#Sant Pere de Ribes
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 days ago
All the devils' dances and dragons dance together at the end of the correfoc held in Sant Pere de Ribes (Penedès, Catalonia) before its festa major (Catalan holiday that each town/city celebrates on the day of its patron saint).
A correfoc (meaning "fire run" in the Catalan language) is an event held as part of a town, city or neighbourhood's festa major festivity, usually celebrated a few days before the feast day itself. On the day of the festivity and its eve, the traditional dances from the town will dance on the streets, including the fire dances like the Devils' Dance and the fire bestiary. But for the correfoc, the devils' dances, the dragons and other fire bestiary from the near towns are invited as well, each one accompanied by their drummers. All these fire beasts and devils dance on the streets of the host town. In some towns it's treated as a game where the people have to run faster than the fire dancers or dodge the fire. In some places like Ribes (this video) they all light up for one last song together in the same square.
Video by Drac de Sitges. The song is "Nanu" by the local band Bugies.
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goatmati · 1 year ago
The most intimate side of Aitana Bonmatí, a normal girl at the top of football.
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The immensity of her figure is overwhelming. Her name runs like wildfire, echoes through the pitch and lingers in those who have seen her play. Aitana Bonmatí (Sant Pere de Ribes, 1998) is a special player. Exceptional. Extraordinary. Her care for the ball, her respect for the game and her love for football have catapulted her to the top. The world around her is gigantic, even though it becomes smaller and smaller as she conquers new goals. This Monday, in Paris, she will become the new queen of football. However, while everything around her accelerates and becomes a maelstrom of recognition and trophies, she is still the normal girl who comes back from training every day and meets her friends for a match in Plaça Marcer. The world around her has changed, but she remains the same.
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"She's a very close friend, someone you can really trust. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it, but when she opens up, she opens up a lot. She keeps very much to herself," says Xavier Rovira, one of her lifelong friends. They met when they were five years old at the town's esplai GER, where they had activities every weekend, in addition to the camps and the camps in summer. Despite being a year younger, since they met they always went as a group and did everything together. Despite going to different schools (she to l'Escola del Pi, the others to l'Escola de la Riera de Ribes), she spent most of the time with them. "Apart from the esplai, we lived in the center during the week, which is in Ribes where there is a bar, a mall and a theater. We took music classes, where we both played guitar. We spent a lot of time there, as our parents would go for a drink together while we played football in the street," he adds.
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With a ball at her feet. This is how she has been remembered since she was a child. While her life has been transforming as she goes through stages of football, what surrounded her outside the playing fields remains intact. Her environment has become her pillar, and Ribes has become her place of calm. An oasis where, after the hustle and bustle of training sessions, photoshoots, meetings and commitments, she can once again take refuge. Where she is Aitana, just another girl from the village.
"She could have taken, for example, the decision, simply for convenience, to move to Barcelona or closer to where she trains and works. But she has stayed in Ribes because it is where she has her people. It is where she has lived all her life and it gives her a certain tranquility. It's a way of disconnecting from the strident world of football and not being in the spotlight all day. If you're in Barcelona, you don't get out of the football ecosystem much either. She prioritizes her family and friends, who are the ones in Ribes," says Xavi. Aitana keeps the structure of her whole life intact. The foundations are the same as when she was a 15-year-old girl going to high school with her friends.
Ribes, her place.
Aitana is a girl of habits. Every day she goes to the village bakery to buy bread and her lemon cake, she shops in the small stores and every evening she meets her friends in the Plaça Marcer. Everyone knows what Aitana is going to order, there are few options and she has a predilection for matcha, to which she has also hooked Xavi: "We meet to make matcha. At her house, at the bar, when we meet to watch football...Always matcha. All the time, but especially in the afternoon, around five or six o'clock, which is when we meet. She doesn't drink wine or sugary drinks, she normally drinks water, but if one day she wants to drink something it has to be sweet or fruity wine. It's the only one she likes. But she doesn't love it either," says Xavi, who admits that they don't go out partying much. "We went out recently. And it was the first time I went out with her to a disco since she became a professional player," he confesses with a laugh.
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When she leaves the Ciutat Esportiva and gets in the car, Aitana switches off. She almost always plays Catalan music. Txarango, The Tyets... Although from time to time reggaeton sneaks in. She takes advantage of the journey home, which takes about half an hour, to answer Whatsapp using the handsfree phone. "She answers at the moment and they are non-stop conversations. If I look at WhatsApp with her right now, I have three weeks where we talk every day. Yes it's true that she must have lots and lots of messages, and obviously in general she will take longer to respond. But for her circle, she's always there. She sends a lot of voice notes, not very long either. It mostly depends on the topic. We have had times of deeper conversations, then yes they are audios of a minute or two. But not on a day-to-day basis," says Xavi as he reviews their chat.
Voice notes and matchas.
Although message conversations are constant, they prefer to see each other whenever they can. "We make life every day in Ribes. you could say... gosh. We thought we would see Aitana, who has games every weekend and trains every day, once a month or every two weeks. But no! She's the friend I see the most. We meet three days a week on average. Or four. She comes home from training and says: "Come on, let's go for a drink, I have to explain to you. Free weekend? Well, let's take advantage of it and we'll all go out together. Free time? Come by the house and we'll watch a couple of things. It's very cool, because you never know what's going to happen. You're 15 years old and you have a group of friends and where does each one end up... And she, on the other hand, gets to where she is now, top of football, and you think: "”Maybe I'll lose her.” On the contrary," he says proud of Aitana, with whom he always finds time to go for matchas or brunch in Vilanova.
Aitana is a leader in the field and her skills on the pitch are also transferred to her group of friends, especially when they go on a getaway because she has the weekend off. She is in charge of the board games and always carries Jenga in her suitcase. Also Dixit. From time to time, they also play cards together.
"She's still a world champion, we all know that. You see her the day before playing a match in Cordoba against Switzerland with the national team and the next day we are here, so normal, having a matcha in the bar and talking about our shit. She's a very normal girl," says Xavi, who will accompany her to Paris with the rest of his friends, staff and family. She will lift the Ballon d'Or and achieve the biggest milestone of her career at an individual level. But a few days later she will return to Ribes. And she will sit in the Plaça Marcer like any other local.
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toupeiraamarela · 10 months ago
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House in Sant Pere de Ribes . Barcelona . Spain . Camps+Felip Arquitecturia
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imogenleewriter · 2 years ago
I’m curious about where the villa from Save Me is located. I’m from Spain, so if you need help with research or something let me know!
It's at Sant Pere de Ribes. Tbh and horribly, I haven't done as much research as I should. However, there aren't many scenes of them going anywhere around the area. They're going to Andorra in the next chapter though.
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amateurchefstuff · 4 months ago
14a Mercat del Cava i la Tapa – Sant Pere de Ribes
Dies 19 i 20 dòctubre del 2024 Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf) Aquest esdeveniment té com a objectiu potenciar l’oferta agroalimentària i de restauració de proximitat amb la presència de restauradors i productors agroalimentaris del territori (productors d’embotits, formatges, tapes, vi cava, cervesa artesana, restauradors locals…). Com sempre, un dels punts forts de la fira és la degustació de les…
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sergidelmoral · 6 months ago
Sempre hi ha hagut instituts capdavanters. Ho eren als anys noranta l'institut Badalona VII i l'IES del Vallès de Sabadell, ja que disposaven de la qualificació de CERE (Centre Experimental de Règim Especial), i l'IES Can Puig de Sant Pere de Ribes. Al curs 2007-2008 es constituïa una de les primeres xarxes educatives a secundària, la Xarxa de Centre Innovadors de l'ICE de la UAB. Sota la coordinació i impuls d'en Josep Masalles, l'institut Montgròs (que encara no tenia aquest nom) de Sant Pere de Ribes, l'institut Creu de Saba d'Olesa de Montserrat i el desaparegut Badalona Nou, començaven a compartir projectes, inquietuds, certeses i incerteses. En aquell context, gresol d'experiències diverses, apareixia la inquietud per les TIC i la seva integració al currículum, les intel·ligències múltiples i la creació d'espais on treballar-les, els primers intents d'aplicar una interdisciplinarietat global combinada amb el treball cooperatiu, la transformació del currículum a partir del treball globalitzat, la contextualització i la problematització. Aquests eren, fa més de deu anys, les línies de treball dels diferents instituts que es varen anar amarant de les experiències mútues, amb la incorporació posterior d'altres centres, com l'IES Mont Perdut, l'institut de Sils, l'institut escola Les Vinyes i l'institut Quatre Cantons. Val a dir que, en aquella època, les propostes d'aquests centres anaven a contracorrent i havien de volar per sota dels radars de l'administració. La menció del treball per projectes a secundària o del propi treball globalitzat el 2010, no fa gaire, feia arrufar el nas a la majoria del professorat i a bona part de les famílies que pensaven que això estava molt bé... per a alumnat de primària. Posteriorment, operacions que han gaudit del seu component mediàtic, com ara la transformació de les escoles de jesuïtes, que va tenir una forta embranzida inicial, o la més recent d'Escola Nova 21, han permès visibilitzar que al nostre país hi ha centres de primària i secundària, amb projectes educatius imaginatius per tal de donar resposta a les exigències educatives del present. Algunes escoles i instituts són més coneguts que d'altres fonamentalment perquè disposen d'una bona política comunicativa i es fan presents a les xarxes i els mitjans de comunicació en fan ressò. Però bona part, la majoria anònima i silenciosa, treballa de cara endins; al cap i a la fi, la finalitat de tot centre educatiu és oferir la millor educació possible al seu alumnat, i no pas fer difusió de les seves pràctiques, que a més a més és una feina afegida. [..]
En concret, en l'àmbit de la secundària, podem afirmar que hi ha instituts que, apostant per l'exercici de l'autonomia de centres, han elaborat estratègies didàctiques pròpies per aconseguir el desenvolupament i la incorporació de les competències globals. Ho fan des d'una reinterpretació del currículum vigent, d'acord amb la seva visió, recursos, fortaleses i mancances. Hi ha diferents realitats, ritmes i orientacions. Però un tret comú és que són instituts on el que preval és l'aprenentatge. Disposen d'expectatives exigents en cada alumne i l'equip educatiu desenvolupa una actuació professional important. Aquests centres adopten mesures organitzatives que faciliten noves funcionalitats, en alguns casos els mateixos àmbits reben denominacions diferents: aprenentatges globalitzats, treball globalitzat, situacions transversals... O projectes, projectes d'àmbits, plans d'acció, blocs de recerca, creació i servei, aprenentatge servei, servei a les persones... Sigui com sigui, en tots es treballa a partir de metodologies de la indagació que faciliten l'enfocament cap a les competències globals, estem parlant d'aprenentatge profund, competencial, d'aprendre a aprendre al llarg de la vida.
En aquests instituts apareixen nous espais d'aprenentatge perquè l'alumnat de vegades s'ha d'aïllar de la resta de companys, sigui per enregistrar un document o per preparar una intervenció, i ocupa despatxos, passadissos i aules auxiliars de manera autònoma gairebé sempre responsable.
Bona part del professorat, no sempre, comparteix el desenvolupament del projecte educatiu del centre, perquè n'és afí ideològicament i es manté la consciència que la qualitat pedagògica per aconseguir l'èxit de tots els alumnes rau en la coordinació i els esforços conjunts dels equips educatius. Si no fos així, la manca de sostenibilitat d'un projecte innovador és òbvia.
Són projectes que confereixen molta autonomia al professorat i que no pretenen constrènyer els marges de maniobra o llibertat, ni de docents ni d'alumnat, on se substitueixen reglaments reguladors i sancionadors per mecanismes que proporcionen confiança i que pretenen l'apoderament de les persones amb capacitat de gestió d'espais i processos.
Els instituts que opten per l'aprenentatge profund s'allunyen de la gramàtica de l'escolarització tradicional i incorporen itineraris de personalització dels aprenentatges, el desenvolupament de valors personals, ciutadans i de compromís amb l'entorn, i promouen en tot l'alumnat el desplegament de destreses emocionals i socials necessàries per treballar i conviure en els nous temps globalitzats. Són instituts que ens estan assenyalant línies d'avenç cap a un model educatiu propi del segle XXI. Però aquests centres educatius no són majoria ni constitueixen la norma, no podem afirmar que representin el que passa a les aules de secundària.
L'administració educativa hauria de ser més sensible a les demandes d'aquests centres, que des de la diversitat d'opcions obren un ventall de possibilitats de futur. Sovint reclamen formes d'avaluació externa més afines als projectes que desenvolupen, donada la distància entre les finalitats del seu projecte educatiu i la de les proves de competències bàsiques oficials que s'apliquen a tots els centres educatius. El propi marc curricular hauria de ser més procliu a la suma de nous instituts fonamentats en l'aprenentatge profund.
Ramon Grau (2022); "Educar per a la vida. Els reptes de la secundària del segle XXI", Rosa dels Vents Editorial
p. 117 a 121
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mariasalonechef · 6 months ago
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Professional Cook Service in Sant Pere de Ribes by the Mariasalonechef experts in cooking various authentic cuisines and dishes as well as serves many additional kitchen services is unbeatable.
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laus-deo · 6 months ago
¿Logrará un padre salvar a su hija de 23 años que pide la eutanasia? Lo mirará el TSJ de Cataluña
Una joven de 23 años, que ya intentó suicidarse una vez y quedó paralizada de piernas, se encuentra ingresada en el Hospital Residencial Sant Camil, de Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona), mientras los tribunales deciden si puede quitarse la vida y cómo. Tenía programada su eutanasia para el 2 de agosto, pero su padre logró salvar su vida in extremis a través de un recurso con la asociación Abogados…
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delectablywaywardbeard-blog · 10 months ago
La Hispano Suiza Carmen Sagrera arriverà il 13 giugno
Il 13 giugno, presso la tenuta Mas Solers a Sant Pere de Ribes, verrà presentata la Hispano Suiza Carmen Sagrera. Nella stessa dimora in stile rinascimentale dove, nel 2020, è stata svelata al mondo anche la Hispano Suiza Carmen Boulogne. L’evento sarà basato sul filo rosso della leggenda giapponese che guiderà ogni aspetto dell’esperienza: dalla decorazione alle attività previste, per cui, ogni…
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 days ago
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First photo: Saint Peter sabre from Sant Pere de Ribes (photo by Xurei), all made of coca (Catalan brioche or sweet bread) perfumed with anise and topped with glaced sugar. Second photo and bottom row: Saint Simon sabre from Mataró (photos by festes.org and Gastroteca), where the coca is filled with marzipan and topped with glaced sugar or candied fruit.
Some Catalan towns that have Saint Simon (October 28th) or Saint Peter (January 25th) as their patron saints have the tradition of eating a brioche in the shape of a saber sword on the day of the patron saint.
In Sant Pere de Ribes, it's unknown how old the tradition is. As far as everyone knows, it's always been done. Nowadays the sabres are sold by bakers, but generations ago they were made in each home. Saint Peter is often represented with a sword because in one of his most famous stories he cut off a man's ear trying to stop Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
As for Mataró, we have more information. Back in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, when it was common for Mediterranean coastal towns and cities to get sacked by pirates, the people of Mataró prayed to Saint Simon to protect them. In the 1700s, the Mataró fishermen's guild started making this brioche on the day of Saint Simon to represent the saint fighting to protect the town.
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calderasvilanova · 10 months ago
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alexbkrieger13 · 11 months ago
Well not Aitana's literal neighbor but I live 3 minutes away from her parent's home. I'm not a stalker, I'm from Sant Pere de Ribes and they all have a normal life so it's no wonder encountering Aitana and saying hi
She's an angel
aw that's nice
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modelegal · 1 year ago
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imogenleewriter · 2 years ago
2 and 44 if you don‘t mind
2: Shoe size
I have pretty big feet considering I'm quite short. I'm trying to think of the euro size. I think it's like 39-40?
44: A random fact about anything
Oh my gosh! How cool are facts!!!
I couldn't decide how to decide on one so I'm just going to tell you the thing I just researched for a fic.
There are 13 reasons ways to get from Lincolnshire to Sant Pere de Ribes
The fastest is a train to East Midland and then a flight to Barcelona and a bus to Sant Pere de Ribes - it is between 71-308 pounds and takes 8 hours and 37 minutes.
The cheapest way is by getting two trains to Manchester (you have to swap trains but there are two different stations you can do it at) and then a flight to Barcelona and then a bus to Sant Pere de Ribes. It costs between 67-269 pounds and takes 10 hours and 4 minutes.
Personally, I think the fastest way is worth the potential extra cost.
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amateurchefstuff · 9 months ago
18è Agromercat i VIIè Retorn dels Indians – Sant Pere de Ribes
Dies 1 i 2 de juny del 2024 Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf) El Retorn dels Indians vol posar en valor el patrimoni històric-cultural, artístic i arquitectònic de l’època. Es podrà gaudir de diferents espais indians amb actuacions, música, teatre i tasts de productes que van marcar aquesta època -com la xocolata, el rom cremat o el cafè-. L’Agromercat és una fira consolidada ubicada a la plaça Marcer…
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mariasalonechef · 6 months ago
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Enjoy a personal chef in Barcelona, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sant Pere de Ribes or anywhere in Spain, who will turn your summer house into a private gourmet restaurant that will delight your guests.
For more details just visit my website: https://mariasalonechef.com/
PHONE/WhatsApp: +34 655 32 92 26
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