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lord-allo · 2 years ago
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Strauße | Ostriches
Struthio camelus
(nördlich von Solitaire | north of Solitaire)
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drytechengi · 1 month ago
Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Mauritius
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Drytech Engineering Systems is a Prominent Manufacturer and Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Mauritius. Our Manufacturing unit is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. What is a Multi Effect Evaporator? A Multi Effect Evaporator (MEE) is a sophisticated system that concentrates liquid solutions through multiple stages, also called "effects." Each effect uses the vapor from the previous stage to heat the next stage, dramatically increasing energy efficiency. This technology reduces the need for external heating sources, lowering energy consumption and operational costs. How Does a Multi Effect Evaporator Work? Feed Introduction: The liquid feed enters the first effect where it is heated using an external heat source, typically steam. This causes the liquid to evaporate. Vapor Utilization: The vapor generated in the first effect is used as a heating medium in the second effect. This energy-saving process continues in the following stages, with each effect relying on the vapor from the previous one. Sequential Evaporation: The liquid becomes more concentrated as it passes through each stage. As the process moves forward, each stage operates at progressively lower pressures and temperatures, which improves energy efficiency. Condensation and Collection: The vapor from the last effect condenses, and the concentrated liquid is collected. The entire system minimizes the need for extra external energy. Benefits of Multi Effect Evaporators: Energy Efficiency: By reusing vapor for heating, these evaporators significantly lower energy consumption. Cost Savings: Reduced energy consumption leads to lower operational costs, providing substantial savings. Scalability: Easily scalable, these evaporators can be adjusted to meet varying production needs, offering flexibility for different industries. Versatility: Multi-effect evaporators can handle a broad range of liquids and concentrations, making them ideal for diverse applications. FAQs about Multi Effect Evaporators: Q1: How much energy can a Multi Effect Evaporator save? A1: Multi Effect Evaporators can save up to 80% of the energy required in traditional evaporation methods due to their ability to reuse vapor across multiple stages. Q2: What support do you provide after installation? A2: We offer comprehensive post-installation support, including regular maintenance, troubleshooting, and any required upgrades to keep your evaporator running efficiently. Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Mauritius including locations Port Louis, Plaines Wilhems, Vacoas-Phoenix, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Curepipe, Quatre Bornes, Rivière Noire, Pamplemousses, Savanne, Grand Port and Flacq. Contact us for detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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gajjarequipments · 5 months ago
Asphalt Drum Mix Plant in Mauritius
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Gajjar Equipments Private Limited Provides an Asphalt Drum Mix Plant in Mauritius. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Gajjar Equipments Private Limited are manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Asphalt Mixing Plant Asphalt Batch Mix Plant, Asphalt Drum Mix Plant, Counterflow Asphalt Drum Mix Plant, and Mobile Drum Mix Plant. What are the components of a drum mix plant? Drum mix plants have components like cold feeder bins, weighing conveyors, drying and mixing drum with burners, and bitumen tanks. They also feature a filler hopper, wet dust scrubber, charging conveyor, control panel, and optional silos for hot storage. What are the common operations of an asphalt mixing plant? The common operations of a drum mix plant involve the collective weighing of aggregates before they are added to the drum. Once the aggregates are in the drum, the process continues with heating the aggregates and adding bitumen and filler material to the same unit. What is the function of an asphalt plant? The asphalt mixing plant weighs materials such as aggregates, bitumen, and filler, then adds them at a specific elevated temperature to produce hot mix asphalt. What is drum mix plant used for? Asphalt Drum mix plant  is used for paving roads, airports, parking lots, runways, and streets. This versatile and durable material is known for its longevity and resilience. What is a drum mixing plant? The drum mixing plant is a continuous type of asphalt plant that performs all processes seamlessly. Inside the drum, we heat the aggregates and mix them with bitumen and filler material. Features and Benefits of Asphalt Drum Mixers: 1260°C Resistant Coated Cerawool: The drying drum features a coated cerawool layer, covered by a stainless steel sheet, ensuring maximum heat retention. Half Chain Drive: This design minimizes vibration and ensures smooth, trouble-free operation of the drum. Versatile Burner Options: The burner is available with various fuel options to suit different needs. Rugged Design: Built with a robust and proven design for enhanced durability. Pollution Control: Equipped with both dry and wet dust collectors for effective pollution management. Insulated Bitumen Tanks: Fully covered tanks ensure optimal heat retention for efficient operation. Ongoing Design Improvements: Continuous enhancements make the design simple and maintenance-free. Optional PLC Control Panel: The advanced PLC control panel is maintenance-free for user convenience. Factory Testing: Each unit undergoes thorough testing at the factory before dispatch. Gajjar Equipments Private Limited Provides an Asphalt Drum Mix Plant in Mauritius including locations like Port Louis, Plaines Wilhems, Vacoas-Phoenix, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Curepipe, Quatre Bornes, Rivière Noire, Pamplemousses, Savanne, Grand Port and Flacq. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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blijdorperbende · 8 months ago
Blijdorp opent eerste verblijven Masterplan 2050: African Jungle & waterlelie-kweek
Foto: Diergaarde Blijdorp (Facebook) “Wat hoort er een bij een regenwoud? Regen!”, grapt Vrienden-voorzitter Marcel Kreuger. In een bos aan paraplu’s en poncho’s werden op zaterdag 13 juli de African Jungle volières geopend in Diergaarde Blijdorp Rotterdam. De riante vogelkooien, die samen bijna 600 m2 beslaan, zijn het allereerste deelproject van Masterplan 2050: de ambitieuze en spraakmakende…
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pascalkirchmair · 1 year ago
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"Rhinoceros", gouache and black ink on paper, 30 x 40 cm
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1weltreisender · 2 years ago
Uganda entdecken: Von der Savanne zur Hauptstadt
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Uganda, die „Perle Afrikas“: Das Binnenland Ostafrikas bietet auf seinen etwa 241.550 Quadratkilometern Landfläche eine atemberaubende Naturschönheit, die sowohl die Heimat von beeindruckenden Tierarten als auch diversen kulturellen Ethnien ist. Von den majestätischen Berggorillas zur pulsierenden Hauptstadt bis zum größten Fluss der Welt – entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt Ugandas, für die sich sowohl Naturliebhaber, Abenteurer und Kulturliebhaber gleichermaßen begeistern können.
Auf Safari: Eine Reise durch Ugandas faszinierende Tierwelt
Uganda ist ein Land der Superlative, und das spiegelt sich auch in seiner Tierwelt wider. In 10 Nationalparks mit verschiedensten Ökosystemen kann die reiche Artenvielfalt erkundet und bestaunt werden. Zu den bekanntesten Vertretern gehört der Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, die Heimat der seltenen Berggorillas. Diese vom Aussterben bedrohten Riesen finden dort Schutz und werden erhalten. Besucher können die majestätischen Tiere in einer Trekkingtour unmittelbar nahe kommen und sie in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum beobachten. Ein ebenso besonderes Erlebnis bietet eine Tour durch Ugandas Nationalpark Murchison Falls. Vor der Kulisse des durch engen Schluchten stürzenden Nils, können Wanderer auf Elefanten, Giraffen und Flusspferde treffen. Abenteuerlustige können zudem auf unvergesslicher Bootssafari auf dem Nil gehen. Wer statt Gorillas Schimpansen beobachten will, trifft bemerkenswert große Populationen im Kibale-National Park an. Im Queen Elizabeth National Park hingegen kommen Freunde großer Raubkatzen auf ihre Kosten: baumkletternde Löwen in atemberaubender Landschaft können hier angetroffen werden.
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Uganda ist ein Land der Superlative, und das spiegelt sich auch in seiner Tierwelt wider / Foto: Graham-H / pixabay
Uganda jenseits der Savanne: Naturschönheiten und kulturelle Schätze
Neben Ugandas beeindruckender Tierwelt, ist das Land besonders reich an kultureller Vielfalt und Naturschönheiten jenseits der Savanne. Es beherbergt über 50 verschiedene ethnische Gruppen, von denen jede auf eine einzigartige Kultur, Sprache und Bräuche zurückblicken kann. Ihre kulturelle Identität spiegelt sich in ihre traditionellen Trachten, Musikstile, Tänze und kulinarischen Spezialitäten wider. Der Stolz auf ihre eigenen kulturellen Wurzeln eint sie genauso wie ihre Gastfreundschaft. Zusammen berufen sie sich zudem auf eine starke nationale Identität, die durch ein friedliches Zusammenleben und ein anhaltender kultureller Austausch zwischen den Ethnien geprägt ist. Ugandas Hauptstadt Kampala gilt als Schmelztiegel aller Kulturen und reizt mit ihrer lebendigen Atmosphäre, den Kunsthandwerksläden und den Märkten. Historische Stätten wie der Kasubi-Gräberhügel bieten Einblicke in die Geschichte des Landes. Über die Geschichte des Nils hingegen gibt die Stadt Jinja, am Ufer des Victoriasees, Aufschluss. Während aufregenden Kajakfahrten kann dem Ursprung des längsten Flusses der Welt nachgespürt werden. Atemberaubende Ausblicke über Ugandas landschaftlicher Vielfalt können vor allem von höher gelegenen Orten genossen werden. Beispielhaft ist hier das Ruwenzori-Gebirge im Ruwenzori-Nationalpark. Die schneebedeckten Gipfel der sogenannten „Mondberge“ bieten eine spektakuläre Sicht über das Land mit seiner beeindruckenden Flora und Fauna.
Abenteuerliches Uganda: Outdoor-Erlebnisse für Entdecker
Auch abenteuerlustige Entdecker kommen in Uganda auf ihre Kosten: Das Land hat eine Fülle an aufregenden Aktivitäten zu bieten. Im Landesinnere finden sich Berge, Flüsse, Seen und dichte Regenwälder, die auf gebuchten Fahrten oder Wanderungen erkundet werden können. Besonders beliebt ist das Trekking auf einem der vielfältigen Wanderwege, die meist einen spektakulären Aussichtspunkt oder eine einmalige Tierbegegnung zum Ziel haben. Wassersportler hingegen können auf dem geschichtsträchtigen Nil Rafting oder Stand-Up-Paddleboarding betreiben oder es bei einer Bootsfahrt entspannter angehen. Titelfoto / Ugandas faszinierende Tierwelt entdecken / Foto: NRay91 / pixabay Read the full article
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dream-world-universe · 5 months ago
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Maconde View Point, Mauritius: The Macondé Point is part of one of the most scenic roads in Mauritius. In the history of the island, the Macondé rock was used as a shelter for slaves who managed to escape their masters; nowadays, it only serves to be one of the most popular places for tourists during their trips to the south of the island. Located on the south coast of Mauritius, Baie Du Cap is a small, quaint village in Savanne District... Savanne or Savannah is a district of Mauritius, situated in the south of the island. Wikipedia
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lord-allo · 2 years ago
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Von Swakobmund nach Etosha | From Swakobmund to Etosha
(+ Rinder | + cattle)
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drytechengi · 4 months ago
Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer in Mauritius
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Drytech Engineering Systems is a leading Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer in Mauritius. We are Based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering Systems offers spray dryers, flash dryers, spin flash dryers, and multi-effect evaporators. We provide two types of the spin flash dryer like Fully Automatic Spin Flash Dryer, Semi-Automatic Spin Flash Dryers. Features of Spin Flash Dryer: Disintegration System: Breaks down wet cakes for effective drying. Hot Air Injection: Pre-heated air is used to dry materials quickly. Cyclone Separator and Bag Filter: Collects dry powder efficiently. Energy-Efficient Operation: Operates at a voltage of 440V/50HZ. High Output Level: Rapid drying of paste and fluid-based substances. Chemical and Thermal Resistance: Durable design for various applications. No Sticking or Accumulation: Ensures smooth operation. Working Principle: Material Introduction: Materials are fed into the drying chamber in a fine, dispersed form. Hot Air Injection: We inject hot air at high velocity, promoting rapid moisture evaporation. Drying and Separation: A high-speed rotor creates agitation, mixing materials with hot air. Dried particles are carried to the cyclone separator for collection. What materials can be dried using a Spin Flash Dryer? Suitable for filter press wet cakes, fluids with high viscosity, and thick pastes. What are the energy requirements? Operates at 440V/50HZ, ensuring energy-efficient performance. How does the drying process work? The drying process involves material introduction, hot air injection, and drying/separation in a cyclone. What are the advantages of a fully automatic dryer? Enhanced efficiency, reduced manual intervention, and precise process control. Can I customize the drying parameters in a semi-automatic dryer? Yes, operators can adjust feeding rates, temperature, and drying times as needed. Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer Mauritius covering locations such as Port Louis, Plaines Wilhems, Vacoas-Phoenix, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Curepipe, Quatre Bornes, Rivière Noire, Pamplemousses, Savanne, Grand Port and Flacq. Contact us today for more information, pricing, and availability. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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savannahclarkepacks · 6 months ago
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Savannah Clarke icons
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rabbitcruiser · 29 days ago
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International Zebra Day 
International Zebra Day is observed every year on January 31. With their natural environment diminishing and increasing human development, these gentle animals are in danger. When habitats are threatened, animals, too, become endangered. International Zebra Day is all about raising awareness and what you can do to help in the conservation of this animal. Zebras are mostly found on the African continent, in the semi-desert areas of Kenya and Ethiopia, and the hilly areas of Namibia, Angola, and South Africa. You can easily identify a zebra by its unique black and white stripes.
History of International Zebra Day
International Zebra Day was most likely founded by a consortium of conservation organizations such as the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and the Conservation Biology Institute. International Zebra Day aims to help raise awareness about the living conditions of zebras and how their numbers can be protected from further decline.
Presently, three types of zebra can be found in the wild. They are the Grévy’s zebra, plains zebra, and the mountain zebra. Although the Grévy’s zebra, found in the northern regions of Kenya and are extremely rare, they are an endangered variety having suffered a loss of more than 54% of its total population. The loss has occurred rapidly in the last three decades because of zebras being poached for their hides and pelts.
Zebras are found in the African Savannah where their natural habitat has been well preserved and not all zebras are in danger of disappearing. The other two subspecies of zebra are less endangered than the Grevy’s zebra. Plains zebras are thriving and don’t face threats of endangerment. The mountain zebra lives in South Africa, Angola, and Namibia. Along with the dangers of poaching, these zebras are also in danger from locals who might hunt them for meat when the going gets tough. Zebras have been battling many concerns regarding preserving their population.
International Zebra Day timeline
28,000 Years AgoZebras in Rock Art
They are depicted in cave rock art in African regions.
1261Zebras in Diplomacy
Zebras are sent as exotic gifts to establish democratic relationships.
1878The Quagga Becomes Extinct
Quaggas, a type of plain-dwelling zebra, become extinct.
2019Grevy’s Zebra is Endangered
It has a population of less than 2,000 mature zebras.
International Zebra Day FAQs
Why is International Zebra Day celebrated?
International Zebra Day is observed on January 31 every year to create awareness about the need to protect zebras.
How many zebras are left in the world?
They are considered endangered, according to National Geographic. There may be some 300,000 left in the wild, and on the Serengeti-Mara Plains, there are an estimated 150,000 plains zebras.
Are zebras endangered?
The Grevy’s zebra is considered endangered on the Red List of Threatened Species. Their population has gone down by about 54% over the past three decades, according to the African Wildlife Foundation.
How to Observe International Zebra Day
Dress up in its colors
Raise awareness
Celebrate International Zebra Day in style by dressing up in black and white. If you’re feeling adventurous, wear a zebra print outfit.
Talk about International Zebra Day on your social media accounts to raise awareness of this day. You can help spread information on their dwindling numbers, the dangers to their habitat, and what we can do to help.
The best way to observe International Zebra Day is by donating to organizations that ensure the welfare of zebras. You can donate to the World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society, and others.
5 Facts About Zebras That Will Blow Your Mind
They are fast runners
Zebra stripes are unique
Foals grow up quickly
They can sleep standing up
Zebras live in groups
Zebras can run at a speed of 40 miles per hour.
What fingerprints are to humans, stripes are to zebras.
Zebra foals can stand up as early as six minutes after they’ve been born.
However, they can sleep while lying down too.
A group of zebras is called a ‘dazzle.’
Why International Zebra Day is Important
Conserves the zebra population
Our chance to do something
Protects our future
International Zebra Day is aimed at conserving, persevering, and increasing the zebra population. But a large number of zebras isn’t enough. These celebrations ensure the animal’s well-being.
Celebrations like International Zebra Day allow us to do our bit for wildlife conservation. Through awareness programs and donation drives, we can become involved in the conservation of the species.
The planet is for all creatures to inhabit. International Zebra Day helps preserve the zebra population and envisions a future where all creatures can co-exist peacefully, without fighting for resources.
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thegoodmorningman · 1 year ago
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I just found out some people still get pensions too!!! Good Morning!!!
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beauperalta · 1 year ago
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Savannah Clarke icons
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years ago
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lorenzlund · 9 months ago
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'To have or find always the right stand as some men'
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für von da an wieder genaueres Hingucker oefter und Sehen.
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'Komm' vorbei und grill mit!'
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malenudepaintings · 1 year ago
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Cider, ca. 1864, Pierres Puvis de Savannes
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