you have to choose just one!!! 🔪
I’m not claiming these words are true synonyms (i.e., having the exact same meaning as one another). They are not at all synonymous with each other, but they convey ideas or actions that resemble, complement, or specify the word “explanation”, which—if used with caution—can enhance the quality and impact of your writing, speech, and even your own thoughts and mindset.
In any case, it’s always a good idea to expand our vocabulary, even if we don’t use these new words right away. After all, science says language learning is good for brain health, so, why not? 🧠
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crystal-overdrive · 30 days
Writer Interview Tag ✍️
Thank you for the tag @darkurgetrash!
When did you start writing?
I'm a pandemic writer! I'd always liked the idea of writing, but lockdown gave me the time to actually commit to finishing pieces. I wrote my first visual novel when I was 26, moved into narrative design at work at 27, then started my master's degree in creative writing at 29. Towards Tyranny is the first fanfiction I've written, though I have been a reader since 2008-ish. From both perspectives I suppose I'm relatively late to writing. Sometimes I feel like I'm ancient and sometimes I feel very young, but I think having a decade of life experience under my belt before I started writing has helped me to craft more meaningful narratives. The best writers I know are in their 50s and I'm twenty years off that! With admitting that I'm actually educated in and have professional experience with writing, I feel like I must explain that Towards Tyranny is 100% unedited - pure brain garbage. I'm more invested in keeping up with my schedule and delivering a story than crafting fantastic (or even middling) prose.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Outside of fic I mostly write science-fiction and drama. I listen to a lot of horror audio drama and fiction podcasts, and while there is a horror element lurking in the background of some of my work, I'm yet to fully venture into that territory.
Most of the sci-fi I read is lefty political spec-fic. Eventually I'd like my own sf work to contain those sorts of themes but I don't think I'm politically astute enough right now to do that justice.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
One of the best-worst comments I ever got from a professor was "Neal Stephenson can get away with this. You are not Neal Stephenson," in reference to my use of dense neologisms and tech-industry specific language. He later said the piece was better than Blade Runner so, idk, maybe I can get away with that! 😂 I got another Philip K Dick comparison with my current supervisor when we were talking about theme and he told me his prose is shit but he does theme so well that it doesn't matter. 😬 With prose, the dream is to be some combination of Ursula K Le Guin and William Gibson, write some ecofeminist cyberpunk stuff. With drama I'm obsessed with Caryl Chruchill. She breaks the rules in such delightful ways, and my latest play cribs her werido no-punctuation style.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have my own office because when I was working both my partner and I were under NDAs, so we had to give up the spare bedroom so we could stop sharing the office. I couldn't go back now. Having space in the house just for me is so wonderful. My desk is frequently an absolute state, but it's organised chaos, I know where everything is. I have my craft books in here and a big whiteboard for all my tasks for the week. Behind my monitor I have a motivation wall of printed out comments on my work, and I also have all the fandom artwork I've bought framed in here. The other art in the house is a little more tasteful so this is the sexy Gortash quarantine zone.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I think it depends on your definition of muse. If it means "the will to write", there is no muse. Its all routine and deadlines, baby. I know I sound like one of those grouchy old writers, but you sit and you write, that's it. Some days it's crap. Most days it isn't. In terms of idea generation, my primary technique is just daydreaming, honestly. I joke with my partner that I'm "going to bed to watch TV" which actually means just imagining what's going to happen next in my story for like 2 hours before I fall asleep. I go on a walk most days and think then. In dire moments just lying on the floor until an idea comes also works. When I'm actually gearing stuff up for pitching I look back through my old notebooks, make mind maps and take inspiration from news and magazines. I have a box with clippings from Wired, New Scientist and those trashy "true story" magazines like Take a Break. Juxtaposing headlines and images from those often gives me something interesting to work with. I went to an archives workshop recently so I might try archive diving when I start my next project.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Alternative realities and expectations of women seem to saturate my writing. This year I've written a screenplay about jumping dimensions which questioned the value of motherhood, part of a novel about teenage girls being suicide baited in VR to achieve eternal beauty, an interactive fiction piece about a game able to alter reality and a radio play about simulation theory.
Towards Tyranny is absolutely loaded with the expectations of women thing, with marriage, children, parental expectations and societal expectations being really core to Tav's life choices and dilemmas. It's a pretty negative take considering where we're going right now.
What is your reason for writing?
That's an interesting question! There's absolutely no doubt that Towards Tyranny is kind of therapy for me. I wrote my way through a crisis of faith, through feeling like I was perceived as unequal to my partner, through losing friends to mortgages and pets and babies. I honestly don't think I would be engaged right now if I hadn't written this. I'm really terrible at identifying my own emotions and for some reason making up a hot character with all my worst traits and sending her down the fascist pipeline has helped me with that. 😂
I think at this point with TT I'm now writing for the audience. I know you're "not supposed" to do that but I don't create things to hide them away, I create things to connect with others, in the hope that someone else sees themselves in my viewpoint. I doubt I'm so unique that no one else has these problems!
In my more general writing life I suppose that is it, I write to connect with people, to share ideas, maybe? I just enjoy it, really.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Every single time I get a comment it makes me so excited. I fucking live for comments. My favourites are definitely ones that speculate on what's coming next. The fun part of working in a serial format is going on that guessing journey with the readers and seeing where they think things are going. I'm pretty convinced that my readers have a very different idea of how TT will end compared to me, which is going to be interesting. 👀
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
For my wider work I almost don't want to be thought of, I'm big believer in death of the author and am really interested in audience interpretations and what they do with the work. With the fic, it's all about community. I must admit I have a very cringe fantasy of like, expertly ordering wine in my gorgeous heels at some BG3 convention and someone being like "you wrote Towards Tyranny, didn't you?". That's fucking embarrassing lol. But that's the point of (what used to be) a self-insert, right? You but cool and hot? I suppose I want the audience to think I'm smart, elegant, astute, while honestly what I'm telling them is that I'm a dumbass who doesn't know her own emotions and has a crisis over how people view her every other week.
There's definitely a lot of power in knowing that people are waiting for you to post next week and to know that you're eliciting emotion from them. My posting schedule is important to me. I would die if I thought my audience saw me as flaky or unable to commit and finish what I started.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
My dialogue is pretty good. Most of my education has been in writing for stage and screen, and I think that comes across in my prose too. I don't have a car, so I spend a lot of time being nosy on public transport and listening to how people talk, and I hope that's filtered into how I write different voices.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Some days I think I'm the Goddess' gift to the Earth and other days I think I'm the fucking worst and should just give up. The objective truth is that I'm...fine? I think I'm in a pretty good place as an early career writer. I've got loads of stuff to develop, but my plays are being picked up by scratch nights and small theatres, and I've had positive feedback on my prose by published authors. As I said before Towards Tyranny is not an accurate reflection of my skill level but I do really like it, it's fun, it has stuff to say, it's hot. I've had a lot of doubts about it given it's my first longform piece and my first fanwork, particularly with the sex scenes and the idea that it probably won't end how the readership wants it to, but it does have a readership who have been incredibly kind about it, which has really bolstered me in moments of doubt.
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chordsykat · 8 months
📚, ✍️, and 📒, please! (Gointothevvater 🖤)
📚 Who's your favorite author (or a few of them)?
Stephen King has been my longest go-to favorite writer. I joke that he's the reason I love cliffhangers so much, but that's probably true. I have been reading King since I was like 10 years old or something. I tend to like wild narration, thrillers, real-world-science, and general fantasy. From Kerouac to Tolkien and back again. Lately, I have been getting back into Jeff VanderMeer's stuff. Big fan of his Southern Reach trilogy, and the way he writes in general. Someone described Dead Astronauts as an exercise in telling a story that couldn't be told and I couldn't agree more. If you think you can't experience prose in four dimensions, that a monstrous flying bear can't be a villain you'll take seriously, or that you'd mourn an man who might actually be a pile of salamanders -- you'd be wrong.
✍️ What's your writing process?
I turn ideas into anxiety. Kidding :) A good rundown of my process can be found on Dethkomic's page, right here. It's your typical gather ideas, jot them down in a list of beats, start adding details to those beats sort of thing... but with a longer, more drawn-out timeframe thanks to the illustration work involved. :3
📒 Where do your jot down your ideas?
One of the places I put my ideas is in piles and piles of docs on Google and on my computer. I tend to keep one general "script" going on Google Drive, and at the very very end of it, I have little notes to myself like "This character does this to this character - find a place to put that in" -- especially useful if I have no idea where to put something BUT TOO -- useful even if I think I know where it'll go. Sometimes I hit points in my story where I can't figure out something, or there's a lull in the action or jokes... I look at my end-reel of notes and can immediately find something to put in there.
Thank you so much for asking!!
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Ask Game:
👻What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️What’s your ideal writing setup?
🌻How often do you read your own fics?
👻What is your wildest headcanon?
I see Gyro as suffering major dysphoria. I can't stop thinking that (before the SoS) Della absolutely insisted Scrooge pay for Gyro's top and bottom surgery, as well as his hysterectomy. But Gyro was all "Oh no, that's ok, really!" not wanting charity, while being super touched at the same time, but Della was all "NOPE. This is happening!"
And ever since the Ducks helped him that way, his relationship with them- which had already been good pre-SoS- only strengthened and he became more grateful to them than ever (which is saying a lot, because he was already deeply appreciative of Scrooge giving him a chance when he hired him after his reputation in the international science community was destroyed since the Tokyolk incident)... which made his remorse and grief from the SoS incident, as well as his falling-out with Scrooge, even more difficult.
✍️What’s your ideal writing setup?
I always listen to music when I write. Either soft 80s and 90s (I love soft-rock) or Imagine Dragons. Doesn't matter the tone of the story.
🌻How often do you read your own fics?
About once a month, to see if they still hold up. Oddly enough, I've found that they do!
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sandhya17 · 5 months
Hey everyone!
Looking for some mind-blowing science content? 🧠💥 Look no further!
Check out my blog for fascinating articles and insights:
And don't forget to hop over to my Pinterest for a visual feast of educational content:
Let's explore the wonders of science together!
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[image description] Two images next to each other. On the left the characters Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy being read to by their mother Marmie in a Christmas setting. On the right, Jo, Beth, Meg and Amy gathered around their mother Marmie all looking into different directions.
One question listeners: are you a Jo, Amy, Beth, or Meg? This episode, we’re discussing characters in the 1994 and 2019 versions of Little Women, and diving deep into subtextual readings and fan interpretations.
We’ll discuss disability, autistic, and queer readings, and try to answer our question: is Little Women a ‘story for every generation’, and why is it so popular?
To listen, just head to the link in our bio, or find us wherever you find podcasts 🎧 
[headphones emoji]
[falling autumn leaves emoji; leaf emoji; stack of books emoji; Christmas tree emoji; falling green leaves emoji; tree emoji; snowflake emoji; snowman emoji; scroll emoji; handwriting emoji; feather emoji]
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
📚 “Little Women” (1868, 1869) by Louisa May Alcott
🎞️ “Little Women” (1933) (dir. George Cukor, 📜 Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heerman)
🎞️ “Little Women” (1949) (dir. Mervyn LeRoy, 📜 Andrew Solt, Sarah Y. Mason, Victor Heerman)
🎞️ “Little Women” (1994) (dir. Gillian Armstrong, 📜 Robin Swicord)
🎞️ “Little Women” (2019) (dir. + 📜 Greta Gerwig) (https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/little-women-by-greta-gerwig.pdf)
📺 “Little Women” (2017) (dir. Vanessa Caswill,  📜 Heidi Thomas) (Masterpiece: PBS)
Secondary Sources:
📰 “Life Magazine: Little Women: A Story for Every Generation” (Meredith Corp., 2020)
📜 ‘Everything depend[s] on the fashion of narration’: Women Writing Women Writers in Short Stories of the Fin-de-Siècle (Bryony Randall) 📜 “The New ‘Little Women’ Makes Space For Jo’s Queerness” (Shannon Keating) (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/shannonkeating/little-women-greta-gerwig-saoirse-ronan-jo-march-queer) 📜 “The New Little Women Basically Proves Jo March is Queer” (Michelle Hyun Kim) (https://www.them.us/story/little-women-greta-gerwig-jo-march-queer) 📜 Amatonormativity (https://medium.com/the-science-scholar/opinion-amatonormativity-the-damaging-pedestal-of-romantic-love-d70cc0585b0f) 📜 “The Real Reason Hairspray Was Banned On The Little Women Set” (Avery Stone) (https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/12/9114384/little-women-movie-hair-makeup-interview) 📼 “Little Women: Laurie & Jo” (https://youtu.be/osdVRusNGgg) 🎞️ “Divergent” (2014) (dir. Neil Burger, 📜 Evan Daugherty, Vanessa Taylor) 📼 “Greta Gerwig, Representation, and the Universal Girl” (https://youtu.be/0p-cBSqIDbQ) 📼 “Why Neurodivergent People Relate to Jo March” (https://youtu.be/x-j5XK1wpyo)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹 Intro Music 🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹 Outro Music 🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹 Transition Music 🎹:
“Pencil” by zakkolar - Pixabay “Fireplace Fire Crackling - Loop” by SoundsForYou - Pixabay “Sleigh Bells fast” by jcdecha - Pixabay “Tambourine christmas sound effect 25” by beetpro - Pixabay “Footsteps in the snow, шаги в парке,” by SSPsurvival - Pixabay
#LittleWomen #LouisaMayAlcott #JoMarch #AmyMarch #BethMarch #MegMarch #Laurie #GretaGerwig #SaoirseRonan #EmmaWatson #FlorencePugh #ElizaScanlen #LauraDern #TimothéeChalamet #BobOdenkirk #MerylStreep #GillianArmstrong #SusanSarandon #WinonaRyder #KirstenDunst #ClaireDanes #ChristianBale #AdaptationTheory #MoviePodcast #podcast #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #LiliAnnaPod #trans #ace #DisabledRepresentation #DisabledRep #disability #disabled
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💖👻✍️ (And sorry for the follow/unfollow mess. Aiming is not my best ability today.^^)
I saw that and it was pretty darn funny lmao. 😆 I didn't get one, but two emails of you following me again LOL
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year? Write stories that I enjoy making. So many times in the past I've ended up not liking my stories for various reasons, and not only would it make me feel like I had no talent, but out of 10, 9 of those fics are now deleted. Self-indulgence didn't come into play until very recently in my writing, that's why I'm now so adamant about it.
👻 Is there a new genre you’d like to write? I'm proud to say that I've written a whole spectrum of stories at this point: action, horror, comedy, thriller, historical, fantasy, science-fiction, a whole lot of romance, etc. There's definitely a lack of horror fics, and I've had my mind on a concept I shared a while back that I'd like to write this year, but we'll see.
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits? For my own stories, kudos are definitely the thing I look at the most, even though I know hits are what really matter. Not everyone use subscriptions the same way, and as someone who post mostly completed stories, I tend not to look at those. Although I still don't understand why people subscribe to completed stories, but to each their own I guess.
Thanks for asking!
Writer Goal Ask List for a New Year
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kelliealtogether · 30 days
I am in love with BLOOM! The whole universe.
How did you get the idea for it? And I know it’s irrelevant but does Adam say ily first? And how? Or is that when they have that argument about Ronan not having been to a doctor?
Also, secondly, about the Soulmates AU.
Did Ronan fall for Adam bc it’s Adam and without knowing he was his soulmate? Or did it play a part in him falling for Adam? Was he going to wait forever basically?
(And who says Ily first and how? Idk why but I love to think about that! 😇)
Thanks! 🙏🏻 you are such a good writer ✍️
Sorry for so many weird questions 🫣
Hi Anon,
I'm so happy you enjoy the Bloom universe! Honestly, the idea just came from repeatedly going to the USBG and hanging out in the orchid room and then reading the article referenced in the author's note of the fic. I also really like writing Adam as a science nerd, and aging both him and Ronan up, so voila. Bloom. Regarding who says I love you first, it's Adam in their fight about Ronan not seeing a doctor in, like, ten years, but it's more like in Call Down The Hawk when he says I saved your life because I love you and I was scared... I don't think they go around saying it to one another often, if at all. And it's definitely never flat out I love you.
About What It All Could Be, Ronan falling for Adam and Adam being Ronan's soulmate is kind of a chicken or the egg situation. There's the canon please aspect of it, where Ronan was like God, let it be this one 🙏, and I don't think Adam being Ronan's soulmate hurt Ronan developing feelings for Adam at all. If anything, it made it easier. The difficult part was waiting Adam out, and Ronan 100% would have waited forever. And What It All Could Be is full tamquam alter idem. They're Latin nerds until the end of their days, no I love you in sight. It's the one subject Ronan keeps up after dropping out of Aglionby and he finds the phrase in an old ass book of Cicero's stuff, he reads it out to Adam, Adam translates it in his head, and the rest is history.
Thank you for the questions, and thank you for thinking I'm a good fic writer! 💕
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lillianbrockett · 2 months
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Calling all sci-fi enthusiasts and writers! ✍️✨ Dive into the latest trends that are shaping the future of science fiction. From AI advancements and space colonization to climate change and dystopian societies, discover the cutting-edge themes and ideas that are capturing imaginations and pushing the boundaries of storytelling. Whether you're crafting your next novel or just love to stay informed, this is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the world of tomorrow…
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trascapades · 3 months
🎉📚🌌 #ArtIsAWeapon
"Self is.
Self is body and bodily
perception. Self is thought, memory,
belief. Self creates. Self destroys.
Self learns, discovers, becomes.
Self shapes. Self adapts. Self
invents its own reasons for being.
To shape God, shape Self." - Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents (Earthseed, #2)
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🎨 Artist @bisabutler
"Patternmaster, 2022"
Cotton, dutch wax @vlisco, silk, wool, lace, beads and glitter vinyl Quilted and appliquéd 24" x 30"
On view at the @smithsoniannpg
✍️🏾Caption reposted from Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture @nmaahc #OnThisDay [June 22] in 1947, award-winning science fiction writer Octavia E. Butler was born in Pasadena, California. Butler is regarded as the “Mother of Afrofuturism,” a cultural aesthetic residing at the intersection of African culture, technology, and futurism. ⁣
She believed that science fiction could play a role in inspiring technological, social, and political change in the real world. Her writing integrated the past with visions of the future, with narratives rooted in marginal, female, and African American vantage points. ⁣
Butler’s books are revered for their concise economy of language and convincing protagonists, many of whom are Black women. She used science fiction as a vehicle to address power dynamics, violence, survival, and the human experience. #HappyBirthdayOctavia #BecauseOfHerStory #APeoplesJourney #ANationsStory #OctaviaEButler #BlackBrilliance #ParableOfTheTalents #ParableOfTheSower #Afrofuturism #BlackLit #ScienceFiction #GodIsChange #TraScapades #BlackArtists
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formdtariqul · 10 months
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solutionlab · 10 months
Website writing, web content writing, website copywriting, website conte...
Website writing, web content writing, website copywriting, website content writing services
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wedoassignment · 1 year
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