#so sorry for infodumping lmao
luminlunii · 6 months
This isn't a request, but what inspired your Ocs into existence? Mine was that I wanted more people in Rocky's corner! So, I gave him a mom friend named Sadie Churchill or also known as Lucille Grace. She's known as the sweet motherly and unsuspected cleaning lady at the little Daisy Cafe/Lackadaisy, the unknown Siren Killer to the law and the crazy witch from a coven, killing all the people that were involved in the murder of her husband and baby to her victims. Along side an angry spirit known as a Wraith with a common enemy as her. Then, there's also the significant other to Rocky! Clarity Sable, Sedgewick's niece. Who is also a part of the same coven as Sadie. No, Sedgewick doesn't know about this. All he knows is that his niece was sent to live with him at 13 for reasons and she's 20 now.
That's so cool! I'll be explaining below. It's very long, whoops.
For me, it was mostly for fun? And then I got really into it. The girlfriends I mentioned before, Lavinia and Yvaine, are just my oc's as Lackadaisy characters. And then I kind of just had this thought of 'Rocky doesn't have any parental figures...Might as well make Lavinia and Yvaine his parents lmao'. I thought it was funny.
The twin's were really just an excuse to have more doctor characters. I have names for them now! They are of Japanese origin, Rin and Minoru, and because they moved to the U.S. at a young age they had to change them. Wren, was close enough to Rin, and Moreno, close enough to Minoru. They also had this little sister on her way, their mother was 3 months pregnant with her at the time. Originally before they moved her name was going to be Emiko, it then changed to Emily shortly after.
Wren was in training to become a nurse back in WW2 and when she came back home she was rather...prickly. She died due to being involved with a deal gone wrong with a gang and Moreno was left to take her place, quite literally. Since then Moreno had to study extensively about medical practices to really impersonate her. Grief was what motivated him. Atlas May found him and later employed him.
Then comes around my fifth character. He's Russian and officially named Anastasiy Baladin. He was originally going to be a buff lady. Not much going on with him except he was basically disowned by his family shortly after an incident. He has this really large scar that runs up and down his spine widening at the center of his back. Like the shape of a diamond. I was going to push him to be Rocky's love interest because I thought it would funny if Rocky fell for someone tall and intimidating lmaooo
I think I'm going for it anyway because I still think it would be funny.
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nelyoslegalteam · 9 months
please tell me about your dnd campaign, stranger
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi do you have any idea how happy i am to get this ask. you have activated my trap card this is going to be SO long i am sorry in advance but The People Need To Know About My D&D Campaign.
so we’re playing in Adventures in Middle Earth, which is. supposedly a Tolkienverse-specific 5e mod but frankly it’s robust enough to fully count as its own system if you ask me. like it has its own guidebooks, character sheets, premade adventures, and features mechanics that 5e just straight up doesn’t have. it’s like if 5e were actually good. anyway. may i present to you:
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ The Mirkwood Campaign 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
so what, exactly, happened in the intervening years between the events of the Hobbit and LOTR? we did, BAYBEEEEEE!!
we are:
Murdoc, a hobbitish warden (adventures in middle earth’s version of a bard), played by yours truly!! raised in the shire and eventually moved out to the middle of mirkwood by an eccentric uncle who idolizes bilbo baggins, murdoc is the heir apparent to the brandybuck family inn. unfortunately for murdoc, he has developed extremely nasty prophetic dreams and is now burdened with the ability to see the future! a skill that has definitely left him with a very normal relationship to his new day job of Being An Adventurer!! i am unhinged and have uh. Talked About Him A LOT If You Care To Read This, but he is full of murderous rage and also tea and loves his friends very much. he also, more recently, surrendered himself as bait to the great werewolf plaguing mirkwood, trusting completely that his friends would come and save him. he was right. they did. and he lost his right hand in the process. :)
Ríros, an elven warrior (aime version of a fighter), played by @jaz-the-bard. tall, buff, sunshiny, and an absolute himbo. ALSO loves his friends VERY much and this is KEY. unfortunately for ríros, he is a redhead, and that does cause problems in a world where maedhros feänorion once existed. (stranger, i am so sorry if you are not one of my silmarillion regulars and did not know what you were getting into by asking me, a silmarillion blog, to tell you about my d&d campaign, and now have no idea who or what the fuck i am talking about). ríros is notably not maedhros though! he isn't even noldorin!! maedhros is a ghost who lives in his sword (and who is also played by jaz)! and who also maybe kind of accidentally possessed him one time, if you wanna read this here for a better explanation of ríros mostly but also all of the above.
The Bearer, a human slayer (aime barbarian), played by @thymo-leonta. grumpy old man. unwilling father to all these young and stupid adventurers he’s been stuck with. are they all adults? yeah sure. they’re still Children. we are making him go grey. also full of murderous rage. looks like he's running from his perfectly normal, happy, loving family. is actually acutely aware of the fact that he has been doomed to die. killed the werewolf that took murdoc's hand. as a consequence, became the werewolf that took murdoc's hand. has two dogs, both named Dog <3
Déorwyn, a human wanderer (aime ranger), played by @shadowkat2000. resident party Horse Girl. a fellow sufferer of The Bad Prophetic Dreams^TM. because this is not quite unfortunate enough for her, déorwyn Hears Dead People. apparently our GM gives her extra secret bonus ghosts that the rest of us do not hear or know about! this being the source of her foresight makes her pretty distinct from murdoc, despite them both seemingly suffering from the same thing, in ways that i have LOTS of emotions about. her horse is named windrider and Their Bond Is Unbreakable uwu
and @potatoobsessed999, our obligatorily Extremely Ominous GM!
(we are also occasionally joined by Ioreth, a human treasure hunter (aime rogue), whose player is unfortunately not on tumblr. a founding member of the party, has earned the epithet The Feral, mostly loves to hang out in the woods by herself, look for shiny things, and cause chaos. as a beorning, she CAN astral-project herself as a bear. it rules. once got possessed by a ringwraith, probably holds the most compassion for characters who have been through similar out of any of us. is usually covered in mud.)
initially in the employ of radagast the brown, a tenure that did not last due to murdoc's insistence that saruman is evil (i mean. yeah lol.), we're a group of adventurers traveling mirkwood with the aim to defend it as sauron slowly gathers power. we are
successful at the Fighting And Killing Things part of this
we specialize in:
lugging unconscious bodies through the woods!
lugging DEAD bodies through the woods!
lugging EACH OTHER'S bodies through the woods!
lugging things through the woods in general!
setting things on fire (usually murdoc's fault)!
making fun of our enemies so bad they just give up!
INCLUDING the ringwraiths (shoutout to ríros)!
serving annoying politicians subpoenas!
murdering them like the one time it was totally justified we promise!
accidentally convincing the council of mirkwood that murdoc's inn is a small fiefdom!
being generally cursed (except for ríros) (he just looks that way)!
HIRE US to take care of whatever problems are happening in YOUR local cursed forest! wights? patricidal politicians? generally awful politicians? sauron? the same fucking werewolf again? it's definitely just tuesday to us!
you can count on
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ the union of murdoc 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
anyhow, jaz is absolutely wonderful and has written several fics of our party, including (but not limited to):
Cooking Contest for the Free Peoples, based on an in-game conversation about beating sauron at competitive cooking,
In Which There Are More Ghosts, which is not canon to game but is in fact Extremely Representative of the exact kind of nonsense we get up to (campaign's haunted),
A Stranger With a Friend's Face, a canon to game horror story of how ríros got slightly possessed, the party acquired maedhros, and neither murdoc nor déorwyn managed to explain the presence of the vengeful ghost residing in murdoc's scepter and bullying him in his dreams to any of the rest of the party right up until this very moment,
and this wonderful drabble from the horror arc in which we were isolated inside of a haunted longhouse. complete with party memes here.
there's more, and i am going to a.) pick on jaz to add them if they can find them, and b.) pick on my beloved friends in general to Please Help Me Infodump About our Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Murdoc, the Bearer, Déorwyn, Ríros, Ioreth]
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katyspersonal · 6 months
What are your opinions on our Lord and Savior Gywn?
He didn't save SHIT!! He took the perfectly (?) functioning humanity and ruined it! Look at it, it got Hollowing!!
Okay, I am making the 'Marika is a MILF Gwyn' jokes here and there, but 1) Marika is a bit more of a straight up cold and mean person, all things considered 2) Yet she still has enough nuance, and a lot of her actions might be written on reasonable fears and 3) Gwyn is even MORE nuanced than Marika, from what I have concluded so far! Laurence is a similar kind of sinner too. Comparison of the characters that share a trope is helpful for my thought process, so bear with me a little! With Marika I see a more direct disdain and fear before the very nature of life, cyclic and treacherous, uncontrollable, being meant to perish one day but with new life sprouting from it, and thus doing lovely things like shunning Crucible-related lifeforms. With Laurence, we have enough evidence so far that beasthood was not created by Healing Church but something already lingering in the human code after Pthumerians and Loran, so ambition to seize and control it it was risky but understandable!
But with Gwyn, we are confirmed that human nature itself is dark, undesirable an terrifying, as well as how he sorta had the chance to see it 'in action' during uniting with humans to take war on dragons. And also in Dark Souls the cyclic nature of Ages is just a fact, and it would make sense that should Age of Dark come, he and his family would be the first to go as beings of Light. It is a combination of things: his kind being in true danger and not just "risking to lose power", the treacherourness of how political allyship simply works (your today's ally country against the common enemy could tomorrow ally with someone else to start the war on YOU) and simply the not-so-metaphorical horrors of the Dark itself! is not a speculation, the dangers are RIGHT here!
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Gwyn messed the natural order of humanity in a way that I personally dislike and express it on multiple occasions: trying to get rid of what's barbaric and dangerous yet natural and not accepting that there is no light without shadow, or life without death. But I also feel sympathetic because he had a legit reason to fear the darkness within men. In is not as much philosophical but a literal concept in Dark Souls lore. He acted out of fear, backed up with a precedent, and it brought the ruin to himself and everyone else. Writing this I'd say he sorta falls for the type of a person I can only like in fiction but resent in reality. I guess I don't need to explain what kind of people this is, paranoid "but for a valid reason", being "preventive" with their drastic measures.. Good intentions path to hell self-fulfilling prophesy blablabla. His specieism doesn't help his case in the slighest. Ironically, all extremely human behavior of him!
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(LOL thank you based Goldmask as usual xddd) At the same time, he is not entirely corrupt with the power he seized and used to strip humanity of what was natural for them; he, in the end, committed to what he believed was better for everyone and sacrificed HIMSELF too. I can respect the cunning and machiavellian person who, in the end, is above the vanity of a 'savior' and can give themselves too, not only others. He also did share his power with some humans, showing that he can take kinda benevolent choices even with those he fears. Yeah, part of calculated risk could be there; dude gave the city and his daughter to the Pygmy to, again, preemptively avoid some animosity. But in the case with the four kings, did he HAVE to? Or Seath for that matter, who is a dragon, another species he doesn't like?
I find it hard to detect 'truly' corrupt people in Soulsborne setting in general, and yeah we can fiddle with 'nuanced character' and 'everyone is morally grey' forever and never discover THE big bad we'd love to hate. But, out of those big bads, I think he deserves the benefit of being seen as a way more nuanced character than the corrupt leader the most! It is the case where he should not have done anything, but also should not have NOT done anything.. Soulsborne is eager with placing characters in a position and knowledge where every choice is wrong and they just pick a poison for themselves (and everyone else xd). Jokes about "haha people in power moment" are still mostly jokes for me. He is sympathetic in a way not like I think I'd have done the same (let's be real, I revel in darkness gfjjghk) but in a way where I understand too much to feel negative 🤔
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WAIT I GET A TAG I LOVE THIS !!!! u must tell me all about ur fantasy dr now omg
RAAAAH OKAY. Im working on a Notion thingy that I'll link when its "done", and i loath everyday that i havent figured out the magic system yet, but heres the super basic outline:
- Its a european medieval fantasy setting, magic and mythical creatures and such (the only humanoids are like. Elves and Humans though, so not quite high-fantasy)
- I live with my adopted dad + mentor, Cassius, on this collection of floating islands called the Peregrine Islands
- Dragons are a fairly big part of the world but are severely under researched, so we work in a government funded program to study dragons. but this usually means just dicking around with them lol
- Gods are real (though not all powerful). the two primary Gods are Celia of the Moon and her sister Seraphis. Seraphis is commonly known as the sun goddess but shes technically a god of twilight and dawn. Celia's followers are all very different with different styles of worship but generally Celia sends signs through dreams, where as Seraphis dormant because every few hundred years she makes these big "miracles" and exhausts all her power
- The 9 levels of hell are real and each level has a legendary weapon associated with it. In order to keep the 9 Hells closed, the weapons are sealed away in each of the 9 capitals of the world. Eventually one of them (I dont remember which weapon it was my b <\3) gets stolen by this shapeshifter mf and pawned off to pirates but idk where that plotline is going juuust yet 👀
- im Super Cool and also Arospec in this reality so in my dr i naturally have a love triangle goin on 🤘 plan is polyamory but we'll see how it goes lol. One is a boy-next-door type from an old-western-style town me + Cassius visit sometimes, other is from an arctic tribe with these cool seaglass beaches i found on pinterest and immediately adopted into the universe jdbsksbsj
- yeah generally Stuff Is Going On LMAO but 99% of my time in my DR is me going on research trips, special requests from the princess, and housekeeping for dragons lol. eventually im gonna have to write a wholeass BOOK on them and even defining what a dragon IS is going to be such a task oml. but i <3 my work
- other animals like jackalopes and unicorns and phoenixes and merfolk will exist for sure for sure for sure, but ive always been autistic about dragons and that WILL NOT change there
- My riding dragon is a pretty common one but hes my bestest friend ever ever everrrr. Hes an orange + white feathered wyvern called Solstice and I'd die for him a thousand times over. His species typically keep to family groups in these like, year-round autumn forests near the peregrine islands? but during certain times of year theres like. 30-50 of them hanging out in fields to even out the food sources yk. without the camouflage of the forests they just rely on strength in numbers :] i have to go every year but honestly its a vibe. theyre a very docile dragon lol
- Cassius' riding dragon is a very serious girlie called Juno !!! Cassius worships Celia of the Moon very dutifully so even his dragon is moon themed lol. Juno is like a SUPER DUPER rare kind of dragon where they have a really long life span because their eggs almost never hatch. they only hatch on eclipses, and theyre super fun too because if they hatch during a Lunar Eclipse you get the horned variant (Juno), and if they hatch during a Solar Eclipse you get the frilled variant :D!!!! I gotta sit down and properly design them one day but AAAA
- OH Familiars also exist here!! they basically work as like a reservoir of magic if that makes sense? The spell it takes to get one is super tedious and draining but Cassius helped me with like, support spells so i managed. Familiars basically either can double the strength of one spell, or allow you to cast an additional one. They can take on basically any shape so long as its mobile because magic isnt stationary. Mine is a blue tiger cub named Tybalt/Tibby (Hes based on my favourite stuffed animal lol). most familiars are semi-tangible and pretty small - Tibbys about the size of a small rabbit. Familiars natively make like. Wind chime/glass clinking noises :3
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devilcat3d · 1 year
*summons you, but gets nervous cause ur attractive and infodumps to you instead of what i initially planned*
the ground where you drew the pentagram starts to glow, and fire starts to spawn around it. you look upon your ritual with excitement in your eyes, the summoning appears to have worked! soon youll get to meet an all powerful demon, one youve read about in all the old books that are strewn about the floor. you lick your lips, since you read this demon is known for its lustful nature, youre very excited to do certain- things with her. what will you make her do first, you wonder? maybe youll make her get on her knees and use her throat, mke her choke and gag until she cant breathe... maybe youll take her to the nearest bed and rail her brains out... ohh the options are endless, and the thoughts are all running rampant through your head. finally after a minute or so, a shadowy figure starts to rise out of the pentagram, and it is accompanied by a gust of black smoke billowing out from the center. you are hit with a flash of light, blinding you, that forces you to look away. after a second the light disperses, and you look up anxiously to see the sexiest, most beautiful woman you have ever laid eyes on. her skin is red, her body is to die for and she is wearing a skimpy little outfit. she has a set of absolutely gorgeous horns, that must add at least 7 inches to her total height. she makes you seem so small and weak just looking upon her, you start to get nervous that maybe she'll be the one using you. she looks around the room with curiosity, before finally setting her gaze on you. she opens her mouth to speak and her voice is like an angels, ironically.
"well well well. another mortal. let me guess, you want something from me dont you?" she seems annoyed slightly. "i was in the middle of something important you know. so. what is it?"
"i uh um please um can we- uh" you stutter.
"spit it out human. i dont have all day." she says in a commanding tone.
"um well you see i- i want to- uh well did you know that in the original banjo kazooie game theres only 5 colors of jinjos but in the second game there are 10 colors and the grey ones are extinct?"
she looks confused. "...what? what are you talking about?"
you anxiously let out another tidbit of autistic infodumping. "in banjo kazooie when you use the mumbo transformations sometimes he'll turn you into a washing machine and joke about how he's going to wash his clothes with you..."
"huh wow. thats quite interesting actually. its cute how anxious you are cutie. wanna have sex?"
and then you get to fuck a hot autistic demon girl because you got anxious and started infodumping. love wins!!!!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 7 months
kinda random but it’s something I think about often with robselle soooooo what colors do Adam and Belle love seeing each other in? And clothes, if they like anything specific. I know being king and queen they must have a pretty extensive wardrobe so 👁️
hiiii i’m sorry i kept forgetting to answer this?? BUT OH WHAT AN EXQUISITE QUESTION!!!!
okay okay okay okay so the thing is. fashion is adam’s number one special interest. he knows EVERYTHING about it. think miranda priestly from the devil wears prada. he’s That Bitch. (i want to write an au sometime where adam is miranda and belle is andy. and it deviates at some point obviously so that they fall in love. But Anyway.) adam loves fashion and knows alllll the latest trends (and sets a lot of them himself, since he is, THE KING ! )
it really worked out perfectly because belle doesn’t care about fashion at all. obviously she grew up with Very Limited Options but she still just hardly gives it a moment’s thought. which means that adam gets to pick out all her outfits and be very excited about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
belle definitely has her limits, and there are certain dresses with Too Much Frill or jewelry that’s Way Too Much where she has to pull adam back down to earth for a minute. but he looooves to buy her dresses. he’s so ridiculous. i have this one wip that i wanna finish so badly, basically belle is trying on all these new dresses and she’s one by one coming out of her dressing room getting more exhausted by the process of taking them on and off (With Plumette’s Help Course !!!!) but then she sees adam holding baby renée and they’re both greeting her like :D and she can’t help but smile and do a twirl for them afjskdk 🥹🤧
anyway my point is adam often picks out their outfits so they can match, at least early on. belle gets the hang of it and finds her own flavor of dress for sure, but sometimes she still goes to adam to ask for his opinion and he just explodes very autistically about it. He Is So Happy To Give His Fashion Opinion. BUT OKAY SO YOUR QUESTION YEAH—
i’ve had the headcanon for a while, and i don’t know why, but i think belle Loves to see adam in red. i think it may be because it’s kind of rare? he mostly prefers cool tones, blues and greens and purples, so on the rare occasion he’s wearing red, belle just really wants to take it off of him?????? 🔥 lmao
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in general, i think adam likes seeing belle in everything. (and nothing at all 😉). but he notices that she really likes floral print, so he capitalizes on that shit and gets her A Lot of floral dresses !!!!!! and he gets lots of floral suits to match as well.
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i also think he definitely has a soft spot for when she wears yellow…. since it reminds him of their first dance 🥹🥹🥹
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she still has ✨💛That Dress💛✨ in her wardrobe and i have ANOTHER wip about their teenage daughter juliette coming in one evening when belle is going through her wardrobe and adam is sitting in there reading (and giving his unsolicited opinions about every dress belle pulls out) (also they just can’t not be in the same room if they are able) (also neurodivergent body doubling!!!!! belle was distracted all day until he said he’d sit in there with her) BUT ANYWAY UHH!!!!!!! juliette sees ✨💛The Dress💛✨ and she’s like whoah i haven’t seen you wear this :”0 and adam and belle just LOOK‼️ at each other and belle says she hasn’t worn it in years, it was the dress she wore for her first dance with her father. and adam smiles and says “it was the dance that started it all.” and they’re both looking at each other like 🥹🥹🥹 and juliette’s like “Should I Leave, Or…” afjskd no i’m kidding but belle does say that juliette should try it on !! that if anyone should wear it it should be their daughters !!!! but it’s still in the wip phase, alas 😪
anyway, hello? did i even answer your questions. belle loves seeing adam in red, that’s very important. and adam loves fashion and loves dressing his wife (and undressing his wife!!!!! 😉😉😉) okay i’m gonna go i need to stop the horny jokes goodbye
actually rereading your ask, on a last note!!!! they DO have an extensive wardrobe!!!! i think one of the hardest things for adam to deal with when they got married and belle moved into his chambers was that he was full on using Both Dressing Rooms to store all his clothes 😭🤧 and now he has to give one up????? he does, of course, but reorganizing all his clothes into one room was both annoying AND ALSO THRILLING BECAUSE EEEEEE SORTING!!!!!!!! i think when he needs to clear his head he goes to his dressing room and reorganizes his clothes. you know i should really make a post about fashion being his special interest just in general because i clearly have a lot of thoughts on it. what was even my point here? OH the dressing rooms. yeah so they both have a dressing room (with an adjoining door between them) BUT adam does still keep some of his excess suits in belle’s room because let’s face it, he’s always gonna have more clothes than her afjsdkj 😌✨
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voydtalksaboutshit · 2 months
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redrew older ocs from about 2020, Wisp and Spirit! They've got a bit of a conjoined twin situation i guess ? not really? They're inspired by those cats with two faces and chimeras, but they've both got their own personalities, thoughts, etc. like they're two completely separate cats. Wisp is a lot more soft spoken and sensitive, while Spirit is a lot more loud, energetic and a bit of a control freak. Im still figuring out what i'll do with the body, but they fs dont have extra limbs or anything. Love these freaks hope i can draw them more
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danielsgaylilshrug · 3 months
I can't sleep and I just finished s3 of atlantis so I have thoughts and feelings about Daniel not being there
I KNOW there are good reasons for him to not be there (as a character) ie taking some of mckay's necessity on atlantis but it really does feel like a disservice to Daniel in general. He was so excited to see Atlantis and actually be within a city of the Ancients but he didn't really get a good chance to go and see what he wanted to see. Tbf we're only 5 episodes into s4 and I know he joins for 2 more episodes in s5, but having him there intermittently would've been so fun.
I know also logistically, Michael Shanks was shooting sg1 and was also welcoming a new child into the world but man I wish he had more opportunities to go and actually learn and study and round out his work surrounding the Ancients. He's such an integral part of stargate that it really feels a lil empty without him.
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ilovettrpgs · 1 month
rip Magnus Carter you would have loved causing problems for the general public and also not having mad cow syndrome
#i heart that funky bisexual boy#fun fact he's a spiderman oc that got into some complications with cannibalism and morbius. those two things are unrelated i just wanted to#clarify. hes not a good guy lmao#imagine if spiderman wasn't really spiderman but he was some random ginger teenager living in the sewers 'communicating to the spiders' who#he feeds by dragging helpless strangers into the sewers and letting the spiders eat them ! so basically spiderman already kind of exists#in his universe but he's like. a weird freaky villain guy varient of them somehow? I couldn't think of any weird spide rvillain names so he#is just kind of known as The Spider or The Spider King but I'm also a big nerd for greek myths so I kinda wanna make him be known as Arachn#anyways the way that he's technically kind of like spiderman is because he was bit by these weird carnivorous sentient spiders that were#experimented on by some big company probably oscorp and they tried to eat him but when they bit him he got the silly powers and so they wer#like 'ooooh! he is the one we follow! please feed us human flesh little human boy!' and so he listened to them because the poison that gave#him the powers in the first place was already incredibly corrosive so it very much made him a lot more physically ill than he already was#but the spiders were like 'noooo what we have no idea whats going on just take some more of our acidic blood so you can be all powerful !'#even though that was killing him anyways eventually skipping over a lot of stuff i dont have time to yap about he figured out that he could#control the spiders kind of in a way? idk i made this when I was an emo middle schooler ignore this if it's cringe but anyways spiderman#kind of started realizing what was going on so he ended up kinda having to fight that guy and he ended up killing his Gwen Stacy and since#this spiderman doesn't have a no kill rule he kinda killed him :p theres more lore for him but that's just his universe's magnus#carter lore anyways sorry for infodumping I got excited and silly cause I haven't gotten to yap about him in so long#I really like it when villains are genuinely horror novel level disturbing if that makes sense for why he's so fucked up and weird#oh also the morbius thing is for a different version of him ! I may yap about that version of him at a future date
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allegorism · 1 year
thinking again of that poll about woobified characters in which dimitri fireemblem was included and. tbh, i don't even think he was That woobified. like, sure, people tend to focus on his possible romance with byleth and reduce everything to "Woman(TM) that has to fix the Angsty Main Character", but the game KIND OF leans into that. that aside, the fandom has always taken more seriously anything that happened to dimitri (and his arc) than to edelgard for example.
anyway, the real woobified characters of fe3h are claude and ferdinand. claude is woobified to the point that some people truly believe that what claude does in few3h is ooc for him because he's not the "haha, funny guy that represents the neutral path" that everyone thought him to be (and that he never was). and ferdinand is one of those cases in which a character has soooo many traits that make him autistic coded by accident, so ofc he Had to be a "soft lovely uwu boy who could do no harm", when he's the one character in few3h that says that he will kill shez if they had betrayed them. shez, who is a person who. yk. he has known for years.
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everymlmhybrid · 9 months
this part genuinely makes me feel like eating dry wall like i can't explain how i feel about it without making some of you finally tire of me and block me about it i think
#.txt#reservoir dogs -#sorry for just randomly posting clips . i was actually working on my vid i swear but then i started Thinking. and here we are.#anyways going genuinely insane in the tags . i'm so sorry. ->#(im only sorry for the sheer amount of tags or if u disagree w/ my interpretations / headcanons. if ur just annoyed lmfao sucks to be you!)#anyways. you guys ever think abt the way orange HAS TO know white's lying to him abt his odds of survival.#bc i think abt that genuinely constantly. all the time thinking about it.#also the ''joe's gonna get you 100% again'' -> first of all . lol. second of all -> ''he was the only one i wasn't 100% on'' hello? HELLO!!#also freddy's voice here makes me feel like punching walls . like it makes me wail in anguish.#no but yeah i think abt the theme of lying & the fact some of the first lies we hear are in this scene in a way#also this part is leaning wayyy harder on headcanon but i always think. like if orange WASNT lying abt who he is. then it'd be reasonable#forhim to not know how likely he is to die and/or how blatantly larry's lying (''i'm talking days!'') but as a cop he SOOO knows he's fcked#but like . what's he gonna do. ''hey i know that's bullshit'' like obviously not and partly bc of How he knows but also bc like#you just don't argue with the only guy who's caring for you while you're seemingly on the brink of death!! LMAO#and certainly not when he's the only one telling you you'll be fine!! even if he's just bullshitting you so you don't freak out!!#I DON'T KNOW i go kinda insane about this scene . as . you can tell.#if you too are insane about this and the implications . don't worry. in several months. my fic will feed you. you will see.#idk . larry lying to and/or for him <33333333 kinda makes me go insane. kinda makes me go wild.#idk. i should be getting ready for bed rn. WHATEVER. bye. logging off. if you read all these i'm in love with you okay#i've just been turngin them around in my head like a microwave for hours so i needed to infodump or else i would explode i think
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wormy-worm · 5 months
Draw sunraiser tiktok doomscrolling PUH LEASE
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
so i just had a meeting with the department heads for the comedy major at my college bc since scott is going on tour next year and he's going to be spending time in my city he's said he wants to do an event with my college so this meeting was pitching the idea and setting it up. and like i was a little nervous bc like. i am literally just a 20-year-old student but yeah the meeting went very well!!!! i'm gonna get to interview scott in person in front of all my classmates!!!! and i'm also gonna get to do another semester of independent study credit for the buddy cole documentary next semester WOOO!!!!
but that's not even the coolest thing. i met another nonbinary person who's obsessed with kith and specifically scott thompson! but the thing is. not only is this person irl. THIS PERSON IS THE NEW ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE COMEDY MAJOR!!!!!
literally HOLY SHIT!!!!!! i already know the department heads pretty well bc like. i'm me, i'm a joy to have in class but also an overachiever who WILL show up at office hours for a class i'm not even in just to infodump about comedy. but the former assistant director stepped down last year to focus on teaching (he's actually the one who's the advisor for my independent study rn lmao) and i hadn't met the new person until today and wow this was such a great first impression lmao hi my name is jessamine ze/zir/zirs and even tho i'm literally a junior i'm gonna help you meet your comedy hero
but seriously this is so cool. all the other comedy faculty here are cis and most of them are straight, so just having a nonbinary person in one of the leadership positions in the program is HUGE. but not only that, they're also really into my hyperfixation???? i may have found a new favorite faculty member lmao i need to find when their office hours are
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dandyshucks · 5 months
i sometimes think to myself "oh I'm not rly a nerd about anything anymore" because I am not into pre-existing media as much as I was as a teen but ... I think I'm just a nerd for my own original creative projects now and I feel like that might be """worse""" actually dhfjfl 😭
(obligatory "this only applies to me because i really do genuinely love seeing other ppl be excited and talk and ramble abt the things they like esp if those things are original creations of some kind, i am just insane abt the way i exist and am perceived because of past experiences and the way the brain has been wired but im working on it 👍" disclaimer)
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sedgewick-gayble · 1 year
oh btw quick question could any creole/cajun people who are familiar with lackadaisy comment on it's portrayal of nico and serafine savoy bc one of my friends pointed out things they thought were kind of weird but none of us are like. qualified to tell if theyre actually misportraying cajun/creole/black people and all of that so um thank you 👍
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chloelouygo · 5 months
can i gently ask for a little bit of info about your ocs? what are they like? :3
AAAA the gentle ask, you know how to get to me 😌💜 Kayden (they/he, bi, grey eyes, teal hair, 26 y/o) was the first character I started to flesh out in my head, they've all been through so many iterations in my mind but they were the first one who came to me this time around ig?? They're a complete golden retriever, a happy go lucky lil baby, a little menace, and such good fun to be around! They're bilingual (French/English), a complete slut (affectionate-) and unironically love girlypop from the mid 2000s. A vegan, anti-capitalist punk who goes out every night, but can't sleep alone. Loves classic literature and is definitely smarter than he acts sometimes. Very much in love with Zabeth, though he'd not admit it. 💙 Playlist
Alix (he/him, bi, blue-green eyes, red hair 26 y/o) is Kayden's best friend, the pair met at uni and quickly realised they balanced eachother out well. He's a black-cat, sterotypical "friend's-older-brother-is-a-dealer" type guy, looks so grumpy but would do anything for his sister and bestie, and will absolutely beat you up if you look at him wrong. But he's a sweetie underneath❤❤ Inseparable from Zabeth, was a father-figure to her growing up as their parents weren't around, and cherishes her dearly. Is an atrocious cook, swears in every sentence, and is probably high at any given moment. Playlist
Zabeth (Elizabeth) (she/her, bi, blue-green eyes, purple hair, 25 y/o) is my babygirl💜 Alix's baby (by like, a year-) sister, and Kayden's flatmate, she's a long suffering sweetie of their antics, helping clean up their messes. Very much in love with Kayden, though she'd not admit it (notice anything?-). Cares for her stupid brother endlessly and has the best time being the apple of his eye💜 Loves trashy TV, animals and plants, is so excited to move out of an apartment just so she can have a garden to nurture. Playlist
They all dye their hair together once a month in a ridiculous ritual that uses all the hot water up; they all hang out whenever they can and go to gigs or just get stoned together at home; they all call eachother silly nicknames which would never ever fly if anyone else tried to use them lmao
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