moodymisty · 1 year
Hello! I noticed you wrote something for Darksodwrs Samael, I'm so happy! Might I request some... Headcanons I think would be best, for Samaels s/o or, if the relationship isn't established just yet, crush, always ‘draping’ him in earnest, kind yet simple compliments? From both his spectacular appearance to his brilliant mind? Apologise if this is a bit vague! Thank you!
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Author's note: Hello Hello friend! I'm excited to give another try at writing for Samael, so hopefully you will like this one. I decided to do some headcanons, with a bit of a little tiny drabble at the end. Best of both worlds.
Relationships: Samael/Gn!Reader (just how it turned out; not a nickname or anything that could allude to a specific gender in sight)
Warnings: None, unless you consider flirting with a demon something to warn about ;3
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Samael is of the sort who believes that behind every single compliment, wink, gift- is a motive. Be it monetary, physical, or something else entirely. No one does something without expecting something in return, be it now, or down the line.
That thought process very quickly gets challenged however, when he meets you.
As a human associated with the Horsemen, you have a lot to gain from making nice with him; Or at least making a tentative enough relationship that it secures more of the safely of your realm.
But everything you do just, doesn't make sense to him. No matter how hard he's tried to wrack his brain, there isn't a solid reason as to why you do and say the things you do to him.
You'd first asked for a tour of his palace- odd, given humans have a fear of Hell, but he had indulged. Maybe you're looking for structural weaknesses, or ideas of what he's researching to relay back to the Horsemen so they can keep an eye on him. He doesn't think it would be too unusual for them to use you in that way; Even if they are not fond of the two of you being in the same realm to begin with.
But no, that doesn't turn out to be the case. You just ask about paintings and gold coins, curiously looking up at towering statues of demons who's names you have not the slightest clue.
And as if that isn't odd enough for the demon to deal with, not soon after, you start complimenting him.
Not even just about his power or stature, but odd seemingly minuscule things. And for the first time, he doesn't have a response to them. At least none of the usual ones. They all feel so, crude, in comparison as to what you're saying to him.
'Do all demons have wings like yours? They look amazing...'
'Have you really been around that long? You need to tell me about some of the things you've seen.'
'Has anyone ever told you your voice is, really soothing?'
You always have a smile when you say these things, and for the first time, Samael is genuinely confused and almost unsure of what to do. On one hand he wants to be suspicious, but on the other, he feels like he's getting wrapped around your finger.
Each time he sees you he's yearning for a compliment to come from your lips. Less so because of narcissism, and more so because they sound so earnest. You mean each and every one of them, unlike others who are only seeking to throw platitudes at him.
Maybe that's been your plan the whole time, to make him like you like this. He almost becomes furious at the idea that it's actually working.
You're on his mind far more than anything else, thinking of you and softening some of his sharper edges so he doesn't wound your gentle soul with harsh words he's used to using towards other demons.
He starts getting you physical gifts in retaliation; A handcrafted sword, jewelry suited to your tastes, mythical texts in books bound with gold filigree. All extravagant, and nothing he's even done before. He didn't even go through this sort of thought for Lilith.
You refuse most of them, the latest time specifying why- saying that your time with him is good enough. And it only serves to baffle him even more.
In a way, Samael would almost classify himself as beginning to have an obsession over you. But he keeps himself in line with his expected formality, just barely.
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"So, what is it you're going to show me?"
You can't help but keep up the air of curiosity, looking up at Samael as one of his wings casually stretches. Their shape was always curious to you, but you've never gotten around to asking if they're simply unique to him, or if the odd upside down shape is simply common among demons. He's the only friendly demon you've met, after all.
"Your ceaseless curiosity is going to get you in trouble, one day." He says so with a voice filled with teasing, so you just shrug your shoulders.
"Funny, you're not the first non-human that's said that to me." He's not surprised in the slightest at that fact, though he does wonder who else it was that said so. Presumably one of the Horsemen.
Death, if he had to guess. It would be the most in character of him to do so, especially considering he is the one most against your being near him.
"Here we are." You're a bit too busy looking up at him to notice where you've ended up, until you turn your head and notice the drastically different scenery ahead of you.
"This is my private library." He takes on step forward, still speaking to you, but also overlooking the vast array of tables and shelves. His tail gently hovers over the ground, swaying back and forth lazily.
"Almost every bit of knowledge I have collected rests here." Samael protects this area with almost as much fervor as his own life; It's the source of so much of what he knows, and a one of his grandest prizes.
After all when you're effectively immortal, things like gold and shining trinkets stop meaning as much, in the grand scheme of things. Then do things like information, knowledge and secrets, begin to hold a much greater value. So even if you may not even realize, it's a overwhelmingly large deal for him to do this.
A testament for how much he sees in you that he likes.
"You had mentioned enjoying tomes." He has a tiny smirk that reveals the sharp points of his upper fangs. "Feel free to sate your curiosity."
Mouth set partly agape you look around, the usual filigree of the demon's palace also adorning a large array of tomes. He's watching your glowing face, and in a briefly pride filled thought, he's pleased to finally get such a reaction from you. None of his other gifts had worked; And over time he's learned that you don't want strictly physical things.
What is odd for him however, is that getting this reaction from you doesn't earn him anything. Normally that would've been his only goal, but now, it's only seeing your fondness for him that he desires. A small repayment, for all of the kind little human words you've shown him.
"Seriously?" His smirk grows wider, showing off his sharp teeth even more. At which you smile back, feeling your face grow a bit warm.
"Thanks, Samael. This is amazing."
"Now, go have your fun. Before the Horsemen come to steal you back." He gestures with his head forward and watches as you trot away. Though as you start to look around, Samael's mind begins to wander as well.
Now that he's earned your friendship, Samael begins to wonder what he can do to earn more, looking at the way you're gleefully peering around. You've shown so much of your little soul to him, and he wants more. Not to toy with it, or snuff it out; He wants to keep it safe. Keep it all to himself. There's not much more he wants now than for you to say you love him.
Now Samael finds himself understanding why the other races are becoming so fond of humans.
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imagine-darksiders · 6 months
Imagine Samael subconsciously curling his tail around Y/N, realising only once she has to go somewhere and steps over it.
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Anon this was so cute I had to doodle this on office paper.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#45 So much chaos-
Leamas: What??
Leamas: ...Wait what?
Mc*crying of laughter* Buying that plant was the best decision of my entire life~
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After Solomon managed to stop the fight between you and Raphael,sending the angel back to his home for the better and sending you to the time-out corner
Leamas: Good, Thanks, Dad....
Solomon is frozen in place, along with You, Nina, and Minhyeok
Leamas*Looks at others weirdly*Why is everyone staring at me?... Mc: You just called Solomon “dad”...You just said, “Thanks, dad.” Leamas: What!?- No, I didn’t. I said, “Thanks, man” Solo*Smilling at the fallen angel and pointing at self* Do you see me as a father figure, Leamas? Leamas*Blushes and rolls eyes at him* -No! If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me- Nina & Minhyeok: Hey! Show your father some respect!
-Late at night-
Mc*writing in a letter*"I'm going to kick.. your...ass-Sincerely Mc"
Mc: THERE! Now send it to heaven!
Leamas: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to-
later that same night the Angel brothers received a letter
Mich: So what does it say?
Raph*Reading the letter*...They say they're going to "lick my..."
Gabriel: Oh-
Raph*Standing up fast that he knocks on the chair he was sitting in and speed walks to the door*-I have to go now...
Part 6 of:
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functionaldisaster · 9 months
The dragon and his treasure
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I was very much going to colour this, but then I realized I have no idea how to keep the human character neutral.
Very much inspired by "Human Influence" written by @imagine-darksiders
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rippersz · 1 year
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(Rebel Angel who somehow doesn’t know who Lucifer is)
It seemed that the Almighty had reached his limit. His breaking point. His last straw. You exhausted him- worried him- pushed him too far and he had had enough. Too many broken rules. Too many annoyances. Too many thises and thatses and one or the other. So many complaints… so many arguments… so many accounts of general public disruption…
God never allowed insolence. God never allowed anything less than perfection.
And you were terribly flawed.
That was the reason- surely- as to why you found yourself waking up on a dark cold marble floor instead of in the cool holy waters of your ivory bath.
The wings at your back ached and something in your chest was bruised, swiftly gathering atoms of divinity to weave the pain away. Too, your hands were red when you turned them over - stinging with the remnants of a hard fall. And your knees were skinned; epidermis peeled back and raw. It looked as though you’d been brought to the pearly gates and pushed off of the silver city’s edge. It felt like you’d been brought to the pearly gates and pushed off of the silver city’s edge.
“Stuck up- bastards-,” you grunted, pulling yourself up onto your hands and knees.
The fucking lot of them - every other single fucking angel up there in those clouds… they were morons. Idiots. None of them knew how to have a good time. None of them knew how to have fun. There were no parties in Heaven. There were no parties in paradise. There was no difficulty in Nirvana. And you loathed that. Hated that. For years you sat on your ass, from childhood to adulthood, watching with wide bright eyes as the world went on around you. Your parents made you the way you were, keeping you sheltered and happy and strong while the other little angels played outside and were born with glowing lights around their bodies. They learned all sorts of things out there - mingling in the ‘real world’ - watching as guardians.
But your human died one day after being born - and you had no one to guard. And God sort of looked at you after that and thought ‘Meh. Do what you want with her.’ and that was the end of it. From that point on you were just- there. A distraction for the others. A nuisance for most. A good time for few. But it seemed God decided you’d fucked around for the last time - and he cast you to-
…well. You weren’t exactly sure where you were.
Unlike Eden, the place you were in was dark. Desolate. Lit with something… unsettling. The air smelled of sulfur and burn - and you swore you could see ash float about in the nonexistent wind. There were no clouds either, and no subliminal gentle hum that typically played on a loop within the city - meant to carry the angels and souls through their hours. Inspiring joy. Happiness. Obedience. The tune was bloody annoying was what it was - you’d always held some type of disdain for it. But there, surrounded by a very sudden eerie quiet, you wished you could hear the choir singing again. It would, perhaps, only slightly lessen the sudden feeling of being entirely out of place. The metal bowls of flame fixed between long marble columns… the strange fire-pit you faced upon standing on your feet and shakily turning around… the- oh… the color of the sky… no such phenomenons existed in Heaven. Flames were rarely seen. And the sky was never- well you would have remembered if it were ever red. Or a weird mix of fiery orange and black. Or even grey. But it wasn’t. You knew it wasn’t. There were no silver pathways leading from this place to the other; and there was no distinct shine to the universe itself. No… divinity. No divinity at all.
So where in the Lord’s name were you?
“How peculiar…” a voice purred, “…an Angel? In my realm?… It appears you have fallen quite a long way.”
You turned, body tensing with discomfort. You didn’t know anyone else would be present. You hadn’t even heard them come in. Yet when you looked around, searching and curious, having to do a complete 360, you found there was someone present.
Something present.
The fire in the great pit that separated you had grown into an inferno. You could barely make out the creature’s face through the heated disruption. The blonde curls, you saw. The way they fell just so across a pale forehead. And the wings… by God, the wings. You were drawn to them almost instantly. A set far different from your own, laying poised behind the thing’s strong back. Dark, you noticed. And sharp. Leathery? Yes - definitely. Nearly… bat-like… and powerful, without a doubt. You squinted, trying to see through the flames, but it was to no use. The stranger was tall but drowned in shadow. Hidden, almost - even though you could see the midnight color of their silk robe.
How intriguing… You blinked, wondering if there was a chance that you were possibly hallucinating (and ignoring the fact that angels couldn’t hallucinate), but you weren’t. It was real. And it was silent. And you were staring.
“Who are you?” The volume of your tone made you wince. In Heaven, everyone had to raise their voices over the soft din of the choir, eventually giving them the natural disposition of talking loudly. But in the silence of that strange land, it sounded like the ‘gunshot’ some humans described when first stepping into the silver city. Noisy, booming, and honestly embarrassing.
Though the creature didn’t seem to mind. In fact, they didn’t seem to care. Not at all. Instead, you noticed the slightest shift in the robe’s sleeve and could just barely make out the velvet outline of long fingers floating delicately through the ashen air before the fire in front of you- the fire separating you- the only thing keeping you strangers and safe- disappeared. Went out. Settled into heated coals and sizzling sounds. And thus, revealed the monster.
The very… very… very… very attractive monster. The handsomest of monsters. The most beautiful monster. With shining crystal eyes, blue like the holy water you rested in during times of sleep, and soft pink lips, putting human flower petals and sunsets to shame. And with a pale pallet, nearly… nearly glowing…
“I am in no mood for games, little Angel,” the pretty monster hummed, tilting its head as it began moving.
Slow step by slow step, you watched in awe as it grew closer… and taller… and more glorious. You’d never seen anyone like them. No soul, no divine thing, no creature in the silver city looked like that. Looked so- so- well you didn’t even have words. Literally and figuratively. Your mouth dropped open and you floundered, searching for something to say, trying to find your sense as each thought in your mind began fraying - destroyed by their proximity. Destroyed by the soft hard line of their jaw and the curve of their chin and bridge of their nose. So glorious… so holy…
“I-” your voice croaked, “I don’t- I don’t know… who you are,” you confessed, voice softening into something innocent.
It was the truth - the honest truth! - but for some reason you felt… stupid. For not knowing what it was or who they were. From a young age, angels were expected to know everyone and everything. Nearly every other angel’s name by heart; every religion and each God; every world and all things in between. Including greater entities. Anomalies. Beings with great power - like Dream of the Endless and his friend, Desire. And most angels did know such things. Most angels did retain such information. But of course, as it goes in any walk or form of life, one must always slip through the cracks. And that was you. There were many things you didn’t know and many things you didn’t care to know. But standing there in front of them, below them, looking up to see the way some stray beacon of light made their fair curls shimmer, you realized you probably ought to know them. Their presence felt so… intoxicating… it was hard to understand how you hadn’t come across anything like that before. Especially when you felt your hands shake as you realized just how much they loomed over you… Like Azrael. But they- it?- was not Death. You knew Death. You had tea with Death once… before trying to poison them. Just to see what would happen of course! Just to know. (Nothing happened, unfortunately. They just sort of blinked and gave you an exasperated look and told you to go away. There was no more tea after that.) But despite not being Death, they still held that air about them. That distinct aura of doom. Of glorious defeat. It swelled in the pits of those icy eyes.
And such glorious icy eyes they were. So beautiful. So intense. You felt frozen beneath them, any hint of scorn directed at the Almighty suddenly gone in the face of the new creature. Entirely overshadowed by morbid curiosity… and the tiniest hint of fear. You’d never really felt fear before. But the rushing in your heart, and the sound of golden blood in your ears, and the whimper that nestled in the depths of your throat could only mean terror, couldn’t they? You watched realization slowly dawn on the creature’s face. You watched their brows furrow slightly, then you looked down to see those peach lips parting - slowly, softly, god-like.
“Intriguing…,” their breath smelled of wine and dying stars, “…you really have no idea, do you?”
Their tone was lilting; their accent sublime. So pronounced, so gentle, sounding almost like a song within the crackling silence of the fires going on around you. It had you leaning closer, drawn like a foolish sailor to a siren’s whims. Just utterly transcendent. Just inexplicably marvelous. It had a weight to it that you’d only seen in God… but the creature before you was most certainly not God. Not in any religion. No, it was something else. Something more abstract. Something darker. But you couldn’t place even a single fingertip on it.
“No, no clue.” You sounded breathless.
Hearing that seemed to please the creature in some odd way. There was a glimmer to their eye that wasn’t there before - and they appeared… delighted?
“Well,” it sighed, sculpted pale hands poised in front of a soft abdomen. “I believe that calls for an introduction.” And then there was a pause. An ominous, strange pause - as if the being was silently telling you that you had one last chance to be honest; coaxing you into admitting a truth that you didn’t know nor understand. But when you just blinked at them, hanging onto their words for dear non-life, quite unsure of what they wanted, they seemed to finally accept reality and internally concede.
“Lucifer,” they cooed, voice ringing and smirk evil, “Morningstar.”
…The Morningstar.
The one whispered about… the one gossiped about… the name passed from one seraphic mouth to another… the occasional ‘talk of the town.’ Everyone seemed to know about them but you. They were formidable, yes, but that was the extent of your knowledge. Their origins were unknown. Their story was a shot in the dark. Perhaps that’s why you felt so odd within their presence - like a sweating blushing thing that wasn’t sure of its place in the Heavens. Or in any realm, for that matter.
You sort of felt the need to bow. It tingled in your shoulder blades, wormed beneath your ribcage, but refused the instinct. You were an Angel. You bowed to no one but God, and even then you rarely did so. Everyone in the clouds knew you to shirk such an honor. A brave few even murmured about the Morningstar and how you’d ‘fall’ just like them. At the time you ignored them, having no clue what they were talking about. But looking around you then, feeling the weight of the burning air, you knew you were a long way from Heaven. Perhaps in its very antithesis, though you had no name for that just yet. Did everyone in that realm have a figure like Lucifer’s? Did all of their hair shine like that? Were all of them fair-skinned and untouchable? Was it Heaven reversed?
You couldn’t control the way your eyes slid over to their wings. They were far larger up close… and taloned, you noted. Was there a chance they were soft? They looked soft. Leathery and strange, with skin stretched over bone, but soft nonetheless. And as if sparked by your thinking, they twitched, flaring for just a moment before relaxing once again. You looked back up into Lucifer’s eyes, not at all surprised to see the lingerings of malice. They did not look like they wanted to kill you, but they did not exactly look welcoming either. No, there was no warmth there. Just curiosity. And openness. You were no threat to this being… and that irritated you. Every religion knew to respect the angels. Every religion knew to understand that they did the bidding of God. Every religion knew to welcome them with open hands and a smile.
But you were not welcome. Not with open hands and certainly not with a smile.
So how dare they? How dare it? How dare this- this- Lucifer? You felt your back straighten, renewed with energy as you found your mental footing. The ache in your body was gone, whatever wounds you’d sustained just faded memories of some minutes. That’s right - you were angelic. Divine. This Lucifer had no idea who it was speaking to.
“And I am Y/n,” your voice was hard, “I’d say it’s a pleasure, but it doesn’t feel like it.”
You were expecting bared teeth. A growl, maybe. Perhaps the full extension of those glorious wings. A hand around your neck would have done enough all on its own. But the only response you inspired was the slightest twitch in the Morningstar’s right cheek. It tugged at the corner of their lip, making them smirk and sneer all at the same time - but only for a moment. A very quick moment that wouldn’t have happened at all if you hadn’t been watching. And just as swiftly, they were back to neutral; a pleasant little expression on their face as their eyes suddenly ran over your body - from top to bottom and back again. You were grateful that you were still wearing your toga; pristine and white, draped over your one shoulder and tucked under your other arm, tied tightly at the waist with a thin golden band - divine in nature and very handy. Your feet, on the other hand, were bare. And the golden cuffs that usually graced your wrists were gone. You felt disheveled. You felt less than pristine. You looked… exactly as you had always felt. Like a mess. Like a bright glimmering mess. Like a pile of abstract art that existed among the carefully carved statues of Heaven. You felt… you looked… far more beautiful than you ever had before.
It was hard to tell if Lucifer agreed.
“No I suppose it doesn’t,” they hummed, referring to your earlier response. “Though I should hope you know that’s the point.” The Morningstar spoke nonchalantly- as if they weren’t the most strangely intriguing thing you’d ever come across.
Their words, on the other hand, were confusing.
“No. I don’t know where I am,” you glanced around for a moment, still stuck without a clue, “so I wouldn’t know. Care to enlighten me, Morningstar?”
“You will address me as ‘Your Majesty’ or you will lose your tongue,” they replied quicker than light, voice deep and sharp enough to cut.
It felt like the air changed then, becoming nearly suffocating in its depth. It crawled into your lungs, into your veins, making you swallow around a sudden lump in your throat while your eyes started to water. Clearly, Lucifer was powerful. Not someone to be messed with. And not nearly as patient- nor ‘kind’- as God. At the brief thought of him, you glanced up; like you’d suddenly see the city gates open again and you’d be welcomed back and lightly chastised before being sent on your way around the clouds; like you’d somehow be saved. But there was no reckoning. There was no call. There was no miracle. There was only Lucifer.
“Do you wish to return to the silvery city, little Angel?” You turned back to those calm frozen eyes, resisting the urge to get lost in them.
“Yes, of course,” you said as though your answer was obvious (which it was).
“Interesting,” they hummed, tilting their head to the side slowly - like a hungry snake, “…I felt that way once, too.”
You frowned. Just what in Heaven’s name was the Morningstar talking about? No, you’d never heard of angels being cast from Eden, but you assumed that it was maybe like a one time thing? Like a mini punishment and you’d be summoned in any coming minute? For a second there you even considered the dark marble and flames and strange domed ceiling and weird cave walls were all part of an odd dream. But the sincerity in the Morningstar’s hushed tone said otherwise. Like they- like it was the truth. Like they truly had done what you did (though many more times) and looked to the sky in hopes to hear the choir once more. Like the weight of whatever happened to them would become a similar weight for you. Their words sent your head in circles.
“What do you mean?” You finally demanded, crossing your arms over your chest.
That seemed to amuse them as they smirked, eyelashes fluttering slightly. “I fell too. Once upon a time,” they paused, watching your eyes for any understanding. When they didn’t find it, they continued. “Right after succumbing to defeat.” A flicker of something dark rushed through their gaze. It unsettled you.
And sparked more outrage.
“What- what are you talking about?!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in clear exasperation.
What ‘defeat’? What ‘fall’? How long ago was all of that? What even happened? How did they get those wings? Who were they really and what were they capable of? And honestly, dear God, would someone just tell you where the fuck you were?!
“Ah,” they pursed their pretty lips, “It’s no surprise you’re here now. Angels are not meant to be so foolish,” the Morningstar declared, still lilting and song-like and beautiful and terribly insincere.
Their insult had your blood boiling. Who the fuck were they to say that? They were no Angel. They didn’t understand a damned thing. They didn’t know you and they didn’t deserve to know you. No matter how sublime a creature - such glory only existed on the outside.
“You wouldn’t know a fuckin thing,” you spat, giving them the best glare you could, “you’re no Angel.” A sneer painted your face.
“Foolish and blind, it seems…,” they mused as they began walking around you, lining your arms up at one point before continuing their small trek around the round bowl of the fire pit.
They paid you virtually no attention as they went, keeping their eyes trained on what appeared to be a balcony a few feet away. Interestingly enough, although their realm was warm, they seemed to be ice cold. There was not an ounce of heat that passed through the silk of their robe when they brushed past you. The proximity to something so powerful again had that feeling of needing to kneel traveling up your spine, but you pushed it down and worked on keeping the Morningstar in your sight. If you stopped looking at them, it was only a wonder as to how easily they could catch you by surprise.
“But you don’t look very…,” you trailed off, knowing you were going to say ‘angelic’, but realizing that you were… well you were wrong. Quite wrong.
Lucifer kept walking, not caring to stop for your reconsideration. But you didn’t need long. Those curls actually seemed rather… familiar. The way they surrounded the head, covered the ears, accentuated the cherubic features, glowed despite there being no light; and the willowy glide of their body, slow, methodical, full of undeniable beautiful grace; and their voice, distinct and delicate and precious and captivating; and their height- and their jaw- and their lips- and eyes- and proud nose- and perfect posture- and heavy wings- and… well… every bit of them seemed almost… holy.
Seemed almost like… like… like something you’d seen before. Briefly. In a painting and in a scroll. Only once or twice.
It came out as a whisper but the monster still heard. And it made them stop in their tracks, wings swaying while the world paused.
You sucked in a heavy breath, feeling a very small shot of fear run down the curve of your neck.
They were Samael. Or they used to be Samael. God’s favorite. God’s best creation. The wisest, handsomest, strongest, most glorious Angel to ever be. The staple of divinity. The most beloved and the most cherished. There was a time once where you walked past an elder and heard them murmur about Samael. They had called you the antithesis. They had called you, in short, the most un-divine angel. If the fallen Samael was the best, you were the worst. And though you did not fully understand the story, though you did not know how they fell or when they fell or why they fell, you knew that their power had changed. The light had gone out and made room for the dark. Their wings shed their feathers and their skin lost its warmth. And they changed. They rebelled.
You frowned, feeling a tug in your heart at the sight of them standing there - glorious and tall and never beaten down. Never one to be truly defeated. They chose that risk - they knew of the consequences. But you? You? You were young. You were not wise, no, but you were clever. Smart. Hot-headed. Wasn’t Samael hot-headed once too? Wasn’t Samael flawed once too? Your small pathetic acts of rebellion were nothing in comparison to all that the Morningstar did.
So why did you wake up in their realm? What did God mean to say?
“Things have changed, little Angel,” their voice grasped you by the throat and brought you back to the present, “dwelling on the past reaps no benefits.”
“But I-” you swallowed, looking around wildly, finding that the gravity of what happened had begun to sink in. “No. No no no, I don’t belong here. I didn’t- I didn’t choose this. I don’t belong here!”
“Why shout when he has closed his ears to you?” The Morningstar asked, turning to face you with curious innocent eyes. “Why fret when you know what you’ve done?”
You squinted, confused, finding yourself taking panicked steps backward.
“That’s the thing, I didn’t do anything!” You insisted, hands clenching and unclenching into fists at your sides. “I didn’t lead a- a- a fucking rebellion against God! I didn’t hurt him! I’m- I’m pure! I want to go home!”
Lucifer stared at you, face blank.
“…This is your home now.”
:) - Ripley x
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somebody better start writing for these bitches before i do, because oh my lord 🤧🤧
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darkdemeter · 12 days
Pshhht dem, I drop this cute idea in your askbox⬇️
The horsemen (And maybe good ol' sammy) reacting to their university student! (Film major) partner inspiring their outfits on them for whenever they have to attend classes. When the horsemen (and sammy) ask why they do that they say that 1) it puts a nice challenge on their fashion skills 2)makes them feel closer to them and makes them feel less overwhelmed throughout the day.
(Inspired by: Ive been wearing horsemen inspired outfits to my uni classes, its super fun)
Have a good day and as always take your time!!!!
--Jer,a Very sleep deprived film major.
◤✘DARKSIDERS REQUESTS | CATALOGUE Horsemen + Samael x Uni student!GN Reader
NOTES ↳ That sounds like so much fun Jer I love that😭🖤 hope you enjoy my take on this and thank you for the idea submission! WARNINGS❕ ↳ just fluffy and a bit of hurt/comfort (reader gets a little anxious or low on self esteem) — certain someones get a bit thirsty, a wee little suggestive soft!18+ — I think that's it?
University can be tough. It can get stressful and sometimes, you have to work around it to make it more enjoyable and fun. And hey, considering that the world is still working on rebuilding itself, it doesn't hurt to feel a little bit inspired by the ones acting as humanity's new sentinels. So...
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Of course you're going to wear skull adornments, whether that be a printed pattern on your clothes or the selected accessories. Yes, you try to keep it simple with a skull shaped necklace that you fiddle with all the time in class. Your professor tends to go into these passionate yet aggressive spews about filmography. To say that it can be overwhelming is putting it kindly, so you often find yourself playing with the little skull attached to its silver chain to keep your mind grounded.
As for the palette of your clothes, you have a very muted, darker shaded selection for your wardrobe. People might call you goth because of it, but hey, it suits the reaper. Maybe -- just maybe -- he slightly encouraged it beneath a dry chuckle and sarcastic drawl. Then you took it literally just to see his reaction... and there wasn't a single fucking thing! This Horseman was like a fucking brick wall. Not a damn bat of the eye, double take or even a half-assed compliment. Yes, it did put the tongue in your cheek and it did make your eyes squint in his direction whenever you stood purposefully in front of the mirror, humming loudly to yourself for an extra few minutes in hopes of gaining his impute. But he'd only say, "You're going to miss your classes." "Dust gives me more feedback and he's a bird! He doesn't even speak English!"
Death only glances up from the grooming process of Harvester, his eyes narrowed and face forever placid; unreadable. "Ugh, right... fine, classes, I'm going..." Death has admittedly played a major role in your life. Funny enough, you travelled the realms with him. A film student and a Horsemen... fun times. Until your sad ending where you lamented the fact that Death indeed played the role of a hero who sacrificed himself. The little skull necklace you wear actually holds a greater significance to you. Death of course noticed how you would caress it nervously, playing with it as you sat at your desk with your laptop screen lighting up your face in the dark. You... found it when Death disappeared into the well and you felt so lost. You had no sense of direction after that and for a while you felt stuck in a looping cycle of grief. Then you came across the unique charm and from them on, you always felt closer to Death, even when you knew he was gone. When you reunited with him, he noticed its presence immediately, huffing that the skull shared a likeness to his own mask. He doesn't at all much care with the way you dress in either casual attire or more flashy styles, merely rolling his eyes and sighing. He'll never fully understand the concept of humans being so focused on the way their clothing apparel looks. But of course, there is a weak point and the grim reaper himself isn't completely immune to this. You did wear that one outfit that had his amber eyes flickering like disturbed flames in the sunken bowels of his mask.
You'd appeared to be divine reincarnate, an intricate piece of artwork that he could fully appreciate. Yes, maybe he was a little prideful that day because what you were wearing was inspired by him. "I like that one. It suits you." Finally! That was the first, and only, compliment he voiced in regards to your actual fashioned outfit. He'd been thankful that his old, worn-down bone mask hid the flaunt of his dusted cheeks that day. Other than that, he relatively remained quiet, keeping his thoughts to himself. The only part he would always train his focus on and visibly show his interest in was that necklace. He understands that it means a lot to you and over time, it's also become tied to him. He's almost had a manic episode when you couldn't find it anywhere in your small room, almost tearing all four walls down with the aid of his siblings to find the necklace. "It's okay! I found it, it was just in the bathroom." But now in the tiring days of uni, hours dedicated more to your studies rather than sleep had you constantly reminded of the little charm around your neck and no matter how daunting the day felt, no matter how hopeless and wrecked you felt when assignments were due; you could always count on the little skull mask to keep you company in the meantime. All in all, Death is more of a sentimental type of reactor, instead focusing on the finer and more meaningful details rather than the materialistic regard. To him, the outfits don't compare to you. Not in a million years. But if you wear something black and form fitting, you're bound to catch those amber eyes on you with a prowess of hunger and admiration...
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This gun-slinging Nephilim is just as into your wardrobe fashion as you, I swear. In the beginning, he's a tad or more confused, asking why you appear to be selecting familiar colours to his own armor and attire-- and oh shit, is that a matching scarf? Alright he's sold. Totally isn't also because he saw the few picked out undergarments you tried to sneak past him... You'll catch this witty Nephilim fawning over your matching scarf, it's just a fact. The colours of your recent wardrobe inspired by Strife, often replicate a palette of dark to almost black grays with a lot of lighter toned shades as well. You like to collect little gun and pistol charms that you either attach to your keychain or to your bag you take to class, finding them useful to play with absently while seated in class. However you dress he will find a way to support it because he wants to you feel good and secure in what you wear. "Hey, what's with the sad eyes, babe?" he asks, doing his best to cheer you up. His helm is off, showing off the handsome mug that is his rugged, defined features and that wolfish, fanged grin of his.
He stands behind you and those golden eyes of him stare at you with this fondness you find unworthy of being on you. "I don't think these pants match this shirt. I thought they did when I first bought them but now... I don't think it looks good. I think I'll just wear those sweatpants and hoodie again and get to class." You sound so defeated as you begin to search for the oversized articles of clothing you're opting to hide yourself beneath. Strife, with a sharpened tsk of his tongue and shake of his head, he snatches hold of your wrist and pulls you back to him with a reeling force. "C'mon, give me a twirl." Your brows furrow at this though your lips strain between a smile and grimace.
Was he really trying to compliment the horrible combination you picked out? His brows cock up, silently beckoning you to do so and you do, sighing quietly as you spin around slowly.
"Da-ham! You sure you gotta go to class today? I think missing one lesson for a date is worth it." Cheekily, he adds a wink and you feel your cheeks paint with a warmth an your features ease into a flustered smile. "Maybe after my class today." He grumbles with a pout but overall, he smile doesn't disappear for long. He's glad that he's managed to cheer you up. "I think I know what will put this together," he says and turns, rummaging around your closet like a feverish raccoon digging through trash. You're almost knocked in the head by several belts, an old duffel bag and a few sweaters. Finally, Strife returns and begins to wrap that scarf around your shoulders and neck, styling it much like his with the twin fabrics falling behind you.
"There you are," he grins with a deep chuckle, eyes shining brighter. "Now you've the inspired look of a horseman."
You choke on your words, eyes growing wide. "H-how did you know I—"
He leans down to brush the tip of his nose to yours, pulling you until your front is fully pressed to his own. "I put two and two together, babe. You look amazing in my colours."
As an add on because he knows you need the boost, you'll catch a shadow flittering past the window.
"What the fuck?!—" One of your classmates exclaim. Their reaction is followed by the several others who all rush off to the opposite corner of the classroom.
Only you remain seated, seemingly unaffected by their panic. You've dealt with way worse when you and Strife travelled the realms together, what could possibly be so bad outside—
Your once dullened eyes that were drowning in boredom brighten, lips freed from being nervously nibbled on. You grin widely with your teeth, abashed. Strife stands at the window with an old white poster board pressed flat on the window, scrawled in his handwriting, ' You're outfit rocks babe! ;D '
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The classroom can get very cold in the winter months. And you couldn't subject War to sit beside you in class, providing you with both comfort and heat. So you go out on a mad spree to buy all the warm clothing that reminds you of him, consisting mostly of large, red sweaters and hoodies and scarves. To match the darker under suit of his armor, you pick out many pants and long sleeved tops in the same colour and to finally pull it all together... some stylish ugg boots! And you can't forget the fluffy fingerless gloves you got that match the silver adornments of his gauntlets.
Yes, Strife and Fury did catch you wearing this very replicated outfit the way to class and somehow they actually managed to mistake you for War, thinking that he shrunk. When War arrives at your dorm and enters, he can't find you at first. He only hears the muffled sound of your voice that beckoned him inside. "Y/N? Where are you?" he asks, head sloping sideways like a confused pup. You spring out from under the mountain of clothes piled on your bed. He'd thought he'd awoken an old demi-god from the way you rose up.
"Hi!" you greet happily, arms thrown out and you jump into his arms that catch you in a hug. "What is all of this?" he asks after he sets you back down on your feet and with a giggle, you pull him a little closer. "Okay, okay, so you know how I attend my university classes still?"
"I thought the building was destroyed..."
Your lips purse together in thought. Yes, the building was in a sorry state, so much so that it was why the classroom suffered poorly in winter. "Yes," you squeak out, "and winter is approaching and the room gets really cold. So! to counteract this, and the fact that I miss you. A lot. Everyday. I bought an abundance of clothes that were inspired by you!"
You can see the cogs in his head turning and the way his eyes narrow into a thoughtful glare. To further get across what it was that you meant, you began to piece together your outfit that would funnily enough be your damn near replica to his outfit in a more human, casual sense. "I see," he drawls lowly. He watches as you collect the articles off the bed and rush off to the bathroom. "Wait until you see it, it's going to blow your mind."
Some minutes pass by and War slowly paces back and forth across the flat of your dorm, waiting. The click of the door alerts him and he spins on his heel, his blue eyes beaming down the short hall at you. You step out, adjusting the red cowl of your hood and walk towards him, almost with a cocky saunter in your step. "What do you think?" He takes a moment before his scarred lip forms into a smile a the sight of it makes your heart melt. "I like it. You were inspired by me?" "Mhmm!"
You begin to do a little dance, showing off your outfit in a more silly fashion, laughing to yourself with the way War's eyes peel wider open, staring at you with this striking awe, unblinking. "Think I pulled off your look?"
"Without a doubt, my little human." He pulls you into his chest, his lips brushing over the crown of your head as he smothers you with his warmth, erasing the profound chill in your room and you sigh in contentment.
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Fury just about walked right out of the shopping mall the instant you crossed the threshold. But with some words of encouragement and maybe a promise that you'd spoil her with some of that famous Gelato joint, she crossed the most dangerous battlefield she ever could in this lifetime. She notices how you keep looking at her every few seconds as you browse the clothing section, eyes squinted in your study. There were a few times she snarled, "What?"
"Nothing," you reply with a dismissive shrug. Oh, you could not handle the way she was judging you throughout the checkout process, almost scrutinising every piece you ran through. But thankfully, she seemed distracted with the gelato to forget about the shattering of your piggy bank.
She is astute and observant but it appears she missed the pattern of your choice of wardrobe until after you got back to the dorm and began to style and try on a few different combinations to find the most suitable ones. Like a switch turning on, she bluntly asks, "Did you pick out clothing that resembles me?" Sheepishly, you nod. But then Fury's lips quirk into a smugly laced smirk, eyes thinning in that prideful boast. You couldn't help but smile back. You're friends in class were going to be so jealous... and Fury was on board with that notion.
In fact, she is quite the fashion guru. A hidden talent of hers and one so deeply suppressed that even she was in awe herself with the outfits you both were putting together. She did swear you to secrecy that this side of her remain between the two of you, willing to load the credit onto you instead if only to save face from her brothers.
A strange mix of autumn and spring wear, a rainbow of aesthetically aligning colours from maroon, white and paler tones of purple. Silver jewelry is much suited to Fury, but if you do wear gold, it has to be simple. Maybe some golden, small hooped earrings, a golden ring or two and a thin gold chain necklace. You stand before Fury, two sleeved tops hovering back and forth on their hangers as you try to decide which one. "What do you think, Fury?"
"That one," she points at the dark maroon short, not even giving the other one a spare glance. Before you can even ask if she wants to see the other one, she interjects haughtily. "It matches your eyes better, I find." Her lips suddenly clap shut, slimming. She's never been that forward with her compliments before.
Warmth covers your cheek and neck. Was that her way of complimenting you? With a nod, you then toss aside the other shirt in favour of the one she chose. Pulling it over your head, you indeed agree that it looks much better, matching your eyes in a way that draws attention to them.
"You're really good at this, Fury," you giggle and you watch her shake her head, looking away. She only hums in agreement and you turn to her with a frown. Was something wrong? Cautious and aware that her temper did always get the best of her at times, you approach her and sit beside her on the bed. Your hand finds hers, squeezing it tenderly. "You okay?" "Yes, yes I am... I just..." Every time you almost catch her white, glowing eyes, she's quick to turn away.
"Fury, talk to me."
"It's just— you look so beautiful and I... I don't understand."
Your eyes lower to look down at your feet, pondering for a moment. Swallowing and calming the rapid pace of your heartbeat, time announcing the nearing hour of your class long since forgotten. "You know... it can get tedious in class sometimes. Boring and cold too. Even when my friends are there, I get this weird sense that I'm alone and I never feel that way when you're around."
Fury's head finally lifts up and she meets your gaze. "Then why don't just stop attending?" Her question is abrupt. Yes, it could be read as selfish but also, from her view, why waste your time with something you don't see worthwhile. You sigh with a shrug.
"I enjoy what I'm studying. But what I'm trying to say is that I had this thought that if I inspire my clothing after you, then maybe I won't get that strange and awful feeling when I'm in class. I hope that it lets me feel closer to you when you're not there with me."
Your fingers twine and wrangle together, taunting the bones and knuckles to ache under your grip and your knee bounces, uneasy. You wait for her to say something -- anything. She turns to you and loops an arm around you, pulling you close to her.
"Oh human, you're a silly little creature. But I love that about you and know that I'm never far."
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(+ Bonus) SAMAEL
Samael adores you and your fashion statement in a way that only a demon lord can, going as far to even have intricate and unique accessories made to fit the style you're going for. He has a dark love for the many shaded pigments of red you chose in your recent shopping haul. He may be a dweller of the hellish pits but he is the Lord of Blackstone Keep. Give him credit, he has taste.
He watches you with a keen amount of interest, either silently smirking as he rolls his hand down the pronounced horn of his chin and his ember eyes flaring with that of a breathing hearth. Showers you with compliments that are undoubtedly laced with a sensual undertone -- Samael savours you and lusts for you in a way no mortal is capable of.
Samael is especially interested in the outfits you pick out that appear more flashy or risqué. He wonders if you're trying to purposefully flaunt yourself like a majestic peacock at this point but you are his dear one, he expects no less. He has a major complex that all the eyes of your peers should be upon you.
But there are times that you don't have confidence that day in what you're wearing... "I don't know, Sammy..." you sigh, shoulders deflating with what little remained of your self esteem. His hands cover you entirely, over your shoulders and down to your waist and thighs. "Shall I have the blacksmiths forge something to add to it?"
You shake your head, humming in thought as you gaze at your reflection. It's not that you think something is missing, in fact you think you may be overdoing it.
"Should I go with something more simple this week? I don't really have the energy, not with all these assignments due."
Samael huffs to himself. Not to belittle you, he just deems that any human who isn't you is beneath you, that you shouldn't have need to resign yourself to such lower thoughts and worry. No, he says again what he always says. "My dearest one, you are the grandiose of your kind. You are far more intelligent and stunning than those other mongrels who scrape at your feet an your so-called professor... hmph, he sounds more of a court jester than an actual expert in his study."
He tilts your chin up higher, raising both your gaze and your spirits and his lips twist into that crooked smirk you have come to love. Shyly, your lashes flutter as you blink and try to let your eyes fall away, but Samael doesn't relent. "Anything you wear, I believe looks perfect on you." "Aw, thanks, Sammy." You giggle, feeling an improvement in your mood and after another once over and turn here and there, you can't remember what it was you were so worried about. It's a fucking gorgeous outfit and most of all, it was inspired by Samael. You know he devours the thought that he is the muse of your inspiration. Humans often inspired by a great source that fuels their creation, of course he is greatly prideful in that. "But I am not opposed to seeing it all on the floor," he teases with a low purr and you physically have to bat away his creeping hands with a yelp, shielding your hotly reaction from him as he chuckles darkly.
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Reader is pregnant, but doesn’t know who the father is between the Wormwood brothers and father. (Was in secret tri relationship with each individual one or something)
IMAGINE sleeping with a father and his two hot sons 😭😭 noooo.
Lucifer would be over the moon if he found out you were pregnant. He’d lock you up and take the best care of you (never tell him it’s not his child). Lucifer wouldn’t DNA test you either, he’s that delusional. He’d be the best dad because this is a product of your ‘love’ for each other. Not some one night stands like his two spawns prior.
Bernael won’t DNA test you either. He’s madly in love with you so he’d immediately want to be married. He’s a bit scared to be a father but he’d do his absolute best. He won’t ever be as shitty of a dad as his own father. Expect his protectiveness to be increased to the max. He’s baby proofed (and escape proofed) your entire shared home.
Samael would DNA test you and you better hope it’s his… he’d probably kill you if it wasn’t his (or kill your baby). Because if he can’t have you, no one can
You finding out you’re pregnant:
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
I don't know if it counts for the pride event but what do you think about a genderfluid reader with the abraamic crew (Lucifer, Azazel, Samael, Beelzebub and Lilith), they could be a minor god who would casually shapeshift to try matching how they are flowing (which would probably cause some confusion among them, but i bet Lucifer atleast would be that clueless but supportive friend anyway)
Genderfluid shapeshifter god!reader
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Lucifer, Azazel, Samael, Beelzebub, Lilith ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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× In case someone doesn't know genderfluid is when a person identify as two or more gender and that person change of gender for how they feel to the one that suits them better in that moment (it depends on the person with what genders they identify and for how long)
of course it counts!! Dear anon the genderfluid is part of the lgbtq and I love it so of course it counts!! I also said that this event will be the only time i recive request with an specific gender
I guess we are talking in a wonderful AU where non of them are dead and all of them are friends, right?
Anon please be aware that i don't know much about the myth of them, I just go based on what we saw in the manga
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Is more likely that you start being friends with all oth them for Lucifer, he is always so friendly and never lose the oportunity to make new friend, also he is pretty stubborn when it comes to make new friends, when someone catches his interest he won't stop insisting until that person give him at least the opportunity to show how great friends could be
Your hability to shapeshift is something that amazed Lucifer and Azazel the most, Lucifer find it incredibly cool and Azazel is really intriged in how it works (he probably already know a lot about shapeshifters and had told a lot of facts already about it)
Whenever you change your appearance their reaction will be diferent for everyone, Lucifer isn't easy to get tricked when you change, somehow he always know, not right away but he will identify you even when your appearance is diferent (and once he does he make little jokes about it, like saying that even if you disguise yourself you won't be able to get away from them), Lilith is other one that isn't easy to be tricked, she knows that is you after interacting a little but she just laugh at it and compliments your hability, Azazel tries to say that he already knew it was you but he obviously was tricked, Samael and Beelzebub are the ones who can't reconize you, but while Samael is dumbfounded when finding out is you, Beelzebub is more irritated, he normally doesn't put attention to others and it take him a while to trust you so you changing your appearance makes him a little nervous
Your constant change on your appearance can be seen as some kind of joke for a while, but the fact that you keep that appearance for a while and then change it after some time doesn't go unoticed, normally they don't ask much about the topic, maybe just Azazel or Samael but you can easily come up with an excuse of why you do this
Beelzebub and Lilith will be the ones who notice the little patron on your changes, it isn't like you transform to look like someone else because even when you change is still you, you change to look more femenine, masculine or even more neutral, or how you normally change and keep the appearance for some time, they will talk about it between them and even try to talk about it with your other goofy friends too, is something curious nonetheless but they don't want to make a big deal over it (at least not yet, they don't want to invide your privacy)
At the end is Lilith who ask you about it (even in private) since between all your friends she is the one more likely to have a serious and personal talk (maybe Beelzebub and Lucifer too but Beelzebub could be a little awkward and don't know how to react or continue the conversation and Lucifer will start being the goofy men he is and don't get into the point)
After you explain to Lilith that you are actually genderfluid she will offer you to help you explain this to the others with a smile, it doesn't take her much time to understand how you feel and she is completely supportive over it, is just the way you are, as well the others will be really supportive over it, Lucifer tells you that even if your gender and appearance changes is still you, to what Samael agree and that is why they doesn't mind it much (even when he is easily tricked by your changes), Azazel tries to reasure you by saying that it is pretty common for gods to desguise as the oposite gender or even other races and you feeling identify by more than one is completely alright, Beelzebub find it kinda weird at first but he accept you nonetheless (he feels that it would be bad from his part if he doesn't accept you just the way you are when you have done that for him)
After this Lucifer, Azazel and Samael gives you a lot of compliments every time you change and Beelzebub always calls them out for this since he feels like they are exaggerating while Lilith just laugh at them
If you ever feel some kind of dysphoria Lilith and Lucifer will be the ones who take a moment to be more serious and help you with that
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vampireg1rl · 5 months
𐬺★彡 some info ig ミ★ 𐬺
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꧁hi so ive had this app for a while but have never posted. but i want to now so um enjoy these 3 bullets containing useless information ab me
i post mostly js mha or jjk
or whatever tf i want honestly
yea idk anyways follow me and see my dumb posts (pls)
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me btw ☝🏻
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moodymisty · 11 months
I see you don't have a lot of Samael posts. Might I request a nsfw ask with Samael x s/o. Let's say they grow really close over a long period of time, and finally s/o decides to lay with him. He obliges and does some magic stuff to make himself about the same size as the Horsemen (I feel this makes it easier). The rest is up to you, go wild, have fun. Enjoy! I look forward to hopefully seeing what you come up with, cause your Samael writing is definitely getting better!!!
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: Hey friend, sorry this took so long. I wanted to let it stew like a fine broth (i forgot) so I hope you enjoy it. A little short, but I didn't want you to wait around any longer.
Summary: Sure, you've never been a religious person, but you didn't think you'd find yourself taking the saying 'Sleeping with the Devil' so literally.
Relationships: Samael/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, I kept mentions of Samael's size mostly vague, Biting, Bruises, Size difference, Fluff?
Word Count: 793
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You feel teeth on your neck; Sharp, ruthless fangs that brush across your skin with a gentleness unbecoming of them. Maybe it's the thought that he's being so gentle, maybe it's just the feeling- but either way, you pleasurably sigh in response.
His rough skin presses against your spine and the backs of your thighs, as he drives you into the mattress. He's slow, but you wouldn't say he's going easy on you. You can feel the overwhelming heat from him, the puffs of hot breath against your neck as he leaves it covered in marks that'll surely bruise or at least be achy for the next while, the way his weight feels just to much.
You want nothing else. It's the only thing you've thought about for months.
His wings shift as he lays overtop you, still tucked somewhat close to his body but still laying around you; If someone entered the room, they'd barely be able to see your form.
In a way it's as if he's smothering you; Consuming you as his hot, scaled skin brushes against your own.
"You're so soft, little one."
You don't feel soft, you feel wound tight like a spring about to snap, nails digging into sheets already ruined by the nature of a demon being on them. He wasn't meant for them, he wasn't meant for this bed as his body spills off of it like a glass overflowing with wine; He wasn't meant for you.
But you don't care about any of that nonsense, by whatever god is listening if any you'll make it work.
Your back arches, pushes your hips back into his as he fucks you at such a languid pace, even though it still has your face feeling boiling hot. It feels like he's been torturing you like this for hours, teetering you at the precipice and pushing you over until you don't have anymore left. Making up for all the time spend dancing around each other, the unknown of taking a step past an already peculiar friendship. It's not exactly a secret a human and demon on speaking terms is odd, let alone being anything more.
Your body struggles to take him- it wasn't meant to- teetering on the edge of it being too much. But that edge feels so overwhelmingly sweet. It's hard to even form coherent sentences, mumbling to him that his skin feels like fire, that you're so, so close; That you regret not telling him you loved him sooner.
Maybe that's why he insists on being so slow; Dragging it out for hours and leaving you a mess beneath him. He feels the way you tighten around him as you finally come again with a hoarse voiced whimper, no more energy left. It feels like it's been hours, and your stamina is no match for a demon.
He relents, if only to make sure he doesn't hurt you. His one weakness, perhaps.
Slowly Samael pulls from you and watches as you shift on the wrinkled, torn sheets, pulling a blanket that had been kicked off the edge of the bed back over your body.
When he shifts, you instantly reach a hand outward and grip what little of his arm you can wrap your fingers around. Which isn't much, but you still attempt to hold him still anyways.
"You aren't leaving, right?"
He hadn't even considered it. The demon laughs and returns closer.
Samael adjusts and moves to lay comfortably beside you, and you shift and wiggle until your tucked up against his chest. He would've moved you there if you hadn't done so yourself, so he's more than pleased.
His hum rumbles almost like a purr as he moves to press his face against your neck. You see his long tail gently sway back and forth incredibly slowly over the edge of the bed, tip just brushing against the floor. There might be morning sunlight bleeding through the window, but you can't quite tell.
"Not concerned about a demon as your bedmate?"
His tone is teasing, sultry and soft. You look up at him through the dim light.
"Was there ever a point where I implied I had good survival instincts?"
Samael laughs, chuckling and you feel it vibrate his chest against your body. His lips brush against your skin as he responds.
"Perhaps not."
It's of no mind to him, his breath shifting your hair as he leans in closer. You have him now to protect you instead, as odd as it might be for a demon to say. Though Samael has always been a little bit more curious and exploratory than less ambitious demons.
Samael watches as you close your eyes, tired and content as your hands gently grasp for him.
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imagine-darksiders · 6 months
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Wait, imagine Samael bullying Y/n with his tail. ☺️
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luxthestrange · 5 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#35 Ride r Die
When Gabriel Told the other seraphines about your NOW brother falling in love with Nina...ONLY YOU CAN TEASE AND TALK SHIT ABOUT HIM-
Mich*Looking between Leamas and Nina with a condescending tone*You’re together?
Mc*Butting in between them as a shield*Whoa!, what did I tell you about talking to them?
Mich*Looking confused*...Nothing... You said nothing about talking-
Gabri*Actually taking a step back in case you take out your frying pan*...
Raph*Looking at him weirdly*The fuck are you doing?
Mc*holds up their fists*  You want me to have Cagney and fucking Lacey explain it to you? Cagney’s coming down your fucking throat. Lacey, she’s gonna come up your ass. I’m gonna meet them in the fucking middle and play your heart like a f*cking accordion, I’m gonna pump that shit until it pops, you chicken winged b*tch!
Laemas & Nina*Looking shocked at your comments with a slightly ajar mouth*...
Mich*Puffing his chest*You wouldn’t dare!
Mc*Starts pouting with baby voice*You gonna cry~ you little chicken f*cking p*ssy?~
Mich*Lip quivering as he backs away*I’m not gonna cry!
Mc: You’re crying now!?!
Mich*voice cracks*  I’m not! It’s so fucking hot!
Paimon*Who came in to rescue you but...started recording live seeing you had things under control*...
The Citizens of hell watching and laughing at the angels being targeted by you...you made Michael cry from BOTH eyes-
Satan*Cackles seeing you enraged*Oh they brought out the frying pan-*Flinches with a wider grin seeing your frying pan his Gabriel*
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Part 2 of:
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oven-thermometer · 2 years
Remember your sfw ABC's? You did one for War and Strife from what I remember. Could you do one for Samael? Just curious, would like to know what you come up with.
a/n: i havent written in a good long while and have never written for samael properly before lmao - got a bit short at the end bc I did this all in one day
w/c: 3kish
warnings: fluff, little bit of angst, possessive behavior, stalking?, not beta’d
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Samael’s love language is definitely gift giving, with quality time coming in at a close second. He will spoil you with the finest gifts from every realm he can sink his claws into. With certain things he’s given you, you’re not quite sure of the origin and you’re not sure you want to know. Expect lots of little trinkets and huge presents based on every bit and bob or magical relic – if it’s rare and beautiful you’re gonna get it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The one reason he’d call someone a ‘friend’ or even an ‘ally’, they’d have to be useful. Either they have something he wants, needs them for connections or they are a powerful force he could use to his own advantage. That is how he would probably ever try to win you anyone over with friendship. He would try to make you swoon with gifts and worm his way into your close inner circle of friends. Further into your actual friendship with him, will he realise that he might actually enjoy having you around.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I know I said his main love languages are gifts and quality time, but why can’t those be given in the form of a few hours of cuddling? It’s an honour he even lets you this close to him, so his hugs and late night cuddles should be enough of a gift as well! In all seriousness, he loves being close with you. Even if he is a titan compared to you, he’ll tuck you between his huge, warm hands and hold you close to his face or chest. Whenever he shifts in his sleep you’re also completely at the mercy of wherever his hands fling you, sorry. And if you think about getting up or trying to pry yourself out of his death grip, you’re sorely mistaken – he will not let you go.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He has servants to do literally everything for him, so why would he ever feel the need to prepare a meal or even clean his demonic castle? Has never had to do anything traditionally ‘domestic’ in his long life and probably never will. If you find cooking and cleaning cathartic, then he likely won’t stop you – he’ll just stare on while you prepare him traditional human dishes or clean a small portion of the castle. He might not understand why domestic things are fun to you, but he likes watching you do them, it brings him peace. In terms of settling down, that probably also wouldn’t ever happen. For now he solely focused on growing his empire and ensuring both of your futures.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Would literally throw you out of his kingdom and wouldn’t ever acknowledge you again lol. I’d like to say he’d be nice about it and all – but he would not. If you’ve served your purpose or made him bored he would boot you out with little to no remorse. If you ever try to contact or find him again, he’d feel basically nothing and cut you off. He has things to do and if you get in the way too much that is your fault – not his.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Demons have no form of marriage or solid commitment so the idea would be entirely foreign to him – not that he wouldn’t be interested. As you explain what marriage is and how it’s usually perceived to be this ‘final destination’ of a relationship, he’s even more keen to learn about it. In Samael’s mind, marrying is just another symbol to display his devotion to you – it’s a status symbol of affection to him. Marriage isn’t something he wants to get done immediately but he wants you two to be tied to each other indefinitely – and if marrying you means he gets to keep you for eternity he will see to it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not at all. He won’t intentionally physically hurt you, but sometimes accidents happen – he’ll forget your stature and pick you up too enthusiastically, or even set you down too harshly. He’ll reprimand himself silently if you make him aware of how hurt you are, and make it up to you with a mountain of enchanting gifts because this man is incapable of apologising with words. Emotionally, he is also pretty rough. Samael doesn’t mind poking fun at you and teasing you in every conversation you two have – but please, be his guest and return the favour. When you return his banter and give him just as much sass as he gives you he will be ecstatic. He loves your playful arguments – they’re so fun to him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
In front of others or outside of cuddling while sleeping, he doesn’t really like hugs. Sure, he’ll pick you up and put you on his shoulder to carry you around as he goes about his day, but in front of his soldiers or allies that is as much as you’re getting. He’s very open with other people about your relationship but he’ll never show it publicly. In private though, he loves having your tiny hands cling to him while he’s working. Overseeing battle plans? You’re sitting on the desk fiddling with his hands to annoy him. Lazing around the throne room? He has you right there next him hugging to his arm.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Do demons know what love is? I think they understand the concept and why it’s needed to further a race or to keep romantic relationships intact – although out of that they don’t see a use for it. Samael was the same for the large majority of his life. He’d had relationships and many partners before you, but they were all to gain something or were purely instinctual on his part. Although with you, something feels different. Every now and again he gets this odd, aching in his chest when you are absent. When you are near him, he feels at ease and, warm? Strange, he lives in a castle flowing with lava and radiates pure heat himself like a forge, but it is a different kind of warmth. Perhaps he is cursed – but nonetheless he feels the need to bring it up to you, how damn perplexing.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Samael is extremely possessive and jealous. It comes with the territory of dating a demon unfortunately, that’s what you should’ve expected. He already only lets a select few into his castle, and that number drastically decreased once you entered the scene. He respects you but to him you are still a fragile mortal that can be taken from him at any moment. Only the most trusted soldiers in his army or allies are allowed near you, and are very seldom even allowed to be left alone with you. He will do anything to protect you, he will see to it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Technically, with the size difference you two have, it’s always quite an odd scene when you two share a kiss. You can easily kiss his cheek or give him a peck on the lips – even if he’s massive compared to you. Although when he feels like returning your affection he has some troubles. Kissing you directly is slightly awkward so a lot of the times he settles for gently kissing your hand or nuzzling his cheek against you! The latter happens very rarely though, Samael has to be feeling especially loving for that to happen.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very indifferent to them. Doesn’t mind them as long as they don’t interrupt his work but if they start getting too close to him and spewing those incessantly annoying screams he will either banish them or leave without a word. If you have a child, little sibling or a small spawn you take care of – he will try his best to behave. He will greet them but stay clear of their path. Samael sees all children as annoying and inconsequential. He understands their role in the ‘natural order’ and that you were both children, although that doesn’t make their presence any less irritating. If any child ever manages to somehow reach him he will likely ignore their cries for attention. Basically he doesn’t care for them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Time passes in odd way his Samael’s realm – and odd mixture of night and day that never seems to end. You yourself have never seen much of anything that resembles weather, clouds, or even a sun or moon or stars. The sky is simply eternally glowing with a firey hue, and this seems to be sufficient in lighting the world for it’s inhabitants. And although Samael rarely needs to sleep himself, he indulges your body’s routine of needing sleep every few hours. When you wake, you can often find Samael either looking out of the window over his kingdom, or at you. He gently carries you to his desk and begins on his important work that he missed. You often fall back asleep during this morning routine, not that he minds.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Similarly, he sits you down and attempts to be near you during your night routine, with a few snarky comments and impatient groans. As you finish what you for some reason deem important to do before falling asleep, he scoops you up and holds you in his impressive palm. All protests from you fall on deaf ears as he sits down and gets comfortable, waiting for you to do the same. Samael often reprimands you for complaining during this, “You are the one who wanted to sleep. So sleep, human.” Left with little to no room for argument, you have no choice but to settle down – but after a while his naturally warm skin and constant deep rumbles lull you to sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
In a new relationship, he reveals very little. While courting you he tells you the bare minimum about himself and his plans – simply in fear of you turning on him and using it all against him. Over time though, Samael will learn to trust your words of promise to never betray him. Lifetimes lived being a ruler over powerful demons has trained him to set his secrets and his heart around a stone shield. But eventually he will start revealing small aspects of something resembling a personality beyond arrogance and evil.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Do I even nee to answer this? His patience is as brittle as a frozen sheen of water on a lake. The wrong misstep from anyone causes fits of rage. As many times as you’ve walked in on him throwing gigantic pieces of furniture around rooms or heard roars of anger at his subordinates from across the castle, he always returns his composure as soon as you are within his sights. He has snapped at you before, but never to the extent you’ve seen him go off at others. With you he will simply leave the room or huff and stay silent for days – that is the extent of his anger towards you for anything. Otherwise, he will keep his composure in front of you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Will only ask you questions about yourself further into the relationship. At first, his interest was surface level – but soon he felt compelled to know what you thought of everything and just what made you tick. Will use this to his advantage when ordering his scouts to find you gifts and WILL gloat about it too. Boasts about what a good gift-giver he his and how attentive he is. The worst part is you can’t even argue with him about it. Ever present he graces you with is always given a the right time with the correct perception. Honestly you’re getting suspicious that he’s reading your mind sometimes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It seem shallow, but he doesn’t care in the slightest. Samael’s favourite moment with you that he thinks of often when you two are apart, is when you two first laid eyes on each other. Rather, it was when he first laid eyes on you because he saw you coming from a world away and will never forget the sight laid before him. Your gorgeous face instantly drew him in, with your soothing voice intriguing him. From that day on he swore he would do anything to have you, the fact that your personality below all that only added to his growing affection for you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
It’s a mixture of pure instincts to protect you and a general state of pettiness. He loves your entire being and knows that any creature would surely do anything to have you – thus he genuinely believes he is simply keeping you safe by his side. He always goes with you everywhere and if he can’t go, he has someone he trusts accompany you. A lot of the time this can feel suffocating so he lets you go on your own when you need your space – or so you think. He may or may not have given you a piece of jewellery to wear that he can keep an eye on you with…
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
We’ve discussed gifts, but dates and anniversaries are another conversation. You would never guess that all of those hours he spends pouring himself over his carved stone desk and ancient scrolls, he is occasionally planning special outings for you two. Whether it’s a trip to a realm you’ve always admired or a special dish he needs to kidnap a human chef to make, he doesn’t care. That unmistakeable glint of appreciation in your eye and endless ‘thank you’s always get to him. Again, not that you’d know it, as he simply scoffs and turns away.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Samael does respect that you are a person with your own mind, and lets you speak your mind and express your opinions. Although, many times his possessive nature can rub you the wrong way. It can feel suffocating at times. Whenever you also try to bring it up to him, he simply brushes you off and blames it on your poor mortal mind not being able to wrap around the necessity of keeping you safe and away from those that might harm you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not much at all. The strong horns decorating his face and deep scars gashed into his rough skin are only markers for his lineage and victories he displays proudly. He would be idiotic to be ashamed of his war trophies. Although, sometimes he simply can’t help but feel slightly self-conscious for his metal side. Yes, scars can be maps of battles won, but his metal side only serves to remind him of a bitter defeat. It is the one part of his appearance that Samael can’t stand to loo at sometimes.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
His life certainly would be…different. The halls of his castle wouldn’t be filled with your enchanting voice or your amusing laughter. The banter that makes him feel at ease would be absent. His kingdom might not run very differently if you weren’t present – he would still be a demon lord after all. But Samael cannot help but feel slightly lonely even at the thought of never being able to feel you lay against his head as you sit on his shoulder or fall asleep without a care between his hands clutched to his chest. Yes, he ponders, he does think he prefers you around.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you ever get him a gift, even if it is something he probably already has stored away , he will cherish it and set it among his most prized possessions – not including you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone tame and quiet. He enjoys being challenged every day – whether if it’s by your wit or your pure drive to annoy him. It amuses Samael that this little creature can stand up to the likes of him, and is so is often impressed whenever you do. Humans who cower at the sight of him bore him and he’ll let them know it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Obviously doesn’t sleep that often, but when he does drift away while holding you against him, you can hear the slightest mumbles falling from his mouth in his sleep. The occasional snore or grunt will also be mixed in – although more often than not you find yourself lying awake, watching the rise and fall of his large chest and listening to the utterly adorable mutterings of nonsensical words or phrases he lets slip out from his dreams. Until now, your favourite is still: “angels are just like moths…” small chuckle “stupid moth people…”
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woodsteingirl · 1 year
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anyways yippee look at the books i got from the library…
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
Hey now, calling me a “sweet, sweet chile” 😤 Put me in that closet with just about any other character and I’d be suckin’ em dry (mostly Fen, ngl), but I actually like Splendor so I can’t bring myself to initiate much beyond hand holding 🥰 -🎀
Okay, okay, but, now hear me out, what if Splendy wants to do more than hand holding??
"You wouldn't deny me the chance to see the beautiful skin you have, would you? Isn't that what 7MiH is for? Doing more than hand holding? I'd at the very least like to see nervous sweat making your clothes cling to you.. You must have such a cute body!! I could hold you against the wall! And kiss your cheeks!! Or, or!.. Oh dear. Heheheh, sorry, I like to say what I think! And what I think does not match the persona I made, No, no, no!..... I at least wanna hug you... :D hug you tight... :)"
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