#Sadie Impersonation
sadibadimadi · 1 year
Have you guys ever thought about how insane it is that people don’t know Arthur is blind? He’s eyes are darting in every direction, he’s probably leading with his right hand to make sure he doesn’t run into anything, and sweeping with his feet for the same reason. I know he can’t tell people he’s blind because he can’t talk to them about things he wouldn’t know if he couldn’t see, like what they’re wearing and stuff, without explaining that John is describing everything for him.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 10 months
okay but what if my Cleric Quint just romances Astarion AND Gale. and maybe Wyll. Let that boy be a slut he deserves it after I trapped him in a labyrinthine dream realm in my youth.
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solarismp3 · 26 days
Today I dreamt that me and gackt agreed to get a buck tick tattoo together. I also dreamt mark lee was cancelled in real time. So he was working on a new vid which I was the stylist of and sm just stopped giving pointers it happened in real time the rest of 127 was making fun of him it was so sad
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malwaredetected · 11 months
CopyKatie (This idea came from @ilovecats-andcutethings!): Katie couldn't just stay in the cabin that long. The only thing that she wanted to do was see her love. Even so disfigured, even so unrecognizable, even so bloody and beaten, her desire wrenched and twisted at her insides, the softness she once felt in her chest around Sadie being impersonated by a burning, wanting rage. So, she had an idea to just go into the woods. And she does. She knew it was risky all alone. Did she care? No. Love is a strange thing.
She finds Sadie's body again on the walk and sits next to it for a good hour. She speaks to Sadie so softly and all giggly as if she were still alive and they were having a sleepover at her place with Oreos. But then she got up and started walking away, apologizing to the corpse of her girlfriend. And she sees something strange.
She found Izzy, bears fur sewn to her skin, giant claw marks going down her face.
The crunching of leaves was heard behind her. Katie immediately ran back to Sadie's body, as tears stung in her eyes. If there was a heaven, Sadie would be there...
"P-Please," She managed to say, even with a choke in her voice. "Please just let me be next to Sadie."
Even if her death would be very painful, she could sleep knowing that Sadie was with her.
The killer tilted his head, and Katie couldn't see his face since it was obstructed by a mask.
"Copycat," They said, voice deep and gravelly. Katie had never heard a serial killer's voice before. At least, not that she knew of.
She knew she was done for. She knew. She didn't care much. Sadie was there.
RULE 18: If you think you're alone, chances are you're not.
(The killer beats her and break her bones, and just before she dies she gets fed to wolves. Just like Sadie. Copycat. Or, Copy-wolf.)
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holyfvckbats · 9 months
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Hey Angel, here! I'm a 21+ female (PST) who is also a 10 year experienced roleplayer/writer who loves to take her mind on a trip from the outside world. I use music to help me set a scene for the majority of my writing. I use discord, write only in third person, and I always try to mirror write but it always turns out being a little more especially when I'm excited.
I'm currently obsessed with trying to find writing partners that fit the vibe. Not only do I want writing partners, I would love to make new friends. If I'm not writing then I'm working. If I'm not working then I'm playing video games, listening to music, probably high off weed or I'm sleeping. Regardless I'd love to meet new people.
Here are some topics that peak my interest:
• Stranger Things - Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargove, or Argyle x OC.
• Euphoria - I just like how the colors play a big part in the show. I don't necessarily want to be any of the characters but I wouldn't mind doing a spin off of it.
• The Bear - Carmey. Do I need to say more? I don't care if I make an OC and someone writes him for me or I write against your OC but hot damn.
• Red Dead Redemption 2 Online- I play this game a lot on Xbox. Ever want a partner let me know. I'm honorable. Also I love Arthur Morgan and would love to write Sadie against him. Always thought they would make a good couple since that one little mission in Rhodes.
• GTA 5 - I don't play the online version as much anymore but I'm more interested in Trevor and a personal OC character against him.
• Stardew Valley - I love this game. I love the little stories and how you can fall in love with certain characters. I always want my character to marry Penny for the story and Emily for the clothes.
• fandomless roleplay is okay too, I mean like I said I want friends/writing partner. Maybe you think we'd hit it off then why not conjure something together.
I guess I should say one last thing before I close this off. My main face claim is Demi Lovato. I am a fan of hers but even if I were to do a celebrity RP, I would never impersonate/pretend to be the real her. Also if you want to write, I can double, and play male or female characters. Minors DNI as always. Also mxm is not for me, sorry but I'm totally fine doing mxf, fxm, or fxf.
If I by chance have managed to catch your attention please like this and coment. If I disappointed you could you do me a favor and repost it or share it with someone you think would peak the same interest. As always, thank you for your time in reading everything and may you have a wonderful New Years. ✨
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Last Time On Total Drama Cruise Control: No Golden Buzzer for These Contestants!
CHALLENGE 5: - LAS VEGAS, NV "Alright! This challenge is......a talent show! Now, I get it. I get it. I am aware of the unbalanced teams. Sooooo...I've decided for this challenge everyone will go, but only one will count for your team. You will have to vote for the best performance. You better pick wisely, because you will be preforming for all the lovely tourists and locals!" Brick left before the challenge even started! He ran away from it all...to become an Elvis impersonator?! Thankfully he returned just in time to perform "Heartbreak Hotel." Being the most voted for the Tapirs, he goes up against most voted Beaver contestant Alejandro and his balancing act!
It's BRICK VS ALEJANDRO! The audience holds their breath... Who will come out on top?
"Alejandro's breathtaking performance...He wowed the crowd with his amazing tightrope abilities! And juggling? Talk about talented!"
"...aannnndddd Brick! Coming in fashionably late, the disgraced Soggy Sargent was able to clutch out a unique performance!"
"It's time for the viewer's vote, because that's the one that matters!" The audience decides that ultimately, Alejandro deserves the win! A rare win for the Beavers! All Participating Contestants and their Talents:
Tapirs Wayne- Skating Raj- Drawing Scott- Whittling Lightning- Handstand Trent- Playing Guitar Jo- Strength, Lifting Sadie- Shooting Courtney- Singing Brick- Elvis Impersonation
Beavers Ripper - Playing the Butt Trumpet Harold - Beatboxing Alejandro- Juggling on a Tightrope Julia- Making Money MK- Card Tricks Amy and Sammy- Cheerleading
ELIMINATION: Sadie was voted out on today's episode! However, it turns out... "I AINT SADIE… IM SUGAR!" Sugar fooled the cast pretending to be Sadie, flaunting her "acting skills." Because Sadie was eliminated and not Sugar, Chris has chosen to keep her in the game!
With free flights to Vegas from where the ship is docked, the contestants had 10 days to run around the strip! The love square reunites after Brick's "moving" performance! And... they all hotbox a hotel room. It's almost a must to get a hotel room when there isn't a port nearby. Alejandro, Wayne, Raj, and Ripper (Now deemed the "Sea Tails,") destroy a VHS tape in a room together, containing dialogue between Noah and Cody. Alejandro was mentioned, and he didn't appreciate the fact the tape claims he dated Noah at some point. (Which did not happen.) Jo, at some point, gets crossfaded with Amy and Alejandro! Brick also admits his love for Jo when she returns to their room. She does not remember this happening the next day at all. Because of this, Brick goes to the mall and cries in a bathroom while Lightning comforts him. Jo also visits the aquarium with Harold and they argue about sea creatures. Jo also bonds with Raj over their shared trauma from the show. Speaking of trauma, after an outing with the Sea Tails, Raj is faced with an abundance of pigeons. Birds are secretly his greatest fear, and Ripper manages to catch one and bring it over to the group. Ripper and Julia have a small fight in the gift shop! Ripper almost slips up and says something rude. Julia says she needs to think about their relationship...
After Harold brought it up once, everyone appears to be entirely fascinated by seahorse birth. With the love square repaired, will the beavers even have a fighting chance at the next challenge?
Find out next time on TOTAL! DRAMA! CRUUUIISE CONTROL!
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luminlunii · 6 months
This isn't a request, but what inspired your Ocs into existence? Mine was that I wanted more people in Rocky's corner! So, I gave him a mom friend named Sadie Churchill or also known as Lucille Grace. She's known as the sweet motherly and unsuspected cleaning lady at the little Daisy Cafe/Lackadaisy, the unknown Siren Killer to the law and the crazy witch from a coven, killing all the people that were involved in the murder of her husband and baby to her victims. Along side an angry spirit known as a Wraith with a common enemy as her. Then, there's also the significant other to Rocky! Clarity Sable, Sedgewick's niece. Who is also a part of the same coven as Sadie. No, Sedgewick doesn't know about this. All he knows is that his niece was sent to live with him at 13 for reasons and she's 20 now.
That's so cool! I'll be explaining below. It's very long, whoops.
For me, it was mostly for fun? And then I got really into it. The girlfriends I mentioned before, Lavinia and Yvaine, are just my oc's as Lackadaisy characters. And then I kind of just had this thought of 'Rocky doesn't have any parental figures...Might as well make Lavinia and Yvaine his parents lmao'. I thought it was funny.
The twin's were really just an excuse to have more doctor characters. I have names for them now! They are of Japanese origin, Rin and Minoru, and because they moved to the U.S. at a young age they had to change them. Wren, was close enough to Rin, and Moreno, close enough to Minoru. They also had this little sister on her way, their mother was 3 months pregnant with her at the time. Originally before they moved her name was going to be Emiko, it then changed to Emily shortly after.
Wren was in training to become a nurse back in WW2 and when she came back home she was rather...prickly. She died due to being involved with a deal gone wrong with a gang and Moreno was left to take her place, quite literally. Since then Moreno had to study extensively about medical practices to really impersonate her. Grief was what motivated him. Atlas May found him and later employed him.
Then comes around my fifth character. He's Russian and officially named Anastasiy Baladin. He was originally going to be a buff lady. Not much going on with him except he was basically disowned by his family shortly after an incident. He has this really large scar that runs up and down his spine widening at the center of his back. Like the shape of a diamond. I was going to push him to be Rocky's love interest because I thought it would funny if Rocky fell for someone tall and intimidating lmaooo
I think I'm going for it anyway because I still think it would be funny.
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exorcist-milan420 · 10 days
Milan Uccello is Heaven's go-to dealer in illicit substances. She skips training most days but still manages a respectable kill count during Exterminations- which is where she gets the majority of her stock as well. Milan's extra activities have flown under the radar thus far but, after a few public arguments and some poorly timed breakdowns, there are more eyes on her now than ever before.
She the fanta-headed lover of @seraphim-sarai.
Read more about her here!
Character created and played by @/informist (Avery) until 8/1/2024.
Mods: @joyerisjoy and @texanredrose.
Milan's Story
Past with @lost-rin and @archangel-michael-of-heaven
Past with @exorcist-arion
Past with @ask-kori
Arc One
Party with @ask-lute
A brief chat with Lute ( 1 | 2 )
The first Salad meeting
Milan/Ava fallout
Salad meets again
Meeting @ask-sadie-morgan
Salad just talks
Pranked by @your-favorite-spyho
Milan/Ava fight 2
Awkward Salad confession
Wedding annoucement
Meeting @seraphim-adina
Barking at Lute ( 1 | 2 )
Interaction with @ask-sera
BEACH DAY ( 1 | 2 )
Rejected Apologies
Reconciliation with Ava
Meeting @exorcist-ray
Running into Michael
Milan telling Adina off
Lutual Statement
After a pretty rough week with a lot going on, the Lutuals have decided that moving forward we will be a bit more selective regarding certain things. We love sharing our characters and developing new and interesting storylines for people to read and interact with and want to continue doing so while protecting ourselves and our mental health. Please see below on the things we expect moving forward.
Asks, anon or not, will be deleted on sight and the sender blocked if they fall into any of the following categories:
NSFW - finding the characters hot is fine! Telling the mods what you want to do to those characters sexually is not!
Violence - show typical violence may be part of storylines or backstory to inform characterization! Graphically describing violence you would like to see done to the characters doesn’t! To vent frustrations with characters, please throw a bible at them; the mods will get the message just fine.
Hate Speech - the Lutualverse is a fun spinoff of the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss settings and isn’t the place for social or political commentary. We’re just here for the various shades of queer relationships; if you’re not, kindly move along.
Spam - many Lutuals utilize their queues for asks and submissions; if you sent it once, we probably got it and will answer asks and post submissions in due time. Sending more than once will just confuse Tumblr and annoy the mod.
To better form a cohesive, consistent universe with multiple storylines, the current Lutualverse is a set roster you can find here, all of whom have been vetted as 18+. As the blogs, storylines, and shows are 18+, it is recommended that minors do not interact. We are not accepting applications at this time to join the Lutualverse, though individual mods may respond to starters at their discretion; these events will not be canon to the universe.
It has also come to our attention that some blogs are claiming to be part of the Lutualverse despite not being official members.
While we appreciate that people enjoy our work, we DO NOT appreciate being impersonated or having unaffiliated members claiming to be part of our canon.
At the time of writing, the ONLY Lutuals are as follows:
Any new blogs or members will be announced by ONE OF US and will be LISTED on the Lutuals roster.
Any unaffiliated users claiming to be part of our verse WILL BE BLOCKED.
Again, we would like to stress that we enjoy the interaction and support. This is to protect us and better craft compelling stories. Thank you for your understanding.
-The Lutuals
My commissions are always open, so feel free to DM any time about them!
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If you like what I do, consider supporting me on my Ko-Fi!
Any amount is appreciated!
-Lutual Joy
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seraphim-sarai · 10 days
Greetings. I have been instructed to open this account for purposes of communication. Do not waste my time. 🦢
Sarai is an apprentice to the Seraphim, one of the higher courts in Heaven. Unlike other Seraphim, Sarai knows and regularly interacts with angels of other choirs. Although she portrays herself as a reserved pillar of unflappable coolness befitting of the Seraphim, Sarai often struggles to properly conduct herself when around others. As an apprentice, they are watched by other Seraphim and this puts them in a position to sometimes appear exceptionally aloof to those they care about.
They are the sister of @exorcist-ava, the daughter of @lost-elam, and the current guardian angel of @lanagonzalez.
Their mate for life is @exorcist-milan420.
Read more about them here!
Mod: @joyerisjoy
Sarai's Story
Past with @lost-elam ( 1 | 2 )
Past with @seraphim-adina and @exorcist-ava ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 )
Arc One
The first Salad meeting
Sarai/Ava fallout (comic)
Arguments with @ask-lute and @exorcist-timpani ( 1 | 2 )
Salad meets again ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
Interactions with Ass (@askthefivefallen) ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
Meeting @ask-sadie-morgan ( 1 | 2 )
Getting into trouble with @ask-sera ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 )
Meeting @exorcist-ray
SERAPHIM SHOWCASE ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 )
After the Showcase ( 1 | 2 )
BEACH DAY ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 )
Rejected Apologies
Guardian Angel ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 )
Reconciliation with Ava ( 1 | 2 )
Talk with @seraphim-perach
Lutual Statement
After a pretty rough week with a lot going on, the Lutuals have decided that moving forward we will be a bit more selective regarding certain things. We love sharing our characters and developing new and interesting storylines for people to read and interact with and want to continue doing so while protecting ourselves and our mental health. Please see below on the things we expect moving forward.
Asks, anon or not, will be deleted on sight and the sender blocked if they fall into any of the following categories:
NSFW - finding the characters hot is fine! Telling the mods what you want to do to those characters sexually is not!
Violence - show typical violence may be part of storylines or backstory to inform characterization! Graphically describing violence you would like to see done to the characters doesn’t! To vent frustrations with characters, please throw a bible at them; the mods will get the message just fine.
Hate Speech - the Lutualverse is a fun spinoff of the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss settings and isn’t the place for social or political commentary. We’re just here for the various shades of queer relationships; if you’re not, kindly move along.
Spam - many Lutuals utilize their queues for asks and submissions; if you sent it once, we probably got it and will answer asks and post submissions in due time. Sending more than once will just confuse Tumblr and annoy the mod.
To better form a cohesive, consistent universe with multiple storylines, the current Lutualverse is a set roster you can find here, all of whom have been vetted as 18+. As the blogs, storylines, and shows are 18+, it is recommended that minors do not interact. We are not accepting applications at this time to join the Lutualverse, though individual mods may respond to starters at their discretion; these events will not be canon to the universe.
It has also come to our attention that some blogs are claiming to be part of the Lutualverse despite not being official members.
While we appreciate that people enjoy our work, we DO NOT appreciate being impersonated or having unaffiliated members claiming to be part of our canon.
At the time of writing, the ONLY Lutuals are as follows:
Any new blogs or members will be announced by ONE OF US and will be LISTED on the Lutuals roster.
Any unaffiliated users claiming to be part of our verse WILL BE BLOCKED.
Again, we would like to stress that we enjoy the interaction and support. This is to protect us and better craft compelling stories. Thank you for your understanding.
-The Lutuals
My commissions are always open, so feel free to DM any time about them!
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If you like what I do, consider supporting me on my Ko-Fi!
Any amount is appreciated!
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exorcist-ava · 10 days
Hola! I see ya found my page! Stick around and check what I get up to! 🚬
Ava Gonzalez is one of the many Earthborn Exorcists serving to protect Heaven’s light. She has complicated relationships with just about everyone except for her rats, Papa and Rellena. He can be milked but this is both a point of embarrassment for him and a closely guarded secret.
He is the sister of @seraphim-sarai and the adopted son of @askoverlordcarmilla.
She is involved with @exorcist-timpani and @your-favorite-therapist.
Read more about him here!
Mod: @joyerisjoy
Ava's Story
Past with @exorcist-dahlia ( 1 | 2)
Past with @seraphim-adina and @seraphim-sarai ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 )
Past with @exorcist-arion
Past with @exorcist-milan420 ( 1 | 2 )
Past with @ask-vaggie ( 1 | 2 )
Past with @virginia-exorcist ( 1 | 2 )
Past with @your-favorite-therapist ( 1 | 2 )
Arc One
Milan/Ava fallout
Sarai/Ava fallout (comic)
Arranging a prank with @your-favorite-spyho
Meeting @ask-sadie-morgan
Sadie/Ava talk 2
Milan/Ava fight 2
Brief Hotel trip ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
Meeting @exorcist-ray
Becoming Bridesbro
Remembering the prank
SERAPHIM SHOWCASE ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 )
BEACH DAY ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 )
Vexorcists' Morning After (CURRENT INTERACTION!!!)
Spat with @ask-lute
Rejected Apologies ( 1 | 2 )
Tennis Game Talk
Reconciliations ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
Lutual Statement
After a pretty rough week with a lot going on, the Lutuals have decided that moving forward we will be a bit more selective regarding certain things. We love sharing our characters and developing new and interesting storylines for people to read and interact with and want to continue doing so while protecting ourselves and our mental health. Please see below on the things we expect moving forward.
Asks, anon or not, will be deleted on sight and the sender blocked if they fall into any of the following categories:
NSFW - finding the characters hot is fine! Telling the mods what you want to do to those characters sexually is not!
Violence - show typical violence may be part of storylines or backstory to inform characterization! Graphically describing violence you would like to see done to the characters doesn’t! To vent frustrations with characters, please throw a bible at them; the mods will get the message just fine.
Hate Speech - the Lutualverse is a fun spinoff of the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss settings and isn’t the place for social or political commentary. We’re just here for the various shades of queer relationships; if you’re not, kindly move along.
Spam - many Lutuals utilize their queues for asks and submissions; if you sent it once, we probably got it and will answer asks and post submissions in due time. Sending more than once will just confuse Tumblr and annoy the mod.
To better form a cohesive, consistent universe with multiple storylines, the current Lutualverse is a set roster you can find here, all of whom have been vetted as 18+. As the blogs, storylines, and shows are 18+, it is recommended that minors do not interact. We are not accepting applications at this time to join the Lutualverse, though individual mods may respond to starters at their discretion; these events will not be canon to the universe.
It has also come to our attention that some blogs are claiming to be part of the Lutualverse despite not being official members.
While we appreciate that people enjoy our work, we DO NOT appreciate being impersonated or having unaffiliated members claiming to be part of our canon.
At the time of writing, the ONLY Lutuals are as follows:
Any new blogs or members will be announced by ONE OF US and will be LISTED on the Lutuals roster.
Any unaffiliated users claiming to be part of our verse WILL BE BLOCKED.
Again, we would like to stress that we enjoy the interaction and support. This is to protect us and better craft compelling stories. Thank you for your understanding.
-The Lutuals
My commissions are always open, so feel free to DM any time about them!
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If you like what I do, consider supporting me on my Ko-Fi!
Any amount is appreciated!
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real-total-drama-takes · 11 months
okay so we are just impersonating me now 🤨 i agree with this take tho i DESERVED a sadie sweep
- real rivalry 🤺🤺🤺
(fakers die by my blade or kiss me on the mouth those are your only choices at this point)
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 11
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Warnings: Allusions and innuendos towards OC sleeping with a Professor
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, Harry showed me a letter from Sirius. Sadie had come back with the reply. It read:
Harry- I cannot say everything I would like to in the letter, it's too risky in case the owl is intercepted- we need to talk face-to-face. Can you ensure that you are alone by the fire in Gryffindor Tower at one o'clock in the morning on the 22nd of November? I know better than anyone that you can look after yourself, and while you're around Dumbledore and Moody I don't think anyone will be able to hurt you. However, someone seems to be having a good try. Entering you in that tournament would have been very risky, especially right under Dumbledore's nose. Be on the watch Harry. I still want to hear about anything unusual. Let me know about the 22nd of November as quickly as you can. Sirius.
Then Harry handed me an unopened letter, also from Sirius. "Thought you'd want your own letter."
"Thanks." I said, taking it.
Eilís, Don't risk anything. I don't want you caught outside at night. Someone's obviously after Harry and I'm sure they're after you too. I know you're in Hufflepuff, but see if you can meet with Harry on the 22nd of November, if he can make it. I'd like to see you too, just in a safer zone for all of us. Love, Sirius
"He puts love in your letters?" Harry asked, "Why doesn't he do that with me?"
"Maybe because I sign my letters with love first." I said with a shrug, putting the letter in the bottom of my bag.
"You think he loves me?" Harry asked thoughtfully and I looked at him in surprise.
"Of course he does." I said warmly. "But you two are a man and a boy. Males show love a bit differently than girls do. We nearly always sign our letters with love and the boys or men we write to always know to sign their letters with love."
Harry looked slightly cheered and said, "I wonder what his reaction would be if I did sign a letter with love."
"He'd probably think someone's impersonating you." I said, a bit amused, spearing scrambled eggs on the end of my fork.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞, The Daily Prophet released the article. I got a copy that morning. I read it and started laughing. Harry leaned over my shoulder to read the following paragraph.
I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now. . . Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm not ashamed to admit it. . . I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me. Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevy, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one of two girls, either Hermione Granger, a Stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl or Elizabeth Kane, a gorgeous half-blood, both of who are top students in school, just like Harry himself.
Harry's face turned red. "I didn't say any of this!" He said in a panic.
"I know." I said. "I wasn't laughing at that. I was laughing about Hermione and I being part of the stupid newspaper."
Hermione wasn't even fazed. "She lies a lot when she writes, doesn't she?"
"It's her Quick-Quotes Quill." I said through a mouthful of egg. I swallowed and said, "Her quill is meant to exaggerate for better stories. More sorrow, more hype. It's just for longer stories as well 'cause the Quill uses more words."
"Stupid thing." Harry said vehemently.
"There's a Hogsmeade trip coming up." I said. "Want to go? I think I'll bring food for Sirius..."
"Sirius is nearby?" Harry asked. I nodded.
"We won't go to his hideout right now, considering he won't know we're coming and I don't want to scare him, but I can leave food on a rock at the Shrieking Shack. I told him that's where I'd leave food."
"Sure" Harry said and that was the end of that.
𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 a bad time, snapping at people when he finally had enough. He confided in me that he admired the way Hermione and I dealt with it.
"It's nothing Harry, you just let them get to you and I don't blame you. I've gotten into a couple of fights with Draco already, but I usually keep them on the downlow." I'd replied. "But yes, I'm with you in admiring Hermione." I paused and then said, "here's some good news. Ron will be your friend by Tuesday."
"That's good." Harry said a bit vacantly.
I spent a lot of time in library. Viktor Krum was spending a lot of time in there too. Sometimes we studied together and he confided in me that he was very interested in Hermione Granger, though he didn't know her name. He simply said, "your friend." and with a couple questions, I found that it was Hermione.
I was pleased by this and often talked Hermione up when I had the chance. Hermione on the other hand, was irritated by Krum's presence in the library.
"He's not even good-looking!" she muttered angrily as I studied with her and Harry one day. A group of giggling girls were spying on his from behind the bookshelves. Hermione hated the noise. "The only like him because he's famous! They wouldn't look twice at him if he couldn't do that Wonky-Faint thing."
I dropped my mouth in horror, goggling at her and started to cough. "Wronski Feint." Harry and I said at the same time. Harry's teeth were gritted and he burst into laughter at my face.
Hermione glared at us and we stopped laughing, but continued to grin.
𝕾𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝕳𝖔𝖌𝖘𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊. Harry took his invisibility cloak, wanting to hide from Ron. I rolled my eyes but let it go.
We went to Honeydukes first and bought large chocolates filled with white cream. It was thick, a bit like frosting and they were good. We walked out eating them. It was a much different atmosphere now, and I could tell Harry could feel the difference. We were more free, no one was shouting horrible things at Harry- they couldn't see him.
I had a basket filled with sweets on my arm along with Chicken legs that I'd taken from the Lunch table this afternoon. We walked down to Shrieking Shack and I set it down on top of a rock. I didn't wait, I told Sirius we wouldn't wait- not wanting anyone to see him- and, looking around, I didn't see him in person or as a dog and we went to the Three Broomsticks afterwards.
Hermione went to get the butterbeers. I did not want to talk to Madam Rosmerta, who I knew was curious to meet me. I went with Harry to a table in the back. We passed Ron who was sitting with Fred, George, and Lee. Fred looked up for a moment, but I passed by without looking at them.
I had nothing against Fred- I quite liked him, though I found my crushes on him and Cedric and others were waning (Snape shined brighter than ever). However, I felt that if I stopped to talk, I might end up chewing Ron out, and I didn't have the energy.
Hermione slipped Harry a butterbeer under his cloak and I drank my own. It tasted delicious and I realized I was going to have to buy some to put in a bottle and send to Trang. Nah, I was going to wait and bring her here. Yeah, that was best.
Hermione pulled out her S.O.E.A. notebook. I noticed Harry and Ron's names were at the very top of the very short list. She'd barely gotten anyone to sign. Nearly everyone thought it was a joke.
"When are you going to give up this Elves rights thing, Hermione?" Harry asked through a large gulp of butterbeer.
Hermione's eyes flared up and said, "When house-elves have decent wages and working conditions! You know, I'm starting to think it's time for more direct action. I wonder how you get into the school kitchens."
"No idea, ask Fred and George." Harry said.
"Hagrid's going to come over and tell you to visit him at midnight." I murmured, taking another sip of butterbeer.
"Why?" Harry asked in interest, looking around, "I don't even see him."
"You'll see him eventually, he'll be talking to Moody. Anyways, you'll wave, but you're under the cloak so he won't see. But Moody's eye sees under the cloak so he'll bring Hagrid over to you." I said after I finished swallowing the hot drink.
I watched at the next table as Ernie and Hannah swapped chocolate frog cards, wearing Support Cedric Diggory badges. Hannah had asked me to come and swap with them and I'd politely declined saying I'd rather not. She'd looked over and seemed a bit surprised that I wasn't with Harry.
Susan was at another table with some of the other Hufflepuffs. She never got a Support Cedric Diggory badge and I liked her all the more for it. If I had to hang out with a Hufflepuff, she was my go to.
I wondered who Harry was looking at. Probably Cho- she was sitting with some Ravenclaw girlfriends. Harry would be happy that she wasn't wearing a Diggory badge.
"Look, it's Hagrid!" Hermione said, motioning.
I wasn't sure if Harry waved or not. Maybe he was waving, or maybe he was waiting until Moody was looking in our general direction. Either way, eventually Moody and Hagrid made their way over to where we were standing.
"All right, Hermione? Elizabeth?" Hagrid said loudly.
"Hello." Hermione said, smiling back.
"Hey Hagrid, Hey Uncle Moody." I said, smiling at both of them. "Professor, I mean."
Moody waved away my apology and stomped around the table to bend down and mutter "Nice cloak, Potter."
"Can your eye- I mean, can you-" I hard Harry whispering beside me. Perhaps he hadn't heard me the first time. Or maybe he was just checking to see if Uncle Moody's eye really saw invisibility cloaks.
"Yeah, it can see through Invisibility Cloaks. And it's come in useful at times, I can tell you."
Hagrid was beaming down at where Harry was sitting. Moody had, of course, told him about the cloak. Hagrid bent down and said very, very quietly, "Harry, meet me tonight at eleven thirty at me cabin. Wear that cloak."
"Nice ter see yeh, Hermione, Elizabeth." Hagrid said, winking and then Uncle Moody and Hagrid moved away, heading out of the pub.
"Eleven thirty?" I questioned out loud, frowning. "I'm positive I had foreseen midnight."
Hermione was frowning too and said, "It is strange that some of your memories are being changed. I wonder why that is."
"They aren't large changes." I muttered, frowning at the table, trying to figure out the puzzle. "Maybe Trelawney will know something."
Hermione snorted vehemently and Harry choked on his butterbeer. "Sure." He said, laughing. "Sure."
I had to laugh too. We soon left.
"Anyways," I said, wrapping my cloak tightly around myself as snow started to come down. It didn't stick and would probably be gone by the night. "Eleven thirty is better anyways considering you have to meet with Sirius tonight as well."
"Will you be there?" Harry asked. "You know the Gryffindor password."
"I'll think about it." I said honestly. "I don't know if I'd risk it, but it'd be worth it. I haven't talked to him in forever."
I separated from Harry and Hermione as we entered the castle. I went to the Hufflepuff common room and went upstairs for a nap. I woke up around ten and headed out of the castle. It was dark out and the stars were shining brightly. I had my wand and art pad and pencil. I was hoping I could find the moon flowers that I had found last time. Besides, the dragons were going to be out tonight and I hoped to get some good drawings of them.
I met with Firenze halfway through the forest. I was glad, because I could've sworn I'd heard footsteps behind me, but hadn't seen anyone.
"Elizabeth Kane, wonderful to see you again." Firenze said softly.
"Hello Firenze." I said cheerfully. "There's dragons in the forest tonight. I'm hoping to get some good drawings."
Firenze smiled. "Yes, we've stayed far away from the dragons. We don't enjoy Centaur barbecue."
I stared at him for a moment, my mouth open in surprise and when I found my voice I said, "You actually made a joke!"
"Was it good?" Firenze asked, smiling, and sounding amused.
"Very." I said, grinning. We set off into the forest. He led the way, already knowing where the dragons were.
I crept forward when we got there. There were four of them, each of them had about seven dragon keepers around them. The Chinese Fireball was already laying down, sleeping. I flipped open my sketchpad. I squatted down and worked on the drawing, capturing as many angles as possible in a short amount of time.
I recognized Charlie and that gave me an idea for Christmas. But I simply wrote a note for it and continued. There was also a Swedish Short-Snout, Hungarian Horntail, and Common Welsh Green. Harry would get the horntail of course, going last.
The dragons were all sleeping for now, I knew they'd drunk some sleeping draft before they'd been transported here.
Suddenly a wizard got very close and waved to Firenze, "Hello there."
"Charlie!" I said, popping up from the ground. Charlie took a few steps back out of shock.
He recovered and stuttered, "E-Elizabeth?"
"Firenze, this is Charlie Weasley, I've mentioned him before. Charlie, this is Firenze, he's a Centaur, obviously." I said, quickly introducing them.
"What are you doing out so late?" Charlie asked, nodding to Firenze politely. Firenze nodded back.
"Oh, well, I wanted to see the dragons and draw them." I said, showing him my rough dragon sketch.
"That's good considering the lack of light." Charlie complimented me. "How'd you know about the dragons? Your visions?"
I nodded. "The visions alerted me. Though they aren't extremely reliable, so I wasn't sure if they'd be here or not." I paused and said, "Hagrid's going to bring Madam Maxime soon."
"Great." Charlie said, rolling his eyes.
"I'll leave you now, Elizabeth Kane." Firenze said, putting a calm hand on my shoulder, "I shall converse with you later."
"Bye Firenze." I said, smiling and watched him gallop away.
I jumped the bush line to get a better look at the dragons.
"I love the Chinese Fireball." I said, starting another rough sketch. "And the Swedish Short-Snout is a very pretty dragon." I said.
"You know the different types?" Charlie asked in surprise.
I nodded. "I pay attention in Care of Magical Creatures class." I paused and then said, "Harry will have to get past the Hungarian Horntail- at least that's what I see for now. It could change."
Charlie brought me around the dragon camp so that I could see the dragons better. I added more detail to my Chinese Fireball dragon.
"I should go back up to the castle." I said, after I had rough sketches of all four dragons done. "The dragons will wake up soon so I want to get out of your way."
"Alright, hopefully I'll see you at the first event." Charlie said with a smile.
I smiled back and then said, "Hey umm, so I know Mrs. Weasley- your mum- is upset about Harry. Tell her that he doesn't actually cry about his parents, will you? Cause he doesn't. Everything Rita Skeeter wrote in there- or nearly everything- he never actually said."
Charlie nodded. "I figured as much. Mum was in floods after reading the article."
"It'll be nice if she knows it wasn't true." I said.
Charlie nodded again. I could hear Hagrid and Madam Maxime's voices approaching and the dragons were starting to wake up. The Hungarian Horntail started to breathe fire and both Charlie and I had to hit the deck to avoid being burned.
"Go, I'll let mom know. And don't tell Harry about this, understand. None of the contestants are supposed to know!" Charlie said.
I kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, I won't."
"𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘." 𝕴 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖉 as Harry approached the Gryffindor Common Room portrait.
"I know." Harry said. "I just saw them. Balderdash."
The portrait swung open and I followed him into the Gryffindor common room. It was 12:55. "You stayed late." I commented.
Harry nodded. "I hoped Charlie was going to drop some hints about what the tournaments going to be like. Any ideas?"
I sighed. "I'm afraid that if I say, my visions will change."
"Well-" Harry said but stopped talking as he had spotted Sirius' head in the fire. "Sirius- how're you doing?"
"Aww man." I complained. "You cut your hair."
Sirius grinned at me but said to Harry, "Never mind me, how are you?"
"I'm-" he hesitated and then blurted out all his feelings about how he's felt in the past week. How no one except Hermione and I believed he didn't enter his name- along with a few teachers. How Rita Skeeter's article had lied about him and he couldn't walk down a corridor without being sneered at. For some reason, he threw in about Hermione and I being punished about it too. And he talked about Ron and how much he missed him and how jealous Ron was.
I stayed silent the whole time, becoming a background object and letting him speak. "...Hagrid's just shown me what's coming in the first task, and it's dragons, Sirius, and I'm a goner." Harry finished.
"Dragons we can deal with, Harry, but we'll get to that in a minute- I haven't go long here... I've broken into a wizarding house to use the fire, but they could be back at any time. There are things I need to warn you about."
"What?" Harry said.
"Karkaroff." Sirius said and I stiffened. "Harry, he was a Death Eater. You know what Death Eaters are, don't you?"
"They were at the World Cup." I muttered.
"Yes-hes one?" Harry asked.
"He was caught, he was in Azkaban with me, but he got released. I'd bet everything that's why Dumbledore wanted an Auror at Hogwarts this year- to keep an eye on him. Moody caught Karkaroff. Put him into Azkaban in the first place."
"No wonder he's so scared of him." I murmured.
"Karkaroff got released?" Harry asked. "Why did they release him?"
"Information." I said.
"He did a deal with the Ministry of Magic." Sirius said, nodding to me. "He said he'd seen the error of his ways, and then he named names. . . he put a load of other people into Azkaban in his place. . . He's not very popular in there, I can tell you. And since he got out, form what I can tell, he's been teaching the Dark Arts to every student who passes through that school of his. So watch out for the Durmstrang champion as well."
"Snape warned me." I said suddenly. "He came after me when I got to close to the ship. He thinks Karkaroff wants to use me to win the Tournament."
Sirius' face darkened. "Snape. . ." he muttered. "He could be right though, as much as I hate to say it."
"Are you saying Karkaroff put my name in the goblet? Because if he did, he's a really good actor. he seemed furious about it. He wanted to stop me from competing." Harry said slowly.
"We know he's a good actor, because he convinced the ministry of Magic to set him free, didn't he? Now, I've been keeping an eye on the Daily Prophet, Harry-"
"-you and the rest of the world-" Harry replied bitterly.
"-and reading between the lines of that Skeeter woman's article last month, Moody was attacked the night before he started at Hogwarts. Yes, I know she says it was another false alarm, but I don't think so, somehow. I think someone knew their job would be a lot more difficult with him around. And no one's going to look into it too closely, Mad-Eye's heard intruders a bit too often. But that doesn't mean he can't still spot the real thing. Moody was the best Auror that Ministry ever had."
"So. . . what are you saying? Karkaroff's trying to kill me? But- why?" Harry asked.
"He can't possibly want to kill you." I hissed, "Remember my dream, Voldemort wants you. If it is Karkaroff, and I'm not all that sure it is, he'll use the tournament to get you to him."
"What dream?" Sirius asked sharply.
I hesitated. "It doesn't matter."
"Tell me." Sirius said.
I sighed and repeated nearly the whole story to him, leaving out the part about me and talking only about Harry. Somehow though, perhaps through my sucked in cheeks, he knew I was hiding something.
"Spit it out." He said, a bit harshly.
I kept my mouth shut and Harry, who'd heard the story twice, told him what was said about me. Sirius' face darkened even more.
"So Bertha Jorkins is dead and Voldemort is rising because of Pettigrew." Sirius said angrily. "I knew I should've killed him."
"I don't know if it's true." I said, exasperated. "Dumbledore seems to think so but my visions haven't been coming along so truthfully. Besides, it was a dream."
"Listen, I knew Bertha Jorkins." Sirius said in a grim voice, "She was at Hogwarts when I was, a few years above your dad and me. And she was an idiot. Very nosy, but no brains, none at all. It's not a good combination. I'd say she'd be very easy to lure into a trap."
"So. . . so Voldemort could have found out about the tournament? Is that what you mean? You think Karkaroff might be here on his orders?" Harry asked, pondering this information.
"I don't think Voldemort would be all that happy with him." I said, frowning. "I suppose it's possible though. . ."
"I don't know. . . Karkaroff doesn't strike me as the type who'd go back to Voldemort unless he knew Voldemort was powerful enough to protect him. But whoever put your name in the goblet did it for a reason, and I can't help thinking the tournament would be a very good way to attack you and make it look like an accident."
"Looks like a really good plan from where I'm standing. They'll just have to stand back and let the dragons do their stuff." Harry said, grinning a bit bleakly.
"Right- these dragons. There's a way, Harry. Don't be tempted to try a Stunning Spell- dragons are strong and too powerfully magical to be knocked out by a single Stunner, you need about half a dozen wizards at a time to overcome a dragon-"
"Yeah-" Harry started.
"Shh." I said.
"You can do it alone, there is a way, and a simple spell's all you need. Just-" Harry held up his hand to shush him.
"It's just Ron." I hissed.
Harry and I turned and waited apprehensively and indeed, it was Ron. He stared at us and then at the fire, put couldn't see Sirius from where we were.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." Ron said, hesitating in the archway. "Is that. . . is that Sirius?"
Harry and I looked at each other and Harry said, "Yeah."
Ron hesitated and then said, "Er- tell him I said hi. I'll go back to bed." He walked back up the stairs. I turned back to Sirius.
"Ron says hi, but I reckon the witch or wizard will be back soon. I'll tell Harry the spell, Love you."
"Love you too Elizabeth. Good luck Harry."
"Oh, Sirius." I said quickly and grinned broadly, "Harry wants to know if you love him too."
Harry pushed my shoulder so that I nearly fell over, spluttering and blushing, "Shut up Elizabeth."
Sirius snorted, "Of course I do, what a silly question. Also, thanks for the food Elizabeth."
"Bye." I said and with a pop, he was gone.
I yawned and stretched and kissed Harry on the cheek. "Look, I will tell you the spell, not tonight. I want to let Uncl- er Professor Moody talk to you first because he's got a great idea. If he doesn't talk about it though, I'll let you know both things, alright?"
"Sure." Harry said, a bit uneasily. "Night Elizabeth."
"Night Harry." I got up and left the Gryffindor common room and walked back to my own. Would Moody pull Harry into his office? It would be because he talked to Cedric. But would Harry know to talk to Cedric on his own? I was sure he would. I'd keep an eye on it.
𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 we were sitting at the Gryffindor table eating. Harry looked sick, eating his bacon. We were about to leave for Herbology when Harry said, "Hermione, Elizabeth, I'll see you in the greenhouses. Go on, I'll catch up with you guys."
"Harry, you'll be late-" Hermione started but I interrupted.
"Good idea Harry, we'll see you later." I said, and dragged Hermione down to Herbology.
"What was that all about?" Hermione hissed.
"Just something I foresaw." I muttered back, "Or, hopefully foresaw."
She didn't ask anymore questions.
Today in Herbology, we were pruning Flutterby bushes. Flutterby bushes quivered and shook, throwing their perfume in the air. The perfume was meant to smell differently to a person, and lure the unwary to them. To me, it smelled a bit like the sea. I'd never been to the sea- we'd never had money for a vacation. I'd always wanted to go to the sea and I supposed that's what the Flutterby bush smelled that way.
I worked carefully as I pruned my bush. I didn't want to cut any unnecessary branches. Harry hurried in after about ten or fifteen minutes into class and came over to where Hermione and I were working.
"Guys," He hissed, "I need your help."
"What do you think we've been trying to do, Harry?" Hermione asked, looking at him over her bush with round eyes. They'd been in the library researching for the simple spell that Sirius had mentioned since I wouldn't give it yet.
"I need to learn how to do a summoning charm properly by tomorrow afternoon." Harry muttered.
𝖂𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖉 of having lunch. Hermione and I worked with him until class was about to start. Hermione wasn't going to skip Arithmancy and I didn't want to skip Care of Magical Creatures (I suppose I could've redone the hour but figured Harry didn't need to miss Divination either).
We ate dinner and then rushed to the classroom we'd been before, working on it. I had started practicing it to, demonstrating, while Hermione said theories would help. We worked late into the night- we had the invisibility cloak.
However, Peeves showed up around midnight, pretending that Harry was throwing things at him and started chucking chairs. We quickly left before Filch was attracted to the noise. I made my way back to the Hufflepuff common room, but saw someone moving down to the dungeons.
Curious, I followed. They were creeping around by the Potions classroom. I followed them in after a couple seconds. They weren't anywhere around which meant that they must be in the office. I hid behind the door, crouching down. They wouldn't see me here in the dark. I drew out my wand, waiting.
The office door opened and I waved my wand but I was to slow.
𝕾𝖓𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 over me, his wand pointed at my face, his own face pale. "Are you okay?" He asked when my eyelids fluttered open.
I grimaced, "Oww, yeah." My head was pounding furiously. I put a hand to my head. "What happened?" I asked.
"I was going to ask you that." Snape said, helping me to my feet.
"I saw someone sneaking around and I followed them. But I guess they knew I was here. . . I don't know how though. . ." I said, frustrated. "I know for a fact that they never saw me. . . they came out of your office. I never saw what he- or she- looked like."
"You shouldn't have followed them." Snape said in a terse voice. "You could have been more seriously hurt than just stunned."
"I. . ." I hesitated. "I was- I was worried." I admitted.
"Why?" He asked, frowning.
"I-" I blushed and turned away and said, "I thought he might try to kill you."
There was a pause. And then he groaned and said, "Damnit!"
"What?" I asked, turning around in shock. He was running a hand through his long hair.
"If he was going to kill me then you most definitely shouldn't have come!" He said very angrily.
"No!" He said harshly, slamming his fist against the wall.
I recoiled. I blushed and said, "I couldn't just stand by-"
"You better." Snape said, glaring at me.
We both stared at each other angrily for a long time. Then Snape ran his hand through his hair again and I blurted out, "I l-" I stopped, biting my tongue, blushing furiously. Snape looked at me with piercing eyes. "What?" He asked, a bit curiously.
I shook my head, blushing even more. He took a step closer. My breath caught in my throat and I said, "It's nothing, okay. I'll- I'll go now, I-" He took a step closer, reaching out and taking a lock of my hair. He wasn't looking at me anymore, but looking down. My heart thudded in my chest and I tried to steady my breath.
"Elizabeth. . ." he whispered in my ear and I shivered. His fingers lightly grazed my cheek down to my chin. "Go to bed."
I nodded and choked out, "Yeah. . . of course." I stumbled backwards and turned from the room. I lay in bed, burying my head in my pillow. One of these days, I was going to screw myself up and admit my feelings and I was sure after that I'd have to drop potions or face eternal embarrassment when he admitted he didn't feel the same way.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, I felt horribly sick with nerves. Harry would be facing the dragon tomorrow and while I was sure he would do fine, I had my doubts. My doubts weren't based on Harry, but on whether or not things would play out the way that my visions declared.
At breakfast, I barely ate, drumming my fingers on my sketchpad. Then, I went to Moody's classroom. I didn't have class, but I wanted to tell him about the intruder and to ask him to keep an eye out.
I knocked on the office door and heard a voice growl, "Come in Elizabeth."
"Hey, I just wanted to run something by you real quick." I said, stepping into the office.
"Really?" Moody grunted, drinking from his hip flask. "Doesn't have anything to do with your visions, does it?"
I hesitated, imaging Harry flying past the dragons, "Well, no, it doesn't. Actually, last night, I was helping Harry with his summoning charm. And well, when I left, I saw someone sneak into Snape's office."
Moody frowned, or at least what was an attempted frown. His magical eye was zooming around the classroom, but his normal eye was fixed on me, "Really? Did they take anything? Was Snape there? What happened? Do you know?"
I shook my hand, "They stunned me. I don't think Snape was there though. I don't know if they took anything either, he didn't say. But I wanted to let you know, considering your an Auror, that someone's sneaking around."
"Might be a Durmstrang student trying to help Krum. . ." Moody muttered. "or even a Hogwarts student if they thought something in there would help Diggory or Potter. Don't know why they'd think any potions ingredients would help with this task though. . . though they don't know what the task is so maybe. . . hmm."
"Maybe." I said hesitantly. "I have to get to Charms, but I thought you should know."
"Thank you Elizabeth. I'm sure Snape already told Dumbledore, but I'll let him know you came by as well. It's important he knows. I'll keep an eye on students as well." Moody said thoughtfully.
I nodded and quickly left, sprinting down the corridor so that I would make it to Charms on time.
𝕴 𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐 to Snape's classroom after school ended, but the door opened before I could knock or open it myself. I found myself face to face with Karkaroff.
"What are you doing here?" Karkaroff asked.
"I have a-a private lesson with Professor Snape." I stuttered, blushing. He was so tall!
"A private lesson, huh?" He sneered, leaning forwards. I jerked back, hitting my head against the doorframe, realizing just how unfortunate the situation was. I was frozen in fear, our cheeks almost touching as he whispered, "And how private, is private?" His body was pressed against mine. One hand was on my leg, trailing upwards. I stayed frozen.
"Karkaroff!" Professor Snape snapped.
Karkaroff moved backwards slowly, moving his hand up to twirl his goatee. "I see. . ."
"It's not- It's not like that!" I said quickly, shooting at look at Professor Snape, a panic I couldn't explain inside of me.
"She has private lessons with several Professors." Professor Snape said, moving between the two of us. He was shorter than Karkaroff, though not by much, but somehow managed to tower over him at the moment. "Now get out."
Karkaroff snorted but said nothing, leaving the potions classroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Professor Snape asked quickly, his demeanor changing abruptly.
"Ah. . . no." I said, blushing. "I'm sorry, I should've chosen my words better."
"No matter." Professor Snape said, brushing my apology away. "He's been looking for a chance to get close to you regardless. Shall we start the lesson then?"
"Oh, right yes." I said, sitting down at our usual table where the ingredients and list had already been set out and we started.
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 were sitting on either side of Harry in the Great Hall for lunch. None of us were eating much of anything. I supposed it was nerves. But it was worse than before a Quidditch game- which was stupid. I wasn't even competing this time.
"Potter," Professor McGonagall said, coming over to the Gryffindor table, "the champions have to come down onto the grounds now. . . You have to get ready for your first task." Her face was white and though her body and manners seemed steady, her hands were shaking slightly.
"Okay." Harry said, dropping his fork onto his plate mindlessly. It made a loud clatter.
"Good luck, Harry. You'll be fine!" Hermione said.
"Good luck!" I said anxiously.
"Yeah." Harry said in an off-tone voice and followed Professor McGonagall out of the Great Hall. About twenty minutes later, Hermione and I went down to the arena that the champions would be competing in. We were sitting near the teachers. Ginny, Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville were sitting with us. I looked at Snape, who was looking at me. I blushed and sat down and quickly engaged in a conversation with Seamus and Dean.
Ludo came up on stage at the blow of a whistle. He was commentating again. To bad, I would've liked Lee to have commented. Lee looked bored, in the front row and was looking up at Ludo as though insulted that he'd taken his job.
There was another blow of the whistle and Cedric entered the enclosure. I had my fingers crossed tightly, my sketchpad on my lap. The Swedish Short-Snout was in the arena with him. I remembered that they weren't as vicious as the others and was glad that this was the one that Cedric was going up against.
Cedric transfigured a rock, turning it into a yellow Labrador. I was surprised, that was a pretty good bit of magic. Of course- Cedric was brilliant, no doubt about that. The dog barked at the dragon. Cedric was trying to get around the dragon, as the dragon was drawn to the dog, gaining on it.
It took a long time, Cedric was trying to move very slowly, trying not to draw attention to him moving behind his back. I could see the dragon's nest somewhere behind that. Ludo was commenting, "A neat bit of transfiguration right there. . . wonder if it will work. . ."
Cedric sprinted for the eggs and grabbed the golden egg. The dragon turned, around blowing fire. I screamed- and I wasn't the only one. The fire caught part of his face. The dragon keepers were climbing into the arena now, containing the dragon. I saw that Charlie was among them. I crossed my fingers but no one was hurt.
Cedric was taken to the medical tent to get his face healed up. I realized I was gripping Deans' arm tightly and I let go. "Sorry." I muttered to him.
"It's fine." he muttered back, his face darker than usual.
I made sure to keep my hands to myself after that, gripping my knees instead, digging my fingernails in as Fleur came out next against the common welsh green. Again, not a particularly dangerous dragon. Fleur was muttering and waving her wand and the dragon seemed a bit dazed, as though it was being put into a trance. I wondered if Veela could charm animals as well. Looking around, I noticed so of the guys seemed to be in a sort of a trance too.
Out of curiosity, I looked up at the teachers panel. Snape's face was slack and I started giggling and poked Ginny who looked over and started to giggle too. "She's a Veela." She murmured in my ear. "And Professor Snape. . ."
We giggled harder. We watched as Professor McGonagall looked over and saw Snape's face. She quickly slapped him across the face and he reeled back. I think she was very happy that she got to do that, for as she faced back around, she was smirking.
Snape got up, rubbing his cheek and our eyes met. I was still giggling and sucked in my cheeks and looked away, trying not to laugh anymore. Ginny had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.
"It was a bit funny." I muttered. My hand was on my pencil and I was already drawing the scene, still grinning.
The common welsh snorted and flames caught Fleur's skirt as she got close to the egg. She put the flames out with water and got the golden egg.
The common welsh was taken away and the Chinese Fireball was put in place and the whistle blowed for a third time. Krum walked out, looking extremely surly. I wondered if he felt like this before every Quidditch match.
He was very quick in acting, but so was the dragon. The Chinese Fireball didn't get it's name for nothing after all. It kept blowing fire at him and he kept ducking behind rocks that had been strategically placed there as barriers. He was much quicker than Cedric or Fleur and Krum lifted his wand and yelled something. He was using the Conjunctivitis Curse.
The spell hit the Chinese Fireball in the forehead and she bellowed in agony, stumbling around. Krum got the egg but the real eggs were destroyed when she trampled them and then bellowed in agony at losing her eggs. I actually felt a bit bad for the dragon. Imagine losing your babies like that.
There was the fourth and final whistle and I drew closer on the edge of my seat. Harry came out, looking a bit sick. He raised his wand in the air and shouted something that no one could hear over the Hungarian Horntail's roars- but I knew he was summoning his broom. My fingers were crossed so tightly that the blood was draining from them.
Harry stood there for a moment, looking dazed and people started to whisper. But then, I heard a swooshing sound and heads turned to see his firebolt zooming towards him. It stopped dead in midair beside him. The crowd was shouting for joy. Bagman was shouting, "Well who would have guessed this!"
Harry swung his leg over the broom and soared upwards, and then- he smiled.
He was looking down at the eggs and muttering something and I relaxed. Harry was going to do wonderfully. He dived. The Horntail's head followed him though she didn't move. He swerved out of the way as a jet of fire came blowing out.
"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman shouted, "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"
Harry soared higher in a circle, the Horntails head revolving on its neck. He was trying to make it dizzy. Harry plummeted again after a moment, dodging flames again. However, the Horntail's tail came up and graze his shoulder, ripping his robes. I screamed again, this time, clutching Ginny's arm. She'd screamed as well.
Harry zoomed around the back of the Horntail and then moved back and forth. Slowly and gradually, he pulled just a little bit further away, just out of reach of the tail and flames. The dragon roared in exasperation, unable to get to him. Then the dragon reared onto her back legs, her wings spread out, blocking the view for some of the other viewers. He dove, going between her legs and scooping the golden egg up under his uninjured arm.
I jumped up with the Gryffindors, cheering!
"Look at that! Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!" Ludo Bagman was shouting excitedly. He looked hot inside his wasp robes- his face was red and sweat was trickling down his face. I reckoned he should be glad to be hot considering how cold it was outside.
I rushed from the stands as Harry landed in front of Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody, and Hagrid.
"That was excellent, Potter." Professor McGonagall said, smiling, though her hands were still shaking, "You'll need to seem Madam Pomfrey before the judges give out your score... Over there, she's had to mop up Diggory already.."
"Yeh did it!" Hagrid was cheering.
I threw my arms around him. "You did wonderfully Harry." I whispered in his ear.
"Thanks Elizabeth." Harry said.
I went with him to the hospital tent, feeling very excited. Madam Pomfrey on the other hand, was in a horrible mood.
"Dragons!" She exclaimed in a disgusted tone, pulling Harry inside and making him go into a cubicle. I waited outside, listening to her rant. "Last year dementors, this year dragons, what are they going to bring into this school next? You're very lucky. . . this is quite shallow. . . it'll need cleaning before I heal it up, though. . ." A pause, a hiss from Harry and then Madam Pomfrey came out of the tent saying, "Now just sit quietly for a minute- sit! And then you can go and get your score!"
"Hey Elizabeth." Harry called from inside the cubicle. "What's my score?"
"Forty points." I called back. "If my vision is correct, of course. You'll be tied first with Ced."
Harry was on his feet, coming out and I put a hand on his chest. "Sorry, medic in training, go sit down." I said, smirking at him.
"Oh buzz off." Harry said, rolling his eyes jokingly.
Hermione and Ron entered the tent. I kissed Harry's cheek and said, "I'll let you be. I'm hungry."
I started to walk away when I heard someone call my name quietly. I turned to see Barty Crouch there. I stopped walking. He jerked his head, starting to walk towards the Forbidden forest. I hesitated for a second before I followed.
"Let me guess, I was right." I asked, crossing my arms as we came to a stop.
"You need to stay out of this." Mr. Crouch said. "You're just a kid."
Well, that stung. "Just a kid?" I asked, perhaps a bit angrier than need be. "Who warned you about what was going to happen, may I ask? Oh that's right, it was me. The kid. You really ought to listen to me more."
He glowered at me, "Stay out of it." He started to walk away.
"What? That's it? Stay out of it?" I snapped. He stopped turning back to me.
"What? Were you expecting something else?" he asked. His wording, his way of talking, it was all off from the clean, business like man I had met at the Quidditch World cup.
"You're already under it, aren't you?" I asked. "The Imperius Curse, I mean."
There was wavering behind his eyes but he said, "Of course not, that's ridiculous."
"Of course you are." I said, trying to sound kinder than I previously had. "I can help you."
His expression was guarded. "I'm not under the curse."
"So you say." I sighed. "More likely, you're just saying that. I've been under the curse. You're an adult wizard, aren't you? Throw it off. Have the will to throw it off. Cause if I can throw it off and you can't, then you must not want to actually throw it off."
This wasn't true, but I knew anger was a good motivator for throwing off the Imperius Curse. I turned to go and he grabbed my arm, jerking me back.
"Watch your back" he muttered in my ear before letting go of my arm, almost thrusting it away from himself. I tripped over my own two feet, but caught myself before I fell.. He started walking off back towards the tents. I caught sight of McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, and Moody looking at us from far away, but I pretended not to see them, making my way up to the castle instead.
I shook my head, sighing in disappointment. If only I could help him! Then, I could solve this mystery.
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a twitter swiftie started following me and their url literally includes the words "lovestay13" 😭😭😭 your impersonation was so on point 👏
I decided to do a quick search since I know I have seen a variation of this so many times!
@/kaitlyn-loves-taylor-13 is a real tumblr user who left in 2020 but I think thats the only one with the exact format.
@/laura-loves-taylor13 has been inactive since 2018
Then I got bored and started doing @ and then typing in girls names and got this
All of these blogs have been inactive since 2020 or earlier and are all self reblogs of selfies.
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Hello darling, are you lost? 🌸
Admin is @silvireal
Vienna Murr (V) (1921-1944) was a German paramedic and arms factory worker during World War II. In Heaven, she accidentally learned from Adam about the extermination and he offered her a job as a designer of personal weapons. She later also took on part-time work as a therapist for exorcists.
Has a twin sister @your-favorite-spyho and two simps, @exorcist-timpani and @exorcist-ava.
Wiki page! (click)
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Important notes:
Demonic powers Vienna's demon form Lee's demon form Pieces of painful memories (Lee) Luther (Lee during her lifetime) Lee's backstory (part 1)
Current story:
Lute's therapy (1 | 2) Leedina ("First and last" | The truth (1 | 2) | Badminton with Sadie | Coping mechanism | Don't bother | Play date) Vexorcists (Timp&V | Timp&Lee | Timp&Ava)
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Non-canon "what if" series:
Val's Toy Butch Rockstar Holee Spy Pony (lmao)
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Lutual Statement
After a pretty rough week with a lot going on, the Lutuals have decided that moving forward we will be a bit more selective regarding certain things. We love sharing our characters and developing new and interesting storylines for people to read and interact with and want to continue doing so while protecting ourselves and our mental health.
Please see below on the things we expect moving forward.
Asks, anon or not, will be deleted on sight and the sender blocked if they fall into any of the following categories:
NSFW - finding the characters hot is fine! Telling the mods what you want to do to those characters sexually is not!
Violence - show typical violence may be part of storylines or backstory to inform characterization! Graphically describing violence you would like to see done to the characters doesn’t! To vent frustrations with characters, please throw a bible at them; the mods will get the message just fine.
Hate Speech - the Lutualverse is a fun spinoff of the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss settings and isn’t the place for social or political commentary. We’re just here for the various shades of queer relationships; if you’re not, kindly move along.
Spam - many Lutuals utilize their queues for asks and submissions; if you sent it once, we probably got it and will answer asks and post submissions in due time. Sending more than once will just confuse Tumblr and annoy the mod.
To better form a cohesive, consistent universe with multiple storylines, the current Lutualverse is a set roster you can find here, all of whom have been vetted as 18+. As the blogs, storylines, and shows are 18+, it is recommended that minors do not interact.
Also, it has come to our attention that some blogs are claiming to be part of the Lutualverse despite not being official members.
While we appreciate that people enjoy our work, we DO NOT appreciate being impersonated or having unaffiliated members claiming to be part of our canon.
At the time of writing, the ONLY Lutuals are as follows: @joyerisjoy @able-juice @silvireal @texanredrose @kambiteydragon @moreaustars @xxcrazylutexx @canibalistic-brownie @greybazzy @seecatrun @pseudobun @atttwoood @paperroxas
Our recently updated roster of characters on our Lutuals page of the Wiki lists all the OFFICIAL blogs we have can be read here (https://lutualverse.fandom.com/wiki/Lutuals).
Any new blogs or members will be announced by ONE OF US and will be LISTED on the Lutuals roster.
Any unaffiliated users claiming to be part of our verse WILL BE BLOCKED.
Again, we would like to stress that we enjoy the interaction and support. This is to protect us and better craft compelling stories. Thank you for your understanding.
-The Lutuals
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eurosleaz · 1 year
sadie uses messy, impersonal sex as a way to feel good for once in her life and that's like...it's definitely not healthy for her!
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katya-von-wolfe · 1 year
Done with the bullshit. Stop impersonating me and sadie, whatever sick fucks that get offf on this, have no soul. You are making it worse in dangerous ways and you need to stop.
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