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froopa-coopa · 9 months ago
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in the safehouse
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allweareisbvllets · 8 months ago
the ceaseless watchers special little boy in the safehouse in scottland (click on the image for better quality) i painted this on cardboard a few days ago and finally managed to get it scanned !!
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simplynerdilicious-blog · 2 months ago
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I am just here living my life and Safehouse coded things show up in my face.
Safehouse by @void-my-warranty -> here
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void-my-warranty · 8 months ago
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My once a year art. (for Safehouse)
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flameshadowwolf · 6 months ago
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@void-my-warranty Look at our skrunkly lil guy🥹
Drawn by @daftpatience
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rabbit-heart4 · 1 year ago
thinking about safehouse martin struggling a LOT with dissociation. i think martin as a person has always struggled a lot with dissociating, but i think the lonely makes it bad. i think touch is the only thing that really brings him back, and i think jon gets in the habit of touching him casually whenever he can, knowing that it grounds him. letting their hands brush when he hands martin something, leaning against him when they sit by each other, etc. i think this starts from jon watching how martin starts to go a little fuzzy at the edges when he's spacing out, how his eyes go unfocused and how his glasses fog up, all of which go away when jon touches him. i think jon develops a HORRIBLE fear of falling asleep and waking to find martin gone. i think this adds to the "there was only one bed" safehouse trope, except it's now, hey, if we don't cuddle im worried you'll fall victim to an eldritch horror god and you'll die while i'm asleep. so i think we should cuddle, you know, like just in case. for safety.
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titanomancy · 5 months ago
Last thing of note is the Deathwatch short film produced in collaboration with Bandai Namco and Safehouse. I'd say that it's on the whole better than most of Warhammer+'s offerings, but still feels more like a video game trailer than a cohesive narrative.
Still, it does a better job of conveying a sense of weight and momentum than either Angels of Death, Pariah Nexus or Iron Within did. I still hold up Astartes as the gold standard for Space Marines on screen, but the Enemy Without compares favorably to the otherwise unsurpassable Dawn of War opening cinematic.
As an aside, this is the second time in the last month that we've seen Deathwatch on screen and I'm beginning to notice some design elements that might suggest they're working from an updated design brief. It's possible that there is a new Deathwatch Veterans kit on the horizon.
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figgiun · 2 years ago
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id in alt
hanging out with some good cows : ) hey wait martin what's going on over there/???? is there something,,, in the sky??? weird. anyway wanna go frolick
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bonus emo cow
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iwikpines · 7 months ago
hello!! I've written a jonmartin fanfiction in Spanish and I'm thinking of translating it into English!! I'm studying translation and interpreting but still i don't feel so confident about my English rn sooo if there's anyone who would be willing to help proofreading and correcting any mistajes i make?? i just want to make sure i don't write anything that sounds too weird in English 
in the meantime, you can try and enjoy this one using google translate idk!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, First Kiss, Set in Episodes 159-160 | Scottish Safehouse Period (The Magnus Archives), Location: Alice "Daisy" Tonner's Scottish Safehouse, idk man no puedo dejar de pensar en ellos, necesitaba sacarme esto del sistema, escribir conversaciones cursis entre los dos, se quieren mucho tío Summary:
—¿Qué quieres que seamos? —dijo Martin, en un hilo de voz. Jon notó que su mano temblaba, e instintivamente se la envolvió con las suyas—. Jon, llevo… Llevo muchísimo tiempo esperándote.
Jon no pudo contenerse. Subió las piernas al sofá y abrazó a Martin con todas sus fuerzas, rodeando todo su cuerpo con los brazos, quedando apoyado en su regazo. Martin lo correspondió con ansia, enterrando la cara en su delgado hombro. Se quedaron así, abrazados, durante varios minutos. Martin sollozó un buen rato contra el cuerpo de Jon, recorriendo su espalda con sus grandes manos, acariciándole el pelo, temblando cuando Jon imitaba sus gestos. A Jon se le partía el corazón cada vez que notaba cómo Martin se estremecía bajo su tacto. ¿Cuándo habría sido la última vez que alguien lo había abrazado así?
—Martin. —Jon se separó un poco, lo justo para poder mirarlo a la cara. Martin intentó volver a hundirse en el abrazo, pero Jon le sostuvo la cara entre las manos, acariciándole las mejillas con los pulgares. Esto pareció calmarlo—. Estoy aquí. No tienes que esperarme más. Nunca. —Martin cerró los ojos y Jon le limpió las lágrimas—. Estoy aquí.
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taumoebaa · 10 months ago
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Sundress Girl and Sabretooth
art for Safehouse by @void-my-warranty
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unlikelycreatorparadise · 11 months ago
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scarlettundrhett · 7 months ago
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void-my-warranty · 7 months ago
void you're converting me from wolverine to sabretooth and idk how to feel 🥺
Doesn’t know what he wants in life
Likes Jean Grey
Will guilt trip himself into breaking up with you
Loves his job (killing)
Smiles a lot
Tall af
Knows what he wants in life (fun and killing)
Would keep you to himself even if it meant 1,000 people died
Good with money
Zest for life - orange cat energy
Will never blame you for his faults
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papercraanes · 6 months ago
Hermione turn her head gently, look downward to the filthy floor. Imagining, under it, another level beneath her, footsteps she has recognised is making a beeline towards the kitchen.
"You cannot die," she whispered, and it was loud in such a quiet room.
Prompt; safehouse
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detect-thief · 6 months ago
Da Doom and Gloom. Mancave slash Safehouse. A getaway from the Dark Lord, Voldywarts.
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Death Eater HQ, for my 3 fave death eaters (Snape, Malfoy and Barty Jr.)
Basically a mancave for when the darklord has crucioed them too much and wanted away from it. Funded first by Regulus Black (But he died) with his 2 friends Barty Jr and Evan Rosier (Also dead). Snape hab a Potion lab (formerly RABs) through the stone cabinet doors (it goes down) while Lucius hab an office behind the bookshelf. Theres also a library behind the secondfloor bookshelf (For all the books of the Ravenclaw, Barty). The paintings are of Hogwarts. No kitchen coz House Elves provides their meal.
Both of them (Lucy and Sev) knew the mancave (safehouse) coz Reggie invited them there before. When Barty went to prison, Lucius and Severus were the ones who used it.
(death) Ea(s)ter Egg: Find something (object/s) that connects to snape, (Its not the imaginary potions lab)
SO ITS FINISHED. Lore is loreing.
I never use le dark furnitures so this was fun.
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