#Santa letters from north pole
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stone-cold-groove · 3 months ago
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Santa will answer your boy’s or girl’s letter...
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mangled-by-disuse · 3 months ago
i just have to rant about the elf on a shelf for a sec
(why? i've never had one, i don't have kids and if i did that wee smug snitching fucker would still not feature in my life. AND YET so many of my parent friends are stressed out of their minds over the damn thing)
but like. I know the obvious (and correct) take is that the elf on the shelf is horrifying because it primes small children to accept constant surveillance as not only normal but positively benign, and the elf on the shelf is a fucking grass.
but I think there are more practical, sometimes more pernicious ways that it affects all aspects of the Christmas season, to whit:
Adding stress. like for fucking real do parents of small children not have enough to do in december must we also make it a social norm to move a doll into interesting places and keep it out of reach of pets and whatever the fuck else.
Making Santa less magical. like ok back in my day Santa did not need to send spies. Santa just knows shit. Santa does not require practical explanations. Santa is a jolly old elf who is slightly less omniscient than Jesus but only because he's seasonal. How does Santa know if you've been naughty or nice if the elves don't tell him? because he's fucking SANTA CLAUS that's it that's the whole reason. stop bringing your empiricism and logic into my childhood whimsy. Also, relatedly:
Giving children a loophole. The elf on a shelf is how Santa knows whether to bring you presents, yes? the elf on a shelf spies on children to feed back to Santa on whether they have been naughty or nice? Q.E.D. if I am sure that the elf is NOT in eyeline, I can be as naughty as I want and Santa will never know. is what I would absolutely have concluded as a child, thereby spoiling any positive behavioural effects of Santa mythos. or i would have attempted to bribe the elf. or... make him go away.
Preparing children for a lifetime of performance evaluations (derogatory). because I want to be clear that I do in fact have a problem with the underlying concept of "he knows if you've been bad or good" in the first place. shut up. another way in which santa is like jesus is that he doesn't actually need to care if you were Good. in my humble opinion Santa Claus doesn't give a fuck about your behaviour he just likes to give presents to children as many lonely old people do. (also binaries of good and bad are pretty harmful actually imo, where is the boundary for "naughty" and does it perhaps undermine the behavioural guidance if you are consistently told that Santa's love is conditional BUT that you have never once failed to pass the conditions? anyway we're getting off the topic at hand.)
Adding yet more plastic tat to the "necessary Christmas traditions" box. yes yes i am decades behind the times in complaining about the commercialisation of christmas. but i am also passionately frustrated by it. ooh we must have chocolate advent calendars (plastic trays)! we must have an elf on the shelf! we must go to a christmas market and buy more tat! let's have a christmas eve box and a (plastic) ugly christmas jumper and fucking. christmas earrings we'll wear one day a year and then lose. more! more christmas tat!!! MORE, I SAY!!!
Why he look like that?
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it's such a punchable face. and yet, too small to punch. i see your unseemly enjoyment of your espionage, you perverted wee fucker. you delight in the suffering of overworked parents and overseen children alike. you disgust me.
anyway fuck elf on a shelf end broadcast
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cowboycatss · 3 months ago
JOLLY news from the zones tumbleweeds: it looks like jet-star and the kobra kid had a RIDE with RUDOLPH that went all NORTH POLE and uh, got themselves MILK, COOKIES out on SANTA’S SLEIGH. so it’s time to hit the MAILBOX and SEND YOUR LETTERS TO SANTA. keep your GIFTS WRAPPED, keep your STOCKINGS HUNG, and CAROL with your mask on if you’ve got to. here is the traffic ��🛷🎅🏽🎄🌵🏜️
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months ago
Heart: Christmas
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: Christmas with Sunshine
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"You looking forward to it?" Frido asks as she crouches down at your side in training. "Santa's coming soon. Have your mummies made you write your letter yet?"
You look up from your colouring book, pausing in the movement of dragging the pink crayon over the mermaid picture. "We did them with our teacher," You answer, nodding to yourself as you switch from pink to purple.
"Has it been sent yet?"
You frown. "Where is it meant to go?"
Frido laughs, fondly pushing your hair out of your face. "To the North Pole."
"Oh." You look down at your colouring book. "I've never sent a letter before. Santa always just knows what I want." You rub at your chest, where the Santa Heart from last year beats.
You hadn't needed to write him a fancy letter to send off to the North Pole. He had just known you needed a special new heart like how the doctors knew and how Ingrid and Mapi knew.
He just did and he'd delivered.
He'd gotten you the new heart that's been in your chest for nearly a whole year now.
You frown a little, trying to work your mind through the idea of sending a letter to Santa.
"Does everyone send a letter to him?"
"Oh, yes," Frido says, nodding her head as she hands you the orange crayon you'd pointed at," Everyone."
"Even you?"
"Even me."
"What did you ask him for?"
"I asked...I asked for my boyfriend to cook us some good food?"
You scrawl the orange crayon across the little crab at the corner of the mermaid page. "That's a good idea." You swap your crayon for green to colour in the seaweed. "And everyone has sent their letters already?"
"They have."
"Can I ask what other people asked for?"
"Sure, let's go."
Ingrid smiles from a distance as Frido leads you around the pitch while everyone takes a water break
She can't quite imagine what her and Mapi's life would have been without you now that it's coming up to a year since you had received your new heart.
She can't imagine what would have been different if she hadn't met you in that hospital bed. She can't quite imagine what the team would be like without you around either, a little breath of fresh air with an even smaller camera in your hands clicking away at every possible moment.
The same little hands that hold your favourite camera now tug at Ingrid's shorts until she looks down.
"What did you ask for in your Santa letter?" You ask.
"Huh? My Santa letter?"
"Yeah, Ingrid," Frido says pointedly," The Santa letter that everyone writes and sends off to Santa."
"Oh, yeah!" Ingrid catches on quickly," That Santa letter! Well...I asked Santa to make sure that me, you and your Mami have a good day on Christmas and get to sleep in before presents!"
You nod along with a little furrow in your brow, like you're trying to commit it to memory or something.
You grab onto Ingrid's legs quickly, squeezing them into a hug before hurrying off across the pitch to where Alexia is talking to Irene and Marta - no doubt to ask them the same question.
You don't ever really explain why you went around asking everyone what they wrote in their Santa letters and Ingrid's content to let her curiosity go unquenched with that one.
It's not an overwhelmingly pressing issue to her. It's one she only thinks briefly of when the team come over for a Christmas party before everyone goes home for the holidays.
You're sat at the little coffee table in front of the tv, enraptured by another kid's movie that Alexia's set Mija up next to you to watch.
Mapi sits next to Ingrid on the sofa, filling up her wine glass again when she thinks Ingrid isn't looking.
"Do we think we got her everything she asked for?" Mapi asks, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth," I don't want her to have anything missing from her pile."
"We've got everything," Ingrid assures her," Trust me. Absolutely everything she asked for, we've gotten her."
"Even that Barbie camera that prints off the photos? I don't remember wrapping it! Do you think they'll still have it in the store?" Mapi stands up suddenly, the words flooding out of her mouth so quickly that Ingrid nearly struggles to keep up. "I'll head out now and check. Don't wait up for me. I might be a while."
Ingrid pulls her back down. "My parents got it for her. It's in the pile."
"Definitely?" Mapi checks. "They confirmed it? They bought her the actual one she liked, yeah? Not like a knock off version?"
Ingrid laughs. "They got her the proper one. I checked."
Mapi finally breathes a sigh of relief at that, settling back down into her seat for a moment before slipping off the sofa to join you and Alexia's daughter on the floor with the movie.
"You know I love you right, sunshine?" She mumbles into your hair and you peer back to look at her.
"I know," You say," I love you and Mama too."
"Uh-huh! I'm glad Santa gave you to me."
"I'm glad Santa gave you to us too."
You turn then, fully into Mapi's lap as you look at her.
"I wrote a letter to Santa," You say," My teacher helped. Is it too late to send?"
Mapi shakes her head. "It's never too late to send. Why don't you go and get it and me and Mama will get ready to post it?"
The letter is written on a tiny scrap of paper when you return from your bedroom, holding it out in front of you as you wait for Mapi and Ingrid to prepare the envelope for it to go into.
You decorate it with little stickers and Ingrid helps you write Santa's address on it before bundling you up in your coat, hat and scarf to walk down to the post box on the street.
"Mama," You ask," Can you lift me please?"
Ingrid lifts you up easily in her arms so you're just tall enough to reach the post box to slip your letter inside.
"And Santa will get it before Christmas? I'm sorry I left it late," You ask as you're tucked into bed that night.
"You know," Mapi says as she pulls the covers all the way up to your chin," Every night before Christmas, Santa's elves go to all the post boxes in the world to check for his letters and they bring them all back that night!"
"Really," Ingrid agrees, gently locking the door to Starshine and Moonshine's cage," And Santa reads them with a mug of warm milk and cookies so he can prepare for Christmas."
"So he'll be able to make sure he can definitely do what I've asked for?"
Mapi smiles, crossing her fingers and hoping that what you've written in the letter is something that's already been bought for you. "What did you ask for?"
"For everyone else to get what they asked him for. I took it back to school and my teacher helped me write what everyone wanted so Santa doesn't forget."
"You're so sweet," Ingrid says.
"And Santa will make sure everyone gets what they wanted?"
"He will. I'm sure he's so grateful that you reminded him."
You nod, settling down in bed. "Good. No one should be sad on Christmas."
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tomicscomics · 2 months ago
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He's about to deck your halls.
The saints' RPG adventure continues every Monday and Friday through December!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Continuing from the last few cartoons, an angel is running a fantasy RPG for some saints in heaven, namely Sts. Thomas Aquinas, Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, and Nicholas of Myra. At long last, they've all introduced their characters. Surely they'll finally get to play the game now! 2. St. Nicholas was an ancient bishop whose legends of gift-giving became the inspiration for the modern Santa Claus. The name "Santa Claus" even comes from a foreign pronunciation of "Saint Nicholas." In stories, Santa lives at the North Pole and is known for having a magnificent white beard. In fantasy, dwarves are also known for their beards, but also for their compound-word surnames ("Beardhammer," "Oakenshield," "Hearthstone," etc.). Thus, St. Nick makes a dwarf character named Klaus (as in Santa Claus) Northbeard. 3. St. Nick is also known for slapping a priest named Arius at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. At that Council, Arius shared his heretical view that Jesus did not have the same, equally divine substance as God the Father, but was instead a creation with a similar but inferior substance. According to legend, St. Nick, who was a bishop at the council, was so enraged by Arius's heresy that he slapped the man in front of everyone. Thus, in this cartoon, Nick references his impulsiveness and temper and creates a barbarian character, because -- according to RPG-logic -- barbarians can channel their rage into superhuman strength. 4. At the council, the fathers used the Greek term "homoousios" (same substance) for the orthodox belief that Jesus was of the same substance as the Father, and the term "homoiousios" (similar substance) for the Arian belief that Jesus was of a similar but inferior substance. In this cartoon, Francis notes that Nick's character description could technically apply to both Nick's character and also Nick himself. To this, Nick says they have the same substance, but Thomas argues that they have similar but different substances, because Nick is not the exact same as his character. To describe this difference, Thomas is about to use the word "homoiousios." However, Nick dislikes that word due to its use by the Arians, so he throttles Thomas while shouting, "Why iota...!" He shouts this because it sounds like, "Why I oughta...!" which is something people shout when they're flying into a rage (as in, "Why, I ought to strike you!"), but instead of "I oughta" he says "iota", because the difference between the words "homoousios" (which he likes) and "homoiousios" (which he hates) is a single Greek letter: an iota. 5. As Nick assaults Thomas, the angel shouts, "Hey! No PvP!" In game terms, "PvP" stands for "Player vs. Player," describing games or game modes where the players face off against each other instead of working cooperatively or fighting against fake enemies and Non-Player Characters.
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gabessquishytum · 2 months ago
Every Santa has a Mrs. Claus, just two problems with that for Hob, Son of Santa -- 1. he's hardly been in the normal world to meet anyone....there was that one possibility when he got to attend college, but that seemed a non-starter because 2. Hob is most emphatically gay, and his potential "Mrs. Claus" was his glorious best MALE friend, Morpheus Atéleiotos.
Hob has never discussed, with his father....Santa.... , the whole "gay" and in love with his best friend, who he had to leave after their graduation from college, thing, and it's not that he thinks Santa, his father, would have a problem with Hob being gay, it's just a...complication,... that Hob has put off discussing. Not to mention how awkward it would have been to just bring up the whole Mrs. Claus situation to Morpheus. He would have had Hob committed.
And Morpheus, in Hob's opinion, would make have made an excellent "Mrs. Claus," not just as Hob's better half, but with all the creativity and care taking he would have been able to provide all the denizens of the magical North Pole. But Hob had to leave, disappeared really, and even if he could convince his father that a male Mrs. Claus was a great thing...... Morpheus probably doesn't want anything to do with Hob. Besides, Morpheus was a total catch, he had to have been snapped up by some more deserving person, than Hob!
Morpheus might miss his weirdly sheltered college best friend a lot as well; he might have even sent a wedding invitation (to a marriage that didn't last....but got him a slightly Christmas obsessed son) that got returned, and hoped that his friend would return to him...........Orpheus might have written Santa to get his dad a best friend for Christmas.
This is amazing - I am deeply invested in the idea of Hob being Santa. I don't know if everyone has seen the movie Arthur Christmas, but it's one of my favourites. I'm imagining Hob as rather like Arthur - super invested in Christmas traditions, but a little clumsy and niave. Which is why he obviously needs Morpheus as his Mrs Claus, because Morpheus is super sensible and grounded.
Hob comes across Orpheus's letter and because of Christmas Magic, he immediately knows that Orpheus's Dad is Morpheus! Hob’s heart breaks a bit, as Orpheus's letter outlines how he really would like a bike for Christmas, but he doesn't NEED one... so he's asking for a friend for his dad instead. It's more important.
Hob has a brilliant idea to disguise himself as a regular mall Santa and show up in Morpheus’s hometown - then they can coincidentally bump into each other and reignite their friendship! Hob would love to be more than a friend to Morpheus, if he's being honest. But at the moment, friendship is the most important thing.
Of course, Hob is Hob - so his clever plan to meet Morpheus again possibly goes through a few bumps and snags along the way... but Christmas Magic always pulls through in the end. And there might just be a convenient sprig of mistletoe to help Hob to finally get his Mrs Claus... Morpheus sure is in for a surprise!
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space-station-nursery · 3 months ago
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◜ 🎅🏻𓂃 Christmas Activities! ‧ 🎁◞
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Hello snowflakes! Some people really love Christmas but don't really know what to do for it! Below are some suggestions from us oh what you can do, for the Christmas holiday
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⧼ ✉️ ⧽ Write your letter to Santa !
No matter what age, grab some paper and something to write with, and send a letter to Santa ! [123 Elf Road, North Pole, 88888]. Remember to write your address on the envelope and send it before Christmas !!
⧼ 🦌 ⧽ Visit your local zoo for Christmas lights !
Some zoo's [like mine, and FD's] Decorate the zoo with beautiful lights to walk through and super cute decorations!!! Check out your nearest zoo this year and see if they will be hosting Christmas lights
⧼ 🎄 ⧽ Decorate Your Christmas tree !
Whether you're doing this with your CG or with family, set a date and time to play some Christmas music, and decorate the tree!
⧼ 📜 ⧽ Write a Christmas list !
Some family, or even your CG might be wondering what you want for Christmas. Give them some ideas by writing a Christmas list of all the cute things you might want! Do not re-write and post as own
⧼ 🍪 ⧽ Bake holiday cookies or other goodies !
The holidays is the best smelling time of the year. Spread some joy and create new holiday dishes or create some simple Christmas cookies you enjoy!
⧼ 🧸 ⧽ Donate used toys or clothes !
The most common for this is "Toys for Tots", but also consider nearby shelters, One simple wish, or even begin your own in your neighborhood!! Please, DO NOT donate to salvation army, they will put away "good items" or expensive ones for themselves, and are known to mark up a lot of their items to then be unaffordable for those who need it
⧼ 🏠 ⧽ Decorate a Gingerbread house !
Many retail sellers have gingerbread kits you can buy, fully decked with frosting and candy !! If you want anything else, definitely check out some other isles for sprinkles, candy and anything else you'd like !
⧼ ❄️ ⧽ Visit a Christmas town/Market !
Some places have Christmas pop-up markets or towns! These pop-up areas may have some small rides, food, and other Christmas themed items for purchase. Its a fun experience, even if you dont buy anything!!
⧼ 🖍️ ⧽ Write/Send Christmas cards !
Christmas cards are easy, and customizable to whoever you're sending it too. Make some for friends or family, and send them out for a little holiday cheer!
⧼ 🌟 ⧽ Decorate your room !
Take some time and use any small Christmas items you have to decorate your room to also feel as festive as the Christmas tree!
⧼ ✂️ ⧽ Try out some holiday Crafts !
Holiday crafts are the perfect way to pass time especially as it begins to snow in many places. The good thing about these crafts, is many use stationary you already have at home, and can be used to create decorations for your tree, or room!!
⧼ 🎁 ⧽ Do some Holiday shopping !
If you saved some money, go and look for some small gifts your family or CG may enjoy! Shopping online is also ok for this too!
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18+ blogs // DD!LG, AB!DL and variants [even "SFW"] // 27 and older // DNI
Fact OTD: All the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas would equal 364 gifts.
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psychoticallykind · 2 months ago
Jegumas Day Twenty-Two - Santa Claus
865 words
“I’m sorry -” Regulus stopped, staring at his husband with concern. “You want to let someone break into our house and leave things for Harry to open?”
“No,” James shook his head. “No - no one is actually coming in, Reg. It’s a myth. Santa Claus doesn’t really exist.”
“He’s a mythical person who makes toys from his castle in the North Pole and flies around the whole world in one night, breaking into everyone’s houses through the chimney and leaving gifts?” Regulus checked, reiterating what he’d been told.
James looked like he wanted to protest. “Yes? And he’s magical.”
“He’s a wizard?” Regulus asked, skeptical.
“Um.” James winced. “Not exactly, no. He’s a muggle myth.”
“A muggle myth,” Regulus echoed. “Why do they want a strange man dropping down their chimney? Why do you?”
“I -” James closed his eyes, looking a bit more stressed than he had before Regulus had asked what on Earth Effie had meant when she had Harry write a letter to ‘Santa Claus’.
“It’s a belief, Reg. A pretend muggle story. Mum and Dad wanted me to know about muggle culture, so they told me about Santa Claus, and now they’re showing Harry,” James said patiently.
“They’re lying to him,” Regulus pointed out. “We don’t lie to Harry. You hate it when someone suggests we lie to Harry.”
“No one is lying to Harry,” James assured him. “He knows that Santa is a muggle myth. He just likes the fun of it, Reg. It’s just fun.”
Regulus didn’t understand how it was fun to pretend someone was always spying on you so that they could put you on a ‘nice’ or a ‘naughty’ list. “Uh-huh.”
James gave him a pleading look. “It’s like - he’s like a collective imaginary friend. It’s a play pretend game, Reg. Except that a lot of muggle children believe that he’s real until they get a bit older.”
“But Harry knows the truth,” Regulus said. Making sure.
James nodded. “Harry knows.”
Regulus nodded back. He still didn’t see the point of Santa Claus, but if Harry was having fun with it, then maybe it was alright. “Okay.”
“Really?” James asked, shoulders dropping in relief. “It’s okay?”
“Yes,” Regulus replied. “He’s having fun, and he won’t get hurt from us lying to him, so it’s alright.”
James dropped his head into his hands. “Oh thank Merlin.”
Regulus laughed, moving closer and pulling James up so he could hug him. “I didn’t realize you were so stressed about it.”
James curled up against his side. “I really didn’t want to tell Mum and Dad that they had to stop doing things with Santa.”
Regulus felt his heart skip a beat. “You’d have done that?”
His voice came out strange - a little high-pitched, a little strangled. But he couldn’t help it, even as James looked up at him in obvious concern. “You’d have - just because I was against it?”
It was unthinkable. Impossible. He’d never imagined that James would change any family traditions to suit Regulus’s preferences. That would be unrealistic and selfish to expect. It would be unfair.
“Of course, I would,” James said quietly. He sat up a bit to meet Regulus’s eyes, as sincere as he always was. “Regulus. You’re Harry’s parent. You have a say in how we raise him. If you don’t want to celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus, then we won’t. If you have a problem, we’ll work on it. You’re an important part of this family, and your opinion matters.”
Regulus blinked to clear his vision, lost for words.
James smiled, one hand moving to the back of Regulus’s head and pulling him into a soft, sweet kiss. Regulus melted into it, letting the warmth envelop him, letting it sink into everything he was.
They were both breathing a little faster when they pulled apart.
James was looking at him, hazel eyes blown wide but still so, so soft. “You matter.”
Regulus’s breath caught, eyes flying shut to hide how close he was to tears.
It didn’t work, but he hadn’t expected it to. Not with James, who knew him better than anyone in the world.
Their positions switched - James hugging Regulus close, dark curls against a burgundy sweater.
“You matter, Regulus. You’re important and loved and you matter so, so much to all of us.”
Light pressure rubbed up and down his arms, his back. Reassuring touches as he fell apart a little bit. He wasn’t used to this yet. He thought maybe he should be - it had been years with James, with Harry, with people who loved him and accepted him.
But sometimes he got caught off guard by how much they loved him. By the sheer amount of compassion and respect and empathy they all had to offer.
Sometimes he wasn’t sure he really deserved to be here, with James, hearing all of these wonderful things.
But slowly, he was changing that. He was learning that he deserved nice things. Like love, maybe. Because when James said the was loved, he felt it.
And with every soft repetition - you are important, you’re loved, you matter - Regulus believed it a little more.
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zafirosreverie · 3 months ago
Little North Star (North x f!reader)
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It started with the footprints.
You had come home from work, tired and annoyed, only to find a pair of snow boot prints, too large to belong to anyone you knew, especially since you lived alone (deep down, you thought you recognized those footprints, but ignored it for the moment).
Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of someone breaking into your house, but upon a quick inspection, you saw that there were no broken windows or forced locks, so you figured maybe someone from the courier had come and not found you and left. Whatever the case, the incident was out of your mind the moment you relaxed in your bathtub.
Then it was the wrapping paper. You hadn't decorated this year, feeling too big and too tired to get into the Christmas spirit. You weren't even going to travel home with your parents to celebrate, even when they lived at the next town, so you hadn't bothered to buy presents or decorate the house.
However, one day you found a bunch of rolls of wrapping paper and boxes with ornaments and lights. For a moment you thought you had gone crazy. You hadn't taken any of this out, it should be in the attic, not the living room. You tried to come up with a logical explanation and ended up convincing yourself that you had probably been too tired to remember bringing these things down from the attic.
Anyway, you found yourself decorating your house two days before Christmas, despite having said you wouldn't. A couple of lights and a tree with ornaments wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Plus, it was a nice way to make the house feel a little warmer and more welcoming.
You tried not to think too much about the little flashes of memories of big hands and a loud, warm laugh visiting you on Christmas Eve. You told yourself that they had just been dreams, and that was what they were.
Then came the letter.
The night before Christmas Eve, you found a letter in your mailbox with no return address or zip code. It was just adorned in white and red with a little reindeer sticker that said "North Pole." When you opened it, you saw a recipe for cookies that you used to make as a child. They were your favorite to make with your mother for the big man of Christmas.
You smiled a little and assumed that your mother had sent you the letter in an attempt to help you get back into the Christmas spirit, and as you walked through the aisles of the supermarket, looking for the ingredients for the cookies, you couldn't help but remember the afternoons you spent talking to your mother, looking forward to a visit from Santa Claus.
Everything had been easier then, being a little girl whose only concern was to behave well so that she could receive a gift from the big guy in the red suit.
Never stop believing, little North Star.
You gasped a little and had to lean against a soup rack as memories of a man ran through your mind, a big, strong, warm, and cheerful man, who came to visit you every Christmas Eve, while the rest of the world slept.
He used to call you little North Star, and he would tell you stories of his fellow guardians, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, the man in the moon, and the Sandman, while his blue eyes, full of wonder and kindness, filled your soul with warmth and security.
You shook your head, trying to compose yourself as you went to the registers to pay. Deep down you knew they were just dreams, that it was your imagination as a child…but why did they feel so real?
It was Christmas Eve, your house was decorated, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the place, and you were sitting on the carpet, with an open gift box between your legs, your eyes full of tears and a smile too big that hurt. An early gift, the tag said.
For my little North Star to come home -N
It was him. Now you were sure of it.
No one, not even your parents, had known about this. There was one night, when he, North, had brought you a snow globe, made by himself, with a beautiful figure of his sleigh inside. So that you would always remember him, he had said.
At that moment, it had seemed easy to your child's mind to promise that you would never stop believing in Christmas, in magic, in him. But as you grew older, you convinced yourself that it had all been mere dreams, that it had not been real, and one day, you could not find the globe. Over time, you had believed that that had also been a dream, that there had never been such a gift.
And now, here it was again, in your hands.
All the memories began to flow, invading your mind with a strength and warmth you hadn't felt in years. The secret nights with North, when he told you the stories of the world, the secrets of the guardians of childhood.
He had called you his little North Star, because he always came back to you, no matter what. How could you have forgotten that you had been Santa Claus's favorite girl?!
A part of you, the part that had grown up and stopped believing, wanted to keep clinging to the idea that it was all a dream. But the biggest part of you now knew that it wasn't, that it had all been real.
How many years had you wasted, how much time wasted? How many promises had you broken? You had to do something, anything, to let North know that you remembered, that you now believed in him again.
You got up from the ground with a joy and lightness that you hadn't felt since you were a child. The illusion and magic awakening in you again as you smiled like you once had. You called your parents, bought last minute gifts and took the last train back home.
Christmas was not lost after all.
A warm and thunderous laugh that did not seem from this world, filled your empty house in the middle of the night, while North lay on your couch and ate the cookies you had left for him, reading your letter over and over again.
Thank you, for giving me back the magic, for making me believe again.
"No, thank you, for coming back to me, little North Star" he said to himself, putting the letter in his suit.
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torchflies · 3 months ago
Mav and Sli are frequent flyers of the naughty list and get some serious side eye from the elves at the North Pole.
Ice is over there being Jewish and doesn't realize that there’s a whole Hanukkah wing, Chinese New Year, Kwanzaa and one for Eid too. 😂😆 As well as a bunch of others.
Santa (Jake’s Dad) has a soft spot for Mav though, and when they’re all chatting at the end of the visit, at the end of Christmas Day, he snaps his fingers and an old letter appears in his hand — one that’s all wrinkled and addressed To Santa in faded graphite pencil.
Everyone is staring, but Mav already knows what’s in it — his face is bright scarlet as Santa (retired) passes the letter to the new Santa (Jake) and Jake gets to deliver a gift fifty-odd years in the making.
He grabs Mav in a huge hug and says: Look around, Mav. Merry fucking Christmas, Captain.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a big family of people who love me as much as I love them.
Petey Mitchell
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superbat-love · 1 year ago
Batman and Superman embarked on a global delivery mission, with Batman perched on Superman's back, clutching a sack of gifts.
The cost of these presents came directly out of Bruce's pocket, as he had promised to replace the ones that Superman had blasted into smithereens with his laser vision. This mishap occurred after Batman had lassoed Santa Claus and dragged him out of a chimney.
Both heroes profusely apologized to Santa for the confusion, as they mistook him for a particular interdimensional entity they were seeking. Upon learning that Santa had unfortunately hurt his back upon the hard landing, they promised to assist with the remaining deliveries.
Thankfully Santa wasn't too mad at them, but Clark couldn't help but feel irked that Bruce hadn't disclosed his close acquaintance with Santa Claus, his childhood hero. How could Bruce betray him like that? Didn’t he know how many letters Clark had personally written and sent to the North Pole every year?
Bruce promised to make it up to him by securing a special gift and a personalized autograph from Santa for Christmas. At least they were no longer bickering; Clark was preoccupied with deciphering Bruce's cryptic "fun aerial activity" hint on his upcoming present.
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brucewaynehater101 · 8 months ago
Tim's Granny Claus could crush a man's skull with her bicep, you don't normally notice or think about her muscles though because she puts out a very sweet mousy lady vibe that has grown into a sweet granny vibe when she started going grey. She's only really started to go grey when Santa decided to start taunting Darkseid, she likes and approves of the shenanigans but it's stressful. Her harmless quiet lady vibe is STRONG, as strong as the "good child" vibe that Tim has that makes everyone forget he's a chaos gremlin. She does legitimately need reading glasses.
She may or may not have been an Amazon at one point and definitely predates Hippolyta and her reign. Possibly she's worshipped as a goddess in some cultures. She may or may not be part elf or part fairy. She may have gone by Mab at one point or not.
Santa is the younger one in the relationship, it was a lot of drama and it took him a LONG time to woo her and part of that was due to the not actually serious age gap which still made her worry. He has his own eldritch background and he's only a little bit younger than her but she had worries about power dynamics. It was a thing.
Mrs. Claus is organized to the extreme and even more intelligent than she is organized. Her hobbies, besides making contingency plans and general doomsday prepping include making candy, learning new languages, and reading/writing trashy romance novels. She absolutely publishes under a pseudonym.
She does NOT leave the North Pole. If she needs something that's not in the home/village that she and Santa have built, she'll send someone to go fetch it for her. This is why she has assistants/minions/students/employees after all.
For the elves, working in Santa's workshops is a bit like going through the best trade school or university in the galaxy in relation to all the things it takes to get the supplies, keep things organized, make things, develop psychological profiles to determine who would most want what etc. The program is accredited. Yes to Tim helping with recommendation letters. Not all of the elves are earth based elves. More than a few are extra terrestrial. Mrs. Claus is the one to extend Santa's operation to the stars when she noticed her husband not being stimulated enough with the chaos he absolutely doesn't create on earth during the rest of the year. She considered having another child or having one of the elves go and kidnap another child but decided giving Santa more space to cause problems was a better long term solution than adopting/kidnapping a child as a band aid for an adult's mental situation.
Time is extremely elastic and not at all linear around the Santa's workshop area. Questioning this would be a bad idea. There is one time a year when leaving Santa's workshop sets you in the "right" timeline/location. If you enter the area and leave outside of that time of the year then you could end up in Pangea or on Tamaran. Mrs. Claus is perfectly capable of getting to when/where she wants if she wanted to go anywhere. She does not. Santa is also very capable but sometimes enjoys just popping out to random time/place.
Janet is the only child by blood Mrs. Claus has had. She and Santa have adopted a literal army's worth of children over the years though they haven't recently. The adoption has never actually been legal. Santa just literally kidnaps children from extremely bad situations. This may or may not have fed into the Krampus legends. Bad parents who've lost their kids just don't want to admit that it was their own fault and instead blame the missing child.
Janet was in a very "I want to be normal" stage when she got married and Santa and Mrs. Claus considered it youthful rebellion. They were pleased to get a grandson out of it though less pleased when Janet insisted they stay away because she wanted to be "normal". They're still waiting for Janet to pull herself back together.
Tim's own family talents won't break out until he's an adult. Or maybe they have and that's why he's stuck at seventeen. And no one notices because Gotham is Gotham. This is why Janet and Jack lived in Gotham, Janet had an easier time pretending to be "normal" in Gotham than she would have in any other place in the world.
Granny Ms. Claus!!!!
I adore AUs that have Tim's grandma (whoever she is [Ms. Claus, kidnapped by an alien, whatever]) as badass. I like in this one that she has muscles for days, but still in touch with both her femininity and a deceptively sweet one. To be badass, you don't have to be masculine.
Anyways, I imagine her stare over the rim of her glasses making even the most feared being at least hesitate.
Also, kudos to her for making sure her relationship with Mr. Clause was healthy for all parties. Fuck yeah.
I wonder how elves are treated in other parts of the universe. Could they also universe travel as well???
It's also curious to see how many traits Tim inherited from Mrs. Claus despite (at least originally) not seeing her much throughout his childhood. I'm assuming Tim met his grandma when Santa "died." Whether he knew her from photos or didn't find out until Mrs. Claus said something, I bet he was astounded. Not even he could make a contingency plan for "what to do when visiting someone you watched die's loved one only to find out you're related." Poor Tim. To add on to the angst, I'm pretty sure Janet was dead by that point :(
Tons of angst all around there (Mrs. Claus finding out after being told her husband "died." Tim realizing his mom hid this entire side of herself and their family, and he'll never have to chance to learn it from her).
I do like the theory for forever 17. That checks out with the weird time stuff going on with the North Pole.
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ghurab-alzilal · 2 months ago
It was not unusual that when he returned from his arduous journey through the world in less than a day Santa would find letters in his mailbox, many of them were thanks and the occasional saga that was lost along the way but when he opened that letter he found something he did not expect and a soft smile was drawn on his face.
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The tone in that single sentence was insolent and petulant as always, but still reading those words filled his little cabin at the North Pole with Christmas warmth, perhaps because he was glad that little cretin was smiling or perhaps because with it he would finally stop receiving his impertinent and crazy demand year after year, whatever it was, that was the first time in a lot of time that Santa felt as he had received a Christmas present when he looked at the photo contained in that envelope.
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0kurt0 · 2 months ago
Bernard x Calvin!reader
✧Bernard dating Calvin!reader
✧masterlist here!
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When Bernard first saw you when Scott became the new Santa. He immediately fell in love. When you and your little brother, Charlie, were walking around the workshop in awe, Bernard was talking to Scott while secretly stealing glances at you. Scott noticed and pointed a finger at him.
“You lay your grimy elf hands on my daughter and you’re dead.” He growled, Bernard nodded and gave him a thumbs up. “Judy will take you to your room, you need to get out of these clothes and get a good nights rest.” He said calmly.
As Scott left with Charlie and you, Bernard came up to you and stopped you “Hey, what’s your name?” Bernard asked, he wasn’t one to be easily flustered or to be interested in anyone like this, but he just couldn’t help it. “My name is y/n. What’s yours.” He repeated your name multiple times, testing the of it on his tongue.
“Well, y/n, I’m Bernard, the head elf and Santa’s helper,” he said, giving you a soft smile. “Well, Bernard, I guess I’ll see you around the workshop?” You said, patting his head and chuckling at the redness that showed up on his cheeks and the tips of his ears, “A-Alright, y/n! S-See you around!” He said, quickly walking away and yelling at the other elves to get back to work while his heart was doing backflips and with a rosy tint to his ears and cheeks.
From that day on, Bernard would always get the chance to talk to you when he could and if you came to the North Pole. If you couldn’t go, he would go to you instead or write you letters. For years, he couldn’t tell you how he felt, he was so nervous that you would reject him. Little did he know that you loved him back.
One day, you were in the North Pole helping the elves make toys when Bernard showed up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, “what’re you doing, sugarplum?” He asked, squeezing your shoulder gently, “just helping the elves make toys. I also thought I could make something for you, Bernie”
Bernard’s face then turned a rosy shade and the elves nearby then started to laugh, “all of you shut it and get back to work! If I catch any of you slacking so help me that I-“, “Bernie,” you said with a gentle tone, “don’t be so hard on them.” He just sighed and smiled at you, “How about we take a walk?” Bernard just sighed and nodded, maybe a nice long walk was you would clear his mind a bit.
As you guys walked around the workshop, talking and laughing. Bernard then suddenly pulled you into an empty room. He knew that he had to confess his feelings. “Y-y/n, there’s something I need to tell you,” you nodded while you held his hands, squeezing them gently, “I-I’ve been meaning to tell you, b-but I just couldn’t get it out!” Suddenly, you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked but soon melted into the kiss, placing one hand on your neck and the other on your waist.
You two then pulled away from each other, blushing and not looking at each other. He then took your hands in his and kissed them, “I love you so much, y/n.” He said and you giggled, pulling him into a hug, “I love you too, Bernie.” He blushes even more at the nickname and buries his head in your neck, “What am I going to tell your dad,” He kisses your cheek, “If it makes you feel any better, we’re under a mistletoe,” He then looked up and chuckled, “I guess you're right, Sugarplum.”
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imagine-you · 3 months ago
🎄Christmas/Holiday Prompt List 🎄
Four years ago, I created a Halloween/Horror Prompt List. Today, I decided to make a Christmas one.
Please reblog and write your own stories! Feel free to do what you want with these prompts. Make your fics festive. Make your fics sweet as sugarplums. Make your characters yearn or make them fall in love. Make your fic so full of holiday cliches that people can make their own drinking game or leave people heartbroken for the holidays! Just please have fun and enjoy!
Character A and Character B are snowed in for the holidays and have to spend the next few days together despite the fact they can't stand each other.
Character A and Character B hate each other, but their best friends are dating, so they have to play nice for their holiday party. A good old-fashioned enemies to lovers story ensues.
Character A and Character B end up under the mistletoe and Character A tries to play it off as a joke but Character B seems very serious about this all of a sudden.
Character A has to take their niece and/or nephew to take pictures with Santa and the person beneath the beard looks a lot like their ex (Character B). (May include lap-sitting and reconciliation.)
Character A missed their flight to visit their family and Character B is kind enough to invite Character A over to celebrate Christmas with them.
Character A injures themselves putting up their Christmas lights and Character B is an EMT who's used to seeing Character A in these situations.
Character A despises Christmas movies and Character B is hellbent on changing their mind with an epic marathon (and cuddling).
Character A needs a date for their family's Christmas party and Character B is weirdly adamant about playing their fake boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.
Character A gets roped into a snowball fight and Character B seems to have it out for them.
Character A is trying to get back to Character B for Christmas, but gets stranded in the middle of nowhere. Character B shows up and it's not home, but at least they're together. (May include a Christmas feast made out of vending machine snacks.)
Character A and Character B are the only people staying in their dorm for the holidays and decide to make the best of the situation together.
Character A is in love with Character B, but Character B has no clue. Character A decides to share their feelings amidst the magic of Christmas and it doesn't go how they thought. Character B shows up on their doorstep and they reconcile/end up together.
Character A receives a Secret Santa gift that comes with a letter from their secret admirer. Character A thinks it's someone else, when it's really Character B, who finally reveals their feelings. May include hijinks.
Christmas Song Lyrics As Dialogue:
I get a little lonely every year around this time.
I just want you for my own.
Beautiful, what's your hurry?
You should be here with me.
I wait for it all year round.
No reason to forget this feeling we're feeling now.
All I need is you next to me.
It's not Christmas without you.
I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming.
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
Think I only want you under my mistletoe.
You'll be Santa Claus and I'll Mrs.
How quickly can you build a snowman?
You're as cuddly as a cactus.
You're the last thing I wanna see.
I'm avoiding every mistletoe.
Don't make me fall in love again.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.
Know that I'll always be yours.
I swear that I'm more than just broken promises.
Come on, it's lovely weather.
It'll be the perfect ending to a perfect day.
Been hoping that you'd drop in.
I don't want to fight tonight with you.
Holiday Staples:
Holiday Caroling
Hot Chocolate
Secret Santa
Holiday Party
Fake Dating
Christmas Songs
Cuddling For Warmth
Christmas Movies
Snowball Fight
Sleigh Ride
North Pole
Candy Cane
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thelatekayejames · 3 months ago
open starter (CAPPED) for @lunarcovestarters when: november 20, pointedly where: a shop somewhere in town (not blush), left it a bit open for more variety
"Eugh—" Kui flinched away from a garish display that read in sparkling letters, 'Tis the Season! Underneath it, the animatronic Santa letting out a haunting ho ho ho abruptly changed, its red suit shifting into a tasteful sweater-and-jeans combo. Thanks to their illusion, he now looked more like a charming fisherman than the menace from the North Pole. The pixie blinked in satisfaction and resumed their browsing, shopping list in hand. Their eyes flicked over to see they'd been observed. "T'isn't," they said, archly. "That monstrosity will have his day, but it's not today."
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