#Sapphic Romance Books
gay-art-vibes · 5 months
Sapphic / WLW Romance Books (that fit popular tropes!)
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In My
Sapphic Romance Era!
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SUCKER PUNCH: Pretty Devils (Wrestling Girls Vol. II) 🌈📚❤
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dreacwrites · 1 year
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I honestly cannot believe it’s been a year!!! I’ve learned so much in a year’s time and can’t wait to see what year two publishing holds!
Amazon link can be found here
TikTok shop can be found here
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scifrey · 3 months
You can now pre-order my novel TIME AND TIDE! If you buy the book now, it will arrive on your doorstep or pick-up bookstore on the day it drops!
I am both very excited and very nervous. I hope you guys like it.
Click here to buy it directly from my publisher, Penguin Random House Canada / W by Wattpad Books, or visit this page for more options. Of course, I will always encourage you to support your local independent bookstore, so head on in to the shop and pre-order the book directly with them, and I know you’ll be their fave customer that day.
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thebooklovebot · 7 months
Review: How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. PUBLISHER: Kensington SERIES: Love & Other Disasters #3 PUBLICATION DATE: February 13, 2024. GENRE: Romance / LGBTQAI+ Romance A big thank you to the publisher for my review copy! When a sharp-tongued junior joins East Nashville High’s basketball team, Coach Julie Parker welcomes the challenge. However, she’s taken aback by the teen’s new foster parent, Elle…
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erinzakwrites · 10 months
Excerpt from Home for the Holidays
Want a little taste of my latest romance, Home for the Holidays? Here, lick the beaters!
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ledalife · 8 months
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 6 months
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What do you do when you hear your best friend's hand in marriage is the grand prize in a tournament? You steal your brother's armour, cut off all your hair, and enter in disguise to rescue her. Obviously.
All The Painted Stars is a sapphic, medieval romance novel with...
⭐ Knight's Tale Vibes ⭐ Women in armour ⭐ Skinny dipping ⭐ Ruining arranged marriages ⭐ The pain of being in love with your best friend
It's OUT NOW in the UK wherever books are sold in paperback, ebook and audiobook!
Out Nov 5th in the US!
Bookshop.org / Waterstones / Blackwells / Amazon / Kobo
Full blurb & content warnings under the cut.
Oxfordshire 1362
When Lily Barden discovers her best friend Johanna’s hand in marriage is being awarded as the main prize at a tournament, she is determined to stop it. Disguised as a knight, she infiltrates the contest, preparing to fight for Jo’s hand. But her conduct ruffles feathers, and when a dangerous incident escalates out of Lily’s control, Jo must help her escape.
Finding safety with a local brewster, Lily and Jo soon settle into their new freedom, and amongst blackberry bushes and lakeside walks an unexpected relationship blossoms. But when Jo’s past catches up with her and Lily’s reckless behaviour threatens their newfound happiness, both women realise that love must always come at a cost.
Content warnings:
ATPS contains mention of past emotional and physical abuse, and some mild violence.
It also contains explicit on-page sex scenes.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 10 months
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🍉 Queer Palestinian Books 🍉
🇵🇸 The algorithm is going to keep silencing my posts, but they're not going to silence me. I grew up with little to no books that made me feel seen as a queer/bisexual Palestinian Arab American. Today, it's still not easy enough to find those books online, even though we have thousands of lists, posts, and directories to guide us. To make your search a little easier, here are a few queer Palestinian books to add to your TBR. Please help me spread this by reblogging. Consider adding these to your least for Read Palestine Week (click for resources)! 💜
🍉 The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher 🇵🇸 A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar 🍉 Hazardous Spirits by Anbara Salam 🇵🇸 To All the Yellow Flowers by Raya Tuffaha 🍉 You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat 🇵🇸 The Specimen's Apology by George Abraham 🍉 Birthright by George Abraham 🇵🇸 Nayra and the Djinn by Iasmin Omar Ata 🍉 Where Black Stars Rise by Nadia Shammas and Marie Enger 🇵🇸 The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan 🍉 Guapa by Saleem Haddad 🇵🇸 From Whole Cloth: An Asexual Romance by Sonia Sulaiman
🍉 The Philistine by Leila Marshy 🇵🇸 Love Is an Ex-Country by Randa Jarrar 🍉 Shell Houses by Rasha Abdulhadi 🇵🇸 Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique by Sa'ed Atshan 🍉 Belladonna by Anbara Salam 🇵🇸 Confetti Realms by Nadia Shammas, Karnessa, Hackto Oshiro 🍉 Blood Orange by Yaffa As 🇵🇸 The ordeal of being known by Malia Rose 🍉 Decolonial Queering in Palestine by Walaa Alqaisiya 🇵🇸 Are You This? Or Are You This?: A Story of Identity and Worth by Madian Al Jazerah, Ellen Georgiou 🍉 This Arab Is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers 🇵🇸 My Mama's Magic by Amina Awad
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justbeingayhere · 3 months
Lesbian Bridgerton Esque Books
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{Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend is my favorite}
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gay-art-vibes · 1 year
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Mistakes were made is a personal fave of mine rn 💅 (it used to be a fanfic so I’m biased)
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insomniac-arrest · 6 months
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Once upon a time . . . there was a wicked queen. A hungry wolf. A thing in the dark. A dragon thief. A falling star, crooked in the sky. The lines between heroine and Other, fair and wicked, are illuminated in five transformative stories.
Five fairy tales, five perilous journeys, five star-crossed romances. A Snow White retelling that focuses on the wicked-queen-to-be and her mirror. A take on the classic parable of a deer pursued by wolves. A powerless maid making a deal with Shadows. A wishing star pursued to the ends of the earth and the knight sworn to return her to the sky. A princess trapped by a dragon with her only visitor a burglar.
The Crooked Stars is a collection of sapphic stories that shows there are many ways to read the stars and many ways for love to find a way into places it never was before. If you enjoy enchanting tales of adventure and magic, you'll fall in love with this mesmerizing collection that contends with the cruelty and beauty in fairy tales.
Official release date April 16th, 2024.
eBooks ✨ Paperback ✨ Goodreads
It's here, IT'S HERE!!! My next new collection is on it's way and features two of my all-time favorite stories I've written. I am so excited. Please be sure to boost and leave reviews if you can. I am a small-time author and don't spend any money on advertising so word of mouth is how I get my stories to the world.
Gorgeous cover art by Megan O'Donell.
Website 🌸 Previous Work
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Follow Sucker Punch on Facebook
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madi-konrad · 5 months
It is the curse of ADHD that, at least for me, I'm always running to the next project, and then the next, chasing the new shiny thing. And that has served me well in my creative endeavors, as much as it has stymied me. But I really do think that I caught something special in my first novel, A DEMON'S NAME UPON YOUR LIPS. And thanks to how my brain works, I rarely ever promote it! Which seems unfair for how much effort I put in, alongside my friends who patiently helped me edit it.
It's a sapphic romance between a (newly minted) Duke and the demon she summons. It's a fantasy which takes place in a secondary world loosely based on Victorian-era Europe, though without any of the queerphobic, or even sexist, hatred endemic to its real-world counterpart (or even to our modern day). It's fast paced, gay as fuck, and I poured my heart and soul into it.
I'd be honored if you picked it up; it's only $5.99. About the price of a Latte.
Grab it at the following places:
itch.io (PDF, ePub, and mobi all included!)
Kobo link (ePub version)
Apple Books, Smashwords, and a few others (ePub version)
Amazon (Kindle version)
Barnes and Noble (ePub)
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Synopsis below the cut:
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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