#Sasuke needs a hug
saneandrocking · 4 months
Sasusaku prompt - ''I am stronger than you today''
Sakura, gazing into the eyes of a tormented Sasuke Uchiha, poised to sacrifice the world for the sins committed against his clan, declares: "You believe power is strength, that all your potential is defined by what your eyes can achieve, by what you can summon, by the way you fight, by the way you kill, but you are mistaken. Strength is witnessing a world filled with injustice and malevolence and still choosing to fight to preserve the good. Strength is recognizing the reasons to rise against those who are corrupt, but understanding there is no justification to become the source of further cruelty. Strength is not forsaking your ideals to conform to what the world has made of you and how it has treated you.
You think I am weak for loving you and believing that you are lost in the darkness, as you scorn my feelings and my inability to kill you, but once more, you are wrong. I see in you someone who has been wronged and isolated, condemned to be a pawn in a game you were never even informed about. I see in you a child in pain, loneliness, and hatred, and, much to your chagrin, I see in you the capacity to love. Between the two of us, Sasuke, only I have remained true to my ideals and to who I am. You can kill me here, something you will have to fight for from beginning to end because I will never die without knowing that I avenged the person Naruto and I have mourned since we were thirteen. I am stronger than you today, not on the battlefield, but in mind. I am stronger than you, and it may be that I perish today because of it, but you will fall with me."
Bonus: A Sasuke who faces a Sakura Haruno who is simultaneously the same as the one he abandoned on the bench and so different that he needs to remind himself that this adversary is dangerous in a way that no other ever will be.
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bishoptheboy · 1 year
NARUTO Shinobi days: Coming home to a surprise guest (?) Part 6
(Mini Comic: ⚠️ 4 parts *a little long scroll*)
"It does get to me..."
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Sasuke never got to drink his water in the end.
<I am currently re-reading Naruto and I just love Sasuke's inner thoughts about Naruto. It is always profound and deep. I immediately got struck with inspiration, and I thought it is best to deliver it through a little comic. Planning it was the tough one, it ain't easy at all (kudos to all comic artists out there), and I ain't no writer so I had to discuss with my brother on certain things.
It end up kinda long (?) But I hope it turned out at least decent! And also, at the end of the manga when Sasuke cries, that could've been the perfect time to kiss him (but well they can't even move lol). AND ALSO, I just want to draw them cuddling. So, this is just indulging myself..
(also...hopefully people will notice the line "it does get to me" is a ref from something 👀)
Thank you for reading! 🙇
Edit: please ignore the left arm manifestation bec I am an idiot>
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moldy-flowers · 5 months
Poor Sakura, thinking she's going to just be a ninja and that's the end of it, probably experience a bit of romance.
Unbeknownst to her she gets put on a team with three orphans who are constantly on the verge of dying and she has to try and stop them.
Kakashi: *Fighting for his life and using up all his chakra.*
Sakura: Kakashi-sensei, please we need to retreat!!
Naruto: *Grows two tails and starts biting people.*
Sakura: Naruto, no! What have I told you about biting people!?
Sasuke: *Already on the floor bleeding to death.*
Sakura: I'm twelve what the fuck.
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unevenpatterns · 5 months
Update ch 9 - All that is left behind
NaruSasu pairing, Rated M, 17 chapters, 56k word in total.
Summary: Sasuke has a stressful morning, an accidental meeting (quite literally) and ends up spending his day with a boy who is the exact opposite of himself. Little does he know that it will be the first meeting of many, and that Naruto can be hard to forget.
Updates every second day until finished 😊
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
tfw you don’t know if you want Sasuke to end the series changing the shinobi system or finally getting a break
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twinuchiha · 1 year
@cinisemperium continued from here 
Kyosuke was quiet. He didn’t face his twin, not wanting to feel guilt for the hurt expression he wore on his face. It was something he had expected for a long time, but that didn’t make it any less painful to hear. The longer hair Uchiha released a soft sigh.
“...I hated you for a long time.” The raven admitted, and he felt ashamed for the utter weight that those words lifted off of his shoulders. He lightly licked at his lips, thinking carefully about what he should say next. Though, they should be at a place where they could openly talk about what happened now, right? “You abandoned me, Sasuke. You left. No goodbye, no letter, nothing. For a man who killed someone who made sure we had a goddamn roof over our heads.” A shaky breath escaped him, Kyosuke swallowing hard as he continued.  “I thought it was my fault, for not being good enough. For not being Uchiha enough for you, for anyone. Our comrades, your friends, they were there for me when you weren’t. Naruto, Sakura... they were there to help me with my nightmares, my sleep paralysis. They made sure I was alive. Not you.” Old anger flared up in his chest, and his knuckles nearly turned white as he grasped at the sleeves of his shirt. He took a deep breath. “They weren’t to blame for the sins of the Leaf. They didn’t know. They weren’t the ones who... who...” There was a strangled noise. “They didn’t kill Itachi... they weren’t the ones who had our clan slaughtered.” He remembered the day he found out... the day that he found out Itachi was really gone. How he fell to his knees and screamed himself hoarse. The pain, the sadness... the anger. “...I remember when I said it to your face... that Itachi was dead because of... because of...” Because of Sasuke.  Not Naruto, not Sakura. Not because of his team, his sister, the companies he had made, not even the Leaf village, to so extent. It was because of Sasuke. “I remember how your face contorted... how afraid I was when you came at me...” Tears and pain. He didn’t like to think about that day... he still had some nightmares about it. But Sasuke didn’t need to know that. “I was scared to admit that I resented you, for everything you had done. To the villages, to our friends... to me.” He felt his eyes start to water and he held back any urge to cry with all the strength he had. “I was scared that I would succumb to hatred, like so many others had... I was terrified because I saw what it had done to people.” Kyosuke had viewed himself as a threat to everyone around him at that time. He felt like a ticking time bomb, ready to deactivate at any moment. In that time, he resented being an Uchiha. Another deep breath. “But... I realized that I shouldn’t be afraid to feel normal human emotions. That it was my choice of what I did with it.” Warily, he meet Sasuke’s eyes, his own glistening with unshed tears.  “I love you so much, Sasuke... I was just so angry at that time...”
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akamikazae · 2 years
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lil babies 💕
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usuragan · 2 years
Sasuke had so many opportunities to open up to the people who mattered most to him but instead chose self destruction and the potential pre-mature death that would come without regret. I think about this a lot.
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skyahri · 6 months
I'll Take You In |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki, and Gaara
Summary: They bring home a baby.
Warnings: Implications of child abandonment.
- - - - -
Kakashi Hatake
It was late at night, and he'd just returned home from a mission.
You immediately noticed the little bundle in his arms. Without a second thought, you'd plucked the little one out of his arms and made your way to the couch for cuddles.
"Who's this?"
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and took the spot next to you.
"A little girl we found alone in the woods on the way back. No one in the area claimed her, so we brought her back here."
"She's beautiful."
"I offered to take her in."
You were shocked by that. Kakashi had never shown any interest in kids, so for him to offer to take one in was unexpected.
"I know, I should've talked to you first, I just," he sighed, "I got kind of attached."
You shook your head at him, worried he'd taken your shock as disappointment.
"I get why. She definitely fits the baby sized hole I've suddenly acquired in my heart."
The next morning, you'd taken the little girl to Sakura for a checkup and to the records hall for a birth certificate.
Meanwhile, Kakashi had recruited a Gai to assist him with the nursery.
By end of day, you had a fully built and stocked bedroom for your daughter.
It hadn't even been 24 hours, and yet you'd already perfectly filled out as a family.
Sasuke Uchiha
You'd just returned home from grocery shopping when you found Sasuke and Kakashi talking in the living room.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until Sasuke turned around holding a baby.
You dropped the bags in your hand and immediately made your way over to them.
"Who's the cutie?"
You combed your fingers through the baby's hair and fought the urge to kiss their face.
"Naruto and I found him in the woods on the way back from Suna. We asked around, but no one seemed to be missing a baby."
Sasuke passed the baby to you, knowing you would most definitely want to cuddle.
He made eye contact with Kakashi, a silent way of telling him to leave. He did without protest, knowing exactly why he was no longer welcome.
"I actually wanted to discuss something with you."
You hummed, too busy playing peekaboo to pay your husband any mind.
"I would like to... keep the baby."
Your eyes snapped up at him. Who was this and where was your husband?
"You want to keep a random baby you found?"
He blushed, not really liking the forwardness of your words.
"He's a good baby. He'd make a great addition to the clan."
You didn't need any further convincing. You loved kids and wanted plenty of them. This would just be a head start of sorts.
You hugged and kissed Sasuke, thankful you had a wonderful husband.
Shikamaru Nara
Oh boy.
When Shikamaru came home with a baby, you knew something was up.
He never volunteered for work, so you knew something unfortunate had to have happened.
You'd made your way over to him to see the baby, but stopped when you didn't recognize them.
Sakura and Hinata had recently had their babies, so you expected it'd be one of them, but no. This baby didn't look like anyone you knew.
"They found her in one of Orochimaru's old hideouts. Sakura checked her out, and she seems okay, but..."
"She needs a home."
You nodded. Obviously, she needed a home. Then it dawned on you.
"You want us to keep her?"
He nodded and looked away.
You smiled.
"She must be something special if you wanna take her in."
"Kakashi asked me specifically, and I don't know, there's just something about her..."
You stopped him before he started talking himself into a hole. You understood, and were more than happy to bring the little one into your family.
Naruto Uzumaki
When Sakura told you that your husbands had found a baby on their way home from Suna, you weren't very surprised that Naruto had come home with them.
He looked a bit sheepish, like a kid who got caught by his mom.
Neither of you had to say anything. You already knew what he was going to ask, and he already knew that you knew.
"Look, I know what the orphanage is like, and he's so little, and-"
"It's okay, Naruto. I understand."
He felt a flood of relief wash through him.
"So we can keep him?"
You laughed and took the baby from him.
He really was so little, probably less than a week old. You felt a sense of obligation, not just because of Naruto. It felt like that baby was supposed to be yours.
"Yeah, I think I'd like to take him in."
Since he had taken over the role of Kazekage, the sand village had been striving. Poverty was at an all time low, shinobi had higher success rates due to higher moral, and the economy had been booming.
The orphanage had, thankfully, been empty for quite some time, so when a baby was suddenly in need of a home, they came to him first.
He thought about reopening the orphanage for this one child, but he had a better idea.
Which is why he had come home from his regular work day with a baby.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. You never imagined Gaara would be the one to bring home a child, that was much more yout Forte.
"I should have discussed this with you prior. I can always make alternate arrangements if you-"
You shut him up instantly.
This baby was now yours. A little girl, a daughter, just as you had always imagined.
"She's perfect."
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
Random NSFW headcanon please? (If you do nsfw...)
alrighty roo, buckaroo, lets discuss kinkage - thank you so much for the request
Random Kinks They Deffo Have
They: Iruka, Kakashi, and Itachi (with additions of Sasuke and Shikamaru) (f!Reader)
Warnings: whew! Swearing, explicit smut, power play, somno/free use, auralism, names of authority, praise kink, spit/blood/cum play, idk just please be 18
Notes: This one is for the freaks, obvi Boruto!Sasuke and Boruto!Shikamaru, I'm begging for everyone's thoughts and opinions - be prepared for Shikamaru's to be nasty
Power Play
He just fucking loves when you take control
Anything you tell him to do, Iruka will do compulsively, and he's absolutely twitching when you tell him how good he is for doing so
All! About! Your! Pleasure!
Iruka's favourite encounters would be when he's not allowed to touch you, though, funnily enough
You're riding him, and all he can do is watch your sultry smile and feel your pussy hugging him tight - he wants to feel you, to run his hands all over your body - but he can't - or else you'll slow down to a halt and sometimes even pull him out, just to give him a beration of sorts
Now, that said, Iruka does not fuck with demeaning talk - you better love on this motherfucker, he's trying his goddamn best for you, and if you should negate that, it would allow a dark cloud to form over Iruka's mind
You don't want that, right? Exactly. So you keep it sweet, you give him stupid, little commands then fan the flames of his ego when he completes the command in spades
Lowk gets boyfriend-brain when he's with you, so kinda does need to be told what to do
Iruka is a sweetheart!!! He's always going what he can for you, all the time, even if you don't explicitly ask him to every time
Free Use/Somnophilia
When you said you would be okay with giving it a trial run, Kakashi was elated, and fucked you four seperate times that night, and began again before you woke up in the morning
He fucks you slow, almost trying not to wake you up, but the stretch is unmistakable
"Good morning, pretty lady. Have any good dreams?" He would ask, noticing your quickened breath, making you instantly relax into the situation
You love it - you stop sleeping in any amount of pant, just so Kakashi could have you as he pleased
When you got home, he would be pressing you against the door, when you try to start chopping vegetables for dinner, he would bend you over then pop you up on the counter when he just couldn't get enough
Kakashi's condition is that everything spontaneous happens within your shared, lovely, little home
He might sneak you away occasionally while the two of you are out, finding a small cache in the forest, but Kakashi would be asking for permission, assurance, consent at every step of the way - public is just different, but he's not entirely opposed
Kakashi just can't believe he's got you, and every time he looks at you, he needs to have you
He needs to hear you; the way your voice quakes, the way your nails rake across the skin of his back
Itachi's favourite sound though, is the harmony of your bodies meeting, skin smacking skin, squelches and a slick plunging sound, filling the room
Yeiff - let alone fucking outside - my god - Itachi wants your encounter to be so loud that the whole world knows what's going on
With his shit eyeslight, Itachi would prefer to close his eyes while fucking you, letting your beautifully wanton sounds paint a picture in his mind
In a perfect world, he would totally love to get tied up with a blindfold on - just to be at the mercy of your light touch and the intoxicating sound of your pleasure - Itachi would break the binding eventually, desperate to have his hands on you, needing to fuck you hard enough to hear the smacking and sloshing
Itachi is also the primo dirty talker, insisting you reply to him through your stinted pants, sharp gasps and breathy moans
His whole arousal around the subject of sound is cranked up to ten the second the two of you are in public - your little yips when he squeezes your ass, or the biting 'Itachi' that slips out of your mouth when he corners you to cop a feel
Oh, he fucks with names, you can call him whatever the fuck you want, so long as he's the one you're screaming about - but he likes it when you speak to him with more authoritarian honorifics (sir, daddy, lord)
Ooh, tell him he's hitting the spot and Sasuke would lose it, only trying to hit the exact same spot again
If you're ever out, singing his tune to another party, about anything, and Sasuke catches wind, he's taking you home immediately to prove he can provide more than you bargained for
Y'all, lets be real, and acknowledge that sweet Sasuke craves praise in any and all capacities, but most fervently in the four walls of your bedroom
Again and again, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him, he wants to hear it again
"Sasuke, your cock is so fucking big," you gasped as he slid in slowly.
"Louder. Tell the neighbours."
Loves, loves, loves to be able to hear the affect he's having on your body, every wave of pleasure, every jolt from your orgasm
Even if it's visibly clear that he's got you like putty in his palm, Sasuke will demand that you tell him how good he is, how deep he can reach, how much your pussy loved him
You're a blabbering mess, and it strokes Sasuke's ego to no end that he can bring you to this point, absolutely drunk with pleasure
Spit/Blood/Cum Play
Anything Shikamaru can ingest that comes from your body (not excretions, sickos), he will
It's insane when you two hit the trifecta - Shikamaru cumming all over a patch of knicks on your stomach then spitting on the pile of liquid, he would mix it all together with his index finger, on top of you, before he would lean down and lick it all up, shoving the finger covered in the rose-tinted mixture into your mouth
Mm mm mm, and your cum, my good Christ, does he ever love your cum
Nothing brings Shikamaru so much joy as pulling his fingers out of you, being coated in a shiny slick
There's also something about the way your face screws up every time he brings a kunai into the bedroom - Shikamaru goes weak in the knees when he sees your crimson blood, glinting on the tip of the knife, losing it even further when you lick it off without hestitation
He's going to cum on your face, just to see you try to open those pretty eyelashes of yours, beads of white weighing them down
Shikamaru had no clue he was into fluids, until you randomly asked him, one day, to spit in your mouth - it's been a done deal since then, spitting just comes with the territory eventually
He always loved seeing your body get painted with his cum, but it's a whole different ball game to watch you play with it, to watch you lick it all up without wasting a drop like you used to do (honestly, Shikamaru can't even remember why he used to wipe his cum off of you)
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Naruto boys insecurity’s
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He’s grown up an outcast so he’s slightly insecure anyways (poor thing). He thinks he’s a bother to you sometimes and gets himself in a slump. You noticed how hes been rather quiet with you, not asking for anything, not begging for cuddles or kisses, you knew something must have been wrong. And it was confirmed when you over heard him talking to himself in the mirror, basically just insulting himself
“Why cant i just do better…” “why do I have to be so annoying…everyone thinks I’m annoying…probably even y/n. They could do so much better why m-” “NARUTO DONT YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE” you bust down the door causing naruto to quickly wipe his teary eyes “hey y/n! W-what do you mean?” “You know what I mean naruto.” You reach for his cheek to make sure he keeps his eyes on you “your not a bother naruto. And you deserve me as much as I deserve you! Why are you saying this?” He’s in full blown tears now, ugly crying and everything “e-everyone already thinks that way about me I-I thought you would think the same after a w-while” he sniffs “foxy…do I need..to show you how much you mean to me?” His eyes widen at the fact that he actually means something to you. For the rest of the night you never left him alone once, you spoiled him so much more that normal which made him feel so much better. He loves youuuuuu
Also was treated like an outcast but it didn’t affect him in the way it affected naruto. He doesn’t really think he’s a bother, if anything he’s scared that you think your the bother, since he’s so “cold” towards you sometimes he’s scared your going to leave or think he doesn’t love you anymore. Once it got so overwhelming for him he had teary eyes for hours just thinking about how he acts, he decided he needed to tell you. Once he found you he ran towards you and engulfed you in a big hug. You thought this was adorable or him being silly until you felt something wet on your shoulder followed by a broken breath
“S-sasuke? What’s wrong…Are you crying?” You could hear a sad whimper coming from him. “I love you. I-I love you so much y/n please don’t forget. No matter how I act I-” “I know. Baby I know. I love you too, what’s this about, your scaring me?” He didn’t dare remove his tear stained head from your shoulder “I know I’m…mean s-sometimes but-” it finally clicked for you why he was so upset all of a sudden “sasuke… your not mean! And I know you love me no matter how you act.” “I..just thought…no one understands how I truly feel. I just Need you to know…t-that I do love you” he pulls away from your shoulder to wipe his eyes before turning away from embarrassment. He felt you wrapping your arms around him causing him to jump. “I’m sorry y/n. I’m just over reacting” “no don’t. Don’t say that… I think we should lay down. You need to relax do you need me to help you? I know you feel…weak” he takes a deep breath “please y/n… yes” you both walk together to your bed. Trust me when I tell you he is going to feel a lot better after some comfort *wink*
He just feels… worthless sometimes. He just doesn’t feel worthy of good things that happen in his life, aka you. He doesn’t feel worthy of you. But he is very open with you unlike others, he tells you what’s wrong no matter what.
“Y/n. I have uhm… I have some feeling I would like to share.” “Of course Love, what’s up?” “I…” You gaze softens realizing he’s going to get upset “I don’t feel worthy.” “Oh…tachi… come here” you pat the spot next to you but instead he took your lap instead, he reaches in for a hug before speaking up again “tell me you love me. Please. And tell me I’m worthy…” “you are the love of my life. And you are worthy of that love. No matter what you think you deserve love.” That is all he needs to hear. Although he gets very upset you can always calm him down. It does happen more often but you do not care. Anything to make him feel better.
We all know he’s very attractive but that doesn’t mean he thinks the same. He doesn’t like his scar, he doesn’t like the story it holds and he doesn’t like the look of it. He can hold back the insecurity in battle because he knows it’s not worth dying because he thinks it’s ugly, but he cant hold back the insecurity on a day to day basis with you, he gets extremely timid with you. You see him with the mask off all the time so it’s kinda funny that you rarely see him without something covering his eye. But you just thought he forgets it’s there so you didn’t think about insecurity, but when you walk in on him washing his face he almost instantly covered his eye with his palm you knew something was wrong
“Ay? Why you covering that cute face?!” “Aha thanks y/n” he chuckles trying to make you ignore it yet he still kept his hand up “serious what’s with your hand?” “Well..ah you know..” he points to his eye with his other hand “what your scar? Babe I don’t care” he smiles softly before replying “I care…” “take your hand away” “I’d rather not-” “kakashi.” Groans “yes y/n…” he drops his hand and you let out a content sigh “there’s my baby” you grab his face with both hands and kiss his scar softly “you don’t find it odd?” He looks away while blushing “no kakashi I don’t find it odd because I love you.” He flashes a smile before turning back to the mirror with a weird look still on his face, to lighten the mood you grabbed him my the cheeks to shake his head back and forth before giggling at him. “Cutiee” you comment before kissing his beauty mark then walking back out the door.
He’s sensitive, he may be a big joker but if someone else says the wrong thing he will not be happy, normally the only thing he doesn’t like being called is a mutt or a dog. It makes him feel ashamed of him family quirk. Just because he loves animals doesn’t mean he is one right? He started thinking maybe he is just a dog. A Dirty, annoying, unfunny mutt. He started to feel like foolish for loving a dog so much, but he can’t help it it’s the family he was born into.
He has been rather distant from akamaru, still taking him on mission but recently he hasn’t been letting his puppy in the house as much anymore and he gets upset when you let him in instead. “Why did you let him in the house y/n!” “His a good boy he won’t chew up furniture if anything you would!” You we’re just trying to lighten the mood but it didn’t help “akamaru outside now!” He commands “come on why don’t you want him inside??” “You don’t need two mutts in the house y/n” this confused you for obvious reasons “two mutts? Are you talking about yourself? Your not…your not a dog thought?” He crosses his arms in protest “tell that to my friends, Or anyone because for some reason they all think I am a dog stuck in human form and it’s getting old.” You chuckle nervously “your not? If your talking about your dog like features and fighting style it’s just your quirk? It’s not your fault you can’t choose” he lowers his head “even you think I’m a dog sometimes!” “No baby. I dont I think that. your a human just with some animal features but most of your family is like that?” “If you don’t think I’m an animal why do you call me names like puppy.” He’s stretching, he loves it when you call him that he’s just in a mood “I call you that because you love attention and can’t go a day without seeing your loved ones. Plus your as cute as a pup!” His shoulders relax finally realizing he shouldn’t be upset over this. “I just feel ashamed of who I am sometimes y/n I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. I love who you are if that makes it better” he chuckles “yeah…it kind of does make it better honestly…can you kiss me..?” He smile at his sudden change of mood “of course!”
He knows he’s good looking but he also knows he’s not the best, he also knows your absolutely stunning, so it gets to him sometimes without realizing is, he changes his look every now and then to see if it would make him feel better. Maybe make him more attractive to you he hopes
“Dear could you turn around please?” “Sure shika whats u-” you stop dead in your tracks with a shocked look on your face “your hair is down!!!” You exclaim, the only time you see his hair down is when he is sleeping, you’ve never seen it down when he’s awake “I know, I’m trying something, does it look good?” You giggle “You always look good darling, just not use to it that’s all” you walk over to grab a handful of his hair which was slicked back but not up in a ponytail anymore. “Well I think you look handsome no matter what” he groans “don’t lie to me does it make me look worse?” You give him a nasty look “worse? You say that as if you already look bad…?” “Well eh-” “well what? Your very attractive Shika do you think other wise?” He puts his hands in his pockets “uhm sometimes-” “oh come on!” You grab his face “your soooo handsome no matter what you do with your hairrrr” you tease. He continued to make eye contact with you while a smile grows on his face. “…can I put a little braid in your hair?” “No” “Aw man.”
He’s ok with his looks and doesn’t feel like a burden on you, oddly enough the only thing he’s insecure about is his voice. He thinks he sounds funny sometimes and doesn’t like how raspy it is, that’s why sometimes he doesn’t talk to you that much. Sometimes all he responds with is either nodding his head or shaking it which makes you feel bad
“What do you feel for dinner love bug?” “…” you looked around because maybe he left the room but no, he just didn’t respond. “Uhm hello???” “…” “are you hungry?” He shakes his head yes “with words please?” He looks around before responding quietly “yes I’m hungry” you giggle not quiet knowing what’s up with him “why are you so timid right now?” He finally speaks up “do you think I sound funny y/n?” “Uh no? Why” “sometimes I feel like my voice isn’t that pleasing.” “It sound pleasing to me-” he lightened up at the compliment “really?” “Yes of course!” When he’s insecure he normally gets over it fast, he’s rational and knows when he’s just being silly
He knows he can choose his own destiny, he just wish the preset plan for him was burned into his forehead. He hated it so much, he was disgusted by it and therefor disgusted with himself. Sometimes you find him crying in the mirror over the symbol plastered onto him. But you always let him know that it doesn’t define him
You could hear cries coming from the bathroom and you couldn’t take it anymore so you decide to knock “sweetheart…are you crying?” He knew there was no point in lying anymore “y-yes..” “may I come in?” You could hear a cracked “mhm…” coming from the other side or the door so you walk in, immediately pulling him into your chest. “What happened. Did Someone do this?” He pulls away from your chest just to look back to the mirror to cover his mark while his lip quivered. You finally realized what was happening. “Give me your hand please..” he obliged lowering his hand. You grabbed his cheek and gave a very long forehead kiss. “Your worth more than this mark Neji.” You mumble against his head. You decided the best thing to do is go to bed and give him more love so that’s just what you did
He may seem strong so it was shocking to you when he confided in you about how he’s insecure about almost everything about him (poor thing) he try’s to stay strong but he can’t help but get vulnerable with you
All you were doing was giving him love but he just felt unworthy of it. “My handsome, strong, perfect boy!~” kiss “well I don’t know if those words are accurate but thank you my precious!” You huff at his self doubt “don’t say that, your all of those things?” He laughs nervously “I don’t think so heh” “you are! You don’t think your handsome or strong…?” You frown “well uhm y/n…It obvious I’m not the best looking, and yeah I’m strong but…I could always be stronger.” He looked down at his feet in shame “Lee…take it back.” “W-what” “take it back. No one is allowed to insult my baby like that, not even himself.” He thought you were just joking until he looked up into your eyes to see the seriousness that laid in them, he could see tears forming in your eyes. “Please Lee. Take it back.” “I-I…I take it back y/n I’m sorry” “please…don’t ever say things that that again”
He’s always been bullied because of his weight so of course he will be extremely insecure about it and anxious when your trying to love up on him, you knew he was insecure about it and you always told him it did it matter but you never realized to much it really affects him until your further into the relationship and you started to be more physically affectionate, he loves the affection just hates the body that it receiving it. All you were trying to do was hold him after a long day but he seemed so scared of if and you had to ask why
“Cmon let me hug you!” “No y/n..” you pout “why not! I wanna hold my fluff ball!” He cups his hands together then proceeded to look at the floor “I don’t think holding me is even possible…” your pout turned into a confusion “uh what do you mean choj?” He pinched at his stomach to hint at what he was talking about since he was to shy to actually tell you “oh…Choji you don’t need to worry about that I don’t care!” “I care because it means I can’t do certain things! How are you supposed to hold me!” You scoff “I’m confident I could carry you like a baby if I needed too.” “Your just saying that to make me feel better…” he crosses his arms and puffs his cheeks up out of timidness “I’m being serious Choji! I could totally carry you! Your not as big as you think you are.” He closes his eyes so tears dont form “I’d like to see you try y/n, you won’t be able t-” since his eyes were closed he didn’t see you walk over to his side, he only realized when he felt your arm latch around his shoulders and your other cupping around his legs. He open his eyes right in time to realize you just picked him up bridal style. He gasps in reaction, he turns to your face to see not a single ounce of struggle on your face “I told you! Your not that heavy choj!” This Moment honestly cured almost all his insecurity on that subject for a very long time. And sometimes he thinks “maybe she’s just really REALLY strong” he still loves the thought behind your actions. “Heh uhm…I guess maybe I’m not. Thank you sweetie!” “Anytime bubs~” with that you place him back down on his feet and give him a very passionate kiss
Most of his life he was basically controlling by either others or his inner demon so he didn’t have time to worry about appearance. But ever since he finally felt in control of his own life he now worries about his appearance sadly. He doesn’t like the mark on his head, he doesn’t really like his hair either and feels like his facial features just look wrong on him. He’s very good at hiding things so you didn’t realize until you overheard a conversation with him and his brother, he figured since kankuro is considered attractive maybe he should ask him for advice!
You were wondering around trying to find Gaara to ask him god knows what until you finally hear his voice along with kankuros, you walked behind the door about to knock until gaara’s question caught your attention. “So is there anything that could make me more ‘attractive’ or something along the lines of that?” “I don’t know? Maybe try face paint chicks dig it” you could hear a sigh leaving Gaara “I don’t want to attract ‘chicks’ I just want to attract y/n.” “What makes you think she doesn’t already feel attracted to you?” “I don’t know, I just feel like if I find myself unattractive maybe she does too.” That’s enough, you have to stop this. You knock on the door making them both look at it, you swing the door open and immediately look at gaara which was all it took for kankuro to take the hint “I’m just gunna..goooo…” you and him exchange nods before he leaves. Once the door shut you look back at gaara “what was all that?” “Oh so you heard?” “Yes gaara I heard, why do you find yourself unattractive? And why are you going to your skanky brother for help?” He turns his head to continue speaking “I can’t explain why I feel that way about myself, but I went to my brother because I know he is considered attractive to others.” You sit next to gaara and grab his chin to make him look at you. You lean closely to speak “how could you not love this face~” you whisper almost seductively while you drag your thumb across his cheek bone. “What don’t you like…?” His breath hitched out of fear of spilling his insecurity’s. “I guess…I don’t like the mark on my head, and I don’t like my nose much either, I also don’t really care for my hair it makes me look like a clown sometimes.” He’s waiting for you to agree with him but instead you lean closer to kiss everything he listed, first his little nose, then his marking and then you drag your hand through his hair which made him flushed. “Well I like Everything about you…” he finally makes eye contact with you, with red cheek. He took a big deep breath to reply “ok…thank you y/n. That makes me feel a bit better” you reach in for a hug which he gladly accepted!
Even though he seems so hot and confident he’s much like his brother, sometimes he doesn’t like his bare face. He has make up on almost all day so rarely do you see him without any on, and when you do see him bare faced he’s weirdly shy which isn’t like him.
You both were in bed after work and you were just having a conversation, mostly it was just you talking which was weird because he’s normally high maintenance. “I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to say something like that, what do you think babe did she have a good point?” “I don’t know” his head is slightly turned to the side opposite of you which made it almost impossible to see him, he just washed his face so he’s completely bare faced yet won’t even look at you. “Babe? Cmon atleast look at me when I’m talking” “UGHHHHHHHH fine.” He turns to You shyly avoiding eye contact before replying “she’s in the wrong for saying that honestly-” you laugh “that’s exactly what I’m saying!……” you stared at his cute bare face for a little to long which made him anxious “what are you looking at y/n!” “I’m looking at your cute facee *boop*” he pulled away from your finger just to cross his arms “whateverr” you didn’t know at the time he wasn’t feeling his best but later he did tell you. But he still loves the compliment you give no matter how insecure he is at the time. Only you can make him feel better tbh
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ssailormoonn · 5 months
❛ Self Care ❜
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Postwar!Sasuke X Fem!Reader
WC; 2k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW; fab!fem!Reader,soft Sasuke like rlly soft and affectionate guys, body worship, reader is depicted as a medical ninja, this is so fluffy guys, use of {Y/n}, suggestive towards the end, fluff.
˚ ༘ * 𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯; @lovelyandproblematic - ok since you asked and I have severe incurable Sasuke simp brain rot so if you ever need prompt ideas lmk! ty for being my fav tumblr creator rn 😍 SELF CARE SUNDAY W/ SASUKE! I’m talking face masks, eye masks, cute headbands, warm robes, and a nice candlelit bubble bath, the whole nine yards! He’d prolly never admit it but he def needs to be spoiled and might have to be forced bribed into participating (*cough* body worship? *cough*) but poor boy has been thru soo much he needs a night to relax and pls get some moisturizer on him stat! his skin must be screaming lmaooo
this is being depicted as sasuke being 19-20 years old, he's come back for a little while to Konoha from his redemption mission for a bit (he missed you :))
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"I'll see you later, Sakura!" I droned with satisfaction, giving her a one-armed hug as she did too, our arms filled with only a couple of bags while doing it.
Sakura released herself from the hug after a few seconds, still donning that warm smile plastered on her face. "See you tomorrow, yeah?" She asked.
"For what?" I replied in confusion.
"Lady Tsunade said she'd like to meet up with us," Sakura said, taking this in characteristically.
"I think she does miss us, but she doesn't say that," I said with a chuckle, leaving my glossy lips open. "I guess I should not drink too much news here tomorrow night."
"I'll see you, {Y/n}," She said while waving walking away.
"Bye, love!" I replied.
I pulled my keys from my bag and slid the key into the lock that was positioned on the traditional sliding door. With an exhausted chuck, I stepped in, slumping down on the step up into the house; slipping the ninja shoes off, placing them on the rack, seeing another pair—male pair.
I opened my lips as I started to wonder whose they might be, my heart flattered at the thought of Sasuke having to be back, its long past a day, absolutely late into the night—who knows for how long he has been back.
I nibbled on my bottom lip again. Sasuke has come to visit three times in the two years he's been out. When Sasuke came back a few months ago he said he wouldn't be coming back for a couple of years and now look at him, he's here. It's odd, I wonder if something had gone wrong?
I place my bags next to the stair case that leads up to the bedrooms.
I have yet to see Sasuke up and around our house; by now, I assume that he is soundly asleep and probably tired. I pushed the door of our bedroom open, and right in front of me is my lover, soundly sleeping in his deep sleep on our bed, with the dark blue cover across his full body as he snuggles into the sheet. It brings a sight that only brings a gentle smile across my lips.
I silently walk over to Sasuke's side of the bed. The hand itself was placed coquette-like on the cheek exposed to me. I bent down so that I could apply a warm, tender kiss to his forehead. I could feel his body easing into the touch of my hand and smiled, because even from a kiss, that feeling had been transmitted to me.
I had just started on the way to the bathroom when, literally only a moment before I could remove my hand from Sasuke's pale cheek, I was holding another hand. Turning back to look, I see Sasuke's weary eyes peering into mine, and I immediately frown in worry.
"Sorry, dear," I murmured quietly, leaning down to look into Sasuke's eye's. "I woke you."
"Don't stress," Sasuke hummed back with a tired sigh.
"'M just going to go have a shower and I'll be right back," I bumbled on, but Sasuke wouldn't let go of my hand. "Are you all right, my dear?"
Sasuke hummed in response, showing he was fine. "I won't be too long, Sasuke," I answered. "But it will take longer if you don't let me go," I added with a soft smile.
I watched Sasuke as he got up slowly, still holding my hand, his head drooping to my stomach for a moment of silence, showing he was tired. My other hand brushed the hair out of his face, and I placed a kiss at the top of his head.
"You wanna come with me?" I had said, and he had nodded his head tiredly against my stomach. "Alright."
"You go ahead, I'll be there in a second," Sasuke mumbled, drawing back from me and looking up at me with those onyx and purple eyes.
"Okay," I smiled softly, and Sasuke released his grip on my hand.
"I figured a bath would be better; you seem really tired," I hummed as I watched Sasuke slump down on the stool beside the bath, leaning his head against the wall.
I let out a sigh and turned back before going to the cabinets under the sink to grab some bath oils and some vanilla scented body soap. "My love," I muttered as I realized just how tired Sasuke is. I had no idea as to why he would be that tired, as the last few times he came back home he seemed normal.
Maybe that's it—something happened to Sasuke, and I just didn't catch it, and now he can't manage. Man, I really am a horrible girlfriend. So stupid.
I rummaged for some facial lotions and serums for myself, but such a funny thought came across my mind. Sasuke won't mind if I apply these things to his face, now would he?
A smile rose to my face, and I saw Sasuke look at me through the mirror, his expression suspicious, and I simply let out a soft giggle. Watched him shake his head and lean it back onto the wall, a small smile on his face. Well, whatever it is I'm doing sure cheers him up.
"Ah, are you hungry, love?" I asked and added salts, oils, and body lotion to the bath.
"Eh, a little bit," Sasuke mumbled.
"That means you are. What would you like for dinner? If we go outside, we could go out to a fancy restaurant. Or I can cook something," I replied sarcastically, adding an eyeroll about his small fib.
"I'll stay in," remarked Sasuke as he stood up. Heck, much to my surprise, he stood behind me, wrapped an arm around my waist, and whispered sulkily against the side of my neck, "Beef tomato curry." I smiled, but of course he couldn't see me. "Okay."
I chuckled softly. "But it's gonna take a couple of minutes. That's fine?"
"Yeah," Sasuke hummed shortly.
"Okay, then. Enter," I said, walking around gently in his arm. "I'm going to start dinner, and then I'll come in with you." Sasuke gave me a soft kiss before pulling away, his hand moving from my waist to cupping my cheek. "Don't be too long," Sasuke mumbled.
"Ten minutes, love," I said. "I just need to slice things and put them in with broth.
Back into the bathroom I went, well ten minutes later, by that time I was pretty good at cutting up a bunch of stuff in a hurry. The door slid open with a soft push, and my eyes landed on Sasuke. He was nearly asleep in the bath; at the sight, a soft smile touched my lips. My tired boy.
I peeled off my ninja clothes and stacked them next to Sasuke's grey sweats, as that was all he was wearing. I put the serums and facial creams on the rim of the bathtub before I slid into the warm water.
In forty five minutes dinner will be ready plus another ten minutes to cook the rice.
And I press myself down over Sasuke's lap and watch him open his eye, with the rim of the Rinnegan just peaking from under his fringe. My hand cups his cheek as I look down at his skin. The condition of his skin feels pretty dry. I had been planning to use my serums and my skincare anyways, but then again, Sasuke had first dibs.
I squeezed some of the serum out onto the tips of my fingers and started applying the thick liquid, brushing over his features, my fingers slipping under his fringe. I knew quite well he didn't like me pushing it up, though his nose scrunched ever so slightly when I did it, which I found rather cute.
"When did you come home?" I asked calmly.
"At about midday," he repeated. "I had hoped you'd be at home."
"I'm sorry, Love. Was out shopping," I replied, and remembered the bags downstairs; I had left them full, not only with groceries but with some new clothes.
I smoothed some of the moisturizing lotion across his face, just marveling at the beauty in front of me—it was just so flawless. "You said you wouldn't be coming back for a while," I said through a mumble, and Sasuke's hand just covered mine over his cheek.
Sasuke sighed before replying, "Nah, I wasn't feeling too well-" "What? Are you sick?" I asked, worried. My other hand went to his forehead, but I found that he did not have a fever and a temperature attack. Sasuke is acting funny. "Well," I went on, "you look tired, Sasuke. Please relax for me."
He nodded once more and began to hum as he clipped his eyes contently while I continued to clean him up. I noticed that he was actually really clean, though his skin is very dry.
"My love?" I asked as Sasuke gently opens his eyes.
"Yeah," he mumbled.
"Did you shower before I got here?"
"I would've done that," Sasuke answered. "I wasn't gonna go in bed dirty, I know how much you don't like the sheets getting dirty too fast."
'Yeah,' I smiled before letting my hands rest soft against the skin about his shoulders and neck. The quiet lasted longer than a few moments, though my lips parted and I asked again, 'Sasuke, why did you come home early? You said—you said you would be gone for a couple of years.
"I missed what home felt like," Sasuke replied and I saw the lump he swallowed in his throat.
My brows furrowed in confusion. "Don't worry, Sasuke. Home will always be here, wherever you go," I murmured, leaning my forehead against his.
"I missed my home," Sasuke repeats and I cupped his cheeks.
My lips ghosted over his as I spoke, "You're home, love."
"I want you to come with me," Sasuke said.
"What?" I said breathlessly.
"I want my home to come with me."
Understanding dawned on me. He wasn't talking about our house; Sasuke was talking about me.
His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, and I let out a small gasp. "I'll come, Sasuke," I hummed as I closed my eyes and let my lips grace his own.
He tasted like frustration and anger, but with an underlying flavor of caramel; peculiarly, that was him.
It is only the lip balm I had put on that had not made his chapped lips hurt.
I was his home, and he was doing all these wanderings, and I don't know where without it—without me.
Something in me just took over, and I kissed him. Really kissed him. I got a little animal groan from him when my tongue slipped on in. His hand moved, tightened around the back of my waist, and drew me inexorably closer into him than I already was.
Pooled heat in my stomach as Sasuke's dick pressed up at my entrance, and I let out a breathless sigh into his mouth before I pulled away. "Let me touch you," I asked as I nipped at the skin below his ear, only leaving subtle red marks in its path.
"You don't have to ask me for anything," moaned Sasuke. "Do what you want."
When they made some kind obscure noises about my thanks, my hands slid down his arms, shoulders, and toned abs. Sasukes head lolled back, leaning against the edge of the bathtub.
"You're s'beautiful," I mumbled in between breaths of me marking up the base of his neck.
His arm tightened further around my waist, and he pressed me down as much as he could to his dick, and I let out a moan against his neck, while Sasuke let out a sigh of content.
"So beautiful."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
if you would like to be apart of my tag list for sasuke please dm me or comment it down!! if you would like to be apart of the entirety of naruto taglist, comment or dm that please :)
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taglist - @enouche @lovelyandproblematic
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h8ani · 9 months
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Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Word Count - 3.3k
Warnings - fem!reader, slight overstimulation, fingering, oral (female receiving)
A/N - after months of having this in my notebook I finally finished it T.T I just wanna say thank you to everyone for liking part 1 & 2 of this and I hope you enjoy this just as much! I didn't expect to make multiple parts for this but I lowkey already have ideas for more parts if anyone is enjoying it enough to want more!
taglist! - @kkittycries @blackfire2013 @benkeibear @suyacho
join my taglist → here
Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
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The door of your apartment slams as you trudge in, the sloshing of your shoes, soaked with the rain from the downpour that just drenched you outside. You dart for the couch, grabbing the closest pillow and quickly shoving your face into it and letting out a scream that would have alerted the neighbors in some way if it wasn’t muffled.
All day something has gone wrong, if it wasn’t one thing it was surely the next. It’s as if the gods above were playing games with you just to see how much you could handle before you undoubtedly snapped. 
Waking up late wouldn’t have been such a bother if it wasn’t for the meeting with the Hokage you had. You had a performance review about the latest mission you were just on and no shock to you, it brought up how bad of a screw-up you must’ve been because all that was said was everything you did wrong. You were reprimanded for that along with your tardiness to the meeting, on top of that you never ate breakfast because of the rush you were in. Deciding after the meeting ramen would be the perfect meal to drown in your sorrows and finally get something in your system, only to realize that being in such a rush you absentmindedly forgot your coin purse. Deciding to finally leave and go back home, Mother Nature wanted to make sure you got there quickly and started a downpour just for you. Being soaked from head to toe was something every girl just needed, and so, here you are. 
The frustration building inside of you makes every inch of your body feel like it might explode, tears threaten to spill past your bottom lashes and onto your cheeks but you refuse to cry and give in to the absolute shit show of a day you’ve endured. Your throat constricts while you take a deep breath, as you exhale the subtle sound of your doorknob twisting is heard, the door opens slightly, and before you can think your fingers fumble with your kunai, quickly throwing it and seeing it lodge into the wall next to the door. 
Sasuke walks in to stop as he sees you, glancing at the kunai and then back at you. His eyes scan your body, seeing you sopping wet with a puddle of water soaking your once dry carpet, you were frowning at him and your eyes were slightly red even as you blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. “Bad day?” He comes inside, locking the door once it's been shut. 
“Yeah, you could say that.” Your voice was small yet still croaked as you spoke. He nods, not saying anything more as he makes his way towards you, hands gripping your wrist and tugging you back towards your room. Immediately you start to pull your wrist back albeit weakly. “Not that kinda bad day.” 
“I figured as much.” He shrugs his jacket off and tosses it on your bed, if you had the energy you’d scoff at how he’s making it seem as if this was his room. 
“No I mean-”
“Can you shut up for a second?” He interjects while waving a hand in your direction, ignoring the glare you shoot at him as he walks to your bathroom. He disappears for a moment until you hear the shower turn on. Once again making himself feel at home. You open your mouth to call to him when he reappears, hand beckoning you over.
Against your better judgment, you move towards him, feet seemingly having a mind of their own, and follow him into your bathroom. The steam that was already filling the small bathroom gave you a warm hug of warmth, not realizing how cold you were from the rain. A content sigh leaves your lips accepting the new damp warmth you felt. 
“Wanna tell me what got you like this?” He asks while pulling his shirt off and dropping it at your feet. Confusion crosses your features as he continues to undress in front of you, the heat from the steam leaving and going straight to your face, you jerk your head away from him as you mumble a half ass answer about how it’s raining outside. You hear the rest of his clothes fall against the tile floor as he discards them all, quickly kicking them to the side so your wet ones don’t drip on his. 
“How are you not wet? The weather outside is awful.” You ask, head still turned away to not look at him, still unsure as to why he decided to strip. It’s not like you haven’t seen him but the close proximity and eye contact are still something you weren’t used to. 
“It’s called an umbrella, the clouds were dark, and it was obvious it was going to rain. You’d have to be blind to not see that.” You snap your head to glare at him which turned to sudden wide eyes as he was fully naked in front of you. Your eyes wander from his chest down to his toned stomach and venture further until- “Eyes up here.” He smirks when he sees the flush of your face. 
“Why am I even in here?” 
“We’re going to shower, you need to relax.”
“I- we- huh?” You stutter out, the gears in your head coming to a halt while you look at him as if a second head grew out of his neck. Sasuke rolls his eyes and slips his fingers under the bottom of your top and tugs it off and over your head, it drops to the floor with a loud splat sound from the rainwater soaked in it. 
“I said you needed to relax, now shut up, stop asking questions, and take your pants off.”
“God you’re such a-”
“Yeah whatever, just hurry up before the hot water runs out.” 
Once again, against your better judgment, you listen to him, your clothes are off and discarded with your shirt, a small pool of water creating around it. Soon you’re stepping into your shower first, the heat of the water relaxing your sore and aching body and warming you up in an instant. You audibly sigh and allow your eyes to close just feeling the water beat and fall down your chest like a steady stream. 
Sasuke is soon after you, hands finding a place on your waist, the subtle squeeze making your body freeze up as if the water had turned frigid. “Relax, Jesus it’s just me.” Sasuke says, you can feel the huff of his breath on the back of your neck which does nothing to calm you down. 
Relax? It’s just me? That’s exactly the reason why you couldn’t, the sole fact that if you two weren’t fucking then what was the point of being here? What was the point of this? This was too nice for him, too intimate. 
His hands slide from your waist up to your shoulders and feel his thumbs press down and slowly rub, easily bringing you back from your thoughts. “You’re tense.”
“When am I not?” You joke, amusement evident as it was so obvious you’ve never been a relaxed person. The expectations are always so high for you even from such a young age, even now with so many responsibilities on your plate the urge to sleep and ignore it all is so heavy. 
Sasuke doesn’t respond, thumbs pushing down deeper into your muscles massaging out all of the tenseness you have. You lean back against his chest, eyes shutting once again and letting a sigh escape your lips. His hands go down your back keeping the pressure to work out the rest of your body. “Fuck..” You whimper.
“There we go..” His fingers dig into your lower back finding the place where you melt into him, you lean your head back against his shoulder and sigh contentedly. 
“Thank you for this.” You say quietly, barely heard over the stream of water coming from your shower head. It was a soft moment, both of you two never uttering anything other than foul comments to one another, always making sure the next word hurt more than the last, yet here you were; eyes closed and guard down against the chest of someone you couldn’t stand to look at when you were kids. 
“Shut up.” His chest rises as he scoffs before dipping down to kiss your shoulder. “You looked a mess when I got here.” 
Ignoring his comment, you bend forward to turn the heat up higher, you soon turn around to face him, his hair is damp and his cheeks are flushed from the steamy air. He didn’t have his signature grimace that always laid upon his face, being this close where the tension wasn’t filled with anger was…different. 
His hands made their way back to your waist, squeezing the soft plush of your skin. The air; although thick with vapor, was brittle as a crisp autumn leaf, so fragile it could break if you breathed, and if it didn't snap you felt like you just might. Neither of you speaks, you fumble with your fingers, unsure if you should lay them on him as he has his on you. 
Almost as if he could hear your thoughts, his hand slid to the back of your neck tugging you closer, a quiet “Come here.” leaving his lips before he was on yours. 
Unknowing if it’s because of the intimacy of being in the shower together and the vulnerability it gave off, but the kiss emitted every little bit of exposure you felt. His hands held onto you tightly while yours lay upon his chest. Collectively, a sigh left you both; unspoken words left between you both and died on each other's tongue.
You feel the cool sheets against your warm skin as you plop yourself on your bed, the fluffy pajama bottoms you now have on bringing an added level of cozy you oh so needed to your day. You finally felt relaxed; cold, damp clothes soon forgotten as well as the ravenette who stood behind you. Your mind was mulled over with the sudden leisure that you couldn’t stop the squeal that escaped you when Sasuke’s cold hand wrapped around your ankle and pulled you down the length of your bed. You turn to look at him when his lips come crashing into your own, soft lips pressing hard while you melt into his touch, kissing Sasuke has started to feel familiar, a comfort in kissing his lips and knowing how the other works. 
One of his hands comes up to take place at your throat, slightly squeezing to elicit a small whimper from you. Just like you feeling familiarity in his lips he feels the same in knowing just how you’d react, feeling just as if he knows a part of you. His hand slips to the back of your neck pulling you closer, tongue slipping in and claiming your mouth for his own. His kisses become hungrier, more passionate. Fingers tilting your chin up so your throat is now exposed, he leaves wet open-mouthed kisses down your jaw and descends further down your neck. You become putty to his mouth as he finds your sweet spot, another whine leaves your lips only igniting him further.
His hands leave your neck and grip onto your waist pulling you to him and grinding your hips into his erection. Every whine and whimper that leaves your mouth sends every impulse in him into overdrive. “Still having a bad day?” He breathes out, lips ghosting over the sensitive mark he just created.
“It could be better.” You giggle, legs instinctively pulling him even closer to your clothed core. He smirks against the skin of your neck while hooking his fingers into the waistband of your pajama bottoms, you lift your hips allowing him to tug them off. He shifts himself down until he’s on his knees at the foot of your bed, he tugs you down to the edge of your bed until he’s at eye level with your already glistening core. Strong hands push your thighs until they’re pressed against your chest, a low growl reverberating in his chest. You’re this wet just from a few simple kisses, how pathetic. 
His head dips down and licks through your slick, lips attaching to your clit and sucking causing your hips to buck in his mouth. He chuckles, the vibration pulsing your entire lower half as your hand shoots to his still-damp hair, your fingers thread and slightly tug while he circles his tongue. A quiet moan leaves your lips causing his eyes to shoot up and look at you, he sees your eyes closed; his tongue relieving you of all your stressors from the day. The small whimpers you let out only make his gaze darker, hungrier for you. 
“I know you can be louder than that.” He says as he pulls back. Finally, you look down at him and see his black eyes boring into you, he sees your eyes glossy and lips slightly parted, he hasn’t even made you cum yet and you’re already like this, but that doesn’t stop the pout that forms on your face. Your hand tightens its grip on his hair and tugs his face closer to your heat. 
“Keep going-”
“Be louder, I want to hear you.” His words are demanding, making you jut your lip out in a pout once more. “Be louder or I’ll leave.” You huff a breath and look away from him only to feel a quick slap to your thigh causing you to yelp and snap your head right back to him. No words being said between the both of you but you know it was a threat. His head dips back down sinking further as he keeps his eyes trained on yours while running his tongue through your slick core, his thumb putting just the right amount of pressure to evoke a slurry of curse words from your mouth. Your hips move and grind against his tongue, your hand tugging roughly at his hair causing him to groan into you. Thumb now leaves your clit and quickly replaces it with his mouth, his skillful tongue circling and flicking, having you clench down on nothing. Your whimpers turn to moans and now his name is the only thing you’re able to say. 
You orgasm without warning, fingers tightening even more in his locks while your thighs trap him. A choked-out moan is heard loudly in his ears, another groan vibrates your body as he laps up all of your juices, his skillful tongue sending shivers up your spine as he doesn’t pull away while you ride your high. 
Once the oversensitivity set in you squirm in his grip, legs planting down to try and push away from him but his arms quickly hook under your thighs and spread you wider for him, giving him even more access to your pussy. His lips suck harshly around your clit extracting a high pitch squeal from you. “Sasuke!” Your once woven fingers in his hair were now pushing him away, the oversensitivity having tears prick your waterline, it was beginning to feel too much, too much pleasure building up right after you just came. 
Sasuke was eating you like he was starved, the lewd and wet sounds coming from where his mouth connected with your pussy were all that could be heard. The coil in your stomach begins to tighten again and your legs tremble, a silent indicator you were so close only minutes after your first orgasm. 
As if he could read your mind and body so easily, Sasuke pushes two fingers in and pumps them at a quick pace, curling them as he does so. You’re shaking, his fingers hitting your g-spot again and again and again-
Your eyes roll back while you cum, your body tensing up and your head being thrown and pressed back into your mattress as you moan loudly. Once your body loosens up and legs go limp he finally pulls away. 
The bed dips down as he climbs up your body, a cheeky smile plastered on his face when he sees the fucked out look on yours, a sense of pride filling his chest up to know he got you like this just from his tongue alone. Your eyes settled on his, trailing down to see his lips and chin coated in your slick. 
Your chest rises with heavy breaths, eyes weary as you slowly blink up at him, the subtle tint of your face changing when catching his own eyes already looking down at yours. 
His eyes scan your face, seeing how you divert your own away from him while trying to regain your breath. It’s funny, he did all the work and you’re the one out of breath. Sasuke fits himself more comfortably in between your legs, laying more of his weight on you as you both just relax in silence. 
He can’t help but look at you in a different light, when he first came over months ago he didn’t know what got ahold of him. He was the last person you wanted to see and vice versa, but that didn’t stop him from barging in, he was always watching the village in one way or another, whether it was from word of mouth by someone or when he could sneak away, somehow whenever the latter happened you were always one of the first people he happened to catch sight of. 
It was annoying. 
He felt the irritation run up his neck when he saw you, the way you’d walk almost as if your nose was in the air, thinking you were better than him, better than everyone around you. Just seeing you from a distance he couldn’t stand, it’s like the same little girl he remembered back then was still in his head, glaring at him and calling him all the insults under the sun whenever he jabbed at you, but when he finally saw you he couldn’t help but be a little happy to see that same signature scowl that appeared on your face. 
That first night he didn’t even come to fuck you, that was the last thing that he would have thought would happen, but when push literally came to shove against that damn wall his body took over, all the pent-up frustrations between you two over the years hitting the breaking point. 
He can’t lie and say nothing has changed since he started coming over more frequently. He wasn’t supposed to be sneaking back into the village, he wasn’t meant to be seeing you so much, having moments like this. It’s easier to say he doesn’t give a damn about you, that it’s just the sex that keeps bringing him back, but when he does something so out of character as he did today he can’t help but feel like he should’ve just fucked you and left; pushed your bad day to the side, ignore your borderline broken figure and used you to his liking. He’s no nurturer, far from it yet he still worked your sore muscles out and had you cum till you were dizzy. 
“This won’t happen again.” He thinks to himself. He can’t come back, he won’t. This will be the last time you see him and he sees you. The last time he feels your soft skin against him, fingers dancing across his back and playing with the hair while you both calm down. The last time you see his eyes staring back at you, different emotions each time and never knowing which one it is. 
He’s convinced himself of it, never again.
But when you bat your pretty little eyes like you’re doing right now he can’t help but mentally curse himself as he finds himself leaning down to press his lips against yours. 
He knows he’s going to come back.
He knows it and he can’t help but hate you for it. 
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networks: @enchantedforest-network / @bitchcraftinc / @ghostqueue
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oxydiane · 2 years
sns is so fucking unhinged and nobody will ever be them i’m sorry. you start the series and it’s like oh haha look at these goofy angsty rivals! they hate each other! then sasuke dies for naruto thirty chapters in giving up his dream of revenge and naruto goes batshit insane. now you’re like ah they’re friends i guess that’s cute! and sasuke is trying to kill naruto because he’s the most important person in his life which is . ok and it becomes the driving force of everything or something. sasuke leaves and naruto dedicates the rest of his life to bringing him back and you’re still a casual fan so ur like he’s doing it for the promise right? then orochimaru says sasuke is his and naruto goes batshit insane feral homicidal (again) and after that sasuke reappears and they have ??? like five different panels dedicated to them staring at each other??? and he jumps off a mountain and hugs naruto for some reasons just to whisper some gay shit in his ear kishimoto frankly needs to be jailed drawing this and keep that best friend nonsense going. anyways. you have sasuke become a convicted terrorist to which the normal people response is “ok we need to hunt him down” and when naruto learns they’re gonna hunt him down he starts screaming crying throwing up he has a panic attack he can’t breathe he’s falling in the snow he gets on his knees and begs them to spare his BFF. after having a meltdown over the thought of sasuke dying what may possibly be the natural coping mechanism any stable person would adapt? of course realising that if sasuke dies he can die too. so he sees sasuke again and after he attempts murdering sakura twice and expresses the intent to murder kakashi he’s like. i will bear the burden of your hatred and die with you hehe and if we both die you won’t be an uchiha and i won’t be the jinchuuriki to the nine tails and we’ll be able to understand each other better in a different lifetime! WE’LL MEET AGAIN IN THE AFTERLIFE BECAUSE NOT EVEN DEATH CAN DO US PART! and sasuke (just as insane as him) doesn’t even flinch he’s like what the fuck is wrong with you but then ok let’s fuckingggf die together on my god i will kill your first anyways . then they find out they are soulmates and get cute matching tattoos on their hands and decide to fight to the death once more because sasuke is back on his i will shoulder all the hatred of the world alone and i need to kill you because i love you more than anyone else in the world actually you’re the only person i love so you need to DIE and naruto is like I WILL NOT LET YOU SHOULDER THAT HATRED ALONE I WILL FREE YOU FROM THE PAIN and they fight and despite all the whatever weapons used in the war it’s a fuckinggg fistfight in which just as sasuke is about to inflict what he thinks is the last blow says “farewell… my one and only…………………. (very long pause to accentuate how heteronormative this next word is gonna be) FRIEND” and fucking stops using his sharingan because not even then he can record the image of naruto dying especially by his hand but naruto STOPS HIM LIKE A f cHAMP and they end up blowing each other’s arms off (rip the matchies) and as they’re bleeding to the fucking death sasuke is like you’re the only person that has never tried to severe their ties with me why do you go so far for me and naruto from the depths of comphet hell is like because you’re my FRIEND and sasuke being absolutely done with this bullshit is like ok what the fuck does that mean to you then and this is where it gets even gayer and relatable because naruto is like i don’t KNOW i just know that when you hurt i hurt and i just can’t take it and isn’t that the most gay experience thing ever? naruto knows what it feels like to have friends but what he feels for sasuke is so bone deep and unconventional that he cannot make sense of it and can only describe the pain it brings. after that sasuke CRIES LIKE THEYVE GOT ME SOOO FUCKED UP but you know what got me even more fucked up?
naruto waking up bloodied and battered and half alive with one arm missing but still wondering if that was heaven because sasuke was next to him. sasuke looking so happy and peaceful when saying “i lost” as a stark contrast to him looking and feeling like half of his body was being torn apart when he “won” against naruto in vote1 and left him. the bitterness of victory vs the sweetness of losing if you will. AND HIM COMPARING WHAT HE FEELS FOR NARUTO TO PRAYING MY GODD. did i forget to mention that then we learn that Ohhh it was never a stupid shallow rivalry as we all thought! they have actually been watching each other from afar since they were little freshly traumatised children and have longed to hold each other’s hands since then! what was it sasukeeee you felt warm and fuzzy when you saw naruto to thought of it as a weakness? these two are so astronomically hopelessly desperately obsessed in love with each other it’s ridiculous i’ve had ENOUGH free me from this mental prison
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unevenpatterns · 5 months
Update ch 8 - All that is left behind
NaruSasu pairing, Rated M, 17 chapters, 56k word in total.
Summary: Sasuke has a stressful morning, an accidental meeting (quite literally) and ends up spending his day with a boy who is the exact opposite of himself. Little does he know that it will be the first meeting of many, and that Naruto can be hard to forget.
Updates every second day until finished 😊
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mushies-stories · 1 year
Sasuke x fem! reader, where sasuke is pussy drunk, breeding kink involved.
sure! I hope this is good enough!
Sasuke Uchiha x reader
Rated: smut AF
Warning: smut, creampie, slight breeding kink, pussy drunk Sasuke, oral F reviving. no us of Y/N, pet names.
word count: 1907
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smut below
Three months Sasuke was gone. He had a habit of disappearing then reappearing whenever he felt like it. Just long enough to keep you waiting up at night for him. But after a while you slowly start to become content without the man knocking on your door in the middle of the night.
Coming so content without him that tonight you didn't hear the soft knocking coming from the front door. Sound asleep in bed with your door shut you were blissfully ignorant to the man standing outside your home who was becoming impatient with waiting. Not pleased with being greeted he easily got the door opened and locked it behind himself as he entered your dark apartment.
The lights were out and there was no sound coming from the bedroom. Slowly he made his way to your room, throwing his shirt over his head he opened your bedroom door. Sasuke's shadowy form filled the doorway as he saw you lying peacefully in bed asleep. He let out a huff, how was it you were able to sleep so peaceful without him there? He walked to the end of the bed and slowly pulled the covers off of you, but you hardly even stirred in your sleep. He watched you for a moment, laying on your back and legs parted slightly. Your breasts popping out of your tight tank top and shorts that hugged your thighs just right.
Sasuke's cock twitched in his pants. You were beautiful to him and he wanted with every chance he could get to drown in your pussy.
He leaned down onto the bed and snaked his way up your body, First he needed you awake. He gently pushed his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent he's missed for three months. He peppers the side of your neck with light kisses as one hand goes to rub small circles on your hip, the other holds himself above you. His kissing becomes sloppier and he begins to lightly nip at your soft flesh. He puts pressure on your core as he presses himself against you, his cock hardening at the minimal contact.
You shift under him, a soft huff leaving your barely parted lips and your eyes start to flutter open. You let out a gasp when his hips buck into your core. “Sasuke?” You croak out.
“Sorry did I wake you?” He says, continuing to kiss up your jaw tell his face was hovering above your own. Finally able to see fully, or as much as you could with the moonlight being the only source of light in the room. Sasuke’s eyes were dark as he looked over your body. The hand from your hip came up to cup your left breast. He let out a soft gasp as he pinched your nipple through the fabric. “I hope you’ve been well since I've been away?” He speaks nonchalantly as he continues to fondle your breasts and grind against your core.
“Fine, it's been a while this time.” You state, with a pout in your tone. Sasuke hums in acknowledgment, it had been awhile this time. “Now you come back and you're already between my legs?” You attempt to give him a pointed look, not even knowing how much of your face he could make out.
He got the jist of it at the very least, it didn't sway his mind in the slightest of having your body in his dick all night however. “I know baby, I'm really sorry.” He attempted sincerity. “But you know I need you, always you in every sense of the word.” he says in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Sasuke knew what to say to make you forget your worries about him at the moment. Forget so much you didn't even notice his hand slide down between your legs to tell his hand was resting outside of your shorts and he was gently rubbing your pussy with one finger. “C’mon be my sweet girl” His hot breath fans the side of your neck.
“Three weeks.” you blurted out, causing sasuke to stop and look back to you for an explanation. “Three weeks you have to stay this time. Since you were gone for three months.” You stated firmly. “And if you don't, then stay away for another three months.” you added.
A grin grew on Sasuke’s face. “Three weeks it is.” With that he was at your neck again, biting and sucking with desire now. His hand slipped into your shorts and the grin on his face grew wider when he felt how wet you already were. “Sure you weren’t waiting for me baby?” He teases.
He pulled his hand from your shorts and sat up between your legs. He looked you in the eyes as he pulled your shorts and panties off and through them to the darkened ground. With both hands he spread your legs and lowered his body so his head was right at your pussy. “Sasuke, what are you doing?” you asked surprised, normally he just wanted to fuck you the first night he got back then go to sleep, it was the morning that he began doting on your needs.
Ignoring your question with a flat lick through the core of your pussy Sasuke hummed in contentment as he tasted your sweet juices. His mind was blurring at the thought of devouring your cunt, He began to suck your clit and lick it softly. Your moans were like music to his ears, his sweet girls whimpering as he added a finger into your tight hole. You gasp and throw your head back against the pillows as he pumps it in and out.
“You taste so good, baby.” Sasuke spoke between long licks. “Dripping down my hand you're so wet.” He slid another finger into your hole and sucked your clit between his soft lips. One of your hands made its way to the top of his head where you gripped a fair amount of his hair and attempted at not pushing his head deeper into your cunt. His free arm wrapped around your leg to pull you closer.
His fingers fucked your pussy at just the right angle and his mouth sucked your clit just right enough to send you over the edge. “Sasuke! Im gunna! You're gonna make me cum!” you cried out, tugging on his hair.
Sasuke grunted and continued his pace to get you to your high. He felt your walls clench around his fingers and your sweet juices flow out of your dripping pussy. He grinded his hard cock into the bed. He could feel the mess of precum he's already made.
Once he felt you coming down and catching your breath he pulled his fingers slowly out of you, watching the trail of fluid connect his hand to your glistening pussy. He sunk his head back down and lapped at your pussy, tongue sliding into your hole to collect more juices. You tugged on his hair to get him to stop. “Too much Sasuke, sensitive.” You whimper out.
He pulled off of you and licked his lips and whipped the rest off with the back of his clean hand. “You taste so sweet baby, you make my dick so hard just tasting it.” He sits up and you can see his cock clearly struggling against his pants. He slid them down and the precum dripped from the swollen head of his cock. “Ready for my cock baby?” he says as he hovers over you, the tip of his cock running through your pussy folds.
You shake your head yes and spread your legs further apart. “Please Sasuke.” you begged.
Slowly he sank himself into you, he gave you time to adjust to his size but as soon as his gentle rocking had you moaning and relaxed he started a relentless pace, bottoming out in you with almost every thrust. Your arms came up to rest around his neck to keep yourself anchored with each pounding thrust.
“So fucking tight, pussy is sucking me in.” Sasuke spoke through gritted teeth.
Your eyes had a hard time staying open, with how deep he was fucking you and with his size you felt so full and hot. You could hear his cock slipping in and out and the sounds of your fluids mixing inside of you.
Sasuke reached under you and hooked both of your legs over his shoulders, pressing you down into the mattress so his dick could reach the deepest parts of you. “My pussy, my pretty baby.” he says into the crook of your neck as he pounds into you. You let out a strangled moan when sasuke brought a hand between your legs and rubbed fast circles on your with his thumb. “Tell me baby, this is my pussy, it belongs to be right?” He asks, eyes glossed over with need.
You could barely focus but you managed to mumble a few words. “All yours, all Sasukes.” Was all you could manage. Brain fogged over with how deep Sasuke was and how good he was making you feel.
Happy with your answer he kept his pace steady as he sucked and bit at the already abused skin on your neck. His hips snapped into your so fast and hard you were only catching gasps of breath with each thrust. Your body was starting to shake around him. “Gonna cum baby? If you do, I'll fill your pussy full with my warm cum, just take me cock and cum all over it sweet girl.” Sasuke encouraged you.
You gasped out as his thumb pushed firmer circles on your clit while Sasuke angled himself just right to hit your sweet spot that had your eyes screwing shut and your hold on him tightened. “Sasuke!” you cried out in warning.
“I know baby girl I know, cum for me please, u need to feel you.” He says before claiming your mouth with his own, instantly slipping his tongue into your mouth and explored as you came around his cock. Your whimpers drowned out as sasuke claimed your mouth, only to pull away a moment later when he felt himself about to explode, he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, his soft groans and grunts filled your ears. A few hard deep thrust and he was holding himself deep in you as his hot seed spilled into your womb and filling your whole pussy with how much cum he had. “Fuck, such a good girl while i empty myself in your pretty pussy.” He praised, pulling out and letting your legs fall to the sides.
You both took a moment to catch your breaths. The sun was coming up now and the sunlight was shining directly at your exposed body, legs open and pussy shining. “Sasuke, that was a lot more than most nights you come home.” He joked, finally catching your breath.
Sasuke smiled at you. “I just missed you, all of you.” He noticed his cum leaking out of your pussy, frowning he held his now soft cock and collected the dripping juiced and slid his cock back into you, you shuddered at the feeling. “Don't want to waste it.” He teased, pulling back out and admiring your fucked out form. “Sleep now, we will continue this in the morning.”
And you did, over and over.
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